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Disorder. Because until basic questions are answered about how communities coexist, the embers of extremism will continue to burn, countless human beings will suffer, most of all, in that region. But extremism will continue to be exported overseas. And the world is too small for us to simply be able to build a wall and prevent it from affecting our own societies. And what is true in the middle east is true for all of us. Surely, religious traditions can be honored and upheld while teaching young people science and math rather than intolerance. Surely, we can sustain our unique traditions while giving women their full and rightful role in the politics and economics of a nation. Surely, we can rally our nations to solidarity while recognizing equal treatment for all communities whether its a religious minority in myanmar or an ethnic minority or a racial minority right here in the United States. And surely, israelis and palestinians will be better off if palestinians recognize the legitimacy of israel but israel that it cannot settle Palestinian Land permanently. We all have to do better as leaders in tamping down rather than encouraging a notion of identity that leads us to diminish others. This leads me to the fourth and final thing to do, to sustain our commitment to International Cooperation rooted in the rights and responsibilities of nations. As president of the United States, i know that for most of Human History, power has not been uni polar. The end of the cold war may have led too many to forget this truth. Ive noticed as president at times both americas adversaries and allies believe all problems were either caused by washington or could be solved by washington. And perhaps too many in washington believe that as well. But i believe america has been a rare superpower in Human History insofar as it has been willing to think beyond narrow selfinterest. That while weve made our share of mistakes over these last 25 years, ive acknowledged some, we have strived, sometimes, a great sacrifice to align better our actions with our ideals. And as a consequence, i believe we have been a force for good. We have secured allies. Weve acted to protect the vulnerable. Weve supported human rights. And welcomed scrutiny of our own actions. We bound our power to International Laws and institutions. When weve made mistakes, weve tried to acknowledge them. We have worked to roll back poverty and hunger and disease beyond our borders, not just within our borders. Im proud of that. But i also know that we cant do this alone. And i believe that if were to meet the challenges of this century, we are all going to have to do more to build up international capacity. We cannot escape the prospect of nuclear war unless we all commit to stopping the spread of Nuclear Weapons and pursuitisui World Without them. When iran agrees to accept constraints on its nuclear program, that enhances Global Security and enhances irans ability to work with other nations. On the other hand when north korea tests a bomb, that endangers all of us and any country that breaks this basic bargain must face consequences and those nations with these weapons like the United States have a unique responsibility to pursue the path of reducing our stockpiles and reaffirming basic norms like the commitment to never test them again. We cant combat a disease like zika that recognizes no borders. Mosquitos dont respect walls unless we make permanent the same urgency we brought to bear against ebola by strengthening our own systems of Public Health, and investing in cures and rolling back the root causes of disease and helping poor countries develop a Public Health infrastructure. We can only eliminate extreme poverty if the Sustainable Development goals that we have set are more than words on paper. Human ingenuity gives us the capacity to feed the country and give all of our children, including our girls, the education thats the foundation for opportunity in our world. But we have to put our money where our mouths are. And we can only realize the promise of this institutions founding to replace the ravages of war with cooperation if powerful nations like my own accept constraints. Sometimes im criticized in my own country for professing a belief in International Norms and multilateral institutions but im convinced in the long run giving up some freedom of action, not giving up our ability to protect ourselves or pursue our core interests but binding ourselves to international rules, over the longterm, enhances our security. And i think thats not just true for us. If russia continues to interfere in the affairs of its neighbors, it may be popular at home or fuel nationalist fervor for a time but over time, it will also diminish its stature and make its borders less secure. In the south china sea, a peaceful resolution of disputes offered by law will mean far greater stability than the militarization of a few rocks and reefs. We are all stake holders in this International System and it calls upon all of us to invest in the success of institutions to which we belong. And the good news is that the many nations have shown what kind of progress is possible when we make those commitments. Consider what weve accomplished here over the past few years. Together, we mobilized some 50,000 additional troops for u. N. Peace keeping, making them nimble, better equipped, better prepared to deal with emergencies. Together, we established an open Government Partnership so increasingly, transparency and partner people around the globe. And together, now, we have to open our hearts and do more to help refugees who are desperate for home. We should all welcome the pledges of increased assistance that have been made at this General Assembly gathering. Ill be discussing that more this afternoon but we have to follow through even when the politics are hard. Because in the eyes of innocent men and women and children, who through no fault of their own have had to flee everything that they know, everything that they love, we have to have the empathy to see ourselves. We have to imagine what it would be like for our family, what our children if the unspeakable happened to us. And we should all understand that ultimately, our world will be more secure if we are prepared to help those in need and the nations who are carrying the largest burden with respect to accommodating these refugees. There are a lot of nations right now that are doing the right thing. But many nations, particularly those blessed with wealth, and the benefits of geography, that can do more to offer a hand, even if they also insist that refugees who come to our countries have to do more to adopt to the customs and conventions of the communities that are now providing them a home. Let me conclude by saying that i recognize history tells a different story than the one i talked about here today. Theres a much darker and more cynical view of history than we can adopt. Human beings are too often motivated by greed and by power. Big countries, for most of history, have pushed smaller ones around. Tribes and ethnic groups and nation states, very often found that most convenient to define themselves by what they hate and not just those ideas that bind them together. Time and again, human beings have believed that they finally arrived at a period of enlightenment only to repeat then cycles of conflict and suffering. Perhaps thats our fate. We have to remember that the choices of individual human beings led to repeated world r war. But we also have to remember that the choices of individual human beings created a United Nations so that a war like that would never happen again. Each of us, as leaders, each nation, can choose to reject those who appeal to our worst impulses and embrace those who appeal to our best. For we have shown that we can choose a better history. Sitting in a prison cell, a Young Martin Luther King wrote that Human Progress never rolls on the wheels of inevitability but the tireless efforts of men willing to be coworkers with god and that during the course of these eight years as ive traveled to many of your nations, i have seen that spirit in our young people. Who are more educated and more inclusive and more diverse and more creative than our generation, who are more empathetic and more compassionate towards their fellow human beings than previous generations. And yes, some comes with the idealism of youth but also young peoples information to access to other people and places and understanding unique in Human History that their future is bound with the fates of other human beings on the other side of the world. I think of the thousands of Health Care Workers from around the world who volunteered to fight ebola. I remember the young entrepreneurs i met who are now starting new businesses in cuba, the parliamentarians who used to be Political Prisoners in myanmar. I think of the girls who have braved taunts or violence just to go to school in afghanistan. And the University Students who started programs online to reject the extremism of organizations like isil. I draw strength from the young americans, entrepreneurs, activists, soldiers, new citizens who are remaking our nation once again, who are unconstrained by old habits, conventions and unencumbered by what is but instead, seize what ought to be. My own family is made up of the flesh and blood and traditions and cultures and faiths from a lot of different parts of the world. Just as america has been built by immigrants from every shore and in my own life, in this country, and as president , i have learned that our identities do not have to be defined by putting someone else down but can be enhanced by lifting somebody else up. That they dont have to be defined in opposition to others but rather by a belief in liberty and equality and justice and fairness and the embrace of these principles as universal doesnt weaken my particular pride, my particular love for america. It strengthens it. My belief that these ideals apply everywhere doesnt lessen my commitment to help those who look like me or pray as i do or pledge allegiance to my flag. But my faith in those principles does force me to expand my moral imagination and to recognize that i can best serve my own people, i can best look after my own daughters by making sure that my actions seek what is right for all people and all children and your daughters and your sons. This is what i believe. That all of us can be coworkers with god and our leadership and our governments and this United Nations should reflect this irreducable truth. Thank you. Good morning, everyone. Weve been watching an historic speech from president obama, his final address to the United Nations in its 71st session making an appeal to world le leaders but a message likely appealing to those in the United States and those globally with the same thing. Discussing war but also the influence of money, whether its in american politics or how those with less are retreated throughout the world. Ron allen live at the United Nations as we watch the first lady alongside president obama. Ron, obviously, the president going in knowing whats at stake. The crisis in syria, the refugees on our minds as well as the climate here in the u. S. And this political race. Reporter indeed, tamron. And he took a very long view of the world and the country and what i think this will be remembered for is his recognition, his appeal for globalization. The idea that we are a very small world. We all live close together and theres a need for tolerance and humanity in our common actions. That can be broken down in a number of ways. For example, he was very critical of rulers in the middle east who are dividing people and creating the space for isis to be developed. He was essentially pitching his Transpacific Partnership trade deal saying theres no way you can stop the integration of nations and trade. There are references to 2016 in the election thats going on. One line in particular where he said that nations ring by walls only imprison themselves. Weve heard a lot about building walls in the campaign. The president also talked about how we need to appeal to our better and not trying to diminish people and another reference to some of the rhetoric weve heard from donald trump and others during the campaign. But i think this was a time to just take a long view. He also emphasized the need for multilateralism and the need for the United Nations to be strengthened and the nations of the world to essentially Work Together in the United States in a leading role but Work Together to solve huge problems like the refugee crisis and it was interesting at the end when he talked about his own diversity, how his family is from many different parts of the world and how his daughters and young people have shaped his thinking about how theyre more empathetic, more l totolerant a diverse. Thats the world president obama sees and the world hes urging these World Leaders to try and create Going Forward. Indeed, ron. And perhaps also a glimpse into how he sees his legacy and what he sees as the next step forward for his own life and role on the global stage. We know that the former president george bush chose not to be involved with International Politics or domestic politics. We have the foundation and the work that he does but not on a grand scale. Bill clinton might be the last president and obviously, recent memory and history to take that large global voice after leaving office. This seems to be president obamas positioning himself as well. Reporter indeed. Exactly. Hes 55 years old and i think the president would say he has a lot of work ahead of him. Particular areas like criminal Justice Reform is an area that hes focused on domestically but climate change, interestingly, another area that globally, hes focused on and the paris climate agreement, for example, something he was pushing that more nations of the world need to get involved in to go into effect. But the idea that we are, we need to save our planet, which is something we dont hear a lot about domestically from the president but on the world stage, that is one of the issues, legacy issues he really thinks hes made a difference in getting the world to think about this and to take concrete steps to address climate change. And yes, i think Going Forward he will be very engaged and active former president. Very young man who feels like his work is not done, but the next month through october, we also know that president obamas going to be on the campaign trail. Several times a week pushing Hillary Clinton, trying to encourage his coalition of voters to go out and support Hillary Clinton enthusiastically because if that doesnt happen, the president , i believe, would argue much of what hes accomplished over the eight years is gone. He said that very clearli ly tle Foundation Event a couple of days ago that not voting is a very negative thing about him and his legacy. Hes mindful of this legacy and the position here on the world stage. Hes a globalist. Hes an individual who sees the world as one and not to be too cliche but sees us all bound together in our common humanity, much like his family is very diverse. He sees the diversity of the world, the energy of the world and thats the message he was trying to deliver here and i think what hell be remembered. Well have more analysis of the president s speech and well also talk about the news that president obama does plan through the month of october to be on the campaign trail one or two days a week campaigning for Hillary Clinton. We have new poll numbers for you as well but i do want you caught up on the other big story. New breaking news detail from the father of the terror suspect ahmad rahami speaking out about his son. Let me bring in Msnbcs Ayman Mohyeldin in elizabeth, new jersey, with a new interview with the suspects father. What did he say, ayman . Reporter yeah, tamron. Its been an odd couple of hours and originally in the house he left. Hes made a few exits with the assistance of the fbi and every time he leaves all the media is here asking him all kinds of questions. I had a chance to quickly pose to him one or two questions. Heres what he said. What did you tell the fbi two years agoin years ago . What did you say . Did you speak to the fbi two years ago . Reporter so you heard me asking him about whether or not he spoke to the fbi because when he came out, one of the initial comments made is he had spoke to the fbi. Its not clear whether or not he spoke to the fbi in the context of recently or something to do with the past. And the indication was he was referring to something in the past that at one point suggested it was almost two years ago when he actually spoke to the fbi the first time around the same time that weve learned ahmad rahami returned from or went to afghanistan in 2014. So it could have been something to do with that particular visit upon his return to the United States. In addition to that, i asked him if he knew whether or not his son was going to carry out this attack. He looked at me and said, no, tamron, he did not know. Were staked out and if he comes back, well get more information at that point. Thank you very much. Nbcs morgan radford. Police officer peter hammer is recovering from the shooting incident yefsterday. Morgan, lets start with the officers condition. Reporter the officer is currently inside this hospital at University Hospital here in newark, new jersey. And hes expected to be released today. Thats officer peter hammer. Hes had 22 years on the job and nbc just spoke to the police chief of the Lyndon Police department and he did say hes expected to be released today. He was grazed in the head with a bullet when the suspect fled on foot and a second officer. Officer paideia with 15 yearsn the job and actually asked to come in to work today, he was feeling better and released last night but his police chief said he needs to stay home and thats where he is now. Back to the suspect. Ahmad rahami. Hes inside this hospital and had surgery after suffering multiple gunshot wounds to the leg and the big question, can the fbi ask him the questions they need to ask him, the information they need to continue their investigation . He has not officially been miranda. Thats where police say anything you say or do can be used in a court of law. Hes not but thats because theres a Public Safety exception to the miranda rule. If officers need to determine whether or not theres an immediate or eminent danger to the public, they can ask you questions but right now, the public is debating whether they can so they continue this investigation right here at University Hospital, tamron. Let me bring in nbcs pete williams. Let me pick up on what morgan was reporting and how this is being questioned and the mood forward. Thinking about the Boston Marathon bombing, a bombing on monday. Started questions Dzhokhar Tsarnaev over the weekend and five or six days elapsed and the Public Safety exception was still considered to apply. Now, here, you have a case where a bomb went off in elizabeth, new jersey, yesterday morning and the fbi is seeking to question him the same day. And two days after the bomb went off in new york, three days after wuone went off in new jersey. An even more compressed sometime kale the , time scale there. But at some point given the miranda warning, so far, no questions answered because of the surgery and under sedation, tamron. What about, pete, regarding the this investigation, if any, about rahamis travels but his father inside their apartment and there as well with him. Do we know anymore from your sources . Family questions questioned yesterday for some considerable period of time and the fbi hopes to question his wife, not in the u. S. When these bombs went off. She left the the u. S. At some point beforehand. Shes overseas. They hope to question her in the next day or so. Theyve made arrangements to do that now. So they obviously want to talk to anybody who knew him, especially family members to begin with to learn about what they knew and the question is here, did he have help or any idea he was building these under their noses and where was he doing it . Thats a question they want to know and they want to know, what were the radicalizing influences in his life . They were told he found a note he left behind and described as a rambling choppy poorly written hodgepodge that refers to past events including the ft. Hood shooting in texas and the Boston Marathon bombings and anwar al alawlaki. Going back to the investigation, if this individual was making weapons or bombs in the house and we dont know where he was manufacturing the bombs police say he used or made, it goes back to whos in the home, Rachel Maddow yesterday did a detailed report on the different components used with the different bombs and the question of whether or not he had some type of assistance. Yeah. Those are all important questions. Think again about the Boston Marathon bombings. They never determined where the bombs were made. No one else was ever charged other than Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. No one else was ever accused of taking part in the bombing other than his brother tamerlan who was killed and its always a question in these cases. They want to know if he had help conceiving of this, building the bombs, planting the bombs, being radicalized. Those are all on the table. Pete, thank you. And let me bring in now nbcs chief correspondent Richard Engel and you have more on the suspect including multiple trips to afghanistan. Afghanistan, pakistan, also, family members, one brother whos believed to be in afghanistan now. A sister believed to be in pakistan and as people say, its very hard to know when someone was radicalized or what drove them to be radicalized. Its often a process. But aquin tanss and friends say he came back and was behaving different differently. More religiously and angry. He often had a dower look on his face like he was angry all of the time. And frankly, this fits very consistently with the kind of profile that we found earlier this summer. We investigated more than a dozen americans who are attracted to isis, this kind of extremism and in every case, they were from muslim immigrant families. They were not fitting in very well. He went to a local college, dropped out, was sort of a not an exceptional student. Thats typical of this people attracted to this kind of thing. He had several runins with the law. From a family that didnt quite blend in with the community. There were issues with the Family Restaurant and the community. They were involved in a lawsuit. They felt persecuted because of their religion. Local community said it had nothing to do with the religion but the restaurant just staying open too late. But collectively when you see people who are angry, who have made trips abroad to places like afghanistan, pakistan, feel that theyre being religiously persecuted. They have maybe a bit of history of violence and had a history of violence. That is the kind of profile of people. Weve seen over and over and over. Going back quickly to the information regarding his wife that she may have left the United States a few days before he carried out this act according to police. That again strikes an interesting cord as to what somebody may have known and what motivated that trip. I dont know much about that trip. Ive seen reports of this. But i think were going to be seeing a lot of more information coming in and also some confusion about who moved when because he had, were talking about three brothers, two sisters, several of them had muhammad in the name. So weve been talking over the course of the day to Homeland Security folks and theyre trying to figure out, did he actually go to afghanistan on the particular trip or pakistan. Is that information that would be clearly available . Theres a good news story in what happened here and a trouble. The good news story is the police work was exceptional. Once these bombs went off and were found, very quickly, an evidence trail was located. People have been asked to Say Something, see something, Say Something and they did. That all worked exceptionally well and the situation was contained and it seems to be over within 48 hours. Now the question is, did the intelligence system, which is an enormous system thats been set up after 9 11, work . He wasnt on a watch list. Should he have been on a watch list . He did and other members of his family went abroad numerous times to afghanistan, pakistan, they were involved in this lawsuit in which they felt persecuted. They were on their social media pages under suit anymopseudonym. These references to Anwar Alawlaki whos been inspiration for numerous extremists. When you look back, obviously hindsight is 20 20 but is our foresight as clear as it should be . Richard engel, thank you very much for that new information. Moving to politics in this, next hour, donald trump will hold a rally in North Carolina where he could comment on rahami and fighting in this country. Trump and Hillary Clinton clash yesterday on how we should deal with terror suspects. We will give him amazing hospitalization. He will be taken care of by some of the best doctors in the world. He will be given a fully modern and updated hospital room. And hell probably even have room service knowing the way our country is. Its like so much else he says. Its not grounded in fact. Its meant to make some kind of demagogic point. I am prepared to, ready to actually take on those challenges. Not engage in a lot of, you know, irresponsible reckless rhetoric. Nbcs jacob rascon joining me from high point, North Carolina. A lot of criticism directed at donald trump from those comments not just from democrats but this again, a measure of how these candidates handle crisis. Particularly involving terrorist suspects. They really are and we have a couple of recent examples now. What would a President Trump or clinton do in response to an attack like this and really, the conversation, a lot of it had to do with trump and refugees. He likes to turn the conversation to refugees. Its been a central talking point of his campaign. We go back to december when he talked about the allout and complete ban on muslims. The language has shifted a bit but over the last many months, talked about refugees comparing them to snakes and the great trojan horse and about that warning and threat. Hes never backed down from that including, this is related as well, a recent tweet from his son comparing the refugees to skittles. It became the number one trending topic on twitter. It wasnt surprising because it fit into the narrative from the Trump Campaign about refugees being this great enormous threat to this country. And he liked to tie it back as often as he can to the possibility that it could lead to Something Like this attack. Im curious, jacob. Whats been the latest comment from the campaign regarding this . For people who dont know, it was viral last night. Donald trump jr. Tweeting out, lets put it up again. This image sends it all. Lets end the politically correct agenda that doesnt put america first. It shows a bowl of the skittles candy. If i had it, just three would kill you, would you take a handful . Even the company that manufacturers the candy replied, skittles or refugees are people. We dont feel its an appropriate analogy and respectfully refrain from further commentary. The president or Vice President of the company taking great issue with this. What is the campaign saying this morning about what, i think, roundly seen as an offensive and just deplorable way to compare human beings . Reporter so the campaign, if you could say anything, whats coming from the campaign is doubling down. If you look at, for example, donald trump jr. s tweeting, since that tweet, hes only tweeted arguments that would back up his warning about refugees, possibly being dangerous. And so there is no backing down and i dont expect we will see any. Again, because tying it back to what we saw in the primaries starting with the muslim ban, with the story that trump likes to tell on the trail comparing refugees to snakes, talking about them as the great trojan horse. Its central to the campaign. I wouldnt expect backing down. I would say theres no official trump statement response to that tweet. Thank you, jacob. Let me bring in Kristen Welker in washington, dc with Hillary Clinton, not on the campaign trail today. Obviously, though, her surrogates focusing in on not just on donald trump jr. s tweet but also what the candidate has said regarding how hed handle terror suspects. Reporter well, thats right. And Hillary Clinton herself yesterday criticized donald trump very firmly and said some of this kind of rhetoric is being used as a recruitment tool. In terms of that tweet you were just talking about with jacob, her spokesperson, nick meryl said this is disgusting so democrats hitting back on that as well. And this comes as surrogates have been out in force and president obama, we are learning, is going to be very busy next month, as you were talking about with ron. Hes going to be out one to two days per week in key battleground. Florida, ohio, new hampshire, iowa, pennsylvania, North Carolina. So the states that you would expect. And this is a statement we got from one of his spokespeople, eric schultz and i will read you it. The preponderate knows how importa, the president knows how important it is with the message delivered to the American People back to his speech in springfield and the Democratic Convention and delivering, well, there you have it right there in your screen. Mow, h cothis comes after this weekend, president obama delivered this stemwinder of a speech at the Congressional Black Caucus dinner in which he essentially said to the crowd, i will consi a personal insult if you dont go out and vote. He personalized this and the president is key to mobilizing what we know as the obama coalition, those young voters, latinos, africanamericans, of course, secretary clinton falling a little bit where she needs to be if shes going to win with some of the key groups and hoping hes going to help her in that regard. We have the new weekly tracking poll. Our daily, our weekly, rather, tracking poll to bring those to the audience. Thank you very much, kristen. Thanks. Were bringing in malcolm nance to talk about what the candidates have said on the campaign trail. Malcolm, thats okay. Its live tv. Malcolm, we got you the chair and thats whats important here. Donald trump yesterday saying that the terror suspect would be re treated kindly. His description of how we treat terror suspects in this country, at least, what he believes to be the case, clearly, we all know thats not true but how does that play out in the political conversation . This is not a positive event. I mean, it creates this false image that the United States Justice System is not working, that we coddle terrorists. When this case is all resolved and justice is brought to bear, youll find out that the perpetrator of this attack will end up in a super max prison. He will have virtually no contact with anyone for the rest of their life. We have people right now who have been prosecuted, people involved in the First World Trade Center bombing, many other nefarious acts, far greater magnitude who get none of the things that donald trump claims. Where are we that we have to explain that . Weve seen terror suspects in federal cases and timothy m mcveigh. Naturalized citizens, but of reasonable mind know this isnt true but clearly donald trump believe hes hit a nerve with the supporters and those who feel like we arent doing enough to fight terror. His supporters are sort of operating in a posttruth bubble to an extent and hopefully thats why i come on board because i am saying this as an intelligence war fighter, someone who has been in this mission for over a quarter of a century. These images of what terrorists get are false but one thing thats true. Every time we vilify our own people, our own citizens, every time we vilify 1. 6 billion muslims who just want to go about their lives and live peaceful coexistence with everybody else, we assist or Donald Trumps rhetoric assists in the recruitment of terrorists. Donald trump referenced it at his rally yesterday. How do you point to proof of this . I think thats what his, you can answer the question. I could answer it as well but from your expertise, is france the example of when you dont allow or theres feeling of a lack of assimilation . The proof is in really in the pudding. They put out videos where they say, donald trump this is the image of americans. They hate you. They hate muslims. Therefore, join us because theyll never allow you to assimilate into their society. The reason we have so little terrorism in the United States from our muslim communities because theyre fully assimilated into society. That was the point after the attacks. The bataclan and other issues. In france, they found out in brussels these communities which were living as small nodules of foreign natns living as foreigners within the country. Their lack of assimilation of these people gave them a feeling of helplessness and these terrorists came in and gave them an ideology to fill in the gap between frances liberty, Equality Fraternity and what they wanted to do and practice as muslims and thats where these religious cults, these religious extremists can bring you out and force you to turn on your own nation. And i think we may be seeing a little bit of that in the example that we have now with rahami. Based on some of the cyber things weve seen on the internet ramblings, he may have been watching the videos of Anwar Alawlaki, the al qaeda inspirational leader. Who referenced in a letter found. Right. We have to fill in the gap with our own american Constitutional Values and not try to push people off the fence into the hands of terrorists. Thank you so much for joining us. Well be right back after a break. Geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. [ rear alert sounds ], [ music stops ]on ] on the road again just cant wait to get on the road again [ front assist sounds ] [ music stops ] [ girl laughs ] on the road again like a band of gypsies we go down the highway [ beetle horn honks ] no matter which passat you choose, you get more standard features, for less than you expected. Hurry in and lease the 2017 passat s for just 199 a month. Is it a professor who never stops being a student . Is it a caregiver determined to take care of her own . 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There is growing outrage across this country this morning after a white Police Officer shot and killed an unarmed black man in tulsa, oklahoma. Terrence, a father of four, having car troubles after a vehicle blocking the road. What happened next was captured on multiple cameras. It showed him with his hands in the air. The Justice Department is now investigating the federal shooting and nbcs janet has the details and more on the videos. Reporter Police Dash Cam video cap which you wered it tu. Overhead. Terrence outside of his stalled suv on friday night. An officer said he wasnt cooperating as he walked toward his vehicle. Got a subject who wont show me his hands. The video has his hands in the air. Even officers in the chopper could see it. As they discuss in this recording. Hes got his hands up for her now. Moments later, officer tyler and then shot by betty. Both now on paid leave. Lying on the ground, the videos show no one checks on krucher for more than a minute. He later died at the hospital. The police chief confirming he was not armed. There was no gun on the suspect or in the suspects vehicle. Reporter amid protests over the incident, Law Enforcement made assurances justice will be served as the Justice Department opens its own investigation. The twin sister telling nbc news she feels an arrest warrant should be issued. We wont charge as pressed against the officer immediately and the video and everything thats out there speaks for itself. Its just really clear cut. Obviously, well continue to follow this investigation and bring you the latest, but janice shembly standing by and this is one of the situations were it not for the video, we would perhaps, we would be looking at a different situation. Reporter tamron, youre so correct about that. Its video now that tells the story on situations like this. Because it exists and exists in this format from two different angles. Authorities, the Justice Department of tulsa, District Attorneys Office will be able to analyze it. I want to tell you about reaction today. First of all, Hillary Clinton speaking on the steve harvey show this morning said, how many times do we have to see this in our country and bernice king, the daughter of Martin Luther king jr. And expressing her sadness, it saddens her heart that a father of four went for a car ride and went home from Community College and because he broke down, he ended up getting shot. One more item, i wanted to tell you that ben krufone of the attorneys representing the family has new information hell release at2 30 this afternoon. Back to you. Do we have a clue as to what the information is, janet . Nothing . Reporter we just got the email notification of this within the last two minutes. I know youre working hard to get details on this as the concern is growing and the outrage over what happened. Thank you very much, janet. Well be right back. 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Yeah we dont have an ax. Or a fireplace. Good to be prepared. Could you cut the bread . Everything kids touch at school sticks with them. Make sure thgerms they bring me dont stick around. Use clorox disinfecting products. Because no one kills germs bring me dont stick around. Better than clorox. Welcome back. We want to return to the developing story out of tulsa, oklahoma, where the investigation of a father of four who was shot by police continues. As we mentioned Terence Crutcher was unarmed. His vehicle was having trouble. Officers on the scene opened fire on him as his hands were up in the air. All of this caught on video, multiple cameras including a helicopter camera above the scene. Joining me now is the sister that we heard from in the story reported by janet shamlian, dr. Tiffany crutcher and her attorney dr. Benjamin krump. Thanks for joining us. Dr. Crutcher, our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. We know your brother terence had four children. Watching what played out on video on the cameras. How do you describe to me when your family saw the video. Attorney krump, are you able to hear me . We have run into some kind of technical problem. I deeply apologize to the audience and the crutcher family. Hope to get it worked out. Well be right back. These goofy glasses. Yeah. Well, we gotta hand it to fedex. Theyve helped make our ecommerce so easy, and now were getting all kinds of new customers. I know. Can you believe were getting orders from canada, ireland. This ones going to new zealand. New zealand . Psst. Ah, false alarm. Hey you guys are gonna scare away the deer idiots. Providing Global Access for small business. Fedex. Im going to make this as simple as possible for you. You can go ahead and stick with that complicated credit card that limits where you earn bonus cash back. Or. You can get the quicksilver card from capital one. Quicksilver earns you unlimited 1. 5 cash back on every purchase, everwhere. 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For the candidates the contrast could not be more dramatic. Hillary clinton claiming Donald Trumps rhetoric is helping isis. Trump proposing profiling and saying the suspect shouldnt have his constitutional rights. Now we will give him amazing hospit hospitallization, an outstanding lawyer and his punishment will not be what it once would have been. You see a republican nominee for president who incites hatred and violence like we have never seen before. The dog whistles are out in the open. While don jr. Lights up the internet comparing refugees to skittles. I have learned our identifies do not have to be defined by putting someone else down but can be enhanced by lifting somebody else up. They dont have to be defined in opposition to others but rather by a belief in liberty, equality and justice. Coming up here well speak with president obamas point man in the fight against isis here on Andrea Mitchell reports. Good day. Im Andrea Mitchell in new york with the latest into the terror blasts in new york and new jersey. This hour suspect ahmad rahami remains in a hospital with police. Last night he was charged with five counts of attempted murder. No federal charges have been filed yet. The bail set at 5. 2 million. The Court Hearing scheduled for later this month. There is no indication yet of any isis direction to the

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