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Coverage of national and international news, including breaking stories. Trump tower meeting between allegedly his son and some russians and some other folks. And it is true that parts of that investigation have blossomed into whole new areas, such as the manafort trial, which has nothing at all to do with the original russia investigation. In fact its one of the bases that manafort asked the judge to throw that case out, that it exceeded the power of the Special Counsel. So its hard to say what exactly Kristin Davis has information about, because the scope of this investigation is so broad. Just to give a little better sense pulling back the curtain from my conversations in my day job working over at the white house, in a series of conversations i had late this week with sources close to the president , they all tell me that the president s frustration specifically as it relates to paul manafort, remember that specific case he attacked as a hoax on twitter earlier this week, is in the eyes of these folks basically speaking to the president , the president views those and the fact that they are before the 2016 election as having nothing to do with him and he thinks effectively hes unfairly getting dinged for that here. But this is under Robert Muellers purview, right . He was allowed to start looking for links between Campaign Officials and russians. Basically go wherever the investigation took him, right . Yes. In fact the judge in the case in which manafort tried to get it thrown out observed that and this is really interesting how they parsed words. The court concluded that Special Counsel was permitted to investigate issues relating to russia collusion, but prosecute anything that arose from that investigation. Its an interesting interpretation of the mandate to Special Counsel mueller. But with that in mind, if anything springs from that original investigation that is illegal or unlawful in the Special Counsels mind, then he can investigate and prosecute it. Or, as weve seen, he can hand issues off or cases or matters off to u. S. Attorneys in particular districts, such as the Southern District of new york. As he did in the case of michael cohen. Danny cevallos and anna schecter, thank you very much. Now to those escalating words escalating war of words over the u. S. china trade right now. Beijing is threatening to slap retaliatory tariffs on 60 billion in american goods. This is the latest in whats really become a bitter backandforth between these two economic powers. It comes just one day after the Trump Administration announced that it will raise its proposed tariff on 200 billion on chinese products to 25 . Judging by the comments from the white house economic advisor, this thing isnt finished yet. Dont underestimate President Trumps determination to follow through. Im just telling you. I cant speak for the Communist Party in china. I can speak for our president. Do not underestimate his determination to change Trading Practices on a fair, reciprocal plane. Nbcs jo ling kent is following this now. So china is threatening additional tariffs against the u. S. The president keeps upping the ante saying it will go up to 2 billion, maybe up to 25 or more. Where are we headed in this and is this just words or something thats having a tangible impact . Right now the threat from china is basically a threat. Were talking about 60 billion in tariffs here but really what it impacts are products that folks use, automobiles, machinery, coffee, food, meat, all kinds of very important daily staples in american life. In fact its going to affect 40 of all u. S. Exports to china. So its a pretty big significant number here. If the white house does follow through, china is not known to back down from these kinds of threats. Overall, china is looking at a very big global problem if this does indeed go through because, as you know, their economy is slowing down a bit so that could actually have major global repercussions, peter. Heres how larry kudlow sort of assessed the situation as it relates to china this morning. Take a listen. China is in trouble right now. Their economy is lousy. Investors are walking out. The currency is falling. My opinion, china better take President Trumps efforts to solve the unfair, illegal trade. Their tariff problem, their lack of reciprocity, their technology stealing, their ip theft, they better take President Trump seriously. Kudlow there saying china is in trouble right now. Is he correct in sort of his assessment of china, the impact this is having on the other part of the pacific . Kudlows comments about the chinese currency are on point. Theyre trading at their lowest levels in about a year. The chinese economy is looking at new ways to go as that Consumer Economy gets a little more saturated here. The real key is whats happening at the top levels in terms of communication on this front. Is there a way out of there. According to a cnbc report, it sounds like discussions have basically stopped. Theres only been one phone call over the past couple of days and the discussions have basically fallen silent. Ive talked to an Obama Administration official in recent weeks and they said there is a lot of confusion within the Chinese Government at the top levels in beijing trying to figure out what to do next. But no doubt that the chinese economy needs to be it needs to be supported in some way as they go through a transition. Its not just having to do with tariffs, but the tariffs certainly dont help. You have big number changing now. The chinese economy or the stock market used to be number two to the u. S. And now it slipped to number 3. Already having a real impact. I was traveling to fargo, north dakota, and spoke to some of the farmers there. Even since the president first initiated this topic of tariffs, they said the price of soybean down about 19 . Jo ling kent is joining us from los angeles. Jo ling, thank you very much. Thanks. Coming up next right here, new reporting from the Washington Post that the Trump International hotel in New York City is seeing an upswing in profits, thanks to some Big International spenders. It comes with growing criticism that President Trumps company is continuing to do business with foreign officials and clearly reaping the benefits. David fahrenthold joins me next. You do, too, but not in time. Hey, no big deal. Youve got a good record and Liberty Mutual wont hold a grudge by raising your rates over one mistake. You hear that, karen . Liberty mutual doesnt hold grudges. How mature of them. For drivers with Accident Forgiveness Liberty Mutual wont raise their rates because of their first accident. Liberty mutual insurance. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty vo ovewhelming air fresheners can send you running. So try febreze one. With no aerosols and no heavy perfumes. So you can spray and stay. Febreze one. So lets promote our Summer Travel deal on choicehotels. Com like this. Surfs up. Earn a 50 gift card when you stay just twice this summer. Or, badda book. Badda boom. Book now at choicehotels. Com broke that story. David, nice to see you right now. Whats striking about your new reporting today is it really does, even 18 months into the Trump Administration, still show us how little we know about the dealings between the president s private organization and other foreign nations with which his administration is doing business. Thats absolutely right. We dont really have any official list of the foreign governments that have paid President Trumps company to rent ballrooms, to rent hotel rooms since he took office. Theres been a few that have come out through media reports, but the government and the Trump Organization have not given us anything. This story, this letter we got showing this really big expenditure by saudis apparently visiting new york with the crown prince of saudi arabia just sort of illustrates how little we know. This is occurring at a hotel in new york, not in the d. C. Hotel weve been so focused on. There could be a lot more out there that were just seeing in little pieces. Just for a little better understanding of this to walk us through it, its not just the saudis, you write about the kuwaitis, the Philippine Government that was hosting events. This was specific to the washington, d. C. , hotel. This has been a parade of foreign dignitaries or foreign nations that have been going Trump Properties basically because they say it reflects back at home that they have a close relationship with the president of the United States. Thats right. One of the really striking things we found in the reporting of this story was this interview with the philippine ambassador to the u. S. Interviewed while he was having a Philippine Independence Day party at President Trumps hotel. He was open about it. He said this is a statement. Having it at President Trumps hotel is a way of showing our friendship. Basically to show that we are close to the United States government, were going to put money in the personal pocket of the u. S. President. And you can see the sort of appeal of that. Even the Trump Organization doesnt say you can buy access or favor from the president , people see this as a natural way to get in his good graces. So all this raises questions about what is called the emoluments clause. No Person Holding any office of profit or trust under them shall without the concept of the congress accept any present, emolument, office or title of any kind whatever from any king, prince or foreign state. So the reason this is important right now, and this may eventually end up before the supreme court, just last week i think it was a federal judge in maryland, if im not mistaken, that basically gave the green light for a lawsuit suggesting, arguing that the president was violating this clause, violating the constitution. Update us on where this stands right now, if you can. Sure. That language you read sounds very outdated and thats in part because president s for a long time, for decades, have tried to stay way away from even getting close to the line so there hadnt been a test of what emolument, this oldfashioned word really meant in the 21st century context. Until last week. As you said, this judge ruled, and he said, look, an emolument, the thing the constitution says president s shouldnt take, i believe that includes things like a Market Value Transaction between the president s company and a foreign state. Its not just bribes, its not just gifts from foreign governments to the president. If the president s company rents a big ballroom for a foreign state and the president benefits, takes in revenue, thats an emaolument and band b the constitution. Coming up, President Trump continuing his attacks on the free press, devoting a lot of time on stage last night at that rally to take swipes at the media. After this break, were going to take a look at what it all means for legitimate news sources, like the president continues to go after even as he spreads his own falsehoods at an alarming rate. Youre watching msnbc. The others. When you read the New York Times, its just story after story after story thats just a negative spin. Just stick with us, dont believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news. They can make anything bad, because they are the fake, fake, disgusting news. That last clip just last night. The president s relentless attacks on the news medias credibility. They are obviously not new. But in recent days the president s vitriol has ramped up. I was on the road with him recently and we witnessed this in person. Its making waves with his most ardent supporters. While the president and his top officials continue to paint legitimate news outlets, these that strive to use actual facts, substantial evidence, reliable sources, to support americas democracy as, quote, the enemy of the people, the line between what is real and what is fake has become increasingly blurred. As an example of this troubling situation, the New York Times looked into how real people were lured onto fake facebook pages and accounts in the platforms most recent uncovering of ongoing influence campaigns. For that i want to bring in charlie savage, a pulitzer prizewinning correspondent for the New York Times and also fortunately for us an msnbc contributor. Charlie, good to see you in person. So break down how this is working out. How its becoming increasingly difficult for folks to separate fact from fiction, especially when theyre working on social media platforms like facebook has experienced and how people are lured in and almost become activists of these fake accounts. The phrase fake news which trump has weaponized against real news began with the spreading of misinformation and false news stories about how democrats were for running Pizza Parlors with pedophilia and all this total nonsense that a few fringe people on the internet embraced in the 2016 election as part of this russian misinformation campaign, sowing disinformation, and amplifying these crazy things. Even though trump has gone off and used that phrase for his own purposes, meanwhile Social Media Manipulation continues. So just this week we had facebook announce that it was taking down a dozen or more accounts and pages that were part of a covert manipulation campaign and information operation. Theyre not saying russian, but theyre saying theyre linked to the russian accounts and the pattern is the same so read between the lines. Its probably still them. And facebook has been under all this tremendous pressure to act in a way that it didnt do in 2016. But what we saw this week was they reacted by taking down everything that was linked to any of these suspect accounts, which included a lot of real content by real people. It shows what a dilemma this is. Stuff gets intermingled. So in this case apparently a bad account started an event page for a counterprotest against the White Supremacist March that was going to happen here in d. C. This was scheduled to take place in the next week here in washington, d. C. It sure is. This is the followup to charlottesville. The Charlottesville White supremacists are having a oneyear anniversary here in d. C. So all these left wing antiracist groups are going to counterprotest them. They were going to do it whether or not someone made a facebook page. But the first one to get there was this bad page and everyone started adding content to it. When facebook realized it had a patient zero problem, they wiped it out. So this original page was called resistors and had a lot of people from local washington, d. C. Activism groups on the left who engaged in this. If you went down, nbc news was able to uncover some of the pages that were pulled off in the past associated with resistors and they said things like bring helmets and goggles and whatever else. Basically preparing for what was going to be a violent clash. Weve heard from the president saying, oh, yeah, if the russians are doing anything, theyre only trying to help the democrats. If its promoting the left here, its helping the democrats. But its not that simple, right . Much of the president s world, conservative belief right now, is that the left is sort of fringe and out there in its own way and this in effect was to amplify that thought, was it not . Maybe amplify it in the sense, but i dont think i wouldnt even call these guys democrats. They are far left. These are antifa. They were going to do this either way but the fact that the russians or whoever created this bad account and they sort of got onto it because it was already there now taints the whole enterprise and allows that kind of rhetoric to say this is all astroturf and there wouldnt have been you know, were going to see a rough couple of days in washington a week from now i predict. Im sure then were going to hear from the right, see, the russians are causing this, or maybe from the left too. And it just shows what a tremendously complicated problem this is that we still havent gotten our hands around. Even facebooks response may have been too far in the other direction. And with only a few months to go until the midterms, there are a lot of potential accounts out there that could be forming as we speak and its hard to know what you can trust when youre reading your own social media. The distinction between wanting to speak freely and maybe hide your identity so you dont feel afraid to say what you really want to say but how do you keep fake people and statesponsored Manipulation Campaigns out of that without absolute knowledge of whos posting what, theres a tradeoff there that doesnt have a good answer without downsides along the way. All of this as we heard from National Security officials yesterday saying our democracy is in the crosshairs. Charlie savage, thank you very much. Coming up, we want to talk a little bit more about this. More than just these individuals that fall victim to this blurred line. The spread of false information has major implications on our economy, on our democracy, on our businesses, on National Security. Theres a new study that found false news traveled farther, faster, deeper and more broadly than the truth in every category of information. Sometimes by an order of magnitude. And false political news traveled farther, faster, deeper and more broadly than any other type. With me now is one of the leading social Network Experts who conducted this study. He is a professor at the m. I. T. Sloan school of management. We appreciate your time right now. So help us get a better understanding of exactly what you found. It would seem to make sense because these false reports, this fake news, as the intention of that phrase is, refers to misinformation and misinformation is often sexy or conspiratorial and its the kind of stuff people are inclined to spread pretty quickly. Indeed. This study was published in science and summarized from this Harvard Business review article published this month. Basically we studied all of the verified true and false news that spread on twitter from its inception in 2006 to 2017, ten years of data. Exactly as you said, we found that false news traveled farther, faster, deeper and more broadly than the truth in every category. False political news was the type of news that traveled the farthest and the fastest. This is a very, very difficult issue. Its something that we need to have a handle on because getting rid of false news or understanding whats true and whats false is essential to our democracy. But the act of policing false news can also be a tool for repression. We see, for instance, in malaysia that they have instituted a sixyear prison ban for anyone spreading false news. Depending on who gets to decide whats true and false that, could be used to tamp down opposition to the government, for instance. Just to hit people over the head with this really quickly, because i was reading through some of your findings here. You say farther, faster and the like. But it was remarkable some of the numbers that you found. How much quicker does a piece of false Information Travel than real news . Depending on the category and depending on the type of false news, it can travel several times faster than the true news. There are specific findings about the number of minutes that it takes for a false type of story to spread a certain distance in the twitter sphere but it is in some cases order of magnitude difference. So how do we contain this . How do we reverse this trend, and what is being actively done right now to try to accomplish that . As i mention in this article, there are four avenues, all of which are difficult, all of which will require precision and rigor. One is educating the players, including the individual human beings that are spreading false news. Labeling things with veracity scores. Understanding what the role of government is in regulating speech online. We are already doing that with carveouts to the Human Decency Act Section 230 which indicates that platforms like facebook arent responsible for what other people say on the platform. We are also thinking about the incentives to all of the players. In other words, theres a financial incentive to spread false news because the social Media Advertising ecosystem monetizes eyeballs on content. If false news spreads farther, faster, deeper, more broadly, it will garner more eye balls. These are all avenues. We need a lot more research and have a lot of work to do. The bottom line is when the president attacks fake news and points to real news media outlets, he clouds the real issue here which is this misinformation. The real fake news that does exist out there that as you note is spreading as rammpidly as we can imagine. We appreciate your time. Thank you so much. Thank you for having me. Coming up right here on msnbc, between the shifting Retail Landscape and President Trumps trade war with china, weve seen a recent tirade on that, were seeing a lot of changes happening across the american economy. After this break, what does toys r us have to do with the latest jobs numbers, the dip we saw in the Economic Growth. Plus Rudy Giuliani says they will soon see if the president will sit down with Robert Muellers investigators. If the president agrees, what are the risks . What are the rewards . Youre watching msnbc. Relentle. Tremfya® is for adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Im ready. With tremfya®, you can get clearer. And stay clearer. In fact, most patients who saw 90 clearer skin at 28 weeks stayed clearer through 48 weeks. Tremfya® works better than humira® at providing clearer skin, and more patients were symptom free with tremfya®. Tremfya® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections. Before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or have symptoms such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. 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Thats where we saw 32,000 losses. 31,800 to be exact in the sporting and hobby categories, which includes toys r us and toys r us went bankrupt and actually closed all their stores in the month of july. We saw that poor little giraffe going away forever. I remember my kids playing with one of those when they were little and that went away. So that was one factor that took it down. We also had upward revisions to previous months and so at the end of the day it was still ray fairly strong number. One of the real holdups right now in these numbers, unemployment looking pretty good, but wage growth has been the place that it has stalled not in the last several months but the last several years. Its been a real frustration. Why is that . What are you hearing from your companies that are looking at higher paying jobs and breaking them down and keeping wages throw. What is new has been how these employers are taking higher paid jobs, breaking them down into smaller jobs among more workers and paying them lesser wages and training them to fulfill the jobs. Weve also seen some companies where they have gone back in and said do we really need a College Degree for this job . Can we hire someone with a lesser degree, bring them up to speed and pay them a little less as well. All of that is creating more jobs but not more wage gains. Thats what happens when you start to run out of for a long time these employers were able to skim the cream off the top of the milk when it came to hiring. They could hire just the best and only who they wanted and sort of really make it tight. Now theyre having to dip a little deeper and churn the milk into butter and thats a positive thing because it brings people off the sidelines that might not have had a chance before. Diane, i traveled a lot with the president when he was candidate trump. He spoke often how he was going to help erase the deficit. He said Economic Growth will help do that. Are we seeing that take place right now . What are you witnessing . In terms of the federal deficit . In terms of the federal deficit. Its blown up. Yeah, no, its not being erased. This is really unprecedented to see a period of time where were already at low employment to use fiscal stimulus, tax cuts and spending increases. Theyre looking for more money. Were even seeing a threat of a shutdown of the government. Border crossings have gone down over the last decade and thats a strange thing to see at this stage of the game. Its unprecedented to see these deficits. Well hit the trillion dollar mark and thats going to add to the problems we face with the National Progression of the deficit. More medicaid payments going out, Social Security payments going out, all of that is something we worry about Going Forward but it sure gives us a little extra growth today. Diane swonk from Grant Thornton helping us understand those new jobs numbers today. Diane, thank you very much. Thank you. I want to get back to our Breaking News on the russia investigation. We already told you this hour that Robert Mueller has interviewed the manhattan madam, Kristin Davis. But i want to talk about another potential interview for muellers team. According to trumps personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, the president and his legal team will likely make a decision on whether to Grant Mueller an interview with the president monday or tuesday. Perhaps as early as next week. For more on this im joined by nbc News White House correspondent Kelly Odonnell and for more legal analysis, danny cevallos. Kelly, i know youre already up there where the president is spending a Working Vacation but his aides say he just wanted to get in some golf. If you can, walk us through what youre hearing from his legal team about the potential for an interview. Rudy giuliani has been telling us for months that the deadline was this date or this date or this date and weve blown past all of them. Reporter thats true. Of course theres an urgency on the part of the president to want to get this wrapped up and ideally before labor day with the issues that relate to the president. Obviously the Mueller Investigation is bigger and broader and would continue. But try to get it wrapped up so that the president in the final stretch before midterm elections can be out on the trail with this potentially behind him. So heres the latest update on the strategy. Theres been a back and forth and exchange of letters and conversations between the president s outside legal team and the mueller team about the terms, the scope, the when, the where, the subject matter. What im told is that the latest offer has been that the giuliani side, of course representing the president , would say to mueller you can question the president about issues of collusion, but not of those that relate to anything that happened once he took office, meaning the Obstruction Of Justice issues, firing the comey, et cetera. Why . Because when he was a private citizen, its expected that those would be things he could be compelled to answer under subpoena if it were to come to that. But while in office, they might be able to defeat a subpoena in court. So thats a bit of the divide. The timing, im told that by the beginning of next week, monday or tuesday, they will follow up with their response to the latest backandforth from the mueller team and they expect that there has to be a conclusion coming. When, as you point out, weve heard it before, that its almost over. It isnt yet. But there does appear to be a willingness to talk about certain issues and maybe a stronger kind of a push to avoid perhaps the most perilous ones relating to Obstruction Of Justice. Peter. Notably we hear from Rudy Giuliani on a regular basis. We do not hear from the Special Counsels office on this. So, danny, to you. What are the real risks, the rewards, break down the pros and cons for the president if he were to sit down with Robert Mueller. The president s legal team has a difficult choice to make, but in the end it is no choice at all. Theres no question that the president cannot sit down with an for an informal interview with the mueller team. The reason for that is lying to investigators or telling nontruths or exaggerating or fabricating to investigators in an informal interview situation like that is a crime just as perjury is a crime if its under oath. Thats why giuliani and team have to bluff. This is a gambit. Theyre going to tell mueller that theyll consider sitting down, but in the end they will never voluntarily sit him down with muellers team. Theyre going to take the chance that mueller will decide on his own that he cannot subpoena the president or will not subpoena the president and it really ultimately is going to be a big bluff. A lot of this a pr game at this point. Danny cevallos and Kelly Odonnell, kelly, ill be there at bedminster, well see you next week. Coming up next, the latest on the hundreds of children still separated from their parents. Where does it stand right now . Youre watching msnbc. When i found out i had agerelated macular degeneration, amd, i wanted to fight back. My doctor and i came up with a plan. It includes preservision. Only Preservision Areds 2 has the exact nutrient formula recommended by the National Eye Institute to help reduce the risk of progression of moderate to advanced amd. Thats why i fight. Because its my vision. Preservision. 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We spoke with her in june when she first found out she was being deported. Theyre breaking my family apart. They dont care that he serve his country three times. So before you enlist in the military, think twice. Before you marry an immigrant, think twice. If its really worth for you to serve this country because look how they treat me. Juarezs husband who wrote to President Trump wrote him a letter asking for mercy but to no avail. When she got on a plane this morning for mexico without a home and a plan, she had these words for the president , may god forgive you. It has been a week since the court order deadline to reunite the children and parents the Trump Administration forcibly separated at the border. According to a new court filing, there are still more than 570 children who are not with their parents. Now the aclu who is representing the hundreds of families says the government is asking for their help to reunite these parents and children and that includes helping to locate the parents who have been deported. Msnbcs Jacob Soboroff has been following the story for months for us now. Jacob is live. Jacob, we have a new statement from the aclu where they say the government appears to be taking the remarkable position that it is the job of private entities to find these parents and it can largely sit back and wait for us to tell them when we find people. You have to imagine the aclu wants to help reunite these families, but at the end of the day, the government separated them. Isnt the governments responsibility to put them back together . You know what, peter . I was thinking of when you sat down with the secretary of homeland kirstjen nielsen, are you going to be able to unite them . We are not going to cut corners. It appears that is exactly what they are doing right now. They are cutting a corner, 572 children large at this point. Basically saying the aclu is the one that is the plaintiff in this lawsuit. Theyre the ones that want the children reunited. So, hey, aclu, Why Dont You Guys take the lead and well be in the supporting position here to put the rest of these children back with their parents. A reason this is striking a lot of parents, we heard ivanka trump yesterday, she described it in the past tense saying it was a low point that Family Separation Policy for her personally, she said in her comments, during that conversation yesterday. Which makes a pretty good point. One, she said it was a low point. We are still in the middle of this low point, then, right . There are more than 500 of these children who are not back with their parents. Heres ivanka trump yesterday. Take a quick listen. That was a low point for me as well. And i am very vehemently against Family Separation and the separation of parents and childr children. So the frustration, jacob, people are opposed to separation. Its a low point. Advocate for family reunification. Why Isnt The Government doing something to put the family back together . If you watch the entire clip of ivanka, she goes on to make the case for Family Separation Policy, how difficult it is and why you have to deter people from coming to the United States. This whole thing was built around deterrence. It might have been a low point for ivanka trump. It is still a low point for 572 children in the custody of the United States government and in particular for 410 of those children whose parents have already been deported, and for sure categorically, as a policy of the United States government, will never be able to get back into the United States to be reunified with those children. Those kids are going to have to be deported if they want to see their parents again. It shows complete disregard or lack of understanding for the reality of how this all played out by ivanka trump. So, in real terms what is the aclu look forward. What is the aclu actively doing right now to try to reunite these families . Is there any time frame under which they might be able to better accomplish this even without the full help of the federal government . Everything you see on your screen, establishing contact, determining desire to be reunified and written confirmation, attorney consultation, those are all things the government wants the aclu to take the lead in. Theyre already doing. Essentially what they are asking the government for is as much data as possible. With that data and with the help of the government, be able to go out on the ground and reunify the rest of these folks. But this is a slowmotion disaster. And so coming up in just a little bit today, the judge will be presiding over another hearing between the Trump Administration and the aclu try to figure out actually how these reunifications are going to take place and if he will basically encourage, listen to the proposal there from the government. Yeah, the government basically throwing its arms up. It is amazing theyre asking the aclu to help establish contact. Jacob soboroff covering this for months. Good to see you. Thanks for your reporting. Thank you, peter. Coming up now, well be back after a quick break and then nicolle wallace. The line between work and life hasnt just blurred. Its gone. Thats why you need someone behind you. Not just a card. An entire support system. Whether visiting the Airport Lounge to catch up on whats really important. Or even using those hardearned points to squeeze in a Little Family time. No one has your back like american express. So no matter where youre going. Were right there with you. 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