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Its memorial day, may 30th. A wicked weather weekend turning deadly in some regions. Texas flooding claims five lives and dangerous rip tides move up the east coast. New details vounlding a 400 pound gorilla killed after a 4yearold boy fell in his enclosure at a cincinnati zoo. Libertarians pick their candidate to battle the donald, they reveal a person to take on trum am. Police have new leads on a deadly shooting in houston. A rookie running on fumes wins the indy 500 and we hohn yort fallen on this memorial day. First look starts right now. Good morning, everybody. Thank you for joining us today. At least five people are dead and three more missing after Severe Weather triggered devastating flooding in the plains. Four bodies were found in washington county, texas, alone after two feet of water flooded the area in hours. Three people were in their cars when floodwaters swept them away torrential downpours led to damage. One man and his son were trying to evacuate an rv park when swept off the highway by floodwaters. The weight of the water even collapsed the roof of the local newspaper office. Over in rosenberg, some roads are covered by more than eight feet of water. And the rising brazos river forced evacuation of 2600 inmates. And take a look at this. This video was recorded inside a school bus that was dropping kids off after school. The bus now resembling a boat wading through floodwaters. Bonnie weakened to a tropical depression but is still slamming the carolinas in georgia with heavy rain, winds, and high surf. At least one beach goer is reported missing. Drivers trying to get away in South Carolina had to form a caravan line just to stay on course. And over in north charleston, residents in this neighborhood parked on think lawns to escape the street now turned into a river. One homeowner was recording rising floodwaters as this is came close to his front door. Bonnie is joining us tracking bonnie and all thats in her wake. Its been a very active weekend. For memorial day, were looking at the threat from tropical depression bonnie. Watch out for dangerous rip currents. Keep in mind this storm is very, very slow to move out. So with the movement to the north at 3 miles per hour, well be talking about bonnie well into this week. I think well still see plenty of rain it from as well. A risk for Severe Weather this is right into central and southern plains. Two Million People at risk for severe storms. We saw a lot of this this week. I hate to see it again for texas. Large tail and damaging wind. Not to mention the wind. That rain is in the forecast through the middle of the week. Your memorial day, into the midatlantic and new england. Stormy in the southern plains. Looking beautiful to the west. Nice mild temperatures. Youre warming up quite a bit as we go through the middle and endst week on the west coast. The numbers are going up. But it doesnt look too bad. I think we have nice weather. Well have to keep watching that storm with my name. Betty . Yeah. Be nice to us, bonnie. Both of you. Thank you. Terrifying moments at the cincinnati zoo this weekend. A mother watches in horror as her 3yearold son falls into the gorilla exhibit and violently dragged by a 400 pound silver back. At times the primate drags the boy and other times it appears to be protective. But with no time to spare, zoo keepers acted with lethal force to save the boy. We have the tense moments caught on camera. No ten minutes of terror. Mommy is right here. This cell phone video showing a had 400 pound gorilla and behind him in the corner of his exhibit a 3yearold boy. Suddenly screams. The gorilla dragging the boy through the water then stops. Can you hear the mother talking to her son trying to keep him calm. Mommy loves you. Im right here. At one point, the boy looks up and the two briefly touch hands. The gore yailla stands him up a then drags him away. Zoo keepers say they had no choice. A tranquellize woehr have taken too long and they had to put the gore yale down. We rescued the childs. Youre talking about an animal that is over 400 pounds and extremely strong. All sorts of things can happen in a situation like that. The gorilla is an endangered silver back. The zoo celebrating his 17 rnlg birthday the day before he was kill killed. The boy was taken to the hospital but he is going to be okay. His mother was watching several children when he slipped through the mote. The boy had been talking about wanting to go in. Go n get in the water. And his mother is like, no, youre not. No, youre not. The zoo now reexamining the barriers around the exhibit. Mean while, some mourning the gore yales death are questioning the killing pointing to other examples of gorillas protecting children who fell in exhibits like this incident in england 30 years ago. Or this gorilla in 1996 in chicago who cared for an injured boy and carried him to zoo keepers at the exhibit door. But this case, much more unpredictable. A boys life in danger, a risk zoo keepers wouldnt take. Frightening video there. Republicans may have finally recruited the Third Party Candidate theyve been wishing for. Conservative bill kristol posted this on twitter. Just a heads up over the holiday weekend, there will be an independent candidate with a strong team and a real chance. The never Trump Campaign calls the update meaningful. Donald trump himself derided the news writing bill kristol has been wrong for two years and embarrassed loser. But if the gop cannot control their own, then they are not a party. Be tough, rs. The Republican Party has to be smart and strong if it wants to win in november. They cant allow light weights to send up a spoiler indy candidate. A named independent candidate, the race for president goes up to four after former new mexico governor gary johnson won the libertarian nomination for president at the partys convention this weekend. Now johnson fully embraced the never trump montra and best path fort. Taking him on on the fact that he wants to deport 11 million Illegal Immigrants, taking him on on wanting to build a fence across the border, thats nuts. Taking him on when he says that mexicans are murderers and ra rapis rapists, absolutely call him out on what is really racist. Its just racist. Meanwhile, trump took a part in the Rolling Thunder motorcycle rally on the national mall. The bikers raise awareness of unaccounted for pows and soldiers missing in action. Trump ridiculed Hillary Clinton, called reporters low lives and his best to bring rally goers to his side. Hillary is talking about jobs. She doesnt know anything about jobs. She thinks the va is doing good. Did you see her statement a couple months ago . The Veterans Administration is doing a good job. If she think thinks doing a good job, then ive been wasting a lot of time. I know the vets. They are miserable what w. What is happening. While i continues to make end roads, hold youdz like bill kristol and Eric Erickson are strictly against him. Arnold schwarzenegger couldnt confirm he would endorse trump. He said he would announce support in his own time and way. Bernie Sanders Campaign may hinge all hopes on the california primary. But the candidate is not entirely against being on the same ticket with Hillary Clinton. Sanders says hes drafting an appeal letter to super delegates, he also did not reject a vp slot on clintons ticket when asked. A community is on alert this morning after a shooting spree in houston. Police described the scene as chaotic. A gunman with a rifle in tow fired bullets randomly hitting seven people. Gunfire also struck surrounding vehicles, a Police Helicopter overhead, even a nearby gas pump that burst into flames. A bomb squad was called to the scene to detonate a suspicious item. The swat team killed the gunman. One is investigating as a potential second shooter and two officers have been released from the hospital. Shark attacks reported on both coasts of the sust gave beach goers quite the scare over the weekend n california, a woman with large bites on her upper torso and shoulder were a victim of an apparent shark attack. The incident prompted officials to close down a three mile stretch of newport beach. Helicopters flew across the shoreline look forg signs of a shark. But no sightings yet, the bite may come from a sea lion. A florida teen was bitten by a shark while swimming in two feet of water. Several witnesses jum independent to hept boichlt he sustained severe injuries to his leg and is recovering in a homent. Pope francis celebrated three hollywood actors over the weekend. They all received medals at a vatican event on sunday. The actors were all ambassador ford the Vatican Foundation for schools that meet. The mission is to achieve social integration and a culture of peace by linking technology with the arts. An event organizers stress the importance of celebrity involvement in this project saying they can trans mitt important values. Just ahead, a flight you wont want to miss. Plus, incredible land slides caught on camera. We have those details straight ahead. Our. Stomach watch this . Yikes, that ice cream was messing with you, wasnt it . Try lactaid, its real ice cream, without that annoying lactose. Lactaid. Its the milk that doesnt mess with you. Its more than a nits reliable uptime. And multilayered security. Its how you stay connected to each other and to your customers. With centurylink you get advanced technology solutions, including an industry leading broadband network, and cloud and hosting services all with dedicated, responsive support. With centurylink as your trusted technology partner, youre free to focus on growing your business. Centurylink. Your link to whats next. Amazing sleep stays with you all day and all night. Sleep number beds with Sleepiq Technology give you the knowledge to adjust for the best sleep ever. Save 500 on the memorial day special Edition Mattress with Sleepiq Technology. Plus 36 month financing. Know better sleep. Only at a sleep number store. Hey kevin. Hey, fancy seeing you here. Uh, i live right over there actually. Youve been to my place. No, i wasnt. Oh look, you dropped something. Its your resume with a 20 dollar bill taped to it. Thats weird. You want to work for ge too. Hahaha, what . Well were always looking for developers who are up for big world changing challenges like making planes, trains and hospitals run better. Why dont you check your new watch and tell me what time i should be there. Oh, i dont hire people. Im a developer. Im gonna need monday off. Again, not my call. Headache . Motrin helps you be an unstoppable kind of mom. When pain tries to stop you, motrin works fast to stop pain. Make it happen with motrinĀ® liquid gels. Also try motrin pm to relieve pain and help you sleep. Welcome back, everybody. Leading the news on nbcnews. Com. A tribute to honor the Fallen Service members. A moving series of images can be found on our website. I encourage you to check it out. Iraqi forces enter fallujah. According to an army spokesman, the offensive came from three directions. So far, 80 of surrounding territory has been recovered. The countrys Prime Minister told the estimated 50,000 remaining his dents to leave the city or stay indoors. City is one of the last major Islamic State strong holds in iraq along with the countrys second largest city mosul. It was a deadly memorial day weekend in chicago. A string of over two dozen shootings killed four people and injured 40. 15yearold ver on yak lopez was shot and killed while riding in the passenger southeast a car. The uptick in violence comes despite efforts by police to deploy additional officers. Five months into this year so far, over 200 people have already been killed in chicago. Lets turn to china. Take a look at this terrifying moment caught on camera. A landslide pummels down a mound an side right as a car was passing. Luck lit passers by make a narrow escape from being buried alive. Wow. To sports now. Jordan spieth going for his first professional win in his home state of texas at the colonial. The second ranked player in the world started the day with nine straight pars. Then caught on fire in the back nine. Six birdies. This is the eighth career victory for the 22yearold and his first since his disastrous back nine at the masters. Now alex ander rossi, the winner of the indianapolis 500 in his rookie run at indy. Rossi was able to overcome the fuel tank running on empty and 661 odds. To grab the checkered flag and celebrate with a chug of milk. Nascar held the longest race of the year, the cocacola 600 at charlotte motor speedway. Martin truex jr. Came away with the first win of the season. He dominated that race setting a new nascar record by leading 392 out of 400 laps. And on the european tour, James Morrison hits a hole in one and guess what . He wins a car. Its not just any car though. Morrison takes home a 142,000 bmwi8. Look at that beauty. Not too shabby. Good day for him. All right. Well he is known as the human arrow. And on sunday, jeb corlis lived up to that namedropping out of a helicopter wearing a wing suit and attempting to hit a target over the great wall of china. We have more on his wild ride. Reporter the starting line, 6,000 feet up. The finish, a paper bulls eye the size of an apple, suspended over the great wall of china. Rock my world. Reporter all jeb had to do is make history, hit the target at 120 miles an hour. This is a project about precision. This was a project about doing something that is really, really hard. The 40yearold made a name for himself Cheating Death with jumps from the worlds tallest buildings. The sky park in singapore, malaysias towers and flights barely xwe lly squeezing throug smallest gaps. Fierce tail winds. The tail wind was gusting. It made it really difficult to hone in. Reporter fighting to stay on target and coming in fast, covering 6,000 feet in 46 seconds. You got it. The human arrow mere inches from the hit. I barely got up and got the target. It was super scary. Reporter close enough and alive. To tell the tale. Nbc news. And thats why they call him the human arrow. Veterans issues front and center. But first, Trump University revealed. Scrambled politics is next. And with her, a flood of potential patients. A deluge of digital records. Xrays, mris. All on account. Of penelope. But with the help of at t, and a network that scales up and down ondemand, this hospital can be ready. Giving them the agility to be flexible reliable. Because no one knows like at t. What backache . What sore wrist . What headache . Advil makes pain a distant memory. Nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain . Advil. Explore your Treatment Options with specialists who treat only cancer. Every stage. Every day. At Cancer Treatment centers of america. Learn more at cancercenter. Com experts you owned your car for four years, you named it brad. You loved brad. And then you totaled him. You two had been through everything together. Two boyfriends, three jobs. Youre like nothing can replace brad. Then Liberty Mutual calls, and you break into your happy dance. If you sign up for better car replacementā„¢, well pay for a car thats a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. Heres your look at dish of scrambled politics. A judge order the release of Trump University internal documents. This is part of a Class Action Lawsuit against the Real Estate School owned by donald trump. The order is in response to a request by the Washington Post and comes after trump railed against the judge on the campaign trail calling him a hater and saying the judge who is hispanic is biassed against him because his call to deport immigrants. Those Trump University documents are order tobd released by june 2nd. A San Diego Police officer stirred up controversy this weekend after an insta gram post took off. The Police Officer appeared to hope for violence during a san diego trump rally. Dressed in riot gear, the officer poet aid photo and captioned it with waiting, waiting, waiting, just riot already, people. Waitingsucks. Antitrump protesters demanded answers to the post telling nbc 7 the posts come on riot already so we can use this equipment against you . The San Diego Police Department Said they were looking into the matter. The Police Officer has since been or has since removed her account. Some in key west had fun this weekend taking part in a costume regata. Look at. That Hillary Clinton and donald trump went toe to toe as they paddled their way in boats made out of plywood and duct tape. They both managed to stay afloat. Trump is pretty tan right, there isnthe . So hollywood stars are stumping for Bernie Sanders in an unusual way ahead of californias june 7th primary. Crammed into an rv, they embarked on a 12 city tour of california. They are joined by sanders supporters and hope to bring out the vote in major cities across the state. Hillary clinton meanwhile has her own army of celebrities, musician katy perry has hit the trail for her and while garion son wrapped up the libertarian weekend, one owe poen nebt that race tried to drum up support in his own scandalous way. Take a look. And you can tell about it reaction he does strip down, my friends. All right, thats your morning dish of scrambled politics. I want to bring in our political reporter, good morning, daniel. Thanks for being with us. Thanks for having me. Bill kristol says over the weekend that there will be an independent candidate who is impressive and has a real chance. Any idea who that might be . You know, there have been a number of names floated around already. Nebraska senator ben sass, a frequent and vocal critic of Donald Trumps is one that comes up often. Another one is mitt romney who has always been floated around by establishmen republicans as yet another viable candidate even late in the game to be a president ial nominee this cycle. And, you know, the last one i think is tom coburn, the former senator from oklahoma. Hes been a contradict of just about everyone. Hes not always super cheerful. But those are the big three that you can see if were talking about some kind of third republican independent. Were waiting to see who that person s very, very interesting. All right. In the meantime though, libertarian candidate former new mexico governor gary johnson hitting trump very hard, calling him basically a racist. Does this spell big trouble for trum snp. Its a good question. Were seeing a lot of energy on the Libertarian Movement this weekend. During the nominating convention. And, look, there are a lot of people who dont like trump in the gop right now. I mean, a lot of people do. Its easy to see this cycle a candidate could draw support away from trump and even the democrats. Speaking of democrats, Bernie Sanders says i may be open to being Vice President. Could that really be a Winning Ticket or perhaps hillarys Worst Nightmare . I think that the idea is that for sanders, he could bring his support to the clinton ticket and bring the enthusiasm. It is tempting for clinton. The thing is though, not a name that the clinton team has bandied about as of possible running mate. Youve seen other progressives on that list but not Bernie Sanders. Yeah, but will they really butt heads if that was the ticket that we would see. It will be interesting to see how that would play out. All right. Daniel, as always, thanks for joining us. Thanks for having me. Veterans issues taking center stage on this memorial day. When donald trump addressed thous abdz of bikers at the annual Rolling Thunder rally in washington. And while Hillary Clinton is battling Bernie Sanders for the california primary, shell be marching in her local memorial day parade and adopted hometown in new york. Tracie potts has more on all of this from washington. Good morning, tracie. Good morning, bernie sanld serz going to be back in california today while donald trump takes the day off after spending already part of his weekend with veterans. Reporter politics focusing on veterans this memorial day. Donald trump promises theyll get better treatment than immigrants. Thousands of people are dying waiting in line to see a doctor. That is not going to happen anymore. Reporter the clinton march in the hometown parade, on do h defense about her email and urging Bernie Sanders to read the writing on the wall. Reporter but sanders is fighting for californias primary one week from toechlt he is standing with form r. Farmworkers. Conditions exist today for our farmworkers, the people who feed us that should not exist and have got to change. Reporter and trump for backing out of a possible debate. Trumps campaign trail says theyll wait until clinton or sanders wins. When theres a democratic nominee, mr. Trump will debate whoever emerges from the system. Reporter he could face more competition this fall, libertarians voted gary johnson and conservatives are promising an impressive independent with a strong team and a real chance. And trumps response to that on twitter, he calls the people behind that light weighted trying to be the spoiler. I wonder who that independent is going to be. We shall see. This is first look on msnbc. Have a great memorial day. Back. Then those places change every few months. Please. Its time you got the quicksilver card from capital one. Quicksilver earns you unlimited 1. 5 cash back on every purchase, everywhere. Doesnt get much simpler than that. Whats in your wallet . Is better for your skin than wearing no makeup at all . NeutrogenaĀ® cosmetics. Powders, concealers and foundations in new shades for more skin tones. With vitamins and antioxidants. Your skin will look beautiful when you wear it and even after you take it off. NeutrogenaĀ® cosmetics see whats possible. mamost of the show. We missed woman and theres no way to restart it. jon bon jovi with directv there is. You see, weve got the power to turn back time so lets restart the show that started at nine and while were at it, lets give you back your do and give her back the guy she liked before you hey, thats the power to turn back time. vo get the ultimate allincluded bundle. Call 1800directv. Its memorial day, may 30th. A wicked weather weekend turning deadly in some regions. Texas flooding claims five lives and dangerous rip tides move up the east coast. Necessity new details surrounding a 400 pound gorilla killed after a 4yearold boy fell in his enclosure at a cincinnati zoo. Libertarians pick their candidate to battle the donald, they reveal a person to take on trum am. Police have new leads on a deadly shooting in houston. A rookie running on fumes wins the indy 500 and we hohn yort fallen on this memorial day. First look starts right now. Good morning, everybody. Thank you for joining us today. At least five people are dead and three more missing after Severe Weather triggered devastating flooding in the plains. Four bodies were found in washington county, texas, alone after two feet of water flooded the area in hours. Three people were in their cars when floodwaters swept them away torrential downpours led to damage. One man and his son were trying to evacuate an rv park when swept off the highway by floodwaters. The weight of the water even collapsed the roof of the local newspaper office. Over in rosenberg, some roads are covered by more than eight feet of water. And the rising brazos river forced evacuation of 2600 inmates. And take a look at this. This video was recorded inside a school bus that was dropping kids off after school. The bus now resembling a boat wading through floodwaters. Bonnie weakened to a tropical depression but is still slamming the carolinas in georgia with heavy rain, winds, and high surf. At least one beach goer is reported missing. Drivers trying to get away in South Carolina had to form a caravan line just to stay on course. And over in north charleston, residents in this neighborhood parked on think lawns to escape the street now turned into a river. One homeowner was recording rising floodwaters as this is came close to his front door. Bonnie is joining us tracking bonnie and all thats in her wake. Its been a very active weekend. For memorial day, were looking at the threat from tropical depression bonnie. Watch out for dangerous rip currents. Keep in mind this storm is very, very slow to move out. So with the movement to the north at 3 miles per hour, well be talking about bonnie well into this week. I think well still see plenty of rain it from as well. A risk for Severe Weather this is right into central and southern plains. Two Million People at risk for severe storms. We saw a lot of this this week. I hate to see it again for texas. Large tail and damaging wind. Not to mention the wind. That rain is in the forecast through the middle of the week. Your memorial day, into the midatlantic and new england. Stormy in the southern plains. Looking beautiful to the west. Nice mild temperatures. Youre warming up quite a bit as we go through the middle and endst week on the west coast. The numbers are going up. But it doesnt look too bad. I think we have nice weather. Well have to keep watching that storm with my name. Betty . Yeah. Be nice to us, bonnie. Both of you. Thank you. Terrifying moments at the cincinnati zoo this weekend. A mother watches in horror as her 3yearold son falls into the gorilla exhibit and violently dragged by a 400 pound silver back. At times the primate drags the boy and other times it appears to be protective. But with no time to spare, zoo keepers acted with lethal force to save the boy. We have the tense moments caught on camera. No ten minutes of terror. Mommy is right here. This cell phone video showing a had 400 pound gorilla and behind him in the corner of his exhibit a 3yearold boy. Suddenly screams. The gorilla dragging the boy through the water then stops. Can you hear the mother talking to her son trying to keep him calm. Mommy loves you. Im right here. At one point, the boy looks up and the two briefly touch hands. The gorilla stands him up and then drags him away. Zoo keepers say they had no choice. A tranquellize woehr have taken too long and they had to put the gore yale down. We rescued the childs. Youre talking about an animal that is over 400 pounds and extremely strong. All sorts of things can happen in a situation like that. The gorilla is an endangered silver back. The zoo celebrating his 17 rnlg birthday the day before he was killed. The boy was taken to the hospital but he is going to be okay. His mother was watching several children when he slipped through the mote. The boy had been talking about wanting to go in. Go n get in the water. And his mother is like, no, youre not. No, youre not. The zoo now reexamining the barriers around the exhibit. Mean while, some mourning the gore yales death are questioning the killing pointing to other examples of gorillas protecting children who fell in exhibits like this incident in england 30 years ago. Or this gorilla in 1996 in chicago who cared for an injured boy and carried him to zoo keepers at the exhibit door. But this case, much more unpredictable. A boys life in danger, a risk zoo keepers wouldnt take. Frightening video there. Republicans may have finally recruited the Third Party Candidate theyve been wishing for. Conservative bill kristol posted this on twitter. Just a heads up over the holiday weekend, there will be an independent candidate with a strong team and a real chance. The never Trump Campaign calls the update meaningful. Donald trump himself derided the news writing bill kristol has been wrong for two years and embarrassed loser. But if the gop cannot control their own, then they are not a party. Be tough, rs. The Republican Party has to be smart and strong if it wants to win in november. They cant allow light weights to send up a spoiler indy candidate. A named independent candidate, the race for president goes up to four after former new mexico governor gary johnson won the libertarian nomination for president at the partys convention this weekend. Now johnson fully embraced the never trump montra and best path fort. Taking him on on the fact that he wants to deport 11 million Illegal Immigrants, taking him on on wanting to build a fence across the border, thats nuts. Taking him on when he says that mexicans are murderers and rapists, absolutely call him out on what is really racist. Its just racist. Meanwhile, trump took a part in the Rolling Thunder motorcycle rally on the national mall. The bikers raise awareness of unaccounted for pows and soldiers missing in action. Trump ridiculed Hillary Clinton, called reporters low lives and his best to bring rally goers to his side. Hillary is talking about jobs. She doesnt know anything about jobs. She thinks the va is doing good. Did you see her statement a couple months ago . The Veterans Administration is doing a good job. If she think thinks doing a good job, then ive been wasting a lot of time. I know the vets. They are miserable what w. What is happening. While i continues to make end roads, hold youdz like bill kristol and Eric Erickson are strictly against him. Arnold schwarzenegger couldnt confirm he would endorse trump. He said he would announce support in his own time and way. Bernie Sanders Campaign may hinge all hopes on the california primary. But the candidate is not entirely against being on the same ticket with Hillary Clinton. Sanders says hes drafting an appeal letter to super delegates, he also did not reject a vp slot on clintons ticket when asked. A community is on alert this morning after a shooting spree in houston. Police described the scene as chaotic. A gunman with a rifle in tow fired bullets randomly hitting seven people. Gunfire also struck surrounding vehicles, a Police Helicopter overhead, even a nearby gas pump that burst into flames. A bomb squad was called to the scene to detonate a suspicious item. The swat team killed the gunman. One is investigating as a potential second shooter and two officers have been released from the hospital. Shark attacks reported on both coasts of the sust gave beach goers quite the scare over the weekend n california, a woman with large bites on her upper torso and shoulder were a victim of an apparent shark attack. The incident prompted officials to close down a three mile stretch of newport beach. Helicopters flew across the shoreline look forg signs of a shark. But no sightings yet, the bite may come from a sea lion. A florida teen was bitten by a shark while swimming in two feet of water. Several witnesses jum independent to hept boichlt he sustained severe injuries to his leg and is recovering in a homent. Pope francis celebrated three hollywood actors over the weekend. They all received medals at a vatican event on sunday. The actors were all ambassador ford the Vatican Foundation for schools that meet. The mission is to achieve social integration and a culture of peace by linking technology with the arts. An event organizers stress the importance of celebrity involvement in this project saying they can trans mitt important values. Just ahead, a flight you wont want to miss. Plus, incredible land slides caught on camera. We have those details straight ahead. Gomery and Abigail Higgins had. A tree that bore the most rare and magical fruit. Which provided for their every financial need. And then, in one blinding blink of an eye, their tree had given its last. But with their Raymond James financial advisor, they had prepared for even the unthinkable. And they danced. See what a Raymond James advisor can do for you. Why do people have eyebrows . I. Why do people put milk on cereal . Oh, are you reading why people put milk on cereal . Why does your tummy go grumbily, grumbily, grumbily . Why is it all mimics a stomach grumble no more questions for you ooph, that milk in your cereal was messing with you, wasnt it . Yeah, happens to more people than you think. Try lactaid, its real milk, without that annoying lactose. Good, right . Mmm, yeah. I got your back. Lactaid. Its the milk that doesnt mess with you. Welcome back, everybody. Leading the news on nbcnews. Com. A tribute to honor the Fallen Service members. A moving series of images can be found on our website. I encourage you to check it out. Iraqi forces enter fallujah. According to an army spokesman, the offensive came from three directions. So far, 80 of surrounding territory has been recovered. The countrys Prime Minister told the estimated 50,000 remaining his dents to leave the city or stay indoors. City is one of the last major Islamic State strong holds in iraq along with the countrys second largest city mosul. It was a deadly memorial day weekend in chicago. A string of over two dozen shootings killed four people and injured 40. 15yearold ver on yak lopez was shot and killed while riding in the passenger southeast a car. The uptick in violence comes despite efforts by police to deploy additional officers. Five months into this year so far, over 200 people have already been killed in chicago. Lets turn to china. Take a look at this terrifying moment caught on camera. A landslide pummels down a mound an side right as a car was passing. Luck lit passers by make a narrow escape from being buried alive. Wow. To sports now. Jordan spieth going for his first professional win in his home state of texas at the colonial. The second ranked player in the world started the day with nine straight pars. Then caught on fire in the back nine. Six birdies. This is the eighth career victory for the 22yearold and his first since his disastrous back nine at the masters. Now alex ander rossi, the winner of the indianapolis 500 in his rookie run at indy. Rossi was able to overcome the fuel tank running on empty and 661 odds. To grab the checkered flag and celebrate with a chug of milk. Nascar held the longest race of the year, the cocacola 600 at charlotte motor speedway. Martin truex jr. Came away with the first win of the season. He dominated that race setting a new nascar record by leading 392 out of 400 laps. And on the european tour, James Morrison hits a hole in one and guess what . He wins a car. Its not just any car though. Morrison takes home a 142,000 bmwi8. Look at that beauty. Not too shabby. Good day for him. All right. Well he is known as the human arrow. And on sunday, jeb corlis lived up to that namedropping out of a helicopter wearing a wing suit and attempting to hit a target over the great wall of china. We have more on his wild ride. Reporter the starting line, 6,000 feet up. The finish, a paper bulls eye the size of an apple, suspended over the great wall of china. Rock my world. Reporter all jeb had to do is make history, hit the target at 120 miles an hour. This is a project about precision. This was a project about doing something that is really, really hard. The 40yearold made a name for himself Cheating Death with jumps from the worlds tallest buildings. The sky park in singapore, malaysias towers and flights barely squeezing through the smallest gaps. Fierce tail winds. The tail wind was gusting. It made it really difficult to hone in. Reporter fighting to stay on target and coming in fast, covering 6,000 feet in 46 seconds. You got it. The human arrow mere inches from the hit. I barely got up and got the target. It was super scary. Reporter close enough and alive. To tell the tale. Nbc news. And thats why they call him the human arrow. Veterans issues front and center. But first, Trump University revealed. Scrambled politics is next. Its more than a network and the cloud. Its reliable uptime. And multilayered security. Its how you stay connected to each other and to your customers. With centurylink you get advanced technology solutions, including an industry leading broadband network, and cloud and hosting services all with dedicated, responsive support. With centurylink as your trusted technology partner, youre free to focus on growing your business. Centurylink. Your link to whats next. I like the bride more than the groom. Turquois dresses. So excited. Did all her exes get invited . No ones got moves like uncle joe. Should i stay or should i go . When its go, book with Choice Hotels and get a free 50 gift card for staying just two times. Book direct at choicehotels. Com. You always have a choice. By switching to xfinity x1. Rio Olympic Games show me gymnastics. X1 lets you search by sport, watch nbcs highlights and catch every live event on your tv with nbc sports live extra. Im getting ready. Are you . X1 will change the way you experience nbcuniversals coverage of the rio Olympic Games. Call or go online today to switch to x1. Heres your look at dish of scrambled politics. A judge order the release of Trump University internal documents. This is part of a Class Action Lawsuit against the Real Estate School owned by donald trump. The order is in response to a request by the Washington Post and comes after trump railed against the judge on the campaign trail calling him a hater and saying the judge who is hispanic is biassed against him because his call to deport immigrants. Those Trump University documents are order tobd released by june 2nd. A San Diego Police officer stirred up controversy this weekend after an insta gram post took off. The Police Officer appeared to hope for violence during a san diego trump rally. Dressed in riot gear, the officer poet aid photo and captioned it with waiting, waiting, waiting, just riot already, people. Waitingsucks. Antitrump protesters demanded answers to the post telling nbc 7 the posts come on riot already so we can use this equipment against you . The San Diego Police Department Said they were looking into the matter. The Police Officer has since been or has since removed her account. Some in key west had fun this weekend taking part in a costume regata. Look at. That Hillary Clinton and donald trump went toe to toe as they paddled their way in boats made out of plywood and duct tape. They both managed to stay afloat. Trump is pretty tan right, there isnthe . So hollywood stars are stumping for Bernie Sanders in an unusual way ahead of californias june 7th primary. Crammed into an rv, they embarked on a 12 city tour of california. They are joined by sanders supporters and hope to bring out the vote in major cities across the state. Hillary clinton meanwhile has her own army of celebrities, musician katy perry has hit the trail for her and while garion son wrapped up the libertarian weekend, one owe poen nebt that race tried to drum up support in his own scandalous way. Take a look. And you can tell about it reaction he does strip down, my friends. All right, thats your morning dish of scrambled politics. I want to bring in our political reporter, good morning, daniel. Thanks for being with us. Thanks for having me. Bill kristol says over the weekend that there will be an independent candidate who is impressive and has a real chance. Any idea who that might be . You know, there have been a number of names floated around already. Nebraska senator ben sass, a frequent and vocal critic of Donald Trumps is one that comes up often. Another one is mitt romney who has always been floated around by establishmen republicans as yet another viable candidate even late in the game to be a president ial nominee this cycle. And, you know, the last one i think is tom coburn, the former senator from oklahoma. Hes been a contradict of just about everyone. Hes not always super cheerful. But those are the big three that you can see if were talking about some kind of third republican independent. Were waiting to see who that person s very, very interesting. All right. In the meantime though, libertarian candidate former new mexico governor gary johnson hitting trump very hard, calling him basically a racist. Does this spell big trouble for trum snp. Its a good question. Were seeing a lot of energy on the Libertarian Movement this weekend. During the nominating convention. And, look, there are a lot of people who dont like trump in the gop right now. I mean, a lot of people do. Its easy to see this cycle a candidate could draw support away from trump and even the democrats. Speaking of democrats, Bernie Sanders says i may be open to being Vice President. Could that really be a Winning Ticket or perhaps hillarys Worst Nightmare . I think that the idea is that for sanders, he could bring his support to the clinton ticket and bring the enthusiasm. It is tempting for clinton. The thing is though, not a name that the clinton team has bandied about as of possible running mate. Youve seen other progressives on that list but not Bernie Sanders. Yeah, but will they really butt heads if that was the ticket that we would see. It will be interesting to see how that would play out. All right. Daniel, as always, thanks for joining us. Thanks for having me. Veterans issues taking center stage on this memorial day. When donald trump addressed thous abdz of bikers at the annual Rolling Thunder rally in washington. And while Hillary Clinton is battling Bernie Sanders for the california primary, shell be marching in her local memorial day parade and adopted hometown in new york. Tracie potts has more on all of this from washington. Good morning, tracie. Good morning, bernie sanld serz going to be back in california today while donald trump takes the day off after spending already part of his weekend with veterans. Reporter politics focusing on veterans this memorial day. Donald trump promises theyll get better treatment than immigrants. Thousands of people are dying waiting in line to see a doctor. That is not going to happen anymore. Reporter the clinton march in the hometown parade, on defense about her email and urging Bernie Sanders to read the writing on theall. Reporter but sanders is fighting for californias primary one week from toechlt he is standing with form r. Farmworkers. Conditions exist today for our farmworkers, the people who feed us that should not exist and have got to change. Reporter and trump for backing out of a possible debate. Trumps campaign trail says theyll wait until clinton or sanders wins. When theres a democratic nominee, mr. Trump will debate whoever emerges from the system. Reporter he could face more competition this fall, libertarians voted gary johnson and conservatives are promising an impressive independent with a strong team and a real chance. And trumps response to that on twitter, he calls the people behind that light weighted trying to be the spoiler. I wonder who that independent is going to be. We shall see. This is first look on msnbc. Have a great memorial day. Before it became a medicine, it was an idea. An inspiration. A wild whatif. So scientists went to work. They examined 87 different protein structures. Had 12 years of setbacks and breakthroughs, 4,423 sleepless nights, and countless trips back to the drawing board. At first they were told no, well. Maybe, and finally yes. Then it was 36 clinical trials, 8,500 patient volunteers, and the hope of millions. And so after it became a medicine, someone who couldnt be cured, could be. Me. Ques. Are my teeth yellow . Have you tried the tissue test . The what . Tissue test hold this up to your teeth. Ugh yellow. I dont get it. I use whitening toothpaste. What do you use . Crest whitestrips you should try them whitening toothpaste only works on the surface. But crest whitestrips safely work below the enamel surface. To whiten 25x better than a leading whitening toothpaste you used the whitestrips i passed the tissue test. Oh yeah. Would you pass the tissue test . See for yourself with the whitestrips. They are the way to whiten. Imagine if the things you bought every day earned you miles to get to the places you really want to go. With the united mileageplus explorer card, youll get a free checked bag, 2 united club passes. Priority boarding. And 30,000 bonus miles. Everything you need for an unforgettable vacation. The united mileageplus explorer card. Imagine where it will take you. Muddling through your morning is nothing new. Your nose is the only thing on your mind. And to get relief, anything is fair game. Introducing rhinocortĀ® allergy spray from the makers of zyrtecĀ®. Powerful relief from your most frustrating nasal allergy symptom ,all day and all night. Hasnt your nose been through enough already . Try new rhinocortĀ® allergy spray. Muddle no moreĀ® good morning, im chris jansing. On this mem norral day were remembering those who fall innocent line of duty. Were following a number of developing stories beginning with harrowing conditions for 38 million travelers who are hitting the roads and airports to day. Weather, complicating an already challenging situation. Lets get right to it. We have the latest. Tony, just looking behind you, plenty of people trying to get out of town. Believe it or not, there is a good morning for the Orlando International airport. I dont know what is worse, delays on your way out of vacation or delays on the way back as youre trying to reacclimate to the weekly grind. Lines are starting to stack up here. There are a lot of agents on duty, six of them doing the check in, 12 separate screening lines are open. And this line while long is only about 7 1 2 minutes long. So good news here in orlando. But around the country yesterday, people started to make their way back home for the work week, there were trouble spots, peak hours in boston and atlanta and chicago. Lines of over an hour. Here at peak times, lines stretch up to 50 minutes long. So still we have to advice people to get here two hours early. But at the moment, two hours early youre going to fly through security and have 90 minutes to kill inside of an airport. A different kind of problem. There is the result of a combination of factors, record numbers of travelers and also cutbacks from the tsa, some changes though, some rescheduling, part timers made to full time, new workers added. So far, so good. But it is only 7 00 a. M. , chris, back you to. Lets talk about what happened at jfk. There was a computer outage and massive delays yesterday afternoon. What do we know about what might have happened there . You have other things to overcome from security. There is the rental car counter and check n thats what happened at jfk. A verizon router was down and the airlines were unable to process customers as they arrived at the counter. They couldnt get tickets on time. That line was two or three hours at moments. So on top of security, maybe go hours after all is not enough. Get to the airport. Leave immediately if youre watching. I dont want to overstate it. You can have trouble. There is weather. There is computer glitches, there is human error. Do your best to get there early. It will be a very busy day, particularly places like this, orlando. 100,000 passengers today already. Some of the agents hand writing the tickets with pencil. Not a good day yesterday there. Tony, thank you for that. Lets go to politics now where a new president ial candidate may be ready to toss his or her hat into the ring. Republicans looking for that last minute alternative to donald trump and then we have this tweet from one of the leaders of the Never Trump Movement, bill kristol, an independent candidate, an impressive one is imminent. Trump firing back on twitter last night saying republicans need to stay united and cant allow light weights to set up a spoiler candidate. Trump has no Public Events today. He spent yesterday honoring veterans in a parade. Hillary clinton was in a parade in her hometown. And Bernie Sanders is in california. He continues to hold events. Tonight hell be in oakland. We have a reporter in washington tracking the Trump Campaign. Lets start with what got him to twitter last night which is this promise of potentially another candidate. What do we know about that . You know, not much about that. What we can say is this Never Trump Movement, that fell apart, is quietly working behind the scenes to try to find at least im told, a serious candidate to be able to run. Theres been some frustration that in the words of one source telling me the media has decided that there will not be an independent candidate. But from the spokesman point of view, they could put up a fight for donald trump. Thats an Impossible Task at this point. But youre seeing people like bill kristol. Hes been a leader of the Never Trump Movement. People who believe that donald trump is not the right candidate for the Republican Party. What youre seeing from folks with the party is theyre starting to coalesce around trump. He is the presumptive nominee. There are questions about what cryptic candidate may be. When we may hear more about him or her or somebody coming up to challenge trump. It fields like mitt romneys name comes up because of the fact he was so early on coming out strongly against trump. Remember that big speech he gave . It was three months ago, chris, talking about how donald trump should not be the candidate for the Republican Party number comment obviously from romneys camp. They batted down some speculation a couple weeks ago that he may be considering some kind of and dependent or third party bid. But all of this goes to show that in some corners in, some conservative circles there is still deep resistance to trump as the gop capped date. Trump taking notice because of his trip last night. He and the campaign feel they have the support of the grassroots. Theyre moving forward and working on fundraising and logistics and staffing. I can tell you this morning he shifted his attention to something else, tweeting several times about the border wall. That is his topic for this morning. Hes not happy about the judge and Trump University and questions being raised about whether or not his campaign is big enough. We have much more to talk about throughout the day with you. Thank you so much, hally jackson live in washington for us. Let me bring in our panel. Gentlemen, good morning. Happy memorial day. Dave, what are you hearing about an independent alternative who may get into the race . Are there any republican names prominent which is what bill kristol is indicating that you think still might get in here . I dont think the kristol group demonstrated the confidence to have that now. Im in orlando now. They nominated more republicans that will appear on the republican ticket in gary johnson and bill weld. They were ham strung because they had to win over anarchist thats are not part of the republican base. Theyre going to be having conversations with the sore of people that might want to vote for a nontrump candidate over the next week. Jonathan, what do you think even is the viability of an outside bid right now . I mean the deadline to get on the ballot in texas passed. I think the North Carolina deadline is imminent. How realistic is this . I dont think its realistic to think a third party or independent candidate can win the presidency through the electoral college. I think if youre bill kristol or looking at this an analytical point of view, i think you would pick off a couple states and deny them enough electoral votes and then throw the election to the house of representatives. For those that dont like the establishment right now, the house of representatives picking a president after people voted would be inept. That is the more realistic option. However unrealistic it may be that somebody beside the major parties are going to make a play, you were covering a conve weekend gary johnson. Johnson quick to say how he would handle running against donald trump. I want to play that sound. He wants to deport 11 million Illegal Immigrants taking him on on wanting to build a fence across the border. Thats nuts. Taking him on when he says that mexicans are murderers and rapists, i mean, its incendiary. Call him out on what is really racist. Its just racist. Dave, is he going to make any ripples or he could cause problems for either side . In polls, there is a large no hillary, no trump vote about 10 , about 15 . And johnson when included in polls, captures most of that. That was actually an argument he made to delegates at this convention saying that were used to playing in the sand box and getting maybe 1 of the vote. This could be a break out year. The same press conference you played there, he said Libertarian Party said the coke brothers who were rumored to be interested in knocking down that rumor, they might be more interested now that there is a solid republican ticket and they have nothing to gain supporting t Republican Party under donald trump. So there is a chance. He always says there is a chance they get in the debates to have a victory here. Even the Libertarian Party making anyst president ial debates will be the first time any third party has done that since 1992. In the meantime, you still have somebody in the race who is making things interesting and that is Bernie Sanders. Donald trump, the guy completely slammed the door on any hope there was for this debate with Bernie Sanders saying it would be inappropriate to debate the second place finisher. But ive been following Bernie Sanders. I asked him if he thought there was sftill an opening here. Who knows, maybe ill get a call hes ready to debate. I dont know. I think you have a personality in many ways which is not the kind of personality and the kind of demeanor that we need for a president. So jonathan, i dont think were going to have a debate. I dont think that donald trump ever intended to debate. I dont think that bern yea sanders ever intended to debate. Where do you see the Democratic Party and where do you see Bernie Sanders, you know, we heard just yesterday from some prominent democrats its time for him to get out of the race. Thats nothing new. Where is this going . I think its going to a nominated contest at the convention where Hillary Clinton wins the nomination, gets most of what she wants in terms of the platform, rules, those things. But there is a real question as to whether Bernie Sanders will help unify the Democratic Party and to what degree hell put his credibility out there. We heard him stipulate conditions in terms of the platform and who is on the committees at the convention and what type of Vice President she picks as her running mate. And he didnt close the door on that yesterday. I mean, i spoke with him. Chuck todd spoke with him. He didnt say, no, im not saying hes on the short list for Hillary Clinton, but he didnt close the door on it. I dont think hes somebody who would close the door on his own personal advancement or political advancement. There is no gain for him in shutting that door. Even if he doesnt think its likely, and i dont think its likely, there is no reason to preclude that perfect happening. Jonathan allen, dave ribel, thank you so much. Take care. Coming up, outrage growing this morning over that controversial decision to kill a gorilla after a 3yearold boy went into the enclosure at the cincinnati zoo. Up next, weve got dramatic video of the encounter and an update on the little boys condition. And happening now, explosions and gunfire can be heard in fallujah. Forces work to retake a city from isis. Coming up, new details on the assault that is underway right now. We got another one. I have an orcogram for an owen. Thats me. You should hire stacy drew. She wants to change the world with you. She can program jet engines to talk and such. Her biggest weakness is she cares too much. Thank you. My friend really wants a job at ge. Mine too. Im a wise elf from a far off shire. And sanjay patel is who you should hire. Thank you. Seriously though, stacy went to a great school and shes really loyal. You should give her a shot. Sanjays a team player and uh. Incredible bladder prthat lets from always discreeyou move like you mean it now comes with an incredible promise. The always discreet double your money back guarantee. Always discreet is for bladder leaks and its drier than poise. Try it. Were so confident youll love it, well give you double your money back if you dont. Incredible bladder protection. Double your money back guarantee. Thats always discreet. No, youre not yogonna watch it tch it we cant let you download on the goooooo youll just have to miss it yeah, youll just have to miss it we cant let you download. Uh, no thanks. I have x1 from xfinity so. Dont fall for directv. Xfinity lets you download your shows from anywhere. I used to like that song. Were back live on this memorial day weekend. Happening now, tropical depression bonnie making its way up the east coast causing risky travel conditions and dangerous waters for beach goers this holiday weekend. The storm slammed the carolinas bringing heavy rain and flooding. Dangerous floodwaters forced evacuations in texas with six deaths already confirmed due to the Severe Weather in that state. Lets turn to nbcs reporter who is in myrtle beach, South Carolina, with the latest on the coastal threat. Good morning. Chris, good morning. It looks like a beautiful beach day right now. But bonnie became a holiday spoiler not because of the intensity of the storm but it just lingered over the area for so long. Interstate 95 south of here was shut down because of flooding. There was a backup of 22 miles of cars. Can you imagine being stuck in that much traffic . And along some of the beaches, beach goers were not allowed to go in the water higher than the ankle or knee because of the fear of rip tides and rock water. Its a memorial day washout for millions of americans. Tropical depression bonnie making its way up the east coast on sunday, hitting the carolinas the hardest. With drenching rains and flooding. A section of interstate 95 south of charleston submerged. Authorities finally shut it down after too many drivers tried to go through it. In georgia, floodwaters submerged not only streets but homes. And while there was sun in myrtle beach, fear of rip currents had some vacationers afraid to go in the water. Im very concerned about my kids being out there. I get nervous when they get further than their knees. Rescuers are still searching for a 21yearold man who went mising in North Carolina late saturday. After swimming in rough water. In texas, it was another round of floosh flooding. Several communities calling mandatory evacuations. We knew it was coming. At the same time, i mean, you dont prepare for Something Like this to pack up your whole house. Among the deaths in texas, a National Guardsman who posted this haunting image on facebook as floodwaters overcame his truck. Writing, all i wanted to do was go home. In houston, the river is spilling over the banks. The brazos river is doing the same. More than 2,000 inmates from several prisons moved to higher ground. A astronaut tweeting with the overflow texas rivers looked like from the air. And, chris, you talked about the updated death toll in texas. Six people. The rivers, they just cant handle anymore water. Its only been five or six weeks since the historic 500year floods in houston. So everything there is so swollen. Any small amount of rain is going to cause more flooding. In myrtle beach, it looks like a beautiful day. We know we could have showers here today. There is still a strong concern up and down the coast about the waters and possible rip occurrence. Back to you. And that fwetweet, so heartbreaking, all i wanted to do was go home. And a 3yearold boy is now out of the hospital after his terrifying encount we are a 400 pound gorilla at the cincinnati zoo. The whole ordeal caught on camera by horrified on lookers. Lets get the latest from cincinnati. Blake . Good morning to you. There is growing outrage here in cincinnati this mork over what happened here on saturday and now calls for the parents to be charged after thur 3yearold son somehow managed to get passed a barrier and into the gorilla enclosure, falling into that enclosure and then spending about ten minutes inside with the gorilla. At times the gorilla picking the child up and dragging the child through the mote. Zoo Officials Say they feared that childs life was in danger and they had no choice but to shoot and kill the gorilla. They didnt use a tranquellizer because it would have taken too long to take effect. The child is doing okay this morning and back home with parents after a brief stint in the hospital. There are growing calls as i mentioned this morning for the parents to face charges for neglect. One witness said the child had been talking about wanting to go into the water before the incident. And somehow managed to get past the barrier when the mother was distracted. There is a petition started with 85,000 signatures wanting the parents to be charged. But so far, police have given no indication that that will happen. The family has not been identified. But they have released a statement saying they are sorry for what happened and do appreciate the difficult decisions they had to make to kill the gore yale, that endangered low land gorilla. Back to you. Thank you so much, blake mckroi. Still to am could, what the dnc is about efforts for Bernie Sanders to remove clintons attack surrogates from key roles at the democratic convention. And what sanders asked me if i asked him if hed take the vp slot. Thats next. man oh, looks like we missed most of the show. woman and theres no way to restart it. jon bon jovi with directv there is. 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Save 500 on the memorial day special Edition Mattress with Sleepiq Technology. Plus 36 month financing. Know better sleep. Only at a sleep number store. Its more than a nits reliable uptime. And multilayered security. Its how you stay connected to each other and to your customers. With centurylink you get advanced technology solutions, including an industry leading broadband network, and cloud and hosting services all with dedicated, responsive support. With centurylink as your trusted technology partner, youre free to focus on growing your business. Centurylink. Your link to whats next. You have to take a deep breath and hear this, donald trump understand thats donald trump is the greatest everything in the world. Yes, he has concluded against all of the scientific evidence, against what every person in california knows that there is a major drought here. And he knows there is no drought. Bernie sanders going after donald trump instead of his primary challenger Hillary Clinton yesterday. That state may be the last stand for sanders as he seeks to overcome the delegate deficit. Sand erdz holding two events in oakland later today. This morning hillary and bill clinton will march in the memorial day parade in their hometown. Good morning, kristen. We have a situation where bernie sanld serz making the electability argument, looking at the polls and the hypothetical matchups. But what is interesting is to see where she has spent her last time over the week. Nor california than she thought they would a month or two ago. Didnt think shed be spending so much time in california. What is the strategy . What are we seeing and hearing from her between now and june 7th . Chris, great to see you. Youre absolutely right. She has been spending a lot of time in california because the polls there are so close. I think closer than the Clinton Campaign anticipated. She still leading senator sanders but only by about two points. I anticipate youll see her campaigning vigorously in california. But she also heading to new jersey on wednesday. That is significant because new jersey could give her enough delegates to clinch the knoll nation even before all of the votes in california are counted. So that just gives you a perspective of the math that were looking at. Senator sanders acknowledging that california in his words is the big enchilada. He is essentially putting all eggs in that basket, vowing to stay in the state through the primary. Vowing to turn out more than 200,000 people before voters go to the polls there. Hes actually out spending secretary clinton by 21 on the airwaves this weekend. He was there barnstorming throughout the state. Secretary clinton was off the trail but her surrogates, chris, were out putting the pressure on senator sanders to get out of the race. Senator Dianne Feinstein essentially saying the race is all but over. Im not so subtle attempt to urge him to get out. But senator sanders was defiant on meet the press saying hes not going anywhere. Hes in this race until the very end. Interestingly though, chris, he is not ruling out running as secretary clintons vp nominee. But hes warned her she should pick a progressive and stressed hes focused on running his own race right now. Yeah. So interesting. When i talked to a lot of sanders supporters, the one name that keeps coming up is elizabeth warren. They dont think that shell choose ben r Bernie Sanders. We shall see. A lot can happen between now and then. Thank you, kristen. Great to see you. Great to see you. Were two months away from the start of the Democratic National convention where bernie sand serz hoping to swing enough delegates to his side to win the nomination. Over the weekend he tried to aid his cause by calling for the removal of two of the Top Democrats at the convention, both of whom have endorsed Hillary Clinton. He wrote a letter to the dnc, the Sanders Campaign signalling out Connecticut Governor dan maloy and former congressman barney frank, head of the rules committee. I had said, the appointment two of individual so closely affiliated with secretary Clintons Campaign raises concerns that two of the three Convention Standing committees are being constituted in an overtly partisan way designed to exclude meaningful input from supporters of senator sanders candidacy. They rejected that request. Wanlt to bring in a man who knows a few things about how the conventions are run, ed rendel and also dnc chair during the lection of 2000. Good to see you, governor. Good morning. Good morning, chris. So what do you make of this . You have a Democratic Party right now, frankly, where you have this split. There is no doubt about it. You talk to the sanders people. They feel the deck has been stacked. You saw Bernie Sanders coming out in support of the guy who is running against Debbie Wasserman shultz. Where are we right now in the Democratic Party . Is it more divided than the republicans . Well, i think there is some procedural bat thalz atles that going to go on. Its nothing new. I was a delegate for ted kennedy in 1980. We argued about the platform. The Platform Committee reported a platform we didnt like. We had floor fights where the issue was brought to the entire convention. And it didnt hurt you . Ultimately, did it hurt you . No. I think what hurt is senator kennedy didnt do, for example, what Hillary Clinton did for barack obama in 2008. And i still believe that Bernie Sanders, when the chips are down, will do everything necessary to elect Hillary Clinton. He knows that Hillary Clinton is much more likely to advance the agenda that hes put so much time and put his heart in than donald trump. So i think this is all a little bit of sound and furrey signifying in the long run nothing. Governor maloy and congressman frank are cochairs. Theyre not the sole chairs. Theyre cochairs. And the sanders people said they had no problem with the cochair of the committee. And if there is any dispute, kit go to the floor. The delegates can hear it. By the way rs you know im an avid Hillary Clinton sport. I would make an independent judgement on platform or rules and listen to what the Sanders Campaign put forth on the floor. So i think the process is not stacked. I think its fair. I think, you know, how about Hillary Clinton winning the washington primary by six points and because we had a caucus a month and a half earlier. Shes getting 28 of the delegates even though six times as many people voted in the primary than in the caucus. You know, i do think is the process stacked against her . I think people are learning more about how this process works than they ever knew before. And its awful. In part because of what, you know, these conversation thats have come out with Bernie Sanders. It was interesting when i talked to him the other day over the weekend in california, he said he is going to send a letter. Theyre drafting it right now to the super delegates which is a real part of the complaint. Let me play for you what he said is message is to them. Here it is. We have to send them a letter. Were working on it right now which says to them, look, you guys came onboard Clintons Campaign bring was even in the race. Take a look at reality today. Take a look at all of the National Polls and state polls. Were doing we are doing better against trump than is secretary clinton. Give that some thought. And then were going to also say to the states where we won landslide victories, were going to say to the super delegates, why dont you vote with the people of your state . And we think adding all that together, we got a shot to get the nomination. Governor, the question i get the most is what does bernie want . Clearly one thing he wants is the whole process to be looked at, not just for this year but down the road. Does the Democratic Party need to look at the role of super delegates, the number of super delegates and just the whole in, to many people, convoluted way that this plays out . Well, yeah. Theres no question about that. But bear in mind that if we had no super delegates at this convention, Hillary Clinton would be the nominee. Because she going to get by far the majority elected delegates. Shes got three million more popular votes than Bernie Sanders. So Bernie Sanders is not going to lose because of super delegates, number one. Number two, we super delegates have been in politics for a while. Thats why were super delegates. We know no one is running a negative ad against Bernie Sanders in this entire president ial campaign in his entire career whereas Hillary Clinton has taken 25 years of incoming fire. Once the negative ads start, polls have a tendency to change. I think shell be a stronger candidate in the fall than Bernie Sanders. But listen to senator sanders argument. Does he want the super delegates in washington to support Hillary Clinton because she won that primary going away even though he won the delegates at the caucuses . Same thing happened with nebraska. Look, we should get rid of super delegates and get rid of caucuses. We should have primaries. Because caucuses are unfair to people who cant spend three or four hours at a caucus. Caucuses are unfair to seniors who cant come out at night. Caucuses are unfair to shift workers. And caucuses routinely get a fraction of what the people who vote in primaries, what their total s i think we need reform. I think senator sanders and secretary clinton should lead us in that reform. Ed rendell saying that he agrees with Bernie Sanders on that, at least. Always good to see you, governor. For sure. Thank you so much. Good day. Happening now, tropical depression bonnie moving along the east coast. Take a look at that satellite. The forecast is dropping more rain and dangerous surf as it heads north. Well get the latest a live report. First, take a look at Arlington National cemetery on this memorial day. Later this morning, president obama will lay a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier. Hell then deliver remarks to honor members of the u. S. Arms services. . . No more questions for you ooph, that milk in your cereal was messing with you, wasnt it . Try lactaid, its real milk, without that annoying lactose. Good, right . Mmm, yeah. Lactaid. The milk that doesnt mess with you. Perfect driving record. Until one of you clips a food truck. Then your rates go through the roof. Perfect. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Liberty mutual insurance. Introduces new, easytoswallow tablets. So now, there are more ways, for more people. To experience. Complete protection from frequent heartburn. Nexium 24hr. The easytoswallow tablet is here. Another antiwrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. NeutrogenaĀ® rapid wrinkle repair works. In one week. With the. Fastest retinol formula. To visibly reduce wrinkles. NeutrogenaĀ®. Severe weather impacting much of the country. Tropical depression bonnie slamming the carolinas bringing heavy rain plus dangerous surf and rip currents. Residents in parts of texas are still reeling from the flash floods that forced evacuations and led to six deaths. The National Hurricane senter is calling for more severe conditions as the storm system is making us way up the east coast. Lets go to msnbc meteorologist Bonnie Schneider on what we can expect today. Good morning. You know, outside we certainly have seen the rain in new york. And thats all related to this storm, tropical depression bonnie. It is meandering very, very slowly at 3 miles per hour. That means it will be a rain mak maker. Take a closer look at the track. Even though this is a depression, still taking the name bonnie, it will be a remnant low off to sea. Thats not until the endst week. Look for substantial rain all the way into the midatlantic and across the carolinas and the jersey shore. We could see up to three inches accumulating by wednesday. So bonnie is a rain maker. Another one were watching is what is happening in texas. Right now we have strong storms. Two Million People are at risk for Severe Weather today. Last week was an incredibly active week. Hopefully this one wont shape up to be that way. Were looking at a lot of rain already rolling through san antonio this morning. Looking at the next few days, the rain looks like it will stay more to the west into west texas. This is the area where we saw the immense flooding thursday. North and west of houston. Still any rain to this region could cause flooding because weve had just so much of it. Its been such an active spring so far. So Stormy Weather for this part of the country into memorial day. The southern Central Plains. Temperatures are not quite as hot for the northeast. Beautiful out west. And temperatures there will actually be warming up as we go throughout next couple of days. By tuesday, weve got almost 80 in l. A. And 99 in phoenix. But thn up to 102. So heating up out west an a little stormy to the east. Chris . Bonnie schneider, thank you very much. 38 Million People are traveling this memorial day weekend. The latest test for the tsa which has been under massive scrutiny. Joining me from washington, d. C. Is the managing partner of airline weekly. Seth, good morning. What are you hearing . How is travel going today . So far, kind of a mixed picture. You know, as we i mean its just getting started. Typically you dont have the worst of the lines for another several hours because most people like to get out later if they can. We heard yesterday about lots of delays in places luke atlanta, boston, chicago. Other places where, you know, maybe things werent as bad as at least the very worst here. When you show up two or three hours before the flight, you had some extra time once you got to the other side of security. Look tshgsz not like tsa doesnt know they had problems. The administrator recently spoke to nbc about the agencys new command sent cher designed to help combat the long wait times. Let me play a little bit of what he had to tell us. We i set up a National Command center focused its a function of our Operation Center but focused on volume coming to airports. That is given us at built in near real time to see what is happening and to make adjustments on the fly. And weve seen great improvement. Were looking across all of the airports but really focusing on the top tier. Somebody who flies almost every day, ill keep my opinions to myself. Have you heard any noticeable improvement with this new command senter er isenter in p . Some is simple math. More people are traveling an fewer screeners. Things are not good because. That even in the research out there, there is more that can be done. And it seems like at least in small ways, many in some places, between what tsa is doing and what the airlines are doing to kind of, you know, in some cases really contribute their own staff to help with the nonscreening functions. You dont need a uniformed screener to bring the bins back to the front of the line. You have airplanes pitching in a little bit. It seems like in some small ways things are getting better. But not where they need to be. Chris, the problem is that although, look, hoef the time you dont wait an hour or two to get through a line. When youre telling millions of americans they have to get to the airport that early, i mean, thats just a huge, look, productivity drain for the country. Were waisting a lot of peoples times and there there are safety issues associated with the long lines themselves. On one hand in places where people with choose to drive, look, if youre flying from new york to los angeles, youre going to put up with it. But if youre going from st. Louis to kansas to city, houston to dallas, youre going to say i dont need to put up with this. What were doing is encouraging people it not travel which is basically the safest way to get around, air travel, aento hop in cars which is more dangerous. Not to mention, i hate to say it, but what we learned in brussels is huge crowds of people that have not been screened are in and of themselves, you know, some of what a risk. You want to screen people thoroughly but do it as promptbly. Get to the other side of security where theyre safest. I agree, people have a four hour rule. If they can drive there in four hours or less, its not worth it to fly because of the time you have o get to the airport, park the car, get through screening, whatever. So still some things to work on. Goods to hear its getting better. Seth, good to see you, thank you. Likewise. Thank you. Coming up, former new mexico governor gary johnson now Libertarian Party president ial nominee. He is calling Donald Trumps policies racist. Well talk about that and this did he take that libertarian thing just a little too far snt Party Official who stripped on stage next. Can a toothpaste do everything well . This clean was like pow. It felt like i had just gone to the dentist. My teeth are glowing. They are so white. 6x cleaning , 6x whiteninga in the certain spots that i get very sensitive. I really notice a difference. And at two weeks superior sensitivity relief to sensodyne i actually really like the two steps step 1 cleans and relieves sensitivity, step 2 whitens. Its the whole package. 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Its incendiary that 50 of the population of new mexico that hes talking about hispanics and mexicans in this way when the absolute opposite is true. Its just racist. But as the Libertarian Party tries to present itself as a serious alternative to donald trump, this happened. Were all very grateful that some of cspans banner covered up part of that strip routine who chose to disrobe in his two minutes. And yes did it all happen live on cspan. On that note, lets bring in the chairman of the Libertarian Party. Its good to see you this morning. I have to start with the obvious question k. Somebody take the Libertarian Party seriously when Something Like that happens at your convention . Mr. Weeks decided that he wanted to turn the process into a joke in the race for my office which i won reelection. You know nshgts old parties, there was a gentleman who got on stage, turned the whole process into a joke and they nominated him. We ejected our guy who turned night a joke from the hall. So i think were fine. Lets talk about gary johnson then. He got 1 of the popular vote in 2012. What makes you think he can do better this time around . The old parties are busy nominating the most hate ed candidates in modern political history. Every single american is looking sear quusly at alternative this is year. And the Libertarian Party has done the hard work over the last 45 years to make sure were an option for every single american and will be on the ballot in all 50 states in the district of columbia. There are many obvious problems as you know, the most obvious, name recognition and money. What do you do about that . Were talking about a campaign thats going to go a billion, 2 billion. Money doesnt really control everything in politics. If you recall, republicans through 166 million into a hole and lit it on fire trying to nominate jeb bush and it didnt work. The truth is Libertarian Party is becoming more and more popular and so i think that we have an ability to break out this election cycle. Ive talked to multiple people at this convention in orlando, florida, this weekend who have super pacs who didnt have a candidate coming into the weekend. I think a lot of them are excited about the johnsonweld ticket this year. Do you have any commitments . What kind of money do you think youd have to raise . I think even Bernie Sanders who has done better than anyone expected, his campaign will tell you its the money that came in from small donors that allowed him to go up on the air in early states, get his name recognition up and message out. Gary johnson doesnt have that now. The big donors will come in. There is a better return on their political investment. I think when he is boxed out from that corporate chill that a lot of the small donors will come in and support gary johnson as well. How much money can you raise . How much money do you need to make this a legitimate challenge . Honestly, i think the sky is the limit. Our goal is to have me invited to inauguration parties. Once we start polling 15 or more, we get into the president ial debates. You have to remember in a three way election, 34 is the target. Not 50 . Nicholas, thank you so much. Appreciate you coming on the program. Thank you for having me. Happening right now, Iraqi Forces Advancing toward their targets as a major provision to reclaim a key city from isis militants is on going. Up next, new details on that fight for fallujah as we spend today remembering americas fallen heroes. Its more than a network and the cloud. Its reliable uptime. And multilayered security. Its how you stay connected to each other and to your customers. With centurylink you get advanced technology solutions, including an industry leading broadband network, and cloud and hosting services all with dedicated, responsive support. 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As we speak, a battle is under way for control of fallujah. The iraqi city seized by isis forces nearly 2 1 2 years ago. Iraqi troops launched their main assault about eight hours ago backed by the u. S. Led coalition. I want to bring in retired army colonel jack jacobs, an msnbc military analyst. Happy memorial day. What do we know about this operation and how its being carried out. Theyve been planning it a long time. Its just now getting under way. The first is that isis has been there for 2 1 2 years. Theyve had plenty of time to build up the fences. The second thing is, this is urban warfare. Ive been in combat in builtup areas. And it is the most difficult of all of the ways in which you can find. You have to isolate individual blocks. You have to get a lot of forces on the roof and through the front door simultaneously and wa work towards the middle and do this room by room, floor by floor, block by block. Was there some kind of opening the iraqi forces saw . Why now after 2 1 2 years . Its taken them this long to get the forces together. Its not just the iraqi army. A lot of these forces going into fallujah now are shia militias. And theyve had to try to coalesce these guys into some kind of coherent force. The planning for this type of exercise is monumental. Takes a long, long time. You have to isolate blocks. Its taken a long time to train. Its taken a long time to plan. And trust me, its going to take a long time to execute, too. Notice the phraseology which would be official phraseology, backed by the u. S. Led coalition. What are the americans and other forces role in this . Providing intelligence. We have intelligence collection capability through intercept, listening to phone conversations and radio transmissions, using satellites for imagery on the ground. We have infrared and we can tell where people are, and assist them in coordinating their activities, but also assist them in their air planning. That is how theyre going to deliver the precision guided munitions on specific targets, and weve got to be absolutely certain these are targets that are enemy targets and that we minimize the civilian casualties and so on. But dont forget this force going into fallujah is a shia force. Theyre not very much concerned about Collateral Damage and thats going to be a problem. And some groups backed by iran, who is helping out here. Its t raised an interesting question about who is helping afterwards. After all this occurs, they sake control. Now you have a shia force in control of an area thats largely sunni. Its not for nothing that isis is there. I think youll see lots and lots of retribution, old score settlements, so on. The aftermath is going to be just as unfortunate and difficult as the fight to take the place in the first place. Let me just ask you in our last 30 seconds. 100 americans died there in the fight for fallujah in 2004. How important is this, whats going on now . Very important. Also more than 600 wounded. The families of the People Killed and wounded very, very irritated that nothing has been done to retake it, that their people might have died in vain and so on. We forget it takes more sources to hold on than to take it in the first place. Our objective was to leave in the end. The families of the fallen are not very happy. They look at this as some sort of vindication, justification for the loss of their loved ones but this battle is just beginning. Colonel jack jacobs, always good to see you. Thank you. Happy memorial day. Coming up, an update from the National Hurricane center on tropical depression bonnie. It continues to dump heavy rain as it heads up the east coast today. Thats just ahead on msnbc. Well continue live after a quick break so stay with us. Som. 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If you want help improving your a1c and blood sugar numbers with a noninsulin option, click to activate your within. Ask your doctor about onceweekly trulicity. Good morning. Im chris jansing. Coming up on 8 00 on the east coast. Were following several developing stories this memorial day. Beginning with the 38 Million People traveling home from the long holiday weekend. And some of them are facing Severe Weather thats making a mess of the roads and creating long lines at airports. Weve got this story covered from all angles. Tony has the latest on memorial day travel. You said it was moving pretty well last hour. How is it looking now . Good morning. After weeks and weeks of long lines at airports, things were pretty good. This morning at orlando, things are very, very good. The wait time was about 7 1 2 minutes. Its gone down from there. Not only are there six screeners out front but 12 security lanes open and the really big reason it has four legs and a lot of fur on the ground. Thats langley, a labrador mix. People sniffed by langley get expedited passage through the security line and at airports nationwide, dogs like that are speeding up security times. Theyre doing a great job. A very, very good job. Very helpful to people overall. The only problem is people like to pet dogs like that and that can slow things down. There will be longer lines undoubtedly across the nation at some of the bigger airports like orlando, atlanta, chicago, boston. It is memorial day. People should keep in mind if theyre frustrated or upset, the tsa employs veterans at a tremendous rate. One of the largest groups to employ exservice members. About 20 are prior military. As we honor our fallen today, even if the lines get long, many people helping you through put their lives on the line for this country. So back to you. I was on a flight this weekend where they moved a bunch of military up to first class which was nice to see them all going up there. Have you been talking to folks . What are they telling you about your travel experiences . Pretty happy, based on what im seeing behind you . People are happy. Theyve had a good weekend at one of the many resorts in orlando. Conventions. Theyve given themselves the recommended two hours. When they get through security so quickly, they find themselves with an extra long time on the other side waiting for their gate. A lot of families moving through. It can be a hassle to deal with small children early in the morning waiting for a flight. But thats better than having to do so in a long, seemingly endless security line. This line is very, very, very fast. None of the terrible social media pictures we saw in the weeks past. And also none of the computer glitches that have caused problems at other airports. Jfk yesterday, a verizon router went down. Lines stretched for hours. 1,500 passengers unable to check in even before they got to security. The airlines resorted to writing tickets by hand. None of that today. All so far, so good, chris. Tony dokoupil, thanks so much. As well as what might happen because of the weather. Tropical depression bonnie wreaking havoc along the east coast. Lets bring in msnbc meteorologist Bonnie Schneider who has the latest on the storms path. This storm does not want to seem to leave us. Were looking at a lingering depression. There it is. Coastal South Carolina. Not seeing as much convection as earlier. Doesnt mean well not see it. Even though this storm is just moving slowly to the north, its still going to stick around and be a rainmaker up and down the east coast. Heres the last advisory. 30mileperhour winds. Hasnt really strengthened but moving so slowly that well still be talking about tropical depression bonnie all the way to the middle of the week. Eventually it will become a remnant low. Look at the rain as far south as connecticut into new york. Rain coming through coastal areas of the outer banks in North Carolina. Still heavy rain in the forecast straight through wednesday due to this tropical system. Remember were not even officially in the start of Hurricane Season yet. That begins june 1st. Were ahead of the curve right now. I want to take your attention to texas. Austin getting rain. San antonio hammered with strong thunderstorms. Gusts as high as 35 miles an hour. If you are traveling, wait until these storms pass because they are dangerous. In fact, that threat for texas will persist throughout the day today. We can look at a lot of hail coming through and damaging wind. 2 Million People at risk for severe storms. In tex aa really rough spring so far. Heavier rain expected into oklahoma as we go through the next few days. At least its not in east texas where weve seen that torrential flooding we saw on thursday. Keep in mind still plenty of people deal with that flooding. Your holiday forecast for today looks good except stormy in the Central Plains and due to bonnie on the eastern coast. Lets turn to president ial politics now. The socalled Never Trump Movement within the Republican Party is not going away. One of the men behind that effort, bill crystal, now saying a Third Party Candidate is coming. He promises its someone impressive with a, quote, real chance at winning in the fall. Donald trump quickly taking to wait toer er twitter saying it would spoil the race for the republicans. Trump was in washington sunday at a bikers rally. Hallie jackson covering the Trump Campaign. So Third Party Independent effort. What do we know . Feels like a little deja vu. A couple of months ago talking about a possible third party effort. A couple of weeks ago, talking about it again. And here we go. In some conservative circles, theres such a deep concern about donald trump as republican nominee. So youre seeing whats left of this Never Trump Movement scrambling, looking for what im told is a quote unquote serious candidate. Sources within that movement saying a candidate could be presented some time soon, although not giving much guidance as to who it could be or when we might see something. Theres a couple of names that always come up when you talk about someone that could run as an independent or Third Party Candidate. One of those names, mitt romney. He came out very strongly a few months ago speaking out against donald trump. His folks have stayed mum at least over the weekend, although previously batted down speculation romney is looking into this. He made phone calls to people like john kasich, people in the Republican Party to see if they would be interested in mounting a third party bid. Another name that comes up is ben sass. A big never trump guy. His folks are telling us nothing has changed when it comes to senator sass as far as him being uninterested in going after an independent run. A lot of talk about this. Bill crystal is one of the leaders of the Never Trump Movement along with Erick Erickson and so youre seeing people concerned about a trump candidacy but at the same time in the broader Republican Party, there is a sense that people are coming together around donald trump. Big money donors. Top dollar fundraisers. People in the establishment now throwing their weight behind trump. It leaves a question mark as to how viable an independent candidate could be. And the concern if there is a conservative independent candidate if, and thats a big if then it would only draw support away from donald trump and make it easier for the democrat to take the white house. Hallie jackson, always good to see you. Thank you. On the democratic side, the focus remains on california. Polls showing a tight race ahead of the june 7th primary. Hillary clinton dropping six figures on tv ads across the state desperately wanting a win there to close out the primary process. But Bernie Sanders is promising to go until the very end. Now one of his senate colleagues, a powerful democrat saying the vermont senator should throw in the towel. Senator sanders has the right to run, no question. He ought to be able to read the sign posts as well as anybody else. And if he did that, he would know that its all but over. Nbcs Kristen Welker is in chappaqua, new york, with Hillary Clinton. So lets talk about what they see in california right now. Obviously, and we talked about this in the last hour, they think they may be able to close out this nominating process in new jersey, even before the polls close in california. Nevertheless, she doesnt want to lose the biggest state, a state she won in 2008. How are they feeling about it . Whats the strategy between now n voting day . They feel like it is going to be close in california. Theres no doubt about that. Polls show secretary clinton has a small lead there, about two points. But this is a state where independents can vote, and typically those types of states do favor senator sanders. Hes outspending her in Television Ads 2 to 1 vowing to bring out more than 200,000 people before primary day, vowing to stay in the state through the primary. Secretary clinton has made an aggressive push for this state as well. I spent the better part of last week there with her aggressively campaigning. She has nine offices opened up. Thats more than senator sanders has. Shes very serious about trying to win. She doesnt want to lose the state. She doesnt want to limp into the convention. But new jersey, as you rightfully point out, could be key to that strategy as well. And guess where shes going to be on wednesday . New jersey. Shell spend a lot of time there this week. Polls show she has a pretty strong lead but shes not taking the state for granted. On june 7th, if she does win new jersey by a pretty significant margin, she could effectively clinch the nomination before all the votes in california are counted. Thats the strategy over the coming days. I wouldnt be surprised if we saw her make a return trip to california. But again, chris, the broader point he she wants to pivot to the general election. Weve seen this on the campaign trail, ramping up her attacks against donald trump, as her top surrogates, as you say, surrogates like senator Dianne Feinstein turning up the heat to Bernie Sanders to get out of the race. He is definant. Hes not going anywhere. Talking to chuck todd over the weekend, he didnt rule out running as secretary clintons vp but hes squarely focused on trying to win the nomination for himself. Kristen welker, thank you. Lets bring in ameesh and senior politics editor for the daily beast, jackie kucinich. Let me play a little of what Bernie Sanders told me. If you dont win california, will you drop out . Lets not get into speculation. I think we are going to win california, and i think well do very well in the remaining states. I dont like to speculate in the future. Our job is to win the nomination. Youve been on the campaign trail with Bernie Sanders. You and i have ridden the bus it. Does he sound like a candidate who seems something unforeseen will happen or someone who knows the end is coming . I think he sounds like someone who really, really still wants to be president and try to win this nomination but knows the numbers are the numbers n his time is likely coming to an end in terms of running this campaign. The fact hes even engaging people like chuck todd talking about Vice President ial picks and who Hillary Clinton should look to to try to get his supporters, that signals he knows that his supporters are going to have to turn somewhere else and that the Democratic Party is going to need his supporters. And the question becomes, jackie, as you well know, what role does he play . How does he play it in terms of turning those supporters . Ive seen tremendous amount of time over the last month talking to the bernie or bust folks who say they wouldnt vote for Hillary Clinton if she was the last person on earth. Then a lot of people on the fence who he presumably could impact. Where do you see this going . It all lies with Bernie Sanders. I spent the last couple of days talking to veterans of the puma movement who were Hillary Clintons most loyal supporters. And one of the things they kept saying that it really does depend on how Bernie Sanders communicates to his supporters about supporting secretary clinton at the end of the day. He asked them if he makes it very clear that thats where his loyalty is lying at this point. Then they might go along with him. And a lot ended up voting for president obama at the end of the day after headquarter dropped out out in 2008. It does lie with senator sanders at the end of the day. Theres these two tracks, one is to fight Bernie Sanders, the other donald trump. Im sure her campaign was not thrilled with the headline, Hillary Clinton struggles to find footing in unusual race. So do you think well see Something Different from her . She really is running a very conventional campaign in a very unconventional year. I think that were going to see her having to kind of pivot and having to kind gf into trying to figure out how shes going to go after trump. Shes in this twofront war that shes trying to be nice to Bernie Sanders. Theres a story out that was talking about the fact Bernie Sanders, while talking about Hillary Clinton, hes not really bashing her anymore. I think both of them are starting to realize at the end of the day, they need to somehow coalesce and get rid of donald trump. What were going to start seeing is her idea of what how shes going to handle Donald Trumps some way being a street fighter why shes poised and have her gloves on. Well have to see hillary clinton do some interesting things. Shes going to have to find her footing in that story you mentioned in the new york times. We talk about the fact shes trying to figure out, do i go after him on policy . Do i go after him and do an elizabeth warren. Elizabeth warren is obviously trolling him on twitter, going after him headon. Really being very personal in her attacks. In some ways ridiculing him. But Hillary Clinton, of course, she was secretary of state. She was a senator. She wants to talk about policy differences. She wants to talk about how her vision for america is different than Donald Trumps. That may not be the way to defeat trump. It will be interesting to see what she ends up using to take down donald trump and if she can do that. A lot of his supporters, theyre not really worried about whether or not donald trump is switching his issues or whether or not hes saying one thing one day and saying something the next day. They really feel like hes talking to real people. And in some ways, Hillary Clintons Biggest Issue is whether people feel they really understand her, and do they feel like shes talking to them . Thats going to be a hard thing for her to do. You have this lingering threat, if you want to call it that, of bill crystal saying, that they were going to announce someone substantial who was going to mount a third party bid. Is it a real threat . I feel like all thats left is the crying with that movement. It really does seem like weve heard this over and over again. Someone is going to emerge. Its just becoming less and less something based in reality. Weve already had some dates passed where these candidates wouldnt even be able to get on the ballot, let aalone, and the Republican Party at large is not really calling for a Third Party Candidate. Its a lot of people in washington. Its more the establishment class. So while there is some disappointment, perhaps, in various states around the country that donald trump will be the nominee, there isnt the widespread call that you hear, you know, more around the beltway. Jackie kucinich and yamiche, thank you. Growing outrage over the story that has everybody talking this holiday weekend. A beloved gorilla at the cincinnati zoo shot and killed after a 3yearold boy climbed into the animals enclosure. This morning that boy is recovering at home but questions swirling around the zoos actions. Well go live to cincinnati after the break. 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There are growing calls for the parents to face neglect charges after what happened here this weekend. We want to warn our viewers some of this video may be hard to watch. Cell phone video capturing the horrifying moment a 3yearold boy coming face to face with a 400pound gorilla after falling into the enclosure at the zoo. You hear his mothers desperate calls. Mommy loves you. Im right here. Reporter visitors watched the gorilla pick the boy up and drag him through the water. You heard a splash. And people were yelling. You know, theres a boy in the water. Theres a boy in the water. Reporter witness kim oconnor said the boy had been talking about wanting to go in the water. His mother was watching several other children when the boy slipped through the railing and passed wires to enter the enclosure. Ten agonizing minutes go by before zookeepers make the difficult decision to shoot the endangered Western Lowland Gorilla with a long rifle. A great big animal. It seemed very much by our Dangerous Animal Response Team to be a lifethreatening situation. So the choice was made to put down or shoot harambe, so hes gone. Reporter they say a tranquilizer would have taken too long. People blame the childs mother. One writing while im very sorry a child was hurt, im angry the parental negligence caused the death of this magnificent animal. On sunday, protesters calling for justice. He dont have a voice anymore. We have to be his voice. I feel like they did this animal wrong. And i feel like the mother should be held accountable. Reporter the family issued a statement saying were so thankful to the lord that our child is safe. Hes home and doing just fine. We extend our heartfelt thanks for the quick action by cincinnati zoo staff. We know this was a very difficult decision for them, and that they are grieving the loss of their gorilla. It comes just one week after zookeepers in santiago, chile shot and killed two lions after they mauled a man who jumped into their den, took off his clothes and began taunting the animal. In cincinnati, the gorilla exhibit is temporarily closed while a memorial grows for the gorilla named harambe who had just celebrated his 17th birthday. Gorillas like this can live to be 50 years old in the wild and in captivity. A chaunge. Org position has been startod the internet called justice for harambe. So far 85,000 signatures. That petition is calling for the parents to face neglect charges. So far police have not indicated any plans to press those charges. Im trying to figure out what it looks like. How did that kid get through . How does a 3yearold kid, and we presume it didnt take a long period of time for him to actually get through and be able to get into that enclosure. Right. The way authorities describe it is theres a railing right next to the sidewalk where people are looking at the exhibit. And then passed that, after a buffer zone, theres then some wiring and the child was able to get through that and fall into the enclosure. We have not been allowed to have our cameras look at it today. Well keep trying for that, chris. Blackhake mccoy in cincinnat thank you. I want to bring in zoologist jerod miller. So im sure youve seen these pictures. One witness says it looked like the gorilla was actually trying to protect the boy. What do you see when you look at this video . Well, chris, first off, youre right. Gorillas by nature, obviously, they arent a carnivorous animal and they are a primate, just like us. He was reacting in a typical gorilla manner. He has offoffspring of his own. When he sees this gorillalike human child in his territory, hes going to be a little bewildered, but he will react to him in a similar way, very curious as he would one of his offspring. It is scary when you see him dragging the child through the water. The child does not seem, at least from the little bit of the cell phone video ive seen, to be terrified or screaming or anything like that. Do you think that there was another alternative . In that tenminute period of time, what do you imagine that conversation was like among zoo officials who had to make this terrible decision . You said it right there because it was such a short i mean tenminute time frame, that says it right there. Within ten minutes, thats amount of time isnt even enough for the mobilization to take into effect. Keep in mind that zoological staff and parks throughout the country and throughout the world train for this on a weekly and daily basis. First off, zoos, when it comes to recreational areas, zoos can be considered one of the safest places you can go because there is so much attention and rigorous demand for keeping the public safe and keeping the animals safe at the same time. So that ten minutes, what was going through the staffs head was just that. They were trained. They were prepared. And this was the perfect storm. The worst Case Scenario that they were all prepared for. Unfortunately, they had to make that unfornat decision, which ultimately did potntially, in fact, save the young boys life. We shouldnt lose track of that. I am just curious. How long would it take a tranquilizer to take effect on a 400pound gorilla . The way it works, you said its a 400pound animal. There was a lot of commotion. You dont know how much adrenaline could have been coursing through the animals body. That does affect the process. 10 to 15 minutes for an animal of that size. Well, zoologist jerod mill eim sure theres going to be a lot more discussions going forward. Were all glad that the boy is safe in any case. Thanks for talking with us. Thank you, chris. Lets look at the live pictures from Arlington National cemetery. President obama will participate in a full honor wreath laying ceremony at the tomb of the unknowns at 1 1 00 before he delivers remarks to honor members of the armed services. Well have those events live for you when they happen. Stay with us. Its more than a network and the cloud. Its reliable uptime. And multilayered security. Its how you stay connected to each other and to your customers. With centurylink you get advanced technology solutions, including an industry leading broadband network, and cloud and hosting services all with dedicated, responsive support. With centurylink as your trusted technology partner, youre free to focus on growing your business. Centurylink. Your link to whats next. 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The storm already bringing heavy rain, wind and high surf across georgia and the carolinas. 2 Million People are at risk of Severe Weather. Nbcs Janet Shamlian is at myrtle beach, South Carolina, for us. And doesnt look like a terrible day there. Take us through the conditions where you are, janet. Reporter hey, chris. Good morning. I want to take off the jacket and join the beachgoers. Take a look down the beach. It looks beautiful right now. A lot of these people traveled here for this weekend especially. Checked into hotels, spending money. Saturday and sunday turned out to be something of a spoiler with bonnie. Really not the intensity. She was more of a rainmaker. And talk about heavy rain. Just south of here along interstate 95, they got slammed. They closed a portion of that interstate. Imagine doing that on a holiday weekend. 22mile backup of vehicles. Imagine being stuck in that kind of traffic. Look at it this morning. It is glorious. And people here are hoping to salvage at least a little part of their weekend. I want to mention texas as well because they had devastating flooding there. And theyve been having it for weeks on end. The brazos river, the san jacinto are so full, they cant handle it anymore. Any more rain is going to push that over its banks. The death toll in texas is now up to six people in the rosenberg area. They evacuated a couple of prisons. 2,600 prisoners had to be moved to different facilities. Its been a bad weather weekend in some parts of the country. At least in this area, it looks like theyll pull it out for monday. But theres still the concern of rough seas and rip currents here. Yesterday they only let people into the water to their knees but it looks better today. Hopefully they can salvage something of their weekend. When you showed that shot down the beach, there are two little boys that look like theyre having already the time of their life at only 8 30 in the morning. Good for them. Janet shamlian in myrtle beach, where some people will be able to salvage a little bit of their weekend. Thank you. Also a couple of frightening shark incidents. Neptune beach, florida, east of jacksonville, a 13yearold boy recovering after he was bit by a shark on his right leg. In california, a twomile stretch of beach south of l. A. Remains closed today. Police say a shark bit a woman in her stomach and shoulder. She is now in the hospital and on the hunt for a shark. Well have much more ahead on how the Severe Weather is impacting travel. But first, donald trump supporter bob dole telling the presumptive gop nominee to apologize to vietnam veteran and arizona senator john mccain. Trump calls on us to honor veterans. Will he apologize for attacking mccains war record . Well ask the Trump Campaign ahead. Oh look creepy gloves for my feet. When i was a kid there was a handle. And a face. This is nice. Does it come in a california king . Getting roid rage. Hemorrhoid. 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The John Deere Ztrak z535m with our reengineered deck to mow faster better. Visit your john deere dealer to save 300 dollars on the z535m residential ztrak mower now until may 31st. Holiday weekend. 38 Million People are traveling this memorial day monday. With Severe Weather across the country, and the possibility of long lines at Security Check points at national airports, a lot of travelers are bracing for possible delays. However, were checking flight aware, the website that tracks flight delays. So far 67. Thats not a huge number. Most of those coming out of new york city and dallas. Well see what the weather does. And, obviously, traffic coming up. In the meantime, donald trump praising veterans at the 29th annual Rolling Thunder motorcycle run on sunday. A chance for the billionaire businessman to rub elbows with crowds of bikers while simultaneously making his case as the best president for our nations military. Some of these people are tough, and some of the guys i see on that bike, ill tell you what, theyre rough. And i get out, and i shake their hands, and they are, ill tell you. There is love. There is love, and its an incredible feeling. And thats why i wanted to be with you today. And i really appreciate being invited. Were with you 100 . One veteran in particular is in the news. John mccain who trump famously criticized last july. One of mccains closest friends, bob dole, says its time for trump to mend fences. Im going to try to get trump to issue an apology. I mean, john mccain suffered to torture, broken arm. What do you expect . I want to bring in katrina pierson. Happy memorial day. Hi, chris. Great to be here. Happy memorial day. Has there been a conversation between bob dole and donald trump, and will donald trump apologize to john mccain . No, not to my knowledge, chris. Most veterans understand this was a very targeted statement specifically to mccain who had been very critical of mr. Trump, as well as other conservatives for the last couple of president ial cycles. And mr. Trump is a counterpuncher. This is the exact same thing. But to take on someone who is acknowledged even by his fiercest critics as a war hero . Well, there is no exception to the rule. If you attack mr. Trump, he will respond in kind. He is a counterpuncher. This was in the midst of the republican president ial primary where he took on 16 other candidates and won. He is going to fight back, and i understand a lot in the media and political pundits in d. C. Dont what defense is. And mr. Trump will defend himself. The Washington Post took that on with this article titled even in victory, donald trump cant stop airing his grievances. They talk about the fact that long after these sort of, you know, back and forths happened, he still openly is criticizing two female republican governors. Hes gone after jeb bush, mitt romney, a former employee, the california district judge linked to the Trump University case. Is this president ial . Is this productive to keep attacking people, including a lot of republicans at a time when he says he wants to bring the Republican Party together . Look, these arent attacks, chris. These are responses. Every one youve mentioned has said something or done something against mr. Trump. So, yes, this is one of the things that have drawn so many people to mr. Trumps side is simply because he doesnt allow people to go out there and to trash him and completely destroy him in the media, misrepresent what he says, what he thinks and feels his vision for america. He fights back. Thats something we havent seen on the republican side in a long time. Lets talk about the 15state strategy. He says the states include some pretty blue states like new york, california. At the same time that and some of your folks have had to answer questions about whether or not you are up to speed, if you have enough employees. How are you going to mount this strategy . Whats the plan in terms of numbers of people, amount of money that you think youll have to spend . How are you looking at this Campaign Going forward . Well, i think its fair to say at this point, considering how mr. Trump has clinched the nomination prior to the nomination by achieving 1,237, and, look, we have been underestimated from the very beginning. We were told early on we didnt have a ground game. The Trump Campaign is in turm owl. Were still hearing that today. We were told other candidates had a superior ground game. Yet mr. Trump has broken the record in gop primary turnout with five states left to go. I think we know what were doing. Were running a lean machine. The hiring process is taking place right now. Well have an effective strategy on the ground as well as in the air. I just want to make sure what youre saying. You say you are hiring. You are expanding your campaign. Absolutely. Will you be on par with the democrats . Will you spend the kind of money, have the kind of staff or you saline, mean campaign, are we looking at something significantly smaller than weve seen . Well have to look at where our needs are and hire accordingly. This will not be run like Hillary Clintons campaign, which is like a bureaucracy. He wants to run the Campaign Like he would the government. Hiring competent people to do the job that needs to be done. Hes done very well so far. Hillary clinton has 800 people on her staff. And she still is campaigning against one person whereas mr. Trump has had less than 100 people and have cleared out 16 candidates, secured the nomination and now moving forward to the jgeneral. Thats the thought process we need in a commander in chief and someone to oversee the United States economy. Whats going on with the Convention Planning . We know what has been said by donald trump about how he wants it to be sort of more entertaining and hes looking maybe at a bigger venue and all those kinds of things. How is that going . Give us a little foreshadowing of what well see thats different than whats been seen before. Well, i think this convention is going to be unconventional, just as the trump candidacy has been. Because he does. He wants this to be exciting. He wants thus to be fun for the people. He wants to get his message out there. Without the media filter. He wants it to be entertaining as well. We dont want some dry, Boring Convention with the same talking points weve had for decades. Mr. Trump is serious about leading this country. He wants to engage the people. He wants the delegates to be gmg engaged and a part of this process. We dont want to leave anybody out of this process. Its going to be a lot of fun. They are working on those plans. I dont have any specifics just yet but youll be hearing some soon. Katrina pierson, Trump Campaign national spokesperson. Thanks for coming on the program. Great to be here. All eyes on california as the Democratic Candidates gear up for the nations primary. Bernie sanders hoping he can pull off that upset over Hillary Clinton. Would a golden state loss end his campaign before the convention . Stay with us. Chuck, california is the big enchilada, so to speak. Obviously its enormously important. Obviously we want to win it. Were going to fight until the last vote is cast and try, too pe appeal to the last delegate we can. Its not a quick fix. Its my decision to make beauty last. RocĀ® retinal started visibly reducing my fine lines and wrinkles in one week. And the longer i use it, the better it works. Retinal correxionĀ® from rocĀ® methods, not miracles. ā„¢ imagine if the things you bought every day earned you miles to get to the places you really want to go. With the united mileageplus explorer card, youll get a free checked bag, 2 united club passes. Priority boarding. And 30,000 bonus miles. Everything you need for an unforgettable vacation. The united mileageplus explorer card. Imagine where it will take you. Another antiwrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. NeutrogenaĀ® rapid wrinkle repair works. In one week. With the. Fastest retinol formula. To visibly reduce wrinkles. NeutrogenaĀ®. California, the last frontier for the bernie Sanders Campaign. With the primary calendar winding down and the delegate math still highly improbable for sanders, i asked him this weekend if a loss in california would spell the end of his campaign. If you dont win california, will you drop out . Well, were not lets not even get into speculation. I think we are going to win california and do very well in the remaining states. Right now our job is to win the nomination. So if you take the five most recent polls in california they show clinton in the lead with an average of those polls having her up eight points. Does sanders have a shot in golden state . Shes a professor at the paul price school of business. I miss you. I miss you, too. I was just in california with Bernie Sanders. Its been interesting to talk to people there. This state, obviously, very politically engaged. Internally, the Clinton Campaign seems to think theyre still up. You had this recent poll that showed it a statistical dead heat. Whats your sense . Youve been in california politics for a long time. How close is it there . This election like every other election is going to come down to turnout. Who gets their voters out. How big the turnout is, what it looks like. And i am seeing its very interesting. Im seeing large, large crowds for Bernie Sanders. But i dont see any energy, any lightning, any real enthusiasm for secretary clinton and, quite frankly, once the crowds just disappear, i dont see it there for bernie either. Its bizarre. We saw this in new york. A lot of big crowds but then, obviously, you know how that state turned out. Exactly. How is the early voting going . Thats very big in this state. I think 60 vote early . It could be as much as 50 at least. Its going. Its about the last time i looked it was about 30 . So its not exploding in this state at all. I think were going to find a lot of maybe not a lot, but many noparty preference voters. Thats independent voters out here who show up at the polling booth and say, here, give me a democratic ballot. And they will vote in the democratic primary. This is an election thats unlike any other election i have seen out here for a very long time. And to that point its as whack noodle as this election is. Donald trump thinks he can win california in the general election. Let me play that for you. Big play for california. Should i . I am going to make a heavy, heavy, heavy play because i honestly think were getting these massive crowds all over the place. I actually think were going to win california. As unconventional a year as this has been, could donald trump make a serious play there . The arithmetic tells me not really. This is a deep blue, democratic state. Trumps position on immigration is much harder, much harsher than it is among voters in california, both democrats and republicans, quite frankly. And the latino electorate is a burgeioning electorate n will have a lot to say here in california. I think donald trump thinks he has a serious chance of taking california because hes donald trump, but im not sure that it adds up. Sherry, always good to talk to you. My pleasure. Much more ahead on this memorial day. 8 50. Well be right back. Kind of wo. When pain tries to stop you, motrin works fast to stop pain. 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With centurylink you get advanced technology solutions, including an industry leading broadband network, and cloud and hosting services all with dedicated, responsive support. With centurylink as your trusted technology partner, youre free to focus on growing your business. Centurylink. Your link to whats next. Another antiwrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. NeutrogenaĀ® rapid wrinkle repair works. In one week. With the. Fastest retinol formula. To visibly reduce wrinkles. NeutrogenaĀ®. Its called hops for heros. Several microbreweries around the country releasing home front ipa this weekend. Theyre going to donate 100 of the profits to benefit soldiers angels. More than 750,000 has been raised by hops for heroes since it started five years ago. Joining us to talk about it, former Baltimore Orioles pitcher chris ray, founder of hops for heroes. Tell us about why you started hops for heroes. Thanks for having me on. Back in 2011, i was playing out in seattle. Playing baseball. And came up with the idea to brew a beer for our troops. Teamed up with free mont Brewing Company out there and created home front ipa. Brewed it with maple bats from Louisville Slugger and donated it all to charity. How does that money translate into helping veterans . How does this benefit the folks who were honoring this weekend . So this Years Charity is soldiers angels. An organization that provides care packages to our men n women overseas, as well as helps out with any kind of family emergency here stateside. All the funds are donated by the breweries to soldiers angels, and they disperse it to the men and women of our military. Lets talk about the brew, home front ipa. Where can people get it, and tell us about the beer. So the beer is brewed all across the country. Youll need to find it at your local brewery thats producing it. You can find that list on hops for heroes. Com. The beer itself is an ipa. Its brewed with fresh orange zefts. And we do age it on the maple bats. Some can pick up a flavor for it. Its a nice light ipa full of citrus which is great for the warm weather thats upon us now. Any projected target . How much are you hoping to raise from this latest round . This year were hoping to get to 150,000. Every year we add a few more breweries and partners and keep trying to grow organically. Chris ray, great of you to come on. Great charity. Good luck today. Thank you. Thats going to wrap up this hour of msnbc live. Theres much more ahead as we leave you with pictures from Arlington National cemetery on this memorial day. We await the ceremony with president obama. Steve kornacki will pick up our coverage next. Wahhhh. Right. In. Your. Stomach watch this . Yikes, that ice cream was messing with you, wasnt it . Try lactaid, its real ice cream, without that annoying lactose. Lactaid. Its the milk that doesnt mess with you. This clean was like pow. Everything well . It felt like i had just gone to the dentist. 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A lot of news to get to this morning, including politics and the millions of people on the road and in the air this holiday weekend. But we begin with the deadly weather system that has been ravaging huge swaths of the country for days now in texas. Six people are confirmed dead after deadly floodwaters hit parts of that state forcing evacuations. Tropical depression bonnie is making its way up the east coast creating risky travel conditions and dangerous surf for people at the beach. Nbcs Janet Shamlian is in myrtle beach, South Carolina, following that coastal threat. Reporter its a memorial day washout for millions of americans. Tropical depression bonnie making its way up the east coast on sunday, hitting the carolinas the hardest with drenching rains and flooding. A section of interstate 95 south of charleston submerged. Authorities finally shut it down after too many drivers tried to go through it. In georgia, floodwaters submerge not only streets but homes. And while there was sun in myrtle beach, fear of rip currents had some vacationers afraid to go in the water. Im very concerned about my kids being out there. I get service when they get further than their knees. Reporter rescuers are still searching for a 21yearold man who went missing in North Carolina late saturday after swimming in rough water. In tex tarks was another round of flash flooding. Several communities calling mandatory evacuations. We knew it was coming but at the same time, you dont prepare for Something Like this to pack uppiorle

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