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Washington post philip rucker. Kwheef Political Correspondent for Politico Magazine tim alberta. And Washington Bureau chief for vice news, shawna thomas. I want to start with a piece that phil cowrote this week in the Washington Post. Quote, President Trumps advisors and allies are increasingly worried that he has neither the staff nor the strategy to protect himself from a possible democratic take over of the house. Which would empower the Opposition Party to shower the administration with subpoenas or even pursue impeachment charges. Within trumps orbit there is a consensus that his current legal team is not equipped to effectively navigate an onslaught of congressional demands and there is broad discussion about bringing in new lawyers experienced in white collar and political scandals. Winter is coming, said what trump ally, in close communication with the white house. Nobodys prepared for war. So, phil, we do often jump straight to the impeachment question when were talking about the mueller investigation. But that does skip over an incredibly long list of things democrats are already willing to look at. It seems to me frankly the white house is already treading water as it is. Thats right. And, look, if the democrats were to take over the house of representatives, which a lot of people in trumps orbit think is the most likely scenario in novembers elections, theyre going to take over the congressional committees, the oversight committees. Theyre going to have the power to subpoena information and testimony from the white house. Youre going to have hearings, investigations into the president s decisions, into sort of widespread corruption within the administration elsewhere. Also perhaps into the president s businesses and theres fear in trumps orbit the white house doesnt have the legal staff to deal with all of that or the communications staff, frankly. But there is also fear about impeachment and the president s been talking to Rudy Giuliani a little bit about impeachment. Giuliani told us that he thinks thats the one sort of thing out there still hanging for the president that theyre concerned about. Shawna, youve covered congress before. I mean, i think to a certain extent we may have forgotten what a committee with teeth looks like because we have not seen an Opposition Party go after a president in at least a little while. Couple years. In a couple of years. But you remember back to, say, the benghazi probe with trey gowdy. It was an incredible power, went on for years. Th speaker of the house, they put trey gowdy on that and he went to town. There is a play book. The democrats and house oversight, the democrats on some of the other committees have sent a lot of letters, have asked for a lot of things. They cant get because they dont have the power to do it. But they have their list ready to go. Perhaps your story says this and i need to read it and i will, just going to admit that. But it is, it is not unclear all of the things the democrats want to go after. There was a spreadsheet that was thats what i was going to say. It was House Republicans that built that spreadsheet, tim. They clearly are getting ready for this. They know whats coming. You will talk to some republicans around town who have presence here who believe in some sort of three dimensional machiavellian scenario that losing the house of representatives is the best possible thing that could happen to ensure Donald Trumps reelection in 2020. They believe that a young inexperienced House Democratic majority with possibly new leadership in a number of positions all the way up to speaker perhaps would overreach and provide the ideal foil for donald trump and sort of rally the base around him. While that may be true in some three dimensional hypothetical situation, this is the concrete reality of what President Trump would be facing with a House Democratic majority. They will be looking into everything and anything that they can and theyre going to make life very, very difficult for the administration. Ken, to his point, it almost seems as though republicans have spent this entire, not even just this election cycle. They spent years attacking nancy pelosi. If im listening and hearing you correctly, theyre probably more afraid of having her in charge of the democratic majority if that were to happen. Potentially. And there always is the risk of overplaying ones hand. In this case you have some real substantive meaty issues that congressional staffs are really well prepared and uniquely situated to dive into. Democrats are already doing this type of Opposition Research or just vetting of some of these decisions. It doesnt need to be researchers in some cases. Every avenue theyve ever had to try and get trumps tax returns, for example. Thats a great example. We have security clearances. We have Hurricane Maria response. I mean, there are so many things that fit more into the traditional play book of what you would see an Opposition Party going after a president for. We kind of forget about those types of things because were so focused on the scandal of the moment in the trump presidency, which are you havent even mentioned scott pruitt. Right, many cases like quite sensati sensational. Scott pruitt is a good example. A type of scandal like that would hamstring and maybe even cripple a traditional president ial administration. What you have with trump, there are so many scandals all at once, you forget about the more traditional washington scandals that do give fodder for congressional investigators, particularly ones that are empowered with subpoena authority that they would have democrats would have if they won the house. They could potentially cause real problems your lawyers actually need to help you solve. And that takes us to our next topic, because in the everchanging world of President Trumps legal team, the revolving door is in motion again. White House Counsel don mcgahn will be leaving his post in the fall. The president made the announcement on twitter, reportedly blind siding mcgahn. Meanwhile, the move came less than two weeks after the New York Times reported that mcgahn had been cooperating extensively with Robert Muellers investigation. The president later added, quote, the rigged russia witchhunt didnt come into play with respect to my decision on don mcgahn. As the personnel continues to shift, so does the strategy. Initially former trump attorneys ty cobb and john dowd had full and open cooperation with muellers team. Heres ty cobb talking about it in january. Bob and i worked together briefly in the 80s as prosecutors, but hes somebody that i know from, you know, personal experience and also from his background as somebody who is a true patriot, a real no nonsense guy. And somebody who believes in the rule of law. At the end of the day, everybody is going to have some tough decisions to make, but all the discussions leading up to that are quite civil and quite professional and ive got nothing bad to say in terms of the way that weve been treated by the special counsel. Contrast that with what we heard from john dowd this week. Well, whats taking so long . Pardon . Whats taking so long, then . I dont know. I think im afraid ive just lost all respect for bob because he didnt keep his word. He said he was going to get it done. Look, hes the one that asked for the witnesses. Hes the one that asked for the documents. He told us that everybody told the truth. He told us he didnt need any more documents. So were wasting time and im afraid were now into comey 2. Phil rucker, thats quite a shift in turgeon. What weve seen is the president s attorneys. The president has become more aggressive in taking on Robert Mueller and the special counsel. The president calls it a rigged witchhunt almost every day now. And its a Concerted Campaign to try to shift Public Opinion about the russia probe. But a New Washington post abc poll says its not working. Roughly twothirds of the American People on issue after issue are not with the president. They back the mueller probe. They think he should not fire Jeff Sessions as the attorney general. They think the conviction of Paul Manafort, that that case was handled fairly by muellers prosecutors. So its a real problem, a dilemma for the trump legal team. So americans are actually saying, hey, we want you to play by the rules. Exactly right. Tim, this is sort of reflected in the republican conference in so much as sometimes when there is these flareups around the investigation, you will get a chorus of more moderate republican members saying, i support the mueller probe. I mean, you did not hear when vicepresident mike pence went out and sent that signal saying its time to wrap it up, you didnt actually see a rapid pileon from kind of the middle of the republican conference. No, you didnt. Its actually pretty interesting because if you think about the sweep of all of the sort of mini controversies and not so mini controversies that have engulfed the administration the last months or so, mueller being protected and mueller being able to do his job has been the one area in which hill republicans have not reflection i havely rallied around the president. Which is note worthy. You heard some folks especially some of the more conservative members of the Freedom Caucus who at times have taken a more aggressive tone. By and large republicans have laid off of that issue and i think thats irritated the president in certain cases. I also think one of the things about muellers probe is we are taking our ques about how long this should take from the Rudy Giulianis of the world or the john dowds of the world. Mueller has never come out and said this is going to take one year, two years, three years. Basically he does his job, he goes to court, he indiets somebody, he actually has someone, you know, convicted in the case of manafort in virginia. And hes going to keep going. I know they are trying to create a situation where this gets wrapped up before the election or doesnt get wrapped up until after the election. But thats just thats based on what they want. Its not based on anything mueller has said to anybody. At least publicly. Right. You see the guidelines, Justice Department guidelines talk about a black out window in 60 days of an election. We are rapidly approaching that. That only guarantees the investigation will continue after the election. Meanwhile, you have mueller sort of parsing out bits of these threads that he finds, investigative threads to other prosecutors. We saw just friday a guilty plea from a lobbyist who had worked in a similar space as Paul Manafort for similar clients with similar associates. That was farmed to the u. S. Attorney in washington by mueller. And you have the Southern District of new york, the prosecutors there investigating Michael Cohen as well as skadden arps. Its all these tentacles, not just mueller. There is an Ongoing Investigation that will proceed on off chance, unlikely chance at this point, that trump does anything to try to end the mueller investigation. The special counsel runs into some trouble. Lets talk for a second about the other piece of this mcgahn story. Tim, im sort of interested in your take on this because this does seem to be the one area where republicans are fully on board and happy with whats going on. Thats brett kavanagh. Mcgahn has been charged with shepherding his nomination through the senate. It does seem that republicans right now are content to say if you throw a trump tweet of the day in their face, they say, judges, judges, judges, you know, it does seem that he is on a relative glide path. And it has seemed that way for i think basically almost evening he was nominated by the president. I think you talk to folks on the left and they are discouraged by the lack of traction they have gained in trying to throw up some obstacles. There is no real sense of momentum, theres been no sense of stopping the nomination. In the unlikely event you get a couple of republican senators or even one republican senator would be surprising to a lot of folks. In that event, you can see i think something i think you can see a blow up on capitol hill the likes of which we have not seen. It seems extremely unlikely anything is going to prevent him from being confirmed to court at this point. Democrats are in a weird place with him in that if you make too big of a deal, even the outside groups make too big of a deal of all the democrats need to hold firm and vote against him, you put the heidi high camps, the joe donleys in a very weird position. Are you going to actually come back and in some Ways Campaign against them for not holding firm . So they are trying to tread something they are trying to be very, very careful about this. What that creates is absolutely no momentum in trying to stop it. Also in this difficult position between their base who does them to do something, and the political reality is that things are going pretty well for democrats headed into the mid terms. Its almost as if they would be better served to sit back and will the the trump controversies around russia play themselves out and not distract the message by focusing on this losing battle. The senate map is so fundamentally different from the house map from that perspective. Phil rucker, quickly before we go, whats your sense, the democrats have said they want to call john dean of watergate fame into this. Is the white house worried about that at all . Theyre concerned about the kavanagh hearings obviously because its such a high risk. Its unclear what kinds of lines of questioning there could be, what the dynamic could be in the hearing room. But theyre practicing really hard. Theyre confident in the nominee they have. They feel like theyve worked out a lot of the kinks and there is momentum and as you said its a glide path and thats what it looks like right now. Thats what republicans are counting on. We are just Getting Started op this labor day edition of kasie d. C. When we continue well talk with larry sabado and ones that have fizzled. Plus break down a shocking finish in floridas elections this week and why one reporter says you could see it coming. If you didnt Pay Attention to the polls. Kasie d. C. Back after this. Hi there. This is a commercial about insurance. Now i know youre thinking, i dont want to hear about insurance. Cause lets be honest, nobody likes dealing with insurance, right . Which is why esurance hired me, dennis quaid, as their spokesperson because apparently, im highly likable. I like dennis quaid. Awww. And they want me to let you know that, cue overdramatic music, theyre on a mission to make insurance painless. Excuse me, you dropped this. They know its confusing. I literally have no idea what im getting, dennis quaid. Thats why theyre making it simple, man in cafe. And they know its expensive. Yeah. So theyre making it affordable. Thank you. Youre welcome. Thats a prop apple. Now, you might not believe any of this since this is a television commercial, but thats why theyre being so transparent. Anyways. This is the end of the commercial where i walk off into a very dramatic sunset to reveal the new esurance tagline so that youll remember it. Esurance. Its surprisingly painless. You wouldnt accept an incomplete job from any one else. Why accept it from your allergy pills . Flonase sensimist relieves all your worst symptoms, including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. And all from a gentle mist you can barely feel. Flonase sensimist. You can barely feel. This wifi is fast. I know i know i know i know when did brian move back in . Brians back . He doesnt get my room. Hes only going to be here for like a week. Like a month, tops. Oh boy. Wifi fast enough for the whole family is simple, easy, awesome. In many cultures, young men would stay with their families until their 40s. How do you lose an election with these statistics . Everyone said the mid terms. Maybe there is going to be a red wave. They talk about this blue wave. Theyre not talking about the blue wave. We have the word wave, blue wave. I think its unfair with this whole redistricting thing theyre doing in north carolina. Okay. Labor day marks the unofficial end of summer, but for us political nerds here at kasie d. C. , it marks the unofficial sprint toward the midterm elections. Ahead of election day, six senate race race s have now been identified as toss ups. North dakota, indiana, missouri, florida, arizona and nevada. Larry sabado is the man behind the crystal ball. He joins me now from charlottesville. Its great to have you. Thank you. The trend in those races we just ticked off is that most of those seats are held by democrats. Yes, and thats the great problem for democrats in the senate. Theyre doing pretty well in the house. Theyre doing pretty well in a lost of the key governorships. When it comes to the senate, in our view at least, going all the way back to the beginning of popular election of senators, this is arguably the worst map any party has ever faced, meaning the democrats this year, because theyre defending so many of the seats, 26 of the seats are democratic seats and 10 of those 26 are in states carried by donald trump by up to and over 40 percentage points. So i mean, thats tough. It really is. How would you and how do you in your ratings account for the candidate differentials . Claire mccaskill in missouri, for example, brings a certain set of attributes to the table. Is she somebody who in the event of a true blue wave could find herself saved by that because shes a good candidate or do you think that doesnt matter this time around . Oh, i think it matters. You never know exactly how many percentage points. Mccaskill is a great case study. She got elected in a democratic wave back in 2006. In 2012 it wasnt a bad year for democrats. President obama got reelected. Wasnt that good in missouri, but she managed to have an opponent, she helped to get that opponent who was very, very damaged. So shes been lucky twice. Maybe shell get lucky a third time. Shes hoping that the third time is also the charm. Can i ask you about West Virginia as well, which you have moved closer to joe manchins column. Whats the rationale behind that shift for you . Yes, i was just in West Virginia taking a look at that race. Listen, its a lean democrat state, okay, lean to manchin, that is because manchin. Yeah, just manchin. The reason is because right now in the polling averages, hes up between 7 and 8 percentage points. That sounds impressive. It is impressive for a democrat in West Virginia. But hes well below 50 . And this is the state where donald trump can have arguably the greatest impact except perhaps for north dakota. Recently trump came into West Virginia, held a rally there, and the republican candidate, pat morrissy actually jumped after the rally. It disappeared. Is trump going to move into West Virginia the last week of the campaign . If he does, he might well affect the result. Maybe hell be hopping between north dakota and indiana and missouri and West Virginia because those are the states that he can influence. Well, you certainly never know with this president , but im glad that you bring it up because sometimes running with the president of your own party can be a little bit tricky. Consider 2014 when democrats were reluctant to embrace president obama. Less than a month from election day he had a 40 Approval Rating in an abc news Washington Post poll the lowest since taking office. Republicans were far more energized with democrats with a wide Enthusiasm Gap and that led democrats to say things like this. Who wants to come up there and learn about alaska . Bring it on. Ill drag them around, ill show him whatever he wants to see, but i want to convince him and show him some of his policies are not the right direction. I dont need him campaigning. I need to change some of these poll. When i disagree with president obama when hes condoning the spying on americans through the cia and the nsa, i stand up to president obama. So you dont think he showed strong leadership . Certainly there are issues i think, no, we definitely need to step up. Do you that the Obama Administration has done an appropriate job handling the employment kriegs is . Crisis . I would say its hard to know because i havent heard the latest briefing on that. Do you think hes been aggressive enough . Um, again, id have to see the latest numbers. I dont know if i can say weve been aggressive enough. When the dust had settled, all of those senators you just saw, they rode the obama wave in 2008, they all lost along with five other seats held by democrats. This year is a little different. Some republicans are openly embracing the president while others will you vote for trump in 2020 . You said you think hes going to get reelected. Its too early to say who ill support. I did say i think hell get reelected. Thats not an endorsement. Yeah, i dont respond to tweets. Whoever the president is is always an issue in races for congress. And a lot of people ask me, mika, how do you deal with donald trump. When the president does something right i will support it, i will get behind it. If the president is doing something wrong that i disagree with, i will be outspoken about it. So, tim alberto, we showed a handful of republicans in tough races, not necessarily the majority. What is your take on how much these candidates should embrace the president . Obvio obviously it depends on the district. The chunk of people the house is going to swing, theyre kind of in a vice where if they run from the president they risk alienating the base they need to turnout. If they run towards him they risk suburban areas. You mention the dichotomy in the party. The majority of republicans on the ballot this year are embracing trump and need to embrace trump. Ive spoken with representatives from a number of campaigns who folks candidates in some cases who are not crazy about the president , but they have been pleading to get him to the state. Ive heard cases larry mentioned about the numbers jumping in West Virginia. There have been cases where in the other states, theyve seen the numbers jump double digits in some of the polling theyve done. For members of congress who do not personally like the president and dont appreciate his tweets, these are still folks at the end of the day if theyre in trouble, regardless of the specific demographic makeup of the states, they are going to look to the president for a boost however artificial or ee femoral it might be. Interesting. Larry, what is your rate that will be a surprise . Everyone is paying a little attention to new jersey. I dont sbeexpect it to do that because incumbent bob menendez in the senate has had corruption problems. He hasnt had legal trouble at the moment, but its much closer than people thought it was going to be against a relatively anonymous republican, someone who wasnt even known before this year. So that would be one. But if you ask me a state that matters more than any other, im not going to pick any of the ones i just mentioned. Im going to pick florida. Yeah. Because of that great governors race. Also the senate race. If democrats have any chance of taking control of the senate i dont think its great. If they have any chance, they must carry senator bill nelson back into power. His opponent governor rick scott, twoterm governor, republican governor of florida. Right now scotts up in the polling averages 1 1 2 points which means its a dead tie. Senator melson, democrats are worried about him he have theyve really got to put every ounce of effort there and hope there really is a blue wave. Doesnt have to be a tsunami, but should be a decent wave if its going to get florida wet and its a peninsula. It ought to be able to get wet easily. Two very good points. Im talked to democrats who are nervous about both of those states. Thanks very much. Coming up well look at two races down south that could preview the 2020 election. Much more kasie d. C. On this labor day weekend. Ive seen lots of homes helping new customers bundle and save big, but now its time to find my dream abode. Right away, i could tell his priorities were a little unorthodox. Keep going. Stop. A little bit down. Stop. Back up again. Is this adequate sunlight for a Komodo Dragon . Yeah. Sure, i want that discount on Car Insurance just for owning a home, but im not compromising. Youre taking a shower . 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This week tallahassee mayor Andrew Gillum became the democratic nominee in the florida governors race. It was a shocking win, especially because most polling had him in third or even fourth place throughout the campaign. But a new report from Buzzfeed News says what we really should have been paying attention to was his engagement of minority voters across the state. Quote, both gillum and stacy abrams success signal the theory that the voters the Democratic Party calls low information voters or unlikely voters can change the course of an election. When resources are put into campaigns to engage them. Joining me now with more on his reporting, Buzzfeed News political reporter darren sands. Darren, thanks for being on tonight. Sure. Im so interested in this because there are inevitable parallels to what we saw with President Trump where quite frankly the low propensity voters on the republican side who didnt typically show up showed up and we ended up with a result our polsters couldnt predict. It seems like it may have happened on the left in the floridas governors race. Yeah, kasie, thanks for having me. The thing that people have to remember is that after democrats lost in 2016, they kind of went back to the drawing board and a big part of that was going back to the drawing board to get a sense of what, you know, black voters wanted. I think they lost some black voters in places like wisconsin and pennsylvania, so they went, you know, to go find out and sort of do research about how they needed to do this in the future. I think they learned a lot. But one of the things were learning about florida and georgia, for instance, is that when you do have young candidates who are pushing progressive ideas and really engaging folks around some of these ideas, a 15 minimum wage, medicare for all, these are things young people want. And not only do young people want them. I think if you Start Talking to lots of folks across people of color of all ages, i think there is a lot of excitement around, you know, pushing candidates in these progressive ideas and really getting a sense i think the democrats now are getting a sense that its working and its a winning formula for them. Being on the ground in florida, could you tell that this kind of was brewing . I mean, i know some of the sources that spoke to our ali vitali were arguing to her, were surging late, but nobody really believed them. Yeah, you had to look at some of the events, right . You see the just the broad swath of voters that would come and talking to them, you know, getting a sense of why people were voting. I think they were just really excited about what i think is like a compassionate progressivism from Andrew Gillum himself. Someone who comes from humble beginnings. He said over and over that he was the only nonmillionaire in the race. He sort of took that message and said that he was going to, as governor, take his story, which is the story of lots of floridians floridians, rather, to the state house. Hes going to take those ideas and take those things with him. And so i think that, you know, we have its a change. Were going through a change in the country, i think, and especially in the electoral politics where you have to engage people. And us also have to have a real sense of i think authenticity. Thats something that i think both abrams and Andrew Gillum bring to their campaigns and bring to the state, is a real sense of, of what i think is an authenticity movement. Right. I dont think that that can sort of be discount ed in this whole conversation as well. I think its a great point. I think youre seeing that unfold as well across other states. Beto orourke a good example. Rejection of poll tested candidates. I want to show, we have been talking about minority voters coming out. Race has become an issue in this case because, of course, ron desantis was the republican nominee, a conservative congressman endorsed by President Trump. And i think we have the quote of desantis talking about his opponent, mr. Gillum. Take a look. Florida elections are always competitive and this is a guy who, although hes much too liberal for florida, i think hes got huge problems with how hes governed tallahassee. He is an articulate spokesman for those far left views. Hes a charismatic candidate. I watched the democrat dee matemate debates. None of those is my cup of tea. We have to work hard so we continue florida going in a good direction, build off the success we had off governor scott. The last thing we need to do is monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state. That is not going to work. Shawna thomas, that took no time at all. Less than 8 hours after the race had been called. I think the thing thats interesting about that desantis comment is whether i mean, they came out and said that it was ridiculous that anyone would read it like that, fine. The thing that i dont think he did, and correct me if im wrong, is actually apologize for it. And the old play book in sorry, in campaigns would have been, i didnt mean it that way, but im sorry if anyone took offense. And now let me talk about my platform. Right. He didnt apologize for it. So we live in a world right now where maybe his campaign thinks its better for people to maybe kind of think that he is wishy washy. We are holding him up as someone willing to speak truth to power when he wanted to. It is very odd that we live in this place where that its okay to kind of live in the questions of what did desantis mean and him not tamp that down immediately. As in we can all be direct about what is going on here. Darren sands, thank you for being on tonight. Appreciate your reporting. Just sahead, midterm money pouring in across the country. How big of an impact is it having . Were back after this. After thg deal, right . Wrong. Your Insurance Company is gonna raise your rate after the other car got a scratch so small you coulda fixed it with a pen. Maybe you should take that pen and use it to sign up with a different Insurance Company. For drivers with accident forgiveness Liberty Mutual wont raise their rates because of their first accident. 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Ask your healthcare professional about the risks and benefits of bexsero and if vaccination with bexsero is right for your teen. Moms, we cant wait. Welcome back. An incredible amount of money is already flying around as the mid terms take off. A new axios Analysis Shows more than 500 million have been donated to house candidates so far. 73 of it from outside of candidates districts. But as john osoff showed in georgia, a war chest of money people who cant vote for you doesnt always translate into a win. That theory is being tested across the country. Late cash from billionaire soros and steyer may have help propel gillum. Billionaire Venture Capital cyst peter thiel made his first sixfigure donation to the rnc. And the koch network is unleashing an ad blitz worth 5 million against three democrats in key senate races. As for online spending. The dccc announced it has surpassed i think digital fundraising mark for the 2016 fundraising cycle with months to go in the 2018 mid terms. They have brought in 190 million online between january of 2017 through july of 2018. The nrcc raised about 145 million over that same period. Ken vogel, my question for you is whether the laws of gravity that used to apply to Campaign Finance still do in the age of trump, because it does seem as though there can be some backlash to the idea of somebody who has blanketed the airwaves with all of the special interest money, especially among democrats. They are explicitly rejecting or asking demanding their candidates say i will not take this kind of money. Make no bones about it. Money still is extremely useful in campaigns. Of course, essential. They would rather have money than be outspent. That said, i think what we are seeing is a change is it still buying the same things is the question . The point that you raise is right. There is a dichotomy here, on the left particularly, where small dollar donors are seen as both a way to fund your campaign, potentially in a more sustainable fashion that doesnt require you to kowtow to major donors and also as a selling point. Its a rhetorical point you can use over a primary or midterm opponent. Im funded by small donors and you are beholden to major donors. On the right we see a very different case where the small donors arent as motivated. Theyre not there. They were there certainly for President Trump in his campaign which is sort of a notable irony that this guy who was claiming to be the selffunder and the billionaire candidate was raising really huge amount of money online and from small donors. But that has not translated to these other candidates who are potentially vulnerable republicans or republicans in targeted races. Republicans are relying sort of in a very open way on major donors and on these super pacs that are associated with congressional leadership in the house and in the senate. Right. To bring in huge money, and they are bringing in huge money. Ken vogel, thank you for being here tonight. Very much appreciate it. When we come back, weve been saying 2018 is the year of the woman in politics. Women have set another record for the books. Kasie d. C. Back after this. Ths cause lets be honest, nobody likes dealing with insurance, right . Which is why esurance hired me, dennis quaid, as their spokesperson because apparently, im highly likable. I like dennis quaid. Awww. And they want me to let you know that, cue overdramatic music, theyre on a mission to make insurance painless. Excuse me, you dropped this. They know its confusing. I literally have no idea what im getting, dennis quaid. Thats why theyre making it simple, man in cafe. And they know its expensive. Yeah. 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From airlight foam, to nourishing 3 minute miracle, to the moistureinfusing gold series. We give more women great hair days every day. Pantene. After tuesdays primaries in arizona and florida, there are now 26 allwomen general Election Races for the house of representatives. Thats in addition to six allfemale senate races. Both are recordbreaking numbers accord together rut ger center for women in politics. All year weve been covering the Record Number of women running for office and our women to washington series. Now a new book Charlotte Walsh likes to win is chronicling the fictional story of one woman run fogger office. Joining me is the author of that book jo piazza and the cochair of the dcccs women lead program. Its great to see both of you, jo, im very excited that you are on the show tonight. I have read several of your books. Im a fan. And i very much enjoyed Charlotte Walsh likes to win. I wont giveaway the ending to people who may rick pick it up. Suffice to say i want to know how it ends. I was interested in how you wrote particularly ambition and women trying to navigate their marriages, kind of personal lives, and how that impacts how a woman runs differently for Political Office than a man. How did you kind of get inside of a well, ive been a journalist for so long that i kind of approached this novel and fiction the same way that i would approach my nonfiction. So i interviewed more than 100 women who had run for office, who were running for office, and women whod worked on womens campaigns. And i had to promise, obviously, like im never going to reveal anyones names or otherwise no ones going to tell me the truth, right . Sure. And collected these stories from the campaign trail about really how different it is for a woman to run for office than a man. It was really important for me to show just how much harder it is for women on the campaign trail than it is for men. Congresswoman frankel, to jos point, how do you when you look at this at your women lead program, one thing ive heard a lot from sources over the years is oftentimes the most difficult piece of the puzzle l is convincing a woman to run for office in the first place. How do you counsel for candidates on how to deal with the differences of a campaign if youre a woman versus if youre a man . Well, i tell you, this year its very different, and ill give you an example. In 2016, emilys list, which is the premier organization which supports Democratic Women running for congress, they got about 920 inquiries around running for office. This year, after the 2016 election, they got 40,000 inquiries. And we have Something Like 200 women now running for congress, and i would say theres probably 40 or 50 Democratic Women who we could see, new women, who we can see in congress. Yeah. Were not having any trouble getting women to run right now. Thats thats that is great news for the country, i think, no matter what party youre from. Jo, what did you learn from the candidates that you talked to . What would be kind of your advice to women who do want to run based on what you know . To have a really strong support system going into this, and its harder for women to run for so many reasons. Women are scrutinized in a way that men just arent. Your hair is going to be criticize the on a regular basis, your makeup, your shoes. Are you wearing flats, are you wearing heels . What does that say about you . People ask you all the time what your husband thinks about your policies. No one ever asks a man who his wife thinks about their policies. No, never. So you and youre so viciously attacked these days on social media, and attacked with very incredibly violent things. So, i think you need an incredibly strong support system, and an incredibly thick skin. Yeah. There are more women running for office than ever before, and also for the first time in history, women arent being told what they were told for so long, which is run like a man. Women are finally running like women, and being their authentic selves. Thats why were having such exciting races right now. Congresswoman frankel, we have a question for you. Congresswoman, in the 20 16 campaign, there was sort of sexism throughout that campaign as Hillary Clinton ran against dru donald trump. Some very public, some very private. Jennifer paul ma Jennifer Palmieri writes about this in her book. What have you told them about lessons they can take away from Hillary Clintons experience, how should they act differently in their campaigns than she did against donald trump . Well, i think first of all, the most important thing for any candidate, women or men, is to be authentic and really theres so much excitement and energy for these women, and, you know, for the very reason, jo, im pleased with your comments, for the very same reason that women may have a different experience running, the fact of the matter is, thats why we need more of these women in congress because diversity is a cornerstone of our democracy. And we need to have more mothers and daughters to really for the government to make better decisions. So ill tell you, i havent had to counsel the women about sexism. They are raising money in Record Numbers. They have armies of volunteers working with them. And they have incredible resumes. We have veterans and cia agents and public schoolteachers. We have incredible candidates out there. Congresswoman frankel l, thanks so much. Jo piazza, thanks to you as well. The book Charlotte Walsh likes to win. I totally recommend it, it was great. I totally recommend it, is great. Tom its a 10 cover . Oh, okay. Didnt see that on the website. Hes been acting more and more like his dad. Come on, guys jump in the waters fine tom pritchard. How we doin . Hi, there. Tom pritchard. Can we get a round of jalapeno poppers for me and the boys, please . Ive been saving a lot of money with progressive lately, so. Progressive cant protect you from becoming your parents. But we can protect your home and auto when you bundle with us. But we can protect your home and auto there are roadside attractions. And then theres our worldfamous onroad attraction. The 2019 glc, starting at 40,700. Mercedesbenz. The best or nothing. Cle. Is a hassle. Th a mop and bucket. Swiffer wetjet makes cleaning easy. Its safe to use on all finished surfaces,. Trapping dirt and liquid inside the pad. Plus, it prevents streaks better than a micro fiber strip mop. For a convenient clean, try swiffer wetjet. Heres a trip tip when you Search Hotels on tripadvisor. Enter your destination and the dates of your stay. Tripadvisor searches over 200 booking sites. To find the best deal on the right hotel for you. Tripadvisor. Heartburn and gas . Now fight both fast new tums chewy bites with gas relief all in one relief of heartburn and gas tum tum tum tums new tums chewy bites with gas relief its fine. I know its fine. Hold up. I dont have to. Its a public sidewalk. Good to know. Okay. Good to let you know, too. Nice. Happy that youre doing your job. Betsy, why do you have so much security . Betsy, why did you cut the budget is crazy, betsy . This betsy chick, yo, its like jennifer aniston, aniston, yo. That whole style. Before we go, lets talk about what to watch for in the week ahead. Shana thomas, that is your work. Please explain before you tell us what youre watching for. So we did a little experiment. That experiment was mostly because there are some members of the cabinet and oath ore people in the at station who we ask for interviews who dont give vice news interviews. Sometimes i understand why. What if we brought two l. A. Style paparazzi to d. C. To chase around a specific set of cabinet members, see if he can get them to answer any questions . I will say the cops are clearly more used to our polite style of reporting. Those guys are not polite. They do follow the laws which we did. Mulvaney engaged in a conversation with a paparazzi guy. This is the as a resuresult of experiment. The idea whether we in d. C. Are too polite the way we decide to report on people, should we be pushing it further if you cant get answers . The betsy devos clip is a good example of someone who doesnt do a lot of interviews but is making a lot of changes in the education were totally out of time for what to watch for. Congress back in town, can they avoid a shutdown . Bob woodwards book comes out next month. I am personally watching the kavanaugh hearings that are coming up. That does it for us on kasie d. C. Well be back next week at 7 00. For now, good night from washington. This is an msnbc special series. Cool. Just a feeling . Or something more . Can you touch it or buy it . Become it . Who gets to decide whats cool and whats not . Look for the person whos doing something that no one else has done. Its its magic. Every brand wanwants you to believe they have the edge on cool. Cool spells theyll do anything to prove it. Dont just try and sell me something, you have to tell a

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