Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live Decision 2020 20200708 : c

Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live Decision 2020 20200708

cases, and more than 130,000 deaths. testing capacity is strained in the hardest hit areas of the country, where hospital beds and medical equipment are also in short supply. in other words, it's deja vu all over again. but president trump is offering a very different message. he's clashing with his leading experts, openly dismissing dr. anthony fauci and his own cdc. and most importantly, he refuses to do anything meaningful to rein this virus in and save american lives. given all of that, if you are a parent, how comfortable do you feel sending your kids back to school during this pandemic? according to this administration, it doesn't matter how you feel. they made the choice for you and your school district. as the virus rages out of control, they're saying schools must reopen, period. secretary of education betsy devos made that clear today, but left it to the schools themselves to figure out how to reopen safely. >> ultimately, it's not a matter of if schools should reopen, but simply a matter of how. they must fully open and they must be fully operational. and how that happens is best left to education and community leaders. >> well, that comes after president trump vowed yesterday to put political pressure on states to reopen their schools. and today, he promised to cut funding to those that don't. but by strong arming school districts, they are openly challenging the cdc's own guidelines for opening schools safely and president trump tweeted this morning that he disagrees with the cdc on the very tough and expensive guidelines for reopening schools. so in effect, the white house has pressured the cdc, a scientific institution, to bend their political -- to their political demand by relaxing guidelines on school safety. i'm going to speak to former texas congressman beto o'rourke, but first, i'm joined by dr. lina wen, public health professor at george washington university. dr. wen, as somebody who sent all of my three kids to public school, it alarms me and everyone that i know that has school-aged kids is scared to have their kids go back to school. i want to let you listen to more to what betsy devos had to say -- no, let me go forward to that, let's go to dr. fauci. this is dr. fauci talking about the surging cases after reopening. this is from a "wall street journal" podcast today. >> think about a state like florida, which has an out of control surge of covid-19 or texas or arizona. if you were a parent in those states, would you feel safe sending your kids to school? >> no, absolutely not. in many parts of these states, you have an infection rate of about 1 in 100. so if you have a school of a thousand people, that means that on day one walking in, you're going to have ten people who have covid-19 and unknowingly spreading it to others. that school is going to have to shut down pretty cosoon after reopening. our goal should be to have in-person instruction as soon as we can, but it doesn't make sense to set a goal unless you're willing to do the hard work and make the commitment to meeting that goal. and the single most important thing that we could be going right now is to reduce and suppress the level of covid-19 in the communities so we can reopen safely in the fall, otherwise, we are jeopardizing the health and well-being of our students, our teachers, many of whom are older, and their family and members of the community, too. >> it's not just students in school, there's also the workers in the cafeteria, the janitors, all sorts of people subject to infection. what does it say to you that the prime minister of canada won't come here? there was a whole signing ceremony for president trump's slight rewrite of nafta where he added paragraphs or something. and the mexican president came, but the canadian prime minister said he's not coming, and it was revealed they said it was scheduled, they said no, it's because the u.s. has not handled the pandemic properly. if the leader of a foreign country, if the leader of canada is not safe in the united states, or doesn't feel safe in the united states, it's hard for me to understand how a little kid should feel safe in an elementary school sitting so close right next to their peers and their classmates. >> i mean, by now it's plain for everyone to see around the world that the u.s. is the weakest link, that we have really failed in our response to covid-19. whereas other countries have not only bent the curve but crushed the curve. we haven't done that. we gave up. and we said okay, we're just going to live with a high level of suffering and death. and i think the best that we can hope for is a slow burn of the number of infections just being as a relatively lower level. but right now what we're having is forest fires that are happening in multiple parts of the country. and so i think states have very difficult decisions that they must face right now, which is what is the goal here? there are more than 40 states seeing a number in the rise of infections, which means they don't meet the white house's own criteria of reopening schools. so if the goal is reopening schools in the fall, are we willing to shut down indoor gatherings, bars, restaurants, nightclubs for the summer, to allow for schools to have a chance to reopen in the fool sh >> that would be rational thinking. dr. wen, thank you for being here. today, health officials in texas announced 98 coronavirus deaths. yesterday for the first time, texas reported more than 10,000 new cases. also a record. the mayors of auszetin, san antonio and houston warned their hospitals could be overwhelmed. and the austin convention center is being prepped for a hospital. last week, the governor, one of the first governors to roll back stay at home orders, reversed course and reinstated restrictions on bars and restaurants and issued a mask mandate. i'm joined by former congressman beto o'rourke, who called for abbott's resignation. congressman, this is a tough one. because you have kids that are baby faced as mine are, they are 9 and 13. do you feel safe as a parent sending your children to school in the fall? >> i don't. and it's interesting, amy, my wife and i, have been talking about this issue this week, because we just got a letter from the el passo independent school district. all three of our kids are going to public schools next year in the 8th, 7th, and 4th grades. we were given a choice by the district, either we do a hybrid of in-person schooling and distance learning from home or 100% virtual distance learning. that second option looks like the one we're going to choose, because as you just reported, covid spread is out of control in the state of texas. every number that you just mentioned for our state, the number of deaths, the number of hospitalizations, which are near 10,000, hospital capacity now at 100% in some areas, over 100% in the rio grand valley, with no plan to test, to contact trace, to isolate, or to get through and out of this, it would be irresponsible for us to send our kids to school. as dr. wen pointed out, it's not just the kids, it is the custodians, the cafeteria workers, the teachers, support staff, everyone, and we've got to be worried about and concerned for everyone right now. so this is out of control in texas. until we get it under control, we've got to stay at home. and one thing that i think we need to stress, the governor, though he has mandated a mandatory mask order in texas and though he's closed bars, restaurants are still open. businesses are still open. county judges and mayors are not allowed to issue stay at home orders in their communities, in those same community where is they have run out of icu beds. that's one important step that the governor can take right away to improve things markedly. >> i want to let you listen to betsy devos. just as a parent,'mery curious to hear your reaction and this is -- actually, i'm going to read it to you. syevos about acce accepting the risk to going back to schools. e risk to going back to schools >> what do you make of the secretary of education likening little kids like yours, that they should take the same kind of risk that astronauts take, who risk death to go to the moon? >> these are the same people who want us to accept that more people, including more children, will die of gun violence this year in america than in any other developed country bar none. it's just the price of quote unquote freedom in this country. and in some ways they've almost won that fight. if you look at the gun laws that are on the books and the gun laws that should be on the books and aren't in this country, in some way we have tacitly accepted this historic, tragic level of gun violence in america. that continues to rise. we saw that just over the weekend in many american cities. it's that same kind of death cult mentality that asks us to accept one quarter, 25% of the world's covid cases, one quarter, 25% of the world's covid deaths, though we represent only 4% of the globe's population. that is absolutely unacceptable. and everything you just read from her is absolutely ridiculous and on its face stupid. we should be outraged and angered and demanding more from our leaders. that's why i took the step of asking governor abbott to resign. he's clearly not up to this moment, and does not have the well-being and the safety of our families and our kids and 2900 of our fellow texans are now dead because of his incompetence. this was preventable, but when he denied the science, the truth, the facts, the cdc guidelines that you've been pointing to, it was totally predictable. yet he has still failed to reverse course and begin to shut some parts of the state down to save lives. betsy devos is in that same vein. >> you've been so vocal on issues of this multicultural state you live in and defending the value of it. part of the core of trumpism is anti-immigrant sentiment, drive out non-white immigrants. harvard university has decided it's not safe enough to have $50,000 due wish a year students to come back, they're going to learn distance learning, and they're not going refund anybody. and you have the department of homeland security and i.c.e. telling international students that if their schools don't open for physical learning, for in-person learning, they have to leave the country. let's see if we can play this from the acting homeland security director defending that. >> so you're basically forcing universities to reopen, even if they have personally determined that they should. be doing that for public health reasons? >> we're not forcing universities to reopen. however, if a university, let's just take your version of it, if they don't reopen this semester, there isn't a reason for a person holding a student visa to be present in the country. they should go home, and then return when the school opens. >> what is that? do you understand that? >> i do, and i think you hit the nail on the head when you introduced it. this is part and parcel of the trump administration's war on imgrai immigra immigrants, and their animus against anyone that doesn't look like them in this country. in the university of el paso, you have around 6,000 students who are mexican stanationals, w we recruited to come to utep, because it would be fantastic for our community, our state, our country. utep graduates more latino and latino engineers than any institution in the country. we want them to stay here and add to the intellectual capital of our communities and country. but this is also part of something much more pernicious. you have these migrant camps, as they have now through executive order turned away every single human being seeking asylum and refuge in this country, including thousands of kids. you probably saw the order that came from a judge in san diego within the last couple of weeks mandating that i.c.e. release families who have been detained for months right now, no later than next friday. you have the trump administration trying to challenge that. their cruelty towards immigrants and asylum seekers, especially children, knows no bounds. >> yeah, it is something to behold. wait till they find out that international students pay full fare and they're propping up a lot of universities with their money. beto o'rourke, appreciate it. >> >> coming up, a new projection shows joe biden with enough electoral votes to win the presidency. and millions meant to help small businesses survive. instead they went to family businesses of people like mitch mcconnell, jared kushner and kanye west. and speaker nancy pelosi joins me to discuss trump's lack of leadership on the coronavirus. so much more to get to tonight. stay with us. t to tonight stay with us giveness allstate won't raise your rates just because of an accident. cut! is that good? 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[camera man] actually anyone 50 or over is at increased risk for shingles. the pain, the burning! my husband had to do everything for weeks. and the thing is, there's nothing you can do about it! [camera man] well, shingles can be prevented. shingles can be whaaat? [camera man] prevented. you can get vaccinated. frank! they have shingles vaccines! -whaaat? -that's what i said. we're taking you to the doctor. not going through that again. [camera man] you can also get it from your pharmacist! talk to your doctor or pharmacist about getting vaccinated. talk to your doctor or pharmacist iredefined the wordng th'school' this year. it's why, at xfinity, we're committed to helping kids keep learning through the summer. and help college students studying at home stay connected through our university program. we're providing affordable internet access to low income families through our internet essentials program. and this summer, xfinity is creating a virtual summer camp for kids at home- all on xfinity x1. we're committed to helping all families stay connected. learn more at welcome back. well, bad news for the trump campaign today, with joe biden getting a majority of the electoral college ratings. biden can win 279 electoral votes. that's nine more than the 270 needed to win the presidency. the states that are solid only give trump 188 electoral votes, which means he has to win every toss-up state, arizona, florida, georgia, and north carolina, plus 11 electoral votes from states the report currently has leaning democratic, such as pennsylvania or michigan. i'm joined by cornell belcher, and former florida republican congressman carlos carvelo. part of the season joe biden is in a good place, first of all, he's not a woman. second of all, he is -- he's not a woman seeking power. this is america. but also he doesn't have the head winds hillary faced with some voters who just had something in their spirit against hillary clinton. and i mean voters on the left. here is a "new york times" poll that talks about biden's support among bernie sanders and elizabeth warren support ersz. this is interesting. supporters of bernie sanders, 80% say they'll vote for joe biden, 4% say trump. elizabeth warren's supporters, 96% will vote for biden, not a single one will vote for trump. that's very different from bernie sanders' supporters in 2016, 12% of whom voted for trump. so what do you make of that? >> well, first, i don't want to blame hillary's defeat on sanders' supporters. because if you look at -- across the battle ground states, one, trump didn't do that much greatly different than what you saw mitt romney do a couple year before. his margin wasn't that far off in most of these battleground states. so i don't want to blame bernie supporters. the third party vote of many obama voters was very problematic. in hillary's negatives, and look, women do face an uphill battle for power in a way that men don't. but her favorables were far more deep than joe biden's was. joe biden right now at this point has favorable ratings higher than donald trump. at this point in 2016, hillary and donald trump were basically joined in their unfavorable rating. so the dynamics are a little different. but it is good to see that at least the left coalition on the left is co-lessing around biden now. but some of that has to do with the fact that trump is just a flat-out racist now that you can't deny and taken this country in ways that we couldn't have imagined in 2016. >> carlos, let's go over to the republicans. republicans are doing everything they can to attack mail-in voting. that is maybe not a good idea. i remember doing political campaigns in florida. it was republicans who voted by mail, not democrats. now there was a report in "the washington post" that says trump's relentless attacks are driving suspicion of gop voters. >> what will republicans do if the party that votes more by mail decides that voting by mail is fraud? >> joy, you know florida, and that's absolutely right. in florida, it's republicans who, in a way, top their voters to vote by mail, convince a lot of their supporters to vote by mail. it's republicans who off times have a significant vote by mail lead when you start looking at results in florida. and this is akin to shooting yourself in the foot, because now you have a lot of florida republicans, especially seniors who are insecure about voting by mail, they're worried about it, they think their votes may not count because the president has attacked this form of voting relentlessly over the last few months. and if these people, because of their legitimate concerns about covid-19 don't show up to the polls and don't mail in their ballots, that spells disaster for the president's campaign here in florida and for a lot of down ballot republicans who rely on those high quality republican voters that show up election after election. this is a major problem that's brewing for the trump campaign here. >> this is the new lincoln project ad, it's pretty epic. take a look. >> some day soon, a time of trump will pass. this circus of incompetence, corruption, and cruelty will end. when it does, the men and women in trump's republican party will come to you, telling you they can repair the damage he's done. they'll beg you to forget their votes to exonerate trump from his crimes. learn their names. remember their actions. and never, ever trust them again. >> it seems to me if joe biden actually does have legs, you know, across these states, that means that the senate is looking pretty good for the democrats. how do you read it? >> well, two things, one is i'm really jealous of the representative's background. >> i am, too. >> it's real, too. it's not virtual. it's really humid, though. >> and the other part of this is, i'm happy that -- joy, i don't give money to political organizations, i've given money to the lincoln project because of ads like this. it's smart because if you look at job's approval sort of tanking in a lot of these key battleground states, but also expanding into more of these traditional red states, it makes those republican senators, it makes it a lot more difficult to get over top, because in 2018, what we saw is, the republican statewide candidates didn't do much better than what donald trump's job approval was in that state. so all of a sudden, with trump continuing to tank, mitch mcconnell has to get nervous. it's smart what the lincoln project is doing, because now they're beginning to pivot and connect down ballot to trump in a way that i think is going to make a lot of republican senators nervous. >> cornell, you get the last word, because carlos wins room raider, and he wins it in a walk because he's got the most fabulous outdoor room. thank you both for being here. have a great weekend. still ahead, tax payer dollars intended to help small business owners weather this crisis, but guess who it went to? lobbyists and billionaires? where is the oversight? we'll talk about that after this. we'll talk about that afte this now you can trade stocks and etfs for any amount you choose instead of buying by the share. all with no commissions. stocks by the slice from fidelity. get your slice today. stand up to moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. and take. it. on... ...with rinvoq. rinvoq a once-daily pill... ...can dramatically improve symptoms... rinvoq helps tame pain, stiffness, swelling. and for some... rinvoq can even significantly reduce ra fatigue. that's rinvoq relief. with ra, your overactive immune system attacks your joints. rinvoq regulates it to help stop the attack. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious infections and blood clots, sometimes fatal, have occurred... have certain cancers, including lymphoma, and tears in the stomach or intestines, and changes in lab results. your doctor should monitor your bloodwork. tell your doctor about any infections... and if you are or may become pregnant while taking rinvoq. take on ra talk to your rheumatologist about rinvoq relief. rinvoq. make it your mission. if you can't afford your medicine, abbvie may be able to help. if you can't afford your medicine, when your v-neck looks more like a u-neck... that's when you know, it's half-washed. downy helps prevent stretching by conditioning fibers, so clothes look newer, longer. downy and it's done. welcome back. remember how last weekend kanye west set off a frenzy, tweeting that he's running for president this year? well, he's not really running. he still hasn't filed any paperwork with the federal election commission, which is a requirement to run for president. but he has been up to something. this week, the small business administration exposed that kanye's clothing company borrowed between $2 million and $5 million under the government's paycheck protection program. yes, the program designed to bail out struggling small businesses during the pandemic. the government backed loan program has paid out $521 billion as of june 30th. treasury secretary steve nooumnn pushed to keep the names and loans under wraps. now we're finding out why. the list put out monday included only a traction of the borrowers. less than 15% of the almost 5 million small companies and organizations that received assistance. surprise surprise, lots of other millionaires and private jet companies were feeding at the government trough while fwizs went bankrupt. transportation secretary laelai chow, who is married to mitch mcconnell, a shipping business started by her family received between $350,000 or $1 million. and grover nor ququist, took in $350,000. the citizens against government waste. the ap notes relief funds went to companies with ties to members of congress, including a california hotel, owned by the husband of speaker nancy pelosi. car dealerships owned by three republican house members and two wineries tied to congressman devin nunez, and an iowa farm owned by his family received loans of $2 million. according to the ap, 40 lobbyists with ties to trump helped clients secure more than $10 billion in federal coronavirus aid. among them, five former administration officials. so much for draining the swamp. and then there's jared kushner. businesses connected to the kushner family raked in millions under the program. observer holdings, run by his brother-in-law, received up to $1 million. an entity owned by his mother, brother, and sisters got anywhere from $1 million to $2 million and up to $1 million went to another entity that owns land in new jersey, where a hotel his family owns is located. you're welcome, america. since all these rich people who didn't need this help were lining their pockets with money intended to help struggling small businesses, it's no wonder the trump administration tried so hard to keep congress from knowing where all that money was going. stick with us. usaa is made for what's next no matter what challenges life throws at you, we're always here to help with fast response and great service and it doesn't stop there we're also here to help look ahead that's why we're helping members catch up by spreading any missed usaa insurance payments over the next twelve months so you can keep more cash in your pockets for when it matters most and that's just one of the many ways we're here to help the military community find out more at well the names have all changed since you hung around but those dreams have remained and they've turned around who'd have thought they'd lead ya back here where we need ya welcome back, america. it sure is good to see you. if you have a garden you know, weeds are low down little scoundrels. draw the line with roundup. the sure shot wand extends with a protective shield to target weeds precisely and kill them right down to the root. roundup brand. trusted for over 40 years. welcome back. what is the definition of a looter? during the black lives matter protests, we saw republicans talk about looting, which miriam webster defines as taking valuable goods as the spoils of war or illicit gains of public officials. which brings us to what actually looting looks like in donald trump's america. or maybe just in america as currently constructed. rapper kanye west and jared kushner are not small business owners. however, they are among the super rich trumpers connected to federally backed loans under the paycheck protection program, designed to help small business owners during the pandemic. last month, larry kudlow backed up steve mnuchin in calling for the recipients of the loans to remain secrets from you, the taxpayer. today, he was asked about some of those billionaires who raked in federal dollars intended for your local mom and pop stores. >> you play by the rules in these things. i think the ppp program was phenomenally good. it affected about 85% of those working in small businesses. and you know, to qualify, you need 500 or less workers. and some of these let's say well-to-do operations qualified. >> i'm joined by congresswoman jennifer wexton virginia, and stephanie ruhle, msnbc anchor. stef, i have to go to you first. you've been follow thing and tweeting about it. i learned about it listening to you on lawrence o'donnell last night. this is gross. i know larry kudlow, we both know it. i used to be on his show. how is it possible that loans intended for small businesses in these struggling restaurants and bars that can't open, went to kanye and jared in this ? this is gross to me. >> it's gross, but it was legal. and we can't just say oh, it's the republicans that did this. if you want to say this famous rich person shouldn't have taken the money, you're right, kanye should. . neither should reese witherspoon, who owns a fashion label. they took up to $1 million. susie lee is a democratic congresswoman whose husband runned a casino company. they took $5 million. so yes, a disproportionate amount of republicans looted this system. but we both know, this should come as a surprise to no one. did you actually think that this administration wouldn't take advantage of a system if they could? but it was both democrats and republicans that signed the c.a.r.e.s. act. the intention of this program was not to say any business with under 500 people we're going to cover this for you. the intention was, if your business revenue is down 50% or more from where it was last year, if you were shut down or your business was impaired because of covid, we're going to cover your payroll and some of your overhead costs, because we want to keep your business afloat and we don't want you to lay those employees off. that was the idea. but when it came to write thing into law, they got rid of that language, because they wanted to get the loans out quickly and get the money to people. but by doing that and getting rid of that language, it became a free for all. you had businesses, you can take less issue with a wealthy hotel owner, a wealthy restauranteur who took the money, because in their case, the businesses were shut down. you should take issue with the money managers, the hedge funds, the venture capital firms, the law firms who can clearly work from home, you've got companies who received government contracts, okay, a medical device company with $40 million in sales last year, took ppp. a week later got an $80 million contract from the contract to make syringes. the biggest issue here is businesses that were thriving took the money and they're pocketing it. this should be for businesses that are suffering. >> absolutely. and this is why people are so skeptical of government, congresswoman. not just these businesses and people who sell yezies getting the money. big-time church groups tied to donald trump. paula white cane, a florida church associated with her got a bunch of money. the first baptist in dallas led by robert jeffres got money. everyone is raking in money. friends of trump. it is gross. how did that happen and is this -- do americans now -- is this revealing the fact that this country is built for the rich, it's built for the rich to take our money, to get all the money and everybody can just go to hell? >> well, i agree with you that this is gross. this was not the intent of the legislation. but remember, this was legislation that was drafted as a compromise between the house and senate. the senate is held by republicans, the house by democrats. we would have loved to have seen a bunch of other things in there, and it's the administration that sets up the guidance by which the money is distributed. obviously, we should have done better to make sure hedge fund owned businesses, publicly traded businesses, that private equity owned businesses were not eligible. and that was the failing, and we should have done better on the front end. i've seen it with my constituents. i spent a lot of time on the phone with small business owners in my district, and one gentleman banked at wells fargo, called them on thursday afternoon. they were supposed to open up the first tranche of ppp loans on friday. he had everything lined up. they said we're not going to be ready to go friday. he called back monday morning and they had already doled out all their money over the weekend. presumably to concierges and bigger business clients. that is not what was intended. remember, when we did the second tranche, the congressional democrats insisted on having that $60 billion set aside for community based and minority based lendors to make sure it got out to businesses that needed it most. >> yeah, it's rough. >> but joy, something can be done. >> yeah. >> something can be done. remember, this program, ppp are loans that turn into grants. the government right now can take a look at all of these loans they just gave out and said good, boys and girls, you got the money, these business also have to repay them and it's incumbent on congress right now to make that next move. >> i have exactly the right person to talk to about this. i want to thank you both. and right now, speaker pelosi joins us next, and we're going to ask her about that and how those fixks be made. so stay right there. those fixks be made. so stay right there. oh, that's a good one. wait, what's that? that's just the low-battery warning. oh, alright. now it's all, "check out my rv," and, "let's go four-wheeling." maybe there's a little part of me that wanted to be seen. well, progressive helps people save when they bundle their home with their outdoor vehicles. so they've got other things to do now, bigfoot. wait, what'd you just call me? bigfoot? ♪ my name is daryl. welcome back. joining me now is the speaker of the house, nancy pelosi. thank you for being here. >> my pleasure. >> i don't know how much of that last block you listened to. there's a lot of outrage out there about the fact that the c.a.r.e.s. act, the paycheck protection program. steve mnuchin refused to say who got the money, now the information is trickling out. i don't know how people got around him. but finding out that kanye west got money, jared kushner's company got money, that big-time pastors close to donald trump got money. i know your team put out a statement about your husband being an investor in a firm. how did that happen and how can it be prevented in the next program? >> well, first, let me just say that the issues that we have right now, much of it will be em emil iorated in the hero's act. when the c.a.r.e.s. act was an initiative on the senate side, and we weighed in to improve it, we turned it from a corporate trickle down bill to a bubble up. tens of millions of jobs have been saved through the ppp. millions of loans have been made. but the premise, it was supposed to be predicated on the idea that your business could not be sustained unless you had this assistance, and you had to attest to that. we had a hard time getting information from the treasury, as to who was getting one loan or another. now we have some of it trickling out. what we saw in the first tranche was very bothersome to you. that's why maxine waters insisted in the next tranche that we would have a set aside of $60 billion for low -- well, women owned, minority owned, veteran owned, native american owned businesses. we still aren't pleased with the results of that. but it took us into a better direction. the long-time chair or ranking member of the small business committee has been insistent with us getting the facts. i'll just go to my husband. 20 years ago, he was an investor, he has nothing to do with the company or asking for a loan. but that company could not attest that their sustainability wasn't -- didn't necessitate that they should. have asked for the loan. but it's a hospitality industry. as you know, the hospitality industry has take an very big hit in all of this. >> yeah. >> but these -- what i think -- i think it's interesting to subject every dollar we spent to the most -- the harshest scrutiny. but there is other big money that mr. mnuchin has that we don'tmnuchin has that we don't know how he's allocating it and the rest of that. that's where we want transparency, too. 80% of these loans went to small businesses. there are big businesses that you point out that should not have gotten this, and they should give it back if they cannot attest to the fact that the jobs would have been lost, their business would not have been sustained without this. but the bigger chunk of money is still sitting there with secretary mnuchin with no accountability at this time, and he promises he's going to give us the accountability. we're still waiting. but as we do the heroes act, we can clean some of this up. there is collateral benefit, there is no question. we talk about collateral damage happening when good intentions go array. there is collateral benefit, but it shouldn't be. again, if you cannot attest that this is about the sustainability of their business, and i have heard the secretary say that, so i don't know why they did not implement that. >> yeah. >> there is a lot of good that did come out of ppp. i'm not saying it would have been our choice to go down that path, but tens of millions of jobs have been saved and millions of loans have been made. my problem is it, if you want to know what my problem is, why are the banks making all this money on these loans? >> right. >> or they're grants if you live up to the standard, the criteria that are set forth. >> sure. >> that's why in our second bill we had that madam chair insisted from their wisdom from their committees that there would be funding given to financial institutions who have knowledge of the community of small business and underserved communities. so it is not just big banks giving to their friends because that's who they know. but where that money goes and is lent from is as important as the consideration. and that has to be part of whatever we do. and we have to hold the treasury department accountable for that. >> sure. and i want to play you, you know, mitch mcconnell obviously negotiated with him, can't be easy because he's made it clear what his priorities are, helping the wealthy, here he is talking about the house bill that you talked about the house is putting together for the next bill. take a listen. >> and they did come back a couple of days and throw together a $3 trillion unserious package that would have doubled what we have already done. i can tell you confidently it won't be $3 trillion. that bill is not going anywhere. i predict the next effort will be more contentious than the last one. we're four months closer to the election. there is a lot more elbowing going on. >> that man's wife took in a considerable ppp loan for his family. you also have the fact that he and lindsey graham and others are refusing to extend or resisting the idea of extending the unemployment insurance for the regular guy, for the little person that's unemployed. can you negotiate with somebody like him or would the democratic caucus be better off holding the bill until after the election? >> if we can't hold the bill, we have to insist. mitch is too busy protecting the president from any statements that have been made about the president's all roads lead to putin, moscow mitch, there you have it. he doesn't like it when i say that, but i'm saying it anyway. here's the thing, on june 30th state and local governments across the country had to balance their budgets. we developed the heroes act, called heroes because that's who they pay, health care workers, transit workers, teachers, sanitation workers. that's who they pay. and that date has gone by, but we hope to make in our bill retro active so that states -- and there are like a million public employees have been fired because of the coronavirus. and this money, to the states and the localities, tribes and territories, this money, you go to and see how much money goes to them to do two things: offset any expenses they had from the coronavirus and, secondly, make up for lost revenue because of all the shutdowns from the coronavirus. >> yeah. >> and then think of this, all that money, it's a lot of money, all that money is one-half of what the republicans put in their tax scam in 2017 giving 83% of the benefits to the top 1%. and you know what? adding $2 trillion to the debt, no stimulus for the economy. so let's understand who we're dealing with. for him to squawk about $600 when he's giving $2 trillion away, all that money is -- i think it is just an excuse. they don't like unemployment insurance. the 26th of july the unemployment checks will stop going out. >> yeah. >> and we have to have this money by then. so who is he going to take it from? the unemployment checks? the direct payments to people who need help? state and local governments who meet the needs of the people? >> yeah. >> who is he going to take it from so he can give it to the highest top 1% again and again. >> it is quite a good question. speaker nancy pelosi, we truly appreciate your time tonight. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> be well. ou. >> be well cut! is that good? no you were talking about allstate and... i just... when i... accident forgiveness from allstate. click or call for a quote today. don't just think about where you're headed this summer. from allstate. think about how you'll get there. and now that you can lease or buy a new lincoln remotely or in person... discovering that feeling has never been more effortless. accept our summer invitation to get 0% apr on all 2020 lincoln vehicles. only at your lincoln dealer. guys! guys! safe drivers save 40%!!! safe drivers save 40%! safe drivers save 40%!!! that's safe drivers save 40%. it is, that's safe drivers save 40%. - he's right there. - it's him! safe drivers do save 40%. click or call for a quote today. safeyou say that customers maklet's talk data.s. only xfinity mobile lets you switch up your wireless data whenever. i accept! 5g - everybody's talking about it. how do i get it? 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"all in" with chris hayes. tonight on "all in," a desperate president threatens to defund schools as the white house overrides cdc guidelines for reopening. tonight donald trump's election year plan to send your kids back to schools at any costs. flashbacks on new york. houston residents dying at home. plus, bullying, intimidation and retaliation. why this star impeachment witness says he was forced out of government and why republicans are now concerned trump's war on an tennessee ballots will backfire on them when "all in" starts right now. good evening from new york. i'm chris hayes. countries all over the

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