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Coverage of national and international news, including breaking stories. Lets go to Geoff Bennett joining us live from the white house. Geoff, tell us about the president s reaction to omarosa. You saw the president during a photo op at his bedminster estate and asked by members of press pool to respond to the Bombshell Allegations by her new book and you saw his response there was to call her a low life. Although we should make clear that she was one of the president s first hires here at the white house. And she had a highpaying and highprofile job following her allegations that the president then a private citizen, but he could be heard on tape using the nword during the making of The Apprentice and let go from her position at the white house when officials learned that she was close to getting her hands on this tape. She then further alleges that the Trump Campaign offered her a 15,000 a month contract to stay quiet about her experiences with the president while she was in the white house. The issue here is that she has a Publicity Problem and shes calling him a racist and contradicting claims made in her own book. We heard what she said to npr Rachel Martin saying she heard the president use the word on the tape firsthand and that is not what she wrote about. And once i heard it you heard this tape i heard this tape. You heard the president of the United States. I heard the president of the United States use not only the nword, but as bill pruitt described during that interview, other horrible things, during the production of The Apprentice. You dont mention in the book youve heard the tape. Is that new. It is mentioned in the book. That sounds like you just heard his account of the tape. Did you actually hear the tape . I did. Suggesting he was just venting but again were seeing how the president is taking steps to further discredit the russia probe and one other point, when the president and his allies and aides say the Russia Investigation started as a result of the steele dossier, that is not true. We know from doj documents that it started after a trump aide, george poppa lop lus was bragging to an australia diplomat about the offer of dirt on Hillary Clinton. Geoff bennett in the white house. Thank you. And lets bring in our panel, Kevin Cirilli and Franco Ordonees and rachel gray from the intercept and i want to start with the omarosa story and the president calling her a low life. What do you make of that. It is interesting that anyone is particularly invested in her account of whether or not donald trump is a racist. I feel like his record on issues relating to the black community is long and pretty clear. The first time he ever appeared in the New York Times was when he was being investigated by Nixon Justice Department for his failure to rent apartments to black people. And whether or not her account is true, doesnt really have any bearing. It seems to me what we know to be the president s antagonistic relationship to people of color. Kevin, i have to ask, the book is about to be out there. And ammar ossa is out there talking about it and had shes had issues with credibility in the past some would there is a credibility issue here today too. Ill leave that to viewers. Im not sure anything new that could be learned from the book. The white house and senior officials are saying it is not true. Within the last hour as we just saw on the tape, President Trump calling her a low life. The relationship between omarosa and pruch trump dated back to t apprentice and it illustrating is happening in the past but i think that raises that question of a legitimate question now that she was posed with that offer. That could mean that could shed light on some of the questions. But, look, we are hearing little by little dribbles of information come out of this administration. As you point out. People are dropping very rapidly. But this is something that is really going to be i think well hear more. And i think the tapes that she has from inside of the white house that shes recorded and the Washington Post has heard as those come to light, i think well learn more. I want to point out for folks watching at home were look at live pictures coming in of President Trump at his golf resort in new jersey meeting with bikers for trump. That is where we heard him speaking a while ago and now posing for pictures here. I want to move on and talk about jeff sessions. We saw the tweet that the president put out about him attacking jeff sessions. Thank you. Now omarosa is doing the rounds to promote her book. Catch her on nbc tomorrow on Meet The Press and then on monday right here on msnbc on hard ball at 7 00 p. M. Eastern. More questions than answers in a deadly plane crash in Washington State. Investigators say a Horizon Air Employee was able to steal an empty Passenger Plane and take off and stay airborne more than an hour before crashing into a island. Hans nichols is in the area and joins us now from Washington State near where this happened. Bring us up to speed. Reporter investigators are trying to scour the grounds where this crash happened and figure out what is happening on the ground. At the same time you have Airport Security and alaska airlines, the Parent Company trying to figure out what this individual had access to. He was in uniform. He had worked for horizon air which is a subsidiary of alaska for three and a half years and he had authority with access to the plane. The questions Going Forward are going to be, about the Mental Health of the individual. We may find out more about that in the next 24 to 48 hours and what the protocols are at airports at any runway for getting on the runway and taxiing and then taking off. I think there are a lot of questions, what they are saying is theyre asking for patience and the ntsb and the fbi saying we shouldnt expect anything too soon. They still have a lot more information to gather. Aaron. Hans nichols in Washington State. Thank you. Still ahead, turn to stone. Robert mueller is zeroing in on roger stones closest associates. Could the walls be closing in on the president s long time friend . honking when your craving strikes, you need your wing nut. no one can totally satisfy a craving, quite like your wing nut. It was always our singular focus, a distinct determination. 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But i think the more subtle point to your question is the damage that is being done to the Justice Department when the president rails day in and day out against doj lawyers and the fbi, the damage here is incalculable. And these are agencies protecting the safety of the American People and the president shouldnt do anything to damage that and he insists on doing that over and over again. Ryan, to joyces point about the Attorney General, what is the president trying to accomplish with these attacks like we saw today in the tweet . I think undermining the Mueller Probe. He wants this to end. It is pretty obvious for a while. What is interesting, first of all we have to take a step back and realize how unusual this is for the president of the United States to be tweeting about the Attorney General and sort of glassing him on twitter. It is very unusual. And i think sometimes it sets in to wake up to another tweet from him but this is unusual situation. But what is also interesting, and sessions is one of the most effective people in the cabinet in implementing trumps agend you and every speech that he gives a speech, you see the praise for trump. That is embedded in the sessions speeches so it is a oneway relationship where sessions is saying here is what we are doing and trump agenda is important and it is great the president is saying this and on the other hand you have the president blasting this guy he tired to this position and one of his longtime supporters. And john, your take on this. In the tweet hes talking about the relationship between Crist Fear Steel who offers the dossier responsible for the Russia Investigation and the former associate department a. G. Ohr and the company that used research against the dnc. Why do you make this now. Going after sessions is deplorable. This cuts right to the core of who we are as a country. We are nothing but a country of laws so to attack the Justice Department is attacking the very pillar on when ch our society is built. And that is the first point. Second point i would make with regard to the dossier and what hes saying about that is this is really the big lie that both he and his attorneys are engaging in right now. This investigation did not begin with the dossier. This investigation began with wh a foreign diplomat told the United States, an australian diplomat told the United States that someone associated with trumps campaign, george papadopoulos, you may remember, that that individual had said to him he had dirt from the russians on Hillary Clinton and after a month or two, that australian diplomat passed that on and that is what started quite legitimately the fbi Counter Intelligence investigation which now the president and his attorneys refer to as a corrupt beginning. That is just completely false. So i think, aaron, that is my take on that. Its deplorable to attack the Justice Department this way and also to imply that this investigation would not be underway were it not for that dossier that the British Intelligence officer provided. That is incidental to all of this. And there is a lot of elements and angles to this investigation. We know that investigators appear to be closing in on longterm donald trump confidant and the former Campaign Aide roger stone. This week Robert Mueller used a Subpoena Power to question stones associates kristin davis, best known for running that manhattan Escort Service and questioning Andrew Miller and he is appealing a Contempt Order for refusing to testify. Ryan, why would roger stone be the apparent focus right now . Shocker, right, that roger stone is involved with shady stuff and that he might come under federal investigation. Breaking news for the past few decades. But the situation you have to look at with the aide is that you have a situation where his legal bills hes not footing his own legal bill. You have an organization interested in undermining the Mueller Probe a Mueller Probe and supporting the president and that is way that is paying at that and that is to have an attack of the probe on the a broader level. The president s lawyers made a full court media press to talk about the special counsel investigation. Rudy guiliani and jay sekulow taking over the airwaves on friday filling in as host of Sean Hannitys radio show. Listen to this. I think if i were the Attorney General, i would appoint a independent counsel and i would appoint the independent counsel for two purposes. Purpose number one, to appropriately prosecute the people who violated these laws. Comey clearly leaked a document that he wasnt supposed to leak. If you look at the scope and nature of this inquiry, the way it started, the corruption at the outset, it looks like an l illegitimate investigation. Comey did agree he leaked his unclassified memo. Was there corruption at the outset of the investigation. No. That is exactly what i was referring to earlier. That isnt the beginning of this investigation. It began as i said with the information from an australian diplomat to the u. S. Government. And i dont know quite how to judge james comey provision of that memo to the press except to say that it wasnt was an unclassified memo so it isnt in the category of someone leaking a highly classified piece of intelligence to the press. If you compare it for example to the pressures that lets say devin nunes as the chairman of the house intelligence committee, if he compare that to the pressures he has placed on the Justice Department to release genuinely highly classified documents, i dont think theyre in the same league. So i think the priorities, as enunciated by giuliani here are all out of whack. Joyce, giuliani said it is as simple as tell the truth and there will be no Perjury Charges when dealing with a high stakes politically charged investigation like this. Is it really that easy . It really is that easy. Witnesses who have nothing to hide are often very much at ease when they are talking with federal prosecutors. Ive sat down with them time and time again. The government seeks information and evidence from witnesses. Where folks run into problems when their talking to the fbi is where the truth is damaging to them. Although giuliani and sekulow both tried to characterize this as a perjury trap, it really isnt. Problem is the core questions that go to the heart of this investigation are questions that this president cant answer honestly, apparently, because if he does he will subject himself to some form of criminal exposure. Sean mclaughlin, ryan reilly and joyce advance. Appreciate your time. Thanks. And still ahead, race in america. One year after the deadly alt right rally in charlottesville, that city is on high alert. A live report on the ground, next. Try doctor recommended gaviscon. It quickly neutralizes stomach acid and helps keep acid down for hours. Relieve heartburn with fast acting, longlasting gaviscon. A hotel can make or break a trip. And at expedia, we dont think you should be rushed into booking one. Thats why we created expedias addon advantage. Now after booking your flight, you unlock discounts on select hotels right until the day you leave. Addon advantage. Discounted hotel rates when you add on to your trip. Only when you book with expedia. Western democracy. It is called Active Measures. I have a particular type of mark. They go after someone with business resources, shady morals and political connections or aspirations. Ive just described donald trump. The crown jewel for any Intelligence Agency is to recruit an asset inside your adversary Intelligence Agency. They seem to have premonitions of things that would happen that in fact did happen. And the question is who helps guide the decisions the russians were making. Trump tower was a Money Laundering paradise. Anybody who was anybody in Russian Organized Crime bought a condo unit at trump tower. We have the serious intelligence operation in the home of the man that becomes president of the United States. Joining me now, the director and writer and producer of the film, jack brian. So what inspired you to create this film. Thanks for having me. I think we started in april, late march of 2017. We felt that while a lot of things were being reported on while people were interested in the story, people didnt have an understanding of the overriding operation that happened. It wasnt something that started in 2016. In some cases the operations that were really enacted toward the election were going on for decades beforehand and it was a playbook that the russians had done in other countries. Now youve said that you expected to find a scandal in making this documentary but you ended up finding Something Different and something more. Yeah. Well we really discovered russia had been doing this to other countries and beat by beat the exact same playbook and the candidate donald trump was Mouth Piecing part of that playbook. In the sense of they would accuse in georgia and ukraine when georgia had back candidates in those countries, they would say the opposing candidates were criminals and should be locked up. In fact, one of the frequent refrains that would come out is they accuse a person of leading the party they are opposing to of being born in a different and they did the same thing in georgia and ukraine and Paul Manafort was running that campaign in the ukraine. So how far back do you go in doing your research and working on this and what stood out to you the most . Is there a smoking gun in your research and investigation . I think what stands out is how far back shady associations with donald trump and the russian mob and general go. The first clear line of illegality was in 1984 when donald trump sold a russian mobster named David Boggaden five condos in trump tower personally and it was the second building in new york designed so Shell Companies could purchase Condominium Units and it became a Money Laundering haven. So how do you explain the president s or trumps past relationship with russia and is there still a relationship between the two that youve been able to see from your work . Yeah, it seems to have grown. I think the big Turning Point is the period between the early 90s and 2000 when donald trump goes along a series of bankruptcies and we get reports that that is the period the russian mob said this guy is not getting loans and we could provide capital and it was a way to move money out of russia and into america where the money was safe under a rule of law jurisdiction. So does this begin to explain what weve seen as of late with the trump and putin, the interaction between the two. I think you cant understand what is going on in the news on a daily basis unless you understand how it started and why and i think this film does does do that. It goes back and shows how these men circles became closer and closer together over the years. And the news becomes pretty predictable once you understand that. Do you think we have the midterm elections coming up in november. Do you think this film will have an impact on the midterms. I hope it has an impact in the sense of people understand when they are getting information, why that information is there. They begin to be able to identify fake news that is being currently pushed by russia and going after this election and if we dont know what to look for we cant protect ourselves. So having an impact of people being informed and knowing when they are taken advantage of and then fools, yeah. Definitely an opportunity to learn some things. We appreciate your time. And Active Measures comes out on august 31st. Well be right back. Now im doing more to lower my a1c. I take tresiba® once a day. Tresiba® controls blood sugar for 24 hours for powerful a1c reduction. woman wed been counting down to his retirement. It was our tresiba® reason. He needs insulin to control his High Blood Sugar and, at his age, hes at greater risk for low blood sugar. 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Today President Trump tweeted this, the riots in charlottesville a year ago resulted in senseless death and division and we must come together as a nation. I condemn all types of racism and acts of violence. Peace to all americans. Nbc news cal perry joins us live from charlottesville. Good afternoon. Reporter good afternoon to you. You could hear that Police Helicopter overhead. It has been overhead all day. You could see the outer cordon of the check point behind me, a thousand Police Officers in a very small part of charlottesville, unprecedented and the State Of Emergency weve been talking about all day. Here is what it looks like if practice. The check points are how people get into the downtown mall area. You have to cross through one of the two check points. The list of banned items is pretty absurd in not only its length but the items you are not allowed to bring. No hairspray. But people here in town are noting that you can bring your gun. That open carry laws here in virginia still protect that right, even under a State Of Emergency. By way of reporting, it is important to note when we talk to people all day, the folks that are behind me enjoying a late lunch and early dinner, people here have been dealing with this every day. They think about this all of the time. This conversation about not only race in america but the violence that happened. And it is something that this town has not healed from. When you talk to people here, they talk about that statue of robert e. Lee Still Standing and causing that debate. These continued rallies by the Alt Right Movement and they applied for permits to rally tomorrow and they were denied those permits. And so a lot of people in this town and across virginia and the country are focused on washington, d. C. And what could happen there tomorrow. Cal perry in charlottesville, virginia. Thank you. Joining me now on the foeb is derek johnson. Hes the president and ceo of the naacp. I appreciate you making time today. Good to be on. Thank you. I do want to start in washington, d. C. I want to ask you, what have we learned in the year since charlottesville . Well unfortunately weve learned this administration is completely tone deaf to race in america. The level of xenophobia and tolerance of have increased and unfortunately this will continue until voters across the country make their voices loud and clear and in november during the midterm elections to recalibrate where we are in this political landscape. I want to play something and get your analysis of something the president said. The situation in charlottesville that day was inflamed by comments that saturday afternoon from President Trump. Listen to this. Were closely following the terrible events unfolding in charlottesville, virginia. We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides. On many sides. What was it about that many sides Comment Thattin fury ated so Many Americans. The president created a false equivalency. You had one group who was obviously demonstrating and expressing their racial hatred toward several communities in this country and you had another group who simply said that level of racial hatred is not acceptable. And so there was no there was not many sides. There was only one side of racial hatred. And unfortunately this president has been tone deaf to truly appreciate the pain that his comments and the the tone he set in this country created. Weve been looking at information from an updated report from the southern poverty law center and found that since charlottesville 113 confederate symbols have been renamed or removed but still more than 1700 monuments in Public Places around this country. Some people would argue that these symbols celebrate brave men who are a part of american history. But how do you view these monuments impact on our society in the current day . Unfortunately, any time a group of individuals take up arms against our nation those individuals are seen as traitors. Were talking about vide wer about those who took up arms against the nation. That is a history we should not celebrate. Obviously we should learn from it but not celebrate. And if i had anything to do with all of the symbols of individuals who traded and against this nation and took up arms should be removed and as we we should learn from history but that is an example of what we should learn and what not to do in the future. Now you did an interview with politico where you referred to President Trump as racist and also told politico that the naacp has repeatedly invited Candidate Trump and President Trump to address the members and declined to do that and your organization has met with every u. S. President since harry truman in 1947. What reason has the president given for declining your invitations. Simply unavailable. We have not received any other explanation but unavailable but it is not just naacp. This is a president never to my knowledge accepted an invitation of an a traditional africanamerican organization, religious or secular to address that body. I have a strong suspicion he is in fear of being questioned about his true beliefs concerning race in america and the role of his presidency in furthering a nation that is more tolerant or continuing a tone off offin of intolerance. So what would the president need to do to redeem himself. Is there some action the white house could take or what can they do, is there anything they could do to change their the perception of the white house and this president on this issue . Well it is not a perception. It is a reality. And so if this white house would like to change the statements that theyve made, the policies that they have advanced, the appointments they pursue all of which are reality, these are not perceptions, there is time to be more inclusive in the nominee they put forth. Be more sensitive in the statements ive made and pursue Public Policies that advance the cause of equality of law citizens. Naacp president and ceo derek johnson. We appreciate your time today. Thank you. And sunday on the one Year Anniversary of the deadly clash between white nationalists and protesters in charlottesville, msnbc shares the story of a former White Supremacist who dedicated his life to reforming others. You could watch Breaking Hate sunday at 9 00 p. M. Eastern on msnbc. Managing blood sugar is not a marathon. Its a series of smart choices. And when you replace one meal or snack a day with glucerna made with carbsteady to help minimize blood sugar spikes you can really feel it. Glucerna. Everyday progress. 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The three term congressman said this morning that he will remain in office until the end of his term in order tos agenda. He was the first member of congress to endorse donald trump in 2016. On wednesday he was arrested for multiple counts of Securities Fraud and wire fraud and lying to investigators. The congressman has pleaded not guilty and says he will continue to fight the meritless charges against him. Joining me now, adrian elrod and shermichael singleton. Is this a blow for the gop or was there pressure already for him to suspend the campaign . There was definitely pressure. When he gave that Press Conference a day or two ago, the expectation at that time was that he was going to say you know what, im not going to run for reelection, i wont allow for someone else to take this seat, i dont want to be an embarrassment. And he did not do so. So after that many from my understanding within leadership said you have to get out of here, were already facing a lot of hurdles come on november. This is the last thing we need is a corrupt member of Congress Running for reelection so that democrats can utilize that in other places. And the state board of elections in new york says that it is too late for collins to be able to withdraw really his name from the ballot here. Does this help or hurt his democratic challenger . Well, i think it is left to be seen. The real question here is if his name is on the ballot do republicans try to run a very aggressive writein campaign. Even so that puts the republican whoever they choose to writein at a huge disadvantage because it is just very hard to run writein campaigns. But overall, in still hurts the republican party. Whether or not he stays in office or he resigns or is on the ballot or not, it the type of culture of corruption that all voters, democrat or republican regardless of Party Affiliation cant stand when they feel like the system is rigged against them. And rigged in favor of those who are serving in public office. So the damage has already been done. And this is again another blow to republicans as they go into the midterms. And ill ask you too about this challenger Nate Mcmurray. He is one of 51 democrats against electing nancy pelosi as the House Speaker if democrats should take control. What are her chances of becoming speaker again if there is a blue wave in this midterm . Bottom line is if nancy pelosi runs for speaker again, this is her race to lose. We saw this happen a lot in 2006. Especially those running in red districts. Brad elsworth to name one. Some ended up supporting her. She won by an yeoverwhelming support in 2007. So it is her race to lose. But i do hope that the Democratic Party no matter who the speaker is allows some of this newer generation of fresh faces to come in and have some real leadership because that is how were going to rebuild our party and help lift up some new faces. And lets talk about bernie sanders. There are several candidates who he endorsed who failed on tuesday. Politico writes that bernie and his army are losing 2018. Do republicans benefit from sanders backed candidates losing or would they rather have them win this hopes of a fractured Democratic Party . No, i think it certain benefits the party. Going back to iowa, practically every candidate senator sanders endorsed have endied loeed lost. He looks to run for relocation. So it shows a messaging and organizational problem. Many republicans try to figure out who may go against donald trump in 2020, we are hoping that it is someone like sanders because i think his message does not resonate with Many Americans as we have already seen in many races. And there is an increasing number of republicans who are calling for members of their own party to vote democrat in the house come november. Former president george w. Bushs speechwriter wrote this, if Democrats Gain control of the house but not the senate, they will be a check on the president without becoming a threat to his best policies. The tax cut will stand. The senate will still approve tariff judges, but the house will conduct real Oversight Hearings and expose both russian influence and administration corruption. What do you make of that . Well, i thought it was a really interesting piece for a number of reasons. But you know, look, ultimately republicans can gets a creative as they want to here, but we have a blue wave coming in the house. Democrats will take over the house in november. Actually i think that democrats have a real chance of taking back the senate. And many republicans have been out there saying, of course democrats as well, but many republicans are saying we have to have some sort of balance in either thouse or the nat in ordr to clean up some of the Corruption Scandals and move the country forward. So again, i think that is what a lot of the American People population think as well. And that is again why you will see a blue wave come november. And what is your not . You are nodding. I agree 100 . There has to be a check on the executive. That is the way the Founding Fathers intended things to be. But as it relates to the republican party, i think that it is most certainly dead. This is now the party of donald trump. He has defined what it means to be a republican, conservatism as defined by folks like bill chris c krystle and george will. All right. Well leave it there. Thank you both. We should note that well be joined by congressman collins opponent Nate Mcmurray in our next hour. Now, still ahead, a new low. Omarosa says there is a recording of the president using the n word several times. Wait until you hear how President Trump is responding. Plus new information from seattle about the Airline Employee who stole a plane and crashed it moments after being pursued by fighter jets. Hawaii is in the middle of the pacific ocean. Were the most isolated population on the planet. Hawaii is the first state in the u. S. To have 100 Renewable Energy goal. Were a very small electric utility. But, if we dont make this move were going to have changes in our environment, and have a negative impact to hawaiis economy. 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