Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC 20240703 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC 20240703

you are watching our special extended coverage of the israel hamas war. >> new this morning, the u.s. embassy in israel is offering americans and immediate relatives evacuation by sea from haifa to cyprus. on monday, at 8 am local time, it is on a space limited basis. the embassy says chartered flights are also being arranged. >> meanwhile, the rafah crossing point between israel and gaza remains closed this morning as egyptian authorities continue negotiations with israel and the united states over allowing u.s. citizens to cross into egypt. the state department urges the more than 500 americans estimated to be in gaza to quickly move south as the window to cross will be brief. >> a second u.s. aircraft carrier is headed to the eastern mediterranean to help deter escalation in the region. it joins another carrier strike group that arrived earlier this week. >> and according to the israel defense forces, at least 1300 people have been killed in israel since the fighting began, with the palestinian ministry of health reporting more than 2300 have been killed in gaza. joining me now is nbc foreign correspondent kelly kopiah live from tel aviv. kelly, good morning. what is the latest that you're hearing on the ground about that ground offensive by the israeli military into gaza? we do know that rain and cloud cover was creating some problems for the israeli defense forces. >> well, the skies are clearing this morning, katie, over israel, at least along the coast. we just saw two helicopters, militarily helicopters, flyby here next to tel aviv heading south. the idf says that the aims of the military operation are still being designed as we go. that's a quote from the idf. and that the goal was to eliminate hamas all the way to the top. and we had that statement from the idf late yesterday, saying that this would be a coordinated operation by air, sea, and land. now, still no sign though of that massive ground operation in the last 12 hours or so. the idf said that they were very active overnight, carrying out more than 100 strikes on hamas targets inside gaza. they claim to have taken out of key commander, who they say was in charge of the attack on the kibbutz in the south. a man named -- , they said that he was eliminated in an airstrike overnight. they also said that the idf did not strike that convoy of evacuees heading south out of the northern part of gaza. that strike killed 70 people, most of them women and children, injuring some 200. the idf said they simply weren't operational in that area at that time. one idf spokesman telling cnn that it looked as though the explosion came from underneath the vehicle, possibly in ied. palestinian officials inside gaza said that that convoy was hit by an israeli airstrike. and just one last thing on the ground level right now,. as gazans continue to evacuate south, the israeli military is now taking some people out of the southern town of sdrot. that's a town very close to the gaza border. lots of towns and communities were evacuated last week in the days after the attack happened. steroid was not one of them, but it looks like that's changing a little bit at least today. katie, jonathan? >> kelly kopiah, thank you for joining this morning and getting us started. joining me now is nbc news white house correspondent allie raffa. ali, good morning, what can you tell us about the presidents remarks on the ongoing war with israel and hamas? he made these remarks that the human rights campaign dinner in washington last night. >> yeah, katie, this was a very emotional keynote speech that president biden delivered during this dinner last night. i want you to take a listen to a bit of it here and we'll take continue on the other side. >> a week ago, we saw hate manifested in another way and the worst massacre of jewish people since the holocaust. more than 1300 innocent lives lost in israel, including at least 27 americans. children, and grandparents alike, kidnapped held hostage by hamas. he'd humanitarian crisis in gaza, innocent palestinian families and the vast majority have nothing to do with hamas. >> katie, the president also told the crowd at that dinner about how he spoke with the families of these americans that are still unaccounted for, who are still believed to be among the hostages e by hamas over a week ago now. he also spoke about the need to call out hate when people see it, to defeat hate. he talked about knowing the loss and the pain of losing family members. he talked about his son beau, what it was like getting that phone call when he found out that his wife and infant daughter had died in a car accident. so a very emotional and painful part of this keynote address that the president delivered at that dinner last, night katie. >> ali, quickly, i need to ask, what's going on with a tentative agreement to allow u.s. citizens to go through that rafah border crossing on the border of egypt to allow them to get home. >> this de for americans to have safe passage into egypt, stil as you said, very tentative, very challenging as it stands th morning. the state department is still directing the roughly 500 to 600 palestinian americans who live in gaza to head to this border, despite the border still being closed. and no guarantees yet on when it will be open, how long will be open for, and whether hamas, who controls the gaza side of this border, and has also, as we've seen, told residents not to evacuate south to this border crossing, whether there will allow for safe access and passage for these americans. the state department, regardless, telling these tools citizens to stay close by because the situation is very fluid, could change very quickly. so all of these logistical challenges, no doubt, will be top of mind for the secretary of state as he heads to cairo today. egypt been one of the entities that agreed to this tentative deal, katie. >> thanks allie raffa, white house correspondent, thank you. >> joining me now, -- former cia officer, former chief of operations in europe and eurasia. msnbc national security and intelligence analyst, and author of clarity in crisis, leadership lessons from the cia. mark, thank you very much for getting up early and being here with us. israeli prime minister netanyahu is warning of the, quote, next stages of this war. there's reporting that that will be by land, air, and see. let's take each one separately, what would the see stage involve potentially? >> i think these rallies are going to use all of their assets, whether it's naval commandoes who are going to go in, whether it's [inaudible] me that is also additionally infiltrated a lot of their weapons in from the city. it's not a surprise to me that the israelis are going to use all elements of national power here. >> the air portion, and then, would be the air force be the continued bombardment. and land, am i correct in assuming that that's the imminent ground invasion that we've all been waiting for? >> that's right, clearly, the israelis are going to go in. i think that any talk of that not happening is a fallacy now. they consider this an existential threat. and you see hundreds of thousands of israeli troops. i think a special operations forces are gonna go and first. israel has a high value target list of hamas leadership they want to find. of course, any hamas operatives or anything they find when they go into gaza can also be used to find the hostages. this is almost operations driving the intelligence cycle. and so, i would see that as the weather clears as i think katie mentioned before, or one of your correspondents, we're gonna see this certainly in the next week that these rallies are gonna go in. >> i'm glad you mentioned the hostages, because it's the lands stage that is the most fraught given the density of gaza and the presence of hostages being held there by hamas. will the idf really be able to rescue the hostages, though? >> this is going to be very difficult. the israeli special operations forces are tremendously capable. the united states trains with them. they know them very well. i think they're gonna have to go in, again, to gather intelligence of the hostages. hamas uses an extensive tunnel network, they call it the gaza metro. it's a pretty awful way to think about it. but ultimately, it's going to be difficult when the israelis go in. while we are very focused, of, course on the civilian casualties, the israeli defense forces going to go in, they're going to try to find and locate the hostages best they can, but the idea that this has some kind of fairytale ending, i think we have to brace ourselves for the worst. >> right, and i think i agree with you hundreds and on, that mark. what about the palestinians who can't evacuate either because they don't want to leave because it's their home or hamas won't let them leave? >> right, it's pretty clear, we've seen a lot of the drone footage that the israelis have released. hamas has put up barricades. they don't want them to leave. this is going to be an extraordinary challenge for the israelis in terms of limiting civilian casualties. war is a very nasty business. ordinarily, we expect civilian casualties, in this case, it's going to be extremely difficult. as you said, a lot of these people who have not been able to move are going to be stuck in the crossfire. there is movement, and that's good, but there is no way you move 1 million people in a matter of days. >> right, the intended goal of the looming invasion is to capture gaza city and destroy hamas's leadership, but mark, then what? what does israel do with gaza if it succeeds in destroying hamas? >> well that's the big question. the israelis have certainly not released in public what happens the day after. if they managed to capture and kill the moss leadership, i think the estimates of the gaza city area, 10,000 hamas operatives, let's say they eliminate a lot of them. occupy the gaza strip? i don't think anyone in israel wants to do that. it's certainly a humanitarian crisis, you're gonna have to rebuild gaza at some. point these are huge challenges. we have not heard what comes next. there's clearly error anger and fury inside israel and a desire to eliminate the hamas leadership. good as we've seen -- [inaudible] it's going to be quite difficult to see what even their plan is for the days ahead. >> one more quick question for you, mark. the idf has stated they've attacked central hezbollah targets in lebanon. is there any possibility tensions with hezbollah could create a broader conflict, open up a second front? >> jonathan, you bring up a great point. while the world are certainly focused on the south, on the pending israeli incursion, and of course the humanitarian crisis, the intelligence world is focused on the north, because the idea of a second front, that's one of israel's nightmares. hezbollah has hundreds of thousands of rockets. the united states is certainly sending a strong message with not one but two carrier battle groups. and if you recall yesterday, around, through the u.n., passed a message to the u.s. saying that while they don't want to intervene, they may do so if israel continues. i think the u.s. has to send a strong message back. these are red lines we cannot accept. and one key point on this. if hezbollah does intervene, there was a very strong likelihood that the u.s. will as well, because israel fighting the two front war is something that they cannot do effectively at this time. i >> mark, thank you very much for joining us this morning. >> and up next, the harrowing story of an israeli grandmother who says that she was kidnapped by hamas. we'll talk with her grandson. stay with us for more of our special coverage of the israel-hamas war. 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>> we know that a neighbor heard screaming, help me, help me. and go out of his house, trying to save her with a gun, but there was a lot of terrorists in the kibbutz and out of his house. he came back to save his life, and he saw her standing and walking. and he saw them taken out of the house. we know for sure that she isn't in the kibbutz because after all the fighting and taking of the kibbutz, no one find nobody and not her alive. also, we found video of a hamas -- through facebook and we see her, we see them take her out of the house and put her on a truck. that's all we know, but in the videos, she wasn't harmed. the >> before you were able to see, and i want our viewers to understand, your grandmother, she's 84 years old. so before you are able to see her on that video on facebook later, a call, your family managed to get a call through to her, but she didn't answer the phone, who answered the phone when the call went through? >> we lost contact with her saturday morning about ten in the morning, and then, about four in the afternoon, my aunt called her hand hamas answered. someone answered it's hamas, it's hamas. she hang-up the foam in the same moment. but that's all we know. >> after that call was answered and someone said it's hamas, it's hamas. you later saw a video clip uploaded to facebook of all places, and you saw your grandmother being put onto a truck. what were you thinking when you saw your grandmother being loaded onto a truck by hamas? >> it was a relief, because i was sure that they killed her. shore. because she's 84 year old woman, she barely walks. and i thought about kidnapping, and it never went in my mind, so it was a relief to know that she's alive. i don't know what's better, because being kidnapped by hamas is just like hell. . she doesn't have her meds. nobody in the elderly people have their meds. she took a lot of medications. sure that she surviving, but nobody -- from our government tell us nothing about her. and it's very stressful, we don't know what will be with her. and no one gets the methods. >> you are active duty idf, so you've seen what happens during a time of war. you've been in battles. your family obviously must be so concerned about your grandmother. have you gotten any updates whatsoever? you just said right now you've got no information about what's going on in terms of her status? >> yes. that's all we know. >> and i wanted our viewers to have an idea of what your grandmother's. i know you've described her right now. we know what her age is. but i read somewhere that you said that if your grandmother is still alive and if there is kids, we've seen some pictures on our screen while we've been speaking with you, you said that it if there are kids, shall be taken care of those kids. how many grandchildren, including you, are there for your grandmother >> we are 12 killed grandchildren and five great grandchildren nemours. she grew up -- she was very fond -- since she was 18, she lived in the kibbutz. she took care of babies and worked in the nursery. a lot a lot of years. and almost everyone in the coutts was taken care of by her at some point of his life. he she founded the wellness care in the kibbutz and also -- he she is a very strong woman. we are sure that if there are other people, taking care of them is keeping her alive. -- >> i am praying for you, for your family, and especially for your grandmother to come home safely and okay. listen, from what you've explained to us so far, she's a caregiver, but she sounds like she's a survivor. so i'm wishing only the best for you all. thank you for joining me this morning. >> thank you very much. >> up next, a humanitarian crisis grips gaza as hundreds of thousands of displaced palestinians flee israel's aerial assault. this as one hospitals shelters thousands. we'll discuss all of that after the break. you're watching special coverage of the israel-hamas war. ould be a medical condition called peyronie's disease, or pd. you're not alone, there is hope. find a specialized urologist who can diagnose and treat pd. visit today. 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>> thank you for having me, by the way, jonathan. it's been a tough conversation for the family because, we've lost 14 family members. and two days ago was the first time i got a chance to speak to my mother. the internet, as you know, it was cut. electricity is not there anymore. it's the first time somehow my mom got to talk to me. and she asked for the first time if she could see my face on video. so she thinks this is going to be the last time, and people are not there physically, they're not there mentally, emotionally. and things are really difficult for them. i pray there going to be safe. they are in the northern area of gaza strip, where there have been asked to evacuate. if anybody who hears this can figure out a way to get 25 people out of this danger zone because no fuel, no cars operating, and the snow safety, please get in touch with me and let me know how can i get my family to a safe place. >> so they are still, they have not left home? >> no, they are up north, we have two houses, one farther north, one closer to the safe area, but there's really no place safe. we know family members who got a call to move to an area, they got bombed. the family yesterday lost a few of their family members after relocating to the safe zone. easy -- >> this is heartbreaking to know and to hear about. what kind of aid is most needed right now for the people who are still there in northern gaza? >> it's difficult, as you can imagine. what keeps me saying a little bit and help me go through this has been able to help. and my work with this organization allows me to do that. as much as we can, this really not much aid going on right now. the u.n. agency has food for about nine more days, so there are 270,000 palestinian refugees taking shelter in side schools. we know the donor flag is no longer respected inside of gaza. we've lost 13 colleagues. people who work for the u.n. trying to help out their fellow palestinians. there is 13 yuan staffs, 13,000 yuan staff who are there, we've lost 13 of them. and the location of the headquarter office had to be moved south because it's not safe up in gaza. and even south, some people got bombed there. so it's unfortunate. we're trying to get water, clean water is the challenge. without fuel or electricity, you can really get water, you can't run the hospitals. it's a serious crisis. we have more clarity about this during the russia ukraine war. it seems the u.s. is not saying publicly in a forceful way to respect human rights. and there are civilians like my family in a lot of people i know, i just came back from gaza two months ago. we had the time of our lives. there's a lot of beach town, nice lovely place. people love music, they love to celebrate birthdays. and now the media and a lot of people in the media are just vilifying are people here in the u.s. and in gaza. we have it on all fronts here. see >> if things were working perfectly, what would u.n. w are usa be doing right now? >> they would be providing food for people who need it. we're talking about non-food items as well. blankets, hygiene kit, things to help stop the balmain. and make people feel a bit of safety. civilians especially. you're talking about people who are half the population is under the age of 19. so those people who are 19 have never known anything about gaza about the siege. those people have never voted in election. so this is sort of like giving a collective punishment, because it's a fairly young population. we're talking about people who are just can't even find water. my family couldn't buy bread yesterday. and they have little ones. they gave them dried fruits and dates. that's what they had. i worry that there is a risk of dehydration. and soon enough, the palestinians, a lot of them will have problems, because they don't have water or they get waterborne diseases because the water now from wells is not the safest. but people, as you understand, water is life. those are the basic things, and we're not even talking about medications, hospitals are being depleted of resources. you've seen the numbers. 6000 or 8000 people are injured. 2000 people are dead. before, i walked into the room, the number was different of the victims. every minute, it adds up to the body count. and sadly, he there is a lot of good attitudes coming from the israeli side and the americans about the importance of palestinian lives. there's a mismatch between the behavior in the attitudes right now. >> you said at the beginning of this conversation, you talk to your mother two days ago. i will just your mom? >> my mom porn and 51, so that's 71 years old. we >> do try to talk to her every day? now >> everybody right now in gaza is finding out, my sister asked me if i adopt her daughter if anything happens to her. she has a seven year old daughter. he's very proud of her, she has green, i's and thinks he's special. and a lot of people in gaza are special to me right now. we are watching this and tv from the safety of my home in virginia. and we don't feel safe for our loved ones. we pray if this is their thing, people should pray for all civilians. i'm not just talking about gaza. i don't have to be in a place here to verify anyone, but it is hurtful to see the civilians are harmed in this way. right now, i'm not feeling the civilians in gaza are treated in a way that's dignified manner. i feel like -- there's parades for supporting them, which there should be parades. but when it comes to our lives, it just feels that people we want to finish gaza, they want to destroy gaza. but the thing is, they see a gaza that doesn't really exist in my book. i see a different side of gaza. i recognize the challenges. we work and support the u.n. work. it is not an easy environment, but ultimately, this is about people. >> he >> my thoughts, prayers, everything to you and your family. i don't think people can see the level of emotion not on your face, but in your eyes i can see it. thank you very much for coming to the show this morning. >> jonathan, thank you. it's a privilege to be here to talk to you. >> coming up, among the casualties thus far in the israel-hamas war, journalists doing their jobs. the president of the committee to protect journalist jody ginsburg joins us after the break to discuss on. you know that feeling of having to rewash dishes that didn't get clean? 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>> it's incredibly difficult. many news organizations, unfortunately, he will be familiar with covering a conflict. journalists are trained, those who go into conflict, most of them if they work for a large news outlet would have had some sort of conflict training. they will wear personal protective equipment. and importantly, and this is where this has been so problematic, particularly in israel palestine, they will wear press insignia. so the vest would say, in large letters press, the helmet potentially of course, they'll be carrying equipment marked with their organization of the words press. and unfortunately, we've seen, despite that that journalists have been killed in this region. most recently, of course, we heard of the killing of a journalist on the lebanese border we when the group was clearly wearing insignia marked with press. and that's particularly worrying to us. >> so jody, when israeli forces struck in southern lebanon on friday as you just referenced, a reuters journalist was killed in a sudden blast that actually wounded at least six others. these journalists in peril are people that some of our team members know and work with. how can they find support during these difficult and traumatic times? >> well, organizations like the committee to protect journalists offer traumas support to journalists and we've been offering that particularly around the ukraine war, for example. we're finding newsrooms and individual journalists coming us for that trauma support. that's one of our fastest-growing areas of assistance. journalists often turned to each other in those times of crisis. i've been a journalist for two decades, and i know what solidarity journalists find in one another in support for one another. >> jody, journalism, as you, know is the one profession protected in the u.s. constitution. talk about the bravery of reporters in countries where freedom of speech is suppressed. >> journalists are incredibly targeted at the moment. and not just in countries where freedom of speech is suppressed, but equally here in america, we see people harassed online, threatened at protests, and so on. but you're right to say that, in countries where freedom of expression is not protected, we see journalists regularly jailed for their work, received physical threats online, other victims of physical violence, it's incredibly hard to operate as a journalist in many places. oftentimes, the work itself is illegal. independent reporting is illegal in russia, for example. it's illegal to call the war in ukraine a war. and you face potentially up to 20 years in jail for doing so. so simply, reporting the truth, the job of a journalist becomes illegal in many of these places. we >> jodi, we have about a minute left, but i want to follow up with you on something. journalists are truth tellers. and they have to be able to not only bring the news to the readers, to the viewers, but to be able to do it in a way that those viewers and those readers are actually experiencing that at the same time. do you find that there is a continuing surge of support when things like this happen, when journalists are killed during these times of war in terms of an international support. people circling the wagons to make sure that journalists remain protected? >> thankfully, we do see increasing support for journalists at such times when they can see that the truth is under attack, whether that's through physical attack or verbal attack. and that's encouraging, the because we need journalists. we need journalism. it's important for all of us. press freedom is our freedom. it means that we have the ability to understand and make informed decisions for ourselves. >> our thanks to you, jody ginsburg, for joining us. we appreciate it. >> after the break, an agonizing story of survival from the israeli music festival massacre. a man who survived the hamas attack that left hundreds dead joins us next. stay with us as we continue our breaking news coverage of the israel-hamas war. am i a big deal? yeah you are, because it's a big deal, when you get a big deal. wayfair deals so big that you might get a big head. because with savings so real... you can get your dream sofa for half the price. wayfair. it's always a big deal. ♪ wayfair, you've got just what i need ♪ inez, let me ask you, you're using head and shoulders, right? 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>> when the rockets began. they didn't stop. they kept on going, which is not normal. typically, it's one or two rockets, maybe three, five at the most. but these rockets kept going. it was hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and thousands of rockets. and i was on edge immediately. all >> on your instagram page, and i urge our viewers to go and check it out, and i'll put the handle all, say the handle later on, because i want people to see the images that you captured. you escaped with your cousin and some friends. tell us about how harrowing that escape was. i was reading it from the post that you put, there and it was terrifying to see what you are going through. >> it wa chaos. first, people thought it was just rockets and we could go and take our time a bit because the iron dome would protect us. and we didn't have to rush out. we could avoid traffic. but as we were packing up and we are heading to the car, we hear gunfire erupting from the festival. and immediately, we are like, we have to get out of here, we have to run, we have to do everything we can to not be here anymore. >> what made you decide to capture the video and the photographs that our viewers have been seen as you've been speaking while you are escaping and flee? >> initially, when we're packing up our belongings before the gunfire started, i said to my cousin, give me ten or 15 minutes, i'm going to walk around. i'm gonna help people packed their things up. i'm gonna take photos with my phone camera. and that's what i did. and after that, when the gunfire first started, i drove us out of the festival ground, i got us around the traffic, i got us out of their initial danger zone. and i drove this into a field. at that point, we all fled the car because my cousins girlfriend was screaming about gunfire around us and that we had to flee, which is what we did. we got to the field, we got down, we're lane in the dirt, and i look back, and my cousin ran back to the car to pick it up because it was a traffic jam. picks up the car, picks up, and i'm in the passenger seat, and now i'm thinking i can't do anything except help find a way to go and take photos and film it. because i feel like this is something that we're going to need to nemours -- i don't know, i just felt the urge. >> you know, something i noticed about those photos that you took when i looked at your instagram feed, as you are now posting photographs of people, festival goers that we're with you smiling before this massacre happened. obviously, unsuspecting, joy, excitement that they're going to this peace and love festival. you're posting those photographs on your instagram feed, and you're asking, do you know if this person survived? do you know who these people are? did you ever think that that's what your photos would end up being used to do? >> no. typically when i go out with my friends, i take my phone camera to capture memories for myself, to remember the good times. and taking these photos, i had no idea that some of these people i'd be taking a photo of them during last time they be happy. and i wanted to make sure that everybody that i met and everybody that i did a portrait of was okay. and so far, almost everyone i've heard from, almost everyone i found out is son survived. i'm still trying to find two people. i don't know the names of for what happened to them. and i know for a fact that two of them have passed away. >> something that you posted ah. there was a sense of urgency, and i wanted to read it for our viewers, we wrote no thoughts, no hesitation, survive, get out, be afraid when you get home, be sad when your safe, get out, get out, get out. i felt the urgency, i felt the fear when i read what you posted. now that you are safe, are you safe? because you're in israel, you didn't come back to canada after all this happened? >> no. i feel like if i went back to canada, i'd be abandoning my friends and my family that's here. and i wouldn't want that. i don't want to go and be safe and canada while some of my friends are serving in the army and some of my friends are still here when there are rockets being on them. my family still here. >> want to viewers to go and look at your instagram so they can see the photographs and video of one year went through. your instagram hen middle is at shy -- i want to thank you for taking the time, and i want to say god bless you and your family, and your friends. hopefully everybody stay safe, and you stay safe in israel. >> i appreciate greatly. >> and still to come, more of our breaking news special coverage of the israel-hamas war. you're watching msnbc. oh about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start. it's the #1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. so far, more than 5 million botox® treatments have been given to over eight hundred and fifty thousand chronic migraine patients. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don't receive botox® if there's a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. in a survey, 92% of current users said they wish they'd talked to their doctor and started botox® sooner. so, ask your doctor if botox® is right for you. learn how abbvie could help you save on botox®. get help reaching your goals with j.p. morgan wealth plan, a digital money coach in the chase mobile® app. use it to set and track your goals, big and small... and see how changes you make today... could help put them within reach. from your first big move to retiring poolside - and the other goals along the way. wealth plan can help get you there. ♪ j.p. morgan wealth management. hi. i use febreze fade defy plug. and i use this. febreze has a microchip to control scent release so it smells first-day fresh for 50 days. 50 days!? 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