And we have liftoff of the target. To bring thickness on the iss. The engine is at 108 . Wow, that is incredible video
of an unmanned rocket exploding in virginia seconds after taking off at the International Space station. I to the we got past that. No 14 stories high, it was carrying more than 5,000 supplies for the astronauts. No one Allegheny County e on the ground was hurt in the first accident since they delivered private companies. Im looking at the show. This is an amazing shot. I think we will need armed guards. We are buckeyes. We are buckeyes. Thats right. Good morning, everyone, to have 29th. We are live to mark the middle summit. 1,000 ceos and experts are finding solutions to the challenges, companies created by the way 70 of all the new jobs
in the u. S. Last year alone. What better place than to come here. You have midsize markets. They have somewhere between i think 10 million to a billion dollars in profits. Then of course, you get the Larger Companies but again, they government a lot of a poll out talking about americans are very concerned about where this economy is going. We have White House Correspondent sam stein. You saw the campus for like a minute. I saw two minutes of a darkened campus. They look beautiful. We saw it. Its amazing. In new york, Mark Halperin is in
washington. Jeremy peters along with thomas. You saw the campus, gorgeous. Very good. You got the message. Also, negates it. The ohio state. The ohio state. Did i not say that . You said the. A slight difference. All right. So we have been talking a lot about the last week of elections. Its really a tossup. I dont care what republicans say, what democrats say, it is still a tossup as we have been saying, it depends on issues like ebola and isis yesterday the general feeling is he dropped the ball on ebola. This morning in his comments, there are a lot of unanswered
questions of how to deal with americans exposed to ebola. President obama is making it clear, he doesnt support measures taken by a handful of governors, including Chris Christie, to Quarantine Health workers returning from west africa. He did, however, seem to support tougher rules for members of the military deployed to countries where the virus is spreading. He says the nations troops are acuss told to more restrictive conditions. We got to make sure those willing to go over there, they are applauded, tankened a support, they are not treating patients. Second of all, they are not there voluntarily. Its a part of their mission thats been asoviet unioned to them by their commanders and ultimately by me, the commander if chief. Mark halperin, its hard to figure out exactly what the president of the United Statesis saying there. He is saying his own government is implementing, and when asked why, theyre saying thats because they werent treating patients. It seems like there were two standards from a president at the same time was saying we must make all the decisions about handling ebola, based on skievenls it has nothing to do with science or medicine. It looks like the president was caught in yet again another inconsistency. Im not knocking the president. Im stunned. We still cant get a consistent policy on any of these things. It seems clear sometimes in the face of the crisis going slow, methodic cal, rational. Science based is not the same thing. It seems there needs to be a career, federal policy the states are consulted on and buy
into. And there still needs to be a leader of this movement. We now know ron klain is a czar, she a facilitator. They want to reassure the states and the public this is both a rational and aggressive policy that puts Public Safety first. Sam stein, the inconsistencies continue. On the one hand, there is inconsistencies within the states then you have the consistency within the next what dod is doing. Which is what each state, youd expect them to have a different standard. You wouldnt expect the federal government. So the cdc came out with guidelines two days ago. They were fairly strict and my point the way i view it is this, everyone is going to adopt their own guidelines within the states. Its eevery one of them is understandable in their own right. There are points in where they
are not discouraging medical personnel in going over to africa. I think you are right, there should be some uniformity to these standards. Its getting confusing out there. Between what one is saying. Theyre tackling two problems. One is they need to reassure the public that its not this huge panic. Ebola there is still only one person and secondly, they need to encourage Health Care Workers to go to west affect. Theyre trying to grap him with those two products and thread the needle there. I understand, what the president says is inconsistent. There are a lot of inconsistencies, state Officials Say they will pursue legal action to enforce a quarantine, new Jersey Governor Chris Christie is using some of his toughest language yet to take on the cdc and those criticizeing
hick kaci hickox treatment doctor it sounds like a quarantine to me and they dont want to admit they were wrong. It sounds like you will have to defend the in court. Whatever. Get if line. I have been sued lots of times in court. Have you talked about the tent and those conditions . The tent was inside a hospital. Its called an isolation tent. Shelves suspected to have ebola. The cdc was on the ground in the University Hospital monitoring the condition she was in. There are all kind of pa larky, to put it nicely about this. She was inside the hospital in a climate controlled area with access to her cell phone, access to the internet and takeout food from some of the best restaurants in newark. She was doing just fine. Wow. Okay. Digging in, we soak with mitt
rom fi, he thought maybe that was the bridge too far. I call it a bubble. Everybody in america thinks it was too far. Did they . Chris christie is digging in, though, its what he does. I think it would be very easy for him to say that maybe the officials there didnt handle it correctly. They put her in a tent. Coming back from west africa, it was a bridge too far. I think most americans understand that. If he wants to dig in, he can dig in. Very interesting, though, the nurse said she was going up to maine and do whatever she wanted to. And maine said, no, actually, you are not. So i dont think were going to be seeing any photo ops with caskaci hickox and you make a gt point because west africa is still looking for volunteers. Roughly they need 5,000 people and an international people. So if there is a morementlevel
approach to protocol and the reality there might be a 21day stint for people to go into quarantine. Heres the reality. A lot of americans are just not confident but thats not that bad. Somewhat if you put the somewhat in there. Heres the biggest challenge. We got the send doctors to west africa. Furss to west africa. You can go over there three weeks and four weeks and then you know that you got to add three more weeks when you come back to the United States. Its a hardship. Wove got to figure out and i will say it again, mitt romney said it to us the other night. If that means the next company say its them. Thats fine. It is a false economy. Say, we dont have enough money to ken st. People that go over to west africa. We either take care of it in west africa. It is the case here. We take care of ebola or we will have to take care of it on a much larger scale. I didnt say it eloquently enough. There will be people that find it two aggressive or not aggressive enough. You can have a voluntary stay at home, a mandatory tent policy. I think andrew cuomo struck the right. I think these things are moving and evolving for a reason. Public opinion is as well. You make the most valid point. Unless you figure it out in west africa, we will never be 100 in the clear. We had to solve it four months ago. We want to get jeremy in here, the momentum appears to be with the republicans. A new abc News Washington post poll reveals americans expect the gop to be taking control of
congress surrogates are flocking to battleground states, including colorado. Jeb bush heads there tonight and governor Chris Christie dropped in on thursday both sides used Womens Health issues as a edge with. I thought id die when i read this. Senator udall had overemphasized the social issues. He didnt ever say he was for a constitutional amendment. Basically, to take away a womans right to choose. Im not for that anymore. Everything is all right. Im okay on letting women buy contraceptives. Hello, thats been legal for several decades now. Like i said, there is a very low standard for what counts as moderate in the Republican Party. Im not going to get bogged down in the contraception wars. Even after being taken down by the denver post by being a one trick pony out of colorado. They continue that. Let them continue it. Lets broaden it out, though. Maybe its because i heard the last war and mitt romney was going to sweep to victory at the end. The pom was up by 11 im still a little skeptical, we can say the Republican Party is going to take control. You never know what will happen. We are still in all of these folds within the margin of error. What are you seeing out there . Any trend lines . Republicans are just as wary to make a bold prediction to the
set either. I have been talking to them all week. Privately, they say they dont know what happened on election night. As you just said there are about ten states where these races are within four points each. We are going into election fight. You mention colorado there its interesting. It appeared cory gardner was up over mark udall significantly. Well, that race started to tighten. Democrats believe if they get that race within two points, they can win it because theyre already voting in colorado every has a ballot if democrats get that close, they think they can take it. That will be a bellwhether station to watch. It been a bellwhether state. Kansas will be a state. Independent greg orman is actually leading senator pat roberts. Thats by a couple points. But again Mark Halperin within the margin of error and the only thing i will hear republicans showing confidence is theyre starting to pass around numbers about early voting. Theyre saying theyre outperforming democrats in a lot of states but yet theyre two points down if kansas of all states. Kans kansas. Joe, a lot of republicans say both New Hampshire and North Carolina are going to be tough for them to win unless there is a national time. You take those two off the table. Put kansas in play push a lot of
them, they still are going to require the overtime to get the majority of the circumstances, right now, i dont think they would the people of putting odds of 60 people, they get breaks last week in the news, theyll hold if senate. Mica, what i learned if 2012. It was quite a lesson. You know, i, the first big campaign that i remember was Ronald Reagan and it was tied on the weekend and there was this huge wave that swept reagan into power. 1994, my name was on the ballot. On friday, we were tied so you saw those waves and i thought along with a lot of republicans that a wave two years ago was going to make it a lot closer
tan it was the days people wake up and say, i will wake up and see Ronald Reagan. Those days are over. Its ground game, getting people out early. If the Democrats Organization machine is half as good today as it was two years ago, any republicans saying we will take the senate is a fool. Maybe we will take the senate you want tell today. Go ahead. Thats one of the issues democrats have always had, theyre running in states where that ground game did not exist. So theyve had to build it from scratch in alaska and arkansas. In alaska, people are already voting there. The report im getting from the ground, although there was some irregularity, the lt. Gov. s office apparently has not been sending ballots to rural tribal
villages. They think it can give them an edge. I think you are right. We just dont foe water going to happen. Yesterday mitt romney received a warm response when former president ial candidate bob deal called on him to run again. Romney took an opportunity to take a jab at the president and later spoke to joe and me about the terms. Look, a vote for greg orman is a vote for barak obama. United states should not make that mistake three times. Lets vote pat roberts. Everything is about getting more senators elected from my party so we can have a house and a senate that can pass bills to go to the do you think that will happen . I do. Its very close. Its hard to rick. We will pick up a lot of seats until we get the majority or not. I dont know. If we do, we will actually end
gridlock. We will pass bills. They will go to the president s desk. He will either veto them or sign them. Things happen. With regard to energy, immigration. These things will finally be dealt with. There will be a law passed. You will end gridlock. Much more with mitt romney, still ahead on morning joe, senator sherod brown and gorm former governor ted strictland join us on the set. From ebola, if things were different if mitt romney were president . More with our president ial candidate in a bit. We ask the question, interesting, you went after him three times. Yeah. Who is that . What are you wearing, mitt . He wouldnt tell me. A few study finds gender equality will happen, just not for another 80 years. Okay. Well, better late than never, right . Take your vitamins. Well explain why in our morning papers. You are watching morning joe. Live from the Ohio State University. Thoughtfully crafted and intelligently designed. With available forward collision warning and new blind spot monitor and a 2014 top safety pick plus rating. Cost of entry . A fortune. Until now. Hey sarah, new jetta . Yup. Can i check it out . Maybe at halftime . Introducing lots of new. The new Volkswagen Jetta. Isnt it time for german engineering . When you think aarp, then you dont know aarp. Life reimagined gives you tools and support to get the career youll love. Find more real possibilities at aarp. Org possibilities. Just take a closer look. It works how you want to work. With a Fidelity Investment professional. Or managing your investments on your own. Helping you find new ways to plan for retirement. And save on taxes where you can. So you can invest in the life that you want today. Tap into the full power of your fidelity greenline. Call or come in today for a free oneonone review. Ring ring . Progresso its ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. Its our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. Apology accepted. Im watching you soup people. Make it progresso or make it yourself a single ember that escapes from a wildfire can travel more than a mile. That single ember can ignite and destroy your home or even your community you cant control where that ember will land only what happens when it does get fire adapted now at fireadapted. Org
[ applause ] wow. Were going to take a look at the morning papers. We will start with the star tideser. Slow moving molten lava from the ki
k kilauavo volcano, it was threatening one neighborhood. The lava is allowing homeowners to move stuff into storm. It has been erupting continuously since 1983. Button down that neighborhood. I would think so. Patience. The Seattle Times and the Associated Press have expressed outrage after learning the fbi created a fake story mimicking the paper and using a by line to catch a bomb suspect. The suspect was sent to a story via social media. When it was opened, the fbi was able to install spyware. The tactic led to the arrest of a teen involved in a number of threats to a local high school. Both news organizations say the agency crossed the line. The fib february says the move was necessary to track down the
suspect. Oh, thats a good debate. The telegraph. Gender equality is on the way, not until 2095. Where do you think they came up with that football . What the heck . Why, the gender gap has closed four points from 56 in 2006 to 60 today. At the current rate, it would take 81 years until a woman attends equal economic participation and opportunities. The formals found countries are not taking positive steps towards womens equality in the four areas it tracks. It Politics Health and education. It is a slow move around the world for sure. Does that seem off . I think its just america. I think it will speed up i think its like a snowball going down the hill. If not, take your one a day. The Kansas City Star of the Kansas City Royals proved they would not go down without a
fight in the world series. Kansas city scored seven runs, leaving the left up to the starting pitcher. Oscar tavares, seven scoreless innings of three at ball t. Royals shut out the giants 100. They set up a winner take all game seven. The finale will be tonight in kansas city t. Home team get this has won each of the last nine World Series Game sevens. Thats Pretty Amazing stuff. Game seven, im not even going to ask thomas who he thinks will win. It will make it worth it. I might have switched. Because if they win, it makes it worth it. Exactly. They lost. The other big question is the giants manager go with Madison Bumgarner on two days rest. Hes pitched lights out. Its two days rest. Who knows. This proves again like a lot of president ial campaigns in the primaries the world series more than any other sporting event is like catching lightning in a bottle. It really s. I had somebody say when you are unrunning a primary its catching lightning in a bottle. This i think so just happen. In baseball, here you have a team that struggled to get into the playoffs. They win a one game basically winner go home