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Now. The scene is still fairly active. The atf agents, as you can see, just moments ago arriving on scene. They will be giving the assistance to the Dayton Police department as well as other federal agencies who will be en route. We believe that at least 16 people were injured there. And moments ago, a local hospital told msnbc that one of those injured remains in Critical Condition. No one has gone to surgery, but that could actually change. The injuries were mostly from gunshots. Police say the suspect was using a long gun and that he was killed by Police Officers. No officers were injured. Officials are now trying to identify the suspect. Dayton police with this update. We had multiple officers in the immediate vicinity when this incident started, so there is a very short timeline of violence. For that, were very fortunate. This was all an exterior event. It all occurred outside. Any description of the shooter you can share . Not yet. The shooter is deceased, and were still interviewing, obviously, a lot of witnesses, as well as officers, to try to determine if anybody else was involved. What type of weapon was used . It was a long gun. No officers were injured. Nine dead, plus the suspect, so ten dead on east fifth street and 16 that we are aware of hospitalized in unknown condition. And we also spoke to a witness, anthony reynolds, who himself lost someone he knew. We hear a shot, like we just hear, like it sounded like a gunshot, but we didnt think it was a gunshot because were not used to that. But then we hear multiple gunshots and then its just like a repetitive array of gunshots. And my friend, he was behind me, im telling him, come on, theyre shooting. As i turn around, you can just see bodies falling in the line and that type, people just falling, you hear screaming, then the chaotic just, you know, the mob of people running. And you can just, you know, it just became a frantic situation. Anthony, did you see the shooter . Yes. Heavyset, white man, black attire. He had a face cut ring up, but you could see the top of his head. Joining us by phone is dr. Randy marriott from Miami Valley Hospital in dayton, ohio, caring for the injured there. Dr. Marriott, good morning. Good morning. Thank you for joining us now. Can you tell us more about the injured and what theyre battling right now . Well, we have received 14 victims here on our main campus, an urban level one trauma center. We have admitted four of them, one of which is in Critical Condition. At this point, we have not conducted any surgeries, so that could change. Other than the four admitted, others have been treated and released. What was it like when you started first receiving patients . Were hearing that it took about an hour to catch your breath as you guys got to work. Well, i was not here for the initial victims when they arrived. They did arrive by both ambulance as well as by police car. Were in very close proximity to the oregon district, the area in which the shooting occurred. So it was for the most part a nonotice event. So like we would do for any situation like this, we had to prepare rooms quickly, we activated our trauma system, which brought us the trauma team, at least one trauma attending surgeon. A second one responded from home very quickly. And we were able to take care of these victims in fairly short order. Who are those who are injured there . Can you tell us a little bit more about who they are . How old are they . Well, the demographics of these victims are middleaged adults, given the time of day and nature of the venue. Doctor, are you guys part of the Kettering Medical Center group, Health System . We are not. You are not, okay. So, thats quite of note, because you mentioned there that you guys received 14 victims, youre a level one trauma center. One of those victims admitted. You havent performed any surgeries, and i take that of note because we take a look at those numbers where it says at least 16 injured. You had 14 of them. The Kettering Medical Center health group also took in some injuries nine. Yes, exactly. So, there are several that were being conservative, i believe, at this point. Well, i want to clarify that we received 14 in our main campus and 2 others at satellite facilities. So we did receive a total of 16 at the miami valley premier Health System. I dont know about the kettering numbers. Okay. And jo ling spoke with someone at kettering earlier. The spokesperson telling us nine people were brought into three of their hospitals. Okay. So, there are several people. Thats why were saying at least 16 people who were injured at this point. You guys are a trauma one center. How far are you from the historic oregon district . No more than two miles. Okay. And were you guys the first place that many of these victims were taken to, or they were spread out all over to the kettering Health System, Health Network as well . I have good reason to believe we were likely first. Can you tell us a little bit about your preparations here, doctor, and what its like when you train for a moment like this . You always hope it will never come, but unfortunately, today it did. Well, weve had, you know, multiple active shooter exercises, a large one less than a year ago, and we have an Emergency Department that will see somewhere in the neighborhood of 100,000 patients this year. So, we do have occasions where we receive multiple victims, sometimes from separate incidents, but theyre occurring simultaneously. And so, we do receive influxes frequently, and so, were fairly well rehearsed. And doctor, yesterday, of course, we had the shooting in el paso, and the authorities there put out the alert shortly after, saying blood was urgently needed. I know were just about a few hours into this incident right now. Is there an urgent need in that community . No. I would say that is not the case. Again, some of these victims may very well need surgery, possibly orthopedic surgeries, but i dont anticipate there will be a large need for blood. And youre saying right now one person is admitted. There are some surgeries that may or may not take place, but no, actually, four people have been admitted. Four people have been admitted. One in Critical Condition. One in Critical Condition. Can you give us a little bit more detail on the individual in Critical Condition . What kind of injuries i cant go into detail about specific injuries. Yeah, but these arent necessarily injuries based on people rushing out the door, these are gunshot victims, right . Well, the majority of these, vast majority of these injuries were gunshot wounds. However, there were also people that, as you say, that were injured in the attempts to flee, which, you know, can also include lacerations and other sunnedry injuries that happen in those circumstances. The folks in el paso yesterday described a chaotic scene with a lot of people actually selftransporting themselves to the hospital. Do you have some people who ended up doing that . Yes. Yes. I cant break down the numbers as to how many arrived by a Public Safety vehicle, be that an ambulance or police car, versus arriving by a private vehicle or ambulatory, though we did have those who arrived by means other than ems and police. I do know that dayton itself has had its share of crime over the years, but i can imagine that this is nothing that you guys have had to deal with in the past. No, were not a violent city for the most part. Its a safe city. The oregon districts considered a very safe area. I patronize those restaurants myself frequently, so, i would not have considered this to be a highrisk area. Dr. Marriott, we also know that there is substantial trauma that goes on with people who do not sustain physical wounds but have witnesses this. What is your advice to the community as a Health Care Professional for those who are grappling with this happening in their hometown . Well, id say its a time for friends and neighbors to come together and support one another. Most of the best support that can be given is given by peers. And so, you turn where you should turn, and thats to friends, relatives, those that give you support on a daily basis are the best ones to give you that support in times like this, so. All right, that is dr. Randy marriott from the Miami Valley Hospital group, hospital, joining us on the phone, saying they received a total of 16 patients to that hospital alone. Several other hospitals in the area received as much or at least nine patients as we learned earlier this morning. Thats right. Lets go on now to el paso, where 20 people were killed and 26 others injured in that shooting. The Texas Governor is calling that this morning a hate crime. The gunman opening fire yesterday morning at a walmart. You see it there on the right. Panic broke out at the nearby cielo vista mall, where hundreds of people were doing back to school shopping. Police say no shots were fired at that particular mall, just frantic chaos, but many are still searching for the loved ones who were at the nearby walmart. She talked to my brother at 10 33. He goes out at the checkout at walmart, ill be there in five minutes, and at 10 39, on the internet, somebody shot somebody i dont know if it was my mom or not, but i cant find her, and shes 86 years old i got tired of waiting and waiting and waiting and i just want to know where my mom is we can only hope that her mom is okay. Thats right. Police worked throughout the night to identify the dead and those who were injured. They say the 21yearold suspect surrendered at the scene. An online dia tribe connected to him is now a key part of this investigation. Blayne alexander and Morgan Chesky are covering this for us, but were going to start right there at that scene in el paso at the walmart where, clearly, the authorities are still there on scene. Morgan, at this point, are they just are the authorities just kind of making their way through that walmart . A horrible situation. Reporter yeah, kendis, that is exactly whats happening right now. You can see they have the scene contained, locked down still. And were told investigators are making their way through this massive crime scene, trying to gather evidence to build their case against this alleged shooter, that one individual who is in police custody, and were told is being questioned by authorities. We do know that while the names have not been released of those 20 people who were killed yesterday, the mexican president has said that three of those individuals were citizens of mexico, and that is not uncommon for this area. Keep in mind, were about five miles from a heavily traveled Border Crossing from texas into mexico, and if you were to walk through the parking lot of the mall or walmart behind me, you would see texas license plates right next to mexican license plates, and thats why this is so much under investigation as a potential hate crime because of what was contained within that online essay, kendis. It was antiimmigration, anticorporation, antigovernment, those words written and posted about 30 minutes, we believe, before that gunman opened fire here at this walmart. At this point in time, we know that there were Reunification Centers in place yesterday that since closed. However, a lot of people are going to be back out here today and hopefully waiting from authorities to receive any update at all as to what the status is of the individuals inside. As you mentioned, people were here screaming for their loved ones, trying to find out their current situation. We know that a lot of those messages have also been spread online with pictures of individuals that havent been seen since yesterday morning. You can only imagine the anguish going through the minds of so many people here in el paso right now as this day dawns to an entirely different city now coping with this unimaginable tragedy. So, authorities are expected to give an update within the next few hours here. Were hoping to learn more about where this investigation goes, but Governor Greg Abbott visiting here yesterday, calling this one of the deadliest days in Texas History and vowing to help the city of el paso heal in the days going forward. Kendis . Its kind of wild and crazy when 20 people dead is one of the deadliest days in Texas History. Thats right. Thats insane to me. Morgan, in the meantime, obviously, the walmart will be closed today, will remain closed. Do we know the status of the actually, let me strike that. That dayton, ohio, mayor press conference is happening right now. Morgan, well get back to you as well as blayne. Lets pop up the press conference from the Convention Center and listen to the mayor. If you have any information on the incident, you were in the oregon district today and have information, please call 9972256217. Again, that number is 9372256217. Red cross, the greater dayton area hospital association, and support for our police and First Responders are on scene and on site to help the situation. We, of course, are incredibly grateful for our partners in this very bad incident. Dayton has been through a lot already this year, and i continue to be amazed by the grit and resiliency of our community. Certainly, this is a day that will be filled with prayer for our citizens, prayer for the families and friends and prayer for our community. We ask anyone to be thinking of these people as theyre going through this very, very difficult time, but i know as a community, we will continue to move through it. With that, ill open it up for questions. Mayor, do you believe this is premeditated, the fact that earlier you thought maybe there was an argument and thats when it became wearing body armor may lead to premeditation . Certainly im not in the shooters head, but he was wearing body armor, had magazines and extra magazines. Is there more than one shooter that you guys know of . I can address that. Initially from our initial investigation, it appears as though theres only one shooter. We are interviewing dozens of people. Obviously, its very early in the investigative stage, so we are at the earlier stages, so we couldnt cant confirm that this is the only person involved, but for right now, that is it. Were you able the suspect, or about the shooter . Yeah, we can provide more information on identity and Additional Information at a later time, but its too early in the investigation to get some of those details. Are you able to say whether the police weve temporarily lost our signal there within seconds, less than a minute. The officers who were already patrolling that area fired on the shooter to stop his aggressive behavior and stop the shooting. Detail with that club or helping with the its in the oregon district or oregon District Business association. Certainly we had officers there. Its a saturday night. How many officers are normally there on a saturday night . I cant give you the exact numbers on every single saturday night. I can tell you we had officers on patrol in the oregon district over this past evening, and they were there in the immediate vicinity when this occurred. [ inaudible question ] or other places, what goes through your mind right now . Look, as a mayor, this is a day that we all happening, and whats very sad is ive gotten messages from cities across the country, is that so many of us have gone through it. Today is the 250th mass shooting in america. Its sad that its in the city of dayton. Mayor, have you spoken with a individual at the state or federal level . Yes, ive spoken with governor dewine. Was the shooter going from bar to bar . Im told he was outside well have more details on the shooting as this moves forward and we will continue to stay in touch with you during the day as we get more information. This was in the oregon district area. Outside that it was in the oregon district area. In the outside area. Is there any traces, are you guys believing it was a possible hate crime . Again, we dont know the thoughts of the shooter at this time. We know that he was wearing body armor and had highcapacity magazines and extra magazines. What did governor dewine say when you spoke to him . He just offered his condolences to the city of dayton, was incredibly impressed with the work of the Dayton Police department to have the situation under control in less than a minute, and then offered any support that he could give. Mayor whaley, describe the past six months for you for this city. Its been tough. And now this. Yes. Its been a tough six months for our community. But you work through that. And right now our focus is on the families and friends, frankly, that went to downtown on a saturday night and thought that theyd go home safe, and that didnt happen. Have you gotten to talk to some of those Family Members downstairs . No, we havent had we they are in the process right now, so i have not spoken to any of them how many have come to the Convention Center . Are you receiving calls on the hotline about the se needing or wanting assistance . We dont have numbers for that. This is the First Press Conference well have throughout the day. We will have information like that as the day comes forward. Were really asking you all to share those two numbers. Thats really important right now, and to get the message out for people that have lost loved ones and for people that may have information. Again, can you list the gun that the shooter had . The gun that the shooter had was a. 223caliber highcapacity magazine. He had additional magazines and he was wearing body armor. Can you repeat that one more time . 223caliber highcapacity magazine. He had additional was it a rifle or a yes. Very large gun. In technical terms. Have you been able again, i know you said its early where he got the weapon, where, you know not yet. Legally he obtained we dont have that information yet. What are you trying to provide to the people downstairs, the families, friends . What are you trying to provide to them . Look, i think, you know, imagine yourself in their position. Their Family Member was out on a saturday night or somebody regularly enjoying their friends on saturday night. We want to make sure that they get the best information possible. You all are key in that conversation, but sometimes the information that comes out is not correct, so we want to make sure that they have that. And then we want to make sure that they get the services that they need. I mean, this is going to be a very difficult time for at least ten families in our community, and their lives have completely changed. But in addition to the 26 that are injured, it could be many th more lives that are changed. What are the extent of the injuries . Lifethreatening . Yes. Do you have any idea how many . No, i dont have numbers. Can you talk more about the body armor . Was it a kevlar vest . Was there head gear . What does that mean when you say body armor . Well get more details on that at a later time. So, whats the next move to well, well continue. Were asking you to continue to push information out around the tip line and also information to get to family and friends, and well be continuing to do that work. Well be working in concert with the coroner and other folks that are doing this effort. And then we want to take care of our First Responders. Our First Responders this year have been through a lot. And so, well be doing that work. And then we will work to make sure that you have the most uptodate information and correct information throughout the day. So you can count on us to come back and continue to keep you in information. My ask for you all is to dont go on a story that is not true that cannot be confirmed, in return for that open access over the day. What hospitals are the victims in . Multiple hospitals across the city. And as you saw the mass shooting in el paso play out yesterday, did you ever imagine or prepare for the First Responders acting so quickly . How did you guys prepare for this . Well, are you talking about the el paso responders responding so quickly . Our responders . Look, i think time and again, i as mayor have been amazed by dayton First Responders. I think they are a special, Amazing Group of First Responders. If Dayton Police had not gotten to the shooter in under a minute and think of that, 26 injured, 9 dead hundreds of people in the oregon district could be dead today. And that work and that bravery by our First Responders is something that moves me to get up every morning to continue to do this work. Mayor, as the leader i mean, i can see the emotion on your face. Mmhmm. When youre speaking to other leaders, you know, around the city, around the state, the country, how do you help the situation here . How do you lead . What do you say, the message to these families . Oh, i dont think anything i can say can help the people that have lost loved ones. But i think for us, we have to just be there. And i think thats what well do. Well continue to stand in the gap in that and try to give them the space and grace that they need during this time. Do you see any changes in the near future . Have you thought about that in terms of safety protocol or how you can avoid things like this happening . Look, i think that the police and our First Responders have done an amazing job. Clearly, the question has to be raised, why does dayton have to be the 250th mass shooting in america . 250. I mean, thats really the question. When you say that number, are you talking about this year or this year. El paso is 249. Dayton is 250 this year. What type of Surveillance Video or cameras do businesses in the oregon district have that may be valuable to your investigation. Many businesses do have security cameras and video, and obviously, were checking to see what is available and to use that as part of our investigation. So, some of that has already been done. Some of that is to be done. Do you have any idea how many people may have been in the district last night . Hundreds . Thousands . Oh, it will be thousands. Its a saturday night in the district in the summer, so i mean, you know. And it was i mean, theres thousands. Initial reports was the shooter being denied access to the club . Is there any truth to that . Im not aware of that information. But like i said, its still early in the investigation, but i have not heard that. And we may do you know if the shooter was local . We cant comment on that im not going to comment on identity. Did he reload . Im not going to get into those specifics just yet. Well release i know everyone here who is local knows that were we provide very detailed information on Critical Incidents and well do the same here. Its obviously going to take us a little bit of time to get some of that detail to you. Mayor, do you know what time you were first contacted about the shooting . I think i got a text around 2 40. Yeah, maybe around that time. I wanted to clarify something on the timeline. Is that less than a minute from when the first the police first get a call about it or less than a minute after the shooting first began . Less than a minute after the shooting first began. So they were right there they were there. They were in the immediate vicinity and acted immediately. Correct, they were there. Okay. These were uniformed officers . Do you have officers that work parttime offduty . They were uniformed officers working in the oregon district. The oregon district. So i mean, thats i really want to you all need to think about that a minute. If the officers were not in the oregon district, the officers were there less than a minute from the beginning of the shooting. The shooter was able to kill nine people and injure 26 in less than a minute. And if we did not have police in the oregon district and the thousands of people in the oregon district enjoying their saturday evening, what we could have had in the city. So, it is a terrible day for dayton, but i am so grateful for Dayton Polices fast action. Okay, well be back. Remember our deal. No bad information. In return, ill come see you every few hours, we will, all right . Do you have a time . I think were going to come back at 10 00 a. M. , okay . All right. All right, youre watching breaking news there. That is the mayor of dayton, ohio, nan whaley, asking why this is happening to her community. Shes updated us, saying that nine people have been killed in the oregon district shooting, 26 injured. We now know a little bit more about the gunman. The shooter was killed in less than one minute, thanks to police who were already in the area patrolling. The suspect used a. 223caliber gun, highcapacity magazines and had additional magazines. Again, nine killed, 26 injured, and the mayor of dayton, ohio, saying she is grateful for all of the officers who were already there. She says that had they not been there, the death toll could have been in the hundreds. So, we are going to bring you the latest from dayton, ohio, as well as from the tragedy in el paso, texas. Stay with us. , texas. Stay with us [farmers bell] burke a rock and wreck. Seen it. Covered it. At farmers insurance, we know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum vo sleep this amazing . Thats a zzzquil pure zzzs sleep. Our liquid has a unique botanical blend, while an optimal melatonin level means no next day grogginess. Zzzquil pure zzzs. Naturally superior sleep. Were on the move. Hey rick, all good . Oh yeah, were good. Were good. Terminix. Defenders of home. Xfinity mobile is designed to save you money. Whether you use your phone to get fit. Or to find the perfect gift. Youll use less data with a network that auto connects to millions of wifi hotspots and the best lte everywhere else. Saving you hundreds of dollars a year. The best network. Best devices. Best value. And now get 250 dollars back when you buy an eligible phone. Its simple. Easy. Awesome. Click, call or visit a store today. Welcome back, everybody. We continue to follow the breaking news here at msnbc world headquarters. Two Mass Shootings in two u. S. States in less than 24 hours. Thats right. Separately, at least 29 people were killed in el paso, texas, and in dayton, ohio. Live pictures of both right now. We have we just heard from the mayor of dayton, ohio. She says that the shooter was wearing body armor and was carrying extra magazines. He killed nine people, injured at least 26 others. All of that, get this, in less than a minute. So, thats ten more than we had first heard from the authorities as far as the injuries go. Police say the suspect opened fire using what the mayor described as a very large gun. Police officers killed the sh t shooter. And the mayor also says that officials are still investigating how the suspect obtained the gun. And the mayor noted that it took less than a minute from the start of the shooting to when Police Officers responded. Heres the mayor. Look, as a mayor, this is a day that we all happening. And certainly, whats very sad is ive gotten messages from cities across the country, is that so many of us have gone through it. Today is the 250th mass shooting in america. Its sad that its in the city of dayton. If Dayton Police had not gotten to the shooter in under a minute and think about that, 26 injured, 9 dead hundreds of people in the oregon district could be dead today, and that work and that bravery by our First Responders is something that moves me to get up every morning to continue to do this work. And earlier, we spoke with one of the doctors who received the wounded. Well, we have received 14 victims here in our main campus, an urban level one trauma center. We have admitted four of them, one of which is in Critical Condition. At this point, we have not conducted any surgeries, so that could change. Other than the four admitted, others have been treated and released. I was not here for the initial victims when they arrived. They did arrive by both ambulance as well as by police car. Were in very close proximity to the oregon district, the area in which the shooting occurred, so it was, for the most part, a nonotice event. So like we would do for any situation like this, we had to prepare rooms quickly. We activated our trauma system, which brought us the trauma team, at least one trauma attending surgeon. A second one responded from home very quickly. And we were able to take care of these victims in fairly short order. Joining us right now from dayton is reporter Richard Childs from wlwt tv in cincinnati. Thank you so much for joining us. We are so sorry what has happened here in your community there. Reporter talking to witnesses on the scene, they talk about, again, comparing the idea of columbine to el paso. To hear the statement from so many folks in this community is that this is something that theres no way anyone could imagine this would happen in dayton. Understanding that that gunman showing up outside of a nightclub, wearing body armor with that rifle, that long gun, intent on killing individuals out just on a saturday night, hoping to have a good time. The response, the carnage outside. Miraculously, as the mayor of dayton said, Dayton Police responding very quickly. One minute their response time, able to shoot and kill that gunman, perhaps stopping more and more of this carnage again. That has been the response here on the scene as this investigation continues. Dayton police are working with multiple agencies, including the atf, the fbi, as well as the ohio state patrol as well. But right now theyre focusing, again, on motive of that gunman. And richard, i know that youre from the cincinnati area located about 40 minutes down the highway from dayton, but what do you know of this particular area right there, this Historic District . Reporter well, this oregon district is an Entertainment District here. Its about four to five blocks. You can imagine on a warm, summer night like it was for us in the area last night, there is hundreds and hundreds of people gathering outside of bars. Its filled with restaurants and nightclubs and people just enjoying the summer. You can only imagine the sound of the gunfire, again, the chaotic response of those individuals who were just out having a great time, finding themselves literally inside of a war zone. It did seem like a war zone. In fact, this guy was equipped with body armor, highcapacity magazines. He was ready for war, sadly. It was at a nightclub area there. Richard chiles of our nbc station from the cincinnati area, wlwt, thank you for joining us. Lets go now to shawn henry, Msnbc National Security analyst and contributor. Shawn, you know what these details are in terms of the 26 injured, the 9 dead, the body armor, the. 223caliber gun. The mayors calling it a large gun with highcapacity magazines and extra magazines. How are you interpreting these details to understand why this may have happened . Reporter yeah, jo. So, what youre talking about here, when you talk. 223, youre actually talking about the caliber of the round, and there are multiple weapons that can use that round. Typically, when theyre talking about an Assault Rifle or a long gun, theyre talking about an ar15 or similar type of rifle. Thats a militarygrade weapon. And when you hear some of the specifics, the mayor talked about body armor, highcapacity magazines those magazines typically hold about 30 rounds. You can get extended magazines. Ive seen people who take magazines and tape them together so you can drop a magazine and just flip it around and put a new magazine inside. The totality of the circumstances here clearly indicate that this person was out to cause as much damage as possible, to kill as many people as possible. That round is a high velocity. Its a highload round. It travels quickly. It can go through bodies and it can actually, one round can cause multiple casualties. So, that clearly was the intent here. I was really interested in hearing the mayors description of the response by Law Enforcement officers. Law enforcement officers train regularly for these active shooting incidents. Thats what theyre doing now. Its unfortunately the state of the world that we live in. And their Quick Response quickly, clearly saved lives. They are going to the shooting. When officers are engaged or they hear a call out for an active shooter, they are moving, traveling towards the sound of the round. Their primary response, their main mechanism here is to get and eliminate that threat. And clearly, their efforts here, their personal sacrifice saved lives in dayton, jo. Now, tell me a little bit more about how you process the el paso shooting leading into the dayton, ohio, shooting. We know at this we dont know if there is any sort of reaction or link here, but with things happening so close together, what do you think about that . So, theres a couple of thoughts. I mean, obviously, both of these incidents are still very, very early on and we dont have a lot of information. When i think about dayton, somebody whos got body armor, highcapacity rounds, it sounds as if this is something that may have been planned in advance, not necessarily related to el paso or spurred by el paso. Its unclear. And agents and investigators now will go back, theyll be looking at social media, theyll be looking at evidence that they collect from search warrants to try and determine what the motivation of each of these incidents was. When we look back at el paso and talk about the treatus that was put out online, it seems to be related to the shooter in el paso. Not entirely clear yet, but it talked about this vitriol and this hate towards hispanics, towards immigration, talking about setting up separate areas of the country for different races to live in, so a separation of people into different geographic areas. That type of attack, those types of incidents are clearly on the rise. Weve seen attacks at synagogues and at churches based on race, and investigators will be looking at the motivation here to determine if there are any other people that may be involved, any other coconspirators, are there continued threats to the communities and what can they do to eliminate those. And shawn, clearly the violence is on the rise. I cant help but note, just down the road there last week, the president held a rally, and you noticed that violence that took place outside the rally where there was a counter protester to the president and some dude came out of his vehicle and just started punching at him. This on took place just down the road from dayton and last week. What do you make and i cant get my head quite around this of the fact that he was able to kill at least nine people, injured at least 26 people in about a minutes time before the authorities were there and got there on the scene and was able to shoot them . I would imagine that meant that this was just a horrifying situation with him just shooting at will. So, there are a couple of things that contribute to that. First of all, the area thats been described, the district there, lots of restaurants, clubs, and bars. Its a place thats frequented by people enjoying nightlife. So, you can imagine hundreds of people congregating in one area. Combine that with this specifically to cause traumatic injury to people and death in people, and those rounds can travel through people and injure multiple people with one round. It is not unusual. You can fire off a dozen rounds in five seconds. Its a semiautomatic weapon, its as fast as you can pull the trigger. Were not sure, this could have been a fully automatic weapon. It could have been modified to shoot fully automatic, in which case they would have been able to get off a lot more rounds. So its absolutely conceivable that that many people could be injured and killed in a short period of time, 30 seconds, 40 seconds. Again, just highlighting what the mayor said the response of local Law Enforcement there, the Dayton Police, to be on the scene, to neutralize that subject, putting themselves at risk. You know, those officers are likely carrying just handguns. And to imagine coming into a situation where youve got to respond, youve got only a handgun, the adversary has got a long gun that has that devastating round, its incredible courage and bravery demonstrated by those Police Officers that absolutely saved many, many lives in dayton. Yeah. Its pretty tough when they say that the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. If that good guy has a handgun and the bad guy is armed for war. Shawn henry, our thanks to you. Thank you. Joining us now is a political reporter for business insider. You cover National Security and have done a lot of reporting on gun violence and the right wing and this breeding of extremism, and you tweeted this following the shooting in el paso. Theres been approximately 8,700 deaths from gun violence in the u. S. In 2019 so far. Thats roughly equivalent to three 9 11s, and we still have about five months of the year left. These numbers are stunning. What is it going to take to stop all of this . I mean, i think thats a question thats on many peoples minds waking up this morning. Many of us went to bed aware of the el paso shooting, very depressed about that, only to wake up to the news of another shooting in another American City in dayton. We saw that after 20 children were killed, Congress Still didnt do anything. Weve seen multiple mass shooting since then. As the dayton mayor just noted, weve seen at least 250 Mass Shootings in 2019 alone. So, thats the big question here what is it going to take . How Many Americans need to die before our lawmakers do something about this . The house did pass Gun Legislation earlier this year. It was dead on arrival in the senate, you know. So, i think this really falls on Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell in terms of the question of what are we going to do about this. Yeah, and in the meantime, there were a lot of people who are wondering what will be done about all of this, but who are these people that are responsible for these sorts of shootings . Whats happening out there in america this morning . I think overwhelmingly, weve seen that many of these shooters are white men. You know, we have the president out here scaremongering about muslims and immigrants, but nativeborn americans are far more likely to commit Violent Crimes than immigrants, and weve seen that with these Mass Shootings overwhelmingly, theyre being committed by white men. And weve also seen polls that show a majority of americans believe that trump is encouraging white nationalism. And i know that in terms of this el paso shooting, were still investigating and we should wait until we have the facts in terms of learning the motivation of this shooter, but its certainly pointing to the notion with this manifesto that this was motivated by xenophobia and white nationalism, and we need to ask some deep questions as a country as to how were going to combat this issue. Trump has actually withdrawn funding for programs meant to combat white nationalism, and we need to ask ourselves, why is that . You know, you just noted my tweet about the number of gun deaths this year equivalent to three 9 11s. We inindividualed three countries after 9 11. We spent trillions of dollars. We even passed major Gun Legislation thats end aid up on a president s desk and been signed in 25 years. That is mindboggling as you read off those numbers. Staggering and reflect you have of where we are in this country on this sunday morning. John, thank you. Political reporter for business insider. Appreciate your insights and time. We continue to follow the breaking news out of dayton, ohio, as well as el paso, texas. Within the last 24 hours, at least 29 people in this country lost their lives due to gun violence in Mass Shootings. Tech at safelite autoglass,s we really pride ourselves on making it easy for you to get your windshield fixed. Teacher lets turn in your science papers. Tech vo this teacher always puts her students first. Student i did mine on volcanoes. Teacher you did . oh, i cant wait to read it. Tech vo so when she had auto glass damage. She chose safelite. With safelite, she could see exactly when wed be there. Teacher you must be pascal. Tech yes maam. Tech vo saving her time. [honk, honk] kids bye tech vo . So she can save the science project. 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The first killing, yesterday. 20 people at a walmart in southwest texas. The second, just hours later, leaving at least nine people dead at a popular weekend spot in downtown dayton, ohio. Dozens more were injured. Still, many of the victims are fighting for their lives at this hour. Lets go back to jim kavanaugh. I noted the scene in ohio. Atf agents have arrived onscene. What is their role there . They provide the full services of Law Enforcement. Special agent, is their title. They w they will be tracing the weapon. The 223, the most common 223 is an ar15. Thats a military style rifle. Most likely on semiautomatic fire. It was an ak47. Give me a difference of the ar15 and an ak47. The kalashnikov, the k of ak, and ar15, m16 for the military. The ar15 for the civilian use. Its the United States and nato allies weapon. Its the worlds, you know, split. The old soviet block and the u. S. Uses its allies. Thats how the weapon is designed. The ar15 or m16, it has a couple different name e itsc and easy to carry. The chief said, one minute to take him down. He could have gotten 30 rounds off. Theres 9 dead and 16 wounded. He would achieve that in one magazine. He was in plenty of capacity of magazines. I want to bring in dr. John torres joining me onset, so we can talk about what happened here. These hospitals, both of them, quite overwhelmed. I know the dayton area, and they have great hospitals, there, as well. In the United States, we have a lot of hospitals. The trauma goes from level one to level four. Theres general surgeons onhand, they have dedicated for people like this. It was designed for mass casualties. Were talking about accidents, building collapsing, car accidents. Its now this mass shooting situation. Its handling different scenarios than decades ago. Along the line, Emergency Physicians and general surgeons, everyone has trained for this. This is like the training i give in the military, one is the prehospital training of personnel. You want to take the most critical to the level ones. You have people coming in cars, as well. Without getting too gory, and based on the weapons flying, what is the extent . Talking about 26 injured and dayton alone. Not to get gory early in the morning, but these are militarygrade weapons. If it hits them in an extremity, its going to break the bone and multiple blood vessels. Most people are going to die from bleeding to death. We want to get them to the hospital and then damage control service. Lets do what we need to do to stop the bleeding ining and we other surgeries in the next days or weeks. I realize that american hospitals have been used to covering gunshots and which. And routinely, they will get traffic accidents. It seems theres more mass casualty things to deal with. 2019, we talked about 250 Mass Shootings. I dont know if thats an accurate number. 250 Mass Shootings on the 216th day of the year. Its not only the big communities. They need to take care of this, as well. They have a mass casualty situation. Basically, its a controlled chaos theyve trained for. Were going to leave it there. Were at the nbc news medical correspondent, dr. John torres. More live coverage in el paso, texas. There was another mass shooting. Another one from dayton, ohio, this morning. Unbelievable. Dont miss your golden opportunity to experience thrilling performance. Now at the lexus golden opportunity sales event. Get 0. 9 apr for 60 months on all 2019 models. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Were on the move. Hey rick, all good . Oh yeah, were good. Were good. Terminix. Defenders of home. mom nooooo. son nooooo. avo quick, the quicker picker upper bounty picks up messes quicker and is 2x more absorbent. Bounty, the quicker picker upper. I felt i couldnt be at my best for my family. 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