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Ladies and gentlemen, dare to dream. But the dawn is breaking on an kingdom. We fought against the big banks. E we budget against big poll tucks. We fought against lies, corruption and deceit. Lets get rid of the flag, the anthem, and all that has gone wrong. Let june the 23rd go down in our history as our Independence Day. I think the country requires fresh leadership to take it in this direction. I will do everything i can as Prime Minister to steady the ship over the coming weeks and months, but i do not think it would be right for me to try to be the captain that steers our country to its next destination. It is a historic friday morning as were following breaking news overnight. The uk has voted in favor of leaving the European Union. Prime minister David Cameron says he will resign as his nation moves forward. The result of the referendum is triggering fallout in Financial Markets around the globe. Could have a big impact politically here at home. Donald trump is in scotland and is set to speak live any moment from now. Good morning, its friday, june 24th. Joe and moika are off today. With us today is nicole wallace. Msnbc contributor mike barnacle. The president on Foreign Relations richard hass and steve rattner. And msnbc political analyst eugene robinson. In london, katty kay. So lets lay this out and get to our panel of experts. The uk has voted in favor of leaving the European Union. About 42 voting to leave. 48 to remain. 1. 3 million votes separated the side. Only yesterday a snapshot of polls showed favoring remaining. But one of the richest economies will be leaving the eu. Nigel, the leader of the Independence Party calling for new leadership. Make sure we have a Prime Minister and a government that carry out the wishes of 17 Million People. Whether thats mr. Cameron or not, im not so sure. My feeling is the Prime Minister could have risen above the fray. He chose not to. I think he probably has to go. I think we have to have a brexit Prime Minister. A lot of voters did it reluctantly because they believe the fear mongering. All of that is wrong. I would say to all of them, were living in a 21st century economy. We have just broken free from a back ward failing political union. The world is now our oyster. This morning the head of the eu trying to calm europe said in a statement, what doesnt kill you makehouse stronger. Global trading markets are down big. Much of the world in disbelief. Joining us from london is keir simmons. A remarkable morning there. Reporter really remarkable. Right now the Prime Minister is with the queen for an audience with her majesty. You bet the prime conversation will be about his plans to resign and what has gone on in the past 24 hours. Lets lay it out. Any one of the things that happened in the last 24 hours could have been a major story on another day. Britain voted to leave the European Union. The Prime Minister of britain says he will resign. The leader of the opposition party is faising calls for him to resign. Leaders in scotland are renewing their u calling for those countries to go it alone around europe and other leaders say they should have a referendum to break away from the European Union looking at the split of europe. Stock markets are falling. The british pound dropping more than the 1970s. Thats why theres so much uncertainty. Thats why theres a sense of turmoil u. Thats why markets are reacting so badly and people should worry for what this means for the 401 k s and american jobs. Nbcs keir simmons is live in london. Lets go to katty kay. Youre stunned by this. Yeah, i am pretty stunned. The opinion polls over the last few days had suggested that britain would vote to rehan. Im also surprised by the degree to which this country is divided on this had issue. Its become an angry debate and half the country has won and half the country has lost and well have to see whether those two sides can live with this outcome and be reconciled. Were also facing the prospect of Scotland Holding a referendum and they will break away. Were looking from the United States point of view and a special relationship with england, wales and Northern Ireland. Its a shrunken country washington will have to deal with and we have had Officials Say issing that this doesnt necessarily mean britain will be the first port of call when it comes to National Security issues. So the huge story this morning is the markets and uncertainty that the United Kingdom faces, but the longterm story u is what does this country, which has been part of some form of European Union for most of my lifeti lifetime, look like in the future. Richard, you have been up all night watching this vote by vote by vote. Do you share her surprise at the outcome here . To some extept, but i have been following the polls really closely and the brexit vote had more energy, more likely to turn out. The remain case was feeble most of the time. The government did not do a good case for basically failed to make the case. Also the voters saw this as a bielection, a referendum. You didnt get the sense people were going to the polls and weigh the consequences. It was a way u to send a message to the government, to an unresponsive, undemocratic eu. I u dont think people were thinking about what it was they were setting in motion. Its one of the dangers of having this kind of referendum with permanent consequences when people wanted to send an immediate message. Do you have any idea of the breakdown . Who was the lead voters . Hopefully we can show a map later. Its basically shown up a a generational split between older voters, some of whom are immigrants who voted to leave and Younger Voters under 30 who pretty much overwhelmingly voted to remain. The country is divided geographically but also on generational lines now as well. Thats the other part is geographic. You had london and scotland. So voting in favor of brexit. Its one of the reasons i think not a lot in life, but its high uly likely you have a second run at a scottish referendum. This time those in favor of leaving will take the high road. They will say we now have a real argument. We would rather stay in argument than stay in the United Kingdom. And my guess is this time it will prevail. Dont think it stops there. The United Kingdom will not only be a new United Kingdom, but theres a good chance the stability thats come to Northern Ireland over the last 15 years could be placed in per ill. The leader has already said he wants to now have a border vote about whether Northern Ireland should join with ireland. They can argue this is to stay in the eu. They have been critical of the eu, but this is the way to achieve their goal. Imagine the kinds of divisions that will reintroduce into Northern Ireland. You get a sense that the threat of this sweater called the United Kingdom is being yanked with historic consequences. Steve rattner, uncertainty, whats the Immediate Impact of this . One of the things that made this such a shock that as recently as the end of our day, marcus tught this was going to remain. So this was a shock on top of a shock in that sense. Although the reaction today as ugly as it is is a tad less than i would have guessed. I want to e add one more on the risk pile. Whatever happens to the uk is a big deal. But the real potential unraveling here is with europe. Because you have already had calls in the netherlands on why should we be here. The far right party in france saying why should we be here. You can see a complete unraveling of everything that europe has spent the last 60 years trying to put together. To use the word shock, i looked at the polls. Werent they tied at the whole time . Are people stunned by the margin or the decision . The polls were very close, but for those who are creatures of markets, the Financial Markets were all treating this as an 80 probability they were staying. The markets were lulled into complacency because the last few elections including the scottish referendum, the polls suggested preference for change. Then after the election, obviously, scotland stayed. Same at the last british election. People got yauzed to british poll hs a structural bias that seemed to suggest change when it argued for continue ity. Thats exactly why the markets didnt show this. Talk about the contagion effect on the rest of europe. The european project, to use the phrase, began after world war ii. The idea was to knit together germany and france in such a way that war would become unthinkable. And you went from the coal and Steel Community to the European Union. But what im worried about is this is going to become the high warner mark. You begin the process of going back to some forces in the netherlands possibly, france, this doesnt happen in a vacuum. This happens in low economic growth, the return of russian challenges to europe and krooi moe ya and the rest of ukraine. Above all the massive influx of refugees. This is but the latest blow to the whole european idea. So i think it would be wrong to simply sit here and say its britain only. I actually think in every country u in europe that are part of the eu this will have tremendous ripple effects. Britain always stood itself one distance removed from the rest of europe. First by not joining the common currency. There was a famous newspaper headline in the 20s that went fog covers channel. Europe cut off. Britain thought of itself being removed from europe, not being totally a part of europe. I agree with richard. This is going to have far ranging repercussions for the european project. The european project has had its share of problems already. They failed to integrate their economies. So sitting in britain and see an economy thats growing reasonably well, unemployment low, and you look at the mess they call Continental Europe at high unemployment and all the rest of it, its not hard to see why they came out where they came out. One more interesting number. 72 voter turnout. 72 . Gene robinson, this triggers this vote article 50, which means there are two years for the eu to make some kind of deal to try u to save this in some way. Will the eu fight this . If so, is there any point to that . What can the eu do . The eu will say dont let the door hit you on the backside as you leave basically. Britain has always had this ambivalent relationship with europe. Britain kind of saw itself as an Aircraft Carrier positioned off the european continent with links to the United States. A special relationship with the United States. And didnt join the kucurrency union. Didnt fully participate in europe. Nonetheless, this is such a huge deal. And i think the immigration question and the refugee question were very important in this. Britain has not been flooded with refugees the way germany has and other countries have, but there was a fear of that. There was a sense in britain that immigration was driving down wages and all sorts of things that donald trump says in this country. So again, were going to have to get to the obvious question about implications for us. What does this sort of populous uprising mean for the United States and does it suggest that theres more of that out there than the polls might be measuring here in this country. Britain wasnt floded with immigrants from the middle east or anything like that, but britain was heavily there were a large number of immigrants who did come to britain under the eu rules. You can go to any other country and britain population of foreignborn people more than doubled since 1990 from 6 to 13 . This contributed of our way of life is changing, our culture is changing, our jobs may be threatened. Brexit wont solve that problem. To maintain economic relationships with the eu, they are going to have to remain relatively open. This was not a clear debate about the facts. Its a practical matter now. If they successfully leave the eu, they have to renegotiate country by country every trade deal, right . And british law isnt in place to do it. Britain is basically understandably franchised out a lot of legal and financial machinery to eu regulations. And suddenly theres going to be something of a vacuum. This is going to be a complicated divorce. He mentioned denmark, italy and the netherlands as being the next countries to exit. Is is there any political message or political organizing behind the exit Movement Across europe . Or are they all individual movements within individual countries . There are some united things. They are suffering from low growth. They are worried about immigration and refugee issue has probably poisoned european politics. And also the eu is wildly unpopular. When i was a College Student in england, the eu is something that young people my age would go out in the streets and support. Whats happened over the last 20, 30, 40 years is the eu has lost the popular imagination. Its seen as distant, not transparent, theres the socalled democratic deficit when people feel they can influence. The eu is going from something thats popular to something thats elitist and disliked by a lot of europeans and brits. Thats a common thread. You left out one small piece, which is the economics of all this. There is a belief and i think a fact that britain pays in more to the eu than what it gets back in subsidies. Part of the whole eu is where we try to level the Playing Field for countries that arent as well off. We are talking about a twoyear slow closing window. What happens immediately and what happens as it linkers month to month . The union made it clear if britain decides to leave, has decided to leave, they want them in or out fast. They have also made it clear they want to send a message to all those other countries that you just mentioned where the population has suggested that they would like a referendum of their own. I would throw sweden in that mix as well. The terms of this divorce are not going to be easy on the uk. They want to show those count countries, listen, dont think if you have your own referendum if you leave this is going to be an easy future for you. So whether it comes to trade, whether it comes to immigration or Financial Services, free passage, free movement, right of residents for living in the European Union, all those things were not clear about which is why you have financial uncertainty in the markets too. Its a definite ploy to say, look, this is what you chose. Its not going to be easy for you from now on because we want to send a message to those other country toos. Divorce is messy and its going to be messy here too. We have only just scratched the surface. Still ahead on morning joe, a live interview with senator Bernie Sanders. He will be here onset. Well ask him about this and a lot more. Also jillian teft and austin gools by on the decision to leave the eu. Plus chuck todd covers the political impact here at home. And well have live coverage of Donald Trumps News Conference. Hes in scotland. That will get started in just a few moments. And a live report from katy tur. But first, bill karins with a look at the forecast. Two confirmed fatal ities frm flash flooding. One was an 8yearold boy. Theres a third child that was swept into the waters thats still missing and havent found him yet. But they had to call off the search during the dark overnight hours. They will be out there at first light. The pictures from the area are dramatic. There are many areas that saw water rushing down right through the main downtown areas. So theres a lot of water damage out of this too. Theres even one picture just a whole town flooded there. This is West Virginia. There was also video of a house that was floating down the stream in one case. So again, this is not going to be the case as we go throughout the day today. We are going to be watching Severe Weather in the carolinas. Wind damage will be the threat and small hail. All the way back to charleston and myrtle beach and columbia. As far as the weather goes over the weekend, hot weather continues over the southern half of the country. And as we bo into saturday, watch out for severe storms. Minneapolis and duluth and sunday, chicago up through the great lakes and even st. Louis could deal with severe thunderstorms. Time those out so you can avoid those for your outdoor weekend plans. But well give you updates on the West Virginia story. Many people without power and a lot of cleanup and hopefully they will find the boy thats missing. We leave you with a shot of new york city. More morning joe, when we return. Hello welcome to holiday inn. Running our own business, weve been traveling a lot. A hotel looking to help Small Businesses succeed is incredible. Thank you. Holiday inn is an extension of our team. Book your next journey at holidayinn. Com thank you. Holiday inn is an extension of our team. When a moment turns romantic why pause to take a pill . Or stop to find a bathroom . Cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas for pulmonary hypertension, as it may cause an unsafe drop in Blood Pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. 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Its very historic and were very happy. People are angry all over the world. Why . Why are they angry, air sir . Were doing well in the United States also and essentially the same thing is happening in the United States. How do we heal that . Im really happy. Joining us from scotland is katy tur. Obviously, donald went over there on a business trip but its turned into Something Else entirely. Reporter he should have expected it because he knew he was going to be over here when they announced the results. Surprising to some they decided to leave. Ironic that donald trump will be toll issing the benefits of leaving the eu in scotland, one of the few places that voted overwhelmingly to stay u. Hes got an will the of criticism for leaving the campaign trail, especially right now. His campaign is in the rough, if you will. Hes down on fundraise iing. Hes facing a gop theres threatening mutiny at the convention. Hes not stacked up in battleground states the way that Hillary Clinton is. Operatives say this is the last thing donald trump should be doing at this point in the campaign. It opens him up to a lot of questions about motivations. Reporters have been with donald trump now to nine separate properties, separate Trump Properties as he has been campaigning. Trump tower, his westchester golf course, d. C. Hotel, now turnberry today and his tenth aberdeen making some wonder whether this is a big branding tour rather than donald trump running for office. Also when it comes to this eu vote, hes certainly going to be feeling a little bit of hope going down the road as he tries to take the white house. Because the main issue for british voters is the main issue that hes been talking about and hitting on the campaign trail over and over again. Immigration. Voters were concerned about immigrants coming in as the eu faced recession, taking their jobs. Also concerns about refugees flooding into the border and just who might be coming in with them. These are the same points that donald trump hits over and over and over again on the campaign trail. It was also a very messy campaign with accusations of racism flying against those trying to leave the eu. The same has been seen in the United States for those who support donald trump and his idea of a muslim ban or a wall. So certainly some promising p r parallels for him going into july. Katy, were expecting donald trump to step to the podium in a few minutes. Well carry it live when he does. Thanks so much. You heard donald trump when he stepped off the helicopter say people are angry all over the world. He believes this is a reflection of his view of the world and whats happening here in america. Yet the head of the lib rap Democrat Party in the uk saying in the press this morning that this is, in fact, this vote is a reflection of trumpism. Theres something going on. I think we should realize that. There are populous movements happening all over the developed world. And they are not exactly the same. They dont have necessarily exactly the same origin. But they are coming up at the same time and so i think there is a relation there. I think it is certainly ironic as katy tur said that donald trump is going to deliver this message and his presence in scotland hes going to praise the brexit vote in a place that voted overwhelmingly to stay in europe. Its a place where donald trump himself is not that popular. But the distinction may be lost on the audience that trump really cares about which is voters here. So they will see him in a country that just had a sort of populous eruption and hell say lets do the same thing in the United States. Katty kay, i wonder if in the uk theres the same sort of disparity . I have seen leaders come out and condemn trumps muslim ban and be partially critical of trump, but is there a segment of the population there that likes trump . I would say its not a huge number. I wrote a piece earlier this week discussing what gene was talking about, the parallels between whats happening in the United States and the Brexit Campaign and i was struck by how many people came back and said this is very unfair. We dont like donald trump. We dont like the kinds of things he has said about people, but we should leave the European Union. The antiimmigrant thing here is very strong. I have been really struck since i have been here the last few days by u how many people who voted leave have said, look, somebody from poland came and took away our jobs. Somebody from portugal came and i cant get an appointment at my doctors because they are using our social services. Theres a lot of that. I have spoken to older people who were immigrants themselves, first generation immigrants who felt the door had been open too wide. Its much more antieuropean immigrant or curously antimuslim. This is like the most interesting piece of this conversation is how separated it is. The people that talk and the people that rule are sort of now universally disconnected from the people that vote for things like brexit. Thats the question. You two gentlemen can arm wrestle over which is going to respond to this first. It seems there are two elements were talking about here off the brexit vote. The first element is no matter what the vote was there, no matter what the vote might be here in november, globalization has a pace, an acceleration to it that seems were not going to be able to slow it down. And that fits into the second part of the question, which is the question. People here it seems, an awful lot of people are asking basically where do i fit in all of this Going Forward . Where do they fit . I think youre right. This is a protest against globalization. Youre seeing scapegoating. In the United States a lot of the scapegoating happens to be free trade or immigration. Thats what were blaming things on. Here it was the eu. There are people who lose from free trade. And theres a good reason to be unhappy with the eu. But also a lot of this is about technology. Technological innovation thats displacing jobs. People want to find a scapegoat, an easy explanation. This is about frustration where people feel not in control of their own lives or theres social changes. So i think what youre seeing in these votes, its classic where you take advantage of the political opportunity that comes down the road. It was a vote on the relationship with the eu. And its less about the specifics than a reflection of all the fear, concerns, frustrations, worries. But whats so interesting is unlike an election that might just affect the immediate, its set in motion a permanent fundamental break in the trajectory with all the consequences for our relationship with britain and europe. This is the stuff of history. I know that sounds mellow dramatic but what mike said is the origin. It is about related to globalization and a sense of no longer in control of their lives. It will have profound consequences. Historic not just for the uk. Historic because of the thread it begins to pull out of europe. The special relationship has become a lot less special. Whats ironic here is that what the brits are not threatened by people who are more successful of them. They are being threatened by people who are less successful. Its not the europeans takes away their u jobs. The instability on the social side is true and being run from brust ls is certainly true, but its an odd manifestation of all the anxious that people around the world feel. A lot more on that, a rematch in the arm wrestling. Also well check in with cnbc for how americas markets are poised to react to the markets overseas. Plus a a News Conference from donald trump. Morning joe will be right back. Theres something happening in american politics thats a bit of a mirror of whats happening here. A feeling that bhaps in washington is too detached and trump is cashing in on some of that. He must have a chance to win. Trolling for a gig with braindrone . Cant blame you. Its a drone you control with your brain, which controls your thumbs, which control this joystick. No, im actually over at the ge booth. Were creating the Operating System for industry. Its called predix. Its gonna change the way the world works. Ok, im telling my brain to tell the drone to get you a copy of my resume. Umm, maybe keep your hands on the controller. Look out ohhhhhhhhhh. You know what, im just gonna email it to you. Yeah thats probably safer. Ok, cool. Using 60,000 points from my chase ink card i bought all the fruit. Veggies. And herbs needed to create a popup pickyourown juice bar in the middle of the city, so now everyone knows. We have some of the freshest juice in town. See what the power of points can do for your business. Learn more at chase. 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So the joke in london this morning is that this popular revolution is going to replace one e tone yan Prime Minister with another Prime Minister. He banked his political future on leading the leave campaign. Its always been known that he had high political ambitions and wanted to be Prime Minister of the uk. And that his best chance was by being the face of a leave campaign and then winning. So its clear this morning that the people who won this referendum, the Brexit Campaign, want one of their own people in 10 downing street. They may want one of their own people in the bank of england as well. And Boris Johnson is is the face. Hes a popular pop tigs within the leave movement. It wouldnt be surprising if he was the next Prime Minister after David Cameron leaves in october. I understand or i think i understand the separation between the royal family and the daily Political Developments in Great Britain, but is there any feeling, any hint of what the royal family thinks about this, what the queen thinks about all this . Theres a total church and state when it comes to politics and royal family here in the uk. There was some slightly mischee vous newspaper reports earlier in the campaign that the queen was a closet brexit. The palace denied that saying the queens views on this were not known and were private and she was neutral. So i dont think well ever know which way the queen herself felt about this. Shes the er is moceremonial he state. She does not get involved in. British politics. The only thing id say is before the scottish referendum, the queen talked about the fact they should go to the polls and be mindful and careful about what it is they do. She hinted she was against it. There wasnt even a hint from bucking ham palace. When the hint came up in the press, it was very quickly and firmly squashed by bucking ham palace. They didnt want that out there. Gene robinson, hop in here. Katty kay, i was watch iing that clip of boris delivering his postmortem. Have you ever seen him so reserved and statesman like and his hair comb ed . That was combed . Was that not an audition for the Prime Ministership . Before he goes on air, he deliberately scruffs his hair up. Theres plenty of video and taped evidence of Boris Johnson saying that he thinks that britain being in the European Union is something that he can live with. So it was quite a lot of skepticism here when Boris Johnson came out as the head of the leave campaign. I have heard other brits saying this was completely on his part. I think hes auditioning to be Prime Minister of Great Britain. Its what hes always wanted to be. Well be back in a moment. We are wait iing for donald tru speaking at his golf course at turnber turnberry. Well address the brexit, which is now official. And up next the u. S. Managing ed toir of the Financial Times joins us. Were coming right back. There are two billion people who dont have access to basic banking, but that is changing. At temenos, with the microsoft cloud, we can enable a banker to travel to the most remote locations with nothing but a phone and a tablet. Everywhere where theres a phone, you have a bank. Now a person is able to start a business, and employ somebody for the first time. The microsoft cloud helped us to bring banking to ten Million People in just two years. Its transforming our world. Be the you who doesnt cover your moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis. Be the you who shows up in that dress. Who hugs a friend. Who is done with treatments that dont give you clearer skin. Be the you who controls your psoriasis with stelara® just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. 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Welcome back to morning joe. We are awaiting a News Conference from donald trump. Well get to that as soon as they do. Manager of the Financial Times joins us. Welcome to the allnighters club. You have been following this all night. Whats your reaction. Its been brutal already. But the key question right now is is this going to be like the huj fund that collapsed. Or is this lehman brothers. Theres chatter that its such a shock to the system we could see a real contagion this morning. Its a very dangerous moment. We know the shortterm impacts. What are some of the longterm impacts . In the medium term is incredible uncertainty. Its one thing to say leave. There are many variations of leave right now. So the question of how the uk will or will not be able to trade with the European Union, Financial Services will be integrated that has to be thrashed out. The problem is its not going to be decided for two years. Theres so much uncertainty. We hate uncertainty. Donald trump now at the microphone at turnberry in scotland. Thank you. You can hand them out. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. This is an amazing honor. Its an amazing day. Very historic day for a lot of reasons. This was one of the big votes in the history of europe and scotland and everywhere. It was very exciting coming in. We were landing and just heard the results. I wish everybody a lot of luck. I think that its purely historic. And whats happening is historic. So its an honor to be with you. My mother was born in scotland. She loves scotland. She would be here a lot. She would come every year with my sister. They just loved it. Her loyalty to scotland was incredible. She respected and loved the queen. She loved the ceremony and the pomp and circumstance. She was something special. And to think that wed be here owning turnberry here would be incredible. She would come here with her friends and theyd have dinner at turnberry. She didnt play golf, but they would have dinner at turnberry. So having take thn hotel and done the job we have done with it is an honor that i was given the opportunity. We bought it about four and a half years ago. The town council has been incredible. The local politicians and all of the politicians have been absolutely incredible. They have proved everything we asked for. It had to go through many layers, but every single thing that we wanted, they agreed. They thought it was good. And in some cases great. We have taken the light house, which is a very, very important building in scotland. And we have taken that building and made it something really special. Inside the light house right now is incredible suites. Its called the Halfway House because this is 9th tee. And on the bottom you have dining and golfers will stop and they will get something to eat and go to the 10th hole right next door. So it was in disrepair u. All of the people from scotland and all the people we had to go through were i thank you because it was a long, difficult process getting that approved. They really wanted to see it at the highest level. And when you see i dont know if youll get the chance, but try to see the suites because they are two of the most beautiful suites youll ever see. When the water is rough, its very calm. I have almost never seen it like this. But sometimes you have waves that are literally crashing on this piece of land were standing on. Its one of the most beautiful sights youll ever see. This hole didnt exist. They have worked with us on design. They wanted to do these changes for close to 50 years because they were so obvious. Were going to bring it back to the studio. If he gets to the news at hand. Not the suites. Two of the most beautiful suites. We do expect donald to take questions. Well bring you that as soon as he heads back in that direction. Are you surprised he didnt seize this moment at the beginning . He called the vote historic and its one of the big votes in the history of europe. Basically this reenforces his message that people are angry. That institutions are unresponsive. He didnt deliver that message. Hes saying the vote reenforces it. No pun intended, but its teed up for him to make those arguments and to draw the parallels between what just happened there. We would be remissed if we didnt point out right here right now, this man is a candidate for president of the United States on the republican ticket and e hes speaking in a moment of historical significance the vote and hes talking about the zoning regulations about his hotel. I can pointed out Something Else . Yesterday evening the bedding markets were attaching a higher to him becoming the next president than the uk leaving the European Union. So what we have learned overnoigt is sometimes improbable things do actually come true. That should give everybody pause for thought. His nomination was improbable. He does have some advisoriea. He did deliver a speech on a teleprompter yesterday that donnie almost punched me in the face for saying it was a good move. The morning after a historic vote and hes talked more about the incredible suites in the light tower. Its like watching an ad for the marriott chain. I am god smacked that he did not open with comments that suggests that maybe hes jet lagged. But im god smacked he did not open with some comment about world events. I need a minute. I can guarantee you he had a flat bed on the plane over so he shouldnt be too tired. The other thing is that his tweets indicate he doesnt know they voted to stay in the European Union. By a wide margin. Right, i was thinking when he started with the beautiful suites and the lighthouse, my thought was maybe somebody told him youre in scotland. They dont like this. So maybe you shouldnt go on and on about how wonderful it is that the uk has voted for brexit because youre in a place where they voted to stay. But maybe hes two donalds and today hes donald trump, the head of the trump empire and today his job is to sell those two most beautiful suites and get them booked. This is the riddle that is donald trump. Maybe today hes not running for president. Hes selling suites. There you have it. I u wont argue with that. This does feel like a day to run for president. This is history in the making. I actually think one day people will look back on this and this will become one of the dividing points. What happened before and after. Also for him, this has to be very good news. It could suggest i would say things like maybe theres something the polls are not capturing. The fact that brexit was underestimated in some ways. What it might mean for him and the parallels are potentially dont you say that . Im surprised hes not seizing the moment to make the case that whats happening there is whats happening there. It seems its tailor made. Whats he talking about now . The lawns or the swimming pools . What was wrong in the last few days of the brexit vote was not the polls. It was the experts. It was all the pundits saying there was no chance of the uk leaving. The polls were actually showing it was neck and neck. Thats very important because a lot of people say the polls are all wrong about donald trump. We cant believe it. Its very striking. Were not dismissing him. Were taking him live and im sure hes on to the sheets. Its 15 cheaper for those suites. Were listening in the control room. If he addresses the news at hand, well bring it to you. But were not going to do the tv commercial for the suites. Katty kay, donald trump stepped off his helicopter this morning at turnberry and asked about the brexit vote and said people are angry out here. This is a reflection of whats happening not just here but across the world. He didnt take that opportunity here with the eyes of the media and the eyes of the world on him. Im so glad you cut away from the donald trump sales pitch for those suites. That was just mind blowing to me. I completely agree with nicole. There are clearly parallels. You feel left behind by the forces of globalization and its easier to blame immigrants for wage stagnation, then whether youre in the United States or the uk, you feel the established order has not done enough to address your concerns. And youre right, they havent done enough. How do we produce jobs and growth in a post manufacturing world . It hasnt been addressed satisfactorily. Hes quite right that the anger is quite similar. Im really struck by how similar these two forces are. And if it could produce the seismic result it did last ni t night, it could produce donald trump getting into the white house. I suppose he should notice that his turnberry lost value overnight. But stunning that e he would come out with a sales pitch for Trump Industries and trump hotels on a day like this. Seeing you are the captain of the ship here, could you guarantee us that if he does get to the point talking about chocolates on the pillows, well interrupt. Just for you. Thats an important voting issue for you. If this were a conventional campaign, this trip wouldnt have happened under your campaign . What would you do . 40 minutes ago i wrote on a pose of paper for katy tur if he had travelled with any Foreign Policy advisers or if it he planned to meet with the leaders of brexit because they were making some of the same arguments that trump was making. Its clear from watching the top of his News Conference thats highly unlikely and probably didnt travel with them. How i would have planned this trip, its beautiful. He seems calm, which is always a good thing. I would have had had 4ihim fly over with somebody like Richard Haass or someone to brief him about the significance of this decision and then have had him meet with some of the messengers. Sorry, i said someone like you. Someone with expertise on what this decision means. I thought you were referring to golf. You could golf. But he should have landed and met with people who were for brexit for some of the same reasons hes running for president. The Clinton Campaign, this is something of a warning. What this does show is the same things were talking about here. Theres so much unhappiness about globalization, job loss that the need to address that kind of concern in the population about education, training, growing debates about income guarantees about people in the society. I think this whole set of issues is going to come front and center. And these two candidates are going to have to address these concerns beyond whether youre against tpp. Theres much more profound concerns. I think this is going to become a big part of the campaign. The bbc and other groups this morning with some of the people who voted to leave and what a lot of them are saying is im in shock too. I u never actually expected this to happen. Im not sure i even want this. I cast my vote as a protest vote and wasnt thinking about the consequences. Its almost like a divorce where you have someone who storms out in a fit and say im going to show him or her and they have to live with the messy consequences later. Theres going to be a lot over the next few weeks as people realize what this means and what this also shows to america is sometimes people go to the polls and they dont vote and what we might think in a rational way may cause the protest vote without realizing the consequences. The challenge for the Clinton Campaign if it they want to fight donald trump effectively will be to show the consequences of him. His poll numbers will not go down by anything hes done on this trip. A lot of people who support him or are open to him think the less he talks about his campaign and politics the better for him. If the last message he delivered was the speech he did his first takedown of clinton, im not suggesting this hurts him. Im suggesting this falls in the category of a huge missed opportunity. He said at the top as he stepped to the microphones this is one of the big votes in the history of europe. He acknowledged it. He wished everyone luck. One other note. You might have seen as we went live to the press conference the secret service excourting a protester. That was a Protester Holding golf balls with swastikas and the secret service pulled him away before donald stepped to the microphones there. Were at the top of the hour. 7 00 in the morning here on the east coast. If youre just waking up, the uk has voted to leave the eu by a more gin of 52 to 48 . We had live coverage of Donald Trumps press conference. We hoped to bring you news. He referenced it off the top briefly, but went into a sales pitch for his new golf course there. Lets reset for people just waking up. The implications of this vote in the uk. Theres implications for the uk itself. I actually believe this is likely to lead to the disUnited Kingdom. This will set in motion a series of referendum on the argument they want to stay in europe rather than the uk. Tremendous implications. Even more profound for europe. Youll no longer have britains voice. It will leave germany that much more alone. It raises questions about the momentum of three quarters of a century project called europe. You really think that stops being a special relationship . It already has. This will accelerate the trend where britain wont have the capacity. It will become much more littling and parochial. Whatever the financial implications, which could be deep and broad and lasting, i actually think they are not nearly significant as the political consequences of this. Those will be much more enduring. This is akin o to the fall of the berlin wall but not in a good way. It has the potential to create domino effects and basically redraw the map. We talked about that in the last hour. Could you talk about it . The effective contagion here on this vote on the rest of europe. Already were e seeing Financial Markets and real turmoil. The question is are they going to start seizing up in a way that could hurt financial institutions. Its really about political con ta u on. We have seen the populous saying we in the netherlands want a referendum as well. We have had the head of the french party saying we want to vote in france. People are starting to talk about frexit. As the uk started this referendum, the uk was not the country it was when the commission was the most unpopular. The uk was in the middle of that leave. There are other countries where the commission is even more unpopular and france is one of those. Lets lay out just what happened overnight. The uk has vote d in favor of leaving the European Union. 52 there to leave and 48 to remain. 1. 3 million votes separated the two sides with 72 voter turnout. Only yesterday a snapshot of polls showed voters favoring remaining. One of the richest economies will be leaving. Donald trump, were told, lets pause here. Now addressing this vote and taking questions from the media. I u think i see a big parallel. I think people really see a big parallel. A lot of people are talking about that. Not only the United States but other countries. People want to take their country back. They want to have independence in a sense. You see it with europe. Youre going to have more than just, in my opinion, more than just what happened last night. Youre going to have many other cases where they want to take their borders back. They want to take their monetary back. They want to take a lot of things back. They want to be able to have a country again. I think youre going to have this happen more and more. I think its happening in the United States. Its happening by the fact that i have done so well in the polls. You look at the recent polling. You look at the swing states and how im doing. I havent even started my campaign yet essentially. We have done very well. Were raising a lot of money for the republican party. Im going to be funding a lot myself, but were raising a lot of money for the republican party. Youll see those numbers in the next 30 days and 60 days. The numbers last week was just a start. But we have raised a lot of money. Especially coming in from small donors. Youll be amazed when you see the kind of numbers we were talking about because i was amazed. That will be reported fairly soon. I do see a parallel between whats happening in the United States and whats happening here. People want to see borders. They dont necessarily want people pouring into their country. They dont e know who they are and where they come from. They have no idea. And i think it won by a bigger margin than people thought it would have. How would your administration approach the brexit . You have to embrace it. Its the will of the people. That wins out. Nobody knows. More people are coming to turnberry. The pound has gone down. Lets see what the impact will be. Places like scotland and england and different places in Great Britain. Youre going to see a lot of activity. The pound got high and people werent able to do what they wanted to do. But for traveling and other things, i think it could very well turn out to be a positive. Nobody really knows. Youll know in about five years. Youll be able to analyze it and maybe it will take longer than that. They have taken back their independence. Thats a very, very important thing. Are you traveling with Foreign Policy advisers . Are you trying to find out what the best way . I have been in touch with them, but theres nothing to talk about. I have been saying that i would prefer what happened. I thought this would be a good thing. It will turn out to be a good thing. Ultimately i think it will be a good thing. And i have been in touch. Some dont like it and some do like it. They are like everybody else. They probably know less. Somebody said you should use advisers that have been really hot for the last five years. I said, really . I think i want to use ones that havent been involved. Go ahead, katy. With this vote, they are standing in europe will certainly be diminished. Will they u still be the first call for you for the u. S. When we need help . First call or second call, they will be a very powerful call. Its going to be a great relationship. They will be great allies. Thap always have been. Zero will change on that square. Its never been a better ally. I think nothing will change. Mr. Trump . Do you believe that the u. S. Should move immediately to renegotiate trade deals with the uk or like president obama has said should the uk now move to the back of the line in light of the brexit vote . President obama did say, i guess, that they should move to the back of the line. That wouldnt happen with me. The uk has been such a great ally for so long. They will always be at the front of the line. They have been amazing allies in good times and in bad times. Sometimes they make mistakes together, but they have always been great allies. So i will tell you i think that i was very surprised when i heard president obama say that. And i think he said that because he thought for sure it was going to stay together. But it didnt stay together. And i felt it wouldnt stay together. I think thats whats happening in the United States. Its not staying together, its a positive force taking place. They want to take their country back. The people want their country back. We dont want to lose our jobs. We dont want to lose our borders. We have had hard working people that havent had a real wage increase in 18 years. So they are working harder now and less money. Just a quick follow up. The treasury secretary and fed chairwoman said they expect this if the brexit was successful to have a negative impact on the u. S. Economy. Are you worried about that . They dont know. Were going to have to see how it plays out. What i like is that i love to see people that i can their country back. Thats whats happening in the United States. You see that. And thats whats happening in many other places in the world. They are tired of it. They want to take their countries back. This isnt such a phenomenon that people are saying. It was a little surprising because polls indicate d it probably wouldnt happen. The first thing i asked that. It was fairly close, but it wasnt that close. So well see what happens. Youre taking your country back. Youre going to let people you want into your country. People you dont want or people you dont think are going to be appropriate for your country or good for your country, youre not going to have to take. Europe, like the United States, has made tremendous mistakes over the last period of time. You look at germany and some of the things that are happening, there have been tremendous mistakes that have been made. I think its going to be a good thing but it will take time. Your campaign has gotten global attention. All over the world people know who donald trump is. Do you think anything you said in the United States influenced voters here in britain when it comes to leeing the eu . If i said yes, total influence, theyll say thats terrible. His ego is terrible so ill never say that. Id like to give you that one, but i cant say that. The question was what do i think . I gave my opinion a few times, but i also said i really dont want people to listen to it. Because its not me, its about them. Its their country. But my opinion is that what happened should have happened. And i think theyll end up being stronger for it and control everything about their country. Davidameron said you were wrong when you proposed banning musli muslims. Did you think he was right to resign . I like David Cameron. He had a couple rough statements, but thats okay. I think David Cameron is a good man. He was wrong on this. He didnt get the mood of his country right. He was surprised to see what happened. But hes a good man and felt that way. Probably did the right thing. But well see what happens. But i like David Cameron. Do you think following your arguments about sovereignty, should scotland have its independence . Thats up to the people of scotland. We have been through this. I leave it up to the people. I love the people of scotland. Thats why i built one of the great golf courses of the world. That question has to be addressed to the people. It was a very close vote. I dont know people want to go through that again. I was here when they were going through that vote. I didnt take sides, but it was a nasty period. And i cant imagine they go through that again, but the people of scotland may speak differently. About europe and other countries, would you support the breakup of the European Union because that seems to be what would happen. It looks like its on its way. I can tell you i have a lot of friends living in germany that have always been very proud germans. To a level that you wouldnt believe. They would be bragging about their country as though there was no other place. They are members of different places that i have. And you know whats happening in germany. Its a real problem. These are people that were very proud germans that were beyond belief. And now they are talking about leaving germany u. You see the problems in germany. You can see it happening. I have no opinion, but i could see it happening. I saw this happening. I would read what was happening here. And i could see things happening in germ des moines, iowa. I hope they straighten out the situation because it can become a nasty situation. Building safe zones in syria, great idea. Building safe zones, magnificent, safe as can be, but when youre taking them into the United States by the thousands and dont know who they are, when youre taking them into germany and other countries, all you have to do is look around. Look around the world and see whats happening. How does a leader unite people . Unite people by having a happy country. When people pour into the country, it doesnt work. Whether its because of crime or various other things. Youre not going to be uniting anybody. Germany people want to leave. I would never in a million years have said these people want to leave. They are going to be leaving. So you cant unite a country by forcing things down the peoples throats. Thats what happened here. If anything, i have Big Investments over in europe. I own dunebeg, which is a e phenomenal hotel. One of the most highly rated in all of europe. Its got a golf course on this large 500acre parse sell of listened on the atlantic ocean. I own turnberry. I own aberdeen. Im going to stop at alababerde. I have to go back and campaign chrks i actually love doing. But really i want to support my children who have poured their hearts and souls into this development. I think you understand. Speaking of campaigning, people in the states are saying did you really have to be here for this . Yeah, because i support my children. You mentioned that you paid for turnberry without any debt. Now youre a politician. Does it bug you to have to pick up the phone and ask people to donate to your campaign. Yeah, i dont like doing it. Again, im an honest politician. Probably one of the few. Tom is asking does it bother me when youre raising money, im raising this money for the republican party. Its something i have never done. I have always contributed money to lots of people. A lot of Campaign Contributions over the year. Once i ran, i became an outsider. I dont like doing that, but i have done that. We have had amazing weeks. Last week i was in houston. We had tremendous lines. I made a speech and the lines were actually on abc they reported, they followed the lines all the way to the highways. I have never seen anything like that. And then dallas where we had a similar thing. But we also had fundraisers. I sit with 20 people and we talk and they all hand you checks. And i feel i have an obligation to do that. And the numbers are going to be quite staggering. Especially in july. One of the great financiers. I chose him and he wanted to do this. Dont forget we just started this process a few weeks ago. The first filing was for a limited period of time and it was almost before we started. The nirms for the small donations are coming in at its beyond anything that we thought. But well be reporting in june. Especially the july report i think will show you some pretty massive numbers. Donald trump speaking at turnberry at his governmegolf c. Finally getting around in the question period to talking about the brexit vote. Saying he sees big parallels to what happened in that vote and whats happening in america. He says the uk has voted to take its borders back, to have a country again echoing theme he is uses in his Campaign Speeches as well. He believes were going to see this happen more and more across europe and the world. He says this vote is the will of the people much as we have seen here in the United States. He answered the question we had. Katy tur if he brought Foreign Policy adviser z and he said theres nothing to talk about. Were going to talk about this and much more including the future of his campaign with senator Bernie Sanders. He will join us onset after this. There are two billion people who dont have access to basic banking, but that is changing. At temenos, with the microsoft cloud, we can enable a banker to travel to the most remote locations with nothing but a phone and a tablet. Everywhere where theres a phone, you have a bank. Now a person is able to start a business, and employ somebody for the first time. The microsoft cloud helped us to bring banking to ten Million People in just two years. Its transforming our world. Try cool mint zantac. Hey, need fast heartburn relief . It releases a cooling sensation in your mouth and throat. Zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. Nexium can take 24 hours. Try cool mint zantac. No pill relieves heartburn faster. You do all this research on a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. Your Insurance Company raises your rates. Maybe you shouldve done more research on them. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Liberty mutual insurance. The british people voted to leave the European Union and their will must be respected. The economy is strong. I fought this campaign in the only way i know how, which is to say directly and passionately what i think and feel. Head had, heart and soul. I held nothing back. I was clear about my belief that britain is stronger, safer and better off inside the yaurpen union. Negotiation with the European Union will need to begin under a new Prime Minister. And i think its right that this new Prime Minister takes the decision about when to trigger and start the Legal Process of leaving the eu. Historic morning as british Prime Minister David Cameron announces he will step down in three months time in the wake of the vote. The numbers just in overnight. The uk voting to leave the European Union. Joining us is president ial candidate senator Bernie Sanders of vermont. Good to see you. Your reaction to the vote . Did the people make the right call here . I dont live in Great Britain, but what worries me is the breaking down of international cooperation. Europe in the 21st century, the kind of bloodshed was unimaginable. On the other hand, what this vote is about is an indication that the Global Economy is not working for everybody. Its not working in the United States for everybody and its not working in the uk for everybody. When you see investors going to china and shutting down factories and laying off over a period of many years, millions of people are saying Global Economy may be great for some people and not for e me. E we need to create a situation where theres more international cooperation. We put an end to these horrific wars we have seefr own the years, but we do not forget about the people left behind and make sure we have jobs and health care for all of our people. Based off what you said, thats withdraw from the uk . Ill let the people make the decision. Turning back to our countrys broiling politics, are you going to vote for Hillary Clinton in november . Yes, i think the issue right here is im going to do everything i can to defeat donald trump. I think trump in so many ways will be a disaster for this country, if he were to be lelkted president. We do not need a president whose cornerstone of his campaign is bigotry. Is is insulting mexicans and latinos and women, who does not believe in the reality of Climate Change when virtually every scientist understands we have a global crisis. This is not somebody who should become president. What my job right now is is to fight for the strongest possible platform in the Democratic Convention and as we speak in st. Louis, thats going on right now. That means a platform that stands up to big money interest and thats what were trying to do. So your vote will be a vote for Hillary Clinton or against donald trump . What i am trying to do right now is to make sure that the Democratic Party becomes the party that represents working people, not wall street. That is prepared to have an agenda that speaks to the need of creating millions of jobs, raising the minimum wage, dealing with Climate Change. Those are the issues that we need to have not only in a platform, but we need democratic leadership to be implemented. Just to put a button, youll vote for Hillary Clinton, which means you wont vote for yourself . Im pretty good at math. What i know is Hillary Clinton has more pledge delegates than i do and she has a lot more superdelegates that i do. What i also know is were bringing 1900 delegates into the convention that we have received 13 million votes. What im going to be doing right now, im starting this afternoon and heading to syracuse for an event this evening. We are going to be urging millions of people to get involved in the political process. You may recall last week i did a speech on the internet. I said get involved. Run for school board, run for city council, run for state legislation. You know how many people responded . 20,000 people. What we want to do is reinvigorate the Democratic Party. Bring new blood in and have a party that represents working people. If you have accepted the math of the race and realize shes likely to become the nominee, why not withdraw from the race . Why would i want to do that when i want to fight to make sure we have the best platform that we possibly can, win the most delegates that we can and that we transform the goal of our campaign was to transform this nation. The disunity isnt putting her at a disadvantage against donald trump . You talk about disunity, i u talk about people in the political process and wanting to have a government and party that represents all of us. When you have disunity, what were talking about is kids cant afford to go to college or leaving college in debt. People dying because they dont get to the doctor when they should. We have 47 Million People living in poverty. What we want is a government that represents all of us and thats what i intend to fight for. So ive been writing about you off and on and listening to your voice off and on. I u know that, mike. For years and years you have been talking about the same issues consistently for 50 years. And now in your president ial campaign, you just referenced it, peoples needs, jobs leaving this country. It seems today and yesterdays vote is another indication this tide of globalization that cannot be stopped. Millions of people in this country and in europe basically asking themselves where do i fit in this Going Forward . Where do they fit . Thats the right question. Thats the question that we should be always asking and ive asked 20 years ago. I was in indiana a few months ago. Two factories there being shut down. Very profitable corporation moving to mexico. What do you think the people feel about globalization . What we have to do is create an economy this is not that hard, that works for all of us. Not just the people on top. Free trade may be good for multinational corporations. Its not good for the middle class and many workers. We have to shape trade policies and you can do that. American workers in my view should not have to compete against people in vietnam to make 65 cents an hour. Thats my view. Most people agree with that. Does that mean to say we build a wall around america . Thats absolutely not what i am saying. Trade is a good thing. International cooperation is imperative. But you have to Pay Attention to the work iing people in this country. Not just to the ceos who love these things and write these trade agreements. A lot more to talk about. A very quick break and much more with senator Bernie Sanders, right after this. Lets feed him to the sharks squuuuack, lets feed him to the sharks yay and take all of his gold and take all of his gold ya and hide it from the crew ya. . Squuuuack, theyre all morons anyway i never said that. They all smell bad too. No you all smell wonderful i smell bad if youre a parrot, you repeat things. Its what you do. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. Squuuuack, its what you do. Hey kevin. Hey, fancy seeing you here. Uh, i live right over there actually. Youve been to my place. No, i wasnt. Oh look, you dropped something. Its your resume with a 20 dollar bill taped to it. Thats weird. You want to work for ge too. Hahaha, what . Well were always looking for developers who are up for big world changing challenges like making planes, trains and hospitals run better. Why dont you check your new watch and tell me what time i should be there. Oh, i dont hire people. Im a developer. Im gonna need monday off. Again, not my call. In the country have in common . Many of them now call Cancer Treatment centers of america home. Expert medicine works here. Find out why at cancer center. Com. Cancer Treatment Centers of america. We are back with Bernie Sanders. I was watching your speech last night in new york city. You said something that jumped out to me. You said never lose your sense of outrage. What did you mean by that in a specific way . We walk down the streets and see people sleeping out on the streets. We know that it there are schools in this country where more people who leave those schools will end up in jail than will graduate college. We have grotesque level of income and wealth inequality. This is outrageous, outrageous and no american should accept that. And what we have to do is fight for a country that works for all of us. This is not utopian thinking. We have the technology and the wealthed to that. Why are we the only country that doesnt garn e tee health care. Are we too dumb . Why do we not do what germany does and make sure we have free tuition at colleges and universities. Thats a good investment for america. Why do we have the highest rate of childhood poverty. These are things we should be outraged at. And yet for a variety of reasons, those issues are pushed aside and were told how wonderful everything is. Its not wonderful if youre a working person. Let me ask you if i could two economic questions. You alluded to the carrier in indiana. Given that both of you have identified this as the kind of thing that shouldnt happen in america, heres one solution. I suspect you might have a different solution. What would you do about the problem of a carrier type plant moving to mexico . I think you need to develop a trade policy that says if you want to shut down in america, you want to pay people 3 an hour in mexico, youre not going to bring your products back to this country. By the way isnt that what donald trump says . Its not a new idea. Im just asking. In it terms of technologies, they get about 5 billion a year in defense contracts. And maybe the president sits down and says, you know what, if you want to benefit from defense contracts, you might be a good citizen and you might take the needs of the American Worker into consideration. Hillary clinton gave an economic speech a couple days ago where she talked about no student should graduate from a Public School with debt. Some of the things youre saying. Do you feel shes moved your way . Has she moved your way enough . The devil is in the details. I believe that in the year 2016 when you talk about Public Education it should mean that public colleges and universities are tuition free. There are other things that you can do. Thats what i want to see happen. Has Hillary Clinton taken some of the positions or moved to some degree where we are in terms of the tpp, the keystone pipeline, maybe in terms of social security, yeah, i think she has to some degree, but nowhere near as far as we need to go. We just played before you got here a clip from Donald Trumps press Conference Live from scotland. He says many of the same things there he says here. What do you hear when he says, quote, people want to take their country back again, unquote. What do you hear . I hear a phoney. I hear a multibillionaire. I hear a man who will say anything to try to get votes and i have zero respect for anybody who tries to get votes by insulting mexicans or muslims or women. So i think you have a political opportunist of the worst kind. I dont think he believes in anything. I would not i have used this word. If you know me well enough, i dont go around attacking personally other people. Hes a pathological liar. Thats not just me saying that. Its the media who covers him. He says one thing one day and says the next day Something Else. 55 of your supporters have said that should you not be the nominee, they will support Hillary Clinton. Do you have a higher number than that . Do you want 100 of your supporters to get behind . What will you do to move that number up if thats one of your goals . My major goal is to make sure trump does not become president of the United States. My other major goal right now is to make sure that we have a stronger house and senate as possible. Im going to do everything i can that they regain control and win as many seats in the house. And by the way, we create a movement. What were trying to do now is to create a movement within the Democratic Party of progressives who are going to run for election from the school board on up to the United States congress. A lot of democrats have said could he not simultaneously continue the movement, supporting candidates and support Hillary Clinton as the nominee. Why dont you go at it that way . We are in discussions, frankly, with the clinton camp. And it would be of no great shock to you what we want from them is to be very strong on a number of issues. On policy. On policy issues, absolutely. Id like her to say, yeah public colleges and universities should be tuition free. Can we do other things, yeah. I would like to see her move us closer. Shes not going to adopt my view of medicare, but i would like to see her go a lot further than she has in making sure that were moving toward a day in the very near future where all of our people have health care as a right, not a privilege. As we leave, i want to play one thing. I dont know if you saw this one thing, an eighth grader from the chicago area at his High School Graduation did an impersonation of all the president ial candidates, including you. Jimmy fallon invited him on his show. Heres jack doing Bernie Sanders. It was just fantastic to be here. Its just fantastic. Isnt it beautiful . Isnt it terrific . Down boy, down. Easy, boy. Little donald, i have an idea. Lets prank call hillary. You pretend to be Bernie Sanders. Hello, secretary clinton, this is senator Bernie Sanders. Is your refrigerator running . Well so am i. And im never, ever dropping out. Genius. Thats genius. Where did you learn all these amazing impressions . Trump university, which is terrific by the way. Just so you know. How is jacks Bernie Sanders. Thats pretty good. If youre not laughing, youre crying. Bernie sanders, we appreciate your time. Thank you for being here. Well be right back with more morning joe. Getting faster. Huh . Detecting threats faster, responding faster, recovering faster. When your securitys built in not just bolted on, and you protect the data and not just the perimeter, you get faster. Wow, speed kills. 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Hes real, authentic and believed the same things for 40 years. Hes real, authentic and im not saying this as a partisan. The problem is his numbers dont add up. Free tuition for everybody at all Public Schools is not something thats in fiscal reality for us. Nor necessary because there are a lot of people whose kids can afford to go to school. How many politicians have we had on here when you ask them what do you hear when you hear donald trump saying you want to make the country great again or whatever it is he says. The answer is, well, i think hes a pathological liar. How many other politicians are going to say that flat out . Its rare in politics. The dynamic between him and Hillary Clinton remains fascinating. Hes not going to roll over. Hes not there yet. Why should he . Because in pennsylvania hillary and trump are tied. That might be why. He has some leverage. Coming up next, our political roundtable. Keep it on joe yoe. Morning joe. 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I think trump in so many ways will be a disaster for this country, if he were to be elected president. We do not need a president whose cornerstone of his campaign is bigotry, is insulting mexicans and latinos and muslims and women, who does not believe in the reality of Climate Change when every scientist who studied this issue understands we have a global crisis. This is not somebody who should become president. Bernie sanders just a couple minutes ago sitting right there in that very chair saying he will vote for Hillary Clinton if it means keeping donald trump out of the white house. Joining us from capitol hill is kasie hunt and in washington st. Covering the sanders campaign, as you listen to that interview, what is interesting is hes not there to offer his support unless some conditions are met. I think thats right, willie. Its not clear to me ultimately what Bernie Sanders gets out of doing this over the course of the next couple of weeks. Weve talked about the leverage that hes looking for and whether or not this extends it. But i think the longer this drags on, and its clear from this interview that the newsy part being he said he would vote for Hillary Clinton. Hes also hinted that hell endorse her but without suspending his campaign before the convention. Weve seen democrats unify very effectively. But i think if this continues this way, there are some risks, particularly in philadelphia. You already have all of these protest permits being put in for sanders supporters to protest the convention in philadelphia. That could easily turn into a spectacle depending on how he lands this. What we saw in the uk last night, i think does help vindicate some of what Bernie Sanders has been saying. And i thought it was really interesting when you were talking about donald trump and what donald trump has had to say this morning. And you pressed Bernie Sanders a little bit to say, isnt that exactly trumps position that you hold . Sanders said, thats fine. We need to care more about American Workers. Weve talked about the similarities driving the sanders anger among sanders voters and the anger among trump voters. You saw kind of a Global Recognition of that in the uk and i do think its a cautionary tale for the Clinton Campaign. This is nicolle. Connect the dots between the brexit vote, the sanders base and the trump voter. When you take a look at who voted for what in britain yesterday, it was less educated people who voted to leave. It was less well off people who voted to leave. Older people who voted to leave. And people who had not benefited from whats happened in the southeast of england. Sometimes we overdraw comparisons with the United States. Imagine instead of 8 Million People new york had 35 Million People and one quarter of the entire gdp of the country. The concentration of the wealth and influence and new affluence in britain in just one part of the country has left many of the cities in the rest of the country stripped of assets, not really places with much of a future. Bernie sanders, i think, would compare those places in england to similar places in northern indiana, michigan, northern illinois, southern wisconsin and say, look, were both suffering from this same thing. Unfettered capitalism is not good for the American Worker. He might as well have that carved on his tombstone or tattooed on his bicep. Thats really what this is all about. What about trump . Trump shares the same message on trade as Bernie Sanders. Well, yes and no. Yes exact same. And they both promise protectionism. They share the exact same message on trade. I think if both of them would read the north American Free trade act, Bernie Sanders because hes a legislator and someone who understands what the law says, would know that you cant just simply slap tariffs on air conditioners coming from northern mexico because weve agreed that you cant do that. I dont know if donald trump is as aware of how the law works, and what americas obligations are under nafta. Steve . Look, i think these are all good analogies and relationships and points we should explore and have been exploring, but just to take a slightly different view or lay Something Else out there, i dont think its a perfect analogy. Britain chose to leave a dysfunctional organization that was not committing unfettered capitalism. It was committing more fettered capitalism. Britain was performing as an economy far better than the continent of europe which they left. Some of these same issues certainly around immigration, things are prevalent, but i wouldnt want to get too much into a rut of saying, theyre very much the same phenomenon because i think they are somewhat difficult. What the brexit vote was was the first opportunity coming down the pipe for the british people to register their frustration, their concerns, their anger. If Something Else had come down the pike, if there had been a bi election or federal election, this would have been their vehicle. And this turned out to be the vehicle. They had an election a couple of years ago and cameron won. That was a couple of years popping things have clearly changed. The question for us is in november, to what extent the election is simply about the candidates or really a referendum on peoples frustration with the status quo, where the country is and where its hitting. That will have real consequences. Do you think brexit voters wake up in december or january with a hangover and say, we did what . Well, look, theres a lot of wood to chop. We dont really know. What the brexit voters were saying was they want their country back. They dont want to be ruled by brussels. They want to be able to control their borders. They dont want anyone who lives anyone in the eu to automatically be able to come and be a citizen of britain. This is the way theyre pressing themselves. The devil will be in the details in how smoothly or detailed the entanglement will be. A poll came out around two weeks ago and what it showed is a lot of people didnt have a lot of the facts right about britains relationship with the eu and what they thought brexit would accomplish. My guess is this is very much, theres going to be a haungover. A lot of voters remorse because they didnt want to set in motion all these trends. They simply wanted to send a message, and this is much more than that. Weve got a lot more to talk about. Kasie, ray, thank you. President obamas former top economic adviser Austin Goolsby on what the brexit vote in the uk cowl meuld mean for the amer economy. And donald trump talks about his golf course and hotel before getting down to the brexit vote. Well talk more about that when morning joe comes back. E power to turn back time so lets restart the show that started at nine and while were at it, lets give you back your do and give her back the guy she liked before you hey, thats the power to turn back time. vo get the ultimate allincluded bundle. Call 1800directv. I have an orcogram we for an owen. E. Thats me. You should hire stacy drew. She wants to change the world with you. She can program jet engines to talk and such. Her biggest weakness is she cares too much. Thank you. My friend really wants a job at ge. Mine too. Im a wise elf from a far off shire. And sanjay patel is who you should hire. Thank you. 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Inside the lighthouse right now are incredible suites. They are two of the most beautiful suites youll see. Sometimes you have waves literally crashing on to this piece of land. Its one of the most beautiful sites youll see. Now youre hitting out over the ocean, and just to the right of the lighthouse you have a green, and a lot of people think this will be the greatest par 3 anywhere in the world. And we have then number 11 which is a spectacular hole. What weve done is what everybody has wanted to do for many, many decades. Im sorry. Its a really important day, but the suites. Every time he talks about the suites. Its the top of the hour. We witness live to donald trump at turnbury scotland, the new golf course hes opening. The people voted to leave the eu. This is one of the big votes in the history of europe and wished everyone good luck and then went on the long rant about the golf course and took questions later. Well bring you some of his reaction. Just the way it started threw me because some people think the world has changed forever after this vote and before we heard about the parallels to whats happening in this country, we heard about the two amazing suites, and it just threw me. Im still grappling with it. As someone who has run a president ial campaign, it threw your mind. He was asked if he brought any Foreign Policy advisers with him to talk through what weve been talking about and he said, no, there was nothing to talk about. The uk has voted to leave the eu. An historic vote overnight. 52 to 48 . And Prime Minister David Cameron says he will resign as the country moves forward. The result of the referendum trigger something fallout in Financial Markets around the globe. Good morning. Its friday, june 24th. Joe and mika have the morning off. With us, former Communications Director for george w. Bush, nico nicole wan nicolle wallace, Mike Barnicle and steve rattner. And washington anchor are in bbc news america katty kay. A couple of hours ago as we came on the air and this was unfolding you expressed your surprise speaking for a lot of people in the uk. Put it in a nutshell for us. Look, this changes britain and europe potentially forever. This is not an election that well revisit in four or five years time. Its a oneoff referendum. Britain has voted to leave the European Union. Having been part of some form of European Union for nearly all of my lifetime, since 1973, and the truth is we dont really know what the fallout will be for the british economy, for National Security, for terrorism issues for the relationship between the u. S. And the uk. And youre seeing that financial that uncertainty reflected in Financial Markets this morning. The pound fell dramatically. Stocks are down. Banking stocks are down. And the truth is Financial Markets and the betting markets in the uk got it wrong. They thought britain would vote to stay in the European Union because the prospect of leaving, they felt, was unthinkable. They were wrong. The polls that showed this narrow were much closer and the leave camp has won. This is a very divided country that ive woken up to in london this morning and how those divisions, that bitterness gets resolved here in britain is a big challenge for the uk and reflects what might happen in the u. S. In november where youll have people disappointed whichever way that vote goes. And someone has to bring them together. Someone is going to have to try to heal some of the wounds. Now begins the unwinding. Take a couple of years probably. What are the real world implications for the uk but also for europe . The uk will suffer economically. It will be small. It will become more parochial. I also worry very much the uk will not remain the United Kingdom for long. Weve seen the leadership in scotland and Northern Ireland call for referenda. In this case the argument is we prefer to stay in europe more than britain is likely to prevail. Youll end up with a country. The question of german dominance, visavis the rest of europe becomes an awkward significance plus the copycats of this vote. Other political leaders are going to be calling for much of the same. What countries do you think will do this . I think right wing forces in france, conceivably italy. If you look at politics there. The netherlands weve already seen. It could gain momentum. Eu officials, if history is any guide, rather than offering a reform agenda are going to be really tough and say were not going to let others go down the path of the british. Were going to treat the brits badly, so i dont think its going to stop it. I dont think the eu is going to address some of the flaws. Can i say one thing about David Cameron the Prime Minister. Thats one of the Immediate Impacts. Do both of you think it was a mistake for him to announce he was resigning. He didnt have to do this. He chose to do this. Hes talking about resigning. Im sorry. Yeah, hes going to resign in october. Calling for the vote, this will be his legacy. Hell oversee the dismantling of his country. History will judge the idea of having the brexit vote. Whats was the other could have hung tough. Nothing new. You could have stared them down and said you dont want to work with me . Fine. He obviously assumed he was going to win. He committed the cardinal mistake of any politician. He misread his population. His last two elections have been hard fought. He had a Coalition Government and wanted to win outright. This referendum was a colossal mistake. He thought it would help him stay in power without having to have a Coalition Government. Even if he had, it wouldnt have ended the debate. I think and richard alluded to this, the consequences for europe could be in some ways worse than they are for britain because europe, there have been a series of referenda in europe over various aspects of the european project. Theyve not always passed by large margins. Theyve been defeated in many countries and europe is a mess. Doubledigit unemployment, very slow growth. A lot of people blaming the common currency and the pseudointegration that isnt really integration going on. Youll see enormous stresses and strains. At least as great as the ones with Northern Ireland or scotland. Markets here in the u. S. Set to follow the intense selloff. Lets go to Business Correspondent Olivia Stearns live at the new york stock exchange. How bad is it going to be today . Good morning, willie. Right now wall street bracing for a bloodbath here. A lot of traders have been up overnight watching as billions of dollars in value have been wiped off stock markets worldwide. Right now u. S. Futures are set to open about 500 points lower. I spoke to one trader who is expecting to see the highest volume in two to three years. A lot of panic out there right now in the markets. The biggest problem of all is this creates so much uncertainty and that is what is toxic for economic growth. Olivia sterns, thanks so much. Im sure well be back to you as markets begin to open. Donald trump had a press conference in scotland. We showed you talking about his golf course. In a question and answer session he addressed at some length the vote in the uk today. Lets listen. Hillary clinton has made it clear she prefer they vote remain. What does this show you about how Hillary Clinton has misread the world and since shes a former secretary of state, what does that say about her shes misread everything. She misread this. And i was surprised she was so bold the only reason she did it is because obama wanted. If obama said leave, she would have said leave. She does whatever he wants her to do. Now you know why, but thats okay. We dont have to get into that. But i was very surprised that president obama would have come over here and been so bold as to tell the people over here what to do. I think a lot of people dont like him, and a lot of people if he had not said it, i think your result might have been different. Joining us from scotland, site of that press conference, katy tur. Trump talked about a lot of the language in his own campaign in referring to this vote. He saw big parallels to whats happening here in the United States. The uk voted to take its borders back, to have a country again. This is all the rhetoric weve become familiar with here in the u. S. I asked him if he believed this vote to leave the eu was essentially an endorsement of his rhetoric hes been using on the campaign trail which at times has been extreme. An endorsement of his idea to build a wall and to ban muslims from coming into this country. He sort of danced around the answer to that but did say he sees parallels between what is happening here and what is happening at home. Ultimately this vote was decided on the issue of immigration. Fears that immigrants were going to come into the uk and take jobs. Theres been an eu recession for some time and more and more immigrants from europe have been coming into the United Kingdom. Also fears about the refugee crisis. Who is coming in to europe and who would ultimately be coming in to the uk. Thats the same thing that donald trump has been hitting on the campaign trail over and over and over again that immigrants should not be coming into this country unless they are legal, our country, the United States, and there might be a trojan horse among all the refugees that would come into the u. S. We should note its a twoyear process before any refugee can enter the United States so its not quite the same thing as what we are seeing across europe right now. He also seemed to endorse the idea of the European Union disbanding as a whole. Mentioning his german friends who dont like seeing refugees come into their country. He also talked about the british pound because its gone down this morning. He says its not necessarily a bad thing because more tourists would be coming to his property in turnberry. Not entirely sure how that answer is going to play in the british press, especially as people are certainly very worried about their 401 k s. He also said there were parallels. And most interestingly, i think, willie, he said this all in scotland. This is a part of the uk that voted overwhelmingly to stay in the European Union. He seemed not to realize that as he was talking about the values of leaving the eu. And finally, as for David Cameron, he said that he is a good man that just misread the mood of his country. Katy, i want to ask about two other things he said. I was so discombobulated by the fact he started this by promoting his properties is exactly what his supporters love about him. Hes a businessman. He said im here to support my children who are running his business. And i think its possible that were missing this all over again. Hes there promoting and strengthening his businesses. His supporters see him as someone who can promote and strengthen the United States of america. Does that come through . Thats the way hes always described it when weve asked him multiple times whether this is more of a branding campaign rather than a campaign to be a civil servant. Hes brushed that off and he said that im going to make the country great like i make my golf course here in turnberry or like i have trump tower in new york. Hes used those as sign posts for his ability for his success. That has worked very well. As you said, weve seen it. Its worked very well during the primaries. I dont know if we can say that its going to continue working in that way. Hes getting a lot more concentrated heat right now. Not just from Hillary Clinton, but from people who just dont believe that he has the qualities necessary or the experience necessary to run the United States. At some point they believe it will be quite glaring that hes continuing to bring reporters and cameras and all the attention it brings to various property. This is the ninth bankrupproper. Tomorrow will be the tenth property. Hes also asked by donors and gop operatives not come. They dont like the optics of this. It might not be something that the voters see but ultimately, he needs money to fund this campaign and is having a hard time raising it. And part of the issue is that donors dont like what hes doing. They dont believe hes running a traditional campaign, obviously, but a campaign that they can easily sign their name on to with their dollars and be in fec records. Thats the big problem hes having. I would mention he told me he didnt take his Foreign Policy advisers with this despite knowing this vote was coming today. He said he was going to talk to them by phone. Who was here, though, was the chief finance officer essentially. His chief financier steve menuchin. Which is interesting. Why is he not back at home trying to raise money . Donald trump said flatly im here to support my children seeming annoyed on the questions about that. If you book the lighthouse sweet for Mike Barnicle. The two most luxurious suites in the world are in the lighthouse. We laugh at our dogleg right par 4. His voters and his supporters love this about him. This is like shark tank takes over the white house. This is like running the country like a business and a whole lot of voters think that would be a vast improvement from what we have. Hanging in the balance after last nights vote who will leave t lead the United Kingdom Going Forward. The british people have voted to leave the European Union and their will must be respected. I would reassure those markets and investors that britains economy is fundamentally strong. I fought this campaign in the only way i know how, which is to say directly and passionately what i think and feel. Head, heart and soul. I held nothing back. I was absolutely clear about my belief that britain is stronger, safer and better off inside the European Union. A negotiation with the European Union will need to begin under a new Prime Minister. And i think its right that this new Prime Minister takes the decision about when to trigger article 50 and start the formal and Legal Process of leaving the eu. Im thrilled that weve done this. I believe the other big effect of this election is not whats happened in britain but what will happen in the rest of europe. The arrerest of the eu. An opinion poll of the netherlands said a majority there now want to leave. So we may well be close perhaps to nexit and similarly in denmark, a majority there are in favor of leaving. We could be quite close to dexit and im told the same may apply to sweden and austria and perhaps even italy, too. The eu is failing. The eu is dying. I hope weve knocked the first brick out of the wall. I hope this is the first steps towards a europe of sovereign nation states trading together, na neighbors together but without flags, anthems or useless unelected president s. More european wordplay, nexit and dexit coming. Lets talk about David Cameron, the Prime Minister, stepping down very quickly after the result of this vote coming out. He said this is the man who called the vote, probably regretting that this morning. Yeah, what a big night. Britain leaving the eu and David Cameron quickly coming out and saying hes leaving. Theres been a lot of criticism of how David Cameron led the campaign to stay in the european union. But, really, this gets to the headersus heart issue of a prest vote whether its here in the uk, in europe or even in the United States. The leave campaign had the passion, had the heart. Ive spoken to several people who voted leave who said in the end, i voted with my heart. In some respects, the facts, the surveys, the economic reports, the things that were said by the white house about the knockon implications for the National Security in the relationship, thats not what swayed people. People are not necessarily looking at facts and longterm consequences and serious Economic Analysis when theyre voting with their heart. Theyre voting as a protest and voting to change. On bbc weve been reporting weve spoken to several leave supporters and voters who have come out and said, wow, i sort of didnt expect this to actually happen. I was just trying to protest the status quo. I wonder if well get some leave voters who are going to regret this decision, particularly when they look at the uncertainty and the markets and the economic fallout that was actually predicted by the remain campaign and by David Camerons group. Lets get some of that reaction. Just up the street from you is bill neely. Whats been the reaction from the street this morning . Good morning, guys. It really is difficult to understate what a bombshell this is. The biggest political shock in britain in half a century. A short time ago, i was talking to one woman who came out of the metro station and said she burst out crying when she heard the news. It depends where you are. In lots of other parts of britain, they are celebrating and celebrating hard. One thing this vote has done is to really accentuate the divides in britain. There were only two areas of the uk that really voted strongly to stay in the European Union. And that is here, london, successful, cosmopolitan bubble and scotland. Everywhere else, including wales, lots of areas in the north of england, everywhere else voted to leave. I think this is just highlighted the divides within britain. Britain has always had a slightly semidetached relationship with europe right from the beginning. Its been a kind of reluctant partner. And, you know, with the benefit of hindsight youd have to say weve seen this coming. David cameron perhaps should have seen it coming. He risked his career. He risked britains future on this vote which as we know initially was to try to lance the boil of euro skepticism within his own party. Well, that euro skepticism has not only swept him from office but has overtaken britain. The leader of the uk Independence Party saying this is britains Independence Day. So hard to understate the shock here. And that shock, like an earthquake, the aftershocks been felt in europe where you have political leaders calling for their right to have a referendum like this. And the danger is, not just the European Union will break up and this is certainly a huge crack in it, but that the United Kingdom might break up as well because the leader of scotland has said this morning thus really does open the way and pave the way for a second independence referendum. So donald trump is in the right place at the right time. Not only in the uk on the day that the uk breaks away from the European Union, but in scotland on the day when it says we would like a second referendum. There have already been calls from scottish leadership for a second vote two years from the previous one that failed. Bill neely, thank you. He talks about a woman coming out of the tube in tears. What do people who lament this vote have to fear . There will be a lot of voters remorse and it will get worse because it wont only be what happened with the eu or that the Prime Minister stepped down. He wont be succeeded by the person many want him to succeed him, jeffrey osborne. George osborne, sorry. Likely to be succeeded by somebody far to the right who was pro exit. This is going to lead to a very different country. The unraveling its got to be Independence Day for britain. Its going to be disillusion day. In the history of the end of britain will be marked from this day. Youll see first scotland, conceivably Northern Ireland break off. A much smaller country, smaller footprint in europe and in the world. So this is big. You see news happening all the time. This is actually one of those things that will mark a divide. And it will turn out to be one of the more significant develops. Prebrexit, postbrexit. Exactly. People will date certain developments in europe and the world from what happened in the last 24 hours. Still to come, the economic side of this. Steve rattner brought his charts on a day the pound is hitting 30year lows and londons key index is down. First, bill karins has a look at the forecast. Youve never seen this before. This is part of the West Virginia flood story from yesterday. This tells you all you need to know. Thats a house on fire that is going down the river. Thats pretty incredible and dramatic. And that was 24 hours ago. There was someone living in that house. Amazing stuff. There was more of that, too. Not on fire but other video of just water everywhere. And they did declare a state of emergency throughout the state. And a lot of cleanup. 500 people stranded at a mall. A bridge washed out. And also two reported fatalities from the flash flooding. Theyre still searching for a 4yearold boy. The threat map shows 19 million at risk through the carolinas. Wind damage the greatest threat for that. The fire story just continues to grow out there. Its been very hot, very dry. Now above average for acres burned. Weve added a lot of those acres this week alone. The forecast for the weekend for the most part calls for it to be warm throughout much of the country. Watch out for severe storms. Midatlantic and saturday in the northern plains. More morning joe when we return. Every day you read headlines about businesses being hacked and intellectual property being stolen. That is cybercrime. And it affects each and every one of us. Microsoft created the digital crimes unit to fight cybercrime. We use the microsoft cloud to visualize information so we can track down the criminals. When it comes to the cloud, trust and security are paramount. Were building what we learn back into the cloud to make people and organizations safer. Explore your Treatment Options with specialists who treat only cancer. Every stage. Every day. At Cancer Treatment centers of america. Learn more at cancercenter. Com experts when a moment turns romantic why pause to take a pill . Or stop to find a bathroom . Cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas for pulmonary hypertension, as it may cause an unsafe drop in Blood Pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. Side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. To avoid longterm injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. If you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. Ask your doctor about cialis and a 200 savings card. Steve rattner has come equipped with his charts breaking down the climate in europe driving the discontent that led to the vote, uk leaving the eu. I was up all night doing my charts. Lets talk about a few of the factors driving this british decision which was a surprise. Lets talk about immigration. And what you can see here is that immigration has risen substantially across the developed world in the u. S. As well as in most countries in europe. Its in the 11 to 17 , as high as that in sweden. Whats particularly interesting in britain is it went from 6 to 13 , which is a pretty big increase. Within europe, any resident of any country in europe can move to any other country in europe, and this was one of the things very much, i think, destabilizing the brits as they faced the prospect of this referendum. The second thing we should talk about is the difference in the economy between britain and the rest of the continent. This is where the analogies between the u. S. And whats going on here and what went on in britain are not perfect. Britain to some degree was trying to detach itself from a part of the world thats not been doing very well. If you look at the recovery since the beginning of the recession, at the end of 2007, our economy has grown 10 . The uk economy has grown 7. 5 . Not that far off. The eurozone has grown 1 . Japan has grown less than that. The brits are looking at the continent saying this is a place tied up in its own underwear n didnt know how to get itself going. Why do we want to be part of that and be told by brussels what to do, what kind of food to eat and worker safety rules. Does it make it less likely theyll be dragged down . To some degree, i think there some are pluses here. You can see the u. S. And uk with fairly similar unemployment rates. The u. S. A bit lower than this but we wanted to get the dates to line up. Across europe, much of it structure. In need of huge structural reforms. While i dont disagree with everything richard and others have been saying about the huge risks of this with scotland, Northern Ireland and who knows what, in some ways its not out of the question that britain could be somewhat better off detaching itself from brussels and being able to live its own destiny as an independent country again. Well look at some of the immediate fallout. Dow futures down nearly 500 points on news britain is leaving the European Union. A look at the markets. Plus, Austan Goolsbee joins us to talk about what the brexit means for the u. S. Economy. Well be right back. Born with a hunger to fly and a passion to build something better. And what an amazing time its been, decade after decade of innovation, inspiration and wonder. So, we say thank you america for a century of trust, for the privilege of flying higher and higher, together. Trolling for a gig with cant blame you. 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No, but youd be amazed how similar it is. Its called its a place that has to be fixed. And theres nobody that knows how to fix things like me, and nobody that knows how to build like me. Donald trump there in scotland. Welcome back to morning joe. Joe n meand mika have the morni off. Willie has just left for his today show duties. Global markets are shaky ground after the vote to exit the European Union. Lets bring in dominic chu. Wall street is going to open in the red after whats happened in europe . Youre seeing whats happening. We saw the japanese market down by 7 , 8 overnight. Theres a sense of real, real at least pessimism about the markets. People are not panicked about this. Some were expecting this just in case an exit vote happened. With the dow futures down about 500 points, youre also talking about s p futures down by a similar amount on a percentage basis. Interest rates are dropping because everyone is flooding into the safety of u. S. And other government bonds on the heels of what this what is happening with the brexit vote. All of this is a little bit of a shocker. If you look at the currency markets, sterling, the british pound versus the u. S. Dollar. Earlier today, it cost you about 1. 50 to buy one british pound. It cost as low as 1. 32 later on this morning as well. So everybody is feeling the effects of whats happening. You can see by that chart how volatile its been for a while now. But whats more curious, and i throw this out here, the idea that the markets got it so wrong heading into this particular election. We all know based upon all the polls leading up to this election it was all about a 50 50 split. Everybody was so close. But the betting markets really gave a huge favor, all the odds went to a remain. A stay in the eu win. And, of course, that was really wrong by the time it all panned out. So what this really speaks to, to translate whats happening there to whats happening in america. The antiestablishment moves, which a lot of people didnt give credit for, are not assigning odds for are starting to gain momentum. Thats got markets on the worried side as well, guys. The only thing id add the only thing id add is all Things Considered given the markets rallied a lot yesterday thinking the brexit vote was going to be a remain vote why, though . They were tied. Why were they so sure on the other side . First of all, they were back and forth in the polls at the very end. Super close. Remain was a little ahead. The market got confidence they were going to stay and it had to do with turnout and at the end of the day, people tend to vote for the establishment. A whole bunch of theories that turned out to be wrong. A huge rally in the market yesterday. The fact that today the market is under control is not the worst thing you would have expected. Yeah, the betting markets were the ones that fooled me. They had got it right before the uk general election when the general opinion polls got it wrong. A lot of people were looking at that, too. Joining us now, economics professor at the university of chicago, former chairman of the council of economic advisers to the white house and president obama, Austan Goolsbee. You and i have spoken about this before. You seemed to suggest in the past that americans didnt need to be too concerned about what happened in britain over the brexit vote. When you look at markets today and whats happening in markets, do you still think thats the case . I guess i revise a little bit, and i would say the shorter the time frame, the more of an effect there is. Thats true in the uk and the u. S. Over the longer run, they will be able to sort out trade agreements with europe. They might take a switzerland model, a canada model. They will be able to sort out a model. But in the short run, in the u. S. , if you own stocks, youll have a tough day most likely. Treasuries, youll be feeling pretty good. The dollar is going to go up. Our Interest Rates are going to go down because theres a general low level sense of panic going on around the world. Theres a flight to safety. And i think to some broader picture, donald trump in a way won the election. Youre going to see the Hillary Clinton double down in their workload and intensity trying to push back. And if the uk goes into recession, it would be interesting to see how that spun, why you would not expect that to happen in the u. S. If we did this thing. Hi, austan. Its steve. Let me ask you about two risks, one economic and more political. One is, what happens to the rest of europe . Do we suddenly see a bunch of countries saying, well, nmaybe e should have a referendum and get out of the eurozone and the eu. Its not doing us terribly well. And a Point Richard haas was making repeatedly earlier, what about scotland, Northern Ireland, the possible ut of the whole uk coming apart . Those are both highly tied together in a way its the same thing. And i think its extraordinarily likely, when they plot the colors of blue for remain and red for exit, scotland was all blue. I think its pretty much done deal theyll have another vote to try to join europe. Theyll be trying to join a thing thats breaking up. I think, a, the uk, by having its own currency and not really being locked in with some of the same problems that the continent has had and, b, having a bit of water between them and not having a land border, they have had, in a way, some of the mildest immigration and adjustment costs that a lot of the rich countries in europe have. The fact that one of the milder affected of the rich countries is saying we dont want to have anything to do with this, its inevitable youll see a series of referenda around europe. Since the treaty was signed and ratified, there have been many votes in many countries about basically pitting the nation against europe. And i do not believe that there has been a single election in any country in which europe has been voted over the nation. Theres just the nationalism runs very deep there. Okay. Austan, let me ask you and steve about the undercurrents in this vote we saw yesterday. Katty just explained to us that london voted quite heavily in favor of remaining in the European Union. You have a version of the elite argument in Great Britain as you have here in our politics with everything in between being more conservative. You also have undercurrents in Great Britain as you have undercurrents in the vote here of what i call fear of the other. Of immigration. Of people coming into our countries. So match that up. Them and us and our politics and those similar undercurrents. I think thats insightful. I would say i would caution anybody who would take comfort from this vote in the uk and think, ah, that means donald trump is going to win. Just remember theres a lot more immigrants, people of color, et cetera, in the u. S. And so i think that you can take it too far, but i think the di nynamic that. Its a fear of the other, and its a fear of immigrants and we dont like foreigners. We dont like europe. And i think we still the other shoe is going to drop. They in a fit of anger and condemning europe as a bunch of bureaucrats they dont want to tell us what to do, now its going to be europes turn to turn back to the uk and say, oh, yeah . Then were kicking out your bankers. Were throwing your workers into chaos. Were going to start sending immigrants to the uk. I think youll get a few peeks of anger going back the other way. Yeah, the fear of the other, you have definitely seen that during the course of this campaign. Austan goolsbee, thanks. Well be back with more morning joe in just a minute. Anyone with type 2 diabetes knows wbr id wbr97878 how it feels to see your numbers go up, despite your best efforts. 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Other side effects may include kidney problems, genital yeast infections, changes in urination, high potassium, increases in cholesterol, risk of bone fracture, or urinary tract infections, possibly serious. Serious side effects may include ketoacidosis, which can be life threatening. Stop taking and call your doctor right away if you experience symptoms. Or if you experience symptoms of allergic reaction such as rash, swelling, or difficulty breathing or swallowing. Do not take invokana® if you have severe liver or kidney problems or are on dialysis. Tell your doctor about any medical conditions and medications you take. Using invokana® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. Its time to turn things around. Lower your blood sugar with invokana®. Imagine loving your numbers. Theres only one invokana®. Ask your doctor about it by name. Up next, how does the big news out of europe this morning impact main street america . They are from two very different cities but two of the top mayors join us next. Keep it here. I thought my bladder leakage meant my social life was over. Wearing depend underwear has allowed me to fully engage in my life and im meeting people. Unlike the bargain brand, new depend fitflex underwear is now more flexible to move with you. Reconnect with the life youve been missing. Get a free sample at depend. Com. Reconnect with the life youve been missing. Its how you stay connected. With centurylink as your trusted technology partner, you get an industry leading Broadband Network and cloud and hosting services. Centurylink. Your link to whats next. Who dont have access thto basic banking,on people but that is changing. At temenos, with the microsoft cloud, we can enable a banker to travel to the most remote locations with nothing but a phone and a tablet. Everywhere where theres a phone, you have a bank. Now a person is able to start a business, and employ somebody for the first time. 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In the United States, people want smart decisions, not dumb decisions. And weve been given dumb decisions for many years, and the people are tired of it. And i have a feeling the same thing has happened over here and thats why you had the result that you had. Joining us republican mayor of oklahoma city, incoming president of the u. S. Conference of mayors, nick cornett and democratic mayor, eric garcetti. Theyre in indianapolis for the annual conference of mayors. Let me start with you on the question of rhetoric. Weve seen it in this seismic vote in the uk. Are you concerned about it from your point of view as well . Well, i think the uncertainty cant be helpful for the american stock exchange. Theres a level of distrust between the American People and the federal government as well. But when you live in oklahoma and look south to texas, you realize that if that state had an opportunity to leave the United States, they could probably get 51 of the vote as well. So, its not just england thats bolstering its pride this morning. Im sorry, katty. Go ahead. This question of tone, mayor garcetti, are you concerned about the tone of the political debate, particularly when it comes perhaps to immigrants in the United States at the moment . That question was put to donald trump this morning in scotland. No question. Were definitely a nation of immigrants. My city is a city of immigrants. 62 of our population are immigrants or the children of immigrants. Its been one of the strong parts of how our economy has always prospered on top of the Supreme Court decision that just came down. Cities are struggling. We cant be partisan. We have to solve problems, whether its integrating citizens and immigrants into the daily life, whether its finding jobs, deal with Climate Change. Im concerned theres this antiimmigrant rhetoric. That has to be solved with something comprehensive in this country. Mayors are usually nor touch with their constituents than anyone whose political career takes them to washington. What is the mood of the country from both of your perspectives . I think theres a lot of frustration in the president ial election. You know, were not seeing issues being addressed. You mentioned that mayors are very in touch with people. We want to hear a lot of the issues that concern us about the block grants and immigration and a lot of the issues that affect urban environments are not being addressed by either candidates right now. Its a freeforall. One of the great things weve done today, one republican, one democrat, but we see ourselves as mayors first is to work on the issue of reentry when people come out of the criminal justice system. We need to find a way to help them become productive citizens. Were urging both candidates. Ive worked with Hillary Clinton a bit on her Infrastructure Program which is about a quarter trillion dollars to reinvest in our roads, public transit. But cities are having to do a lot of that on their own. Washington hasnt been responsive. Let me ask both of you guys, both mayors. Not a whole lot of politics in building a new Little League field or getting a stop sign in a place but theres a lot of politics in the politics of smartphone cameras and the Police Departments that you both preside over. How has that changed your jobs . Well, i think we need a recognition from our federal government that in the issue of National Security, the First Responders work inside of cities. And i dont think theres enough communication going on back and forth. The Technology Changes are something that were looking at very, very closely. And i am concerned that were not staying one staep ahead of those people who want to harm us. Before ferguson and some of the other incidents we started testing body cameras, raising that money privately. Now were set to be the biggest city in america to have them on all of our patrol officers. We have so many officers when they tested them and they went away for a little bit said, i want them back. Its about accountability for the police and for the public. It can change the face of policing in this country. Weve had a great experience so far. A lot of issues, national and local that mayors have to deal with. Mayor cornett and garcetti, thanks for joining us. Up next, what, if anything, did we learn on this big day . jon bon jovi with directv there is. You see, weve got the power to turn back time so lets restart the show that started at nine and while were at it, lets give you back your do and give her back the guy she liked before you hey, thats the power to turn back time. vo get the ultimate allincluded bundle. Call 1800directv. This just got interesting. Why pause to take a pill . Or stop to find a bathroom . Cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas for pulmonary hypertension, as it may cause an unsafe drop in Blood Pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. Side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. To avoid longterm injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. If you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. Ask your doctor about cialis and a 200 savings card perfect driving record. Stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. Until one of you clips a food truck. 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Down boy, down. Down. Easy, easy. Easy. Little donald, ive got an idea. Lets prank call hillary. Here. You pretend to be Bernie Sanders. Hello, secretary clinton. This is senator Bernie Sanders. Is your refrigerator running . Well, so am i. And im never, ever dropping out. Genius. Its genius. Where did you learn all these amazing impressions . Trump university, which is terrific, by the way. Its terrific, by the way, just so you know. How is jacks Bernie Sanders . Thats pretty good. Too good. I have to confess, im still reeling and digesting everything thats happened here in london today. Guys, new york, what have you learned . Mike . Well, katty, ive been listening to some very smart people. One of them is here today. Two of them. No, just one. Dont revise it. Too late. This one. This one. One of the things is there might be a hangover effect here. You alluded to it that a lot of people might wake up some morning in december or january and say we did what . Thats what i learned. I learned that Bernie Sanders is really on to something and wrapped up in all of his insistence that he stay in this race far beyond the point he can become the nominee is one of the most principled politicians ive ever met. Hes the real deal. For 50 years. I get it. Very charming. Sort of cute, too. I learned perhaps i was reminded in the starkest possible way that were living in very Uncertain Times and were not playing by any playbook that any of us know. And you should expect the unexpected maybe over the next six months. Next time you really do have to arm wrestle richard haas. Doesnt get any better than that. All right, katty. Yeah, the ripples from here are going to go right across the atlantic. Well see some of this in november playing out. Thats it for morning joe. Thomas roberts picks up the coverage in new york right now. Good morning. Im thomas roberts. Breaking news. Global shock. The uk has voted to leave the European Union. As we hear there, the United Kingdom voting to leave the eu and the implications are massive. World markets tumbling. Wall street set for a steep drop this hour. And Prime Minister David Cameron says hell resign. The british people have voted to leave the European Union, and their will must be respected

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