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Said in all capital letters, do not congratulate putin on his victory. A source now tells nbc news that chief of staff john kelly is frustrated and deeply disappointed, not with the fact that the president congratulated putin, but with the leaker. And as this is placing out, the president is making it Crystal Clear to the public what is on his mind today. Can you guess where . Twitter of course. Hes criticizing a range of enemies, the leaker, Robert Muellers investigation, and of course democrats. Who was barred from todays twitter rant, putin and any actual criticism against russia. Strange. Following this from the white house for us is my dear friend and colleague kristen welker. Please, take me inside. What is going on inside of that white house. I get it. It has to be deeply upsetting if you are john kelly or the president that one of your closest advisers is leaking to the press, but maybe they are leaking because they think it is a National Security issue. Reporter right. And this is broken by the washington post, the fact that the president s briefing notes said in caps do not congratulate, he congratulated president putin any way. Moments ago the president weighing in on this on twitter. Let me read it to you. He called president putin of russia to congratulate him on his election victory. In past obama called him also. The Fake News Media is crazed because they wanted me to scory ate him. They are wrong. G getting along with russia and others is a good thing, not to unpack. He is right, president obama did call putin in 2011 to congratulate him. He raised eyebrows when he did that as well. The back drop comes in the wake of russias meddling in the 2016 election and that is why you have this bipartisan criticism of President Trump. Those who say he should have raised the issue of russias meddling and shouldnt have congratulated president putin and should have raised the issue of the two spies poisoned in the u. K. Now what we know to be true is that this is clearly getting under the president s skin, that tweet and evidence of that and a source familiar with the matter tells me john kelly infuriated as well and described as being frustrate and deeply disappointed by this leak. So they are trying to get to the bottom of exactly how this happened. But as you point out, steph, the broader issue here is the president s tone and this juxtaposition at the white house several days ago. They imposed new sanctions against russia for meddling in the 2016 election and then the phone call, the president saying the two leaders could meet, in fact, in the near future. I think he said it three times. But it is important to note if the president wants to push that president obama made a call to putin a few years ago, he did it and to your point, he got harshly criticized, specifically from conservatives. So that is a tough argument for the president to make. He also spoke with speaker ryan and leader mcconnell this afternoon. What can you tell us about that . Because those two have been relatively quiet in the last week, when you seen gop leadership get asked, what would you do if the president fired robert mueller, we havent heard much from their camps. And now they are talking about the president and we know he has mueller on his mind. Yeah. It is a big question if that topic came up, steph. You are right. What they were discussing, the omnibus. The fact they are trying to keep the government open and it could shut down by friday. It seems like they are poised to keep it open. There were concerns the president wouldnt support a spending bill. We know that House Speaker paul ryan was here at the white house for 45 minutes along with the Vice President meeting in the residence with President Trump and spoke with leader mcconnell by phone and addressed the lastminute concerns that President Trump had including funding for his border wall. We are told by a white house official that the bill will include some funding for those first steps to try get the wall going. Those steps seem as preliminary steps. But again, they are steps that are satisfying the president for now. It seems like this is poised to move forward and to keep the government open. Now it is never a done deal until it is done. We know that. From having monitored these things in washington for a long time. But at this point in time, it seems as though all systems are go in terms of keeping the government open after House Speaker paul ryan met with the president here at the residence for about 45 minutes. Well that will be good news. Because certainly government workers dont want to see another shut down. Kristen welker, it is snowing, go inside. Thanks for joining me. And it is a snow day at white house but down on pennsylvania avenue, the Senate Intelligence committee grilling top intelligence and Election Officials about securing voting systems before this years midterm elections. This morning current Homeland Security secretary Kirsten Nielsen and former secretary jeh johnson sat side by side taking a slew of questions from both sides of the aisle and listen to what they said about the president s role when it comes to making sure all state officials understand exactly what the threat of russias meddling looks like. Would it help if the president were to simply acknowledge that this happened in 2016 . Yes, sir i said he happened but the line that he is drawing that no votes werent changed. It doesnt mean there is not a threat or do more to prepare. How important is it for the president to articulate and acknowledge this happened so that peek take it seriously . Very. The president of the United States is the most visible american, maybe the most visible person on the planet and the things he says and does are watched very, very closely. I dont think the president has been extraordinarily clear about russias involvement, at least trying to hack the voting system. With me now, National Security analyst clint watts, also a former fbi special agent. That means hes super cool. Clint, secretary nielsen and former secretary johnson clearly acknowledged that russians are still able to hack into our system. Just listen. One area that we know where the russians penetrated in 2016 was the campaigns. Theyrable theyrable the ability to hack into the dnc and release that information on a selected basis. Campaigns in many ways are the ultimate startups. They have very little security built in. Campaigns are not immune from nation state surveillance, nation state hacking. This is a scary reality. What are we going to do . Weve done nothing. Weve been talking about it a lot. And when all is said and done, a lot is said but nothing is done. And looking forward, the campaigns will be targeting. We know. That but a variety of actors. That is the vota data base and the election machine. So i thought the report was very good but what was most shocking from the report from the Senate Intel Committee is this is the executive branch that does these reports and starts moving on these things immediately when we have a threat. This is the legislative branch forcing this on to the executive branch. Which is very strange. The second thing in that report was challenge adversaries and if they hack or try and mess with our election systems, we will do something in response. This has been what, 16, 18 months now this is going on. We have not responded and instead last night the president gets on a phone call and congratulates somebody else for winning an election after he just messed with our election. It is one of the strangest things in american history. Congratulating him on an election that it is widely believed was rigged. Well President Trump might not be watching those Senate Intelligence hearings today but he is on twitter. And just a moment ago he tweeted again about russia. And he said, they can help solve problems with north korea, syria, ukraine, isis and iran and even the coming arms race. Bush tried to get along but didnt have the smarts. Obama and clinton tried, but didnt have the energy or chemistry. Remember reset, peace through strength. It is ridiculous. They could help with syria if they werent funding assad. He said they could help us. What were doing is helping him. Putin has never been able to achieve so many of his Foreign Policy objectives in such a short time around the world. Sure, hes faced some pressure from the legislative branch here. But President Trump is essentially surrendering in syria and not countered the fact that the russians are deliberately in syria and there to stay and they have gotten the outcome which is the assad regime remaining in power. He has hit us in our election system and weve not responded back. So when i see the president make those statements, that we need him as a partner, no, the russians are laughing at us that we are moving back from the world stage and they are moving forward and taking whatever they want white house any resistance and that is the whole goal of russian active measures. The whole playbook and desire by going into our democracy, dividing us up, pitting us against each other so that they could move around the whororld achieve what they want. I want to share what john brennan said today when he spoke to willie geist because it was jarring. I think it just demonstrates that he looks at the world through a prix a prism of what will help and protect donald trump. That is not what president s are supposed to do. I worked for six president s and i didnt agree with the policies but they all did what they thought was best for the United States. That is not mr. Trump. He is self absorbed and trying to promote his eninterest and protect his flanks. This is a fear that people have that the president has yet to put country first. And it is not a big deal that he just wants to make money for his brand but making money for his brand and putting us in a National Security crisis or at the very least in harms way are two different things. What is America First according to trump . I dont know what his policy is on russia. All he said is we need them as a partner orn all of the other things and just makes a random list. But lets take north korea for example. Whenever he was in his very aggressive total pressure solution against north korea, russia stepped in and instead took the world stage and said, let us be a modifying source because the United States is acting crazy. They see these as opportunities and for some reason if the president doesnt understand, when he step news these things, hes stepping into a trap. President putin wants him to be outrageous and out of control and he will embrace him and in doing that to do just like xi jinping. There are others who will step right in. Well leave that conversation. Because you know we need to move on to facebook. Expected to get a grilling on capitol hill tomorrow. I want to know who from facebook members of several committees on both the house and senate will meet with facebook staffers to find out how the personal data of 50 million users were improperly accessed and used in the 2016 election. A spokesperson for the social media giant said at 8 03 this mo morning and it is now 3 12 that Mark Zuckerberg will speak with the focus of rebuilding trust. Rebuilding trust sounds like starting anew. It doesnt sound like he will be explaining himself. But lawmakers, they are furious and calling for more. They want zuckerberg to go to washington and testify in person before congress. With more, joining me from capitol hill is garrett haake. Garrett, cant they just subpoena him. I realize Mark Zuckerberg was a darling of the last administration. Social media giants have huge lobbying efforts but cant they just say, hey, mark, come on down. Absolutely can. And were starting to hear that kind of conversation coming up in the halls of congress up here. Members of the senate in particular, the Intelligence Committee and the Judiciary Committee where theyre looking at russian interference in particular, are furious about this. They want Mark Zuckerberg here yesterday. And you are starting to hear that term subpoena being thrown out here as a way to compel him to show up here and in previous iterations of issues with facebook on capitol hill weve seen the chief counsel and other highranking staffers from the company but not the ceo. And now lawmakers want more as we heard from some of them this morning. Take a listen. Senator, are facebook staff coming in to talk to your staff today. Weve had on going conversations but conversations will staff or lawyers, that is good. But the public deserves to hear from the ceo. Do you have confidence that facebook are going to cooperate and provide answers . I certainly would hope so. And i expect that to happen. Can you do that without Mark Zuckerberg here . Well get him. Well get him here. Reporter so here is confidence there from senators that they will get Mark Zuckerberg up here. The facebook staffers are meeting with staffers of some of the committees, some today and largely i think it will get pushed to tomorrow. But again, not the big guy himself. At least not yet. But that is now the push here on capitol hill. After the banking crisis when the banks were sent down to washington to answer for themselves, it was the bank ceos. When the London Trading scandal happened it was jamie diamomon turned up and ive never heard the term staffers used. Mark zuckerberg is the founder and cheryl shandberg is the face and time to show up guys. Thank you. And facebook is also under fire across the atlantic. The british and European Parliament are summoning Mark Zuckerberg to explain the dealing with specifically Cambridge Analytica. Today a u. K. Parliament Committee Heard from sandy perrake from facebook back in 2011 and he last told lawmakers that he flagged problems with how the company was specifically handling user data. Please listen. I need a map a map of the vulnerabilities and included lists of bad actors and potential bad actors which included foreign state actors, data brokers, and i said, here are some of the things that facebook is doing and here are some of the areas that the company is still exposed and user data is still at risk and i shared that around with a number of people at the company at the time. So could you say can you say some of the people that you share that with, are they still at the company today are there people at company today that would have been well aware of the concerns you raised . Yeah. Some of the executives i shared the presentation with are still at the company. Now, remember, he said some of the executives are still with the company. He said he was not sure whether zuckerberg was aware of his specific recommendations. But as this thing moves up the chain, remember, the buck has to stop at the top. So facebook, they are facing global scrutiny over what specifically happened with Cambridge Analytica. Besides the pressure from lawmakers there is also a classaction suit from shareholders and an investigation by the federal trade commission. So supposedly we are going to be hearing from ceo Mark Zuckerberg at some point. Remember yesterday facebook had an internal allhands meeting with no mark or sheryl but from facebook, this is the latest, we are committed to vigorously enforcing our policies, that is a important, our policies to protect peoples information and will take whatever steps are required to see that this happens. Remember, our policies are not heavily regulated policies and facebook as a Company Takes lots of personal data from users and then takes that data and uses it. To try to win over advertisers, brands, companies. So their policies might be under pressure for regulation. The pressure on facebook has only grown since our british tv itn channel 4 news released this undercover photo speaking to those who they thought was a potential client but was a pretty stellar reporter. In this clip we hear the ceo Alexander Nix who has been suspended as ceo of c. A. , because now it is pending a full investigation. Hes sitting there boasting about the companys work for the Trump Campaign and how well he knows the president. You have met mr. Trump . Many times. You have . We did all of the search and the data and all of the analytics and we provided the campaign [ inaudible ]. And formed the strategy. Oh, heavens. Cambridge analytica responded by saying that it never claimed the company had won the election for trump. I want to bring in two women looking at this very closely, anna schechter, a reporter from nbc news Investigative Unit and also jesse hempele from wired and a author of a new piece out this week facebook, in the age of the big tech whistleblower. You spoke with the whistleblower who set this in motion, Christopher Wylie. What kind of in sight did you get from him. They say he is just a disgruntled employee which is a goto line that weve heard before. And chris was there at the beginning and offers a fascinating take of the inner workings of the company. Steve bannon was there. He talked about how bannon was excited about harvesting this data and using it to cre agt targeted messages that could change the culture of the United States. He met with Robert Mercer and him being a brilliant Data Scientist in addition to being a billionaire backer of republican candidates. But lets take a look at him talking about the mechanics of Cambridge Analytica setting up the u. S. Operation. Cambridge analytica as soon as it was set up almost immediately started sending people to the United States and we even had legal advice from Rudy Guiliani law firm that said we shouldnt be sending foreign citizens to the United States to manage american campaigns because that violates fec regulations and potentially the foreign agents registration act. This one is a stunner. And Cambridge Analytica continues to say this guy he was just disgruntled and the white house is trying to say we didnt know Cambridge Analytica that well but jaered kushner wa saying how talented they were and other republicans have worked with them. He worked with ben carson and ted cruz and then once donald trump won the nomination, Cambridge Analytica transferred all of the data that they had collected on voters for their work on the Cruz Campaign and transferred it over to trump. Jesse, how does facebook fit in here . How could they say the statement yesterday, Mark Zuckerberg meeting with the engineers and vigorously looking at this. This is years old. It is. And the way that facebook fits in here has to do the trust that we place in the service. Now we always understood the tool with facebook is well give them our data and be the product and use data to advertise to us. But what we implicitly trusted was that facebook would not use that data to manipulate us or give it to other people who would use it to manipulate us. But not only did facebook allow third parties to come in and use the data to manipulate us but when it found out it does nothing. We are not going to like it and we trusted facebook so they will lose our trust but they didnt break a law because they havent been raeg lated. Is the real risk is that regulation is acoming. It has to come. But weve been saying it has to come for ages. Right. But the difference now is we have a whistleblower and with an issue like this is that it lends a human face to a problem that is massive and nebulous and intractable. Big data and privacy are two of the buzzwords that dont mean anything to us until they touch us in a personal way which is exactly what Christopher Wylie has done. We also have to think about lawmakers here. Because in the obama administration, social media giants were certainly a friend of the white house. Most of Corporate America would have said in the last administration, the biggest problem was regulation. You did not hear that from social media giants. And want to share what Cambridge Analytica ceo Alexander Nix said about when he was testifying before the Senate Intelligence committee, because it speaks to the onus and obligation on lawmakers. The republicans asked three questions. Five minutes and done. [ inaudible ]. You had to answer everything . No. It is voluntary, but i did because im trying to help them. Right. We have no secrets. Right. And the politicians are not technical. They dont understand how it works. They dont understand it because the candidate is never involved. Hes told what to do by the campaign the candidates or the public . [ inaudible ]. So for democrats, is it like the sour grapes . Yes. Sour grapes. That is exactly what it is. You the puppet. It takes me back to the public. I said Senate Intelligence committee but i meant house. But he said i testified it was no biggie and a joke and we havent seen regulation. That is right. And democrats have complaining about republicans not taking this investigation seriously. Here you hear from Alexander Nix five minutes and it was done. Now Cambridge Analytica said it is committed to helping the house Intelligence Committee with their investigation. And it says that they are not under investigation and there is no allegation of wrongdoing on the part of Cambridge Analytica. Wow. Well guess what, this story is not going anywhere. It is only getting bigger. The question is, what is Alexander Nix who knows an awful lot going to do next. Anna schechter and jesse hempell. The new piece is outstanding from jesse. Up next, the cruise authorities piece together to track down the austin, texas, bombing suspect. And apprehend him. Talk about extraordinary work by our police and fbi and atf officials. It is amazing. Just before the man detonated a bomb inside of his own car killing himself, they did stunning work. Well go live to texas right after the break. Dear foremothers, your society was led by a woman, who governed thousands. Commanded armies. Yielded to no one. When i found you in my dna, i learned where my strength comes from. My name is courtney mckinney, and this is my ancestrydna story. Now with 5 times more detail than other dna tests. Order your kit at ancestrydna. Com now with 5 times more detail than other dna tests. 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That lady, these houses yes, yes and yes. And dont forget about them. Uh huh, sure. Still yes xfinity delivers gig speed to more homes than anyone. Now you can get it, too. Welcome to the party. We are following breaking news in the state of texas. Residents in and around austin are breathing a sigh of relief after the threeweek manhunt for a serial bomber came to an end last night. Authorities are learning nor more about the 23yearold suspect identified as Mark Anthony Conditt who drove into a ditch and blew himself up as a s. W. A. T. Team tried to arrest him. The suspect ordered exotic batteries online that were used in each of his explosives. Those unusual batteries were the key in helping investigators link the various explosives to conditt. On the ground in texas is nbc news jay gray. Jay, what more can you tell us about the suspect . Reporter a lot unfolding right now. Let us start with the newest information, the Court Documents show that fbi knew who he was and prepared to arrest him on charges of receiving and transferring destructive devices and the packages he sent from fedex near austin that contained explosives. Behind me the neighborhood here locked down for blocks around conditts home as well as his families. Neighbors are stunned at this development. I would describe him as a extremely nice family. Its hard to believe what is going on. He seemed like a a very normal kid which is what everybody says or most neighbors say in these type of situations. But over the years, there is nothing that i could point to. Reporter now that normal kid is accused of a string attacks with package bombs. A couple that were deadly. Lets get back to the investigation. You touched on the foreign or exotic batteries as agents call them. This is what they used, and ordered online from asia to tie the attacks together. Terrific work from nbc News Investigative Team discovering that and other key clues as to how they closed in on the suspect. Cell site analysis allowed them to find the cell phone number and he used that phone hours before officers an the s. W. A. T. Team moved in. And finally Surveillance Video from that fedex, even though he was wearing a hat and wig, that was the final clue. That was what closed the deal for investigators and they knew this was the man they were focused on, stephanie. Jay, this investigation is going to get more complicated. Why exactly did this happen. Jay, thank you for this great reporting. Jay gray. Up next, i dont like to cover this topic at 9 00 a. M. , but it is after three so well let it rip. A porn star, a play mate and a reality show contestant, the triad of lawsuits facing the president of the United States of america. Were going to walk you through the repercussions of each after this quick break. You know what you are watching. Msnbc. 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First up, a former playboy model, shes now speaking up about an alleged relationship with President Trump. Karen mcdougal said the national inquirier paid her to keep quiet. Owned by david pecker, friend of President Trump. And then Stormy Daniels is back in the spotlight after her lawyer released an image of her taking a polygraph seven years ago. Nbc has a copy of the report which found there was more than 99 probability she told the shoot when she said are you going to make they say this, she had unprotected sex with the president in 2006. The white house and President Trumps lawyers have denied any claims of trump having affairs with either mcdougal or daniels and well add to that. The judge ruled in flavor of former apprentice contestant Summer Zervos allowing her lawsuit to continue. The president called her a liar for accusing him of kissing and groping her. Im joined by my friend that knows the law well Jeremy Peters is here. No, New York Times reporter who i adore. And ari melber the chief Legal Correspondent and host of the beat with ari melber. I turn to you first, at this point, we are now having this had unprotected sex with the president. Why are we going down this road . It almost makes me think to a very dark time in a presidency when president clinton was parsing what it metropolitan to have sexual relations or an affair. And that was a very dark time for this country. I think there are two ways to look at this. Before we get to the law, big picture one way is what the trump folks have said. That this was affectively discussed and litigated in the court of Public Opinion during the campaign and they want it treated as old news. This is their rough view. The other side is that you have a sitting president trying to threaten an american citizen with bankruptcy, with something that could destroy your life and take your home, millions of dollars in damages, all for what . For preventing her from speaking out. From speaking in public. And that itself separate from the details you reference, which, yes, are part of the news and part of Donald Trumps nda presidency, but even apart from that, that is the larger thing. So to me the throughline and why this story is not going away even with 60 minutes coming and even with all of the other things is that the president late last week went in and tried to take someone and say, you are not allowed a day in court or speak in public and if you do im going to bankrupt you and take you to the secret process where you are not allowed in court and the same guy who claimed proudly he was so right. That he was so strong and that he would sue all of the women in court. Now hes the one on the run from the suits and as of today with the breaking news yesterday, there is now three of these suits. I want to go from the courtroom to the campaign trail. Jeremy peters, President Trump and his base his base never leaves him, win, lose or draw. We know overall he had trouble attracting women voters but he had white suburban women rock s solid and the evangelicals in his corner and does this start to puncture th that or is itt pennet trabl. And it is largely impenetrable and this summer there is a significant probability, although you cant say how much, but pretty significant there is another vacancy on the Supreme Court and nothing like a Supreme Court vacancy will rally the right to President Trumps side. This is always been a transactional relationship between the religious right and this president. They give him their support he gives their judicial nominee and policies through executive orders that do things like protect religious freedom. So as long as he continues to deliver and hold up his end of the deal and this president does know how to make and cut deals, or at least he says he does, this is one deal that he seems to really have sealed. This is an excellent point. Because we can say all day long, how is it that family values or white evangelical christians, how could they stand by the president when you hear about morally reprehensible behavior but cant they make the argument, president s come and go and hell be here for four or eight years and the judges not the just one Supreme Court just but the Record Number of judges put in place, mostly white male under 40, they are going be there for decades. And so for those voters, that matters far more than whether or not President Trump commit add dultry. They could forget him in a few years. That is thur choic their c this is a democracy. And there is a fundamental deceit. They are not called the Supreme Court summit. They are called the values voters summit and they are attacking people, including women for what they call immorality and people with different sexual orientations over and you find out maybe they dont care about that. So maybe some of the groups need to reband and i think the lord asks for honesty, that is what i learned in my synagogue. Come back in and figure out what you stand for and if all you stand for are judicial nominations an not personal conduct, maybe that is did you they may say the judicial nominations will then them in matters that sure. And we know jeremy, the Trump Administration is not getting to their legislative agenda and and it is infrastructure week for the more times and does this cause another road block for him . I think it slows down what was already going to be a terribly slow road to begin with. Because it is a midterm year. And once you got past the tax cut and once you got past the budget, but they are not past that, there would be virtually little action whatsoever on capitol hill. There is a very little appetite right now to do anything big, anything controversial that would put republicans in the firing line of their voters. So i think that if anything, Stormy Daniels and all of this other nonsense just gives republicans an excuse not to do stuff. An excuse not to do stuff. We need to leave this conversation here. Because the statement we have been waiting for from Mark Zuckerberg, it is here. It is not a video. But it is a written statement. He has just posted this on his facebook page. And i do we have it to read to you. We do. Ill read the first portion to you. We have the responsibility to protect your data. And if we cant, then we dont deserve to serve you. I have been working to understand exactly what happened and how to make sure this doesnt happen again. The good news is that the most important actions to prevent this from happening again today, we have already taken years ago. But we also make mistakes. There is more to do and we need to step up and do it. He then goes through a timeline of the events. It is pretty long. It is on his facebook page. I want to keep you in this conversation. Because i know you have followed this and followed Mark Zuckerberg for quite sometime. Mark zuckerberg could give a full throated apology but at the end of the day if he didnt break the law and facebook users and you are not seeing people with great speed deleting facebook, could we see this as a push for him. I think the statement reflects a pattern weve seen with starting with a lot of denial and then eventually they issue statements and in the question is whether the change ises are actually implemented. We found they are often not. This week has been different because at one point they lost 50 billion in market value, like you i just got the statement. He said here as well, i started maybe at the end of the day, im reasonab responsible for what happens and im serious about doing what it takes to protect our community and tried to put it in a context and said this issue involving cambridge, which is trumps digital firm, should no longer happen with new apps today but that doesnt change what happened in the past. Well learn to secure our platform and thank everyone who believes in our mission and it will take a long time to fix these problems. Digesting what he is saying, i think it is late. I think it is still involving minimization and it fundamentally misses the larger point which is facebook is not just in the cross hairs because of one issue with run developer or even one as fame as cambridge. Facebook is in the cross hairs for the abusive fake news and the refusal of zuckerberg to go face down congressional investigators, he sent his lawyer and he wouldnt go face them. He did meet with medvedev and go to china where the New York Times reported they were developing a censorship app. So this is what ill say as a report. We welcome new information. Facebook putting out this statement is better than nothing. But it is only a tiny bit better than nothing. It is a paper statement and this, by the way, is a company that demands all of our personal data, all of our information. All of our privacy and it said that because that is good for transparency, we should all live with it. This is a company that demands transparency and personal information from the users and gives up very little when like today. And we can complain about that all day long. Im not complaining, im reporting. But facebook has thus far abided by the law because they are virtually unregulated and the people who give Facebook Information give it to them by their own free will. And we might not realize what they are then doing with it. But can we expect facebook or anyone to self police . No one does. Ill give a answer and i see anna who was been reporting on the story all week, the short answer is what consent and knowing consent means online is still being figured out. In the cambridge case, which has cost them blz in what he is responding to, part of the issue was a type of fraud where people didnt understand exactly what they were giving up and the misuse of their data went global. So the short answer is no, facebook is clearly under the gun under market pressure and pressure from senator mark warner and saying on cnbc he wants to hear from zuckerberg and user pressure to saying you are not doing enough to protect us. Im not saying it is a federal felony but they are subject to laws in europe and right now review of whether this violated prior consent decrees. Im seeing facebook in the cross hairs this week like ive never seen it. And anna schechter, you were here earlier talking Cambridge Analytica. And the president has not weighed in. He is going after jeff bose os and amazon and if we thought who is the biggest competitor and we thought china or amazon or alibaba and he goes after Companies Like nordstrom which they drop the ivanka line and he has this entanglement with Cambridge Analytica but he is not saying anything. And Cambridge Analytica at the time in 2013 according to zuckerburgs own statement, they didnt violate the facebook policy. So this app thattal erk sander croagan created an the other apps working on that platform, they all access the friend data of all of the unwitting people who have no idea that their personal information was being so that is stunning. And facebook said Mark Zuckerberg is admitting in 20 is a a journalist at the guardian told them that, hey, there was a breach here and Cambridge Analytica got that data. So what has happened between 2015 and now . That is really a big question. Is this going to be a question for lawmakers, for regulators . Cant we say to them, i think i think back to the financial crisis and we were so mad at the bank and why they didnt go to jail and the reason they didnt go to jail is because they didnt break the law. Because there werent laws in place to protect your average citizen. Could the takeaway here be there arent laws in place to protect the average social media user. Yes. You are putting your finger on it. What is law . Law is old politics. He goes deep. Were getting real deep. Oh, do it. As they always say in silicon valley, were getting real in the field. So the things that politicians cared about 20 years ago, ten years after that get written into law and agencies pop up. So was this was this front and center . No. Right now to pick one example so crucial in fake news, when you run annard you have to disclose this the best example. If you run an ad on facebook, you dont. But that is the result of congress and when they lobby extensively to argue they should not have to do disclosure. Then we come out with a new statement saying oh, were so shocked well make these changes. Balboni. But this is rather a clicky app fueled site as much as possible whenever they can and then they this man is breathing hot fire because i will defend congress for a moment. We know that social media and technology moved at lightning light speed. Extraordinari extraordinarily fast and the government moves like dinosaurs but facebook and other social media didnt just advance technology, they have massive lobbying efforts that protected them from regulation moving forward and that is an issue. And also you asked about the president. He doesnt have to just come out and be disparaging of the republican operation that helped him get elected. Obama was using this kind of data too. And i think we shouldnt forget that. That the world has has changed we were just not up to speed. And now i think there is a reckoning and i think its high time that we have this. And i think its great that three committees on the hill are wanting to talk to mr. Zuckerberg. I just want to be clear. When you hear a headline about Mark Zuckerberg not testifying, that is as big an indictment of facebook as it is the u. S. Congress because the u. S. Congress can you subpoena him . You can. And im saying the u. S. Congress, after everything that happened in the elections, was fine taking only the lawyers for these companies. No disrespect to lawyers. I love lawyers. But if you want to talk about policy and corporate responsibility, you need the ceos there. These are the same ceos we talked about it earlier. Whlt financial crisis happened, the bank ceos with the tails between their legs shrinked down to washington. Its not only zuckerberg. These ceos give a lot of money to both parties. So, during a wide ranging probe over this whole year, the Congress Never got around to making ceos show up. Mark zuckerbergs comment was he went farther thant he wanted to. There will be incredible pressure building with senator warner a warn warner they dont have a true understanding of what facebook does with your data. Again, you said it earlier. Were the product, were not the customer. The customer are those advertisers. And when they see theyre not media companies, baloney, the media dollars that facebook is going after are the same media dollars that nbc is going after. Its the same thing. Thats right. But you see, Mark Zuckerberg is not sitting down, he is not saying, okay, like the ceos of the big banks, im going to take responsibility for everything that has happened over the last few years. It speaks to this adolescent nature of silicon valley, i think. I think youve got a lot of Young Companies and they think its the wild west and they can do whatever they want and there are no consequence. Baloney. If you were young enough to become one of the rich est guys in the world, then youre old enough to be accountable for your actions. I want to bring in someone from my own team, ben here to talk more about facebook all the data we have, and do we even realize when we go on these social media sites and you know, its not super tech nerds using social media. Its people like our moms who are up there, you know, chitchatting a sway. Looking at pictures. All kinds of nerds. She doesnt use the facebook. We can all be nerds. Our grandma can be a nerd because shes looking at our photos of our kids and seeing what our coworker thinks of his new sandwich. But we didnt realize these were trojan horses, the sharing, these apps, into giving up our data. So, we want to talk about ways you can in four clicks, you can retake control of your data and take it off the platform. Absolutely. Basically you can go to the settings on your facebook page. We could step through it at home on your phone. Go to the apps in the menu, and then you go to apps websites plugins and you hit edit. And then you hit disable platform. How laborious is this . Four click s to get to the center of the data lollipop and this will remove your data off of the streaming service. The api which is what the developers and marketers and i guess Steve Bannons former from a perspective of what facebook claims to be, ari melber, could one make the legal argument, seems awfully deceptive when people log on, they want to show pictures of their kids and their kittens, and in order to unwind from giving all of your personal data that then gets profiled and sold, laborious is a nice word for it. Laborious lollipop is something i took away from bens presentation. The background shows just how hard it is. Heres what happened this week, okay. Cambridge analytica has been working with facebook for years. They scraped all this information, they used it, people knew about it, people did it, it happened on facebook. Its not like it happened in some back alley and they dont have the footage. They worked with the Trump Campaign. That happened. That went on for years. What changed is they got busted, okay. This is old stuff that is only new because they got busted. Why did they get busted . Because Alexander Knicks who is ceo of cambridge who meets with trump personally, tie today bannon, says on video, we can entrap politicians with fake bribes and fake sexual situations and we can expose them on video and trick them and manipulate the world. The only irony on that is he was hoisted on his own digital he hasnt been fired. Hes been suspended, whatever that means by cambridge. Youre right the president was silent, facebook was silent. They now say they are taking action this weekend against cambridge, not because of what they found, not because of an internal audit but because it was in the paper, because its on tv. Everyone who watches msnbc who are pretty sophisticated news viewers knows when you go off tv, out of the news, somebody elses turn, they go back to business as usual. Im having a hard time hearing ari. I have to bring in former democratic senator evan bai, cochair of the political reform group, no labels. A former member of the Senate Intel Committee. Okay, you have to walk us through this. What would you be asking facebook if you were still in congress and why dont they just subpoena Mark Zuckerberg . Enough come on down . I think that may very well happen ultimately, stephanie. I think youre going to get not only committees of congress involved senator warren was mentioned, a couple others. Attorney general, the ftc will be looking into this, and i think it raises the big Public Policy questions, number one, just how valuable to the American People is our privacy. Youre tends to take a somewhat different approach than we do, giving people more control over their personal data, over their personal profiles in the internet. Is that something that we want to do . If we want to do that, then who do you trust to police this . Do you trust the political process or do you trust the private sector . Up until now as youve been mentioning, its been the wild west. The private sector, as your guest talked about, we have to go through steps to opt out. It should be up to the company to have their customers opt in than go through all those steps. What facebook will finally conclude, probably mr. Zuckerberg as well, it is difficult to be in the Large Business in the United States touching upon hundreds of millions of peoples lives on a daily basis and not be subject to the democratic process. Sheryl sandberg put out a statement, i want to share a piece of it, shes sharing marks post addressing the Cambridge Analytica news. We know this is a major violation of Peoples Trust and i deeply regret we didnt do enough to deal with it. We have a responsibility to protect your data. And if we cant, we dont deserve to serve you. She goes on to say, you deserve to have your information protected and well keep working to make sure you feel safe on facebook. Evan, at the end of the day, for the consumers out there, who do they rely on to be protected . Is it Corporate America, who we know they care about their shareholders, employees and customers. Or is it the government that we rely on to protect us . Unfortunately, stephanie, both large Corporate America and the government today are held in fairly low repute by the american public. So, my guess is most people would say, a, my privacy is pretty important to me. I want to protect it. Im going to ask the government to play a role, but there should be checks and balances and oversight to make sure the government itself can be trusted. So, you entrust some things to the private sector, but with government oversight weve gone through this, ive listened to the conversation. You put your finger right on it. Innovation moves at the speed of light. The government moves much more slowly. Weve gone through this repeatedly in our country. Ultimately the government catches up with some sort of regulatory structure to protect the core interest of the american public. I think that is whats going to happen here as well. Heres the thing, evan. Were all kind of sloppy, were all kind of lazy. We all voluntarily give our information to social media websites and retail websites every single day, and we know that its a risk. But we dont realize how big of a risk it is because we continue to do it. Well, therein lies i think maybe one of your other guests mentioned, what is the term, informed consent mean . We get these documents in the financial arena that are 50 pages long, filled with so much fine print. Is it really reasonable in the real world to expect the average american to read through that and understand what theyre signing away. Probably not. So, you have to come up with a different construct in this highly technical rapidly evolving area. Is it really most americans have the ability to make informed choices. If they dont, thats where government oversight has an Important Role to play a. They certainly a time for government oversite. It is time for a facebook that has millions upon millions of users and they have to win back some trust. Evan bai, thank you so much. Anna schecter, ben pop kin, ari melber who has now left us. I am dying to take a break because i have got to see where Facebook Stock is. Remember weve been talking all week long what a huge loss this has been for shareholders, Mark Zuckerberg. Clearly they are taking a hit today. That is going to wrap us up for this hour. Im Stephanie Ruhle sitting in for my dear friend and partner ali velshi. I hand you off to deadline white house which starts right now. Hello, everyone. It is 4 00 in a snowy new york city. Im john heilman. I am here for nicolle wallace. Brace yourself. President of the United States is acting like a cornered animal, lashing out in whatever way he can. That is according to former cia director john brennan, a career intelligence official who served 25 years in both republican and democratic administrations. His warning coming amid rising alarm over Donald Trumps erratic behavior rattling National Security officials inside the white house and outside. One of those officials must have been the person who leaked these stunning details about

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