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Troops will not be involved in a combat mission. American forces will not be returning to combat in iraq. We will not be dragged into another ground war in iraq. The American Forces deployed to iraq do not and will not have a combat mission. Give the president a break. They have a reason to worry that the American People may need some convincing that this mission of air strikes and training will not involve into something that looks more like an allout ground war. Considering the fight has evolved and expanded, on june 16th, the white house told congress they were sending personnel to iraq to provide security for the embassy in baghd baghdad. We had advisors in iraq and we are assessing how to best train, advice, and support Security Forces going forward. On june 30, another 200 to provide security. And on september 10th the president announced an expanded air strikes campaign and more troops. We will send an additional 475 Service Members to iraq. That puts the number of troops on the ground other 1,000. The administration stratify to once again emphasize exactly what the strategy is not. U. S. Ground troops will not be sent into combat in this conflict. The u. S. Troops that will be deployed do not and will not have a combat mission. As you can see, members of the antiwar Group Code Pink were there to protest and they made themselves known at the beginning of the Senate Foreign relations committee, and secretary kerry acknowledged their presence in his opening remarks. I understand decent. I lived it. Thats how i first testified in front of this country in 1971. He was, of course, referred to april 22, 1971 when a 27yearold john kerry who served in vietnam testified against that same committee against the war. We can only look at the fact this this country is not able to see there is absolutely no difference between a ground troop and a helicopter crew. A very different sounding john kerry. Of course testifying about very different conflicts, but are there similar concerns to be had today . Today, to discuss this latest mission, three guests will understand what it means to take on the mission of war firsthand. We have an assistant professor of history, who was an iraq war veteran who was wounded. We have matt southworth. An iraq war veteran. For all of you. When you see john kerry 1971 and you see secretary of state john kerry, what does that prompt for you . It makes me think of the long history of Service Members entering the war and seeing what its really like, coming home and telling the truth about it. Major general Stanley Butler wrote war is a racket. It is interesting to hear someone go from that rhetoric to what were talking at now which is starting the path to war. The idea that were not going to have troops on the ground seems false to me since this is the pattern we have been on. So when we were together last week, part of the reason i wanted to assemble this panel is because of the intensity that occurred between you and another guest. What does it mean to be a veteran, and what does it mean to be an infantry man. And you very clearly said no matter what, these who have volunteered for the position will take on whatever mission they have. But that is not quite the same thing as beating the drums of war. No, i think we have a great panel here to so the difference. Infantry men go in knowing theyre going to fight. Thats their sole reason for being. They live for it. Someone that has never experienced it, never been around it, never been inside of it, it doesnt matter who it is. And they truly believe in their leaders. If the president says well go here and do it well, and thats what they said this week in congress. He said there is no problem with if do put boots on the ground. We can do it surgically and professionally. This is a matter of priority when it comes county to it. The u. S. Spent roughly 6 billion a year on military, and we spend 50 million fewer than that engaging countries and so on. I bet if we reverse the budgets we would be better at something else. We have a very well trained fighter force. Are these orders the right orders . I dont think they are. We have been bombing iraq for 24 years and it has not helped them become a more stable place. I want to dig into the question about the cost. On the one hand i absolutely appreciate the value of talking about what it costs us personally, as a nation, financially, i wonder if we have a special responsibility no matter what it costs, as a result of our intervention being part of what the nation is now facing. I think youre exactly right. This is part of a larger conversation that the country needs to have in public. Its a debate that if the United States is going to a hedge amount of power, we need to be a hedge amount of power. I dont like to use the word isolation, but taking a military approach. We need to have that public debate. I think that people will get behind whatever is decided in the long run through the politicia politicians. There is no longevity to the Strategic Planning. Its the only country in the world where Foreign Policy completely changes because opinions all change once the new president comes in. There is no consistency which is okay if we have a plan that can be changed and tweaked and everything. I dont think you can create a longterm Strategic Plan for this type of invasion and war. We went in with the idea that we could change something. We declared the end of the war but were still there. But were still there. Isis grew up while troops were still in iraq. We have not fully devested our interest from that country. Even if we pulled out from the war and began securing the nation. So the idea that we could ramp up and that would calm things down. Then you have taken us that question when you say isis began to brew, to emerge while were on the ground there. Doesnt that, whether that is a military or Diplomatic Society were just saying dont bomb the countries of iraq and syria. No one declared war on former military farmers like Timothy Mcveigh after he blew up the Oklahoma City building. But what we have is a criminal group committing criminal atrocities. That doesnt mean they can be solved with more violence. They came to being because of the conditions set by the invasion in 2003 and that extepexten extended to syria. Those groups will not become rolled into the political process through u. S. Bombs, it doesnt work. Well take a quick break and when we come back thats the topic i want us to move on which is the strategic question. Whether any of the strategies will bring about the resolution that were hoping for. So hold on for me. Ill ask if the commander and chief or generals are at odds. 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He said that other and over again, but it came with a strategy question. Part of the key that makes the u. S. What it is is civilian leadership for the military. On the other hand military leaders are the ones that advise these leaders and being military they look for military solutions. No question, when the president calls a meeting of advisors, and the military is there, they always say they have the ability to do it. Were giving 500 million to train Syrian Rebels in saudi arabia. It would only take 100 million for the complex crisis fund. This is not crisis prevention now its crisis response. We need to Start Holding up the mechanisms of peace building. I want to been to gates, talking about what would be necessary to achieve the objective. Theyre not going to be able to be successful against isis in the air or commending on the ira iraqi forces or the sunni tribes acting on their own. I think by continuing to repeat that the president , in effect, traps himself. There is a former secretary talking about theyre not going to be able to be successful and that question of success here the president said degrade or destroy, but does success always necessarily mean a military destruction in order to constitution success . The military commanders dont always know. There was a big bush back because they didnt want to fight a Counter Insurgency fight. It is very muddy and difficult to do and its not what they want to do. The army has gone through a big phase where they get rid of doctrine and try to focus on the conventional threat. So for them to suggest it it is very big. But given the right support they can do that, can push them to the border. Syria, i said this over and over, a completely different thing. I think the president was smart by forcing the political change in baghdad. And trust me, when a sunni triable leader says were done with isis there will be heads in the streets. This is an autocratic society. When they say its done, it is. Americans, myself even, feel very differently this week than even a mont ago about engages isis. Largely as a result of the atrocities against civilians. Are we downplaying the cost of war for those who will be on the front line . We want to protect these civilian lives whether they are american or british civilians, but the cost for the men and women who will fight. The men and women who are and were fighting are paying the costs of the last few years. The floor was about to cave in because they were holding backlogged veteran claims. Im still dealing with affects of my first, last, and only deployment let alone people who went two, three, four times. And then there is the people of iraq and what theyre dealing with. The idea that we can help people in iraq when we know that military solutions destroy the country. People have less access to water, safety, food, infrastructure than they did ten years ago. The idea that we could rinse, wash, and repeat seems obscene to me. Thank you for being here, i hope i can continue to call on you in the future. Especially as we have this mission creep. Thank you so my guests. Still to come this morning, Malcolm Warner joining us, and bad feminist author roxanne gaye. Coming up next. The good news no one is talking about. Something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement . I dont think so. Well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years, that retirement challenge might not seem so big after all. While a body in motion tends to stay in motion. Staying active can ease arthritis symptoms but if you have arthritis, this can be difficult. Prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain, so your body can stay in motion. Because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. 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It has sparked massive protests and movements because it is outrageous that a state would decline to offer a life or Death Service to its most Vulnerable People. It could save them substantial money in the long run. It has been especially fierce in North Carolina. They have fought back against the rightword lurch. That is why it is north Carolinas Senate between a democrat that rose the president wave in 2008. And those who instituted the most restrictive voter laws in the country and stagnated teacher pay that is the most Important Senate race in the nation. What if this feeling could last all week . With centurylink as your trusted partner, it can. Our visionary Cloud Infrastructure and Global Broadband network free you to focus on what matters. With Custom Communications solutions and dedicated support, your business can shine all week long. Carmax is the best place to start your car search. E, great for frank, whos quite particular. Russian jazz funk . Next to swedish hip hop. 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None were incumbents or white men. The results have a lot to do with the record 72 of black voters that turned out in that election. For the first time this year since she earned office, senator kate hagan will be up for reelection and she is running against the republican speaker of the house that presided over everything from the Voter Suppression laws. This time barack obama will not be on the ticket, but he is, in many ways, at the heart of the race. They tried to tie hate into the president and she has tried to walk a fine line between embracing the president and distancing herself from his policies. That is practically a case study in the base of voter turnout. That is a lot on the line. The winner of the North Carolina race could determine control of the u. S. Senate. Joining me now from raleigh is rob christensen. Nice to have you this morning. Were looking at polls showing that the race between hagan and tilis is just razor thin. What kind of voter turn out does hagan need to win. To a large degree, the selection will pivot on voter turnout. Its a problem everywhere in midterms. We dont have the appeal of a president ial race. Its also in part because both of these senate campaigns, neither one of them really have a strong emotional peal to their political basis. Ha dpr hagan to the most liberal. Even though this race is important, and it could determine a u. S. It has not generated a lot of water cooler talk here. Its a real problem for both Political Parties in trying to get turn out. Today at a congressional black caucus, theyre getting a program this weekend to try to energize africanamerican votes. There was a big rally for conservative evangelicals. So turnout is very critical in this election. Its interesting that you make that point. Most of the commercials dont even have candidates in them, most of them are teachers with right . Theyre saying thom tillis is horrible, or its teachers saying its not true. Yf why is education at the center of a senate race . I think the way to look at this race is the democrats want to localize this race and make it about North Carolina issues and in particular about the legislature. The democrats are very angry. This has been traditionally a very moderate state. The republicans want to nationalize the race and make it about the president and obama care. So that is what the ad has been about. And sorry, but i just made the counterargument earlier when i said that part of hagans problem is she is linked with dc, and tillis wants to bring it back to North Carolina. Telling his story, being a paper boy, where he lived, it felt like he was trying to make it more about North Carolina. But you see hagan making it about North Carolina . The issue that has been the cutting issue, and the reason that all of the polls, the ad that has really shown movement for hagan is the teacher issue. That is the issue that moved voters and it is really people blaming public Legislature Even though it is a local and not a national issue. Which is more popular, North Carolina, the president in North Carolina, or the Republican Legislature which is also not doing very well. Which politician and Political Group do you hate more and how does hating a Political Group get you out to the polls. Thank you so much. Sure. Up next, beyonce, feminism and the big debate. One little smile. One little laugh. Honey bunny. laughter we would do anything for her. My name is kim bryant and my husband and i made a will on legalzoom. It was really easy to do. baby noise. Laughter we created legalzoom to help you take care of the ones you love. Go to legalzoom. Com today and complete your will in minutes. At legalzoom. Com we put the law on your side. This is holly. Her long day of Outdoor Adventure starts with knee pain. And a choice. Take 6 tylenol in a day or just 2 aleve for all day relief. 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One in three people will get shingles in their lifetime. The shingles rash can last up to 30 days. I wish that there was something i could do to help. Some people with shingles will have long term nerve pain which can last for a few months to a few years. Dont wait until someone you love develops shingles. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about your risk. Ill never forget that moment when i felt a double consciousness heal. There was a public display i never thought i would see in my lifetime. Not the ought 2008 democratic president ial nomination of barack obama, im talking about the august 2014, just last month when beyonce at her performance at the mtv Video Music Awards appeared with a and it was a some bollic act of the main streaming of feminist as a public identity. That is just one of the topics of a new book entitled feminism has concurred the culture. I dont think that in my lifetime, im 39, i have seen public popular feminist discourse more robust than it is now. When i was in high school, college, and first in the professional world, the Womens Movement was scorned. A good deal of this goes to the internet. She says its better have this the Beautiful People think that feminist is cool. And there is something thrilling about watching her stand in front of a lit up back splash of the word. Feminist internet discourse doesnt do much for me. No matter how robust it may be or how much money it brings up for the money or causes because it went viral on a particular day, people talk about everything on the different. The debate in the piece grows from there. Right now i have them live as rebecca and judith join me here in the studio. Why is poll dan pole dancing i love the partition video because she is doing an interesting feminist work when she says im in control of my sexuality because im going to put up the partition or put it down based on what i am consenting to do. Lets talk about the vmas, theres two parts to it. There is part that starts with the feminism, to the song flawless, and the quote, and it goes to a song to blue ivy and its wonderful. What comes before . I watched it with my 10yearold daughter who is a huge beyonce fan. She has not seen many videos. What are some of the images we see in the first half. We see bondage, women in leather, women on their back with their feet up and the camera looking straight at their private parts. We see back up singers in outfits that make them look completely naked. After that she splashes up the word feminist. To me, there is a jars dysfunction. I asked my daughter what she thought. She said i thought the first half was really weird. She didnt get the references or the pornographic references. I dont want my daughter watching that and thinking thats how women behave. I have a big problem with that. I would respond by saying im not sure there are all of those elements there, but there could also be critique there. A lot of what were seeing includes a critique of the very thing that she is participating in. I dont think the critique is, you know, i dont think there is not a reason to point these things out, im all for debating all of this stuff. Im thrilled. I love music, video, her work, what she says publicly. She talked about economic inequality, men having power, but i also think we should be talking about this stuff. These questions of pole dancing, objectification. And thats not a bad thing. The fact that she is making us talk about those things is part of a feminist discourse. The culture and pop culture happens around us. We can debate her all day. But part of what i want to do is enter this into the pop culture aspect of it. This is part of where the debate really is between the two of you. So what is the value of it . I agree with the idea of fetishizing it. What does it mean if its just a label versus having some content. I think she is the most talented pop star of her generation. She has taken power, control, she has agency, she is an amazing figure. If she is performing a critique, it was not being performed in the video that we were looking at. But to normalize that kind of behavior, that kind of pornographic imagery as something that should be part of the general pop culture, i do have a problem with that. Let me just say to answer your question. The role of pop culture is hugely important and it socializes us. Does pop culture and endlessly talking about pop culture, you will find 50 pieces of girls for every piece of day care, right . Thats what well talk about. So let me back up to another kind of icon moment. This was the title 9 version of feminism that sarah palin gave us. She said im a feminist that recognizes my ability to play basketball and run for Vice President is related to the fact that girls need opportunities. In a similar way making use of the word. The word is up for anybody that wants to use it. This is false that there it is like a club with member cards. It is always changing means, its level of inclusivity and exclusivity. Anyone can call themselves a feminist. Once you do you enter what has been through the history of the Womens Movement, and the other social movements, a huge debate about what it means, right . Thats why i think its good that we talk about it in regard to pop culture. Its good there is feminism in there. I also wonder if part of the reason why the internet and pop culture aspect, thats where they find the capacity to have voice not determined by gate keepers at all of the officially sanctioned places to have debate about this. I have angst about twitter too, but it also feels like thats where people who dont have a show get to say what they want to say. And we dont have to like everything that comes into the conversation. Sarah palin is right, she is a product of feminism. She is a product of title 9, her existence, there is all kind of forces at work there too, but complicating the conversation is not a bad thing. Thats Something Like beyonce or someone in the corporate realm, sheryl sandberg. Sheryl sandberg, beyonce, melissa harrisperry. If you sufh then youll know how uncomfortable it can be. [ crickets chirping ] but did you know that the lack of saliva can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath . [ exhales deeply ] [ male announcer ] well there is biotene. Specially formulated with moisturizers and lubricants, biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy, too. [ applause ] biotene for people who suffer from dry mouth. Biotene doctors have been prescribingdecade, nexium to patients just like you. For many, prescription nexium helps heal acidrelated erosions in the lining of the esophagus. There is risk of bone fracture and low magnesium levels. Side effects may include headache, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. 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Sanders quickly relayed the damming videos play by play to Team Executives in baltimore. The Ravens Organization released this statement that the report contained numerous errors, inaccuraci inaccuracies, false assumptions. They will address all of them after our trip to cleveland for sundays game against the browns. When the dispute leaves the future of his professional football career hanging in the balance, the fate of his jersey has been sealed. This is a line of fans waiting to rid themselves of the rice number 27 jersey. Fans were able to come and return their rice jerseys and exchange them for another player on the ravens active roster. At the end of two days, 7,000 fans came to make a decision based on principal. No one wants to wear ray rice shirt out. So we thought we would exchange it for anything, we dont care. Were teaching him about hitting and not hitting to were going with somebody not doing shoes sort of things right now. Joining me now is a cohost of espn 2s highly questionable youre with espn, but youre not part of that reporting. Just how much sort of, lets say fumbling is the nfl doing in this moment around the rice issue. They have not gotten a single thing right. Its so bad that you read that story and the only person that comes out looking better than he had beforehand is actually ray rice. And then what is going on with the ravens themselves. Everyone made all of these decisions from point a to point b. Theyre lost. You know it feels to me, i keep im having this angst. On the one hand ray rices actions are abominable. The way the nfl is acting as an employer is deeply troubling to me. There is two separate issues flp flp. There is what took place in the elevator. After that happened there is a tern thing that you have to be fair with how you deal with ray rice. We decided the twogame suspension was too light. He was the guy that nobody would root for. Everybody has come down on him, a suspension for no one ever thought an indefinite suspension was necessary before. He lied to us, he did this and that and now that seems to be falling apart. Even listening to those fans as they return those jerseys, which i get, but that notion of now we will make this a problem that is exclusively a rice problem rather than a league problem. As long as i exchange my jersey, to hear an nfl fan say i want to teach my son not to hit, its football. Hitting is what theyre paid to do. I wonder if there is a way in which we all get to cleanse ourselves by being against ray rice so we dont have to address the larger issues of violence. The penn state case was another one. The ray rice thing creates a dilemma. If you trade the ray rice jersey for a suggs jersey, what are you doing. My favorite cleansing is in beer. Anheuserbusch is indicating they no long er. An Alcohol Company is mad about violence when we know to what extent capitol is linked to violence. They have an ironic set of politics given how it is they make their billions of dollars. The Beer Companies are telling you we dont know how we felt about a dry who was drunk in an elevator. Drunk busch products instead of ray rice was drunk on . I dont know. Did goodell survive this and should he survive it . The answer is of course not. The fact that they had a press conference this weekend and you knew there was not a single thing he could do to make it better. If he is incapable of saying thinking you generally need a new leader. The owners really like roger goode goodell. And the favors he has done for certain owners and they go back and forth and they have his back. But when the billions Start Talking and you have to wonder if the people necessary to force Roger Goodell out are saying if it happens it happens. I just want to listen for a moment when one of the reporters asked him about justifying not having any africanamerican women part of the new Domestic Violence group. Can you justify not having an africanamerican as part of that group of women that you hired to look into Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence. Well, thats not true, we have internal experts that have been working on this welcome people of color, that are women and men. They have been involved with this process from the beginning. We have internal women and men working on the process. He basically said i have a binder full of women and im assuming one or two of them are black. I think they got to the end of the week and someone said you know we dont have a black woman, and theyre fine, we just got to do this. Everything that has gone so wrong and badly, thats the one detail they missed it and said people will just have to be mad. There will be more on the nfl and their beleaguered commissioner next. Were going to talk about the issue of angry black women. I know you heart about that. And well talk to malcolm jammal warner who is joining us to look at our fall tv season. 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So maybe we need to approach things differently, if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. If we want to be ready for a longer retirement. Some people think vegetables are boring. But with green giants delicious seasonings and blends, we just may change their minds. Ho ho ho green giant welcome back. On friday, Roger Goodell went before the press to do damage control after a spate of players cast a National Spotlight on the leagues progress with Domestic Violence. He announced a number of changes that the nfl would be undertaking including the policies and preventing abuse for all players and staff. He made it clear there was one thing that would be remaining the same. Have you considered resigning at any point throughout this . I have not, im more focused on doing my job. And doing the best of my ability. I understand when people are critical of your performance, but we have a lot of work to do, thats my focus. The work expanded to include domestic assaults against a female partner and Domestic Violence against children after Minnesota Vikings player Adrian Peterson was charged after using a wood switch and belt on his son when disciplining him. Whats the message to the mother with the kids who have peterson jerseys and doesnt know what to tell them . Were like a Brother Society in several ways. While im disappointed in what he was involved with, we want to see the facts. I think what we see is tragic and its hard to look at. I have two daughters that are 13. Its very difficult to see. We have to allow the facts to proceed, but the Important Message for all of us as parents is that our children will make mistakes. They need to learn how to take responsibility and be accountable for those mistakes and deal with those. But goodell doesnt have to look far because we know at least one fact that peterson himself admitted to in a statement. He said i have to live with the fact that when i disciplined my son the way i was disciplined as a child i caused a injury that i did not intend to happen. A majority of americans, nearly 70 , support the use of Corporal Punishment to discipline a child. Fact, although there is a higher p percentage of africanamericans think that corporate punishment is not discriminated by race. A 73 of white americans also think that spanking a child is an acceptable form of punishment. It leaves us with this final fact. A national con census that violence is not okay against a smaller and more Vulnerable Person does not apply to the smallest and most Vulnerable People among us. Joining me now a professor of psychology. And dr. Stacey patton. And we have the cohost of espn 2s highly questionable. Is Corporal Punishment the last form of acceptable Domestic Violence . I think it is. The stats that you mentioned are pretty breath taking 80 to 90 of participants do it, but you have a very small group of people who use corporate punishment that dont think theyre doing anything wrong. Its hard to get this type of agreement on any issue. It was, for me, stunning to see the difference between the ray rice reaction from people saying that is clearly wrong, or with adrian, people saying my mama beat me. I think there is a kind of nostalgia at operation here. You have ray rice participating saying this is how my mama raised me, im successful because of the whippings i got, our own president obama has commented about how once upon a time, if you were acting out someone in the community could snatch you up and whip you. I thought thank god you cant do that any more. Your golden age past is a violent one. We hear the commissioner saying were just here in the nfl were just a himicrocausism of societ. Is there any more likely today so that the punishment of children, using spanking or switches is less like tlly to b supported. Yeah, there is a good chance that the people were talking about here hear this and dont understand what the issue is. Most people didnt until they saw the photographs if is turned into a broader discussion where even if youre a supporter of Corporal Punishment, you still dont think those pictures are appropriate. It seems to me like the conversation around Domestic Violence with ones female partner is an absolute, men dont hit women, full stop. But it is apparently perfectly feen fine if its an adult punishing a child, that is only harsh, heavy, or so violent. Thats the psychology. My mom and dad came from mississippi, they were whipped with switches, they whipped us with belts. The day i got beat by my dad, it was the most terrifying day of my life. Im convinced that it starts in the home. There is a way in which faith based people justified the treatment of our children. It is not in the bible at all. No, what is in the bible is suffer the little children who come on to me and he does not then begin to beat them with a switch. As much as this turned into a race conversation, the idea that Adrian Peterson was engaging in racial practices, there is a regional gap in spanking. In the south, there is more people who support spanks, and a religious gap. I think that is about the interpretation of skricripture. I think the only way to change the spiral of violence is to start in the home and to have an educated and important conversation. The word rod means authority. That is genital and compassionate, is a different authority than a switch, spank, spoon, or fist. If a child is beat, a child will learn to use might if a child is kicked, a child will learn to use violence. On this topic, i wonder, for a profession that needs people to use violence and force, youre not going to chat with the offensive linemen about whether or not maybe he will get out of your way, thats not how it works. There would be a reason to think that in the context of this support there would be more people for who it is a way to solve problems. No, it seems reasonable because they solve problems. Adrian peterson said he has some concept of it. Can you imagine the threshold of Adrian Peterson has and he is transitioning it over to dealing with a child. And he has no idea that what he did was so out of bounds and out of control . I think it is part of why people got really hopped up about this issue. Yeah, thank you for joining us. Im going to come back and have more with my substantial on this question when we come back. Two. singing snack time and lunch. singing snack time and lunch. Gogurt because lunch needs some fun. This is charlie. 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If you hit your kid, they will stop doing what theyre doing in that moment, parents are suckered in by that trade. We know that in the long term, the effects are opposite. Research really looked at it in three different ways. We looked at externalizing problems, aggression, acting out, and kids subjected to Corporal Punishment have higher levels of that. We look at anxiety and depression. And even cognitive effects. So we know there is all sorts of negative effects. As great as it works in the moment, we try to get parents to think more long term. So all that we know that Corporal Punishment is not a black thing, its not racialized. Particularly for africanamerican men, raised by single moms, they said my mom had to do this. And part of what theyre saying is there is so much pathology, the stakes are high for us. The stakes are high. There is a tradition of praising black mothers. Tupac said you were a crack fiend you were always a black queen. There is a celebration of mother. Even if she damaged us in the process of trying to do as good as she could. I think when back people are questioned about using Corporal Punishment against children we get defensive because were operating in a ray sis frame work, a society that fundamentally devalues them. So a response is a way to protect and show love and we view this as responsible parenting. We want to say hey, dont be mad at me, be mad at the officer that shoots my unarmed child. We recognize the way that that kind of pathology will be put on to relatively powerless black women, but not on to officials with an enormous amount of power. Thats the contradiction. We see all of this righteous indignation, but at the same time we live in a country that does not call out prison wardens, police, and neighborhood watchmen that shoot our children in the speech. It feels like a great challenge that builds a ledge of love, respect, and humanity around our children in relation to racist and homophobic societies. Sometimes parents experience the aftereffects on themselves. The first important thing to do is acknowledge that parenting is hard. Its really difficult work. Amen. Everybody is not called today do it. I think this concept that parents are Holding Children on behavior of their god or higher power. There is a way that the letic of love, what does love look like . I think what love looks like is it needs to look like parents need support. It takes a village. What kind of communities they need to be in so they can learn how to use the best kinds of kills, timeout, take time, pull the child out of the environment, speak slowly. That takes practice and time. We have to have grace when parents make mistakes and invite them to try new behaviors. And if it takes time, and it takes the patience, it may also mean that youre not working three jobs, worried about health care, if you can put food on the table, all of those policy decisions we make make it harder or easier for parents. Thank you to my guests. There is so much more on this, but we have a lot more in this show today as well. Still to come this morning, roxanne gaye is coming. Youll want to know this bad feminist. First, did you hear the one about shondra rhymes . Now theres even more of the amazing cinnamon taste you love on cinnamon toast crunch. Crave those crazy squares even more. Where you can explore super destinations and do everything under the sun. 12 brands. More hotels than anyone else in the world. Save up to 25 and earn bonus points when you book at wyndhamrewards. Com. Here we go, here we go, here we go. Fifty omaha set hut losing feeling in my toes nothing beats that new car smell chicken parm you taste so good nationwide is on your side mmm mmm mmm mm mmm mm mmmmmm ugh. Heartburn. Did someone say burn . Try alka seltzer reliefchews. They work just as fast and taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. Mmm. Amazing. Yeah, i get that a lot. Alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. 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With Custom Communications solutions and dedicated support, your business can shine all week long. I am so noh my gosh. Now, its not even funny. Driver 1 you ready . Yeah go [sfx] roaring altima engine woah ahhhha we told people they were riding nissans most advanced altima race car. We lied. About the race car part. Altima, with 270 horsepower and active understeer control. How did you . What i dont even, im speechless. Innovation that excites. By now you likely heard about the New York Times piece about the new series how to get away with murder. They purport to afternoon an analysis of the new shondr Shondra Rhimes piece. It says when shonda writes her auto biography, it should be called how to get away with being an angry black woman. It prompted my smart responses. It is boggling that a New York Times Television Critic cannot write about a black woman without calling on the oddest racist stereotypes about a black woman. They go on to enumerate each of them. Of course ms. Rhimes herself took to twitter. Did you know you were an angry black woman . Rhimes is not the angry black woman creator. That honor belongs to pete nowalk. Apparently we can be angry black women together because i didnt know i was one either. With so many smart responses already recorded, i thought we should try something different. What if we rewrote the article about another hotly anticipated show in the fall lineup. Imagine this. Wrought in their creators image. When aaron sorken writes is autobiography, it should be how to get away with being an angry white man. It is another series from sorken that show cases a powerful and intimidating white man. This one, a blustering monologue prone workplace bully. And that clinches it, mr. Sorken, who has done more to reset the image of white men on television more than anyone since dr. Phil. Sorkens white men can and do get angry. Not written for tv, but one of the more volcanic on screen melt downs in tv history belongs to colonel Nathan Jessup in a few good men. His are not like the bossy mouthy salt of the earth working class men that have been scalding and fuming on screen. Theyre not as benign and reassuming as chris trager on parks and recreation. Think about how he was literally laying the foundation for the Vice President ial cam bane of paul ryan. He is actual, even sexy in a slightly menacing way. But the actor doesnt look like the typical star of a network drama, ignoring the narrow beauty standards that some people are held to. He picked a performer who was older, punchier, and less beautiful than say Patrick Dempsey or scott foley. He and his characters are walking and talking all over the place. I just hope they encounter some angry black women in those corridors. Avoid surprises with your credit. Good. I hate surprises. Surprise at discover, we treat you like youd treat you. 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Start here. 30 years ago, a show became a national senation. It brought family rituals, relateble family strife, and living room dancing. Im talking about the cosby show. They won six emmys and a golden globe. I know. You know what . I know what youre going to say. And its under control, so no problem. How do you expect to get into college with grades like this. See, im not going to college. I am going to get through high school, and get a job like regular people. For those of us that grew up watching them every thursday night at 8 00 the show provided unity. As i wrote in my book bashershops, bibles, and b. E. T. It ended in 1992 and the show had a dallasing impact on pop culture and possibly politics. In 2008 they started using the huxta huxtable effect. How much have they influenced our social and political understanding of black families. Joining me is corey murray. And jo marie peyton. We have kevin fowler, and in boston, an actor and producer with an extensive resume, but he was also one of the cosby kids, theo. You now get as an adult the impact of what the show was, but when you were 18, were you aware of the impact of the show . It is always difficult when youre in the middle of it to have a full appreciation of everything going on. But the thing that always stood out is while we were getting criticized for the show not being a real portrayal of black families, we were getting tens of thousands of letters from people thanks us from the show. People says we are the huxtables. My father is a doctor, my mother is a lawyer, thank you for representing us. We were not just being an entertaining sitcom, but we were having a social impact. Of course just like my experience with the airmen, nothing is legitimatized until it gets on television. It has been an interesting experience for me having a show how powerful even a few minutes on air can be. I wonder if it has changed. The land of cable, netflix, and on demand. Back then you had to watch it at that moment. You had to watch it and we awe saul it at the same time on thursday night. Sure, i think there is a difference in the impact. I think were also not seeing the type of programming that is, you know, that still has that kind of social impact. I think now when we talk about shows that we have on dvr, its more for, you know, the entertainment effect. Hold for me a second, talk about the entertainment effect for a second. Family matters, the huxtables. They first must entertain. If theyre not good, funny, or entertaining, people will not watch them. A bunch of highminded role modelling does not make people tune in and watch. Youre right we started out, i think can a different kind of vehicle when we initially started with the central family, and then we brought in the urkle character. We were a good soup and urkle was the salt. They wanted that funny, that other thing in there and it turned into another animal. Just as much, the criticism of the class bias, there was a criticism of the racial pantomime that some people saw in the urkle character. He got to a certain age and people didnt want his pants lifted that high because his business was there. A mother came in for lunch one day and she said i dont know what to do about jaleel. So when he changed into the stephan character, i wanted him to evolve instead of putting him as a machine, but he was so funny and he was an icon. We were just talking about shonda rhimes, some of the earliest shows, good times and stanford and sons. I quite honestly,ly take a norman leer over a tyler perry any day of the week. Not every representation of the black identity was represented in these tv shows. There was something important about the fact that cost by occasionally had story lines about what it was like to be a black person at the time. And it was the most popular tv show in the country. That didnt solve racism, but it got people to stop thinking about stereotypes and to maybe change minds a little bit. You did not solve racism, you are president obama it turns out, but in this moesmt as you reflect on what our current offerings are, some of them, exciting new offerings, some of them are feeling reactionary, is there something to be said for just the number of faces . Just the sort of multiplicity, the possibilities of what we can see on air . I think there are always possibilities. And you know the whole diversity issue is, you know, the topic of the day. But the thing that i have always maintained was what was what made the huxtables and the cosby show special, its not that they were just upper middle class. Its not just that they were professionals, it was the execution of the comedy. It was not predicated on being black in america. There was no episodes that talked about how hard it was being black in america. The show was not a the show was not about a black family, it was about a loving family that happened to be black. And with black music and black art on the wall, there was a lot of blackness even without necessarily race struggle. Yes, they just were, they didnt have to wear the blackness on their sleeve. They just were. I think the issue with a lot of the way that people of color are written on television, theyre written through a certain filter so they can have all of the black affectations. Thats not what made cosby special. I always maintained that if you give black characters higher economic status, you give them a profession, but they act in the same stereotypical ways, youre not seeing anything different. I always thought it was funny that he was an obgyn. Thank you for joining us. Im going to bring in the rest of this panel when we come back. Im talking to my essence colleague. Take and. Exhale. In. Aflac and a gentle wavelike motion. Aahhh ahhhhhh. 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I just got a sneak peek of how to get away with murder. Im already like for the week of the first week of october so i can see what happens next. So when you bring up Shondra Rhimes, and shows like scandal. They dont meet the typical role of women. Do you think its a good thing . I think its wonderful because it gives you a wide scope of the fact that we are different. Were not pigeon toed into a little circle they want to put us in. Even with our show, and back the cosby show. The comparisons, you take with you in a character some of what you learned. I took some of my mother and grandmother with me. We are not all the same. You dont all have the same black mama. Absolutely. So when i see these different women on tv and all of the different roles and professions and things, im happy and excited to see it. Even some of the tyler perry stuff. I know characters just like some of the people on the shows. But still i know some people just like them and there is nothing wrong with us being different and people experiencing that were have very group of people in different brackets as far as financial and everything else. We are who we are, it is what it is. I want to play a little from the show that my daughter is most looking forward to, this is blackish. Lets play just a little bit of blackish. Im andre johnson. I have a great career, a spectacular house, and a loving family im surrounded by every day. I need my family to be black, not blackish. Why dont we take a black break and go get some white yogurt. My kid, growing up in a postracial, obama world, will be playful around the question of race. Blackish is very funny and smartly written. And its airing after modern family which is the biggest comedy platform that abc has. So it will appeal to a wide audience. I wonder about the not just a black audience caveat that happens. I think about a cosby effect fairty, or will and grace helping to pave the way around changes requirements for marriage equality. If it was just for a black audience, thats okay, too, and they were apparently the only ones watching girlfriends. Yeah, can you realize in watching the show how funny and missed she is. She is a great actress. And the show is totally fun, one of my favorite lines, he gets made president of the urban division. And he said im just president of the black stuff now . And it is really based on the creator. That is his life, and it goes back to those letters that malcolm jammal warner talked about. Part of the danger of the creators image, what we saw in the New York Times this week with the angry black woman narrative cast on to shond shonda rhimes, i want to play a little bit of this show in case people dont know what it is. How to get away with murder. Here we go. I will not be teaching you how to study the law or theorize about it, but rather how to practice it, in a courtroom, like a real lawyer. So this extraordinary tenured law professor who is doing this, im looking at her like yes and she is written about saying she is a weird reflection of the writer, who is a white guy. Does she just look mad to everybody else . I dont think so, i think they look mad to some white folks. So some white folks, not all of them. I think when youre independent black woman, and you vocalize your opinion about something, the truth does hurt some people pause its a slap in the face, okay . I think sometimes they can they think were angry when were just, a lot of times we are angry, but most times were serious and we want you to listen and understand what we have to say. And you know, being angry might mean were angry about something. Thank you to my guests. Up next, author of bad feminist will be here. 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Koxdokco roxanne gayes new book of essays,3w she writes, t quote, not trying took say im right, m just trying to do some good in this world,w3 trying to makei] noise with my bringing while also being myself. A woman who loves pinkc and liks to get freaky and sometimes on the moral high ground. Now a New York Times best seller is bringing the conversation to a wider audience. And her collectionz3i of essays to be a blackxd feminist straddling my angst abwab the vulnerability of black men in the context, for example, of ferguson. Yeah. And the vulnerability of black women at the hands of blo5 as we are seeing, for example, in the context of qjany rice. How do we start trying to a qr ficult where we stand . co ico think we just look at nuance. Andfa we have to understand tha life is difficult for all of black peorl and we cannot forget the struggles of black women just because the newsnico prefers tol the stories of black men because black women get stopped all the time by the police. Lord knows i do becauselp i hapn n while black. Andfa so its important we continue to prioritize these stories. And we can critique ourselves. We cant just let anything go. Ray rice did ai] bad thing. Ok Adrian Peterson did a bad thing, and so racial solidarity is well and good, but we achieve nothing jju the worst o rise. In at world where tv is so powerful, does writing still absolvd1e9nni writing matters more than ever. And i have to believe that so i can keep making a living. But i also know that words matter because ofni the impact iveco seen my book have and because of the impact, quite frankly that books have had on we missed youjf yesterday. Thanks. Anyway, melissa, thank you for that. Comin whos going to do it . Whos going to make it happen . Discover a new energy source. Turn ocean waves into power. Design cars that capture their emissions. Build bridges that fix themselves. Get more clean water to everyone. Whos going to take the leap . Whos going to write the code . 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Were going to take you live to the streets of new york to so what exactly do the activists want . New details emerging on how a man can leap the fence and sprint right through to the front door. Joining us in this video, if not, will a thousand searchers be able to uncover clues in the disappearance of a Virginia College student. And its a topic not being talked about in the nfls Domestic Violence controversy. How this soccer star fit into the picture . Hey there, everyone, welcome to weekends with alex witt. We have new reaction today after a man with a knife jumped a white house fence making it through the front door before he was apprehended

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