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And scope of isis forces and what the u. S. Should do about it. As intelligence officials are getting closer to identifying the jihadist who executed an american journalist. And late breaking news that an american hostage in syria has just been released. Also with the funeral of Michael Brown now a day away, finding a way forward in ferguson. We will take you there. Good sunday afternoon to you all. Thank you for being here. Im t. J. Holmes, and that breaking story were keeping a close eye on today. Were getting two pictures and new information really by the moment, and the 6. 0 magnitude quake, napa valley, california, really did shake some people awake this morning. It hit the region right around 3 30. That was local time. We now have reports at least 89 people have been sent to hospitals. Three patients right now with serious injuries. Some homes, some businesses in the region are either damaged or destroyed. Fires in the wake of the quake have added to some of the destruction. Some roadways impassable. 20,000 customers still without power. Were awaiting an update from city officials. Were expecting that at any time really within the hour were certainly hoping to get it when we do have them step in front of the microphones to give us the update, well bring it to you live. Right now i want to check in with nbcs Hailey Jackson joining me from downtown napa. Please set this scene for us. Reporter t. J. , you talked about people being shaken awake this morning. Take a look. This is what happened. Were in Historic Downtown napa valley. Bricks in the street. This wine bar absolutely crumbled from the corner on down. Theres trees in the streets. So many stores in this historic area are devastated really. You have seen invour broketorve. There have been five aftershocks so far. The strongest was a 3. 6. Theres a state of emergency thats been declared at this point. Close to 93 people going to the hospital with serious injuries, including a child taken to a neurological center. 20,000 people dont have power now. Thats down from a peak of about 69,000 earlier this morning. Most of the Power Outages centered here in the city of napa. There have been 100 calls of gas leaks. Thats a real concern of city officials as well as 30 water main break calls. There has been a shelter established at napa high school. Ill tell you what, remember, this Historic Downtown is a tourist area, too. You have People Living in napa coming down to check out the damage. You also have people visiting the area, all of them taking pictures, trying to check out for themselves what exactly happened. I talked it one couple who said they were almost tumbled out of bed when that earthquake happened early this morning. They said they have maybe two water glasses left at this point. Those are the stories youre hearing not just from homeowners but Business Owners, too. Theres an olive oil that lost about 70 of its inventory. Bottles of olive oil and vinaigrette shaken off the shelves. Were hoping to get an update shortly and we will keep you posted on that. And that update were expecting that really within the next couple minutes. I want to ask you what are you seeing we may have to cut away from you when the News Conference starts but tell me about the folks out on the street. Are they starting to clean up . There arent a lot of injuries, a lot of serious injuries but still some minor injuries. How are people taking this earthquake, if you will . Im sorry, it looks like i may have lost Hailey Jackson. Shes not able to hear me. So the press conference is about to start. Lets go to the napa county and city officials giving us another update about this 6. 0 magnitude quake. A couple of the questions that came up this morning we did look into. One of the questions was the extent of damage, were they unreinforced masonry buildings or not. Of those with major damage, the three buildings on brown street addresses 816 to 820 were unreinforced masonry buildings that had not been brought up to standards even though weve been working with them for a number of years to bring them up to code. Most of the others, only one other building is unreinforced and thats the old adobe building, the oldest building in town. We have not done an inspection of that building yet. We dont have any reports that there was damage there. Most of the other buildings that have been damaged either werent masonry or had damages given the circumstances that exist. We have about we have 15 to 16 buildings that have been red tagged, in other words occupancy will not be allowed until theyve been repaired and weve had inspections. There are numerous buildings that have been yellow tagged which means that were providing limited access so people can make them habitable. Most of those cases theyre broken windows, glass, dangerous conditions that exist, but we are letting people in to for limited access so that they can get their businesses up and running. Were putting a list together of the specifics in terms of what those businesses are and where they are so we can share that with you as soon as we have it. As far as the injury report, we dont have any Additional Information from what we gave you earlier in the day. About 87 people have been taken or have either been taken to the queen or gone to the queen of the Valley Hospital with injuries. Three critical conditions. One was a minor that was airlifted to another hospital and two are adults that are in critical. The rest i believe are at various injuries that are not listed as dangerous. We dont have any more detail and we dont know if there have been any other people that have been brought to the hospital or driven in on their own. I will ask the fire chief if he has any Additional Information to share. My name is mike parness, city manager. This is mike randolph. Randolph. The majority of what weve been doing for the last several hours is assessing the damage are a lot of our buildings in the downtown area, making sure that there was no imminent rescue and happy to say that there has not been. So we have currently four type one strike teams in the city. We have two usar task force in the city, and we have one strike team of water tenders. What were also simultaneously addressing is a bunch of calls, like over 100 calls of the smell of natural gas. So thats our primary attention right now. And thats it for fire. Jack, do you have some update . This is jack klobershal, our public works director. Just as we have identified 60 water main breaks, 20 of those have been isolated, shut off, and were now in more of a recovery mode to go through and fix those issues. We will have five crews working in two shifts, 12hour shifts, for however long it takes us to fix it. We have some folks coming in who will be able to provide not only men and equipment but also any kind of repair kits that we need for the water mains. The good news is that none of our larger transmission mains appear to have been damaged. That is really good news. So its just more of the distribution lines that are causing the problem. So other than that, thats pretty much it for the public works update. Will you take questions . Sure. How much longer do you imagine power being until its restored . Power, that i dont know about power. Im talking about the water main. You have to talk to pg e on that. Im not sure if theres anyone here how many people are affected by any of these water issues right now . Were in the process of identifying all of those folks and to get a number. We dont know exactly the number quite yet, but we are looking at all the affected areas and to get a good and accurate count for you. As soon as we get that information, perhaps at the next briefing any idea when it will be restored . We think it may take a full week to get everything restored. Were going to go as quickly as possible to restore things, but it may take us that long. Do you have a ballpark number of how many people i do not, im sorry. When you say you have shut 20 of the 60, does that mean you have 40 water mains that are still leaking . Yes. A lot of water . A dangerous amount of water . No, no. Both Water Treatment plants are on feeding water through the leaks. Like i said earlier, the water pressure is still pretty good. Theres some areas that are the water pressure is a little lower but we still have good water pressure for the most part and were not concerned about that. If one of our water transmission lines would have broken it would have been another story so we are fortunate. To put it in perspective, how many water mains are there in the city roughly . Well, we have 200plus miles of streets and im not sure the number, but we have at least that many miles of water mains plus all of our transmission lines that go up and down the valley. Our main Water Treatment plant is at jamison canyon, so we have a pretty large water transmission line that comes down jamison canyon across the river and up on the west side and east side of the river. Then we have lake hennessy with a Water Treatment plant weve opened up and thats feeding from the north. Fortunately we have both of those facilities online feeding water. What are the condition of the roads at this point . The roads arent too bad. We have a few locations, a handful weve had some buckling were going to take were going to switch here. Another press conference going on at the hospital. Were getting an update. We understand 120 people being treated. Heading to surgery mostly orthopedic, two fractured hips, different patients, one fractured ankle. Those patients are expected to do well. The hospital is functioning very well. Our operating rooms are obviously up and running. Our capacity and our ability to respond has been very impressive. So one of the interesting things i want to share with you, we have had an early, very early we had a big wave of folks with the lacerations and the bumps and bruises. They were related to folks getting out of bed and walking on things that had broken at night. What were seeing now is a lot of folks that are getting injured while doing cleanup. We want to ask you to help us spread the word to our community to please be very careful as youre cleaning up debris around your home and your property. Those are the kinds of injuries were seeing now. Last thing i want to say is i want to make sure that you are aware how our Community First responders have dealt with this. It has been exceptionally well organized. Our community has come together and responded in extraordinary fashion to a very significant event here in napa. First responders, the folks out in the field bringing the patients to the hospital. The employees of the hospital actually getting into work and being here and able to respond. Our engineers getting our facility into condition so that we can deliver the care and provide the environment for our caregivers to do their great work. It has been all around from, again, from out at the community until we get them to the bedside to the o. R. And hopefully back onto their daily lives, it has been a very impressive response from our community and all the responders. How are the critical patients doing . Theyre doing okay. You know, theyre in serious condition, but we deal with that every day. And we have no reason to think that were not going to help these folks get back to a full and productive life. Were there two of them . Critical but stable . We had so critical patients and i just mentioned that we have two three orthopedic surgeries going on right now. Let me distinguish between those for you. We had several patients this morning with heart attacks, and i dont have an update for you on those individual patients. We did have one young patient who was injured and is a pediatric patient beyond the capability of our facility on a normal basis and that patient was sent to a childrens facility. I dont have any news on those three patients. The three new critical patients im talking about are two fractured hips and one fractured ankle, all of which are expected to do quite well. Are you considering them critical . Thats the formal definition. Its standard protocol. Im sorry, you said that one young patient was treated was unable to be treated beyond your capacity. How so . What are the injuries . I dont have specifics and i cant go into specifics, but it is not at all unusual, particularly with pediatric cases, that we send them to other facilities. There are patients who get sent to us when there are other facilities that cant treat them and we have the capability. It happens all the time between hospitals. Was it life threatening. Let me just tell you this patient would have been transferred had it happened last week or next week as opposed to last night. I dont have any more specifics on that. [ inaudible question ] im sorry . Nationalities or ekt nithnic i have no idea. Live on the air, could you go back over the numbers so we make sure we get them out . We have approximately 120, thats as of a few minutes ago, folks that have been treated through our emergency room for earthquake related injuries, and again mostly lacerations, bumps and bruises, but 120. How many have been admitted . It was three as of a couple hours ago. I dont believe thats changed. So theyve been dismissed . Yes, most of those have gone home. Number of critical people as a result of the earthquake is what . Well, we had three as of my first briefing this morning. We now have had three more that i would put in that category and theyre orthopedic injury that is i detailed. A total of six. A total of six. We are continuing our command center. Well be up and running and im going to have another briefing with our team at 4 00 and ill get an update from there and i or somebody will come out and brief you after that. I want to know which News Reporter reported on the news that its free triage here . Nobody . Nobody is going to take that claim . Free triage. You all have been hearing the press conference there at the hospital there in napa. A lot of math, if you will, involved. A lot of numbers. People trying to get an update. We heard several updates today about the injury count. What we have now and as he just explained, 120 people have been treated for earthquakerelated injuries after this earthquake at 3 20 a. M. In napa valley. Most of those people did go home, they did not have very serious injuries. The other press conference is still going on right now. This is the one where napa city and county officials are giving us an update. Lets dip back in here. I appreciate the comments that have been made by the Police Department. Most of the valley is operating as normal. I have been getting a lot of calls from people from outside the area that were planning on coming here that were worried about it for fear that this is some kind of a disaster area which means they cant come here and enjoy the valley. The damage is in isolated locations. The issues are significant, but were on it and its getting better, and i think its going to the conditions will be vastly improved over the next few days as we get on top of this. Are you encouraging outsiders to continue to come in to go to the wineries and tourists what we are doing is encouraging people to call in advance, check with their lodging partners on the condition of what what the conditions are where theyre staying and make a judgment. But most of the places in the valley have not been impacted. So i just any kind of ballpark damage figure . No, dont have a ballpark. Really havent got right now were still in initial response mode where were trying to find out what the conditions are. Once we have that identified, then we will start putting numbers to it and try to get a better handle on it. We really cant do it now. Its only been a few hours. Whats the message to those Walking Around town. Seen a lot of people taking pictures of a lot of damage. Whats the message . Were trying to close the areas off to the public where there are buildings that have had debris falling because there are some hazardous conditions. Weve closed off most of the streets where those conditions exist or tried to keep the p pedestrians out as well. Once we get inspectors in and we check things out and see theyre safe well start making it more accessible. Right now wed ask people to be patient, stay away if possible and lit let us do the jobs. Can you give us the addresses on brown that you said were unreinforced . Its 816 through 820. 816, 818, and 820 . Yes. Do you have a list of i think it was reported [ inaudible ]. I think the only other one that im aware of is the old adobe, which is a restaurant in town. The oldest building in the city but my understanding is that there have been no reports of damage there. Were going to check that out. So youre saying theres only four buildings total in the city of napa that have not been reinforced. I believe so. There were a couple that had not been reinforced that were on our list, but they havent experienced the kind of damage were talking about. So there are others i think theres one or two others. I think there were a total of six. Im not positive but i think it was a total of six. Three of those were heavily damaged, theyre red tagged and they wont be occupied until theyre brought into compliance. [ inaudible ] the responsibility of aftershock that is could exacerbate the situation . Were aware of the potential for aftershocks. Were being careful but were not were in no position to alter the way we respond to the situation because it might happen. Im sorry. Thats okay. This is the biggest quake since 1989 yet it also could have been a lot bigger. How do you feel about napas preparations for a bigger event after seeing what happened this morning . Well, im pleased with the amount of work that took place between 89 and now and i think its paying off. Im pleased with the Emergency Response training and resources weve had. We had a lot of practice with flo floods in the old days. We have a team that knows how to respond and im pleased with the coordination from other entities that have come forward and offered their support and help. Since this may move on through many days, i think that will really come in handy as we start ro tating the first responding crew through and bringing them back up. A lot of positive things are happening in a very difficult circumstance. Do you have the manpower you need now . Or are you putting out a request for that . We have the manpower we need to do the initial response but we know were going to be probably rotating people out about 12hour shifts so we can continue to work over the next days or weeks as necessary. That will require that we bring resources in beyond what we have on staff. Do you have any detail as to what was [ inaudible ]. Why it was they were lagging behind or what the issues were . I dont. I dont have specifics about why it took so long for those particular buildings. Will you bring in outside Law Enforcement . You have so many buildings that are vulnerable. Is there any discussion of a curfew or anything like that . What sort of security plan do you have for these damaged buildings . Weve had many of our local merchants step up and offer plywood and resources so people can secure their buildings. The police are working with them. We have a Great Community that comes together in these kind of circumstances. Were not seeing those kind of threats or those kind of con flibts. Were seeing people coming together and helping us secure buildings and get people back online as soon as possible. So we dont see a need for a curfew at this time. Security will be a priority. Were watching very closely, well be out there on the streets but its not been an issue. People recorded they were having to in some places, they have to draw water out of Swimming Pool to fight fires. Is that accurate . I have not heard that. Okay. Can you tell me where that was . No. Something i picked up. Okay. In a related question we also heard reports because of the lack of water pressure, you had a difficult time fighting this fire in the mobile home park. Is that true . You know what . At 3 30 this morning when we initially started our firefighting activities specifically in the north part of town there was delay in obtaining water. I can only imagine it was due to water main breaks, but we were able to use fortunately the majority of our engines also carry 500 gallons of water on each of them so we were able to use that water to extinguish. How many agencies are working together with you guys in all aspects of this . Oh, my gosh. Definitely over 20 and less than 200. One more question on the damaged buildings. Were there any majorly damaged buildings that had been retrofitted that retrofit seemed to not be as effective as you had hoped . Well, there were buildings that had been retrofitted that were damaged. There were buildings that masonry buildings that were damaged. The reinforcement that takes place in those buildings is intended to hold up the walls, but there are some features on buildings and cornicetype improvements and those type of things that can still come off in an earthquake and, in fact, even if theyre built to the highest standards, a Strong Enough earthquake is going to cause damage to buildings. Its not a guarantee. Some of the buildings that were damaged had recently been completely upgraded or recently built. It just depends where they are and what the conditions are. [ inaudible question ] i dont have the addresses off the top of my head. [ inaudible question ] the county is handling their own review of their facilities. I understand that theyve closed off access to the administration building. I dont know whether that was because of damage or safety concerns. And they moved their operations to the eoc operations to the sheriffs department, but thats really something they look at. Similarly the School District is taking a look at the conditions of their schools and since theyre a state operation, they have the ability to make their own declarations and determine when you say that you have 15 to 16 red tagged, uninhabitable buildings, theyre not county buildings, not the federal buildings, like the post office . We did i cant remember whether it was a yellow tag or red tag but we are looking at some of the more building more publicly used like the post office and there was some damage there. When theyre government buildings but theyre not ours, were still working with them, were identifying what we think should be done but its really outside of our jurisdiction to enforce it. Do you have a list of those 15 or 16 . I do not, no. I will have it available to you as we move forward. You will have additional brief sntion. I was hoping wed have more information now. I think maybe if we come back early this evening, 5 00 or 6 00 lets make it 5 00, does that work better for your schedules . We can come back at 5 00 and by then i hope to have some details. Before i close, however, we do have congressman mike thompson, Council Member pete mott and alfredo pedrosa, they may want to say a few words from the elected official standpoint and the federal and sti kocity coun standpoint. Im throwing this at you. I didnt talk to you ahead of time. If you have an interest to say something, youre welcome. Congressman . I dont have to say anything. Is there any interest . Thank you for being here. I have a question for you, congressman. Before you ask a question let me just say i think the city and both the city and the county officials are doing a fantastic job. Our Public Safety folks who are on the job are doing a magnificent job, and ive been through, as some of you probably know, a lot of similar natural disasters having a district that used to run up the north coast, so i have lived through all of the ferndale and eureka earthquakes, and i have never seen anybody do it better than our city, county, and Public Safety folks are doing it right here. You got a little bit more perspective on whats going on. What would you estimate the damage is going to be at . If i was able to make that kind of calculation, im clearly in the wrong job. I can tell you that the way it works is, oas and fema have conducted an ariel ser va. They wont know where the dollar and cents number lands until after their folks are on the ground and goes through some of the buildings. There are some buildings that dont look damaged at all from the outside but theres problems inside. Theres some that are damaged on the outside and theres even bigger problems inside. And that usually takes a few days for them to get a rough estimate. But as you probably know, the governor, governor jerry brown, has declared a disaster, and the next step will be to do all the assessments and to see where the federal government will participate. I can tell you that everybody, the city, the county, the state, the feds, everybody is doing everything they can to make sure that everyone is back on their feet as soon as they can possibly be back on their feet. Do you have a sense globally do i what . Do you have a sense globally of the damage to the Wine Industry . I have had some reports, theres some wineries that have been hit pretty hard. Some barrels have been knocked off the rack. A lot of glass inventory has been broken. I have heard from two wineries in particular that have had some damage. The damage, as you know, while napa seems to be the biggest spot is the biggest spot, it also ripples throughout my district. I know down in vallejo, we have had a considerable amount of damage, especially down in the tennessee street area and over on muir island. I know the muir Island Museum is closed down and red tagged. All the old mansions, officers mansions are all red tagged. Theyve lost all of their chimneys. I know the u. S. Forest service building, which is a new building, relatively new building on muir island, had a major water break and so there will be 300 employees tomorrow morning that wont have a place to show up for work. So the reports are still coming in and its bad anyway that you calculate it but it could have been a heck of a lot worse. Thank you. Introduce Council Member pete mott. All right, folks. They just wrapped. Were just going to leave that press conference. Got a lot of updates there. The 6. 0 at the bottom of the hour for many of us who may just be tuning in. A 6. 0 magnitude quake hit the San Francisco bay area, six miles south of napa, wine country out there. Napa was hit particularly hard. 3 20 a. M. Local time. Woke everybody up. Its a 6. 0 magnitude which is the largest quake to hit since 1989, that loma prieta quick that hit. We have the update, 120 people have been injured, treated at the emergency room there at the local hospital. Three serious injuries we know of, one of them in particular was a child that had to be airlifted and taken to another treatment, two other people in serious condition as well, but, again, the doctor said all of them expected to make a full and productive live a full and productive life and make a full recovery. I was talking to Hailey Jackson on the streets in napa to set the screen for us. Let me bring you back in here. Again, a lot of updates there. One of them happened to be about the ruptured gas lines that are causing some fires that are a big deal and still a concern to a lot of folks. One thing that jumped out from the Hospital Press conference is that he said a lot of people, the wave of people theyre seeing now with injuries are people who are hurting themselves trying to clean up. Is that what youre seeing out there out on the streets . A lot of people out trying to pick up the pieces . Reporter everybody is here trying to clean up, especially Business Owners and folks who have stores in this Historic Downtown area. Havent seen anybody at this wine bar and bank behind me. You can see the damage here is really bad. That was interesting. You heard the queen of the Valley Hospital folks talk about how the first wave of injuries were folks with lacerations, cuts from the glass, bumps and bruises from when they got out of bed. Now theres a second wave of people getting hurt in the cleanup. Theyre asking people to please be careful. Dont do anything crazy. Use some common sense here as youre trying to literally pick up the pieces. I spoke with one Business Owner who plans to be back open, back up and running in downtown napa tomorrow but as we heard from the folks in napa, the officials here, it could take a week to get everything fully restored. Now, the vast majority of that restoration will happen within the next couple days. Thats their prediction. As far as getting things back up and running back to normal in this very popular tourist area, looking like maybe another week or so. You talked about the gas leaks, thats a real concern. Think about that, t. J. , 100 calls for gas leaks throughout this area. So thats a lot of crews that have to go out and check out each one of those. Youre also seeing about 20 water main breaks that have been fixed but dozens more yet to be looked at, t. J. So a lot of work to be done and well keep you updated as we see more right here in downtown napa. Hailey jackson on the streets in napa. Were not going to go too far away from that story. Another breaking news story, i need to tell you about this. We have just learned of an american hostage who had been held in syria for nearly the past two years has now been freed. Let me bring in nbcs Kristin Welker who is traveling with the president on marthas vineyard. What do we know . Reporter well, t. J. , good afternoon. The Obama Administration confirming that theo curtis was released 6 40 local time. He was handed over to u. N. Peacekeepers. He had been held captive for two years. He was captured while he was crossing the border from turkey into syria. This is a Statement Released by secretary of state john kerry which reads, quote, particularly after a week marked by unspeakable tragedy, we are all relieved and grateful knowing that theo curtis is coming home after so much time held in the clutches of al nusrah. The hunt for james foleys killer continues at this hour, and Administration Officials say that investigators are closing in on the suspects. They have narrowed the list of suspects. They have a short list now. This is what the British Ambassador to the u. S. Said earlier today on meet the press. Take a listen. Were not yet in a position to say exactly who this is but there are sophisticated Voice Recognition technology that should allow us to be clear about who this person is before very long. Reporter while that investigation continues, t. J. , there continues to be a steady barrage of u. S. Air strikes against isis targets in iraq, including two more today. This as the United States tries to slow the advance of those isis militants, and the Obama Administration is considering whether to broaden its military effort, broaden it into syria. Thats where isis headquarters are located. We know the pentagon has been drawing up some possible military options for the presiden president. He hasnt been presented with the options yet. No final decision has been made but the pressure is mounting on him to do something. On the talk shows today, you had a number of lawmakers, including republican senators john mccain and Lindsey Graham saying they believe air strikes are justify approximated they want to see a more robust response from president obama. You also have those in the Democratic Party though who are still expressing concerns about Mission Creep and, of course, t. J. , if you look at the polls, the vast majority of americans say they dont support military engagement in another foreign conflict. President obama weighing all of those options. Hes finishing his final few hours of vacation here on marthas vineyard. He heads home this evening and when he returns to the white house and starts that first full day of work at the white house tomorrow, this is going to be front and center as he tries to make a determination about what next steps he might take in syria and in that region. T. J. . Nbcs Kristin Welker. Thank you, as always. Updates on two big breaking news stories. Were going to take a quick break. Much more, including youre not forgetting about ferguson either, folks. Stay with us. son oh no. Can you fix it, dad . Yeah, i can fix that. dad i wanted a car that could handle anything. I fixed it dad thats why i got a subaru legacy. vo symmetrical allwheel drive plus 36 mpg. I gotta break more toys. vo introducing the allnew subaru legacy. Its not just a sedan. Its a subaru. While a body in motion tends to stay in motion. Staying active can ease arthritis symptoms. But if you have arthritis, this can be difficult. Prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain, and improve daily physical function so moving is easier. Because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain. And its not a narcotic you and your doctor should balance the benefits with the risks. All prescription nsaids, like celebrex, ibuprofen, naproxen and meloxicam have the same cardiovascular warning. 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With guaranteed low prices on colored pencils, its definitely the dads. Staples. Make more happen for less. I make a lot of purchases foand i get ass. Lot in return with ink plus from chase. Like 50,000 bonus points when i spent 5,000 in the first 3 months after i opened my account. And i earn 5 times the rewards on internet, phone services and at Office Supply stores. With ink plus i can choose how to redeem my points. Travel, gift cards, even cash back. And my rewards points wont expire. So you can make owning a business even more rewarding. Ink from chase. So you can. Right now in st. Louis, a peace rally under way where both the families of Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin are expected to speak later today. The city of ferssguson is comin off another relatively peaceful night. Six arrests overnight. Another night with no molotov cocktails, no fires, no shootings, no gun seized all as the Community Looks for some type of closure, at least the family is. Michael browns funeral is set for tomorrow morning at 11 00 eastern time. That closure something msnbcs richard lui talked about with Michael Browns grandfather on saturday. I need some help. I need somebody to help me understand why. Thats what i need. Some closure, but all the support that hes receiving around the world. My grandson told me everybody is going to know him. Its just the wrong way. Msnbcs richard lui joins me live from ferguson, missouri. Tomorrow is the day, the funeral. What can we expect the rest of today and even going into tomorrow . Reporter as we look at this, t. J. , and a good day to you, its a change of mood and a lot of people are thinking about tomorrow as a day to reflect. In fact, the father of mike brown on local radio has asked there be no protests tomorrow as the funeral is going on. You mentioned that change in mood. Now, the fourth day with very few arrests and that is really what were thinking of. Thats what were seeing here. Theyre moving into a point of sorrow. You heard that from the grandfather. I saw that from a Security Guard wiping a tear away from his face down at this location where mike brown had passed away and also here on the streets. But theres also this other side. They want to get back to normalcy. And theres one yid that i think exemplified part of that idea, mohammed yacub, an immigrant who owns a store 100 feet from where im standing. This is the tour he gave me a little bit earlier. All lake iquor. And now its empty. Yes. We have to buy from retailer to show people we try to open. Reporter the day after Michael Brown was killed two weeks ago mohammeds ferguson Grocery Store was looted. Just days later. To burn the whole building. Reporter but he never closed the doors on his customers or his employees. A lot of people count on me. Everybody love the store and care about the business. Reporter but sams meat market have taken a hit. How about your daily round of business . I dont have business like it used to be. You know, some days we have two customers. Some day we didnt have no customers. Reporter this was all full of cigarettes. With business so bad, can mohammed survive . I have to ask you this, with all of this that you have shown me, are you okay . Yeah, im okay. Im okay. You know, i believe you can make the money, the money cannot make you. Reporter he may not be okay though, t. J. , and the reason being is his customers gone down by more than 90 . Hes just one of some estimated 100 businesses here that have gone through some sort of damage, some closing, he stayed open even to the point of him being a member of this community that his employees were working for free. The Community Came out to volunteer for him to help get his business back on the ground, and now theres word that federal assistance may be around the corner, t. J. So thats the other part of this equation as, again, we remember tomorrow is the day many people will be giving respect to mike brown. Its an important part of the story to see as well. Thank you for bringing that to us. Richard lui live for us in ferguson, missouri. A quarter to the top of the hour and president obama returning to washington tonight after twoweek vacation. A vacation that was not quite calm in a lot of ways. Were learning today the president has ordered a review of federal programs that supplies military equipment to local Police Departments. Lawmakers and civil rights leaders are calling for an end to this type of militarization after scenes out of ferguson showed police using tanks, tear gas. We have a brain trust for you. Lisa bloom. Robert trayham and jamil la lemieux. I cant hear a word. With j we might be able to have her as soon as she can hear me. Let me start with you robert and lisa. Let me get both of your reaction. The president is sending representatives, the cabinet level representative to ferguson for the funeral. Robert, is this the right move to make . Hes actually sending the man who was in charge of his my brothers Keeper Initiative. There was some talk, some pressure, what should the white house do . What should the president do . Is this the right move . Absolutely its the right move. Theres no question about it. The white house should be the president should be represented. It probably would be a little too big for the press ident to come just base on the traveling press corps and the secret service but its appropriate for the administration to sent a representative to send not only a message that the white house is watching but theyre also very, very cognizant of this tragic death because unfortunately, weve had this conversation so many times in the past. So its completely appropriate. And im told i have jamil la lemieux with me now, senior digital editor for ebony. Thank you so much for being here. I was asking the question, getting word there will be a few representatives of the white house at the funeral tomorrow and just your reaction to that . I think its appropriate. You know, considering that this is a national tragedy, that the white house is represented. I find it curious that somebody who is representing the my brothers Keeper Initiative is present because nothing about my brothers keeper could have prevented the death of Michael Brown. And i think a lot of people are frustrated with the president s consistent reference to my brothers keeper when talking about young black men who have been killed by the police or a george zimmerman. Mentorship could not have saved either of them. Let me turn from that point to the other move that the president made which is he is ordering now a review of this militarization of Police Forces. So many pentagon materials whether its tear gas, weapons, whether its these big trucks were seeing out on the streets. Hes ordering a review. Good call by the president here . Yes, thank goodness, because we need symbolism. We need cabinet members showing up, but we also need action. And i think were all ready for some action here. How is it possible that as a country weve decided to spend billions of dollars on military hardware that goes to local police but we dont have enough money for body cams or for dashboard court of appeals . You know, we all have video cameras on our phones, in our purses, in our pockets, why cant the police have them on their bodies. We know they reduce abuse of force allegations about 80 . Certainly we need a lot less militarization and more transparency. And i hope this is first step in that direction. Robert, from eric holder, he actually said this flowed to the Police Forces because they were increasingly being asked to assist in counterterrorism. Now, is that a legitimate claim, quite frankly, and it is time for a review but it actually went out to these local Police Department with good intent. Absolutely its good intent. The symbolism is just that. You really should not have these type of tactics for internal protests, if you will, but lets also remind ourselves after september 11th when you look at the First Responders that went to the world trade center, when you look at the boston attack when First Responders obviously were first ones to come to that defense, these unfortunately, these type this type of equipment is needed and certainly is needed at the local level. The question becomes is it appropriate for Something Like this . As we all know its not appropriate for Something Like this. Its not appropriate for civil unrest. Its only appropriate when, god forbid, theres a terrorist quack. Its also appropriate when it comes to the newtown shootings and columbine. Its very, very necessary but the local officials need to be very, very careful when they deploy these type of things because of the optics. Let me get back to a point. Back. Back to what you are saying about the my brothers Keeper Initiative and the person thats heading that up, roger johnson, going to be at the funeral tomorrow. What would you have liked to have seen . Sounds to me like you hate that there is some kind of connection made between maybe this young man being shot and killed and this my brothers Keeper Initiative oral Trayvon Martin and the my brothers Keeper Initiative when these young men did have fathers who were in their lives. Absolutely. You know, what have Michael Brown was doing prior to his death had nothing to do with the reason why he was killed. What were seeing is that the police in our communities and in communities that are largely populated by africanamerican people are treating american citizens like terrorists and like criminals before theyve done anything, before theyve committed any sort of crime. And so while i appreciate the sentiment behind putting a White House Initiative behind the lives of young black men and boys, the time to do it is not when theyre being overpoliced and essentially being executed when police in small towns like ferguson, missouri are allowed to be judge, jury and excuser and there even even a crime on the table. Again, i would have have liked to have seen the president put the focus on taking a look at whats going on with the Police Across the country and just improving the conditions for people in these communities by improving the relationship between black people and Law Enforcement. Lisa, take my last 30 here. I saw you nodding your head. I want your comment here. We had a lot of breaking news so were moving through this a little quicker than we usually would. Yes. We dont want to be blaming the victim here. We want to be focusing on nonlethal means that Police Departments can use if they need to stop people. We need to stop hassling primarily poor people across america for petty things like walking in the street. Thats really the root of this crime and police being very quick to pull a gun and shoot to kill here, st. Louis, los angeles, new york, and all across the country. Thats woo neehat needs to be reviewed. Thank you all for being here. A quick brain trust today but always good to get your perspective. Were going to give you a last update out of that big earthquake out of california. Stay with us. Want to know how hard it can be. To breathe with copd . It can feel like this. Copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Spiriva is a oncedaily inhaled. Copd maintenance treatment. That helps open my airways for a full 24 hours. You know, spiriva helps me breathe easier. Spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms. Tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. These may worsen with spiriva. Discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. Stop taking spiriva and seek immediate medical help if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells,. You can get hives, vision changes or eye pain, or problems passing urine. Other side effects include dry mouth and constipation. Nothing can reverse copd. Spiriva helps me breathe better. Sfx blowing sound. Does breathing with copd. Weigh you down . Dont wait ask your doctor about spiriva handihaler. We areve got a contributore to just went through the magnitude 6. 0 quake in napa valley. Give us an idea of what it was like. Well, it was dramatic. It was really epic. Terrifying. Violent shaking. I mean i lived through the 1989 earthquake and it felt like the big one. You grow up in this area, you do earthquake drills in school so youre always waiting for this moment. You never expect to happen at 3 00 in the morning. So the headline here is basically, it felt like the real thing. A really dramatic kind of epic earthquake. But thankfully the damages were isolated and there is real damage to the businesses. It is devastating for local businesses here in napa, california. The Small Business people are really taking a hit this morning and there is serious Property Damage to the courthouse an the library an the post office and the banks and just some damage. But thankfully, not that many people were hurt and everybody lived. So we survived. Another california survival story. Alexandra pelosi, thanks for giving us the color of what you went through. We got update, 120 people have been treated for earthquake related injuries. Three serious but those folks are expected to make a full recovery. Water main breaks, a lot of damage, serious issues with gas ruptures. Thats a very serious problem right to you. We will keep an eye on things. We appreciate you being here with us on msnbc. Im t. J. Holmes. Ill see you soon. Feet. Tiptoeing. Better things than the pain, stiffness, and joint damage of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. Before you and your rheumatologist decide on a biologic, ask if xeljanz is right for you. Xeljanz tofacitinib is a small pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. Xeljanz can relieve ra symptoms, and help stop further joint damage. Xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz. Dont start xeljanz if you have any infection, unless ok with your doctor. 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