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Scott ridgell from virginia, the first congressman to endorse the libertarian ticket, rather than support donald trump. I do so because the nominee for our party, the republican nominee, i am just convinced is so lacking in judgment and temperament and in character that i think he really represents a true risk to our country. And i cannot in good conscience support him. Trump tweeted this morning, i am running against the washington insiders, just like i did in the republican primaries. These are the people that have made u. S. A mess. But he does have an uphill climb. Just out this morning, our weekly nbc new survey monking online tracking poll showing donald trump down ten points to Hillary Clinton nationwide. And deep in the poll, the number that shows just how much trouble trump is having with traditional Republican Voters. Well get to that, all of it, making for this prediction today from one of the most venable political analysts in the business, stu rothenberg. Quote, three months from now with the 2016 president ial election in the rearview mirror, we will look back and agree that the president ial election was over on august 9th. Thats today. To start us off today, nbcs Halley Jackson from fayettevi e fayetteville, north carolina. Reporter hey, kate. We have a lot to talk about. I know the olympics is sucking up a lot of the airwaves, but we have a real race here when it comes to the political side of it. And that is the race for donald trump to try to, before labor day, prove to some of these republican elite members in washington, republican elected officials, as well as republican rank and file members, that he can, in fact, put up enough of a fight to succeed over Hillary Clinton in these key battleground states where polls show he is simply behind. Lets talk about the reaction from the campaign to this Susan Collins news. This Susan Collins i guess you could call it an anti endorsement, as well as that letter from 50 National Security officials, calling trump, if he wins, the most reckless president in american history. The Trump Campaign is doing two things here, one, casting shade on the people who are coming up with this criticism in the first place. Trump, for example, saying this letter was politicly motivated, the people writing it are the ones no got us, in his words, the people who got us into this mess. The other part, trying to go back to what worked for trump in the primaries, casting him as the outsider and casting him as fighting against the people inside washington, who have been continuing the status quo. This is a little bit of a shift. Remember, just last week, he was endorsing paul ryan under a lot of pressure to do that, to endorse john mccain and kelly ayotte, as well. Now hes sticking with what has worked for him over the last year. The question is, can he grow his base . I know youre going to talk about some of our poll numbers later on in the show. But the idea that his core group of supporters, white men, white men without college education, has been eroding, frankly, going over to Hillary Clinton. Trump still leads her, lets be clear. But not by as much, which is a concern. So through all of this, we keep hearing about what you talked about the stu rothenberg piece. And other talk from analysts. Trump 2. 0. The big pivot, the big change. Trump who is going to suddenly become a president ial candidate. When you talk to republicans, both inside and outside trump world, they will tell you this. It is not going to happen. And this morning we heard it from the candidates mouth himself. Listen to what he had to say on fox. Well, i think that, you know, my temperament has gotten me here. Ive always had a good temperament. And its gotten me here. We beat a lot of people in the primaries and now we have one bern left, and were actually doing pretty well there. Well see how it all comes out. Reporter so trump will say, were actually doing pretty well. But kate, when you look objectively at the numbers, at least right now, he is not the question for republicans. How does he grow that support, and how does he try to close the gap . He may bounce back. We have some time again through august when people are wrapped up in vacation and the olympics and everything else. If he doesnt see a bounce by after labor day, before the next debate, i think youre going to see even more defections on the gop side. Weve got, what, 91 i think is the count right now. Hallie jackson in fayetteville, north carolina. Thanks so much. We mentioned earlier that letter, signed by 50 former National Security officials, refusing to vote for donald trump. And in no uncertain language, either, heres a portion of the letter. Most fundamentally, mr. Trump lacks the character, values and experience to be president. He weakens u. S. Moral authority as the leader of the free world. He appears to lack basic knowledge about and belief in the u. S. Constitution, u. S. Laws and u. S. Institutions, including religious tolerance, freedom of the press and an independent judiciary, they write. With me now, one of the 50 ambassador James Jeffrey was u. S. Ambassador to iraq and turkey, also former National Deputy National Security adviser under george w. Bush. Mr. Ambassador, thanks for being with us. Appreciate your time. Thank you for having me. Lets talk about why you signed this letter in the first place. You were a republican, you worked on a republican administration, at least, after a career in security. Tell me why you personally are not voting for donald trump. Well, i worked for both democratic and republican president s and i have seen them in action. And this is the first time ive ever taken a public position on any president ial candidate on either party. And its because what i saw in his statements and in his actions is totally anathema to what i have experienced with president s who make good decisions. I just cant imagine with that temperament how he would handle the sorts of life and death cries hes ive seen people go through. So a temperament question more than anything else. Well, theres also judgment, theres also experience. He has no Foreign Policy experience. And characteristic for him, he shows no interest in learning this. Im not someone who has just done this in the white house and in the state department. I spent four years in iraq and vietnam on the front seeing what happens when mistakes are made with our young men and women. We cant have this happen again. This is a life and death situation. He knows nothing nothing about this. Donald trump released a Statement Last night about your letter. I want to read a part of it. The names on this letter are the ones the American People should look to for answers on why the world is a mess. And we thank them for coming forward. So everyone in the country knows who deserves the blame for making the world such a dangerous place. They are nothing more than the failed washington elite looking to hold on to their power, and its time they are held accountable for their actions. He then essentially blames the 50 people, including you, for entrance into the iraq war, for the attack on benghazi, and for the rise of isis. How do you respond . Well, none of the people who signed that letter were in government when benghazi happened or when isis became a problem. That was 2014 2015. I was out of government and i think i was the last of the people to work in the obama administration. So hes flat wrong on that. And thats typical. Hes wrong on almost everything. On going into iraq, very, very few of the 50 who signed were in policy positions at that time. So i wouldnt take that on either. Have you had a chance you worked under president george w. Bush, as you say, you worked under democrats and republicans. Have you had a chance to speak with the bushes or president bush at all . No. This was a very personal decision for me. I spoke to no one other than my family and Close Friends about this, because i had to make the decision myself. Nobody from either campaign contacted me, just the person who put the letter together. Did it pain you to write this letter, to be part of this letter, ambassador . I can speak only for myself, not for the others. But the nature of Foreign Policy, the nature of the work we do and that we love and believe in is a quiet business. Its one where youre cautious, where you dont draw a lot of attention to yourself. So in that sense, this was a very unusual step. But i think this is a reunusual candidate. Thats the point of the letter. Is there anything donald trump could do to convince you that he does have the credentials and would be a good commander in chief . Resign. Resign as a candidate. Yes. Ambassador James Jeffrey, thanks for your time today. Appreciate it. Thank you. We will get back to politics in a moment. But happening right now, new details on that deadly bombing in pakistan. Lawyers throughout pakistan are on strike today after a suicide bombing killed dozens of their colleagues at a hospital in quetta. Those the lawyers on strike after 72 people were killed in the blast early monday. Most of them, the victims, were lawyers. It happened right after the body of a prominent lawyer who had been killed in a shooting earlier in the day was taken to that hospital. Nbc pakistan correspondent, wash khan, joins me now from islamabad. Do officials believe this is connected to the bombing, and we also understand multiple claims of responsibility. Reporter good morning, kate. Its the second day of the bombing, a very, very terrible bombing. 72 dead. 103 injured. Most of them lawyers. And there are clear reasons to believe by authorities that the assassination of a pretty highprofile lawyer earlier yesterday, which led to these mourners, mostly lawyers, collecting in the square was the plan behind the bombing itself. Now, there are conflicting claims, security authorities tell me, that one claim is about isis, which has a limited footprint in pakistan, most authorities there have been sort of ignoring them, saying there is no real isis presence here. But isis has claimed this attack. Authorities are looking seriously into it. But more serious claim is coming from a taliban faction. They have built you have their profile to have soft targets in the past. The easter day bombing in lahore in northeastern pakistan. Most People Killed there, over 70 of them, most children and their parents. So, again, there is a clear connection that soft targets are now increasingly in the crosshairs of the terrorists here. We have seen a decrease of over the last couple years with the military launching in major Counterinsurgency Campaign so a lot of hard targets, general headquarters, naval headquarters, air bases have not been hit in the last couple years, so those stats are decreasi decreasing. Whats increasing are the softer targets like school kids and lawyers yesterday. Waj khan in pakistan for us tonight. Thank you so much. Appreciate it. Coming up, badger battle. Paul ryan facing off today with challenger paul nehlen in wisconsin. Remember the surprise to years ago when House Majority leader and rising star eric cantor was unseated . Is there any chance that could happen to speaker ryan . Were live in wisconsin, up next. Stay with us. Max and i just discovered this dog treat called dentalife. Its really different. See . Its flexible. 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Charles krauthammer you have to ask yourself, do i want a person of that temperament controlling the Nuclear Codes . And as of now, id have to say no. [bill oreilly sighs] and as of now, id have to say no. Ssoon, shell be bingestudying. Now she writes mostly in emoji. Soon, shell type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. Today, the only spanish words he knows are burrito and enchilada. Soon, hell take notes en espanol. Get back to great with the right gear. From the place with the experts. Office depot officemax. Gear up for school. Gear up for great. Now that i work there, i value dothe food even more. I feed it to yoshi because there are no artificial colors, preservatives and its made with real chicken. Im so proud to make dog chow natural in davenport, iowa. Californias clean air laws weve cut toxic pollution. Were seeing fewing cases of asthma in kids. And the new Clean Energy Economy has created more than half a million jobs. Im tom steyer. Just when were making progress, the Oil Companies are trying to weaken our clean air laws. But we can stop them. Send them a message. Were going to protect our kids not their profits. Today primary day in wisconsin, and House Speaker paul ryan is seeking reelection to a tenth term in congress. Ryan faces off against businessman, paul nehlen. According to a projection by the state Elections Commission there, only about 16 of eligible voters will actually go to the polls today. Joining me now, nbc capitol hill correspondent, kelly odonnell, and in Los Angeles Times political writer, seema meta, both in wisconsin today. Kelly, let me start with you at a polling place. Before last week, honestly, i dont think people knew paul nehlens name until donald trump got involved and reluctantly endorsed paul ryan. Will trumps support help or hurt paul ryan, do you think . Reporter it certainly is the trump effect that brought us here to janesville. Kate, we are at the home of the edison eagles, a place where four wards are voting today, talking with the election staff here, they say its about a typical turnout for primaries, which isnt that great. But for paul nehlen, he has been able to tap into that outsider status that we have seen with donald trump. However, trump in trying to sort of hit the reset button on his campaign, has come to that point of supporting. However reluctantly, reading it off a sheet of paper. You saw that happen. The House Speaker, the highest ranking republican official. Based on the polling here, it is widely expected that paul ryan will have an easy return to the november ballot. But this has brought up that whole issue of the angry voter, the outsider candidate. Paul nehlen has only lived in wisconsin the past couple years, hes a businessman. That brought him here. And he is someone who has views much more similar to donald trump on immigration and on trade. Than paul ryan. So what we are seeing is how is the Republican Party sort of fighting within itself over these Critical Issues that arent easy to deal with and for paul ryan it has been such a difficult time, needing to be sort of a standard bearer until we have this candidate trump for the Republican Party. At issue with him over Different Things he has said and how hes conducted himself. But saying at two events yesterday, talking with reporters, campaigning here in his home district that donald trump won fair and square, its a Grass Roots Party where the voter is going to the primaries and through that convention process we saw play out, shows trump and he is the nominee and therefore ryan supports it. Seema, yesterday paul nehlen told me the wisconsin gop will do anything to snuff out my candidacy. Those were his words. Is there any question, as kelly says, the polls show and everybody thinks ryan is going to walk away with this. Is there any chance that were surprised in the way we were surprised by eric cantors loss . Reporter well, never say never, especially in this election year. Because its been a crazy year. But based on everything we have seen with the polls, with paul ryans favorability in wisconsin, it would be shocking if he didnt win tonight. And win by a lot. But i think theres a difference between what we saw with eric cantor two years ago and what we see with paul ryan. People in virginia felt that they werent as closely tied to eric cantor as they once were. With paul ryan, hes back here every weekend, his family lives here, three young kids. People see him at festivals and fish fries and parades. Talking to voters here, they really they have really warm feelings towards him. Feel hes a local kid who has made them proud. And kelly, you mentioned this state and this race is a little bit of a microcosm of what were seeing on the national level. I want to play a little bit of sound of the key differences in the Republican Party, including open borders and trade. Take a listen. Just imagine how many more automobile jobs will be lost if the tpp is actually approved. It will be catastrophic. Thats why i have announced we will with draw from the deal before that can ever, ever, ever happen. We do need trade agreements. I know a lot of people say just get rid of trade agreements, dont do trade agreements. And thats terrible. We are in a global economy, whether we like it or not. The question is, who is going to write the rules for the global economy. So kelly, how does that trade debate play out where you are in wisconsin . Reporter well, there is so much concern about trade and what its done to jobs over time. Not just specifically to this one trade deal, which has been so hot in this election, where president obama supports it, but Hillary Clinton does not. Where paul ryan supports it, but donald trump does not. And so what we have found is people are talking about their jobs. They want some sense that their employment is secure, will there be locally made, locally manufactured products that can be sold that can give people a sense of security. So its really about personal Economic Security that comes into the conversation when you talk to voters. These trade agreements, which are complex and its not so easy to just pull out of it, not you know, notwithstanding what donald trump says. But i think where you find the Common Ground between ryan and trump is this notion of trade deals need to be written by a party they believe is the Republican Party point of view and with those goals in mind. And thats kind of a way they can talk about this and not be at opposite ends of the spectrum. Its not so black and white to say youre for it or against it when they can talk about trying to achieve things that would bring manufacturing back or increase the ability to sell americanmade goods overseas. So its definitely something thats being talked about. And i think seema was so right when she referenced the difference between eric cantor and paul ryan. When i covered that eric cantor defeat, it was very clear talking to voters on the ground there and being out at that time that there was a disconnect. That people didnt feel that cantor had been home enough, even though it was richmond, virginia, not far from washington, d. C. Paul ryan is very much immersed in this community, even has he moved up in the ranks and been a longtime career politician. They are proud to have him as speaker of the house for many voters. I can also tell you, we have seen yard signs that say paul nehlen right around this school. Kate . Seema, wisconsin was cruz country. Is there an audience there for trumps message . Is there an audience for paul nehlens message, which is very, very aligned with trump . I mean, i was i covered an event with governor pence in wisconsin two weeks ago and he had a good crowd and people were very excited about him. The people that showed up, it was interesting, because largely socially conservative voters and they were supporting trump because they didnt like Hillary Clinton but sort of skeptical, a little bit concerned about him. And governor pence being on the ticket gave them confidence that he would make the right decisions for them. But youre right. Senator cruz clearly crushed donald trump here and in talking to Republican Voters yesterday, two of the paul ryan events, there remains some deep concerns about Donald Trumps candidacy and theyre not voting for Hillary Clinton but hadnt gotten there yet. They almost used language that paul ryan used, they werent there yet in terms of donald trump. Seema meta and kelly odonnell, thank you for being with us. Well see what happens later tonight. Thanks. A new case of zika in florida, and not in that neighborhood of miami thats been such a focus. How fast is the virus spreading . Whats being done about it . More on that next, stay with us. It takes a lot of work. To run this business. But i really love it. Im on the move all day long. And sometimes, i just dont eat the way i should. So i drink boost® to get the nutrition that im missing. Boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. All with a great taste. I dont plan on slowing down any time soon. Stay strong. Stay active with boost®. [ crowd noisewhoa. [ gears stopping ] when your pain reliever stops working, your whole day stops. Try this. But just one aleve has the strength to stop pain for 12 hours. Tylenol and advil can quit after 6. So live your whole day, not part. With 12 hour aleve. And programmers i teach them to talk. 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If you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. Tell your doctor about any history of Mental Health problems, which could get worse or of seizures. Dont take chantix if youve had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. If you have these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away as some can be lifethreatening. Tell your doctor if you have heart or blood vessel problems, or develop new or worse symptoms. Get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. Decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. Use caution when driving or operating machinery. Most common sideaffect is nausea. Being a nonsmoker feels great. Ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. The case of homegrown zika virus has been confirmed in florida. This time in Palm Beach County, bringing the number of cases in the state to 17. The latest case found well outside the one square mile in miamis wynwood neighborhood, ground zero for the recent outbreak of locally acquired zika. Officials say the patient did travel recently to the miami area, but its not clear where the infection occurred. This as we learn texas officials have confirmed the states first zikarelated death after an infant born with microcephaly died shortly after birth. Joining me now, director of the National Institute of allergy and infectious diseases, dr. Anthony fauci. Thanks for being with us. So much concern for americans. How much concern do you have that zika may be continuing to spread in florida, and the danger overall for all americans . Well, if you look first at the United States as a whole, the continental United States, given the conditions throughout the entirety of the continental United States, it is very unlikely that were not taking this light, nor are we being cavalier about it. Its unlikely youre going to have an explosive outbreak, the likes of which we saw in brazil and which we are currently experiencing in puerto rico. However, given the fact that we have so many travelrelated cases, we have close to 400 in florida and we have a very robust mosquito season in the humid semi tropical areas, typically in the golf coast states, it would not be surprising we have additional cases, individual local transmitted cases, both in florida, as well as in some of the other states along the gulf coast or even elsewhere. That wont be surprising. The critical issue is to keep those kinds of very limited local outbreaks from becoming disseminated and from becoming sustained. And thats exactly what has actually happened in florida. With the Mosquito Control activity going on in florida. We had that burst of cases, went to 16, now with the additional case of the 17th case, it stays relatively wellconstrained. And the only way you keep it that way is by very vigorous Mosquito Control methods. People do hear Palm Beach County and know thats a different case than miami and i wonder do you suspect thats a case where somebody picked it up in the same miami neighborhood, or could it be that the skooeds are mosquitoes are traveling . No. Well, mosquitoes dont travel very far. Thats the thing people need to understand. Mosquitoes travel a range of about, you know, 500 feet, 150 meters or so. Or, you know, not very, very far. So theyre not going to go from dade county up to palm beach, for sure. Its the people who travel. And its very likely that we cant prove for sure that this person traveled through the area where there was the local cluster of cases. Thats the most likely scenario. We obviously have to keep our eye out on it, but thats the most likely scenario. Youve said that the mosquitoes that carry zika are very resilient. And to ask you to play politics here at all, i know you dont do that. I want to play some sound from donald trump because its about how florida is handling the outbreak down there and how theyre working to control the mosquitoes. Take a listen. First of all, you have a great governor who is doing a fantastic job, rick scott, on the zika. And its a problem. Its a big problem. But i watch and see and i see what theyre doing with the spraying and everything else. And i think hes doing a fantastic job. And hes letting everyone know exactly what the problem is, and how to get rid of it. Hes going to have it under control, probably already does. So do you agree with the statement there that they do have it fairly well under control, probably already do . Well, theres a lot of activity going on between the Health Authorities and the officials in florida and the centers for Disease Control and prevention who are collaborating on this. And, in fact, they are doing a good job of containing the mosquitoes to the extent these mosquitoes can be contained. When i said theyre very resilient, i mean even under the best circumstances, and florida is putting in a very extensive effort. So theyre definitely doing that. And that cannot be criticized. The issue is, mosquitoes like the aidees egypty, they have the capability of breeding in the most amazing places, little bits of water in bottle caps, cans, tires. Even when you aggressively try to control them, youre not always 100 successful. So the effort that theyre putting in florida is a very firm, aggressive, strong effort. The mosquitoes themselves are the ones that are very resilient. So i think theyre doing as good a job as you can possibly do down there. And the results are showing that. It isnt widely disseminating throughout florida. Its still contained in that relatively restricted area that has now been welldescribed. Dr. Anthony fauci with the nih, thanks so much for being with us. Appreciate it. Good to be with you. Still ahead, how a 10yearold boy died on the worlds highest water slide. We have new details from kansas city from the water park where it all happened. You doyoull see whatet but in youre really made of. After five hours of spinning and one unfortunate ride on the gravitron, your grandkids spot a 6 foot banana that you need to win. In that moment, youll be happy you partnered with a humana care manager and got your health back on track. Because that banana isnt coming home with you until that bell sings. Great things are ahead of you when your health is ready for them. At humana, we can help you with a personalized plan for your health for years to come. The search for relief often leads. Here. Here. Or here. Today, theres a new option. Introducing drugfree aleve direct therapy. A tens device with high intensity power that uses technology once only available in doctors offices. Its wireless remote lets you control the intensity. And helps you get back to things like. This. This. Or this. And back to being yourself. Introducing new aleve direct therapy. Find yours in the pain relief aisle. Hillary clinton continues her twoday Campaign Swing through florida today. Hillary clinton will stop by a Health Center in miami to raise awareness about the threat posed by the zika virus. She is also expected to deliver more Harsh Criticism of Donald Trumps economic plan. Nbcs Kristen Welker joins me now from florida. Kristen, clinton hit back at donald trump yesterday, attacking the plan and the architects of his economic plan. What are we expecting to hear today . Reporter well, we are expecting secretary clinton to hit him again, today specifically, for calling for the repeal of the estate tax. Clinton Campaign Calling this Donald Trumps family and friends plan. They say it would give his family about 4 billion in tax breaks, and argue that more broadly this is a plan that would only help wealthy americans. And this really fits into secretary clintons broader attack against donald trump when it comes to the economy, which is that his plans wouldnt actually help middle class americans. They point to a report by mark zandi, which shows his economic policies would actually cost about 3 million jobs. So i think were going to hear a lot of that today, kate. But look, secretary clinton is also going to be visiting that Health Center, as you pointed out, in miami, that treats zika patients. She is going to call on congress to pass zika fundinging that would go toward research, as well as treatment, finding a vaccine. She is going to hit republicans hard. Theyre already counter punching, saying, look, its Democrats Holding up this legislation. That is true, to some extent. Democrats saying that theyre not going to get on board with the current legislation that is pending, because it would call for controversial cuts to planned parenthood. Theyre saying get the politics out of it and pass a straight funding bill, kate. Kristen, chuck todd reported on meet the press funding about arizona and george, states that arent havent been democratic plays for a while. What more do we know about that today . Reporter we know that last night, according to a democratic official, there were calls placed to Party Officials in arizona and in georgia, saying that the Clinton Campaign was going to be beefing up its funding for organizers in those states, on the ground, to try to get out the vote. And to your point, kate, this underscores that donald trump is putting traditionally red states in play, and if you look at the polls there, secretary clinton currently leading donald trump and georgia, 44 to 40 . Also a very close morning in arizona. Donald trump has the slight edge though, there, 44 to 42 . Kristen, thanks so much. Happening now, illinois d disgraced govnor asking his prison sentence being cut. Rod blagojevich his resentencing hearing any time now in chicago. Supposed to appear via video prison. Blagojevich serving a 14year term for trying to sell obamas Old Senate Seat for campaign cash, among other charges. Last year, an Appellate Court threw out 5 of his 18 corruption convictions and blagojevich is hoping the judge will now cut his term, his sentence, to five years. Hes been in prison since 2012. More delays and cancellations on Delta Air Lines continuing after a massive outage stranded tens of thousands of passengers worldwide on monday. The airline says its cans selling 250 flights today to help customers and crews get back on track. Delta is blaming a power outage in atlanta for the massive system failure that grounded about 1,000 flights overall and offering some customers 200 travel voucher as compensation. No other customers lost power. And in ferguson, missouri, a prayer service, a memorial, under way for michael brown, who was shot and killed by a Police Officer two years ago today. The shooting, of course, gained national attention, sparked a movement over the killings of africanamericans by police. A grand jury chose not to indict now former officer, darren wilson. Wilson said he shot brown after he reached for the officers weapon during an altercation. Were learning more about the tragic death of a 10yearold boy at a kansas city water park. Caleb schwab died of neck injuries sunday while riding the Worlds Largest water slide, found dead at the end of the ride in the pool. The family is devastated, and asking for prayers. Caleb was an incredible young man. 10 years old. Full of life. Loved baseball, basketball, soccer. He was always doing something. He was affectionate love man, loved his dad, he was a hugger. So we encourage you to pray for his mom and dad during this incredible time. So tough. Nbcs blake mccoy outside the park. He joins me now. And blake, what have we learned about the history of that ride behind you, and inspections . Reporter well, kate, the ride opened in 2014 and at that time during testing, there were clear problems with the ride. The way these rides are tested before people can actually get on them is they put sandbags where people would be, and they send the ride down. So in this case, were talking about a threeperson raft. And the problem that they ran into, see after the big drop, there is that hump where it goes back up. And during testing, the rafts were actually flying off of that hump. And that is where we have learned from are witnesses that this little boy, caleb died, apparently hitting the netting after being ejected out of one of the rafts. In 2014, there were changes made. They added a netting over the top of the slide and also tore down about half the slide and rebuilt it in order to make it safe. The designer then told usa today at the time, it is dangerous, but a safe dangerous now. So they made adjustments to the ride after they had those initial problems, but once the the ride opened in 2014, thats when state inspectors came in, gave it a green light, no more state inspections required. Much of the inspections of these parks are left up to the individual parks and localities to police them. And that is a problem, according to the National Safety council. Take a listen. We are trusting that the host of a business, whether its a fixed facility and a Amusement Park or water park or even if its a traveling facility to provide rides that someone is looking out for our safety. I think the challenge is, we dont always know what level that is, and what the oversight is. It can vary from state to state or locality to locality. Reporter now people we have not heard from on camera in this incident yet are the boys parents who were here at the park with him. You can understand theyre very, very shaken up over this incident and mourning the loss of their son. We are told that they have hired attorneys, though, and are planning a lawsuit. Kate . Nbcs blake mccoy out in kansas city, kansas. Unbelievable. Blake, thank you so much. 91 days left to the race to the white house, and the gap is widening. Hillary clinton has a double digit lead in our latest polling. Well tell you which voters are backing her now, where those numbers come from. Well also unpack the trump slump. Where the gop candidate is losing supporters. Stay with us right here on msnbc, the place for politics. Max and i just discovered this dog treat called dentalife. Its really different. See . Its flexible. And it has a chewy, porous texture, full of little tiny air pockets that gives dogs teeth a clean scrub all the way down to the gum line. vo purina dentalife. For life. Squuuuack, lets feed him lets feto the sharks sharks yay and take all of his gold and take all of his gold ya and hide it from the crew ya. . Squuuuack, theyre all morons anyway i never said that. They all smell bad too. No you all smell wonderful i smell bad if youre a parrot, you repeat things. Its what you do. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. Squuuuack, its what you do. Knows how it feels to see your numbers go up,tes despite your best efforts. But what if you could turn things around . 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Im so proud to make dog chow natural in davenport, iowa. Hillary clinton has opened a double digit lead over donald trump in our new nbc News Survey Monkey weekly tracking poll. Hillary clinton over the 50 . Clintons biggest margin is the biggest her margin now the biggest since we started comparing the eventually nominally. Nbc news senior political editor, beth fouhy joins me here. Whats behind the number, donald trump is hemorrhaging support from all of the constituencies that usually support republican candidates. Were seeing him lose support among men, white people, among voters with a degree, among voters without a degree. Basically, everybody that he has tried to harness since the primaries are starting peel away from him. He was so adamant about his support among those that dont have a College Degree. He would talk about it on the trail. I remember i was at that time an event in las vegas and he said i love the people without a degree. The uneducated. According to our poll, its astonishing, were seeing Hillary Clinton with voters without the College Degree. It used be up nine. White women with a college agre degree went with romney. That is an important point to make. We typically think women voters, women with College Degrees have typically voted for republican many years. Its women of color and single women that have the huge margin among women overall and that tends to advantage women on the democratic side. White women with College Degree went for romney with six in 2012 and now favoring Hillary Clinton by 30 points. In the monmouth poll. 30 points. Yeah, look, it may be an outlier. We have a lot of polling going on now, and the overall message were getting from all of this polling, no matter what margin youre looking at is that donald trump is losing and that Hillary Clinton is picking up steam. Its a concern for the Trump Campaign. A big concern. And as far as the Clinton Campaign and what they might see in those numbers, i assume theyll try to capitalize. I mean, you know, what were told through our reporting, theyre trying not to be cocky. They know thats a bad thing to do. That she tends to get sloppy when feeling confident and nobody on the clinton side wants to see that. You know, were walking into it a part of the year where were going to have these highprofile debates. The reporting weve got is theyre telling her to, you know, keep her head low, doing what shes doing. You know, criticizing him on the economy as you reported in your show. Moving ahead with her fundraising, getting those numbers up. Were doing a lot of reporting, shes telling people not to be complace complacent. You know know whats going to happen in the fall. Theyre feeling good. And at the same time, Kristen Welker reporting earlier in the hour, theyre looking at georgia, arizona, because they see these poll numbers and they see in those states. And to me, you know, reporting the clintons over the years, thats almost shellshocking to me. They tend to be so safe. They dont need those states. All they need is to replicate the obama map in 2012 and theyre homefree. Yet they are so confident theyre starting to expand into states that havent voted for democrats in years. Beth fouhy, thank you so much. Great to break down the numbers with you. As we head to break, please stop, just for a moment and watch this video of a dolphin stealing an ipad. Yes, you heard me right. A dolphin stealing an ipad, a visitor to seaworld. Whoa a big surprise on sunday when the dolphin snatched the ipad right out of her hands. The dolphin, who we can only assume wanted to play more pokemon go, delighted in its robbery attempt by then splashing the surrounding crowd. We could watch that on an endless loop. It is august. We need a smile. Well be right back. Max and i just discovered this dog treat called dentalife. Its really different. See . Its flexible. And it has a chewy, porous texture, full of little tiny air pockets that gives dogs teeth a clean scrub all the way down to the gum line. vo purina dentalife. For life. Glad forceflex. Extra strong to avoid rips and tears. Be happy, its glad. You only earn double miles when you buy stuff from that airline. Wait. Is this where you typically shop . You should be getting double miles on every purchase switch. To the capital one venture card. With venture, you earn unlimited double miles on every purchase, everywhere, every day. Not just. dismissively airline purchases. Seriously. Double miles. Everywhere. Whats in your wallet . Here you go. Picking up for kyle. You wouldnt put up with part of a pizza. Um. Something wrong . So when it comes to pain relievers, why put up with just part of a day . You want the whole thing . Yes, yes live whole. Not part. Aleve. This dog treat called max and dentalife. Covered its really different. See . Its flexible. And it has a chewy, porous texture, full of little tiny air pockets that gives dogs teeth a clean scrub all the way down to the gum line. vo purina dentalife. For life. [ hip olympics 2016, let ] me get you on my level. So you never miss a moment, miss a minute, miss a medal. Why settle when you can have it all . Soccer to wrestling. Track and field to basketball. Fencing to cycling. Diving to balance beam. All you have to say is, show me, and boom its on the screen. From the bottom of the mat, to the couch where you at . Show me the latest medal count . Xfinitys where its at. Welcome to it all. Comcast nbcuniversal is proud to bring you coverage of the rio Olympic Games. Lets get to the summer games in rio. Two american swimmers, both olympic rookies, landed on the podium in the womens 100meter breaststroke final. Lilly ki lily claim lilly king claimed the gold and was against her russian nemesis, yulia efimova. Lilly wasnt a fan because they were caught drug cheating. This is what she said last night. Even just going into your first olympic final or any olympic final for that matter, the pressure is going to be on, but especially standing up for what i believe is right. I felt that i needed to perform even better tonight than i had in the past. Im just really proud to represent the usa and, you know, be successful for them and knowing that im, you know, competing clean and doing what i know is right. Joining me now from rio, nbcs chris jansing. We have Katie Ledecky back in the pool and Michael Phelps and womens gymnastics. Reporter this is the competition to watch, theyre already well ahead, they have done something no American People has done before. They are going to compete in and theyre leading in the allaround, the team, the individuals. You have three people on this team and that was not them, by the way. Theyre very strong young women. Simone biles, aly raisman number one and two in the allaround and defending champion, gabby douglas. We have never seen anything like this before. Simone biles in a class all her own. It will be shocking if they dont take home gold. Now, can we go to the water . Because we saw ryan murphy last night, the backstroke. This is the sixth straight olympics that americans have won this, and he won it in style, setting on olympic record. He was just off a world record and i also want to mention, David Plummer taking home the bronze. And then there were those guys who go up on the board and they dive and this dough it in unison. Johnson, incredible last night, taking home the silver. Their last dive they did simultaneously, twoandahalf somersaults with twoandahalf twists. Whats interesting about them, among other things, they never look at the scoreboard through the course of the competition. They dont want to be affected by it. In the end, they came up with silver. One of every color, a gold, silver and bronze. Ryan held, we have been talking about him, broke down on the stand after being one of four americans to win gold in the relay. He was a kid when he first 6, 7, 8 years old, his mom told me. He had a tshirt with Michael Phelps on it. He still has it at nc state right now, but still has in his room at home, a poster, black and white of Michael Phelps. And there he is on the team with phelps, winning gold. Heres what he told me. Millions of people, i dare say, around the world cried when you cried. Can you describe what was in your heart and what was your feeling that just made you break down . It was the it was really the kind of the sight of the American Flag and, you know, that symbol stands for so many things, and for and for so many people. That means its really important to them, you know, obviously a lot of people have, like, honorably given their lives for what that flag stands for. Reporter he has done he has one more competition. He is coming back in 2020, and ill tell you, nicest family you would ever want to meet, kate. So nice. I love that moment with the tears. It is an emotional time. I was obsessed, i told thomas, obsessed, chris with the sink economized diving last night. Synchronized diving. So much fun. Reporter it is fun. We will be watching that, starting just a few minutes from now. That is the news for this hour. Thanks to chris jansing, im kate snow. In three minutes, you can watch the rio Olympic Games right here on msnbc and 5 00 p. M. Eastern, chuck todd. Have a great day. You focus on making great burgers, or building the best houses in town. Or becoming the next highlyunlikely dotcom superstar. And us, well be right there with you, helping with the questions you need answered to get your brand new business started. Were legalzoom and weve already partnered with over a million new Business Owners to do just that. Check us out today to see how you can become one of them. Legalzoom. 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