Lets reelect our great president , barack obama the inimitable Jennifer Granholm. Thats going to do it for me and way t way too early. Morning joe starts right now. Donald trump, you ask americans to trust you with their future. Let me ask you, have you even read the United States constitution . I will gladly lend you my copy. In this document look for the
words look for the words liberty and equal protection of law. Good morning. It is friday, july 29th. What an incredible moment. It was an incredible moment watching it last night. I got chills. I know you and everybody else did. It was it was one of the most moving moments of any convention that ive ever been to, anything ive ever seen, and it was the most quiet dignified response to the madness and the sound and the fury signifying nothing that weve been hearing for the past year about muslims, about mexicans, about, quote, the others. The father of a soldier killed for fighting for the United States of america. Say no more. Say no more. Mike and willie, what a moment that was. When mr. Kahn looked into the camera and said about the United States of america to donald trump, you have sacrificed nothing and no one, i began to cry actually. I had tears in my eyes in reflection thinking about. Ive read about it and heard about it. It was joseph welch in the 1950s when he said to senator joseph mccarthy, at long last, sir, do you have no sense of dignity and he took the bully down then. And i dont know if theres anything you can do if youre donald trump. You cant tweet this one away. No. He took the bully down quietly and elegantly and in a way that made everybody think twice, i think, about everything thats been going on. Lets just back up a little bit
here. As Jennifer Granholm would say, lets put it in reverse. Were live at mcguillens in philadelphia. Were topping off the Democratic National convention. Weve got the managing editor of Bloomberg Politics and cohost and with all due respect, Mark Halperin, senior politicalk coluko columnist ron cormier. Last night Hillary Clinton walked out to a sea of flags embracing her daughter in a moment in history. So, my friends, its with confidence and americas promise they accept your nomination for president of the United States
tonight, tonight weve reached a milestone in our nations march toward a more Perfect Union, the first time that a major party has nominated a woman for preside president. Im happy for grandmothers and little girls, and everyone in between. Im happy for boys and men because when any barrier falls in america, it clears the way for everyone. After all, when there are no ceilings, the skys the limit. Dont lehtonen tell you that our country is weak. Were not. Dont lehtonen tell you we dont have what it takes. We do. And most of all, dont believe
anyone who says i alone can fix it. Hes forgetting every last one of us. Americans dont say i alone can fix it. We say well fix it together now donald trump says and this is a quote, i know more about isis than the generals do. No, donald, you dont. He thinks he thinks he knows more than our military because he claimed our armed forces are a disaster. So just ask yourself do you really think donald trump has the temperament to become
commander in chief . Donald trump cant even handle the rough and tumble of a president ial campaign. Imagine him in the oval Office Facing a real crisis, a man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons. Wow. I think that could have been the moment of the night for hillarys speech. But, willie, you know, we had played a portion of what had happened before Hillary Clintons speech. The remarkable thing about last night, David Axelrod and so many others on the right and the left said it was the most conceived and executed conventions we have ever seen. I just tweeted, oh, my god, by the time the general was going out and quoting john kennedy and
the inauguration, let friends and foe alike know we are here, you had one democrat after another democrat after another democrat saying something that democrats have been uncomfortable about saying for the past 40 years that we are the indispensable nation, that there is something unique and great about this country and without the United States of america being that city on the hill shining brightly for all the world to see, that it is a dark, dark world. There was a complete role reversal last night of parties. It was the Democratic Party that just ripped the mantle of reagans optimism and sprid it all over prime time. And then last week it was the negative abomb of negativism. I couldnt believe what i saw last night. The moment when general allen
giving his fire are speech, the crowds chanting usa, flags everywhere, Police Officers, military veterans, it felt like a george w. Bush convention. And Donald Trumps slogan, make America Great began gave the democrats again a week to say, no, heres why america is great. I think criss matthews made a good point this week, that it took donald trump and the Democratic Party to come together to show this side of itself that we havent seen. The Democratic Party has finally recovered from the 1984 convention in san francisco. They finally recovered from the scars of vietnam. This Democratic Party last night was not ashamed to say im proud
to be an american where at least i know im free. The chants of usa, the signs that were there, it was triangulation on american soil. First, goldberg had a great line. He said this was a great convention. He said the democrats talking loving their country. Republicans talk about loving trump. He refined american exceptionism. He said its about realizing your country has to get better wchl very to take that ten steps forward like the army private did who killed himself. He weaponized it by saying that trump isnt just saying im bad, youre bad, hes saying youre
not capable to make this country better. He turned the American Public against donald trump last night. There you go. That was unbelievable. We were talking about what that party looked like and what the convention did for the entire Hillary Clinton message and came together in a huge way. You saw members of Law Enforcement, you saw parents, muslims, you saw them echoing the message of the country, the constitution, and the cops who protect and serve. We put on our badge every day to serve and protect, not to hate and discriminate. Our son in my own head dreams, too, of being a military lawyer, but he put those dreams aside the day he sacrificed his
life to save the lives of his fellow soldiers. Soldiers spend years training for one moment. When Hillary Clinton comes, she will be ready. Ready to serve, ready to lead. With her as our commander in chief our International Relations will not be reduced to a business transaction. Our armed forces will not become an instrument of torture. And they will not be engaged in murder. I knew Ronald Reagan. I worked for Ronald Reagan. Donald trump, you are no Ronald Reagan. President reagan famously said tear down this wall. Trump says build a wall because that will make America Greatagain . Donald trump, youre asking americans to trust you with their future. Let me ask you have you even read the u staets constitutinit constitution. I will i will gladly lend you my copy. To my fellow republicans, if you believe like i do, you believe loyalty to our country is more important than loyalty to party, if you want a president with good judgment, i ask you to join me in voting for Hillary Clinton as president of the United States. Thank you. Mark halperin and Michael Steele called this the greatest Republican Convention hes ever been to, and i think what was most telling is for a lot of
younger people and actually unfortunately a lot of people just younger than me, ill put it that way, they forget there was a time when evangelicals comfortably voted for democrats. That changed in 1980, and democrats started fearing even talking about their faith publicly, especially at conventions. Last night you had evangelical preachers, you had choirs singing. At Donald Trumps convention he didnt even mention god, he didnt mention faith. Not much of a surprise. But, again, the contrast is just really telling. As liberal as Hillary Clinton has been on domestic policy in trying to keep up with Bernie Sanders, people lose sight of the fact shes fundamentally conservative on a variety of issues. Foreign policy, shes very
hawkishish, talking about faith, shes comfortable talking about that and on issues, shes conservative. The very essence of donald trump on Foreign Policy, she took a lot of ground. It went back to what mika said. The other night, he said, donald trump were saying things that werent even republican. They sure as heck werent conservative and he actually was speaking to republicans. We have Erick Erickson thanking barack obama for being optimist optimistic . Its a pretty foreign turn. Also they recommended all the problems that this country is facing, the hope, the optimism,
the principles its based upon for sure, but also it had cops, it had mothers of young men who had been killed by cops, it was able to bridge that divide of problems that plague our country. It had people struggling with low wages, struggling to make ends meet. It recognized what we need do as well as gender some hope and optimism going forward. Think about the convention at this time last week, shall we, door we not want to . Because i remember saying this convention would absolutely rip to shred as what happened in cleveland. It did more than that. I dont even remember cleveland. I dont. And i dont want to. You know, just like i had said, youre talking about the 84 convention. For the democrats, it was negative in a transformational
sense. This is going to be transformational like 1980 was for republicans. What you had here this week in philadelphia is contrasted to last week in cleveland. Please, put away your tweet machines. This convention this week was much more a reflection of america, the america we all live in than was last week in cleveland. We all know, everyone here knows theres a wide channel of anxiety, frustration, sometimes anger about whats going on in the country and the direction of the country, but no one here in this room, no one that i know is at the point where theyre saying ive got to get out of here and get to sweden. People love this country. Thats why were here. Its the only country in the world that lets you be a fool on tv or do whatever youd like to do. Thank god. Youre talking about yourself. I am. I am. In this convention democrats
came back to who they are. They came back to this wide tapestry of people under the umbrella of the Democratic Party. They came back to mentioning faith and god. They came back to mentioning sacrifice of men and women lost in the war in these 15 years. And Hillary Clinton and production values are extraordinarily important today too. The production values of this country were so far superior than we saw last week put on by a reality tv host. It was captured last evening with Hillary Clinton, who no matter what you think of the speech, she did it. For all the superstars, Michelle Obamas fantastic speech, the president , the Vice President , it is mr. Kahn. He wasnt a politician who had been working on a speech for months and months. He stepped up and talked about
his son serving in iraq in 2004 and i thought laid waist to Donald Trumps entire theory of the case which he said basically this country doesnt belong to a few of us. It belongs to all of us. Just a cautionary, people still desperately want change. Despite how much change they want, if it was a conventional year, donald trump would be toast. But its not a conventional year. But do people still have faith . That we can change optimistically . Take ten steps forward . Its still not over. Mark . You take the slogan. This was about a constellation of not just democratic superstars but a lot of people representing what Hillary Clinton wants to be about. In the end i think after the bounce of this convention settles down, Hillary Clinton will be anywhere from the key stays to plus eight and minus
three and thats a big range. But this convex was as well executed as any ive covered but it comes down to this fund menial change and continuity and her ability to beat an unconventional candidate. I dornlt know if america still thinks that. Donald trump gave this convention and this party, a Democratic Party a gift when he said i alone can fix it. That was a gift. He also gave the democrats the most extraordinary gift anybody has given and that is just a wide, wide runway to land a plane with everybody waving American Flags when theyre getting off and hugging cops and kissing returning soldiers and telling how much they love this country. And it was extraordinary last night watching the sheriff from
dallas come out and deliver a Blue Lives Matter speech. It was extraordinary watching a general come out last night saying to friends we are going to defend you, to foes we are going to obliterate you. And when a few no more war chants went out, the entire Democratic Convention erupted in chants of usa, usa. I dont know how this translate bus you have to go back to jfk in 1960 to see this Democratic Party. You would think the response from donald trump there would be some sort of eloquent response to try and match this. He says he wants to hit people. I will have that for you. Willie, specifically who did he want to punch in the face . Some of the speakers up there. And the little guy. The little guy. In fairness, he said hit like Say Something mean about them. This was a great week for the democrats, but it was a week in time. Hillary clinton has to go out and do it now. She doesnt have all the people this week on the trail with her. Shes still deeply disliked by a lot of people, her favorability numbers are not good. What did she say about what shes going to do with the economy . Can anyone think of anything . No. But what conventions are about are the introductions of candidates on a big stage to a lot of americans who have never tuned in before, and if they tuned in for the first time last week and this week, i think youre going to see a change in the polls. Mika, i brought this up yesterday. Ill bring it up again because the New York Times is tweeteding it out again today, and that is the election electr map. If you put virginia in the democrats column, donald trump still has a really good chance of being electioned president of the United States if the election were held today. We move on then. Joining usz former secretary Madeleine Albright and also donald trump said he wouldnt go after anybody in the Democratic Convention. You heard that, right . Well play more when we come back. Youre watching mornin g joing nobody knows the system better than me. Which is why i alone can fix it. Really . I alone can fix it . Isnt he forgetting troops on the front lines, Police Officers and firefighters who run toward danger . Doctors and nurses who cared for us . Teachers who change lives . Entrepreneurs who see possibilities in every problem . Mothers who lost children to violence and are building a movement to keep other kids safe . Hes forgetting every last one of us. Americans dont say i alone can fix it. We say well fix it together we left on our honeymoon in january 2012. It actually evolved into a business. From our blog to video editing. Our technology has to hang tough with us. When youre going to a place without electricity, you need a long battery life. The touch, combined with the screen resolution. A mac doesnt have that. We wanted to help more people get out there and see the world. Once you take that leap, thats where the magic happens. Is caring. Ng because covering heals faster. To seal out water, dirt and germs, cover with a water block clear bandage from bandaid brand. Tonight ill go home, i guess, and watch, i guess. Are we going to watch tonight . I dont know. I think well Stay Together all night because i dont really want go home and watch that crap, okay . Donald trump rallied in iowa last night, a swing state where hes pulled slightly ahead of clinton in polls. Top republican officials spoke in support of him including senators. There were not so veiled swipes at some of the speakers. What was said about me. I mean should i go through some of the name