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Chris Matthews debates hot political issues with politicians, newsmakers and Washington leaders. Legal strategy. This is a political strategy. It seems to me its designed not to help the president when it comes to his legal troubles with Robert Mueller. In fact, its likely to make them worse. Its designed to set a different kind of landscape for anything that mr. Mueller finds out to be received, to convince at least his own supporters that nothing it wasnt illegal or anybody does that, and by the way, i didnt know anything about it. These are this is an attempt to set a context where people wont take seriously or at least wont be convinced that if there are serious if theres a serious report from Robert Mueller, which is what we expect, they should take it with a grain of salt. We know from polling that President Trumps core supporters are persuaded by this, that theyre inclined to believe this is a witch hunt. And that hes being treated unfairly. Whatever the findings of the Special Counsel turn out to be. And dan, you look at this through the lens of yourself being a former prosecutor. How does a prosecutor, how might somebody in muellers shoes look asked about his earlier comments. This is what he told abc. Why did you deny President Trumps involvement . When did you learn the Denial Wasnt True . Well, let me tell you two things on that. Number one, as you know, i was in the case, as you know, a couple weeks. There was a lot of information gathering. As Rudy Giuliani said, i had Bad Information at that point. I made a mistake in my statement. Michael steele, again, this is about the initial explanation that was offered by trump world, and donald trump apparently dictating that statement, saying hey, that meeting, it was about adoptions. Nothing to see. I guess it points to a bigger question. Im curious as a republican looking ahead to these elections. You have what robert costa laid out in terms of why the folks around trump, why somebody like Rudy Giuliani wants him publicly being out there in the middle of it, mixing it up like this. From a republican candidates perspective this year, Somebody Running for office in trumps party, in a competitive election. How do they want him handling it . Do they see benefit to him being out there trying to sort of poison the jury or do they want him saying absolutely nothing . It depends on how you define competitive. If youre talking about competitive in a plus 20, plus 30 congressional dict, yeah, youll run with trump all day long because thats largely where the base in the district is, and it doesnt matter the democratic opposition that may come. You still have you have the cushion, if you will, to withstand whatever they do or however they try to nationalize the election. In fact, you will likely nationalize the election yourself. You know, if youre talking about something where its a little closer, its a different conversation. If youre in a plusthree, plusfive congressional district, you are going to walk a little differently. Youre not necessarily going to nationalize it. Youre going do keep it local and you dont want to necessarily bring the president s problems into your district because, like we see in a number of states, including ohio, that level of closeness in what should be arguably a republican leaning district becomes problematic. You mentioned ohio. Special election out there for congress tomorrow. Much more on that later on. Donald trump jr. Called in meanwhile to Laura Ingrahams radio show earlier today. Once again said the primary issue of the meeting was adoption. Lets listen. Donny, did the issue of adoption, its near and dear to my heart because i have two russian adopted sons. We spoke about it. Did that come up . When . In the meeting with Vezal Nit Skia . That was the primary thing we had spoken about in the meeting. That was thats not the premise that got them in the room. And then they started it was essentially a bait and switch to talk about that. And everyone has basically said that in testimony already. So this is nothing new. But you know, like i said, i dont understand that its an important issue to you and near and dear to peoples hearts, but this wasnt a Campaign Issue to us, this wasnt relevant to us and something we werent going to do anything with. Robert costa, donald trump jr. Being so central to this, being sort of the focus and the speculation shifting so much to him in the last couple days, is there an aspect of this, of the president feeling protective of his son . The president has been protective of his son throughout this entire process. And hes not just his son. In the same way that ivanka trump is inside of the white house, as a Senior Adviser to the president , you have donald trump jr. Now as a key surrogate for President Trump ahead of these midterm elections, traveling around to different red states, trying to rally the president s base. Hes someone whos inside, if not the white house, hes inside of the president s circle politically. Hes an important force. And you see him going to laura ingraham, someone who has been very supportive of President Trump and trying to explain his position, but at this point, what really matters is not what he says to a conservative commentator, what matters is what does Robert Mueller want to do in terms of prosecuting or not prosecuting. Thats his choice, with regard to this meeting in 2016. All right, thats where it seems to lay with so many of the questions on this topic. We can talk about what we think, what the political world thinks, but ultimately, it matters what Robert Mueller thinks of it. Robert costa, susan page, michael steele, daniel alonzo. Coming up, week two in the Manafort Trial begins as a key witness takes the stand. What we will learn from the testimony of former manafort aide rick gates. Plus, well go to the big board and take a look at whats at steak in the big Special Election. We teed it up a second ago, out in ohio, can democrats pull a rabbit out of the hat . Pull off a win out there in john kasichs old district . What will it mean tomorrow and for november. Also, the uninvited guest. Donald trump dropped by a Troy Bolderson rally and leaves behind his endorsement, the problem is the gop contender may not have asked for one. Hardball roundtable is going to tackle that and the president s bizarre attacks against lebron james over the weekend. What does he have against the king, who happens to be pouring money into a new school for underprivileged kids, and finally, the panel will tell me something i dont know. This is hardball, where the action is. Yeah and i just wanna tell you right now that i i believe, i really do believe that somethings got a hold on me, yeah oh, it must be love oh, somethings got a hold on me right now, child oh, it must be love let me tell you now, oh it must be love thats part of running a business. So frank can focus on the beat. You hear that . This is franks record shop. And this is where life meets legal. The full value oft wyour new car . Youd be better off throwing your money right into the harbor. Im gonna regret that. With Liberty Mutual new Car Replacement well replace the full value of your car. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty today, rick gates, the prosecutions star witness, took the stand and testified under oath that he and manafort were involved in Criminal Activity together. Gates, who has been described as manaforts righthand man, also admitted to embezzling hundreds of millions of dollars from his longtime Business Partner. Gates was originally charged as a coconspirator in manaforts case but has been cooperating with Robert Muellers investigation after pleading guilty to conspiracy and lying to the fbi. The case will only be looking at manaforts business dealings, gates also worked with him on Donald Trumps president ial campaign. Gates stayed on the Campaign Even after manafort left and played a significant role in the president ial transition. Todays Court Appearance was the first time gates and manafort have been the same room together since gates made his plea deal. Im joined by betsy woodruff, politics reporter for the daily beast, and ken dilanian who was at the alexandria courthouse today. Ken, in terms of the basics, the meat and potatoes here, what exactly is it that gates was admitting to today . To everything, steve. It was really rather remarkable. I mean, we knew most of this was going to happen, but still, to see him walk into that courtroom, Paul Manaforts protege of ten years. Worked for him from 2006 to 2016 and sit down at the witness stand, just feet away from Paul Manafort, was something incredible. And manafort was staring him down, and gates tended not to look at manaforts direction. Nonetheless, he was a pretty calm and compelling witness. A little nervous, but he testified that he had been charged with Paul Manafort in these bank and tax fraud indictments, and he admitted he was guilty of all those charges. And that he had cut a deal with the prosecution to plead guilty to a lesser charge, a charge involving lying to the fbi, in exchange for a reduced sentence if he cooperated. He laid all that out, then he also explained in the course of this plea agreement, he had to admit Everything Else bad he did. That included something the government didnt even know about, which is that he was embezzling money, stealing money from Paul Manafort while they were on this alleged crime spree, defrauding banks and committing tax evasion. Gates was putting his hand into the cookie jar in the form of bogus expense reports, essentially, and said it was worth about a couple hundred thousand dollars. He was essentially taking advantage of his ability to wir and wiring money from overseas based on false expense accounts. He also admitted lesser things including being 15 minutes late for curfew. The point of that is the prosecution wants no surprises when gates is crossexamined. They want to confront the jury with everything that is bad about gates and say despite that, you should believe him because if he lies on the stand now, this agreement is void and hes going to go to prisoning for long time. Pretty dramatic stuff and it continues tomorrow. Yeah, and betsy, i guess thats the other thing. You know, ken says to be continued tomorrow. Thats probably the suspense now. How will gates after admitting all this, how will he hold up under a crossexamination . Theres probably a lot there that the manafort side could hit him with. Thats right. Its going to be bruising. And additionally, its going to be personal. There was significant friction several months back when rick gates was going through the process of deciding whether or not he was going to flip on Paul Manafort. Whether he was going to essentially turn on a man who had been his Business Partner and boss for upwards of a decade. At the time, that caused significant consternation on manaforts team. There were reports manaforts team up until the last moment thought he was going to reject a plea deal, tough it out, stand by manafort, be a loyal foot soldier, the loyal colleague they had always perceived, though incorrectly, had perceived him to be. Then at the last minute, sort of when push came to shove, gates decided no, he was going to cross the line, work with mueller and his team, and sort of abandon, if you will, his former colleague. So this isnt just a question of legal machinations. This is also a personal issue for gates, manafort, manaforts legal team, gates legal team, and you can expect that to come through as gates faces crossexamination from manaforts attorneys. Just in terms of the human drama, i think of how many mafia movies we have seen where somebody flips. Theyre in the courtroom, and theres that moment when they basically, theyre staring, you know, 20 feet away from the person theyre flipping. What was that like . You say manafort was staring him down. Set the scene. We didnt have cameras in there. What was it like to watch those two together . It was pretty dramatic. Admittedly, its hard for us in the courtroom to see manafort because were looking at the back of his head, but he seems to be clearly staring gates down, and gates did not want to look at him. And i was told by one of our producers that during the break, that gates refused to look at manafort even though manafort was staring at gates. Let me make one other point, which is even if gates collapses on crossexamination, and the jury doesnt believe a word that he says, the prosecution still has a very strong case against Paul Manafort because this is a case about foreign bank accounts, and we had testimony from manaforts bookkeepers and accountants they had no idea he had control of all these foreign bank accounts. They prepared his tax returns and said there were no foreign bank accounts. Thats a felony. He was paying for these luxuries with money wired from cyprus, and the only defense we have seen to that is manafort didnt realize it was a crime, he didnt realize he filled out the form incorrectly. Its a strong case with or without gates. And betsy, we talk about this case were talking about, the finances. Not to do with the campaign, but is there a connection between whats being revealed, what might be revealed, the fate that might meet Paul Manafort in this trial and questions about his role in the campaign . Perhaps the biggest revelation we have received from the trial, from muellers team, is what was initially believed to be a 10 million loan that putin ally and Russian Oligarch deripaska made to manafort wasnt actually a loan. It was actually, according to prosecutors, a payment of 10 million. The fact that deripaska made that significant payment to manafort raises questions about the type of Work Manafort was doing for deripaska. Any loyalties that might have been there, as well as additional frictions that existed between the man who would go on to be Trumps Campaign chairman and a man very up in putins inner circle. Deripaska has sued manafort and gates, he said they mishandled or stole even some of the money that he paid them. Theres a lot of friction between the two men, and during the president ial campaign, reportedly, manafort reached out to deripaska world and suggested that potentially he would be willing to give deripaska personal private updates on how the campaign was going. Any subsequent revelations we get in this trial about manaforts relationship with deripaska, the types of loans and or Payments Deripaska was making to manafort, when he was making the payments. Those revelations could potentially have implications for the way we view the Work Manafort did when he was working on Trumps Campaign. Betsy woodruff, ken delainian, thanks for being with us. Up next, taking a trip across the studio to the big board. We have a big Special Election tomorrow out in ohio, right around columbus. Suddenly, its a nail biter. This is a longtime republican seat democrats have an actual chance to flip tomorrow. What could it tell us about democrats chances in the midterms coming up in november . Well break it all down over at the big board. You dont want to miss it. This is hardball, where the action is. The first survivor of Alzheimers Disease is out there. And the Alzheimers Association is going to make it happen. But we wont get there without you. Join the fight with the Alzheimers Association. Eh, it just feels too complicated, you know . Well sure, at first, but jj can help you with that. Jj, will you break it down for this gentleman . Hey, ian. You know, at Td Ameritrade, we can walk you through your Options Trades step by step until youre comfortable. I could be up for that. Thats taking Options Trading from wall st. To main st. Hey guys, wanna play some pool . Eh, im not really a pool guy. Whats the hesitation . Its just complicated. Stepbystep Options Trading support from Td Ameritrade then you might have a dcondition called dry mouth. . Biotene is clinically proven to soothe and moisturize a dry mouth. Plus, it freshens breath. Biotene. Immediate and long lasting dry mouth symptom relief. 11 points. If you have been following these Special Elections, you know democrats have been able to make gains so far right around 10, 11 points on average in these house Special Elections. So what are we going to look for tomorrow night . If its a dead even race, ill be at the board all night watching the returns coming in. I want to give you a preview of what were going to see tomorrow. Lets take a closer look at the district because this district is fascinating. Its really a story of the two different americas we talk about so much in terms of how 2016 happened. One group we talk about, we talk about college educated, upscale white collar professionals. Suburbanites. Thats a big part of this district. At least in terms of population. Its right here. You see this . This is that part of columbus right here, upscale suburbs right outside columbus, bleeding over into delaware county. Really more than half the vote in the district will be come out right here. You see franklin county, Hillary Clinton won this by 18 points. That was a big surge in the democrats direction. A third of the votes out of franklin, the Democratic Base. Tomorrow night, the question is, is oconnor able to match or exceed Hillary Clintons number there . And whats the turnout like there . Delaware county, again, talking suburbs. Trump won it by 16, but for a republican, thats bad. These are republicans who some of them, at least, were not comfortable with trump. Again, if that republican number there is close to 55 tomorrow, thats very good news for the democrats. But the rest of this district, right up here, sort of the northern part, right down here, licking, zanesville, mansfield up here, this is the other america we talk about so much. Blue collar, whitenoncollege, huge, and i mean huge swings in 2016 to donald trump. While this part of the district was swinging away from trump, down here, how about this . The portion of this county, zanesville here, the portion of this county thats in the district, barack obama won in 2012. And in 2016, donald trump carried it by almost 30 points. Those are the kinds of swings were talking about. Again, thats the other question here for democrats. They want to run up the score right around columbus. They want to be right around where clinton was in delaware county. They want huge turnout here, and thats the other question, can they improve, can they get back somewhere close to where barack obama did in the other part of that district . Can they erase that trump surge in those noncollege white, the blue collar white part of the district. A fascinating story. Two very different parts of the district that went like this in 2016. Again, this is it. This is the last Major Special election test before the midterms. You know democrats would dearly love to win this one. Republicans hope and they dont have another p. A. 18 on their hands. 7 30 tomorrow night eastern time the polls close. You Better Believe were going to be here. Up next, republican candidates were happy to embrace the president in the primary season, will the same hold true in the midterms . Well get to The Roundtable straight ahead. Youre watching hardball. To improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Crisp leaves of lettuce. Freshly made dressing. Clean food that looks this good. Delivered to your desk. Now delivering to home or office. Panera. Food as it should be. The ads are everywhere back at taco bell. Panera. With mexican spices and warm nacho cheese sauce. One things for sure. The future is nacho fries nacho fries are back. [bong ] now serving at taco bell. I said troy, did you invite trump in here . The president . He said no, i didnt. So you know, i think donald trump decides where he wants to go, and they think theyre firing up the base, but i have to tell you, at the same time he comes in here, i was with some women last night who said, hey, you know what . Im not voting. And theyre republicans. Im not voting for the republican. See, this is the problem the party has now. Welcome back to hardball. That was Ohio Governor john kasich suggesting that republican candidate Troy Balderson didnt invite President Trump to the rally held over the weekend ahead of the Special Election tomorrow. This in that house district, ohio 12, that kasich himself represented for a long time. If that bothered balderson, he certainly didnt show it publicly. I was very honored and humbled to have the president of the United States here for me yesterday. Or saturday, and to stand on stage was incredible. Meanwhile, trump weighed in on another one of tomorrows races. He tweeted his endorsement of kansas secretary of state kris kobach in the republican primary for governor there. Kobach, the former vice chair of trumps defunct voter fraud commission. The New York Times reports that trump bucked advice in making the endorsement, noting the Republican Governors Association and a number of high level operatives counseled against supporting kobach because he would provide democrats an opening to take back the governorship. Im joined by The Roundtable, susan del percio, basils michael, a democratic strategist, and Caitlin Hueyburns with real clear politics. Susan, let me start with you. We just laid out the dynamics in this district. Im looking at kasich basically saying the president maybe is doing more harm than good for republicans. Half this district seemed to love donald trump in 2016. Really gravitated towards him, and the other half seemed to run away from him. From the republican candidates standpoint, was it good or bad to have trump come in there at the wire of a close race . Very bad, horrible. Its as bad as it gets in a Swing District to have donald trump show up the day before. The only thing or two days before an election. Maybe if it was a weekend, it could have been potentially worse for him. Because it takes a while to kind of reach out and get voters on either side, but this is a Swing District right now, well, it wasnt, but its in play now. Its tied. Its 4344 depending on the polls you look at. Turnout is essential. We know that donald trump is extremely unpopular with suburban women. And thats the area that you showed on your map. We know theyre going to turn out in droves against donald trump. The other thing that you have in that district, like a lot of places, are what we call trump triers. That in 2016, they werent happy necessarily with Hillary Clinton. They said lets give it a shot and go with donald trump, what do we have to lose . They tried him and decided they dont like him. Basil, in terms of the numbers for house control, if the democrats pull this off tomorrow in ohio, their magic number this november goes from 23 to 22. Then they have to pick off 22 republicans. It would get more doable by a factor of one. What does it mean psychologically for democrats if they pull it off . Its a huge psychological win. I predicted the pennsylvania race with conor lamb and ill predict this one. A Democratic Victory here. Its a huge momentum change for us, number one. Its ohio, which is incredibly important. But it also shows to susans point the erosion of the kind of support that donald trump had in 2016, how thats eroded going into 2018, and there was an article in the New York Times, i think yesterday or today, but something i have been talking about. It gives us an opportunity also to not just double down on our base. We can actually reach across a little more. Yes to independents but certainly to republicans who are dissatisfied with this president to lay out a strategy going into 2020. So if we can pull this off, and i think we will, it actually bodes well for a National Strategy going into also, you get to appeal to more voters who typically dont come out to vote. Thats even more the other question is, too, the stakes for trump himself, not just the Republican Party, but trump himself. He goes out to this Special Election in ohio, maybe without an invitation, hes injected himself in it. At the last minute in kansas, he injected himself into the governors race. About an hour after the announcement, bob dole, former Senate Republican leader from kansas came out and endorsed the other candidate in the republican primary. Whats on the line for trump tomorrow . Whats interesting is trump has been doing pretty well in terms of winning the candidates hes endorsed in the primaries winning their primaries. These two are pretty different. I mean, he is putting some of his own Skin In The Game here. But i talked to strategists who say that maybe hes also thinking about his own 2020 Electoral Prospects going to places like ohio and florida, places that he won, obviously, and wants to win again. Whats really interesting about the kansas race, and i was talking to a republican operative today who was saying the white house knew, trump knew that republicans did not want kobach to win this primary. They dont think that he is very electable in november. And the key thing about these governors races are not just winning them but also having someone at the top of the ticket there to help in these congressional races as well. And that also puts more into play for this president in the longer term. To that point, it just shows how much donald trump always makes it about himself. He goes into ohio probably because he thinks its good for him. In the kansas primary, going against an incumbent is crazy for republicans. This was someone who could win. And this is why he did it. Its 3232 in the polling. You have 11 undecided. Which were breaking for colure. What happens now . Donald trump gets involved. It probably could lead to a win for the insurgent candidate, which is exactly what donald trump wants to show, look, i decide the winners. He wants to say i weighed in. This is why all of these campaigns are going to have to strategize and figure out where trump is a benefit and a liability to them. You know, if youre in a state like north dakota or indiana, of course, and youre running for the senate, of course, you want trump to come in and you want him to talk about himself because you want his voters to turn out. But i was talking to a former Campaign Operative as well who was saying that this is the delicate balance. You want Trump Supporters to turn out, but do they turn out for people other than trump . Its so fascinating to me, when we look at this ohio district, its just that split between the two different kinds of voters. Its the voters that gravitated so strongly towards him and the ones who went i wonder that other half of the district we talk about, theres been this whole debate in the Democratic Party about whats the way forward for democrats . Do you try to keep motivating the core Democratic Base or is there a strategy to win back trump voters. This seems to be a perfect example of it. You have a county there that obama won and trump carried it by 30 points. If the democrat is going to win tomorrow, has to come close to winning that county. Its a great opportunity for us to test message and test sort of the broad messaging that alexandria ocasiocortez, i got her name right today, that messages shes been going from state to state to talk about. One of the other things that hasnt been addressed as much is the influence donald trump has in down ballot elections. We have an Attorney General race here in new york, one in minnesota with keith ellison. You have all of these other folks running within these states who are running against or at least for trying to find a way to defend the state against donald trump policies. So hes having an effect across the board and down ballot. So what it does is not just brings out new voters, will it tamp down Republican Voters who are dissatisfied . Its the cliche to say turnout is the key, but turnout might be one of the keys tomorrow. Meanwhile, the Washington Post reported this weekend that trump is anxious about the Russia Investigations widening fallout. Quote, the president more than ever is channeling his internal frustration and fear into a Ravenous Ma Of Grievance and infective. Hes turning out false statements with greater frequency and attacking his perceived enemies with fear. Thats a well written paragraph there. What do you make of the president this weekend . We were talking about this earlier. The decision to bring back into the public discussion there, that meeting at trump tower . Its so interesting to me the way in which the president repeatedly weighs in on the Russia Investigation on the mueller investigation, when he has a good economy, right . He should be helping people kind of feel good about everything going on. I mean, part of the reason why he does this is because he feels like this investigation is overshadowing his entire presidency. And hes also trying to win somewhat of a Public Relations front here. Hes trying to tell his supporters and also others that, look, this is going on too long, and sweeping over everything that we want to do. Theres also one other thing when it comes to donald trump. When he starts tweeting about something thats had controversy or theres been a drip, drip, drip, he kind of likes to get ahead of it, so this recent tweet about don jr. , i think was kind of a little bit of a bread crumb. He knows the story is going to come out, so lets put it out there. Theres also another strategy. We have heard this from trumps attorneys. They keep sayingering well, were going to give him his final recommendation over the next week. How is it about giving an interview to mueller. How is it possible they dont have a recommendation by now, and not only that, this tweet with trump also now opens up the investigation again, putting hope hicks on air force one. It makes the investigation grow. So i think they are looking to deliberately delay this until after the midterms. Its interesting, too, that question every time donald trump tweets, is this part of a strategy to try to get out ahead of something or what he watched on cable news two minutes ago. Theres always that question. Roundtable is staying with us. President trump rips lebron james, reviving criticism of trumps views on race. Youre watching hardball. O wo, who would have guessed . An Energy Company helping cars emit less. Making cars lighter, its a good place to start, advanced oils for those hardworking parts. Fuels that go further so drivers pump less. Improving efficiency is what we do best. Energy lives here. We have Fidelity Mutual funds with zero minimum investment. And now fidelity has two index funds with a zero expense ratio. Because when you invest with fidelity, all those zeros really add up. So maybe ill win saved by zero so maybe ill win booking a flight doesnt have to be expensive. Just go to priceline. Its the best place to book a flight a few days before my trip and still save up to 40 . Just tap and go. For the best savings on flights, go to priceline. Aah . I would have said you were crazy. But so began the year of me. I discovered the true meaning of paperless discounts. And the indescribable rush of saving drivers an average of 620. Why does fear feel so good . I fell in love three times once with a woman, once with a country, and finally. With myself. So, do you have anything to declare or not . Isnt that what im doing . Welcome back to hardball. An interview on friday, nba star lebron james accused President Trump of using sports to divide the country. Lets watch. What i have noticed over the last few months, that hes kind of used sports to kind of divide us and thats something that i cant relate to because i know that sport was the first time i ever was around someone white and i got an opportunity to see them and learn about them. What would you say to the president if he was sitting here . I would never sit across from him. You dont want to talk to him . No. A few hours later the president tweeted lebron james was just interviewed by the dumbest man. Trumps tweet came before the oneYear Anniversary of the white nationalists rally reminding that the president has done little to stop that low water mark as one of the defining images of his presidency. We are back with our roundtable. The context of the president lashing out like that, i saw it come in on friday and its like wow. In some ways this is a familiar thing. He has a history with don linco when he says low iq and when he says dumb, it does seem to apply to people of color more. Yes and hes been consistent in that regard with the nfl players as well. I think at its core this is about race. He does not like africanamericans that challenge his authority and what he perceives control over government and this country. Theres another element as well. Folks that have covered him in new york knows he likes to be part of pop culture and if you look at the people hes taken shots at these are Pop Culture Icons that challenge his authority. He feels those individuals are acting against his framework. Its racial and i think its him feeling hes not a part of the group that he wants to be part of. Thats the other part of this too. I think its a broader story too i think where President Trump, The Reality Star Version of him, he was embraced by pop culture in a lot of ways in a way that now hes Public Enemy Number One to them. He was successful in pop culture for a long time, but now hes president of the United States and as a candidate he said the mexican judge. When he came out with the muslim ban as a campaign idea. Donald trump is racist and what hes doing is now bringing in race to appeal, to bring forward part of his base to get him behind, not his entire base, but he is using race as a mechanism to appeal to the worst part of the Republican Party and use that as a unifier. This is the president of the United States and lebron james said talk about what divides us. This president divides us and hes doing it in the most disruptive and dangerous way over race. Another division was within the white house because he had the first lady putting out a statement where she seemed to say i like lebron. Lebron is a beloved figure in ohio which separates him out from some of the other athletes that trump has gone after who may not be as compelling as lebron james who in the bigger point of that interview was, of course, to talk about the school that hes opening and these kids whose lives hes going to change. I think the president picked a fight that nobody wants to be engaged in. Even supporters of his in the state would raise alarm about that. Whats interesting about the nfl part, theres a lot of that that is strategic. Ive talked to republican campaigns who say that, yeah, thats fine. That plays to a certain portion of the electorate. He hasnt faced any consequences for these actions. He has a Tax Reform Bill and the economy is good and republicans are supportive of him still. Well see tomorrow after the Special Election. Well see if the republicans win, but if the democrats pull it out where its close. Our roundtable staying with us. Up next these people will tell me something i dont know. Us. Its what this country is made of. But right now, our bond is fraying. How do we get back to us . The y fills the gaps. And bridges our divides. Donate to your local y today. Because where theres a y, theres an us. Weve been talking with respect to donald trump and the one Year Anniversary of charlottesville, the book of Diversity Explosion Talks about the diversity in this country and it is something that a lot of folks who fear diversity should not be afraid of. It actually portends more racial healing, more engagement and it goes to what weve been talking about. New jersey. Bob mendez looking like hes going to have to spend more time and the democrats are really concerned that theyre going to have to invest heavily in that race. The corruption charge stuck. He had a primary opponent who got nearly 40 of the vote spending no money with no id. He has 15 million already against him in negative ads by his challenger and hes a wealthy republican. Someone pull that race

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