At the expense of being a good father. He spoke with the Washington Post about this on monday and tuesday and joining me is the reporter on that piece, aaron davis, Investigative Reporter for the Washington Post. As shanahans comment implies, theres much more to the story. Tell us about it. There is. Its not just, you know, some episodes that involved any one particular person but theres a number of family members involved here and there are really two key episodes back in 2010, 2011 that were likely going to be eventually litigated in front of the Senate Armed Services committee, and i think the prospect of that became too much for Patrick Shanahan. In the first one there was an allegation, kind of dueling allegations, that Patrick Shanahans then wife and he had assaulted each other in the course of a situation at home. The Police Ultimately arrest his wife in that situation, finding that she had been the aggressor, had punched him in the face, had tried to set his clothes on fire with a propane tank. She later struck him again. That was one episode and that was just him and his exwife but there was another one that was perhaps harder for the acting secretary to consider speaking about in public. That was about a year and a half later in florida after his children had moved to florida with his then exwife. The exwife was berating the 17yearold son and the 17yearold son you might say snapped, picked up a baseball bat and bluj dgeoned his mother with a baseball bat. He served time. He has gone on and been successful, huge turnaround in his life, but theres a lot to unpack in this situation, more than i think its clear now that the secretary acting secretary wanted to do so. Look, it is personal and it sounds tragic. Im a little puzzled as to how this man was appointed the acting secretary of defense without this coming through in the vetting process whether or not shanahan is responsible for any of these things, it seems a lot for it to come out now. It does. We do know that from mr. Shanahan himself that in the course of his first vetting to be the Deputy Defense secretary, that the fbi had asked him questions about this. Obviously i think the bar is higher to be the secretary of defense and so this seems to have been a more involved review this time around. The fbi background check was still not complete, the best we know. This was a surprise over a week ago to the Defense Department that it hadnt yet been completed, and so this appears to have been a factor. The longer this went on, the more questions there were about why wasnt he yet officially submitted to congress. Sitting out there the entire time was this very personal kind of episode that a lot of reporters in town were wrestling with about the details in this divorce file. Aaron, thank you for your reporting on this. Aaron davis is an Investigative Reporter at the Washington Post. Im going to go to capitol hill in a moment to get reaction to why this information wasnt forthcoming earlier from Kelly Odonnell. Let me remind you what this job is, the one that shanahan was temporarily occupying. The United States defense secretary oversees the entire Defense Department. According to the website, there are 2. 8 million Service Mechanics and 732,000 civilians who work there. This is americas largest employer. Just to name a few of the departments that fall under the department of defense, the department of the army, department of the navy, the department of the air force, the Defense Intelligence agencagence National Security agency, the national reckoconnaissance offi. The mission is to provide the military forces needed to deter war and protect the security of our country. The white house announced his nomination on may 9th and told allies last month that shanahans formal nomination would be sent to congress may 18th, a week later, but the white house never formally submitted his nomination to the senate. Nbc reported last week that the president was having second thoughts about making shanahan his defense secretary and reported asked about alternative candidates, according to people familiar with the conversations. According to those people, trump didnt articulate whats giving him pause about his decision but made it clear hes wondering if theres another option. This comes at an incredibly significant time in the white house with secretary of state mike pompeo leading the u. S. Pressure campaign against iran, sta stalled talks with north korea and the upcoming meeting with chinas president over the trade war. Joining me from the white house is nbcs hans nicholnichols. I dont know whether to make a connection or if theres a connection between the president asking people about alternatives to shanahan and this development that were talking about here. Did the president just have other doubts about shanahan or was this something the president might have been aware of . Reporter well, yes and no. The white house was aware of these allegations that were made public in these Divorce Proceedings for some time. That has been and been clear. Whether or not the president had additional concerns about shanahan we dont know. What we know is that they knew at the white house that this was going to be a close vote if they went ahead with it. Heres the latest reporting we have from our team at nbc news. This morning the president and shanahan had a meeting at the white house. Shanahan told him at that time that he would be withdrawing. According to people familiar with the matter, the president was measured. He accepted the decision and then shortly thereafter he was on the phone with mr. Es per, mark esper, the secretary of the army, offered him the job and esper accepted. Now theyve got to figure out the logistics of this because there are a lot of legal matters on who has authorities to order strikes, these sorts of things. For esper to take over as acting secretary of defense, pretty shortly shanahan will be leaving the Defense Department and the Current Deputy is also in an acting position. These are names we dont always hear, people like mark esper. The world looks complicated. This isnt the time where things are calm. We are sending troops to the middle east. We have troops in north korea. Hans, thanks as always. For reaction to the news on capitol hill i want to bring in Kelly Odonnell. Most people are not concerning themselves too much with where shanahan is in these allegations but why this wasnt more central to the discussion. Reporter we had a chance today to put that question about where things stand, the concerns about the threats that the world faces including iran and the vetting process to the top Senate Leaders here after their weekly lunches. Senator mcconnell expressed a desire to see a permanently confirmed not an acting but a regular secretary of defense in position as soon as possible. Certainly democrats raised questions accusing the white house of not doing proper vetting, that this information about Patrick Shanahan and his past and family issues and divorce matters should have been brought forward, and i asked senators about the fact that shanahan was confirmed by an overwhelming margin in 2017 for the deputy position. Thats one of the reasons he was able to work as an acting secretary of defense for so long because he was already senate confirmed, and that process went on what we think would be in a normal fashion. There are questions and questionnaires and personal interviews and all kinds of things related to that and senator Dick Blumenthal of connecticut said that he wants to see an investigation now because he believes there is a possibility of a criminal activity here to withhold that from the committee, meaning not telling the truth, perjury, that kind of thing, or some sort of willful coverup. He raised the specter of that kind of misconduct, not knowing where that would go but saying that should be investigated because the committee, the Armed Services committee, deserves the right to have this information and to have been able to provide the consent that only senators give the president on these level nominees. So that ratchets up the whole specter of investigation yet again, and certainly senator schumer, the top democrat in the senate for democrats said that he believes the vetting process is flawed and its a part of the chaotic trump process and white house. So a lot of certainly discomfort here on capitol hill about the developments this afternoon, notwithstanding the Global Threats that the u. S. Faces, the need to have someone in that powerful position for all of the reasons and the senate is about to consider whats known as the nda, the National Defense authorization act which is a way that the Defense Department, the pentagon, gets all the funding support and authorization to do its mission. Now without a secretary of defense formally confirmed and in place, that raises a much more difficult level of interaction between capitol hill and the white house on these matters. So one of the things that was really standing out today was the anger among democrats, the frustration, and now Dick Blumenthal of connecticut saying there should be an investigation on the shanahan confirmation from two years ago, as well as why was this information not brought forward. As im sure youve discussed he had not been nominated to be confirmed. Were looking back to two years ago and these issues that have been discussed go back many years further than that. Where was the vetting is the question democrats are asking. Well be getting more answers through you. Thank you, Kelly Odonnell on capitol hill. Breaking news on next weeks democratic debates. We know the podium placement. National Political Correspondent steve kornacki. Some might say this isnt relevant but its definitely relevant to people on the stage, where they stand and how theyre going to look on tv. Absolutely. This has been a question. Two nights, ten candidates on stage per night. Where are they all going to stand . Where are they going to stand in relation to each other. So here it is. Again, remember last week we had the drawing here that determined which candidates would go the first night, wednesday of next week, which candidates would go the thursday night, the second debate. Now we know where they will be standing on the stage. Let me take you through this. Lets begin with the first night, the first podium. On the left side of the stage goes to bill de blasio, the new york city mayor. Remember, he was one of the last candidates to even qualify for these debates. You needed to hit 3 1 in three polls. He hit it. He gets that podium. Next to de blasio will be congressman tim ryan from ohio. Next to him, Julian Castro from texas. Next to him, cory booker. The middle of the stage, theres Elizabeth Warren. She will be the highest polling candidate in this Opening Night debate. Warren registering double digits in some polls right now. Shes number one in terms of polling on the stage. Next to her on the other side, beto orourke obviously came to this race with high expectations, needs to reinvigorate his campaign. Amy klobuchar next to him on the stage. Tulsi gabbard, the congresswoman from hawaii and jay inslee, the washington governor rounding out the first night. I can tell you in terms of why this order was chosen, once they had the random drawing to decide whos going night one, whos going night two, the placement here, largely it is based on polls and works its way from the outside towards the middle of the stage. So you see Elizabeth Warren as i said, the highest polling excuse me, john delaney, the tenth and final candidate. The second night you have biden, Bernie Sanders, pete buttigieg, kamala harris. Again, first podium on the wing there, marianne williamson. She is in this debate, will be on that stage, john hooken lo e higen looper. Heres where you start to get to the candidates who are registering in the polls. Watch this lineup in the middle. Pete buttigieg, the south bend mayor. Next to him, the former Vice President , joe biden. This is where he will be standing with buttigieg on one side, the other side of biden will be Bernie Sanders, number two in the polls nationally. Buttigieg, Biden Sanders and you can probably guess, next to sanders, kamala harris. Those four, the highest polling candidates on the second night, they will be in the middle of the stage there. Youll have Kirsten Gillibrand next to them, Michael Bennett next to them. The final candidate, eric swalwell, the congressman from california. Thats night two. Ten candidates each night, ali, thats where theyre going to be standing on the stage down there in miami. I can say without a doubt that is the most enthusiastic and spirited conversation ive had in my life about podium placement, brought to you courtesy of steve kornacki. That was very good, i like that. We are days away from the first president ial debate of the 2020 election cycle, june 26th and june 27th in miami. I even need music to make this exciting. The Primetime Events will be broadcast live across nbc news, msnbc, telemundo, streamed on nbc news digital properties. Youre going to have to, like, leave the country not to see this thing. As we learn more about next weeks debate we are getting more polling numbers out of florida where the president is kicking off his Reelection Campaign just hours from now. A new quinnipiac poll released just last hour shows joe biden and senator Bernie Sanders leading donald trump in florida. Biden leads 50 to 41 . Sanders leads the president 48 to 42 . This morning, ahead of his official 2020 Campaign Announcement trump tweeted, next week i. C. E. Will begin the process of removing the millions of illegal aliens who have illicitly found their way into the United States. They will be removed as fast as they come in. That process will be part of a plan known as the rocket docket. According to the Washington Post, its a plan that acting i. C. E. Director and Homeland Security secretary were ousted for back in april when they hesitated to go forward with it, expressing concerns about its preparation, effectiveness, as well as the risk of public outrage from images of Migrant Children being taken into custody or separated from their families. Heres why. The plan has been pushed by trump and his senior immigration adviser stephen miller. It prioritizes immigration cases of newly arrived families and allows the government to secure deportation orders as soon as possible rather than waiting behind an Immigration Court backlog that the Washington Post numbers have at close to 900,000 cases. Homeland Security Officials were concerned that families would be separated inadvertently. The Washington Post reports, quote, u. S. Officials have said in recent days that the operation was not imminent and i. C. E. Officials said late monday night that they were not aware that the president planned to divulge their enforcement plans on twitter. But the Vice President of the National Border control council tried to spin this in a more positive way. Were going to have to wait and see what happens. I can tell you that the i. C. E. Agents are going to be very excited about finally being able to go out there and do their job, and if they need assistance im sure theres other agencies within the dhs that are more than willing to help them. Ive had it up to here with all these individuals constantly trying to compare concentration camps to what were doing. I was just at one of the detention facilities. The kids were outside their cell. Because there are so many of them, they were on the floor playing puzzles, watching movies, eating cookies. Thats fantastic. Watching movies, eating cookies. Of course he was responding to alexandria ocasiocortez suggesting that these detention camps are like concentration camps which is a separate discussion and controversy. With the discussion on what is going on here in this plan that the president has announced, joining me is someone who has spent a lot of time at the southern border and covering these very important issues, msnbc correspondent jacob soboroff. Lets talk first about the viability of this plan, rounding up, the president has said millions but were talking at least thousands or tens of thousands of people very effectively, somehow moving through a backlog that the courts have and getting them deported. Its not going to happen on the scale of millions. I dont want to minimize the impact this would have. One family alone can be catastrophic to the health and wellbeing of the families. Thats why i said earlier when we were talking, this could be family separations just by another name because you have so many undocumented immigrants in this country that have american citizen children who are living here, but what the president has said, for the next couple weeks were going to start operations to remove millions of undocumented immigrants in this country. He didnt say it with quite that language. Its just not operationally feasible. But we should remember that back in the 1950s president eisenhower executed operation wet back, the official and racist name of that government policy to deport a million mexicans back to their home country. Im not saying that the president couldnt do wide scale depour tagrtations but the syst so stressed that it will be very difficult to execute on that scale. One would be excused for thinking about the timing of this, right . The president is launching his Reelection Campaign. Shocker. This is what he did right before the midterms. This is the argument on which he launched his president ial campaign. For the president , this works, or at least he believes it works. Its not clear that the polls indicate that they do. I dont think we should stop repeating what the president said about mexicans on day one of his first presidency. Murderers and rapistrapists. Yes. I think this is a throwback to that. Maybe im alone in thinking this but having seen the separations with my own eyes, having heard the president say because of the images of the children, because of the images and audio that we heard of them crying he decided to reverse the policy. Those images that whomever in the Trump Administration wants to get out there by deporting people on the quote unquote rocket docket, when you see american citizen going off in their School Uniforms to middle school and high school, parents that are deported and apprehended outside of their jobs, theyre our colleagues, friends, neighbors, i dont think this is going to have the intended effect that donald trump wants it to have because youre ripping apart the fabric of the american society. Families that are just like yours and mine, perhaps one of the parents is undocumented but children have been here their whole lives and know nothing else. This business about i. C. E. Being surprised that the president gave out operational stuff let me put it this way. Ive asked i. C. E. To go on the ridealong when this is executed. I havent heard a peep back, nothing about the operation. Thats how this normally is. When youre out with i. C. E. , thats embargo. Youre not supposed to talk about it until after the operation is over because that is Law Enforcement Sensitive Information in the eyes of customs and border protection. For the president to be out there and not only jeopardize one enforcement operation but potentially millions, im telling you, i guarantee you that they arent happy. One group of people who do have relief from that hopefully is the families who might have been targeted. I will say that that the person we saw talking about this, describing how its fun because everybodys eating cookies and watching movies. Its like when you heard the acting head of i. C. E. Describe family separation and the conditions as summer camps, i will tell you having seen them with my own eyes, they were nothing like summer camps. They were children ripped apart from their parents, sitting under mylar blankets, watched by security. Thank you for your coverage. Later this hour the president is going to leave the white house for florida where hes set to formally announce his Reelection Campaign. The rally is in orlando and thats where our msnbc political reporter joins us. Whats the scene there . Reporter weve had some thunderstorms that came through the region so folks here got drenched and were told to take shelter for the weather but now everybody is going to be moving towards the arena. Theres a couple thousand people behind me, what they billed is 45fest, a special event designed specifically ahead of tonights reelection rally where the president will of course officially kick off his 2020 bid, even though hes been running for president basically for the last two and a half years. In fact, hes the only president to file that paperwork on the inauguration day. You can expect to hear a laundry list of what the administration feels they accomplished and looking to 2020. The major themes will be immigration and the economy and we can expect him to hit the democrats in the way that he has with an eye toward whats happening here in critical battleground florida. Next week in miami of course a few hours from here, the democratic debates next week. A lot of supporters actually brought that up, said theyre going to be watching that closely. Some of them are even going to be going there to show their support for the president. Whats interesting about tonight is the different cast of characters were going to see, almost like a state of the union event in terms of having the first lady here, Vice President pence and the second lady as well as the adult children. Thats just to give you a flavor of whats happening inside. The signage is not super original. Weve got four more years and promises made, promises kept. You can expect to hear a lot of that from the president tonight. The rally isnt for a few more hours. Some of these folks have been here since last night camping out. Theyre making their way into the arena for the event that starts in a few hours. Well be watching it closely. Monica alba in orlando where the president is kicking off his Reelection Campaign tonight. Coming up, irans president says his nation would not wage war against any nation as the United States announces it is sending 1,000 more troops to the region. You are watching msnbc. Tching mc when youre volunteering, you never hear its not my job. Thats because right where you live, theres a need for your time and skills and effort and talent. Please consider volunteering and feeling that feeling that you helped someone today. Has been excellent. They really appreciate the military family and it really shows. With all that usaa offers why go with anybody else . We know their rates are good, we know that theyre always going to take care of us. It was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. 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Acting defense secretary Patrick Shanahans decision to withdraw from the confirmation process comes as tensions with iran continue to rise. Mike pompeo says the u. S. Will keep pressure on iran but they dont want the situation to escalate into a full fledged conflict. We have been engaged in many messages. Even this moment right here, communicating to iran that we are there to deter aggression. President trump does not want war and we will continue to communicate that message while doing the things that are necessary to protect american interests in the region. Pompeos comments come one day after the pentagon announced that another 1,000 troops are being sent to the middle east for defensive purposes. That move followed irans announcement that it will soon enrich enough uranium to breach the limit set by the 2015 nuclear deal that it signed with the Obama Administration and other world powers. Just days after norwegian and japanese oil tankers were attacked, an attack that the u. S. Is blaming on iran. Earlier today iranian president , hassan rouhani, echoed a similar tone when he said his country doesnt want to wage war with any nation but did add that iran will be victorious in confro confronting pressure from the United States. Were joined from the iranian capital. It does seem like these two countries are mirroring each others comments a little bit. Theyre both saying they dont want a war but everybodys ratcheting it up just a little bit. Reporter thats right. Both sides keep saying, ali, that they dont want a war but theyre both prepared to do whatever they need to do to defend themselves and their sovereignty, but maybe they dont want a war, but both sides certainly want the upper hand in this region. The real question is how much leverage are they willing to use to gain that control here. I mean, all the cards are on the table now, and also when secretary pompeo is saying that he doesnt want war, i dont think thats instilling a lot of confidence amongst irans leaderships, nor with the iranian people more importantly who are really genuinely very anxious about some sort of a conflict breaking out, especially when 1,000 additional u. S. Troops are being dispatched to this region because the u. S. Says theyre for prudent defensive measures in light of the six oil tankers being hit in as many weeks, which as you said they blame an iran. But iran sees this as yet another act of aggression. Theyre going to join 1500 other troops who were sent last month with some 70,000 u. S. Forces in the region surrounding irans porous borders. That makes people very nervous here and they dont believe what the americans are saying. They think iran is trying to be framed here so they could justify some sort of a conflict via false flag operation or Something Like that, and they dont even believe the u. S. When they say that they want to talk to them. Today, a senior revolutionary guard member came out and said, look, the only reason the u. S. Wants to negotiate with iran is to get rid of irans Missile Program so in turn iran will be an even softer target for america to attack. So from every angle you look at this, they dont believe whats coming out of the white houses mouth and neither does that side believe anything thats coming out of irans mouth. So a very tense situation still continues here with both sides trying to get the upper hand. Theres no telling how this will end right now. Within each country a sort of a hard right militaristic side has a bit of the upper hand in the United States. I think its possible that donald trump doesnt want a war with iran, but john bolton certainly has always argued for a stronger position with iran. The same thing in iran, there are hard liners there and the problem theyve got is the economy that continues to weaken with an increase on sanctions against iran, including on oil. Who you is that working out . Are inflation rates continuing to grow . Reporter yes. The economy is taking a battering here, ali. Inflation is going up. The currency keeps weakening and those all in turn make more moderate elements in this country weaker. If you have a buoyant economy, if youre not being threatened by your traditional adversaries, it gives you a much wider canvas to work on. Rouhani doesnt have that anymore. He has essentially been sidelined here. He is not a man calling the shots even though he is trying to push forward a diplomatic approach. The proverbial buck stops with the Supreme Leader here. He makes all the final decisions on matters of state, on the nuclear program, and that can be reflected by comments weve seen today by the head of the revolutionary guard who answers to the Supreme Leader, not the president. He said irans Ballistic Missile technology has changed the balance of power in the middle east. He says that irans Ballistic Missiles have incredibly accurate precision and are capable of hitting carriers in the sea anywhere near them. He says that the americans are under such close surveillance of the revolutionary guards that they can read the serial numbers on u. S. Missiles on board those carriers. And hes not going to be making these comments unless its been okayed by his boss who is the Supreme Leader, not the president. So yes, there is a shift. The moderates here are weaker, but at a time like this everybody has to rally around the flag. It sort of galvanizes support for the top leadership in the country. As always, thank you for joining us, our Tehran Bureau chief. Joining us for a closer look is ian bremer, the founder of the youeurasia group. I think enough people around President Trump have said hes not interested in a war with iran and thats not a drum we wish to beat. There are a lot of people that dont like trump that say hes trying to wag the dog, that hes looking for war. On north korea, on venezuela, and now on iran, we have seen an multiple occasions, if this was a president that was looking for an excuse to really get the military engaged, he hasnt taken it, and particularly in response to these strikes now most recently, last week, on these two tankers where secretary of state pompeo directly fingered the iranian government as being behind it, the irgc as being behind it, and trump said not such a big deal. Called it a minor incident. Thats pretty clear. When youve got bolton who seems to take a harder view on iran and he is the National Security adviser and youve got a president who seems to think that war is not the best plan, is that good . Is that good tensions counter balancing each other or should we be worried that there are hawks in the administration who may be interested in getting us into a war that would be a very serious one . The Foreign Policy is much more comfortable when you have adults who are containing and constraining trump and thats happening more from trump himself, hes more volatile and if a mistake would be made, if theres a crisis suddenly, obviously the danger is you would have advisers pushing towards escalation. That is a concern. But i really do see trump consistently saying we want to put more pressure on the iranians so that theyll engage, so that theyll talk. I dont believe that either the americans or the iranians in terms of those making decisions right now are looking for direct military confrontation. Everything the iranians have done has been to, first of all, dragging their feet, trying to say we want to stick with the deal but you guys, the europeans, others, need to give us some Economic Relief because our economy is really hurting right now. We see the fact that theyve increased the proxy war in yemen and their missiles now that are going into saudi arabia at a greater level. We saw the attack on the green zone in iraq. We see whats happened against the tankers and weve seen that the iranians are expanding their uranium. And theyre saying so. Theyre saying so. But the fact is that also know that none of those all those things are calculated not to precipitate a military response. Theyre calculated to show that theyre angry, theyre under pressure but theyre not trying to start a war and thats where i think we are right now. So unlike other wars that america has become involved in over the last several decades, this ones dangerous because of the danger of miscalculation, maybe not by a key player, maybe not by the head of the kurds force or an American Administration official but irans got a whole lot of proxies all through the middle east and americas got a whole lot of interests around the middle east. Is there some danger that someone else triggers a war between the u. S. And iran . There are a lot of people who would be happy with that, right . Saudis would gain from that. Israelis would gain from that. Anybody who would be interested in this fight . Not clear that the saudis and israel would be interested in a war that was a real war as opposed to skirmishes. Certainly youve got over 20 of the Worlds Energy traveling through the straits of hormuz. If you have even minor military squi skirmishes, youre talking oil prices through 100. Anything closes down the straits, youre talking over 150. Thats recession territory. Trump clearly doesnt want that. His willingness to bluster and use american unilateral strength to force people to the table has been a consistent element of his Foreign Policy on every front, not just from the military perspective but also on trade with the mexicans, with the europeans, with the chinese. Canadians, anybody. With everyone. But he doesnt want to have that impact things that would really go directly to his popularity, saying, look what happened on your watch, a war on your watch, a recession on your watch, the markets crash on your watch. We know that he doesnt contain emotions very well and hes prone to make mistakes but that doesnt mean he wants a war. Lets put up the dow. Weve had a steady day with an increase of one and onethird. Lets see what its up now. About the same place, 360 points. This is largely on the fact that the president tweeted that hes meeting xi at the g20. Do you think people are excited about that. Do you see anything that looks like the potential for a deal . No. Theyre not going to have a deal before the g20, but it is important that that meeting is happening. The markets are reading it correctly. We were moving in a dangerous situation. 2 Million People demonstrating in hong kong, biggest embarrassment for president xi jinping. Hes had to back down, allow hong kong to back down. That means hes risk averse. He needs to show more nationalism. The potential for this g20 meeting not to happen at all with Vice President pence gearing up for a really strong and antagonistic speech right before the g20, the signals were negative. Huawei also taking body blows from the americans. The signals were negative. The fact that these two men are going to meet make it less likely that we are going to see an additional 300 billion of tariffs right on the back of the g20, the markets acting ratio l rationally. Always great to see you, ian bremer. Coming up, facebook jumping into the money game by launching a new crytocurrency as the social media giant is still mierd in questions about privacy, security and data collection. You are watching msnbc. Collection you are watching msnbc i want it that way. I cant believe it. That karl brought his karaoke machine . Aint nothing but a heartache. No, i cant believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on my Car Insurance with geico. I never wanna hear you say. No, kevin. No, kevin believe it geico could save you fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance. Tailored recommendations, taxefficient investing strategies, and a dedicated advisor to help you grow and protect your wealth. Fidelity wealth management. Yand you want to getr an excellent pricewealth. Youd think with all these options it would be easy. But with terms like msrp, invoice, list price, things get confusing pretty fast. You just want to get a real price and thats where true car comes in. 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Most people might be apprehensive so it created the Libra Association to oversee the Digital Currency. Visa, master card and paypal and a number of prominent Internet Companies like ebay, spotify and youtu uber are getting involved. Theyll ensuring libra will be paid into an asset pool, in this case, the libra reserve, in an effort to keep the libra stable intangib intangible. Facebook hopes that many of its more than 2 billion active users will be using libra to buy clothes, groceries and gadgets from its vendors, which leaves us with the question, which other Financial Transactions might be possible. Joining me, msnbc news reporter, jake ward. Whats your view of what this means . Im so excited to talk about this with you because i know you have such a skill for thinking about how these Companies Think strategically. Youre facebook and you think, okay, weve dominated advertising, prominent, dominant way of getting your message out to people in the United States and around the world. What else are we going to do . Lets go for people who cannot get their money onto the internet. Even if you have a lot of wealth but you live in africa or asia or parts of south america. Or russia. Or russia. As long as youre in a nonblacked out economy, you should be able to buy stuff online but you cant because its hard to get your currency online. In this case theyre going to be making a currency that you can move into. Think of people who use ven mow or paypal. You cant do that in this case. The thing thats most important to point out is that list of companies you were naming, uber spotify, visa and master card, there are no banks on that list. Thats what facebook is going to be doing. Theyre going to become their own bank, a central reserve. The word reserve is in there. You know who has central reserves . Nations. It makes them their own nation with their own currency. Thats the idea here. For me the really interesting part and the thing that im excited about, its going to make possible all kinds of weird things. Its going to be its own sort of Stock Exchange in a way, its own internal markets just the way a nation does. How thats going to play out the thing that we all criticize facebook for but the market doesnt seem to care is that facebook pretty much everything it does is essentially unregulated and crytocurrencies tend to be unregulated. Regular countries currencies are regulated and banks are regulated. People who engage in crip crytocurrencies dont seem to care that its not regulated. Thats the advantage of it. The value of an entire reserve of bitcoins can be wiped out in a day. Whats interesting is when you look at the big white paper ive been spending the last 24 hours reading that announced libra, they talked about were going to do this, going to do that, the only aspect of the whole operation that needs any Regulatory Approval is colibra, this digital wallet system. Theyve applied just for regulation as a money transmission service. If you and i decided, hey, were going to do ali and jakes bank. Were going to make lieoans, ha credit cards, we have to go through incredible amths of regulation. Theyre not doing that in this case. Huge amounts of money is going to be able to be moved, combined with the social data and the financial data, were in a whole new world. It takes their power to a new level. Whether its good for the world or not remains to be seen. Jake ward, thanks a lot. Coming up, finally some potentially good news for boeing. Youre watching msnbc. Boeing youre watching msnbc. 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Fuel rewards members are automatically agerelated macular man ivdegeneration,sed with which could lead to vision loss. So today i made a plan with my doctor, which includes preservision. Because its my vision, my love of the game, my open road, my little artist. Vo only Preservision Areds 2 contains the exact nutrient formula recommended by the National Eye Institute to help reduce the risk of moderate to advanced amd progression. Man because its my sunset, its how i see my life. Its my vision. Preservision. Boeing got some good news today after whats been a rough few months from the space giant. The International Airlines group signed up for over 200 of the 737 max jets. It is a boost for boeing still dealing with the aftermath of two crashes involving the plane. The Paris Air Show is one of the most important gatherings for aircraft manufacturers. Boeing didnt announce any sales following the first day following an admission from the companys ceo that the company made mistake on how it handle the cockpit warning lights of the 737 max in the center of investigations in ethiopia and indonesia and left open the possibility the aircraft could be renamed. Jeff is a pilot and aviation journalist joining us. Good to see you again. We have been talking since this crisis started. Its a sign someone is prepared to continue doing business with boeing on its aircraft. What does boeing do now . We still dont know what boeing will do. It suggests at least theyre not in complete free fall. At least theres a bottom to this. They have had a loss of confidence among the public and buyers and airlines. The fact someone is stepping up to the plate and say, hey, were good for 200 of these. Bring them on. When the plane works it is an efficient plane and a reason it has been the workhorse so long. In your writing you let us understand that boeing could have many years ago decided to create a new plane. It did not and continued to adapt this plane and got to the point it changed the plane it was. Does boeing have a path forward with this particular plane, as you see it . Thats the big question. Clearly, they have been doubling down on this particular model and saying we will apologize when need be and say we remain confident when need be but theyre not going to address the basic question. At some point they have to make a clean sheet design for this kind of plane. Thats a very long and expensive process boeing i tried to put off in continuing to adapt this plane . Its all relative, right, you spend 10 billion to make a new plane but talking potential of a trillion or half a trillion, might be a good investment. They reached this point a decade ago and decided to take one course, in retrospect should have taken the other. It would have been a clean sheet. Clean sheet back then. They didnt, stuck with this. Their strategy seems to have been stick it out, stand by the design and hope eventually the public will move on. This decision from the Paris Air Show that iag, this big airplane conglomerate is going to step up and buy them, thats a sign that maybe their strategy is working. Does renaming the plane help or is ultimately the answer that. Ultimately as time goes by i dont think people check what theyre getting. They were for a while after these two fatal accidents happen, in general, people will move on and forget and be worried about something else. I dont think theyll have to. If they decide to do that, that will be headlines for a couple days. Thank you for continued coverage in this, a pilot and author of why the plane wasnt there, why we havent found Malaysian Airlines flight 370. For the best day in the sun. Neutrogena®. Yand you want to getr an excellent price youd think with all these options it would be easy. But with terms like msrp, invoice, list price, things get confusing pretty fast. You just want to get a real price and thats where true car comes in. Only with true car can you see what other people paid for the car you want and you can connect with certified dealers who offer prices based on this same information. None of those other sites do that. From end to end, true car is your only one stop solution. A quick look at the markets before i go. We are having a strong day on the word the president and xi jing are meeting. We have a strong market and closing kind of where we were at the beginning of the day. 1. 3 higher, all marriage markets wrap up similarly. I will be back tomorrow at 1 00 p. M. Eastern with stephanie. You can always find me online. Nicolle wallace starts right now. Reporter hi, everyone. 4 00 in new york. For an administration that seems to get lost in its own fog of chaos and disjunction that comes with everything and polls, there may be no chapter as terrifying than watching donald trump march to the beat of his own drums with iran with sounds of war around the world escalating with an already fraught escalation with iran donald trump finds himself on two intractable fronts, iran and north korea. Writing quote after coming to office vowing to solve two very different nuclear crisis, President Trump

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