Transcripts For MSNBCW Morning Joe 20150130 11:00:00 : compa

Transcripts For MSNBCW Morning Joe 20150130 11:00:00

♪ the nfl now is reportedly focusing on a patriots locker room attendant.
already half dozen people have come forward and, well, make of this what you will. >> my name is donald o'donnell mcdonald. >> just off the beach. you're welcome. >> i'm from rossland dale massachusetts. >> i am the locker room guy. >> take a good look, america. i'm the locker room guy. i deflated those balls myself. i did it. >> tom brady had nothing to do with this because he was too busy being awesome. >> if you don't want to believe me, there's nothing i can do to change your mind. i'm turning myself? >> i took a little bit of air out of most of them 11 out of 12 of them. >> who are you going to believe, tom brady, the greatest man of all of humanity or a bunch of twooet [ bleep ] on twitter. >> i acted alone. >> do you know why you acted alone? because nobody wants to act with you, because you suck?
>> matt damon. >> i think that was matt damon. i think it was. i think it was ben affleck. >> good morning. it's january 30th. today withes onset the danny deutsche. and the managing editor of bloomberg politics. you have a tie on today. >> donny was informed not to have a tie on. >> i can't afford to have a tie on. >> a good governor. >> is also here. >> he has a tie. look at that. >> and the chairman of the democratic national committee. >> he eats nothing but free bagels therefore he has enough money for a tie. >> you have this thing going on. is there -- what happens when you go you know what is this? explain. >> i -- over the holidays i just stopped shaving. >> okay. >> that's all you got in a month? >> no then it's this -- then it
got unruly and it was like, well, if you're going to keep that thing, trim it. so i sort of like you know. >> if you're going to have a beard, grow a beard. if you're not, don't. >> she basically said man up. >> man up. talking of manning up. washington daily, matt lewis is with us without a beard. associate editor with "the washington post." >> and the mustache. >> no tie. >> pure stache genes. >> joe, mika and willie are in phoenix getting ready for the big game. tonight will be the first ever prime time edition of "morning joe." love that idea. live from the side of the super bowl in phoenix. they will be joined by renowned sports reporters, former players, and will feature an interview with katy perry who will be headlining the halftime show. my daughter is excited about that. don't miss the special "morning joe" at night tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern. that's going to be great.
>> prime time. >> barnicle is going to be there, too. i don't know why his picture is not there. >> they're trying to get viewers. >> really? >> it's called marketing. >> that's why i'm advertise for barnicle. >> barnicle will be there and he knows his sports. super bowl weekend is here as phoenix prepares to host the nation's biggest sporting event of the year. the city expects more than a million people over the weekend and the feds will play a major role in security. there's been a blackhawk helicopter and giant x-ray machine pulled from the border to help guard this game. something else being closely guarded, yeah, of course the super bowl footballs, especially after deflategate. the nfl says it will quote, take custody of the footballs today. not children. footballs. and will hand them over to officials two hours before kickoff. >> we're reviewing our protocol in terms of chain of custody. the officials do have the footballs up until about ten minutes prior to kickoff. and then they're brought out to the field. so we're reviewing that
protocol. >> so a lot of reassuring words there about the footballs in case you were worried. >> donny had this problem once recently when he went into custody of this balls. learning more about katy perry perry's halftime show. lenny kravitz will be a guest and missy elliott will be the surprise guest. it was clear she's been following the news herself in the run-up to this big game. >> i don't think i'm so much of an expert on the game of football but i think i can assure everyone in here that nothing in my performance will be deflated. >> you're a single girl, is there somebody you have your eye on this weekend? >> i'm just here so i don't get fined. >> that was a close perry quoting seahawks running back marshawn inch will andlynch. >> he's kind of a jerk, to tell you the truth. your salary gets paid by fans.
he's just a jerk. >> does sound like he was a little bit dissing the friends fans. >> a little? >> the media. media day. >> you pay so much money, turn up and do a press conference. >> he took questions from the press conference. >> ask me why i'm here today. >> why are you here today? >> i'm just here so i don't get fined. i'm just here so i don't get fined. >> it was a joke. >> i got it. >> seriously. >> he said it 29 times. >> i just -- i just -- he's just a jerk. >> have you seen him play? >> he's a good player. >> let's hear he broke his silence to slam reporters for not leaving him alone. >> i'm here prepare for a game and y'all want to ask me all of these questions, which is understandable. i could get down with that. but i told y'all, i'm not about to say nothing. so for the remainder of my -- what's that three minutes, because i'm here, i'm available for y'all, i'm here. i'm available for y'all, i done
talked. all of my requirements are fulfilled. so now for this next three minutes i'll be looking at y'all the way y'all be looking at me. thank you. >> i just think that's disrespectful to the media and, by the way, for a guy who doesn't want attention by doing what he's doing he gets tons of attention. >> and he added, did you notice the cap which is not officially a licensed nfl product. it's still unclear whether the league will now discipline him for that too. i hope you've been watching all of this. >> he has a great charity, a foundation that he can -- >> i like sports and i really don't like the hoopla and the lead-up to it. i don't like any of it until the kickoff. >> are you watching the game? >> of course. >> is it true the fine for not showing up for media day is $500,000 $500,000? >> i think they make him show up. >> i don't think it's that much. >> we'll look it up. >> will he get fined for the hat, too? >> oh, yeah. $20,000, $25,000, something like
that. >> he has a great charity. marshawn lynch does foundation. use that time to talk about your foundation, drum up more support like he did for the skittles press conference he gachl gave that was goofy and funny and they put it in front of the walking repeat of skittles but he made a lot of cash for his foundation. >> quickly, picks, picks, picks. >> i got to go with the seahawks. >> hawks. >> seahawks. >> i hate the patriots but i think it's patriots. >> seahawks. >> okay. >> whoa. >> you heard it first. let's give -- >> get the washington pick. >> seahawks i think seahawks. >> matt? >> go with the cheaters i'm going with the patriots. >> with fully inflated balls, presumably. >> you know anybody who is mad at marshawn lynch, by the way, should try to tackle him, okay? that's not an easy thing to do. >> we can take him out physically, that doesn't mean he has an excuse to not answer questions.
politics. lindsey graham has said don't count him out in the run to 2016. now he's showing that he's more serious than many people have thought. he's forming a committee called security through strength that could inject foreign policy into a race that's shaping up to be predominantly about the middle class and the economy. he's also been ahead of the curve with strategists in his home state of south carolina where the third early primary of the cycle will of course take place. meanwhile, in the water start up for the potential run, jeb bush grabbed a romney senior adviser who could help him make gains in iowa. if bush goes all in david kochel will reportedly serve as his campaign manager. most recently he consulted for senator joni ernst of iowa. and the associated press reports some former romney donors are starting to lineup behind jeb as well, that's got to hurt saying things they liked about romney they see in jeb and that they took romney at his word when he said he would not run again.
romney himself is expected to hold a conference call with backers today. then there's senator rand paul who is taking an aggressive a poach to social media mocking would be competitors in names like this one. yesterday he released what he calls a secret tape of a, quote, phone call between jeb and hillary. >> well, it's true. i'm thinking about run for president. >> well, jeb, so am i. >> i just wanted to call and give you a heads up in hopes we could work something out. >> what do you mean jeb, it's clearly my turn. bush clinton, bush. now clinton. >> well, hillary, there hasn't been a republican white house without a bush since 1977 and we're ready to be back. >> let me shoot straight with you, jeb. bill and i are dead broke. we need a place to stay. 1600 pennsylvania ave is calling me home. maybe we can work something out. we both agree on so many issues.
bigger government, common core and amnesty for illegal immigrants. >> well, we've both got problems. you've got problems with grass roots and i've got all of those damn conservatives. what's say we make a deal. sorry, hillary, i have to go. mitt keeps calling. >> matt lewis grinning away there in washington. >> okay. i thought the hillary impersonation obviously much better than the jeb. >> yeah. >> they got to find a good jeb, you know? i don't know how you do him. it's easier to do bush in this. jeb is tougher to do. i think it's funny. you know who knows how long -- at some point we have to talk -- you know, rand has to have sub substance substance. i thought it was clever at this point in the race. it does illustrate a point about jeb bush being cozy the bushes getting cozy with the clintons. and frankly, on some issues like common core and immigration
reform not being terribly far apart. >> john, obviously in 30 years we've only had one race that hasn't had a bush or clinton. clearly hillary clinton we've seen her for many years. jeb bush has the familiar name yet he himself has been absent from public eye for ten years. is there a distinction? >> yeah. the biggest distinction is that he is someone who has been out of public life for a long time. to the extent he was in public life, florida, not a national figure. she's been an omnipresent national figure in our political life since 1992 -- or before 1992. the people's sense of her is fully formed. generally in the country. and then there's the fact in the two parties, very different situation. she is now -- she widely favored by many democrats enthusiastic about her. she will have some problems. we talked about them various issues she has to overcome. she's got a glide path to being the nominee. he's got a fierce hotly
contested, m situation. they're in different situations and different situations in how well the country knows help. >> donny, you're a brand guy. if jeb gets the nomination and it's bush/clinton does he then negate all the questions that might be surrounding her about go hawking back to the past if. >> no i think there's a tremendous distinction. hillary and i have said this often and i like hillary, i just think there's such a fatigue there. the problem she also has is whenever she comes out of the gate it's post carnation. the media is ready to pounce. it's been too easy for you. jeb, when you come on we lean in. we haven't seen him. i want to hear what he has to say. even though the names are familiar i think she much much much more in a position of being the one ho seems tired and -- >> totally opposite side. >> of course you do. >> well, i take it not just for political reasons but also because the analysis is -- my analysis is this and this is why
i supported her early. i think the country is really worried. nothing has been done in washington that is essentially a capital, a failed entity. and i think people are going to want somebody who is steady and predictable and who they know and that is only hillary clinton. >> i also think -- i'll milwaukee my first prediction, electoral prediction of this season. i don't think the jeb bush wins iowa. if he ones he will get the nomination but he's going to get beat up a lot in the republican party. >> the big question is what is the message of a hillary clinton and i think that is yet to be defined. let me ask you, gene it seems as if the run for the white house is like getting in greek life on american campuses. you're a legacy pledge. you're a legacy pledge it's going to be a lot easier for you. we've got a bush, a clinton. we can throw rand paul into the mix because of his dad. mitt romney's father was in politics. why can't we get some fresh names in the batch that are legitimate that have a good
chance to do something for this country from the white house? >> you know that's a very good question. i get asked that question a lot. travel to give a speech or something like that and people you know just regular americans just ask why don't we get a -- why all bushes and all clintons and nobody else. and romney back in. so it's a very good question. i'm not sure i have an answer. i do have a question for donny, which is just on a pure brand level like coke versus pepsi, just the name and the association, which is more toxic, do you think? whose name hurts him or her more clinton or bush? >> i think if you just -- that's a great question. if you just take the name just as words, if you will i think bush right now because we're still eight years away from w. we know kind of how that ended. the name itself. but then you put the visual on and we have a visual medium. you look at television and you
lean in, when you see those two faces, hillary, i just think it's been too many years. i want to change the channel. jeb, hey, wait a second this jeb guy i heard about him kind of heard good things about him. haven't seen him. haven't listened to him. we just see names, it's bush. >> don't you think both have big onuses around their necks because if we hear bush we're automatically going to go to people bringing up the photos of abu ghraib that radicalized them about iraq or get into benghazi because of hillary clinton. matt, you can talk about this because it seems as if mitt romney was the only strength he has coming out of his run is what he was saying about foreign policy. health care social issues the economy. he wasn't as authentic as he needed to be but on foreign policy it resonates that he did well on in his campaign. >> yeah he was right about a lot of things geopolitical things about russia actually being a geopolitical foe.
mitt romney deserves credit for having been right and mocked frankly during the 2012 presidential election despite the fact that he was right about a lot of things. look, i think this larger discussion, this lashlger erlarger debate is actually happening within the conservative movement. i think there's a huge -- a huge problem where conservatives don't want another bush. and where they -- you look to people like scott walker who no one had heard of a few years ago, didn't -- not even a college graduate. someone like marco rubio, the son of immigrants did not go to an ivy league school. so i think that there are conservatives out there who don't have these legacy names, who didn't go to yale or harvard. i wouldn't be surprised to see one of them emerge and become the nominee. >> i think matt -- i was going to ask matt this question. i think the two candidates right now who are getting altitude and
who knows how this will turn out to be but at the moment they're getting altitude all of a sudden after the last weekend in iowa and the retreat in california with the koch brothers or marco rubio or scott walker for the reason that new names, new faces. people who look like the future. one a governor who has proven tested conservative, won elections, three elections. in wisconsin and marco rubio who is maybe one of the most gifted communicators in the party. they will have a tough fight against the financial prowess if mitt romney runs, jeb bush runs. i think there is a substantial part of the republican party that is looking around for a non-legacy. >> which is why the field is still so broad. i remember interviewing jeb bush and he said say something odd about the gene pool of america. 300 plus million people and we come up with people from the same family.
>> jeb bush is -- >> theks next thing you know we will look like england. >> wasn't there a reason a couple hundred years ago we had a disagreement overdo mess tick rule? >> like it or not, jeb bush is our next president. still ahead here on "morning joe," actor kevin costner is going to be here and beth stern joins us. plus, it's mika's daughter's birthday today and we have a big surprise coming up in just a bit. then it's been 30 years since comedian eddie murphy appeared on "saturday night live." is that about to change? 30 years. first, here's bill karins and the check of the forecast. bill, are we going to have a nice weekend? yes? >> no. >> no? >> no. that was the bottom line. it's going to be snowing or bitterly cold in the northeast. take your pick. let's get into the forecast because we're in the midst of the worst of our winter were weather. storms. two storms on the map. one is the snow this morning. a lot of school delays in new england about one to two inches in numerous location '.
you can get to your destination, just be careful. the other storm is going to be the one that's going to move across the country over the weekend and bring in some snow. there's a look at the radar. not too bad. snow in maine. maine will get the worst of this storm as we go throughout tonight into tomorrow morning. the storm cranks up. portland northwards is the heavy snow. everyone else can deal with a little bit. sunday we start to watch the snow. iowa illinois, indiana. by the time we get to sunday the storm is a little bit off the coast into monday but i still think we have a chance of getting three to six inches somewhere between philly new york cape cod. we'll have to watch that. that timing will be monday morning at this time. a little slippery morning commute or you to deal with as you start your workweek after the super bowl, which, by the way, forecast looks great for sunday. leave you a shot of new york city where the windchills saturday morning will be negative five. keep that in mind for your saturday plans. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back.
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only on verizon. leaning in. >> leaning? >> reading the papers. let's look at the morning papers. "the washington post," the taliban's claiming responsibility for an attack that left three u.s. contractors dead at kabul's military pair. the man is also dead. the shooter was an airport employee who successfully infiltrated the afghan military. the attack comes as the white house faces criticism for how it is labeling the taliban. makes me keep forgetting about the war, people still getting killed there. "newsweek," the magazine is under fire with saying the current cover photo is sexist for an article meant to
illustrate sexism in silicon valley. critics saying it was a cheap boost to bring up sales. we represented what people said about silicon valley. if people get angry they should be angry. he urged people to people to read the actual article. >> i get what the magazine is saying but there was one tweet that said if you're doing a story about rape it would be crass to put a picture, cartoon of a woman -- >> it's not a story about rape. it illustrates the story. it. >> does. >> obviously there's a -- >> sexist cover illustrates the cover of sexism. >> the culture of silicon valley is a boys club. >> which is what they're saying. >> i find it a little bit queasy making that cover. >> and the editor of "newsweek" says read the article. >> read the article. >> the herald no one is above a the law and that includes secretary of state john kerry. he was fined 50 bucks for not shoveling the sidewalk outside his beacon hill home in boston
following the blizzard. a statement from kerry's office said the company hired for snow removal didn't realize they could work along the hazard tape. the secretary was over seas during the snowstorm. >> don't travel overseas. atlanta journal constitution. a manmade a bizarre choice to call 911 when chased into a parking lot by a pair of walmart security officers after allegedly stealing from the store. police say alfonzo pulled out a knife before calling the emergency dispatcher to try to get the two loss prevention officers off his tail. >> you're in trouble you call 911. >> these guys tried to grab me and tell me they were -- but they looked like two little thug guys. >> why were they chasing you? >> that's a good we. i'm nervous to go back. i pulled -- >> no i understand. i understand. >> i pulled out my knife because there were two on one and they grabbed me really firm. >> he was a shoplifter? >> yeah. and he was calling 911 because the security guardss were chasing him. >> just as he was on the phone
with 911 as well -- >> there is a guy that shoft lifter, and he just tried to stab us. >> after the police arrived. >> get on the ground! get down on the ground! put your arms by your side. >> i called for help. i'm the one that called for help. >> put your arms up by your side. >> aguilar was charged at the scene. he's currently being held without bail. >> defense is the best offense? >> i wonder what he took what he got in his pockets. >> great. next time you're shoplifting, thomas. >> i'll call 911. variety actor eddie murphy, returning to his old stomping grounds. thursday the comedian telling tv one he's going to return to saturday night live for the 40th anniversary show. this is the first time he's going to appear on the program in three decades after leaving in 1994. murphy said the timing never worked out to appear.
snl airing the special on february 15th, 40 years. >> i will be watching. from "time" magazine the weatherman in the phoenix area a little fun when a mistake on the weather map showed apocalyptic temperatures. take a look. >> now, i'm not authorized to evacuate. the temperature you're seeing is pretty high. >> cape creek. >> cape creek, fountain hills, they don't look good either. franken, here's a total loss. >> oh, my gosh. >> you might as well just get out of anywhere along the here. very warm. surprise is starting to heat up as well at 1300 degrees. again, the safe spot seems to be chandler and mesa. scottsdale is doing okay so far. you're sort of sushding by intense heat. so, you know again, i'm not your dad, but i would get out while you still can. >> living on the surface of the sun. this why bill karins gets such a
bad rap. >> do you think bill could have handled that? >> bill, would you have been as smoort? >> he would have been sledding. >> he would have been sweating, it was 2900 degrees. >> the map was clearly a malfunction. coming up "the washington post" catherine joins us for today's must read opinion papers. and then our next hour we will have a live report from the skit of this year's super bowl where there is a live "morning joe" tonight at 8:00 p.m. >> we saw those temperatures out in phoenix. it is on. yeah. >> i heard they got their bikinis out there. >> tonight at 8:00 p.m. history will be made. uess what day it is?? >>hump day! hummmp daaay! it's hump day! >>yeah! >>hey mike! mike mike mike mike mike! >>mike mike mike mike mike. hey! he knows! hey! guess what day it is! hey! camel! guess what day it is! >>it's not even wednesday. let it go, phil. if you're a camel, you put up with this all the time. it's what you do. (sigh) if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to
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joining us now for the must read op-ed "washington post" opinion writer catherine rampell. catherine, you wrote in this morning's "washington post" about senator rand paul's audit, the fed bill and why it's a bad idea. calls to audit the fed are back. and just as before they are extraordinarily dangerous to the health of the u.s. economy. the problem is despite the name rand paul's bill is not really about transparency. it's about subjecting more of the fed's day-to-day operations including policy deliberations in which fed officials for now feel free to speak candidly to the scrutiny of politicians who can pick discussions apart to score political points as policy is being set in realtime. the likely result though is a
chilling affect on open dialogue. as fed officials try to avoid making any comments in meetings that might lead to harassment from congress and more sensitivity to short-term political pressures. why is rand paul doing this catherine? >> you know he's carrying the same mantel. he picked up the same mantel his father carried for many years. his father ron paul has advocated not only toed the fed but barring that to audit the fed. i think there are deep suspicions about very technical monetary policy. people don't really understand it. and there's been this feeling there's a cloak of secrecy surrounding it which i think mostly dates back to the greenspan era. it's become much more transparent not last ten years, i would say. so i think there's a lot of suspicion and misunderstanding and that translating into saying we need to really know every single moment every single movement that these officials are taking. >> catherine, let's war game this out. it would be a disaster if with
these inner working which has done a spectacular job over the last decade or two in terms of fighting inflation and other things. let's bay play out if rand paul has his way and what happens. take me behind the scenes and why this would be a disaster. >> what i foresee happen asking that, as i said in the piece, there will be this chilling effect that fed official while they're deliberating, well, should we raise interest rates, change the language in our statement that they'll say oh, i'm a little bit worried about how this going to be picked apart. i'm a little bit worried about what's going to happen when politicians get ahold of this exact exchange and they're going to be less candid about their discussions which could potentially translate to less wise policy. >> matt lewis, i want to i think bring you in here. is it better to have more transparency at the fed or is there too much of the risk of the process being politicized to the extent the fed officials feel they can't act? >> well, you know look i'm not a conspiracy theorists. i don't suspect there's anything
sinister happening at the fed. but i am sympathetic to what rand paul is doing here. i think there are a couple of issues that this speaks to. one, i think a lot of conservatives are concerned about the dual mandate the fed has. on one hand handling monetary policy but also worrying about full employment and there's a concern that these things are sometimes mutual -- not necessarily mutually exclusive but sometimes at odds. i also think this speaks to a larger issue over congressional oversight. you know we increasingly have parts of the government that congress is really not prei have to oversight over. i don't know that the founders intended it that way and i think there are conservativing harkening back to the constitution who see this increasingly very important decisions being made that not only do they not have oversight over but there's not even transparency for them to know what's going on. i think it kind of speaks to a
larger issue we're having right now the struggle between the execive branch and legislative. >> gene? >> catherine, do you think if there were more transparency and more sort of you know reporting out of these comments that anyone would understand 10% of what they're saying? >> i think that's unlikely. >> any idea what they mean when they issue these sort of nomic statements that sound like yoda. >> bear in mind, of course the fed is already audited. it's audited at several different levels by several different parties. and we're not really doing a whole lot of analysis of that data as it is. you know they release a lot of information about what's on their balance sheet, about the minutes of all of their meetings. and it's already so complicated that it doesn't seem like it's being put to particularly smart use at the moment. >> ever send time looking at the
fmlc minutes. >> no. >> if that is -- >> thank you. >> that's the stuff that's already out there in public. >> no need to go to sleep. >> already out in public. if we had more disclosure, it would be a cure for narcolepsy. everybody, straight down. >> he has sex pistol on the back of his iphone. >> the ore thing, never going to happen. >> no. never going to happen. >> never. >> really, the obama administration, do you think barack obama is going to sign that bill into law? >> i don't know if he's come out with a position. >> opposed to the republicans in. >> more likely to. >> yeah. >> the republicans will be more likely to. >> yeah. it has 30 co-sponsors in the senate. >> it's already audited. move on. >> catherine, thank you for coming in. hezbollah may be fighting isis in syria but where do their allegiances truly lie?
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♪ there seems to be a hope this morning in fighting between israel and hezbollah along the bortd border with lebanon. they said they sought a truce with officials. it comes a day after hezbollah says it was responsible for a rocket mortar attack that left two israeli soldiers dead. they then launched a air strike on southern lebanon. benjamin netanyahu warned of a response similar in scale to last summer's offensive in gaza against hamas. joining us now is mikey kay. mikey, the allegiance in this region are unbelievably complicated. who is behind hezbollah at the moment, what the israelis should do. do you think this could lead to an escalation? >> i don't. you heard the old adage the
enemy of my enemy is my friend. well, it doesn't always run true, especially when it comes to syria. there's evidence mounting hezbollah is now fighting along assad's regime to other government controlled areas. as i found out firsthand, this is a very different from the shia-backed militia group. these men are hezbollah soldiers. united states calls them terrorists. there is mounting evidence that they are now also engaged in a fight against isis. so what is hezbollah? >> get out of lebanon, the israeli.
our priority is our country. >> reporter: the group was started in early '80s against the occupation of lebanon. today hezbollah is an ally of the syrian president bashar al-assad. i went to lebanon to get a better understanding of the role hezbollah is playing in a very dangerous region. about a mile in that direction is an israeli outpost that was used during the occupation. for ten years, this bunker was used to target that outpost. >> in 1989 they decided to open this, to dig a tunnel. thousands of people persisted. they dug this tunnel for three years to shelter them from the attacks, from the bombing. >> yeah. >> hezbollah isn't just a fighting force. it's a political movement. and in parts of lebanon the organization is the primary
provider of health care housing, and education. >> the rest of the country, give the media, they don't understand, for example, out seed hezbollah, we are happy. we're muslim. >> reporter: to try and prove a point the group is not just a bunch of fanatics hezbollah pr invited us to join one of the members serving in a parliament in a church. >> hezbollah still gets most of its money and weapons from iran and now those resources are critical to holding the line against isis and syria. >> reporter: even some of the children here have been taught to love bashar al-assad. >> oh, she loves bashar. >> who is bashar?
>> bashar assad. >> why do you like bashar? >> because he loves me too. >> mikey, i agree, our enemy's enemy is our friend. i was a little nauseous frankly watching what felt like a hezbollah propaganda film. this is still a terrorist organization. and i was nauseous watching this. i just -- are you kidding me? >> it is the u.s. still call hezbollah a terrorist organization. >> as well they should. >> and i think what's interesting at the moment is this dynamic between hezbollah were very very cautious to me about how many team they had in syria. they didn't want to give anything away when it came to just how many forces they have in southern lebanon. i think this is a dynamic that's going on at the moment with the recent use over the five or six days, a talk about a flare-up between the two countries again. it's interesting. i don't think that will happen
because they've got too many forces in syria. i don't think they have the force projection to be able to do that. that's the dynamic i took away from that. >> hezbollah fighting alongside assad since the beginning? >> 2012 was the first evidence when they were there. >> i'm interested in how this plays into the israeli elections which ask about two weeks away. fascinated by the fact that the israelis are at least temporarily at war two weekz before an election. that's got to have some play there. >> yeah i'm sure it will. i mean i personally don't think -- i think we saw what we know of the hezbollah commander being taken out with the iranian commander, retaliation strike yesterday by hezbollah on an israeli convoy. i'm not sure it will escalate any more from that but it's just another indication, another, hey, we're here. and we're not going to back down if any sort of tensions rise. it was a fascinating visit, which, you know i was, you know privileged to look at the dynamics if you like.
>> mikey kay, thank you for coming in. coming up it's moving day for some of broadway's biggest stars as production of its only play had to pack its bags and relocate to the theater next door. we'll pull back the kurn tans and explain why, next. know that chasing performance can mean lower returns and fewer choices in retirement. know that proper allocation could help increase returns so you can enjoy that second home sooner. know the right financial planning can help you save for college and retirement. know where you stand with pnc total insight. a new investing and banking experience with personalized guidance and online tools. visit a branch, call or go online today.
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so get this. the broadway comedy "it's only a play" is written by one of thoeter's preeminent playwrights and he has a cast of major stars, martin short, matthew broderick. despite all that, the play closed last week. it sort of closed. it's this highly unusual move here in new york city where the entire production packed up and moved to a theater directly next door to make room for another incoming show. so theater mogul and "morning joe" broadway correspondent jordan roth gives us this exclusive behind the scenes access to the stars on their moving day. >> all right, team "morning joe," get this. "it's only a play" opened this fall and was only supposed to run a couple months. turned out to be such a giant hit that it wanted to extend. however, helen mirren had booked the theater for "the audience."
problem/solution. moving across the way to its new theater. let's go. >> are you in the business? >> no sir, i'm an actor. >> he didn't have a clue who i was. >> from the bottom of my heart, thank you, jimmy jim jimbo. >> this is the stage. >> thank you, ladies and gentlemen. >> that's what it looks like from behind. >> yes. last time i was here i did a show called "fame becomes me." >> this is my theater. ♪ all i ask is that you love me and like me as well ♪ >> when you found out you were moving? >> it was a good luck charm. fabulous theater. >> were you paid extra to be a mover? >> yeah. >> or just throw that in. >> an extra 40 bucks, which by the way, i don't know if you have kids. i do and you need the money.
>> your friend larry david is going to on on tonight. >> coming tonight. >> do you think he's checking out the comedy competition? >> yeah, i think, you you know pretty good. >> nathan lane was your co-star in the show. >> yes. >> now martin short. >> yes. >> what do you think will be different? >> oh, well, i think it will -- you know it's a different person so it will be very -- very different. but very good. i love them both. >> i love this man. i don't care who knows that i love this person. i love him, i love him. >> you had your major broadway debut here? >> yes. >> amazing. when? >> 1912. a long time ago. >> have oscar, will travel? >> well, he's appeared in every play i've ever done since i won him. >> seriously? >> yeah. he appears on stage. he's hiding. and then after he does a couple three or four days i take him home. >> let's hide the oscar. how about like in the shoe closet? does that count as on stage?
>> it does. sure. that's an idea. okay. >> how about there? by the way, i'm sorry i didn't wear my usual "morning joe" clothes. >> what's your "morning joe" outfit? >> bring it out and you take a look at it. >> wait a minute. you're wearing the same shirt. wait a minute. are you wearing the same shirt? that was like a year ago. >> high five. >> this is the shirt i wear for your show. >> clarence playwright extraordinaire extraordinaire. welcome to your new home. >> thank you. my first play was in this theater so it's ironic that we're here. >> every character remembers the worst review the worst line of the worst review they ever got. >> yep. >> do you remember a review that you hate? >> there's actually something said about my character in the play that is kind of paraphrase of something that was actually said about me. >> no. >> in my life. >> no. >> yes. >> being a hit is the best
revenge. >> absolutely. >> god bless you. >> hi joe and mika. i like your show. i watch the show when i'm awake. >> how often is that? >> we work late around here. >> joe and mika sorry i'm not wearing my usual costume for your show. this is me and oscar saying hello. >> hello "morning joe" people. i love you so. how are you doing, mika? she phoned last night around 3:00 a.m. >> i can always tell it's mika because it's that familiar slur. >> i love that. >> martin short was here to promote his book and he said something very funny to mika that i'm not going to repeat. >> come on. repeat it. >> that's great. >> nope. >> now you're going to have to. >> rewiped the tape. >> that may the most obnoxious thing. >> find it online. >> it's online? >> i don't want to get sent to human resources. martin short doesn't work here i do. >> you can quote martin short. >> nope. not going to do.
>> coming up at the top of the hour. prank a call and you will guess which republican presidential hopeful was behind the gag. plus seahawks running back marshawn lynch speaks to the press. did he actually say anything this time? and a very special surprise for one of mika's daughters on her birthday. much more "morning joe" coming up. i've been called a control freak... i like to think of myself as more of a control... enthusiast. mmm, a perfect 177-degrees. and that's why this road warrior rents from national. i can bypass the counter and go straight to my car. and i don't have to talk to any humans, unless i want to. and i don't. and national lets me choose any car in the aisle. control. it's so, what's the word?...
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♪ you know what it's time for, a brand new segment called presidential veto records.
watch wbr id "wbr36604" this. barack obama holds the record for the most veto threats issued against the new congress. i will veto any new sanctions bill that threatens to undo this progress. george w. bush holds the record for the most guidesed name veto during the speech. is veto wbr id "wbr36804" here as well? thanks for watching "presidential vito records." i thought that was funny. random. welcome back to "morning joe." donny deutsch, howard dean, thomas roberts are all here with us. in washington, eugene robertson and jeremy peters. notice the casual all around. jeremy and the nice crew neck sweater, no tie. gene looking casual friday. i'm just curious -- friday. where is -- what is that -- where are you sets jeremy? i'm in the lobby of a hyatt regency in philadelphia. nice. nice. very elegant painting of a /b
"new york times" journalist. >> so if you're watching at the hyatt regency in philadelphia, go photo bomb jeremy peters. >> jeremy looks like -- >> i wonder if he's surrounded by crowds of fans. i think so. i think so. i'd like to think that's the case with jeremy. the senate just passed a bill a profiting the keystone pipeline but it is almost certainly heading nowhere. the white house is already saying they will veto it. nine democrats joined their republican colleagues in support of the trans national pipeline. the president ultimately has the final say though in whether this project is approved sips it crosses international borders. it would be just his third veto. congressional republicans are considering adding the measure on to another future bill to try to get the plan across the goal line. what do you reckon, john? >> veto? >> veto. >> i think the question is what happens after the veto and whether there's an opening for the white house to decide that it wants to negotiate and would -- it's possible the administration will end up
approving this on its own merits. the argument they're making is we're still not finished doing the internal review. the state department hasn't completed the review. it's possible the white house will end up wanting to approve this anyway and a trade will be made on a larger energy or climate package. >> this is interesting. you can argue the domestic. why should we export because most of the oil will be exported p the problem is there is a major impediment with our relationship with canada. they have taken this on as a cause. they've always -- small country. populationwise next to a big country. very sensitive about this. national cause in canada. he's got to take that into consideration as well. >> gene how does the fact that the state department's own report came out fairly ambivalent on the environmental impact on keystone impact what the white house is nowing looking senate. >> you know i've always thought that kind of reflects the view in the white house. i don't think that they care passionately on one side or the other about building this
pipeline. and i actually tend to agree with the premise that they can use this as a bargaining chip as something to give up and exchange for something else. and i frankly think they would be okay in doing that. i it would anger a lot of environmentalists in the democratic coalition. but president obama doesn't, you know, he can anger anybody he wants at this point, i suppose. >> what you never heard from the president is that this is a bad idea. the president has always said this is my prerogative and the congress is trying to end run what should be the white house executive authority to make a decision about whether this is a good thing or not. he's not siding with the virmallists generally. he's saying you need to let us get to our process first. process argument not a standup argument which i felt they left themselves wiggle room to approve it. >> get through this round, veto it and then modify it. >> as gene said make some kind of a deal on a broader energy package with republicans.
president obama's calling for an end to the sequester cuts and propose major increase in spending. during a meeting with house democrats the president called for new spending on programs that he introduced in his state of the union, child care paid sick leave, and free community college. the increase amount to 7% budget hike and president said it can be found by fixing if tax code and closing up special interest loopholes. the political reality makes it unlikely a plan would be approved in the republican controlled congress but more of a jumping off point for negotiation. is this kind of story,ier i jeremy? >> i think that's right. both issues are kind of like something else. with keystone this was just a larger proxy fight over you know, global warming. in this case what the president is trying to do is force republicans to basically show him what plan they have show the america people what you would put forward instead of giving free community college to
all american which i think is a nonstarter in congress. this all really just a jumping off point. >> gene, i want to go back to something you said as far as the president a this point not caring too much either way. we all know the great numbers, unemployment. i'm just feeling a mojo from this guy i've never felt before and it feels good. >> i think there's a certain sort of feeling of liberation over there. it's not total right because the president does have an interest in doing what he can to ensure that there's a democratic successor, probably hillary clinton, who would continue to build on his legacy rather than try to dismantle it. but, you know he has said before, he doesn't have to face the voters again. they're past the midterms. and, you know there is a kind of mojo happening over there that we haven't seen in a long time. >> governor as a politician -- >> what are you smiling at? >> in discussing this we are talking about mojo all over and
over again. the branding thing on "morning joe." >> as a scholar and politician, this is the first time a president has ever promoted community college and there's always been a statement in this country about community college and from the white house on down and first lady and dr. biden they all speak about the importance. >> joe biden is a professor in a community college and koontz to be. i was hoping this was going to happen from the get-go of the obama administration. what you're seeing -- they're not just leading, following the trend. colleges are so expensive that tons and tons of kids are going to get two years of community college, living at home, save a ton of money and then get their degree from berkeley or whatever state university it is and saving a ton of money. they need to because higher education is too expensive. i think this is a great idea the and it's got -- if the republicans had brains they would get onboard with it to say
they are doing something for the middle class, which they're not. >> is there any appetite given how much the deficit has fallen since 2009 is there any appetite amongst republicans to say, okay let's revisit the sequester cuts? it wasn't the most economically responsible way to try and reduce the deficit. we've brought the deficit down. let's have a look to see whether we can do things more subtle? >> depends on which republicans you're talking about. there's a fair number of republicans in the senate that would be happy to have the conversation and most of the republicans in the house caucus who would not be happy to have the discussion. very different republican caucus necessary those two bodies. if you went to -- if you just had to deal with the senate you could probably make the deal in five days but the house republican caucus is still hell-bent on not allows there to be an increase in spending and they're deficit obsessed even though the deficit has fallen. >> it's being pushed by the white house, not for the domestic side. they're doing it for the defense side which i find unusual.
the secretaries and people who know what they're talking about in defense are putting pressure on the white house saying we can't pay our people properly. we need the weapons systems. it might be possible to undo the sequester because defense is what the republicans didn't want to sequester. we'll see. it's a fascinating thing. it's an interesting to see a democratic white house always accuse of being liberal by the republicans, do this and i think their motivation is defense. >> dpeen? >> gene? >> i agree it's interesting they went on that side. 7% in day and age sounds huge right? because we're used to uk aing about 1% or 1 1/2%. 7% sounds huge. i think there will be a really sort of you know digging in by house republicans and republicans in the senate, too, who really want to see those sequester numbers as kind of a ceiling and see it as something
that they won, they won this budget reduction. they will really loath to give it up. it's doing to be difficult for moderate republicans to convince the conservatives to, frankly, to budge. they're afraid if they tinker with it it mushrooms into something overspending and i don't know the end of the world. >> at the end of the world. jeremy, is this a pledge issue? how many of the freshmen who came in in this congress signed pledges not to raise taxes? >> it's almost impossible to run as a republican to not sign that pledge. >> even though he's been kind of slightly diminished in his standing in the party? >> he is still behind the scenes working in ways that we don't hear about every day. but trust me he's there and he's meeting with a lot of these guys. definitely helping shape policy no doubt about it. i think one factor that needs to be pointed out in trying to
figure out whether or not obama and congress can come to any kind of accord here is that you have egos and legacies that factor in here. you have paul ryan in the house who really would like to get some type of tax deal. you have mitch mcconnell who is just itching to cut a deal. he will deal with obama. he said he wants to get something done. you have boehner who issing looking at his legacy as speaker right now and seeing something that is really not all that accomplished and he would like an opportunity to get something done here. maybe that provides a little bit of hope. >> okay. let's move on. senator, this is -- i love this. senator john mccain lashed at protesters who disrupted a committee hearing yesterday calling one life a low life scum. as he walked into the room protesters from the group code pink began chanting and waving signs demanding his arrest. watch what happens when mccain thought things were going brought under control. >> i've been a member of this
committee for many years. and i have never seen anything as disgraceful and outrageous and despicable as the last demonstration that just took place about -- you know, you're doing to have to shut up or i'm going to have you arrested. if we can't get the capitol hill police in here immediately -- get out of here you low life scum. >> there you go. that's -- that's what we want from our leaders. >> get off my lawn. get off my lawn. >> donny, how is it like being called low life scum. >> this side? >> two. there's another side of the argument. >> you have a defense. >> it was great. that's a guy who -- >> that's the john mccain we want to see. the guy who doesn't care what he is meant to say and says it. >> defending the honor of henry
kissinger. really hating code pink. and being cranky. >> the old mccain was back. >> one of the things about people is they kind of age a bit. they just don't give a crap. you get a lot of effect. >> mccain hasn't really given a crap for a long time. >> when he was trying to play the game to get ahead, he massaged some of that. he lost. >> not all of it. >> as you know. >> want to show up and pro test they should be allowed to hear their voices. and instead of calling capitol hill police and calling him a low life scum. >> he should be allowed to go to a senate hearing and disrupt a senate hearing? i'm all for peaceful protests and everything but you're in a capitol hill hearing room you think they should be able to go if n. there and scream? >> we've heard people yelled at the sat of the union. >> they were moved out, too. >> no. i'm not talking about -- sitting members of congress. >> i'm not in favor of that either. >> when it happened in the gallery. >> but there's a more interesting way for senator mccain or other people to talk
about, you know calming a crowd like that and not pounding them down by calling them a low-life scum. >> actually i suspect they will be happy about it because they get a lot of -- okay. >> a favor. >> fund-raising day in code pink history today. >> talking about war crimes. >> right, donny? this will have booted up their fund-raising numbers? >> i don't know. i'm a big mccain fan today. let's go to the outbreak of measles which has spread to a dozen states. about 1,000 people may have been exposed to the virus. now tens of thousands of people are set to travel to one of the hardest hit states arizona for the super bowl this weekend. joining us from glendale arizona, nbc news correspondent halle johnson. halle? >> good morning. i spoke with a health official who said he is not concerned about this outbreak spreading among all the folks who are coming in from all over the country for the super bowl here. that's because, remember the number of people infected with measles in this state is seven. that's very tiny.
relatively tiny number. they say you're more likely to catch the flu or a cold than the measles if you come here for the super bowl. that said arizona officials are concerned about the exposure as many as 1,000 people who may have been exposed to the virus here. >> at this children's clinic signs warn a run any nose cough, and fever could be more than a cold. it could be measles. a real possibility not just here where hundreds may have come into contact with the measles patient but throughout arizona where seven people with the virus potentially exposed about 1,000 others. what state health officials call a critical point in this outbreak. >> we're making a big deal out of this because we need to contain it now before it gets really wide spread. >> reporter: most of the people exposed to measles have probably been vaccinated but if they haven't been they're being asked to stay home for three weeks away from work school or day care to make sure they don't infect anyone else. it's how experts hope to stop the spread of measles which is
now in 14 states. most of those cases linked to disneyland in california where one school sent 66 unvaccinated kids home this week just to be safe. carl hoe hopes his son's school will do the same. 6-year-old rhett cannot get the measles shot because of chemotherapy to treat his leukemia. >> the severity of it brought me back to the same fear i had when my doctors told me i might lose my child to cancer. >> reporter: that's why he wants his son cease school to ban any students who choose not to immunize them. >> when they don't have their children vaccinated it doesn't just affect their child, it affects many other children. >> reporter: it's why some doctors call it a social obligation. getting the shot to give others a better shot at staying healthy. >> reporter: the cdc describes this outbreak as a wake-up call guys. federal health officials say it's not the measles vaccine doesn't work it's actually 99% effective if you get the two doses. it's that people aren't using it and that's the issue.
>> hallie jackson, there's a lot of conversation ability how crazy it was that people didn't get vaccinations. >> a nut job medicine not to -- and the problem is there is a herd immunity problem. people are going to die who are old and immuno compromised, cancer paints, a small death rate for children as well. this is not fair. we ought to go back to the policy where your kids can't go back to school and be with other kids. >> that journal of medicine piece that said vaccinated are linked to autism. >> debunked. >> totally not true. >> of all the anti-science movements that have sprung up in recent years this has got to be the most dangerous, the anti-vaccine movement. people on the left crunchy granola people on the left and some on the far right. it's seeing it's been a huge thing over the last decade. very dangerous for everybody. not just for their kids but everybody else.
jeremy peters, what are you writing about this morning in the "times"? >> we have the first interview with harry reid since he injured himself. remember, he had that terrible workout accident where he shattered his face and almost was blinded in one eye. we went in to go see harry reid in his condo in washington yesterday and talked to him where he's actually running the democratic opposition from his den. pretty interesting. he's conducting foreign and domestic policy from his desk. fielding calls from benjamin netanyahu and dick durbin every morning. so one of the things that we learned actually is that netanyahu has been calling members of congress democratic members of congress to try to get their support for the speech that he is going to give to congress. he has found no sympathetic democratic ears so far. >> yeah. okay. still ahead on "morning joe," actor kevin costner and beth stern host of this year's kitten bowl join us later this morning. a massive explosion at a maternity hospital in mexico
city. first, here's bill karins. bill, let's get a look at the weather. >> let's get a look of the cold and snow. this morning numerous school delays in areas of new england outside of new york city, stilling looking at light to moderate snow heading up in the hudson valley. this is heading to northern new england. this is going to be a northern new england special. heavy snow later this evening and tomorrow morning. as much as six to ten inches in areas that just saw two feet. talking about you, portland. boston, you only get a little bit. the next storm, this is sunday into monday. in this area right in here that greatest risk of seeing plowable snow. that would be sunday night into monday for most areas. chicago, you're included in this. cleveland, columbus indianapolis. eventually monday morning it looks like new york city southern new england, and possibly philadelphia. d.c., by the way, storm trended a little further north and you look like a wintry mix maybe to some rain.
if you're d.c. snow lovers we apologize. the forecast could change as we all know all too well. you're watching "morning joe." leave you with a shot of washington, d.c. introducing preferred rewards from bank of america the new banking rewards program that rewards our customers, every day. you'll get things like rewards bonuses on credit cards.... extra interest on a savings account... preferred pricing on merrill edge online trades and more... across your banking and investing get used to getting more. that's the power of more rewarding connections that's preferred rewards from bank of america.
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the morning papers. >> except. >> we don't have any papers. >> imagine there's a boston globe, "new york times." it's all here. >> great. we can get a couple of papers. >> the telegraph, gas explosion at a maternity hospital left three people dead more than 70 injured. city officials say more than 100 people were in the hospital at the time of the blast. several babies have though been recovered from the rubble as rescue workers comb the scene in search of survivors. the explosion is believed to be caused by a leaking gas hose on a truck used to fuel the hospital ifrk tans.tank. >> as we look at news from the "los angeles times." hip-hop mogul suge knight arrested on suspicion of murder in connection of a deadly hit and run in compton. knight is suspected of running over two men during an argument on a movie set. one died. tekt tive told an nbc affiliate knight is accused of being behind the wheel of the vehicle which, quote, drove backwards,
struck the victim then went forward and struck them again as it left. knight's lawyer says his client was the driver because what happened a tragic accident. knight has had several run-ins with the law dating back as far as the 1990s. this past october knight turned in for questioning and bail set for $2 million for a different incident. and also we know that he is like teflon. he has been shot so many times and survives it all. >> right. but this one might be too much. >> going over once but then when you come back it's hard to argue it's an accident. >> correct. this is a very very sad story. particularly for my chronicle. from a new study, startling new findings about the skt as of alcohol and how the quantity of what you drink could affect your risk for a stroke. my good friend dr. nancy snyderman delivers the bad news. >> the results of this study in the journal stroke are sobering. for heavy drinkers that's more
than one drink per day for women and more than two for men, a 34% higher risk for stroke than for light drinkers. >> i think it's pretty surprising in general. i think we're going to have to re-evaluate our attitudes towards drinking. >> reporter: this study of nearly 12,000 twins in sweden over four decades, found that heavy drinking in our 50s and 60s raises the risk of stroke before the age of 75. it's as risky as having diabetes or high blood pressure. and heavy drinkers in their 50s and 60s are likely to have strokes five years earlier in life regardless of genetics. we think of strokes as happening in an elderly population. this study is saying no it can happen in younger people if alcohol is involved. >> yeah. absolutely. and unfortunately we are seeing younger and younger people having strokes. >> reporter: in moderation use of alcohol does not increase the risk for stroke and may even prevent it. the american haesht association
defines one drink as four ounces of wine one beer or one 1/2 ounces of spirits. but too much of a good thing increases your risk for stroke. >> here's the sad news. two drinks a day and you're called a heavy dreinker. >> for women, it's one. definition of heavy drinking that people are going to be surprised about. >> they found 12,000 tweens in sweden to do this study. go figure. let's round up 12,000 twins in sweden and then we'll learn stuff about alcohol. >> they were kind enough to agree. >> we'll shelf that study. >> sometimes you just -- >> have to ignore it. indianapolis star indiana governor has canceled plans to launch a taxpayer state-run news service. it comes after democrats complained it would be nothing more than gop propaganda. instead of creating a website governor pence says his separation administration will expand the current online camera of news releases. disney will feature the
first latin that princess who will star in her own animated series "elena of avalor." disney describing her as a bold caring, 16-year-old princess who is inspired by latin culture. currently there are 11 official disney princesses. four of whom are princesses of color. >> good move. >> grew up -- not grew up with. my daughters watching diego and dora. >> dora the explorer. >> they were there long before disney. coming up several artists left a mark on the world of music that will be remembered for years to come. but were you listening? g dwrks i've been called a control freak... i like to think of myself as more of a control... enthusiast. mmm, a perfect 177-degrees. and that's why this road warrior rents
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the song's uk cess is one reason why he's included in the latest issue of gq magazine. the music that matters and looks at the artists who are leaving their mark in 2015. joining us now, "gq" editor mark lane. he's up there. >> pharrell is up there. that's mark's big song of the year which is nominated for a grammy. everyone is talking about the super bowl. next weekend is the super bowl of music, which is the grammys. >> are you going to go? >> i'm not performing. they asked me to but i'll just going to be in the background. >> one thing that blew me away with pharrell in a given month he was responsible for 43% of the music plays on radio either as a producer or as -- >> unbelievable. >> and the rest will be taylor swift. >> totally dominated. >> pharrell so much is behind the scenes. you think about him just his own stuff nominated for "girl" and then the songs that every artist comes to him. he's the spin goly of rock and
pop and rap and able to position anyone. as our writer says he's an alien like presence. >> i think i remember because he hails from virginia beach, virginia, i believe, and michael jackson was working with him a long time ago, very early age. and considering to try to help him with one of his albums. boy, he's got a stage presence on "the voice," he's got the songs, hit songs, and the hat. how do you miss the hat. >> and just perfect for you guys because unlike a lot of people who work behind what you do in front of the camera in the music business he's a fashion icon. >> a guy who has a completely individual style and then i think that's what's inspiring about him for a lot of guys. we can't all dress like him but you can become an individual and that's what he creates. >> hat that catapulted him into the public? >> sort of pop crossover moment. he had been behind the scenes and done a lot of things. >> known in the industry already. >> yeah.
and he had had a lot of breakout in the different genres but that was the one where, whether your 8-year-old kid is singing it. everyone was aware of that song. >> he was not -- robin thicke was the main -- >> which he wrote in 20 minutes. >> he was very present in the video. that was the first thing before "happy" and then it was all pharrell. >> i love you got all of these new guys and then stevie wonder. >> stevie wonder a grand man of music which i loved last year he came out to celebrate the 40th anniversary in "key of life." did that concert tour and another album coming out soon. you want to talk about an inspirational guy in music and guys like pharrell, everyone still looks up to. >> 52 years since stevie wonder was declared a genius. 52 years. he's been around forever. >> he's been living the jean was every year. >> coming back to barclays to do the songs of "key of life." >> when is that?
>> in the next couple of months. >> at the garden he blew the doors off. >> yeah. >> people were crying. it's beautiful. >> yeah. >> so no -- >> what's on your list? >> we've got lil wayne, iggy azalea to nated for four grammys next week. sam smith who is everyone's sort of favorite, blue-eyed soul singer. >> controversy. >> with tom petty. >> what happened? >> he was top-heavy with the -- one of the sam smith songs bears a striking resemblance to "i won't back down." >> i don't know if striking is the right word. >> striking enough that sam smith has been found in breach of copyright for it. tom petty yesterday -- >> they settled. >> classy yes. >> settled. >> generally -- i would say generally while there's not a criminal case here generally if you have a strong case you wouldn't mess around. petty wrote a gracious note on his website yesterday saying totally understand. happens all the time. music music. it's happens to me. >> need to know that there's
only so many chords. >> even an advertiser remember sometimes you do a spot and somebody says 14 years ago, it just -- there is overlap. >> there are three chords in music. >> you really want to defend this guy. >> no i just think if you hear the songs back to back it's not a striking resemblance. >> can we do that? >> we got a deejay. >> can we do both back to back? no. can't do it. >> yes we can. we can do it. i swear. we've got q on this. ♪ ♪ stay with me ♪ ♪ because you're all i need ♪ ♪ well i won't back down ♪ >> no. >> exactly. >> no. >> the witness may step down. you're excused. >> it's not my case. i'm just telling you -- >> that's ridiculous. >> he decided not to foot the matter and wrote a check. >> striking resemblance, i have issues. >> howard stern was prosecuting this case and howard your friend howard stern, found a
striking resemblance. >> i love howard but i disagree with him. the premise of the piece is who we're going to be listening to in 10 20 and 50 years. >> legacy project. >> let's take the 50-year mark. >> right. >> of all the people you've got on this list who do you think is the one? none of us will be here. >> stevie wonder will still be there. >> donny will be here. >> pharrell again, look at the levers he's pulling in music world right now. and you spnd any time with him and just realize he's i think, just scratched the surface of what he's capable of. >> interesting though for the heavy metal fans. mottry crew is on the list. >> motley crue is on their farewell tour. signed a contract after this tour they will never tour again. so they're sort of blowing up the band. >> they're not going like cher farewell tour and come back five years later? >> everyone is always like it's our last concert. no, we'll come back together. it's a fantastic read being on
the tour with them. you've got people with their band for 15 20 po years now. >> right. >> so. >> fantastic. >> i find it interesting that "gq" has pharrell on the cover and his fashion iconic symbol is not on the hat. what went into that decision? >> you want to see his full face on the cover. >> you could still see the face. >> one of the hats is tall. you have to come down. >> he still looks good. >> to crop the image -- >> it would take up the whole logo of "gq." >> handsome fellow. >> out of the list we've got here it's pharrell and stevie wonder. >> you're asking me to narrow it down. those are my personal favorites. i would put the whole lot in there. >> just the favorite so people will stand the test of time. >> i think those two. sam smith is a strong start. >> quickly, great article. >> which i think is a terrific piece. this is -- this guy makes $44 million a year. a lot of con trotroversy last year. if you think about it the league
is in a lot of trouble because this is a sort of -- lost 10% of young viewership over the last three years. they were regularly beating the ratings by "walking dead" on sunday nights. they're in a question right now is can they get thatst next generation. a lot of people are asking can goodell lead them to it. >> by the way, still making billions of dollars. >> couldn't you get a great guy to make that for $22 million a year? >> very well connected to bob kraft, too. >> could become a new nascar. >> half the people in the country now saying they don't want their kids to play football according to a poll we did. >> and -- >> that's a problem. >> they will still be watching this weekend and we'll be looking for the new issue of "gq." >> looking to be here. >> good. thank you. >> he's been one of hollywood's go-to leading men for the past 30 years. why did kevin costner spend 9 million of his own money to make his new film "black or white." >> great movie. important movie.
i already told you this you're all welcome to come visit. >> i'm thinking of things the way they are like dealing us all the hands we've been dealt, she's been dealt, we need to start talking about a shared custody. >> not going to happen. >> no? >> no. like i say, you're all welcome to come visit. >> but you don't want her down here, do you, down here with the black folks? >> don't even start with that. >> got a little black matt tutor. is that going to do it huh? take care of that whole half of her soul? >> what is it with you? why do you always have to go there. >> why is it with you that you don't want to admit there's a there there. >> that's a scene from the new film "black or white."
they play two grandparents fighting for custody of a 7-year-old girl torn between two families that both love her dearly. kevin costner produced the film and two-time oscar winner joans us now with the writer and director mike boo ender. welcome to you both. >> thank you. >> and also we have kevin costner sunglasses which mika has taken from you. >> i like them. >> you're not -- they feel expensive, kevin. are they? >> no. >> get them at the five and dime. kevin, it's a remarkable story about a guy that ends up in a situation he never saw coming. his wife dies. suddenly, he's in the middle of not just a personal conflict but a conflict with a lot of m social messages. >> yeah. the custody is in question. it's a story at its core, which is about the welfare of a child. and when two sides are forced to decide who gets to raise this child because the father is not
going to be present in the life it's when the film just really starts to expand. and it starts to go places and things get said that i think a lot of people have been wanting to say for a long time. and it's because race gets used. and once it gets used everything becomes fair game. >> you say -- well, mike before we get to that. set up the story for us. tell us about kevin as a grand dad who finds himself in the position he doesn't expect to be? >> well shs it's a grandfather who loses his life. years ago he loses his daughter at childbirth. her grandmother and aunts and cousins. basically, you know spencer comes in and wants to figure out a way to say, hey, this little girl belongs with us down in south central. he's in so much pain and he's lost his wife and he's holding on to her in such a way that you know you really start to
feel that you don't realry know where the child belongs. that's the whole thing about the movie. we kind of want to take you on a ride and make you kind of wonder yourself, what would i do in this situation. >> and you said that this movie changed the way you look at things. you say the next time you have a conversation about race, this is actually -- this movie is going to inform that conversation. >> i think it does. sometimes when we are having those conversations, they can get heated. they can get out of bounds. and one person wants to walk away and leave the room and when that happens, the conversation stops. when you watch this movie, things get said that maybe you wish were never said and maybe you wish were absolutely said and perhaps even more importantly, something you wish you might have said in your life. >> mika everybody says they want a real conversation about race. >> exactly. never va it. it's hard. >> there is one here. >> there is one here. also people leaving the movie will have one, too, which i
would assume is a good byproduct of this. writer/director, mike binder how long have you been working on this movie because the timing is exceptional. >> i wrote it about 2 1/2 years ago and gave it to kevin and he oh of we started working on it right away and shot it about a year and a half ago. so we were kind of -- when we shot it none of this was in the news. all of the ferguson and new york. but it was a safe bet that something was going to be in the news baz we're a race-obsessed country. >> it's not over yet. >> exactly. >> we have so much work to do. >> our problem didn't start in august. >> exactly. >> we were certainly not trying to ride a wave of oh, look -- here's our movie. this is a -- this is a bad moment for us. but at a bad moments, that's where you move. and it's an obligation of this generation, of this american society to move. and we're a single movie. we're one story. not that we're solomon noer do we have an answer we certainly didn't make a movie that danced
around the issues. we can't afford that anymore. >> has to be exciting for you to have both oscar winnering sign on to this. when it came to casting the ground granddaughter, this 7-year-old who plays such a pivotal role in the film how special and unique of an actress did you is to find to be able to carry this especially with the heavy social content? >> it was everything. if you think about it, if you cast that wrong, if you can't find that girl, you don't have to movie. and this little girl won the role out of thousands of little girls all across the country. and we came up to new york and kevin was here and, you know there was a chemistry right away. you know? and she's really the heart and soul of the movie. and that's why, because it's such a great analogy. it's the whole movie is about this little girl and what we do with the children and what we're putting in their heads. >> it goes from 1,000 girls to 100 to 50 and then i see the last 3. and i tell you what when three
little girls walk in there are two things that are going to happen. two little girls' hearts are going to break and one's life is going to get changed. that's a myth call hollywood, if you will. >> there's a lot of praise about the onscreen connection that you have with this 7-year-old who plays your granddaughter. let's take a look now at some of that here. >> are you okay, papa? >> i'm good. it's just a really sad story. >> it's not sad. it's about a grandpa who takes his family on vacation. >> no i --it. it just reminds me of another story. a sad one. i just got sad. it's fine. we've been spying on her but we can't get too close to the shore. >> it's like wow. >> okay.
tell us -- >> tell us about the scene. >> the movie does ride a lot on this little girl's shoulders and that moment was not scripted. you don't reach up and hug him, hug him, you don't certainly reach up and kiss him. and i like to say, sometimes little people snow exactly what big people need in life and we don't see it coming and that little girl at that moment handed me my performance. >> and great afterwards. i said to her, why did you do that? perfect. what made you give him a kiss? >> he said it just felt like he need add kiss. >> oh wow. >> such a great acting moment. >> a powerful moment. when you see the movie you'll see why that was. >> i love it. "black or white" is in theaters now. it is so nice to meet you both. kevin costner. >> thank you so much. >> it is important. >> this looks like an incredible movie. we're going, right after the show. how's that? okay. it's in theaters now. we'll be right back with much more of "morning joe." [ female announcer ] nervous whitening will damage your teeth? introducing new listerine® healthy white™.
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all right. the last time i twisted jim's arm, an animal in the house i did it on tv when all the animals came from hurricane katrina. i got the sweet spot again. howard stern. he loves howard stern. >> does he really? >> yes, and we know his wife. and howard's going to name the
kitty. bringing the kitty for amelia's kitty. >> oh, my god. >> beth -- beth! oh my god. here's your baby. >> oh my goodness. this is amelia's birthday present. how old is she? >> she's about six weeks old. >> amelia. it's not a puppy, but it's a kitty, and howard stern's going to name it. he's going to name it right? >> yeah. i'm taking her home today. >> taking her home and videotape her naming it. can he keep it clean? >> howard will i promise you. his names are so -- all-american. >> tell him the other animals in the house are emma and cajun. so emma, kampen encajun and -- >> got it. rescued at north shore animal league and -- >> how long have you been doing this? >> working with north shore over ten years. >> oh, my gosh. really? >> yeah, yeah. but i foster. this little girl's coming home with me so she will be sleeping
with howard and me tonight. >> so amelia turns 19 today. the name is to come. to be announced. beth is going to pick it. >> i'm going to surprise you, too. >> okay. >> this is how we're going to work this. every time. >> so text me when you have joe's kitty, and you're -- >> do you love her? >> i love her. >> she matches you. >> she does match you. >> do you think emma's going to like her? no. but emma will get used to her. >> happy birthday, ameamelia. thank you for making her birthday the best. >> i'll deliver her. >> thanks for being on yesterday. >> thank you kitty. got a kitty. >> she's going to love her. >> we'll be right back. in my world, wall isn't a street. return on investment isn't the only return i'm looking forward to. for some every dollar is earned with sweat, sacrifice, courage.
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the nfl is reportedly focusing on a patriots locker room attendant. half a dozen people came forward and, well make of this what you will. >> my name is donald o'donald donald. >> from rosalinddale massachusetts. you don't believe me go [ bleep ] yourself. >> i am the locker room guy. >> take a good like. i'm the locker room guy. all right? i did it. >> tom braid hi nothing to do with this because he was too busy. >> you don't want to believe me
there's nothing i can do to change your mind. i'm turning myself in. >> i just took a little bit of air out of some of them 11 of them like all of them. >> who are you going to believe? tom brady? a bunch of [ bleep ] -- >> my name is tubby and i acted alone. >> do you know why you acted alone? >> because nobody wants to act with you? >> all right. matt damon. >> i think that was matt damon. >>affleck. and the managing editor of bloomberg politics. john, you haven't got a tie on. >> neither does donny. >> john's got -- what's going on? >> okay not to have a tie on. >> i can't afford to have a tie on. there you go. if donny gives me a loan i'll
buy a tie. >> and the good governor. >> also here. >> he has a tie on. >> and chairman of the democratic national committee howard dean. >> eats nothing but free bagels therefore cannot afford to buy a tie. >> you have this thing going on. just came back from sundance. what happens when -- what is this? explain? >> i -- the holidays i just stopped shaving. >> okay. >> and that's all you've got in a month? >> no no. then it's -- then got unruly and it was like if you're going to keep that thing, you have to trim it. i sort of like -- >> if you're going to have a beard, grow a beard. if you're not, don't. >> she basically just said man up. >> talking be manning up washington. senior contributor and columnist for the week matt lewis is also with us without a beard but a tie and price-winning columnist. >> and with a mustache. >> it's friday. >> no stache.
and jeans. >> impeccable anyway. joe and mika are in phoenix getting ready for the live show from the super bowl in phoenix. joined by sports reporters former players and feature an interview with katy perry who will headline the half time show. my daughter's so excited about that. don't miss the special "morning joe at night" tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern. that's going to be great. >> barnicle is going to be there, too. i don't know why he's not pictured. >> trying to get viewers. why his picture is not there. called marketing. >> i'm advertising for barnicle. he'll be there and knows his sports. >> now super bowl weekend is formally here as phoenix prepares to host the nation's biggest sporting event over the year. expecting over a million people and the feds pliay the security
role. something else closely guarded, the super ball footballs especially after deflate-gate. the nfl says it will "take custody" of the footballs today. not children. footballs. and will hand them over to officials two hours before kickoff. >> we're reviewing our protocol in terms of chain of custody. the official doss have the footballs up until about ten minutes prior to kickoff and then they're brought out to the field. so we're reviewing that protocol. >> that's my answer. >> a lot of reassuring words there about the footballs, in case anyone was worried. >> donny was worried about that? >> had a problem, recently a custody of his balls. >> i was married twice. meanwhile, learning more about katy perry's halftime show. lenny kravitz a special guest, also missy elliot will be the surprise guest. held a news conference yesterday and it was clear she's been following the news herself in the run-up to this big game. >> i don't think i'm so much of an expert on the game of
football, but i think i can assure everyone in here that nothing in my performance will be deflated. >> you're single girl. is there somebody of your eye on this weekend? >> i'm just here so i don't get fined. >> that was good. >> katy perry quoting seahawks running back marshawn lynch and his refusal to answer any questions. >> he's kind of a jerk. your salary is paid by fans. sounds like he's a jerk. >> it does sound like he was dissing the fans. >> a little? >> you're getting paid so much money, turn up and do a press conference. >> took questions from the skills press conference. >> asked me why i'm here today? >> why are you here today? >> i'm here so i don't get fired. i'm just here so i don't get fined. i'm here so i don't get fined. >> you got it. >> seriously. >> said it 29 times. >> i just -- i just -- he's just -- a jerk. >> have you seen him play?
>> he's a good player. obviously, that's a given. >> let's hear from him. he's since broken silence using a final question to slam reporters for not leaving him alone. >> i'm here preparing for a game and y'all want to ask me all these questions which is understandable. i could get down with that but i told y'all. i'm not about to say nothing. so for the remainder of my -- what's that? three minutes -- because i'm here i'm available for y'all, i'm here i'm available for y'all. i done talked. all of my requirements are fulfilled. so now for this next three minutes, i'll just be looking at y'all the way that y'all are looking at me. thank you. >> see, i just think that's disrespectful to the media and, by the way, for a guy who doesn't want attention by doing what he's doing he gets more attention. >> performance art. man. come on. >> is that what it is? >> did you notice the cap? the beast mode cap, not officially aens willed nfl product. still unclear whether the league
will discipline him for that too. i hope you've been watching all of this. >> i don't watch any of this. >> i could see you -- >> i really like sports and i really don't like the hoopla and the leadoff and i don't watch anything until the game. >> but you'll be watching the game. >> yes, of course. >> and the fine $500,000? >> make hick show up because he won't talk to him? there was -- >> okay. we'll look it up. >> will he get fined for the hat, too? >> yeah. $20,000, $25,000, something like that. >> but he has a great charity. marshawn lynch does a foundation. use that time to go talk about your foundation. drum up more support like the skittles press conference goofy, kind of funny. put him in front of the skittles, ate skittles and made a lot of cash for his foundation. show up there, talk about the good work he's doing. >> quickly. picks. picks? >> i got to go with the seahawks. >>' hawks. >> i hate the patriots but i think it's patriot. >> seahawks. >> okay.
you heard it first. >> whoa. >> gene? gene? >> see hawkes >> seahawks are going to win. >> go with the cheaters. i'm going with the pate trinchts with patriots. >> with fully inflated balls, presumably. >> anybody who's mad at marshawn lynch should try to tackle him. okay? that's not an easy thing to do. >> that doesn't mean he has an excuse not to answer questions. and south carolina senator lindsey graham said don't count him out. showing he's more serious than anybody thought. security through strength could inject foreign policy in a race shaping up predemocrat flenltominantly to be about the middle class and economy. the third early primary of the cycle will take place. and meanwhile in the staff up before a potential run jeb
brush grabbed a former romney adviser who could help him make gains in iowa. if bush goes all-in david kochal will reportedly serve as his campaign manager, on team romney in 2012 and most recently consulted for senator jodie ernst of iowa and the associated press reports some former romney donors are starting to line up behind bush as well saying things they liked about romney they see in jeb and took romney at his word when he said he would not run again. romney shimshimself is expected to hold a conference call with backers today, and senator rand paul taking an aggressive approach to social media. it means like this one. yesterday released what he call as secret tape of a "phone call" between jeb and hillary. >> well it's true. i'm thinking about running for president. [ laughter ] >> well, jeb, so am i. >> i just wanted to call and give you a heads up and in
hopes we could work something out. >> well what do you mean jeb? it's clearly my turn. bush, clinton, bush -- now clinton. >> well hillary, there hasn't been a republican without white house a bush since 1977. and we're ready to be back. >> let me shoot straight with you, jeb. okay? bill and i are dead broke. we need a place to stay. 1600 pennsylvania ava, it's calling me home. maybe we can work something out, you know? we both agree on so many issues. bigger government common core and amnesty for illegal immigrants? >> well we've both got problems. you've got problems with the grass roots, and i've got all of those damn conservatives. what say we make a deal? [ phone beep ] i. have >> so hillary i have to go. mitt keeping calling. >> hillary impersonation much
better than jeb. got to find a good jeb. easy to do bush in this stra teachry thing. jeb's toucher to do but i think it's funny and who knows how long -- at some point we have to talk didn't -- rand needs substance but i thought clever ate this point in the race and it does illustrate a point about jeb bush you know being cozy bushes getting cozy with the clintons and frankly on some issues like common core and immigration reform not being terribly far apart. >> john heilemann, obviously, in 30 years one race that hasn't had a bush or clinton. clearly, hillary clinton we've sen her for many many years. jeb bush has the familiar name but absent from politics in the last years. is there a distinction? >> yes. the biggest, out of public life a long time to the extent he was in public life in florida. not a national figure.
she han in an omnipresent figure since 1972. people feel her as much more generally formed and the fact of the two parties. a very different situation. she is now -- widely favored by many democrats, enthusiastic about her. she'll have some problems. talked about them -- serious issues she has to overcome but got a glide path to being the democratic nominee. he's in the middle of an incredibly incredibly hotly contested bruising republican nomination test and in different situations and with respect with how well the country knows them or thinks they know them. >> donny, if it's bush/clinton does he then negate all the questions that might be surrounding her about hearkening back to the past? >> a tremendous difference. hillary i've said it often. such a fatigue here. the problem she also has, whenever she comes out of the
gate it's postcarnation and the media ready to -- no. been too easy on you. jeb, on the other hand when he comes on you lean in. we haven't seen the face talking viscerally. i want to hear what he has to say. even though the names are familiar, she much much much much more in a position who seems tired and been there. >> i take the totally opposite side. >> of course you do. >> donny -- >> not just for political reasons, also because the analysis is my analysis is this why i support her really early. i think the country is really worried. nothing's been done in washington it's a fail entity and i think people want somebody steady predictable and who they know and that is only hillary clinton. and my first electoral prediction of this season. i do not think that jeb bush wins iowa. if he runs probably get the nomination bull he'll get beat up a lot in the republican party. >> the big question is what is the message of a hillary
clinton? and i think that is yet to be defined. let me ask you, gene it seems as if they'll run for the white house, it's like getting in greek life on american campuses. you'll a legacy pledge. and if you're a legacy pledge it's going to be a lot easier for you. we've got a bush a clinton. >> uh-huh. >> we can throw rand paul into the mix because of his dad. mitt romney's father was in politics. i mean, why can't we get fresh names in the batch here that are actually legitimate, that have a good chance to do something for this country from the white house? >> well you know that's a very good question. i get asked that question a lot. if i -- you know travel to give a speech or something like that and people -- you know just regular americans just ask, why don't we -- why all bushes and all clintons? and nobody else? and romney back in? so it's a very good question. i'm not sure i have an answer. i do have a question for donny, which is -- just on a pure brand level, like coke versus pepsi, just the name
and the association, which is more toxic, do you think? which -- whose name hurts him or her more? clinton or bush? >> if you just -- that's a great question. if you just take the name, just as words if you will i think bush right now because we're still -- eight years away from w and know kind of how that ended. the name itself. but then when you put the visual on and we are a visual media. you look at television you lean in, i think when you see those two faces, hillary, i just think it's been too many years. i just want to change the channel. jeb, hey, wait a second. this jeb guy. heard about him, kind of heard good things. haven't listened to him. i'm leaning in. the entire package, clinton much more fatigued. the name by itself we never see. we don't live in a world where we just see name, it's bush. >> if we hear bush we're automatically going to go to people bringing up the kalachi
brothers or in benghazi because of hillary clinton. matt, you can talk about this. seems as if mitt romney was the only strength he has coming out of his run is what he was saying about foreign policy. health care, social issues the economy, he wasn't as authentic as he needed to be on those. on foreign policy the only thing that resonates that he did well on in his campaign? >> he was right a lot about of thing, geopolitical things. about russia being a geopolitical foe and whether or not we should have left reserve forces in iraq. mitt romney deserves credit for having been right and mocked frankly, during the 2012 presidential election despite the fact he was right about a lot of things. but, look i think this larger discussion, this larger debate that we're having this morning is actually happening within the conservative movement and i think there's a huge a huge problem where conservatives don't want another bush and where they -- so you look to
people like scott walker, who no one had heard of a few years ago. not even a college graduate. someone like marco rubio. the son of immigrants. did not go to an ivy league school. so i think there are conservatives out there who don't have these legacy names, who didn't go to yale or harvard, and i wouldn't be surprised to see one of them emerge and become the nominee. >> i think matt -- i was going to ask matt this question. i think the two candidates right now who are getting altitude and who knows how ephemeral this will turn out to be. the two candidates in the republican side getting altitude all of a sudden after the last weekend out in iowa and retreat out in california with the koch brothers are marco rubio and scott walker for precisely this reason. there is a sense, new names, new faces. people look like the future. one, a governor who's proven tested conservative. won a bunch of elections. three elections, and in wisconsin and marco rubio, who
is maybe one of the most gifted communicators in the party. those guys they will have a tough fight against the financial prowess of mitt romney jeb bush raise a lot of money and establishment backing but for reasons matt said, there is a substantial part of the republican party looking around for a non-legacy. >> which is why that field is still so broad. i remember interviewing jeb bush a while ago. say something pretty odd about the gene pool of america, and we come up with people from the same family. he said that. >> next thing you know look like england. dear god. still ahead on "morning joe," fert the big game on sunday, we're going to talk about every non-football fan will be watching for. the commercials of course. and taking heat about the women in sell cohn valley. talking about that too. and first here's bill karins way check on the miserable weather. >> and a miserable cover. a snow is the story. a system going through new
england causing delays. laguardia, one-hour delays and a lot of school delays in the northeast. and as we go through this weekend, keep an eye on the forecast for sunday and into monday. a significant snowstorm from pretty much chicago all the way to boston. so for the details, right now light snow covering from scranton to new york city connecticut, moving up into massachusetts. much of maine is going to see snow during the day today. the highest snowfall totals will be up in northern new england. about one to two inches really from just north of new york city all wait through new england. much of western new york already picked up an inch or two last night. portland and bangor another six to ten inches on top of that mess. first call for the forecast event that goes from sunday into monday. pretty guaranteed a swath of moderate to heavy snow. where that band is going to set up is little undetermined. yesterday a little south towards d.c. this morning further to the north. still three days away but in that band will be the possibility of about five to ten inches of snow. right now i think that d.c.,
you're on the south side of that. new york city could be right in the middle of it. unfortunately, southern new england, who just got nailed is going to get some of that. haven't had a lot of snow in chicago and indianapolis this winter. watch you for sunday. when your snow would come in on super bowl sunday. your friday forecast light snow in new england. notice the rain out here too. a lot of heavy rain for the festivities and the pregame as we go through saturday, still raining in arizona. by the time we get to sunday super bowl sunday, it looks like it will be 70 degrees and dry for the big game. and for everyone's fun outside, too. so new york city we've been watching light snow. had a dusting overnight. looks like enough to shovel and plow was we go into monday morning. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. you just got a big bump in miles. so this is a great opportunity for an upgrade.
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look at that. leaning in reading the papers. >> look at that morning papers. "the washington post," taliban is claiming responsibility for the attack that left three u.s. contractors dead at kabuls military airport. the shooter was an airport employee who successfully infiltrated the afghan military. the attack comes as the white house faces criticism how it is labeling the taliban. amazing we keep forgetting at the war. people still being killed there. >> and "newsweek." have you seen it? current cover foet photo is sex i69. image provoked backlash a cheap
ploy to boost sales. the magazine's editor we came up with an image that said what it article said. encouraged people to read the article. >> charlie: -- if doing a story about rape crass to be put a cartoon of a woman tied to a bed on the cover. >> but it's not a story about rape and it illustrates the story. >> i think it does. >> obviously -- >> it's a sexist cover, illustrates the story -- >> it's the culture of silicon valley pap real boys' club. >> what they're saying. >> i have no issue. >> i find it queasy-making. that cover. >> and the editor of "newsweek"? says-read the article. >> boston herald no one above the law including secretary of state john kerry. top diplomat fined $50 for not shoveling outside his home.
a statement from kerry's office says the company hired for snow removal didn't realize they would work along the yellow tape and since cleared the sidewalks. the secretary was overseas during the snowstorm. >> don't travel oversea. the atlanta journal-constitution, a bizarre case to call 911 when chased boo a parking lot by walmart security officers after allegedly stealing from the store. alfonzo aguilera pulled out a knife before calling the emergency dispatcher to try to get the two loss prevention officers off his tail. >> tried to grab me and tell me they were -- looked like two little thug guys winchts were they chasing you? >> a good question. i'm nervous to go back. >> no. i understand. >> i pulled out my knife. two on one, and grabbing me really firm. >> okay. >> but he was a shoplifter? >> yeah. >> and calling 911 because the security guards were chasing them? it's a great country. >> >> on the phone with 911 as
well, the security. >> shoplifter just tried to stab us. >> after the police arrived -- >> on the ground. get down on the ground. >> what? >> i called for help. >> radio, 10-3. >> i'm the one who called for help. >> put your arms on your side. >> aguilera arrested at the scene, arrested for shoplifting and assault. >> i wonder what he lifted? what he took? got in his pockets? >> great. next time you're smop lifthoplifting, thomas? >> call 911. variety actor eddie murphy returning to his old stomping grounds. thursday the comedian telling tv 1 had will return to "saturday night live" for its 40th anniversary show. the first time appearing in the program three decades after leaving in 1984 saying timing has never worked out so he could appear. "snl" airing that special coming
up on february 15th, 40 years. >> i will of watching. from "time" magazine a weatherman in the phoenix area a little fun when a mistake on the weather map showed apocalyptic temperatures. take a look. >> now -- i'm not -- authorized to evacuate but this temperature seems pretty high. cape creek, fountain hills, they continue to look good either and frankly, wickenburg is a total loss. >> oh, my god. >> you might as well just get out of anywhere along this area. very warm surprise starting to heat up at 1,300 degrees. the safe spots seem to be chandler and mesa. scottsdale doing okay so far. you're sort of surrounded by intense heat. so you know again, i'm not your dad, but i would get out. while you still can. up next joe and mika enjoying the nice weather in
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my i recommend a stroll to the hidden waterfall. >> might you recommend putting honey in my earened and putting me in an anthill. it's the super bowl. >> sounds amazing. a little romance. >> creates a palace of solitude if you just give yourself over to t. how's the service here? >> believes that technology is a distraction. >> how about tipping?
would that be a distraction. >> tipping is not permitted nor money of any kind. everything here in eden is free. >> really? >> we do, however, accept smiles. >> that's terrible. do you accept smiles julia? >> sure. >> yeah. >> that was a clip from the 2009 film "couples retreat" about an island vacation that goes bad very quickly. the new issue of "garden & gun" magazine, we love "garden & guns," perfect island escapes. i love it. you never can think of one when you need one. like where's the best place to go? joining us editor-in-chief and contributor back on the show good to have you both with us. >> thank you. >> dave go through the islands, and i need a vacation so badly. i nerve ker think of one when i'm thinking i can go on a vacation. >> i have been to calabra. >> where we're starting. >> an island off puerto rico.
>> a tropical time warp? >> it's a laid-back caribbean i resident back when the caribbean was very very cool. not over developed. when you go to calabra, you land on this very tiny airport runway. you get off, rent this beat up jeep and there are no hotels. you are living in very cool koss cottage the on the water. amazing. >> when you are -- looking at the rundown, what are the qualifications for making it a perfect place and do you look at safety? >> sure. we want off the beaten path but want to send folks where they don't have to worry about their safety. >> dominica is on there? >> another great island where plenty of beautiful sand beaches. but you sgee the interior and there are -- it's jungle. rain forest. it's just a wild island. >> wow. and then what you call the isle of plenty? >> which is granada.
julia's been to granada. >> i'm so old, i went before the invasion. >> ah! i'm guessing it's a tad bit different now. what do you think? dave? tell us about it. >> it is different, and granada is another one of those islands that has just a little bit of everything. certainly a town center there, but again an old, caribbean vibe that makes it really special. >> look at the photography. it's fantastic. long island bonefish baonanzabonanza. >> if you're a hard core fishermen and like to catch bonefish on your own. miles and miles of beautiful flats, maybe not the place to go if you're not a fisherman, but a fly fisherman's nirvana. >> and island 115 acres. very tiny. >> gosh it's teeny. you have julia, a piece on marty stewart. >> i do. >> tell us what you found out about marty stewart we didn't know before? >> marty stewart has always been
fascinating. an incredibly talented musician. left home, grew up in mississippi, my home state, and went on the road with lester flatt when he was 13. basically on a road trip ever since. smart enough at an early age. 14 15 started photographing musicians exposed to backstage. he's a photographer. he's an incredible musician. he is a collector. he's collected -- got a bigger collection than the country music hall of fame almost. so he's really trying to keep the soul of real country music alive. you know he was really close to johnny cash. took the last photograph of johnny cash that's in the magazine. right before he died. he has been documenting a lacota indian tribe the last 30 years or so. sort of the keeper of the soul of the best things about the south and about america. >> the new issue of "garden & gun" magazine available now. thank you both so much.
always great to see you both. >> thank you. >> come back. we'll be right back with much more of "morning joe." [ hoof beats ] i wish... please, please, please, please, please. [ male announcer ] the wish we wish above health. so we quit selling cigarettes in our cvs pharmacies. expanded minuteclinic for walk-in medical care. and created programs that encourage people to take their medications regularly. introducing cvs health. a new purpose. a new promise... to help all those wishes come true. cvs health. because health is everything. ring ring! progresso! i can't believe i'm eating bacon and rich creamy cheese before my sister's wedding well it's only 100 calories, so you'll be ready for that dress uh-huh... you don't love the dress? i love my sister... 40 flavors. 100 calories or less.
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to make your enterprise more agile, borderless and secure. hp helps business move on all the possibilities of today. and stay ready for everything that is still to come. 8:40 on the east coast. breaking news this morning on the 2016 election field. hearing from various sources mitt romney will give more indications of his presidential plans at 11:00 a.m. eastern this morning on a call with supporters. john heilemann, you have news on this. what's happening? >> doing this conference call of supporters, mark halperin, by partner and colleague broke this news in the morning. a big piece on our website what's going on in romney's mind pap complicated decision to make but clearly think hess would be
the best president of the united states. clearly thinks if he runs he will be the republican nominee. thinking neither jeb bush nor chris christie can get the republican nomination let alone win the white house. he has things, mark reports, that are holding him back. a vicious republican primary. personal toll but it seems mark's judgment seems to be romney is leaning towards running at this moment. not guaranteed but mark's reading the tea leaves weighing looking at both sides of the ledger. seems more on the "go" side than the "no go" side. >> what are you expecting to hear? >> i really do not know. some reporting out there, not mark's, some reporting he might actually announce he's actually going to run. i don't know if he'll ghee far. it's now only three weeks. amazing only three weeks since romney tipped his hand he was thinking about going in. feels like an eternity given all the talk about it. it's possible he might tip his hand a little more today on this call. >> he's been running for eight years. >> longer than that. >> stand by. >> if you're rand you paul or
chris christie are you hoping pe gets in and him and bush cancel each other out? >> if you're chris christie you are not hoping if gets in there. think what chris christie needs to do get a bunch of establishment donors and the more of these big establishment guys competing for establishment dollars in the republican donor class, harder for chris christie. a guy like rand paul people in the anti-establishment bracket, they i think want all the establishment candidates in there. a big strum between bush romney and christie they could cancel each other out and create space for one anti-establishment candidate, contrary to normal practice could open the space for an anti-republican candidate to win the nomination. >> scott walker? >> weird guy. not anti-establishment but he is outside washington because of the governorship. rand paul for instance ted cruz, non-establishment characters from the kind of grass roots wing of the party. they would like to see more competition on the establishment side to create more room for them. >> okay. we'll follow that. 11:00 call with the romney
people. time for business before the bell. sara eisen joins us with news on gdp? >> nation's economy only grew 2.6% in the fourth quarter of last year. a very big disappointment. economists looking for a number above 3% growth. especially disappointing when you put it next to the quarter before. 5% growth. that's the headline. deeper, consumer spending biggest, most important part of our economy did grow. more than 4% which wa better. that is a good thing. other drags on the economy, like less government spending and also more imports. we were buying for from overseas. that drags on the economy. interesting to see how the market takes this. last trading day of january, and we are set for a down month when it comes to the stock market. a few stocks i want to point out, knee-deep in earnings season now. amazon, should get a nice boost at the open. trading higher in the after
hours last night after reporting earnings beat the street patch broout quarter poor amazon at least on prompt. prime memberships. signed up for amazon prime you are not alone. turns out in the united states prime memberships grune 50 ss grewa 53% around the world, helping amazon. the other big toy watch, google. out with earnings last night and disappointed. the fifth quarter in a row it disappointed on the earnings front. basically what's happening with google is that it's a search business. sells ads online through search and more people are going to their mobile phones and just can't make as much money on those mobile ads as on desktop and laptop ads. one of the factors hurting google. also spending a ton on far-flung projects like driverless cars. investors frustrated with that. watch sthag at watching that as well. sara eisen cnbc thank you. >> thank you.
coming up next breaking down the big game from the best quarterbacks of all-time to the best halftime performance. keephereit here on "morning joe." we're in seattle to see which 100 calorie black cherry greek yogurt tastes best. definitely that one. that one's delicious. it's yoplait! what? i love yoplait! the other one is chobani. really. i like this one better. yoplait wins again! take the taste-off for yourself.
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okay. countdown to super bowl time and here with us now president jordan roth with new list from culturalist dotcom and talking about this time nfl. let's start wit halftime show. why i watch. >> culturalist, top ten list that anybody can make. talking current consensus, if you disagree make your own list. change the rankings. so halftime shows, before there
was deflate-gate, there was nipple-gate. number three, janet jackson, justin timberlake. wardrobe malfunction heard around the world. >> malfunction. loved that halftime show. >> right? >> number two, crazy for beyonce. you remember this was 2013 a. great show. >> she had caught a little flak for lip-synching at the president's second inauguration. so this was -- silences doubters but a little overshadowed by the blackout, as we recall. 34 minutes pausing the game. >> the great thing. kelly and michelle rose up out of floor. on the side of her. >> destiny's child in effect. >> great. >> or in the house. >> number one, as the case may be. king of pop. michael jackson, all the way back in '93. >> i don't remember. >> really? >> may be this inaugurated the pop spectacle we know and love. the first time that tv viewership actually increased
during the halftime show. people who weren't watching the game tuned in. >> got to get the youtube on that. incredible performance. >> it's crazy. >> mccartney to me also. >> ah -- >> i mean it was -- [ snoring ] >> on the top three, didn't break the top tleenchts spiceen. >> spice girls? knop pt they were olympics. tv ads? donny is excited. >> so far number three, hello ladies, the old spice man. >> yes. >> your man could smell like and this ad of course spawned tons ofparodies. you know you're on to something when they're parodying your ad. donny, number two? >> the fantastic ad. >> tiny darth vader. love that ad. and number one, give betty white a snicker's. i feel like the lesson if you want to win the super bowl be betty white, get body slammed in
the mud. done. >> and eat a snicker's. >> and eat a snicker's. >> totally. >> do the ads have as much influence as they did? >> ran an entire special a couple days ago, just previewing the ads for the super bowl. >> more effective, the internet. not just the 30 seconds. the buildup, the after. the whole thing. >> happens instantly, going viral. >> 4.5 million, but a lot more exposure than just the game. >> if you do an ad like godaddy that won't air and everybody is still talking about it online making comparisons. >> we used to do godaddy ads. kissed that nerdy guy? >> right. >> they're philosophy. >> liza minnelli's kiss when she got married? >> look? see, they're not paying us to talk about it here and here we are talking about it. so it works. >> go to sports. >> they actually play football in between the ads and halftime
show. >> not 34u67much. >> somebody's got to throw the ball. best nfl quarterback's all-time number three, john elway. five super bowl appearances. >> are these best super bowl quarterbacks or best quarterbacks. >> bet nfl quarterbacks of all-time. won back-to-back '97-98 and russell wilson looking to do the same but only number 24 on the list. >> all right. >> he's so young. >> he's got time. >> i think he is -- >> he is 24. right? >> peyton manning at two, couldn't say -- only won one super bowl but a great quarterback. >> came up short last year still number two. number one, joe mant mantontana, one of the all-time greats. >> missing, mr. -- >> deflate-gate missing. >> tom brady. >> number four. came in at number four. >> i don't really care about tom brady at all, but the super bowl record championships matter a lot. hard to put peyton manning ahead
of tom brady on the basis of super bowls. >> really going to be cemented come sunday. he loses, 3-3. still 6 super bowls only win half the time. >> he still won three super bowls. not a lot of quarterbacks. >> with all the problems the nfl had over the last six months or so, is this super bowl going to be just as watched as ever? >> even more so. >> a public service -- >> talking about deflate-gate for these weeks, people will tune in looking at -- let me look at those footballs. are they right? >> plus you have do you have a great -- >> the best matchup. >> a great matchup. the returning super bowl champion in the seahawks. patriots peep loveople love to hate or love. east coast, west coast. from a tv standpoint a great matchup. >> the one the nfl wanted. >> the fact of the domestic violence ad airing too. >> a really chilling ad. >> it is. have you looked at the clips of
it? >> yes. heard the whole thing. it really -- >> it's the right thing for the nfl to be doing. >> gets to the heart of it and explains exactly what certain women are going through. yeah they're donating that time. good p.r. for them. a smart thing to do, because they've had -- they've done the facts, where they show that there is violence that happens at home during these sporting events. >> going to be a huge number on sunday night. i think. >> are we making predictions guys? quickly, donny? >> hate the patriots but i think they'll win. >> i'm a seahawks guy. >> hawks. >> katy perry for the win. >> yes, yes! >> that's the -- the only prediction that -- we're going to come back monday and she's going to have a wardrobe malfunction, the only way you can lose. >> or maybe win. or win. >> or win. >> good point. >> i would watch that. >> donny's like rooting for a wardrobe malfunction. >> didn't you see her wardrobe at the media presentations. footballs right up front. >> katy's not fooling around.
she came to win and she's going to win it. >> happy super bowl weekend. see you on cultural list. >> see the whole list. tune in this morning for "morning joe at night." they are there. joe and mika william and barnicle all live from phoenix. "the rundown" picks up in just a minute. the exhilaration of a new engine. painstakingly engineered without compromise. to be more powerful... and, miraculously, unleash 46 mpg highway. an extravagance reserved for the privileged few. until now. hey josh! new jetta? yeah. introducing lots of new. the new volkswagen jetta tdi clean diesel. isn't it time for german engineering?
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good morning. i'm jose diaz-balart, and first on "the rundown," phoning mitt romney. we could learn some potentially major 2016 news this morning. the gop's candidate in 2008 and 2012 will be holding a call with supporters at 11:00 a.m. eastern. getting everyone to wonder just

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Arecales , Gun , Firearm , Rifle , Shooting Sport , Morning , Sunlight , Astronaut , Sash Window , Digital Compositing , Cave , Caving , Erosion , Coastal And Oceanic Landforms , Jungle , Rainforest , Parliament , Conference Hall , Seminar , Convention , Brick , Stairs , Brickwork , Handrail , Estate , Composite Material , Brutalist Architecture , Beam , Couch , Leather , Crop , Auditorium , Religion , Place Of Worship , Worship , Cardinal , Metropolitan Bishop , Bishop , Clergy , Religious Institute , Priesthood , Auxiliary Bishop , Nuncio , Patriarch , Preacher , Presbyter , Pole Vault , Marathon , Party Supply , Honda Ridgeline , Hybrid Vehicle , Bodyguard , Jeans , Compact Sport Utility Vehicle , Kia Motors , Subcompact Car , Crossover Suv , Mercedes Benz Glk Class , Volvo Xc90 , Volkswagen Touareg , Mini Suv , Leather Jacket , Car Seat , Gmc , Honda , Tints And Shades , Glass Bottle , Human Leg , High Heels , Shorts , Craft , Acrobatics , Coupé , Performance Car , Ford Mustang , Muscle Car , Sports Car , Race Car , Handbag , Home Door , Clothing , Gown , Shelf , Refrigerator , Living Room , Icon , Computer Icon , Class , Teacher , Academic Institution , Museum , Art Exhibition , Art Gallery , Scaffolding , Concrete , Parking Lot , Traffic , Workwear , Pda , Media Player , Portable Media Player , Ipad , Suite , Small Appliance , Scale Model , Boat , Watercraft , Track , Extreme Sport , Superhero , Traffic Light , Intersection , Signaling Device , Cycling , Bike , Bicycle Motocross , Freestyle Bmx , Individual Sports , Flatland Bmx , Stunt , Cycle Sport , Racing Bicycle , Thoroughfare , Pedestrian Crossing , Bmw , Bentley , Joker , Supervillain , Motorcycle , Motorcycling , Endurocross , Motorcycle Racing , Stunt Performer , Bodybuilding , Turban , Stomach , Train , Rolling Stock , Railway , Railroad Car , Locomotive , Train Station , Passenger Car , High Speed Rail , Electricity , Electric Locomotive , Airline , Aircraft Cabin , Bus , Rear View Mirror , Automotive Mirror , Visual Effect Lighting , Personal Care , Dentistry , Cosmetic Dentistry , Figurine , Dentures , Brush , Toothbrush , Shadow , Cuisine , Snack , Breakfast Cereal , Breakfast , Dish , Granola , Ingredient , Vegetarian Food , Muesli , Recipe , Superfood , Produce , Cereal , Asian Food , Cook , Cooking , Countertop , Chef , Cabinetry , Baking , Cookware And Bakeware , Side Dish , Comfort Food , Brunch , European Food , Eating , Risotto , Soup , Natural Foods , Local Food , Diet Food , Vegetable , Tomato , Solanum , Pomegranate , Apple , Baby , Whole Food , Nightshade Family , Stuffing , Gallo Pinto , Staple Food , Pilaf , Hoppin John , Food Grain , Spanish Cuisine , Farro , Meat , Jambalaya , Biryani , Rice , Paella , Fried Rice , Thai Food , Nasi Goreng , Korean Food , Steamed Rice , White Rice , Macaroni And Cheese , Italian Food , Basmati , American Food , Steak , Rib Eye Steak , Meat Chop , Pork Steak , Salisbury Steak , Lunch , Pork Chop , Patty , Beef , Mixed Grill , Iranian Cuisine , Middle Eastern Food , Tongue , Legume , Lentil , Convenience Food , Outer Space , Construction , Reinforced Concrete , Dome , Spoke , Spiral , Rim , Tire Care , Formula One Tyres , Open Wheel Car , Server , Computer Cluster , Computer Network , Disk Array , Enclosure , Engineering , Hay , Straw , Farm , Agriculture , Medical Equipment , Medi Cal , Computed Tomography , Lens Flare , Tunnel , Sphere , Loudspeaker , Aircraft Engine , English Cuisine , Berry , Frutti Di Bosco , Frozen Dessert , Camera , Cameras Optics , Tread , Construction Equipment , Off Roading , Synthetic Rubber , Pottery , Cup , Clay , Earthenware , Ceramic , Coffee Cup , Flowerpot , Gear , Crankset , Hardware Accessory , Machine Tool , Bicycle Part , Hardware , Outdoor Play Equipment , Swing , Turquoise , Metro Station , Plumbing Fixture , Airport , Elder , Sconce , Picture Frame , Ballet , Classic , Market , Molding , Peking Opera , Laser , Closet , Wine , Theatre , Liqueur , Reed Instrument , Champagne , Whisky , Recreation Room , Musical Instrument , Celestial Event , Homemaker , Dinner , Preserved Food , Home Accessories , Surfer Hair , Feathered Hair , Salad , Noodle , Chinese Food , Yaki Udon , Green Papaya Salad , Spaghetti , Indonesian Food , Yakisoba , Udon , Lo Mein , Karedok , Carbonara , Panzanella , Chinese Noodles , Mie Goreng , Naporitan , Bigoli , Pasta , Bucatini , Pasta Pomodoro , Taglierini , Spaghetti Aglioe Olio , Greek Food , Pici , Sicilian Cuisine , Ratatouille , Linguine , Junk Food , Vegan Nutrition , Drinking , Woodwind Instrument , Flute , Wind Instrument , Strawberries , Strawberry , Garnish , à La Carte Food , Culinary Art , Herb , Leaf Vegetable , Chili Pepper , Capsicum , Bell Peppers And Chili , Haute Couture , Window Covering , Mazda Cx 9 , Mazda , Chevrolet Captiva , Toyota Highlander , Toyota , Kia Sportage , Filling Station , Hyundai , Lexus , Dress Shirt , Collar , Button , Recruiter , Comfort , Polo Shirt , Overcoat , Pocket , Trench Coat , Denim , Basketball Moves , Drums , Drum , Musical Ensemble , Orchestra , Musical Theatre , Applause , Six Man Football , College Softball , Baseball Equipment , Baseball , Baseball Protective Gear , Goaltender Mask , Softball , Baseball Field , Colorfulness , Rallying , Trial , Veterans Day , Memorial Day , Brass Instrument , Fast Food , Social Work , Tradition , Traffic Sign , Seat Belt , Exercise Machine , Chip , Hospital , Kindergarten , School , Private School , Pride Parade , Parade , Basilica , Bazaar , Mosque , University , Knee , State Park , Landscaping , Yard , Plantation , Gate , Home Fencing , Picket Fence , Lorikeet , Drug , Pharmaceutical Drug , Medicine , Prescription Drug , Bottled Water , Drinking Water , Health Care , Chemical Compound , Sewing Machine , Tap , Wildfire , Watercourse , Storm , Monument , Bowling , Exercise Equipment , Bowling Equipment , Ten Pin Bowling , Freestyle Wrestling , Contact Sport , Iphone , Bowling Ball , Swiss Ball , Street Food , Backyard , Bicycle Frame , Bicycle Wheel , , Road Bicycle , Mountain Bike , Hybrid Bicycle , Outdoor Recreation , Bicycle Saddle , Bicycle Pedal , Bmx Bike , Cross Country Cycling , Freeride , Bicycle Handlebar , Tile , Laminate Flooring , Carpet , Wood Flooring , Present , Gift Wrapping , Houseplant , Flower Arranging , Truck Driver , Bus Driver , Range Rover , Steering Wheel , Telephony , Mobile Phone Accessories , Telephone , Touchpad , Cylinder , Heart , Quinceanera , Dollhouse , Toy , Doll , Teddy Bear , Baby Shower , Stuffed Toy , Birthday , Cake Decorating , Plush , Conformation Show , Otter , Sea Otter , Mustelidae , Beaver , Marmot , Groundhog , Prairie Dog , Fashion Show , Rabbits And Hares , Easter Bunny , Rabbit , Everyday Carry , Tattoo , Scrapbooking , Creative Arts , Plaid , Tent , Inflatable , Antique , Attic , Drawer , Ipod , Airplane , Airbus , Flag Day Usa , Saturn Vue , Cadillac , Cadillac Sts , Ford Five Hundred , Chevrolet Hhr , Chrysler Pacifica , Mitsubishi Endeavor , Mitsubishi , Supercar , Bugatti , Police , Red Wine , Champagne Stemware , Wine Cocktail , Cocktail , Wine Bottle , Akir , Kitchen Appliance , Kir Royale , Snifter , Martini , Vodka , Margarita , Beer , Beer Glass , Ale , Wine Tasting , Dessert Wine , Port Wine , Barware , Old Fashioned Glass , Espresso Machine , Bartender , Shopping , Theatrical Scenery , Lobby , Bridal Clothing , Wedding Dress , Vernissage , Volvo Xc70 , Acura Mdx , Range Rover Evoque , Dodge Challenger , Dodge , Hood , Headlamp , Chevrolet , Audi , Chevrolet Malibu , Payment Card , Automated Teller Machine , Debit Card , Competition , Construction Worker , Bricklayer , Blue Collar Worker , Engineer , Hard Hat , Concept Car , Automotive Tail Brake Light , Model Car , Vehicle Audio , Speedometer , Tobacco Products , Smoking , Pool , Cue Stick , Billiards , Polka Dot , Headphones , Hearing , Clothes Iron , Ipod Touch , Case , Video Game Console , Digital Camera , Computer Speaker , Mp3 Player , Microphone Stand , Jazz Club , Recital , Percussionist , Guitarist , Choreography , Line Dance , Zumba , Aerobic Exercise , Slot Machine , Cowboy Hat , Fedora , Sun Hat , Cowboy , Trade , Keyboard Player , Electronic Keyboard , String Instrument , Composer , Wrestler , Professional Wrestling , Artificial Hair Integrations , Bassist , Guitar , Acoustic Guitar , Plucked String Instruments , Guitar Accessory , Acoustic Electric Guitar , String Instrument Accessory , Bass Guitar , Electric Guitar , Coach , Gautama Buddha , Lincoln Mkx , Lincoln Motor Company , Lincoln Mkt , Steering Part , Mazda3 , Buick Enclave , Buick , Kiss , Opel Mokka , Buick Encore , Opel , Hatchback , Dry Cleaning , Boutique , Outlet Store , Fur Clothing , Wheelchair , Sari , Interview , Disc Jockey , Food Storage , Blender , Carrot , Citrus , Food Group , Bromeliaceae , Water Bottle , Baby Bottle , Baby Products , Smoothie , Banana , Infant Bed , Grocery Store , Pocari Sweat , Diet Soda , Calf , Drop , Star , Sports Drink , Tennis Court , Tennis , Soft Tennis , Chain Link Fencing , Jumping , High Jump , Track And Field Athletics , Throwing , Athletics , People In Nature , Natural Landscape , Old Growth Forest , Temperate Broadleaf And Mixed Forest , Spring , Autumn , Grove , Temperate Coniferous Forest , Trail , Deciduous , Valdivian Temperate Rain Forest , Path , Pointer , Reptile , Crocodilia , Middle Ages , Undergarment , Waist , Swimwear , Lingerie , Trunks , Foot , Ankle , Sandal , Toe , Sole , Outdoor Shoe , Sneakers , Plaster , Mount Scenery , Ranch , Conifer , Wildflower , Crochet , Bedding , Stethoscope , Physician , White Coat , Medical Assistant , Health Care Provider , Medical Technologist , Makeup Artist , Caponata , Capellini , Spaghetti Alla Puttanesca , Supper , Racquet Sport , Net Sports , Goal , Soccer , Tennis Player , Tennis Equipment , Kick , Football , Field Hockey , Hockey , Stick And Ball Games , Lawn Game , Bocce , Putter , Precision Sports , Measuring Instrument , Tool , Odometer , Gauge , Tachometer , Trip Computer , Overpass , Steel , Volkswagen Golf , Grille , Volkswagen Jetta , Volkswagen Golf Mk6 , Motorcycle Helmet , Automotive Fog Light , Hot Hatch , Yacht , Boating , Supermini , Volkswagen Polo , Volkswagen Polo Gti , Pembroke Welsh Corgi , Golden Retriever , Herding Dog , Canis , Bernese Mountain Dog , Welsh Corgi , Bengal , Fitness Professional , Weight Training , Strength Training , Kitten , Persian , Pomeranian , Poodle , Spitz , Toy Dog , Maine Coon , Tabby Cat , Baby Carriage , Sweater , Pantsuit , Engine , Orchestra Pit , Performing Arts Center , Cheerleading , Mahjong , Military Aircraft , Rugby Union , Police Dog , Haze , Playground Slide , Street Art , Runway , Airliner , Maglev , Air Force , Crew , Red Carpet , Boeing 787 Dreamliner , Wide Body Aircraft , Narrow Body Aircraft , Boeing , Airbus A380 , Aerospace Manufacturer , Cargo Aircraft , Jet Aircraft , Boeing 767 , Boeing 747 , Airbus A320 Family , Airbus A330 , Takeoff , Airport Apron , Flap , Dining Room , Window Blind , Fixture , Afro , Jheri Curl , Loft , Canary , Pet Supply , Songbird , Prison , Bridge , Waterway , Canal , Viaduct , River , Ship , Ocean , Naval Architecture , Sink , Bathroom , Subaru , Honda Accord , Hydrogen Vehicle , Honda Civic Hybrid , Honda Fit , Mitsubishi Outlander , Ford , Nissan , Hyundai Tucson , Center Console , Acura Tsx , Honda Accord Hybrid , Hybrid Electric Vehicle , Honda Cr V , Basenji , Shiba Inu , Animal Shelter , Beagle , Pedometer , Watch , Outdoor Grill , Barbecue , Barbecue Grill , Grilling , Home Automation , Security Alarm , Thermostat , Land Rover Freelander , Suzuki , Volvo V70 , Lexus Gs , Lexus Hs , Lexus Is , Mazda Cx 5 , Nissanx Trail , Lexus Rx , Lexus Rx Hybrid , Cadillac Xts , Ford Motor Company , Satellite Radio , Tesla , Lexus Lfa , Scion , Electric Car , Tesla Model S , Evening , Mazda Cx 7 , Fixed Link , Cable Stayed Bridge , Suspension Bridge , Freeway , Highway , Feather , Frog , Animated Cartoon , Mascot , Amphibian , Desert , Aeolian Landform , Hemp Family , Mo Ney , Cash , Banknote , Mother , Tree Frog , Little Black Dress , Tango , Hug , Honeymoon , Blouse , Cruise Ship , Coast , Caribbean , Beach , Tropics , Palm Tree , Bay , Island , Canoe , Kayak , Photographic Paper , Wind Wave , Wave , Meteorological Phenomenon , Fishing , Recreational Fishing , Fly Fishing , Bass , Jigging , Fishing Bait , Bony Fish , Ray Finned Fish , Bait , Fishing Lure , Fisherman , Salmon , Salmon Like Fish , Perch , Trout , Hacienda , Resort , Garmon , Accordion , Folk Instrument , Bowed String Instrument , Saxophone , Double Bass , Violin Family , Street Performance , Tololoche , Jazz Guitarist , Ford Focus , Alfa Romeo , Ford Kuga , Ford Escape , Road Trip , Ford Ecosport , Mini Mpv , Fordc Max , Mitsubishii Miev , Hyundai Veloster , Hyundai Santa Fe , Cadillac Srx , Volvo Xc60 , Toyota Venza , Mazda Mazda5 , Ford Edge , Bugatti Veyron , Auto Racing , Off Road Vehicle , Van , Oval , Hubcap , Pit Stop , Endurance Racing Motorsport , Column , Sculpture , Cranberry , Vehicle Brake , Automotive Engine Part , Turbine , Cold Weapon , Manager , Prom , Mini , Taste , Yogurt , Cherry , Bmw 6 Series , Cupboard , Wardrobe , Cola , Coca Cola , Robot , Driveway , Bathtub , Bench , Outdoor Bench , Outdoor Furniture , Porch , Patio , Clock , Wall Clock , Wrist , Wedding Ring , Bar , Actors , Kung Fu , Briefs , Underpants , Darth Vader , Volkswagen Cc , Boxing , Striking Combat Sports , Sports Uniform , Basketball Player , Hockey Protective Equipment , Tackle , Defensive Tackle , Granite , Plywood , Fire Extinguisher , Camera Lens , Door Handle , Washing Machine , Woodworking , Workbench , Kitchen Knife , Hand Tool , Cutlery , Pineapple , Swimming Pool , Sunlounger , Jacuzzi , Outdoor Table , Stool , Boot , Coffee Table , Waste Container , Wetsuit , Cannon , Cart , Steam Engine , Steam , Dirt Road , Optical Instrument , Bird Feeder , Longboard , Skateboard , Inflatable Boat , Water Transportation , Skiff , Watercraft Rowing , Boats And Boating Equipment Supplies , Paddle , Hobby , Dinghy , Rowing , Oar , Canoeing , Plumbing , Shower , Toilet , Toilet Seat , Bidet , Microwave Oven , String Trimmer , Baseball Bat , Outdoor Power Equipment ,

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