>> thank you. oh thank you, girls. oh joanie, it's getting late man. betty, how are you? my name is joe biden, vice president. i know i just swore in your grandson. i'm going to put him on the phone him here he is. nice talking to her. i don't have time. i'm watching my grandson being sworn in right now. >> my sfafrt when the mint falls out t. mint falls out of his mouth. >> it happens. >> you say, oh my mint you see the mint falk out. >> joe biden. >> you know him, no brainer. >> i will say this he's done a lot of things wrong since the show started. >> yes you have. >> i do it every day, every day, except yesterday where i didn't show up. >> that was wrong, so you actually messed up yesterday, too. >> greatest show i ever had. >> but when we decided to have a no criticize joe zone right here. >> that was brilliant, right here willie from that side of the desk that no you can't criticize joe. i think it was the thing to do. >> it was. >> not only the greatest vice president ever, what what what, where do you go above that? >> senator? >> who else would you want to swoor new as a senator? joe biden. >> what makes him stand apart from everybody else is he's in on the joke mg people make fun of walk. everyone talks ability everyone hates each other. nobody hates him. it's not a partisan thing. you know can you laugh at him. he's laughing first. so i think -- he's friends. >> he's a joy. >> he's friend with the other side. he can get stuff done. >> so really when i was in 5th grade, i used to hug dana westrick out on the playground. >> how did that go in. >> not good. can i go year by year and pick the girl that i liked that never liked me 5th grade da that westrick. 6th on and on. >> wow. >> it's horrible. you know what, if you want to know what the prom pictures always look like they look kind of like this. >> oh man. >> i do love that. >> so the question is willie geist, who had the most awkward hug this week? chris christie and jimmy jones or john boehner and nancy pelosi? >> i don't know, man, that's pretty good right there. nancy pelosi wants none of that whatsoever. >> none of that. >> the oversized gavel. it's a prop gavel. >> it is he's lurching forward. don't ever do that. they either come to you or you just don't go. >> that's right. you learned that right? >> i learned that in 5th grade. they either er come or they just deny. >> it took you until 50. >> you know we hadn't seen the frame before this maybe it was misinterpretation, maybe she moved in. and then last minute we have all been there. the person turns their head. >> she set him up. >> maybe. >> that happens. >> the hand really knocks down that theory because the hand isn't in an embrace. >> she is cleely pushing, exerting force. >> all right. i will break this up. you guys can get a diagram. >> there it is. >> oh now, come on. >> here's the thing, though she gave him a little pat afterwards, a little pat. if we have that one more time that was her being gracious. i do not want you in my space, okay. here we go. okay. he's unkovtable here. now, look a little pat. there you go. >> it's okay. now, we're done with that. >> don't do that again. >> can we do the news now? >> just a little pat. >> by the way, joining us today, who reporters who have pieces on the front page on today's "new york times" on capitol hill jeremy peters jeremy and here in new york do we have nick. >> oh nick is here. >> there he is good to have you on board here him let's start, though with the top headline today. we begin this morning in el paso, texas, where army officials say one victim and a gunman are out opened fire on a health clinic on tuesday. it happened just after 3:00 p.m. eastern time when they received reports about an el pass zo veterans clinic a. reporter at nbc's ktsn brianna pitts. what else can you tell us at this point? >> reporter: good morning, mica, there is a lot of confusion here at the william beaumont medical center at fort bligs as we try to piece toke what happened yesterday as far as the identities of the victim and the gunman him we know the victim was a doctor as far as the gunman, he could have been a visitor, an employee or maybe a veteran or a patient, himself. >> okay. brianna, thanks very much. we will check back in. we have lots of other news to get to. >> that is obviously still developing. my daughter actually said get the tv on the shooting and the veteran's ankle of it. house speaker john boehner cruised to a third term as house speaker, not before some members tried to embarrass him unsuccessfully, though. take a look. >> the name of the honorable ted yoho the great defender of the constitution and the great state of florida. >> i place in a nomination the name of daniel webster, a congressman from the great state of florida. >> the honorable daniel webster of the state of florida has received 12. the honorable louis gomert of the state of texas received three. honorable ted s yoho of the state of florida has received two. >> more republicans voted against boehner. >> it's prices will, why are you shaking your head like this? >> i said before i think campaigner is a great speaker. he's in the category as biden he is in on the joakim i think these guys are jerks. i think it's important this is a factoid to put out that this is the largest majority. this is a larger herd of cats for him to wrangle. so the discenters aren't as representative as a swath of the republican party. i was glad he took action. >> these are jerks. why are they jerks? >> lissch i think this is such an opportunity for republicans to show something different than what we've shown in the recent past and i think that to do something, he doesn't have a right to do this. they were within their right to do this. i think he's a great speaker. it was irresponsible and jerky. >> if all you got out there is willie gohmert and ted yoho you are doing okay actually. i think he did okay in sort of isolating the insane wing of the party. i really do. >> you can see it in 2010 we saw it in my day. but when you get burned you usually learn. i talk about it on a hot stove. you get burned. here you have this republican party, i don't know how john boehner is going to be as a speaker. he will not be conservative on economic issues but just going into it we ran newt beginning rip out when our majority shrunk to four. we blamed newt for it. we ran him out of town in 1998. they go into this vote yesterday with the largest majority they had had since 1929. >> what an incredible moment. >> since before franklin delano roosevelt was sworn in the first time the republicans have the largest majority. i think you give that leadership the benefit of the doubt. that's like trying to fire like you know irvin meyers finally got ohio state going to the national championship again. it's like before the national championship the board of trustees go, you know what we can -- >> you look at the historic perspective of that moments why would you take away from it? >> i think that's the thing. there was a great quote. >> jeremy wrote about this. >> jeremy one of the members had a great quote. he said something, we're on pro bakes, guys him come on we're on probation. let's not make fools of ourselves right now. i think yesterday was really an unnecessary distraction. >> i think a lot of it was an attempted payback for what happened at the very end of last 84 when conservatives felt correctly that john boehner rolled them on passing a budget. he completely ignored them said i will go to the democrats to get the votes i need. more importantly, what this is it's another example of the conservative tea party movement whatever you will call it the way that its energy and its ambition really outpaces the reality of what it can accomplish. here you have 25 people oppose the speaker. you know they needed about a dozen more than that to get rid of him. i'm sorry, to force it to a sec vote. even after that second vote if it were to have happen they still weren't going get rid of him. so this was really i think you heard this from some key conservatives in the house yesterday, people who actually voted for boehner saying look this was all gemmed up by radio and we don't want any part of it. >> we went through this when i say "we," i'm speaking as a republican. my party has been through this. i was a big part of it. we tried to run him out of town non-stop. we eventually wanted him out of town. we wanted more. after a while, you physical out, there is so much that's possible. >> that washington, d.c. does not run the way i want washington, d.c. to run. i wanted to abolish four government agencies. i wanted to do a lot of things that just weren't going to get done. at what point do they figure this out and grow up? democrats i can say the same thing about some you know liberals on the left but this republican caucus i mean they got the chance to do something pretty big. they're going to have to compromise. i don't know if they've figured that out yet. >> i think the good news for republicans is john boehner doesn't gave dam about these 24 votes or whatever the number was. he knows he's got big majority. he can work with it. he will punish these people in ways he can. he will move forward. he doesn't strike me jeremy as the kind of guy that will take this on and say oh my gosh i got to fight off the wing of the party. he knows he can push through this. >> willie that is a very smart point. because you have already seen boehner retaliate. he has stripped daniel weber is one of the leaders of this failed coup of his seat on the powerful rules committee. so he's taken care of that, then you know if you look at what a lot of conservatives are saying not just the trouble-makers the ones who voted for boehner, they want a seat at the table. they want a piece of this largest republican majority in generations. they know the the way to accomplish that is not by going out and poking the speaker in the eye on the first day of the new congress. >> yeah, i mean i think it gets depicted as the politics of the far right wing against establishment. boehner is conservative enough. it's the politics that can actually work. so i'm happy to see him sort of smack down the politics of few estimate. this wasn't a fight between the right and the far right. this was a fight between feel are actually you know going to govern and be effective and the people that had no prospects. >> so let's move on to other news now, we got this out of virginia. former governor bob mcdonald is sentenced to two years in federal prison. his day in kour was full of surprises. first the sentence wasn't longer. the second that his wife maureen scapegoated at the trial came to the proceedings and sat in the gallery. his wife and daughters as the sentence was read. did you see this joe? >> no. >> he invoked his own fate. >> i'm a fallen human being. i made mistakes in my life. i have failed at times and some of the judgments i have made during the course of my governorship have hurt myself my family and my beloved people of virginia and for that i am deeply deeply sorry. i have a tremendous faith and trust in the providence of the lord jesus christ in his ability to mete justice and so that is my hope for ultimate vindication. >> incredible. i love that man. i got no problem saying i. i always have. he really, really good man. and i don't know what he got caught up in. he's a good man and i am so glad that the judge did not give him ten years for doing what is legal in the state of virginia. what doesn't look good what seems unthet ethical to all of us. what was the letter of the law in the state of virginia. >> but not in the united states right, because federal charges, i mean it wasn't necessarily. >> the federal, yeah. >> it was that legal. >> that's still my rub, though. the tech had to come in in an unprecedented way since the state did the investigation and he operated under the state law, the state ethics code and every state looks out and so they came in it was sort of like racketeering, they just sort of generally swept him up on some generalist charge and again, i don't like how any of it looked any more than anybody around here. >> so i'll just say, i watched the whoelg thing. i was transfixed by it. i found it to be incredible and so sad. he took everything. he took it. he said he was sorry. he agrees that he has had bad judgment that, he did some things wrong. he also said he's appealing and this is kind of a little bit way too early, but my instinct is that he's going to serve his time and come back mg i think he's going to come back. >> no i don't think he's going to come back to the state of virginia. no way. >> in what form i don't know but i don't think his career is over. watch the whole thing. it's pretty amazing. >> i think the whole thing was so weird. >> it was ugly. >> it was ugly. >> it was grim. >> the blame the wife defense did not go over well in the old dominion. >> even the daughter even our own daughters were blame d.c. wife at some point. >> it's a very lively sort of and passionate debate on both sides of that actually. >> whether they concocted -- >> what the wife did, the daughters did, mcdonald did or did not do. >> i'm not saying it's ugly. i'm not sure i want to see it. i had an instinct about i. >> i'm with my ka. i think when the failing of a politician is so deeply personal, it makes me uncomfortable reading about their marriage who is anyone to judge a failed marriage? so i think the public does a good job of sifting through political greed an corruption is there they really do. >> and where people had a personal failing or a failed marriage. i don't think the public -- i think the public forgives all the personal. >> there was a plea offer on the table which he would not have done any jail time and she would not have faced any charges. he turned it down. >> why? >> people remember that. >> you know why he turned it down? because he thought he was innocent. i will say this americans are really good at sorting through this. >> yeah. >> the political class is terrible. no, i'm just saying republicans celebrate when something bad happens to somebody like eliot spitzer or question go down the list. >> uh-huh. >> democrats online revel in these personal failings. these are people on both sides and the hatred and the animosity and the blood sport, unfortunately. >> then what? >> the reaction to this, though at least in virginia not so much partisan, it was all over the map for doug wilder democratic former governor of virginia was a character witness for bob mcdonald who testified passionately on his behalf at the sentencing hearing. so it really i think it was a part and partisan thing. it was just uncomfortable. >> watch it alone and think. all right. so we've got another big political story to get to. you need to turn the camera this way, when have you your pack going, right, thank you? nicole if you are going to advice someone for how to speak, is eight pack or? >> what happened? what are we talking about in. >> show him, mica. >> jeb bush taking a big concrete step for a run for the white house. the former florida governor. >> he has a really big head. >> it's called right to rise and it's the right to rise leadership and super pacs which would allow him to run for 2015. let's stop saying possible. the guy is running, in two certainly media, one in english, one in spanish, bush announced the launch. >> hey, everybody, we're setting up the right to rise a pac, it's to believe in conservative principles to allow all americans rise up. if are you interested go to right to rise pac.org. >> so watch the script and news article say possible run for president? >> politicos reporting the operation is off to a fast start raising more than $100,000 online donations in a few hours. >> for his possible run for the presidency. >> let's bring in nick. . >> nick. >> there are a lot of rich old white guys in new york city that have been wanting to write jeb checks for a long time. now they have a chance. >> reporter: that's right. this is an effort to shorten the primaries as fast as he can. if he can set these groups up bring in a ton of money quickly, it will scare off people who could challenge him. it's a very similar strategy to the one his brother used on ten years ago or so to clear the field, extremely early in the campaign and have a smooth sailing after that. >> jeremy he's announced, right? >> i mean he's effectively sucked off, he's walked right into that volume we were we are now almost only talking about jepp e jeb bush talking about none of the other presidential contenders unless you want to talk about chris christie and what he did at a football game. i do think what's important to look at in what jepp did yesterday is layout these ideas and these are very generous sounding proposals coming from a republican who wants to remake the party's image. he talks about inclusiveness. he talks about the income gap, you know, these are not things that one traditionally associates with republican messages. you pair that with what he said about respect for people on all sides of the same-sex marriage debate and you have a candidate who is really trying to broaden the reach of the republican party and i think that is one of the things that will help make him a unique contender. >> he also didn't say anything about president obama. i think a part of the problem we've had is the party is this sort of obsessive looking out over our shoulder looking behind. i think jeb bush has set the bar higher for the party in talking about the future. there was nothing in yesterday's announcement or the stories about any intention he has to run against president obama, who obviously is not on the ballot. >> not on the ballot. >> so does jeb completely suck up energy out of all these people rung the polls? >> you know better than me the dog year we are about to enter. we will listing seven lives this year, seven political lives. >> don't the establishment signing of it like what happens to marco rubio? >> i think marco because of his personal relationship with jeb is probably going to sit back for at least a little while. this is a dog year we are about to start. >> several contenders. i think this is daunting. i think what jeremy described has already happened. he has sucked up all of the energy. >> who else is there? >> you can push out guys like casich and walker an those mid-western governors. he can quickly get in and scoop up people who might otherwise support a candidate like those governors. so mitt romney obviously, who was talking about the mitt romney campaign again? i mean he's out, right? it's all about jeb bush and chris christie in the conversation right now. >> that's what i was wondering. >> all right. next thank you. >> just watch the game on tv. >> why, what's up? >> can you like not root for the giants half heartedly? >> he should not participate in group hugs. a go up huck. >> the hugging is -- in there especially when they don't. >> another reenactment we should see on "the view" with you and one of the rosies, try the hug and the pelosi kiss. that would be good. game it out. one did not want the other. one did not want the other. >> go back to fifth grade. >> dana westrec. i could go. >> oh please stop you are so full of it. >> she did not like me. >> jeb is trying i keep failing. look at me. >> thank you, reading your piece on jeb bush in the "new york times," enjoy, everybody. still ahead on "morning joe," white house press secretary josh earnest will be with us in our next hoe hour and also ahead, a major development in that new jersey high school football program that was suspended last october. remember that? it was extremely serious hazing incident. plus, are you ready for the drone revolution? oh yes. yes, you are. >> did your dad figure it out? >> i my dad is figuring it out. my daughter gave me a drone.