They have people over there like maggie haberman, they dont write good. They dont know how to write good. Hi, im former male supermodel derek supermodel derrick zoo lander. Here at the zoo Lander Center for kids who cant read good and want to learn to do other stuff, too, we teach students of all ages everything they need to know to learn to be a professional model and a professional human being. I dont speak good, but im going to try to get through three hours regardless. That was worth it just for the zoo lander clip. It was. You speak good . I dont speak too good. Do you write good . I dont write good neither. You know who writes good . Halperin. Goodly. What do you think of this new studio . Its kind of dead. Totally empty space over
there. We need a house band. We need something over there. It just sounds different in here. This is my first time in the new studio. I was here yesterday. Mika lost her voice. You werent here. I sat here staring at my hands. Theres room for a house band. I want a house band. We need some plants or something. Cactus. J. B. Smith and his orchestra. I love it. Welcome to morning joe. We dont do this good either. They dont write good. The question is, is our children learning . Today we have with us managing editor of Bloomberg Politics and the cohost with all due respect that airs at 6 00 p. M. On msnbc when they dont cut into it for a Warren Buffett speech. Preempted for a billionaire. Not just any bill nair. I said dont pre em preempt what about don rickles. We have former trez yi official and morning joe economic analyst steve radner. Nbcs Chris Jansing and washington Pulitzer Prize winning columnist, msnbc analyst eugene robinson. With a provocative new column. His columns are always provocative. Whats provocative about this one . Dr. Eugene robinson has diagnosed the republican nominee. I didnt diagnose. I just said theres a problem there. A clinical problem. Not making a clinical problem, just an observation. Gene, im going to peruse this really quickly. Does it have to do with his Mental Wellbeing . Well, gee, you think good. I will tell you why i ask you this. Its pretty remarkable. I fielded calls all day yesterday from conservatives, from republicans, from officials from people that the media would call right wing bloggers, whatever you want to call it my, that shot is far away. Hey, hey out there, and everybody was asking me about his Mental Health. We had somebody on the set yesterday that said, you know, back in 1964, psychiatrists had tried to analyze barry goldwater, and they swore after that they would never do it again, they would stay out of politics. But it was all everybody was talking about yesterday. Its not like there was talking points shot out by the dnc or by
anybody else. Everybody was talking about his Mental Health yesterday. Everybody was calling me saying whats happening to him . What is wrong with him . And so, the reason i say this, its just like it exploded. Youve written this column about it. Everybody is asking me yesterday. I had lunch yesterday with a friend who is not that politically involved and said, somebody has to do a psychological profile of the guy and figure out why he acts the way he acts and is he really healthy. You hate to say this, but at this point when you keep doing things that are going to hurt you, that are going to damage your cause, that seem so d disconnected from reality and standard norms of human behavior, at some point, everybody keeps asking the same thing, i think most deservingly is this schtick worked, the
republican primaries which is really, really bad for my party. Now you even have republicans that are saying, again, privately, like have you ever seen him like this before . I havent. Ive known him for a decade, never seen him act like this before. Its unhinged, not the donald trump ive known for over a decade. I never have seen anything remotely resembling this type of behavior from a guy who ive known and liked and called a friend. The other thing i was hearing that a lot yesterday. The other thing i also heard, people were asking me, why cant Anyone Around him get him to stop . I think its gotten a lot worse even over the past month. Was there ever Anyone Around him to get him to stop . Yeah, his family. His family. His family could all call meetings and say, come on, youve got to stop doing this. Can they take the phone, joe . Could they just like take the phone or whatever he uses for his tweets. Im telling you. Were in unchartered territory now. There was a time when people could talk to him and say this is damaging you, this is hurting you. For the kids, it hurts the name. It hurts the brand. Don junior could have a really good future, but right now this is insanity, whats happened the past four days. Some of it is so emotional though. It doesnt feel like its a strategy. Its not a strategy. Its pure emotion. Its well beyond strategy. Hes in the middle of this controversy for attacking the family for a fallen soldier, and who does he go after . Firefighters. He had done it in Colorado Springs. He did it yesterday in columbus because he felt they didnt let
enough people in the building. To the point where the colorado firefighters had to issue a statement defending themselves saying, do you want us to break and the law and jeopardize peoples safety. This is how disconnected he is from reality. Any other republican candidate running for president right now would only have to talk about two things. The first thing they need to talk about, go back to what Hillary Clinton said on sunday, where she was still lying about her emails, still lying even about what the fbi director said on National Television in front of congress. The second thing is, we have the slowest economic recovery since 1949. Those two things play into his hands in ohio, in pennsylvania and all across the country. Instead, willie, these bizarre rants. This is the most disturbing part for me. Republicans like paul ryan and even john mccain yesterday who condemned will not take back their endorsement from somebody who is so detached from even the mainstream certainly the mainstream of true conservatism. I dont get it. That speech thursday night by mr. Kahn would have been a story for friday. We talked about it friday, remarkable moment in the campaign. If donald had come out in the next interview and said, im not going to question or compare my sacrifice to anything that family has been through. Now were on tuesday still talking about it because he continues to comment and the things he continues to say. I was looking all weekend and wondering what john mccain was going to say. Based on who he is, his record of service, his record of sacrifice. He did come out with that big statement yet which was good for him. I agree. I wonder when some people will say enough is enough, this is the last straw. I cant support the candidate. I cant endorse this guy. Abraham lincoln said that you support somebody when theyre doing the right dhings, but when they stop doing the right things, you stop supporting those people. Who is it going to be . I hope its john mccain. I would hope it would be paul ryan. I would hope some republican would step forward of the natural stature. You had bradshaw who was a long time supporter of john mccain who said yesterday she confirmed she left the party. The people who have big names who are in positions of influence and power have not done that yet. Should we read a little quickly, people say if you dont support donald trump, then
republicans arent going to win the presidency. Well, republicans arent going to win the presidency. Im a selfish republican. For me its about saving the senate, not getting wiped out in the house, not getting wiped out in the state legislatures and governorships. We dominate there. We have a lot to lose. Standing behind a guy who viscerales a gold star mother and a grieving father. Kelly ayotte needs to distance herself from this guy now. Ron johnson needs to distance himself from this guy now. They would be shocked what would happen if people would show a little courage. Lets listen to what senator mccain said about donald trump yesterday. I support the nominee of the
party. Any time from now on, if that question is asked and i change my mind, ill let you know. Senator you used to be known as a maverick. Seems youre towing the party line. Are you not a maverick anymore . You are entitled to your opinions and views and i appreciate those opinions, and i enjoy them. I let the people of arizona decide. He said what he said in his statement. He condemns what mr. Trump has done, but hes not going to pull his support of the republican nominee for president. One thing thats going on with a lot of office holders, their family members are putting pressure on them to disavow donald trump. Most want to wait for the first debate and see if trump can somehow revolutionize the race in the first debate. A lot of wives and daughters are pressuring members of congress to say, this is not good for you politically. Its not good for your soul. Certainly not good for paul ryan politically, not good for
paul ryans soul. You have donald trump supporting paul ryans opponent, primary opponent. His primary opponent came out in support and tried to explain away what donald trump said and donald trump said thank you for your support. Lets look at the backdrop, snapshots of the president ial race, where the general election stands now that both Party Conventions are over. According to cnn and occ, Hillary Clinton opened up a ninepoint lead on donald trump. Her support jumped seven points since before the Democratic Convention while his dropped five. Clinton leads trump in a similar margin in a fourway race with gary johnson. He takes 9 . Jill style gets 5 . 16 say they could still change their mind. 44 made up their mind for clinton. 36 locked in for trump. Our nbc News Survey Monkey poll has the general election at an
eightpoint spread since the dnc rapid, clinton up 3 points while trump dropped 3 to 42. Clinton solidified her support among democrats now claiming 80 favorability rating among the base. Yesterday we brought you the cbs poll that showed Hillary Clinton leading donald trump by five points, 4,639. Now newly released numbers gauging the qualities of those candidates. A full 60 say Hillary Clinton is prepared for the job of commanderinchief. Nearly the same numbers say shes strong leader and has the right temperament. 34 see her as honest and trustworthy. That number jumped about five points since she accepted the nomination. Donald trumps best marks come on the subject of strong leadership. B obviously hillary wins big on prepared for the job. Honesty and integrity both
pretty low. Mark halperin, what do you make of the numbers . It seems that in the cnn poll Hillary Clinton got quite a bump from the convention . Obviously her being above 50 in any poll is huge because trump can be pretty confident that a lot of undecideds will vote against her in the end. Weve seen people come back from bigger margins than this. Again, these are national polls, not Electoral College. This is just a snapshot. George bush came back from an 18point deficit, gerald ford came back from a 36point deficit, almost beating jimmy carter at the very end. This is just a snapshot. We have a very, very long way to go. That said, the Democratic Convention did the trick. It was very well executed, and it did highlight aspects that maybe dont erase the doubts of honesty and integrity, but elevate other qualities. They may not trust her about some things but they think shes a strong leader. 97 days to go if hes talking about the economy and questions about her and the status quo, he has a clans to narrow this and win an Electoral College victory. If he continues to talk about other things, i think his coalition becomes very hard to build. Im trying to figure out why is nobody talking about the economy . 1 growth. Why is he talking about the slowest growing recovery since 1949. You said something a few minutes ago that people are picking up on. You said republicans are not going to win the presidency, now we have to protect the senate do you believe that that the republicans wont win the presidency . I believe that without a doubt. I believe it because he lacks the discipline. First of all, donald trump is just not doing what is required to win, and forget about all the
crazy statements and all the crazy speeches. Theres a lot of stuff you do behind the scenes. David axelrod talked about the people that were working on all the computer whiz bang stuff in the obama campaign. He said you go under ground and go through caves and open up doors and there would be guys with moss growing off their faces and their teeth. He said they were in another world but they knew where every vote was. They dragged every vote out. David axelrod was taelg me by exactly how much barack obama would win by a month out. In every state. In every state. He knew exactly where every vote was. They did what ken mehlman did. Trump says, gene robinson, hes going to win by giving speeches and going on twitter. You literally cant win that way. It would be like an olympic athlete saying i am going to
play xbox to train for the olympics. No, theyre not going to win. I was going to call him a throwback or a throwforward or something. Wherever he is, its not where the stateoftheart of campaigning is today which is highly data driven, as you said, and, yes, David Axelrod knew where every vote was. That operation was incredible. They knew not just in the primary season but in the general election, where everybody was and they got them out to the polls. I dont think you can win the presidency without doing that. I also dont think you can win the presidency, frankly, by alienating or beginning to alienate key constituencies. If the vfw is angry at donald trump at this point, that is really not a good thing. Vfw, gray star mothers. On top of that, Chris Jansing, i always say demographics is destiny. Its something george w. Bush realized in 1998, said republicans have to win more hispanic votes. They cant just rely on white people to win anymore. They said it in 1998. Here we are almost 20 years later, donald trump is getting 20 of the nonwhite vote 12 . What happened to the autopsy and all that work that went into it with the rnc and looking at how you guys were going to have to move forward and it hasnt happened. When i look at and ive talked to both camps about that micro targeting of those voters, its not just knowing where those voters are. Its knowing how to get them to vote for you and get out to the polls. So if youre a democrat and you target somebody, you know, for example, is there big issue education . Its not just knowing where they live. Its knowing theres a teacher
who is volunteering. Thats the person you send to their door to make sure theyre voting for you and they get you out. The disparity between the two sides and the fundamental understanding of what its going to take to win an election in 2016 is very broad. Here is another thing, talking about the disconnect from donald trump, not just from the rest of the political world, but liss own family, his family understands and have understood for a very long time that they needed to raise money and invest money in data. They know that. Theyve been concerned about that. But theyve got a candidate that doesnt want to do who has to be done to win, which has led somebody extremely close to donald trump to say, he doesnt want to lose but he doesnt really want to win. He doesnt want to govern. He doesnt want to lose, but he really doesnt want to win because that means hell have to go do a lot of things he just
doesnt want to do. Ive heard that theory and maybe its true. Its sort of a bizarre way to go about your life unless you think all this publicity is so great that im going go through it. Of course he does. Were talking about him right now. Thats true. He did say the other day in one of those contexts, theres no such thing as bad publicity i. Wonder with whether this is donald trump saying, ive gotten this far, nobody thought i would get this far, ive done it my way. All these paid advisers, why would i listen to them. All his talk about being a great businessman which means being a great leader, organizing, manager of things. Maybe hes a lousy manager and cant get from here to there. One of the important things he said yesterday is the election might be rigged. For those who believe hes looking for an excuse about losing, you can always explain it away, you can always say to
the conspiracy theorists. You say he loves rallies. Hes going to high a High Percentage of sean hannity viewers. To say the election is rigged plays into a fox news talk radio sensibility that the clintons are going to somehow steal the election. If he loses by 5 million votes, can he say the election is rigged . If you get 40 , hard core, supporting you believing the world was against you, the media was against you, that it was rigged, you can go out and get russian money and start trump tv. Im dead serious. You can start trump tv. You dont have to pull 50 get 40 . Get your hard core followers. Its funny you said that about the conspiracy theory. Im having a conversation this
weekend with somebody, again, very close to trump who was the one that told me, doesnt want to lose but he really doesnt want to win and govern. His best Case Scenario would be to lose by half a percentage point and then say the election was stolen from him for the rest of his life. This person said, and this person said thats his dream scenario. Hes got a fair amount of work to do to lose by half a point. Thats trumps mindset. Hell be able to explain any loss in any statement by saying somehow the clintons were able to rig it. Reince priebus has been his biggest defender. Yesterday he in an interview said he didnt see the kahns the same way that trump does. He said he needs to run a
perfect election. Reince priebus and the rest of the Republican Party needs to start worrying about the senate and the house and the governors and the legislatures. He doesnt you cant save somebody who doesnt want to be saved. Even his family cant right now, cant get him to