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Im happy the nurse from maine is not ill. Glad she doesnt have ebola. I hope it doesnt develop in the next period until the 21 day period is over. Im glad she can be comfortable and back in her home now where she wants to be. I think upon reflection she will understand that my job is to protect the health and safety of the people of new jersey and the reason and thats only reason in made the decisions i did and i wouldnt make the decision differently if i had to do it again today. Good morning its tuesday, october 28th. Live look at times square. Oh, my goodness, its a cumbersome tuesday morning. We barely made it. Literally is harder to jump a fence to get to the east room of the white house than here. Whoever runs this building. Bill told me yesterday that i was a little too harsh off the top by talking about dumb liberals and, you know i didnt like it. Designee said youre insulting your audience. Because dumb liberals dont watch this show. You have to be smart to watch this show because dumb liberals and dumb conservatives they exist and say stupid bad things. I need to explain it. Please. Smart people, smart liberals, smart conservatives like watching this show because you dont just you know we dont paint by numbers for idiots. Like smart people watch this show. Now im going to be too harsh again this morning. Dumb people run this building. I mean seriously. Or the startest people on earth. I think they are the smartest people on earth. They just want to keep out any riffraff. Like the first intellectual test to get on this show. We failed. I struggled this morning. After 7 1 2 years who are the dr. Scarborough. Idiots who are running this building. One of the most important buildings in the world. We should send them to the white house. Right. No one is talking to me. You know why . They are still outside the building. Its impossible to get in this building and seriously its been here since like the depression. You guys should have figured it out by now. Whoever runs 30 rock youre really dumb. Can we do some on air yeah. Little bit review. Its okay to have a point of view but lets tell people what were talking about first and then lets share our point of view. Okay. Its impossible to get into 30 rock. They had this thing since 1930 something and whoever is running the build cigarette stupid. How is that . Did i lay the predicate . Lets ghous. A lot to talk about. Yes. Once again the cdc figures something out after the fact and youre wondering who is running the cdc. Maybe the same people who are running the building but im sorry go ahead. To the news. The nurse quarantined by new Jersey Governor Chris Christie is returning, returning from west africa is on her way home and able to leave the bubble. Shes out of the bubble. Did Chris Christie personally tase her before she left or what . Kaci hickox was en route to maine this morning after being released from an isolation tent. She needs to stay home for 21 days since her last exposure to ebola. Kaci hickoxs lawyer says thats not necessary since she tested negative for the virus. They say she will only remain in isolation for the next day sore. Cdc is recommending Health Care Workers returning from west africa voluntarily isolate themselves for 21 days. But it is rejecting mandatory quarantines. The white house is also criticizing that type of policy calling kaci hickoxs treatment disrespectful. She didnt travel over there because she was guesting a big paycheck. Presumably shes not going to be inducted into the nurses hall of fame for it. She indict out of concern for her common man. Her service and commitment to this cause is something that should be honored and respected and i dont think we do that by making her live in a tent for two or thee days. Yes. But new Jersey Governor Chris Christie not backing down. I lived in a tent for two or three days. Okay. It was wild. Right . I leave it at tent. Sometimes i woke up and i wasnt even in a tent. I was just staring up at the stars. I think they were stars. Yeah, that concert you went to. I thought you were at the orphanage that weekend. Thats what i tell people. What did Chris Christie say . Chris christie refuses to apologize. Take a look. My job is not to represent her its to treatment people of new jersey. I know she was upset andry. She wanted to go home. Any of us have seen people traveling and stopped whether late for a plane or whatever they get upset and angry. Thats fine. I have absolutely nothing but goodwill for her going forward. Shes a good person. Went over and doing good work in west africa but she needs to understand that the obligation of elected officials is to protect the public health. Okay. Okay. Heres the deal. Two americas. Theres the americas of editorial writers, people like mike barnacle, the rest that we sit around tables and talk about things. Then theres everybody else. What i said yesterday is everybody else is on Chris Christies side. Outside of the news media. I was shocked. Like the most liberal liberals, yeah i got no problem with her staying in a tent for a couple of days. I was actually kind of blown away. Im a big believer of the 21 day in home quarantine. I think cuomo has got it right. Pay them double. Have the federal government pay them double forgoing over and then coming home and not working. They need to be paid. They need to be but i was really surprised by the number of liberal liberal liberal liberal people who said i got no problem with Chris Christie. By the way people in new york city. Jammed in this tight space. We have hospitals where if they were treating an ebola patient that actually was sick would i take my kid to tehe er. You can ask democrats and they are all anxious about it. You know what this reminds me of . This reminds me of the editorial Rudy Giuliani is a horrible person, cops are out of control, la, la. Then you ask every liberal on the plane flying into laguardia, would you vote for Rudy Giuliani . Do you think thats happening here . I think i think youre right. This is one of the most massive disconnects between the chattering classes and the elites and what regular people at home are thinking. Now, of course, the chattering classes and elites and dumb liberals and the building security. Heres the deal. Just so you guys know, dumb liberals are like oh, we cant please let them go out and spit on us otherwise were horrible human beings. Dumb republicans are saying we shouldnt go west africa thats none of our business. It is our business. We got to do things at once. One we have to protect americans. I would say a mini marshal plan to go over to west africa. Do whatever it takes to support these people. And spend money to stop this virus in its tracks. So what do you think is the more prevalent feeling this massive disconnect that you just articulated thats going on in this country over this stuff, or the confusion that people feel about its the cdc against the federal government States Government now the military against the white house because the military is quarantining people. Im not sure how much confusion there is because theres this cnn poll showing seven in ten americans saying the federal government can stop an ebola epidemic and 54 belief the federal government is doing a good job. They can stop it. Its coming along. You go ahead. I was going to answer his question. Answer his question because im desperate to hear. Stay round our breakfast table when somebody asks a question you cant interrupt. Ill get you another cup, honey. Oh, this is fun today. Anyway ill answer your question and i would love to hear what mika has to say. Wouldnt yall. I said it yesterday. The biggest problem right now is you have a federal government that let the American People done time and time and time again going back over the past 15, 20 years. I went actually year by year by year, 98, 99, 2000. Go through it all. So the World Health Organization is saying this is much ado about nothing back in the spring. In late summer when it was exploding across west africa they mocked the leader of Doctors Without Borders saying this is a horrible virus and we have to do something. Mocked them. Saying youre just being pessimistic. The cdc has been wrong. The World Health Organization has been wrong. Everybody has always under stated it. If they had been upfront thats all americans need. You know what . We dont know how bad this virus is. Well do everything we can do, this epidemic. But they havent done that. Theyve always undersold to it. They always been proven wrong. Theyve always been late to the game. They were late to the game in dallas. They were wrong in dallas. They were late to the game in new york. They were late to the game with this guy running all over town bowling, coughing and spitting and jog all over people. They were late to the game. They were late to the game seriously i still want to know lets all say it. This guy is a hero. Who goes to a Bowling Alley in brooklyn when you may have ebola . Who does that . I cant think of a less sanitary thing to do other than the turkish baths willie and i go over tory thursday night. Those are more sanitary. I get a bad rap. Mika, i want to hear what mika hold on, mika has to talk. After you laid that out so articulately as to the fear mongering. Did you say it was fear mongering. When you talk about going to a Bowling Alley and getting ebola. But having said that its not exactly what i said. Dont excuse me of fear mongering. I think its a bridge too far, sorry for the pun for Chris Christie to put a nurse in a plastic bubble with a plastic sorry bridge too far. We all agree with that. Up lost your mind. Mika, we agree with that. You say americans agree with him. No, i didnt say all americans agree with him but a lot of americans actually agreed with you when you were saying the other day before cuomo and christie quarantined him what was this guy running around going bowling. Im just repeating what you said before. It makes willie and me sad that i would just repeat what you said and then you would attack me. I dont think im going to say anything else today, willie. Oh, wow. I dont even know the question poesd to both of you because you are friends of his. Why is Chris Christie always so angry . Theres a mistake. I dont know. Its all right to say i wish he would come back hes not going to come back ever on this show again. Just give that up. Chris christie, i wish he would come back on the show and explain thats not the way before bridgegate. Duke it out. Have a good time. Talk about things we disagree on. I dont know what the difference is now honestly. This nurse got caught in the cross hair of the implementation because cuomo who is a democrat, christie who is a republican announced the same policy. I watched the press conference on thursday night. This nurse sort of flew into the country from west africa treating ebola patients as that policy was created. If they quarantined somebody in a week it would be under circumstances. Heres the deal, nicole. They didnt think through this. For some reason they didnt think this is what happens. They let a doctor come home. He runs all over the place. Goes to Bowling Alley in brooklyn. Does all of this stuff. People wake up the next morning and saying wait this guy is going on subway, going bowling, hes running three or four miles. Its unclear when he had symptoms. Hes doing all this. Everybody stops and goes we cant have people coming back from west africa doing this. So then they overreact the other way. Chris christie sets up a tent and puts so she was a victim of the overreaction of what this doctor did when if they had a good middle ground like andrew cuomo has right now none of this would have happened. They did release her from her quantity. Christie did free her. A woman went to west africa to help people in the most dire circumstances. He freed her after Chris Christie of new jersey and andrew cuomo of new york reporting from the New York Times fed panic by imposing new policy of mandatory quarantines for workers from west africa. Its not surprising they tried to adjust their positions. This is in the New York Times. The u. S. Military has that policy now. The point is theres a middle ground. Exactly. I believe Chris Christie had the best interest of the people of new jersey and want to protect people but putting her in a tent in a parking lot and providing the country with those visuals of her looking through the plastic that wasnt very smart. On the other hand doing nothing exactly. Is not a choice. Theres a smart middle ground. Exactly. The voice of reason. Here, here. Everybody, willie. Willie, voice of reason. But the u. S. Military now is having a similar debate to the one that cuomo and christie hashed out in public view where they are taking military personnel and requiring the home isolate. They are in isolation. Maybe the middle ground will be found they are not allowed any more to go to pentagon said to go sierra leone Bowling Alleys and share shoes. That middle ground we were saying this for some time. This really isnt hard. This is a lack of leadership. Once again if the New York Times wants to talk about what is feeding the panic on the editorial page they need to talk about the continued lack of leadership on all levels. They are surprised. Oh, my god somebody comes to new york city and they have ebola and, i mean, why do we always respond to these after they happen . Its always reactive. Its never proactive. Because its always reactive you have these whips to the right and whips to the left. The political adviser i thought one of the good things about having someone like that as president obamas ebola czar a political person is atuned to the public reaction to a policy. I thought that was part of why he was selected. So far he doesnt seem to have hit his stride. Mika, did you hear about this lexington herald leak. Theres so much politics in the news i cant believe we just did this. You and your mouth running on and on. Im serious. We need to get to other news. We will after the break. Well zip it. We have politics to get to and election day is coming, okay. Maybe, you know, mika, maybe i care a little too much. Maybe i love a little too much. Willie has always accused me of that. Im worried about the kids. I worry about, you know, maybe i dont want all of new york city to catch ebola. And maybe i dont want good nurses ill put you in a bubble. Plastic toilet. Good nurses go to west africa and do the work we try to do here every day. That is the solution for your. Whats that keep that tent up. Boy in the plastic bubble. Be john travolta. Still ahead, one of rock and rolls greats, hes bringing his guitar, graham nash and Reince Preibus will be here. Plus a Security Breach at the highest levels of government than time were not talking about the secret service. Then a group of College Students are trying silence bill maher. Well tell you why. Youre watching morning joe. Well be right back. How much money do you have in your pocket right now . I have 40, 21. Could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement . I dont think so. Well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years, that retirement challenge might not seem so big after all. To map their manufacturings at process with sticky notes and string, yeah, they were a little bit skeptical. What they do actually is rocket science. High tech components for aircraft and fighter jets. Were just their bankers, right . But financing from ge capital also comes with expertise from across ge. In this case, our top lean process engineers. So they showed us who does what, when, and where. Then we hit them with the important question why . Why put the tools over there . Do you really need those five steps . What if you can do it in two . Whoo, thats an interesting question. Ideas for improvement started pouring out. With a little help from us, they actually doubled their output speed. A hundred percent bump in efficiency. If you just need a loan, just call a bank. But at ge capital, were builders. And what we know. Can help you grow. A single ember that escapes from a wildfire can travel more than a mile. That single ember can ignite and destroy your home or even your community you cant control where that ember will land only what happens when it does get fire adapted now at fireadapted. Org oh, my lord. Really . Thats not funny. Im going to have to out how to end that. All right. Thats profane. Time now to take a look at the morning papers. The guardian, end of an era this morning in toronto. Doug ford was defeated in his bid to succeed his colorful and controversial brother rob as mayor. He lost to conservative john torrey who is promising to move the city forward after robb forwards string of scandal. However, rob ford was elected to his Old City Council seat. The outgoing mayor who is bat alligator rare form of cancer vows the ford family will be back in four years. Folks, if you know anything about ford family, we never ever, ever give up. And i guarantee, i guarantee that in four more years youre going see another example of the ford family never ever, ever giving up. Ford says he has to take care of his health first and foremost but vows to continue working for his constituents. Hope hes healthy and hope he comes back. We want to see him back. We do. Los Angeles Times a students at the university of cal berkeley has launched a petition to remove bill maher as Commencement Speaker following his controversial remarks about islam. The petition to get him removed has more than 2,000 signatures. It states in part that maher is a blatant bigot and racist who has no respect for the values of uc berkeley. I want comes after mahers debate with ben affleck in which maher said islam is the only religion that kills you if you say the wrong thing, draw the wrong picture or write the wrong book. One unlucky jogger found himself arrested after running into David Cameron. The security detail is in hot water for letting it happen. Take a look at the video. You can see a jogger run down a sidewalk, just as Prime Minister cameron is heading towards road. Cameron steps aside as his detail rushes towards the man and the Prime Minister gets in the his car. The man was arrested before later being freed by police. He told police he was meeting his personal trainer at the gym and had no idea what or who he was running into. I didnt see David Cameron. I didnt know it was David Cameron until they let me out of the police van an hour later and told me what i had done. It begs the question how good is camerons security if im running between security before they stopped me. Great question. He took like a sharp left and ran right into him. He crossed the street, took a right. Mika when willie and i go out on our we got the marathon on sunday. Were training. 11, 12, were up to sometimes you sprint across the street you take a sharp right turn, all right. Boom. Boom. Youre not supposed to run into the Prime Minister. Thats their problem not ours. Thank you joe and willie. We got to pick up the pace. Save the day. Apple says feedback for its new Program Apple pay is overwhelmingly positive. Despite some retailers opting not to use the service. Over the weekend cbs and rite aid decided to stop using the Payment Method angering many customers. Other chains are considering using their own. The tech giant says 1 Million People activated their credit cards with the service making it a massive hit. Stores using apple pay include walgreens, mcdonalds, subway and macys. I got it this weekend. I updated the Operating System. I got it. I go to walgreens all the time. Very easy. I tell you i finally like after 87 years i got the starbucks app. Does that work . Oh, my god. Its unbelievable. Order it. Take your phone out and i want goes. It is and you can actually you can tip, you know, which i dont carry cash around, i have confederate dollars and nobody takes those in new york city. Whats the big objection i was out to dinner over the weekend with a couple of people that had it. They were in and out of the place. Its unbelievable. Great. Cvs and rite aid want to tart their own. Its stupid. I shouldnt say the word stupid. You want to give your customers the ability to be in and out as quickly as possible and makes the lines go fachter. Its great. I want to hear about walmart. The Dallas Morning News walmart apologizing after advertise something of its plussize Halloween Costumes under the category fat girls costumes. No, they did not. The blunder first reported by the website jezebel sparked a firestorm. And a facebook ad that used the same wording. It took longer to clean up the mobile site which still included the category after it was removed from the desk top version. Walmart has since apologized and vowed to never let it happen again. The problem it is happened. You cant even you can even come back from that. Thats completely theres no apology for that. Its like the karma guy. Saying fat chicks. You cant Say Something in the culture. Whats wrong . How does somebody like walmart allow that to happen. There must be somebody who is several people at least who are extremely discriminatory and mean in their culture. Thats awful. Theres no apology for that. The daily news, this is interesting as we go through headlines, daily news where the hell czar you. A lot of people in new york again asking the question, why dont they think ahead. What do we have on the post today. How many nypd cops does it take to change light bulb. Is it too soon to giving washington politicians the tough bipartisan ideas that actually have a chance to pass . That was one of the worst teases. Look what the nations top columnists are writing about. The must read opinion pages are ahead. Its complete sentences. Test my reading skills now. Well be right back. [ male announcer ] this man has an Accomplished Research and Analytical Group at his disposal. But even more impressive is how he puts it to work for his clients. Morning. Morning. 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Folks before i wasnt really worried because ebola was only in far away places ill never go like liberia or dallas. But now, folks, now the [ bleep ] has hit the fan which is the number one way to spread ebola. All right. Joining us now for the must read opinion pages we have so Many Political stories to get to. We have the founder of tina brown live media and women of the world summit, tina brown and from washington we have the chief White House Correspondent for politico mike allen. Well get to the playbook in a moment. You guys have a great list of ideas of what can get done in obamas final two years. Ideas from a lot of different great names and thinking. Well start with david brooks. Why partyism is wrong. In 1960 roughly 5 of republicans and democrats said they would be displeased if their child married someone from the other party. By 201049 of republicans and 33 of democrats said they would mind. The broad social phenomenon is that as personal life is being demoralized political life is being hyper moralized. The problem is that hyper moralization destroys politics. To compromise is to betray your identity. When schools, Community Groups and workplaces get defined by political membership then every Community Gets dumber because they cant reap the benefits of diverging viewpoints and competing thought. I couldnt have said it better myself. He talks about partyism which is absolutely true. Its a horrible, horrible new phenomenon, not new but a galloping phenomenon. It comes from so many different aspects. Collapse of community. Fanning by hysterical media. And theres also the collapse in the sense of social interaction i think which happens more and more particularly in washington. Boy, i think you touched on that. People are isolated. They are in front of their computers. In front of their iphones and ipads and they come in and go and try to read exactly what reinforces all the preexisting prejudices, and you add that up. Instead of sitting across the table i feel blessed. Im from one of the most conservative areas in america, northwest florida. Ive been working in one of the more progressive areas here. I find out heres a shock thing, heres the shocking thing, parents in northwest florida they want the same for their children as parents on the Upper West Side. If you have some kind of social gathering where the republicans sit next to the democratic wife or kids at the same school they both find kids are having problems with the math teacher theres a forging of a connection. After the election they should have forcible speed dating between the parties. Seriously. To make up for whats lost. Mika you talked about when your father was in the white house you would play with republican children because your father would invite republicans over yes. It wasnt just democrats. He invited republicans over that he wanted to talk to and you were friends your farm were friends with more republicans than democrats. Staff as well was very diverse. Family became very diverse as a result. It wasnt like im going to invite a republican over. Im going to invite someone over i like very much or whose ideas im intrigued by. Partyism is ridiculous. We tried to do something in washington recently, you couldnt get the two sides together. Its really become so deeply chronic. Speak about partisanship, mike politico has 11 bipartisan ideas that could get by. This is a new politico series called the agenda where we have new Innovative Minds looking at old problems and what we found is that even given this terminal partyism that we seem to have there are things that can to be done. No, we may not get a grand bargain on the budget. But John Huntsman former utah governor said we could do some fixes to tax reform combined with fixes to immigration reform. Those are both things that both parties say they want to do. Do them in a small way. Tom carper, senator from delaware who is the head of the committee that looks over the Postal Service says theres things we can do to make the Postal Service next to and therefore drain less money, payback the government. One of them, if willie is still there hell appreciate this, allow the home deliver beer, wine and spirits through the mail. That will help save the government they are fighting for that. I like tight. Im for it. So, willie has a follow up question about that. Not about that per se, make, but let me ask you what gives the hope that any of these things could happen in a way that they didnt happen in the last six years. If you get a republican senate, for example and the president is against a completely Republican Congress why do you think any of these things would passing a way they didnt in the past six years. Selfinterest. In each of these areas people outline the reasons why it works for republicans daniel. Divided government, historically has allowed you to get things done because they want to show accomplishments heading into 2016. For instance you have senator rand paul here talking about his effort to make it easier for people who have been convicted of nonviolent drug crimes to get jobs, to have their records expunged, the redeem act hes been promoting with a democrat cory booker. Undoing the sequester, cuts in military. Norm ornstein talking about things for the long term unemployed. Selfinterest. Help republicans repair their image. The party of 1 and something that democrats long wanted to do. Criminal Justice Reform is where youre seeing bipartisan coming together, rand paul and cory booker. So there are issues that they can come together on. But you get demonized for outreach. And rival survival yesterday. There you go. Mike allen thank you very much. Tina brown thank you as well. Up next New Hampshire democratic jean shaheen finds herself in a dead heat against scott brown. It wasnt supposed to be that way. Kasie hunt takes us into that key contest. Stay with us. [ male announcer ] at northrop grumman, weve always been at the forefront of advanced electronics. Providing technology to get more detail. Detect hidden threats. See the whole picture. Process critical information, and put it in the hands of our defenders. Reaching constantly evolving threats before they reach us. Thats the value of performance. Northrop grumman. An Unprecedented Program arting busithat partners businesses with universities across the state. For better access to talent, cutting edge research, and state of the art facilities. And you pay no taxes for ten years. From biotech in brooklyn, to next gen energy in binghamton, to manufacturing in buffalo. Startupny has new businesses popping up across the state. See how startupny can help your business grow at startup. Ny. 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A new cbs New York Times poll shows senator jean shaheen up five over scott brown desspigt what were thought to be long odds in New Hampshire. Kasie hunt reports brown is closer than ever to pulling off what would be a stunning upset. Do you think scott brown cares about New Hampshire . All right. Reporter it wasnt supposed to be so hard for jean shaheen to beat scott brown. Democrats have been counting on her to help them deep senate. But they werent counting on crisis after crisis, stoking americans anxiety. They are concerned about ebola but other diseases coming into our country and thats a rational fear. We face serious challenges. It requires serious minded people to address those challenges. New hampshire deserves better than scott browns fear mongering and grandstanding. Reporter shaheen is still in a stronger position than Many Democrats who are in close races but brown is closing in and polls show president obama is more toxic than ever. I never said i didnt want president obama to come and campaign. Reporter the president s Approval Rating in New Hampshire is lower than the national average. Shaheen needs democratic activists to show up but she still has to keep her distance. The fact is hes busy in washington. Hes dealing with the ebola threat. Dealing with the threat from isis. Is president obama helping you in the final weeks of your campaign . You know, you and scott brown keep wanting to make this race about the president. But this race is about New Hampshire. I know why scott brown doesnt want to talk about New Hampshire because he hasnt been here. Reporter scott brown has been working hard at his trademark stifle retail politicking. His quart pints. Tailgating. This week he sampled the brews at a beer festival. I try to treat all beers equally. Reporter brown has hammered shaheen over ebola. Do you think americans should be concerned about an outbreak in the United States. I pray every day theres not. The president said he would stomp it out. It wouldnt be a problem. The fact he hired a political guy with no experience i would have hired and recommended hiring the number one guy in the entire world, please come to the United States and give us guidance. Who would you have hired . Whoever that number one person is in the world i would have gone after him. Reporter if he wins brown is the first candidate in more than 150 years to win senate seats in two different states. If he loses he would be the first to run in two states and be defeated by two women. This is about who will best represent New Hampshire. Who is going to fight for our middle class families, who will fight for our small businesses. Youve seen the response. Its positive. The momentum feels very good. Im going stand by my record. All right, willie, im telling you this is one of those close calls. I almost wore the exact outfit that kacie is wearing. So, theres an edge that i detect with jean shaheen. Someone who personally i like but seems to be an edge on the campaign trail and i see this with some politicians who actually i saw it with bob dole in 1996. He could not believe that a guy like bill clinton could beat him. And there seems to be an edge with jean shaheen almost like are you kidding me . Im having to fight this hard to beat this carpet bagger. Did you pick that up . We were in may initially and went back this weekend and she definitely has gotten sharper in the way you described. Some of the responses are kind of much more aggressive. I dont want to go so far as brutal. She was more contentious than i see her in public ever. More contentious this time than she was several months ago. I think brown has loosened up a little bit if you read the body language of their campaign, its pretty clear that they feel a lot more comfortable now than they did before. They were pretty aggressive in trying to run away from reporters. They were concerned about him sort of having an inopportune moment. Willie, democrats, insiders who were talking about how they were concerned that jean shaheens appearances in the debates, they used the word brittle, sort of hard edged. You do pick that up on tv. We were commenting during your piece he looks pretty much at ease on the campaign. I wonder what you think in the next week swings this. If it really is five points and still within reach for scott brown what are people going to vote on in a week. A lot of it depends on the Current Events what happens with whether or not ebola dont a problem that people are managing, whether these quarantines work and how they work. New hampshire is a state where voters pay very close attention especially in the final days and a state that can break. A place where, you know, people feel like they dont necessarily want to just follow the trends they have an independent streak, just because weve had jean shaheen as a senator for x number of years that doesnt mean we wont throw her out. That fivepoint poll we put up a couple of times, now the third time weve put it up, if you guys want to we can keep it up for the next three hours, i havent seen polls that show a fivepoint lead. Ive seen in your package a lot of onepoint polls, twopoint polls. This race is within the margin of error. If you look at the trend lines on this race it started pretty wide and has gone closer and closer. At this stage this race really is moving around. Why is scott brown so close . A massachusetts senator who loss. Why is he so close in New Hampshire hes a talented retail politician and also has a pretty good ear for what issues are going to resonate with voters and i think hes really its interesting to me how hes handle ebola in particular because hes doubled down on it. He took some flack for being alarmist in a way. He has completely ignored that. Thats different from southeast other candidates ive talked, to thom tillis took some flack and backed off. Brown decided he has a winning issue. Kasie hunt, nice job. Still ahead, whats tenure got to do with it. The head of the Largest Teachers Union sponz to this controversial story by Time Magazine. Charles barkley is great at a lot of things. Charades is not one of them. He cant play charades. The clue he just couldnt figure out on the tonight show. Well be right back. Thoughtfully crafted and intelligently designed. With available forward collision warning and new blind spot monitor and a 2014 top safety pick plus rating. Cost of entry . A fortune. Until now. Hey sarah, new jetta . Yup. Can i check it out . Maybe at halftime . Introducing lots of new. The new Volkswagen Jetta. Isnt it time for german engineering . To map their manufacturings at process with sticky notes and string, yeah, they were a little bit skeptical. What they do actually is rocket science. High tech components for aircraft and fighter jets. Were just their bankers, right . But financing from ge capital also comes with expertise from across ge. In this case, our top lean process engineers. So they showed us who does what, when, and where. Then we hit them with the important question why . Why put the tools over there . Do you really need those five steps . What if you can do it in two . Whoo, thats an interesting question. Ideas for improvement started pouring out. With a little help from us, they actually doubled their output speed. A hundred percent bump in efficiency. If you just need a loan, just call a bank. But at ge capital, were builders. And what we know. Can help you grow. Can you start tomorrow . Yes sir. Alright. Lets share the news tomorrow. Today we failrly busy. Tomorrow were booked solid. We close on the house tomorrow. I want one of these opened up. Because tomorow we go live. Its a day full of promise. And often, that day arrives by train. Big day today . Even bigger one tomorrow. When csx trains move forward, so does the rest of the economy. Csx. How tomorrow moves. Last night jimmy fallon upstairs in this building had a game of cha raids on the tonight show. Charles barkley cha raids is so hard. Sneeps with jimmy fallon. I dont like cha raids. You try to understand it. I get nervous. Charles barkley is particularly bad at charades. Movie. [ laughter ] four words. [ laughter ] three words. [ laughter ] youve played charades before, have you not . Three letters. All right. So four words. Four words movie. Hey. Karate kid. [ laughter ] [ buzzer ] that was a reasonable guess. Im sorry. Im sorry. Except it doesnt have four kids. But i like where his head was. I dont think he knows the rules, man. Do you play charades. I play with our kids. They love it. I cant play it. Coming up at the top of the hour. That does not shock anybody. We should try it. Do you want to try it. You guys ever play charades. I guarantee you, barnacle and i are all the same. Like when everybody lets play charades. Im going to bed. I just walk upstairs and go to bed. I bet you do the same. Absolutely. Im going to bed. Thats not true. Youre a good dad. That is so not true. Youre so engaged. No, no. I play games with my kids all the time. But charades aint one of the games i play. Its hard game. My brain doesnt function that way. I feel the pressure. What do the hand signals mean. Three words. He doesnt want to play. I dont think i ever do. Mike . All right. Even i got that. Listen, this is really fascinating. We were talking about it off air. Scott walker is running for reelection but not happy with Chris Christie. And there was a back and forth that pitted the governor of new jersey against the governor of wisconsin. Plus the one campaign ad that may make everyone glad this election is almost over. Its from florida and it involves strip clubs. Were back in a moment. Take a closer look at your fidelity green line and youll see just how much it has to offer, especially if youre thinking of moving an old 401 k to a fidelity ira. It gives you a wide range of investment options. And the free help you need to make sure your investments fit your goals and what youre really investing for. Tap into the full power of your fidelity green line. Call today and well make it easy to move that old 401 k to a fidelity rollover ira. Yoplait light is now better than ever. It still melts in your mouth. With 90 calories. And is now aspartame free. Yoplait light. It is so good; its better than ever. If it doesnt work fast. 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Willie has a penthouse and thats the view from willies. Is that the cam raw set up. He turned it all over to an orphanage in washington. We got the managing editor of Bloomberg Politics mark halperin. Look at this. Double down in paper back. I need one to go. I felt a disturbance in the force, right. Kind of like when you so ob 1. Thats what it is. I can have it . Ill sign it to you during the break. Ill do that thing where i put lipstick on and kiss it. I dont want that but okay well do that. That will be nice. I said maybe. I dare you, actually. I want the lipstick. Well tweet that. In washington, we got you list engineer prize winning columnist and associate editor of the the Washington Post and also msnbc political analyst gene robinson. We have a lot to talk about, including scott walker. Its really strange, nicole. Well talk about this in a second. How strange scott walker is taking pot shots at Chris Christie, who is pushing back. Thats not somebody thats comfortable with where they are sitting right now. I think that after the midterms everyone will open up double down and i think reread all of these back stories. You got a lot of the characters you wrote about coming out of the last president ial who will be taking center stage in another week and this tension thats playing out in the press is a liability for governor christie and i thought what happened was yesterday scott walker criticized the National Flow of money. Right . And said not enough outside money had come in on his side that he was being out spent by outside money on the democratic side which happens at a National Level in a cycle. Chris christie answered back and put out a lot of the numbers, it looks like they have sent a lot of money. Well be talking about that in a minute. Lets get to the polls, mika. We are what, a week from today voters will be heading to the polls across the country and heres a look at a snapshot of senate races. Usa today poll shows senator Mary Landrieu with the slimmest of margins in louisiana. Thats pointing to a potential runoff and with just the top two candidates in the race, congressman bill cassidy leads the incumbent headtohead by 7 . Cbs news New York Times poll has the same race, even closer. 4642. Democratic senator kay hagan is clinging to a twopoint lead over thom tillis in North Carolina according to monmouth university. A cbs New York Times poll shows hagan up three. In kentucky Mitch Mcconnell leads Alison Lundergan grimes by six. And in iowa, congressman bruce braley and joni ernst are dead locked. This race is so tight. 44 apiece. Mark halperin, i dont think ive seen a midterm where theres as many tight races and my refriends say look we got this trend. When youre within the margin of error i see absolutely no trends and i see no trends because it has to do with turnout and whatever happens in the last week of elections. By the way, if theres like two doctors that get ebola saturday before the tuesday election, guess what . Thats bad news for democrats whether they zephyr it north. The bin laden tape in 2004 that hurt john kerry and dui that 30yearold dui case that hurt george w. Bush. These races are so close, anything can tip the margin. Its hard to see a National Event that would help democrats at this point. But they have the ability to grind out some of these races. If you assume louisiana and georgia go to overtime, you assume there will be a couple of these alaska, colorado where the county may be slow. Good chance we wont know on Election Night who controls the senate. These races are so close. You tweeted the ones that have to go to republican for republicans to take control that night. What are the ones if those go runoff if we dont know about georgia, louisiana or alaska because thats a late state they are going to have to win iowa, arkansas and New Hampshire in order to get that done on Election Night and those by no means are foregone for republicans at all. Democrats are more in this than i think people realize. Well turn back to kentucky. Heres part of what the lexington heraldleader said about senator Mitch Mcconnell in their editorial endorsing his opponent Alison Lundergan grimes. They echoed voters concerns how can our poor state afford to give up the power that republican leader Mitch Mcconnell has amassed in 30 years in washington, especially if republicans take the Senate Making him the majority leader . Mcconnell does have power, he commands a perpetual motion money machine, dollars flow in, favors flow out. The problem is how mcconnell uses his power. Even before barack obama was sworn in mcconnell told his fellow republicans that their strategy was to deny the new president any big wins. The country was in two wars and at deep risk of sliding in to a depression but making an adversary look bad was mcconnells main mission. Gene robertson, thats one newspapers opinion and mcconnell still has the leads but saying he hurts the country. Strong point of view. Thats very strong. Look, hes not that popular in his home state, which is a fascinating thing. I think he probably squeaks by in the end but ill tell you what. When the polls close pretty early in kentucky and so if early the first report we get is that that race is too close to call, then this potentially could be a pretty good night for democrats. If on the other hand New Hampshire is too close to call, then that could be a pretty good night for republicans. What does it say, though, Mitch Mcconnell is up by five, six. Looks like hell win that race. His approval poll is minus 11. In the good old days if your reelect was below 50 as an incumbent you were scared to death. Here this guy, again, i think hes got like 36 Approval Ratings. Yeah. In kentucky they get tired of him after a while. Hes been there for a long time. Theyve just they are kind of they are done with him or a lot of kentuckians are and Alison Lundergan grimes has run a pretty Good Campaign and managed to hang tough against, you know, this sort of atmosphere thats bad for democrats and history is bad for democrats in this off year election, but they are not out of this yet which is amazing. And Mitch Mcconnell one of the most powerful men in washington is running scared. Like harry reid in 2010, just barely won. By the skin of his teeth. I remember that. Nicole talked about this at the top. Governor scott walker not hiding his frustration when it comes to the money race. The Wisconsin Republican said he would much rather see an infusion of cash from the rga rather than a visit from its chairman Chris Christie. He says in part governor christie is coming because he asked if he could come and we werent going to say no but were not looking for surrogates. Walker openly criticized the amount of National Spending on his race saying he cant keep up with his democratic opponents. Just hours after his initial comments he looked to clarify them telling reporters quote let me be clear when i complain about the National Groups that come in i by no means complaining about their rga. Governor christie is a good friend. Lets stop right there. Mark, lets call this what it is. This is one future president ial candidate, if he wins telling the other future president ial candidate, hey, dont come in to my state to campaign 2016, just send me cash. Rg sent a lot of cash. Chris christie is on the precipice of having the best and biggest night of any politician in america one week from today if he can hold wisconsin, michigan, florida and pick up states like maryland potentially, and are you surprised by scott walk ears comments . Im surprised no one made him fix it earlier. Taking on Chris Christie right now is a bad idea. Why . Hell have a huge night on election day. Key send in more money the last minute. If youre letting him come in as a surrogate dont pick a fight. If i know im going to win a race im extraordinarily gracious. Even if i think ill lose a race i dont think i would do what scott walker did. Doesnt that strike you as maybe a sign that hes not so comfortable about how tuesday night is going to go. I hear gene chuckling. But i think the governors race hasnt had as much attention. We all focused on which way the senate might go. I think theres a lot of anxiety and i think that scott walker has had a tough year. Hes had a tough six months. Theres been a lot of instate coverage of some of the legal problems, challenges of his administration and i think that there were a lot of expectations on scott walker that he was sort of the one that we werent talking about, the perfect candidate we just didnt know about yet. So i think there are implications for what happens and a lot of 2016 implications. Another dynamic, a lot of these governors, when they are head of rga, particularly like Chris Christie when they come in to your state like trying to take credit if you win. Like scott walker you want credit for your victory on your own. You want to share it with Chris Christie. Lets go florida, shall we. Its getting more colorful, if possible. The race for governor now getting nastier as the Washington Post the latest ad from rick scott will make you thankful the election is almost over. Youve taken about 90,000 from various. Strip club owners including 40,000 from a gentleman that owns cheetah up here. Call on you to return that money if for no roern the sexism involved of taking money from a strip club owner. Why have you not returned the money. We got it from the manager of the company. Do you feel its appropriate to return it . No, i dont. The cbs news New York Times poll has the florida race in a statistical tie. Thats an ugly race. Willie . Bit of a reach. Im not defending where he gets his money but then to connect him to sex trafficking because he took money from a guy that owns a strip club thats why people dont like politics very much. You think . Yeah. Wow. These are two guys who are the least tethered to any sort of moral compass that have ever run against each other. Ever . Thats saying a lot. People in florida are depressed about their choices. Yeah. You look rick scotts Approval Ratings have been in the 30s. Actually since he got elected. And its just christie charlie crist. Charlie crist has structural problems too. Some people cant get past the fact that he campaigned for republicans in the last three cycles and is now hugging literally and figuratively president obama. In this race at least floridians get to decide. They have some experience. They can say which one was the better governor. You know, if they could indeed say none of the above, and then they are back where they started but theres at least a base of experience to decide on. Okay. Lets turn now to the ebola story. We have a lot of guests coming up. The nurse quarantined in new jersey after returning from west africa is on her way home. Kaci hickox is en route to maine after being released from an isolation tent. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie not backing down, wishing kaci hickox well but refusing to apologize for the way she was treated. My job is not to represent her its to represent the people of new jersey. I know she was upset and angry. She wanted to go home. Any of us have seen people who are traveling and been stopped whether they are late for a plane or whatever they get upset and angry. Thats fine. I have absolutely nothing but goodwill for her going forward. Shes a good person, went over was doing good work in west africa but she needs to understand that the obligation of elected officials is to protect the public health. The cdc is recommending Health Care Workers returning from west africa voluntarily isolate themselves for 21 days. But it is rejecting mandatory quarantines. And this just in. Emory University Hospital says amber vinson the dallas nurse infected after treating ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan is now ebola free. Thats fantastic. And will be discharged today. Thats great. Joining us now director of the National Institute of allergy and Infectious Diseases dr. Anthony fauci. Doctor, thank you for being with us. Lets first talk about good news. Theres been a lot of news that has been chaotic but this now, what, does this bring to four the number of u. S. Health care workers who have been infected with ebola, who are now ebola free . Yes. But importantly, amber who was infected here in the United States, taking care of mr. Duncan, great news that shes being released ebola free. We have the great pleasure of doing that just a few days ago with our patient, my patient nina pham who also is ebola free and doing really quite well. So i can empathize and appreciate the great feeling people at emory are having right now. Fantastic news. Lets turn to the cdc deciding last night that 21 day selfimposed quarantine is a good idea for Health Care Workers returning back from west africa. What is your view on that . I think its important to put it into the context of their new guidelines. What theyve done right now and its a good idea, a great deal of clarity and precision is that they are taking Different Levels of risks of a Health Care Worker as well as others who are coming in from west africa. High some low but zero or no and matching it with the kind of monitoring that an individual will have as well as the kind of restriction. Its based on science, on data, on evidence and experience. That will clarify and i believe alleviate the concerns of people that depending on the risk that kind of monitoring and restriction will take place. Instead of an all or none phenomenon putting someone in one bucket of just complete restriction or being cavalier and not having any monitoring or types of restriction, this is based on a combination of the data that you know of the risk, the monitoring and clinical judgment in certain of those coordination. So i think thats a very good thing. The cdc has done a good job on that. I think its going to clarify things for people. Dr. Fauci its willie geist. Do you think its appropriate and fair as i think a lot of people out in the country believe that when a doctor who has worked closely with ebola patients in west africa comes back to the United States like dr. Spencer here in new york city it is appropriate to take you tell me the numbers, appropriate to take 21 days, three weeks for that doctor not, certainly not in a tent in a parking lot somewhere but perhaps at home to be monitored and have somebody come over a couple of times a day and check on them until they are outside of that 21 day window. When somebody is in the category of direct active monitoring, active would mean that i would take my temperature and evaluate my symptoms and report it to someone, direct would mean that someone else does that and on a case by case basis makes a clinical judgment if you can go out and mingle in society. The Health Care Workers i know that come back are not really bothered by having to do things that safeguard the American Public as well as alleviate concern. What they are concerned about is just arbitrary complete restriction thats not based on scientific data. I dont think theres any issue or problem with Health Care Workers according to the new cdc guidelines. Being a health care person myself who has actually taken care of an ebola patient i can tell you that i have no problems with the kinds of matching of stratification of risk. You wont have problems with Health Care Workers with that kind of sciencebased approach. Dr. Anthony fauci, thank you very much for coming on this morning. Still ahead what great news. Lets stop for a second. Four ebola patients who have recovered with a disease that doesnt usually see such a High Percentage of recovery. Thats really good. Part of the big picture where officials have said all along we can handle it. Its also good officials said that before they actually knew,000 handle it. Lets not give officials any credit whatsoever. Okay. Lets not. Theyve screwed this up from the beginning. If theres panic across america that liberals dont like the panic is because theres horrid leadership from the top down from the World Health Organization. Thats changing now and finally figuring things out that they should have been proactive about several months ago. That said this send as message to Health Care Workers they can go west africa and well take care of them. When they come home even if they get ebola, god forbid. We can handle it. We can handle it and take care of it. Still ahead on morning joe graham nash joins us with wild tales from his rock and roll life. And Reince Preibus says Hillary Clinton is becoming a caricature of someone on the outside looking in. Michele nunn may be democrats best hope for holding the senate but election day may not be the end of the road for that key race. Chuck todd joins us from georgia next. Ring ring . Progresso its ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. Its our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. Apology accepted. Im watching you soup people. Make it progresso or make it yourself to map their manufacturings at process with sticky notes and string, yeah, they were a little bit skeptical. What they do actually is rocket science. High tech components for aircraft and fighter jets. Were just their bankers, right . But financing from ge capital also comes with expertise from across ge. In this case, our top lean process engineers. So they showed us who does what, when, and where. Then we hit them with the important question why . Why put the tools over there . Do you really need those five steps . What if you can do it in two . Whoo, thats an interesting question. Ideas for improvement started pouring out. With a little help from us, they actually doubled their output speed. A hundred percent bump in efficiency. If you just need a loan, just call a bank. But at ge capital, were builders. And what we know. Can help you grow. Are you worried that another member of bush family will be voted into the white house. Ask your dock for if you need buscherian to help fight bush syndrome. It can lead to depression, severe headaches, loss of hope, living with the possibility of another president bush. Buscherian can help. You know, willie, one of the great tragedies of american politics is when george w. Bush left office and David Letterman didnt have anybody to pick on any more. Buscherian. Cant do any better. In defense of my guy i love your guy. Nobody laughed harder about his own gaffes. Greatest thing about george w. Bush after he got on air force one after Campaign Event and misspoke and you told him he laughed. Oh, my god. You know what i loved about the guy the most is how oblivious the guy to what i called the ground noise the criticism. Like somebody told me that if he met keith olber marc anthony olberman he would go up you know more about baseball than everybody. Designee didnt care about the white noise. When you work for a president you better not care. All right. Cant have a thin skin. Joining us now from augusta, georgia, nbc news political director and moderator of meet the press chuck todd. Georgia. Georgia, chuck, weve been talking today on, the lets say the negative side for democrats. Weve been talking today about jean shaheen and how shes been brittle and performed worse than people expected. Lets go on the Positive Side for democrats, michele nunn ive heard from everybody thats been down in georgia has outperformed all expectations and has turned into a real star on the campaign trail. I think theres no doubt. I think shes the best democratic candidate period right now of the contested races. Now look she has the advantage. Shes not having to be a defensive candidate, right . She doesnt have a voting record in washington. Shes got shes got a family name in georgia that is sort of the epi torch my of conservative Democratic Politics in sam nunn. So, look, she looks comfortable in her own skin. I thought she had a very good debate performance against david perdue in the last debate. He looks like hes on the defensive. He hates you can tell he does not like having to defend his business record. So, joe, if this were a race that you didnt need 50 plus one, that you just needed the most votes fein you didnt make 50 i would say michele nunn had as good of a chance as kay hagan. You look at her and the video were running she looks so comfortable in her own skin. Theres sort of a yeah. Shes got it. A sense of confidence about it. But these races are so close, some of them that i think we ought to just theres not one that you can make a firm prediction on. Chuck, theres really not. Were going down a new set of polls that are out today and once again North Carolina, iowa, they are so close. Colorado so close. I mean this last week, you know, almost based on a little news event that breaks this way or that way could make a difference in who runs the senate next week. You can, but i tell you i feel like this is two different midterm elections that were experiencing. In the states where democrats are fighting to hold the senate, where they have strong candidates for governor, you have very, very close elections, you have neck and neck races. But where you start seeing evidence that republicans are going to have a goodyear are outside of those 12 battleground states. Youre seeing on house level real estates and this is a story thats gotten ignored but im talking about races in new york, minnesota, california where you dont have active campaign, democrats might win at the top of the ticket but not running active races. In the house races republicans are making big gains. Democrats on the house level think that they could lose as many as a dozen seats if not more. So we really could see two different types of midterm elections. Wave, a small wave on the house level and then these just sort of knock down drag out fights for the senate. Weve heard for two years how rightwing, how extreme, how terrible, how the House Republicans are the worst beasts that have ever occupied seats in washington, d. C. And they are going to pick up a dozen seats. You hear democrats going the American People are going to reject them no they are going to pick up 12 seats. I want to know what they will say the day after, the morning after. Chuck todd thank you so much. Coming up a man who knows a thing or two about kindness. Ive been waiting for this. The president of Kentucky State University will explain why he gave his lowest paid employees a cut of his own salary. Time magazine called teachers bad apples. The president of the American Federation of teachers respond on times website and joins us next. The design of the ford escape is clearly intended to grab your eye. Oh, and your foot. Aint that a kick . The ford escape with the footactivated liftgate. Go open up something interesting. Go further. receptionist Gunderman Group is growing. Getting in a groove. Growth is gratifying. Goal is to grow. Gotta get greater growth. I just talked to ups. They got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. Like smart pick ups. Theyll only show up when you print a label and its automatic. We save time and money. Time . Money . Time and money. Awesome. Awesome awesome awesome awesome all awesome i love logistics. Mmmmmmm. Look out. Now theres even more of the amazing cinnamon taste you love on cinnamon toast crunch. Crave those crazy squares even more. Just take a closer look. It works how you want to work. With a Fidelity Investment professional. Or managing your investments on your own. 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Org here with us now the president of the American Federation of teachers, who has responded to the latest cover story in Time Magazine on how some tech millionaires are making moves against quote rotten apples in the Education System and taking tenure head on. In her response she writes in part americas teachers arent rotten apples and times cover suggests, that need to be smashed by sill convalley millionaires with no experience in education. Yes there is a real problem facing americas teaching profession but it has nothing to do with tenure. The problem is in recruiting, retaining and supporting our teachers especially at the hartesttostaff. The subtitle is rotten apples and say its nearly impossible to fire a bad teacher. And new york city is a perfect example of that, the rubber rooms that we had. It is, with tenure nearly impossible to fire a bad teacher is it not . So, joe, you and i have had this conversation i feel like were getting old together. Were having this conversation together. But most of the time i come on and we talk about solutions. This cover was a sucker punch to all teachers throughout the country and thats why theres over no, no. Youre saying all teachers. Theres over 75,000. It says its nearly impossible to fire a bad teacher. There are rotten apples in every profession including this one. Exactly. But, joe, lets talk about the fact that when you have a cover remember, we didnt take on the article. The article is balanced. I may not like a lot of it but it is balanced. In fact, it tulgly says that the stuff that david welsh wants to do doesnt work. The bottom line is if we were to have a School System where we tally help all kids the most important goal is to attract, recruit and support great teachers. Thats what we should be doing. We agree with you on that one. When you have a cover that basically takes a hammer to a shiny apple and says rotten apples, thats a really bad thing. Its impossible to fire a bad teacher, a bad teacher. So, frankly, you know okay. Lets go to willie. So, randy, we all know teachers, we have teachers in our family. But as joe said, and i was going to make the same point we can talk about this profession, there are bad tv hosts, bad doctors, bad lawyers. Do you think the way it works outside teaching should apply more clearly to teaching which is to say that if youre not very good at your job its fair to say this isnt working out its time to go absolutely. Frankly thats why i started by saying weve been on the show a lot talking about that and state after state in contract after contract including new york city has changed things when weve seen excesses weve changed things because nobody wants bad teachers. In fact even the California Court has said they guessed there was between 1 and 3 who werent cutout to do their jobs. We dont talk about what the 98 need to actually do their jobs, the tools, the time, the support. In a situation right now where were seeing 30 states have still spent less today than they spent before the recession on education. Even janet yellen has now said we dont spend enough money for the schools that need at any time most. And frankly the states that have the highest tenure protections are the states that do the best so the bottom line is if we want to attract and retain and support good teachers you dont actually bash them. You have to support them at the same time as weve done in new haven and nashville and other places where if you have a problem we evaluate people and if they cant cut it help them and still cant cut it they are out of a job. Thank you very much. I can just say its wonderful growing old with you. Its been five, six years. Come with us. Listen, come with us to nashville. Come with us to new haven. Do the tour. Nashville, New Hampshire. I love New Hampshire. Between election cycle come see the places that have turned around. I was just when i was in l. A. We went the national schools. Lets go to them. The schools together. Thank you randy. The chairman of the rnc said anything short of winning a senate will be a failure for the republicans. Reince preibus joins us next. Why one retailer is stirring up big controversy over its online costume section. Whats wrong with them . Im tired of apologies that are hollow. Exactly. Stay with us. For most people, earning cash back ends here, at the purchase. But theres a new card in town. Introducing the citi® double cash card. It lets you earn cash back when you buy and again as you pay. Thats cash back twice. Its cash back with a side of cash back. The citi double cash card. The only card that lets you earn cash back twice on every purchase with 1 when you buy and 1 as you pay. With two ways to earn, it makes a lot of other cards seem onesided. [ female announcer ] aveeno® daily moisturizing lotion has active naturals® oat with five vital nutrients. [ aniston ] because Beautiful Skin goes with everything. Aveeno®. Naturally beautiful results™. We got win the senate. If you dont win the senate its a bad election. I sthoi. Yeah i think thats fair. I think well win the senate. The question for us will we win with six, seven or eight seats and thats whats up for grabs right now. Welcome back to morning joe. Its so good to have you guys here. Reince preibus, not bad. That was rnc chairman Reince Preibus chairman. Earlier this month on meet the press and the chairman joins us now from washington. How are you . Good morning, guys. Im doing great. I got to ask you some rapid fire questions. First of all, your home state of wisconsin, how is the governor going to do . I think hes doing well. Is he going to win . He is. Its a matter of the ground game there. I really think that scott is doing great. Heres the wish with wisconsin. Theres about 4 that are undecided total. Like polling that youve never seen anywhere in the country. The other shows you have both parties in wisconsin that are about the two best parties in the country as far as turn out. So sophisticated operations and thats why youre seeing scott walker right now at about a 30 city bus tour firing up the base and getting people out to vote. We had the head of the aflcio last week and said this was pretty much job number one and the unions. How active is the Union Presence there this final week . How much money are they pouring in . Its a truckload of money from National Unions and soft money organizations coming into wisconsin and, obviously, scott has done a great job fundraising and a lot of people have. It is a lot about the money. Ultimately, when theres 4 undecided its all about turn out. Its about whether you can win up in wausau and green bay and getting out the state and bringing ballots in the box. First of all, nice tie. I like the color. Great choice. You got the memo. Secondly, in recent elections democrats have had an edge in technology, in sort of targeting and identifying and getting out their voters. Is that going to be repeated next week or can republicans lose the gap . If you look at the numbers across the country whether in iowa or alaska, colorado, North Carolina, what youre seeing the democrats have improved but the republicans have improved to the mountains and back. So both parties have improved. I think the real story here is that the edge that the democrats have had on the ground like when burr ran in North Carolina the last time, he was down 100,000 votes before election day. We were down 20,000 votes in iowa. Were even in iowa. Were ahead in colorado. Were just about even in colorado if you combine absentee and early vote. Basically the point here is that the Republican Party has gotten its act together when it comes to early and absentee voting. I still think we got a way to go when it comes to the ground game in technology but were doing a lot better, clearly. Nicole is with us. Mr. Chairman, good morning. Im excited to watch on Election Night and hopefully see some new women elected. Are you confident that we will finally be able to shine a spotlight on a new crop of strong conservative women . Well, look. I think that we have done a good job of making sure that were recruiting both female candidates and campaign managers. But one thing weve done a pretty bad job is bragging on it and getting women out there. Is that going to change . Are your going to promise this morning that changes now . Absolutely, nicole. I think we have to. Youre looking at the democrats overplaying their cards on this war on women and backfiring on them all over the country. Mark halperin he want knows the if youll have more candidates from the Upper West Side representing him this cycle. If i asked you about the colorado, alaska, georgia real estates you would say youll win them all. I think well win enough. Of those races colorado, iowa, New Hampshire, arkansas, alaska, which one or two are you most worried about right now . Well, look, most worried . I think scott brown is closing fast and i think that if im talking to our people at events i tell people look watch New Hampshire. If you see or have the feeling at some point in the night that oh, my gosh scott brown he could win in New Hampshire, its going to be a good night. So i would tell people watch New Hampshire, watch scott brown. If you see him close or winning in New Hampshire which i think hell do youll see republicans pretty happy. Okay. Reince preibus, thank you so much. Gene robinson thank you. Mark halperin the paper back edition of double down. Its out today in paper back. Heres what well put on ebay, collectors item. Still ahead raspberry milkshake. Still ahead, how an invasive jogger dodged the security detail charged with protecting Prime Minister David Cameron. Our next guest is taking paying it forward to the next level. Well tell you how. Youre watching morning joe. Be right back. Wethey were a littlehorizons to mbit skeptical. Ss, what they do actually is rocket science. But at ge capital we also bring expertise from across ge, like lean process engineers we asked who does what, when, where, and why that step first . Ideas for improvement started pouring out. With a little help from us, they actually doubled their output speed. If you just need a loan, just call a bank. At ge capital, were builders. And what we know. Can help you grow. No question about that. But your erectile dysfunction that could be a question of blood flow. Cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be Ready Anytime the moments right. You can be more confident in your ability to be ready. 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That single ember can ignite and destroy your home or even your community you cant control where that ember will land only what happens when it does get fire adapted now at fireadapted. Org the Kentucky State University thoroughbreds have a newfound reason to be loud and proud. And they point to this man as the reason. Interim University President raymond buress. I want every one of the kids on this campus to believe that the sky is the limit of what they can achieve. Following a successful business career, buress, a road scholar, was cajoleded out of retirement. His very first deal, a jaw dropper. Raise the salaries of the lowest paid employees and pay for it by slashing his own, to the tune of 90,000. You see, there are people that give us hope. The public, being one of them. People who live. The way that they, the morals. The president of Kentucky State University raymond burress joins us live this morning. Welcome to the show. Thanks for having. So you make this decision, which well get into why in a moment. I want to know how you execute. What did you do . Go to the board . Who did you have to talk to, and what was their reaction . Well, you know, mika, probably a bank about three weeks before Board Meeting i suggested to the board chair i was going to give them back some of the money. When i said that her jaw sort soft dropped. After she recovered, she said, its your money, you can get what you want to. I had to go in in terms of finalizing my Employment Contract and change the the language of the Employment Contract to slash my salary so as to be able to get the money to the employees. And most of the members were shocked when i first said thats what i wanted to do. Afterwards they understood and readily agreed. I love him, mike barnacle. I dont blame you. You worked for many years as an executive at general electric. Im wondering how much influence you think jack welch had on you making this decision, paying it forward. What you did is a resounding statement that people not only at the university but at the city and throughout the country here now see what you did, and it has an impact. I worked in the appliances division. We were always trying to do good things for people and to have some impact. Im not so certain it was ge that influenced me in terms of doing it. I think it enabled me to do what i did. Its willie geist. We all applaud what you did. I love the way you describe it. You are really the american described poor country kid from hop kinsville, kentucky, who went onto this great life and great job as ge. Now doing great things as the president of a university. Talk about your roots and what that had to do with people working jobs you once worked yourself. I grew up in hopkinsville, in an all black community, a relatively poor community. But one of the things we did in the community is everybody always worked together. We always supported each other. I can remember people going doortodoor to help money in our neighborhood. And my mother was active. Did a lot of things. Volunteered. I used to see my mother give to people in the community. I would asking why would you give away when we dont have much . She said this is what we need to do. I learned a lot from the people in the community. Particularly my mother and father in terms of giving and understanding for your time and space on this earth, you ought to be able to do something and give back and be meaningful. So your mothers influence is incredibly strong, clearly. But give us more on why. Specifically what you chose to do. 90,000 out of your own paycheck. Raising i guess the minimum wage of the staff that works. Whats the message that i guess youre hoping to send . Well, the reason i did it on Kentucky State University campus is it was an act between raymond burse of kentucky state, and those Kentucky State University employees. I felt that the people at the lower end of the totem pole in terms of salary or compensation, we needed them to do something. I wanted them to be engaged in terms of the things we were going to do on campus. These people were the groundskeeper, the lower level, clerical, people who do the heavy lifting on the campus. I wanted to make a statement to them that i wanted them to know they were an important part of the plan that i had and have for kentucky state. I want them to do their all to make that campus as good as it can be. And they do a wonderful job every day. Im very appreciative of the family and the employees, embracing the things were trying to do. Thank you so much. So much to be learned in washington from you. Thank you for what you have done. Great to have you on the show. Up next. If governor christie and cuomo have overreached for their states, whats the middle ground . And then we take a break on domestic politics for Canadian Election results. 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I hope that it doesnt develop in the next period, until the 21day period is over. Im glad she can be comfortable and back in her home. I think upon reflection shell understand that my job is to protect the health and the safety of the people in the region. Thats the the only reason i made the decision i did. I wouldnt make the the decision differently if i had to do it again today. Good morning. Its tuesday. October 28th. A live look at times square. Oh my goodness. Its a cumbersome morning. We barely made. Honestly, bear with me. Literally. How hard it is whoever is in this building. Bill told me yesterday i was a little too harsh off the top by talking about the liberals. I didnt mind it. He said youre insulting the audience. Dumb liberals dont watch the show. You have to be smart to watch the show. Dumb liberals and dumb conservatives say stupid things. So heres the thing, joe. Hold on a second. I need to explain it. And smart people, smart liberals, smart conservatives like watching the show because you dont just, you know, we dont paint by numbers for idiots. Smart people watch this show. Now im going to be harsh again. Dumb people run this building. Or the smartest people on earth. They just want to keep out any riffraff. Its like the first intellectual test to get on the show. Well, we failed. I struggled this morning. Dr. Scarborough. Who are the idiots running this building . One of the most important buildings in the world. We should send them to the white house, right . Im never going to get to it unless i say it now. Are we good . Go ahead and get to the news. No, i guess not. No one is talking to me. Well you know why . Why . Because theyre still outside the building trying to get in. And its been here since like the depression. You should have figured it out right now. Whoever runs 30 rock, youre really dumb. Can we do some on air a review. Its okay to have a point of view. But lets tell people what were talking about first and then lets share our point of view. What do you think . Okay. Its impossible to get into 30 rock. Theyve had this thing since 1930 something. And whoever is running the building is stupid. Did i set that up . Lets go to news. Theres a lot to talk about. The cdc figured it out after the fact. Who is running the cdc . Maybe the same people running the building. To the nurse news. The nurse quarantined is returning from when she was returning from west africa on her way home. Can i ask you, did Chris Christie personally taz her before she left or what . No. It goes on this morning after being released from an isolation tent. State Health Officials say she needs to stay home for 21 days. But her lawyer says thats not necessary since she tested negative for the virus. They say shell only remain in isolation for the next day or so. The cdc is recommending Health Care Workers voluntarily isolate themselves for 21 days, and the white house is criticizing that type of policy, calling the treatment disrespectful. She didnt travel over there because shes getting a big paycheck. Presumably, shes not going to be inducted into the nurses hall of fame for it. She did it out of concern for her common man. Her service and commitment to this cause is something that should be honored and respected. I dont think we do that by making her live in a tent for two or three days. I lived in a tent for two or three days. Okay. That was wild. Right . That wasnt a tent really. Sometimes i woke up, and i wasnt in a tent. I was staring at the stars. I thought you were at the orphanage that weekend. Thats what i tell people. What did Chris Christie say . Chris christie refuses to apologize. Take a look. My job is not to represent her. Its to represent the people of new jersey. I know she was upset and angry. Any of us who see people traveling and they get upset and angry. Thats fine. I have nothing but good will for her going forward. Shes a good person. She was doing good work in west africa. She needs to understand the obligation of elected officials is to protect the public health. You know, okay. So heres the deal. There are two americas, all right . The americas of editorial writers. People like mike barn kl and the rest of us. We sit around tables and talk about things like this and were shocked and stunned. And then theres everybody else. And what i said yesterday is everybody else was on Chris Christies side outside the news media. I was shocked. The most liberal liberals. Yeah, i got no problem with her staying in the tent if r a couple of days. I was actually blown away. Im a big believer in the 21day inhome quarantine. I think cuomo has it right. Have the federal government pay them double for going over and coming home and not working. They need to be paid. But i was really surprised by the number of liberal, liberal, liberal people who said, i got no problem on Chris Christie. You know why by the way, its the people in new york city. We have hospitals where youre thinking if they were treating an ebola patient that actually was sick, would i take my kid to the e. R. . And you can ask 40 democrats. I think you can only find 40 people in the city who are democrats, and they are all anxious about this. This reminds me of all the editorials. Rudy giuliani is an horrible person. The cops are out of control. Then you ask every liberal who you are voting for. Rudy giuliani. Who would i vote for . You think thats happening here . I think its i think theres a mass i this is one of the most massive disconnects between the classes of the elites and what regular people at home were thinking. Of course, the elite and the dumb liberals. Just so you know at home. Dumb liberals please, let us go out and spit on us or else were horrible human beings. And dumb conservatives are saying we shouldnt go to west africa. Its none of our business. It is our business. We have to do two things at once. One, we have to protect americans. And i would say a mini marshal plan to go to west africa and do whatever it takes and spend money to stop the virus in its tracks. What do you think is the more prevalent feeling . This massive disconnect thats going on in the country over this stuff . Right. Or the confusion about its the cdc against the state government. And now the military against the white house. Because the military is quarantining people. Im not sure how much confusion there is. Theres a cnn poll showing 7 in ten americans say the federal government can stop an ebola epidemic. 54 believe theyre doing a good job in addressing it. Okay. Go ahead. You go ahead. I was going to answer the question. I was going to answer the question. When big daddy is talking. I get his coffee. Go ahead. Ill get you another cup, honey. Oh, this is fun today so ill answer your question, and then i would love to hear what mika has to say. You know i said it yesterday. The biggest problem right now is you have a federal government that let the American People down time and time and time again going over past the last 15 to 20 years. And i went year by year by year by year. You can go all the way through it all. And by the way, the World Health Organization saying this is much adieu about nothing. In late summer when it was exploding in west africa, they mocked the leaders of Doctors Without Borders for saying this is a really horrible virus and we have to do something about it. They mocked them. Youre just being pessimistic. The cdc has been wrong. The World Health Organization has been wrong. Everybody has always understated it. And if they have been up front, thats all americans need. We really dont know how bad the virus is. Were going to do everything we can do this epidemic. But theyve always undersold it. Theyve always been proven wrong. They were late to the game in dallas. They were wrong in dallas. They were late to the game with this guy running down coughing and spitting and jogging all over people. They were late to the game. Theyre late to the game. Seriously. I still want to know. This guy is a hero. Lets all say it. This guy is a hero who goes to a Bowling Alley in brooklyn when you may have ebola . Who does that. I cant think of a less sanitary thing to do other than the turkish baths willie and i get to every thursday night. Those are clean. Those are more sanitary, and you and i get a bad wrap. Bad wrap mika has to talk. Yes. Well, after you played that out so articulately for everyone to really understand what youre sayinging in terms of the mere mongering. Did you say it was fear mongering . I did not. I think there may be some when you talk about going to a Bowling Alley and getting ebola. Thats not what i said. Dont accuse me of fear mongering. Well, i think its a bridge too far for Chris Christie to put her in a plastic tent with a plastic toilet. We can all agree with that. You have lost your mind. But youre saying all americans really agree with him. No. No. I didnt say all americans agree with him. But a lot of americans agree with you when you were saying the other day before cuomo and christi quarantined him, what was this guy doing running around bowling . It makes willie and me sad that i would just repeat what you said, and then you would attack me. I dont think im going to say anything else today, willie. I have another question posed to both of you because youre friends of his. Why is Chris Christie always so angry . Its a mistake. I wish he would sort of come back. Hes not going to come back ever on this show again. Just give that up. Really . You always go, Chris Christie sucks and i wish he would come back on the show and explain why. We would duke it out and still have a good time and talk about things we disagree on. I dont know what the the difference is now. Do you think its not enough that the nurse is caught in the crosshair. They announced the same policy. As the policy is being created. Like, i think if they warn teened someone in a week, it may be under better circumstances. Heres the deal, nicole. They didnt think through this, right . So this is what happens. They let a doctor come home. He runs all over the place. He goes to a Bowling Alley in brooklyn. And people go, wait, this guy is going on subways hes going bowling. Hes running three or four miles a day. And its unclear where he was. Its unclear. But he stops and goes, we cant have people coming back from west africa doing this. So then they overreact the other way. So he sets up. She was a victim of the overreaction of what this doctor did when if they had had a good middle ground, like andrew cuomo has right now, none of this would have happened. He did free her from her quarantine. Did you hear what he said . Christie did free her. A woman who went to west africa to help people in the most dire circumstances. He freed her after Chris Christie of new jersey and andrew cuomo of new york fed panic by imposing oh blah blah blah returning from ebola stricken companies in west africa. Its not surprising they started to adjust their positions. This is in the the New York Times. Yeah, the u. S. Military has the policy now. The point st there is a middle ground. Exactly. I believe Chris Christie had the best interest for the people of new jersey. Putting her a tent in a parking lot and providing those visuals, her looking out of the plastic, that wasnt very smart. On the other hand, doing nothing is not a choice. Theres a smart mid it will ground and we have to find it. Willie, you are the man. The voice of reason. Can i go . Willie, everybody voice of reason. Willie always says the right thing. But the u. S. Military is having a similar debate to the one cuomo and christi pushed out. Theyre taking military personnel who have been in west africa and requiring them into isolation. So maybe the middle ground will be found and theyre not allowed anymore to go the pentagon announced yesterday, the sierra le leone Bowling Alley. This really isnt hard. This is a lack of leadership once again. If the New York Times wants to talk about feeding the panel, they need to talk about the continued lack of leadership on all levels. Oh my god. Somebody comes to new york city with ebola. Why do we respond after it happens . Because its reactive you have whips to the right and whips to the left. And ron klain is a political adviser. I thought one of the good things of having somebody like that is a political person is pretty attuneded to the public reaction to a policy. I thought that was part of why he was selected. So far he doesnt seem to. Still ahead, singer and song writer graham nash joins us. From a lower class upbringing to the rock n roll hall of fame. And well be treated to a little unplugged. Plus, gijust over a week after apple pay made its debut, some retailers are giving up on the service. Do you like apple pay . Well tell you why next. Heres bill karins. We love him. Dead silence on the apple. Well, the weather hasnt been that fast in the lower 48 recently. The one thing getting attention has been lava flow in the island of hawaii. Now as far as the town goes itself, it looks like a rural area, a couple of homes are threatened. They are telling homeowners if they want to watch their houses burn, they can. So much for that. And this cold front is going to cool you off in the east. Enjoy one more beautiful, warm, summer like day. Right now the rain in ind yap lis, about to detroit. Bring the umbrella with you. Youll need it in a couple of hours. If you get severe storms, from erie to pittsburgh, down to southern ohio. Look at how great this is from d. C. To atlanta to new orleans and then in orlando northwards all the way to boston. This is about as warm as youre going to be for a little while. On halloween a cold plunge of air is coming down. It may be snowing mixed with some rain in buffalo, cleveland, all the way through pittsburgh. That halloween forecast looks a little iffy in the the great lakes. Ill leave you with a shot of our european long range computer that projects snow in the appalachians saturday, and maybe heavy snow in Northern New England on sunday. Thats a couple of days away. Well talk more about that as it approaches. Leaving you with a shot of traffic in d. C. You dont mind traffic badly if its 67 and sunny. Youre watching morning joe. Well be right back. The most amazing thing about the ford fusion isnt the way it looks. The most amazing thing . Is the way it sees. With blind spot technology, a lanekeeping system and a standard rearview camera, the fusion is ready for whatever comes your way. Go prepared. Go further. When you think aarp, then you dont know aarp. Life reimagined gives you tools and support to get the career youll love. Find more real possibilities at aarp. Org possibilities. To get the career youll love. Wethey were a littlehorizons to mbit skeptical. Ss, what they do actually is rocket science. But at ge capital we also bring expertise from across ge, like lean process engineers we asked who does what, when, where, and why that step first . Ideas for improvement started pouring out. With a little help from us, they actually doubled their output speed. If you just need a loan, just call a bank. At ge capital, were builders. And what we know. Can help you grow. Ring ring progresso i cant believe im eating bacon and rich creamy cheese before my sisters wedding well its only 100 calories, so youll be ready for that dress uhhuh. You dont love the dress . I love my sister. 40 flavors. 100 calories or less. Un. Oh my lord. Really . Thats viewer feedback. Time to look at the morning papers. The guardian. Its an end of an era. Doug ford was defeateded in his bid to succeed his colorful and controversial brother rob as major. He lost to john tory who is promising to move the city guard after rob fords string of scandals including alcohol abuse and crackcocaine. However, rob ford was reelected to his city council seat. He vowed the ford family will be back in four years. Folks, if you know anything about the ford family, we never, ever, ever give up and i guarantee, i guarantee in four more years, youre going to see another example of the ford family never ever, ever giving up. Ford says he has to take care of his health first and foremost but vows to continue working for constituents. Hope hes healthy and comes back. Come on, rob ford. Los Angeles Times. A student at uc berkeley has launched a petition to remove bill maher as speaker following his controversial remarks about islam. It has more than 2,000 signatures. It starts in part hes a blatant bigot and racist who has no respect for the values of uc berkeley. It comes after his now infamous debate with ben affleck in which he said its the only religion that acts like the mav ya, that will kill you if you say the wrong thing, draw the wrong picture or write the wrong book. One unlucky jogger found himself arrested after running into David Camerons security. Theyre in major hot water from letting it happen. Take a look at the video, you can see a jogger run down a sidewalk just as Prime Minister cameron is heading towards the road. And the Prime Minister gets into his car. The runner was arrested before later being freed by police. He says he was on his way to meet his personal trainer at the gym and had no idea what or who he was running into. I didnt see David Cameron. I didnt know it was David Cameron until they let me out of the police van an hour later and told me what i had done. It begs the question. How good is camerons security if i manage to run between it before they stop me . Thats the question, right . Yeah. He took like a sharp left and ran to him. He was turning. When willie and i go out what are we up to . 11. Sometimes you sprint across and take a sharp right turn. All right. Boom. Boom. Youre not supposed to run into a Prime Minister there. Thats their problem not ours. Okay. 11 miles. I know. We better pick up the pace. Usa today. Apple says feedback for the new Program Apple pay is overwhelmingly positive. Despite some retailers opting not to use the service. Decideded to stop using the mobile Payment Method, angering many customers. Many are considering launching their own mobile Payment System to rival apple pay. Still the tech giant says more than 1 Million People have activated their credit cards with the service, making it a massive hit. The store is currently using apple pay includes walgreens, mcdonalds, subway, macys and bloomingdales. I got it this weekend. I updated the Operating System and got it. I go to walgreens all the time. Oh my god. Do you have it . No, but my wife has it. Its unbelievable. You order. You take your phone out and it goes. I mean, it is and you can actually tip, you know, which i usually dont carry cash around. Nobody takes those in new york city. So you get this. So whats the big objection . I was out to dinner with people who had it. They were in and out of the place. Its unbelievable. Its great. Cvs and ri the, rite aid wan to start their own. You want to give your customers the ability to be in and out as quickly as possible. Its great. I want to hear about walmart. All right. Dallas morning news. Walmart apologizing after advertising some of the plussized Halloween Costumes under the category fat girls. Come on, guys. No, they did not. The blunder first reported by the website jezebel immediately sparked a firestorm on twitter. They also pointed out a facebook ad with the same wording. It took longer to clean up the mobile site. Even after it was removed from the desk top version. Walmart has since apologized and vowed never to let it happen. The problem is it happened. Why would they do that . You cant come back from that. That is completely theres no apology for that. You cant just apologize for something in the culture. Whats wrong . How does somebody like walmart allow that to happen . Theres must be people several who are discriminatory and mean in their culture. Still ahead. A man with over 200 songs under his belt. I love it. First, the stories driving him today. Were going to go rapid fire oh, he is good at that game. Hes clever. nineteen years ago, we thought, wow, how is there no way to tell the good from the bad . So we gave people the power of the review. And now angies list is revolutionizing local service again. You can easily buy and Schedule Services from toprated providers. Conveniently stay up to date on progress. And effortlessly turn your photos into finished projects with our snapfix app. Visit angieslist. Com today. I make a lot of purchases foand i get ass. Lot in return with ink plus from chase. Like 50,000 bonus points when i spent 5,000 in the first 3 months after i opened my account. And i earn 5 times the rewards on internet, phone services and at Office Supply stores. With ink plus i can choose how to redeem my points. Travel, gift cards, even cash back. And my rewards points wont expire. So you can make owning a business even more rewarding. Ink from chase. So you can. Hi, this is laura from swanson fish market. I just wanted to see what our outstanding balance was with you. Its 53,000. Okay. How would you like to meet me at 35 . That would be a bit much after all this time. I couldnt go below 40. All we have is 35. I mean, were just were trying to get our pennies together and just pay off as much as we can. But thats all we could really do. I would write a check for you today. Certified check . Certified check. All right. 35,000. Okay thank you. Thank you so much. How much did you just get off . I think 20. 20,000 . Youre 20,000 closer to buying your building back. You did a great job by the way. Kick ass. So keep going. I like it. That was a sneak peek. Thats tonights new episode. Catch it tonight at 10 00 eastern time and pacific time on cnbc. Joining me now business before the bell. Rapid fire lightning round. Lets start out with ceos. Ch optimistic or pessimistic . 71 of ceos surveyed think sales are growing more than 10 . Theyre optimistic. Is that good for wall street . Its good for everybody. Maybe they will hire for once. Oil prices. Speaking of good for consumers, they keep falling. Good for everybody maybe but the u. S. Oil industry. Still putting a lot of money back in peoples pockets. Good news for consumers. Bad news for twitter. Tell us about it. Twitter grew the user pace. But the stock fell more than 10 . One wonders are people getting bored with twitter . Does it need to do better to reach out to everybody besides those of us in the media world . I get apple pay. I upgrade it. Got it on the new Operating System. A couple l of drugstores say theyre not going to use it. I dont care because the one i go to, walgreens, does, and it makes life easy. Why would a drugstore say screw the consumer . By the way, as of last night, walmart. Oh. Coming out against apple pay. Have you used that or the starbucks card . I have used square, which is the nonapple product. Have you used the stuff before . I have not. It makes life so easy. You dont fumble around. You can buy to wall nart now and buy diskrim na story costume. All right. They say its for security. Theyre also developing their own system. Its not for security. Its for money. Apple pay adds a few per cent. Its walmart versus apple. It should be an epic battle. The banks cant like this. The banks get 3 , 4 . But with apple, you beep it, the Business Owner doesnt have to pay out. As long as walmart, mastercard, visa, American Express is involved, theyre probably agnostic. Finally, you said before that the cronut was the greatest advancement in the western civilization since the bible came off the press. Along with elastic pants. Along with elastic waistbands. Correct. They are launching the cronut. He doesnt know what a cronut is. You cant have it. Theyre calling it a croissant doughnut. So its formal. Remember, dominique on the upper east side. Well, if there are trademark issues, then maybe theyre copying it from the getgo and they shouldnt. Maybe a croissant and a donut shouldnt do it. Mate. The whole thing is gross. How is Dunkin Donuts doing . Are they okay financially . Theyre expanding. I like their donuts. Have you had the turbo . Whats that . Is that a fish with a silent t on the end. Mike, its huge. Just massive. Can you say lets go to the week in your accent . Stay with us. When we come back. He has got a lot of stories to tell. In his book on paperback. And hes going to sing for us when we return. Nice. You dont have to do that for me. Oh, thats ok. interrupting seriously, i wouldnt want you to get in trouble. Its the same plan for everyone. Families. Businesses. Whoever. Riiiiight. yelling no celebrity treatment here yelling there really isnt any celebrity treatment. Just a normal guy, getting a great deal. Were just saying it loudly for some reason. Now get 30 gigs of data to share with family or your business. For a limited time, starting at 160 dollars a month. Theres confidence. Then theres trusting your vehicle maintenance to ford service confidence. Our expertise, technology, and high quality parts means your peace of mind. Its no wonder last year we sold over three million tires. And during the big tire event, get up to 140 in mailin rebates on four select tires. 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Staring at the fire for hours and hours while i listen to you play your love songs all night long for me only for me that was a 1974 recording of crosby, stills, nash and young. We decided mika is going to sing. I dont think you want me to do that. That is so beautiful. Really amazing. Up next, the legendary singer and song writer, graham gnash joining us. He has great stories. Wild stories for us. You should be ashamed of yourself. Artupny. An Unprecedented Program that partners businesses with universities across the state. For better access to talent, cutting edge research, and state of the art facilities. And you pay no taxes for ten years. From biotech in brooklyn, to next gen energy in binghamton, to manufacturing in buffalo. Startupny has new businesses popping up across the state. See how startupny can help your business grow at startup. Ny. Gov your customers, our financing. Your aspirations, our analytics. Your goals, our technology. 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If you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. Ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30tablet trial. Were back with singer and song writer graham nash. If you want to reminisce with the sounds of crosby, stills, nash and young, pick up the boxed album set. Just hearing you get ready here in rehearsal, i want to rock a baby to your music. It is beautiful. What a compliment that is. That met something very different in 1974. But, okay. You rock your baby. Thats funny. What a book and what incredible stories. Ive always heard youre such a good man, such a decent man, and you were the glue that held together a lot of things. Im the glue that held me together. I had already been through the madness. One of my favorite songs from the 60s, and you can still feel the magic. The beginning of kerry ann. You guys produced incredible music, but its almost like the second you went to woodstock, a lot of great stuff for got eclipsed. Kerry ann. Those are classic massive hits. The truth is, for many years after i joined them, you dont talk about a past lover to your new lover unless youre an idiot. I never talked to them. But lately ive been listening to them. You know i have gone back and listened. Everybody is focused on your later work. Indeed. And you listen to ker ann. Its still vital and exciting. A lot of good energy in those records. I had no idea until i read a recent book. Basically he was saying i was getting sick and tired of the beatles and their attitude and it was exciting. We were happy to be there. We escaped doing what your dad and grandfather had to do. If it was good enough to go down the mine or the mill, thats okay. They never let me fall for the gold watch theory where they pat you on the head and give you somebody younger and cheaper. So people who know music, know the extraordinary music coming out of manchester. Manchester is in the 70s, in the 80s. My publicist Michael Jensen has been with me for 30 years called me about a year ago and said the people from oasis think that im their uncle because my mothers name was gallagher. And how many gallaghers were there . In the 90s as well, man. Its unbelievable. But you were born in black pool. The only thing i know anything about it is because they went to the epl a couple of years ago. I know. But 194 2 in the middle of te war. Talk about that. All the pregnant ladies were evacuated from the bombing area. And manchester and liverpool. Because they were on the canal where all the goods and services came to england. They were heavily bombed by the germans. So my mother was evacuated to have the babies in peace. Now then, after two weeks they brought me back to manchester. Im not sure about the wisdom of that. They had enough after a few weeks. Its like a coney island type of place. Thats what i heard. So lets talk about some of the mates you worked with after the hollies. David crosby, you said, he always had the best weave. He always had the most beautiful women. And they were always naked. This is a guy, if youre in a rock band, that you want to hang out with. Everybody wanted to hang out with david. Hes an amazing personality. He truly is. Yeah, neil young obviously had some problem with the drug abuse. Im a massive neil young fan. Who isnt. You can tell from a distance, hes a difficult guy, isnt he . Hes not a difficult guy. He knows what he wants. And he wont rest until you give him the best performance. Make it real. Do you believe what youre singing . Right. Or are you just faking it . Neil cant fake it. Yeah, he doesnt fake it. I was watching him at Carnegie Hall a couple of months ago. Somebody yelled out play old man. He said, ive done this before. Hes like, im not going to listen to it. Well, you are, too. And you love your fans enough to play the songs they want to hear. But in a recent concert, you were watching the news, you wrote a song about ferguson that night. With the band you played it. Actually, i wrote the song with shane, another guitar player in the band. Right. And what happened with the execution of michael brown, we had to Say Something. And i wrote a song that morning. We played it that night. But you said there was no way you were going to go on stage without playing that song. Without saying something. Thats right. Talk about politics. Its always been important to you. Where do you think things stand in 2014 . A lot of people are cynical. I think the powers that be that run the world have us exactly where they want us. Lie down and shut up while we rub you. So how do you push back against that . I think you have to be the best person that you can be. Right. You have to figure out whats going on around your complete environment and try to fix it and make it better. And speaking about the environment. Always a critical issue for you. The environment and nukes. Absolutely. Talk about the fight for a cleaner, safer environment. You know, there are many problems facing us. Especially with the ocean and the rising of the temperatures and the melting of the glaciers, but it all stems from Climate Change. And its appalling how many Climate Change denyers there are in the world that are paid to make sure that the koch brothers can still sell all the stuff to us. And i often wonder, dont they have children . Dont they have grandchildren . Dont they know what theyre doing . How much more do you need . I mean, seriously, its a terrible thing going on. We have to be able to deal with it. When 90 of the Scientists Say that Climate Change is happening. We have to listen. Okay, so we know whats number one right now on your charts as far as issues go. Political issues. Climate change. No planet, no problem. Okay. So lets jump into a segment on that. And come back. There are many sides to that story. There are. I love hearing you all talk. Boy, do i love to hear joe talk. He doesnt talk enough. What i would love to now do is hear you sing, and you play, so play something. How about teach your children. Shall we . Want to do that . That sounds good. Have some fun . Its a little early in the morning. Have you ever played earlier than this . Yes, on howard stern. Oh my god. You were on the road and so become yourself because the past is just a goodbye teach your children well because that fathers did slowly go by and feed them on your dreams because the one they pick is the one youll know by dont you ever ask them why if they told you you would cry so just look at them and sigh and know they love you, yeah and you of tender years you cant know the biz that your elders grew by and so please help them with your youth because they see the truth before they can die teach your parents well their Childrens Health will slowly go by and feed them on your dreams because the one they pick is the one youll know by dont you ever ask them why if they told you you would cry so just look at them and sigh and know they love you all right nice thank you so much, graham. That was fantastic. Graham nash, and the book, man, wild tales. And they are wild. Now out in paperback. And the boxed album set. 1974. Thank you so much. So nice of you to come by. You sound good this time in the morning, too you werent bad playing. No, it was good. Did he keep up . Just barely. Exactly. You walked me right into that. Thank you so much. Keep it right here. Im meteorologist bill karins. Thunderstorms with the cold front are going to cool you off. Temperature ahead of the front, one more warm day. Enjoy this. Who knows the next time youll be in 80s in washington, d. C. . A little cooler back in the Northern Plains and the west coast looks dry. Getables and tet chicken. Apology accepted. Im watching you soup people. Make it progresso or make it yourself [ female announcer ] we love our smartphones. And now telcos using hp Big Data Solutions are feeling the love, too. By offering things like onthespot data upgrades an idea that reduced overcharge complaints by 98 . No matter how fast your Business Needs to adapt, if hp Big Data Solutions can keep wireless customers smiling, imagine what they can do for yours. Make it matter. 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With a little help from us, they actually doubled their output speed. A hundred percent bump in efficiency. If you just need a loan, just call a bank. But at ge capital, were builders. And what we know. Can help you grow. For over 19 Million People. [ susan ] my promotion allowed me to start investing for my retirement. Transamerica made it easy. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. Transamerica. Transform tomorrow. Another ebola patient declared virus free. Nurse Amber Vincent was the last remaining person infected from dallas. Were going to hear from her later today. Plus, new comments from governor Chris Christie about how he has handled the situation in his state. Midtern may day, rand paul swoops into kansas on the heels of mitt romneys help for senator pat roberts. And the latest from two senate races where things havent unfolded

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