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That is our show for today. Hi to the kendrick clan in south carolina. At the family barbecue. Sorry i couldnt be here. Thats it for am joy. Richard lui has the latest. Also, the kendrick clan jonathan. Youll invite me one day. Youd love it down there. Thank you, jonathan. Im richard lui in for alex witt on this saturday. Heres what were watching, charlottesville, one year later, the president tweeting the city under lock down. And new protests planned. What changed since those clashes. Today, the citys mayor weighs in on that. And the white house is firing back over omarosa, her latest book. The moment were living in is grave. The Democratic Party must be a party that Fights Fire With fire. We will make America Decent again. Stormy daniels attorney right there on why he is explores a 2020 president ial run. A stolen plane chased by Military Jets and then crashes into a small island. What the pilot told the Control Tower during that flight. Well start this hour with Breaking News. Republican congressman Chris Collins who is charged with Insider Trading taking a dramatic step society, suspended his reelection bid. S ins White House Correspondent Kelly Oconnell is there with more. Kelly, what do you know . Of course, Chris Collins was the first member of congress to endorse candidate trump. Its sending repercussions throughout the Republican Party. Collins maintains hes not guilty of the Insider Trading charges but has assessed his charges and the wider map of what republicans are facing with the election for members of congress just a couple of months away. So by suspending his campaign, he is stepping out of the way. And that will trigger a flurry of activity among republicans in new york 27 which stretches from buffalo to rochester, to give you an idea of where thats located, to try to find the right candidate to put on the ballot. This is a district that President Trump won quite easily. So, this was a prime opportunity, for democrats, had call difference chosen to stay on the ballot, there could have been the kind of nationalization of that race to bring in lots of money and resources to help the democrat. And if that were to happen, of course, we know the margin democrats are looking for it. It looks like its within reach. A double of dozen seats. And theyve got targets around the country and this one suddenly became a prime opportunity once the indictment happened on wednesday. To give you a sense of this, collins who initially said he would continue on has had time to reflect with his party. He said in part, democrats are laser focused on taking back the house, electing nancy pelosi speaker and then launching Impeachment Proceeding against President Trump. After extensive discussions with my family and my friends over the last few days, i have decided it is within the best interests of the Constitt Wents of new york 27, the Republican Party and President Trumps agenda for me to suspend my campaign for reelection to congress. He does intend to stay in congress for a while, not resigning his seat. But this sets off a scramble for republicans on what could be complicated this close to the election to remove the name from the ballot and get a new nominee on there. Richard. Thank you so much, Kelly Oconnell with the latest on that breaking. Lets bring in the White House Correspondent for the washington examiner. Around josh barrett, an msnbc contributor. Josh, why now . Why the change and what does this mean for the midterms and for the president . Well, i think it may be Reality Setting in. The terms of this indictment for Insider Trading are just amazing and how brazen what representative collins is accused of doing is. I mean, literally being there on the white house lawn and calling his son, when the stalk is about to fall 90 when they learned the one drug they made is not going to be approved for use. So it sort of reads like an open and shut case. Its going to be very difficult for republicans to defend him. And really, hed gotten little from the party. After shock, i think its clear to him and i suspect he got some nudging from top leaders in the party trying to push him out of here. While this district is a strongly republican district, its not impossible for democrats. Collins had just gotten reelected. Democrats have a serious candidate in this district, theyre looking at this thinking they could beat collins because its not that republican. It would be easy for a candidate not under indictment. The process of replacing a candidate in new york is especially byzantine and weird. And the ridiculous things you have to do to get off the ballot in new york. Theyre going to have to figure out howf they want to replace him how to get off the ballot. Old days of 20 or 30 points in a president ial election, you never know. Gabby, reflect on that, why now . And what does it mean for the republicans and the president . Hes liking facing pressure from the chairman of the National Congressional committee who came out today and said he was pleased with this decision to suspend his reelection bid. Obviously, republicans are battling an uphill bill to keep their House Majority in november. And this is just one more Potential Race that could go for democrats if he had remained in. His opponent, Nate Mcmurray has already seen a surge in support since this indictment was first released. I think theyre scrambling to find a have a yav viable candid replace collins who can carry that district and not give one more seat to democrats to take over the house. Gabby, josh, starting off the sprint with us. Thank you so much with that Breaking News on Chris Collins. Well be talking to you in a bit. Also, were watching this hour for, charlottesville, on lockdown, Security Preparations underway, many in place ahead of tomorrow that will mark one year since that tragic event was spurred by the white nationalists rally there. Meanwhile, a short time ago, President Trump did tweet about the deadly violence of a year ago. For more on this, nbcs kyle perry in charlottesville. Rena shaw, and atima omara. And well go to you first. Yesterday, we saw the flashing lights, the cordon. You are saying its very high in terms of security. What are you seeing now . Reporter yeah, maybe over the top, but over the top by design. You can hear the helicopter ahead of me. This is one of the check points behind me, that you have to cross. When i say unprecedented overthestop securiover overthetop security, when you go down the road, you can see the statue of lee that sparked so much a year ago. Police are telling people they do not want people to calm to charlottesville. Theres a list banned, things included like bear spray. Hairspray. It does not include guns. Go ahead and look at the shift change. A lot of people are concerned that this open carry law in virginia is going to cause people and allow people to show their rights to second amendment. That could cause problems. The bottom line here, though, there is such a mass itcive presence. As you said, the president did tweet about the events of last year. Probably and what happens the criticism that youll hear is that he was making up for a lack of making a strong statement about what happened here. Weve got it up on the screen now. It will be interesting to see not only how things play out here, richard, as you know, the permits were rejected in charlottesville. They were granted in washington, d. C. Probably all eyes will move north, richard. Cal perry, thank you. Eddie, start this off for us, were watching the pictures together today. It seems calm. Hundreds of officers are there as cal perry was telling us, what is the worst and best outcome and the president addressing the tension of a year ago . The worst outcome would be violence and the loss of life of heather heyer, we want to mention her name. The white nationalists gathering in d. C. And threatening charlottesville, Shethese Folkse just an exaggerated version of what we are in the nation. Before we single themselves out as villains and find how do we make this possible we will find ourselves on the Hamster Wheel. Atima, i want to play for you countries. Is pretty much in mind with whole he is and making up for a halfhearted Tweet Of Last Year isnt going to make up for it. Coincidentally, from spike lee, blackkklansman is opening up. Let me tell you what he said. He hasnt said anything about the oneyear anniversary. Right. He hasnt said anything about heather heyer, who lost her life. So, its another example of who this guy is. I mean, its not even for debate anymore. We know who this guy is. So, we do know, we have the tweet from the president , looking one year on. Is that enough, do you think, for those on the Hamster Wheel as our good friend eddie was describing it as . Absolutely, one tweet is not enough. Spike couldnt be more right. Alex Witt hosts coverage of national and international news, including breaking stories. Express clear support for that thing. I think were at a time where honest open conversation from this president and the comfort hes giving to bigots, we need to talk about that clearly and often. Eddie, i want to watch what Laura Ingraham was saying sthis country isnt what it was because of immigrants. And all that students and spies. It adds on and adds on. Interesting thing, he comments about the nfl, players exercising their Constitutional Rights but he says nothing about the white nationals coming to washington, d. C. What Laura Ingraham said actually echoes what trump said in europe. Theyre exactly the same. Whats driving this is the democratic shouft iic shifts. More importantly in 2008 for the first time in the history. Country, our president was elected without the majority of white people voting for him. And it fueled, it set off the fire. And ever since then, we have been grappling with this fact that there is a segment of this country who cannot accept that this is no longer a white nation in old europe, right . What you get is this emboldened or loud bigot, or loud racist, combined with the liberals. Combine that with the conventionalism of american capitalism where people are busting their behinds. And trump sits right in the sweet spot. And were focusing on the loud bigots but we dont understand the transformational changes happening underneath thats driving all of this. Trying to understand two simultaneous phenomenons in front of us. Right in front of us. The stolen plane and the fiery crash that enenshsued fro this. What the pilot told the Control Tower until his last moment. Next. But so began the year of me. I discovered the true meaning of paperless discounts. And the indescribable rush of saving drivers an average of 620. Why does fear feel so good . I fell in love three times once with a woman, once with a country, and finally. With myself. So, do you have anything to declare or not . Isnt that what im doing . Im ray and i quit smoking with chantix. I tried cold turkey, i tried the patch. They didnt work for me. I didnt think anything was going to work for me until i tried chantix. Chantix, along with support, helps you quit smoking. Chantix reduced my urge to smoke. I needed that to quit. When you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Some people had changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, agitation, depressed mood, or suicidal thoughts or actions with chantix. Serious side effects may include seizures, new or worse heart or blood vessel problems, sleepwalking or allergic and skin reactions which can be lifethreatening. Stop chantix and get help right away if you have any of these. Tell your Healthcare Provider if youve had depression or other Mental Health problems. Decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. Use caution when driving or operating machinery. The most common side effect is nausea. I cant tell you how good it feels to have smoking behind me. Talk to your doctor about chantix. Stolen last night by a ground agent employed by horizon air. That plane was followed for an hour and then it crashed exploding into flames. In this Amateur Video appears that the male suspect was performing stunts before the crash. Authorities have not identifiyi the Horizon Employee by name but say hes a 29yearold from washington now presumed to be dead. And you can hear exchanges between the suspect and the air crash, just before the crash, take a listen. Ive got a lot of people that care about me. And its going to disappointment them to hear that i did this. Like to apologize to each and every one of them. Just a broken guy. Got a few screws loose, i guess. Never really knew it until now. Okay. Lets go to our msnbc aviation expert john cox. John, that audio by itself we could talk about for quite some time. But i want to start with, first, what probably most americans are asking, how is it for a grounds person get access to a plane and do what appeared here, that is, take off and get clearance to fly around . Well, its this is a really unusual case. As an Airline Employee with the proper credentials. Hes been background checked. Hes been vetted. Walking on and off an airplane is something thats done routinely. Its done for maintenance. Its done for catering. There are a lot of people that move off and on planes while theyre sitting on the ground overnight. So, he would have access as an employee. What exactly went on here, i think were going to have to wait for the investigation to unfold to learn what really happen. Well, you might let folks in, but to give him the key to the cars. Is it secured . You have to have a key to turn it on . Well, there is a requirement for the cockpit door being locked. But there is a presis sequence of events that has to go on to get those engines to start. Its not like your car where you can just plug a key into it, turn it and it starts. Right. Turban engines require a given sequence. Its unclear how he knew how to do that. Its a turboprop. So you have to adjust the propellers. And then, once you have it running, to be able to taxi the airplane. It doesnt drive like a car. So, all of this was a surprise. He had evidently planned this for quite some time. And where he got the information is one of the questions the investigators are going to ask. How many buttons, would you say . Obviously, we dont know exactly, is it a tenstep process before he can get this plane up in the air . Its more than ten steps to get it airborne. Its probably about ten to get the engines running. Uhhuh. If you know exactly what youre doing. And thats the whole key, knowing the sequence of switches and lever movements that have to occur. Once you get that, then the engines are running. How do you get out to the runway. How well do you know what the taxiways are. And there was a lot of confusion with the air Traffic Control tower that the airplane wasnt moving it wasnt talking to the tower. The air Traffic Control did a fantastic job. Really threading the needle, the suspect did, getting it all right, getting it fast enough to get in the air. Was he doing tricks or was it more he doesnt know how to flied plane . No, some of this was a controlled maneuver. I saw some of the video, its a loop. And i also saw one thats an arun roll. Those are precisely flown maneuvers. He mentions that hes flown a lot of video games. And i suspect he used that as the means to do these aerobatic maneuvers. So, he clearly he had had some practice in some capacity before he got in the airplane. John, what a story. John cox, msnbc aviation analyst. Thank you, sir. Well talk to you later. Now, back to politics, the president s personal attorneys, rudy giuliani, jay sekulow, leveling new criticisms. And they can doing it as guest hosts of Sean Hannitys show. The pair during that radio show laid out examples of why they believe an interview with mueller might turn into a perjury trap. Flynn is the example. No crime. If it has been said, the president says, go easy on him. Which the president says he didnt say stop it dont do it. So, no crime. However, It Didnt Take place, according to the president. According to comey it did. Of course, if it did, it wouldnt have mattered. But youre right, if theres two different recollections of a meaning now you have a perjury situation. Correct. Josh barro, gabby morganello. Josh, its different to hear lawyers for the president take on a radio show. Number two, josh, what do you continue to argue about collusion here . If it doesnt exist still, and still its not a crime. Yeah, first, for them guesthosting this television show, i think you have to look at the president s legal strategy being in two parts. Theres a legal strategy and theres a pr strategy. The Department Of Justice says you cant indict a sitting president. Its clear that it wont happen, the Justice Department wont do it even if they had the congressional power to. So the president is not ultimately going to be put on trial for any of this stuff under any circumstance, accept, conceivably after he left office. So, really, the only thing he has to worry about is a political argument. Whether congress will continue to impeach him, if theres a democratic majority. And the key part of his lawyers job is to do public relations. Thats not totally unprecedented. You can remember during the Monica Lewinsky Sag Gashgs You had lenny davis constantly on television for the president. That is part of the lawyers job. There was no collusion, even if there was collusion there was no crime. Its called argument alternative. Basically you put out theories, any one will establish your clients innocence. And can be contradictory, like i wasnt there, and the thing i did while i wasnt there is illegal. The problem is, usually one use is more convincing than two excuses. As a pr message thats pretty muddled. Under no circumstances no matter what you thought happened the president didnt commit a crime. And given that platform on the sean hannity show. Gabby, what did you learn over that hosting over the hours, anything new . It was shocking to see two of the president s lawyers in a very serious case taking on a threehour radio program. Jay sekulow hosts his own program weekly. But to be using the platform of a Fox News Radio Host is kind of remarkable and really does go to talk to and speak to how this relationship between the president and fox news really is so cozy at times. But in terms of the substance of that threehour program, i think its very similar to what weve heard already from the president s legal team. That they dont believe that the president committed any crime. That theres also Justice Department guidance. And article two of the constitution they argue that it prevents investigators from interrogating a sitting president of the United States. And the president would have to do that voluntarily. And they said again theyre advising the president against sitting down with Robert Mueller and his team. And thats consistent that the president did want to have input as part of his investigation and thats certainly something that his legal team is concerned about. Its got to be that the lawyers from his point have got to get on to the next chapter. Josh, gabby, thanks for givings your perspective. Have a good weekend. You too. Thank you. He says he wants to make United States decent again. What Michael Avenatti is saying about his run for president. vo love. I got it. I gotcha baby. vo its being there when youre needed most. Hes the one. vo love is knowing. It was meant to be. And love always keeps you safe. vo love is why we built a car you can trust for a long time. The allnew Subaru Impreza sedan and fivedoor. A car you can love no matter what road youre on. The Subaru Impreza. More than a car, its a subaru. Right now, get 0 Apr Financing on the 2018 Subaru Impreza. Ancestrydna can open you to a world of new cultures to explore. With two times more detail than any other dna test. 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Congressman that was you, what do you think has changed . And what do you think will change in the coming year . Well, i hope well be able to come together as a nation and really push back against all of the hate that weve seen sort of explode over the National Scene over the past year. Theres no doubt that this countrys had a race problem for any number of years, but we were making progress. And those folks were being pushed back to the shadows that have so much hate. Now, theyve come around. And its up to us, those of us who dont believe in that, those of us who believe in the United States of america, a more perfect union, if you will. To push back in the shadows and continue to make the progress that we continue to make. Representative, i want to play you sound here and then get your reaction. Were closely following the terrible events unfolds in charlottesville, virginia. We condemn in strongest possible terms this egregious disdelay of bigotry and violence on many sides. On many sides. You had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group excuse me, excuse me, i saw the sa same pictures as you did. And you have to stand proudly for the national anthem. Or you shouldnt be playing. You shouldnt be there. Maybe you shouldnt be in the country. I said it the other day, yes, she is a low i. Q. Individual, maxine waters. I said it the other day. We have people trying to come into the country, stopping a lot of them. But were taking people out of the country, you wouldnt believe how bad these people are. These arent people. These are animals. I am, as i say often, i am the least racist person that anybody is going to meet. Earlier today, there was also this here, representative, a tweet from the president about fighting for and securing the lowest africanamerican and hispanic unemployment rates in history. Pushing for prison reform. All of this underlining, representative, what he believes he has done for minority communities. In light of many studies that show Many Americans are worse off when it comes to race relations. What more should this white house do to reverse some of the problems in your first answer . Theres so much that the president needs to do in that regard that i could talk to you an hour about. But among those things is to recognize that folks have a right to protest. And not to pick on Sports Figures like he has like lebron james and nfl players. Not to call people low i. Q. People. Maxine waters is a very intelligent person. And to stop attacking people the way he does from this bully pulpit that would be a start. President obama, when he came to his microphone that he didnt want to make at that stage in his presidency, you remember, he came out and talked about race for america. Would that happen with this president . Should he come out with a keynote speech, a manifesto, if you will, an each on relations in america . No, in my church, we say, wed rather see a sermon than hear a sermon. This president needs to start walking the walk. And start doing things that unify the country. His tweets, his comments. They change like the weather, really. You know, theres a tweet this morning and something later on this evening that directly contradicts it. None of us would be surprised that happendo, phappened. I dont want to hear a sermon, i want to see a sermon. Lets shift to the midterms. The Breaking News with representative Chris Collins now saying hes not going to run again. That therefore opens up for the democrat, this in a space where theres a 24point difference, at least when it came to 2016 and the president ial race. Add to that, when you look at 2018 democrats as nancy pelosi your leader, 51 are against. How is this going to square Going Forward to november . All i can say, im mighty happy with the leadership that nancy pelosi has provided. Shes been very good to me. Emmanuel cleaver, a congressman from missouri, he said if you want rabbit stew, you got to catch the rant firsbbit first. All of us need to be focused on winning the midterms then we can have the conversation on who our leadership should be. Are you saying you do support pelosi as your leader . I think its too early to have this conversation. I want to focus on winning. Again, these been a brilliant leader. Shes been helpful to me. I hope for a very peaceful weekend there in the states of virginia and charlottesville, sir. Thank you for stopping by. Thank you for having me. You betcha. Could Stormy Daniels attorney be the future of Democratic Party . Why he says he might be the right guy and he might run in 2020. By funding scientific breakthroughs, advancing public policy, and providing local support to those living with the disease and their caregivers. But we wont get there without you. Join the fight with the alzheimers association. Need a change of scenery . The Kayak Price Forecast tool tells you whether to wait or book your flight now. So you can be confident youre getting the best price. Giddyup kayak. Search one and done. Michael avenatti, in i, was not holding back last night. The attorney for former porn star Stormy Daniels reignites speculation whether he might run for president in 2020. Atima, your reaction, does commander in chief, when you talk about avenatti there, hes calling on dems advice on Michelle Obamas if they go low, we go high. Im not quite sure, i think what he meant we should fight more aggressively, i think definitely as a party, when it comes to handling this administration and how the Republican Party has definitely fought to undermine, in some cases, functioning democracy in congress. Devin nunes comes to mind after this weeks tape, that we should be focusing. And rina, just what is not working in terms of tone right now . You know, look, if Michael Avenatti wants to throw his hat in the ring, great. I think hes part of the crop of people who thinks if trump can do it, i can, too. He talks about decency. Thats important. Label aside for the moment, people like avenue atti, if the want to come out and mount a challenge to this president which i dont think is going to be hard to do its how you message it out to the masses. Thats great. But im part of the group that doesnt want a quasicollection. Somebody who doesnt seek the lime light to come in and talk about how to repair our democracy. Its in tatters right now. Eddie, weve been watch something of the special elections, hitting harder means working harder, do you think thats a workable violation . Absolutely. Organizing a ground game. Its really important. Having a vision and a set of policies and platforms that actually speaks to the People Living in your district. Being committed and forceful in making the argument for those policies. I think part of whats happened over the last decade or so has been a weaponization of commitment of progressive folks, right . Yeah. If you hit back, oh, youre in contradiction. If you call people out for being who they are, then somehow you have undermined your values, right . If you get in the pig pen with pigs, you get dirty. If you lay down with dogs, you get fleas. What happens at that moment, you find yourself in a box. You cant forcefully argue for the position you want to put forward. We need an aggressive agenda. Youre also talking about being in a box. Ill go to you, atima, we were talking about this in the last segment. This is about nancy pelosi. The yes there, yes or no, nancy pelosi, should she be speaker of the house if democrats regain vole in november . And how should democrats handle nancy pelosi now . You had on congressman don mceachin. A congressman from an area where i grew up in virginia. For him, he has to understand, obviously, the politics of where he is on that in the district. But, you know, what i will say about whats happening with some of the 52 democrats that are running right now is that theyre very theres a generational Leadership Shift i think thats happening. Pelosi has been in charge since 2003, as leader. And then obviously, becoming speaker. Most companies dont have someone who serves that long. Football teams dont have coaches that serve that long. House republicans, i believe, the senate certainly, House Republicans have term limits. Theyve hadal three new leaders in the time frame since she has been leader of the caucus. Most everyone in the caucus whos in leadership is over the age eveof 70. So, im hearing members not members, but candidates who are running who are millennials. Who are genxers, who are interested in stepping up and leading. And trying a new way of doing things for the Democratic Party. I think that leader pelosi has been a great leader for our times. But i do think that theres interest in a generational shift that has certainly taken on a new shape after the 2016 elections. Here, well take a shift to the break. Atima omara. Rina shaw. Thank you. The team and Robert Mueller the latest developments there in efforts to get the president to sit down with special counsel. Like those who like. Sweet. Those who prefer heat. And those who just love meat. For those in school. Out of school. And old school. Those who like their sandwich with pop. And those who like it with soda. For the star of the scene. Cut and the guys behind it. Oscar mayer deli fresh. A fresh way to deli. Sweet terms with the president s potential interview with Robert Mueller. The Washington Post reports after response, significantly lessens the possibility of a voluntary president ial interview, according to two people familiar with the discussions. Joining me now is the author of that article. Carol leone. Reporter for the Washington Post and msnbc contributor. Carol, thank you for joining us. What more did you learn about the response from the president of the president s legal team . What we learned this was a very long response, to the special counsels office, explaining where weve been for the last eight months in late december, Robert Mueller told trumps lawyers he was really interested in interviewing the president , as he completed his investigation. And what exactly are they saying is offlimits in this response for a potential president ial interview, at least in this latest stance . They dont want the president to have to answer any questions about obstruction. While theres been a lot of hemming and hawing back and forth about the muellers need to interview the president about actions he took as president. Actions like firing jim comey. Actions like telling jim comey privately, that he wanted him to let go of the flynn investigation. The investigation of his National Security adviser. Theres been a lot of hemming and hawing about mueller saying he needs it. Trumps team saying theyre worried it would be a perjury trap. In this letter, finally and firmly, the team says theres no need for mueller to ask those questions and its constitutional inappropriate. So this is off the docket. Is that on the docket . And that, i mean, by questions of other issues such as collusion . Is that okay what theyre saying, they have some willingness there . They have some willingness. It doesnt say, yes, we will do it. It says our door is open to other questions of which we have to make a determination if theyre appropriate. And they have said they dont believe theres any collusion, so its not so worrisome for them to ask those questions. What rudy giuliani, the trumps lead lawyer and jay sekulow, his other lawyer, have said to me, is that theyre worried that especially mueller will credit the account of jim comey, over the account of trump. And if thats the case, they believe that trump would be walking into accusations of perjury by saying he doesnt remember the things that jim comey does. Quick, do you think theyre going to send another counter . Its possible. The three options are significant. One is mueller says, forget this and subpoenas the president , that would involve a lengthy legal fight, all the way to the supreme court, likely, since is this not settled law. Another option is for mueller to say, okay, i got your long letter. Heres what i propose. Third option is, mueller says, no thanks, im going to write my report. I dont agree to your terms ill just proceed. Right. Trump team, i will tell you, is definitely of the view this is sort of their last word. Theres very little more theyre going to acquiesce to or consider. Carol leonnig, National Reporter for the Washington Post. Thanks for joining us. Change of heart, republican congressman Chris Collins making a dramatic move. Alright guys lets go lets do this directions to the Greek Theater beep can i get a connection . Can i get can i get a connection . Can i get a connection

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