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When you try to do that, with certain necessities of life, going out to get food, going to a pharmacy to get your medications you may inadvertently come into closer contact and because of that recent information that the virus can be spread even when people just speak as opposed to coughing and sneezing the better part of vol lar is when youre out and you cant maintain that sixfoot distance to wear some sort of facial covering. Now, the government urges more people to cover their faces. Were learning more about the economic damage caused by pandemic. The Labor Department this morning reported companies shed 701,000 jobs last month, a far cry from the 270,000 jobs that were created in february, now this is the First Time Since september 2010 that we have seen a jobs report in which jobs have been lost, the Unemployment Rate jumped from 3. 5 in february to 4. 4 in march. By the way, this report was done in the early part of march so it still doesnt take into account many of the layoffs and shutdowns that came once the lockdowns became more widespread. As we learn more about the coronavirus pandemic could have an impact on american Small Businesses a poll by the u. S. Chamber of commerce found 43 of three to six months away from permanent shutdown. One in ten say theyre less than a month from going out of business for good. Thats why the Paycheck Protection Program was included in the pandemic relief bill, it provides nearly 350 million in loans to Small Businesses which have 500 employees or less. Treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin says the loans will cover eight weeks of pay and other costs including rent and the utilities and the loans could be fully forgiven if businesses keep workers on their payroll. But House Speaker nancy pelosi says they have to do. I think we need a fourth bipartisan bill. I dont think 350 million is enough for Small Businesses and eight weeks is enough of a time to make a judgment about the viability of the business and how long they keep on their employees. Id like to go back and lets look at that bill, lets update with some other things that we need and, again, put money in the pockets of the American People. Another direct payment. The u. S. Isnt the only nation where businesses large and small face challenges because of the pandemic but other countries are not experiencing the maz unemployment that were seeing here because some governments are covering most of an employees wages the Danish Government said it would pay 75 of an employees salary for three months. For hour workers, the percentage raises to 90. The u. S. Is trying something on a smaller scale, the grants for airlines and Airline Contractors like caterers and airplane cleaners to avoid layoffs by maintaining their payrolls through september 30th. But Bernie Sanders wants to go further. He laid out his priorities for the next relief bill in a video he posted last night, sanders says he wants guaranteed paychecks through september for every American Worker who lost their job, a rent mortgage freeze for unemployed. He wants to provide emergency food aid for people who would otherwise go hungry and force trump to use the defense production act. He wants to guarantee that every american has the healthcare they need during this crisis without any out of pocket expenses. Senator sanders of vermont, president ial candidate joins me now. Senator, good to see you. Thank you for being with us. Nbcnews. Com just published an article, contrasted how european economies performed with the Great Recession and how the u. S. Fared and they focused on the efforts to limit the job losses. Unemployment will less likely surge by less in europe where generous employed subsidies encourage labor hoarding in a crisis, tlesh reduces the number of while the u. S. Policy response includes measures to encourage labor hoarding. Senator, labor hoarding, a company doesnt lay off workers during a recession and the german economist found the direct Government Intervention helped their economies bounce back faster. Is there a lesson in is that. I think the main point is weve got to make and we have to say it over and over again is that we are looking at an unprecedented crisis in modern american history. Nobody on the world has ever seen anything like this because were not only dealing with the pandemic, which is threatening so many of our lives in this country and around the world but an economic collapse. The unemployment numbers that you give a moment doesnt reflect whats going on, whats going on in the last two weeks, almost 10 Million People have applied for unemployment benefits. Only a fraction of people who have lost their jobs. So weve got to respond to this unprecedented crisis in an unprecedented way. And i think the european approach is exactly the right approach. As youve indicated in the last stimulus package we said to the Airline Industry, which has been so hard hit that they must if theyre going to get help from the federal government they must maintain the paychecks of 2 Million People, 2 million workers in the industry, in my view if we dont want to see a breakdown in the economy and have to rebuild a broken economy, the best approach is to expand what we did for the Airline Industry to all workers in this country and thats to say to businesses, you know what, you maintain those employees even if theyre working from home, even if theyre not working, well cover a full paycheck for the next six months. So lets talk about how this, twos. 2. 2 trillion phase three pandemic relief bill, 10 of the United States gdp and a lot of it is to direct payments, insurance, Small Businesses, now denmark, we talked about this, denmark is spending as much 13 of its gdp on its effort to protect workers salaries, some people in the u. S. Say that cost is too high, how do you argue that such a move is necessary in order to prevent a larger economic collapse . Well, thats just the point. I think preventing a collapse is not only the humane approach think what it will mean to the American People there are people watching this program right now who are worried about how theyre going to feed their kids tomorrow and how theyre going to pay their rate and their mortgages, their student loans, et cetera, so to prevent the collapse of the economy is far more humane and Cost Effective than rebuilding the economy after it collapses. So im not going to deny that what im proposing is expensive but i think at the end of the day, if you have many, many, millions of people who reach economic desperation, if theyre unable to pay their rent i worry what happens ultimately through a Ripple Effect to the banking system. Which were not talking about very much. I think trying to do everything we can to maintain the economy and also by the way, above and beyond the economy, to use the defense production act to start producing the equipment that our doctors and nurses and the American People need. We need some 3 billion masks and this president has got to tell the private sector, compensating them fairly for what theyre producing right now is not the time for more tshirts and underwear its time for masks. Hospitals now are running out of the medicines they need to deal with people with coronavirus. Thats what they have to be producing, not worried about the huge profits but medicine that our hospitals and doctors need. This is an unprecedented move. We got to move in an unprecedented way. We have to guarantee all of our people right now have the health care they need without out of the pocket expenses. Lets talk about that for a second. Let me just sorry, senator, just let me bring us up to speed. Our employee sponsor Healthcare System in the u. S. , to remind our viewers, its a product of labor shortages that occurred out of the world war ii. Roosevelt froze wages. Companies used Health Insurance as something to attract workers. The irs made imblowiprovided healthcare tax free. Nobody else in the industrial world does it this way but its the way americans including many Union Members are getting their healthcare. Is the current fear of being unemployed and uninsured, that have never taken this conversation about useful healthcare seriously, enough to turn conservatives around to this point of view . Ali, i have seen some polls thats what is happening because the weakness of the employeebased Health Insurance concept is very apparent right now. If you lose your job, youre losing your health care, under a medicaid for all system, you know what, if you lose your job you still have your health care because its guaranteed to you as a right of citizenship. But what i think right now, im not going to bring to congress a fight in the midst of this crisis for medicare for all, i think were going to win that fight sooner than later. Within this emergency what we got to do is tell people that if they get sick right now, in this terrible economic crisis, that the government will cover all of their ute of pocket expenses, that means, no Health Insurance, youll get medicare. If youre underinsured, medicare will pick up the gap. But during this crisis at the very least, when so many people are losing their jobs and their Health Insurance, the United States government has to be there and say, guess what, you will have all of the health care you need for the next six months or whatever. So, senator, because Health Insurance for the most americans is tied to their jobs, millions of workers who have lost their jobs may also be losing their Health Insurance. I dont know whether president or the Vice President have been reading your twitter feed. Wall street journal reporting that Trump Administration using the money made available to hospitals to treat uninsured people as long as the hospitals dont bill the patient or make unexpected charges. Vice president pence alluded to this during yesterdays briefing. He said the administration doesnt want any american to worry about getting the test or treatment. Now, you want the next relief bill to include a guarantee that every american has the health care they need it does strike me as interesting that President Trump has said hes quite surprise doesnt think that 30 million americans dont have health care right now. There might be some space to move toward your proposal in your next bill . Thats what happens when you have a president who doesnt believe in anything, he can believe in everything. I would hope that the president is not just saying something which he often doeses and forgets about it the next day, but you shouldnt be taking money out of the existing funds we have devoted to hospitals because theyre under enormous pressure. We need a new source of funtding to not only people who end up in the hospital because of coronavirus but people in general. What happens if someone is diagnosed with cancer . Kids are still breaking their legs today. People are going to be occurring significant expenses. During this crisis, we should be guaranteeing health care to all. I hope to answer your question that the president is being honest and wants to go forward and protect those people today who are unable to afford the health care they need. Senator, Vice President and former Vice President biden told my colleague the other day, that singlepayer healthcare plans wouldnt solve the problem right now, wouldnt make a difference. Can you tell my viewers how medicare for all would make a difference, how does it make a difference in how wed deal with this crisis . Ali, i think when youre talking about a nonprofit system, called medicare for all, which is designed to provide quality care for all people not just to make profits for the Drug Companies and Insurance Companies, one of the things that youre talking about is a strong primary Health Care System and a public Healthcare System. The viewers will have to decide whether or not it makes any sense that at a time when we spend twice as much per capita on health care as any other nation, we have doctors and nurses today who are putting their lives on the line because they dont have masks or gowns, maskss yet we have not created system for a path forward to prepare for a pandemic that many people thought might happen. Bottom line is, we need a Healthcare System and a public Healthcare System, designed to protect the American People. Thats the main focus, not a system designed to make huge profits for the Drugs Companies and Insurance Companies. When i talk about that, there are many parts of this country in rural areas where hospitals have been shut down, where i dont know how people are going to access the health care they need during this crisis. Theyll have to travel 100 miles to find a hospital or an emergency room. We need a Health Care System designed to provide quality care to all people in urban america, in rural america, and we can do that in a much more Cost Effective way than the Current System dominated by the profiteering of the Insurance Companies and the Drug Companies. Senator sanders, stay right there. Well have more when we come back. This white house, and cdc expected to urge americans to wear face masks when we leave the house youre watching msnbc. I thought i was managing my moderate to severe Crohns Disease. Until i realized something was missing. Me. You ok, sis . My symptoms were keeping me from really being there for my sisters. announcement final boarding for flight 2007 to chicago so i talked to my doctor and learned humira is for people who still have symptoms of Crohns Disease after trying other medications. And the majority of people on humira saw significant symptom relief and many achieved remission in as little as 4 weeks. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections. Serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Be there for you, and them. Ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, remission is possible. All strength we aint stoppin believe me go straight till the morning look like we wont wait were taking everything we wanted we can do it all strength no sweat [female vo] restaurants are facing a crisis. And theyre counting on your takeout and delivery orders to make it through. Grubhub. Together we can help save the restaurants we love. Yeah. This moving thing never gets any easier. 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A federal judge ruled yesterday that next weeks wisconsin president ial primary can stay on track but officials are going to be allowed to count absentee ballots if they arrive april 13th six days after the primary, a short time ago, the judge ordered the state not to release the results of the primary until 4 00 p. M. On april 13th. Now the Wisconsin Republican party is appealing that ruling. I want to get your thoughts on that. Look, i have as you know, over a dozen states have delayed their elections and i think thats the right thing to do. People should not have to put their lives on the line in order to participate in our democracy, so i would have preferred that the wisconsin election be delayed. But if thats not going to be the case i think you have to extend the amount of time that people have in order to submit their paper ballots, that would be a better approach. Senator, earlier this week, you talked to my colleague andrea mitchell, you continue to believe that you have a narrow path ahead. A new poll from Marquette Law School in wisconsin shows that former Vice President biden is leading you more than 30 points in that state, and of course that a 5. 9 . You won wisconsin in 2016, given that youre trailing in this poll by that margin as well as some other big states, give me a better sense of what you believe your narrow path to victory could be for the democratic president ial nomination . Its a narrow path. On top of that poll, were 300 delegates behind biden and many of the elections have been delayed. The Democratic Convention has been delayed. I will be honest with you, ali, ill tell you among my supporters different point of views on how we should proceed. One of the goals of the campaign, the key goal is to win but the other goal is to be able to continue to fight to get people the opportunity to participate in the political process, to stand up for the views they believe in. And one of the things that we have already accomplished in this campaign, i think, in terms of the ideological struggle, to raise the minimum wage to a living wage, medicare for all, the need to make public colleges and universities tuitionfree. Immigration reform, et cetera, et cetera. I think were winning that struggle and a lot of my supporters say we got to continue to go forward to fight those ideas. Sooner or later they become whats the reality of society. To be honest with you, we are more than aware of that poll and were 300 delegates down and were making, you know, taking a hard look and talking to our supporters to what well do in the future. Senator, let me ask you this a different way, because when it comes to european models about wages in this crisis, the president of the United States saying its unfair that 30 Million People are without health care, this crisis has brought these issues to you. How do you think about this personally . Whats the best way that Bernie Sanders, a man who has talked about this kind of stuff for your career, best helps implement these things in this crisis, it looks like there could be bipartisan deals done and realize theres a better return on investment on universal health care, do you believe your best road forward is as a president ial candidate. Again, were taking a hard look at that. And im very pleased not only that the ideas that i have fought for and other progressives have fought for a very long time are now becoming ideas that major city of americans support. Ali, the other point is, this campaign surprisingly enough has become a generation an incredible generational divide. We have, you know in states where i have lost, sometimes badly to joe biden, we have won by big margins young peoples support and im not talking about people 29 and younger, im talking about people 45, 50, younger, younger people in this country understand that we need fundamental change in the structure of america society, instead of having society which glamourizes billionaires, the only thing we should be doing is trying to make huge amount of money theres an entire Younger Generation say, you know what, maybe we should Work Together to create a economy that works for all a Health Care System that works for all, all of our kids can get the education they need regardless of their income. That Younger Generation is the future of america and to a very large degree, theyre supporting the agenda that we have brought forth. I think, ali, if theres any Silver Lining in the horrific this horrific moment that our country and the world is facing, its maybe for all of us to take a deep breath, a, we got to do everything we can in terms of health care right now to make sure that our people are safe, they dont die unnecessarily. That we have to create programs to make sure that people get the paychecks that they need, that our economy does not collapse but in the midst of all of that, we might want to take a deep breath, how did we get to where we are right now . Half of our people before the crisis were living paycheck to paycheck. 87 Million People before the crisis were indiana shurd or underinsured. We have more people in jail than any other country on earth. So maybe in the midst of this terrible crisis, while we go forward in every way we can to prevent people from dying, from getting sick, from losing their jobs, maybe we take a deep breath and rethink the basic structures of American Society and create a society and a nation that works for all not just a few. Senator, i appreciate your time today. Thank you for joining us. President ial candidate and vermont senator Bernie Sanders. Up next, the white house is expected to urge americans in areas with high virus transmission rates to wear masks when they leave the house. What does that mean for you . Well tell you on the other side. Youre watching msnbc. Tada did you know Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need . I should get a quote. Do it. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. From anyone else. So why accept it from your allergy pills . Flonase relieves your worst symptoms which most pills dont. Get allinone allergy relief for 24 hours, with flonase. Got breaking news from washington, the United States Supreme Court has announced its cancelling oral arguments for the rest of the term. Pete Williams Joins us now from washington. Pete, what does it mean cases that were scheduled to be heard cases that were already argued . A little bit more clarity on how this term. The oral argument calendar for april that included one of the biggest cases about the future of the electoral college. The court says all the cases that were on the docket including that one will be decided by the end of the term and that it might hear argument in some of the cases that were scheduled to be heard in march, which werent, and april, what wont be, including the fight over access to President Trumps taxes and other financial records and it says it might figure out ae some way to hear those cases. It will look at other alternatives and all of this will depend on whats being said about the status of the pandemic. It raises the prospect that maybe Supreme Court hearing arguments by phone or video conference, but the main point is, it will decide all the cases that were on the docket this term. The court is still doing businesses the justices are still conferring not in person but on the phone, ali. Pete, thank you for reporting this. Nbc news has learned that the white house is expected to urge americans in coronavirus hotspots to now wear nonmedicalgrade masks. A senior Trump Administration official tells nbc news that could help slow the spread of the virus. Vice president mike pence said the guidance is based on, consultation and advice from cdc and top health experts, end quote. Meanwhile the mayors of two most populous cities, los angeles and new york city, have urged residents to wear masks. Skyrocketing demand threatens to drain its current envin toir. Health officials have been reluctant to advise this in order to avoid shortages for medical workers on front line. The one on the left looks like the mask that medical workers wear, the one on the right is an n95 medicalgrade mask. Theyre in short supply. Theyre not generally n95 masks theyre selling on the street. Joining me mow is dr. Robert bollinger, talk to me about this. Mixed opinions about whether a Face Covering of some sort is helpful or not and whether that will give people a false sense of security, whats the view of whether or not in places like new york and by the way theyre doing it, should be wearing a home crafted Face Coverings in. The point you made ali about not giving a false sense of security is a really important one. We dont want this to substitute the other steps that were taking, keeping social distancing, sheltering in place, staying at home, et cetera, but one way to think about this might be the following, if i get the virus infection that virus attaches to the inside of my throat to my nose, my respiratory tract and every time i breathe out some of that virus comes out. Every time we breathe in and out that water vapor comes out and did perss in the air around us. If we have virus, that water vapor carries the virus out to environment around us. If were asymptomatic and that virus is coming out of our respiratory tract we dont know that. An invisible cloud of virus if you will, even more concentrated if were coughing of course but you can see the mask is a physical barrier that might trap some of that water vapor or the virus. Lets talk about the fact that if we buy the argument that life is better if we wear masks, is there a danger that this remarkable shortage it striekts me that we should be able to get these made in short order in the United States. Is there a danger for people who arent medical professionals then rush to continue to take the very little supply of those that exist . Absolutely. That would be a tremendous disaster. The frontline healthcare workers immediate these medicalgrade masks because theyre coming in contact with high concentrations of this virus. We should not be taking the masks that they need to protect themselves away from them. Doctor, good to see you as always. Dr. Robert bollinger, professor of Infectious Diseases at the Johns Hopkins University School of medicine controversy over the navy captain who raised the alarm on the coronavirus. He carried about his fleet and he got punished for it. 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[female vo] restaurants are facing a crisis. And theyre counting on your takeout and delivery orders to make it through. Grubhub. Together we can help save the restaurants we love. The Trump Administrations lack of a unified strategy to fight the coronavirus could cost thousands of lives according to a dozen Public Health experts so far states have been allowed to decide their own strategies to contain the virus. However the nbc news report goes, quote, without such a National Plan of action carried out on a scale akin to countrys mobilization during world war ii, the experts say that some hospitals will continue to suffer shortages and the u. S. Will lack the data needed to have a clear picture of where covid19 has spread making it much harder to get the virus under control. Just yesterday, the president s soninlaw had this to say about the ventilator stockpile. It was supposed to be our stock pile not supposed to be states stock piles were encouraging the states to make sure theyre assessing the needs and getting the data from the local and fill it with the supplies. He said the federal stockpile is their stockpile not the states stockpile. The navy captain who sounded the alarm about coronavirus con the tan macontamination, captai crozier sent a letter to leadership obtained by the San Francisco chronicle, in the letter he wrote, were not at war. Sailors dont need to die. If we dont act now were failing to properly take care of our most trusted asset our sailors. The act secretary of the navy said the decision is about confidence not retribution. By not sending the letter to and through his chain of command and to people outside his chain of command, by not taking the Sensitive Information contained within the letter properly and lastly not reaching out to me that was provided to him through my team that was unacceptable to me. Heres how his fellow sailors said their goodbyes yesterday to their captain. Joining me now msnbc terrorism analysis malcolm nance, youll know from our local conversations, hes a retired petty officer, when i got news of this, i tweeted the world is upsidedown. Then i saw that video, the sailors knew which way is. They were sending a message. They were absolutely were. That video may made me proud and i stand with the sailors of the Theodore Roosevelt and with captain crozier. He sacrificed his career. He knew what was going to happen here when he sent that letter. What was most important to him, were the lives, the safety and the wellbeing of 4,000 men and women who operate that Nuclear Aircraft carrier and that is a man of consummate integrity. And thats why in the spirit of John Paul Jones whos buried at the mnaval academy, imbued in al ranks of all officers that the care and wellbeing of their sailor, the care of the United States navy is job one what we saw here wasnt about good order and discipline. It was about retribution, but what you saw the sailors under their command, standing up their commanding officer. Malcolm, its interesting. This administration when it has taken action against the military they do this does seem to be the issue, they didnt follow the right protocol, as you know from a man who was in the navy, the protection of the officers under his command was what he thought his main duty. It is his main duty, right, in his letter, he said were not in combat, they werent on a wartime cruise, they didnt need to risk the lives of the sailors beneath him in his command. Let me tell you something, 150 years ago, commanders of these vessels used to have to make decisions themselves about whether they had plague or the ship or whether they were going to ports that had other diseases, now they expect to have this permission come down from the acting secretary of the navy, notice i said acting because theres no secretary of the navy because the last secretary of the navy resigned when donald trump overrode his orders which impacted the good order and discipline of our sailors. Now we have war criminals who are pardoned and put back into the navy ranks but a good captain loses his job, this world is upsidedown and let me tell you if i have anything to say about it, i think that Brett Crozier is a great candidate for the next secretary of the navy. He is definitely coming out as one of the many heroes that emerging from this coronavirus pandemic. Malcolm, good to see you. Malcolm nance. Up next, senator Amy Klobuchar joins me now. The action that needs to be taken in washington provide testing and relief to millions and the hundreds of thousands of people who are sick across this country. Youre watching msnbc. Youre wa. And theyre counting on your takeout and delivery orders to make it through. Grubhub. Together we can help save the restaurants we love. Others see cracked concrete, instrundown courts. Ere. I see a way to bring pride back to communities. Thats why i made project backboard and a site with godaddy. How will you make your mark . Make the world you want. Im part of a community of problem solvers. We make ideas grow. From an everyday solution. To one that can take on a bigger challenge. From packaging tape. To tape that can bond materials to buildings. And planes. One idea can unlock a breadth of solutions. At 3m, we are solving problems that improve lives. This is my body of proof. One idea can unlock a breadt of solutions. Proof i can fight moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. Proof i can fight psoriatic arthritis. With humira. Proof of less joint pain. And clearer skin in psa. Humira targets and blocks a source of inflammation that contributes to joint pain and irreversible damage. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections. Serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Humira is proven to help stop further joint damage,. And its the 1prescribed biologic for psa. Want more proof . Ask your rheumatologist about humira citratefree. Coronavirus is a Global Pandemic affecting each of us in one way or another. Minnesota senator Amy Klobuchar shared that her husband john tested positive, he was exhausted, high temperature, cough, eventually pneumonia. Minnesota senator and former president ial candidate Amy Klobuchar joins me now. First off, how is your husband doing . Much better. He was in that hospital for fivfiv four, five days, he was coughing up blood. Then he turned it around on the fourth, fifth day, he never did a ventilator, hes home now, they just gave him the all clear yesterday so thats great and were excited that hes back. But its one of the things that we learn from this, two things one, like so many people he waited i think five, six days to get the test results back and then, two, you learn that you cant be next to the person that you love and you can only talk to them on the phone or you can never hug the healthcare workers who were there and thank them personally and i know so many families are going through this or worst with where theyre not even able to see the person or get the test results back. I was obsessed with this before he got sick and continue to be more obsessed as this goes on. If we could get these tests less protective equipment because you would be able to confine this disease more. If we had test and more thorough tests you would have been able to give blood to help their fellow americans. Thats the key point here, and thats why im so distressed and so angry about how long it took the administration to get moving on tests. Talking about testing, a top doctor at one of new yorks biggest hospitals say theres capacity to conduct more virus tests but in fact they dont have the necessary supplies like the swabsz and the reagents to do this. He says new york presbyterian is eager to include testing for all healthcare workers but today our capacity is still too limited for that step. Out of sync from the White House Briefing that theres ample testing out there. Exactly, and the key here is that we need different kinds of tests, so we dont run out, completely contrary from what we first heard from the white house when they wanted to have one test from the cdc. A lot of people at that time stood down, lot of clinics, a labs and others stood down. Now what were finally seeing in a number of labs throughout the country theyre rolling out a serum test soon, a blood test, weve been work something hard to get those approval you dont need the same kind of reagents and swabs because its a blood test and they believe they can get results quickly and theyll be able to show dp you have now or did it have in the past, do you have immunities or can you give blood to helps others struggling with disease . The key here is to have other tests and more Information Available and then eventually, maybe one test becomes the Gold Standard but were nowhere that. Were below standard. Let me ask you about wisconsin, lot of news coming out of wisconsin about the primaries there, the extension until april 13th of voting by mail, about the idea that the Republican Party says thats not constitutional, whats your feeling about how wisconsin should go and basically how the country should go with respect in how to conduct these primaries in this middle of this crisis . Exactly, the democratic governor as you know is pushing hard and its going to call back the legislature to session to get an extension of vote by mail. Hed like to see every voter get a ballot so they can vote safely and thats exactly what im trying to do in the u. S. Senate right now and to pass in this next groupings of bill. To get more funding out to individual states so they can print more mailin ballots, get the postage, extend what every other state has already, vote by mail by some form. One, its about funding. We need to do more in the next bill. Secondly its about leaving polls open early. Wed like to see every polling place in the country open for early voting so youre able to actually allow more people to vote in person where they dont congregate at the same time and having more poll workers for those states that have polls. The key is to look at some of these states and get this done. We shouldnt have emergencies in november like were having now, we should plan ahead, something this administration has seemed unable to do. Senator, good to see you. Thank you for joining us. Were very pleased to hear your husband is making a recovery. Senator Amy Klobuchar from minnesota. A quick at markets, the dow has sort of experimented today with being up and down in the wake of the unemployment report as the course of the day they decided down was the direction. They made some efforts to come back from the lowest efforts. Right now, its going to go to close down 1. 45 . All major markets are in the red. That wraps up the hour for me. Ill see you back here at 10 00 p. M. 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Donald trump whos has clocked more than 16,000 lies as president and who refuses to acknowledge saying things that are literally documented on tape when those statements no longer to serve his political goal, now struggling to convince americans to do the very things he needs him to do, follow the advice of his top docs and stay home to avoid a more catastrophic outcome in the face of the coronavirus pandemic, now at a moments where our l

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