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The Democrats Convention begins, and it is off to a bumpy start. Not just because their chair has announced plans to resign due to the content of thousandscontent linked dnc emails, but also hillarys pick of tim kaine has not inspired people. Hes a white guy. A little boring. He seems kind of dull. Somebody who has sort of had the moniker boring. He is the sandwich on whole wheat bread. Hes boring. A white gym sock pulled all the bay up. A granny smith apple afor dessert. While there has been minimal excitement, for months, the party has been looking at the vp slot as a gift that hillary was going to give them. Everyone was so excited to open it. Was it a puppy, a playstation, Elizabeth Warren . No, it turned out to be a rice cooker. Good morning, everyone. Welcome to morning joe on this monday, july 25th. Can you hear me . Were live from philadelphia on the first day of the Democratic National convention. I still cant hear anything. Whats the chant . Here we go already. Wow. Already then. Hi, Mike Barnicle. So loud. I was about to compliment the crowd. They were fired up. I couldnt hear anything. Im like ringo drumming at shea stadium. Anyway, its incredible club. Incredible place. And oldest pub in philly. Oldest one in philadelphia. Thats saying something. That is saying something. We have a lot going on with the Democratic Party. I mean, we thought it was the last straw. Mika, that is the last straw. No, no, really, its not. Thats the last straw. Inside joke. The party is looking for brotherly love as an ugly political scandal at the dnc threatened to overshadow the convention here. Hillary clinton will make history as the first woman to be the nominee of a Major Political party. This city is no stranger to making history. And a lot has happened right here at mcguillens old ale house. Last night, willie and i what did you do . Well, we did the same were you here . We did the same thing in turkey in 1973. We were in jail for a decade, but theyre far more forgiving here, and the beer taps have been flowing since 1860, the same year Abraham Lincoln was elected president and Mike Barnicle went into middle school. The pub outlasting sylph war and prohibition, making it the oldest tavern in philadelphia, just a stones throw away from the convention. Two big headliners. First, Michelle Obama. Thats going to be big. And senator Bernie Sanders. Going to bring down the house. Not quite as big not quite as big as the underwear model trump had at the rnc, but this is still a pretty good night. It was chachi. It was an underwear model, and remember, it was the 18 and under parcheesi champion of the eastern seaboard. That was a lineup. This one is pretty good too. Lets get to the big news. Someone who will have decidedly a smaller role, Debbie Wasserman schultz will step down as dnc chair. Who in the world saw that coming . Who in the world, mika, ever . Like nobody said, oh, she should step down. Nobody would have ever said that. Thats nostradamus, come on. Lets get to it. No, no, im saying, you called out Debbie Wasserman schultz. I said, the system was rigged, right . That morning. And trump started using it later that evening. I need to do a trademark there, but that was the same day you said she should step down because it was rigged. It didnt feel like a fair and partial process. That was her job at the time. I think the emails obtained and released by wikileaks also revealed that and feature some mentioned of morning joe. I mean, big time. Big time. Really quickly, before we get into that, John Heilemann, also, there were complaints going all the way back to october also. This has been a longrunning feud inside the Democratic Party, even going back to october about the debates. When they first rolled out the debate schedule, which was earlier than that, people said, theres only six debates. All are front loaded, and you had in october was one, Debbie Wasserman schultz told tulsi gabbard, dont come to the first debate if youre going to complate about the debates. Everyone on the dnc leadership erupted and thats when another vice chair called for her resignation in october. So people have been talking about this for long time. And there is that was the beginning of, hey, the system is rigged against Bernie Sanders. Mike barnicle. You had to get suspicious when one of the debates was scheduled opposite the super bowl. Didnt seem right. What do we have on the story . Debbie Wasserman Schultz complained in may that mika had called on her to resign over the treatment of Bernie Sanders. She sent an email to luis miranda calling mikas comments, quote, the last straw. Addinghey were outrageous and she needs to apologize. You think thas outrageous. You should hear what else. She also reached out directly to nbc news writing, quote, this must stop. Another email had not for safe language, it read in part, bleeping morning joe. It says joe. Everyone says that. I always thought that was the name of the show. Bleeping joe. Awesome. They wanted a formal complaint to our producers. What i know, theyre emailing and calling chuck todd, saying you need to get mika. Chuck todd couldnt even get us to pass the show over to him at 9 00. Chuck had to look at this just laughing, going, are you kidding me . Nobody can control those crazy loons. A fundamental misunderstanding of morning joe. Also a misunderstanding of the process. Want you to go them to the pirate ship and say their etiquette is spotty. We didnt need to see the whole process to see its rigged. By the way, im a democrat, im voting for hillary, and i felt this way. Its not like this could be a big surprise. But it is to a lot of people. Heres what i dont understand. Okay, if youre going to get rid of somebody plitdically, get rid of them. Its like when we took newt out of town, i said, this is not person. If you were my mother and runing the house this badly, we would get rid of you, but theyre kind of getting rid of her, but theyre not. Shes going to open it up. As we mentioned at the top, Debbie Wasserman schultz will step down after thousands of internal emails were posted online by wikileaks. They contribute to the narrative that the National Party had its thumb on the scale for Hillary Clintons campaign over that of senator Bernie Sanders. In a statement, Wassermann Schultz listed her accomplishments over his fiveyear tenure but did not add this. Going forward, the best way for me to accomplish those goals is to step down as party chair at the end of the convention. What . Before exiting, she plans to open and close the convention. Dont do that. Youre going to make ted cruz this will be ted cruz. Youre going to make ted cruz look like ms. Congeniality. Its unbelievable. She was seen Walking Around the floor of the hall yesterday. Statements from the Clinton Campaign and president obama came out within minutes of each other applauding her work. They write fast. Yeah. Clinton also announced wassermawaus wauserman schultz would become the hahnry chair of her campaign as she seeks reelection for her seat in florida. The Clinton Campaign thanked her for years of service and added, the Party Leadership must always remain impartial in the president ial nominating process, something which did not occur in the 2016 race. And the senator had this to say earlier in the day. No, noend has appaologized t me. This has not come as a shock to me or my supporters. There is no question but the dnc was on secretary clintons side from day one. We all know that. And i think as i have said a long time ago that the time is now for Debbie Wasserman schultz to step aside, not only for these issues. We need a Democratic Party that is open, thats going to bring young people and working people into it, that is going to stand up and take on the big money interests and fight for working families. I dont think debbie has been that type of leader so i would hope and i said this many months ago that she would step aside and we would have new leadership. Maybe the point, madam secretary, is you have people in the Democratic National committee who are supposed to be, if you will, agnostic about who the nominee is going to be. And they seem to have their thumb on the scale for you. They seem to be working against Bernie Sanders, their fellow democrat. Again, i dont know anything i dont know anything about these emails. I havent followed it. But im very proud of the campaign that i ran. And im very proud of the campaign that senator sanders ran. In your view, any effort in the dnc to favor one candidate or another would have been improper . Again, i dont have any information about this. And so i cant answer specifically. I cant speak to what people who were not working for me, who were saying whatever they were saying, i cant speak to that. I can only speak to my campaign. Okay, so explain to us, jane hulman, because it makes absolutely no sense to the common man, me, ie me. Why would it be that you have Debbie Wasserman schultz, who is sure to get booed tonight, why not just get rid of her and not have her speak at the debebegin and at the end of the convention where we know shes going to get booed . Four words. Money, money, money, money. Thats it. One thing shes done well as the party chair is raised money, and shes wired into a ton of money, and particularly money in florida. Which is one thing the clintons are always focused on, maintaining their financial advantage to the extent they can. Shes been a very strong fundraiser for the party. Its not an excuse, but that, i think, is what is keeping her around. Contractual obligations force us to ask you one question. Im joking. You think theres more to it . You think theres more to it, dont you. We were reporting a couple months ago. Everyone wanted her to leave a long time ago. Wikileaks was the precipitating event. How do you get her out . Thats the thing. You say its time for you to go. Theres not really a mechanism to do that. This has all the signs of a negotiated exit. She says, fine, i will go, but i want x, y, and x. One is to be the state director, 50state director, and one is to do the insane opening and Closing Remarks where shes going to get heckled. Look at her. Whats wrong with her . I talked to democrats who are not they think she might change her mind, because at some point shell go, what . Mike, what is wrong with her . She knows shes going to get booed. She knows this is not in the best interest of Hillary Clinton. She knows this is not in the best interest of a unified Democratic Party. What is wrong with her . If she wants Hillary Clinton to win, she will step down and let somebody else open the democratic convention, so its not as ugly as the republicans opening day. Whats wrong with the person who cut the deal and allowed her to do this . Thats my question. Whats wrong with the person who did not go into the room and say, debbie, youre gone. Youre gone right now. A great keynote tonight, right . I tell you the one mechanism to get her out, and its always been the case and one of the things that no one ever talked about, the person who can get her out is barack obama. Hes the person who has always, partly because of the fact that he does not care about the dnc, has always had an attitude when people would come to her, she has mismanaged, shes not politically adept. Their attitude was i just couldnt care less. After the 2012 election, there was a lot of hankering to get her out of the job. Obama said i won 2012, why would i pick a fight in my party. Leave her there, she cant do much damage. And theres the damage. The Sanders Campaign has been suspicious of Debbie Wasserman schultz before they got going. Shes a close friend of Hillary Clinton. The Sanders Campaign always was worried about her being charged. They saw it in debates, in what they saw as a fundraising between the dnc and super pac. They would come on our show and say it, say it to all of us in private, and they say these emails say i told you so. This convention is all about hillary. It really is. Its got to be all about hillary. Cant be about this. Democrats want to win in the fall, everything they do over the next four days need to be focused on getting Hillary Clinton elected president of the United States. Debbie Wasserman Schultz is getting in the way. And again, i ask the question again, i think its political malpractice on the clinton camp to let her open the proceedings and close them, but also, mike, why would Debbie Wasserman schultz want to help donald trump . Because thats all shes doing, is helping donald trump by getting in the way of Hillary Clinton. Well, i mean, ego played a role in this, obviously. Her own ego. But i mean, for the first time today, probably the last time today, John Heilemann is absolutely right. Im taking off. Hes had his lucidity. Now president of the United States is the only one who can make the call and say debbie, no, youre not going to give a speech tonight and friday night. Youre not going to run it out through the week. The job is to elect Hillary Clinton. Youre right, debbie, go. This isnt the way they wanted to start the convention. They wanted to show a contrast to the republicans conflict, and now theres a banner headline. All right. But heres the looming thing over the rest of the convention. What comes next . This is not maybe likely, suggested by some, not the end of this, that there could be more of the emails that could be dragged out over the course of the convention. Theres been some suggestion by Julian Assange that he has worse emails than we saw so far, that we may see them by the end of this week. Number one, tonight, John Heilemann, thank you for alerting us. This morning, it was announced the keynote is going to be none other than Elizabeth Warren. Going to bring down the house. Thats going to be great, going to be cool. A good day for mika. She got rid of Debbie Wasserman schultz and shes getting elizabeth on stage. A double dip for mika. Its actually its debbie gone. Its bernie speaking tonight. She feels the bern. Right. And then Elizabeth Warren. Thats mikas night. A trifecta. Number two, next block, we have to talk about this russian connection. Yes. The alleged russian connection. Fascinating. Frank ford, by the way, has been writing articles on this for some time with slate, and his articles, i talked to him yesterday because its pretty stunning, the facts, he laughed and goes, it looks like the facts have caught up with my articles. And they really have in that there is and has been concern for some time about a connection between putin and donald trump. And a lot of talk about that. Yeah. Donald trump, by the way, wasted no time in weighing in on the dnc leaked email controversy on saturday. He tweeted, leaked emails of dnc show plans to destroy Bernie Sanders, mock his heritage, and much more. Online from wikileaks. Really vicious, rigged, and the wick kileaks emails will make impossible for sanders to support her unless he is a fraud. If it had blown up with emails, media would go wild. Trump also took aim at Debbie Wasserman schultzs decision to resign. He tweeted, today proves what i have always known, Reince Priebus is the tough one and smart one, not Debbie Wasserman schul schultz. He said, i always said she was overrated enough. We got it. We have a lot of news. Childish. This whole argument that if this had happened to rns, the press would go wild. The press is going wild. And by the way, were using the entire first block on what is the news. Also, i have to say, this stepped on there were so many things that stepped on what trump wanted people to talk about. But this steps on the selection of tim kaine. Some people in here may disagree. I think tim kaine is about as good of a choice awesome. As Hillary Clinton could have made. This is a guy puts me over the top. This is a guy who fought as a civil rights lawyer. He went to honduras fighting for civil rights. Worked with jesuit priests. He was a jesuit missionary in honduras. The guy has been dnc chair, and he did it right. Hes been a senator. Hes been a governor of a swing state. A mayor. Im tellingio, and theyre going to attempt to make donald trump look irrational and crazy. Tim kaine is a perfect device to do that. I think it was a home run. I know a lot of progressives dont think so, but if you want to keep donald trump out of the white house, hard to find a better selection than that, willie. I mean, progressives were always going to poke holes if it wasnt Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders. I understand that, but the argument that hes vanilla, which john olver had fun with, papers over the fact that he has incredible credentials and he is a good an ditote ato Hillary Clinton. Its a roll of a dice because a lot of people said we want someone to attack him. What clinton has decided that the contrast with trump is more important than the attack dog. By the way, he should not try to be the attack dog. He should be himself. And the contrast will be pretty overwhelming, not just between himself and trump, but between himself and 90 of people in washington. Three things are true. Between him and clinton, this is the most qualified ticket in terms of sheer resume that has ever run on either ticket in the history of the election. The second thing is tim kaine is a tough street fighter. He has never lost an election. All those ones he won, really tough politician. And the third, i was down in miami for that event. The contrast between the body language and the chemistry between Hillary Clinton and tim kaine and donald trump and mike pence could not be more dramatic. These two like each other. Theyre happy to be campaigning together. Shes relaxed. Theyre relaxed. Its comfortable. I dont think donald trump and mike pence may ever see each other again for the rest of the campaign. These two are going to be on a bus tour in the rust belt after this convention. Theyre going to work fantastic together. Before we go to break, we have breaking news out of florida. Overnight, at least two people have been killed, 14 others have been inskrred in a shooting at a nightclub. The incident occurred at club blu in ft. Myers, florida, where police were called to the club shortly after midnight after reports of shots being fired in the parking lot. Ft. Myers police noted there were maybe two other crime scenes in connection with the incident and are currently investigating. Two people are being detained for questioning and police are canvassing the area, looking for other persons who may have been involved. This is very much still dwebing, so well be updating the story throughout the show. Detectives have yet to determine a motive. Again, this happening in ft. Myers, florida. Also talking, of course, about again, the russian connection that the democratic party is alleging between Vladimir Putin and donald trump. Also, again, looking at tim kaine and that selection, and a big night ahead for the dnc. Absolutely. Still ahead on morning joe, the chairman of Hillary Clintons president ial campaign, john potesta, joins us. Plus, former dnc chair ed rende rendell. And later, the mayor and later, the mayor of this great city of philadelphia, jim kenny, is here with us. Youre watching morning joe. Well be right back. You totaled your brand new car. Nobodys hurt, but there will still be pain. It comes when your Insurance Company says theyll only pay threequarters of what it takes to replace it. What are you supposed to do . Drive threequarters of a car . Now if you had Liberty Mutual new car replacement™, youd get your whole car back. I guess they dont want you driving around on three wheels. Smart. With Liberty Mutual new car replacement™, well replace the full value of your car. Liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. Is caring. Ng because covering heals faster. To seal out water, dirt and germs, cover with a water block clear bandage from bandaid brand. And this crowd is really, really loud. I have to say, this is the loudest crowd. This is the last straw. Now, now. This is the last straw. We digress. We were wondering whether there was going to be a bounce from the Republican Convention. There appears to have been a bounce for donald trump. A new poll shows donald trump has gotten a bounce over his convention. The new cnn orc poll shows trump gained six points, while Hillary Clinton has dropped to 45 . So that we dont necessarily John Heilemann . Not much cheering from the crowd. Not a lot of cheering from the democratic crowd. John heilemann, so five points. Thats a pretty good bounce. I think the may even be bigger than that from the last poll. He has the rise. I think the Republican Base and the party is going to consolidate around trump for all the trouble they had last week. The question is, were going to have to look and see where we are after both Party Conventions and take a judgment about where things come out in the wash. If you have to be happy if youre donald trump on the basis of that. We said on friday, there had been a huge disconnect between Mainstream Media and Middle America throughout Donald Trumps entire run for president. You can see that clearly during the nomination and especially the acceptance speech by donald trump where everybody was saying its dark, its frightening, the end of the world, locusts descending from the heavens. 75 of people who saw the speech thought it was a good speech, a positive speech. There remains that disconnect. I guarantee, most people in the media right now are surprised by these numbers. Absolutely. The other element is trumps central argument is that the world is spinning out of control. You wake up friday and you have the attack in munich. Four attacks in germany in the last two weeks. Hes able to say this is the world im talking about. Whether its isis related or not, it probably is not. But theres an attack this morning that people wake up to. Crime in our streets and ill stop it, law and order. Thats the trump argument. Lets talk about whats going on here at the dnc. At the heart of the scandal which is kiging off the convention, are 19,000 emails. One of the most damaging appeared to question senator Bernie Sanders faith. The email, apparently from the dnc chief Financial Officer sent in may while the primaries were still going on, did not mention sanders but read, for kentucky and west virginia, can we get someone to ask his belief . Does he belief in god. He had skated on saying he has a jewish heritage. I think i read he is an atheist. This could make several points different with my peeps, my Southern Baptist peeps, would draw a big difference between a jew and an atheist. Mike barnicle, absolutely deplorable. This is the sort of thing people were attacking donald trump for during the republican primary. And yet this is well beyond that. Its well beyond stupid, too. I mean, put stuff like that in an email. Emails last forever. Listen, the point also, its just absolutely deplorable that you have the Democratic National committee that is supposed to be down the middle and fair, supposed to be a referee. Actually saying, well, im surprised at this degree of it, that theyre actually saying lets go after him and bash him because hes a jew or maybe hes an atheist. But youre not surprised at them putting a thumb on the scale. No, we knew. Thats what we felt all the way. We said it was rigged for good reason. You felt it. Just shocked it was this rigged. On saturday, brad marshall, who wrote the email posted on facebook, i deeply regret that my incentinsensitive, emotional emails would cause embarrassment to the dnc. The comments expressed do not reflect my beliefs nor do they reflect the beliefs of the dnc and its employees. Then why did he write them . Hold on. I dont know brad marshall, and i hate to say this, i real do, because i dont know him. I dont know his family. No, we have to say it. A guy that writes that sort of email, he needs to go. I mean, if you have somebody that is supposed that is chief Financial Officers and supposed to be down the middle, and he is saying lets question his faith, lets this is in the same party trying to set up an election process. Lets question his faith. The party that sees itself as the party of tolerance. Maybe we attack him as a jew, or maybe we attack him as an atheist. That will be worth a couple points. So the question is, how does he remain in that position . This is pretty deplorable. I dont know how he remains in that position. Donald trump has gotten hell for bringing up peoples religion. Theres a double standard if he stays there. That being said, part of me feels bad because if my personal emails ever were released, i would be petrified. You have never written Something Like that. No. I think we would all i think we would all be petrified. No not that it hasnt been said. We would be petrified if they came out, but that said, i would hope if we were in a position that was supposed to be down the middle and fair, we would not be sitting there scheming, trying to figure out how to kneecap a candidate. Clearly at some point, the dnc made a calculation Hillary Clinton was the nominee they wanted to win. At the very beginning. In 2013, but go ahead. Trying to keep an air of impartialality. They shouldnt have tried to have seemed impartial all along. That would have helped. The mask is off. And we knew it all along. Meanwhile, the Clinton Campaign suggested that russia may be behind the exposure of the emails saying this yesterday. Whats disturbing to us is that experts are telling us that russian state actors broke into the dnc, stole these emails, and other experts are now saying that the russians are releasing these emails for the purpose of actually helping donald trump. I dont think its coincidental that these emails were released on the eve of our convention here. We also saw last week at the Republican Convention that trump and his allies made changes to the republican platform to make it more prorussian, and we saw him talking about how nato shouldnt intervene to defend our Eastern European allies if theyre attacked by russia. When you put all this together, its a disturbing picture. Theyre pretty desperate pretty quickly is all i have to say on that. Its a far reach, obviously. And to leave their convention with that tells me they really are trying to move away from what the issues are going to be in this campaign. Pretty absurd. So Mike Barnicle, so the russians are helping donald trump. And ted cruzs dad hung out with Lee Harvey Oswald. What a party. What a convention. So weve got the russian conspiracy on the democratic side. And we have the Lee Harvey Oswald conspiracy on the republican side. The russian story is actually very interesting. Any evidence . Is there a shred of evidence for Hillary Clintons Campaign Manager to come on and say that the russians leaked this . There is a david sanger piece in the New York Times this morning, two russian firms were in possession of these data troves. There was the leaking party was for licky leaks and a russian agent very clearly on the New York Times, all the forensic evidence points to russian agencies a the perpetrator. You know what you call that though, at the end of the day . You know what you call that . Evidence. So there is evidence. So i should have read david sanger this morning. Im telling you. You get up very early. So what youre telling me is this ted cruz thing is true, too, right . Obviously. I cant speak on that, but sanger lays out two groups of hackers they have tied back in the past to russian intelligence. This is the russian government medaling, talking about putting a thumb on the scale, meddling in the president ial election. Its worse than cold war stuff because there you had them against us. Frank ford, slate, former new republic editor, writes incredible stories about Vladimir Putin and Donald Trumps relationship. Sort of a quiet alliance together, relationship. Some people suggest that donald trump is not releasing his taxes because he made so much money from putins russia. But you look at what Vladimir Putin has been doing. And what hes been doing by funding the National Front in france. His support for other nationalist groups to spin off of the eu. He may politically be trying, and this is what frank ford talks about, trying to break up a united europe bit by bit by bit. He stayed away from american politics, but now, maybe getting involved in american politics. Hes enjoying some success, if thats his goal. Western europe is already fractured because of immigration. The russians are all over this thing, technologically. Theyre all over it. If you talk to people in the state department, i mean, they are fearful every day of the russians hacking into systems. They hacked into the white house system. Let me just say this. Mitt romney was widely mocked by me and many others in 2012 for saying the russians were the major geopolitical threat to america. Way to go, sam. I was an idiot. Increasingly, he was looking smart, and i apologize to mitt romney, geez. Heres the thing, right . You have trump saying nice things about putin. Putin has said nice things about trump. You have the suggestion of in franks writing about trump having profited from russia. You have trump last week saying hes not totally committed to nato, and that he might not support nations in the baltics if they were invaded by russia if they werent paying their dues to nato, and then you have Paul Manafort. Theres a lot of connections, circumstantial connections, and now you have this russian maybe russian driven email leak on the eve of the Democratic National convention. This is like something out of fiction. Then row have donald trump. Really a compelling story. I have to put a bow on this. Then you have donald trump coming on our show, and a lot of people are retweeting this yesterday. Donald trump coming on our show and talking about how great Vladimir Putin was, and basically forgiving him, putin, for assassinating journalists and saying we kill a lot of people here, too, even when the soviet union ill never forget that. Even when insoviet union was attacked, he was theyre cozying up to leaders in the soviet union and actually praising china for cracking down on tiananmen square. China. Is he going to be forced to release his tax returns . No. He wont. And it may be because of russia. We should keep demanding them every day. Amazing. We have to go to break. By the way, the Campaign Manager robby mook that you saw there, hes going to be on the show tomorrow. Washington post Editorial Board is out with a scathing nonenforiendorsement of donald plus, ed rendell joins the table. When my doctor told me i have agerelated macular degeneration, amd we came up with a plan to help reduce my risk of progression. And wbrid wbr24134 everywhere i look. Im reminded to stick to my plan. Including Preservision Areds 2. My doctor said Preservision Areds 2 has the exact nutrient formula that the National Eye Institute recommends to help reduce the risk of progression of moderate to advanced amd. After 15 years of clinical studies. Preservision areds 2. Because my eyes are everything. Share the joy of real cream. With reddiwip. Mika, this david sanger piece its amazing. Really stunning. And scary. Yeah. Really frightening. Im serious. Im looking. Up next, former governor, former mayor, and former dnc chair and Hillary Clinton supporter ed rendell is in the house. He joins the Political Panel next, as morning joe continues live from philadelphia. Before taking his team to state for the first time. Gilman go get it, marcus. Go get it. Coach gilman used his cash rewards credit card from bank of america to earn 1 cash back everywhere, every time. At places like the batting cages. [ crowd cheers ] 2 back at Grocery Stores and now at wholesale clubs. And 3 back on gas. Which helped him give his players something extra. The cash rewards credit card from bank of america. More cash back for the things you buy most. The cash rewards credit card from bank of america. And youre talking to your doctor about your medication. This is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. This is humira helping me go further. Humira works for many adults. 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Being able to go between having a laptop and having a tablet is really important to me. I couldnt do that with my mac. I love that we as humans can go to the top of the world. Ive Summited Everest 6 times. Its the durability. The reliability. Its incredible. Okay. First of all first of all, its crazy. I would like to say im humbled by your support. But seriously, none of us like John Heilemann, but you have to applaud that loudly when he gets upset. Its mean. This is actually for ed. That was for ed rendell. I feel like im on johnny carson. I want to read this line from the david sanger piece. This is one of the most amazing political stories, chilling, i have read in quite some time. Proving the source of a cyberattack is difficult, but all the forensic evidence points towards russian intelligence agencies as perpetrators of the threat, given the close similarities, talking about its clear russian intelligence agencies leaked these, believing it was either directed by Vladimir Putin or that they were doing it to please putin to help donald trump. Fairly high up in the body of the story is a key paragraph that the russians have been linked to hacking at the white house, the Democratic National committee, there state department, and the joint chiefs of staff. Theyre good at that. Joining us now, former chairman of the Democratic National committee and former governor of pennsylvania, ed rendell. [ cheers and applause ] im sorry your tenure as governor ended as badly as it did. These people loathe you obviously. You were head of the dnc, very effective head of the dnc. You shot straight, even in 2000 in the recount, upset a lot of people. Talk about the responsibility that you felt you had to be fair and play it straight. I felt an enormous responsibility. I was a friend of the president , president clinton. He asked me to be dnc chief in november of 99. I had two months to go as mayor. I said yes. I was elected in december. I had given al gore a personal check for 1,000. So i got a call from bill bradley. And said, you gave al gore 1,000. I said, yes, senator. He said, you should give it to me to be fair. And i said, youre right. I wrote him a 1,000 check. Chris hayes said last night, youre lucky there werent 16 candidates. Thats a good point. Are you disappointed by what you have read . Very much. What would you do if people in your organization when you were dnc chair were actually saying lets question the faith of bill bradley . I would have fired the people who did it. Let me tell you, im jewish. Im a nonpracticing jew. I was highly offended by that. I cant imagine how bernie felt. I believe our relationship with god is extremely personal. We dont necessarily have to be in a building to have it. To question a guys faith is just the lowest thing in politics. I couldnt believe that when i read it. I have two questions for you. One, are you still cutting 1,000 checks to people . And two, if you had control, would you allow Debbie Wasserman schultz to take the stage tonight and the close . I really like debbie, but i wouldnt. I wouldnt number one, for her own good. Because its going to be messy when she gets up there. And shes running on a tough reelection fight. Its not good for her to do it. Debbie is very singleminded. Very dedicated. She worked very hard, but shes stubborn and she wants to see this thing through. I can understand it, but i think the Clinton Campaign i have tried to send messages through the airwaves. You are now. Youre making it very clear. I think its wrong for her, and its wrong for us. Look, we had a problem with getting all of the sanders people to vote for hillary before this happened. And we had come up, i think the latest poll shows 78 of the sanders voters were willing to vote for hillary. I bet that number is significantly lower today. We have a lot of work to do. And anything that exacerbates that situation, its important to get rid of it. I think the secretary has to heard the statement on her air listening to you guys. Shes gauot to be strong, forceful, and a lot rested on Bernie Sanders shoulders. You have been as dialed into anybody in democratic politics. As you watch the Campaign Play out and what you know about the dnc, do you think the Democratic National committee had it thumb on the scale for Hillary Clinton . Sure, did it affect the outcome much . Not at all. Theyre pretty ineffecttual. Well, the dnc is by nature ineffectual in a primary. When they get bernie for using the voter files for a couple days, the Sanders Campaign obviously did something that was wrong, but that wasnt the remedy. Look, you have to not only be fair, but you have to have the appearance of being fair. Its very important, and it cant be minimized. Dont you think if they had 16 debates or 20 debates as they did in 2008, it would help Bernie Sanders be exposed tathe public. What if something would happen at the debates that never happened . Hillary was five or six points ahead in new york going into the debate in brooklyn. She won by 16. Hillary, you can trace i would say hillary won 80 of the debates with bernie, maybe more. I have to say, we talk about this being a close primary, and honestly, its not as close as people play it up. He lost by much more than she lost to barack obama in 2008. I think the governor is right on this one. Okay. Former governor ed rendell, thank you. Thank you so much. Still ahead, will sanders supporters vote trump . Chris jansing sits down with the democratic voters talking about the lingering moods from the partys primary. Morning joe coming back live from philadelphia. And can you explain to me why you recommend synthetic over cedar . Super food . Is that a real thing . Its a great school, but is it the right the one for her . Is this really any better than the one you got last year . If we consolidate suppliers whats the savings there . So should we go with the 467 horsepower . Or is a 423 enough . Good question. You ask a lot of good questions. I think we should move you into our new fund. Ok. Sure. But are you asking enough about how your wealth is managed . Wealth management, at charles schwab. Donald trump i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. And shoot somebody and i wouldnt lose any voters, okay . And you can tell them to go f themselves you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever. 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Amazing is moving like one. Real is making new friends. Amazing is getting this close. Real is an animal rescue. Amazing is over twentyseven thousand of them. Theres only one place where real and amazing live. Book a seaworld vacation package and eat free. I was a dnc chair, so during the first obama term, youre not going to find anybody at the dnc or the rnc or any Political Organization who is a complete agno agnostic, who doesnt have an opinion. Those of us in the realm, we have opinions. Theres a difference about having an opinion about somebody, having a candidate you prefer over somebody else. Theres a difference between that and trying to alter the outcome. Welcome back to morning joe. It is the first day of the Democratic National convention. Its the top of the hour, so with us on set at mcgillens olde ale house. This place is absolutely incredible. Senior Political Columnist for the national journal, ron fournier, and Political Correspondent kasie hunt, and of Bloomberg Politics and cohost of with all due respect, please dont boo him, John Heilemann. We love john. That was weak. Weak, people. I can tell you okay. The lady who owns the bar likes you, john. Always all that counts. I can tell you, as of the last 15 minutes, i discovered the ale here is excellent. We have a lot to talk about. The top story, though, actually mentioned us. Willie, ill have you read it. Before i get to that, i want to point out one thing. Because i am curious. Kasie. Joe and i hitchhiked down here, down the new jersey turnpike. Like a scene out of field of dreams. We had a guy in a van and then a baseball player. It was awesome. Only through the kindness of strangers did we arrive here in philadelphia. And how long did it take you . It turns out some of the other reporters and anchors take private jets. Thats what the New York Times tells me today. Kasie. Hold that up. Did you stand in front of that jet . Did i stand in front of the jet, no . I did not stand in front of the jet. Its like a Louis Vuitton ad. I need to upgrade my luggage. Do you fight for what seat you sit on on the private jet . Hallie and i did. No. If only that were true. We usually travel in buses. Except for katy tur, apparently, because she covered donald trump. She saw that and said i have never been on a bus. Wow. All right. We could do a whole block on this. Lets talk about the news. The Democratic National Convention Opens today, as you may have gathered, but with a much different tone than they expected or wanted all because of the emails obtained and released by wikileaks that do feature mentions of this show. Debbie Wasserman Schultz complained in may that mika called on her to resign over the treelt of dancing with the stars. Wasserman schultz sent an email to luis miranda calling mikas quotes the last straw. Adding they were outrageous and she needs to apologize. How many times has she apologized . Never, not once. She reached out to nbc news, saying, kwet, this must stop. Another email, this one from miranda to the dnc press secretary had not safe for work language. Reads in part, bleeping joe. That hurts me. A directive to complain to morning joe producers. This is all in the context of the more than 19,000 emails obtained by wikileaks that shows the dnc going hard against Bernie Sanders in favor of Hillary Clinton. Could we just explain our comments. My were what these reveal, and we all had a sense of the set the day i said that that the system was rigged against Bernie Sanders and for Hillary Clinton and there was not impartiality, which is something the dnc chair is supposed to have. Which obviously, she didnt. Ron fournier, there are other emails more disturbing when theres a suggestion by one of the top people in the dnc that they actually ridicule Bernie Sanders for his religious beliefs, that hes a jew, not even a practicing jew who may be an atheist. Thats the sort of thing that republicans, especially donald trump, get skewered for, targeting people based on their religious beliefs. This is happening behind the scenes at the dnc. These arent crocodile tears. Its shocking that theyre writing this to each other. Well, bleeping joe. Yeah. Look, first of all, theres no equation between Donald Trumps rhetoric and bigoted and racist statements day after day after day with these emails, but its hard to argue that the dnc has a monopoly on intolerance when you see these emails. You talked about these in the last hour. Any party with any selfesteem and any moral standard would immediately fire the director, Debbie Wasserman schultz would not give the speech tonight, and anybody who had an email along those lines would be gone, like three days ago. Exactly. Wouldnt what youre just saying, wouldnt a very clear, concise, Quick Reaction to this be the exactly what you want to sort of put out there during this convention, that were different than the trump campaign. We play fair, we do things right. We dont allow this type of thing. I have said as a republican that i have always voted republican, i have said i cant vote for donald trump so long as he shows the degree of religious intall rcholerance hes shown, specifically towards muslims. Here you have the Democratic Party, youre right, and Hillary Clinton is now at the top of it, having people targeted somebody because of their religious beliefs, saying we should use this as a line of attack. Its also an opportunity for Hillary Clinton. The biggest problem right now is very few people trust her. Whats her number, 70 of people dont trust her . This is a time stamp to say this is wrong, were not going to spin it, not going to point the finger at trump, not even at the russians. This is unacceptable. Debbie is gone. Everyone who wrote the emails are gone, and were moving on. One other thing about the russians. David sanger has an explosive piece on the russians. You and i off camera, you were talking about how frightening this could be right now for the Clinton Campaign. Not just because of the other dnc emails but if they hacked the dnc emails, what about the chappaqua server. What about the emails from the clinton foundation. They could be leaking out damaging emails from now to election day. We dont know whats in those emails. They could be totally innocuous. We dont know for sure the Foreign Government has hacked it. The fbi director has said its very possible they have. But there are a lot of senior democrats in town, thats what theyre worried about. What if those emails get out and there is damaging material in them. The Clinton Campaign suggested russia may be behind the exposure of the emails. Heres their campaign manjser yesterday. Whats disturbing to us is experts are telling us that russian state actors broke into the dnc, stole these emails, and other experts are now saying that the russians are releasing these emails for the purpose of actually helping donald trump. I dont think its coincidental that the emails were released on the eve of our convention here. We also saw last week at the Republican Convention that trump and his allies made changes to the republican platform to make it more prorussian. And we saw him talking about how nato shouldnt intervene to defend, necessarily intervene to defend our Eastern European allies if theyre attacked by russia. When you put all this together, its a disturbing picture. Theyre pretty desperate pretty quickly is all i have to say on that. Its a far reach, obviously, and to lead their convention wh that tells me they really are trying to move away from what the issues are going to be in this campaign. Pretty absurd. In the New York Times, david sanger reports this morning, proving the source of a cyberattack is notoriously difficult. But researchers have concluded that the National Committee was breached by two russian intelligence agencies which were the same attackers behind previous russian cybe Cyber Operations at the white house. The state department and joint chiefs of staff last year. And met adata from the released emails suggests the documents passed through russian computers. This article is incredible. Everybody ought to hop on new newyorktimes. Com. He says all the forensic evidence points towards russia. Two hackers, one named cozy bear and the other named fancy bear. They may become historic figures. They have been hacking our emails because thats what we call each other. Exactly. We wont want to hear about that. For the record, hes fancy bear. Makes sense, because willie is so cozy. There you go. But this was, you know, kasie, this was floated out there by robby mook. It sounded like a conspiracy theory. Paul manafort shot it down immediately, said it was absurd. We dont woe what their motive was, we dont know if they were directed by the russian government, by putin, but it looks like theres russian involvement. Its pretty remarkable. I remember reading when that statement came across, politics, politics, politics, by the way, the russians are trying to break into our elections. If you think of how the Clinton Campaign approaches all of these things, theyre so conscious, so careful. Im surprised they feel comfortable talking about it in public. They have to have something really concrete. I will say we have to remember Paul Manafort worked for the russians. We have to remember head of the russian installed head of ukraine. Hes worked for a lot of Foreign Governments and he lied to all of us repeatedly last week for plagiarism. We cant take his word for it. He should immediately be more transparent with what he has done. And donald trump has to release his tax returns. I want to know what he has done with the russian government like yesterday. And every time he comes on this show, that should be the first question that is asked and with three or four followups. People starting saying i think the reason trump is not releasing his taxes is he paid such a low rate. I started thinking especially after reading the frank ford articles there may be a russian connection and that may be one reason donald trump doesnt want to release the emails, and what frank has dug up with slate and the list of concerns people have with the russian connection. I think franks piece is obviously he writes about, i believe, a lot of connections between the ways in which trump and putin have a reputation. Trump has made money from russia. That has been a big source of profit for him. The putin trump thing is striking. As you pointed out earlier, came on the show and praised donald trump. Donald trump has praised putin. We have the situation where just last week, trump is saying he wants to draw back from nato potentially and not be willing to automatically defend Baltic States that might be invaded by russia Going Forward. Its a curious thing. Right . Theres almost theres no american politician other than donald trump who would want to cozy up to Vladimir Putin. Its not a political winner. Right, and also, willie, again, when we had donald trump on and we questioned him, he was praising Vladimir Putin, and when we questioned that and ied, well, he does actually assassinate journalists that he doesnt like, Donald Trumps response, one of the most extraordinary responses in this campaign season was, well, we kill people in america, too. Right. Yeah, and he said even more recently, if a nato country were attacked by russia, would you defend the nato country . He said, i dont know. I would have to wait and see if they paid their bills. He called putin a better leader than president obama. Look at syria, praises the russians for going into syria, the first time the russians have been in the middle east since 1973. When you have all those facts behind you, when a story like this comes out which seems like a conspiracy theory, you look into it. Maybe theres something there. This all goes back to the emails that revealed there was an impartiality on the part of the dnc chair, which led us to russian to trump to putin, but well go back to what was trumped over the weekend by this big story about Debbie Wasserman schultz, that was the pick of tim kaine as Hillary Clintons running mate. Some progressives were a little wary of the pick of kaine for his moderate positions in the past as well as his being one of only 13 Democratic Senators to vote in favor of fast promotion trade and the transpacific partnership. He said i see much to like. I think its an upgrade of labor standards, i think its an upgrade of environmental standards. While kaine did express some concerns, he will join clinton in opposition to the trade deal. And before we move on to what Bernie Sanders said about tim kaine, lets just talk about the pick itself, because i think its a great one. I know him personally, and hes just a phenomenal guy. You know, i have gotp so used over the past ten years of flakes coming to washington, d. C. No experience. Sitting in the senate for two days. Waiting to move on. Saying now im going to run for president. In tim kaine, you have a rarity in washington. You have somebody who actually has a very long resume. He seems to be a man of great character. Weve seen him grow over time. He was a mayor. He was a governor. He handled the Virginia Tech massacre. I think, in such a respectful way. He gave Law Enforcement everything they needed. As a senator, every time hes come on our set, hes one of the most knowledgeable, one of the least hyperbolic people we have seen, and ron fournier, hes a bit of a throwback. Hes the type of senator that we used to have. When i say used to, im not talking about the 1950. Im talking about even the 1990s. Somebody who goes there and does his job, not looking at the next job, but to represent people at home. And by the way, it sounds likium praising him too much. Im really not. He is part of a dying breed in washington, d. C. Who can work with people on both sides of the aisle. Knowledgeable. And respectful of everybody. Hes a decent, likable man who takes his job seriously. I know him a bit because hes my senator. I know mike pence even better because his kids went to school with mine. Both these Vice President ial picks are really decent men and good public servants. I can see why it is a lot of people think it would be nice if those tickets were flipped. Obviously, one of the things that appeals to him for Hillary Clinton is they jgenuine lalike each other. As i said before, i was down in miami for that event. The contrast between the way clinton and kaine dealt with each other, compared to trump and pence. Lack of knowledge of each other. They are shipped passing not just at night but at midnight for about three seconds. These two, well see them together after the convention. Theyre going to be on a bus tour of the rust belt together. It has a chance to be a partnership. And a genuine friendship. And the things progressives are complaining about. Tim kaine has been previously for tpp. President obama, for tpp. Tim kaine has been driving the cause in the senate of trying to get an actual authorization for military force against syria. And in iraq. Constitutional responsibility of the senate. These are things that progressives should like. And some people do not like the fact on the left that hes personally morally opposed to abortion, but he has a 100 record in favor of abortion rates. He has the formal position, not for it personally, but fine on a public basis. The t is telling that both of the people at the top of the ticket fell in with ron said, very low approval ratings, and when it comes to especially to character, you look at tim kaine and mike pence. And you really do have two people whose character has always been lauded. Well, its helpful. You mentioned progressives. On sundays meet the press, Bernie Sanders said he would have liked to have seen clinton pick someone a bit more progressive than tim kaine. I have known tim kaine for a number of years. We served in the senate together, obviously. Tim is a very, very smart guy. A very nice guy. His political views are not my political views. He is more conservative than i am. Would i have preferred to see somebody like an Elizabeth Warren selected by secretary clinton . Yes, i would have. Well, youll see Elizabeth Warren speaking tonight as a keynote, which should be fantastic. Ron fournier, thank you very much. Kasie hunt, stay with us, please. Much more ahead on morning joe, including a look ahead at the dnc where Michael Bloomberg is expected to endorse Hillary Clinton. That should be good. And up next, former white house chief of staff to president bill clinton and now chairman of Hillary Clintons white house campaign, john podesta joins the conversation. Youre watching morning joe. 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Well, let me preface it by saying i really like debbie, but i wouldnt. I wouldnt number one, for her own good. Its going to be messy when she gets up there. All right. So that was actually ed rendell on morning joe earlier. You also saw Debbie Wasserman schultz campaigning friday with Hillary Clinton. Ed rendell last hour, saying she shouldnt be speaking tonight. Joining us now, Hillary Clintons campaign chairman, john podesta. Thanks so much for being here. Thank you, everybody. We apologize to you. Kind of a slow news day. Yeah, nothing going on. Here and last week. Nothing to see. Its not just ed rendell. Every democrat i talk to, off camera, says the same thing. Debbie should just go away. She should quietly go back, campaign. She has a tough reelection. She needs to focus on that. Why have her open and close this convention when its going to cause chaos . So risky. She has done, i think, what she needed to do, which is resign as chair of the party. Shes indicated that she spent five years trying to build the party. She helps reelect president obama and she made the choice that she wanted under the rules, she has the right to open the party, open the convention. Do you really think thats a good idea . Look, i think that was her choice. I think that were moving on. Look, were excited about whats happening tonight. We have some wouldnt it be better, though you have great people, but it starts it badly. Guess what. Let me ask you the question. I have to ask you the question. Go ahead. Would you like debbie very good, by the way. Would you like debbie to not would it be best for Hillary Clinton if debbie did not open the convention . Its best for Hillary Clinton that we have a new chair of the party. Well have that with donna brazile, and were looking forward to that. Would you perf tonight that she not im not going to jump on her more. Let me translate for you. Thats a yes. Thats his yes. John heilemann, youre keeping her on your campaign. Youre giving her a job on the campaign after this. Whats that about . She has been a supporter of president obama. Shes the supporter of Hillary Clinton. And tim kaine. Shell go out, shell campaign where shes welcome, and well move on from there. You know, what were thinking about right now is that we have some of our best stars from the Democratic Party. Tell us the lineup. Cory booker. Hes like hes pushing. Pushing. Look, you guys can spend all morning talking about Debbie Wasserman schultz. Tonight, youll be talking about Michelle Obama, cory booker, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and oh, my gosh. I think were going to have a great, unified convention. One more question on this, and well let willie ask a question, and then we want to move on to the russians, the speakers, and the campaign in general. You have Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders speaking tonight. There are a lot of people probably in this room and on the streets of philadelphia who would have liked to see them being the Vice President ial choice. I will preempt you saying tim kaine is great, but why not Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren . Its a process that we went through looking at a lot of people. We narrowed the list, i think, ultimately, what Hillary Clinton wanted was someone who could step into the job on day one if it was necessary, but i think most importantly, someone who could be a real partner with her. She really was taken with him. She didnt know him that well. She was really taken with him. He comes from a deep moral place. His whole career has been about helping people. It tracks with what shes been about in politics, getting things done. He comes from a background of having left law school, gone to honduras, taught in a jesuit missionary school. I like that. Thats kind of part of my background. I understand that. And i said why you like tim kaine, but why not Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren . What was hiedge over them . She has been pleased to get senator sanders endorsement, she campaigned with him. She had a great time with Elizabeth Warren, but she fement like tim was the right partner in the campaign and governing. She was proven right, for anyone who watched his speech in miami when she was announced, he did a great job. Speaking of Bernie Sanders, i have been wandering around this town. Its full of Bernie Sanders supporters, theyre everywhere, yelling, holding signs. Have you all reviewed the speech Bernie Sanders is going to be given tonight. The short answer to that is, no, we have not. Here we go. We have a problem. Possibly because it hasnt been written yet in. Who knows . Theres a yellow pad, i think. Were not going to have a repeat of the ted cruz speech, are we . Of course not. We already saw what hes going to say when he stood with her in new hampshire, endorsed her, was full throated, said this is a campaign that he wants to be involved with. He wants to do everything he can to elect her over donald trump. Thats what were going to get tonight. Well have a big audience to do it, and thats good for us. Lets move on to this russian story. David sanger this morning, extraordinary story. Vladimir putins intel agencies in russia hacked the dnc. And leaked obviously at the worst possible time for Hillary Clinton. Do you believe Vladimir Putins intelligence agencies are doing the bidding of donald trump . Well, i think that the New York Times kind of nailed where the hacks came from. From russia. From russia. From agencies associated with military intelligence and the gru. So, you know, i think that do you think theres a trump connection . I think that we dont have information right now about that. But what we have is a kind of bromance going on between putin and trump, which is distinct from this leak. And we have the republican well put. Republican Party Platform moving back, saying they wont defend nato allies. And Donald Trumps extraordinary interview with the New York Times last week. Maybe its simply just a mutual admiration society, i dont know, but its frightening. Do you have any doubt in your mind that donald trump that Vladimir Putin would prefer to see donald trump president than Hillary Clinton . He seems to have indicted that, hasnt he . How worried are you, john, that theres more to come . Julian assange tweeted last night, my next leak will insure Hillary Clintons arrest. Are you worried more is coming down the pipeline . Thats strong. That would be disturbing. But her chappaqua server, thicks with the foundation. Are you worried there is more to come . Am i worried theres more email leaks that will happen . Well, the russians are pretty good at hacking, so who knows. I think that, you know, i think we just had about a year of the fbi looking at her server, and they concluded that no reasonable prosecutor would do anything. I think were done with that, and we need to move on, and maybe talk about the issues that the American People actually care about, like building an inclusive economy for Everyday Americans instead of people at the very top. But we can keep talking about this. John, you actually beat me to the punch. I was going to actually thank you for coming out early in the morning, answering tough questions. I thought i was getting ale. All i got was coffee. Lets get john an ale. While he answers the last question, i wanted to throw you a softball question and ask why should Hillary Clinton be our next president of the United States . Look, shes had a lifetime of history, of fighting for children and families. Its i thought tim kaine put it best. You look at a politicians career and see what they did before they were in politics and see whether they carried that, fought the same fights, been consistent, always put people first, always tried to make a difference in peoples lives. Wow, that was quick. Excellent. Thank you. So, has it been frustrating to you . There have been legitimate questions about the foundation and the emails. Has it been frustrating to you that you havent been able to get to issues more over the past year . Of course. Its frustrating. Were going to keep doing it because its important that the American People know. What dont know they about Hillary Clinton that shea should know . I think you know, as i said, i thought tim put it very well. Which was that from day one, shes been fighting when she went, working for the childrens defense fund, to get children with disabilities into public schools, when she went to get kids who were put in adult prisons out of adult prisons in south carolina. Shes been fighter. Shes been a fighter all her life. She has the grit to doing it. She takes a lot of incoming, but she always goes back because she believes if you can make a difference for people, you can create a more inclusive economy that helps people rather than just those at the top, in the its worth doing. Mika, you had actually i remember you go back to 1992 and looking at a clip of Hillary Clinton talking to katie couric, i think it was. On the today show about women. You were surprised about how what was that, good lord . 25 years ago. How ahead of her time she was. Saying things that may have been controversial in 1992, but that are mainstream now. Kind of what we talk about in the know your value movement. But in terms of women and equal pay and having an equal part in society, especially professional society. She stood out like a sore thumb then, saying those things, and yet shes saying those same things today. And theyre spot on to where we need to be. So i will say i was incredibly impressed at her consistency. You know, mika, when she went to beijing and said womens rights are human rights. Human rights are womens right, the state department told her not to do that. Not to go, not to say it, and she stood up and did it. I think the world is a better place because shes in it. And thats incredible, the state department emailed her and said this is the last straw. Unbelievable. Stop. John podesta, thank you very much. You can take yourale with you. Up next, the Republican Convention is only the beginning. Donald trump has big plans for ted cruz Going Forward. Well talk about that. And were going to be live here in philadelphia all week for special coverage of the Democratic National convention. Big guests lined up. Be sure to tune in. Morning joe is coming right back. Using 60,000 points from my chase ink card i bought all the framework. Wire. And plants needed to give my shop. A face. No one will forget. See what the power of points can do for your business. Learn more at chase. Com ink announcer are your children in the right car seat for their age and size . Is the seat supposed to be forwardfacing or rearfacing . Did they move to a booster seat too soon . It may be too late to check when youre on the road. [blaring car horn and skidding] fortunately, youre on the couch. Soon, shell type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. Get back to great. All hp ink buy one get one fifty percent off. Office depot officemax. Gear up for school. Gear up for great. Welcome back to morning joe. It is 38 past the hour. Verizon announcing this morning that it is acquiring yahoo for nearly 5 billion. That deal will include yahoos core operating business and patents and will give verizon access to yahoos adverizing Technology Tools as well as other assets such as search, mail, and messenger. The deal is expected to close early next year. Thats a big one. That really is a big one. Obviously, yahoo came on to the scene and was a major player in the 90s and early part of this century. A search engine. They were overtaken by google. And they have been trying to find their way for quite some time. An interesting alliance. A long time in the making. You know, verizon has a history of snapping up Desperate Companies and desperate employees. Actually, they pay sam steins check. I get what youre saying. Thank you. Thank you for that. Welcome. I havent read the company talking points, but were very excited. We cant wait for this new reality. Im assuming its going to be a great search. What a yahoo. The best search. As donald trump says, the best. Moving on, donald trump, speaking of the best, departed cleveland on friday with scathing remarks for ted cruz. Not really leaving him behind, is he . Gnaw. Hes a hard habit to break. Ted cruz refused to endorse him in his Convention Speech and cited insults to his wife and father in not supporting trump. You turn on some of the dishonest media, youll see, oh, wow, this happened and that happened. What happened . You know, somebody got booed the hell out of a place by thousands and thousands of people. There wasnt one person in the room. I like ted, hes fine. Again, i dont want his endorsement. If he gives it, i will not accept it. I will not accept. Wont matter. There were two things he said yesterday. Ready . I didnt start anything with the wife. When i saw somebody tweeted a picture of melania and a picture of heidi, who i think, by the way, is a very nice woman and a very beautiful woman. I have to tell you, i think hida cruz is a great person. I think its the best thing hes got going, and his kids, if you want to know the truth. His father, i dont know his father. I met him once. I think hes a lovely guy. I think hes a lovely guy. All i did is point out the fact that on the cover of the National Enquirer there was a picture of him and crazy Lee Harvey Oswald having breakfast. Now, ted never denied it was his father. Instead, he said donald trump i had nothing to do with it. This was a magazine that frankly in many respects should be very respected. They got o. J. , they got edwards. I mean, goif that was the New York Times, they would have gotten Pulitzer Prizes for their reporting. I have always said, why didnt the national inwienquirer get National Prize for edwards and o. J. Simpson and all of these things. Anyway, they have a picture, old picture having breakfast with Lee Harvey Oswald. This had nothing to do with me, except i may have pointed it out. Theyre not saying thats not my father. Its hard to do because it looked like him. Thats the mike pence actually mike pences face was awesome. Mike pences face. Mikes thinking, where am i . He looks like stockdale. Some of the best things we do when we show these clips from saturday night live. But that wasnt. That was reality. Oh. So, you know, the thing about donald is while hes saying that, were all laughing. You know, i dont want his vote. You sort of spontaneously the whole bar is laughing. By the way, thats what people were doing, you know, what they do a lot of times. The guy got 31 million, 32 Million People watching his speech the other night. He got a fivepoint bump in the polls. But that, though, willie, was the press conference he held the morning after the speech. Any political professional would say dont do that. Just stop. And yet, he does it. Boom. Up in the polls. Friday morning after a convention, you take the message you built over four days at a convention, you drive it home on friday morning. This is the next phase of your campaign. Driving through the end of the summer into the fall. Instead, were going back months to the Lee Harvey Oswald conversation with the National Enquirer and he enjoys it. Hes relishing talking about it again. The National Enquirer. Mike pence. They are all about publicity, doesnt matter if its good or bad. Guess what. It works. You look at the poll numbers, its working for him. I will say the Clinton Campaign was trying to figure out the timing on their Vice President ial announcement that day. They were thinking, oh, if donald trump has good headlines through the day, maybe well do it in the afternoon. Were thinking maybe 4 00. Then all of a sudden, donald trump spends the middle of the day offering all of those things. And were going to wait until 8 00. There were some other outside events. And outside breaking news, of course. Up next, president obama speaks at the Democratic National convention on wednesday night, but hes already pushing back against Donald Trumps claim that america is in crisis. Thats still to come on morning joe live from philadelphia. At Cancer Treatment centers of america, every patient gets their own care manager. Its a long journey, and we try to help them through that. 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Well talk about Convention Security and what he hopes it will do for his city. Keep it right here on morning joe. Americans are buying more and more of everything online. And so many businesses rely on the United States Postal Service to get it there. Because when you ship with us, your business becomes our business. Thats why we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. The United States Postal Service. Priority you announcer theyll test you. Try to break your will. But however loud the loudness gets. However many cheese puffs may fly. Youre the driver. The one in control. Stand firm. Just wait. [click] and move only when you hear the click that says theyre buckled in for the drive. Never give up till they buckle up. Thank you for playing great philadelphia music. Growing up 8,000 years ago i always thought the sound of philadelphia. Thank you for playing it here. So we are here in philadelphia. How exciting. And we are also in the oldest pub in america. The dnc kicking off right here. The protests are better organized than the once we saw at rnc in cleveland. Here to talk with us is mayor jim kenny. Thank you so much. So what are your plans . Cleveland did a phenomenal job keeping thins organize nieds. What are your plans . I see a bernie protester yeah, thats good. They were saying how great the officers were speaking and interacting with them. That is awesome. These things about personal interaction a lot of times, i knew from growing up and a Police Officer spoke to you the right way you usually did it and did it gladly. It makes a huge difference. Youre riding a wave that has been going on violently for the past two or three weeks. You were talking about the biggest disruption in the relationship between citizens and police is the tidal wave of guns that arrive in cities. And we are at a disadvantage because we cant control it. The state controls ton state level and nieterer willing to do anything especially in pennsylvania and we have the carnage here. There is a disconnect between what we experience with guns. It is sport, hunting, family, culture. It livened up. Yes. Clearly the photos are good. There are some who are frustrated with miles they had to walk to get where they need to go. They want add permit on sunday they didnt get. You have endorsed Hillary Clinton. Is there a conflict of interest there . It had to do with the fact that somebody else had it. We could not accommodate. The reason we dont have to have them but want them so so we can be prepared, misting tenting, portapottys. We will accommodate they physical needs. The issue for us with the wells fargo center, it just happens to be where it is. Its not like where your arena is in the center of the city. It is where it is. You need to be there. We have set up this system and situation at Roosevelt Park and i went through there yesterday. It is well organized and safe. You talked about misting tents. It is a lot different than most misting tents in your office . It. Is evian water. Oh. Okay. Well hear from victims of police violence. The issue of black lives matter, they havent mattered in our country over the history of Law Enforcement and criminal courts and in the way people have been treated from the 16 hundreds up until now. And when the declaration of independence, it is all men are created kwachlt equal. Whether it is is minorities, women, its a constant fiechlgt its a good fight. Are you changing the way you police . From frank rizzo days for sure. The vast majority of people, even if the neighborhood is struggling they are honest and good people. They want the police but they are afraid of police then they wont cooperate with them. We have to continue it through the Philadelphia Police the district. They are human beings with families and they want to keep them safe. Yes. And they put their lives on the line for us every day. Thank you. We appreciate it. Up next we have a lot of head with us on morning joe. A new poll, well have the new numbers that show trump rising past Hillary Clinton. Plus the Democratic National convention as the party chair resigns but still speaking, was sanders right about it being rigged against him . Morning joe live from philadelphia back in a moment. Owen hey kevin. Hey, fancy seeing you here. Uh, i live right over there actually. Youve been to my place. No, i wasnt. Oh look, you dropped something. Its your resume with a 20 dollar bill taped to it. Thats weird. You want to work for ge too. Hahaha, what . Well were always looking for developers who are up for big world changing challenges like making planes, trains and hospitals run better. Why dont you check your new watch and tell me what time i should be there. Oh, i dont hire people. Im a developer. Im gonna need monday off. Again, not my call. 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From the place with the experts. Office depot officemax. Gear up for school. Gear up for great. Whats the chant . [ chanting ] all right. I was about to compliment this clourowd. I cant hear anything. It is horrible. Anyway, its an incredible place. It is the oldest pub in philly. Yeah. We have had a lot going on with the Democratic Party. We thought it was the last straw. No. A little inside joke. An ugly political scandal tlents to overshadow the convention here. Hillary children to be will be the first women to be the no, maam fooe knee of a Major Political party. And they have no stranger to makes history. What did do you . We did the same thing in turkey in 1973. We were in jail for a decade, but they are far more forgiving here. The beer tabs have been flowing since 1860, since lincoln was elected president. And the pub actually outlasted the civil war and prohibition making it the oldest pub tavern, just a stones throw away from the convention. First lady speaker Michelle Obama and Bernie Sanders. Not quite as big as the underwear model but its a pretty good first night. No. It was chachi. No. It was the 18 and under parchizi champion. Someone who have a smaller role, Debbie Wasserman schultz. Who in the world saw that coming . No body said oh, she should step down. No. Come on. But we say that lets get to it. Okay. Okay. No. You called out Debbie Wasserman schultz. I said the system was rigged and trump started using it later that evening. It didnt feel like a fair and partial process. That was her job at the time. It features some mentions of morning joe. Yeah,big time. And before we get into that, there were complaints going all the way back to october also. This has been a longrunning feud inside the Democratic Party about the debates. When they first rolled out the debate schedule people said wait a second, there are only six debates. You had in october there was one, one of the vice chairs saying dont come to the first debate if youll complain about the debates. Every one erupted and thats when the first person called for her resignation in october. Yeah. If you have been talking about this far long time that was the beginning of this system is rigged. One of the debates was scheduled opposite the super bowl. All right. What are we getting on this story . She complained back in may that she called on her to resign. Debbie Wasserman Schultz called her comments the last straw adding they were outrageous and she needs to apologize. So she reached out the nbc news writing this must stop. Another email, this one from miranda had some not safe language. It said bleeping morning joe. I always thought was the name of the show. Bleeping joe. Yeah. I want a formal complaint to our producers. Okay. I know. They emailing and saying you need to get her and chuck todd couldnt even get us to pass the show over to him at 9 00. Chuck had to look at this laughing saying are you kidding me . Nobody can control them. I really want you to go and tell them their we did not need to see the emails to see that the whole process was rigged or slanted towards hillary. Im a democrat and i felt this way. So its not like this should be a big surprise but it seems like it is to a lot of people. If youre going to get rid of somebody that politically, get rid of them. Its like when we took newt out of town its not personal. If you were my mother and running the house badly well get rid of you. They are kind of getting rid of Debbie Wasserman schultz but they are not. Yes. She will step down after thousand of emails were posted online. The emails contribute to the narrative that the National Party had its thumb on the scale for Hillary Clintons campaign. In a statement she listed her accomplishments but did not knowledge the unfolding stories. She added Going Forward the best way for me to accomplish those goals is to step down as party chair at the end of this convention. Before exiting she plans to open and close the convention and also address the delegates. It will be ted cruz. Youll make ted cruz look like miscon gegeniality. They came out applauding her work. They also announced debbie Wasserman Schultz would become the honorary chair, that they would Campaign Together as she seeks reelection in florida. The senators campaign thanked her for her years of service but added the Party Leadership must also remain impartial in the president ial nominating process, something which did not occur in the 2016 race and the senator had this to say earlier in the day. No. No body has apologized to me. It does not come as a shock to me or my supporters. There is no question but the dn clr c was on clintons side. I know that the time is now for Debbie Wasserman schultz to step aside not only for these issues. We need a Democratic Party that will bring young people and working people into it, that will fight for working families. I dont think debbie has been that type of leader. I do hope that she would step aside and we would have new leadership. Maybe the point is that you have people in the Democratic National committee who are supposed to be, if you will, agnostic about who the nominee is going to be. And they seem to have their thumb on the scale for you. They seem to be working against Bernie Sanders, their fellow democrats. I dont know anything about these emails. I havent followed it, but im very proud of the campaign that i ran and im proud of the Campaign Sanders ran. Any effort in the dnc to favor one candidate or another would have been improper . Again, i dont have any information about this. I cant answer specifically. I cant speak to what people who were not working for me, who were saying whatever they were saying, i cant speak to that. I can only speak to my campaign. So explain to us, because it makes absolutely no sense to the common man, me. Man of the people, me. Why would it be that you have Debbie Wasserman schultz who is sure to get booed tonight, why not get rid of her and not have her speak at the beginning and the end of the convention where we know it will get booed. Forwards, money, money, money. Is that it is . She raised money and she wired into money, familiarly money in florida. They are always into maintaining their financial advantage if they can. It is not an excuse but i think thats what contractual obligations require we ask you at least one question. Im joking. Stop it. You think there is more to it, dont you . We were reporting a couple of months ago. Wiki leaks was the event. You say its time for her to go . Theres not really a mechanism to do this. She says i will go but i want x, y and z. I have talked to a number but look at her. I talked to a number of democrats who are not convinced. What is wrong mike, what is wrong with her . Maybe she will do the opening one. She knows she is going to get booed. She knows it is not in the best interest of a unified Democratic Party. What is wrong with her . If she wants clinton to win she will step down and let somebody else open the democratic convention. What is wrong with the person who allowed her to do that. What is wrong with the person that said debbie, youre gone, get out. The one mechanism to get her out and has always been the case. The person who can get her out is barack obama. Yes. He is the person who always partly because of the fact that he always had an attitude of. He said well, she is mismanaged. Their attitude was always like i just couldnt care less. So after the 2012 election there was a lot to get her out of the job. I said why do i want to pick a fight . Leave her there. She cant do much damage. And sheer there is the damag. And she was one of the national cochairs of the 2008 campaign. The Sanders Campaign was always worried about her being charged. They saw it in overlap between a Hillary Super pack. They had this argument all along. They would go on our show and say it. They say these emails say i told you so. Yeah. But this convention is all about hillary. It really is. It has got to be all about hillary. It cant be. If democrats want to win in the fall everything they do over the next days need to be focused on giving Hillary Clinton elected president of the United States. Debbie Wasserman Schultz is getting in the way. Again, i ask the question aga , again i think it is malpractice to let her open but why would Debbie Wasserman schultz want to help donald trump . Thats all she is doing the helping donald trump by getting in the way of Hillary Clinton . Well, ego plays a role in all of this. For the first time john is absolutely right oh. He has had it. But the president of the United States is the only one who can say debbie, no. Youre not giving a speech tonight and friday night. Youre not running this out through the week. The job is to elect Hillary Clinton. This cant is way they wanted to start the koe kon venconvent. Nearly a banner headline talking about this. Yeah. We need to talk about the all right. Here is the looming thing over the rest of the convention, what comes next . This is maybe likely suggested by some, not the end of it. There has been some suggestion that he has worse emails than we have seen so far. Still ahead, new polling shows donald trump with an apparent bounce from his convention. Plus well look at what they say about Bernie Sanders. Im sure they are all complimentary. And supporters here in pennsylvania. Im sure they are happy. Many arent ready pull the lever this november. Im not working for hillary. And i appreciate that hillary has leveraged her Campaign Based off of that threat and that fear. Your campaign should not be leveraged off of that fear of donald trump . Yes. It should be based off of the real issues you plan to solve in ameri america. And we have more straight ahead on morning joe live from philadelphia. Using 60,000 points from my chase ink card i bought all the fruit. Veggies. And herbs needed to create a popup pickyourown juice bar in the middle of the city, so now everyone knows. We have some of the freshest juice in town. See what the power of points can do for your business. Learn more at chase. Com ink announcer get caught buzzed driving, and you could do some hard time. Woman craig. Knock it off sorry, mom. Announcer it could cost you around 10,000 in fines, legal fees, and increased insurance rates, and that could set you back a few years. Buzzed, busted, and broke because buzzed driving is drunk driving. Is caring. Ng because covering heals faster. To seal out water, dirt and germs, cover with a water block clear bandage from bandaid brand. Keeping the power lines clear,my job to protect public safety, while also protecting the environment. The Natural World is a beautiful thing, the work that we do helps us protect it. Public education is definitely a big part of our job, to teach our customers about the best type of trees to plant around the power lines. We want to keep the power on for our customers. We want to keep our community safe. This is our community, this is where we live. We need to make sure that we have a beautiful place for our children to live. Together, were building a better california. Here is the question. Yes . This kracrowd is really real loud. This is the last straw. Yeah, this is enough. We digress. We wonder if there is a brouns from the Republican Convention . The new poll shows trump dway gained 6 points and Hillary Clinton dropped to 45 . John . Not a lot of cheering. No. We got some. 5 points is a pretty good bounce. Yeah. And he has got it. I think the Republican Party will consolidate around trump for all of the trouble we had last week. Well have to look and see where we are and kind of take a judgment of where things come out. No doubt about it. We said on friday had there been a huge disconnect between main strain media and Middle America throughout trumps entire run for president. You can see that clearly during the nomination and especially in the acceptance speech by donald trump. Everybody says it is dark, frightening, eating fresh all of the bones. 75 of the people who saw the speech thought it was a positive speech. There were means that disconnect i guarantee you most people in the media are surprised by these numbers. And the other is that the world is spinning out of control. You wake up or have the attack inmunick. And we wake up this morning and theres an attack. Whether it is isis related or not. There is crime in our streets. Ill stop at law and order. Lets talk about whats going on here. At the heart of the scandal are 19,000 emails, one of the most damaging that they appeared to question sanders fate. The email from the dnc chief Financial Officer sent in may, while the prayers did not directly mention sanders but said can we get someone to ask his belief . Does he believe in god . She said he has a jewish heritage. I believe i read he is an atheist. Southern baptist peeps would draw a big difference between a jew and an atheist. This is things people were attacking donald trump for and this is well beyond that. It is well beyond stupid too. Putting stuff like that in an email . Emails last forever. It is absolutely deplorable that you have the Democratic National committee that is supposed to be down the middle. Actually saying well, im surprised at this degree of it. They are actually saying lets go after him and bash him because he say jew or an atheist. But youre not surprised at him putting a thumb on the scale. No. I am shocked that it was this rigged. Brad marshal wrote to make it an open process. The comments expressed do not reflelkt my believes of the dnc. Why would you write them . But hold on i dont know brad marshal and i hate to say this because i dont know him. I dont know his family. You have to say it. A guy that writes that sort of email, he needs to go. I mean if you have somebody that is supposed that is chief Financial Officer and they are saying lets ge this this is in the same party trying to set up an election process. Lets question the party. Maybe we attack him as a jew or maybe we attack him as an athei atheist. How t question is how does he remain in that position . I dont know how he remains in that position. He speaks. This was happening behind the scenes. That being said, part of me feels bad because if my personal emails were ever released i would be petrified. I think we would all yaechlt i think. Yeah, i think we would all be petri petrified. But i would hope if we were supposed to be in a position that was supposed to be fair trying to figure out how and at some point they made the decision in the very beginning. So its just like, you know, iert they shouldnt have tried to eem impartial all along. Right. The mask is off. Coming up on morning joe chuck todd and steve join the conversation, what they looking for this week at the t democratic convention. Well be right back on morning joe from philadelphia. Im so frustrated. I just want to find a used car without getting ripped off. You could start your search at the allnew carfax. Com that might help. Show me the carfax. Now the car you want and the history you need are easy to find. Show me used trucks with one owner. Pretty cool. [laughs] ah. Ahem. Show me the carfax. Start your used car search and get free carfax reports at the allnew carfax. Com. Good luck with the meeting today. Thank you. As our business is growing, and youre on the road all day long, its exhausting. 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And she so mean. He gets so mad at everybody. Anchor and political co corresponde correspondent, steve. Actually i think we learned that you are an angry hipster. The first time i have been called a hipster. Yeah. You need to dress more hipster. Zbli i have to now. Do we call her former dnc chair . I dont know why we are not. This is insanity if she is gaveling this thing in. It is bad politics for herself. You want the picture of democrats booing you a week a month before you democratic primary . Why what is well, what could this all thing be about . Her complaint to mayor. She internal ieds everythiized. I think thats where she makes her first foreign affairs. Do you want a scandal on the eve of the convention that deals we mails . Yeah. Is that what you want . Yeah. Email is a fiveletter word these days. Its not what you want to be talking about. What is the them tonight . Emails. United together . Yes. Now its a cheek also they fixed this. They dont know what sanders is going say. They know what she is going to say and they are thrilled with everything she has done yeah. I know she is the head of the dnc and all that but this is Hillary Clintons campaign. One call youre not speaking and its over. Why not make that phone call . I dont know. Maybe they feel sorry for hefr. T i dont know. She has been a loyal. She has raised a lot of money. No. She hasnt. No. I dont mean that. It is but she was say very loyal surrogate when obama was and she would be sort of the her an terry, they felt like the last two people in the Clinton Campaign. The most loyal thing to do is step aside and not make it about yourself and help Hillary Clinton. Theres a new poll that shows donald trump, despite that everybody looked at what he did the day after they were doing, what is he doing . He is winning. He had a sixpoint bounce a tenpoint bounce. He was plus six since his convention started. There are two things you on the poll that jumped out at me. You see him at 48. Thats the first time trump has been at that level since last september. We have been hearing about he has a ceiling in the low 40s. Here is the other thing about how he is is realigning politics. The group of College Educated white voters. Republicans have never lost. In this same poll clinton is leading with College Educated white voters. Democrats have never won that group. She is doing better and she is still losing and Donald Trumps lead is now 37 points. We have never seen anything like that. That has been the trump theory. Its that i dont necessarily need to win over this Rising Coalition the democrats have been talk about for years. I can drive up that base. Chuck, i have been saying and i think about everybody else saying there are not enough white vote toers elect donald trump if he is doing really poorly among hispanics and blacks and collegeeducated whites. I was going to say well see or we are headed to an Electoral College split. When you look at it the demographics dont work for him. You can see it and he has to figure out, if he is going to pull this off, he has to really improve himself in the upper midwest. To do this but this indicates if he does and sheer something i had with him, donald trump is being painted erratically. He really has got it down coherently now. It is a nationalist message. Everything does fit under that umbrella whether he is talking immigrati immigration, trade. I think it helped him with some undecided voters. Now, this is where tim kaine they hope helps Hillary Clinton with white men. In the midwest and in ohio and pennsylvania, if you cant have joe biden validating you, she a white man, catholic who has a lot of working class roots. He speaks that language as well. They will bring out Mike Bloomberg on wednesday and they will try to attack donald trump on his calling card. I know the economy. They will bring out one of the best financial brains, one of the biggest moneymakers in the country and a former republican and he is going to absolutely take down donald trump that trump knows anything about the way. And can i just say that i think its a risk. What we were just talking about, that blue collar divide, it is the kcosmopolitan side nf that. And Michael Bloomberg, the bloomberg brand is for wall street. He built it on the idea of k covering, of all things to have associated. She need as business person right now a little bit. He might not be the best person. Well, he will help with college, educated, american. Does she need more help with that . I dont know. He was talking about europe as our adversaries. He is talking about the trade deficit. Well, what he was saying about rush shoo and we were talking about the deep needs for news about now this leak from putins intell it sounds crazy. When she mentioned that, he is a businessman and donald trump has phrased putin. It is very strange that this email comes out. It sounds like a crazy theory but in this weird campaign here you never know. You never know. And who benefits more . America or russia . Yeah. And you go back to the articles and they are saying how put putin actually contributing. It deliberately breaks up the european alliance. Now, many people thank you very much. Thank you, dont be so angry. And were keeping a close eye on the florida delegation breakfast. Debbie Wasserman Schultz is expected to speak at any moment. We are going to carry that live. Morning joe is back in a moment. Well she loves to say, well, fantastic a lot. I do say that, you see. I study psychobiology. Im a fine arts major. Nobody really believes that i take notes this way, but they actually make sense to me. I try to balance my studying with the typical college experience. This windows pc is a life saver being able to pull up different articles to different parts of the screen is so convenient. 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I know those who would but i would not. I suspect some of my peers are donald Trump Supporters but are not speaking about it publicly. I know some who are definitely voting for him. I dont understand it. People want to throw a wrecking ball at the system. Its like fine, trump. A lot of people with feeling that way. Absolutely, making sure she gets on the ballot before august 1st, i think thats you dont think its a wasted vote . No. Any time you can express your right to vote for a candidate that you want to vote for, thats your right. You should be able to do that. No one should shame you out of it. I suspect and agree you should vote your conscience. I feel like its irresponsible for voters to vote for the green party at this time. Trump is running a fascist campaign. In this country a vote for the Green Country is a vote for it is very different thinking that immigrants will kill you. Thats what the speech was about, that immigrants and re g refugees will kill you. I think the idea that those voters couldnt possibly vote for anybody for clinton is dead wrong. It really hurt this weekend. Number one, they dont like tim kaine and Hillary Clinton did not help herself on 60 minutes. They wanted something decisive, yes. They said, yeah, she steps down but she is still going to be at the convention. What kind of message does that send . There is a big uphill slug here. A lot of people said im a Bernie Sanders support but im voting for clinton. Im not so sure they are backing off at least what i got at the philadelphia wrecking ball. Squlo you did hear tufrp go up and you can a room how many people are you going to vote for trump . Yeah, with all due respect to the gentleman that side if he is elected its not our not. Some would argument, yes, it might well be your fault. People thinking like that should remember three words, ralph, and iraq. It is a movement against everything that clinton represents to them. It is a lifetime in politics. They would never roll every so quinn ton. They have not going hop ton hil ri bandwagon yes. Ened i think there were more will be to consider him. Is a pointing kind of system. Thats riechlgt no, sir not you half a percentage has trump ahead. And i suns what your saying. Who wha do you say to those who say i dont believe what Hillary Clinton said is true. Ask yourself how youre feeling a year from now. And the same thing is being asked, lifelong republicans are also saying the same thing this year, which is how do i vote for donald trump . You have the same question being asked by both parties. I think the biggest concern are these blue collar white voters who say i have been a democrat my whole life. And we are dead center in the state. We are ground zero of that. Exactly. Up next, what, if anything, have we learned . We learned so much. Oh, look. Another antiwrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. Neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair works. In one week. With the. 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What a great first day. Absolutely unbelievable. Heres to you. All right. Its way too early. Morning joe. Stephanie is live from philadelphia right now. Those guys throwing back cold ones. It is 87 degrees here at 9 00

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