Transcripts For MSNBCW Lockup San Antonio - Extended Stay 20

Transcripts For MSNBCW Lockup San Antonio - Extended Stay 20190915

to come here. i'm definitely an innocent man. >> my original belief is satan. >> a self avowed satanist runs a variety of inmate hustles to fund a bodybuilder's appetite. >> i've gained 44 pounds since i've been here. i don't think too much of it's fat. >> and a member of the arian brotherhood dishes out his own brand of justice. >> i went in behind him and shut the door. i woke him up, i said, hey, punk. get up. i've got some bad news for you. ♪ >> though san antonio, texas, might be remembered for the alamo, today, it's one of the fastest-growing cities in america. but increased growth also brings increased problems. >> for the longest period, san antonio was known as a large city with a small-town mentality. san antonio is the now seventh largest city in the nation, and we are probably feeling the growing pains. >> nowhere are those growing pains more apparent than just outside downtown in the solid brick fortress that is the bexar county jail. it's where anyone charged with criminal acts in san antonio orr the outlying areas will surely spend some time. >> my father always said nobody comes to jail for being nice. one thing we have to remember is people coming to jail have not been found guilty yet. >> most of the 3,500 men and women housed in bexar county have only been charged with crimes under awaiting trial of the resolution of their cases. others have been convicted and are serving short sentences or are awaiting transfer to prison. todd out has been in and out of jails and prisons for the past 20 years. he is currently awaiting charges of assault and vehicle theft, to which he's pled not guilty. >> it's not a cake walk. you see the knots on my head. i've been cut with razors, all right here. i mean, i got cut with a knife when this dude put six razors in a toothbrush. somebody tried to stab me in the chest and heart. that didn't work either. i'm still here today. it's been rough. i've been in two fights since i've been in this jail. in, what, less than three months. >> one of those fights occurred after another inmate made fun of allen's personal style. >> i'm the one that's got this horseshoe mustache in there and he called me hulk hogan this and that. i said, okay, okay, i got you. i'm going to smash on you. i knocked him out the first punch. but i didn't stop then. i knew i had to hold him down. i beat on him, beat on him. and then the search came in with a taser gun. >> the jail's special emergency response team, or sert, was called in to break up the fight. afterwards, allen was given ten days in segregation. locked down 23 hours a day with no privileges. but it's something he's grown used to. >> i got my lucky shot in. >> you do so many years in the penn, ain't nothing bothers you. you don't give a [ bleep ], man. you're focused on whatever. >> allen's willingness to fight over his mustache is one of a seemingly endless supply of reasons others resort to violence. another fight is just broken out between three inmates in one of the general population housing units. the sert team subdues the fighters and starts the investigation. >> inmate, what's your name and sit number. >> the aggressors appear to be guadalupe lomez. and luis hernandez. neither man shows any sign of injury. victor sanchez will require medical attention. >> let's go. >> should be facing the wall. >> jacked up. where is he at? bring him over here. >> sanchez's most obvious injuries are a black eye and a cut on the back of his head. sergeant tucker, who witnessed part of the fight, now takes over from sert in finding out what happened. and why. >> i just got hit. >> that's not what i saw. i saw you swing at him. you both had him cornered. you want to stand there and lie to me some more? >> no, sir. just what happened. i just got hit. >> right, there was a lock down for nothing. what did you hit him with? >> my hand. >> who had the thing that cut the back of his head open? >> oh, i don't know about that. >> was that you? >> no, sir. >> right. okay. >> as tucker interrogates, sanchez undergoes his medical evaluation where an entirely new injury is discovered. >> who threw the water on him? are you the one who threw the water on him? >> no. >> who threw the water on him? >> i don't know about that. he was already like that. >> who threw the water on him? >> sir, with all-due respect, none of those injuries -- he has already. >> those are fresh. who threw water on him? >> that wasn't me. >> you both are getting charged so serious bodily injury. >> burns and all that wasn't me. wasn't me. >> he was already like that. they had seen him for days like that. >> while hernandez and lomez acknowledge fighting with sanchez, they insist some of the injuries were from a fight two days earlier. so sergeant tucker calls the officer who was on duty at the time and the story seems to check out. >> because officers did not witness the earlier fight and sanchez made no mention of it or discussed his injuries with staff, no disciplinary report was filed. but several inmates said that sanchez was, in fact, in an earlier fight lending credence to the claims of lomez and hernandez. all three inmates will be locked in single-man segregation cells for a cooling off period of at least 24 hours. >> place your hands on the top bunk. stay there until the doors close. >> though he and hernandez were initially identified as the aggressors, lomez, who is serving a one-year sentence for burglarizing a vehicle says sanchez started this latest fight. >> he came out, came to my cell started talking [ bleep ], came back to his cell and wanted me to come inside. you want me to come inside? all right. i take off my shirt, open the cell door and he comes out swinging. when he started swinging at me, that's when i did what i had to do. >> well, he turned around and threw water on me. and we started fighting. that's when i got the burn. >> sanchez is accused of car theft to which he plans to plead not guilty. a life-long stutterer, he says the fight resulted from a dispute with lomez. when they knew each other on the streets. >> he was trying to fight with the six pack that he gave me. and he was crying about $5. >> oh, that's old news. i mean, maybe he needed money that day for whatever reason, maybe. that's fine. but the next time i see you, be man enough at least to say, hey, you know what? bro, i didn't mean it. here, i'll buy you a six pack. >> going to jail. i can't buy you no damn beer in here. >> hernandez maintains he has no idea what the other two were fighting about. but when he got too close to the action, he had no choice but to join in. >> you know the way it is in here. it's just a reaction, it's instinct. >> the other gentleman, how he got involved, i have no idea. i don't know if he got hit and started swinging back. but god as my witness, may he strike me dead and i would deserve it if i threw hot water on that gentleman. no way. coming up -- >> you want to file charges? >> should i? >> victor sanchez decides whether to raise the stakes and file criminal charges against his two attackers. and -- >> business was very successful. everyone in the neighborhood knew me and they loved me. >> catered my party at my house and everything. >> staff members are shocked to see a popular figure in jailhouse scrubs. i am royalty of racing, raise your steins to the king of speed. if you have moderate to thsevere rheumatoid arthritis, month after month, the clock is ticking on irreversible joint damage. ongoing pain and stiffness are signs of joint erosion. humira can help stop the clock. prescribed for 15 years, humira targets and blocks a source of inflammation that contributes to joint pain and irreversible damage. humira can lower your ability to fight infections. serious and sometimes fatal infections including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. help stop the clock on further irreversible joint damage. talk to your rheumatologist. right here. right now. humira. with licensed agents availablep when 24-7,d it. it's not just easy. it's having-jerome-bettis- on-your-flag-football-team easy. go get 'em, bus! ohhhh! 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>> god allowed me to provide this word in this prison. i have enough faith right now to know that god has everything ready for me. >> thames leads bible study and is regarded as a jailhouse pastor. but in another unit, michael leisher pledges allegiance to a different entity. >> you got lucifer and satan. through death i found life and hell is my paradise. this is my paradise. >> leisher says his life is illuminated by all of his tattoos. all of which were accumulated during his various prison stays. >> it's better than some of the scratches i've seen on some inmates. but it's really not all that extravagant. it's definitely not street-quality work. it was all single needle. i was 24 when i got the tattoo on my head. the horns, itself, it's just me being an outlaw. you know? just somebody that's a little bit of devil himself. you know what i mean? at the time that i got that tattoo, i had a real strict belief in being anti-christian. i believe if there's a god looking down at me, he's got something looking right back up at him. my original belief is satanism, as in the original terms of the word. it just means a representation and acceptance of negative energy being there to let us know what positive energy is. you can't have one without the other. it's a balance. >> but in leisher's case, his negative energy seems to have far eclipsed his positive. >> me, i've been in prison my whole life. from 14 to 19th, ten years in the feds. you know? and now, i mean, my charges -- i don't want to go into detail, but my charge now is two organized crime cases, three counts of burglary of a habitat with force. >> leisher has pled not guilty to the current charges. and the awaiting trial. his repeat offender status could bring a lengthy sentence if he's convicted. >> i'm a violent criminal facing more violent charges. a three-time loser. >> coming up, michael leisher and thomas thames, both receive important news regarding their cases. >> i had a dream about god releasing me. >> and -- >> i don't care if they put me in lockdown or what, i'm going to smash him. >> todd allen launches a vendetta. wow. thanks, zoltar. how can i ever repay you? maybe you could free zoltar? thanks, lady. taxi! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ eh, not enough fiber... chocolate would be good... snacking should be sweet and simple. the delicious taste of glucerna gives you the sweetness you crave while helping you manage your blood sugar. glucerna. everyday progress this inot this john smith smith. or this john smith. or any of the other hundreds of john smiths that are humana medicare advantage members. no, it's this john smith, who met with humana to create a personalized care plan. at humana, we have more ways to care for your health, and we find one that works just for you. no matter what your name is. i am royalty of racing, i am the twisting thundercloud. raise your steins to the king of speed. back then, we checked times a day. times change. eyes haven't. that's why there's ocuvite. screen light... sunlight... longer hours... eyes today are stressed! but ocuvite has vital nutrients... ...that help protect them. ocuvite. eye nutrition for today. but some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. some only call when they have something to sell. fisher calls regularly so you stay informed. and while some advisors are happy to earn commissions whether you do well or not. fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. maybe that's why most of our clients come from other money managers. fisher investments. clearly better money management. when new inmates arrive at san antonio's bexar county jail, officials ask them about any known enemies they might already have here. they then place those inmates in separate housing units. but inmates rarely disclose every conflict they have on the streets such as the dispute that led to the recent fight between victor sanchez and two other inmates. >> jacked up. where is he at? bring him over here. >> sanchez initially claims that he sustained a black eye, burns to his chest and a cuts on his head in a fight with hernandez and lomez. both of whom admitted to the fight but denied the injuries. >> are you the one who threw the water on him? >> no, no. >> who threw the walter on you? >> i don't know about that. he was already like that. >> after sergeant tucker investigated a rumor that sanchez had fought with two other inmates days earlier, sanchez admitted that the black eye came from that fight, as did the cut on the back of his head, which was reopened in the fight with lomez and hernandez. but he still insists they were the ones that burned him with hot water. >> sanchez, do you want to file charges? >> should i? >> it's up to you. i will tell you that if you don't file charges, the county is going to file them anyway. that's serious bodily injury. >> yeah, i'll press charges. >> okay. >> on all four of them? or just -- >> what four? the two from two days ago? we really can't do anything about right now. the only thing we can work on right now is this case right here. >> yeah, i want to press charges. >> okay. that's all i need to know. >> that's what they get. they assaulted me. i got assaulted. so they're going to see what they can do. what it will come to now. >> as a member of the white arian supremacist brotherhood gang, todd al rn has seen his share of violence behind bars, as well. >> that's what we was trained here for. whatever we've got to do. whatever we need to pull. grab whatever you can grab and hit somebody over the head with it. >> but allen's current conflict is not about race. it's about another inmate's charges. >> i found out there was a child molester in here. on a little girl. he's 38, 39 years old. you don't do that, man. >> those that have charges against children, they tend to become prey. some try to make it out in population. they find out that their lives are being threatened and everything like that we have to separate them. >> laws can only protect a person for so long, man. there's ways to get to a person every way any way. you can get to them and kill a person right here in this jailhouse if you know what you're doing. >> believe it or not, we have individuals here in the facility who themselves do not like those type of crimes and they will try to seek retribution, get revenge. >> and even though attacking the alleged sex offender in his housing unit could result in additional criminal charges, allen says he's up for the job and intends to follow through. >> i don't care if they put me on lockdown or what, i'm going to smash him. you don't do that to kids, man. that could have been my daughter. could have been your daughter. could have been his daughter. you know? you don't hold one down and force yourself on nobody, man. a kid is a kid. that's a gift from god. >> thomas thames has been banking on a different sort of gift from god. known around san antonio for his barbecue, thames has been charged with murder and concealing a corpse in what has been called a drug deal gone back. >> this is what i wrote a long time ago. love god and be careful what you wish for, i'm going home. totally me and totally free. that's what i wrote when i first got here because i knew i was innocent. there's scriptures i pass out every day. we have a total of 80 inmates that get read scriptures every day. everyday, rain or shine. >> every day, he takes it upon himself and he puts a little piece of paper and has three bible verses. you know? it's nice that his spirit moves him to do that. you know? to take it upon himself to try to win another soul. >> thame's popularity is not unlike what he enjoyed on the outside as the owner of a barbecue restaurant and catering service. a business that started out in a roadside tent. >> had an opportunity to get a partnership with a gentleman and we started building the business together. so god blessed me with this young man and he bought a trailer. so not only one trailer, we had two trailers and we had two locations. and that prospered also and from those two locations we started our restaurant. >> one of thames' customers is now one of his jail keepers. officer moore hired thames to caterer parties at his home and took note of his business's growth. >> i asked him how did you get this money? he said there's a rich benefactor who believes in me. okay, cool. do your thing. >> moore was startled to see thames in jail as an inmate. >> that right there was basically made my heart drop and i was kind of upset like, what are you doing in here? hey, moore, this is what happened. i told him, straight up, don't lie to me. what are you doing in here? that's when he told me. >> thames told moore he was innocent. >> when you know the truth, the truth will set you free. and when you know the truth, you don't have to answer any questions or ask god any questions. coming up. >> this is the year of release >> this is when god is going to start releasing his chosen ones. and i'm one of those that he's going to be releasing. >> thomas thames finds out if he will be set free. >> and -- >> most people think they can't. do pullups from it. >> and michael leisher shares his jailhouse fitness tips. s ja, raise your steins to the king of speed. why accept it frompt an incompyour allergy pills?e else. flonase sensimist. nothing stronger. nothing gentler. nothing lasts longer. flonase sensimist. 24 hour non-drowsy allergy relief on table ten. ♪ he'd be proud of us. a family business should stay in the family. see how lincoln's insurance solutions can help protect your family, your business and everyone who counts on you, at woman: (on phone) discover. hi. do you have a travel card? yep. our miles card. earn unlimited 1.5 miles and we'll match it at the end of your first year. nice! i'm thinking about a scuba diving trip. woman: ooh! (gasp) or not. you okay? yeah, no, i'm good. earn miles. we'll match 'em at the end of your first year. yeah, no, i'm good. i am royalty of racing, i am the twisting thundercloud. raise your steins to the king of speed. face buried in your phone. stop! look up. look both ways. let's start looking out for each other again. it's a busy world out there. and we're all in it together. go safely, california. face buried in your phone. stop! look up. look both ways. let's start looking out for each other again. it's a busy world out there. and we're all in it together. go safely, california. i'm dara brown. more than 20 people injured in a clash in new jersey. two of the injured were taken to trauma centers in the area. officials are investigating the cause of the collapse. saudi officials say production operations have been suspended at every key oil sites hit by drone attacks from yemen's rebels. the u.s. is ready to use resources from the strategic petroleum oil reserves if necessary to offset any disruptions to the oil markets. now back to "lockup." ♪ help you build self esteem and all that, man. >> do my three push-ups and be done. >> i miss you. i'll be home soon. every day. 500. nonstop. >> you ain't did nothing but two. >> don't worry about it. >> most inmates at san antonio's bexar county jail find working out is one way to beat the monotony of incarceration. and michael leisher is no exception. >> the angle, most people think they can't do pull ups from it. >> while leisher's unusual pull-up method is against jail rules, he says his sets are short enough that he can usually do them out of sight of roaming officers. but he knows he can't stay fit from exercise alone. >> after the workout, try your hardest to make everything you put in your body, proteins, starches, things that are going to be stackers, you know, body stackers. that's how you grow. if you don't get enough food, you can only use what you put in your body. if you go work out harder than that, you're going to burn off more than what you put in your body. so you're going to get skinnier. i've gained 40 pounds, 44 -- 44 pounds. since i've been here, i don't think too much of it is fat, you know what i mean? so i've got a six pack. i'm doing all right. >> unlike most inmates, leisher finds the meal served by the jail to be effective in fueling the rigorous workouts that help keep that six pack from turning into a keg. >> remember, just two slices of bread. >> i understand all of my carbohydrates, the breakdowns of complete and non-complete proteins. i can eat things like bread, sugars. as long as when it breaks down as a glucose i use it as energy before a workout. >> and leisher has also figured out how to acquire food trays from other inmates. most of them are willing to trade their jail-issued meals for snacks purchased from the commissary. leisher is more than willing to deal. >> i get emotional about food. i just like candy because i like candy. i like candy and cakes and that stuff, too. but it doesn't do nothing for me. when i think logically, i might as well trade it to the kids for their trays and then they're hungry and i'm sitting there working out because i have enough food in my body to do it. >> leisher pays for the commissary snacks through another one of his talents. >> what are those? >> these are poker chips. $2.50 chips, 5 cent chips, 10 cent chips. you know what i mean? but, i mean, like i said, it's up to me to survive. my family does what they can. but they can't do too much. they're retired and living off of a fixed income. i hustle. i mean, poker tends to be a good hustle for somebody that played it for 15 years. i feed off of it. i do what i got to do. >> leisher earns commissary through one other method, as well. >> my art, i don't have a lot of it because it's already sold before i did it. for instance, i have a handkerchief that i'm going to be working on. what i do is braid the edges. i'll braid them real nice and then i'll put the portrait of the man's kid and his wife on there. charge $4 for the handkerchief itself and then i'll charge for $5 for the the design of the portrait and then i'll charge another $5 to do the portrait on a handkerchief. $16 depending. >> managing the dollars and cents of life behind bars is a skill leisher has honed over his 15 years of incarceration. todd allen has also spent most of the past 20 years in and out of jail and prison. now, he's taking it upon himself to uphold another inmate tradition. one with a decidedly more sinister side. >> that's something we're big on. we don't allow snitches and we don't allow child molesters. >> when allen discovered an accused child molester had moved onto his housing unit, he threatened to dish out his own form of justice. by the next time we saw him, he had apparently made good on it. >> he was in his cell. i went in behind him and shut the door. that way, he couldn't run out of the cell on me. the door was automatically shut. and locked. he was acting like he was asleep. i woke him up. i said hey, get up, punk. i've got bad news for you. i said, you got three seconds to tell me the truth, boy. finally he looked at me and said, yes, sir, that's what i'm in here for. and i slapped the [bleep] out of him about three times. knocked him off the top bunk. if i had a lot of time on my hands, say i had a life sentence in prison running concurrent or 20 years, i'd have killed the guy. >> but allen achieved another goal. he got the inmate to request a transfer out of the housing unit. >> basically, the unit officer called me in b and said he had an inmate that was in fear of his safety. so i went to the unit to interview the inmate. at that time, we sent him down to medical to be evaluated by medical staff where he alleges that he fell off of his bunk. >> without the cooperation of the victim or witnesses, jail officials were unable to issue any punitive sanctions to allen. >> i'm not going to say, yeah, i did do it. i'll deny it to the fullest,. but if they find out any different, i'll tell you the consequences. i still feel happy in my heart about myself, you know. >> allen is proud to take credit for assaulting another inmate, jail officials have been sorting out who's responsible for the water burn suffered by victor sanchez. in his fight with lomez and hernandez. sanchez blames lomez and hernandez. lomez and hernandez say the burns were from an earlier fight sanchez had with two other inmates. >> are you the one who threw the water on him? >> i don't know about that. he was already like that. >> why was his shirt dry? there was no water on the floor. >> what did you hit him with? >> my hand. >> who had the thing that cut the back of his head open? >> i don't know about that. >> then he goes out and comes up to me and says where's the weapon to bust his head open? i said what weapon, fool? maybe he bumped his head on the door. he had a cut from where they stomped his ass already. i did what i did to do to defend myself and didn't throw no water. look. it is like this. i'm not a fool. i didn't get to be 48 by being an idiot. >> after a disciplinary hearing on the matter, the truth finally came out. sanchez admitted all his injuries including the burns were caused in the earlier fight. even the bloody wound on the back of his head was a reopening of a cut also from the earlier fight. the charges he was going to file were dropped but sometimes in jail the settling of one dispute is simply the calm before the next storm. >> coming up -- >> talk like a duck. walk like a duck. don't get mad at me if i think you're a duck. >> victor sanchez goes under interrogation. >> only one person has inconsistent stories. that's a liar. and lomez suffers a beating of his own. his own. you wouldn't accept an incomplete job from anyone else. why accept it from your allergy pills? 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i didn't know i was getting my case dismissed. i knew it was going to be dismissed, but i didn't know when. so when i went to court, paperwork was ready to be dismissed. it took me seconds -- or it took me five minutes to get my case dismissed. i had just spent three and a half years for what it only took five minutes to do. i should be leaving any day. today, tomorrow, wednesday. i'm just waiting on paperwork to be cleared up. as soon as i get out, my job is to preach the word. >> and a few days later, thames did, in fact, leave the jail. but he did not go home. while he did have the most serious of his charges, murder, dismissed. thames gave us an inaccurate account of what happened in court. >> unlawful carrying a gun and the capital murder cases were dismissed. and in court, they found him guilty, though, of the disposing of a human corpse, where he was sentenced to ten years, tdc. >> why would he have thought he was going to go straight from jail home? >> now, that part would be a misinterpretation in his part. he was there in front of the judge with his attorney. in front of the prosecutor as far as what he pled out to. so whether he didn't understand or if he knew and maybe really misrepresenting the truth to you, i don't know. but he's there in front of the judge and in front of everybody pleading out to tdc sentence. >> when he went to follow up, he had been transferred to a texas state prison to begin serving his sentence. with the time he's already spent in jail taken into account, thames will be eligible for parole in little more than a year. one of his former customers will hopes his incarceration serves as an important lesson. >> a lot of people looked up to him in the community. you know, i want him to get back on track and lit hem know, you know what? these chances are given to you for a reason. you can't mess it up. if you mess it up, you know where you're going to go. >> now, one of the jail's gang intelligence officers suspects another inmate is not being truthful about an aspect of his life. the inmate is victory sanchez. officer rodriguez has received a report that he is an operative for the mexican mafia. >> your name came up in a report, victor. you don't know the report we're talking about? roughly 20 days ago? for your safety? no, someone else was in fair view. fear of you. you don't know about that? the report says that this guy fears that you and a bunch of other inmates are basically strong arming him and other inmates within the unit and that you're ex-mexican mafia. the problem with this report is you also have a history of being identified as a gang member in the past. >> i'm not -- >> i understand that but why would this inmate say this about you? the thing is, there's 44 units in that unit. he has 44 people to pick. he identifies you. why would he do that? >> i don't know who he is. >> it doesn't matter who he is. the point is he identified you. >> i'm not doing that -- >> obviously something is happening in there if he's identifying you. we want to go ahead and try to weed out the major prison gangs from general population because these particular gangs are predatory gangs and they prey upon the weaker inmates. in the facility. we want to get them out of population so we can make the jail, as a whole, safer for inmates and staff. >> so you understand what i'm telling you, right? >> i'm going on lockdown? >> you probably will today. >> why? if i didn't do nothing. >> your history of being identified as a gang member in this recent report. my job is to figure out where we're going to house you at. >> but i'm not doing nothing. why should i go on lockdown if i'm not doing anything? you could look at my reports. >> i am looking at your reports. >> i'm not getting in trouble. i'm not getting write-ups. >> we're talking about a report you were involved in. where an inmate identified you. why do you think this guy would identify you as a member of the mexican mafia? >> who is he? >> it doesn't matter who he is. why would he say that about you? >> to put me in [ bleep ] lockdown. >> why would he want to do that to you? you owe money in there? why does somebody want to get rid of you? >> i don't know. i don't have no response to that. because i don't know. i'm not mexican mafia. look at me, man. >> officer rodriguez then changes course to ask sanchez about the fight he was involved in with lomez. >> you got in a fight with two guys, didn't you? or one guy? what was that about? >> money. >> talking about drugs here? what are we talking about? >> no. just money that dude owed me. >> how much? >> $50. >> for what? >> fixing the car. >> when they did the investigation, you told them it was over beer. >> it was over beer, too. >> which one was it? >> only one person has inconsistent stories that. that's a liar. flat out. i mean, we're both grown men here. there's no beating around the bush. you've been lying in the past. why on earth would i believe anything you tell me at this point? >> i'm not mexican mafia. >> so here's what i'm seeing. you're going to fight as a member of the mafia in the population. you talk like a duck, you walk like a duck, don't get mad at me if i think you're a duck. you know what i mean? >> still, without concrete proof of sanchez's gang affiliation, officer rodriguez has no choice but to return him to general population. >> we may need to keep a close eye on him in population to see who he's talking to and to see what his exact ties were outside the facility. as a result, if we could do that, if we do our job right, we might be able to identify not just him, but maybe more inmates that are aligned with this gang and get a chunk out of them out of population. >> while staff watches sanchez for any ties to the mexican mafia, his former nemesis, guadalupe lomez may have just had his own run in with the gang. >> two on the top tier. >> lomez is currently serving his detention. a couple days ago, he was involved in assault. inmates were out and took it upon themselves to assault lomez. >> put your hands behind your back. >> the inmates who assaulted lomez would not appear on camera but were sent to disciplinary detention and could possibly face criminal charges. >> no one knows the reason why they assaulted him. it's allegations as to why they did it. but no one knows for sure why he got assaulted. >> what are the allegations? >> mexican mafia. supposedly, took it upon themselves to assault lomez. >> lomez, despite his injuries, would not give authorities any information about why he was assaulted. so, for now, he will be treated for his wounds and transferred to another segregation. away from his assailants. coming up -- jail brings hard truths for michael leisher. >> another person just balled me away and threw me away like a piece of trash. >> i'm a cold dude, man. you'll never see me cry. it's hard, man. >> todd allen receives disturbing news from the courts and home. i am royalty of racing, raise your steins to the king of speed. and now for their service to the community, we present limu emu & doug with this key to the city. 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but it never happened. life in prison happened ♪ surrounded by officers talking that [ bleep ] ♪ ♪ it's a risk that we take ♪ and a price that we pay that you realize will never go away ♪ ♪ because there's always going to be somebody standing in your way ♪ ♪ walking with the undertaker to take your place. >> michael leisher has spent half of his life behind bars and is now facing three counts of burglary with aggravation and force. and two organized crime charges. ♪ the words of a warrior ♪ words of a warrior >> he has just turned down a plea deal for 25 years in order to go to trial. if found guilty, he could get life in prison. if he's set free, he'll have a different set of challenges. >> i don't know what's in the free world. nobody's willing to tell me this is how you do it. i don't know how to pay light bills. i don't know how to pay rent. i don't know how to do a w-2 form. nobody went out of their way to teach me. so it is what it is. another person just balled up and thrown away like a piece of trash. another life ended before it ever started. >> while leisher awaits his fate in bexar county, he's looking at another inmate who could be facing a long sentence if he's found guilty. todd allen. allen was recently transferred to the same housing unit. is a sort time later, he took part in the jail's underground tattoo ring. and he got new ink to honor his gang. >> go ahead, do a little different look, you know? this is ab2. gang related. you know what i'm saying? five-star prime represents us. the aryan boarder -- brotherhood. three leaf clover. a shamrock clover and the lightning bolts goes with it, too, man. just represents, man. >> allen also received something new from the district attorney, a plea deal offer on his assault and vehicle theft. because of his past record, allen could face significant time in prison if he were found guilty in trial. >> ten years on both charges. i'm like hell no, man. you get it down to five or less i'll sign, man. >> though allen is holding out for a better deal, he's anxious to leave the jail because of yet another piece of news. he just got word that his mother is gravely ill and fears he will never see her again because she lives far from san antonio. >> she's got a lung cancer real bad. in and out of hospital. pneumonia, she's on oxygen, breathing machines. man, you know, even though i guess people think i'm cold-hearted, look at my tats, in a way i am, but i want to be able to see my mom before she does pass on, you know? >> if allen quickly accepts a plea deal, he could accept a prison closer to his mother's home. and possibly see her again. >> since i've been in the hospital so much lately, it scares me. i was in there 14 days of february with pneumonia. i almost died so, you know, just ask god for forgiveness. he'll help you. and one of the letter she wrote in there, she said i'll never forget you. you'll always be my baby boy. you know what i'm saying? >> if he doesn't accept a deal, he might have to be acquitted to see her. and even he feels that's a long shot. >> she's a real good woman, man. i seen her go through hard times and bad times and take beatings. i'm a hard core dude, man. never see me cry but when it comes to that, it's hard, man. you know being in here, i say it, man, just to see her one more time, i'd take five years. i might even take the ten piece. i don't know. i feel like when i lose my mom, it's over. she's special to me, man. she really is. matter, viewer discretion is advised. an inmate causes chaos in the housing unit after accusing staff of abusing him. and he explodes in anger when a valued possession is taken from his cell. >> from what i was told they found the head and like a field away from the body. >> accused of a vicious

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Mexico , New York , United States , New Jersey , Guadalupe , , Texas , California , Saudi Arabia , San Antonio , Fairview , Bexar County , Bexar , Saudi , Mexican , Todd Allen , John Smith , Liberty , Victor Sanchez , Thomas Thames , Dara Brown , Luis Hernandez ,

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Transcripts For MSNBCW Lockup San Antonio - Extended Stay 20190915 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW Lockup San Antonio - Extended Stay 20190915

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to come here. i'm definitely an innocent man. >> my original belief is satan. >> a self avowed satanist runs a variety of inmate hustles to fund a bodybuilder's appetite. >> i've gained 44 pounds since i've been here. i don't think too much of it's fat. >> and a member of the arian brotherhood dishes out his own brand of justice. >> i went in behind him and shut the door. i woke him up, i said, hey, punk. get up. i've got some bad news for you. ♪ >> though san antonio, texas, might be remembered for the alamo, today, it's one of the fastest-growing cities in america. but increased growth also brings increased problems. >> for the longest period, san antonio was known as a large city with a small-town mentality. san antonio is the now seventh largest city in the nation, and we are probably feeling the growing pains. >> nowhere are those growing pains more apparent than just outside downtown in the solid brick fortress that is the bexar county jail. it's where anyone charged with criminal acts in san antonio orr the outlying areas will surely spend some time. >> my father always said nobody comes to jail for being nice. one thing we have to remember is people coming to jail have not been found guilty yet. >> most of the 3,500 men and women housed in bexar county have only been charged with crimes under awaiting trial of the resolution of their cases. others have been convicted and are serving short sentences or are awaiting transfer to prison. todd out has been in and out of jails and prisons for the past 20 years. he is currently awaiting charges of assault and vehicle theft, to which he's pled not guilty. >> it's not a cake walk. you see the knots on my head. i've been cut with razors, all right here. i mean, i got cut with a knife when this dude put six razors in a toothbrush. somebody tried to stab me in the chest and heart. that didn't work either. i'm still here today. it's been rough. i've been in two fights since i've been in this jail. in, what, less than three months. >> one of those fights occurred after another inmate made fun of allen's personal style. >> i'm the one that's got this horseshoe mustache in there and he called me hulk hogan this and that. i said, okay, okay, i got you. i'm going to smash on you. i knocked him out the first punch. but i didn't stop then. i knew i had to hold him down. i beat on him, beat on him. and then the search came in with a taser gun. >> the jail's special emergency response team, or sert, was called in to break up the fight. afterwards, allen was given ten days in segregation. locked down 23 hours a day with no privileges. but it's something he's grown used to. >> i got my lucky shot in. >> you do so many years in the penn, ain't nothing bothers you. you don't give a [ bleep ], man. you're focused on whatever. >> allen's willingness to fight over his mustache is one of a seemingly endless supply of reasons others resort to violence. another fight is just broken out between three inmates in one of the general population housing units. the sert team subdues the fighters and starts the investigation. >> inmate, what's your name and sit number. >> the aggressors appear to be guadalupe lomez. and luis hernandez. neither man shows any sign of injury. victor sanchez will require medical attention. >> let's go. >> should be facing the wall. >> jacked up. where is he at? bring him over here. >> sanchez's most obvious injuries are a black eye and a cut on the back of his head. sergeant tucker, who witnessed part of the fight, now takes over from sert in finding out what happened. and why. >> i just got hit. >> that's not what i saw. i saw you swing at him. you both had him cornered. you want to stand there and lie to me some more? >> no, sir. just what happened. i just got hit. >> right, there was a lock down for nothing. what did you hit him with? >> my hand. >> who had the thing that cut the back of his head open? >> oh, i don't know about that. >> was that you? >> no, sir. >> right. okay. >> as tucker interrogates, sanchez undergoes his medical evaluation where an entirely new injury is discovered. >> who threw the water on him? are you the one who threw the water on him? >> no. >> who threw the water on him? >> i don't know about that. he was already like that. >> who threw the water on him? >> sir, with all-due respect, none of those injuries -- he has already. >> those are fresh. who threw water on him? >> that wasn't me. >> you both are getting charged so serious bodily injury. >> burns and all that wasn't me. wasn't me. >> he was already like that. they had seen him for days like that. >> while hernandez and lomez acknowledge fighting with sanchez, they insist some of the injuries were from a fight two days earlier. so sergeant tucker calls the officer who was on duty at the time and the story seems to check out. >> because officers did not witness the earlier fight and sanchez made no mention of it or discussed his injuries with staff, no disciplinary report was filed. but several inmates said that sanchez was, in fact, in an earlier fight lending credence to the claims of lomez and hernandez. all three inmates will be locked in single-man segregation cells for a cooling off period of at least 24 hours. >> place your hands on the top bunk. stay there until the doors close. >> though he and hernandez were initially identified as the aggressors, lomez, who is serving a one-year sentence for burglarizing a vehicle says sanchez started this latest fight. >> he came out, came to my cell started talking [ bleep ], came back to his cell and wanted me to come inside. you want me to come inside? all right. i take off my shirt, open the cell door and he comes out swinging. when he started swinging at me, that's when i did what i had to do. >> well, he turned around and threw water on me. and we started fighting. that's when i got the burn. >> sanchez is accused of car theft to which he plans to plead not guilty. a life-long stutterer, he says the fight resulted from a dispute with lomez. when they knew each other on the streets. >> he was trying to fight with the six pack that he gave me. and he was crying about $5. >> oh, that's old news. i mean, maybe he needed money that day for whatever reason, maybe. that's fine. but the next time i see you, be man enough at least to say, hey, you know what? bro, i didn't mean it. here, i'll buy you a six pack. >> going to jail. i can't buy you no damn beer in here. >> hernandez maintains he has no idea what the other two were fighting about. but when he got too close to the action, he had no choice but to join in. >> you know the way it is in here. it's just a reaction, it's instinct. >> the other gentleman, how he got involved, i have no idea. i don't know if he got hit and started swinging back. but god as my witness, may he strike me dead and i would deserve it if i threw hot water on that gentleman. no way. coming up -- >> you want to file charges? >> should i? >> victor sanchez decides whether to raise the stakes and file criminal charges against his two attackers. and -- >> business was very successful. everyone in the neighborhood knew me and they loved me. >> catered my party at my house and everything. >> staff members are shocked to see a popular figure in jailhouse scrubs. i am royalty of racing, raise your steins to the king of speed. if you have moderate to thsevere rheumatoid arthritis, month after month, the clock is ticking on irreversible joint damage. ongoing pain and stiffness are signs of joint erosion. humira can help stop the clock. prescribed for 15 years, humira targets and blocks a source of inflammation that contributes to joint pain and irreversible damage. humira can lower your ability to fight infections. serious and sometimes fatal infections including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. help stop the clock on further irreversible joint damage. talk to your rheumatologist. right here. right now. humira. with licensed agents availablep when 24-7,d it. it's not just easy. it's having-jerome-bettis- on-your-flag-football-team easy. go get 'em, bus! ohhhh! 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>> god allowed me to provide this word in this prison. i have enough faith right now to know that god has everything ready for me. >> thames leads bible study and is regarded as a jailhouse pastor. but in another unit, michael leisher pledges allegiance to a different entity. >> you got lucifer and satan. through death i found life and hell is my paradise. this is my paradise. >> leisher says his life is illuminated by all of his tattoos. all of which were accumulated during his various prison stays. >> it's better than some of the scratches i've seen on some inmates. but it's really not all that extravagant. it's definitely not street-quality work. it was all single needle. i was 24 when i got the tattoo on my head. the horns, itself, it's just me being an outlaw. you know? just somebody that's a little bit of devil himself. you know what i mean? at the time that i got that tattoo, i had a real strict belief in being anti-christian. i believe if there's a god looking down at me, he's got something looking right back up at him. my original belief is satanism, as in the original terms of the word. it just means a representation and acceptance of negative energy being there to let us know what positive energy is. you can't have one without the other. it's a balance. >> but in leisher's case, his negative energy seems to have far eclipsed his positive. >> me, i've been in prison my whole life. from 14 to 19th, ten years in the feds. you know? and now, i mean, my charges -- i don't want to go into detail, but my charge now is two organized crime cases, three counts of burglary of a habitat with force. >> leisher has pled not guilty to the current charges. and the awaiting trial. his repeat offender status could bring a lengthy sentence if he's convicted. >> i'm a violent criminal facing more violent charges. a three-time loser. >> coming up, michael leisher and thomas thames, both receive important news regarding their cases. >> i had a dream about god releasing me. >> and -- >> i don't care if they put me in lockdown or what, i'm going to smash him. >> todd allen launches a vendetta. wow. thanks, zoltar. how can i ever repay you? maybe you could free zoltar? thanks, lady. taxi! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ eh, not enough fiber... chocolate would be good... snacking should be sweet and simple. the delicious taste of glucerna gives you the sweetness you crave while helping you manage your blood sugar. glucerna. everyday progress this inot this john smith smith. or this john smith. or any of the other hundreds of john smiths that are humana medicare advantage members. no, it's this john smith, who met with humana to create a personalized care plan. at humana, we have more ways to care for your health, and we find one that works just for you. no matter what your name is. i am royalty of racing, i am the twisting thundercloud. raise your steins to the king of speed. back then, we checked times a day. times change. eyes haven't. that's why there's ocuvite. screen light... sunlight... longer hours... eyes today are stressed! but ocuvite has vital nutrients... ...that help protect them. ocuvite. eye nutrition for today. but some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. some only call when they have something to sell. fisher calls regularly so you stay informed. and while some advisors are happy to earn commissions whether you do well or not. fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. maybe that's why most of our clients come from other money managers. fisher investments. clearly better money management. when new inmates arrive at san antonio's bexar county jail, officials ask them about any known enemies they might already have here. they then place those inmates in separate housing units. but inmates rarely disclose every conflict they have on the streets such as the dispute that led to the recent fight between victor sanchez and two other inmates. >> jacked up. where is he at? bring him over here. >> sanchez initially claims that he sustained a black eye, burns to his chest and a cuts on his head in a fight with hernandez and lomez. both of whom admitted to the fight but denied the injuries. >> are you the one who threw the water on him? >> no, no. >> who threw the walter on you? >> i don't know about that. he was already like that. >> after sergeant tucker investigated a rumor that sanchez had fought with two other inmates days earlier, sanchez admitted that the black eye came from that fight, as did the cut on the back of his head, which was reopened in the fight with lomez and hernandez. but he still insists they were the ones that burned him with hot water. >> sanchez, do you want to file charges? >> should i? >> it's up to you. i will tell you that if you don't file charges, the county is going to file them anyway. that's serious bodily injury. >> yeah, i'll press charges. >> okay. >> on all four of them? or just -- >> what four? the two from two days ago? we really can't do anything about right now. the only thing we can work on right now is this case right here. >> yeah, i want to press charges. >> okay. that's all i need to know. >> that's what they get. they assaulted me. i got assaulted. so they're going to see what they can do. what it will come to now. >> as a member of the white arian supremacist brotherhood gang, todd al rn has seen his share of violence behind bars, as well. >> that's what we was trained here for. whatever we've got to do. whatever we need to pull. grab whatever you can grab and hit somebody over the head with it. >> but allen's current conflict is not about race. it's about another inmate's charges. >> i found out there was a child molester in here. on a little girl. he's 38, 39 years old. you don't do that, man. >> those that have charges against children, they tend to become prey. some try to make it out in population. they find out that their lives are being threatened and everything like that we have to separate them. >> laws can only protect a person for so long, man. there's ways to get to a person every way any way. you can get to them and kill a person right here in this jailhouse if you know what you're doing. >> believe it or not, we have individuals here in the facility who themselves do not like those type of crimes and they will try to seek retribution, get revenge. >> and even though attacking the alleged sex offender in his housing unit could result in additional criminal charges, allen says he's up for the job and intends to follow through. >> i don't care if they put me on lockdown or what, i'm going to smash him. you don't do that to kids, man. that could have been my daughter. could have been your daughter. could have been his daughter. you know? you don't hold one down and force yourself on nobody, man. a kid is a kid. that's a gift from god. >> thomas thames has been banking on a different sort of gift from god. known around san antonio for his barbecue, thames has been charged with murder and concealing a corpse in what has been called a drug deal gone back. >> this is what i wrote a long time ago. love god and be careful what you wish for, i'm going home. totally me and totally free. that's what i wrote when i first got here because i knew i was innocent. there's scriptures i pass out every day. we have a total of 80 inmates that get read scriptures every day. everyday, rain or shine. >> every day, he takes it upon himself and he puts a little piece of paper and has three bible verses. you know? it's nice that his spirit moves him to do that. you know? to take it upon himself to try to win another soul. >> thame's popularity is not unlike what he enjoyed on the outside as the owner of a barbecue restaurant and catering service. a business that started out in a roadside tent. >> had an opportunity to get a partnership with a gentleman and we started building the business together. so god blessed me with this young man and he bought a trailer. so not only one trailer, we had two trailers and we had two locations. and that prospered also and from those two locations we started our restaurant. >> one of thames' customers is now one of his jail keepers. officer moore hired thames to caterer parties at his home and took note of his business's growth. >> i asked him how did you get this money? he said there's a rich benefactor who believes in me. okay, cool. do your thing. >> moore was startled to see thames in jail as an inmate. >> that right there was basically made my heart drop and i was kind of upset like, what are you doing in here? hey, moore, this is what happened. i told him, straight up, don't lie to me. what are you doing in here? that's when he told me. >> thames told moore he was innocent. >> when you know the truth, the truth will set you free. and when you know the truth, you don't have to answer any questions or ask god any questions. coming up. >> this is the year of release >> this is when god is going to start releasing his chosen ones. and i'm one of those that he's going to be releasing. >> thomas thames finds out if he will be set free. >> and -- >> most people think they can't. do pullups from it. >> and michael leisher shares his jailhouse fitness tips. s ja, raise your steins to the king of speed. why accept it frompt an incompyour allergy pills?e else. flonase sensimist. nothing stronger. nothing gentler. nothing lasts longer. flonase sensimist. 24 hour non-drowsy allergy relief on table ten. ♪ he'd be proud of us. a family business should stay in the family. see how lincoln's insurance solutions can help protect your family, your business and everyone who counts on you, at woman: (on phone) discover. hi. do you have a travel card? 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(gasp) or not. you okay? yeah, no, i'm good. earn miles. we'll match 'em at the end of your first year. yeah, no, i'm good. i am royalty of racing, i am the twisting thundercloud. raise your steins to the king of speed. face buried in your phone. stop! look up. look both ways. let's start looking out for each other again. it's a busy world out there. and we're all in it together. go safely, california. face buried in your phone. stop! look up. look both ways. let's start looking out for each other again. it's a busy world out there. and we're all in it together. go safely, california. i'm dara brown. more than 20 people injured in a clash in new jersey. two of the injured were taken to trauma centers in the area. officials are investigating the cause of the collapse. saudi officials say production operations have been suspended at every key oil sites hit by drone attacks from yemen's rebels. the u.s. is ready to use resources from the strategic petroleum oil reserves if necessary to offset any disruptions to the oil markets. now back to "lockup." ♪ help you build self esteem and all that, man. >> do my three push-ups and be done. >> i miss you. i'll be home soon. every day. 500. nonstop. >> you ain't did nothing but two. >> don't worry about it. >> most inmates at san antonio's bexar county jail find working out is one way to beat the monotony of incarceration. and michael leisher is no exception. >> the angle, most people think they can't do pull ups from it. >> while leisher's unusual pull-up method is against jail rules, he says his sets are short enough that he can usually do them out of sight of roaming officers. but he knows he can't stay fit from exercise alone. >> after the workout, try your hardest to make everything you put in your body, proteins, starches, things that are going to be stackers, you know, body stackers. that's how you grow. if you don't get enough food, you can only use what you put in your body. if you go work out harder than that, you're going to burn off more than what you put in your body. so you're going to get skinnier. i've gained 40 pounds, 44 -- 44 pounds. since i've been here, i don't think too much of it is fat, you know what i mean? so i've got a six pack. i'm doing all right. >> unlike most inmates, leisher finds the meal served by the jail to be effective in fueling the rigorous workouts that help keep that six pack from turning into a keg. >> remember, just two slices of bread. >> i understand all of my carbohydrates, the breakdowns of complete and non-complete proteins. i can eat things like bread, sugars. as long as when it breaks down as a glucose i use it as energy before a workout. >> and leisher has also figured out how to acquire food trays from other inmates. most of them are willing to trade their jail-issued meals for snacks purchased from the commissary. leisher is more than willing to deal. >> i get emotional about food. i just like candy because i like candy. i like candy and cakes and that stuff, too. but it doesn't do nothing for me. when i think logically, i might as well trade it to the kids for their trays and then they're hungry and i'm sitting there working out because i have enough food in my body to do it. >> leisher pays for the commissary snacks through another one of his talents. >> what are those? >> these are poker chips. $2.50 chips, 5 cent chips, 10 cent chips. you know what i mean? but, i mean, like i said, it's up to me to survive. my family does what they can. but they can't do too much. they're retired and living off of a fixed income. i hustle. i mean, poker tends to be a good hustle for somebody that played it for 15 years. i feed off of it. i do what i got to do. >> leisher earns commissary through one other method, as well. >> my art, i don't have a lot of it because it's already sold before i did it. for instance, i have a handkerchief that i'm going to be working on. what i do is braid the edges. i'll braid them real nice and then i'll put the portrait of the man's kid and his wife on there. charge $4 for the handkerchief itself and then i'll charge for $5 for the the design of the portrait and then i'll charge another $5 to do the portrait on a handkerchief. $16 depending. >> managing the dollars and cents of life behind bars is a skill leisher has honed over his 15 years of incarceration. todd allen has also spent most of the past 20 years in and out of jail and prison. now, he's taking it upon himself to uphold another inmate tradition. one with a decidedly more sinister side. >> that's something we're big on. we don't allow snitches and we don't allow child molesters. >> when allen discovered an accused child molester had moved onto his housing unit, he threatened to dish out his own form of justice. by the next time we saw him, he had apparently made good on it. >> he was in his cell. i went in behind him and shut the door. that way, he couldn't run out of the cell on me. the door was automatically shut. and locked. he was acting like he was asleep. i woke him up. i said hey, get up, punk. i've got bad news for you. i said, you got three seconds to tell me the truth, boy. finally he looked at me and said, yes, sir, that's what i'm in here for. and i slapped the [bleep] out of him about three times. knocked him off the top bunk. if i had a lot of time on my hands, say i had a life sentence in prison running concurrent or 20 years, i'd have killed the guy. >> but allen achieved another goal. he got the inmate to request a transfer out of the housing unit. >> basically, the unit officer called me in b and said he had an inmate that was in fear of his safety. so i went to the unit to interview the inmate. at that time, we sent him down to medical to be evaluated by medical staff where he alleges that he fell off of his bunk. >> without the cooperation of the victim or witnesses, jail officials were unable to issue any punitive sanctions to allen. >> i'm not going to say, yeah, i did do it. i'll deny it to the fullest,. but if they find out any different, i'll tell you the consequences. i still feel happy in my heart about myself, you know. >> allen is proud to take credit for assaulting another inmate, jail officials have been sorting out who's responsible for the water burn suffered by victor sanchez. in his fight with lomez and hernandez. sanchez blames lomez and hernandez. lomez and hernandez say the burns were from an earlier fight sanchez had with two other inmates. >> are you the one who threw the water on him? >> i don't know about that. he was already like that. >> why was his shirt dry? there was no water on the floor. >> what did you hit him with? >> my hand. >> who had the thing that cut the back of his head open? >> i don't know about that. >> then he goes out and comes up to me and says where's the weapon to bust his head open? i said what weapon, fool? maybe he bumped his head on the door. he had a cut from where they stomped his ass already. i did what i did to do to defend myself and didn't throw no water. look. it is like this. i'm not a fool. i didn't get to be 48 by being an idiot. >> after a disciplinary hearing on the matter, the truth finally came out. sanchez admitted all his injuries including the burns were caused in the earlier fight. even the bloody wound on the back of his head was a reopening of a cut also from the earlier fight. the charges he was going to file were dropped but sometimes in jail the settling of one dispute is simply the calm before the next storm. >> coming up -- >> talk like a duck. walk like a duck. don't get mad at me if i think you're a duck. >> victor sanchez goes under interrogation. >> only one person has inconsistent stories. that's a liar. and lomez suffers a beating of his own. his own. you wouldn't accept an incomplete job from anyone else. why accept it from your allergy pills? 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i didn't know i was getting my case dismissed. i knew it was going to be dismissed, but i didn't know when. so when i went to court, paperwork was ready to be dismissed. it took me seconds -- or it took me five minutes to get my case dismissed. i had just spent three and a half years for what it only took five minutes to do. i should be leaving any day. today, tomorrow, wednesday. i'm just waiting on paperwork to be cleared up. as soon as i get out, my job is to preach the word. >> and a few days later, thames did, in fact, leave the jail. but he did not go home. while he did have the most serious of his charges, murder, dismissed. thames gave us an inaccurate account of what happened in court. >> unlawful carrying a gun and the capital murder cases were dismissed. and in court, they found him guilty, though, of the disposing of a human corpse, where he was sentenced to ten years, tdc. >> why would he have thought he was going to go straight from jail home? >> now, that part would be a misinterpretation in his part. he was there in front of the judge with his attorney. in front of the prosecutor as far as what he pled out to. so whether he didn't understand or if he knew and maybe really misrepresenting the truth to you, i don't know. but he's there in front of the judge and in front of everybody pleading out to tdc sentence. >> when he went to follow up, he had been transferred to a texas state prison to begin serving his sentence. with the time he's already spent in jail taken into account, thames will be eligible for parole in little more than a year. one of his former customers will hopes his incarceration serves as an important lesson. >> a lot of people looked up to him in the community. you know, i want him to get back on track and lit hem know, you know what? these chances are given to you for a reason. you can't mess it up. if you mess it up, you know where you're going to go. >> now, one of the jail's gang intelligence officers suspects another inmate is not being truthful about an aspect of his life. the inmate is victory sanchez. officer rodriguez has received a report that he is an operative for the mexican mafia. >> your name came up in a report, victor. you don't know the report we're talking about? roughly 20 days ago? for your safety? no, someone else was in fair view. fear of you. you don't know about that? the report says that this guy fears that you and a bunch of other inmates are basically strong arming him and other inmates within the unit and that you're ex-mexican mafia. the problem with this report is you also have a history of being identified as a gang member in the past. >> i'm not -- >> i understand that but why would this inmate say this about you? the thing is, there's 44 units in that unit. he has 44 people to pick. he identifies you. why would he do that? >> i don't know who he is. >> it doesn't matter who he is. the point is he identified you. >> i'm not doing that -- >> obviously something is happening in there if he's identifying you. we want to go ahead and try to weed out the major prison gangs from general population because these particular gangs are predatory gangs and they prey upon the weaker inmates. in the facility. we want to get them out of population so we can make the jail, as a whole, safer for inmates and staff. >> so you understand what i'm telling you, right? >> i'm going on lockdown? >> you probably will today. >> why? if i didn't do nothing. >> your history of being identified as a gang member in this recent report. my job is to figure out where we're going to house you at. >> but i'm not doing nothing. why should i go on lockdown if i'm not doing anything? you could look at my reports. >> i am looking at your reports. >> i'm not getting in trouble. i'm not getting write-ups. >> we're talking about a report you were involved in. where an inmate identified you. why do you think this guy would identify you as a member of the mexican mafia? >> who is he? >> it doesn't matter who he is. why would he say that about you? >> to put me in [ bleep ] lockdown. >> why would he want to do that to you? you owe money in there? why does somebody want to get rid of you? >> i don't know. i don't have no response to that. because i don't know. i'm not mexican mafia. look at me, man. >> officer rodriguez then changes course to ask sanchez about the fight he was involved in with lomez. >> you got in a fight with two guys, didn't you? or one guy? what was that about? >> money. >> talking about drugs here? what are we talking about? >> no. just money that dude owed me. >> how much? >> $50. >> for what? >> fixing the car. >> when they did the investigation, you told them it was over beer. >> it was over beer, too. >> which one was it? >> only one person has inconsistent stories that. that's a liar. flat out. i mean, we're both grown men here. there's no beating around the bush. you've been lying in the past. why on earth would i believe anything you tell me at this point? >> i'm not mexican mafia. >> so here's what i'm seeing. you're going to fight as a member of the mafia in the population. you talk like a duck, you walk like a duck, don't get mad at me if i think you're a duck. you know what i mean? >> still, without concrete proof of sanchez's gang affiliation, officer rodriguez has no choice but to return him to general population. >> we may need to keep a close eye on him in population to see who he's talking to and to see what his exact ties were outside the facility. as a result, if we could do that, if we do our job right, we might be able to identify not just him, but maybe more inmates that are aligned with this gang and get a chunk out of them out of population. >> while staff watches sanchez for any ties to the mexican mafia, his former nemesis, guadalupe lomez may have just had his own run in with the gang. >> two on the top tier. >> lomez is currently serving his detention. a couple days ago, he was involved in assault. inmates were out and took it upon themselves to assault lomez. >> put your hands behind your back. >> the inmates who assaulted lomez would not appear on camera but were sent to disciplinary detention and could possibly face criminal charges. >> no one knows the reason why they assaulted him. it's allegations as to why they did it. but no one knows for sure why he got assaulted. >> what are the allegations? >> mexican mafia. supposedly, took it upon themselves to assault lomez. >> lomez, despite his injuries, would not give authorities any information about why he was assaulted. so, for now, he will be treated for his wounds and transferred to another segregation. away from his assailants. coming up -- jail brings hard truths for michael leisher. >> another person just balled me away and threw me away like a piece of trash. >> i'm a cold dude, man. you'll never see me cry. it's hard, man. >> todd allen receives disturbing news from the courts and home. i am royalty of racing, raise your steins to the king of speed. and now for their service to the community, we present limu emu & doug with this key to the city. 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but it never happened. life in prison happened ♪ surrounded by officers talking that [ bleep ] ♪ ♪ it's a risk that we take ♪ and a price that we pay that you realize will never go away ♪ ♪ because there's always going to be somebody standing in your way ♪ ♪ walking with the undertaker to take your place. >> michael leisher has spent half of his life behind bars and is now facing three counts of burglary with aggravation and force. and two organized crime charges. ♪ the words of a warrior ♪ words of a warrior >> he has just turned down a plea deal for 25 years in order to go to trial. if found guilty, he could get life in prison. if he's set free, he'll have a different set of challenges. >> i don't know what's in the free world. nobody's willing to tell me this is how you do it. i don't know how to pay light bills. i don't know how to pay rent. i don't know how to do a w-2 form. nobody went out of their way to teach me. so it is what it is. another person just balled up and thrown away like a piece of trash. another life ended before it ever started. >> while leisher awaits his fate in bexar county, he's looking at another inmate who could be facing a long sentence if he's found guilty. todd allen. allen was recently transferred to the same housing unit. is a sort time later, he took part in the jail's underground tattoo ring. and he got new ink to honor his gang. >> go ahead, do a little different look, you know? this is ab2. gang related. you know what i'm saying? five-star prime represents us. the aryan boarder -- brotherhood. three leaf clover. a shamrock clover and the lightning bolts goes with it, too, man. just represents, man. >> allen also received something new from the district attorney, a plea deal offer on his assault and vehicle theft. because of his past record, allen could face significant time in prison if he were found guilty in trial. >> ten years on both charges. i'm like hell no, man. you get it down to five or less i'll sign, man. >> though allen is holding out for a better deal, he's anxious to leave the jail because of yet another piece of news. he just got word that his mother is gravely ill and fears he will never see her again because she lives far from san antonio. >> she's got a lung cancer real bad. in and out of hospital. pneumonia, she's on oxygen, breathing machines. man, you know, even though i guess people think i'm cold-hearted, look at my tats, in a way i am, but i want to be able to see my mom before she does pass on, you know? >> if allen quickly accepts a plea deal, he could accept a prison closer to his mother's home. and possibly see her again. >> since i've been in the hospital so much lately, it scares me. i was in there 14 days of february with pneumonia. i almost died so, you know, just ask god for forgiveness. he'll help you. and one of the letter she wrote in there, she said i'll never forget you. you'll always be my baby boy. you know what i'm saying? >> if he doesn't accept a deal, he might have to be acquitted to see her. and even he feels that's a long shot. >> she's a real good woman, man. i seen her go through hard times and bad times and take beatings. i'm a hard core dude, man. never see me cry but when it comes to that, it's hard, man. you know being in here, i say it, man, just to see her one more time, i'd take five years. i might even take the ten piece. i don't know. i feel like when i lose my mom, it's over. she's special to me, man. she really is. matter, viewer discretion is advised. an inmate causes chaos in the housing unit after accusing staff of abusing him. and he explodes in anger when a valued possession is taken from his cell. >> from what i was told they found the head and like a field away from the body. >> accused of a vicious

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