You can find a new frontier. Theres nothing stopping you and a lot helping you. Technology thats with you always. This is our promise. Its never been better to wander because wherever you go, youll find us doing everything we can, so you can. England. Its all theyve been talking about on the news. Check out the local news story on the snow. Shattering records across the state. The snow just keeps oncoming. Mayor marty walsh said this is a nightmare. I havent slept in 48 hours. School superintendent richard king said weve had to Cancel School for several days and theres no end in sight. Fifth grader billy doyle says, this is the greatette etteettest f. Ing
week in my life. I wanted to cry when i saw the beautiful snowflakes outside my window this morning. I just wanted to cry. You had to drive in on it. I want to talk about it all while you were sleeping last night. A federal judge actually blocked Barack Obamas immigration executive order. Were going to talk about that a little bit. The wall street journal headline leads with egypt really getting involved. The egyptian leader now asking the United Nations to get involved. Mika, you see this story. Lies still haunting Lance Armstrong. It cost him 10 million. Sounds like hes still pushing back. Cost him more. Still wants to do drugs. Ike and i talked about this on way too early. Snl, funny except when it
wasnt it wasnt. But, mike there was some magic moments. It was addictive. 3 1 2 hours of addictive television. Even when it wasnt funny, you kept waiting for the funny parts to come and they always came. They always came. I loved Jerry Seinfelds q and a with the audience. Larry david was funny what i forgot was how many people went through there and didnt necessarily succeed on snl but went on to be mega stars in comedy. It was fun. In this Ellis Stanley article there is a link to some of the auditions of the stars who didnt make it. Jim carrey post apocalyptic elvis, hilarious. Financial Times Leading with athens ejecting the eu demands. They have every right to be as irresponsible and reckless with their money as they want to knowing that europe will always bail them out. Hopefully europe will kick them out sometime soon. This important for mike barn anythingkl and me for many reasons. The New York Times. Up to 14 years of hot flashes found in study. Yes, thats correct. Hot flashes can last for 14 years. I suppose i owe my father an apology. Really . Because he always blamed hot flashes on fights inside the house. We said dad, youve been blaming hot flashes for 25 years. Its time to get passion itt it. This Study Suggests he may have been right for twothirds of the time. Oh, my god. The New York Post the pope coming out really strong and calling this these terrible murders, what they were murders against christians targeted at christians. Im not being ideological. The president though embarrassing himself by continuing continuing to
focus when muslims are killed in america, he brings up faith. When christians are specifically targeted, he wont say it. And we get some language that is really striking. Its ciarazy. Anyway, they have they have a plan in mind i suppose. I just dont know what ths. Im not exactly sure why hes trying to escape the reality of what this group is. Were also going to get a followup on copenhagen and the american sniper trial update which is incredible story. But we begin this morning with the fight against isis. After the release of a new video purportedly showing the beheadings of 21 egyptian christians. Egypts military retaliated on monday with a series of air strikes against isis targets in libya. Now egypts president is calling
for a u. N. Resolution mandating International Intervention against the terror group in libya, asked of his own military would act again, he said quote, we need to do it again. And all of us together. Pope francis is also speaking out, condemning the killings and calling the 21 egyptians who were executed, quote, martyrs who belong to all christians. Meanwhile, the leader of hezbollah in lebanon said for the first time monday the group sent fighters to iraq to combat isis. He urged americas allies in the region to instead align with hezbollah in fighting the Islamic State. New polls show americans are growing more skeptical of president obamas leadership in the fight against isis. 57 disapprove of the way he is handling the terror group. That is an 8 eightpoint jump since late september. Six in ten believe the military action is going badly. 41 say its going well. Nearly 80 think congress should
give president obama the authority to fight isis. And the poll points to the growing support for sending american Ground Troops into the battle zone. 47 support the idea of putting u. S. Boots on the ground. Thats up from four points from november while the percentage of those opposed to it tick down by five. I want to follow up. First of all, what do you think of the poll numbers . I think it makes sense. The videos certainly are a big part of those poll numbers. Right. But i also i actually think that its good that the nation is really getting around something that needs to be done. I think part of the problem, mike and id love pushback if you think im wrong, a lot of americans, especially in the middle are conservatives will be critical of the president. Liberals are going to defend the president , the ones ss on the extremes reflectively. This guy wont call this what it
is. And he you know calls isis a jv team. Thats old. I know. But you keep bringing it up like he said it yesterday. You say its old but he continues to do you want me to bring up axis of evil . Do you want me to start bringening up words thats not productive. I totally disagree with the use of those words but he said it a long time ago. What is he saying lately . What hes saying lately. Yoo do you remember do you remember the shooting of jews gunned down many paris . The president said to the paris shootings, he said they were they randomly shoot a bunch of people in a deli in paris. After the socialist leader of france called it radical islamic extremism. Its radical islamic extremism. It was antisemitism. They went to a kosher deli. They gunned down jews. And the president calls that a random shooting. Were not just picking this out of thin sar. When christians are targeted the pope can call it what it is. Its an assassination of christians because theyre christians and they vow killing more christians. We had graham wood on yesterday who said you got to call this what it is. American leaders are making a mistake because its like its like saying that the nazis werent radical nationalists. Right. I dont understand, mike whats he trying to get at . Whats he trying to avoid . Roger cohen has a good piece on this in the New York Times oped page and it deals with the fact that vagueness undermines whats going on in the middle east. Why search warrantis he being vague . Im not saying this as a republican. Im not saying this as conservative. Why wont he call this who it is . By the way, arabs in the middle east call this radical islam. I understand that. Why wont the president . I dont know why. I strongly suspect that there must be some sort of a strain of psychological counseling coming
from the cia, the state department having do to do with the language employed in reacting to all of these things. But i dont know. I dont know. The poll numbers i have a theory. It wouldnt be the cia. I think, listen the public will support a war they believe you can win. I dont think the president thinks that he can defeat an ideology. I think thats why he refuses to call it and, you know among the politically correct of which i know about half of one person you know there is a debate about whether you call it radical islamic extremism. But that debate is only happening in america. Its not happening in the middle east. Its not a the socialist leaders of europe. The New York Times calls it we have a president more politically left than the New York Times. I never thought i would see it. Yeah. This is an important question. Why is he doing it . What is the purpose of it . Whats the purpose of your questioning every word he said about them because its not like
hes asking congress to play parcheesi with them. Hes having a summit on extremism this week. Is that not important . Shouldnt you call it what it is . Beneath the surface of all this, its i dont think you can measure. We cant measure certainly the amount of hatred there is and misunderstanding of the United States in that section of the country. What happened yesterday with the Coptic Christians being executed is the only way were going to thwart isis. You need the point people in the this fight against isis has to be the big three, egypt, saudi arabia, and jordan. They are going to have to put a face on the opposition. Heres the deal. People out there that think were just pickier or im picking, im not. I want the president to succeed in this area more than any area because its absolutely critical. It could be a generational war. What do we always hear . What do generals always say . Youve got to know the enemy. Who is the enemy . Who are you fighting against . Who does this . Why do they do this . They dont do this as the atlantic cover story says because theyre just a bunch of sociopaths. They do this because they are islamists, radical islamists at the rouest most base form going back to the mohammed and the examples that they glean from mohammed and they are seeking, show this picture, they are seeking to provoke the world into armageddon end of times. They believe they areal las agent for end times. Now, does it help us to understand why they are carving off the heads of 21 christians . Why they are burning alive jordanian pilots or do we want to continue like were having a humanities class Like Boston College or having a seminar on
radicalism . Know the enemy. Call out the enemy. And guess what if you do that Mike Barnicle i dont give a damn about what right wringer erwinger or left winger or marxist professors. We need sunni arabs on ur side. We need to call out that radicalism and they will be with us. And there is no doubt, joe, that you were just talking about it what they seek what isis speaks is a evil apocalypse. The Atlantic Monthly piece about they want to have the final apocalypse based on their reading of the koran. I mean they see lets take it back to religion. Thats what it is. Theyre reading the koran. Question for joe. But they are seeking literally an apocalyptic end of world battle. I get that. They now control territory occupied by over 8 million
people. Question for joe. Yes . What do you think he should be saying . You do understand that words have a massive impact as they reverberate around the world and there have been times, difficult times, where president has misstepped because of the wrong words used. What should he be saying . This is radical islam. Were fighting radical islam. Were fighting a group of people that have the most fundamentalist base reading of the text of the koran and they are seeking a religious end to the world. Their vision of arm bed sdpln with in what context should he be saying that . Should he be surrounded by certain members when 21 christians have their heads carved off say they were killed because they were christians. When jews were shot up in synagogue synagogues, say antisemitism is sweeping across europe. When islamic radicalism account for the majority of terror attacks over the past 15 years, say that. Not because youre hammering
islam but because because muslims are saying the same thing. I guess, mika the more important question is why is he not saying this . Why is he trying to put a smoke screen over the truth . What is he afraid of . Let me ask you. Off of that do you think at one level of the discussion about what the president is going to say when he appears in public and says something, do you think there is the discussion about language in terms of the we say this we have the saudis and we have the egyptians and we have the jordanians sort of coming our way. So dont say this because we dont want to put them in a tough position. No because they all agree. They call it islamic radicalism. They call it islamic extremism. They can do that. We cant. Were the crusaders. We can, actually because its what it is. And listen im from pensacola, florida. When a long time ago, when christians blew up i think it was an Abortion Clinic on
christmas day, they said they were giving a gift to baby jesus. Do you think the news media stayed away from that . Oh. No they identified them as christians. News media isnt staying away from this. Hes the only person not calling it radical islamic extremism. The New York Times calls it radical islamic extremism. They all call it what it is. I think its becoming embarrassing. When you stand at Prayer Breakfast and talk about the horrors of the crusades that was a mistake. That was a mistake, ill say. Sounds ridiculous. He does. Anyway. Why dont we move on. Weve discussed weve discussed this enough. But you do need to know your enemy. The president and everybody in the white house should read the cover story of the Atlantic Monthly. This is not about bashing islam. The only way we win, the only way we beat isis is by having
sunni muslims beat isis. We cant do it. We shouldnt do it. We will help them to that end, but you need to understand this is about radical islam and we need to have the billion plus muslims that dont want their religion interpreted and viewed this way to step up and they are. Read what the ambassador from the uae wrote today in politico. We have a lot of areas in the show we can talk about this more in must read. I think its a fascinating conversation. Moving on now we turn to the attacks in copenhagen. New this morning danish media, a friend of the suspect reports he created a Facebook Page that carried a pledge of allegiance to isis prior to the attack. Joining us now from copenhagen nbc news correspondent kelly. What else are we learning about the shooter at this point . Well, he was born to palestinian parents who were born in denmark, 22 years old. Described by friends who knew him through thai boxing as a nice guy, a normal guy with a good heart and loyal to his friends. These friends say they just cant see in the man they knew someone who would carry out these kinds of attacks. But theres yet another picture emerging. A picture of a hardened violent criminal. He served 15 months reportedly in prison for a stabbing on a commuter train. One of his court appearances, a reporter who we spoke to said that he watched him and he saw a man who appeared to be very hardened shaved head pockmarked with scars. But in no way religious. In fact, he almost seemed the opposite. The question becomes, when was he radicalized. And there is a report in local media that at one point during his stay in prison prison officials noticed a change in him, a change so dramatic that
they felt it necessary to talk to Intelligence Services about it. They made that report to Intelligence Services approximately intelligence hearsay they were aware of him when he was released but no reason to believe that he was planning any sort of attack. Mika . Kelly, thank you very much. Still ahead on morning joe were going to talk about Lance Armstrong back in the news. I dont get him. I dont get him. Chris christie may be going to New Hampshire. Well get a live report on that West Virginia train crash that sparked a massive fireball. Plus, the mayor of chapel hill joins us to talk about the deadly shooting of three muslimamerican students in that city. Do officials still believe it stemmed from parking dispute . Also ahead, one group narrows down the list of applicants for a trip to mars. The only catch, its a oneway ticket . Oh, no. Do you want to go to mars . Lets go. Youre watching morning joe. Well be right back. How much money do you have in your pocket right now . I have 40 21. Could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement . I dont think so. Well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years that retirement challenge
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barnicle said braveness undermines the jihadists. More than 13 years after al qaeda attacked the u. S. , trains have blown up in madrid london beheaded charlie hebdo, we july and now denmark. This is not the work of, quote, a dark ideology. This is the work of jihadi terror. The wall street journal weighing in this morning. I think from the left and the right. I dont think there this is a left right issue. There are people high up in the president S Administration who disagree as well. This is not a democratic or republican issue. This is a barack obama issue that confounds a lot of people very high up in his own administration. I would like to hear more from backing up his point of view on it because i think its a fascinating conversation as were trying to move forward on this. 27 million americans are waking up to winter storm warnings this morning. A total of 60 million have been
affected by snow and ice. Massive amounts.