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Good morning, it is friday, august 1st. Oh, look at that. Oh, dear lord, where did july goes . Time flies when youre having so much fun. Welcome to morning joe, everybody. Time goes a lot faster. Boom with us on set, we have Pulitzer Prize winning columnist and associate editor of the Washington Post and msnbc political analyst, euGene Robinson. Pulitzer prize winning author jon meacham is here. We have so many pulitzers here. Won the masters in 86. Wasnt it odd three or odd four . We have breaking news so if we can just move forward here. Right, willie . In washington, senior Political Editor and White House Correspondent for the Huffington Post sam stein. Never won a pulitzer. He has so many years ahead of him, though. What did we win our pulitzer for, willie . It was fan fiction we wrote. Yes that is it i think it was a how to. That was it. Did you forget what year it was . It was odd three. I cant remember what summer it was. They run together. Can we go to the breaking news now . Im confused. Read the New York Times website. It is still saying this morning at 6 01 that a ceasefire in gaza conflict takes effect and, yet, breaking news came over the wires a couple of hours ago that i read industri industiously and typing away. They dont give up a lot of resources in morning joe. Then ceasefire is broken. The Associated Press is using the word unraveled. Ceasefire continues. It describes a lot of heavy firing back and forth. It is a scene we could tape where willie is smoking and reading the ticker. Unbelievable. Both sides are accusing the other of violating the truce. Palestinians claim at least four people were killed in heavy clashes. Prime minister netanyahu, his office says terror groups blatantly broke the ceasefire. Follows another day of fierce fighting. Pen members of a Palestinian Family were among 17 People Killed thursday in israeli air strikes. Five Israeli Soldiers were also killed in a bombing and Officials Say militants fired nearly a dozen rockets into israeli an hour before the ceasefire with went into effect. This is really not a ceasefire. This is as close as youre going to get, i guess. We have live coverage from gaza and israeli now following the breaking developments. Joining us from tel aviv, nbc news correspondent Martin Fletcher with the latest. It looked good about an hour, mika, then, unfortunately, things started to unravel. You used the word unravel but very heavy fighting. The early news that four palestinians have been killed by shell fire from an israeli tank. The Health Minister is now saying 47 palestinians have been killed this morning since the ceasefire went into effect. So we dont yet know why the fighting break out. The original israeli report that palestinian gunmen emerged from a tunnel in the south and attacked Israeli Soldiers where upon the israelis began to respond, so israeli is blaming hamas and hamas is blaming israeli so this is just happening now. We need to be careful about how we say who started it and who is fault it is. The bottom line is that this ceasefire, which everybody was in which everybody placed so much hope 72hour humanitarian ceasefire joining the two sides would meet in cairo and hopefully negotiate a way to end the hostile its, is pretty much over by now. I really hate to say it but it seems that way. A report that the israeli officials have told the United Nations directly the ceasefire is over, but we havent yet heard that officially but the death toll is mounting and the fighting is heavy. Mika . Martin, its willie geist. How could anyone Going Forward believe in or trust any ceasefire that comes about . And everyone we have talked to and everyone you spoke to said the only way for the two to take a break and sit down and talk talk and come to some kind of agreement. What is the way forward . No trust for the two sides and never has been frankly. How does this get resolved . Reporter how does it get resolved . Simple question, right . Reporter i wish i knew. Come on, buddy reporter but always it is the question. I suppose at this moment only one way which is, first of all, this is the fifth ceasefire but it was the first one in which both israeli and hamas had together agreed in doing it. And it was, the heavy support of president obama and the United Nations. This looked as if this was the one and unraveled in almost immediate. You know what . Basically, until each side realizes the limit of its own force and the other understands the problems of the other side and accepts them and wants to deal with them, there is really no end to this. Eventually there is going to be an end to this round of fighting. It will happen one way or another through a truce and maybe israeli say we destroyed the tunnels that was our main goal and withdrawal unilaterally and probably the way it will end but the third round of fighting within five years. Martin fletcher, thank you. Now lets go to nbc news correspondent Ayman Mohyeldin. Set the stage after the tragic hours after a ceasefire was announced. Reporter i think the right word to describe it is an implosion of a ceasefire. I can tell you what a difference a few hours makes. We woke up this morning it was very quiet along the beach here in gaza. We started seeing, within an hour of the ceasefire, dozens of families, children, and even gazas fishermen setting sail to go out for the Early Morning catch. Within an hour after that as reports coming in from the fire taking place and the sounds of shelling we heard and fighter jets and rockets launched into israeli word spread quickly along the beach that this ceasefire had collapsed and you could see in a matter of minutes people were off the coast and fishermen heading back into the way. Let me bring you uptospeed what we are hearing on the ground here. We have confirmation from the hamas delegation that is supposed to be heading to egypt and egypt shaun Officials Saying they cant travel into egypt and meaning no talks taking place as scheduled today and comes from one hamas official scheduled to be part of that delegation participating in the ceasefire talks. We are getting some snishl casualty reports from Palestinian Health officials here on the ground who are saying as a result of that ongoing fighting taking place that at least 27 palestinians have been killed. That is just in the early hours of this morning since that ceasefire was supposed to happen. There are still a lot of questions as to how the actual ceasefire broke down, but no doubt that palestinians are blaming an initial attack by the Israeli Military in the positions that they had in the southern part of the gaza strip. Again, that is the palestinian side that is coming out of hamas official and Health Officials here. Its very difficult to confirm the exact sequence of events but you can imagine that there is going to be a lot of trading accusations how this broke down in the coming hours. Joe . And i wanted to ask you about what youre hearing on the ground. Obviously, youre right there in the middle of it. You have been during the entire crisis. And the United States, we are trying to figure out how blame is being assigned. Obviously, obviously, a lot of anger at israeli in gaza, but what is the attitude toward hamas . What are you picking up about this was obviously a faction growing increasingly unpopular in that area. Is any blame being assigned to hamas or is this actually just reinvigorating them as a Political Force in gaza . Joe, when we talk about hamas as a Political Organization there is the distinction made between them as the ruling Political Institution here in gaza and then ultimately as a Palestinian Resistance movement and, more specifically, its military wing. I can tell you that Palestinian Resistance, the military wing as its seen here is very highly revered. People do not criticize the resistance fighters as they see them on the ground and those are the people that are engaged in the fight so to speak against the Israeli Soldiers and behind some of these attacks that were seeing. When it comes to hamas as a Political Organization, there is a long list of criticism against it as an organization. Here inside gaza, over how it has conducted so many of the domestic decisions, the political infighting with other palestinian factions. Some of the severe measures it has taken and imposed on people here, but that is not the opinion of palestinians when they are talking about it in the middle of a war. When you go out and you hear palestinians talk about it, when you see the news reports that are coming out that the military wing of hamas has carried out an attack, it is widely celebrated here and seen as a symbol of defiance that its fighters are capable of carrying out an attack on one of the worlds most Popular Military despite the fact they are under siege and going up against a wellfunded modern army. That is how the reality is here on the ground. It doesnt mean that hamas is above criticism among palestinians but whether it comes to theish of fighting they are perceived differently particularly its military wing, which is the most powerful in terms of the ongoing fighting here. Ayman, Gene Robinson is here with the Washington Post and so he doesnt have to tell you, but i will. He has won a Pulitzer Prize. Go ahead, gene. Ayman, first of all, take care of yourself over there. Second, so hamas thank you. At least the political wing could not have been happy about a negotiation a next meeting set up in cairo, they are enemies of the current egyptian government. Do they or do you see a route through much hamas could even negotiate a real ceasefire . Reporter well, that is a really good question and probably one of the hardest questions to answer for two reasons. One, hamas itself is having a little bit of internal divisions. You know, you have the exile comril leadership of hamas and engaged in direct negotiations with qatar and turkey on their behalf but, at the same time, a little bit of resentment internally here that some of the hamas leadership dont want them making decisions on behalf of the people that they are not directly in tune with. Now that is not necessarily lost on the Decision Makers aboeed but nonetheless that has been one of the difficult issues. But as you mentioned, there is a little bit of hostility now between hamas and the egyptian government, they simply dont trust them. It used to be a threeparty negotiation. It used to be hamas and egypt and israeli. Now its become a sixparty negotiation now that the United States is involved, turkey is involved and qatar is involved, so you is imagine how complicated the talks are taking as they bounce around the six different parties. Jon meacham is here. He won a pulitzer too. Go ahead, jon. Ayman, an impression in the United States right now there is sort of two levels of combat going on. One is the israeli attempt to plug these tunnels and the other, the rockets and the tanks. Can you describe what the combat feels like . Is that a correct impression that you have something going on above ground and below ground . Reporter absolutely. When this conflict started, israeli, it launched its air campaign to stop the stated objective was to stop palestinian rocket fire. There is no doubt that as the ground operation began and israeli began to suffer some serious casualties in the first week of the fighting, it emerged that perhaps the bigger threat, other than the rockets to the israeli civilian population, was this underground system of tunnels that hamas has been building for years now. I dont think anyone had a good comprehensive sense how complex the tunnels were and deep they ran into israeli and the positions it exposed within the Israeli Military establishment, particularly that along the gaza border. That is why we are seeing a spike in israeli casualties like we have never seen before in conflicts. Ive covered two separate conflicts and this by far has the highest casualty toll for the idf and more than the previous two combined. That is a gamechanger with respect to the palestinian fighters here and why we are seeing israeli is reluctant to withdrawal until it completes the job of destroying these tunnels. Ive spoken to palestinians who have actually been involved with these tunnels how they are built and they have a good understanding of them. Unless israeli is willing to follow the entire length of the tunnel into gaza, they can block it, they can destroy it on their end, but they are saying within a couple of months, these tunnels can be reopened. We have seen that hamas and other palestinians factions have been digging dunels acro inging border with egypt for years and they have not successfully been able to stop the tunnels across the southern border and unless there is a political solution, these tunnels will be a massive security headache for israeli for many, many years to come. Nbcs Ayman Mohyeldin, thank you very much. Thank you, ayman. One day before the first plane struck the World Trade Center on 9 11, former president bill clinton was in australia speaking about the terror leader who was just hours from changing the course of history. Listen to this. Im just saying, you know, Osama Bin Laden is a very smart guy. I spent a lot of time thinking about him and i nearly got him once. I nearly got him. And i could of killed him, but i would have had to destroy a little town called kandahar in afghanistan and kill hundre 300 innocent women and children and then i would have been no better than him, and so i didnt do it. Jon meacham, that is absolutely stung. Its stunning. What is so stunning to me is that its taken 13 years to unearth that cape . How did we not know that . This is unbelievable this is like a history changer. We had this debate back in, like, 2002 and 2003 and 2004 about could he have stopped him, could he not . Now we i mean, youre no. I mean, i think we kind of knew the basic scenario that there was a shot that could have been taken at him and the decision was not to take the shot because of, you know, Collateral Damage that would of taken place. I think we knew that, but we didnt know it from the mouth republicans were claiming that and then there were all of these heated arguments. No, we never really had a shot at him. No. There is big push back on that. There was a lot of wag of the dog talk because it was during impeachment so there were charges that clinton was trying to use Foreign Policy to distract the country at the time. We had no problem doing that at the time. Well, just saying. The day of impeachment, he fires missiles into iraq. I think its totally fascinating. The other great clip put together if youre studying this is when, i think it was Chris Wallace asks clinton at the Clinton Global Initiative a couple of years ago about it and very harshly, and clinton, i think, starts tapping him on the leg and says, you made your bones for fox news now, but here is the real truth. The other thing i think it does, it does show that this was not a subject that was a bolt from the blue. Right. In the National Security community in the turn of the century. Yeah. Its just amazing. Fascinating. It is. Fascinating it took so long to find that audiotape. I woned hder how we unearthed t. Was that you, willie . It was an australian who was there and holding on to the tape. A palestinian from australian had it and was holding on to the tape that long. August 1, 14. He put it in a sock drawer and forgot it. Unbelievable. We had a lot of going on capitol hill last night. Things happened. Before we go to break, it took one session on wall street to wipe out all of the gains from the entire previous month. Did you see this . The dow sunk 317 points. Its worse day since back in february. Traders dont like what we are seeing from corporate earnings and underlying concerns about the feds plan to end some stimulus programs. We will follow that. Its still at like 17 zillion. There is still a massive divide between wall street and main street. You wonder why people were confused. Werent the headlines 48 hours ago we are growing faster and then the market crashes. What is going on . Income and inequality goes up and the market goes down. Ahead, crippling conditions in california. We will tell you about it. Baltimore ravens running back ray rice speaks out about his, quote, inexcusable actions against his fiancee. Then a fight to save one of nashvilles legendary landmarks. Willie has that story in our 7 00 hour. Later, what its like to play one of the most influential performers of the past century and he is actually done this kind of thing before. Chadwick bosman who almost literally becomes james brown on a movie. He is an incredible young actor. Willie, you reported on this, talked to mick jagger about it. I went down to the set and watched him transform. He is incredible. These movies hang on the performance whether or not you can believe this guy like jamie foxx in ray. Chad bossman is so good, people will be blown away. We have to make this announcement and i want to apologize to all of our viewers. Sometimes we invite somebody that comes on and they just take over. Its my job to keep them in line. I failed. I want to apologize to all of you for failing. I promise you, next block, sam stein will not talk as much, all right . You wont shut up. You wont shut up, sam come on. He has that beautiful blue backdrop there. Sam is looking at it. Thats enough, sam. The guy just hogs it. We are going to get sam and kasie hunt talking about the immigration debacle on capitol hill last night. Bill karins with a check on the forecast. Im sorry to say it but looks like we will end the amazing beautiful weekends on the east coast and one of the first rainy weekends we have had the entire summer so i know its hard to complain but if you have beach plans or plans outdoors, let me get to the specifics. Already watching heavy rain from North Carolina upstate to South Carolina and a ton of rain off the coast of South Carolina. That is all going to move up the coast during the day today. Let me time it for you. 2 00 p. M. Today, the color in green means light rain. The heavier rain in the red so at 2 00 p. M. Scattered storms throughout the northeast. You wake up saturday morning its really from i95 to the coast. We could be talking heavy rain from areas of the delmarva to new york city and long island up to connecticut. Then as we go through saturday afternoon, more heavy rain continues. Then sunday morning, you wake up and still areas of heavy rain. Southern new england all the way back through northern portions of new jersey to pennsylvania. I think you get the picture. It looks to be very cloudy and if its not raining, at least appreciate it. The middle of the nation youre looking fantastic. No problems on much of the west coast either. For the most part, its just going to be the eastern seaboard. We are going to keep the rain and the storms lingering on and off right through your upcoming weekend. The grass definitely needs it in many areas, but, obviously, your weekend plans do not. The rest of the nation, as i mentioned even into sunday, looks excellent. We also do have a Tropical Storm out there and looks to be a no impact whatsoever to the east coast. Close call but it should make that turn out to sea. Tropical storm, though, for puerto rico on saturday. Youre watching morning joe. New york city, enjoy the dry weather while it lasts. We will be right back. You read the labels on the foods you eat but do you know whats in your skincare . Neutrogena naturals. A line of nutrientrich skincare with pure, naturally derived ingredients, carefully chosen and clinically proven to cleanse, purify and moisturize. And youll never find any harsh chemical sulfates, parabens or unnecessary additives. Healthy skinstarts from within. Neutrogena naturals. Learn more at neutrogenanaturals. Com. When folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. But the energy bp produces up here creates Something Else as well jobs all over america. Engineering and innovation jobs. Advanced Safety Systems technology. Shipping and manufacturing. Across the United States, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. When we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. Thats not a coincidence. Its one more part of our commitment to america. House republicans are going back to the board this morning after failing to bring their immigration bill to a vote. They have to call back members to washington after already had gone on recess. Did that happen to you, joe . No, we kept people intact. We shut the place down. There was that. Congre the house security bill seemingly for passage. John boehner took them to task. Instead of addressing the crisis at hand, Senate Democrats are talking up some not so scheme to jam through the Senate Immigration bill even though they know it will never happen. Doing something is better than doing nothing. The crisis on the border is going to continue until the president acts but he is clearly not going to act. That means the congress has to act. So i believe its important for us to act and i am hopeful that we will. Boy, talk about getting cut out at your knees. The leadership was forced to pull their Border Security bill at the last minute as support evaporated after ted cruz had a meeting in his Senate Office with a lot of House Republicans. Take a look. Nobody in that room believes that this bill that passed would make it into law. So what is the point of having a piece of shell legislation . We will get the vote. How . We will get the vote. What changes tomorrow that wasnt there today . I hope some people grow up. I think this is a good bill. If others dont, thats okay, but we were sent here to vote and not to die and the bottom line for me is if we dont act, the president will. So when asked why the bill died, congressman peter king bluntly said because of ted cruz. Those two dont like each other, by the way. They are old pals way back. A good picture. By the way, those are pictures. We got to get better pictures. Come on, guys come on look at both of those guys get a better picture than that. Come on, t. J. by the way, send your complaints to t. J. Reportedly huddled with some house members praised them for not passing the bill but denied being responsible. Meanwhile, Texas Governor rick perry blasted the houses inaction saying, quote, its beyond belief that congress is abandoning its post while our border crisis continues to create humanitarian suffering and thats a good photo. Also, yesterday, the senate blocked an emergency border funding bill in their chamber backed by democrats. Harry reid decided he was going to bring back the entire Immigration Reform bill from last year to make sure that it died in the senate so republicans couldnt get credit for anything. Sam stein, an absolute mess up there on capitol hill on both sides. Yes, its not false equivalency. Harry reid made sure he would kill the bill when it got to the senate and republicans said why pass a bill if he is going to kill it any way . Yeah. Go back three weeks ago when this was a huge humanitarian crisis where the president needed to see it with his own eyes and gl down to the border because of the severity of the crisis and action was needed asap. Now Neither Chamber will pass the bill and maybe the house will do something but either way its not put into law and a huge indictment in the sad state of our political system and even selfproclaimed crises can go unsolved. I will add this because i think its worth adding. Yesterday or i guess two days ago now, the house of representatives sued the president or voted to sue the president for taking executive actions. John boehners statement yesterday after the vote ordered the president to take more executive actions. There is a disconnect there, obviously, that should be noted, i think. Yes. You noted it, i think. I did. Pretty well, too, right . Disconnect is a nice word. I think it was a good disconnect. Joining us now from capitol hill, nbc news political reporter kasie hunt. Lets see. Trick question. Is there any hope . In general . All hope is lost depends on what youre hoping for, i suppose. Any messages . Its not clear they can do anything this morning. Its absolutely not clear. The moderates in John Boehners conference with absolutely livid on this and some cornered him on the floor from pennsylvania and colorado saying, i cant go home and look my constituents in the eye and say we have a humanitarian crisis on our border and i did absolutely nothing about it. Its just not a tenable position for any of them. As you were discussing, senator ted cruz had a serious impact here with the meeting he had the night before this all happened. They had the votes. Everyone was expecting this bill to go forward, no problem. And then, all of a sudden, we wake up the next day and nothing is actually happening. I will also say that democrats didnt exactly help Speaker Boehner here and that was pretty intentional. Senate majority leader harry reid talked about raising this bill with a comprehensive legislation and that set off fear among conservatives on the house side and that plays into their hands. Democrats will say, publicly, we want to pass a bill. Politically, this outcome is just fine. Can i make one point quickly . Sorry. Gosh, you just are taking over the show we had a great contrast actually yesterday with the v. A. Reform legislation. The v. A. Reform legislation actually made it through congress and will be signed by the president. In that case, republicans and democrats actually sought each other out. They said, okay we dont like this but willing to live with it and like that and can you include that and they put together an actual compromise. With the border legislation, i dont think john boehner and nancy pelosi spoke once. Im not sure john boehner spoke with harry reid so you have a very telling contrast. Congress can get its act together if they want to but in this case i dont think they ever wanted to. On the v. A. Bill it was almost unianimous in the house and the senate. It was remarkable for them to see Something Like that. Lets go back to ted cruz for a minute. Remarkable a relatively new senator can effectively single handedly if you believe the reports on the record we are getting from Republican House members, squash this Immigration Reform legislation. How does that work in the halls of congress . John boehners favorite person right now, senator ted cruz. I mean, i do think there were a few more dynamics. Jeff sessions of alabama played a considerable role in considering some of the colleagues to vote against this. What senator cruz did is raise the spectra what we refer to is doca a program that president obama put into place that basically allows the children to not be deported from the United States. And he basically inserted that as an issue into this debate. Its why we saw them set up this vote where they were going to vote on the border bill and hold a vote to basically strip the president of that power. Cruz sort of convinced this block of conservatives that wasnt good enough, that removing that power from president obama needed to be in the bill itself. And that is a huge problem for republicans who there is a member of the house who represents a district right outside denver and it sort of reflects the nation as a whole. They heavily hispanic. Putting that into the bill made it untenable for a lot of those moderates to vote for it. If it werent for senator cruz, that portion of the debate would have been a lot quieter. Nbc kasie hunt, thank you so much. Coming up, ray rice speaks out for the First Time Since his suspension. That night, you know, i just replay over and over in my head. You know, thats not me. My actions were inexcusable. Much more from the ravens star running back next in sports. Vo this is the summer. The summer of this. The summer that summers from here on will be compared to. Where memories will be forged into the sand. And then hung on a wall for years to come. Get out there, with over 50,000 hotels at 150 dollars or less. Expedia. Find yours. Knows her way can run in high heels. Must be a supermodel, right . You dont know aarp. Because aarp is making finding the career you love, no matter what your age, a real possibility. Go to aarp. Org possibilities to check out life reimagined for tools, support, and connections. If you dont think ive still got it when you think aarp, then you dont know aarp. Find more surprising possibilities and get to know us at aarp. 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Like i said i own my actions and i just dont want to keep, you know, reliving the incident. The incident itself, im trying to move forward and every time i have to keep reliving it, its not you know, it doesnt bring bring any good to me, so what happened that night was a huge mistake on my behalf and that is what ill keep it at. Baltimore running back ray rice yesterday addressing the public after receiving twogame suspension from the nfl no for allegedly knocking his wife unconscious in a casino back in february in las vegas. My actions that night were totally inexcusable. Ill just put this away. That night i replay over and over in my head. Thats not me. My actions are inexcusable. And its something i have to live for have to live with the rest of my life. I let so many people down because of 30 second of my life that i know i cant take back. Last time, i didnt publicly apologize to my wife and, you know, i realize that hit home with a lot of people. But there is many nights that me and my wife sleep together and we still have to deal with this, and her pain is my pain and my pain is her pain. But one thing that i wanted to do today was, you know, apologize to my wife. Rice, who still participating in the nfl preseason will miss the ravens first two regular season games. Hell return from baltimore hosts the redskins on august 23rd. Staying with the nfl. Houston texans running back with a much different kind of press conference. Arian foster doesnt seem to have the warmest relationship with the media down there in houston, but he wants to be a great teammate. Keep that in mind. He just returned to Training Camp this week from an unknown injury. And he gave the same answer to different questions over and over again. Physically, youre good to go . Yeah, man, just trying be the best teammate i can be, man. Can you tell us what exactly kept you out . What is going on . Yeah, man im just trying to be the best teammate i can be, you know . Working hard at doing that. What was physically wrong . Yeah, im just out here, man, just working hard every single day trying to be the best teammate i can be. What does it mean to get back how ear and start working . Being the best teammate you can be is what you strive to do and what im out here trying to do. Your teammates talk about how they want to see you out here and know what you mean. What does this stuff mean to you, arian . When youre the best team malt you can be and work hard at that every sim day and what were out here trying to do. Your body starting to break down . Im just trying to be the best teammate i can be and working hard doing that. Your progress at being a better teammate . Yeah, every single day just trying to be a better teammate. That was only a portion of his answers and he repeated that line 11 times and dont want to bore you to death. Stated another way, what he is trying to do . I think what he is getting at, he wants to be the best teammate he can. Stop what in the world . He is working very hard at that. Major moves during baseballs trade deadline yesterday. The oakland as all in now to win the world series this year and trading for jon lester and outfielder jonny gomes when the red sox dumped john lackey who was scooped but by the st. Louis cardinals. 12 and a half games back in the a. L. East boston throwing in the towel but look who they got. C cespedes. They sent over money for stephen drew. The tigers and rays and mariners, detroit acquired cy Young Award Winning pitcher and Vanderbilt University legend david price and immediately after the deal a nice moment in detroit. Austin jackson find out he is traded to the mariners mid game and pulled out during the seventh inning. What . Gets a standing ovation from the crowd. And hugs all over the place in the dugout as he packs his bags and leaves detroit in the trade. Now for highlights. Manny machado showing off his arm with a great play on wednesday. Last night, he was at it again. Down to third. Oh, boy. Here we go. Manny machado. Gotcha oh, my god. From there, machado putting his arm strength on display. He took about five steps and still got the lumbering runner, ability pujols. Pujols got his revenge in the 13th a single and gave the angels the win. A solo shot in the stands to left and l. A. 20 lead. Puig gets back to the dugout, the dodgers bust out the bubble machine to celebrate. Clayton kershaw pitched an the game. A new report breaks down the most unhealthy meals in america. One restaurant fares worse than the rest. Mika, get ready for this one. We will be right back. Wont you lay me down in the tall grass and let me do my stuff i know got nothing on you vo get ready fancy feast broths. Theyre irresistabowl. Completely unbelievabowl. Totally delectabowl. Real silky smooth or creamy broths. Everything shes been waiting for. 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To avoid longterm injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than 4 hours. If you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or if you have any allergic reactions such as rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. Ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a 30tablet free trial. Its time to take a look at the morning papers. From our parade of papers, the San Diego Union tribune. After 26 years, Southwest Airlines and seaworld will end their marketing partnership. Since 1988, the company has offered promotional opportunities for passengers and theme park guests. Southwest faced pressure from Animal Rights groups to end the agreement amid fallout from the film blackfish which drew negative attention to the parks alleged mistreatment of ownrcas. Sea world says it was a mutual decision. A federal report says assess of july 58 of california is experiencing the most severe levels of drought on the scale. The news come as wildfires burn in areas across the state. The fire in Yosemite National park is in its sixth day firefighters are trying to prevent the fire from blazing sequoia trees. Joe needs to change his luncheon dinner rituals. Usa today a new report from the center for science in the public interests outlines the most unhealthy meals at american chain restaurants. Cheesecake factory. You guessed it, Gene Robinson a restaurant called cheesecake factory. Can i just say . I have a deal. I had a meal at cheesecake factory. You walk around and shop and eat. In 2004 in san francisco, i am still full. I never went back. Thats right. Huge massive. Let me show you how big. Taking three of the top nine spots on the list, number three is the big slab from famous daves which clocks in at 2,770 calories. Its served with beans, fries, a corn muffin and 1. 5 pounds of meat. You would need to mow the lawn for seven and a half hours, meacham, to work off all of the calories and fat that you ate. Luckily, his lawn is big enough. It takes seven and a half hours. Taking second place is the, get this. Joe, you cant have this any more. The bruleed french toast. 2,780 calories and 93 grams of fat why would you make that for anybody under any circumstances . Because youre hungry . That is disgusting the same as eating 14 slices of french toast, aunt jeminas french coast. At the top of the list if they cant remain number one through the year, we look forward to that. Red robins monster mill. A burger topped with bacon peppered jack cheese and peppercorn spread and tomatoes and lettuce and fried onion strips and a side of fries and costing you a staggering 3,540 calories. That is equal to eating seven mcdonalds double cheeseburgers and drinking a quart of soda look at that look at that sodium count what are they putting in the burger that is seven big macs . That is like kilograms of sodium in there several nations. Amazing. Do we have something about sharknado . What do you think of that . We got to finish this one, willie. New york daily news. Scifi sharknado. Second one shattered record for the networks and 40 Million Viewers and up 183 from the original film that aired last year. That is richard kind hitting a shark out of citifield, by the way. Shark it broke twitter records. Another sequel is in the works. Look at that chain saw i love that yes take that a nice cut, too, filet. Right in the middle. Really unbelievable. Thats good. I actually when we had ion on the show, hes a really nice guy and he said we are all in on the joke. I felt better. Its just so bad, its good . Exactly. Coming up at the top of 7 00. A lot coming up. Are we going to keep talking about immigration . And lastminute efforts to try to get something done yesterday and the failures that happened. Joe is also going to have a response for hit critics yesterday on the gaza and israeli fighting and much more straight ahead. My mother made the best toffee in the world. Its delicious. So now weve turned her toffee into a business. My goal was to take an idea and make it happen. Im janet long and i formed my Toffee Company through legalzoom. I never really thought i would make money doing what i love. We created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams. Go to legalzoom. Com today and make your business dream a reality. At legalzoom. Com we put the law on your side. Im alex trebek. If youre age 50 to 85, please listen carefully. The lock i want to talk to you about isnt the one on your door. Its a rate lock for your Life Insurance that guarantees your rate can never go up at any time, for any reason. Many policies dont have one but you can get a lifetime rate lock through the Colonial Penn program. 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This was the moment caught by a roll call reporter that is congressman don young of alaska grabbing a staffer who tried to stop him from entering a republican meeting through a side door. Apparently that is a nono. Congressman young didnt take kindly to being delayed on his way in. The exchange also caught on video by nbc news producer frank thorp, Pay Attention to the Staff Members reaction as you watch this. Oh, no. What . What . Young later apologized for putting his hands on the young man and said he was in a rush to get to the meeting and he didnt appreciate being stopped but he did apologize. Julia roberts was on fallon last night and jimmy fallon showed her this video going around the web of a dog who is frightened by the picture of julia roberts. Its a dog who is afraid of your face. Look. What . Do you want to see julia . Look at julia. If that dog is watching, he watches the show probably, his name is akmed. You could Say Something nice to him to the camera and then he will be your friend. Okay. Where is akmeds camera. Number one . Is that akmeds camera . Aarrgghh you made it work so cute. Thats perfect. So good. Coming up at the top of the hour, we continue to follow the breaking news we reported on earlier. The israeli hamas ceasefire reportedly ends just hours after taking effect. What both sides are saying this morning. Plus the big political story out of washington. Congress prepares to go on its fiveweek break with the crisis on the border in no better shape than months ago. Do Nothing Congress at its best. Our allstar political panel, is that what we are calling it . Does it have a name now . Lets say chuck todd and David Gregory are next on morning joe. Losing your chex mix too easily . Deploy the boring potato chip decoy bag. With a variety of tastes and textures, only chex mix has twenty bags of interesting. Pick your mix. Welcome back to morning joe. Top of the hour. EuGene Robinson and jon meacham and Thomas Roberts all at the table with joe and me. Joining us from washington political director and host of the political rundown chuck todd and moderator of meet the press David Gregory and sam stein is with us as well. The breaking news from the middle east. Reports that the ceasefire between israeli and hamas has unraveled just hours after taking effect. Both sides are accusing the other of violating the truce and palestinian Officials Says that israeli shelling this morning has killed at least 27 people and wounded 100 others in southern gaza. The Israeli Military, meanwhile, saying militants have firted eight rockets and mortars at israeli since the ceasefire began and israeli source says at least two Israeli Soldiers were killed and the army says it appears an idf soldier has been abducted. The return of violence is a far cry from this picture captured by nbc Ayman Mohyeldin showing israeli returning to the beaches and fisherman with boats and the area had been emptied for weeks due to the fighting. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is threatening to destroy the tunnels by hamas. Nbc reporter Martin Fletcher got a rare look into one of the passage ways. Reporter dug through say and claned the tunne clay and sand the tunnels are hard to fight. Electricity and telephones and almost six feet high and more than two feet wide. Hamas has built dozens of them. This tunnel goes more than a mile into gaza to a town of honunas and in this direction only a few hundred yards israeli it comes up inside in the farming lands. Israeli was this close to another tragedy. That is incredible. Of course, we were talking about this yesterday and comments you made on the show yesterday blasted over the internet in lots of different ways. Well, and on talk radio and other places on tv where people like to keep it as simple as possible. What is the quote . Foolish consistency is the hob goblin of little minds. That is why we bring Pulitzer Prize winners on. As jon meacham said, i think he made this up and why he got the pulitzer. Since a foolish consistency of hob goblins adored by politicians. I didnt expect them to have the ability to grasp the statement for dos and donts of mindless political posturing. Let me start with simple talk that simple minded people must understand. America must stand with israeli. Hamas they are a terrorist organization who started this confrontation by launching thousands of missile attacks on the israeli. Israeli uses their missiles to protect people and hamas use their people to protect missiles. Condemnations dont matter much since the u. N. Has long been a hot bed of antiisraeli sentiment. What matters most now is israeli neighbors in egypt and uae and jordan support the jewish state over the islamic terror out of the and turkey and qatar have chone hamas but they are practically alone in the region. Israeli long time distrust of president obama and lining up with turkey and qatar in peace talks doesnt help bridge that divide, but an International Diplomacy we have got to follow the wisdom of william f. Buckley. You take the world as you find it and now how you wish it to be. The reality on the ground in gaza is clear to all. The prolonged killing of children and women in palestinian territories will only serve to weaken israeli and serve to strengthen hamas. Tragically this comes at a time when hamas leadership was on the run. They were hated at home. They were isolated abroad. And then this began. Yes, they fired missiles into israeli. Why . Because they were on the verge of political destruction in gaza. But now every day that goes by with images of children being pulled out of the rubble of bummed out schools, bombed out hospitals, and bombed out marketplaces, is a day that only makes hamas stronger and threatens israelis longterm security. Thats bad for israeli. Thats bad for america. And that is bad for middle east peace. And think about this. While youre going down your punch list of what you think people on the extremes will like. Blindly supporting israeli and israeli politicians when their actions may actually be strengthen their enemies and our enemies like hamas is no way to show your support and no way to show your friendship. That would make your point clear. Well, i think its simple enough but, gene, lets talk really quickly about how hamas, this is a great tragedy. After the humanitarian crisis, hamas, i saw some polls that said over 80 of people in gaza hated hamas, wanted them out. They were forced to strike a deal with the Palestinian Authority. Egypt is against them. Saudi arabia is against them. Ae is against them. You go down the list. Jordan is against them. They were isolated. This is only serving to prop them back up and its the last thing in the long run that israeli needs. I totally agree and i actually wrote to that effect in a column the other day and i got the same kind of reaction you go so, you know, that is the you know, i it seems so clear to me that, yes, israeli had to respond to rocket attacks, but this seems disproportionate and counterproductive and, ultimately is strengthening the people that israeli least wants to strengthen, while weakening the Palestinian Authority and Mahmoud Abbas in the west bank. He is not the greatest partner for peace, but hes certainly the best weve got over there. And actually is willing essentially to join with israeli to the extent that they can get rid of hamas. By the way, where i mentioned egypt is against hamas and uae is against hamas and you can go on and jordan you can list all of the countries, saudi arabia, i forgot to also mention the Palestinian Authority. Right. Is against hamas right. Hamas is isolated but all we do when we sit back and blindly salute as these bombings continue and children are pulled out of, like, for instance, yesterday, a place where the u. N. Sent israeli notification 17 times, this is a civilian place, do not target and then its targeted. Tragedy. Listen, its tragic. And its a tragic humanitarian crisis but that strengthens and isolated hamas. This is a case where asiddious diplomatic work pays off in the long run and having some influence in within the Israeli Government is so critical for the United States. I dont think the last six years have been a model or a golden age of that relationship, and what we if were going to affect change in the right way, we have to be able to reach out, have the kind of personal relationships where you can affect things in what otherwise seems to be an intractable situation. David gregory, let me bring you in here on that point. David ignatius had a column a couple of days ago that charles krauthammer, who ive made no secret is a real hero of mine. I dont know that charles will agree with everything ive been saying over the past couple of days but there are a lot of thoughtful people, a lot of thoughtful conservatives, even a lot of thoughtful neocons i talked to yesterday who are very powerful said this is concerning and we seem to be strengthening hamas but David Ignatius column they are taking a bad situation and making it worse. John kerry lining up with turkey and qatar who are basically hamas only allies in the region instead of standing with egypt and saudi arabia and the uae was just a dreadful mistake. I had middle east diplomats call me and say what the hell are they doing . They have friends in the middle east they can stand with and they are choosing turkey and qatar, the two countries that are supporting hamas and it makes no sense. To johns point, this longterm diplomacy, i think wins in the end as well, but its difficult to see at this point where that is going. Right . There is a couple of problems with that. I think, look. The point youve been making the fact that the Obama Administration has been critical of some of these strikes is, in a way, protective of israeli and based our argument which this is not helping. This is only strengthening hamas and not weakening hamas and not achieving some of your security goals. At the same time, youre trying to negotiate a ceasefire with hamas which has as its primary goal to exterminate jews and eliminate israeli. Doing some of the things that make better for ordinary people from gaza out of this is not where hamas is coming from and not its primary interest so where i think the diplomatic road is really difficult. Israeli not winning on the Public Relations front and made a decision as a practical matter degrading the tunnels and eliminating them and reducing whatever capacity they have to fire rockets, possess rockets. They may be showing some gains but i dont know that that is clear to the rest of the world what the metrics to say. Everything is about this other damage. Chuck todd, let me ask you. We were on the threeday preof ceasefire. Reports from Ayman Mohyeldin that a truce was brokered. Lets see what we can get israeli to commit to. Is it, as david points out, the building of the tunnels. It works tremendously for israeli billions of our taxpayer dollars helps support that so is it strictly the tunnels . I think that was an important change in sort of a quantitative measurement. You heard Prime Minister netanyahu say it and a couple of days earlier they were making the goal demilitarizing hamas. How do you ever prove that . That sort of sent the message this could be weeks or months before this ends. By saying, look, the goal is to get rid of these tunnels, i thought israeli very subtle way of saying, guess what . We expect to be done with that within the next feud. As soon as that is done, we are going to be a lot more flexible on some of these diplomatic idea. The question is where do we go from here . Joining us now from jerusalem a spokesman for israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Mark, thank you for being with us. Why dont you help us out here. Good morning. Good morning. We have been trying to figure out how israeli measures success. A lot of long time supporters of israeli in america like myself that are very concerned by, obviously, the images of children and women being killed in public marketplaces and hospitals. Ive heard you mention the past couple of weeks your regret about it. Obviously, you agree its a humanitarian crisis. How do you measure success, those in this operation . How do you measure whether hamas is degraded or nod and how do you way that against the political isolation they were experiencing before this began . There is a lot youve asked a whole series of questions. The first thing is there was a real chance today to alleviate the humanitarian suffering in gaza by this ceasefire. As you know, late last night israeli time, we accepted a proposal by the United Nations by secretarygeneral ban kimoon and secretary of state kerry to have a 72hour unconditional humanitarian ceasefire and at 7 00 local time in israeli, all of the offensive activities against hamas and the other terrorists in gaza ceased. The idea was to give at least three days for the people of gaza to have time to breathe and to come out of the places where they were hiding, to be able to buy food and the idea was to help the people of gaza. From israeli it was difficult because we preferred to continue the operation against hamas but we understood there was a need to make the humanitarian needs, unfortunately. Hamas just torpedoed that possibility. At 9 30 this morning, there was an attack on our forces in direct violation of the ceasefire understandings. A deadly attack. It appears now an israeli soldier was kidnapped in the framework of that attack. And following that, we have had mortar shells across the frontier and missiles raining into southern israeli. Unfortunately, hamas has closed the door to this possibility at the moment of any humanitarian ceasefire. The primary victims of that decision by hamas is the people of gaza who, unfortunately, have to sit by and see this conflict continue. You certainly understand and youve said it before, and other israelis have said it, that hamas isnt concerned about the welfare of many of the people in gaza and that, unfortunately, falls on your soldiers and the people of israelis soldiers, as well as protecting your own people. So the question is what is the end game here . You cant obliterate hamas, unfortunately, as a military force. Is it destroying tunnels . Is it going after the missiles . What is your end game . The end game is simple. Its not easy to do, but the end game to articulate is simple. We want a period of sustained, quiet and peace for our people so they dont have to live in fear of these incoming rockets fired from gaza and, as you know, that number is getting close to 3,000 now. 3,000 rocks in three weeks. Fired at israeli cities. They dont have to live in fear of terrorists popping out from the ground with explosives, with rocket propelled grenades and automatic weapons coming into your house and trying to kill you. Our goal is ultimately defensive. If we can be assured that those sort of attacks will end, the operation can end straightaway but the problem is hamas, unfortunately, doesnt see it that way. And so we are in the process at the moment of working to diminish, to slowly take apart hamas military machine, dealing with those missiles. We believe they only have about a third of the missiles that they started with. They only have a third of them left and we are taking apart the network of tunnels and the big challenge, as you said, is when this is over, how do we prevent hamas from rearming and prevent them from rebuilding tunnels because that is the issue of demilitarization but that is our goal and its defensive to protect our people. David gregory, do you have a question . Good morning, its David Gregory, mark. My question is the reality is that you dont see a loss of israeli civilians because of the iron dome system, so some of the pictures that we are seeing in gaza have not been repeated and, obviously, the israelis are quite pleased about that. I wonder, as you look at this, as the National Security officials talk about some of the operations that carried out in gaza, is there a price to be paid that is simply too high for israeli to achieve its objectives in gaza . Well, obviously there are a lot of bat pictures coming out of gaza. The truth is, like the United States, we dont want to see what the experts call Collateral Damage. We really are making a maximum effort to avoid seeing innocent civilians caught up in the crossfire. As a proud israeli, i would say that our forces, i dont think, act any less than the United States does in similar combat situations and i challenge anyone to say that that is not true. We are trying to target the terrorists and their infrastructure and their command and control, and we are not trying to we are not targeting the people of gaza. As to the pictures and you raised an important point, david. I think it has to be said and resaid, because hamas rules the gaza strip with an iron fist, its very difficult to take pictures of anything that doesnt fit the hamas narrative and so how many times have you seen pictures of rockets going off next to civilian areas . How many times have you seen pictures of weapons being stored in schools or in mosques . How many times have you seen pictures of hamas using civilians as human shields . Their ability through force, through violence. I mean, if you walk down the street in gaza with an nbc camera and you ask people, well, was hamas shooting from this building that the israelis targeted . No, everyone will say, of course, not. Because you have a regime what is highlight authoritarian and violent to its own people and they have the ability to control the message. Its like walking down the street in cuba with a camera and say do you like fidel castro . What can people say . I think a lot of americans have a question on their minds. Is this a battle or a war . Is this operation something that can have an end and that something rervesembling a periof normalcy follow it or is this one of the battles in exowe send shal war can five . They say the jewish right has no right to exist. They say the only solution to what they call the question of palestinian jihad and every person man woman and child is a legitimate target in their war of terror but youre right, i think, in placing this in a regional context because hamas is not unlike isis. I dont know if we still call it that but isis in iraq or this is one of our criticisms of socalled palestinian moderates. We have seen too many people who say they are moderates who are open to criticize israeli. Id ask you do moderate iraqis stand up and support isis and moderate lebanese support nigeria and support boko har a. M. . They arent willing to step up flight and say these people dont represent us. And i think it would be much more health care dialogue for peace if we could see more of that from the palestinian side. Sam stein . Yes, hi. I grant israeli has taken a tremendous amount of responsibility here and they have suffered greatly and gone to Great Lengths to protect themselves. Im wondering why you wont go one step further and engage in talks with hamas to try to bring an end to this hostility . Its what youre saying sounds logical. Why not just talk to them . The trouble is hamas doesnt want to talk to you. Have you tried . Hamas is stuck in a very brutal and extreme agenda. Hamas, ultimately, says that israeli should be obliterated and they havent changed that position so we should talk to them about how we should, i dont know, commit suicide as a people . I mean, hamas, id remind you and remind americans, hamas condemned president obama for taking out Osama Bin Laden on the same day the leader of hamas and gaza praised obama sorry, praised Osama Bin Laden as a holy warrior for islam. These are the people we are dealing with. Can you talk and make peace with these people . Any changed and became Something Else the door is open but hamas is stuck in a radical jihadist position and as long as they are praising Osama Bin Laden its difficult to talk about any dialogue. It seems that israeli believes its military will persuade hamas to moderate and im wondering why you dont feel about the same way to be diplomats. Why you cant moderate them by reasoning with them. I understand they want to wipe israeli off the map, a stated goal of the organization, but certainly it wouldnt hurt to try to talk to them off the ledge. I dont understand what the problem is in at least devoting those type of resources, as much as military resources to this conflict. I think youre correct when you say that there doesnt have to be a total dichotomy between the military operation and the diplomacy. Look. There is an egyptian proposal on the table for an immediate ceasefire and for talks. We will bring up the issue of demilitarization. Hamas has rejected that egyptian proposal and put so many preconditions on talks to make to make it impossible. But were applying military pressure and its possible that hamas will come around as a result of the military pressure, hamas will come around to accepting something tomorrow it didnt accept today. So there is this siynthesis between the military and the diplomatic. Ultimately we understand the solution will be more than militarily. One quick question. Sam, im sorry. Hamas is im sorry. I dont mean to interrupt. Sam stein, the window is about to close. Mark, why dont you wrap up. Go ahead. I should wrap up, okay. Im sorry. Go ahead. If we come out of this, if we come out of this and hamas military is weakened and a as has been reported and its political position is undermined in the arab world and amongst palestinians for its reckless behavior and shameful abuse of palestinian civilians, so if hamas comes out of this weakened, maybe they will be hope for the middle east Peace Process because if hamas is weakened, then maybe those palestinians who do believe in peace will find the room to move, they will have the oxygen to step up to the plate and maybe reengage with israeli in a serious Peace Process which is ultimately what we want. Mark regev, thank you for being with us and we appreciate you coming on and sharing your views and that of the prime minister. We hope youll come back. Chuck and david, please stay with us. We are going to get analysis of what happened yesterday on capitol hill and more, accurately, mika, what didnt happen on capitol hill. What ultimately just didnt happen. Also ahead, Actor Chadwick Boseman joins us to tell us how he was able to turn into the legendary james brown. And saving nashvilles rca studioa a place that has seen the likes of Willie Nelson and bob seger to name a few. Youre watching morning joe. We will be right back. Did you know, your eyes can lose vital nutrients as you age . [ male announcer ] thats why theres ocuvite to help replenish key eye nutrients. Ocuvite has a unique formula not found in your multivitamin to help protect your eye health. Ocuvite. Help protect your eye health. Ocuvite. Nature valley crunchy granola bars give you energy from 1 3 of your daily whole grains, so 1 3 of this commercial is dedicated to what you could do with all that energy. Energy for getting dizzy at the beach. The summer of this. Mmer. The summer that summers from here on will be compared to. Where memories will be forged into the sand. And then hung on a wall for years to come. Get out there, with over 50,000 hotels at 150 dollars or less. Expedia. Find yours. [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. She can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. My mom works at ge. Instead of addressing the crisis at hand, Senate Democrats are talking up some nutso scheme to jam through the immigration bill even though know is will never happen. Doing something is better than doing nothing. The president is clearly not going to act so that means the congress has to act. So i believe its important for us to act and im hopeful that we will. Hey, so what happened . They must have acted, right . That was Speaker John Boehner yesterday hours before the house leadership was forced to pull their Border Security bill at the last minute, as support evaporated. House members convened in emergency meeting. Still not clear whether a bill or similar version can pass. There are external factors at play as well. When asked when it died, peter king bluntly said, because of ted cruz. Those are better pictures. They represent the moment better. The texas senator who reportedly huddled with some house members praised them for not passing the bill but denied being responsible. David gregory and chuck todd are still bus. Chuck, my gosh. From bad to worse on capitol hill. What is happening . Hey, Jeff Sessions doesnt like this ted cruz talk. Jeff sessions actually was also a republican senator from alabama. He was also lobbying heavily. I talked to people who said the finger should be pointed at him as much you would point to ted cruz. One representative criticized Jeff Sessions and saying he should grow up. What a 48 hours. Lets fast forward to november. If democrats hold serve, meaning they hold the senate, basically break even in the house, we are going to look back at the month of july and say this is where republicans blew it. Between because think about the last 48 hours. House republicans did find the votes to sue the president but did not find the votes to be able to come together and figure out even the tiniest border bill that was essentially, lets remember what this is about. This is about giving the federal government money and tools to deport people faster. This is not an Immigration Reform bill. So they cant even come up with the votes on an amount of money to speed up a deportation process . This is not about coming up with a legalization process for people that are here to be totally cynical and blunt here. They couldnt even do that . And now they want to be able to govern with both houses of congress. Somehow in the month of july, republicans have given democrats something to run on. On july 1st, they didnt have something to run on. On august 1st, they now have something to run on in the mid terms. I had somebody say to me democrats have been trying to hand the senate to the republicans on the silver platter and republicans keep knocking the platter over. Gene . Well, just a question for David Gregory. I mean, i think chuck is right, that clearly this does not make republicans look good. I think, frankly, the whole situation doesnt make anybody look good. And i wonder how you think this will fully play out, if it does, indeed, play out into the election this fall . Let me add one more to chucks list. So after the health care attempts to defund obamacare went south for republicans, john boehner let it be known that there were a lot of republicans in the house who did not appreciate the kind of lobbying that ted cruz had been doing. Senator cruz had learned some important lessons from that in his influence had been diminished. I guess not. Because he moved on from health care to now immigration and what this is really about is giving the president anything, giving him any tools to deal with the problem even a problem that he wants to fix in a manner that most republicans want to see fixed. As chuck said by deporting a lot of these families, including children back to Central American countries from which they have come. You have the hobby lobby decision and more Politics Around women and womens health. You have the specter of suing the president and impeaching the president. What did the president complain about several months ago about about the midterm is in the left would not be animated enough to come out vote. Now youve got a lot of new kindling here for them to get upset about that is really not about substance. Its noe not really about meeting the challenges the country faces. Its just about how politics is done in washington and that kind of anger that swirls around it. Its unbelievable. It continues. Chuck todd, we will be watching the daily rundown at 9 00 a. M. David gregory, what is coming up on meet the press this weekend. More of this obviously and the latest out of the middle east as that is a breaking story. Thank you, dave. Coming up, saving the land mark of Music History. Ben foles try to preserve a studio where musicians stepped in front of the microphone. More of that when morning joe returns. Its now or never fill their bowl with the meaty tastes theyre looking for, with friskies grillers. Tender meaty pieces and crunchy bites. In delicious chicken, beef, turkey, and garden veggie flavors. Friskies grillers. When folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. But the energy bp produces up here creates Something Else as well jobs all over america. Engineering and innovation jobs. Advanced Safety Systems technology. Shipping and manufacturing. Across the United States, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. 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Music and jon meacham but we are going to focus on the music this morning Foreign Policy from Elvis Presley to dolly parton and tailor swift the biggest names in the world have gone to narve to record their hits but a new development is threatening some of the Legendary Music landmarks there. Singer song writer ben foals is helping lead the right. From the tonguey tongs of broadway to the auditorium and grand ole opry the sound of music is everywhere in nar nashville. But the development that changed the face of music city threatens a neighborhood that attracts musicians and tourists alike. Aside from the history of it, there arent many studios that sound this good in the world. Reporter more than a decade ago, song writer ben foles took over the lee at rca studioa built in the 1960s for chet atkins assuring that the studio would remain with music. This is back of the warehouse and we recorded our first hit song on this without even tuning it. The brick the one that goes like this. That is that piano and it just sounds like that. Reporter the names of the music giants that have recorded here asbest big as the room its. Im not a big ghost person but you can really feel when a space has been loved as much as this one has. And, you know, i love to put on recording of dolly parton. Reporter he has brought in artists like tony bennett and brad paisley as well. But now a developer has purchased the building. He says he is exploring all options but admits he bought the complex for development in a highly desirable residential neighborhood. He is claiming the old building has asbestos and old wiring and mildew in the duct work. Music row did not make Music History because it was in buildings with massive columns. It made history because it was a musical environment to people to trade ideas and trade songs. Its not music row any more. Its like every place is shadowed by condominiums which they could build niver. Reporter he is trying to save the place and wrote a letter about studioa and started a conversation in town how to preserve the citys history, while allowing room for progress. As new mixes with old in nashville, fold worries studioa. A place full of stories and songs may fall quiet for good. People want to see the identity of nashville intact while growth happens. Condos are welcomed in music city, you need places to live but im not sure music survives in condo city as well. I think that is really what youre looking at. A little update. The studio just found its rent is going up by more than 100 which fold and others say will make it all but impossible for them to stay in that historic space. We put an exclusive behind the scenes look on our website joe. Msnbc. Com. Its a cool place and so many in nashville, jon, where the history is everywhere. There are a lot but there is a limited number. And so it should be preserved. The tension between preservation and growth, as your piece said, is always there. But not surprisingly, im siding for history. I know that is stunning. Yes. But, you know, the reason nashville is so cool right now is because of that cultural legacy and your connections. Of course. Right, of course. You went to vanderbilt. It seems to me tourism plays a big role. A lot of people go there because of music and music row. Why would you tear down a piece of history where elvis and Willie Nelson were. Sacred ground for a lot of people. The Johnny Cash Museum you could visit and a lot of that history there but it looks like this one may be going the way of history. We will have more morning joe in a moment. The cadillac summer collection is here. During the cadillac summers best event, lease this all new 2014 cts for around 459 a month or purchase with 0 apr and make this the summer of style. The porter was so incredibly. Careful. Careless. With our bags. And the room they gave us it was. 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I do. I spent years of my life trying to fill your shoes so dont sit me and tell me you want a real relationship. I just trying to say that im here now and im making an effort now. That was a scene from the new movie may in the summer. Here with us now is the writer and director and producer and costar of the film, shareen davis. She knows her value. She cast herself. I like it a lot you have to do it. I write it, i can cast it. Pretty heavy scene right there. You actually confront pain in your own life, something you had to endure as a teenager. Tell us about it. And why you decided to confront your parents divorce in this film. Well, i mean, who cant relate to divorce in this day and age . Its, you know, happening so often and i was i wanted to make a film that was sort of the reverse of my first feature film that was about, you know, immigrants returning home after, you know, decades in their host country and sort of finding themselves at various levels of discord. In this particular film may is palestinian and american and her father is american, played by bill pullman, and her parents divorced because of all kinds of difficulties, but she is actually planning her Summer Wedding and finds herself confronted with her past. The question is, you know, how do we plan a future that makes space for the past, but also, you know, what happens when the past sort of sneaks into our present moment . And that was something that i really wanted to explore. You go back to amman in this movie and what did you in your life as well in the summer. Thats right. Yes, i am palestinian american. I was born in the United States. We used to return to jordan almost every summer, so it was sort of amazing to get the country grow and change as much as it has over the last three decade. We look at this film and see old world with modern values mixed in and certainly a large threat through the film is faith and how different characters have separated or come together because of faith. How important was that for you to explore with this film and from a personal level as well . Yeah, that was quite important, just given how important faith is in the region and how many different faiths sort of come together and clash. And in this family, everyone sort of represents a different opinion and a different outlook on the issues of faith and politics to some extent as well. So, you know, the family represents sort of a microcosm what is happening in the middle east. Have you had that experience . The experience of the past sort of invaded your life absolutely. In that sort of way . How . Well, i mean, you know, i think ive also, you know, similar to may, im searching and questioning certain things in my life. I am a child of divorced parents and i am one of four sisters. In the movie, there are Three Sisters but i have four, so we are five girls. And so, yeah, i think that that is quite common to have the past sort of creep into your present moment and to wonder, you know, how do i sort of move forward and build a future that is on my own terms . Im reading this line from here from one sheet we were given and it says in your younger years when you lived in a small town in ohio, you were considered arab and when you were in jordan, you were considered american. Thats right. I live in the south. Like my first 40 yoears, i live in the south and two years i lived in the north and i was a yankee in the south and a redneck in the north. But that little more extreme for you obviously growing up. A lit you obviously growing up. But yeah, just you had one foot in both worlds, right . Absolutely. I was sort of this virtual bridge, always trying to bring these warring sides of my own identity closer together but i think thats what naturally led me to become a filmmaker and an observer of the cultures. Well, may in the summer will play in new york city on august 22nd and in select theaters across the country on august 29th. Congratulations. Thank you very much for being on. Thank you for having me. Up next, why this novembers Midterm Election may be a throwback to the year 2000. Oh, no, lets hope not. Youre watching morning joe. Well be right back. Ups is a global company, but most of our employees live in the same communities that we serve. People here know that our operations have an impact locally. Were using more natural gas vehicles than ever before. The trucks are reliable, thats good for business. But they also reduce emissions, and thats good for everyone. It makes me feel very good about the future of our company. Im alex trebek. 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One of the most memorable lines in all of politics came from the late, great tim russert on Election Night back on the year 2000. As Derrick Kitts reports, there are some real reasons we might be echoing the words florida, florida, florida during the upcoming midterms. Reporter over the past four president ial election cycles, the state of florida has lived up to its reputation as a true swing state. After two consecutive elections in the democratic column, new polling suggests florida may not be ready to swing back to the gop just yet. A new quinnipiac poll shows voters prefer Hillary Clinton over jeb bush. The 2014 florida governors race provides further evidence the Sunshine State is leaning blue. Charlie crist is seeking his old job, this time as a democrat. The recent poll Shows Florida voters preferred crist over gop incumbent rick scott. If these trends continue and florida has turned blue, then the road to the white house becomes increasingly white house. Guys, back to you. All right, derrick, thank you. So does it become more difficult, gene . The republicans essentially have to win florida. However, it aint over. It aint over between scott and crist and it aint over in florida. Meacham agree . Yeah, the republican path to the white house is getting harder in the electoral college. You take california and new york off the table, you start with a deficit. Youve got to win florida. You know, this election is going to be crazy this year in 2014. There is no way to tell how its going to go. The president s Approval Ratings, you know, keep dropping. Republicans Approval Ratings keep dropping. Its still a race to the bottom. And whos a clear candidate on either side except for Hillary Clinton. Coming up at the top of the hour, breaking news from the middle east. Israel and hamas trading blame for the collapse of what was supposed to be a threeday ceasefire. Well talk to White House Deputy National Security adviser tony blinken. And politics at its worst as republican lawmakers rebel against their leadership on an emergency border bill. Congressman tom cole joins us next to break down exactly what happened. Hes going to tell us. Were going to get his always candid take on his own party. Hes awesome. Plus playing james brown. Well talk to Actor Chadwick Boseman about his portrayal of the legend known as the godfather of soul. Unlimited cash back. Let that phrase sit with you for a second. Unlimited. As in, no limits on your hardearned cash back. As in no more dealing with those rotating categories. The quicksilver card from capital one. Unlimited 1. 5 cash back on everything you purchase, every day. Dont settle for anything less. Ill keep asking. Whats in your wallet . Ill keep asking. No question about that. But your erectile dysfunction that could be a question of blood flow. Cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be Ready Anytime the moments right. You can be more confident in your ability to be ready. 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Even in the garage. Max whats going on . Were doing a tech startup. Were streamlining an algorithm. Were going public [cheering] the fastest inhome wifi for your entire family. The x1 entertainment operating system. Only from xfinity. The latest effort to end the conflict in gaza exploded in new violence. Both sides are accusing the other of violating the truce. You can imagine that theres going to be a lot of trading accusations about how this broke down. There was an attack on our forces in direct violation of the ceasefire. It appears now an israeli soldier was kidnapped in the framework of that attack, so unfortunately hamas has closed the door to this possibility at the moment. The house will be in order total chaos on capitol hill today. The support for the entire border package fell apart in the house of representatives. Mr. Speaker, whats the plan, please . Working with our members. Use your metaphor, im willing to stay until we get the job done. Everybody wants to get out of town. Were going to close up shop and go home and the humanitarian crisis goes on. What kind of an institution is this . Wow well, thats a good question at this point. That was a good question. What kind of institution is it . Seriously, what is going on. The cows come home, chickens come home to roost, pick your barnyard animal. Whats going i think its going to happen. No, its not. Welcome back to morning joe. Jon meacham and euGene Robinson join joe, willie and me at the table. Joining us from philadelphia, we have former chairman of the Democratic National committee, governor of pennsylvania, nbc news political analyst, ed rendell. Are you angry too with congress . Whats he muttering there . He doesnt look angry. Ed rendell is never angry, only determined. Okay. Well get to whats not happening in washington and the fallout from that in just a moment. What a mess. But first we begin with breaking news from the middle east. There are reports this morning that the ceasefire between israel and hamas has unraveled just hours after taking effect. Both sides are accusing the other of violating the truce. A palestinian official says israeli shelling this morning has killed at least 35 people and wounded hundreds of others in southern gaza. The Israeli Military meanwhile says militants have fired eight rockets and mortars at israel since the ceasefire began. An israeli source says at least two Israeli Soldiers were killed and the army says it appears an idf soldier may have been abducted. We have live coverage from gaza and israel. Well go to nbcs Foreign Correspondent Ayman Mohyeldin live in gaza first. Ayman . Reporter good morning, mika. Let me bring you guys up to speed on what is happening here on the ground. According to the Israeli Military, operations are ongoing now searching for this israeli soldier that was captured by hamas, according to the Israeli Military. The operations are taking place in south gaza near the city of rafa but that is as much information as they are going on. Meanwhile according to Palestinian Health officials, the number of fatalities rising tar as a result of this mornings attacks has now climbed to above 40. Hundreds more have been injured since this mornings fighting broke out between the two sides. Theres been a lot of confusion as to when this happened, who broke the ceasefire and obviously, as you can imagine, both sides are accusing each other. Hamas is saying that this violation of the ceasefire was by Israeli Soldiers who started shelling into the neighborhood of rafa but more importantly they are saying that the ceasefire at the time, according to sources here, did not, did not stipulate that Ongoing Operations in the areas under israeli control will be off limits. So there is this information war unfolding about who is responsible and what has happened. We do know right now rafa is being shelled heavily. The death toll is rising fast and Palestinian Health officials are warning that this could be, in their words, another unfolding massacre, mika. You know, an indication of how quickly things change here, this is the late edition of the New York Times. Above the fold piece talks about the ceasefire. It says diplomatic bolt from the blue that will suspend the bloody 24day military campaign and set the stage for arduous negotiations between israel and hamas over a more lasting truce. As that was being printed off the presses here in new york, the truce was ending. So, ayman, given this, this was brokered by the United States and by the u. N. , a 72hour ceasefire completely fell apart, whats the hope for any ceasefire . How could either side trust the other . Reporter well, right now i think theres no trust between these two sides. The question is can they have confidence in the mediators. And the mediators right now were the United States and the United Nations. They came out and put this ceasefire in place based on assurances they were given from third parties. We know the egyptians have called off the meetings that were scheduled to start today in cairo. They have actually told hamas they are not allowed to come into egypt to participate in these talks. So thats definitely one indication that the talks have failed. The other important issue is that the United Nations and the idf, Israeli Military, has notified the United Nations as a result of this they will continue and resume full operations inside the gaza strip. So youre really not only back at square one, some are saying youve taken several steps back to even before that. Its a real setback today. Ayman, this is Gene Robinson. You know, if one side cant reach the negotiating site, obviously theres not going to be a negotiation. So does this actually speak well of what john kerry was trying to do a week or so ago . He was going a different route, trying to get a negotiation going. He was using turkey and qatar. Turkey, of course, being a nato ally. And everyone jumped all over him and said what a naive, terrible thing it was. Are there still any possibilities if this doesnt work to go that route . Reporter well, there are strong suggestions to support the claim that since the united states does not talk to hamas and since hamas has very strained relationships with egypt at this point, you need to have somebody speak on behalf of hamas in the international community, and certainly turkey being a nato member, has diplomatic relationships with israel. Although it is led by an islamic party, it still has very Close Relationships with the United States and hamas and can serve as that. It comes down to the issue of trust and who can the sides trust. There is an underlying question to this which is if you try to build a ceasefire that just puts in place a cessation of hostilities. That does not address israeli security, palestinian need for freedom and accessibility to gaza, youre going to be back here if not six months from now less than a few hours from now. What the fragility of the ceasefire shows, unless youre going to address the core issues from the start, youll find yourself in this pattern of violence either six months from now or a few hours after it came into effect. Ayman, thank you very much. We want to turn now to nbc news correspondent Martin Fletcher who joins us from tel aviv. Martin . Reporter hi, mika, everybody. Well, i cant emphasize enough what happened today. This is the beginning of a National Trauma in israel. I think were burying the lead a little bit because the kidnapping, it is true, and the israeli army suggests that one soldier has been abducted, probably an officer, by the way, the way it happened will set off here a wave of anger and cause for revenge. Remember sergeant shalid caught in 2009, he was held for five years and israel was struggling to get him back. It was a trauma for the nation. What happened this morning, and im piecing this together from various reports from different sources, some confirmed, some not, but it appears that what was happening, Israeli Soldiers were operating near rafa in the southern part of the gaza strip. They were continuing their process of finding and destroying tunnels when from another tunnel apparently, hamas militants came out. There was a suicide bomber, he blew himself up. They killed two Israeli Soldiers and apparently were able to take off with another israeli soldier. Now, we dont know, its not confirmed yet, whether that israeli soldier is dead or alive. Hamas has said theyre going to make an announcement soon. They described this as what they called a unique operation. So i cant emphasize enough what this means to israel. Its a nightmare for israel and its also a major success for hamas, who have said from the beginning that one of their key war aims, one of their definitions of success would be to kidnap a live israeli soldier. That may have happened and so israel now is just thats probably the main reason why theres been such a ferocious israeli assault on that area, trying to cut off the area of escape so that the hamas militants who have taken the israeli soldier, whether hes dead or alive we dont know, theyre trying to cut off that area so they can stop him being taken out of that area so they know where he is more or less, mika. Nbcs Martin Fletcher, thank you for that. Joining us now from the white house, deputy National Security adviser tony blinken. Tony, why dont we start right there. As martin just put it, the beginning of a National Trauma for israel with potential capture of a soldier. What do you know about that . Mika, look, this appears to be an absolutely outrageous action by hamas, using the cover of a ceasefire to conduct a surprise attack through a tunnel, kill Israeli Soldiers and perhaps taking one hostage. We strongly, strongly condemn it. Israel has the right to defend itself and its obviously taking action to do so. But this is an outrageous action and we look to the rest of the world to join us in condemning it. Those with influence on hamas to use that influence to cease these actions. So, tony, lets talk about moving forward and trying to negotiate a ceasefire that will actually stick. I think thats going to be much harder now if hamas did use outrageously use a ceasefire to actually launch a surprise attack, which would certainly be consistent. But where do we go . Right now it seems to be either a negotiation that egypt runs or a negotiation that turkey and qatar run, and obviously the white house and john kerry have been criticized for dealing with those two countries. Whats the next step . It seems like we cant even figure out what countries to negotiate a ceasefire with. Right now i think as we speak, secretary kerry is on the phone with Prime Minister netanyahu and well see what results from that conversation. But the bottom line is this. These ceasefires are not built on trust, theyre built on actions. The parties that sign up to them need to act accordingly. Weve had them in the past, they have worked, even when theres been no trust. But right now, the main thing is the soldier, if he was taken prisoner, needs to be released and the parties need to abide by their commitments. The reason for going through turkey, going through qatar, is they have a relationship with hamas. They need to use their influence with hamas. The egyptians had an initiative, the israelis signed up to it repeatedly and that was a good basis for trying to move forward. But secretary kerry said last night in announcing this humanitarian pause that it was incredibly fragile and unfortunately weve seen the demonstration that thats true. Tony, its willie geist. Weve seen rare criticism from the state department, the white house and now the department of defense of israel and the idf saying the civilian casualties are far too high, coming out publicly and saying that of such a close ally. Could you elaborate a little more on the specific criticism of the military tactics of israel. No country can abide having rockets rain down on its people or tunnels underground to kill them or take them prisoner. Israel has a right to defend themself. We said that consistently and repeatedly. Hamas intentionally targets civilia civilians. The israelis do everything they can to avoid targeting civilians. Israel holds itself to a very high standard, but what weve seen is that its incredibly difficult to meet its very own high standard. This is an area that is densely, densely populated. And the more the actions continue, the more civilians are at risk. Of course hamas uses them as in effect human shields, surrounding its sites and legitimate military targets with civilians. Thats why weve seen this terrible toll on civilians and on children. And so what weve been saying is we know israel has the highest standards, but the reality is, the fact is its having difficulty meeting its own standards. Have you received any assurances that that will change, that the approach will change so that fewer civilians are killed . The israelis continue to assure us that they are taking every precaution, but the difficulty, the challenge is that just because of the difficulty of the circumstance, again with hamas using civilians to surround its Strategic Sites and weapons, putting weapons in u. N. Facilities and schools and hospitals makes it incredibly difficult. Weve faced this challenge ourselves, whether it was in iraq or afghanistan, pakistan, it is incredibly hard. But there are times when you dont take the shot. This is whats so challenging. Deputy National Security adviser tony blinken, thank you. Well get back to this breaking news as it developments. We want to get to politics at home. House leadership was forced to pull its board skiert bill at the last minute as support evaporated. House members then convened an emergency meeting but its still not clear whether their bill or another bill can pass. When asked why the bill died, congressman peter king said this. Because of ted cruz. The texas senator huddled with some house members praised them for not passing the bill but denied being responsible. Joining us now, were going to be going to republican congressman tom cole of oklahoma. Tom, its good to have you on the show. Tom, whats going on there, tom . I mean youve got chaos in the house, youve got harry reid in the senate obviously saying if he even gets the bill over from the house hes going to effectively kill it in the senate. Whats going on . Well, first of all, harry reid and democrats in the senate couldnt pass a bill yesterday and they quit and went home. We couldnt quit a bill yesterday and were at work and were here. Were going to pass this bill. The speaker made it very apparent. We had a Good Conference yesterday. I think we narrowed the differences between ourselves, were pretty close, and we had a great deputy whip meeting where we talked through, as you know, joe, how these work, how to persuade some of our colleagues to see it the majoritys way. The rules committee met last night, passed a same day rule. Were ready to act not only today but any day between now and september 5th. So i think we just have to keep working at it. I think the speaker had it about right yesterday and well get there. Congressman cole, this is Gene Robinson. There was a contradiction yesterday that im still struggling to understand. The leadership statement when the bill didnt pass essentially said, well, but there are plenty of administrative things that president obama can do and should be doing at the border. And that was a day after the house voted to sue president obama for taking administrative action. So how does that square . Well, im not going to disagree with you because its a point i made myself in conference. Look, you cant say on the one hand that the president is overreaching by acting without legislative authority and direction and then refuse to give him legislative authority and direction in another area. So i dont disagree with what you have to say at all. Thats exactly what needs to occur. Weve got a good bill that actually addresses the problem, a problem the president has identified but refused to produce a solution to, provides an adequate amount of money to get us to the end of the year. Well give him Additional Resources next year. But the first thing is to actually pass legislation across the house floor. So ill tell you thats what were going to do today. Im not going to point a lot of fingers at the president until we get our own job done. Congressman cole, its willie gei geist. Youve heard some saying the reason this bill was pulled yesterday is simple, ted cruz got a bunch of republicans in this room and said we cant go this way. Does that sound right to you . Well, im going to be very careful about what i say. Look, at the end of the day you can you can point fingers at senators or other people. Your voting card is your own and you have to have enough nerve to cast some tough votes around here. This is really about us as a conference and individual members, whether they want to be part of a team or they think their individual judgment is always superior to the collective judgment of our leadership and conference. Youve got to work through that and at the end of the day youre responsible for your own vote. So pointing to ted cruz or Jeff Sessions is not particularly productive. Youve got to look in the mirror and say are you going to get the job done or not . Tom, thank you so much. How are the sooners going to be . Were rated number three but we think were number one, so boomer sooner, baby absolutely. All right, thank you so much for being with us. We appreciate it. Dont you guys wish every politician in washington would talk like politicians from oklahoma . I think what youre referring to, if you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you, i think thats the quote. Kipling. Thats what we were just saying. All right. Lets go ed rendell, man, the dysfunction in washington, d. C. , on all sides, absolutely crazy. What in the world does the president do with two years left . He cant just sort of float above it all and go around and give speeches and laugh and joke and whatever. I mean what does he do . What does he do . What does he do . I think he does what hes been doing. Really . He looks at what the limits are of his executive authority and then tries to do things to address problems and challenges that are within those limits. Now, will that be tested in the courts . Apparently so. And that will be an interesting test as it develops. But he cant sit back and do nothing. I dont think you can he can negotiate with this congress, certainly not in the house. John boehner cant negotiate with his own caucus, how do you expect a democratic president to do that. So ed what happens . Youve been in politics enough to know that sometimes things dont go the way you would expect them to and pollsters and pundits often have it wrong. What happens if republicans take control of the senate . Are the last two years a wash for the president or does he realize hes got to deal with them . But the question is, joe, and you know i have been a critic of the president. But the question is, what does he do to deal with them and who does he deal with . Thats the problem. If you look at it from the president s perspective, you make a deal with john boehner, what good is that . I mean it doesnt look like that gets him anywhere. But theres dysfunction on both sides. And im not pointing fingers, but youve got harry reid yesterday who knew that he was going to possibly kill the bill in the house by saying even if they pass that in the house, im going to lump the entire Immigration Reform package from last year that we couldnt pass over in the senate. So ill effectively kill it in the senate and the house. That is dysfunction on both sides of the capitol. Theres no question that theres dysfunction on both sides. But ill show you the problem for the republicans. Lets take pat meehan, a suburban congressman from philadelphia, a good guy and has done a good job. Pat says elect me, im not like these guys in the republican caucus. Thats what he says to independent voters and Democratic Women and others. Well, our response now is, look, if we had a Democratic Congress in the house, the Senate Immigration bill, which the vast majority of americans favored, the chamber favored, organized labor favored, virtually everyone favored that bill, it had some problems, that would have passed and we would have had Immigration Reform for over a year now. So as much as you like pat meehan, he cant stay and that is for independents going to be a persuasive argument, i believe. Its an argument that will play out not just in suburban philadelphia but in a lot of people say there are no republican moderates left. Joe, you know thats not true. They may be down to 30 or 40, but those 30 or 40 hold the balance of power. So this was not a good day yesterday, was not a good day politically. I agree theres dysfunction on both sides, but the republicans will bear the brunt of the blame, the ted cruz story, all of that is going to be difficult. Plus in states like georgia where theres a growing hispanic vote, you have just energized the base in ways that theres nothing that we could do. Ed rendell, thank you very much. And still ahead on morning joe i think ed is sticking with us. He is . Is he staying with us or not . Well have the latest data on the economy as the important july jobs report releases in just about ten minutes. Plus this. Did you borrow any of his dance moves . No, i used to borrow them. I kind of dropped them and got some other ones, but i used to do in the early 60s i used to do some of his moves. That was part of willies conversation with mick jagger whos behind the new james brown film, a producer on the film. The man who brings the godfather of soul to life, chadwick boseman, will tell us what its like working with the legendary rolling stone. Up next, clinton ink. A new book tells us who may surprisingly have a big role in Hillary Clintons campaign for the president should she run again. But first, bill karins with a check do you know what hes doing . Hes going to cape cod on vacation, mr. Big shot, willie. Must be nice. Must be nice. Im trying to figure out whose mansion should i stay at, willie, mika or joes . Whats he talking about . Stick with joes. Im just a working man. And by the way, a weatherman going to cape cod as a massive storm stop jinxing him. Its like the perfect storm. I figure if im going to be there, if the storm hits, at least i can cover it. Ill just take my 2 and 4yearold, well stand out in the rain. Yeah. Find a tree. That will go well. Yeah, the good news with that storm is its not going to affect the east coast. We will watch it until its gone but this is why. Its been unusually cool this summer. Indianapolis by the way just finished their coldest july in 140 years. Thats how far your weather records go back. So this persistent its dip in the jetstream that is bringing us all the cool air is going to take bertha and kick it out to sea, so thats the good news. Unfortunately for the weekend forecast, all that cool air hitting the humid air, a lot of rain on the eastern seaboard. This is going to be one of our first rainy weekends up and down the east coast that weve had since early june. Weve had a great stretch, but this the rain this weekend will not be from bertha. Already this morning soaking rains over its appalachians, a lot of thunderstorms off the coast of South Carolina. All of that mess is heading north. As far as the timing on the rain, you will see rain and storms today, new york city and d. C. As we go through saturday, i almost think its like a washout type scenario for areas from the midatlantic right through southern new england, especially coastal areas saturday. Not a good beach day. Even on sunday it lingers. So unfortunately the eastern seaboard, this is your weekend to kind of pay the price for all those beautiful weekends youve had all summer long. Leave you with a shot of a gorgeous new york city. That sun is out. Once it disappears later today, you may not see it again until about monday. Youre watching morning joe. Well be right back. You pay your Auto Insurance premium every month on the dot. Youre like the poster child for paying on time. And then one day you tap the bumper of a station wagon. No big deal. Until your Insurance Company jacks up your rates. You freak out. What good is having insurance if you get punished for using it . 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I cant stand that woman. I know. Maybe we could all take a page from her book. What, to be humiliated in public and then walk around smiling all the time . That is so false. I would dig a hole, climb into it and not come out. All i know is she stuck by him and put up with the [ bleep ] and in the end, what did she do . She set up her own little thing. She did. She took all that negative [ bleep ] he gave her and spun it into gold. Youve got to give her credit. Thats true, isnt it. Shes a role model for all of us. Wow. Our next guest may have watched that scene from the sopranos when he wrote this in his new book. Over the years, many metaphors have been used to describe the clintons. Among the most common is their similarities to the mafia. On line editor for the weekly standard, daniel halper. Daniel joins us now. Also at the table the editor in chief and a man who covered the clintons extensively, joe conason. Mika, im very, very distraught. I was going to have daniel and joe scrap and tear apart each other but they stayed in the green room too long and like each other now. What happened . Daniel explained to me why the mafia metaphor is actually positive. Im sure he can tell you the same thing. Ive always thought of that as a positive. So, daniel, why is it positive . Theres this notion that youre once in and never out. Youre always a part of clinton world even when you leave. But at the same time the only people that are really there are the family. Its the centrality of the family, bill, hillary and now chelsea that makes the metaphor apt. Ive actually used the metaphor for congress. I said its like the godfather, you never and this is the same thing with the clintons. But i said this all the time, you never get credit for being loyal 95 of the time. Yes. And its sort of that way with the clintons too with reporters and everything else, right . They respect loyalty. Its a kind of a bunker thing. Is that different from the kennedys or the bushes. No. Or other political dynasties . I was telling daniel i was interviewing somebody for my book. Somebody who was the chief of staff for president clinton and the foundation and at some point i said to her what was it like when you said goodbye to him . She looked at him like i was an idiot. She said, joe, dont you know that with them, there is no goodbye . That could be a good or bad thing. I mean she didnt think they were going to kill her. No, no, exactly. She was loyal for good reasons. What did we learn in this book . What do we learn in this book about the rebuilding of this political machine after the huge setback in 08. Actually it starts before that. It starts scandalridden white house, impeachment. Right. When they leave the white house, what do they do, they try to rebuild relationships with republicans. And they had a rough exit with marc rich. Hillarys first year was just cleaning up bills mess. And bill was personally depressed. It was a low moment for them in life. I try to tell the story of how they came to where they are, threatening a returning to the white house again in 2016. Thats a remarkable political story. To genes point earlier, the point of the book is, yeah, you can make these certain comparisons about other political families and thats kind of the point of the book, to explain politics and how politics works. But it uses people who are the best at it, bill and Hillary Clinton. They are the best. Their story is applicable in other ways to other stories. Daniel, what happened in 2008 . I remember in 2006 and 07 saying this to mika, there was no way that this young senator from illinois could take on the clinton machine. That they would grind his political bones to dust. Dont you understand clinton, dont you understand the mafia, dont you understand blah, blah, blah, blah, blah and kaboom, it was a house of cards that fell down. Why wont it be that way in 2016. First they get out of the white house and build these relationships with republicans but what they dont realize is they have a massive problem with democrats. Democrats are disappointed that eight years of george w. Bush are a result of the clintons and its because of that disappointment they go with the person they dont know, barack obama, over the person they do know, Hillary Clinton. Its a big slap in the face. But she never faced republican voters. It was democrats who didnt vote for her. So the problem was they didnt shore up democratic support. Joining the state department is a big boon to shoring up democratic support. So theres a contention also that clinton ink may be quashing any democrat opponents now. Yes. Look at joe biden how are they doing it . If you thought you might want to be president we have a democratic system. Shes very popular. Its not that much to do with clinton inc. Its because of of her record in the senate and secretary of state and the popularity of her husbands administration. You cant say theyre not quashing somebody else for money. No, im asking daniel because in his book you talk about fundraisers that are maybe being put to work to do so. They have been working for the last 20 years for a Hillary Clinton presidency. This is something they have had in mind or hillary has had in mind since 92, 93. She was talking about aides were talking about it in the white house then. They realized this was an ambition of hers. She needed to shore up democratic support, so joining the state department is a way to do that. Joining obama ranks, obama democrats. People like martin omalley, people like liz warren, what they have done is they have built relationships with all these democrats. The book is really about relationships as well and its about how the clintons understand how humans work. They understand on a human level that talking to people, saying nice things to people and working, you know, can charm people. Nobody is safe from bill clintons charm. By charming various democrats, they have already been able to get a lot of support. You have ready for hillary and all these other institutions that are up and running and trying to shove everybody out of this market. Daniel, a couple of things really quickly. First of all, you say become is a classic narcissist. Thats like saying the sky is blue. Chelsea clinton, you say 2016 de facto campaign manager. Chelsea manager decided to join the family business. Like any other family business, when a Family Member comes in, she automatically jumps to the top. So the same here with chelsea clinton. I tell this story of some aides to bill clinton wanted to start a Consulting Company. That Consulting Company was going to be global and reach out. It exists today and is doing well. Chelsea clinton asked forr equiy and now they are no longer close to the clintons. The story of that will be in my book. I do just very quickly, though. I do for the record, i know people who are close to bill clinton, who are close to Hillary Clinton, who are close to them out of this really intense personal loyalty because they really believe in these people and really believe in who they are. Yes. One of the things i was going to say is whatever chelsea decides to do with the foundation or the campaign, im sure secretary clinton will be there with her and shell want her there. But the reason that its hard for somebody to get money together or get a Campaign Together to challenge her is Elizabeth Warren has already written a letter to her saying you should run, signed with all the other women democratic senators. Its hard to go back and say actually im going to run against you. They look at poll numbers. Among democrats at least its 80 for hillary. Theres no close second. So what do you do about that . Daniel, thank you for coming on. Joe conason, he didnt say how great he was you forgot to ask me. But he has endorsed the book. Lets have you guys back and continue this conversation. Im sure the endorsement will be on the paperback edition. And his will be on mine. Coming up, full analysis of the july jobs report. Stay with us. We needed 30 new hires for our call center. Im spending too much time hiring and not enough time in my kitchen. Need to hire fast . Go to ziprecruiter. Com and post your job to over 30 of the webs leading job boards with a single click; then simply select the best candidates from one easy to review list. You put up one post and the next day you have all these candidates. Makes my job a lot easier. Over 100,000 businesses have already used zip recruiter and now you can use zip recruiter for free at a special site for tv viewers; go to ziprecruiter. Com offer99. Lets get right to the july jobs report with cnbcs sara eisen. Sara, what you got . Well, it turns out that july jobs came in a bit lower than economists were looking for. The economy added 209,000 jobs during the month of july. Its above 200,000 so its still a positive sign but economists were looking for a number like 230,000 jobs and its not as good as june, which was 298,000 jobs. That was actually revised higher. The other headline here is that the Unemployment Rate ticked up to 6. 2 from 6. 1 . Now, it sounds like higher Unemployment Rate might not be good news but it actually is because it means more people are confident and theyre coming in and looking for jobs and entering the labor force and that could explain why the Unemployment Rate is ticking higher. Add it all up, its not as good as people were looking for sara, can i interrupt you for a second . Were all shaking our heads here. Do you think that somebody in the federal government could come up with a measurement for unemployment that doesnt require great reporters like you to say every month, okay, it looks like good news but its really bad news or it looks like bad news but its why dont we have the real Unemployment Rate . Wouldnt that make your job easier and also make it easier to follow . It would. And it would also make janet yellen, whos the fed chairs job, a lot easier too. The Federal Reserve used to target the Unemployment Rate in its policy and say were not going to change policy until we start to see that Unemployment Rate come down. Guess what, the Unemployment Rate came down and they had to leave that statement behind and say were looking at other factors in the labor market like wage growth, which by all accounts is not where we need it to be, like longterm unkploempd which is 3. 2 Million People in america, like temporary jobs, which we continue to see that number elevated and people who are actually wanting fulltime jobs that are temporary jobs. So its all of these qualitative things, which is good but that 6. 2 probably doesnt tell the full story. What i would look to is we have seen six months of solid job gains, above 200,000 in this country, and we do have an economy growing at 4 . The question is its been bumpy and its been uneven, so theres still a lot of pockets of weakness. Sara eisen, thank you very much. Chad boseman brings james brown back to life in get on up. Stay with us. Its time to bring it out in the open. 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But the energy bp produces up here creates Something Else as well jobs all over america. Engineering and innovation jobs. Advanced Safety Systems technology. Shipping and manufacturing. Across the United States, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. When we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. Thats not a coincidence. Its one more part of our commitment to america. I want to go to the movies. That was a clip from get on up. The star of get on up, chadwick boseman. It is so good to have you on the show. Good morning. Im telling you, im hearing from people who know both of the icons that you played and they knew them. Theyre awe struck by how youve been able to channel now james brown. Were you at all concerned about taking on this role . Yes. You know, i just didnt want to do a bad job at it. You know, you can. Like its a careerending move to take on james brown and not be able to pull off the dance moves. Theres just so many things also, like there have been parodies about him that were genius. Love eddie murphy. But it was so good that it was nearly i felt like it was impossible to get past that. So, you know, how do you see the real man because thats why you come to see the biopic. So how did you do it . You know, ive watched the movie like three times now. And its very difficult to watch myself, but i think, first of all, i had a great director. Tate taylor is amazing. You know, he you have to have that person thats watching what youre doing. I had mick jagger as well and he the team was amazing. Like mick had studied james brown. You know, he didnt necessarily copy his specific moves, but he got his own hes inspired. Yeah, he was inspired by james brown and inspired by his ability to captivate a crowd, an audience. What was tougher to do, the dancing or the singing . The dancing. Okay. Can you still do a split . Or have you lost the flexibility . Probably can, but im not going to do it. Whats your favorite james brown song . After all this, you probably have heard all of them at this point. It changes all the time, i think. The one that i play the most is a song called loss on monday that mick jagger introduced me to. After your performance playing jackie robinson, this one is just unbelievable, so a great problem to have. Are you worried that youll be picked to play icons only . You know what, im not looking for another one, thats for sure. A role is a role. If its a good role and a good story, thats what im really looking for. James brown is almost like a superhero anyway. A role is a role but the splits are optional. Exactly. Get on up is out in theaters today. Chadwick boseman, it is great to meet you. Congratulations on this. Thank you very much. Well be right back. Shes still the one for you. And cialis for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment is right. 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Sometimes the mafia metaphor is not meant to be an insult. Okay. Very good. Thomas . Can we talk about the gang . Courtney, kevin and eric our interns. Come on up. Have you met . Im joe scarborough, so good to meet you. And you are . Adorable. You guys are great. Youve been fantastic. Big helps, big helps. Thank you guys so much. I appreciate it. Very good work. You dont even know them. They grow up so fast. John, what have you learned . I learned that congress will be on a staycation. Oh, thats a good one. Gene . You know, i learned that sometimes ceasefire means like commence fire, unfortunately. My gosh, unbelievable. Mika, what about you . You definitely want me outta here so im leaving too. Youre going to be gone for a while . Yep, i sure am. Yes, i am. If only you were as dedicated to this job as me. It makes me sad. All right, kids, if its way too early its morning joe. Youll be mika in a couple weeks. Stick around, right now were going to toss it to chuck todd and the daily rundown. Thanks. Drained capital. Speaker boehner holds House Republicans in town for one more day to try to get a border bill passed that wont ever actually become law, as frustrated rank and file finger point all over the place, including at ted cruz and Jeff Sessions. And the friday flight schedule in d. C. Is suddenly filled up fast. Meantime, an incredible admission by the cia after an internal probe confirms rumors that cia officers hacked into Senate Intelligence committee computers. Reaction this morning from oregon democrat ron widen. Plus fancy farm. Kentuckys oneofakind political punchfest set to take center stage this weekend in perhaps the most watched senate

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