States upon written request, the secretary of the treasury shall furnish such committee with any return with any information. The law could not be more clear, the president is talking as if it doesnt apply to him. Big surprise. Heres trump earlier today. Im under audit, but thats up to whoever it is. From what i understand, the law is 100 on my side. Hours after those remarks, the president s lawyers meads it clear that trump will fight to keep his tax returns secret from congress in a detailed letter to the Treasury Department, they wrote chairman neal cannot legally request and the irs cannot divulge the information. The ways and means has no purpose for requestings the president s tax returns and its all about scoring political points against the president. Trumps attorneys are urging the Treasury Department to get a legal opinion before allowing the president to turn over the returns. It comes after he suggested that he intends for the attorney general as if you were his attorney general to get involved. With the irs, not to disclose to the ways and means. You will speak to my lawyers and the attorney general. He does not like this issue. He wants to hold those secret. Meanwhile, other indications in anticipation of the request, he has already taken other steps to protect himself. We will goat that as well, but i am joined by congresswoman judy chu from the house ways and means committee. Of Bloomberg Opinion and joy reed on a. M. Joy and david cornyn is from mother jones. Thank you for joining us. What do you make of the president out saying its illegitimate for the government to carry out the law . That sounds like a contradiction of terms. The law is totally unambiguo unambiguous. Upon request, the irs shall furnish those tax returns. It doesnt say may furnish. It says shall furnish. In every request that has been made, those returns have been provided. Never has a return been denied. This is over the nearly 100 years of the existence of this law. So if the president doesnt provide it, it would break precedent and the law. We will be back to you in a moment. Tim, it seems to me this president will take all kinds of heat for not disclosing his tax returns. You will have people imagine he is covering up crimes or that hes not a rich as he said or he doesnt pay taxes. All kinds of conclusions that reasonable people, not just people on the left, will think he is hiding. Why is he willing to pay that price. Is it so horrible that he will do anything to keep the secret . Donald trump has never cared what reasonable people thought. Thats not going to start happening with his tax when he is putting out that he is under audit and thats the reason he cant turn it over, thats a red herring. Of all people, Richard Nixon turned his taxes over while he was being audited. Trump said he was being audited for 12 years and no one in the irs believes that. The irs has come out and said it would be unusual for someone to be audited a few years in a row, much less 12. The other issue of him punting this over to doj and saying that the olc has a in determining this shows how much he blurs the lines around separation of powers. Congress is exercising its legitimate oversight hours when the requesting of the president of the United States be transparent and straight forward about potential financial conflicts he or she may have in administratoring their duties in the executive branch. This speaks to those things. I think the reason he doesnt want them to come out is possible funding or investment from overseas that gets into things like influence from russia or the gulf region or china. Things he doesnt want talked about. It would reveal how robust his business really is. Another thing he doesnt want to talk about. He will do anything he has to avoid this, but he is on shaky legal ground to say congress doesnt have a right to get the documents. Trumps attorneys called congressman neal of the ways and means harassment. The law he is following was written in part to give congress the ability to scrutinize the tax returns of executive Branch Officials and investigate conflicts of interest or potential improprieties because of the tea pod dome scandal. Any student of history knows this is the low point of credibility. Warren harding died from it. The horrible thing is people using their influence at the department of interior to make money. The worst corruption is all about money. Trump is saying this doesnt relate to him and it exactly relates to him. The same way he treated the emoluments clause. Michael cohens theory that he never intended to be president is he doesnt feel he has to follow the traditions that prior president s has that they are not using the white house to make money. They are not making money off the office. He doesnt care what he has to do to stop people from finding out about his businesses. Donald trump and tim obrien know this is better than i, donald trump has always operated with the help of people who help shield him from consequences. He believes he seems to openly believe that everyone in the executive branch is supposed to do the same thing. Why cant he have an attorney general who will protect him and he wanted to fast track getting the irs counsel in and saying thats more important than getting william barr in place. He wants people in place with written opeds and saying he doesnt have to release his tax returns and they dem straighted he believes he doesnt have to follow the rules. The law here is clear. I dont know how maniulars or pages of legal arguments he makes, he has a problem and he knows it. I think at some point in the trump years, we are heading to a true constitutional clash. We keep saying there is a crisis and there have been pearl harbor points ready. There is going to come a moment in time when he is going to be told under the law, you must do this. Hes not going do it. Is this impeachable if he ignores the law . Im going to tell the irs not to release it . Thats committing a crime. It will end up in the courts and maybe up to the Supreme Court before a guy named brett kavanaugh. There is no way he will let this happen. He will order Steve Mnuchin if he has to say no. They will take this to court. Bill barr has shown our country will be determined by roberts and kavanaugh and maybe gorsuch. Mr. The and the his administration have to follow a clear law or not, that will end up being a tremendous fight. There may be others coming down the pike here. New reporting suggests that the president may have already taken steps to shield himself as joy suggested. The New York Times revealed earlier this year trump asked senator mcconnell, the republican leader in the senate to prioritize a confirmation vote to be the chief counsel of the irs. Why he cared so much about it. Most curious was the urgency of the request. Trump indicated it was a higher priority than voting on william barr as attorney general. Trumps request raised questions about whether the president had other motivations and so why was the president so determined to get this guy confirmed as the top lawyer in the irs . The democrats made no secret of their plan to obtain his tax returns and the timing is very difficult to dismiss as a coincidence. Michael desmond was confirmed for the job in late february as a tax attorney who briefly advised trumps company before he took office. As the New York Times points out, he worked with sherry dylan who is currently a tax lawyer for the Trump Organization and best known for addressing potential conflicts of interest before he took office. Dylan backed the claim that he is under audit saying his tax returns have been under continuous examination since 2002. It looks like he put more preparation to hiding his tax returns than any summit meeting with any world leader. This is far more important to him, hiding his papers. Remember when he rolled down the escalator and announce said he was running for president . The first thing he spoke about was not policy or how he wanted to serve the American People. The first thing he talked about and the thing at the top was that he was worth 10 billion. Two things to take note of with that. He is lying. He is nowhere close to being worth 10 billion. The second thing is he defines himself by pretending he is worth 10 billion and getting his tax returns out would give a lie to all that posturing he has been doing for decades around those sorts of numbers and then again, it gets to what it would expose about his Financial Relationships at home and abroad. There are many weaknesses donald trump has, but one of his core strengths is he has a rep tillian ability to survive and he knows when things are a threat to him and he thinks ahead about those things that he doesnt think about other things. He was thinking long and hard about the returns. He was asked about it repeatedly during the campaign and repeatedly said in the early days of course ill make them public. Of course ill make them public. As it wore on, he dreamed up an excuse of being under audit and unable to release them. This fight will go on wrchlt doey see it . If you are right with the law and he has a lot of lawyers, he is not right with the law. He put people on to look out for him. Where does this end up and how many months does it take to get it to the Supreme Court to win your case . We are going to continue to pursue this. They are supposed to provide the returns on april 10th. We will send another letter asking for them. This may go to a subpoena eventually and may go to court. We do know that we stand on solid ground. Certainly we deserve those returns. Every president for the last four decades have revealed their returns voluntarily. He is the only that has not. When we did a 6103 request of Richard Nixon, gerald ford and nelson rockefeller, they provided their returns. The basis for providing them is very, very clear and we feel that we will stand on solid ground in court. Is this impeachable if he said no way, jose, im not going to do it. Im not going to release my tax returns. My treasury secretary and irs chief counsel said no. I say no to you guys. Is this impeachable . First things first. We want to see what is in those returns. But certainly i would have to say we stand on the solid ground that he would break precedent and break the law if he doesnt provide his returns. That is very serious. That is not what the president of the United States should be doing, the most powerful man in this country. The man who has the title sign federal bills into law and has power over an entire branch of government. That is not what he should be doing. So we will look at it, but first things first. We have to first establish whether he has provided us the returns or not. Thank you so much congresswoman. I want to go to joy for the last question. The politics of this. On the democratic side in the u. S. House of representatives. A lot of young people and progressives. Do you think they will stand for this or if he thumbs his nose at all those people, will they fight now more with greater toughness . The reality is, i think anyone who cares about the constitution should hope they do. Donald trump has repeatedly asked the question and everything he does, who is going to stop me . He doesnt respect the emolum t emoluments clause and constitutional limitations. He thinks this is a city council that he can buy off and stack the executive branch with cronies and make trump first and do his bidding first. He tainted the Justice Department and every department from interior onation and every about protecting him and him alone. Thats not the way american democracy was meant to function. We dont have a king. He is testing the proposition that no one is going stop him. The democrats are the only game in town where that is concerned. Its the only entity that can put a stop this to this president. The republicans are not going do it. They made it clear they will do nothing and let him do whatever he wants. He can operate as freely as he wants as long as he gives them the courts. He can have everything else. Anyone who cares about democracy, if you care about a limited presidency that is not a monarchy, i think the American People better hope somebody stops him. Par canyou cant put it bett that. Well said. Judy chu, tim obrien and joy will stick with us. A last ditch effort to delay or reduce his prison sentence saying he has 14 million documents that could provide investigators with more dirt on donald trump. President s golf game and what it reveals about him. I a that. Those hands can hit a golf is ball 285 yards. Those are good strong i was the best golfer of all the rich people. To be exact. I will talk to the author of a new book, commander in cheat. He calls trump a compulsive cheat or the golf course. Compu cheat or the golf course its kind of unfair that safe drivers have to pay as much for insurance. As not safe drivers ah that was a stunt driver. Thats why esurance has this drivesense® app. The safer you drive, the more you save. Dont worry, im not using my phone and talking to a camera while driving. Im being towed. By the way, im actually a safe driver. Im just pretending to be a not safe driver. Cool. Bye dennis quaid when insurance is affordable, its surprisingly painless. You know reliable support when you have it, and that dependability is what we want to give our customers. At comcast, its my job to constantly monitor our network. Prevent problems, and to help provide the most Reliable Service possible. My name is tanya, i work in the Network Operations center for comcast. We are working to make things simple, easy and awesome. I have lied, but i am not a liar. I have fixed things, but i am no longer your fixer. Welcome back to hardball. If 30 days, President Trumps lawyer and fixer, Michael Cohen is set to begin a threeyear is prison sentence for a series of crime crimes cohens legal team sent shares saying cohen regained access to millions of files seized by federal agents including several that have could provide more dirt on his former boss to the committees. We are learning what they revealed to the special counsel and the house intel gist in his nonpublic testimony. He provided evidence that President Trump was involved in or knew about a criminal experience to collude with russia during the election. Participated in obstruction of justice including covering up the hush money payments to stormy daniels. And instructing cohen to make false statements about the trump tower moscow deal. He was asked about what cohen could still share. No, they have already got it. Its old news. He lied numerous times in his last testimony. They had that for many months. Joining me is Jill Wine Banks and with me, joy reed and caste korn. A lot of what i read about what cohens lawyer said he had to use against the president , if you will. Why wasnt that available to mr. Mueller and his team . It probably was available to mr. Mueller and it was before it was taken from mr. Cohen available to him and could be available to him again while these prison. Either in one of two ways. One, prisons do allow computers and my understanding is this was his hard drive that has been returned to him. He can use it while hes in prison. He does not have to be outside of jail for that. Or he can be housed near to congress if Congress Wants to talk to him or any prosecutor wants to talk to him. He can still serve his sentence while cooperating. If you are a prosecutor and had access to mr. Cohen and with him all his stuff is 14 million files which is almost incredible to think about. I dont know ive got, but thats a lot. 14 million. Would you think he would know where the bodies are buried in a way that mueller may not have known where to go . Yes, it is very likely you need a guide through that many files and it would be helpful to have his cooperation and since he wants to reduce his sentence, it behooves him to act in his own best interest by giving whatever he can possibly think of. This happened during watergate. Many of the witnesses were serving jail time while they were being prepared for trial. We brought them inda daily not r from the d. C. Courthouse and they cooperated with us fully. This is in the days before computers so they had documents. My understanding is he does have boxes and boxes of documents. That might be easier for him to review and refresh his recollection which is what witnesses always do. Its easy for him to refresh his recollection by looking at the computer or actual documents. Let me ask you. David, i will put my cards on the table. I looked at what we are getting with the mueller investigation. We are finding out there was more alarming information about perhaps obstruction of justice or all kinds of evidence that there was collusion. Something may have been tightly balanced about whether he called for the equivalent of the prosecution with the president. It would seem to me if you have 14 million files, that could tip it the other way. Collusion and obstruction. Dont we want more information . The prosecutors had this information and took it and gave it back. Thats why he is getting access to it now. It was about a year ago he was raided, right . They have gone through it and i agree with jill. There is a way he can go through it and maybe find things and maybe something would trigger a memory. Theyre give him all of this in prison . It depends on what the prosecutors want. If they think more is there. Who are the prosecutors now . We are probably talking about the Southern District of new york and others picking up the bits and pieces of muellers investigation. A lot of this is probably not related to russia, but the 10 years he spent working for trump. Remember, we missed testimony this past week. Felix sader was supposed to testify publicly. Whats his story . About trumps business deal in russia while he was running for president. Who was the point man with that . That was Michael Cohen. There is more to come out there and hopefully Michael Cohen can contribute to that story after sader testifies, but i think there is a way for him to do that and prove the sentence should be redeased even if he goes to jail. The president in his walk by he does with the press, he dans to answer questions on the south lawn. He said its aas r old news. Thats one of the biggest jokes. Been there, done that. Forget about it. Or this one. On my shoulder. The fact is we know trump and often the path to his truth is the opposite of what he says. If cohen has been working with the guy to use the godfather reference all these years, he knows the skunky stuff hes done. Every time he heard the word russia, hes got it. Even if prison, he has nothing else to do except dig for dirt to get him out sooner. Id be afraid of him. Donald trump should be. He was the person closest to him. Given the fact that we have seen so many people caught up in this scandal we can all call russia gate give such light sentences. 14 days here and 12 here. George papadopoulos served 12 or 14 days. Manafort got a good deal for all that he did to defraud the United States. What would be the harm in letting this guy help the American People understand more about what the president of the United States was up to . I would say congress is the only who can do it now. William barr stands between us and robert mueller. Put him back in front of congress and let him tell what he knows. Jill, i had this great scenario where he is sitting in jail, whatever it is. Somewhere renasonably posh. While the others are doing their bar bells, he is on the computer figuring out how to screw the president of the United States. It would make him popular in the jail house. Would he be able to get the other inmates to help him with the paperwork . Really. The jail house lawyers could help him, im sure. People would be volunteering, ill bet. He certainly can do it from jail. They allow computers. He can use his computer and find whatrefreshed with. He probably has a lot more to give and a lot will be of value to the Southern District. Thats the one place that has not been as sold on his cooperation. Mueller thought he cooperated fully. If he can help the Southern District make cases based on real estate fraud and whatever else he knows about that happened in their jurisdiction, when you look at his sentence compared to the others, it is a stiff sentence. Im sure the judges who made these judgments used the guidelines and feel that they have fairly sentenced him. Unless he gets cooperation from the Southern District recommending that he be lightened, he got that from mueller. We will have to wait and see whether this letter intended to get him a lighter sentence and delay his starting sentence is effective or not. Thank you so much jill wine bankless. I he can put together quite a team. Up next, joe biden and donald trump are already exchanging jabs. After this break, biden against trump. Ter this break, biden aga trump. D with a lot of other young couples. Then we noticed something. Strange. Oh, could you, uh, make me a burger . Poof youre a burger. [ laughter ] everyone acts like their parents. You have a tattoo. 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As with all fillers, there is a rare risk of unintentional injection into a blood vessel, which can cause vision abnormalities, blindness, stroke, temporary scabs or scarring. Juvederm it. You better, better i just want you to know, i had permission to hug lonnie. You guys can sit on the edge. I dont want you to have to stand. By the way, he gave me permission to touch him. Welcome back to hardball. That was former Vice President , joe biden speaking publicly for the First Time Since a number of women alleged he made physical contact they felt was inappropriate. He spoke with reporters and a conference of electrical workers. If i made anyone feel uncomfortable, i feel badly. That was never my intention. Ever. You sorry . Im sorry i didnt more. Im not sorry for any of my intentions. Im not sorry for anything that i have ever done. I have never been disrespectful intentionally to a man or a woman. Is this episode of the past week going to change how you campaign . I think its going have to change how i campaign. Biden acknowledged he is running for president , but not yet a candidate. That is not stopping President Trump from taking swipes at his would be opponent. Do you think joe biden i dont see him as a threat. I dont see him as a threat. I think he is only a threat to himself. The president s publicly confidence. The new york 250inew york timen january the president was fixated on biden who mr. Trump regards as the most dangerous potential opponent. Trumps concerns seemed evident. After biden finished remarks, the electrical workers and the president tweeted i employed thousands of electrical workers, they will be voting for me. I own them. Shannon petty piece and mike. Thank you, both. You are the expert. You know, i dont know. To me hes obviously who he is. He is overdoing things with personal space. I havent noticed it, but all in the pictures, ive seen it in the shots. He does it. He does it. He said i get it. I understand i have to live in my space. On stage, he cant help it. This is who he is. Sorry he doing it to make it lighter. Hugging that kid around his neck. You can hear the advice from staff. His instinct is to do one thing and he tries to make light of it. I was there. He had to come out and apologize. Not really. He is not in the mood to apologize. I can tell you, other campaigns were jumping on this. Maybe he moved beyond it and he brings it up himself. Do you think the people, is anybody behind pushing this story. People would delight in it. People delight in the zero sum gain of politics. Trump will have to run against him if he runs. Is anybody known to be pushing this story . On the trump world universe where i sort of exist, they are kind of delighted to see this and they feel like it is the democrats starting to cannibalize themselves which is what they have been waiting for and hoping for. There is a bit of glee among them to see the me too movement which they felt almost derailed kavanaugh coming back to bite the democrats is the way they view it. Their strategy and what they have been advising the president to do is let the democrats fight amongst themselves and look president ial and when you get an opponent, you can go after them. The president hasnt done that. Is trump more afraid of biden than bernie . I think he is obsessed with his fire wall that he flipped from blue to red. Biden is the most likely to flip them. The president is going to be color commentator. He cant help himself. Joe biden is for now the candidate he sees as the biggest threat. If he sees somebody he cant call him a socialist and abortion. That wont work with joe. He cant call him an elitist. I agree. When you talk to people in trump world, their biggest concerns are michigan, wisconsin and ohio. Those purple states. The head to head polling between trump and the democrats, biden is the only one within the margin or beating them. If they hold on to everything from last time, they can only lose michigan and pennsylvania. They feel like wisconsin is almost lost and michigan and pennsylvania is what they have to hold on to. President trump traded jabs on twitter. The president tweeted a video mocking bidens statement promising to be more mindful of permanent space writing welcome back, joe. Biden responded i see that you are on the job and president ial as always. That was sarcastic. There was debate on his team about whether to respond. Do you take the high road and move beyond is it t . What was interesting is he was trying to calibrate it. So whether or not it was a good idea to reengage himself, we will see. Unintended consequences. I have been trying it out in my head. I head all the papers, three columns a day. Some were nuanced, but it seems this gives biden a chance to be a fighter. The progressives, whatever they think of moderates, they want a fighter. If biden can spend these days showing these a fighter and not going to roll, they might like that. Its interesting. Is he going to take the trumpian approach to this controversy and in the access hollywood tape, trumps advisers tried to say to apologize and he made an awkward kroo voo a video and he let go. Biden said he could have let it go and dropped the subject and get everyone to stop talking about it. Instead he brought it back up and leaned into it and made a joke about it and went out and didnt really apologize. He didnt bow down and apologize over and over. Its the old role of polit s politics. Never explain or complain. Your friends dont need it and enemies wont buy it. Trump winning a golf game. What he describes as trumps habitual cheating and what may tell us about the man himself. We are back after this. Dont miss this. We are back after this dont miss this. 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That i can tell you. As President Trump uses golf to attack his opponents in a speech to house republicans, he said that house intel chairman adam schiff would be a weak off the team golfer who could only drive the ball 50 years and compared fed chairman to a bad putter. In his new book, commander in cheat, how golf explains trump. Trump doesnt just cheat at golf, he cheats and throws it, boots and it moves it. He lies about his lies. He note that is the way trump does golf is the way he does a presidency to operate his other rules are for other people. A rich history of trumps career in golf with cheating during the game to lying about his scores to convincing people he won Club Championships. Did he win any of the championships . Thats up next. You cant miss this on hardball. Miss this on hardball. Control. Like bedhea. Hmmmm. Rubadub ducky. And then. Theres national car rental. At national, im in total control. I can just skip the counter and choose any car in the aisle i like. 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He notes the final score on the 18 Club Championships is lies 16, incompletes, two. Confirms, 0. Rick riley is author of commander in cheat and how golf complains trump. How about the won he won in philadelphia at bed minster that is 87 miles away. Who won the championship. Joe shot a 75. He said i shot 72 up here. Make me the champion. He shot par. He said he shot 72. They had to take joes name off and put his. Here doesnt talk to truth. Doing it in your face. You are keeping an honest score guard and you know hes not keeping the score. Hes open about it. I played with him and i was keeping score. I made a six there. Give me a four. One time he said this free up is good. Chip in is good . I never heard of that. Thats incredible. You are not on the green. Hes a terrible chipper. Cant chip to save his life. Furtherance but not towardance. Im seeing put around bunkers. Thats how bad he chips. What about the people who played . Whats the difference between him and clinton . I played with him and clinton. He hit the first shot and said im playing that one. He hit five or six more. He was not as dishonest. Thats illegal, but not dishonest. Trump is so bad. He would take somebody elses ball if he wanted to . Hes done that. What do people say . He cheated tiger woods. Tiger woods and dustin johnson. Im not a golfer and my family are golfers. The essence of golf is character. You can so easily cheat that you have to be honest. We call our own penalties. I have to trust it. Its all about trust. President trump has fixated on how often an obama played golf. Lets watch. We have a president who doesnt fight. He goes out and plays golf all the time. Here plays more golf than the guys on the pga tour. Wont be playing much golf. If i win, i wont be playing golf. I like to play golf. Im a good golfer. I should play obama for the presidency. Donald trump spent 177 days at his property playing golf. He tells them i wont be an elitist playing golf and he plays golf all the time. All the time. He played 66 times. You know how many times he posted his score to keep it fair . Once. How does he know his handy cap . He cherry picks. 2. 8. You know what Jack Nicklauss is . 3. 5. In other words he plays golf in the mid 70s. No, he doesnt. But he said he does. Its bologna f. Hes a 2. 8, Queen Elizabeth is a pole vaulter. Its early in the year, but this is beach reading. If you want to have fun and get to bed at night, its totally its not harmless. For gets worse, chris. He keeps eight goats on one of his course. In a pen. Cheaper than law mowers. An 80,000 farm tax break. He regulates in his farm properties. I have a club in virginia. Do you all know my club . Its the best there is in the tristate. Its one of the best golf courses in the country. At doral, the golf courses. Loudoun county on the potomac river. One of the most beautiful clubs and best golf course anywhere in the world. I own just about the greatest clubs in the world. Here overvalued the properties by millions and they are not ranked as highly as he said they are. Every course is worth 25 million. 50. They are worth 50 million at the same time he was valuing them over 2 million. Thats a 48 million lie if you are scoring at home. He is at trump los angeles. Its never been ranked in the trump los angeles. If you walk in wearing a pebble shirt, he makes you take it off. What are does it teach you about . Like bicycle shorts. It reveals a lot about a guy. Oh, my god. Great writing and a great book. I know people buy books, but this is the fun for the weekend. Like trump or not. If you really dont like trump, this is perfect. What real sportsmanship looks like. I will talk about the good sportsmanship in a minute. Sportsmanship in a minute. Whos idea was this . Correct agerelated volume loss in cheeks with Juvederm Voluma xc. Tell your doctor if you have a history of scarring or are taking medicines that decrease the bodys immune response or that can prolong bleeding. Common side effects include injectionsite redness, swelling, pain, tenderness, firmness, lumps bumps, bruising, discoloration, or itching. As with all fillers, there is a rare risk of unintentional injection into a blood vessel, which can cause vision abnormalities, blindness, stroke, temporary scabs or scarring. Juvederm it. Lets go did you eat all of your treats . Help i need somebody help not just anybody help you know i need someone a lot of this country is going to be watching the final this saturday and monday. I want to Say Something for those of us who love basketball and the smul of the asphalt in the summer. Shooting baskets when it gets dark from a friendly game of horse to the final four. About a team that didnt make it to this weekend. The tar heels of chapel hill. The North Carolina Basketball Team and what they showed us a week ago tonight. I had gone home to watch the game and caught the incredible shooting by auburn. How do you beat 17 threepointers. Then came what i want to talk about. Not about the final score which was all auburn, but the sportsmanship that from the moment it happened. It came when auburn started. He twisted his leg going down headed to the basket and it was really a bad injury. Even faster to realize it was North Carolina carolina player Brendan Robinson helped him up. I keep saying his name wrong. In an act of sportsmanship, the team got him off the floor. Not the first to pay tribute to him, but i wanted to recall the team that didnt make to tomorrow, but will be remembered for what it showed us. Lets hear it for the tar heels and the class they showed in the heat of battle with so much on the line. Thats hardball for now. All in with chris hayes starts right now. Tonight on all in. Im under audit, but thats up to whatever it is. The law is 100 on my side. Pulling out the stops to block House Democrat from seeing his tax returns. I fight to pay aslets as possible. He stacked the irs in his favor. I want you to know i had permission to hug lonnie. The political calculation behind joe bidens not apology tour. Im sorry i didnt understand more. Im not sorry for any of my intentions. Plus a new lawsuit filed to get the Mueller Report rel

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