Kristen . Were just above the new york delegation. Theyre obviously going to be watching secretary clintons speech very closely, the former senator from new york. One of her top Campaign Officials told me just moments ago, she is feeling confident. Shes been working on this speech for weeks. Her message tonight is going to be stronger together. Weve heard her say that on the campaign trail. Shell lay out policy positions in terms of what that means. Shell also draw on some of the themes from her 1996 book, it takes a village. Shell be drawing also a stark contrast with donald trump. The vision that he laid out for the country this week, she is going to lay out a more optimistic version, much like we heard from president obama last night. Now, the challenge for her, shes got to try to turn around some of the negativity numbers. She has some of the highest unfavorable ratings in history. So shes got to get personal and she is going to do that, im told. And the broader political strategy here is to try to reach out not just to democrats, to whip up the arena, but to independent and republican voters. I heard you talking about that. Secretary clinton is going to try to do that as well when she takes the podium. Shell be introduced by her daughter chelsea clinton, who has been on the campaign trail more than a hundred times. Tonight shell leave the policy at the door. Its going to be a very personal speech. Kristen welker, who has crisscrossed this country covering the Clinton Campaign so far. Speaking of chris, lets go to chris matthews, who has wrangled chuck schumer. Chris . Thank you very much. I knew this guy since he was a young lad. Look at him now. Youre probably, without bragging, the next democratic leader, the majority leader in the United States senate, right . More like than not, yeah. 1998, you were running for senate. You had an uphill battle against a strong incumbent and somebody came in and helped you in that race a number of times and got the bug herself. Talk about that. Yes. Hillary clinton was extremely popular at that time. She had weathered some of the storm of all that stuff that had happened with lewinsky, and she knew that al dim ata had gone after her in an unfair way. The first time she said shed come, she was so good, i called her back another time and another time. Then the morning before the election, shes so good, lets have her be the final one before the election. She changed all her plans, came up, wowed the crowd and loved it. She got the bug. I think it was how she saw that not just being behind the scenes, but being out there could be fun. And becoming a senator was essential to being here tonight. A bunch of thought shed be a great candidate. You and charlie rank. And we told her what fun it was and how shed love it. Then when she did the listening tour, we mapped that up, go upstate, go to the places where theyll like you the least, and listen to them, and win them over. And she did. She didnt just win them over for six months. They were loyal to her until they left the senate. 2006, she got 60 of the vote. She could beat americas mayor, rudy guiliani, because that looked like her opponent at that point. Shes a tough cookie. When she wants to do something, she does it. She has faith in herself. Well see it in the next four months. Shes going to look better and better. Obama came in, we heard your counterpart, the senator from kentucky, mitch mcconnell, say, im going to stop this from being successful from day one. There will be no second term. Totally negative. How does she fight that . Well, i think were going to be able to fight that. Heres why. The mainstream if she wins. Yes, if she wins and we take back the senate. The mainstream republicans, the kevin ati not the tea party. A lot of these guys want to legislate. They dont like the tea party dictating to them. If we meet them part of the way, well get something done. Id say theres 15 or 20 republican senators who say that and i put paul ryan in that category too. Do you think it requires the handson lobbying that other president s let me tell you, hillary will have these people at the white house, have a good time with them, win them over. I think this congress should hillary has to win by a lot. So theyre tired of the rightwing. If she does, well have a really productive two years, among the best in history. Who is a better politician . Bill or hillary . Well, theyre different. Im not going to answer that. Lets put it like this. I dont know anybody whos better than bill. Nobody does it better. But hillarys catching up . Shes a lot better than people think. And the next four months is going to prove it. Shes going to win by a lot. The man to beat, dimato. Chuck schumer. God willing. Back to you guys. Chris matthews, thank you very much. We want to just check in with the podium. You said hick and he says looper. The twoterm governor of colorado, John Hickenlooper is speaking. Lets listen in. And thats just as true in business as it is in life. In our neighborhood there were a handful of other entrepreneurs trying to develop lofts or start businesses. Together we worked with the downtown denver partnership, the tourism board and the city, to create a sense of place. More entrepreneurs arrived to start more businesses. And the neighborhood took off. And so did denver. Sure, it was my buddy and i that took the risk, but as Hillary Clinton says, it takes a village. Businesses, government, nonprofits, working together to create opportunity. She understands that even in colorado, land of rugged individualism, our economy is stronger together. As a Small Businessman, then mayor of denver, and now governor, ive seen how partnerships drive economies. Today, denver is the Fastest Growing big city in america, and colorado has the second strongest economy in the country. Now compare that to Donald Trumps trickledown economics, where he doesnt pay his bills, and Small Businesses go out of business. I spent some time with hillary, and i can tell you from a Small Business perspective, she gets it. Tremendous changes in our economy, are making people feel that they arent wanted anymore. And i remember that feeling. Many of the skills that would have been tickets to the middle class, are no longer needed. Thats why we discussed not only the importance of education and training, but streamlining regulations, expanding access to loans, incentivizing innovation, and how to support the transformation of new ideas into new jobs. And i told her about colorados new Apprenticeship Initiative that allows kids to both work and to take classes that help them be more successful in their jobs. And Hillary Clinton understands that especially in these economic times, partnerships can lead to opportunity, which is why she wants to offer tax incentives to companies that offer apprenticeships in underserved areas. Shes going to make the largest single investment in jobs since world war ii. And shell cut red tape and taxes so its easier to start and grow a Small Business. Hillary clinton is going to work for the young entrepreneur who wants to start a group hug or launch a startup, or even create a drapery business, just like her dad, hugh rodham did all these years ago in chicago. Now, tonight, Hillary Clinton accepts the nomination for president of the United States of america. And tomorrow, were going to get down to business. So i say to you, put down your pokemon go for just a second and go to Hillary Clinton. Com. If you sign up before midnight, you can have a chance to win an opportunity to be with her on the campaign trail. We all have a job to do. Electing Hillary Clinton. So lets go to work god bless you. Thats colorado governor John Hickenlooper. A lot of the references there, because he was a beer guy before he was ever the governor. Were about to get into one of the portions of the program, where we hear from regular people, real people. In this case, theyre going to be introduced by actors ted danceon, his wife Mary Steen Burgen are going to be setting this you up. Most of whom met Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail. Theyll be talking about their reallife problems, what theyre looking for in terms of policies. These real folks talking have been some of the best moments of the Democratic Convention so far. But ted danceon and Mary Steen Bergen will set it up. Im mary steen burgeon, a train conductors daughter from my beloved state of arkansas. And im ted danson, an archaeologist son from flagstaff, arizona. I have been blessed to call Hillary Clinton one of my closest friends since 1978. That is a whole lot of life. How would i describe her . Loves to laugh, especially at herself. Worldclass listener. Quick to forgive, sensitive, empathetic, but like her mother, dorothy, if she gets knocked down seven times, she will get up eight. One night in arkansas many years ago, a group of us went back to their place for dessert. We were sitting on the kitchen counters and bill and hillary were talking in deep nuance about health care for children. And as they were talking, i remember looking at bill and thinking, i wish you could become president some day. Then i looked at hillary and i thought, wouldnt it Say Something to our daughters, to our sons, to all those people whose lives i know you could touch if you became president , because i know you, and i know you will never stop working your heart out for them. That was 38 years ago. And then it seemed like too much to dream for. But tonight, it seems very, very possible. Anybody can brag. Anybody can talk. Hers is the poetry of doing. When people ask us how shes still standing, we say, its very simple, shes got more guts than anybody in the room. The guts to fight for the people like the six americans youre about to meet. My name is henrietta ivy, and im a detroit home care worker. Im a mother of four and a proud mother of seven grandchildren. I am blessed to do the work i believe in, keeping families in their homes, and caring for people in need. But even as i work my fingers to the bone, i dont always feel the support i need from the leaders im supposed to trust. Work two jobs at minimum wage and can barely make ends meet. I remember looking at my babies faces when they were little, and fighting back tears. Because i always taught them to dream big, but i didnt always know if i would be able to live these dreams. When i first met Hillary Clinton, we connected right away and as mothers and people who led lives in service, because i know she will fight to raise minimum wage. In michigan, we are fighting for 15. A 15 minimum wage and a union, and because no working American Families should have to be forced to live in poverty. I stand with Hillary Clinton, because i see myself in her, and i believe she sees herself in me. I believe her steady hand in the oval office will help people like me breathe easier, and achieve more. That makes this election bigger than politics. For me and all home care workers across the nation and my family, this is personal. I know Hillary Clinton has our backs, and we will have hers. Thank you. Go out and vote november 8th and god bless you all. Like generations of americans, ive always dreamed about making that proud walk across the graduation stage to get my college degree. In 2005, that dream came true at grand valley state university. Which prepared me to do what i love teach back home at North Carolina. Then came the bill. 40,000 in student debt, and all the anxiety and struggle that comes with it. Now, teaching offers so many rewards. A big salary isnt one of them. The 300 check i write every month represents savings i cant put away. Car repairs i cant make. Medical costs i have to put off. And with my wife amanda in school after taking time off to help care for her sick mother, another 30,000 bill is on the way. Life feels like were running on a treadmill. No matter how hard we try, we cant get ahead. And im not alone. Student debt has more than doubled in the last decade and now exceeds 1. 2 trillion. None of us are looking for guaranteed success. Just a fair chance at it. And that is why i am so proud to support Hillary Clinton for president of the United States. Shes going to make college debtfree for all, and shes going to help millions of people like me, with existing debt, save thousands of dollars. Now, i dont know her. But it feels like she knows me. Hillary clinton has our backs. Lets make sure we have hers this november. Thank you very much. My name is beth mathias, and four months ago, Hillary Clinton sat with me in a donut shop in marion, ohio, and she asked to hear my story. I told her that my husband and i work three jobs, just to make ends meet. Between us, we work for 24 hours a day. We only see each other when we pass each other in the doorway. When one of us is coming home, and the other is leaving. And i only see my kids when theyre already in bed. I get home too late to spend any quality time with them. Our life is consumed by work. But were still crushed by debt medical, student loans. We have no savings. We work hard, and yet it feels like the world is against us. But i told Hillary Clinton that even though every day is a struggle, we dont want a handout. We want a hand to help us up. And she understood, because she believes that america is strongest when we look out for one another. When no one who works full time has to choose between making a car payment and feeding their children. Thats why im here, taking time off from both of my jobs, to ask you to put in the time to elect Hillary Clinton and help make life better for me and millions of people just like me. I believe we can do it. And i believe in Hillary Clinton. Thank you. Im jake reed. I was so happy after i got hired last month at pizza studio. But i immediately shared the news on snapchat. My friend jensen messaged me and told me she got hired there too. We were excited that wed be working together. Then we started talking and figured out that i would be making 8. 25 an hour. Jensen was only making 8 an hour. We were the same age, hired for the same job, on the same day, and as far as we could tell, we had the same knowledge of pizza. So we didnt understand why we wouldnt be paid the same amount. Im jensen walcott. I thought it was a mistake. So i called to fix it. Instead, we were fired for sharing our salaries. And she never answered my question about why i was being paid less. Then our story got out. We couldnt believe it when Hillary Clinton tweeted her support for me and shared our story. I may have lost my job, but im proud that i spoke up for myself. And im glad that jake stood with me too. And we are both glad that Hillary Clinton stood with us. Our story isnt just about fighting for equal pay. Its about doing the right thing and having each others back. Because if we dont do that, nothing will change. It doesnt matter how old you are. We all need to be brave enough to speak up for ourselves and stand up for each other. That is what this country is all about. We are stronger when we stand together. Jensen walcott and jake reed with an interesting and kind of compelling story about getting hired to work at the same pizza place on the same day. As friends, same age, and he got offered a quarter more per hour than she did. Theyre using these regular person stories to illustrate and to show the reality of these Economic Issues that we expect to hear a lot more of from Hillary Clinton herself tonight as she accepts the nomination. Well take a quick break. Well be back. We have a speaker coming up after the break who is known for giving particularly exciting Convention Speeches. Thats straight ahead, stay with us. Our mission at clover is to create the best tasting, highest Quality Dairy products. Clover has relationships with 27 different family farms. The environment is who clover is. Without it, were nothing. Pg es been a great partner. Theyre the energy experts, were the milk guys. Pg e worked with clover on a number of Energy Efficiency projects to save energy every month. If youre part of the fabric of the community, youve got to ensure that you do things right, environment included. Learn how you can save at pge. Com save together, were building a better california. We are back on what will be the democrats big night for their nominee, Hillary Clinton. I will tell you, and i do not mean any offense by this. But there appears to be a little bit of a strategy with the democrats on this night, that theyre going sort of low wattage in terms of their early primetime speakers. I dont mean any offense. But from castro, to hickenlooper, to Governor Wolf ill say it, this is low energy night. But theyre about to take a turn, at least if history is any guidance. In 2012 the one Convention Speech that went off like a roman candle indoors was jennifer granholm, do you remember this speech from 2012 . Do you remember this . When mitt romney did say let detroit go bankrupt, who took the wheel . Barack obama when america was losing 750,000 jobs per wheel, who gave us a lift . Barack obama when american markets broke down, who jumpstarted our engine . Barack obama and when america needed it most, who got us rolling again on the road to recovery . Barack obama america, we n