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Moment. Josh, i understand you have breaking news about a white house official for us . Thats right. This is the Top White House official responsible for russia and europe, andrew peak. Nbc has now learned from two u. S. Officials as well as one former u. S. Official that peak has been put on administrative leave indefinitely pending a securityrelated investigation. We dont know exactly the nature of the investigation, but peak had been scheduled to join the president at the davos forum this week, he has been pulled off the trip and will not be at the white house while this investigation plays out. Peak is someone who had taken over the russia portfolio at the white house after handling mid east affairs over at the state deputy. We will bring you more as relearn it. Josh gets lets get back to the houses not so brief brief. After filing they released a statement saying the presidewhe president got caught he tried to cover it up by obstructing the houses investigation into his misconduct. Is there anything unusual or unexpected in that brief from the house. There is a couple of pieces of information in that brief that are new, meaning they are not part of anything we heard during the house impeachment hearings late last year. The first is all of this new stuff from lev parnas, the indicted sesht of Rudy Giuliani. The house brief makes reference to the materials that parnas turned over to congress which now have been made public. The other new part of this allison is that Government Accountability ruling that came out just this past week in which this government watchdog thats part of congress ruled that the president and the White House Budget Office in fact did violate the law when they withheld that law to ukraine. Because of this law called the impoundment control act. Thats really bolstering democrats claim that in fact there was a violation of the law here even as republicans try to argue that the democrats have failed to put forward any criminal violations by the president that merit impeachment. Josh, you mentioned lev parnas, of course. And all of the information that we got last week. Any sense of what kind of a role we can expect him to play in the trial or the role that evidence might play in the Upcoming Senate trial . The evidence is likely to play a pretty significant role given there are really thousands of page was documents, text messages, photographs, that he turned over. Whether or not he will tellr actually testify is a much more open question because parnas is also currently under federal indictment. He has a criminal case of his own. Typically, if you are facing that kind of a situation, you dont want to speak publicly. And also, democrats may be reluctant to do anything that could get in the way of what federal prosecutors are trying to pursue in their case. Certainly he has had a lot to say publicly that adds to the picture of what happened behind the scenes with Rudy Giuliani and ukraine. Josh bedderman on the hill. The president is on his way to texas, he will likely talk about his trade deals with china, mexico and canada while the impeachment trial looms over her. Hans nichols is in austin awaiting the president. This is the second time he mass folken at the convention. Reporter it is already filling up here in austin. I have seen a few maga hats in the crowd. The president is here to talk about trade, to talk about the deal he has with china, to tout that and do a bit of a victory lap. We will see to what extent he gets taken off course and mentions impeachment. He tends to mention impeachment when he does public remarks. You ju that just last week when we had the Football Team in from lsu when the president went on the a rant talking about how the impeachment has been so unfair even using a profanity to refer to himself. It is part and parcel to what the president does especially if he senses this is a friendly audience. He likes to entertain. Allison. The talk shows this morning full of back and forth between President Trump supporters and house democrats. Heres a small portion of what was said today. The facts arent seriously contested. The president withheld hundreds of millions of dollars of military aid to an ally at war with russia. Is it your position that President Trump should not be kbeechld even if all the arguments laid out by the house are accepted as fact . Thats right. And the main fear the framers of the constitution had, why they put the impeachment clause in the constitution is because they were afraid of foreign interferen interference. I find it curious that chairman nadler of the Judiciary Committee called it a rock solid case. If the house isnt prepared to go forward with the evidence they produced in the impeachment inquiry maybe they ought to withdraw the articles of impeach and start over again. Hans, anything new here about the strategies of the players or more of the same . More from cornyn suggesting it should be punted back to the house, they should do a reover, have a mulligan. We also heard from kelce lindsey gram who says the president wants this all wrapped up by the time he delivers the state of the union address, february 4th, two and a half weeks away. Doesnt give you a lot of time for a trial f. Thats the deadline, we are going to have a short trial and you could see senators not vote for witnesses if that is indeed the marching orders they are getting from the president. For more on the impeachment trial watch trump on trial with ari melber at 9 00 p. M. Eastern right here on msnbc. It is a race against the impeachment trial beginning for the four senators running for president. They are just a few of the candidates stumping in the early contest states today before senate trial sidelines them forcing them on to capitol hill. Vaughn hillyard joins us. How is senator warren approaching her job as a juror and maintaining her job as a president ial candidate . She has 36 hours left to be a president ial candidate here in iowa. She is making a run down to South Carolina. Several candidates are doing that tomorrow morning to columbia, South Carolina for a kick day rally over at the state capital before heading over here to iowa in the afternoon for naacp black and brown forum. This afternoon she is taking part with several organizations, including move on, including the brady campaign, including citizens united. This is a juncture in this campaign you asked what does Elizabeth Warren do from here . This is the juxtaposition. She is going to be a juror. The likelihood they are going to be able to speak is low. What are they going to do after hours in washington, d. C. . Bernie sanders plans to fly out one day this week to hold a late night rally here in the iowa area. We asked Elizabeth Warren little bit ago and she said her first responsibility is the oath which she took in which she was sworn in to be a u. S. Senate. She said it is her responsibility despite being 15 days away from the iowa caucus to be present at the United States senate for the impeachment trial. We would love an update on the tensions between warren and sanders. Has it thawed at all since we saw them rejecting handshakes after the debate . There is no evidence, neither have suggested they have placed a phone call to each other. As of earlier this weekend, Elizabeth Warren said the two had still not spoken. Just this morning on New Hampshire public radio, Bernie Sanders was asked again, and he said he didnt want to go further into the conversation. Outside of suggesting that there werish would you say any candidates when it came to elect. And for Elizabeth Warren if being a woman was an issue for her own candidacy, he pointed to age being a problem for his own. I asked senator warren about the debates going back and forth between the democratic candidates. Another issue that popped up hash the debate over Social Security between the Sanders Campaign and joe biden. I asked Elizabeth Warren whether she is concerned about the debates. Are you campaigned about the back and forth between the campaigns right now and the impact it has on the democratic par party . I think we ought to be out here talking about why we are running for president. Thats what i am doing. Thats what i am doing today in des moines. Thats what i keep doing, reaching out to voters, telling them who i am, why i am in this fight and asking them to join me in a grassroots movement. Allison, the candidates throughout the last year of campaigning they have often used them and their campaigns have used friend ship 2020. Guess what . When you are two weeks away from the iowa talk us and the stakes are as high as they are now you see them trying to draw contrasts between one another. Thats exactly what Elizabeth Warren said she and the other candidates are likely to continue to do. I was going to ask for a count down. You never disappoint. Vaughn hillyard in des moines, thanks so much. Tens of thousands of gun rights activists expected to rally at Virginia State capital tomorrow. The governor ralph north am says threats of violence picked up on the dark web by intelligence analysts included quote conversations fueled by misinformation and conspiracy theories. These massive crowds are both in and out of state rallying against several gun control laws that have been proposed since democrats took control of the legislature. A reporter from the Washington Post joins me from richmond. Your article goes into great detail about the security measures state official are taking tomorrow. Could you tell us a little bit more about that . It seems pretty unprecedented. There are people who have been here for decades and decades and say they have never seen anything like this with chainlink fencing surrounding the capital, and everyone will be screened to go before they can get on to capital grounds, which is typically just an open park area. The president on friday said this ahead of the rally, your Second Amendment is under very serious attack in the great subsequently of virginia. Thats what happens when you vote for democrats. They will take your guns away. What has the reaction been to that tweet . Is there a sense the president is stoking some of the tensions there . Well, there was some concern that that would further raise the tensions. It was interesting, when the governor banned guns from the Capital Square area, republicans put out there were a range of reactions. But nobody was too pleased. And the governor or his staff gave a private security briefing to the top legislative leaders in both parties friday afternoon. And following that, the Top Republican in the house, delegate todd gilbert, he issued a statement saying there was no daylight between him and democrats on this, that they were very concerned about out of state people, malicious, coming, spewing i think he referred to it as white supremacist garbage, and that, you know, they were all united against that. That is not to say that they are fans of any gun control. But they are, it seems like everyone here is on the same page in terms of taking the threat seriously. A lot of concerns ahead of tomorrow. We hope that all goes well. Laura, thank you for joining us. Up next, senators have taken an oath to be impartial jurors this week for the impeachment trial against the president. But just how impartial will they be . I talk to a former lawmaker who took the same oath more than 20 years ago. Plus the latest allegations from lev parnas and what they might mean legally for Rudy Giuliani. Giuliani ever. Independence its the way mike will get it done. Mike im Mike Bloomberg and i approve this message. My bladder leak underwear. Orried someone might see so, i switched. To always discreet boutique. Its shapehugging threads smooth out the back. So it fits better than depend. And no one notices. Always discreet. Apps except work. Rywhere. Why is that . Is it because people love filling out forms . Maybe they like checking with their supervisor to see how much Vacation Time they have. Or sending corporate their expense reports. Ill let you in on a little secret. They dont. 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The congresswoman also reaffirming her support for president ial candidate senator Elizabeth Warren announcing she will be stumping for the senator in both iowa and South Carolina. During the impeachment trial of President Trump senators will be acting as the jurors tasked with delivering impartial justice. Lawmakers sworn in thursday by chief Justice John Roberts who asked them to columnly swear to do impartial justice according to the constitution and laws. How seriously do they take this oath, a pledge only taken by senators two other times in our history, barb boxer was part of the president clinton impeachment trial. You ultimately voted against removing bill clinton from office. Had you made up your mind before those proceeding even started . I tell you what, this is so different, that trial, than the clinton trial, because we have to remember that president clinton lied about sex. And it had nothing to do with abuse of power. And so i think there was a feeling among everyone who sat at that trial that the question was it wasnt about the fact that he lied. Everyone agreed that that was true, but whether it trorose to that level of a high crime and misdemeanor. So i think people did have a feeling going in. But you have to when you sit there and you listen you have to take all of that away and hear the evidence. If somebody else popped up that you werent aware of, you have to be ready to vote your conscience. Were you prepared to change your mind . Were you open to changing your mind . Had you heard anything that for example, raised that to high crimes and misdemeanors . Well, there is no doubt if there was something new that came into the trial that would change things. And none of that happened. So thats the fact. I just want to point out to those watching today that whether you felt at that time that this was a high crime or misdemeanor or whether you felt it didnt rise to that level, it was somber, it was serious, it was painful for those of us who supported bill clinton, particularly the women who had to sit in judgment. So it is going to be very somber and very serious in this case, and this case is far is far more serious, in my view, than lying about sex. Its about what about uhhuh . Its about abuse of power. Its about turning your back on the role of congress to appropriate funds. The gao, the government atting office, has come out i think it is a bombshell, by the way saying the president broke the law, a particular law. And we all heard the president himself, at least in the transcript, say that he wanted a favor though. And the money was the money belonging to the American People that was supposed to go to an ally to stand up against russia. So all roads lead to russia. This is this is a really serious matter. Let me ask you a little bit more if you dont mind about that gao report. You referred to it as a bombshell but the white house seeming to brush it off this week. Do you think it moves the needle . Does it change anything here . If senators were totally honest about this, they would be outraged because everyone, democrat, republican, independent members of the senate, we counted i was there, counted and now they count on the gao to be nonpartisan, to be honest, to be straightforward. Every time there is an issue, we write to the gao. And this time the gao said the president unlawfully withheld congressional funding. This is a slap at the Trump Administration that is really a crime. And i think it is a bombshell. I think its very serious. Republicans keep saying where is the crime . Where is the crime . Why are you saying just abuse of power . Well the reason the house did abuse of power is so many thing fit under that. And Alan Dershowitz can say all he wants, that thats not right, that you can impeachment someone for abusing power. I dont know where hes getting this from because all the constitutional scholars i have found is Impeachable Offense is what the Congress Says it is. And abuse of power was discussed during the impeachment of president nixon. Barbara boxer, former senator and host of the boxer podcast. Thank you so much for your time. Thanks. The Trump Administration with a message about Americas School kids, let them eat pizza. The department of agriculture on friday proposing new rules that let schools cut the amount of vegetables and fruits required at meals while giving them license to sell more pizza, burgers, and fries to students. It is the latest administration attempt to role back changes initiated by Michelle Obama to make School Lunches healthier. Meghans father thomas not holding back. And Rudy Giuliani continued pushing his debunk theory about ukrainian corruption involving the bidens, despite impeachment, lev parnas, and Everything Else thats come out. As, and everyth thats come out. As a caricature artist, i appreciate what makes each person unique. Thats why i like liberty mutual. They get that no two people are alike and customize your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Almost done. What do you think . I dont see it. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. But in my mind im still 25. Thats why i take osteo biflex, to keep me moving the way i was made to. It nourishes and strengthens my joints for the long term. Osteo biflex now in triple strength plus magnesium. Looking to simplify your skin care routine without sacrificing results . Try olay total effects. One dose provides more vitamin b3 than 50 cups of kale and improves 7 key areas of visibly healthy skin. Try olay total effects. 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Just a day after the news that meghan and harry will give up their titles of his and her Royal Highness and will no longer receive public funds for royal duties meghans estranged father slamming the royal couple for something recorded back in october. She actually got every girls dream, every young girl wanted to pk a pribecome a princess. She got that. Now she is tossing that away it looks like she is tossing it a way for money. I think both of them are turning into lost souls at this point. I dont know what they are looking for. I dont think they know what they are looking for. With all due respect it is not every girls dream. Matt bradley at Buckingham Palace with all of the details. Where does this couple go from here . Probably not toward thomas markle. I dont think they are welcome with him. But at this point it looks at though we know that harry is here in london. He is supposed to be attending meetings tomorrow, unspecified meetings. Nbc has reported that out. We know that Meghan Markle is actually in canada right now. She picked up a friend from the airport without fanfare, without a lot of paparazzi around though a couple pictures were taken. It is unclear whether they will be joining each other any time soon. We have heard, unconfirmed that Meghan Markle might be making a trip back to london at some point before the whole new arrangement gets activated sometime this spring. Where do they go from here . Well, in the immediate future it looks like they are going to be spending most of their time in canada. Picking up a friend from the airport, something she wouldnt be able to do in the uk. How long will it take the couple to transition from their royal duties . Do we have an idea of what that process looks like in terms of length . It is totally unclear, allison. It is totally unclear to the royals it looks like. We know that this whole the program itself is going to start in spring. When in spring . We havent heard. And when they are actually going to be able to fully wean themselves off of the royal spigot of cash that comes towards them. We dont know when thats going to be either. A lot of this is going to reston what kinds of opportunities they will have come up. Looks as though they will havent mr. They are in talks with disney. They are talking to oprah. Meghan markle has done voiceover work. It looks as though they are going to be charting their own course. They probably dont know better than we do. Will the couple get round the clock protection funded by british taxpayers . Another big question. It could be funded by taxpayers as it was in the past. Or if they live in canada, which is also under the crown they could be funded by the Royal Mounted Police or by the canned dan government. Thats another sticking point. Once you leave the royal family even if you completely denounce your royal titles, which is not the case here, both this couple will still officially be referred to as the duke and duchess of sussex even if they wont be referred to personally as his or her magesty. But they are still going to be under threat, are still very highprofile people. Who is going to pay for that in thats another thing that has to be ironed out. It could spell out how future royals also decide to kind of distance themselves if they want to from the royal family. So many questions. Matt bradley at Buckingham Palace, thank you. As australia deals with those devastating wildfires, flooding is a big concern now. Heavy rain, laing parts of New South Wales in queensland calling flash floods. Local weather experts are calling this a one in 1 hundred years event. Several people have had to be rescued from the blood waters. The president s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani is not part of his formal Impeachment Defense Team, but he could still be a witness. I would love to see a trial. I would love to be a witness. I am a potential witness in the trial, and explain to everyone the corruption that i found in ukraine that far outsurpasses any i have ever seen before involving joe biden and a lot of other democrats. As you just heard, giuliani pushing his ukraine corruption story though there is no evidence to support it not to mention this week his indicted associate lev parnas said he believes joe biden did nothing wrong. In response, Rudy Giuliani said the Washington Post in a text message that parnas has no credibility, he is burning out and best to stay out of his way. Joining me, danny salve owes. First giuliani said he would have tried the case. Now he says he wants to be a witness in the senate trial. What legal risks does it potentially open him up to. It is strange that a lawyer would wouldnt publicly to be a Trial Attorney and the load witness in any trial. Nobody ever truly wants to be a witness in any normal judicial trial or in a senate trial. So to some degree Rudy Giuliani like some others may be bluffing because he knows the likelihood that he will be called given that the republicans have a majority in the senate is small. It is possible but it is not not particularly likely right now at this moment. But if he was called then obviously the questions to ask were number one whether or not lev parnas is telling the truth, about anything he said. Because his allegations were so explosive that giuliani expectedly would probably deny some of those allegations, all of those allegations. But the critical questions would be, what exactly were you doing in ukraine . Both lev parnas, igor freeman, both giuliani associates, they have both been indicted in the Southern District of new york. Giuliani has not. Could that change, could he be indicted . I want to be careful here. There have been reporting that subpoenas have gone out to folks in giulianis circle. Generally speaking if you are a target of an investigation and folks in your inner circle start getting subpoenas or getting letters to come in and speak to prosecutors then you should be asking yourself am i target in this investigation . Because that is not a good place to be. So it is very possible that federal prosecutors are investigating Rudy Giulianis finances and other things he has been doing in ukraine. But at this point it is hard to say. Parnas implicated a whole lot of people in his interview with Rachel Maddow last week. In response, a lot of Trump Officials are attacking his credibility. Could any of them now be facing investigation or potential legal trouble because of that . He named everybody. Basically. It is so hard so hard to decide exactly who would be on the list to be investigated. But these are all things, keep in mind, that the government already has. And just because the house has it, the government has it as well. These are things that the investigators may be running down at least on the prosecutors side of it. Whether or not they are whether or not they are credible remains to be seen. Dont forget, lev parnas is an indicted criminal defendant. And a defense attorney like me in trial is going to stand up and say, this witness here is saying or doing whatever he can to save his skin and get the deal he has been promised. I am saying, lev parnas doesnt have a deal in place as it stands. Right. But thats exactly the kind of credibility attack you would make on someone like lev parnas. I would also add he seemed to have his facts pretty much in order. Yeah, he seemed pretty comfortable and a lot of information there, as you said cant take it on face value for sure. Absolutely not. Danny, stick around. We have got to talk to you about some other things. Until then, tonight tune in for a reairing for Rachel Maddows interview with lev parnas. It airs tonight at 10 00 and 11. Coming up, Bernie Sanders squeezing in as much time on the campaign trail as he can before he has to sit in on the president s impeachment trial. Harvey weinstein is facing rape trials here in new york. N k into a smaller life . Are your asthma treatments just not enough . Then see what could open up for you with fasenra. It is not a steroid or inhaler. It is not a rescue medicine or for other eosinophilic conditions. Its an addon injection for people 12 and up with asthma driven by eosinophils. Nearly 7 out of 10 adults with asthma may have elevated eosinophils. Fasenra is designed to target and remove eosinophils, a key cause of asthma. It helps to prevent asthma attacks, improve breathing, and can reduce the need for oral steroids like prednisone. Fasenra may cause allergic reactions. 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Each and every event he starts with acknowledging the impeachment trial coming up next week. He said he wishes he could spend more time here he said his team is rearranging his schedule so he can spend the time he needs to in washington, d. C. And also spend more time out on the campaign trial. What we know so far is senator sanders already has on wednesday night a rally scheduled in iowa. That means by day he will be in washington, d. C. By night he will be on a plane off to iowa to have a rally. He will have a team of surrogates out across the country in these early states taking his place. He understands the fact that he will not have as much time on the campaign trail. But as he says, it is his constitutional duty to be in washington, d. C. Sitting there sigh lieutenantly on the senate floor. It seems in the Sanders Campaign the gloves are off. He first had a feud with the warren camp. Now the biden camp. Is there a strategy here and any comment on those kind of disagreements if you will, today . Despite the chilliness we are feeling in much in and iowa things are heating up on the trial retorically. Right now the latest battle is between senator sanders and Vice President biden saying the Sanders Campaign should apologize for a doctored video. It was not a doctored video. But sanders is calling biden out on his record on skoeshl surt saying he has a shaky record when it comes to that. Listen to what he told reporters. Joe biden is a friend of mine. I have known joe since i arrived in the senate in 2006. We worked together when he was Vice President of the United States. He was very kind to me. Joe is a very decent human being. I dont want anything personal to be involved in the disagreements that we have. What i do believe, and i think the American People understand, is that if you run for office, you defend your record. People have honest differences of opinion. Thats called politics in a democracy. Nothing to be embarrassed about it. And joes views, and joes record is very different than mine. I will tell you, this is a fight that the senator Sanders Campaign wanted. They instantly had messages out to their supporters bringing up Vice President bidens records on Social Security. We will continue to watch and see how it develops. Thank you so much. President ial candidate Mike Bloomberg introduced proposals aimed at stopping wealth inequality in overlooked neighborhood. He spoke at the site of a 1921 racial massacre. He proposed a 70 billion investment in the countrys 100 most disadvantaged neighborhoods along with steps to create a million new black homeowners. Our plan will empower each group to play an important role, and our work will benefit all americans who have been subject to discrimination and bias. And most importantly, these are not pie in the sky ideas that sound good but will never happen. They are concrete proposals that we can afford and that we can get done, and we will. Bloomberg recently come under fire for his support of the controversial stop and frisk policy in new york, widely viewed as racially biased. Also here in new york, Opening Statements in the trial against Harvey Weinstein set to begin on wednesday. A jury made of seven men and five women has been selected. Weinstein is facing five sex crime charges involving two women. He pleaded not guilty to all the charges and denies any allegations of nonconsensual sex. Danny is a valls is back with me to break all of this down. What with key expect this week now that we have a trial. We are going to see the trial again. It is going to be compelling testimony. We will hear prior bad act testimony. Thats an interesting thing. It is in many ways the bane of defense lawyers existence, the prosecution can call witnesses not to testify that this person is generally a bad person, thats why he committed the crime. But instead that a prior act occurred that shows it is likely that was this persons modus operandi, his m. O. It is a fine distinction. You would think that kind of testimony wouldnt be permitted. It is devastating. In the bill cosby case, in his second trial more bad prior acts witnesses were allowed in and that resulted in miss conviction. The first trial resulted in a mistrial. Seven men, five women, three black, one latino, the rest are white. Prosecutors are alleged to have blocked white women from serving. It is called a batson challenge. You can use your peremptory challenges, 20 automatic challenges that each side gets. You can use them for anything you want as long as you dont use them to exclude people of a particular race. New york state extended that to any protected class. Gender counts. If you are trying to exclude white people as opposed to black people that counts, too. Thats exactly what the defense was accused of by the prosecution. It is an awkward thing. When that happens as a lawyer you keep notes and you end up standing up and explaining your nondiscriminatory reasons to the judge from your chicken scratch. You end up saying i thought that person was giving a funny look to my client. It is an awkward dance but that is the idea behind the supreme courts ruling in whats called batson. One surprising juror here, i think, a woman writing a novel on predatory older men on the jury. Weinsteins attorney saying it is her biggest fair saying she cant be impartial. The defense were out of peremptory automatic challenges. They used all 20 of them. They cant excuse her. They can, but it has to be for cause. Judge, we are out of our automatic charges but here are the witnesses we think this jury cant be fair and impartial. She must have gotten up from and said in spite of the fact that i am whiting a book about men and power and it is a novel i think i can be a fair and impartial juror. I understand the defenses frustration. It may be an issue they try to raise later on if there is a conviction. Danny so much to watch for in this case this week. Thank you for breaking it down for us. The District Attorneys Office in new orleans announced they will not pursue charges against Odell Beckham jr. Video appeared to show the Cleveland Browns wide receive swatting a security guards back side. New Orleans Police say the case was dropped after the officer involved decided to drop the charges. Up next, President Trump assembling his Impeachment Defense Team which looks a lot like a fox news legal panel. Some say thats by design. That. I was on the fence about changing from a manual to an electric toothbrush. But my hygienist said going electric could lead to way cleaner teeth. She said, get the one inspired by dentists, with a round brush head. Go pro with oralb. Oralbs gentle rounded brush head removes more plaque along the gum line. For cleaner teeth and healthier gums. 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A winter storm causing problems for millions across the country from the midwest to the northeast. In north dakota residents digging out from several inches of snow. Wind gusts up to 55 miles an hour caused blizzard conditions and shut down highways across the state. Today some of those highways are back open as the weather conditions improve. Temperatures there will remain very cold the next several days. The top six banks in america have saved over 32 billion thanks to the trump tax cuts thats according to a new report from bloomberg. The bank are now paying an average 18 tax rate down from 30 . The president touted the tax overhaul as a boone for middle class and for jobs. Bloomberg says the top six banks have cut 1200 jobs in the last two years. As we head toward Tuesdays Senate trial the president s newly formed legal team is prepping his defense. Many of his attorneys are familiar faces. Most are faction news regulars. The daily beast reporting two sources close to the president say he has routinely vesed the importantance of how his legal defenders perform on cable news, a common metric for virtually any trump official with a publicfacing job. Joining us the author of the daily beast story. What can you tell us about how President Trump went about picking his legal team . As we reported in the story it is a top metric, perhaps the top metric when it comes to the president selecting members of his legal teams, and not just his legal teams, but all sorts of important positions throughout his administration. It is almost a cliche at this point, talk about how President Trump calls top talent in his administration from the top talent rosters at fox news and fox business. It is a cliche at this point because its true. The president will tell close confidants, repeatedly, numerous times, about how about how he values how a potential legal defender of his performs on tv. He has been saying this for years. Even before he became president of the United States. And in the case of his current team assembled to defend him during the senate trial on impeachment, you have people like Alan Dershowitz, ken starr, robert ray, and his long time personal attorney jay sekulow, who defended him during the mueller probe. All of them have extensive experience on media including on fox news and fox business. When it comes to Alan Dershowitz i want to also point out it is not just his legal advice he has been seeking. Dershowitz has informally advised President Trump, jared kushner, other Senior Administration officials on the middle east peace process. Obviously President Trump hasnt made that deal yet but this is somebodys counsel who he has been seeking for three years on a whole host of issues now. Lets talk more about Allan Dershowitz. He seems reluctant to call himself a fullfledged member of the team. Heres how he describes his role. I was asked by the president s defense team to become of counsel on the specific issue of the constitutional criteria of impeachment. Thats a very important issue. I will be making that argument as an advocate, not as an expert witness. I will be advocating against impeachment of this president based on the constitutional criteria. Why do you think that he continues to hammer home that point . Why do you think he was chosen to be part of this team . Well, he said something similar to me he when i spoke to him on the phone minutes after it was it came out via sourcing that Allan Dershowitz would officially be on the team even though he doesnt like that word. It seemed to me he was sort of making a semantic distinction, a distinction without a difference that he wasnt on the president s official teams, he wasnt this the office that includes the raskins, Rudy Giuliani, jay suck low, et cetera, et cetera. But just that he was doing this as the word you would use is advocate for this group of trump defending attorneys. Again, it is a distinction without difference. He doesnt need to use the word team if he doesnt want to but it is very much an assemblage of attorneys making the case during the impeachment trial. I dont know what other word you would use to define it. To your second question, why did the president choose dershowitz . Perhaps the biggest factor is he has been watching him on tv three years now vigorously defending him. That does it for this president on a whole host of fronts. We have breaking news from honolulu, hawaii. Police responding to shots fired and officers down near the base of diamond Head Mountain in wakiki. Police say shots were fired while responding to an assault call. Streets are closed. Looks like there are some fire hoses at work there. We will continue to monitor the situation. Coming up at the top of the hour, who what to expect during an historic week for america as the impeachment trial for President Trump gets going. L fo President Trump gets going not whats easy. So when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. Thats how you do it right. Usaa insurance is made just the way martins family needs it with hasslefree claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. Because doing right by our members, thats whats right. Usaa. What youre made of, were made for. Usaa i wanted more from my copd medicine thats why ive got the power of 1, 2, 3 medicines with trelegy. The only fdaapproved oncedaily 3in1 copd treatment. Trelegy the power of 1,2,3 trelegy 1,2,3 trelegy woman with trelegy and the power of 1, 2, 3, im breathing better. Trelegy works three ways to open airways, keep them open and reduce inflammation, for 24 hours of better breathing. Trelegy wont replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. 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Giving you more choice and control compared to top wireless carriers. Save up to 400 a year when you switch. Plus, save even more with 150 off galaxy a70. Click, call or visit a store today. Msnbc live. I am allison morris. Catch me weekdays on nbc news now. We will have plenty of impeachment trial coverage. The news now continues with richard liu. Thank you for spending your day with us. We begin to look forward to a week the country has seen only two times before. In 45 hours, the Senate Starts with opening arguments at 1 00 p. M. Tuesday. Before that the legal team is working hard. They have until noon tomorrow to deliver their trial briefs. If the house has a rebuttal, they must do so by noon tuesday. Impeachment attorneys submitted a 111page overview of their legal arguments. The brief says President Trump threatened u. S. National security and jeopardized the integrity of our free and fair elections. Separate of the trial briefs white house lawyers issued a sixpage response saturday to the Senate Summons to the trial. It was critical of the process, calling it a, quote, brazen and

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