Trump won 89 out of new yorks 95 delegates. Really breaks it down, trump needs 57 of the remaining delegates to get the nomination, john kasich needs 158 . He really needs to step this up. One district ted cruz lost to ben carson who wasnt running. Even when he was running im not sure you knew he was running. Despite his dismal finish in empire state he did his best to
rally supporters and further cement legacy as one of the countrys great speakers. Join me now on this journey of less talk and more action, real solutions, because i know you. You may have been knocked down but america has always been best when she is lying down with her back on the mat. Who was lying down with her back . Its a metaphor. No, its not a good metaphor. We are now putting women on money. Were like in a different place. You dont say stuff like that. Did he say that in his oratory. Might be putting women in the white house, too. Yes, we will. At this point were putting women in the white house, believe me. Good morning, april 21st. Joe is getting a very important day off. Im supposed to be quiet. Excuse me. Did he say that . In texas, everyone bigger. All right. So. Veteran columnist and contributor mike barnicle, manager of bloomberg politics, airs 6 00 p. M. Mark halperin, Richard Haass. Hes going to explain why president ial teams dont do their job. Our country going to the airport and not getting greet bid leaders, which is kind of a symbolic something i cant say on television that involves a gesture. Will you explain later . It should be our biggest problem with saudi arabia. It is symbolic. If you were the advance team. I should live so large. Seriously, that would be very important in terms of designing the trip and that would be your job, right . Its not like an under ling. You can arrange it and saudis can call, to use a technical term, an audible. Then you have to decide if you go through with the trip even if you dont like the arrangements. Explain what youre talking about, in case viewers dont know. Instead of being met by major figure, much less the king, he was met by the governor of riyadh. It would be like showing up in washington instead of being met by the president or Vice President or member of the cabinet, the governor of virginia. Here is another way to look at it, mika. Consider a family and the father is on the way home. The kids know hes coming home to spank them. Right. The saudis know president
obama is arriving in riyadh to spank them, so they are not going to be too greet him at the airport. This happened on other categories as well. Well get to this. This morning donald trump will hold a town hall with colleagues at 30 rock. Willie youre going to be part of it. Simulcast. Coming up. Lets get to some of the news. This is really getting interesting on the republican side with ted cruz. The Associated Press has declared that ted cruz has no path to the nomination on the first ballot at the Republican National convention finding him mathematically eliminated in the delegate race. Do you agree with that . He cant get the numbers. Cruz has to win 98 of the delegates to get 1237 necessary votes. John kasich would need 158 . So hes mathematically out as well. Trump needs only 57 . But has Campaign Says hes on track to reach 1400 delegates by the cleveland convention. Earlier this month ted cruz said this about kasichs campaign, after he was mathematically eliminated of reaching the necessary delegates. I think any candidate that doesnt have a path to winning, that thats the time when you should suspend your campaign. At this point, kasich has been mathematically eliminated. He needs more than 100 of the delegates to be the nominee. Thats obviously impossible. You cant get more than 100 . Yesterday cruz offered a new rationalization. A little bit different now that hes in that situation, that no one is going to reach 1237. What is clear that is that were headed to a contested convention. Im not going to reach 1237 and
donald trump is not going to reach 1237. Were going to arrive in cleveland with me having a ton of delegates and with donald having a ton of delegates. At that point it is doing to be a battle to see who can earn the support of the majority of the delegates elected by the people. The only condition in which i woulded leave the race is if it was clear there was no path to victory. At this point were headed on a path to victory. The Kasich Campaign tweeted yesterday, what is clear today no, now that cruz is mathematically eliminated, the only difference between him and kasich is kasich can defeat clinton. Mark pal prynhalperin, is the m correct . I believe it is. It is but cruz has no practical path to majority. Its mathmatic cal. Hes not going to get a majority. Hes banking on a second or third ballot victory. You can read analysis forever on
whether trump is on the path to get a majority or not. Hes more likely than not. Depends on performance in remaining states. Cruz banking on keeping trump short and somehow convince the delegates to not vote for the guy with the most votes. Yesterday Steve Schmidt is here. Hes like einstein. He declared unequivocally on the set that donald trump has or will have 1237 needed to win the first ballot nomination. Agree or disagree . I agree its more likely than not but im not sure steve is. I keep running the numbers. After new york its more likely. I think trump will do well in the northeast. I dont agree with steve its a sure thing. The only drama now is does he gets to 1237. Officially no drama of hes the only one that can get to 1237. A big day tuesday with the five states, then how does he do in
indiana, nebraska . How many delegates can he win in california. Youre tarting to see little cracks in the armor at the wall street journal in their oped. Realistically hard to deny even if he rolls through the remaining primaries, even if hes short of 1237. Even it is journal now who has been pretty antitrump. Pretty . Even if its close. Here is how you know Steve Schmidt isnt 100 right. You dont hear any republicans even journal editorial saying the other guy should get out of the race. If trump had it locked up, looks make theest before it, trump the nominee, help supporting him, help position himself. You dont hear that. Im hearing very, very careful sources saying that rnc might start realizing that they have to work with donald trump and they have to help him beat clinton. Its got to be confirmed and
reconfirmed, but there appears to be some warming up between them. You know what, i dont think mary wrote this, thats just my gut. I could be wrong. But the feeling i got yesterday, just an instinct. I go on gut a lot. Im thinking she didnt write this, but this the wall street journal. Some of the never trump crowd claim new york changed nothing in the race but that is wishful thinking. The victory erases the memory of trumps defeat in wisconsin two weeks ago and propels him into the next weeks contests. Mr. Trump is leading in the polls in all of those states and without a concerted option hell sweet those two. We continue to believe should nominate the most electable candidate. But realistically mr. Trump would be hard to deny if he rolls through the remaining prim areas even if hes short of
1237. This is new yorker. Mr. Cruz and mr. Kassig are outhustling the new yorker in the fight for unbound delegates but they also need to go into cleveland with credible claim on gop voter support. If hes close, won many millions more votes, many hundreds more delegate, how do you pick one of those other guys over him . Thats a pretty good argument, might be a compelling argument if he has that much momentum. Ted cruz has a ton of delegates, donald trump has a ton of delegates but actually not equal. Trump will have two tons to cruzs one ton by the time the convention rolls around. Not that hard. Not a question whether trump would create a third party, whether you have a candidate unite the party and have political legitimacy going into the fall election. Given your roll and what you do for a living, come into fairly Constant Contact with people all over the world,Government Officials, what is their read on donald trump as a potential president of the United States. I think until recently they didnt take the possibility all that seriously. They are watching american politics with a degree of almost bemusement. Depending on where you are they have real trouble with some of the specifics. In asia they have real trouble with his views on trade, latin america with his views on mexico and immigrants. I was just down in argentina, real concerns about that also in brazil. In the middle east they have concerns about stated views about muslims. Its the conversation youve had on the show for weeks, which is whether donald trump will quote, unquote, pivot. Hes talking about giving, for example, a Foreign Policy speech later this month april 27th the wall street journal said. That will be an important speech because people are going to be looking for signals. Whether their candidate trying to win the republican nomination begins to pivot or evolve into a candidate as he goes into a
general election and conceivably be president. So people are going to be looking for signs of policy, seriousness, some evolution. That will people around the world now are going to see trump in a far different light. They are doing to see him as a potential not just candidate but conceivably a president so hes now going to be measured by a different yard strick. Three dimensional, one winning primaries and caucuses, two the inside fight for delegates. Three, what richard is talking about, doing interviews, wall street journal, times interview, Foreign Policy speech, trying to convince the world and Republican Party hes not only ready to win the party but being president of the United States. Hes doing well on the third score. These are two interviews that came across being a serious
pers person. Contested argument, rnc chairs, the rules are the rules. If you have a plurality youre not the nominee. Have you to win a majority. Abe lincoln wouldnt have been president if we went with plurality. You still have pushback majority. Haley barbour will be joining us on morning joe today. Weve been looking forward to hearing from him. Fascinating. Traditional campaign tactics. Wall street journal first to report. The Campaign Says it has hired a speechwriter and the candidate is practicing in his officer with a teleprompter, a teleprompter, should be outlawed for president ial candidates. Will deliver first speech in washington on the subject of National Security before his indiana really yesterday trump met with states republican governor mike pence, with new Jersey Governor Chris Christie at his side. Move comes amid trump softening
his tone. He explained why during his election speech he called his chief rival senator cruz instead of lyin ted. I thought it would be very undignified for me to get up at that particular moment, with everyone watching, because everyone wanted to see what was going to happen in the state of new york. That graciousness was shortlived. Back stage trump quickly returned to those attacks. In the case of lyin ted cruz, lyin ted. He lies. Im millions of votes ahead. Millions. Millions of votes ahead of lyin ted cruz. Im about 300 delegates ahead of lyin ted. They asked lyin ted about waterboarding and he didnt want to answer. Do you think this happened with lyin ted cruz . Believe me. Theres no path for lyin ted
cruz, hes out. Lyin ted cruz comes over here and starts ranting raving, lyin. We have some beauties. Lyin ted, crooked hillary. I wont go over the others because they are defeated. Once they are defeated you dont have to mention their names anyone. The pivot doesnt happen anymore. You take baby steps in the pivot. Its so funny watching everyone cover this. Has he changed . Has he not . Its called a rally. Versus i won the state of new york speech. Hes showing dimension. You notice everyone on the set was laughing and everybody in the audience was laughing and they were having a good time. Is it really that interesting a story that he has a different tone at different times of the day. Its a show. Hes a show. Thats kind of part of it. He does a good job at it. The point will come its hard
to sustain because you dont have the option at some point of narrow casting. Everything you say anywhere ultimately gets echoed everywhere. Certainly happens when youre president and will start happening in the general campaign as well. One thing Joe Scarborough taught us when youre moving that fast its hard to stop. They have him moving fast. Cruz and kasich are struggling to slow him down. They can do it in may, the contests in may but thats where the pivotal battle is going to be. They are doing it now again a guy who is operating fast. We still have to get to the democrats. Bernie hanging in there. A lot to cover there. You actually had john lieberman. Jeff. Excuse me. They are looking ahead to these states. They are looking ahead to these states, rhode island. We were told no backing off the rhetoric. Jeff weaver. My mistake. Lets get to other stories
making headlines this morning. The water crisis in flint is officially a crime. Two were arraigned yesterday, steven bush and Michael Christy pled guilty to evidence tampering and conspiracy. They are accused of altering results and misleading. Both men suspended without pay and face prison time. A third man who ran the city treatment plan was charged with evidence tampering and falsifying reports. He has not and in court. Will in the news president obama is attending a council of gulf nations. He traveled to saudi arabia as i mentioned where he was snubbed by king salmaan at the airport. They later met at the airport. Did they plan to meet at the airport . That was never clear. After two hours in riyadh amid a time of heightened tinge, in the forefront effort to
declassify 28 pages of documents that relate to who financed 9 11 terror attacks. Theres the bill being pushed through congress that would allow foreign governments to be held liable for backing terror, including allowing victims of 9 11 to possibly sue the saudi government. Saudi arabia has always denied a roll in the attacks. Well talk much more about this issue with richard coming up later this hour. Finally the most dramatic changes in decades on the way for american currency. In an historic announcement, the Treasury Department says harriet tub man will become the new face on the 20 bill replacing former president Andrew Jackson. The 5 and 10 bills will be upgrated. The secretary believes the new bills will be unveiled in 2020 to mark 100th anniversary of womens right to vote. Big change. Hamilton was saved. Thats right. Miranda. Exactly right. Talked to jack lew in washington. Sealed the deal. Women on the women. They just need to be paid the same money. A small symbolic step. Still ahead Haley Barbour on the simmering feud between the Republican National committee and frontrunner. That might be warming up. There are some reports leading to that fact. Plus former ambassador tim roemer who personally read secret 28 pages on a possible saudi roll in 9 11. Also the complete list of time magazines 100 most influential people. The big reveal is straight ahead. Barnicle. Live town hall event with donald trump right here on nbc and morning joe simulcasting. First bill karins with a check on the forecast. Bill. Never seen at a softball game before. Check what rolled through the field in lynchburg, virginia
yesterday. Okay. Pitcher on the mound. All of a sudden were going to stop this game. Oh, my lord. Because of this huge dust devil that developed right over the field. What in the world is that . Pretty crazy. Dust devils look like tornadoes. It happened to be a clear day, hot, calm day, what happens in the desert southwest. They delayed the game. It dissipated and went up into the sky. Oh, my gosh, all that dust in the eyes. Look at the pitchers reaction. All right. Lets get to the forecast. Thunderstorms across texas once again, houston this afternoon. Also kind of a cool dreary day. Indianapolis, through all of ohio, bring the umbrella. Later on today, we track these storms down through houston and the gulf. Also if youre around indiana, ohio, kentucky and tennessee, carry the umbrella today, isolated storms. Finally this all heads to the east coast tomorrow. One more absolutely gorgeous Beautiful Day from maine to florida. Then on friday youll have to
break your umbrella out for the first time in about a week, week and a half since we had any rain on the east coast. A great stretch of weather and it comes to an end friday afternoon. Washington, d. C. , look at the sunrise. Another gorgeous day under way at the capital. More morning joe when we come back. Wrely on the Us Postal Service . Because when they ship with us, their business becomes our business. Thats why we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. Here, there, everywhere. United states Postal Service priority you
american. You have lyin ted cruz. Dont worry about it little marco. Why dont you just go home. Get him the hell out of here. Get him out of here. Get out. All right. Lets go. You like that, old man . As you know, we have won millions more votes than ted cruz. Here comes the putter throw. Tomorrow morning we go back to work. Wait. Hes restrained himself. Maybe this is a new happy gilmore. We love you all. Have a great evening. We have to give credit for andrew noting the comparison between the evolution of happy gilmore and the evolution of donald trump. Joining me New York Times reporter jeremy peters. Good to see you, man. The happy gilmore comparison slightly more appropriate before yesterdays rallies when he went back to lyin ted and all that. Youre reporting on two parallel trump campaigns. Explain that. Thats exactly right. What you have unfolding on the one hand is the very public donald trump who is going back to excoriating Republican National committee one day saying he might replace rance priebus and on the other hand you have a much quieter more agreeable, contrite approach being undertak