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A shock to people in and out of cut and then leave. The white house. Now he has this disaster. According to nbc news, hicks only informed President Trump of this is a National Security disaster. Her decision to resign earlier thats why mattis and why yesterday. Tillerson were so opposed to it came a day after she this. Republicans have never for a acknowledged to members of the House Intelligence Committee she long time going back to have not been a tariff party and now sometimes tells white lies for the president. But its one of many level five they are. Thats another thing about the republican party. Theyre now a tariff party. Storms facing the white house right now. The president s family is thank you, gene it, jennifer and reportedly fighting with his chief of staff according to ashley. Exclusive new reporting in the russia investigation. Axios, jared, ivanka and don nbc news is roing tonight robert junior let it be known to mueller is preparing another set of indictments this time against friends they are furious with kelly and his allies adding the Russian Hackers themselves and his goal is to flush out gasoline to that fire, former White House Communications american whos may have helped those russians. Director Anthony Scaramucci thats ahead. Piled on this morning against the man who fired him. Plus guns, trumps republican the morale inside the white colleagues are still afraid of the gun rights people and that house, youre a great reporter, youve got great reporters on shouldnt surprise anyone who staff, the morale is terrible. Has seen trumps act before. Watch this. Reason why the morale is well be right back. Terrible is that the rule by its a lot easier to make decisions fear intimidation does not work when you know what comes next. In a civilian environment. If you move your old 401 k to a fidelity ira, here we are. Its messed up. It will be up to the president 0 figure out if he wants to fix it we make sure youre in the loop at every step or not. The question is whether or from the moment you decide to move your money not the president is to the instant your new retirement account is funded. Contributing to the turmoil. Oh i predict more departures. And at fidelity, youll see well, kushner has been how all your investments are working together. Because when you know where you stand, weakened in recent days by a things are just clearer. Number of troubling headlines like this one from the new york just remember what i said about a little bit o soul times citing three people familiar with a white house meeting, catch this one, between kushner and founder of a private equity firm. Later that firm lent nearly 200 billion to curbs familys Real Estate Company after meeting in the white house. The day before the white house reported officials wrbs concerned kushner was naive and being tricked by foreign officials. The president is publicly and privately feuding with his attorney general. According to the times, behind the scenes trump has referred to sessions as catch this, mr. Mcgeough. Thats what he calls his attorney general. Hes told associates he hired the best of lawyers for his russian president vladimir entire life but is stuck with putin today vowed to make the sessions who is not defending world listen by unveiling a new generation of nuclear weapons. He used his annual state of the nation address to it out what he calls an invisible invincible him and not sufficiently loyal. On top of all that, another shakeup might be coming. Nicolle wallace reported the intercontinent had Ballistic Missile one he says will render white house is preparing to replace h. R. Mcmaster as early Missile Defense systems useless said to have a longer range as next month. No wonder john kelly cracked making it capable of reaching this joke today at a department nearly any target in the world. Of Homeland Security event. His speech was accompanied by a i would just open by saying i video animation showing a have almost no right to be up here on the stage. Missile hurtle ling toward i was in the department. You have every right to be questions where, here. Here. I miss every one of you every day. Are these new weapons ready for i went the last thing i use right now. For the record, do you have a workable icbm powered by nukes wanted to do is walk away from that youve tested successfully . One of the great honors of my all of those tests were life, being the secretary of successful. Homeland security. Its just each of these weapon i did something wrong and god systems is at a different stage punished me i guess. Of readiness. One of them is already on combat Douglas Brinkley told the duty. Its with troops. Well be right back. Post trump is a lone wolf president in a sequestered white weekends are my time. House. Its raining bad news on president. Hes in a corner and theres no i need an insulin that fits my schedule. Easy exit. Im joined by jennifer ruben, tresiba® ready eugene robinson, and white house announcer tresiba® is used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. Reporter ashley parker, all are dont use tresiba® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, msnbc contributors. During episodes of low blood sugar, ashley, tell us about the chaos if you can paint a picture of or if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Dont share needles or insulin pens. The chaos youve described in the white house right now. Dont reuse needles. You laid out a pretty good the most common side effect is low blood sugar, litany of chaos in your which may cause dizziness, sweating, confusion, and headache. Introduction. Its incredibly turbulent right check your blood sugar. Low blood sugar can be serious and may be lifethreatening. Now. It sort of hackers back and injection site reactions may occur. Feels like the early days of tell your prescriber about all medicines you take and all your medical conditions. Taking tzds with insulins like tresiba® this administration where no one knew what the president was going to say or do or what mood may cause serious side effects like heart failure. Of his might dictate actual your insulin dose shouldnt be changed without asking your prescriber. Policy. Chief of staff yawn kelly came get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing, in and put processes in place fast heartbeat, extreme drowsiness, and implemented discipline and put an aend to all of that. Swelling of your face, tongue, or throat, dizziness, or confusion. Now he is exactly right, feuding ask your Health Care Provider if youre tresiba® ready. With the president s family, covered by most insurance feuding with the president and and medicare plans. Seems toe have in this last week tresiba® ready lost control. Youre seeing things like the president going back and forth and taking every position on guns as we saw this week and doing what he did on tariffs today his own team didnt know about. It is incredibly chaotic. Let me go to eugene on this. This seems like a president who is notorious force not measuring the consequences of his decision is now so distracted. The tariff thing today. Hes got a chief of staff who is basically putting his family members in the corner. Uhhuh. Restricting them. Yeah. Cant get them near any kind its youve never gamed with speeds like this internet. Of secret information and he has a director of communications who in the middle of all this mish its all your teenagers streaming at once internet. Shi gas, this complete craziness its i can get up to one, two, three, four, says mr. President , im leaving. Five mobile lines included . Internet look, you couldnt make this its internet from xfinity stuff up. That makes your life simple, easy, awesome. This is the thing to understand is that this has see how you can save never been an administration by adding Xfinity Mobile to your internet. Like any of us would recognize. Plus, save even more when you sign up its like the court of henry for internet, tv and voice together. Viii or something. Click, call, or visit an xfinity store today. Youve got family members and intrigue, youve got metaphoric assassinations going on. Seriously. I think henry had seven wives. At the beginning of the administration, they would have a meeting of theiver circle and last month, we saw the special then they would all five or six counsel that was in february, of them rush to their offices to indict numerous russian leak to reporters about their nationals for waging an information war on social media. Version of the meeting so they now, Robert Mueller appears to could damage their enemies. Be going after the russians behind the hacking of the dnc and were kind of back to that, and other targets. In an exclusive report, multiple that sort of weird arrangement. Current and former government hope hicks is gone. Officials tell nbc news special the family members are being counsel Robert Mueller is assembling a case for criminal marginalized. Keith schiller, his bodyguard is charges against russians who carried out the hacking and gone. The people hes really leaking of private information comfortable with are no longer designed to hurt democrats in the 2016 election. The people closest to him in the possibility indictment which making decisions. And actually, they should not be sources say could come within weeks or months is expected to because theyre not qualified to make those decisions. Be similar to the conspiracy and but thats a point. Thats the rub. They make him comfortable. Fraud charges filed two weeks so kelly is trying to make it ago against the 13 russian officials to influence the 2016 norm. Lets explain the sitcom. Jennifer, he is upstairs at night and the only people election. Most importantly, a government allowed upstairs are the people official says, an indictment would send a signal both to not allowed to have top secret russia and any american whos may have participated in the information. He loves his daughter obviously. Scheme. Its unknown whether any theyre not in any action. Americans will be charged. This comes after nbc news don junior senior still playing reported yesterday mueller is asking witnesses pointed fredo. The guy calling the shots is questions whether trump had downstairs cracking the whip and advance knowledge about russias theyre upstairs complaining hacking or about the content of about him. The hacked materials. Yet father knows best here, gave that guy that job. Im joined by amy chlo bu sure right. How do they explain and they of minnesota, julia ansley, a cant get anything done. No, they cant. National security reporter and its at this point that everything comes apart at the coauthor of that report for nbc seams. He trusts no one and listens to news, and Barbara Mcquaid a none. He wings it. Former senator. Lots of president s can wing it. Julia, this story shows that bill clinton was a really smart were really getting into the guy and knew all the stuff and crime of the hacking, now the could wing it. To some extent obama could wing hacking. It was social media. Crimes were committed. It. This guy doesnt know anything the next step is to show if any about anything. He gets frustrated. I think thats great. Americans like trumps people were playing ball with them yesterday i watched on guns, because that would be conspiracy. This is the heart of the ashley. I thought he was trying to do matter. A lot of the indictments weve the right thing. He knows the kids, the young seen have been tangents. If you look at the one that came people are the big voice in this out last month that focused on country right now that everyones listening to the the social media operation, a young people. Theyre very articulate and very lot of people said, what about the hacking . Passionate and theyre not what about what had such a huge politicians, not lefties or influence on this election, the rightists. They seem like students, the leaked emails from the dnc and real thing. The teachers look like real from John Podestas account. Which embarrassed the teachers and theyre trying to figure out how to make school democrats. Yes, embarrassed the safe because of the horror that democrats and a lot of people isnt going away. Trump is acting like hes never would say hurt Hillary Clintons heard of the gun rights chances. Now we know mueller has very movement. He doesnt note what will west sense sieve information gathered virginia really is and hes by the Intelligence Community throwing out, youve got to be that shows why weve been able to point to russia, why their 21. You see terror in the faces of people like manchin. Fingerprints on those hacks and leaks and with that information, hes talking about people down hes now going to be looking at in the holler. Whether or not the trump they want to teach the kids how campaign was involved in the to use guns not tell them they either collection of or cant have them. Dissemination of or coordinating 18 is grownup down there. The timing of those emails. I got the sense he doesnt know senator, youre the a lot about stuff. And when he gets into a world of politician here. I study politics. Not knowing his stuff like the so do you, joy. We wondered who were the people culture of pennsylvania and the on the ground giving the middle of this country and leadership of his own country, russians the smart savvy, how do hes in trouble. I dont think he can deliver on you screw up the internal the gun safety issue at all it politics of Hillary Clinton and looks like. Put out stuff that makes podesta maybe just account minimal look bad, that makes them all scraps he gets from the fixed fighting with each other. They seem to know how to stir things up. Thats what were going to nicks thing that the nra is find out to see if director pushing. I will say the president has a mueller finds people that. Very visceral and quite accurate spotters. Sense where his base is on this that russia was working with. Its beyond that for me. Particular shooting issue. When this happened back then, my understanding is he was this was a crime. Understandably deeply moved by i remember i kept thinking this was like an online watergate what actually happened to these young people, and he also breakin. Right . They went in, stole information. Understands sort of intuitively and then they put it out there the way they are harnessing at key times. Television and social media and and so for me, number one, if he that is compelled him to action. Does do these indictments, when the president sort of moves against russians, against anyone else, it shows this is a crime. More towards the left or even to people will get in trouble when the center, talks about they do this. Im very focused not own on bipartisanship which he did on immigration so far at least at figuring out what just happened the end of the day, he always and how we got here and what gets pulled back to the safe russia did to us but how we stop place where his base is. It from happening in the future. On that point, i think hes thats going to mean protecting willing to screw the dreamers by our election infrastructure and putting in all the poison pills also going to mean serious prosecutions of people that do like migration and all that will this kind of thing in the stuff it, chain migration. Future. Or who take the dirt and use but i dont think he was accepting yesterday of any it, how about that. Barbara mcquaid on the law poison pills yesterday when what, do you see developing as khalis tried to throw in the right to carry across the border. The special counsels brushed back. It will never happen. Investigation proceeds through as i mentioned the president the social media and the hacking announced new tariffs on steel and were told that are going to and aluminum imports next week. The witnesses here, the people the target is china. Being interviewed question that it shows that mueller knows an allies like canada they make steel, too. Awful lot and is trying to know the news hit the stock market all, i guess. I think it would not be with the dow plummeting it hundreds of points today. Surprising at all to see an indictment that charges under according to axios, gary cohn, the very same theory we saw with james mattis, Steven Mnuchin and the prior russia indictment conspiracy to defraud the united Rex Tillerson have been arguing states by obstructing our Fair Administration of elections. Strenuously against these the same theory could be used in tariffs. It was as chaotic as everything a computer hacking case. Else in the white house. The interesting part and the great reporting today is that Robert Muellers asking bloomberg says trumps statement questions about what was President Trumps knowledge and followed with hours of involvement in the dissemination confusion. Ducking in and out of the of these emails because you offices in the west wing as had could charging in addition to he saw the information about the the russians who did the hacking, you could add a layer president s plan. On of any american whos either where do we go . Ashley, back to you on this one. Conspired with them to do that or who aided and abetted. The tariff is big business. To aid and abet, all it is it didnt seem to have the required to show is someone smooth rollout that usually encouraged the commission of the crime and intended to do so. We know that, dont we . Politicians prepare for such big moves. It had no roll out. Dont we know trump said come what happened is the west broke the story late last night and on, get me more emails. When they broke it, when we broke it, some of the we want to know what he did president s own aides including behind the scenes, as well. This is why its an ace in those involved in trade negotiations had no idea this muellers hand. Was coming or what he was going he wants to use this not to get to do. They tried to talk to him this russians and put them in jail. Morning. They thought them had talked him theyre not going to extradite out of it. Russians. He wants to be able to show then he went ahead and announced people on the Trump Campaign and tariffs. No, there was no rollout. People perhaps still in the white house he knows exactly what they did and to use this okay. Information to pressure them to todays tariff drama highlights a bigger problem in the white cooperate. This new report comes amid a house. Josh darcy tweeted today, a Staggering Amount of News White House person who is often relating to russia probe over understated about drama in the the last 36 hours, none good for building just texted me to say President Trump. That thing were wild, changing, thee stories revealed new by seemingly the minute. Details what mueller is and that no one knows what trump is going to announce on a number investigating. Possible collusion, obstruction of issues. Of justice and financial last night former white house impropriety relating to russia. Adviser omarosa man i gault made nbc news reported mueller is probing witnesses with questions a similar point. Watch her in action. Suggesting trump may have known what is it about the tweets of the russian hacked emails that specifically haunt you . Before they were made public. He announced major policy his attempt to oust Jeff Sessions are now a focal point issues on twitter for someone in a possible pattern of obstruction. Who is in Communications Like cmn reported trumps financial hope and myself, you know, ties to russia are a key line of thats not a place you want to find out at 5 00 in the morning inquiry to find out if hes about something that would compromised by the kremlin. Those reports are all sourced in impact so many peoples lives. You also said leaving the some way to people familiar with white house feld like freed from the questions mueller is asking a plantation. Of witnesses. You know, the white house one person inside the witness that i worked in that trump room, former Trump Campaign aide administration was it was sam nunberg told msnbc yesterday troubling. And it was it was very muellers team seems to know a lot more than the witnesses difficult. I dont know what to saleavi. Theyre questioning. What i would say one is, the taxpayer is getting their moneys worth. They were highly professional. Muellerers investigators. They didnt call me in just to check a box. Everything they asked me, it was backed up. I cant get, i dont want to give away their investigation. I would say it wasnt a waste of my time or their time. This was like a white shoe law firm going in. I sat in there. They asked me questions. They had charts out. They had specific things they wanted to know. They had followups. Did you leave with the impression they knew more than a lot of the witnesses . Yes, yes, yes. Wow. White shoe lawyer, one with a lot of depth, associates and brain power. Senator, it looks like theyre investigating collusion during the campaign, obstruction of the investigation itself and something to do with business involvement of trump. It looks like three strikes youre out. Theyre going for all three. Thats not exactly how the that law works as you know. Im not the three strikes and youre out. Im talking about life and baseball. I see. I thought you were referring to the criminal law. So i think you know for a lot of these things, you have to show intent. Im a former prosecutor. You wait till the evidence gets in. I will say this pattern you see when you brought up the Jeff Sessions issue and these reports that explain that one. Giving that guy a hard time because he allowed Robert Mueller to be named as special counsel, is that obstruction . Depends on the evidence he has and intent is shown. You see the pattern where you start with salliates and the firing of jim comey and the reports his own counsel, don mcgahn, had to say im going to resign if you go in and fire mueller or fire rosenstein. So these are things that have been happening throughout the time and you see time and time again these attempts to fire people or comey story where he talked about the fact that there he was in that way standing there when the president asked people to leave and asked him if he would be loyal to him. Those are the kinds of things that im sure the special counsel is looking at. To your point, senator, the president called his attorney general disgraceful in a tweet just yesterday morning. Jeff sessions fought back with a rare Public Statement defending his integrity and honor. An apparent show of solidarity, sessions had dinner with two of his highest Ranking Justice Department officials including rod rosenstein. While last nights reporting by the west clearly established that the president s past attempts to oust sessions could represent obstruction, press secretary Sarah Huckabee sanders wouldnt say whether the president might still try to fire him. Does the president want to get rid of his attorney general. Not that i know of. Could you elaborate on the relationship between the president and the attorney general . Dozen President Trump believe his attorney general is disgraceful. The president s made his frustrations very clear. I dont have anything tolles add. Julia, is he going to fire this guy or let him twist slowly in the wind . Weve been talking about this since july when i used to talk about this exact same thing. What we know from people who have been close leagues of sessions for a long time, he really sees this as his moment. This is probably the last position in politics hes going to have. I dont see an opening on the Alabama Senate seat coming up anytime soon. Hes long in years. Hes going to hold on to this as long as he can. He is not leaving till the president specifically asks him to do so. Hes not going to leave because hes under pressure. Just from a senate standpoint, he has a legal duty to do his job. You cant fire someone just because you dont like the fact that an investigation is going on of your administration. Barbara, last question, what would happen if the president just says 0 hell with this, im not happy. Im going to pardonen everybody i care about and fire everybody else. Just do it. I mean, i sometimes think he just has had it with all this regular order stuff. He said the other day, im going to grab the guns of anybody i think is crazy. Well talk about due process later. He does have that part of him. Yeah, he can be very impulsive and im sure theres part of him that would love to do that. Theres partial in doing that. Politically, he would have some questions to answer if he were to pardon everybody even before theyre charged or even after theyre charged. I think theres also legal risk in doing that you know, again, he has the absolute right to pardon but only if hes doing it for a proper purpose. If he exercises power with improper purpose, that could be an allegation of obstruction of justice as senator klobuchar said, intent matters here. Theres a lot of peril in fulfilling that impulse. He doesnt always consider the consequences of his actions. Thank you, senator aim klobuchar of minnesota, julia ansley, congratulations on the breaking story and barbara thank you for your expertise. President trump yesterday talked about action on gun control. Today hes seeing obstruction from his own party. How does he look on gun safety with his own party willing to look so bad . Well be right back. You wouldnt accept an incomplete job from any one else. Why accept it from your allergy pills . 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When this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night, so he got home safe. Yeah, my dad says our insurance doesnt have that. What . you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. Welcome back to hardball. Yesterdays white house meeting on guns left some republicans confused but democrats down right giddy. If youre going to put concealed carry between states into this bill were talking about a whole new ball game. And you know, im with you but let it be a separate bill. Youll never get this passed. If you add concealed carry to this, youll never get it passed. If you could add what you have also and i think you can, into the bill. Show her youre ready. Can you do that, joe . Can you add some of the things . Youre not going to agree. If you help. No, ill help. If you can addo mess tick violence paragraphs, pages into this bill, im all for it. I think its electric if you can do it. It could be done. That could be done, too. Take the firearms first and then go to court take the guns first, go through due process second. Throughout that amazing meeting, the president endorsed among other things universal background checks, raising the age limit up to 21 for buying guns and stopping guns from getting to the mentally ill. While all positions are not popular with the National Rifle association. The president tweeted this morning many ideas some good and not so good emerged yesterday at the white house. After many years a bill should emerge, respect second amendment. Congressional republicans confused by the president began lowering expectations. Watch. I have seen this movie before. If it ends up like immigration, hes done himself a lot of harm. Crossed everybodys mind, is this the tuesday trump or the thursday trump. Its wednesday. So dont know. Weigh see. I think this is more of what i would call a brainstorming session. So we got a lot of different ideas but as i said yesterday, its going to have to get 60 votes to pass in the senate. I have some real questions and some real problems with some of the suggestions that have been made. Do you think this president understands gun culture . I dont know. I really dont know. I think thats a great question. He doesnt know either. Anyway, despite congressional inaction, Companies Continue to heed the call for change. Kroger supermarkets announced it will raise the minimum wagetom purchase firearms and ammunitioning to 21. Joining walmart and Dicks Sporting Goods for that. Im joined by cornell belcher, i. E. Shea ras coand simone, roll call senior politics reporter. Anyone knows as much as anybody about this. There isnt an expert on trump right now. I think he was trying to get on the side of the students yesterday. He started out ha way. Like, talking to senator durbin in this, youve seen this before. Its a show. He will usually start off quite frankly with the bipartisan sort of meet. But then the next day, he talks to his staff and other senators whim in. Lets be clear, none of those things he wants the democrats to put in that bill will republicans put in that bill. Theres no way it will be voted on on the floor of the house. Nothing in closing the gun show loopholes or anything like that. Does the nra is the nra still against it . They are. Once almost for it the reporting ive got. It sounds like nothing or close to nothing. I agree that its very unlikely a lot of things that President Trump talked about are going to happen. Its unclear whether he will continue to support it. He might have been talking basically from his instincts yesterday. He grew up in new york. And you know, when the crime was heavy, 70s and 80s. I think that kind of shaped hill. Hes not hunting and all these things. So i think he was talking his Natural Instincts when he was talking about guns and being tough on them. I money. Two interesting things. One is that the president can talk all he wants about bucking the nra. Is he going to give cover to republicans in congress. Will he lead . That. Thats the big question. Today he caught members of his party off guard with the tariff news. Thats not necessarily the best strategy. Hes sort of like talk among yourselves. See what you can come up with. Theyve never come up with anything on their own to congress. Where was Mitch Mcconnell . Where was paul ryan . He was somewhere else saying were not doing anything about guns. Leadership have their nose wet fingers in the air. They know which way the wind is blowing. Its terrible. The president has to lead on this like he has to lead on so many things he doesnt want to. In the end, is ryan going to put a bill on the floor that says you know, ban ak these assault weapons. Is he going to put a bill on floor that makes guns stricter. 70 of the American Public want stricter gun laws. Thats not even a democrat issue anymore. When 70 say we want stricter laws, that is bipartisan. Until we change the house its not going to see a vote. Thats the interesting thing about this. This is something where if trump stuck to his guns pardon the pun pun, its really popular. A lot of these things democrats support even though theyre not supported by republicans, theyre popular with much of the american population. So he could do something that is really light if at the really just stuck with what hes been saying but that remains to be seen. Manchin, went right up to the edge with the nra. They werent for it but werent going to crazy over it. That got republican vote toomey in the u. S. Senate. If you get anywhere near that red line with the nra, you get nothing. The question is, can trump get anything more than nothing . Can he get something . It the toomey bill maybe with manchin . Something about closing the gun show loopholes. They dont get that, they dont get anything. Its an election year. Both parties will tell you they have political peril. You seem sure of yourself on this one. Why did he set the seating plan yesterday . Why is he sitting next to the one woman, number one champion of getting rid of assault weapons who succeeded in getting rid of them back in the 90s . Why did he put her next to him . She was giddy yesterday. She was giddy. She was getting a lot of what she would ask for, the president was in fact cheerleader for but weve seen this play again. Its not going to happen. Gun laws in this country wont change till it becomes a voting issue. For suburban white women. When they say this is a. It is for them. Not for rural white men. Theyre different crowds. Up next, these two will tell me something i dont know. Youre watching hardball. That my exex exboyfriend actually went to law school, so i called him. He didnt call me back if your exex exboyfriend isnt a lawyer, call legalzoom and well connect you with an attorney. Legalzoom. Where life meets legal. Want us to do about what woulthis president . Fathers im tom steyer, and when those patriots wrote the constitution here in philadelphia, they had just repelled an invading foreign power. So they created the commander in chief to protect us from enemy attack. The Justice Department just indicted 13 russians for sabotaging our elections. An electronic attack on america that the chief investigator called warfare. So what did this president do . Nothing. And is he doing anything to prevent a future attack . The head of the fbi says no. This president has failed his most important responsibility protecting our country. The first question is why . What is in his and his familys business dealings with russia that he is so determined to hide, that hed betray our country . And the second question is why is he still president . Join us today. We have to do something. I we worked with pg eof to save energy because wenie. Wanted to help the school. They would put these signs on the door to let the teacher know you didnt cut off the light. The teachers, they would call us the energy patrol. So they would be like, here they come, turn off your lights those three young ladies were teaching the whole school about energy efficiency. We actually saved 50,000. And thats just one school, two semesters, three girls. Together, were building a better california. Were back with the hardball roundtable. Cornell, tell me something i dont know. 69 is the percentage above normal democrats are voting in texas in early voting. Its tough to get 2 above normal voting. 69 is unheard of. Passion. Passion. Aisha. President trump is continuing to say weve got to get tough on drug dealers. Jared kushner is leading the effort to help prisoners once they get out to have more Job Opportunities and my sources tell me the white house is looking at proposals that would help churches and nonprofits pardon prisoner whos help them before and after release. Thats a good thing. The Media Network of a member of congress is about 500,000, that is five times the media net worth of an american household. Read about that in our roll calls wealth of congress that came out this week. 500,000 net worth. Thats a minimum. Some of these guys do live in english base ps. Theyre not living that well. They dont cornell belcher, aisha and simone pathe. Up next one of the stars of black panther here to talk about one of the big blockbuster and the Cultural Impact its had here in the country. Youre watching hardball. Or psoriatic arthritis, Little Things can be a big deal. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats differently. For psoriasis, 75 clearer skin is achievable with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. And for psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. And the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. 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Dont we need to run . Nope. It just explodes in a high pitched yeahhh. yeahhh try directv now for 10 a month for 3 months. No satellite needed. Welcome back to hardball. The movie black panther is making history in many ways. Film featuring a mostly black cast in a fantasy african country smashed Box Office Records making over 700 Million Worldwide and over 400 million here in the country. Its become one of the largest domestic releases ever in 13 days in the theaters, less than two weeks. As joy reid wrote for nbc think wa canada, the fictional african country where the movie is set is an example what could have been for black americans. It is beautiful, modern, powerful and filled with all the complexities the human treasury and strength and honor that modern societies must bear but which are rarely fleshed out up in one dimensional black movie characters. Watch a clip from black panther. I leader of the jabari. I will accept your challenge. Mbaku. Glory to honor, man. Jabari. [ speaking Foreign Language ] let the challenge begin. Im joined now by winston duke who played mbaku in that scene. Thank you. I should say mr. Duke. Thank you very much. Thank you. I want to hear from you. I dont want to talk right now because youre not only an actor, youre part of history now. Whats it like just personally to have been part of this epic . Well, i feel like i can speak to it just being an actor and i can speak to it being you know, a citizen of the diaspora. As an actor, it was you know, after the last election and everything, it was really great respite to be part of something that fet like i was honoring narratives of people who looked like me. Put me back in a space of deep imagination and deep imagination that was beyond anything that could occur through legislation, deep imagination that you know, proved to me some wonderful truths about humanity and allowed me to see a world that i havent had the benefit of seeing just in my life. And then as a citizen of the diaspora, it kind of showed me that im from something more, and i got to tap into a history that felt very lost. I got to tap into representations i should say of a history that felt quite distant. And it really helped me feel like no matter what things might be taken from me and people who look like me, i can still set myself free through my imagination. That was something really deep and special. Well, you know, what is it i think about myth and the reality, of course, of zimbabwe and ethiopia. There are the evidence of earlier african civilizations. Zimbabwe is definitely one when you think about it. To find what it would be like i guess one of our people, joy reid said it would be like, i think she was saying if it hadnt been for controlalism from europe that africa would have been born free without the colonial overlay. It would have been just africa and what that represents to people. Yeah, well, you know, growing up in a country like trinidad and toe bay doe go, you had the sense of what wouldmide word be like if i wasnt burdened with some of the pain and problematic traumatic histories of colonialism and it allows you to see a world that looks like something that youve only dreamed about that you could have only seen in your imagination. It really made me get in touch with a sense of wa canada being something that was deeply diasporaic and it was a creation because weve always said my god, if i could get back to africa, i could be a king. I knew that we were kings or connected to something royal and majestic and strong. And being a part of this and seeing it and i this i for a lot of other people across the world seeing it is kind of getting back in touch with that. Even in trinidad, they had african beauty pageants associated with the premiere. They had drummers and dancers and these are people have been disconnected from that culture and lineage and history and are finding it and performing it and an its really something special. Well be right back with winston duke, one of the stars movie black panther in just a minute. Lets team up to get the lady of the house back on her feet. And help her feel more strength and energy in just two weeks yaaay the complete balanced nutrition of great tasting ensure with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. Ensure. Always be you. Today, the new new york is ready for takeoff. Were invested in creating the worlds first stateoftheart drone testing facility in Central New York and the mohawk valley, which marks the start of our nations first 50mile unmanned flight corridor. And allows us to attract the worlds top drone talent. All across new york state, were building the new new york. To grow your business with us in new york state, visit esd. Ny. Gov. 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It just asks questions and it asks what kind of citizen are you prepared to be through the actions of the characters. And the story. So the characters are asking, are you prepared to follow your country no matter what . No matter what direction its going or are you going to hold your country accountable to live up to its ideals of equality and equity and everyone being equal. So thats one thing you know. What kind of world do we create when we lock ourselves off from others or close our border to other people and not realize were part of a Global Economy and that we all are our brothers keepers. So i think thats i feel like its engaging and continuing a really necessary conversation and people find it refreshing that a comic book movie can do that, that a comic book film cannot just rely on being formulaic but it can challenge them to question their current life. Sir, i thank you for coming on. Winston duke in a great movie, one of the great movies ever. Youll rt be part of it. I got that message you just described. Thats hardball for now. Thanks for being with us. All in with chris hayes starts right now. Tonight on all in. Russia is a ruse. News that is more charges may be coming. Jareds doing some very important things for our country. As the calls for the president s soninlaw to resign grow louder my name is jared kushner. Tonight nbc news reports that Robert Mueller is planning to charge russians for hacking the dnc. Word yet of another white house departure and how Jared Kushners troubles keep growing. Then. Congressman nunes, he think some day hes going to be greatly honored for

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