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Millions of people will get tax breaks to help them afford coverage. Thats what this reform is about. Two federal courts issue opposing rulings on a key part of obamacare. It looks like the Affordable Care act just might be headed back to the supreme court. Vrnlths next thing i got an email saying the flight is canceled. The faa is prohibiting u. S. Airlines from flying into or out of tel avivs airport. This is what got the airlines attention, a rocket landed within a couple miles of the airport in tel aviv. Hamas has a fundamental choice that will have a profound impact for the people of gaza. At the start, air strikes were aimed at the hamas members. Now artillery shells are being fired at places of worship. 160 miles away, the bodies of the dead arrive by rail to a safe area of ukraine. The saddest of journeys awaits. For others, the waiting goes on. Inspectors discover wreckage has been interfered with. You understand the conflict remains conflicts in terms of who remains in charge. In which country . Which country are we . You tell me. Interfered with would be an understatement. Good morning, it is wednesday, july 23rd. Welcome to morning joe. With us onset, we have msnbc contributor mike barnicle, former treasury official and morning joes analyst, and visiting professor of nyu, harold ford, junior, in washington, David Ignatius back with us and the editorial director of the national journal, ron fornier. Good to have you all in this morning along with willie and me. Did you see the white flags on top of the Brooklyn Bridge . I think one of the concepts is it could be some freak art. This is the other one that i think were all thinking about, isnt this kind of a security problem, that a group of people can climb to the top of the Brooklyn Bridge and change the American Flag to a white flag . Its pretty remarkable. Kind of mindboggling. When you think of traveling the Brooklyn Bridge, you see a police presence. Given the surveillance cameras if it wasnt a cop on the beat. Its amazing they got up there and spent the time they spent up there. They covered the flood lights so they wouldnt be detected and switched out the flags. A lot of questions there. Also in new york, new rules for new york city cops given that beating and choke hold potentially related death. Thats coming up. Also, steve rattner, apple 7. 7 billion in a quarter. Thats like an hour for you. Thats a lot of money, mika. Big news, right . Well talk about that coming up. First, just this morning, secretary of state john kerry arrived in tel aviv on a military jet to pure sewer a ceasefire between israel and hamas. No u. S. Flights going to israel after a rocket damaged some homes nearby. No serious injuries. The move has stranded tourists and israel has pressured the u. S. To restore service. In a show of solidarity with the jewish state, former new york city mayor Michael Bloomberg announced hes flying israel based Airline El Al to tell ave. Vooef. A victory for hamas, hurting israels economy and reputation for security. Far more real is the death and destruction in gaza. Two more Israeli Soldiers were killed while the death toll for civilians topped 600. Ambulance crews must wait for victims to be brought to them. Reporter between energy calls, this medic checked his supplies. He says he cant go where hes needed most. We get calls that there are injured there and bleeding to death, he said. But we cant go in. Last time he did manage to get in, this is what he found. First a face like a corps. Then she moved and breathed. This 24yearold had been buried under the debris of her home before as sams team rescued her. Shes in critical condition, badly burned and appears to be slipping in and out of consciousness. Reporter a doctor tells us all of her family was killed. They dont expect her to survive. Thats incredible. Meanwhile the Washington Post reports in the west bank israel is beginning to demolish homes belonging the the relatives of palestinians accused of violence. David ignatius, what are john kerrys options at this point . I think secretary kerry wants above all to try to negotiate a ceasefire. The recent development of this rocket from hamas landing near the airport and suddenly closing off at least u. S. And european air travel to israel makes the situation more urgent. It also illustrates the asymmetries in this conflict. Hamas only has to get lucky once with a rocket like this that wasnt targeted at aircraft, but came close to the airport to change the seeming balance in the conflict. Secretary kerry is working hard on the ceasefire. The question is what is the ceasefire going to accomplish that past cease fires have not . As the death toll mounts in this war people will demand more achievements in the days of fighting, and they may be reluctant to accept another ceasefire that leaves hamas as strong politically as it was. Standing by amen mo ha dean with the latest. Take it away. Mika, weve been hearing the sounds of intense shelling, the continuous dumping sound that palestinians have been hearing day after day. We heard the sounds of launches from gaza into israeli. We also did get con fir makes that there were sirens in israel. It alludes to the point that 15 days into the conflict, its still in full swing on both sides. Hamas has rockets, has demonstrated a tremendous amount of stamina on the ground with this ground offensive that has now killed 29 Israeli Soldiers, thats triple the number of soldiers israel lost in the 2008, 2009 campaign. Hamas says it will not stop until all of its demands are met and the chief among those demands is that the siege be liflted. Theres no indication that israel is going to do that. Meanwhile the humanitarian situation on the ground continues to worsen by the hour. The United Nations saying more than 100,000 taking refuge at schools. The death toll has climbed above 600. The shelling today tends to be targeted in the southern part of gaza, similar scenes with whole neighborhoods being devastated and thousands pushed out. Ayman, its good to see you this morning. We heard David Ignatius talking about john kerry wanting to work a ceasefire. If you look at yesterday, the representative says she sees no possibility for a ceasefire. What does it look like from where youre standing. Do you see any willing chbs from hamas to even consider the possibility of a ceasefire . Reporter the central issue has been over the past seven years this is the third war. None produced a tangible improvement on the ground for palestinians. They feel that have suffered and sacrificed so much, there is surprisingly a slight support for the on going operation, although they paid such a heavy price, they feel this is the only time and the only way they can get the International Community to try to lift this siege and blockade once and for all. What we see is when there is a truce and ceasefire that holds, either side violates it, ultimately leading us down the road of confrontation once again. This time around, they feel if its not addressed from day one, if the siege is not lifted from day one, they will be back as weve seen in the past couple years. Ayman, thank you very much. Real quickly, steve rattner, mayor bloombergs trip purely symbolic. Was he going . The mayor, as you know, is a forceful person and also a very, very strong supporter of israel. He took very personally the idea that these flights were going to be banned in israel. We can talk about why they were banned. From israels point of view, its a very important negative, symbolic image that you cant even fly to israel on an American Flag carrier. And he said in typical bloomberg fashion, hell with it, im going. He used not used to flying with strangers, but that shows how committed he is to this trip. We want to get to the latest on Malaysia Airlines flight 17 now. Investigators are finally at the site where the plane went down. They have already made a stunning discovery. They say key pieces of evidence including the cockpit and fuselage were cut in half with saws. U. S. Intelligence Officials Say the satellite images show increased traffic at a Russian Military base believed to be helping the rebels, and this photo appears to show a surfacetoair missile launcher making its way back from ukraine to russia. Intelligence officials tell nbc news theres currently no direct evidence that russia, quote, pulled the trigger, they say russia has continued to support the rebels even after the plane went down. Meanwhile, russian president Vladimir Putin again struck a defiant tone in a Foreign Policy speech. He blamed ukraine for escalating the conflict before heading west on a fundraising trip president obama visited the Dutch Embassy in washington to remember the nearly 200 victims from the netherlands. He says americans are heartbroken and vowed there will be justice. The president also called the Prime Minister amid criticism that he would be looking for political donations here at home amid growing crises overseas. I can understand all the trappings, but theres no concern that, yes, he can have these calls. His schedule is basically dominated by fundraising this week. Maybe the public schedule that you see. What are we not seeing . What will be clear to you as the president goes through the next several days is that he will be paying all of the necessary attention to make sure that american ainterested are represented. He can do that through phone calls, conversations with staff in washington, around the globe or traveling with him along the west coast. Former president bill clinton says whoever shot down flight 17 is seeking a divided world. He made the comments at an aids conference in australia where several of the planes passengers were scheduled to appear. The loss of our colleagues and more than 290 others in what appears to have been a deliberate act is a stark reflection of the negative forces of our interdependent, people who dont want a future of inclusive economics, inclusive governance, inclusive communities. Mike . David ignatius, given the preponderance of the evidence the United States has, the intelligence the United States has with regard to the shootdown of the plane, what do you call for the seemingly slow motion outrage that has been building toward this, and what do you account for the fact that europe seems unable to express the outrage that you find commonly among people here in the sidewalks of the United States of america . Well, i think first the europeans are scared of the kind of confrontation that theyre heading toward with russia. Theyre scared on the level of their dependence with Russian Energy. Theres no way they can get through the winter without russian gas supplies. Theyre scared about the idea of a war on the european continent, something they thought was a fact of the past. Id say the last few days ive been watching Vladimir Putin, the russian president , squirming a little bit under pressure from the u. S. , from simple intelligence facts of the case even as russian propaganda puts up wild conspiracy theories. The evidence that people can see mounts day by day. Its interesting putin disappeared for a couple days when he came back and gave a speech yesterday, it was someone restrained, less truculent, liss belligerent that hes been in the past. The New York Times found him as perhaps preparing to back away from his earlier position. Well have to see about that. I think its not inconceivable that the europeans, especially the dutch, as the bodies come home, as people emotionally deal with the reality of this tragedy may get a little tougher in their response. So id be careful about freezing the image as of today and saying nothing is going to happen. Harold good morning. Harold ford. Clearly Vladimir Putin developed a thug gish image in the eyes of many policymakers. I guess my question for you is what is the motivation for him and for his government to not run away or not attack and criticize what happened with the bringing down of this plane. What does he gain from appearing to be behind this . Hes done nothing to disabuse the dominant narrative and the dominant portrait that russia was behind the gunning down of this plane . I think a lot of this is basic politics. Putin has been more popular than ever in the last few months as hes been so belligerent in ukraine. Hes created a narrative that the russian people seem to be swallowing, that they are these brave russianspeaking separatists in ukraine fighting against a terrible fascist government and theyre doing the right thing for mother russia. This stuff goes down well at home. So if hes trying to move the narrative even a little bit to get back toward International Legitimacy to create sanctions which, if they come, could really cripple russia, hell have to do it slowly so the russian public goes with him. Ron fornier, youve been critical of the president s leadership on a variety of issues. Hes getting criticism this week for the schedule hes keeping with fundraisers out west as we heard in the Briefing Room yesterday. What more couldnt obama be doing in rards to this russianukraine crisis right now . I dont know. On the first part of it, look, the job of the president follows the president wherever he goes. Practically speaking, it doesnt matter where he is, whether hes at a fundraiser or at the white house, he can get the practical part of the job. Theres a symbolic part of the job thats very important. What bothers me about the white house is when it suits the purposes they dismiss the symbolic part of it. When it serves their purposes, they embrace it. The broader question, i think he has an opportunity here. Putin, first of all, seized crimea is a very bold and internationally unlawful way. Then his people have by all evidence reached into the sky and plucked 300 lives from this earth. If europe, despite everything that david said which is totally accurate, if europe cant get upset at them now and the president cant use this to rally europe behind some really tough sanctions that can really hurt putin, i dont know when they possibly could. Thats the issue. My father was talking about this yesterday, David Ignatius just talked is about it. European countries have drawn up plans for further sanctions against russia, but theyre not necessarily eager to implement them because the eus close economic ties with moscow leave many countries walking a very fine line between outrage and their own selfinterest when it comes to their bottom line. We talked about oil. Oil giant shell is an example, the Largest Corporation in the netherlands. Dutch Pension Funds are heavy invested in the companys stock, so any disruption in shells business dealings with russia could significantly impact teachers, Civil Servants and other workers in the netherlands. Steve rattner, youve got charts that are other examples as to why europe might be hesitant to be completely unified and slap russia with the toughest of sanctions right away which is the problem. To follow on what david was saying, if you look at the facts between the trade of europe and russia and u. S. And russia, you see the stark differences animating the differences in policies. The u. S. , for example, is a very modest trader with russia. You can see its only about 1 of our trade with russia whereas for the europeans its 12. 3 of their trade with russia. This is on the import side. On the export side, 6. 9 for the europeans versus. 5 for us. All told, 9. 5 of europes trade is with russia versus. 8 of ours. You look at the anecdotal stuff going on, 30 of german gas comes from russia. Italy is trying to build a gas pipeline to russia. The french are building two amphibious ships. And there are soldiers in russia being trained to run those ships. Hands are tied. If you close in on russia and youre germany, you could lose access to the energy that you need. Its a mutually assured economic destruction kind of situation. You could lose their energy which is most of what they get from russia. You can see on this next chart that the impact actually varies pretty widely. The netherlands, oddly enough, has amongst the biggest trading relationship with russia. Remember, the netherlands lost the equivalent of 9 11 in terms of their population. The population relative to ours, they lost a huge number of people. It will be interesting to see how they balanced that out. I mentioned italy and the pipeline, germany and their gas. The us which has been very standup has a lot of financial ties to russia through their banks. France, as i mentioned, is building destroyers. If you look at what is actually traded between europe and russia, you can see again the mutual dependency these two places have. The eu imports essentially Raw Materials and energy. That is really what comes from russia for all practical purposes to the eu. What they send to the eu which are these blue bars here you can see are machinery and trance porpts, chemicals, manufacturing goods, huge amounts of european experts, huge amounts of european jobs are at stake. Thats why the europeans are talking about, well, lets ban people from coming from the eu. The uk particularly given that they do have stuff at stake has been very loud. All im saying is it would be great for the europeans to stand up. It would be easy for us to lecture them. We have a little bit less at stake. Theres a headlines today in the Financial Times that says eu scuppers russia sanctions. Does this come down to the germans and the french and dutch worrying about if theyre going shut off the heat like a landlord . Thats a big piece of it. As i said, it goes both ways. They want their gas. They want their energy, but they also want to sell stuff to russia because thats what creates jobs in their country. Russia doesnt make a lot. A lot of their manufactured goods, their machinery is all imported from the eu. Its their jobs. Thats why in fairness we can lecture the europeans all we want. They do have a different economic dog in the fight than we do. David, there it is, the dilemma in black and white. What is europe to do . As steve said, netherlands had a huge loss, 150some people from their home, what is europe to do here . I think europeans will feel a sense of shame if for economic reasons alone they accept a barbaric act that shouldnt take place in the 21st century. As ron said earlier, a plane was shot out of the sky by it appears by reckless terrorists who have been armed and supported by russia. If europe simply accepts that as part of the rules of how europe is going to work in the 21st century, i think theyll come to regret it. I think this is the time when it is important for the u. S. To be clear and take a leadership role. I also have hope german chancellor Angela Merkel who has been the toughest of the leaders in this crisis when she wants to be will speak out in the next few days. A very interesting meeting in berlin between the white house chief of staff, Dennis Mcdonagh and his german counterpart to talk about the nsa scandal and put it behind them. Theyve agreed to have a new set of principles to be the u. S. And germany which would go a long way towards making germany a more reliable ally. Still ahead on morning joe, with more International Fallout in ukraine and the middle east, lawmakers in washington are questioning what role the u. S. Should have. Well speak to senators Saxby Chambliss, john boone and tim kaine later in the program. Plus a Brooklyn Bridge mystery. What went on here . White flags flying high along the east river on the Brooklyn Bridge . Who put them there and why. Up next, the field is said for georgias u. S. Senate race. Are both sides taking a page from the 2012 playbook. First bill karins with a check on the forecast. It hasnt been the hottest of summers. Weve seen little periods here and there. No prolonged heat. What we are watching do day, one very hot day across the country and then, just like that, the cool will return. So here is the pattern across the country. The one spot that is hot and will stay hot over the inner mountain west. We have one little surge of heat and humidity coming up the east coast. For areas from virginia through new england, you can feel it this morning when you step outside. Today its going to be hot. Well be about 92 in d. C. , 90 in new york city. We havent had many 90degree days. Only one in central park. This will probably be the second. Look at chicago. Thats the cool air rushing in behind it. So for your travel forecast today, the airports will be okay during the day. I know we show the thunderstorms on here. These will be late day storms. Maybe even after the dinner hour for the evening and into the overnight. Back toward buffalo and pittsburgh, your storms will be a little earlier. Just like that, the cool air returns. On thursdays, highs that were in the 90s dropped down to the 80s. New england in the 70s. The Cool Conditions continue for much of the country. Also were continuing to watch the tropics, tropical depression number two, slowly dissipating. Thats great as they head toward the leeward islands. We dont have to worry about that tropical system. It looks like well end july pretty quiet in the tropics. We leave you with the shot, the freedom tower. Lower portions of manhattan. A hot and sweltery day in the big apple. Youre watching morning joe. Well be right back. The cadillac summer collection is here. During the cadillac summers best event, lease this all new 2014 cts for around 459 a month or purchase with 0 apr and make this the summer of style. I think she tried to kill us. No, its only 15 calories. With reddi wip, fruit never sounded more delicious, with 15 calories per serving and real cream, the sound of reddi wip is the sound of joy. Yyyup. With xfinity internet soyour family can use all their devices at once. Works anywhere in the house. Even in the garage. Max whats going on . Were doing a tech startup. Were streamlining an algorithm. Were going public [cheering] the fastest inhome wifi for your entire family. The x1 entertainment operating system. Only from xfinity. Sdmoet. Time to take a look at the morning papers from our parade of papers, the San Jose Mercury news, apple reported a profit of over 7 billion in Third Quarter with the popular iphone a driving force. Sales of the smart phone rose 13 from the same quarter last year, slightly below analyst estimates. Ipad sales were down 9 with apple selling just over 13 million tablets. The news comes on the same day a Class Action Lawsuit was filed against apple over alleged labor violations. Thats a huge profit. I cant figure out part of the profits are geared to increase sales of iphones when new iphones are going to hit the market in september. Are they going to be bigger . Why wouldnt you just wait . People are so impatient. Bigger iphones in the fall and its going to be huge, huge sales. But theyre still selling iphones all over the world. They just got into china and these iphones are a little less expensive. I want my iphone now. 7. 7, nice quarter. Oregon voters will get to weigh in on the debate to legalize marijuana. The measure will be on ballots this fall and will allow the sale of marijuana to individuals over the age of 21. If approved, oregon would join washington and colorado as states where it can be purchased legally. Do you think or i dont cookie sales go up . Stop it. New york times, quite a scene on the east river when white flags waved above the iconic Brooklyn Bridge over the usual stars and stripes. A lot of problems there. Isnt that tampering with the American Flag. Security camera footage shows five people crossing the bridge around 3 30 in the morning. Theyre looking for those who swapped it out for the bleached out versions. Doesnt the white flag mean surrender . Is anyone interesting we have this story on the heels of the marijuana purchasing story. Different state, harold. Thats unfair. Rattner . Look, obviously it suggests our security isnt quite as tight as it might be. On the Brooklyn Bridge . Probably an obvious target, right . It could be an obvious target. And surveillance of these landmark places in new york is so intense, that its just remarkable, not only that they got on, but had the time to do what they did. I believe the command center they built after 9 11 is right near the Brooklyn Bridge. Am i wrong . Its downtown somewhere. They have the most unbelievable technology and yet somebody can climb up i think its stunning. There are security cameras everywhere. I think its because the mayor is on vacation in italy . Thats not art, let me tell you right now. Going to be a long time before you cross the Brooklyn Bridge again, is that what youre saying . I think its incredibly disturbing. Chrysler is recalling nearly 800,000 vehicles because of a possible ignition switch issue. The automaker says the switch can be knocked out of the run position, shutting off the engine, possibly disabling the vehicles air bags. Chrysler says there have been no injuries and one accident related to tissue. Affected models are 2005 to 2007 grand cherokees and 2005 to 2006 commanders. Quickly, ron fornier, one of the great outrageous stories this summer is theyre shutting off the water to people in the city of detroit. They literally are. What theyre doing is cracking down on people and companies who havent been paying their bills, companies including, by the way, two of the three Auto Companies that are behind on their bills. So what you have is folks a big percentage of people in that city who cant afford to pay for their water. Theyre now going without it, like a third world country in my hometown. Thats an incredible story. Its terrible. Joining us now, president and ceo of politico in new york jim vandehei, also from washington, nbc news political reporter kasie hunt. Georgin georgia purdue defea kingston running as a businessman with none of washingtons baggage he says. Purdue beat back a crowded field of some of the biggest political names in the state. Now he faces democrat michelle nun who also has never served in elected office. Purdue is more mainstream than other republican candidates and is expected to make it tougher for nunn to pull an upset. Some say georgia was at the risk of going the way of missouri with more conservative republican candidates. Now outside groups are replaying the 2012 president election, democrats taking the page out of the playbook against mitt romney saying purdue is guilty of tearing apart companies and outsourcing and republicans trying to brand nunn as cozy with president obama. Jim, purdue, in some ways a dream candidate for republicans. What are nunns odds looking like right now . The reason people should care about this race, its easily hands down the best democrats have to pick up a democratic scene. Michelle nunn being on the dip kratic ticket and the weight the nunn name carries in georgia. Republicans had two good choices in the final run off. Kingston and then purdue running against her. Interestingly the chamber of commerce had been in hard with kingston. The establishment wanted kingston to win it and ran an ad at the end taunting purdue calling him a cry baby because they didnt get his endorsement. I dont know who is crying now, probably the chamber because they didnt get their guy. Purdue saying hes an outsider from all along. As he admitted in may to kasie, so is his opponent. Would you argument that youre the outsider work as well against her . No. Shes an outsider as well. You get into background and the crisis of the day. The crisis of the day, debt, economy and jobs. I have a 40plus year business experience background. That bodes well dealing with the crisis at hand. The other is because of that background i feel like i can prosecute the record of the last five years. Kasie, that was you talking to purdue back in may. We already got the emails from progressive outside groups saying purdue is mitt romneylike. He ran Dollar General among other stores. They point out some of the jobs that were lost and he pushes back on that obviously. He does push back on that. Although i talked to him directly about that in that same interview, asked him what it was like, did he ever lay workers off directly himself. I got a pretty striking answer saying fe felt like he did look them in the eye and understood their jobs were being outsourced. I thought the comment he made about Michelle Nunn also being an outsider was a startling admission. It highlights how she might have a tougher time against purdue than she could have against congressman jack kingston. Its straightforward to run against washington in this kind of a climate. Her whole argument is im not from d. C. Im from the state of georgia. Purdue stands there and has a similar argument with her. I think its going to be a little more difficult. I also think its going to be an interesting test of just whether or not democrats can execute a strategy that theyre talking about in other places on the map as well. Maybe not this year, but if you look at a state like texas, for example, that they want to turn blue in the long run. Michelle nunns challenge is going to be to register tens of thousands of democratic voters, new voters. She needs to drive out particularly africanamerican turnout in the Atlanta Metro area. Shes going to have to spend the next few months carefully walking that line that some of her fellow Democratic Candidates are also facing. She needs to get some distance from an unpopular president , but needs to be careful not to go so far that they xi ail naets the people most excited about him and most enthusiastic about voting for her because she could be potentially associated with him. Lets go west of kentucky, jim. I guess youre hearing some republicans starting to talk behind the scenes about what to do if Mitch Mcconnell loses his reelection bid. This is interesting. Our reporters talked to a lot of republican senators on the record about this question. I would say after georgia, kentucky is the best chance for democrats to pick up a republican seat. Very unlikely. I was debating it with mike allen, he thinks theres no clans democrats can win that seat because of kentuckys politics. The fact that republicans are talking about it is interesting in two respects. One, it shows the chance that mcconnell can use, two, it gives a portrait of who can be the leader when mcconnell does leave. John cornyn considered the oddson favorite, he has a reelection race in texas. Others like john thune, lamar alexander, roy blunt are the names that those republican senators were talking about as potential future leaders. You think theres a shot mcconnell loses here despite what mr. Mike allen is telling you . I think theres a clans. If you put your money on it, you put it on mcconnell given that the state is conservative and mcconnell is a ruthless campaigner and is going to have so much money. Its close enough that its one you have to keep an eye on. I think georgia has a much better chance of flipping, still a tough one for democrats, but an easier one than kentucky because of what kasie was talking about. Georgia has changed a lot more than kentucky t rise in the minority population, it is run of the states that is changing and could potentially change in profound ways over the next couple election cycles. If theres one state to watch, if you watch these things casually, watch georgia because it tells you a lot about the country and a lot about the new south. Jim vandehei and kasie hunt, thank you very much. The Donald Sterling continues. Dear god, no. He sues the nba as head coach doc rivers claims to leave the team if this issue isnt settled before the season begins. 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Clippers interim ceo dick parsons testified in court saying head coach and Team President doc rivers is red i do walk if Donald Sterling remains owner of the team. Parsons said losing rivers would be a disaster that would accelerate the death spiral of the franchise. He added, if none of your sponsors want to sponsor you, your coach doesnt want to coach you, your players dont want to play for you, what do you have . Good question. The guy needs to walk away. Sterling filed a new lawsuit against his estranged wife, nba, the clippers. Once the Sterling Family trust was revoked, Shelly Sterling had no authority to sell the franchise. Her attorney calls the latest lawsuit a frivolous last ditch act of desperation by a delusional bidder. Cant he be deemed un i dont think hes well. Past the sellby date. I dont mean to be mean. Hes falling apart. If lebron james and others say we wont play if this guy remains an owner, what does the league have . He wont be there. 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The mustread opinion pages, the director of the Earth Institute at columbia university, dr. Jeffrey sachs. Your latest column is titled the waste of war. You write in part, quote, this, the fate of Malaysia Airlines flight 17 is terrifying not only for its brutality but also in its intimation of a world gone mad. At the time of this writing those who aimed and fired the missile remain unknown, though russianbacked rebels in Eastern Ukraine are the most likely culprits. What is certain, however, is the violence unleashed by putins war on ukraine has claimed hundreds of innocent lives and brought the world a step closer to disaster. There are no heroes among the great powers today. Cynicism is ripe on all sides. The u. S. Effectively violates International Law by resorting to force without unit nations sanctions. It sends drones and secret forces into sovereign countries without their approval. It spies relentlessly on friend and foe alike. Russia does the same inflicting death on ukraine, georgia and other neighbors. The only constants in all this are the easy resort to violence and the lies and inevitably that come along with it. Willie . Jeff, you go back to tie it back to the days before world war i which is a pretty staggering thing to think about. You sat down and we looked at the newspaper and said where to begin. Flush out your column a bittal bit more. Ive been worried about this week for years actually, just in an emotional sense because this is the 100th anniversary of the start of world war i which was the devastating event that broke basically a hundred years of peace before it and led to decades of war after it. And we know from world war i that it was just a spiral of distrust, of violence, of little wars that finally exploded. Frankly, ive just been afraid that we are so ready to go to war, whether its iraq and afghanistan, syria, libya, on our side and russias absolutely trigger happy right now. Putin is beyond irresponsibility and absolutely is culpable for whats happened, directly or indirectly because these are russian missiles that took down that jet. And the sense is, okay, now we have to escalate. Thats exactly the kind of sentiment that has led to disaster in the past. There seems to just be no anchor right now, no control, no clear leadership. Its very troubling. Jeffrey, when it comes to what youre saying, this void of leadership, when we look at Vladimir Putin and what he represents on the world stage, many people in the examination of what hes been doing and his leadership, theyd say hes just not an honest broker where on the american side you can look at president obama and our natural feeling is to believe he is an honest broker, but you draw these contrasts of what the american operations are to the contrast of what Russian Operations are. Who emerges to be able to come to consensus, to try to talk this out, talk diplomatically . Im not trying to draw an equation of obama and putin by any means. Thats not my point. My point is the United States is engaged in war that is against International Law. Russia has used that excuse and is making such a catastrophe in ukraine right now. What i do say is the one thing we have now that we didnt have 100 years ago, we have International Law, we have the United Nations. The United States, many people here say what do we care about that . The fact of the matter is what can protect us. Each side sees itself as absolutely the right this argument that jeffrey raises is the criticism of the Obama Administration and the president in particular is he had been far too measured in his response. I think jeffreys argument is disturbing. Any recollection of what happened a century ago has to be. Im struck by the difference in this sense. World war i was, as i read it, the result of lockstep mobilizations by each of the powers, move toward the brick very quickly. Thats precisely what hasnt happened in these conflicts. People blame president obama for being too slow, too cautious. But the truth is he keeps saying theres no military response the u. S. Has in ukraine, and so in that sense i think hes trying to avoid the process of automatic escalation that would be really dangerous in the way jeffrey is describing. David, i agree with you. My concern is not a literal replay of world war i. Its the number of wars, secret and otherwise we are engaged in right now. We dont think the cia is giving the ukrainian side actual arms. Dr. Jeffrey sachs, thank you very much. Well be right back in just a moment. Nervous whitening will damage your teeth . Introducing new listerine® healthy whitetm. It not only safely whitens teeth, but also restores enamel. Lose the nerves, and get a healthier, whiter smile that youll love. Listerine® healthy whitetm. Power to your mouthtm but ive managed. 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Thomas was there, lewis was there, my daughter carly was there. She actually could be an instructor. This hurt. Im not very good at it. Theres Michelle Smith and then lewis. Look, look, he thinks he was so cool. Dark in there. Not around lewis, he had a light and a mirror. He was a little too good at it, willie, if you know what i mean. He was into it, that lewis berg door of. He was a good sport. You were lovely to contribute. Im just sorry there wasnt a bike available for you. You showed up with your check. Bought my way out of it. Coming up at the top of the hour, well go live to tel aviv speaking to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahus chief spokesman about whether or not a ceasefire is really popular. Investigators are finally at the crash site of flight 17. What will they learn at this point and how that will shape the white houses approach to the crisis, if anything. What more do they need . Andrea mitchell and chuck todd join the conversation. That and much more when morning joe returns. When la quinta. Com sends sales rep Steve Hatfield the ready for you alert, the second his room is ready. You know what he brings . Any questions . Can i get an a, steve . Yes three as he brings his agame the ready for you alert, only at laquinta. Com losing your chex mix too easily . Deploy the boring potato chip decoy bag. With a variety of tastes and textures, only chex mix has twenty bags of interesting. Pick your mix. Funtil to keep growing, theys hneeded a new factory, but where . Fortunately, they get financing from ge capital. Were part of ge, a company thats built hundreds of factories. So we can bring in experts to help them evaluate costs, incentives, and zoning to make a decision that would make their founder proud. If you just need a loan, just call a bank. At ge capital, were builders. And what we know, can help you grow. The summer of this. Mmer. The summer that summers from here on will be compared to. 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At the start, air strikes were aimed at the homes of hamas members, now artillery rounds are fired, and places of worship are among the targets. 160 miles away the bodies of the dead arrive by rail to a safe area of ukraine. The saddest of journeys awaits. For others the waiting goes on. Wreckage has been interfered with. You understand the conflict remains the conflicts in terms of who is in charge. In which country . Which country are we . You tell me. Mike barnicle and harold ford junior and with us, host of Andrea Mitchell reports, Andrea Mitchell. Good to have you with us. In washington nbc news chief White House Correspondent and host of the daily rundown chuck todd. A lot to get to. Andrea, im glad youre here to have some sensible mindsets here in new york. First of all, have you ever been to soul cycle . No. Has anybody here . Yes. You have not. You have not been to soulcycle. Chuck . Can i complete ignorance . I dont even know what youre talking about. I was going to say that, chuck. Andrea, aisle speak for both of us. We live in the bubble of america here in washington. Okay. Fine. Its a young thing. I went. Ill never go back. I think i was about two decades beyond everybody in there. Its a big thing in new york, outside of new york as well. Andrea, your thoughts on the white flags over the brick lynn bridge. Its extraordinary. Just look at that picture. Dont know who, dont know what the motivation is. But people in new york are all asking today, if you can get up there with spotlights on it and whatever security is supposed to be there and paut white flag, what else could you put on the Brooklyn Bridge. I would think even if it turns out to be art or something, its an embarrassment to the nypd and also to Terrorism Security officials who are supposed to be protecting the city. I will be waiting for more word on that. Were also going to be getting a spokesperson for israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in just a few minutes. Well start with ukraine. Investigators are finally at the site in ukraine where malaysian Airlines Flight 17 went down. They have already made a stunning discovery. They say key pieces of evidence including the cockpit and fuselage were cut in half with saws. U. S. Intelligence Officials Say the satellite images show increased traffic at a Russian Military base believed to be helping the rebels. And this photo appears to show a surfacetoair missile launcher making its way back from ukraine to russia. Do we even need this, andrea, to know what happened . We do need to know what happened. We know what happened. We know russian separatists did this. Given european skepticism and reluctance to do anything about Vladimir Putin, we have to have a smoking gun and there is no smoking gun. Everyone was called in to a big intelligence briefing yesterday, the white house telegraphed, they came on my program at noon and said we are going to show declassified Dianne Feinstein said, everyone says were going to put it out there. Then they showed social media pictures. They havent shown any hard evidence and certainly have not proved russian involvement. What they can say is what the president , Samantha Power, jn kerry has been saying, russia trained the separatists, armed the separatists. There was no tracking of any kind of flight from the kiev military at that time and russian separatists had to have been involved. All right. Meanwhile russian president Vladimir Putin has struck a defiant tone, and this is what youre talking about, in a Foreign Policy speech. He blamed ukraine for escalating the conflict. Before heading west on a fundraising trip, president obama visited the Dutch Embassy in washington to remember nearly 200 victims from the netherlands. He said americans are heartbroken and vowed there will be justice. The president also called the Prime Minister amid criticism he would be looking for political donations here at home amid growing crises overseas. I can understand he had all the trappings, but theres no concern about the image, yes, he can have these calls, but his schedule is basically dominated by fundraising this week. Maybe the public schedule that you see, but what you will whats he having that were not seeing . What will be clear to you as the president goes through the next several days is he will be paying all of the necessary attention to make sure american interests are represented in each of these circumstances. Again, he can do that through phone calls, through conversations with staff, either in washington, around the globe or traveling with him along the west coast. Chuck, lets go to you on this, covering the white house so closely. This is a white house that as you know very well claims it has no time or patience for political theater except for when its performing political theatre. How concerned do you gather the white house is from your conversations with this contrast of the president being on the west coast raising money, doing some of the things hes doing . Are they as unconcerned as they poop toerd at the briefing yesterday . Not just unconcerned. Think i they think this is a cheap hit. They view it as a parlor game in washington, an attempt instead of debating the policy and having a back and forth about it, that this is just a cheap political hit on them. Theyre not concerned about it, and, if anything, the more criticism that comes their way, the more defiant they are. I look back on the weekend. The New York Times does that story about should he have continued that trip, and the president was so concerned about his image he flew from camp david to st. Belvoir to golf. When i say theyre defiant about this, theyve defiant about this. Andrea, a phrase in the sporting room called dressing room fighters. That would be boxers in dressing rooms who talk about what theyre going to do twhen they get in the ring. Thats all they really do is talk. Is the administration, National Security apparatus of the administration at all concerned about the dressing room fighter aspect of our european allies who have ratcheted up the verbiage, the rhetoric over the past two or three days that seem increasingly reluctant to really crack down on Vladimir Putin . Absolutely. Thats been a concern all along. Theyve tried to work it a number of ways. Theyve left a little bit of running room for the president to still deal with putin and for kerry to deal with the russians so you dont hear them getting personal and strident about putin himself. It was dialed up a little more when the president spoke the other day. At the same time, the europeans are observing their own selfinterest. Aside from the riffs, aside from david cameron, you hear even the dutch were slow to come to this. Well see where the dutch end up. But they have this very close relationship of greater economic reliance, russia, than almost many of their european colleagues and only a year ago they had putin there and were celebrating the netherlands anniversary with Vladimir Putin. The president said wed bring to justice these people. What does that mean and how do you do that without the europeans help . You cant. Europe is absolutely critical. We dont have that kind of leverage. We dont have that economic relationship with russia for many good reasons. But europe is geographically and economically completely tied with them. Another story thats developing at this hour, just this morning secretary of state john kerry arrived in tel aviv on a military jet to pursue a ceasefire plan between israel and hamas. Otherwise there are no u. S. Flights going to israel for the time being after a militant rocket hit nearby. The rocket damaged some homes, no serious injuries. The move has stranded some tourists and israel has pressured the u. S. To restore service. In a show of solidarity with the jewish state we hear now that new york city mayor Michael Bloomberg, former mayor, announced hes flying israelibased airline elal to tel aviv. A victory for hamas hurting israels economy and reputation for security. Far more real, two more Israeli Soldiers were killed in gaza while the death toll for palestinians tops 600. Nbc news chief Foreign Correspondent Richard Engel traveled with ambulance crews who must wait in many cases for victims to be brought to them. Reporter between energy calls, red crescent medics check their supplies. This medic says he cant go where hes needed most. We get calls that there are injured there and theyre bleeding to death, he said, but we cant go in. Last time he did manage to get in, this is what he found. First, a face like a corpse, then she moved and breathed. This 24yearold woman had been buried under the debris of her home for two days before his team rescued her this is where she is right now. In critical condition, badly burned and appears to be slipping in and out of consciousness. A doctor tells us all of her family was killed. They dont expect her to survive. Meanwhile the Washington Post reports in the west bank israel is beginning to demolish homes belonging to the relatives of palestinians accused of violence. So right now we have the sec tafr of state meeting with who . With ban ki moon and then hell meet with others. Hell be meeting with both sides. They are very defensive about the fact that he flew in, but he flies in a military plane all the time even though his regular plane is a 757, but its converted, has military equipment. The fact is hes got to be on the ground there, hes got to be negotiating. Israel very resistant now. Israel went along with the ceasefire, egypts proposal for a ceasefire. But now seeing the situation on the ground there are many in israel worrying this a ceasefire that doesnt get at these tunnels and that stops the actual fighting right now advantages hamas. Lets get to our next guest, joining us from tel aviv, mark regev spokesman for israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Thank you very much for being on this morning. My pleasure. Can i get a general reaction to the ban on flights in tel aviv at this point . There are some things we do in israel okay, other things we do well and other things we do very well. I think its recognized that israel does Aviation Security very well, were a world leader. Though weve had some 2,000 rockets from gaza into israel, we havent had one rocket hit a target on the runway, not on the terminal. I drove past the airport on the way to work this morning, planes were taking off, planes were landing. Our airport is safe. Our airport is secure. We hope the American Carrier also be flying to israel soon. We have our secretary of state working on trying to achieve a ceasefire there. What is in the way at this point . What are the challenges and how possible is diplomacy ultimately at any time soon . The biggest challenge is hamas that keeps shooting rockets into israel and launching these terror operations through tunnels coming into israel trying to kill our people. We said yes to an egyptian brokered ceasefire proposal. Hamas said no. We said yes to humanitarian cease fires proposed by both the United Nations and red cross, we said yes, hamas said no or violated them. I think the ball is clearly in hamass court. Are they ready for a serious ceasefire, a ceasefire where we know this is going to end, that israel and the citizens of my country can enjoy a sustained period of peace and quiet and live in security without the constant fear of an incoming rocket from gaza . Mark, Andrea Mitchell here in new york today. Hi, andrea. Are you now ready for a ceasefire . If john kerry says hamas has agreed to a ceasefire without the conditions that you all were rejecting earlier, are you ready to accept what was originally the egyptian proposal . There are a lot of ifs in your question. I understand that. If hamas tells john kerry we dont know where we are. Our position has been clear and has been proven over the last few days. Weve accepted ceasefire solutions that have been put on the table and hamas has been the one who has refused to accept ceasefires, continued to shoot rockets at israel, continued to attack israel. Were going to defend ourselves. Our military is in action against hamas targets to stop them from shooting rockets against our people. If hamas changes, that will be a new ball game. If they decide they can stop shooting rockets, that will be a very interesting development. I dont think theyre about to do that. Good morning, this is harold ford. Theres a minority opinion in the u. S. Amongst some influentials that perhaps a u. S. Involvement in trying to resolve this matter, we cant make the impact or we dont have the impact wed like. From your standpoint is a sustained u. S. Involvement in trying to broker not only a ceasefire, but some kind of sustained peace and quiet that you spoke of for the israelis, do you envision and believe our involvement is useful, is helpful, is impactful in a positive way Going Forward . Never, harold, underestimate the weight of u. S. Diplomatic power. Since this crisis started, president obama, secretary kerry, have been Crystal Clear that hamas is to be condemned for shooting those rockets into israel, that hamas is to be condemned for rejecting the ceasefire proposals and israel has a right to defend itself. The United States is lining up behind the egyptian proposed ceasefire, and thats very important because we think thats the only game in town. I also want to take this opportunity to say thank you to the american people, to the congress, to the administration torques the president for iron dome. Do you know how many lives have been saved by iron dome . Weve had more than 2,000 missiles fired at our cities and casualty levels have been very, very low. Thats largely due to this anti Missile System which was helped funded by the United States and its saving lives. We thank you for that. Mr. Regev, is the government concerned that in one hand hamas is successful of strapping israel within gaza and draining israel of lives, time, Public Relations consequences around the world and that you might be there much longer than you had anticipated . Were aware that that could be their game plan, but were also aware that we have to maintain mob beal tactics to keep them on the run and ultimately it has to be remembered that hamas is in many ways unprecedently isolated, not just in the International Community, not just in the west. Hamas is isolated today in the arab world. It was hamas that said no to an arab league supported ceasefire proposal. It was hamas that said no to a ceasefire that the palestinian president himself, Mahmoud Abbas endorsed. I think hamas has a major problem today with the people of gaza. Youve seen in the papers, they cant freely express their opinion, but the people of gaza didnt want this war, just like the people of israel didnt want it. It was forced upon us by a very radical islamist movement, a movement thats not that different from i. S. I. S. In iraq or hezbollah in lebanon or boka haram. They are extremists, crazy islamists with a nihilistic ideology. Twe know youve tried to pul off a pinpoint operation. We expect your right to defend yourself. But why are so many civilians dieing on the other side . First of all, i know civilians are dieing, but those u. N. Numbers are based on the Hamas Ministry of health. They have to be treated with a certain amount of skepticism. After the fighting was over in the previous rounds that we had with gaza, it was shown that those numbers of civilian casualties were greatly exaggerated. Having said that, i know that innocent people are getting killed despite our best efforts to be as surgical and as targeted as we can be. I think hamas has to be held responsible for that. Its hamas distributively using Gaza Civilians as human shields. The yund nations has reported two specific occasions where hamas was storing its missiles inside u. N. Schools, and they do so also in mosques and in the middle of urban areas. We had terrible fighting. We lost many too many of our servicemen in a neighborhood called is a jia. There we urged the civilian population to leave. We didnt want civilians to be injured in the crossfire. Hamas ordered them to stay. Hamas wanted them as human shields for its war machine. I think hamas has to be blamed for the terrible loss of life in gaza because its policies have led to that loss of life. Mark regev, also pouring through incredible stories of civilians shot dead as well in the middle of all this. Well work on bringing some of those to you. Chuck todd, thank you. Well be watching the daily rundown at 9 00 eastern time. Coming up, with new details about flight 17, senator Saxby Chambliss says its time russian president Vladimir Putin is held accountable. Plus well get his take on yesterdays Runoff Election for his u. S. Senate seat next. Then well speak to fortunes new editor, alan murray about the future of the magazine and print media. Youre watching morning joe. Well be right back. In new york state, were changing the way we do business, with startup ny. Weve created tax free zones throughout the state. And startup ny companies will be investing hundreds of millions of dollars in jobs and infrastructure. Thanks to startup ny, businesses can operate tax free for 10 years. No property tax. No business tax. And no sales tax. 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So im a little disappointed in that because theres obviously a lot of evidence pointing to the russians, some of it circumstantial, but frankly, some of it is pretty direct. Its still classified. I think at the end of the day, all that classified information will ultimately be released and whether it was the russians themselves that pulled the trigger or russian separatists trained by russians, its all in the same and it all goes back ultimately to Vladimir Putin. Senator, you were probably in Little League when this happened. I dont want to make you older than you are. 1962, Adlai Stevenson stood up in the United Nations and provided several smoking guns during the cuban missile crisis. Its our understanding from sources that there is, as you indicated, far more hard intelligence about the missile, where it was fired, when it was fired, the location of the missile. Why have we not, in order to get the europeans more outraged than they seem to be, provide that material to the world through the United Nations . Obviously i cant answer that question. Thats within the purview of the white house as to when that information will be released. But it is pretty clear and, youre right, somebody brought up to me that stephenson speech last night, when are we going to see the subpoena son moment in the u. S. . We have the perfect person in Samantha Power there to do it. She did a great job i thought on friday, a much stronger statement than what the president has made, and hopefully that statement will be forthcoming in the short term. Senator, Andrea Mitchell here, your partner, Dianne Feinstein said two days ago that they should declassify the intelligence. You just said it. Have you seen in your briefings pictures or evidence . Our colleagues were all at that briefing yesterday. All they showed was social media which has been publicly available. Thats not the kind of evidence that is going to push the selfinterested french off the dime an their arm sales. Exactly, andrea. Thats what disappointed me and i notice appointed dianne because she and i talked about it yesterday. For whatever reason they have failed to disclose that to the public. Frankly, the french have the same information we have. The germans have it. All of our european friends have it, but they havent displayed the outrage that i had hoped they would. The one reason they havent is that irrespective of the fact that we did not have as many folks on the plane as some other countries did, the president is still going to have to lead on this issue. If he leads in the right way, im confident the europeans will follow. But we just havent seen that yet. But that evidence needs to be forthcoming. Senator, its willie geist here. When you say the president needs to lead on this issue, obviously nothing gets done without europe. What can he be doing specifically that hes not doing today to nudge europe in that direction . Number one is to release the classified information. Theres no reason not to. We know, for example, from social media that was made available yesterday that a missile truck was rolling through the area where this missile was fired from shortly before it happened. We know that after the missile was fired that a truck rolled out with apparently one missile missing. We can substantiate where that missile was fired from. Thats the type of hard evidence that coupled with the evidence that was shown yesterday on social media will make it pretty darn clear as to who fired this missile. Once you do that and once you publicly state to the european people this is what Vladimir Putin did, then i think youre going to see a ground swell of support coming out of the european people which will force their leaders to get on board in a much stronger way. Senator Saxby Chambliss, thank you very much. Very good to see you, sir. You, too. Coming up, how far is the Obama Administration willing to go to stop russias aggression in Eastern Ukraine . Well go live to the white house next. Keep it right here on morning joe. At every ford dealership, youll find the works its a complete checkup of the services your vehicle needs. So prepare your car for any road trip by taking it to an expert ford technician. Because no matter your destination good maintenance helps you save at the pump. Get our multipoint inspection with a Synthetic Blend Oil change, tire rotation, Brake Inspection and more for 29. 95 or less. Get a complete vehicle checkup only at your ford dealer. He gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. When sales rep Steve Hatfield books at laquinta. Com, so he knows exactly when he can prep for his presentation. And when steve is perfectly prepped, ya know what he brings . And thats how youll increase market share. Any questions . Can i get an a, steve . 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Thats according to the Associated Press as well as reuters, i believe we have it double sourced. Joining us u. S. Deputy security adviser tony blinken. Have you heard about this as well . I just saw the report but i dont have confirmation, but were looking into that right now. If this is true as it appears to be, i would take it that the question im about to ask you is all the more important. If unity with europe in terms of collective condemnation of what is happening and what has happened over Eastern Ukraine is key, what is the president doing to lead . Mika, i think weve seen extraordinary leadership by the president in bringing europe along and exerting extraordinary pressure on russia. Yesterday the europeans made clear that theyre prepared to take action in key sectors of the russian economy, the financial sector, arms sector. Today the sanctions weve led the way on have had a debilitating impact on the russian economy. Weve seen growth projections go down to zero. The president of the largest bank in russia in announcing a dramatic cut to their profits said its because of the sanctions led by the west. Were seeing this have a big impact on russia and people around putin questioning the direction hes taking the country. Andrea, i want your reaction to the breaking news first, the shooting down of two fighter jets. If thats true, it indicates capacity on the part of russian separatists. Do we have intelligence . Theres criticism today from the intelligence committee, both Saxby Chambliss and he said Dianne Feinstein talked to him about the nature of the intelligence briefing, one of your deputies told me yesterday on Live Television it was going to be explicit and declassified information. The reporters from all the media who were there say it did not produce what they expected. It produced social media and, in fact, said there was no clear indication of russian involvement . I disagree. I think we have a compelling case. Weve seen a number of things. First of all in recent weeks and, indeed, one of the reasons we went ahead with additional sanctions, weve seen a flow of weapons across the border into the ukraine including heavy weapons. Second, i think the case very compelling that the plane was shot down by a missile, almost certainly by an sa11. We know the shot was fired from an area controlled by the separatists. We know the separatists bragged about it on social media immediately afterward until they found out they had downed a civilian plane. Its a very compelling case. We began to lay that out in detail for the media yesterday. Were working to declassify more information. I think when you look at it in its totality, its very compelling. If its so compelling, is the president calling president hollande and saying why are you selling arms to russia . Why would france continue with arms sales to russia . Weve had conversations with our French Partners about that. The bottom line is what weve seen time and again is with the president s leadership on the phone, relentlessly with european leaders over the last months and things that arent seen necessarily by the public, he has brought them along, moved them along, weve taken action together in building up this pressure on russia. The pressure is growing and growing and growing. Tony, steve rattner. Just to stay with the same theme, the lead headline today in the Financial Times says eu scuppers sanctions, is not enthusiastic about sanctions. You earlier in your interview said you thought sanctions were about to come. Can you tell us exactly what you think europeans will do . Banning people and some of the Financial Transactions is well and good. I think what the world is waiting for, are there going to be serious traderelated sanctions on russia with europe being a full partner in that . As you know, bringing along 28 countries is a challenge. Weve seen tre men dwous leadership by german chancellor merkel, Prime Minister cameron in the uk and others. The president has been leading that effort, as i said, on the phone with all of them repeat repeated repeatedly. What they did yesterday is make it clear theyre prepared to take action in these key sectors of the russian economy. Actions have a real impact, but just the threat and the uncertainty that the possibility of future actions has creates a real impact on the economy as well. Mr. Blinken, last week, the airline shot down, if the reports are accurate, the separatists have now shot down two ukrainian fighter jets which seem to have jumped the scale a bit in terms of putin is not pulling back, putin is not shying away from this. It would seem the separatists are operating emboldenly. What do we do know . Weve made very clear to the rugss they need to deescalate this crisis and make it clear to the separatists they have to cease and desist, stop the flow of weapons to the separatists, get them to adhere to a ceasefire. You recall poroshenko, the ukrainian leader implemented a ceasefire that the separatists violated more than 100 times. The pressure were seeing exerted on russia, the isolation were seeing grow day by day of president putin and russia i think is going to have an impact in moving in that direction. Tony blinken, thank you very much. Following breaking news, prorussian separatists according to ap have shot down two ukrainian fighter jets. All of our reaction here was, holy crap. This is bad. The thing the president said, kerry said, Samantha Power had said that is most important here, aside from the evidence, circumstantial as it may be, is that Vladimir Putin has the most influence, the most direct influence over these separatists. If this is true and if these fighter jets were shot down, it had to be from the separatists, and theyre the only ones that have the anti aircraft missiles to do this. The possibility are bad. One, either theyve run amuck or he unleashed the passions here. Hes the only one that can reel them back in. The question is a propos this interview with tony blinken, are the sanctions actually going to work . Are they going to be able to make them robust and bring russia to the table or not. That headline is obviously not encouraging. This basically says exactly what steve was saying, the european rift, the split in europe is inhibiting them from taking tough action. No question about that. The question is whether somehow the president will be able to push this forward. Up next, the new man in charge of fortune magazine, alan murray is standing by. Get it right here on morning joe. You make a great team. Its been that way since the day you met. 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Since midnight last night his time, kerry was on the phone with the leaders of qatar, turkey, netanyahu, hamas, ban ki moon, French Foreign minister and egyptian foreign minister and flew to jurs let me, met with ban ki moon and is now in the west bank. Thomas . Here with us right now from capitol hill is president of the Pew Research Center alan murray, the soontobe editor of fortune. Congratulations on the upcoming post. Thank you. Great to be here. Youre going to be taking over the new gig coming up in august. Whats your vision for the magazine, how you want to take over from andy and move it forward . Fortune magazine is one of the great iconic brands of american journalism. A lot of great journalists work there. Andy is certainly one of them. But theyve been hampered in their ability to build a digital presence, an effective digital presence because they were in this strange marriage with cnn. Com. Thats over. The split time time warner and time inc. Took place june 1st. Theres an opportunity to take this Great American brand and turn it into an Effective Press ens on digital platforms. Thats what im there to do, a great challenge and great opportunity. Im looking forward to it. Lets look, alan, if we can, at some of the breaking news here, talking about russia and ukraine and a part where you will focus on will be sanctions and other tough penalties against russia. Whats your take on whats happened so far . I have to say i agree with steve on this. If you look at whats happening in financial markets, you dont see any great concern about strict sanctions which could really have serious economic effects, not just on russia, but on all of europe, the supply of natural gas, et cetera. There doesnt seem to be a great fear in the oil markets, and i think that all reflects what steve was saying which was a sense that the europeans arent going to really allow this to turn into a big economic sanctions battle. Steve, do you agree . And also, if it doesnt, how then do we close in on putin . What are the other options . Andrea, do you want to chime in. It does seem to me, alan and steve, that europe is not going to take that step. Theyre going to talk about individual freezing of assets, of individuals, but thats not the broad sectoral sanctions that will get putins attention. I think what were into is kind of shaping putin, really. Were trying to embarrass him with some of the stuff they did with the black boxes, with the bodies, all these things and gotten a little bit of relief in terms of the bodies being released, the black boxes being released. It seems to be more a campaign of embarrassment and humiliation than an economic one. The economic one isnt that effective. The question is how effective is shaming going to be on president putin. Hes clearly a longterm player, a strategic player and he has a grand and i would say somewhat scary vision for where the world should be headed. You wonder if Something Like the shooting down of this Malaysian Airlines isnt going to galvanize the world into taking stronger action what will . Andrea, im sorry. I missed the part when talking to the producer. In terms of the concept of shaming putin. You heard David Ignatius and my father talking this week that maybe, just maybe he might have blinked in light of the downing of flight 17. But it seems to take a lot to make him blink, that this personality of his may be based on a psychosis that we cant work with. Well, im struck by what evan osnos told you the other morning in his remarkable new yorkerne profile of joe biden. He quoted joe biden as saying i looked into putins eyes and said i see no soul there. And putin said now you get it, now we understand each other. This is a lifelong kgb man whose sole advisers are not the foreign minister but former kgb men, three or four people around him. So penetrating that, if you will, is really, really tough. I think its pain. I think its pain. Its not shame. But how do you inflict pain without europe helping . Well, i know. I think it takes sacrifice. Exactly. Its coming off the heels of the olympics. The world has rewarded him with the world cup coming up next. Theres a lot of attention that russia has gotten for itself around the world and its all building into putins nationalism, his russian nationalism. Exactly. Thomas, only a few days ago he was posing with the leaders of brazil, china, india, talking about setting up a new regional bank. This may be all, you know, airy fairy and its all talk. In other words, he is presenting a face to the world, independence from the european pressure. Alan murray has to come back when he can talk about pay walls okay, well do that. Ill come back any time. Thank you, mika. Congratulations. Still ahead we break down the latest polling numbers on Hillary Clinton and explain why her biggest political liability may be politics. Youre watching morning joe. 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Now the former first lady is back in the political fray and its taking a toll on her numbers. Reporter her resume includes the first lady of arkansas, the first lady of the United States, senator from new york and secretary of state. Now as Hillary Clinton looks to potentially add one more title to that list, new polling shows her stock might be on the decline. Recent polls show Hillary Clinton leading all her potential democratic challengers, but will her name recognition be enough . Gallup polling puts clintons Approval Rating at 54 , the lowest since 2008. Further compounding her problems a recent political poll shows independent voters by a 21 margin rate her job as secretary of state as fair or poor. In another sign of weakness, a recent abc news Washington Post poll shows a majority of democrats prefer to have another candidate in the 2016 primary contest, which could open up the door for other candidates to mount a strong bid. Despite this, hillarys political strength is largely rooted in her strong name identification and high favorability rating. Other potential 2016 candidates including massachusetts freshman senator Elizabeth Warren and new York Governor Andrew Cuomo lack the National Stature of clinton. If other candidates want to be considered a viable option to hillary, its imperative they step out from her shadow and make themselves her alternative. Guys, back to you. Derrick, thank you. You get a sense of the back and forth, up and down with Hillary Clinton, but if she decides to run, Andrea Mitchell . Well, Hillary Clinton is such a prohibitive favorite in any democratic contest, but i wouldnt discount the fact that when Elizabeth Warren went to net roots last week, she was a rock star. But then she said no, no and furthermore no. Furthermore no until if someone were to slip, whatever. There could be a challenge. Wait a minute, i didnt say this. The extremely credible Andrea Mitchell just said this. Youre the extremely credible mika brzezinski. But they make fun of me because they think im obsessed with Elizabeth Warren. I dont think thats like a think, i think thats like a no. Oh, you. You and i will not do that. Weve got breaking news out of ukraine as prorussian rebels shoot down two ukrainian fighter jets. Were going to bring the latest at the top of the hour. Straight ahead live on morning joe. Since robert taira openedsion kings hhis first bakeryd, in a small hawaiian town. Making bread so good, that people bought two loaves one to take home, and one to eat on the way. So good, they grew from here. To here. To here. But to grow again, to the east coast they needed a new factory, but where . Fortunately, they get financing from ge capital. We not only have teams dedicated to the food industry, were also part of ge, a company thats built hundreds of factories. 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It looks like the Affordable Care act just might be headed back to the supreme court. The next thing i got an email saying the flights cancelled. The faa is prohibiting u. S. Airlines from flying into or out of tel avivs airport. This is what got the airlines attention, a rocket landed within a couple miles of the airport in tel aviv. This was a very close call. We said yes to an egyptianbrokered ceasefire proposal. Hamas said no. The ball is clearly in hamas court. Hamas has a fundamental choice that will have a profound impact for the people of gaza. At the start, air strikes were aimed at the homes of hamas members. Now tank shells and artillery rounds are fired and races of worship are among the targets. 160 miles away the bodies of the dead arrived by rail to a safe area of ukraine. The saddest of journeys awaits. For others, the waiting goes on. Inspectors have observed another worrying thing too. Wreckage has been interfered with. You understand the reality remains in terms of who is in charge. In which country . In which country are we . You tell me. Welcome back to morning joe. Steve rattner, mike barn kel, Andrea Mitchell is at the table. We want to get right into the breaking news this hour. There is new escalation to report in the violence in Eastern Ukraine with reports this morning that two of that countrys fighter jets were shot down by prorussian rebels. Ukraines Defense Ministry says the aircraft were taken out at about 1 30 p. M. Local time not far from the russian border. Officials say the planes may have been carrying up to two crew members each. So far there is no word on their condition. Investigators meanwhile are finally at the site where Malaysia Airlines flight 17 went down last week and they have already made a stunning discovery and that is that key pieces of evidence, including the cockpit and the fuselage were cut in half with saws. Lets leave it there for a second. Andrea, as we monitor this breaking news and also getting word here that russia may impose a ban on food imports from ukraine because of kievs trade deal with the e. U. , a lot of different a lot of different crosscurrents here but the breaking news is the shootdown of these two fighter jets. The fighting continuing amidst this disaster. There was increased fighting and a repositioning of separatists in donetsk toward the center of the city. It seemed as though the Ukrainian Military was regaining some leverage there in the donetsk area. Now we have a. P. And reuters both reporting what the ukrainian Defense Ministry says about these fighter jets going down. Theyre sovietmade fighter jets run by the ukraine military. And again we dont know what kiev is claiming is accurate. The white house telling us that they have no hard confirmation yet, but this would be another escalation. There were two planes, one a cargo, one a fighter jet, that went down last week before the malaysian airliner and what the conclusion of american intelligence was in a briefing that we all got yesterday afternoon was that it was most probably russianbacked separatists who shot down the malaysian airliner confusing it with another fighter jet, so it would have been, they thought, the third incident of a fighter jet. Would it not also indicate that whatever influence Vladimir Putin has over the separatists, over the movement, over the war itself has been severely reduced because the separatists appear to be totally out of control, shooting down two ukraine jets within less than a week after they shoot down a commercial airliner. Mike, its a great point. There are two possibilities. Either they are out of control, hes ignited this wildfire and he cant control it, or hes looking the other way and is still encouraging it privately. Yeah. So we have this. U. S. Intelligence Officials Say the satellite images that were about to show you show increased traffic at a Russian Military base believed to be helping the rebels. This photo appears to show a surfacetoair missile launcher making its way back from ukraine to russia. The smoking gun is beginning to emerge. Intelligence officials tell nbc news that theres currently no direct evidence that russia, quote, pulled the trigger but they say russia has continued to support the rebels even after the plane went down, as we can see. Go ahead, andrea. And one quick point to what mike and you all were saying. What they said from the white house the other day is, and what john kerry said is Vladimir Putin, speak out, speak out publicly. Instead what putin did in his somewhat tamped down rhetorical comments were that the ukrainians started this all so its their fault. He has yet to say anything publicly to the separatists to reel them back in. To either reel them back in or bear some responsibility. My god, even say a mistake. But there is something frightening, i think, here. We talk about his personality being unbelievably self possessed, unself aware, almost in his own reality. What Diane Feinstein said is man up, putin, man up. If a mistake was made, acknowledge an error. Were hearing from from senator feinstein but as we look back at what the Obama Administration has said around other crises around the world, lets take syria, for example. The red line was drawn. There was so much pointed at the white house after it was proven that Bashar Al Assad was gassing his own people, that red line obviously crossed. Russia stepped in to say we will help them and take care of syrias weapons and we will dispose of them. And it got the Obama Administration off the hook or at least everybody looking the other way. Good point. Now we have the white house not giving any type of Strong Language about Vladimir Putin. As you make the point publicly he might be saying im trying to do something about this but privately encouraging those passions. When does the white house say enough is enough . What kerry and others are saying is there are two sides to Vladimir Putin. Russia is helping us most recently with iran in the negotiations, actually pushing iran towards a nuclear deal. Russia did help us with the chemical weapons being disposed of from syria. That said, that ignores the fact that the worst deaths in syria are coming not from the chemicals, as horrific as they are, but from the continual support for assad that russia is exhibiting and the conventional weapons that are being used, the barrel bombs being used against the syrian people. Go ahead, steve. Just coming back, thomas, to your point, i dont know what how we say enough is enough to russia. I dont know what our lercverag is. I dont know what we can do to make putin bend on this stuff. Weve talked about the trade sanctions, weve talked about the limited effect. You showed charts earlier about the dependence on russia, especially on the part of europe. What would be the sacrifice given the numbers and the graphs you showed us that they would have to make to close in on him in a harsh way . Well, the reality is, steve, go ahead. Isnt the reality that we can do very little without europe going along with us . Thats it. Well, that is the reality. The reality is that we have almost no trade with russia and the reality is that europe 9. 5 of europes trade is with russia. They import huge quantities of energy and export manufactured goods, machinerymachinery, thin that. Theres no evidence that europe is prepared to sacrifice all that, prepared to do without the russian gas that goes to germany, that theyre prepared to do without the exports. Right as we set here speaking, france is building two Amphibious Assault craft for russia and training their military. I want to know what the sacrifice would have to be. I think its a fair question to ask given that you had a murder of 298 people in the skies over ukraine on the part of russia as far as we know so far and the separatists continuing the violence in ukraine, that this is not going to end well or any time soon. So what is the change in the daytoday life, if europe does close in, if europe does decide to show unity and do what needs to be done to cut off Vladimir Putin and cut him down . Steve has the hard numbers, but what were talking about here is a very cold winter, high energy prices. Were talking about manufactured goods that are exported to russia by from the netherlands, from these other countries. This is a very close trade relationship, and Angela Merkel and some of the other leaders have tried to stand up but they are being pressured by their own financial communities. And just one last point on this. Remember some of us at this table, i wont say exactly who, are old enough to remember 1980 when we did a grain embargo against russia over the invasion of afghanistan. And didnt go to the olympics. And didnt go to the olympics and that didnt really go so well. Trade sanctions are very, very hard to enforce in a big way. Some of us are old to remember Jean Kirkpatrick at the United Nations with the proof that the soviets shot down kao7. Were going live to keir simmons in Eastern Ukraine with the latest on the downed fighter jets and anything else. Keir . Reporter hey, mika. Yeah, this happened around 1 30 local time, which is 6 30 eastern here in Eastern Ukraine. Were understanding that there are two fighter jets that have been hit. Its confused, as youd expect, since it only happened in the last few hours but it looks like both of them were downed. Ukrainians Defense Ministry saying there were two crew members on each. They are fighter jets, ground attack jets which will fire missiles or small munitions. So we suspect that they were involved in some kind of attack rather than simply flying over. We dont know that for sure. We did, mika, by the way see a couple of ukraine january jets flying over here. Were standing here in front of the wreckage of mh17 that went down in this field. While we were here today, we saw a couple of ukrainian jets flying over, so it could be that they were the very jets that have been shot at and badly damaged if not downed. By the way, we dont know how the two pilots or the four crew are on those two planes. So we may have seen the aircraft. And just in the last hour or two, we heard what sounded like an aircraft in the air as well. Extraordinary, mika, given what happened just under a week ago and it indicates the possibility that the rebels still have the ability to shoot down planes and still are prepared to do it. Now, these planes when we saw them were flying very high. They may have been flying lower so it may have been possible to target them with a shouldermounted launcher, but we dont know. And if it is the case that planes in the sky here have been attacked again, it will just ratchet up the tension. Absolutely. Steve rattner . That last point is an important point in terms of understanding whos got what capability on the ground. How high were those planes. If they were below 12,000 feet, they could be shot down with a shouldermounted rocket. Much higher than that you need these sophisticated missiles that brought down the malaysian airpla airplane. So that will tell us a lot about whos doing what in ukraine. Keir, the other development at the crash site where you are is the discovery that the two major pieces of the plane were sawed in half. What are you hearing there on the scene . Reporter thats right. The monitors, the western monitors who have been here saying that numbers of pieces of wreckage have been moved if not damaged. I have to tell you, we believe that in some cases they were sawed or damaged, if you like, in an effort to retrieve bodies so it may not be the case that they were deliberately tampered with. What i can tell you, mika, is in the fields nearby here, we have just walked around and seen pieces of wreckage with damage on them, indents on them that suggest that the outside of the plane was hit by shrapnel. Now that clearly is evidence that the investigators here would want to get hold of. So far we havent seen them there. We havent seen them retrieving those clues. So theres clearly a lot that needs to be done here. The trouble is as we discussed before, mika, there is still a war going on, witness these planes being shot down today. Mike barnicle. Keir, do you see any evidence of collection going on from outside independent collectors, collecting evidence, or are they still being restrained, blocked or prevented from getting to areas where you are and other areas to retrieve elements of the plane that would be pivotal in terms of finding out exactly what happened . Reporter i havent seen anything being collected, mike. I have to say, though, i havent seen anyone being restrained either. We did see the investigators here yesterday taking photographs and looking closely at this tail, for example, so they have been here trying to gather evidence but its a very good question because what you do normally is gather all of this wreckage together, take it to a safe place and try to piece the plane back together in order to establish what happened to it, but i havent seen any evidence of that happening. By the way, what we did do is go to a town nearby where u. S. Intelligence believe a rocket may have been fired from. We tried to get to that town. We were stopped at a checkpoint and told we cant go any further. The militia at one point fired a round in the air but told us i havent seen any missile launcher here. Keir, thanks very much. Joining us now from washington, nbc news White House Correspondent Peter Alexander with the latest there. What are you hearing from the white house, peter . Reporter yeah, mika. Right now the white house, as i think youve reported, doesnt have any independent confirmation that these two fighter jets were shot down or certainly who was responsible for the shooting down of those jets. Obviously the challenge yesterday was, i think, some white house aides were a little dismayed by the way they think that message came out of that private that background meeting where they were discussing the intelligence out of the shootdown of mh17, Malaysia Airlines 17. They said while there is no direct link obviously to prorussian separatists there, they say those russian separatists clearly were had the conditions created by russia, that these happened from separateheld areas so their focus is the message remains the same. They are very confident, even convinced that the russians ultimately were the ones to blame for what happened recently and there by that creates the situation that were dealing with today as they were hoping that russia would back off, not push forward and try to have a stronger message. We havent heard from Vladimir Putin. He hasnt said anything directly towards those prorussian separatists. Whats interesting today is were also in a situation where the white house has taken a lot of criticism for its travel over the course of this week given a series of International Crises that are taking place at one time. Of course john kerry is directly addressing the situation in israel with hamas as hes in tel aviv right now but also the situation taking place with russia, given the shootdown of that jet. President obama last night wrapped up a pair of fundraisers in Washington State. Today hes in california for some more fundraising, so basically three out of the five days this week, president obama will spend some time raising money for political causes for the democratic party. And that is obviously been a source of a lot of frustration for critics of this administration. I think even within the administration, yesterday during the briefing we were pressing press secretary john earnest on this very topic and he seemed to suggest that there was at least a good chance that there may be some shakeup of the schedule. They acknowledge the challenging optics that exist here. Yesterday the media wasnt even given full access to a brief meeting that president obama had with the heroes of apollo 11 on its 45th anniversary. Cameras were allowed, still cameras but not video cameras and there were frustrations why the media wouldnt even be allowed in for Something Like that. Thats been the criticism from critics. No matter who the president is when hes on vacation and theres kries seize, thats going to be the criticism. You can argue that the job can be done from wherever he is. Having said that, whats your take, because theres also the friction inside the white house of what should the president be doing, where should he be, what kind of message should we send. Thats their job. Whats your gut on this, overblown . There is yes, there are communications. He can do his job from wherever he is, but there are moments where even telegraphing this isnt politics, this is the optics of leadership. And the golf course is not the best place to be, even though you dont really see him out there. But the fundraising, those trips really should are being questioned for a good reason. You know, the trips last thursday when the malaysian airliner was shot down, proceeding to wilmington and then proceeding on to new york for two fundraisers, thats all being questioned by people. Ronald reagan is being praised for coming back from california when the korean airliner was shot down by the soviets in 1983. That was only after he was criticized in 1981 for staying on vacation and for having his top aide, ed meese, come out and say the president was asleep but hes always in charge. So they learned their lesson and fixed it the next time around. Joining us now, jim miklaszewski. Jim, what are you hearing about the fighter jets . Reporter u. S. Military and intelligence Officials Say they have yet to confirm the claims from the ukrainians that two of their fighter jets were shot down, but they have no reason not to believe it. After all, they say, Ukrainian Military and government has been fairly accurate, if not right on the money with all their claims throughout this conflict with those russian separatists. But, you know, what this really does show is that despite the overwhelming evidence that the separatists and russians were involved in the shootdown of that plane and world condemnation actually, the russians are still working with those separatists in an effort to carry on that war in Eastern Ukraine. And according to officials, as of as early as last friday and over the weekend, the russians continue to pour heavy artillery, tanks and even fighters into Eastern Ukraine while all this investigation into the shootdown of that malaysian airliner was under way. So it appears that the russians and Vladimir Putin are committed to somehow gaining control of Eastern Ukraine. And you know at one point we were told by intel officials that when Vladimir Putin recommended negotiations, according to these officials that would have played directly into putins hands because its suspected that he thinks he can gain some kind of control over Eastern Ukraine in the fighting and faigain some kind of author over Eastern Ukraine and obviously they believe thats his overall intent to begin with. And how that could be allowed at this point is beyond me. And i hear the incredulousness and mixed voice even because its almost you just its hard to believe. How can it be allowed, but how can it be stopped . Thats exactly the crux. I think the analogy you used earlier, hes ignited a wildfire, how does it get put out and does he want to put it out. Jim miklaszewski, thank you very much. Peter alexander, thank you as well. Still ahead well speak to senators john thune and tim kaine about israels assault on gaza, Vladimir Putins games in the ukraine and the legal limbo of obamacare. But first bill karins with a check on the forecast. Bill. Mika, sad news yesterday off of ft. Myers beach in florida. Its known as the lightning capital of the world and we had a lightning fatality on the beach yesterday. This is the 15th fatality weve had this year in the united states. Florida has had six of those. Thats why theyre known as the lightning capital of the world. Again, they tell you, hear the roar, go indoors. Thats kind of a little saying that the National Weather service is trying to spread across the country. Lets take you into what were going to deal with today. As far as lightning and thunderstorms go, the northeast will have some, weve already had some this morning in ohio. On the west coast weve got an unusually cool pattern and wet weather returning and thats great because thats where the fires have been, especially Washington State and in oregon. As far as the radar goes, it is raining. The green is the rain and this is great. This is the wettest day in the northwest in two months and that soaking rain will slowly approach i5 as we go throughout the morning rush hour, so be prepared for that from portland all the way up through seattle. Well try to kick some of that rain into the areas of the wilderness where the fires are burning. Heres your forecast for your wednesday. Hot and humid in the east. In the plains and out in the west very hot conditions. 113 today in phoenix, one of the hottest temperatures of the summer. But the interesting part is areas like chicago, the great lakes, you just cant keep summer back into the 70s for the next two days and then that cool air rushes to the east coast as we go toward the upcoming weekend. We leave you with a shot of a hot, steamy, muggy we call these the three hs, hazy, hot and humid new york city, in the 90s for one of the first times this summer. Youre watching morning joe. Well be right back. [ man ] adventure, it means taking chances. It means trying something new. [ woman ] that uncertainty of whats to come. The summer of this. Mmer. The summer that summers from here on will be compared to. Where memories will be forged into the sand. And then hung on a wall for years to come. Get out there, with over 50,000 hotels at 150 dollars or less. Expedia. Find yours. My motheits delicious. Toffee in the world. So now weve turned her toffee into a business. My goal was to take an idea and make it happen. Im janet long and i formed my Toffee Company through legalzoom. I never really thought i would make money doing what i love. We created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams. Go to legalzoom. Com today and make your business dream a reality. At legalzoom. Com we put the law on your side. Welcome back to morning joe. Its 27 past the hour. Were following a couple of developing stories at this hour. Joining the conversation, democratic senator tim kaine of virginia, who serves on both the Armed Services and Foreign Relations committees and then were also going to have senator john thune coming up in just a moment. Tim, i take it youve been dealing closely with the situation in the middle east. Yes, absolutely. Secretary kerry is on the ground trying to broker some sort of ceasefire. Fill in the blanks for me in terms of what needs to be done still on this end. You bet, mika. Certainly the finding of a ceasefire is important. I asked ambassador durmer to come and brief senators and staff about ten days ago, and then yesterday i asked the Palestinian Ambassador of the authority to come and brief senators and staff so that were hearing from both palestinians and israelis and encouraging a ceasefire. That is critical. It was a mistake for hamas to reject the ceasefire proposal put on the table a week or so ago. Israel was ready to accept it. But finding that ceasefire is very important where the parties can then begin to negotiate again to find a political path forward. And all the issues need to be put on the table. I know the palestinians are concerned about the blockade, the limiting of commercial or humanitarian commerce into and out of gaza. That should be put on the table. But you do that in a discussion, you dont do it with unprovoked rocket attacks. Andrea, ill be careful here, but we were talking in the break about reports coming in that show potentially the rules of war, if there are any, to be violated and things that are happening that go beyond the code of what is acceptable in terms of trying to get back to at least a ceasefire and ultimately work toward peace. As mika is just describing it, senator, there are some horrific examples that were just seeing today, children allegedly being gunned down, our own Richard Engle reporting ambulances being targeted, that said, you met with the ambassador with the Palestinian Ambassador only yesterday. Yes. What influence do they have over the hamas leaders . Because secretary kerry is right now meeting with abu mazzen and the other Palestinian Authority leaders but there is that division among the palestinian ranks. So do you have any assurance from your palestinian contacts diplomatically only yesterday that they could have any influence and that hamas might be willing to go for a ceasefire . Andrea, that is a very important question because my read of the situation and the Palestinian Ambassador would not describe it like this, but i was challenging him on it, is that hamas decided to derail the peace talks. The Palestinian Authority was engaged in peace discussions. Those discussions broke down because of missteps on both sides. But you can have a Peace Process break down and then not have bloodshed. But hamas decided to disrupt the peace talks. They had done that earlier in 2010. They tried to destabilize peace talks between the Palestinian Authority and israel. And so, you know, we were kind of challenging the Palestinian Authority, why are you letting hamas derail these peace discussions . And they didnt have that good an answer to it. I think hamas has decided for their own cynical reasons to disrupt the peace discussions. They are launching rockets unprovoked with the expectation that the israeli response would be exactly what it is. Sadly, hamas is getting what it wants. Even president abbas has said what are you trying to do with these rocket attacks, trying to get more people in gaza killed . Thats what hamas is trying to do. There needs to be a ceasefire, and the first step is for hamas to stop the unprovoked rocket attacks because their own citizens are suffering. And the issues of the blockade of gaza and a continued effort to try to find a path forward on the peace discussions. As hard as that will be, that needs to take place. Steve rattner. Senator, youve obviously heard about the two fighter planes that appear to have been shot down in the ukraine and the efforts that the administration is continuing to make to impose greater sanctions on russia. Whats your prognosis, whats your expectation for whether the administration will be successful in imposing some additional sanctions on russia and what form do you think theyll take . Steve, i do think that we will impose some additional sanctions on russia. I think we should be very focused and target the Russian Energy sector because it is russia to me is a rust belt economy with Natural Resources and theyre using the Natural Resources as the sort of club to get other nations to be their allies. We need to be targeting their Energy Sector and we need to be helping europe develop their own energy resources, potentially use strategic shipments of liquid natural gas from the United States to help them break their reliance on Russian Energy and finding other Energy Suppliers for europe. Algeria, for example, wants to build a new Energy Pipeline under the mediterranean that could help supply europe. We need to be working to sanction the Russian Energy sector and move europe away from their overreliance on Russian Energy. Senator, weve been talking obviously about two hot wars going on right now, in the ukraine and in gaza. Fairminded people understand and appreciate the fact that the president can do his job from any point in the world, given the Communications Abilities today. But are you happy or at least dissatisfied with the president s travel schedule involving multiple fundraisers out of washington during this time . You know, mike, that is and especially during the summer, you know, everybody takes vacations, the president will, i will. This is something that always comes up. But i dont think i dont think you manage the situation well by just being in a bunker in the white house. Weve seen president s do that too and i dont think that necessarily works so well. I think it is important for the president to have a full schedule of events and to be outside of the bunker, but to stay very engaged. With secretary kerry there in the middle east working to try to find the ceasefire, hes got his people out on the field. But look, it is a very difficult situation. Our heart goes out to everyone whos suffering in israel and palestine. That hamas is trying to destabilize a path for peace is very discouraging. But we have to acknowledge that theres going to be a new israeli president inaugurated this weekend to follow shimon pe res. The new president is the president that has taken the position there shouldnt even be a palestinian state. Clearly those of us who want to find peace Going Forward have a lot of work to do, but the alternative has been shown and the alternative does not look very good. Senator tim kaine, thank you. Up next we jump to the other side of the aisle. Senator john thune will weigh in on the breaking news out of the ukraine and the developing news in the middle east. Well be right back. When salesman alan ames books his room at laquinta. Com, he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. So he knows exactly when he can check in and power up before his big meeting. And when alan gets all powered up, ya know what happens . I think the numbers speak for themselves. Im sold hes a selling machine put it there. And there, and there, and there. La quinta inns suites is ready for you, so youll be ready for business. The ready for you alert, only a laquinta. Com la quinta brian 25 years. Matt thats how long weve been talking about the most important social issues. Savannah education. Al conservation. Chris uniting the nation. Jim with a bit of imagination. The more you know. Welcome back, everybody. With us here from capitol hill, republican senator john thune from south dakota. Sir, its great to have you with us this morning and we want to get you on the record. We have these reports coming out of ukraine about the two downed military planes, assumed to be shot down by the prorussian separatists. Your reaction to that . It demonstrates i think some of the capabilities that the separatists have and how important it is that we get the arms flow stopped thats coming from russia into ukraine, but more evidence again that these folks have bad designs and capability to carry out these types of attacks. Well, it demonstrates their capabilities for sure, but also just either utter chaos or an intensified plan on the part of Vladimir Putin to keep going and to get that part of Eastern Ukraine that he wants. Well, it does, mika. I think, again, all these things, all signs point back to putin. Obviously i think that weve got to make the case, the argument publicly with the europeans that assigns responsibility for the shooting down of the commercial airliner as well, but its very clear the pattern here. I think this all the narrative continues to build and it should intensify. I hope the pressure on the europeans to join the United States and others to try and put more pressure on the russians. This has got to stop and obviously theres a lot of harm thats already been done and more that can be done if we dont get it under control. The president has gone as far to say that the russians are responsible and came out with a pretty strong statement the day before yesterday. But is there pressure that can be put on europe as well for more unity . Sure there is. And i think the president needs to continue to build a unified front with the europeans, but sometimes i think, mika, that its not just its substance but its also form. I think the europeans are looking to us to see what the United States is willing to do. I think there is a lot more that can be done in terms of sectoral sanctions, some of the things that have been discussed earlier on the show this morning, but it is going to require American Leadership and hopefully the europeans will come with us. But obviously at this point were having a difficult time making that argument. I think one of the things that tim kaine mentioned just before me is the economic dependence that europe has on the russians, particularly with regard to energy. That again makes the argument for why its so important that we open up to l g exports the European Market and the United States try to become more engaged in providing some of the energy needs for europe. That will hopefully free them up to put more pressure on the russians. If the europeans dont go along with us and dont accede to our requests for our requests for increased options, what do we do . Its real hard. Europe has so much more at stake here, the volume of trade, the economic relationship they have with the russians, the historic relationship, but i do think there are things we can be doing. I think sectoral sanctions, the United States leading the way. Some things that we havent done yet that we could do. I think providing small arms support to the ukrainians. There are a number of steps that i think we could be taking, we should be taking and help lead the way. I dont think the europeans are going to come there automatically. I think we have to make the argument, we have to make the case starting with the information that we have that demonstrates that russia was in fact responsible for the commercial the downing of the commercial airliner. And i think it starts there. The president has got to be more engaged, frankly. I appreciate everything that his people are doing, but the bottom line is hes busy, hes traveling the country right now. We all expect him to campaign, its an election year, we expect him to raise money for democrats, but hes got to demonstrate i think a level of engagement on this issue and leadership that we arent seeing today. Senator john thune, thank you very much. Good to see you always. Up next well check on wall street as possible sanctions against russia weigh heavy on the markets. Business before the bell is next. 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Good to have you on board this morning. Great to be here. You told us the markets are stable, the economy is going to grow 3 in the next quarter, housing is picking up, Consumer Confidence is high, debt levels going down. Yep. Is the president a success . And we havent noticed . Well, i actually think you seem so positive, miles. The filibuster i think has actually prevented deficit spending so youve been creating surpluses as a result of the fact that both sides of the aisle cant make a decision. But you know what im asking you. Things are are you saying things are Getting Better . Things are definitely getting things are getting definitely better. Im not certain i would atrikt it to the president s policies. I just think corporations are doing much better. And the thing thats surprising is with all this Geopolitical Uncertainty that the markets are stable. People are now raising estimates for the year, that the s p could trade at 2050. We started the year at around, i dont know, 1872. So people are expecting a much better return in the markets. But if you think about it, mika, who would have thought with whats going on in the ukraine, whats going on in the middle east, whats going on other places in the world, the uncertainty in iran, who would have thought that this would have had no impact on the markets . But those are contradictions to say that it doesnt have to do with how president obama has influenced the country or confidence internationally or confidence from those overseas that want to invest in american markets. Wouldnt that be a contradiction for you to say its not part of the president ial policies that have helped goose along our economy to get to where it is. I guess you have to give some credit to the policies, but i think more importantly, i think what you said, Brian Sullivan said, were the tallest midget. That america is the safest place to invest money with upside opportunity and economic stability. And i think in relation to whats going on in brazil, russia, china, the middle east, et cetera, people have a propensity to go to safer havens. I think thats also why the dollar has been so strong in relation to other currencies as well. Look, i think people are pleasantly surprised about employment levels. 280,000 jobs were created last month. I think theyre pleasantly surprised were seeing record housing prices. Corporate profits are growing at a faster rate why are wages so stagnant . I think you have a jobless recovery. I think most of the growth of employment is taking place in proportion to corporate growth, which is 70 or 80 is outside the country. Lets bring in cnbcs chief international correspondent, Michelle Carusocabrera to jump into this conversation and also talk about possible sanctions on the part of europe, especially toward russia, the impact that we might be looking at. So if you saw the ft this morning, the euro has wimped out yesterday completely at this meeting in brussels, that there were rifts that scufferred new possible sanctions. And then this morning, the breaking news youve been talking about all morning relating to the downing of two more planes possibly, and the fact that russia continued to help the separatists allegedly. And now today thats pushing the euro lower, thats the currency of europe for fears that it may bring on finally a round of sanctions. Now, the euro isnt moving that much. Its broken but low 1. 35. I know two cents doesnt sound like a lot but in International Currency markets, a twocent move is actually a very big move and reflects a collective anxiety. That being said, if they really thought there were going to be strong sanctions that were meaningful to hurt russia, i think the euro would be even lower. Heres the conundrum europe faces, the United States as well, any economic sanctions that are going to be meaningful and truly hurt russia, would also hurt the countries that actually impose them, right . Because if putin decides, oh, yeah, you want to sanction me . Guess what, youre not getting your natural gas next winter, he supplies 30 of the natural gas to western europe. And by the way, germany, remember, because of fukushima, abandoned nuclear power, so their energy costs are already rising and rising and rising because of the decisions that they have made and now they have to face the possibility thats why you see a lot of businesses in europe, even the ceo of phillips, a dutch company, said were still going to do business with russia even in light of whats happened. I think theres some tumult to come. Miles, you expressed the optimism that exists in the market and among corporations, why do you figure theres no optimism, theres only some hesitancy about the future among people, ordinary people, working people who have jobs in this country . Because i think theres really a lack of confidence in the leadership and i think theres so much uncertainty about can the democrats and republicans ever get along. Can they actually pass bills and do things to operate the country in the best interests of the people long term. And i still think we have health care issues, we still have a taxation issue. Youve got an immigration issue. Youve got all these macro issues that are affecting confidence in the country, and theres so much instability and uncertainty. And i think thats overshadowing the fact that the fundamentals of the economy are getting stronger. Miles nadal, thank you so much. Its great to see you. Michelle carusocabrera, thank you as well. Up next, a scene any parent will know if they leave their child alone for more than five minutes. Uhoh. Keep it right here on morning joe. Vo this is the summer. The summer of this. The summer that summers from here on will be compared to. Where memories will be forged into the sand. And then hung on a wall for years to come. Get out there, with over 50,000 hotels at 150 dollars or less. Expedia. Find yours. At staples for back to school. Theyre excited. These guys are super excited. Because when you get markers for less, rulers for less, and pencils for less, all at guaranteed low prices, you cant help but show it in a big way staples. Make more happen for less. Let that phrase sit with you for a second. Unlimited. As in, no limits on your hardearned cash back. As in no more dealing with those rotating categories. The quicksilver card from capital one. Unlimited 1. 5 cash back on everything you purchase, every day. Dont settle for anything less. Ill keep asking. 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Well, i want to thank you, thomas, for coming to the grace outreach fundraiser. I did my first soul cycling. My daughter was better than me, Michelle Smith was there, margaret grace, lots of great people raising money for a great organization. Lewis of course was showing off his pecs or guns. It was awful. The whole thing was frightening. Thats it for a very busy morning. Chuck todd picks things up in just a few moments. Have a great day. When laquinta. Com sends him a ready for you alert the second his room is ready, ya know what salesman alan ames becomes . I think the numbers speak for themselves. Im sold a selling machine ready for you alert, only at lq. Com. Thank ythank you for defendiyour sacrifice. And thank you for your bravery. Thank you colonel. Thank you daddy. Military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa Auto Insurance can be one of them. 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