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Got on a tv show called shark tank that kicked the apprentices ass. Well those are some harsh words from mark cuban. You have sacrificed nothing. And no one. He said you have sacrificed nothing and no one. Well, who wrote that . Did hilarys script writers write it . The stewardship of this country needs to be in the hands of the person who has moral compass. Who can relate. Who has some empathy with citizens lead. Didnt exactly get boring after the convention. Its august 1st. So if its august, what does it mean . Mika is in the south of france. So this year only two months. Shes actually not. Shes very sick. Not very sick but anyway, she cant talk so shell be in tomorrow, im sure. And manager editor Bloomberg Politics and the cohost with all due respect airs at 6 00 p. M. On nbc. How are you doing . Good morning, joe. Lots to discuss. Well have fun with video tape. We may be calling this show fun with video tape. Youll get what trump says about putin and hilary said about emails. Its the warner walt episode. I was here last night myself splicing it and its going to be exciting. Also, the news and finance anchor at yahoo she has been in the south of france. Ive been on Maternity Leave. In the south of france. How do you handle that . Thats good. The kid speaks french though. And also the president of the council on foreign relations, the man that never sleeps. And washington senior Political Editor and White House Co correspondent for the Washington Post. How do you unwind everything that happened . I thought this entire weekend was just a disaster for donald trump. An absolute disaster and then i saw Hillary Clinton on fox news sunday saying i never transmitted any classified material. You sat there going who is talking to her. Both of these candidates had horrible performances on the sunday shows. Well, she had an overall better performance. Parts were good but what she said about the fbi stuff is a little confounding. Trumps interview was one of the low points of his campaign so far. Theres a lot to unpack from it but he went into that in a confrontational way. But theres still questions. Saying he never met Vladimir Putin. And it was jerry ford, 1976. The russians arent in poland. Yes they are. Now its the russians arent in the withdrew crane. It was baffling. And take us through all of that. Donald trump is facing criticism after his response to the parents of an american soldier killed in america. The parents of captain khan took to the stage at the dnc thursday night to condemn trumps proposals and statements about muslims. He said trump had sacrificed nothing and no one and questioned if he had even read the u. S. Constitution. The Trump Campaign responded saying captain khan was a hero to our country. The real problem here are the radical islamic terrorists that killed him. But it didnt end there with both speaking with the sunday shows. What sacrifice have you made for your country . I made a lot of sacrifices. I work, very, very hard. I created thousands and thousands of jobs. Tens of thousands of jobs, built great structures. Those are sacrifices. Sure. I think theyre sacrifices. When i can employ thousands and thousands of people and take care of their education and so many things. Even in the military i was responsible along with a group of people for getting the Vietnam Memorial built in Downtown Manhattan which to this day people thank me for. Do those constitute the sacrifices that you were referring to . I appreciate his statement calling my son a hero. And making this clarification and statement. I appreciate that. But it sounds so disingenuous because of his policies. Because of his rhetoric of hatred of division of dividing us and thats why i emotions ploer him to read the constitution. Trump really gets pounded yesterday for talking about the sacrifices that he made almost in real time after making the statements and it was stories on fire the rest of the day. The sacrifice he made was to make money. Thats what he was saying. He built businesses to make money and that was the sacrifice that he made. I dont see how employing people and paying for their health care is a sacrifice. It was a series of terrible missteps. Ill trying to think of a worse interview that i have seen. The closest is for Vice President ial candidate and i cant remember something this bad. The questioning of the wife for not speaking suggesting it was for their muslim faith and not being allowed to speak and then saying he didnt have the right to question his understanding of the constitution which is ironic because the constitution gives him that right to question it and then to suggest that he sacrificed as much as khan. It was baffling from start to finish and youre seeing a lot of republicans get very nervous about whats happening now. Getting incredibly nervous here. Were going to show it in a few minutes but what he had to say about yanking out the protection of ukraine from the gop platform. He seemed not to understand that the russians already were in ukraine and then just gave a nonsensical answer. How could a candidate be getting worse by the day. He seems to be operating in an alternate reality where some of the facts that are simply facts that have been individual wr video taped and documents dont exist. Theres been moments in this election where i felt like i have been catapulted back to the middle east where political candidates, politicians, sometimes operate in this alternate reality where the facts dont matter. Where theres violence in their language and where nothing sticks because the bond between them and their supporters seems unbreakable because it comes from a sort of place of unquestioned loyalty that they have for the candidate or the politician but when it comes to ukraine and what mr. Trump said it is very troubling because as many people have remarked this is the language mr. Putin has used himself. He said it was the crimeans that decided for selfdetermination. Thats not exactly what happened and it raises a lot of questions about what is diving mr. Trump but theres an uncomfortable feeling when a candidate seems to be more in tune with the Foreign Policy of another country and it raises a lot of questions about exactly what his Foreign Policy is going to be like and we discussed this plenty of times but what i find interesting is this constant interference of the russian aspect in this election. This system here or lets say this election so far has been unpredictable but its still within the parameters of what we have seen in previous elections with demographics and polls, et cetera. Once you have foreign interference of any kind this countrys system has not dealt with that in this fashion before. Its unbelievable and every day it seems theres another connection with russia or miscue, like saying he didnt know they yanked out the ukraine provision, at the convention, just the platform doesnt make sense. Also doesnt make sense for him to say yesterday that he didnt know who Mike Bloomberg was and then he said yeah well you when golfing with him and he said yeah i hit it a lot farther than he did too. He had to throw that one in. How do you go one second. Yeah and i hit it further than he did. Last week in a press conference he said he didnt know putin. That came out of his mouth too after all the love fest between the two of them. Well roll the tape. So he also i guess, singled out khans wife. And got even lower. Telling the New York Times on friday that he wanted to hear her Say Something at the convex. He said you wouldnt have even let his son in america. He doesnt know that. I saw him. He was very emotional and probably looked like a nice guy to me. His wife, if you look at his wife, she was standing there. She had nothing to say. Maybe she one allowed to have anything to say. You tell me but plenty of people have written that. She was extremely quite and looked like she had nothing to say. A lot of people have said that. In the Washington Post she explained why she was silent on stage writing in part, without saying a thing, all the world, all america felt my pain. Whoever saw me felt me in their heart and she said this to Lawrence Odonnell on the last word on friday. It was very nervous because i cannot see my sons picture and i condition even come in the room where his pictures are and thats why when i saw the picture on my back i couldnt take it and controlled myself at that time. It is very hard. Now to the russian part of the interview. Fighting allegations that the criminal might be supporting his candidacy, donald trump is denying a relationship with russian president Vladimir Putin despite earlier claims, a lot of earlier claims to the contrary. My head hurts right now. What exactly is your relationship have Vladimir Putin. I have no relationship. Do you have a relationship with Vladimir Putin or a conversational relationship . I do have a relationship and i can tell you that he is very interested in what were doing here today. Hes probably very interested in what you and i are saying here today and he will be seeing it in some form. I have no relationship with putin. But if you have no relationship with him why did you say in 2013 i do have a relationship. Because he has said nice things about moee over the year. We did 60 minutes together. He was in moscow and you were in new york. Just so you understand he said very nice things about me but i have no relationship with him. When i went to russia with t the Miss Universe pageant he contracted me. What do you call a relationship. He treats me with great respect. Ive never met him. Youd know it if you did. Id think so. I was in russia, in moscow recently and i spoke indirectly and directly with president putin. Never spoken to him on the phone. I have never spoken to him on the phone. You did say on three different occasions you had a relationship with him and now you say theres none. Whereon what it means by having a relationship. He was saying good things about me but i dont have a relationship with hill. I didnt meet hill. I vnlt spent time with him. I didnt have dinner with him. I didnt go hiking with him. I wouldnt know him from adam except i see his picture and i would know what he looks like. Wow, his memory is a little jumbled there. A reminder that in november, he claimed i have the worlds greatest memory. Its the one thing that everyone agrees on. And also described himself as having one of the all time great memories though he later claimed not to remember saying it. He told nbc news they tried to set up a meeting with putin during the 2013 Miss Universe pageant and what he meant by direct communication was a gift and a note from the president. That goes back to what kim was saying about leaders that theres a cut of personality they can say whatever they want to say. Well if it werent for his fight with the khans over the weekend his failure to continue to say that putin was a better president than president balm ball would have been the dominant story of the weekend and right now the Trump Campaign is extraordinarily frustrated with the press. It was unbelievable. That was one of the worst interviews and the worst part of it is if he had just not gone on tv over the weekend everybody would have been talking about Hillary Clinton lying on Fox News Sunday. Obviously lying on Fox News Sunday and were going to play a clip of that in a bit but lets go to this. Lets go back to russia and you crane. How disturbing that a guy thats made a lot of money working for the russians in ukraine, how disturbing that they rip out a plank of a platform that would protect ukraine from further russian invasion and then donald trump says there was never an invasion. And then said he didnt know that they had ripped it out of his plank and it didnt matter because the russians arent there and then he was told well the russians are there and he said im not there. Obama is there. What russia did in crimea and ukraine, more than anything else thats happened in decades represens a threat to what we say are the rules of the world and the basic rule of the world is you dont use military force to change boarders. That is thats essentially what the gulf war was fought 25 years ago. Thats the basic principle of how the world operates and russia violates the basic principle of how the world operates and what they did in crimea and eastern ukraine. They sent forces not wearing uniforms over the border to destabilize ukraine and they raise questions at the same time about the integrity of Alliance Relationships is a Foreign Policy relationship. Americans for so many years, russia was enemy number one and it seems that many, at least donald Trump Supporters dont view it that way. Dont view putin to be a great threat to the u. S. The way they would isis or what have you so i think going after Cyber Security which is something that is porn in regards to our relationship to russia or ukraine and crimea is something that Trump Supporters dont see as a big issue. And mitt romney said russia was going to be one of the greatest threats to world stabili stability. He played more into the Clinton Campaigns hands with these statements than anything he could have been doing. When he said, went on air and said we had nothing to do with this provision and the provision is cause for giving ukraine defensive weapon ri to push back against russian incursions and they removed it its just not true. My colleague has two rnc sources that said he was the Trump Campaign that pulled that provision out of the platform and this gets you to the point and its a difficult one for journalists including myself where we have to figure out whats true and whats not when it coming from the trump campaign and this stuff. This seems to be completely out of thin air and made up and its tough to figure out how to treat Something Like this but all the evidence is lining up that theyre either sympathetic to the russians, have a different world view or something more than that. Well, and kim, it also comes down to again words meaning nothing in the Trump Campaign and donald trump himself, he just says whatever comes to mind and doesnt even care that theres a mile of video tape in his Rearview Mirror proving that what he is saying is just not true. Yeah and i think its a great point but its very difficult for journalists. Are we going to fact check every second of what he says . This election has been very, very difficult to cover one at some point further down the line from that clip that you showed, joe, he also says well it all happened under obama anyway so its obamas president ball balms fault because president obamas Foreign Policy is weak but that feeds into another narrative which is incorrect. It isnt only under president obama that other countries challenged american power. Remember it was under president george w. Bush that russia went into georgia. That was in 2008. Under president reagan, israel defied the United States and went into lebanon. There were stair downs between american soldiers and Israeli Soldiers in lebanon so the idea that mr. Trump is going to bring back this time when america was never challenged by others is simply not a reality. Can i jump in . Because the mike pence statement to clean all of this up offered late last night says that his son died because of the policies of Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton. He died in 2004. Barrack obama was a state senator in 2004. And mike pence voted for that war. Exactly. And donald trump supported it. The other point is what i found very troubling with the khan episode is that every time the familys name comes up mr. Trump and his surrogates bring up islamic terrorism and the insenuation that you must bring up terrorism is very disturbing. What he said that she stood there as a subdued wife and probably wasnt allowed to speak. Well she showed him that she could speak but saying all arab women are downtrodden, mr. Trump probably never met one because i can tell you theyre pretty fooisty. Thank you for being with us this morning. Greatly appreciate it. And still ahead on morning joe were going to get back to the video tape with Donald Trumps statements from sunday but up next, its her turn. The democratic nominee standing by her old defense. The one that the fbi has already told us just isnt true about classified emails. But first, here is a look at some serious flooding near baltimore. What are you looking at . Have you seen these pictures . Looks like a kid playing in their bathtub with with cars. This is downtown baltimore. Saturday night 11 00 p. M. This is maryland. Incredible stuff. They he had 6 inches of rain in 90 minutes and three inches of that rain fell in 30 minutes alone. They did the human chain to get that lady out of her car and she could have been someone that could have been in serious trouble. Two people perished in these floods. We he had a lot of thunderstorms and downpours and now we have a loan thunderstorm on the jersey shore. This afternoon its so humid. Sunshine will pop up. Hit and miss storms. A slight chance of isolated flooding but nothing like there. We have a lot of flash flood warnings. This is life threatening stuff going on now through the heart of central missouri. A lot of reports of roads closed because of water on them and the heat wave continues texas through the middle of the country and well dodge those thunderstorms on the east coast come this afternoon. Washington d. C. , youre looking warm, youre looking humid near 90 today with a stray storm likely later on this afternoon. Youre watching morning joe. Well be right back. 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I am confident that i never b sen nor received any information that was classified at the time. I had not sent classified material nor received anything marked classified. After a long investigation fbi director said none of those things that you told the American Public were true. Chris, thats not what i heard him say and i thank you for giving me the opportunity to, in my view clarify. He said that my answers were truthful and what i have said is consistent with what i have told the American People that there were decisions discussed and made to classify retroactively certain of the emails. But in a congressional hearing on july 7th, director comey directly wbr id wbr16703 contradicted what you had told the public. Secretary clinton said there wbr id wbr16760 was nothing marked classified on her emails both sent and b received. Was that true . Thats not true. I did not email any classified material to anyone on my email. There is no classified material. Was that true . No, there was classified material emailed. It not only directly contradicted what you said but also said in that hearing wbrid wbr17003 that you were extremely careless and negligent. Well, chris, i looked at the whole transcript of everything that was said and what i believe is number one, i made a mistake not using with two different email addresses. I have said that and i repeat it again today. It is certainly not anything that i would ever do again. I take classification seriously. I relied on and had every reason to rely on the judgments of the professionals with whom i worked. Oh my god. Oh my god. She just blamed people, professionals that she forced to communicate with her through an unsecured email. You know, trump, the volume of trumps lies from yesterday its hard to get your arms around it because its like trying to drink from a fire hose. But Hillary Clinton, her performance was just as stunning on this one issue. First of all claiming again that she did not send or receive classified material after comey told us all that was a lie. That she did. This is what i dont understand. We know she is lying. She knows shes lying. The voters know she is lying. So when she goes out and lies on top of a year of lies all she does is drive down her honest and trustworthy numbers even more and then at the end, it was a fact that she then blamed state department professionals and ambassadors across the world who she forced to communicate with her. It was mind boggling. Its just kind of impossible to lie anymore about a topic than she did yesterday. The most effective part of her answer was she said she made a mistake and she wouldnt do it again. And that ought to be her position on that. Say that and move on. Just leave it at that. What is interesting about this weekend because what you have just gone through t two set of interviews is each side is trying to make this a referendum on the other but that ought to be the discipline. All of these own faults, all of these people making their own stakes. And what the platforms really are who doesnt do that on a sunday night in july. Late sunday night in july. But you read them and they really are indictments of the other person. They are setting up an election thats a referendum of the other candidate. So the last thing you want to do is feed that beast. He did a gourmet meal. Talk about a selfinflicted wound. You cant believe that trump isnt getting any better. I just gasped that she would still be making the same mistake that she made at the un after the fbi director said she is lyi lying. The verdict has come down. You have been politically indicted and just simply say what she has said after she was cornered. You know what, i made some mistakes. I wouldnt do it again. I am so sorry. This is a series of selfinflicted wound starting with the initial decision to set up this to begin with. Why is she still doing it this late . Shes had an incredible convention. Sure. They pulled off just an incredible convention and then she goes on sunday and reconfirms what all of her fierces critics always said about her. So there was a difference between his initial presentation and the hearing he had before the house. It was revealed in that hearing that the number of emails that were classified and marked classified which is an important distinction here was all of three and two of them were erroneously marked classified so they feel like well okay we were thrown under the bus in that initial press conference. Thats what they say. Thats not what the im telling you. You ask me why they do this. The fbi director did not say that. He did say that and then you have the state department saying theres 22 or 23. She should have known also. Thats another part of it that he is saying. Anyone in her position should have known this was classified information she was sending through her server. It was right and should have just left that to begin with with is the smart thing to say sy screwed up from the beginning i screwed you. I feel bad about it. Im glad its over with. Lets move on but to relitigate this and try to get cute with the language and to be legal about it it doesnt do her or her campaign a service here. The next hour well be talking to the Clinton Campaign manager about all of this. Perhaps donald trump wants a mulligan after his latest comments about Michael Bloomberg. Wed like to thank george for providing us a lot of material for the entire first hour of morning joe. Thats about as much material as you can ask for. It was a historic interview. It was a historic interview. We shall explain all of that straight ahead. Le miles on stuff you bought from that airline . Let me show you something better. 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Donald trump also went after Michael Bloomberg in that abc interview accusing him of cutting a deal with Hillary Clinton for a job in washington. Trump slammed the former new york city mayor a week after a blistering attack at trump at the Democratic National convention. Michael bloomberg couldnt get he elected dogcatcher in new york. He was a good mayor. His last term was terrible. He did a terrible thing his last term and a lot of people didnt like him. Spent a fortune to get elected. He had a lot of problems. Personally i think he made a deal with hilary where he gets a job because Michael Bloomberg has wanted to run for president for probably as long as you have known him and guess what, he never had the guts to do it and now i see this guy up on stage saying negative things. He knows nothing about me. Hes never been to my office. I dont know him well. You play golf together. Maybe once. And i hit the ball a lot longer and a lot better. I dont know him. I dont know him. Yes you do. And i hit the ball a lot longer. The undertones, man. I dont know him. I dont know him. I dont know him. You went golfing with him. Yeah and i hit the ball a lot longer. Anybody that knows bloombergs personality knows he couldnt work for somebody else. Couldnt work for somebody else and if you meet Michael Bloomberg you know you met Michael Bloomberg and do we have that picture going to break. Lets see there. Is that donald trump and Michael Bloomberg and bill clinton. Thats joe tory and billy crystal. Did donald trump really forget he was standing there. Thats in contrast to what trump thought of bloomberg during his final term in office. He said he had a horrible final term in office. That snow. Remember the snow removal. Well he praised him for doing a great job as mayor of new york city. Please explain this to us because we want to understand. Well remind everybody Michael Bloomberg is my boss but donald trump just takes these positions that he doesnt know somebody unless its in his interest to know them and you cant criticize them if hes never met them. But how do you say, i have never met Michael Bloomberg. I dont know him when he has to remember that he went out golfing with bill clinton, rudy, billy crystal, michael bloomberg. Well, might not remember anybody else. Hes standing next to Michael Bloomberg. Its not like hes back in the pro shop getting a golf club. Its a pattern of saying what he wants to say in the moment and he doesnt realize that at this stage its only going to distract from what they would like the discussion to be about. He said so many things that are going to be unpacked not just this morning but awhile and fewer than 100 days to go. Does he want this to be about whether he knows putin or bloomberg. Its just stupid. Its just staggeringly stupid to be making these mistakes. I oucould call them rookie mistakes but rookie politicians dont even make these mistakes. We have been waiting for a major media poll to come out and one has come out thats shown quite a move by Hillary Clinton. The cbs New York Times poll had the two tied at 42 before the poll. This morning, after the conventions, the poll, what are the exact numbers again, alex . Clinton 46, trump 39. So thats quite a spread. So we will get more information about that poll. Also we have our must read opinion pages. Coming up next, mika. Well read them to you when we come back on morning joe. Only those who dare drive the world forward. Introducing the firstever cadillac ct6. I di it. D. But im calling about that credit scorecard. to dog give it. Sure its free for everyone. Oh well thats nice and checking your score wont hurt your credit. Oh to dog im so proud of you. Well thank you. Get your free credit scorecard at discover. Com. Even if youre not a customer. 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I was not involved in that. I would like to id have to take a look at it but i was not involved. Do you know what they did . They softened it i heard. But i was not involved. They called for the part of lethal weapons. I have any own ideas. Hes not going into ukraine. Hes not going to go into ukraine. You can mark it down. Hes already there. Well hes there in a certain way but im not there yet. You have obama there and frankly that whole part of the world is a mess under obama with all the strength that youre talking about and all the power of nato and all of this in the meantime hes going away. He takes crimea. But you said you might recognize that. Im going to take a look at it but the people of crimea would rather be with russia than where they were and you have to look at that also. That reminds me of a painful episode. How so. Well, he is doing something on the history of russia and and made the mistake of blaming fdr and said that the soviets were allowed to roll their tanks into Eastern Europe he wrote on my paper, western they already there . And he said good point. Good thing you didnt do that interview. Exactly. Thats exactly what happened yesterday. He is not going into ukraine and channelling him, isnt he already there . He is. Its amazing that they yanked out that part of the platform after criticizing obama for not depending ukraine. Its been whether lethal defensive systems or whatever to ukraine and the president has gone against most of his senior advisors and it was something you would have thought the republicans would have done as an area to differentiate themselves and look tougher than the administration and apparently obviously not and you read the language of both platfor platforms, again, something i did on sunday night and theres surprising similarities. Theres Better Things to do when you can sleep. With us now is elise jordan. Her new piece for Time Magazine says this is how the Trump Campaign may have interferes with russian policy. Its telling when they suddenly care. Especially when Trumps Campaign is run by mapaul mamafo are rt. The next morning texas delegate introduced an amendment calling for lethal defensive weapons for ukraine. The cochair tabled the amendment telling the group that they were rnc and Trump Campaign staff who would like to work with the subcommittee on the language before a vote. It was the first and only time an amendment was tabled before the final approval of the platform. A protrump delegate suggested modifying the language which passed the committee. A leading theory in republican Foreign Policy circles is trump is so disenfwajed from policy and certainly the platform. Ill let everyone read the rest of it. It wasnt quite completed in the teleprompter but the point is that trump would be so disconnected from Foreign Policy and caring about the platform and Foreign Policy issues inside the platform. So why would trump suddenly inject himself . I spoke to multiple dell fwats there in the room for this debate and discussion and then another delegate that said that specifically trump Staff Members bragged to her they had to take this directly to mr. Trump and this is just telling on multiple levels. Either trump was involved which i find highly unlikely or someone at the top level was. If you do it and the russians escalate, its a legitimate Foreign Policy debate but its not one issue in isolation. Its in the context of questioning american commitments to nato and other issues with russia and the campaign is taken a denine view. And the Baltic States also came into question. Hes just up ending traditional american commitments to nato and its really scary in your european allies. What i find disturbing too is because this is his major client, his last major client it looks so unseemly to have a lobiest at the head of your campaign and then to have one issue that would be a particular concern to your former clients given top billing, top policy billing in the rnc platform committee. Thats just very strange and theyre sick of special interests. They thought trump would stand up to special interest and now the same thing is happening again. And the question is, is he getting money from russia . Is his business built on russian loans because american banks stopped loaning him money . Those are questions that are going to keep being asked and hes not going to release his tax returns but we can talk about him up ending Foreign Policy tradition and theres a pattern here. He always seems to up end american Foreign Policy tradition in a way that benefits putin. Exactly. What about syria . First time since 1973 the soviet versus been in syria and now russia in syria. Im not so sure about defending the baltics and now ukraine, yanking it out of the platform. And the last client, the former head of ukraine is seeking refuge is being protected by Vladimir Putin in russia as well and at least own a position. If you think, if you support putins position that he invaded ukraine for the benefit of the crimeans then own that decision but southeast flip flopping. One day saying he doesnt know putin and the next day saying he is not in ukraine so thats what makes it all so confusing too. Let me just say were all so confused. Well be right back. And mixes crisp vegetables with all white meat chicken and bakes it to perfection. Because Marie Callender knows that making the perfect dinner isnt easy as pie, but finding someone to enjoy it with sure is. Marie callenders its time to savor and know theres even more to savor with family size pot pies. Americans are buying more and more of everything online. 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S, over the last 10 years weve helped one million Business Owners get started. Visit legalzoom today for the legal help you need to start and run your business. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. Why does your tummy go grumbily, grumbily, grumbily . No more questions for you ooph, that milk in your cereal was messing with you, wasnt it . Try lactaid, its real milk, without that annoying lactose. Good, right . Mmm, yeah. Lactaid. The milk that doesnt mess with you. You know what, have been saying lets just beat her on november 8th, but you know what, you know what, im starting to agree with you. Ill tell you. You know what i do, ive been nice but after watching that performance i dont have to be so nice anymore. Im taking the gloves off, right . Yes. Right . Just remember this, trump is going to be no more mr. Nice guy. Tell hillary im not going to be nice anymore. Ive been very nice to her. Taking the gloves off. The model of restraint says no mo more mr. Nice guy. We have the president of the council on foreign relations. Richard haas. And former advisor to senator rand paul elise jordan. And senior Political Editor and White House Correspondent for the huffington post. Also former Campaign Communication director and msnbc political contributor. Lets start with a new poll out this morning. The First National poll from a major news outlet since the convention. And Hillary Clinton did get a bounce coming out of the democratic convention. The new cbs news poll gives her a 7 point lead over donald trump 46 to 39 after being tied at 42 last week after the republican convention. Clintons bounce is similar to the ones president obama received after the conventions in 2012 and 2008 but short of the bounce bill clinton received in 1992 and ten points for al gore. He got the ten points because of a kiss. I never screamed as loud as i have watching tv. Why did you have to bring that up. You retraumatized me. I screamed at the shining but that this is breakfast. Sit breakfast. Kids dont even ask your parents what thats about. Its not worth it. Do not google it, please. It was a kind molt. A kind moment. Clinton even got an 11 point swing to her benefit on fav favorability after the convention. Drop the balloons. 36 of americans have a favorable view. And tropical waving 6 points to a 50 unfavorable rating. 73 of those that voted for Bernie Sanders in the primary are now with clinton. Up from 67 earlier in the month. A little bit of sunlight there. Thats at the high end of what her bounce might be after the convention. In a National Poll but they executed a really good convention. Now of course well see if it settles back down and i suspect this is, again, as good as they could have gotten and pretty solid and helps them in the shortterm. A lot of democrats may be able to win this race in the next couple of week ps they continue to per forl and execute and continue to have problems. You look at the numbers, even when the two were tied there were a lot of articles talking about trumps very narrow path forward. A lot especially this week in saying he has to do things that republicans just dont usually do to win it. Now it will be interesting to see what the sweep stakes look like in the next few days but here 46 to 39 is quite a gap for donald trump and makes actually that Electoral College map more difficult. If were looking at a national margin of 5, 6, points for Hillary Clinton theres not going on the an Electoral College path for donald trump. That comes into play if he can get this down to an even race. Down a point or two then the path could present itself but when you talk about what the narrow path is too, its real simple. You just take the romney states from 2012 and you say trump holds them all. Thats a big if but if he holds the romney states from 2012 his most direct route would be ohio, pennsylvania, florida. Theres reasons he could have trouble in all of those states, that would put him at 273. He would be just over the number but then the other big problem is youre looking at one of those romney states from 2012, North Carolina where donald trump seems to be behind right now and demographicicly he has a real problem there. So if he loses a romney state from 2012 that makes it that much worse. Were not even talking about utah. The safest of all republican states. Donald trump neck and neck. Somewhere in the high 20s in utah. He has got to show his supporters in the next couple of weeks that theres a sensible path and the one steve layed out is the one people are looking at most. Thats no margin of error. He has to win all three of the big three and he cant lose any of the romney states so right now he has to show people that in terms of advertising and his own performance that they can be in this game but any republican would be behind in the Electoral College because of the democratic strength and hes not showing right now an obvious path. Relying on florida with the hispanic population that there is in florida, i think its going to be rough. Cant win without florida. I know we can win without florida. This race is florida, florida, florida. If he doesnt win florida he doesnt win. Then you look at his numbers with hispanics right now. Its hard to see how he wins florida. Hillary clintons road trip over the weekend went to two battleground state where is the stakes could not be higher. The democratic nominee is up 9 points in pennsylvania but a dead heat in ohio and the New York Times says those states along with florida will make or break Donald Trumps chances as casey hunt reports its no surprise that hilary is hitting the ground hard. Three days. Hello harrisburg. And 650 miles, Hillary Clinton this weekend road tripping across the rust belt. The first time i campaigned on a bus and came to pennsylvania was way back in 1992. In between stops her new running mate taking a few lessons. I learned more on the bus in the last 8 hours about politics than i have learned in 22 years. When bill clinton ran in one year this was Fertile Ground for democrats. Now out the window it looks like trump country. Clintons challenge is winning over voters the new economy has left behind. Im not satisfied with the status quo, are you . No. If donald trump is actually going to be president of the United States he has to win the voters who live along this bus route from western pennsylvania into eastern ohio. And the Clinton Campaign is worried that he could. Why . Trumps simple message is breaking through. Were going to put the miners back to work. Clinton trying to punch back as her bus tour wound through johns town and pittsburgh in pennsylvania. Youngstown and cleveland and ohio. I know that there are people here in the valley who think they want to support trump. Ask your friends and neighbors is this somebody that really cares about the people of the valley . Her campaign trying to convince voters that trump is a con man. A lot of people dont know about donald trump either so there may be a sense of sounds good. A rich guy going to fix all of our problems but theyre starting to catch on. Its not an easy sell with americans that feel the system let them down. People look at them as angry white men but they want somebody out there fighting for them. So, i have to say, casey, i have been surprised over the past few weeks about ohio. Polls go up and down but Donald Trump Holding his own. Something not easy for a lot of republicans to do and you think especially for donald trump in a state that is a swing state every four years. The challenge i think is grappling with how exactly is trumps unique qualities as a candidate going to change the landscape here. The valley is up by youngstown as in eastern ohio so thats a lot of these blue collar voters. Many traditionally voted democrat. They were union guys. Now more republican and they tend to be less college educated. Can donald trump drive up the numbers there . He won the primary there without losing these john kasich republicans. Democrats are confident they can pull over some of the more moderates. A lot of republicans live in this area that democrats think they might be able to win over. So is challenge is are there more or less of them here . Thats true in pennsylvania as well. You also have the mitt romney republicans that live in the philadelphia suburbs and democrats similarly think that they can win there the one point i would add i had a lot of people comparing what she did here to that bus tour that bill clinton and al gore did in 1992. Is that going to be as great as when we got to run up and ask them questions any time we want . The answer is it was nothing like that and Hillary Clinton taking only a hand full of questions at the end of the trip when it was clear that every question was going to be about plflt khan and Donald Trumps comments and the beginning of the show so the entire back and forth played into her favor. One question wasnt about it and it was about the debate schedule. Trump said the nfl sent him a letter saying it should be rescheduled because its on the night of a football game. The nfl saying thats not the case but at the end of the day, this was not the kind of free wheeling old school politicking that bill clinton did when he ran for president. The cbs poll shows donald trump behind. How important is this weekend . Every two at as something happened in Donald Trumps campaign and people say this is the end of the donald trump and a week later. I would not be surprised if a week later theyre tied up again. Thats how a lot of races like this happen. Trump moves 3, 4, 5 points ahead after his convention and then its tied up. Hilary moves 7 up and then its tied up. Do you think the khan controversy is going to have Lasting Impact with these voters . I do. The reaction was inappropriate and tone daef and he was on all the shows this weekend explaining in a very articulate way about how much he loved this country and how much his son loved this country and his son was a hero and donald trump had a black soul and was incapable of showing empathy and its hard to argue that wasnt true. What do you think . The empathy you can have for anyone losing a child and his response was repulsive. You can be a hardcore donald trump supporter and say whats with this. You cant compare losing a child to your business and employing people. That shows a complete tone deafness. Lets talk about this story and get people caught up. Lets get to the latest on Donald Trumps response to the parents of a soldier killed in iraq. They took the stage of the dnc to condemn trumps proposal and sames about muslims. He said trump sacrificed nothing and no one and questioned if he even read the u. S. Constitution. In a statement saturday the Trump Campaign responded saying in part, captain khan was a hero to our country. The real problem are the radical islamic terrorists that killed him but it didnt end there with donald trump and khan speaking with the sunday shows. What sacrifice have you made for your country . I made a lot of sacrifices. I worked very, very hard, created tens of thousands of jobs. Built great structures. I had tremendous success. Those are sacrifices. Sure. When i can employ thousands and thousands of people, take care of their education and so many things, even in the military i was very responsible along with a group of people for getting the Vietnam Memorial built in Downtown Manhattan which to this day people thank me for. Do those constitute the sacrifices that you were referring to . I appreciate his statement calling my son a hero and making this statement but it sounds so disingeneralo dis dising disingenous because of his stances. Donald trump is tweeting out. Mr. Khan that does not know me viciously attacked me from the stage of the dnc and is now all over the tv doing the same. Nice. You look baffled. When youre in a hole, stop digging. Stop digging. This is not just digging with a small shovel. This is digging with one of those big earth movers. Its what we said with hilary lynn on the and continuing to deny she sent classified material. Stop digging. Both of these candidates but of course donald trump far more. Is there no one around him that can say even if you dont have it in you, show a little graciousness toward a father and a mother that lost their son and stop fighting. Stop debating. Stop tweeting at a gold star mother and a grieving father. The story would go away. Hes fuelling the story and its not positively. Unless he thinks that him beating up on Muslim Americans that lost their son fighting muslim extremists. Hes never going to win a fight. Hes never going to win a fight with with them and hes lucky this occurred over a weekend when congress wasnt in session but the longer he fights with them the more likely it is that every republican candidate in the country and republican leader will be asked to weigh in on what hes doing. The mike pence Statement Last night would have put it to bed but hes going to continue to fight with them and roger stone, one of his advisors is questioning the background of the khans in a way thats only going to extend this and every day hes not talking about the economy is a day when his chances of winning are less likely. Hes in this race. He could win the race but theres fewer than 100 days to go but if he wants to talk about the khans and putin, his chances are lower. Not to mention they represent everything beautiful about the immigrant story to this country. They came here and their son served this country. Their other son started a business here. Mr. Khan completed his education in this country. We should be embracing this family and talking about them as who they are and what they represent as immigrants to this nation and instead hes be littling them. They do have a line. The reason their son died is iraq is in bad position because of the policies of obama and clinton. Thats an argument they were planning to make in this race and they could be making it. Their son died in 2004 when Barrack Obama was a state senator. Hillary clinton did vote for the war. So did mike pence. Donald trump supported the invasion initially but one thing that were missing here is there are things trump could be talking about other than this. Gdp growth, that number came up three days ago. Have you heard a single word from the Trump Campaign. By the way, he could be saying every day on the campaign trail, this is the slowest recovery, if you want to call it a recovery, since 1949 and he hasnt said a word about it because hes picking on the parents of a dead american soldier that is a hero. Hes proving the point Hillary Clinton made in his speech which is he can get riled up from the smallest provocation. A tweet or statement and it could derail him for three days and i do think that is a valuable insight to the president he could be. If he cant handle this basic criticism. Its a tough criticism but a basic criticism if he cant say yes lets move on, it does Say Something about how he would handle himself in the white house. Theres been some question about how republicans throughout this entire campaign have viewed muslims, muslim immigrants, people that want to immigrate here. I can tell you in areas that i represented and you have been all across the south in areas that are strongly in trumps corner and if you look at the polls, like his ideas on lim limiting immigration to the United States. When you do that you have just done something and i will not use the word on an American Hero and his family and you have basically spit on an entire band of brothers i cant imagine how this is playing in Fort Walton Beach or crest view in a fla or pensacola florida. People may be supporting trump in most of those places but things like this make them angry. Back off. He is a hero. He is an American Hero and if you want to be our commander and chief stop knocking his family. Well, forgive me for being a little bit politically crass here but the Clinton Campaign baited donald trump. That was in her speech and he took the bait and its the replacement story. He should be talking about gdp and job growth but instead he is relitigating. His son is a hero. Talk about him as a hero and move on and instead, he put out another tweet so he has given the story legs and what he fails to realize is because he is giving it legs, everybody is going to be talking about that and were not going to be talking about prosecuting the case against Hillary Clinton and its another lost day and the Clinton Campaign has been and will be disciplined. So if they can keep being disciplined and raising more money and resources and being more organized and use Donald Trumps weakness against him which is bait him and he will continue to do it. Its a real problem going forward. One of the most memorable lines. If you can bait a guy with a teet, how do you trust him with the Nuclear Codes and here you have any disciplined Republican Campaign would be hammering Hillary Clinton for what she said yesterday. Trying to rewrite history. The slowest recovery since 1949. They would be talking about how jobs flooded out of pennsylvania and ohio. Donald trump is continuing his fight against a gold star mother. Were talking about the new poll this morning and seeing the two conventions cancelling each other out. Donald trump factoring in the bounce from the democratic convention. This raises the question if on top of the convention is there going to be more of a bounce for Hillary Clinton or more of a price to pay for donald trump because of this story dominating the news for a few days and maybe dominating it for a few month and the other question, its not just does trump fall in the polls because of this, but at a certain point when you pile this on top of Everything Else and everything that will probably come between now and november, its just not a question of does donald trump keep dropping, its a question of is he imposing a ceiling on himself so that if he ever does run a more disciplined campaign, a more focused Campaign Like youre talking about, has he, through what he has tun this summer, this spring, this winter, this entire campaign to date, has he alienated enough potential supporters that even if he begins running the Discipline Campaign youre talking about hes not going to be able to get above 46, 47, 48. Making republicans on capitol hill twist in the wind. Senator mcconnell had the strongest and most encouraging condemnation. Paul ryan did as well but he said i stand with the khans and nobody saying i take my endorsement of him we have a lot more to talk about. Im going to stop here. Thank you. Thank you as well. But mr. And mrs. Khan will join us live in our 8 00 hour and still ahead, Hillary Clintons Campaign Manager has crossed the east river from brooklyn. I mean seriously. This has a brooklyn sort of feel to it. He swroins us next. [announcer] is it a force of nature . Or a sales event . The summer of audi sales event is here. Get up to a 5,000 bonus on select audi models. Im not a customer, but im calling about that credit scorecard. to dog give it. Sure its free for everyone. Oh well thats nice and checking your score wont hurt your credit. Oh to dog im so proud of you. Well thank you. Get your free credit scorecard at discover. Com. Even if youre not a customer. Donald trump i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. And shoot somebody and i wouldnt lose any voters, okay . And you can tell them to go f themselves you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever. You gotta see this guy. Ahh, i dont know what i said, ahh. I dont remember. Hes going like i dont remember . Another antiwrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. Neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair works. In one week. With the. Fastest retinol formula. To visibly reduce wrinkles. Neutrogena®. Olympics 2016, let me get you on my level. So you never miss a moment, miss a minute, miss a medal. Why settle when you can have it all . Soccer to wrestling. Track and field to basketball. Fencing to cycling. Diving to balance beam. All you have to sa is, show me, and boom its on the screen from the bottom of the mat, to the couch where you at . Show me the latest medal count xfinitys where its at. Welcome to it all. Comcast nbcuniversal is proud to bring you coverage of the rio olympic games. Can you believe he is still tweeting . Maybe he was hacked. Maybe he was attacked by the russians. Were joined now by robbie mook and also the author of the book democracy black and a man that says he has a mediated relationship with the bible. I have no idea what that means but i like it. How could Hillary Clinton say that she did not send or received classified emails. She said that yesterday on fox news. It was a shocking jaw dropping moment. Well first of all, she said this was a mistake and apologized. So let me ask you this, could you not go to her before that interview and say to her, madame secretary, just say it was a mistake and dont say anything that you said in the u. S. Press conference and lets move along. No, she would encourage me to tell her to tell the truth. But she said this is a mistake multiple times and apologized for it. What he said was there was no basis for her to believe that she had any reason to believe they were classified. He said a reasonable person in her position should have known they were classified. But thats leaving out the fact that these emails were coming from hundreds of state department employees. These were long time tenured state department professionals that worked for different administrations. They were the ones sending her the emails. But werent they forced in that position though . They had no other outlet to communicate with her. You cant put the blame on professionals if the leader is saying he email us at this address. This is the only option you have. Classified information is sent over a completely separate system. I worked at the state department too. There you go. But you understand. That makes it worse though. She was forcing everybody that wanted to communicate with her to move out of the classified realm where you send classified information and then put it on their own servers. Isnt that worse . You just dont send classified information. Well, you would understand this. The fbi director said she did. She did what . Send classified information. What the director of the fbi testifi testified he did not think she knew it was classified. It seems to me he said a reasonable person would have known. We cant see his emails. We dont know if they were marked. We dont know if they were marked properly. We dont know. Were having to rely on what he is saying and included was that he did not believe when she received these emails she had any reason to believe they were classified. Was it a mistake, when she made a mistake was it a mistake to not have recordkeeping that allowed her to fulfill her obligations . If she could have gone back. Was that part of the mistake. Was that a pesk mistake . Was that part of the failure she apologized for . I dont believe she has spoken to that matter. Was that part of the mistake . Youll have to ask her that question and she has said the choice was a mistake. Okay but that seems vague. It was a problem for me. Not because i have an obligationful was it a mistake that she potentially put classified information at risk which the fbi director said she did because she emailed with people thats systems were vulnerable and hers were vulnerable. Im not going to get beyond ill let her speak to what her words mean. She said this was a mistake. It obviously created a lot of complication and difficulty. Dont you think instead of just saying i made a terrible mistake we need to move on . I think her saying everything she said to the fbi was true and i can tell you what she said to the fbi is the same as publicly. Did it come as a surprise to you that the dnc was favoring Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders. Dnc has to comment on what theyre doing. Did it come as a surprise to you . Look i think what is surprising in this situation is that first of all, that the russians hacked and released that information but secondly that donald trump was out encouraging that. But it appears that your National Party despite denials to the contrary favored your candidate and as a democrat im wondering if it was surprising and upsetting to you that the dnc faye vovored hilary over be sanders. Certain staff sent emails totally inappropriate and its completely inappropriate to be targeting a democratic candidate for any particular purpose. So that piece was surprising and it was inappropriate. Lets move on to russia. And specifically sending arms to ukraine. Would a president clinton support sending offensive weapons through ukraine so they can defend themselves . She stands with ukraine and believes its wrong to invade crimea. A lot is frightening and disturbing about all of this. Donald trump has been saying the things he has been saying. That the republican platform changed. Do you believe theres a financial reason for that . Do you think that donald trump, because there have been some articles suggesting that donald trump has financial ties with russia and thats if he released his taxes maybe we would know. He wont release his taxes so we dont know. Its clear that Paul Manafort in the past his Campaign Chairman had business dealings in russia. It was reported today. Its unclear whether those financial ties continue and i found it particularly disturbing on topf of this that trump seemed to use the talking points on the ukraine just the other day. And then we would know. What do you think it suggests about his preparedness for the white house . Right . And then i want to connect to to the earlier conversation. Theres a sense in which you want to hold him accountable for these positions and for his failure to release his tax returns but there seems to be a reluctance to hold Hillary Clinton accountable or her for holding herself accountable for making mistakes. So how do you square the kind of heart line youre holding him and the way you engage in what youre doing with regards to the he emails and the like. Lets look at the tax issue specifically. The clintons released their taxes for decades now. Donald trump is refusing to do so. His decision is different than anywhere else and it is scary. Scary that hes not going to reveal this and as it relates to temperament, every single day it gets worse and worse. First he encourages it and then after coming under fire claims it was a joke and you dont invite foreign nations to spy on our country and mettle in our elections. Do they agree with mitt romneys assessment in 2012 that russia is one of the greatest threats facing america. It certainly is a threat. Hillary clinton took on Vladimir Putin many times. Do you think this is personal because she would go after him so hard. We have to let the experts peace this together. She took on putin a number of times. We have seen potential business connections and the russians are clearly or whoever they gave the emails to are leaking them for the purpose of her campaign. Explain to americans because we were talking about it off camera how americans may not understand the dangers that Vladimir Putin and russia presen. What does secretary clinton say is the greatest danger that comes from russia right now. Id let her speak for herself but what is frightening is russia has been aggressive toward Eastern Europe and donald trump said he wouldnt defend our nato allies there. Senat senator kaine son is in romania mow. The idea that we would somehow let the russians go in there and not do anything about it is frightening and frightening that anybody would say that. 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Com caremanager Appointments Available now. Olympics 2016, let me get you on my level. So you never miss a moment, miss a minute, miss a medal. Why settle when you can have it all . Soccer to wrestling. Track and field to basketball. Fencing to cycling. Diving to balance beam. All you have to sa is, show me, and boom its on the screen from the bottom of the mat, to the couch where you at . Show me the latest medal count xfinitys where its at. Welcome to it all. Comcast nbcuniversal is proud to bring you coverage of the rio olympic games. Coming up next, he says he has been a nonpartisan his entire career but that this is different because of donald trump. Well be talking to kim burns that blasted the republican nominee in a recent commencement speech. Were back in a moment. E sharks squuuuack, lets feed him to the sharks yay and take all of his gold and take all of his gold ya and hide it from the crew ya. . Squuuuack, theyre all morons anyway i never said that. 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Only those who dare drive the world forward. Introducing the firstever cadillac ct6. Michael bloomberg couldnt get elected dogcatcher. His last term was terrible. He did a terrible thing his last term and frankly, a lot of people didnt like him. He spent a fortune to get elected. Shouldnt have gone to third term. Snow removal was a disaster. He had a lot of problems. Personally i think he made a deal with hilary where he gets a job because Michael Bloomberg wanted to run for president for probably as long as you have known him and he never had the guts to do it and now i see him up on stage saying negative things. He knows nothing about me. Hes never been to my office. I dont know him well. Played golf together. Maybe once. I hit the ball a lot longer and a lot better. What do you say about a man that you say ive never met him before . We showed a picture and put it up. We showed a picture of him golfing with Michael Bloomberg, right next to donald trump and rudy and pill clinton and joe tory and billy crystal. And a baseball game together. A yankee game together. There they are with trump and Michael Bloomberg. Those baseball games, sometimes those can last 3. 5 hours. Yeah. But no cameras. How could he have expected anybody to know . And golfing. And heres another one. Heres Michael Bloombergs president ial trial balloon and donald trump also tweeting at the end that he was a great mayor. Except for the snow removal. Except for the know removal now. With us oscar nominated film maker ken burns. Also nbc news senior White House Correspondent. A book im going to take home to my daughter but before i do that, why do you decide to get actively involved this year. Its so different than any other year. I throw fastballs down the center of the plate with regard to American History and celebrate it but as you look at American History this book on the history for presidency for children can tell you that for 2016 years we have had bitterly fought contests between qualified people and thats not the case this time. Those of us who have a little by of knowledge of American History are kind of shocked. Why is it different . We have someone so unqualified for this office. Why dont people care . A lot of it has to do with us. I was thinking this weekend that the kahn family came forward. Looking around and seeing whats going on most of us dont do what all of us do every morning, which is check all of these things. We have a con man here and it may be the kahn family that exposed it. It is susceptible to people that play on fear. People say we dont buy the used car sales men and we dont buy the con men. And i learned this morning as far as president s that you have done in the past with your children what i do with mine. With kate we also, we go through the president. Ill do the first and she does the second. You get to clover cleveland and youre like how did that happen . Ill tell you, the first democrat that had won and then he lost the popular vote then won again. So he won the popular vote three times . Yes. Only roosevelt has a better track record with that regard. It is a great thing for kids to mem mo mem more rise. And my fiveyearold just and so grover cleveland, the only president to serve two terms with a term in between known as an aggressive and successful policymaker, could he survive in this kind of environment . You know, i actually think cleveland could. I have gone over this. You a sense of the qualifications of the men who have held this job. You know, only Zachary Taylor had no experience in politics. He had been a military man. He made the sacrifices that the kahn family knows about. Everybody has a little bit of this. Martin vanburen learned how to get along. He kind of figured out all of the political stuff. You have tall wins and lincolns and short ones and big ones. Its a good story but i think this year we are dealing with it. Do you think donald trump is the as a historian do you think trump is the least qualified major Party Candidate since fill in the blank . I dont think no one. Two or three have spoke on little, you know, smart phones that their kids or grand kids have done for them. Its trying to avoid us in this chattering class. They are all saying this has never happened. The dean said there is no precedent for this in American History for someone without any credentials. Why are all of these folks supporting it . I think we are susceptible to fear and easy solutions. It is the much maligned but very subtle art of ordnance. It turns out that the politicians have to do their job. Some ti sometimes its messy. You need somebody who knows how to get it done and doesnt lie two or three hundred times a day. Thank you so much. Im taking it home to kate. She will love it. Ill sign it for her. And we are back with much more morning joe in just a moment. Ching. Soon, shell be bingestudying. Now she writes mostly in emoji. Soon, shell type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. Today, the only spanish words he knows are burrito and enchilada. Soon, hell take notes en espanol. Get back to great with the right gear. From the place with the experts. Office depot officemax. Gear up for school. Gear up for great. vo nutritional needs. Ogs all in one. Purina one. Healthy energy, all in one. Strong muscles, all in one. Highly digestible, and a taste he loves, all in one. Purina one smartblend is expertly blended. With 100 nutrition, 0 fillers, always real meat 1. Lifelong smart nutrition. Its all in one. Purina one. Americans are buying more and more of everything online. And so many businesses rely on the United States Postal Service to get it there. Because when you ship with us, your business becomes our business. Thats why we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. The United States Postal Service. Priority you trolling for a gig with cant blame you. Its a drone you control with your brain, which controls your thumbs, which control this joystick. No, im actually over at the ge booth. Were creating the Operating System for industry. Its called predix. Its gonna change the way the world works. Ok, im telling my brain to tell the drone to get you a copy of my resume. Umm, maybe keep your hands on the controller. Look out ohhhhhhhhhh. You know what, im just gonna email it to you. Yeah thats probably safer. Ok, cool. Up next, did trump forget what he said about putin in the past and did clinton hear what fbi director said about the priva emails on her private server. You have to go way back to 2013 to see where both of these people contradicted themselves. And this morning the father of a fallen soldier join us for a live interview. Morning joe back in a moment. Like broncos or colts. cashier cool. peyton ah. 18. The old number. Ooh. I have got a coupon for that one. vo get nfl sunday ticket only on directv. And watch live games anywhere. Im not a customer, but im calling about that credit scorecard. to dog give it. Sure its free for everyone. Oh well thats nice and checking your score wont hurt your credit. Oh to dog im so proud of you. Well thank you. Get your free credit scorecard at discover. Com. Even if youre not a customer. I thought my bladder leakage meant my social life was over. Wearing depend underwear has allowed me to fully engage in my life and im meeting people. Unlike the bargain brand, new depend fitflex underwear is now more flexible to move with you. Reconnect with the life youve been missing. Get a free sample at depend. Com. 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Not very sick, but she can believe the talk. She will be in tomorrow im sure. We also have with us managing editor of Bloomberg Politics. The cohost airs at 6 00 p. M. Mark is here. Lots to discuss. And well have more with this video tape. Youll get what hillary says about emails. Its the wolf episode. Yes. I was here last night. We were splicing it. It will be exciting. Also, the news and finance anchor, yahoo . I have been on Maternity Leave for three months. In the south of france. The kid speaks french though. Welcome back. Thank you. And a man who never sleeps, sam stein and bbb correspondent kim godess. I thought this entire weekend was a disaster for donald trump, an absolute disaster, which i think it was. I saw Hillary Clinton on Fox News Sunday going i never used any i never transmitted any classified material. You sat there going who is talking to her . Both of them had horrible performances on the sunday show. She had overall better performances. Parts of it were quite good but what she said about the fbi stuff is a little founding. He went into that with a confrontational way. They tried to put it to rest with a statement from mike pence. There are unanswered questions. Saying he never met putin. The russians. It was jerry ford, 1976. The russians arent in poland. Yes, they are. And now its the russians arent in the ukraine. It was baffling. To take us through all of this. Thats right. Trump is facing criticism after his response to the parents of an american soldier killed in iraq. The parents of kahn took to the stage at the dnc to condemn trumps statements about muslims. He said trump sacrificed nothing and no one and questions if he even read the u. S. Constitution. The Trump Campaign responded saying captain kahn is a hero to our country. The problem is the radical islamic terrorists who killed him. What sacrifice have you made for your country . I think i made a lot of sacrifices. I work very very hard. I created thousands and thousands of jobs, built great structures. I have had tremendous success. Those are sacrifices . Sure. I think they are sacrifices. I think when i can employee thousand and thousands of people, take care of education, so many things, even in military i was very responsible for getting the Vietnam Memorial built which to this day people thank me for. Do those constitute as sacrifices . I appreciate his statement calling my son a hero and making this clarification and statement. I appreciate that but it sounds so disingenerous because of his polici policies, because of his rhetoric, division, of dividing us and thats why i implored him to read the constitution. And trump really got pounded for talking about the sacrifices he made almost in realtime. The story was on fire the rest of the day. The sacrifice he made was to make money. That is what he was saying. He built businesses to make money and that was the sacrifice he made. I dont see how it constitutes money. It is a terrible missteps here. Im trying to think of a worse than i have seen. The closest for a Vice President shl president. I cant remember something this bad. The questioning of the wife for not speaking suggesting it was because of her muslim faith that she wasnt allowed to speak and then saying that kahn didnt have the right for the understanding of the constitution. The constitution gives him the right to question it. And then to suggest he sacrificed as much as kahn. Many republicans getting nervous about whats happening. And we didnt even we are going to show it in a few minutes but he also, what he had to say about yanking out the protection of ukraine of the gop platform, he seemed not to understand that the russians already were in ukraine and then just gave a nonsensical answer. You wondered how could a candidate and not only not be Getting Better at this but seemingly getting worse by the day. He seems to be where some of the facts that are simply facts that have been video taped, that have been documented, dont exist. There have been moments in this election where i have felt like i have been catapulted back to the middle east where political candidates, politicians some times alternate where the facts dont matter. There is creeping violence in their language and nothing sticks between the bond between them and their supporters seems unbreakable because it comes from a place of sort of unquestioned loyalty that they have for the candidate or the politician. It is very troubling because as many people have remarked this is the kind of language he has used to dismiss the idea. He said that it was them who decided for selfdetermination. Thats not exactly what happened. It raises a lot of questions about what exactly is driving mr. Trump. I know we have all speculated about that. There is this uncomfortable feeling that arises when a candidate seems to be more in tune with the Foreign Policy of another country. It raises a lot of questions about what his Foreign Policy is going to be like. We discussed this many times. What i find interesting is this constant interference of the russian aspect in this election. This system here or this election so far has been unpredictable. It is within the perimeters of what we have seen with demographics, polls, etcetera. Once you have foreign interference this countrys system has not dealt with this in this fashion before. It is unbelievable. Every day it seems that there is another connection with russia or another miscue with russia that suggests. He said he didnt know they yanked out the provision at the convention. It doesnt make sense. It doesnt make sense for him to say that he didnt know who bloomberg was and he said you went golfing with him. And he said yeah, i hit it a lot farther than he did too. How do you go from i dont even know him. Well, you golfed with him. Just last week he said he didnt know putin. That was one of the things that came out of his mouth. We are going to roll the tape. So he also said he singled out kahns wife. It got even lower. He singled her out telling the New York Times he wanted to hear her quote Say Something at the convention. He said you wouldnt have even let his son in america. He doesnt know that. I saw him. He was very emotional and probably looked like a nice guy to me. His wife, if you look at his wife she was standing there. She had nothing to say. She probably maybe she didnt have wasnt allowed to have anything to say. She looked like she has nothing to say. A lot of people have said that. She explained why she was silent on stage saying all of the world, all america felt my pain. Whoever saw me felt me in their heart. She said this to lawrence on friday. I was very nervous. I cannot see my sons picture. I cannot even come in the room where his pictures are. Thats why when i saw the picture on my back i couldnt take it. I controlled myself at that time. So it is very hard. And khir kahn will be here at 8 30. Donald trump is deanyinying relationship with putin, despite a lot of claims what is your relationship with putin . I dont have a relationship with putin. Do you a conversational relationship or anything you feel you have sway or influence over his government . I do have a relationship. I can tell you that he is very interested in what we are doing here today. She probably very interested in what you and i are saying here today. I do have a relationship with him. I have no relationship with him. If you no relationship with him why did you say in 2013 i do have a relationship . He has said nice things about me over the years. We did 60 minutes together, not together together. He was in moscow. Thats the thing. He said very nice things but i have no things with him. When i went to russia he contacted me and was so nice. You said for three years, 13, 14 and 15 you did have a relationship. He treats me with great respect. I dont think i never met him. You would know it if you did, right . Yeah. I spoke indirectly and directly with putin, who could not have been nicer. You never spoken to him on the phone . I have never spoken to him on the phone. You said you have had a relationship with him now you said none. He was saying good things about me but i dont have a relationship with him. I didnt meet him. I havent spent time with him. I didnt have dinner with him. I didnt go hike with him. I wouldnt know him from adam except i see his picture. His memory is a little jumbled there. A remind their in november he said i have the worlds greatest memory. Its the one thing everyone agrees on. He describe as having one of the all time greatest memories but later didnt remember saying it. They tried to set up a meeting during the Miss Universe pageant. What he meant by direct communication was a gift and a note from the president. It goes back to what godess to what they were saying, they can say whatever they want to say. If it werent for his fight with the kahns over the weekend i think it would have been the dominant story of the weekend. Yeah. I mean the Trump Campaign is extraordinarily with the press. In that interview it was unbelievable. It was one of the worst interviews. The worst part is if he had just not gone over the weekend everybody would have been talking about Hillary Clinton. How disturbing that manafort who made a lot of money, how disturbing that they rip out a plank of a platform that would protect ukraine and that donald trump says there was never an invasion and then said he didnt know they had ripped it out and it didnt mat per. The rush chances arent there. He was told the russians are there well, im not there. What they have done in ukraine, more than anything else represents a threat to what we basically say are the rules of the world. You dont use mig tear force to change borders. That is and twlas the goal here was for about 25 years ago. Go thats the basic principal of how the world operates, what they did in eastern ukraine. They havent send them over the uniform but it is to destabilize ukraine. I think what maks it so worry some is it takes place against other comments donald trump made about nato. So seeming to give russia a past and to raise question about the american Alliance Relationships is a major Foreign Policy statement. And americans for so many years, when we immigrated russia was enmy number one. Many Trump Supporters dont view putin to be a great threat to the u. S. As isis and what have you. I think what you were talking about is something many Trump Supporters dont see as a big issue. And romney said russia would be one of the greatest threats to world stability. He played more into the Clinton Campaigns hands than almost anything i could imagine him doing. Yes. Sam stein, you wanted to get in . Yes. He said we had nothing to do with this provision. It is cause for giving ukraine defensive weaponry. They said we didnt have anything to do with that. It is not true. He has two rnc sources saying that it was in fact the Trump Campaign that pulled that provision out of the platform. It kind of gets you to the point. It is a difficult one for journalists. We have got to figure out whats coming from the Trump Campaign. This seems to be completely out of thin air and made up. It is tough to figure out how to treat something. It is lining up that they are sympathetic or something more than that. Still coming up, his son was killed serving the United States and kahn finds himself debating the meaning of the world sacrifice with trump. Hillary clinton gets moreover h first we have a check of the forecast, bill. Heavy rain happened all through the east especially outside of baltimore. When you see areas that arent even sup poeszed to be a river this is 11 00 p. M. Saturday night and these brave folks formed a human chain to rescue that woman. Two other people did parish in this amazing flash flood. They call this a one in one thousand year event. They can go into any given year and the per up here we could see isolated areas and about 1 to 2 inch of rain. We have had amazing flash flooding through areas of central missouri. The rest of the forecast, hot from texas through the middle of the country. In the east well watch airport delays all the way up to new york city. We havent seen lot of sunshine. Forecast improves as we go throughout the week. Youre watching morning joe. Well be right back. Introducing Otezla Apremilast . Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. 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I am confident i never sent or received any information that was classified at the time. I had not sent classified material for received anything marked classified. After a long investigation james comey said none of those things that you told the American Public were true. Thats not what i heard director comey say. I thank you for giving the opportunity to in my view clarify. Director comey said my answers were truthful and what i said are consistent with what i told the American People, that there were decisions discussed and b made to classify retro actively emails. But he contradicted what you told the public. Wbrid wbr88271 she said there was nothing marked classified either sent or received. Was that true . Thats not true. Secretary clinton said i did not email any classified any classified material. Is no classified material was that true . There was classified material. He also said in that that you were extremely careless and negligent. I looked at the whole transcript of everything that i was said. I believe that number one i made a mistake not using two different email addresses. I have said that and i repeated again today. It is certainly not anything that i would ever do again. I take classifications seriously. I had every reason to lie on the judgments and professionals with whom i worked. Oh, my god. She just blamed people, professionals that she forced to communicate with her through unsecured email. Trumps the volume of trumps from yesterday. It is really hard to get your arms around it. Hillary clinton, her performance was just as stunning on this one issue. First of all claiming again as she did, that she did not send or receive any classified material after comey told us all that was a lie, that she did. This is what i dont understand. We know she is lying. She knows she is lying. The voters know she is lying. When she goes out and lies on top of a year of lies, all she does is drive down her honest and trust worthy numbers even more. Then at the end it was the fact that she then blamed state department professionals and ambassadors across the world who she forced to communicate with her. It was mind boggling. They give her four. It is impossible to lie more about a topic than she did yet. The most important part that she made a mistake and she wouldnt do it again. Right. Say that and move on. Right. What you have just gone through, the two sets of interviews is each side is try to go make it a referendum on the other. Trump last because he put out to much more other stuff. All of these people making their own mistakes but when you these were all on stairways. I went through and reread the platforms. Who doesnt do that on a late sunday night . It gets your paisley smoking. And you have to do it. You read them and they really are indictments of the other person. So the last thing you want to do is feed that beast. Thats what they both did. He did a gourmet meal. Coming up on morning joe his speech has turned into a lightning rod from the Trump Campaign. Kahn joins us next to talk about his sons sacrifice and trumps reaction to that. Youre watching morning joe. R, time is life. We have 18,000 people around the world. The microsoft cloud helps our entire staff stay connected and Work Together in real time to help those that need it. The ability to collaborate changes how we work. What we do together changes how we live. Americans are buying more and more of everything online. And so many businesses rely on the United States Postal Service to get it there. Because when you ship with us, your business becomes our business. Thats why we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. The United States Postal Service. Priority you welcome back to mormorning joe. Now lets bring in khir kahn. Want to thank both of you for being with us this morning. Mrs. Kahn, i would like to begin with you, if its okay. Tell us about your son and tell us about why he made the decision he made to go in the u. S. Armed forces and any reservations you may have had. First of all, that my son was very kind to people and he always loved any of his friends and family and where ever he goes he was loved by people. He always tried to take care of them k even very young boys he was their mentor and thats why i think that he decided to go in the army because the discipline that he could pass on, the love he could pass on and the respect he had for the country. He could pass on that too. And talk about the respect, mr. Kahn that he had for the United States. I ask you this as someone i mean i have been very open about it. I have been discouraged to say the least about how muslims have been treated in this campaign. I thought your story was extraordinary and have said so. It is extraordinary because it sends a message to muslims across the road. Talk about why your family came to america and why you love america and why your son loved him so much. Thank you, joe for inviting us. We are really testament to the goodness of this country. We have been from day one since we came i came here for my education. We saw how wonderfully good this country is, the people of it, the system, the equal protection, the laws, the constitution. I say this after having read and after having lived those values that are enshrined. That was the reason we decided to migrate to this country. Children lived here. They saw the wonderful values that they can assimilate. They can approve their. We decided to stay and we desighed to move forward. The last few days and the pouring of support and love affirms our believes, affirms our experience that this is, because we live in this society dont Pay Attention to those values and those blessings. This country is this nation is unique in the history of mankind. There is no one like it. And you say that people over the past couple of days are coming up to you and hugging you, americans, thanking you, thanking your family for their sacrifice, thanking you for raising such a good son who was willing to feegt and d and fo this country. Talk about how this effects you. There was no place we were getting out to eat in rest raubts, on the sidewalk crossing the traffic light. People want to touch, support and wish us well exkend their con condolences. I say there is so much love and it has humbled us. It has made us even more grateful. It has affirmed the believes and we made the right decisionment we have the right place and we have an only gags to keep it moving forward. These entmentes are non. We are a fan of your program. These that i have expressed are commonly sad and upd, yet there harleydavidson been statements but its i maizing silence, sty sense of rebuke, silence asking no more. They are saying that we want to say but no more. And gep, if you watch the program you may not. When you took out to constitution as a republican, as i i thought it was in the of the most conventions you have ever seen we watched how incredible it was that it was a Muslim American who lost his son in war that delivered that measurage across the world that the American Dream is still open to everybody including Muslim Americans. Before i pass it around, we have ruth here with us too. Your son right now is in danger of becoming a legend, a symbol. Could you tell me something about your son so the millions and millions of people who admire what youve been doing, could know your son a little better this morning . I would ask the mother of this brave lady to say that. It explains to america what a wonderful they raised. This country, this nation raised. We were only a vessel, which she will share with you the last conversation she had with her son. On mothers day, in 2004 in may he called me just to say happy mothers day. I was just talking to him, please stay safe. Dont be running around. Dont be a hero because i knew him. He had the habit of bringing people together and bringing good out of you know, he used to bring good things in every person he met. He always brought the people together. Thats way i asked him to be because i knew he would do something that would be hard for me. He said mom, i have a responsibility for my soldiers, for my regiment and my people. I have responsibility for them. I wont quit that responsibility. I will love i love my soldiers so i will be i will take care of them. And hell do his job and he did. We always ask the question where did we find such men and where did we find such women. You find them in your son. We thank you so much for your service. Mark is with us and has a question. Thank you my first time getting to talk to you. Thank you so much for your sacrifice to the country and i know talking about it must be so hard. Thank you for that. We all would like to understand it better and the story of his life. Im wondering if any of you regret dwhieng you done and if you feel since you entered into this public discussion. Mark, there comes a time in a terns life where the burdens that have been placed on us means nothing. We set a tone and we talked about what could happen. We agreed that the only way to say thank you would be to face it. If it publicly so that maybe the dignity, the dignity of the office, stewardship of this office, these are not simple words and concepts. The world watches United States every step it takes. It is our duty. It will put such a burden on our souls for the remainder of our lives that we will not be able to build it. So it is that. Facing this criticism, of course we have other people we would rather enjoy the rest of the political discourt to Say Something about it. With deputy worked through mr. He knows nothing about true sacrifice. Thank you so much for being with us. Thanks for having me. Jump nonand ask the kahns a question. I want to once again, thank mr. And mrs. Kahn aened also mrs. Ka hrk n i have ever read. I was so proud to be a part of it. I think one thing voters are getting and so eloquent. Her pain is so raw as she wrote in her piece t place that is empty will always be empty. We spoke mother to mother and there were tears on both sides. I guess i would ask mrs. Kahn to talk more about what she thought when donald trump suggested that she was being silenced because of islam, because she is very she is a very educated woman. We spoke after her morning prayers. What should people understand about women and islam and whether you were silent for that reason. My religion teaches me, whatever i feel i can say. I can say anything. The thing that i dont hurt others. That is all muslim women have very strong opinions if they have to talk to their husband they can say anything they like to. We are not that type of from that type of culture that we will just have to follow the husband. Islam teaches us to be equal but we have different responsibilities. At home the wife is in charge. Outside, men, whatever he is making home we both got together to raise the family. They although if one is bigger and one is stronger you cannot drive the car. You should be very strong muslims. Muslims are very strong women and we are really very supportive of our family, our husband, our religion and our culture. And im told you all have to go but we want to thank you all, thank you both for being with us. We greatly appreciate it. We are honored to have you here. All right. Well be right back with more morning joe in just a minute. S powerful machines. 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John mccain says i am morally bound to salespeople to the things which i dedicated my lifes work. The republican party, more importantly the United States of america. I will not refrain from doing any utmost because it may benefit others. I have a long and wellknown record. I challenge the nominee to set the example for what our country can and should represent. It is time to set the example for the future of our economy. The goldstar mothers came out with an absolutely stinging statement. It reads mr. Trump, we are all goldstar families who have lost the ones we lu in war. Ours is a sacrifice we would never want you to know. Your recent comments regarding the kahn comments were personal personally offensive to her. When you say a mothers grief youre attacking us. When you say your job building buildings is a sacrifice you attacking our sacrifice. Your compani cheapening the sac. Thisso th by feel we must speak out to all goldstar families and to americans and for your drinkly anti american families. There has not been in you any such least after seeing the decision to fight through the pain for something they believe in that i cans it all the power. Nothing but a new retell dwlou that. The hasnting public rituals that we have to see over and over again that remind us of the way by animate our way of life and the people that have to brimg it to bear bring it to bear in public, in order to hold off if ugliness that seems to be overwhelming the country. We have said some point a while back that the nation is on edge. It is on edge because ugliness is running ramped. Trump is the edxaggerated of it. It is to join the speckic of a political season. We have to hold this stuff at bay. It does obviously hoist them all in the middle but we also flern it. He said it is the goodness of america, that america is still open for business, that he talkings about how his son and hi family came to persue the American Dream. I really feel like youre right, there is, in develop nald trump and in politics a constant exaggeration. I do feel the other side of this is it actually shows that there is still a unifying experiment. That does it for us this morning. Thank you so much for watching. Stephanie picks up the coverage after a quick break. Ace it. What are you supposed to do . Drive threequarters of a car . Now if you had Liberty Mutual new car replacement™, youd get your whole car back. I guess they dont want you driving around on three wheels. Smart. With Liberty Mutual new car replacement™, well replace the full value of your car. Liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. Right. In. Your. Stomach watch this . Yikes, that ice cream was messing with you, wasnt it . Try lactaid, its real ice cream, without that annoying lactose. 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A new poll just out reveals the size of Hillary Clintons post convention bounce. States of emergency, once in a thousand fear flood in

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