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Federal agency is out to get him. Or is trump simply saying he, the countrys good leader is simply expressing his opinion on the matter. Under investigation for Obstruction Of Justice, donald trump demanded that the Attorney General end the Mueller Probe all together. Quote this is a terrible situation and Attorney General that is trump tweeting. The president knows he is the subject of the investigation. That means the president s tweet could be further evidence that he is out trying to obstruct justice. Trumps lawyers immediately attempted to control the damage. Telling the Washington Post that the president was merely expressing his opinion. Here is Rudy Giuliani defending his tweet today. He used a medium that he uses for opinions sort of. One of the good things about using that is he has established a clear practice now that he expresses his opinion on twitter. He used the word should, he dont use the word must. And he wants the investigation to come to a conclusion and not interfere in it. That is why this whole Obstruction Of Justice thing is nonsense if he wanted to obstruct it, he would have obstructed it and ended it. Press secretary echoing that opinion today. Does that statement reflect the statement of the legal team. The president is not obstructing, he is fighting back. Most of america is angry as well and there is no reason he shouldnt be able to voice that opinion. Does the president know that Jeff Sessions cant stop the investigation. The president is very well aware of how the process works, once again, he is stating his opinion. Abc news reporting this comes after the Special Prosecutor according to abcs report it was that news that triggered the president s tweets this morning. Despite the president s constant demands, the president stopped short of doing that himself. Rudy giuliani said today trump believes he has the authority to fire mueller. He relented when his white House Counsel threatened to resign for that. Joining me now is natasha b berstrand. I guess his lawyer, comes out, thats just his opinion. What is he doing if he is not saying he wants him fired. He is not pulling the trigger, he is attacking and attacking over and over again because he knows the reports is coming. Is he saying it is a legitimate investigation or an illegitimate. And if it is illegitimate, Why Dont He Fire them all. If he believes that it is an illegitimate action of the federal government, if he believes it, he should terminate that. Does he believe that . He would like to. Does he believe it is Chris Matthews debates hot political issues with politicians, newsmakers and Washington leaders. Walk. Mueller is not going to say goodbye have a nice day. I would wait for trump. Trumps tweets came today after the New York Times last week. Quote the fact that they are scrutinizing his actions under a section of the United States code titled tamper with a witness, victim or an informant raised concerns. Rudy giuliani says what the president tweets could not be evidence of obstruction. Here he is. Now we have obstruction by tweet. Whoa. I dont think the congress i mean, obstruction happens this way. Or there is a gun. It doesnt happen by he has 80 million followers. Rudy, i have been impressed, but lately he is cute. Change the words a little bit and you are in trouble. It is cute to say tweet. But this government has been run by tweets so dont stop now, brother. Tweets can be evidence just like anything else. Anything that comes out of the mouth, whether it is a text, an email, a tweet. If somebody says i am going to the idea that a tweet is cute and cant constitute evidence, there is a file in muellers office. Say, you know, this is evidence piece number 647. Can you read the president s cycle of tweeting. Is he getting more excited, does he tweet more. The president spends most of the morning watching television what does mueller want . He wants the president to sit down and answer a question, what was his motive. And mueller has a decision to make. Is he going to issue the report. What is the advantage of having the interview . Perjury trap . The advantage for mueller is he wants to find out the president s intent. He is never going to tell him. Seth, why is a guy having charged with bad purpose. Any prosecutor would get that person under oath and hear what he has to say. Cannot appreciate what a prosecutor is trying to do in that room. They dont know the evidence, it is a death trap for someone like mr. Trump to walk into the room. Every time trump faces a somewhat difficult interview like me or lester or anybody else in our network, any time he gets somebody other than a fox interview, he doesnt do well. He gets nervous. He has a tendency to lie a lot. He cant help himself and there are things that he cant help backtracking. Can he protect himself in an interview with mueller. Every one of his lawyers is advising him not to sit down. A lot of reaction to the president s tweets today. Lets watch those. Clearly this statement is serious and substantial evidence of criminal intent even if it doesnt constitute a crime itself. There is now, right now, a clearly credible case of Obstruction Of Justice against the president of the United States. Do you think it is appropriate for him to send a text like that . No, i dont. Of course it is not appropriate. There are definitely indications that would lead to the conclusion that he is engaged in obstruction of justice. The president s tweet is unfortunate. I think it is inappropriate for him to be commenting on an ongoing investigation. By the way, that is the Senate Office building basement. Eric swalwell, fire mueller, and we fire you. This whole Midterm Election is about impeachment. I am going back to it. This is what he is setting up. Thank you. Coming up, election meddling the threat is real and the threat is real. Facebook accounts. What is President Trump going to do about the russian intervention again. When control p means pistol. We are going to talk about unlucky number seven. That is the average number of false misleading statements President Trump has made per day. And joe biden is beating up. And we will tell you why. This hardball where the action is. You wouldnt accept an incomplete job from any one else. Why accept it from your Allergy Pills . Flonase sensimist relieves all your worst symptoms, including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. And all from a gentle mist you can barely feel. Flonase sensimist. President obama announced his first endorsement. The former president tweeted today i am proud to endorse a wide and impressive array of candidates. The accompanying statement said obama will prioritize taking back the house of u. S. Representatives. Interesting, he didnt endorse any red state democrats for senate. I guess he wants to pick winners. Thats clever. Well be right back. Again. Ooh, baby, do you know what thats worth . I want to believe it. [ claps hands ] ooh im not hearing the confidence. Okay, hold the name your price tool. Power of options based on your budget and well make heaven a place on earth yeah oh, my angels ooh, heaven is a place on earth [ sobs quietly ] crisp leaves of lettuce. Freshly made dressing. Clean food that looks this good. Delivered to your desk. Now delivering to home or office. Panera. Food as it should be. Are you ready to take your then you need xfinity xfi. . A more powerful way to stay connected. It gives you super fast speeds for all your devices, provides the most Wifi Coverage for your home, and lets you control your network with the xfi app. Its the ultimate wifi experience. Xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. By russias research committee. Experts warn that russia attacks will continue because of mixed messages our president is sending to vladimir putin. Weakening western institutions and faith of democracy. Thats the strategic goal and a lot of near shortterm tactical goals. Things like injecting hacked information to sway a particular event or election. Evidence by the fact that this is happening. Vladimir putin cannot see from one place that there is a potential for consequences, but then, over here, be getting a different mixed message. For more, i am joined by laurie, malcolm, how putin and his spies are under mining america. I want to start with laura today, so, we are still under attack. Yes, absolutely. Do we know who it is . Facebook has not yet attributed the accounts that they took down yesterday, but experts do believe it bears similar hallmarks from what we saw from the internet agency. What are we looking for, what do we see when we are looking for this trouble. Are they trying to get the democrats to look bad . What are they up to . I think it is important to understand that what we are talking about is not necessarily about content, we are talking about behavior. They are trying to masquerade as americans and sow division among us. Is this like kids in school where they send messages to their friends and they let the one they are trying to hurt happen to hear it . That is absolutely part of it. And part of it is trying to shape our opinion on things. I used an example in todays hearings. This activity never stopped. So one of the posts we saw on reddit, a platform that gets less talked about. Sought to use the flint water crisis and Police Brutality as a wedge to say countries are not bombing us, so why should we bombing syria for chemical weapons attack. Trying to shape americas opinion. Malcolm, it seems like the arsonists are still at it. We are trying to set out the first fires and they are setting new ones. You are absolutely right. We are seeing the pilot light that is being set. I think what we are seeing with the facebook activity that we are seeing. It continued up to may of this year before facebook caught it. You are seeing the leading edge. I say it is the leading edge of an attack because this time, they chose fake leftist extremist groups. They intended to use these organizations, fake organizations. Perfect. That is radicalized. Create the idea that the democrats are hard crazy leftist. Let me ask you about trump. His denial, he constantly said nothing happened. It is all a hoax. How has that affected the transition of this misinformation . Has it stopped it, encouraged it . What . These mixed messages hinder our ability to deter the enemy. One of the things that any expert on deterrence will talk about is messages need to be credible and backed by capability. If we have mixed messages coming in in particularly from the president of the United States. If you are not hearing it consistently, i dont think so. Senate republicans block the democratic amendment that would have provided states with more security funding. Oklahoma republican James Langford said it was far too early to sign off on more money despite last week the daily beast. And also despite this warning from director of National Intelligence dan coats. Im here to say the Warning Lights are blinking red again. Today, the Digital Infrastructure that serves this country is literally under attack. Russia continues their efforts to undermine our democracy. The fact is the president is out there saying the russians are out to help the democrats this fall. Why isnt he trying to stop the russians . I am telling you, they are not helping her, they are hurting her. The republicans dont want to do anything to stop the russians. Even though they say the russians are out to help the democrats. Explain this, will you . It is hard to keep track of the claptrap. To tell you the truth, i was quite alarmed when he made that statement, he is tough on russia. It almost sounded like he was sending ordered to the kremlin to go after and make it appear that the democrats are going to do something. If there is a blue wave this fall, even if it is a small one. The best thing the russians can do is introduce mayhem into the system. Go out and hack a few voting machines. Turn over a few precinct ballots and then, the other side, the opposition can use this to either call for the invalidation of the election itself or to create mayhem just short of civil war. The president himself is going to be responsible. And the senate today, what they showed is they are not going to, they dont want to take the blame. Probably release money early on towards the election. But they dont want to do anything at all. Sometimes i think the president wants to destroy every institution in the country, not just the democrats, but the courts, the media, so he can be the phoenix that rises from the actions. Up next the 3d printed plastic guns is no longer the thing of movies. This should concern all americans. This is hardball where the action is. Are excited about the potential of onceweekly ozempic®. In a study with ozempic®, a majority of adults lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than seven and maintained it. Oh under seven . vo and you may lose weight. In the same oneyear study, adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. Oh up to 12 pounds . vo a twoyear study showed that ozempic® does not increase the risk of major cardiovascular events like heart attack, stroke, or death. Oh no increased risk . Ozempic® ozempic® should not be the first medicine for treating diabetes, or for people with Type 1 Diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Do not share needles or pens. Dont reuse needles. 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Your thought. The only reason you would want these guns is to get them through a Metal Detector, or to have a gun with no background check. This administration they do crazy things, they do crazy things. This is dangerously crazy. They allowed a company to distribute the codes, the software so anybody with a 3d printer using the same plastic that is in a lego could make a lethal firearm and get it into a capital and cause grave harm to people. By trying to allow this to happen. The good news is a judge has put a temporary Restraining Order so continued the ban on the download of the files. Hundreds if not thousands of these files have been downloaded. And these guns can be manufactured with these 3d printers. Elaborate, you watch him put it together, a plastic gun to get through a Metal Detector at a president ial fundraiser, why do we want the technology available to do what they want to do. Ronald reagan in 1988, recognized that we shouldnt make it easy for people to manufacture guns that could go through Metal Detectors or not be traceable. And that policy was continued by george bush, george w. Bush, barack obama. Now we have the Trump Administration that has decided that we should make it easier. And the gun is not even traceable. Issuing a statement saying the issue has been overblown. Wrongly claimed that 3d Printing Technology will allow for the production and wide spread proliferation of undetectable plastic firearms. Explain how they are cagey here. It is true that the Undetectable Firearms Act signed by ronald reagan, makes the manufacture, the production of these weapons illegal. You cant enforce the law if you cant see a weapon is plastic. This is a clever way for them to say we are going to hand cuff the police, hand cuff Law Enforcement so they cant detect when a gun is right in front of them. According to what i have been able to read that metal piece can still go through a Metal Detector and still fire. A metal piece can be snapped on and snap back on. Snap it off before you go through a Metal Detector. And snap it back on. Number two, it needs to be modernized. And the way you modernize is require that various components need to have some metal. I tried to get that passed when i was in congress. The nra adamantly opposed it. Why are they defending plastic guns that dont need these metal pieces to still fire a bullet. Why do they defend the reality they are extremist and absolutist. And by the way, President Trump you mentioned tweeted that these Plastic Guns Dont Make Sense and he was looking into it. And in that tweet he said i checked with the nra. I tweeted back that he has veto power and not the nra. Why would he want to check with the nra. Because he is pandering. Absolutely. I dont mind pandering, but when it is dangerous, that is when we should be objecting. Thank you. Great to have you on. When is the last time President Trump went Grocery Shopping . This is hardball. Well be right back. Because my body can still make its own insulin. And i take trulicity once a week to activate my body to release it, like its supposed to. Trulicity is not insulin. It comes in a onceweekly, truly easytouse pen. And it works 24 7. Trulicity is an injection to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. Dont use it as the first medicine to treat diabetes, or if you have Type 1 Diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Dont take trulicity if you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, youre allergic to trulicity, or have multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome type 2. Stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of a serious allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, or severe stomach pain. Serious side effects may include pancreatitis. Taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases your low blood sugar risk. Common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and decreased appetite. These can lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. To help lower my a1c i choose trulicity to activate my within. Ask your doctor about onceweekly trulicity. Its a hightech revolution in sleep. The new sleep number 360 smart bed. It intelligently senses your movement and automatically adjusts on each side to keep you both comfortable. And snoring . How smart is that . Smarter sleep. To help you lose your dad bod, train for that marathon, and wake up with the patience of a saint. The new sleep number 360 smart bed, from 999. Smarter sleep will change your life. Stay at la quinta. Where were changing with stylish makeovers. Then at your next meeting, set your seat height to its maximum level. Bravo, tall meeting man. Start winning today. Book now at lq. Com half false statements a day. Here are am misleading statements at last night rallies. U. S. Steal Just Announced that they are building six new steel mills. We passed the biggest tax cut and reform in american history. In history. Savage gangs like ms13 that are occupying our country like another nation would. The most popular person in the history of the Republican Party is trump. Is me. The Washington Post noticed moving up the list quickly are claiming about the investigation into russian interference in the 2016 election and whether people in the Trump Campaign connected to it. Lets bring in the hardball roundtable. Let me go to dana. These lies. Lies im not sure because we dont know if he knows the difference. The interesting thing is not just the volume of it. But when he started out, he was at 4. 9 untruths and he is now up to 16. So seven is only the average. They did another study that looked at all of the this i thinks he said in one individual speech and found that 76 of the things he said are wrong. It is like the same as the odds of drawing spades at random in a deck of cards. What do you do with this guy . Nobody checks him. You are right. I came up in newspapers at a time when the worst thing you could possibly do was print something that wasnt true. So you had to correct the record. You had to get everything right. And if somebody said something that wasnt true, you had to say the truth. That is the whole story. If you are going to correct everything he says. And he has to know some of these says and deliberately saying what is false. You could fill your entire column, you know, President Trump said abcde, and however, here is the truth. The rest of the story. So 12 russians indicted. A guy named manafort facing serious time. And he just says it is a witch hunt. It doesnt exist. It is i willegitimate. The word lie does come to mind. Here is the thing, i am saying that he should say these things but they never go back and correct it. We can count the number of times we have heard him say oh, i was wrong and the last time was the double negative. Lets go to something more positive. 2020 news. New politico shows that former Vice President joe biden would beat trump. It is so mean, how does joe biden get to the general election which is moving left. How does he get out there. I agree, he would give trump a run for his money. But how does he get to the post and facing him in the debates. There is another number in the poll that says 80 go with biden. So that is a big number. 20 , they are not going with trump so they dont know what to do. So they dont want biden. That is the left. Yeah. Not good news he was winning by seven but a generic democrat, he was winning by 13. If the democrat nominee were a ham sandwich, he would beat biden. Bernie, elizabeth, joe. Get past 2018. Let the dust settle. It used to be the last nominee of the last president of your party, you had a reigning leader of your party. Obama said goodbye when trump came in. There is no leader of the democratic party. If it is joe biden, he is going to have the same problems of hillary clinton. Some of the same old policies are going to come back and haunt him. I agree. Finally, pushing for voter id laws, trump made a strange claim that people have to show a photo i for groceries. But not voting. If you go out and want to buy anything, you need id and your picture. In this country, the only time you dont need it in many cases is when you want to vote for a president , when you want to vote for a senator. When you want to vote for a g v governor. It is crazy. Miller tweeted trump says you need an id to buy groceries. When was the last time you bought groceries. You dont. You put your card in and decide whether you want to give a dollar charity. The one thing they toodont for is id. Of course you dont need id to buy groceries. And second, the Voter Id Ship has long ago sailed in the states that are run by republicans where they want voter id laws. They already have them. We know. They want to depress the democratic vote. They already have them. To say we need voter id law is ridiculous. There are a couple of thousand of people watching the president. That is not true. It sounded like george h. W. Bush and the bar code scanner. I want to defend the president. Would you bring us, everybody goes to safeway in town. You get milk, whatever you buy. You saw what sar rah sanders said today. He was talking about beer or wine at the grocery store. But remember, he doesnt drink. And at 70years old, you are probably not getting carded. We talked about truth a moment ago. How does he get away with that. That was not true. You could say he misspoke. On this one, i dont know what to say except the people in the audience. The roundtable is sticking with us. These three will tell me something i dont know. 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I love my leesa. Today is gonna be great. Read our reviews then try the Leesa Mattress in your own home. Order now and get 150 off, and free shipping, too. Go to buyleesa. Com today. You need this bed. Electronic Dance Music we are back with the hardball roundtable. Tell me something i dont know. The Trump Campaign recently said they were going to give money. Some are people who dont support donald trump. They oppose them on Policy Issues and spoken out against him and he is giving these people checks. What is the theme in this soup. Trump loyalist or people that are vulnerable. He would rather have these republicans that dont support him. When eric cantor was booted out of the house, many of us were disappointed. It turns out we have had a jewish speaker of the house all along. Paul ryan went on luis gates show. So we do have a jewish speaker. It is only 23 but we will take it. Happy to have him in the tribe. I am probably 3 jewish. Welcome. So we saw that graph of how President Trumps misstatements are going up. If you look at the gallup weekly number of his approval, that is going down. That is the lowest it has been. It is not a pretty line right now. Is it seasonal or cyclical . It jiggles, but there are definite ups and downs. And then he got up to 43 , 45 , for a while. Have you seen friday the 13thth. He is not going. Thank you. You are watching hardball. This is frank. Sup this is franks favorite record. This is franks dog. And this is franks record shop. Frank knowns northern soul, but how to set up a limited liability company. Whats that mean . Not so much. So he turned to his friends at legalzoom. Yup they hooked me up. We helped with his llc, contracts, and some other stuff thats part of running a business. So frank can focus on the beat. You hear that . This is franks record shop. And this is where life meets legal. Whos already won three cars, two motorcycles, a boat, and an r. V. 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President trump called on the Attorney General to kill the robe Robert Mueller investigation. Calling it a witch hunt that is staining our country. Run by 17 angry democrats that are doing Robert Muellers dirty work. If there were a normal administration, a normal presidency, we would hear what this president is saying and ask a big question. Mr. President , are you telling your Attorney General to actually terminate this investigation. Are you in fact telling The Ag To Fire Mueller and kill this pro eb probe . Are you saying it is

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