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Wall. Mexico will pay for the wall. I think theyll end up being happy to do so. The wall just got 10 feet higher. We love it. We are going to build the wall. It will be a real wall. A real wall. Who is going to pay for the wall . Mexico. Who . Mexico. The back and forth between boss and top kick on the president S Immigration position has not help Congressional Republicans get any closer to a deal that would solve the daca problem and keep the government opened. If no deal is reached there will be a shutdown of the government tomorrow at midnight. Casey hunt on capitol hill gives us the update. I did talk about baby food because this Chief Of Staff talks about the president as this Cartoon Character that has to be made into a person by language about haiti and africa. So what you have now is a Democratic Party thats bg been given a rational for this potential shutdown, the brew ha over the last week has energized their base and made it easier for democrats to say we cant work with this guy on these issues. Whereas republicans are with john kelly privately. They think this president says one thing one day, another the next, doesnt understand the issue. Fisa was in danger this morning. There was a moment we thought the president was opposing this because it included a long Term Extension of the Childrens Health insurance program. This is the president theyre dealing with. Quite frankly its a big part of the reason were here. I get a sense were going to be here for a while. Trump gave a barn burner of a speech in pittsburgh today. Hes good at standing in front messages down the news that the president pays a lot of attention to. Its unlike anything people up here have ever seen. One of the dynamics on the hill is how much of it feels unprecedented. There was a sense that well figure it out. We always figure it out. Theres no way the government is going to shut down. But then over the weekend, the shole debate changed the landscape of this. E we have no idea whats going to happen tomorrow. We could be here tomorrow at 7 00 having a different conversation. I every day covering this, the people i talk to in these hallways, no one has any clue whats going to happen in the following 15 minutes. Were in uncharted territory. Maybe its an obvious thing to say. Youre giving us a wonderful capsule of insanity. Thank you. Lets go to cornell bellcher and jennifer rubin. I dont buy the idea this is the usual turbulence you feel on an airplane. No this is whack job. You have tob people that dont like immigration and they got people who insist on basically meeting the needs of a consistency, the hispanic people of the country, the latinos, they want to help those kids, i dont see the kid. The iron any is if they put it on the table it would pass. They have the majority of votes. The middle that doesnt call the shots . Exactly. If you have the democrats voting one way and this group Lindsey Graham is expanding the group that say theyre in favor of a solution, it wont work. Trump wont let them put it on the table, mcconnell wont, ryan wont. I think what happens going to happen, if the house passes through, whats Mitch Mcconnell going to do . Heres the story, an uncertain trumpet, is it that the president will give on the wall thing, the president understands daca and cant fight it . Thats the message from the Chief Of Staff to the caucus the other day. The president saying today i am still a wall guy and im tough. The leadership matters. Were seeing what happens when we dont have leadership. This level of dysfunction. You cant have this. Nancy pelosi nailed it. Its amateur hour. And its dangerous for those thousands of Young Americans who have known nothing but america, theyre in the lines of fire because of this absolute chaos and dysfunction at the top. Be a leader, take one side and stake with that side, the president is absent in this. As we said earlier, democrats and republicans have until midnight tomorrow to fund the government. Candidate trump ran on the promise that he would be a deal maker, remember that . In instances just like this one. Lets take a listen. If im elected president , im going to be in the white house a lot. Im not leaving we have deals to make. I will bring america to a new level. I will negotiate deals that nobody can negotiate deals like i do. I know nobody im running against. Nobody is going to do the things i do. Its supposed to be you get along with congress, cojoel and go back and forth and we get in a room and we have deals. Clare mckas skill tweeted, compromise is the essence of democracy. If there ever was a time for a deal maker. Look at it this way, it seems a deal is there. Were going to take care of the dreamers, 80 say let those kids stay here. Nobody wants to send them back, they didnt come on their own, dont send them back on the governments sayso. At the same time there has to be enforcement of the immigration laws, there has to be something, whether its a wall, punishing Big Business For Hiring illegally something has to stop the immigration. Not everybody wants to say that but they will be but graham and durbin argue the deal is already there. Durbin just Sweet Twooeted unification check, border security, check, d. R. E. A. M. Ers check. The deal is there. The hard liners have a problem with it but durbin and senator graham had the deal. Has this use of the term, the shole term which we all say ridiculously shole, but we do. He said it worse. Has now created a poison so the democrats dont want to sit down with him . Especially with minority people. Theyre so offended by it. But now they know they have him. He looks bad, a racist. What do they get out of it . If they cut a deal, they look week and give in to a bad guy whos a racist, in the end whats this chip worth . Eventually they have to do something on daca and theyll be her rows. I dont agree the democrats are holding a chip. The votes are there for the democrats, again the Durbin Graham bill, they would vote for this bill. Theres always been the middle, ted kennedy was in the middle. We all agree, we can do it better here. We can do the deal here. President trumps Attorney Says hes eager to speak with Special Counsel mueller. He suggested mueller might set a perjury trap. Have you ever heard a lawyer said ahead of time hes worried his client is going to lie under oath . This is what this guy is saying, my guy might lie. You think the Chief Of Staff has low estimate for the brains, his lawyers are lawyers. Trump is vowing to spend four to five days a week helping republicans win in 2018. He went to pittsburgh, pennsylvania today where democrats think they have a chance to flip a republican district. Obama is gatheriearing up t the same. Trump versus obama. This is going to be a frightening close for tonights show on trump watch. This is hardball where the action is. Keep it comin love. If you keep on eating, well keep it comin. All you can eat riblets and tenders at applebees. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. Get ready for centrum microworkouts. The bottle curl. The twist n turn. The stretch n grab. The gummy squish. Centrum micronutrients fuel your body from the inside out. Grab a centrum and join in. Repeat daily. Let led by the Congressional Black Caucus, they introduced a measure to censure President Trump for saying what he said about africa and haiti. Saying the president should apologize. Today the chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus condemned speaker house ryan for not coming out more strongly against trumps comment. He said his words for unfortunate. Its unfortunate when i miss my bus or the Airlines Lose my luggage. When the president of the United States decides to call africa, haiti and el salvador the words he used, thats not unfortunate. Thats wrong, thats disgusting, hurtful. There are a number of words for it, but unfortunate is not one of them. Hes good. Well be right back. What comes next. If you move your old 401 k to a fidelity ira, we make sure youre in the loop at every step from the moment you decide to move your money to the instant your new Retirement Account is funded. Oh and at fidelity, youll see how all your investments are working together. Because when you know where you stand, things are just clearer. Just remember what i said about a little bit o soul things are just clearer. Shatters the competition. Hydrating skin better than prestige creams costing over 100, 200, and even 400. For skin that looks younger than it should. Fact check this ad in good housekeeping. Olay regenerist. Ageless. Questioned by the Special Counsel mr. Mueller in connection with the russia probe. However his top lawyers now say otherwise. He said he believes its a certainty that the president will sit down with muellers team but hes worried about perjury. Lets watch. Is it from your advantage point right now a virtual certainty that the president will have some q a with the special Counsel Robert Mueller . Thats my belief. Do you think theres any danger for the president in that encounter . You know, i would hope that a fairminded office of Special Counsel would approach it in a in a dutiful way consistent with precedent and it wouldnt be a mere perjury trap. After incorrectly predicting the probe would wind down last year, trumps lawyer, said it would end soon. When do you believe it would reach a conclusion. Soon. What do you mean by soon. Four to six weeks. Im joined by adam schiff ranking congressman in the house committee. Im wondered if you are baffled by a lawyer for the president , his top lawyer, saying he might commit perjury because somehow the questioning would be so brilliant that he would be forced into what he called a perjury trap. What do you make of it . Im surprised with that level of candor, but wouldnt you be surprised as the lawyer knowing the president s propensity to say things arent true. So i can understand counsels concern but he is going to have to be interviewed by special counsel. Hes made a number of statements. Some of the most incriminating have come from the president himself. Such as the comments he had on his mind when he fired james comey. So the interview has to take place. Certainly a lot of mind fields for the president s lawyer. If were going to get to the truth, the facts, hes an essential witness. They seem less worried about or less intending to avoid commenting db or letting the president testify to muellers team than they are to testify to your committee. What is it with these guys . They want to use Executive Privilege to stay away from you guys, especially the democrats on your committee, but the lawyer, they have to go face the Special Counsel . We saw this week, they shutdown steve bannon said were imposing a gag rule on steve bannon we wont let him testify to anything he learned after he left the campaign or any conduct, meetings, conversation during the transition or his time in the administration or thereafter. Similarly Corey Lewandowski ended up doing the same thing, saying im going to refuse to answer questions because im not prepared to do it today. And then the third witness that was supposed to come in tomorrow, another administration official, they cancelled altogether. So theyre concerned about testimony before congress. Theyre most concerned, frankly, about steve bannon. They may have good reason for that concern or this may be just a broad effort to stifle the congressional investigations because they feel they have a Home Court Advantage with the republican chairman of our committee. They do. Today your committee released the testimony of glen simpson, the founder of gps. The transcript shows mr. Simpson told you that he diskcovered there were an amazing number of people that will purchased properties from mr. Trump. What do you make of it . This is a concern i had all along. That this one area of the investigation could be potentially the most compromising of the president , and it ought to be in the exercise of Due Diligence investigated like the other allegations weve faced. When we began this investigation, there were allegations of secret meetings with Trump Campaign people which we know took place. There were allegations of what general flynn was doing, which we now know proved to be true. And there have been persistent allegations of Money Laundering, which we have not been allowed to investigate. Steve bannon is concerned about Money Laundering and simpson as well. I think it would be irresponsible for us not to look into it and find out its not true, it was just highly suggestive or no it looks like theres merits to the allegations and the president could be potentially compromised. Theres three areas of exposure, the president may have colluded with the russians, the president may have obstructed justice and he may have been involved with Money Laundering. He and his family. All three topics still hot to investigate to you . Yes, i think we have more wrk to did on all of these topics. You can see the limitations were operating under when bannon wont talk about his time in the administration or transition. And Corey Lewandowski is saying im not prepared to answer that today, thinking thats an adequate response. So theres a lot more work we need to do, theres a lot more work just about the trump tower meeting, people that knew what went into the trump tower meeting, the Telephone Records we want to obtain so we can determine whether donald trump jr. Spoke with donald trump senior about that meeting. But Money Laundering, could be, if there were merit to it, the most compromising in the sense the russians knew they engaged it, would have power over the United States and weve not been permitted by the majority to look at the issue. Thank you. Im joined by paul butler. What you make of all that . Money laundering is hot because of simpsons testimony, thats what they were looking at that led to the dossier, the president clearly doesnt want to talk about that. I get the feeling hes going to fire mueller the minute he goes in that direction. What the transcript says eric trump said he can get money from the russians. We have that and the suspicious pattern of real estate transactions with people in russia. And then we have steve bannon, the guy who knew the president best, who said if the trump team goes down its going down because of Money Laundering. As you say theyve focussed occlusion, obstruction of justice, but this could be the thing that undonees the administration. It raises the question whether his campaign for president was a criminal inte enterprise. The whole question were they selling them land to get the money laundered. We think about the Political Organization of the campaign. Thats another area bannon is key. A question they will ask him is how did it work. Would it be possible for people like carter page and George Papadopoulos to meet with russians and trump not know about it. If he says to the grand jury or the fbi that he didnt know about it and he did, thats perjury. Watch these pictureses. I like the pictures that show steve bannon sitting comfortably in the oval office. He said we were worried, we were talking to the white house about the meetings, the meeting at trump tower, we talked about it. It opened up the gate. They obviously talked about it but now he said they talked about it. How could he not. He said he thought it was treasonous, the fact they were meeting with the russians to talk about the election on behalf of President Trump. So bannon has a lot to tell mueller. I would love to be a fly in the room. You know they separate the two menendez brothers. In this case you have bannon who doesnt like the nepotism people, eric and jared and all that benefitting by their father. He may want to testify against them. Hes a prosecutors dream witness. He doesnt have exposure. He only gets in trouble if he doesnt tell the truth. Theyre going to tell him, yes, steve youre not talking to the grand jury, youre talking to agents. But you still have to tell the truth, if you dont, youre going to jail. Executive privilege, it was wiped away because of the nixon case, it was an impeachment case, high crimes misdemeanors. There the court said no Executive Privilege. Where does it play here at all . Heres the deal. There is some limited claim in a congressional hearing before a grand jury, which is what plu mueller is working with, no credible claim. Even with the congressional committees i think trump waved it because the things they want the witnesses to talk about, Michael Flynn and why he fired comey. Trump has made statements about that. So you cant talk about something and then prevent people from talking about it. As soon as it gets to the court. Its the republicans who are running the committees that are not forcing the witness to talk. They can say, if youre claiming Executive Privilege make the president file a motion or send a letter. Its the president that has to claim it. You know all about this stuff. What is a perjury trap . Is there such a thing or is that some sort of Rhetorical Device by a lawyer to set up the innocence of his client who he thinks is going to lie . The perjury trap is when the prosecutor sets someone up to try to trick them into telling a lie before the grand jury. The best way to prevent it is to tell the truth. Apparently the president s lawyer thinks his client has a hard time doing that. I shouldnt laugh about criminal behavior. Anyway, thank you. Up next, President Trump hits the Campaign Trail ahead of another hotly contested election in western pennsylvania. Hes not the only president looking to make an impact in 2018. President obama is coming off the sidelines. Well see how they handle it and how these two match up. This is hardball where the action is. If yor crohns symptoms are holding you back, and your Current Treatment hasnt worked well enough, it may be time for a change. Ask your doctor about entyvio, the only biologic developed and approved just for uc and crohns. 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Put the phone away, and use a knife and fork for. And with panera catering, its food worth sharing. Panera. Food as it should be. Government shuts down. Meanwhile, President Trump was in pennsylvania today making his first speech of 2018. Expressing his support for rick san cone. He told reuters yesterday, i am going to spend four or five days a week because we need more republicans. He was giving a speech on the economy, the president couldnt resist throwing some meat to his base. Lets watch. Americans, do anything, build anything, and create anything as long as we have pride in our country, confidence in our values and respect for our Great American flag. Something im really proud of because ive been saying it, what do you have to lose . Africanamerican unemployment is at its lowest level ever recorded. And remember, the deplorables. The deplorables. Were all deplorables. Who would have thought that was going to turn into a landslide. That was not a good phrase that she used. Oh, some things youd like to have back. He also bragged about how great the country is doing right now. Lets watch that. Nobody thought we were going to have this kind of success so quickly. Theres never been a better time to hire in america, to invest in america, and believe in the American Dream than right now. We can keep it like this were going to win a lot of elections, that i can tell you. It remains to be seen if voters will buy trumps argument that hes made America Great again. According to a new pole, 51 of registered voters say his first year in office was a failure, 42 say it was a success and 7 unsure. The round table is here well discuss it next. Of being prescribed for nearly 10 years. Humira works inside the body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to symptoms. In clinical trials, most adults taking humira were clear or almost clear and many saw 75 and even 90 clearance in just four months. 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Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with youâ„¢ Liberty Mutual insurance. Welcome back to hardball. The u. S. House of representatives has just approved a short term spending bill. We saw the vote there. And now the measure goes to the senate where its fate is unclear, putting it nicely. The federal government Will Shutdown at midnight if they in the senate. The president is helping to stop a blue wave this november. But hell face barack obama on the trail. The Chicago Tribune said obama will continue to be active in 2018. Meanwhile reports obama is strategizing on his approach with tom perez. According to the publicipolitic determined not to become the foil the president wants him to be. Lets bring in, kimberly at kins, howard and and dave gem betty. I want to talk to howard, i think we agree on something off the bat. I thought trumps speech today was a barn burner. I never heard him give a better speech. For whatever reason he rose to the occasion. I know it was home court. I think if he behaves like that, the democrats are going to need a powerful candidate. I think, chris, there is a big blue wave or wind blowing in 18. In 18 but if hes going to get through it, its going to have to be with speeches he gave. He talked about his calling card, the economy, and he didnt create all of this, barack obama deserves some of the credit. Unemployment is low, minority unemployment is low. He made his case today and stayed on message. He stayed out of his way today. Light touch, some humor, salesmansh salesmanship, just enough ra ra. And none of those cheap shots. Thats as good as hes going to get on the stump. Let me talk to you about President Obama, to some people hes still the president. How does he get into this fight without getting his face dirtied by trump . Carefully. President trump is going to punch at obama if hes on the Campaign Trail. So its up to President Obama to pick the message. How do you make yourself a stand back weapon. If anybody can do it, its this president. Hes very popular he has that over President Trump. He also knows how to speak to issues and speak about candidates and speak to whats going on in the districts he campaigns that doesnt make it about trump and overshadow the candidates themselves or some of the other up and coming democratic stars that might be good on the Campaign Trail. Judge, give me your matchup. The president and former president go out there by october 15th theyll both have their faces on the nightly news you know it. The difference is the elections are going to be a referendum on President Trump whether he likes it or not. Theres no way the elections are going to be a referendum on the president who has left office two years ago. So theyre going to pick their spots carefully, make an affirmative message out there. Take on trump occasionally but shy away from the idea its one versus the other. Democrats are happy with the comparison. One of them is popular, overall in the country, and especially with the democratic base. And one of them is not that popular overall in the country including with his own republican base. So democrats are not concerned about this matchup. President trump largely stuck to his script on stage, but off stage offered this over the impasse tomorrow night. I believe the democrats want a shutdown to get off the topic of the tax cuts because theyve worked so well. Theyve been so good that i think the democrats would like a shutdown in order to get off the subject. That is not a good subject for them, the tax cuts because of the way they worked. Is that true . Thats not true. Some democrats, particularly in the senate, want to see daca action. Whats the action on daca and will see tomorrow some effort to try to negotiate that in before they give their approval of this bill. But, no, this isnt about the tax cut, about the democrats wanting to shutdown the government. This shouldnt be about up anybody wanting to shutdown the government. Thats one of the least popular things can you do. Maybe im a skeptic. How about people want the deal in the fight and how many want the fight because sometimes the fight is better than the deal. If youre looking out for a Minority Community thats growing every day in this country, ten years from now, itll be 20 you want that Community Behind you and against other side, right . Absolutely. Heres the chance for the democrats to stick the republicans with being the antiimmigrant party. Theyre also making the calculation that people realize that republicans control everything In Washington right now, whether its the white house, the house or the senate. So for republicans to try to push this back on democrats right now. The democratic leadership doesnt believe thats going to work. So they think its a winwin right now. They can convince their base, a lot of minority voters theyre standing for them. I think democrats dont mind the fight a bit. Its not a fight for the sake of a fight its a fight to be on the right side of the fight. Although sometimes fights are good. Like here. No matter what the Republican Leadership thinks, i think that donald trump thinks that he can win that spin war. That he can win that war. Hed rather be on the antiimmigrant side . Hed rather by on the antiimmigrant side. Remember, he and his people dont like the government. Its a weird world. What do you think . I think its interesting because you said he looked great because he read for ten minutes and didnt say anything offensive. I didnt say that he looked great, i said thats as good as he can do. I said he was great. I watch politics all these years and try to figure out who looks good. The same guy you said wants to antiimmigrants, pick the expletive you want. I think itll be a great Get Out The Vote for the democrats. Theyre hoping for the worst case situation in politics for republicans. Gabe agrees with me . Theyre hoping for the worst case scenario. They hope hes a klutz, a fool saying s. Hole every day of the week. In his limited Campaign Appearances last year, President Obama took on his successor, although not by name. Lets watch. Ive been commenting a lot on politics lately, but heres one thing i know. If you have to win a campaign by dividing people, youre not going to be able to govern them. When wha we cant have is same old politics of division that we have seen so many times before. That dates back centurys. Some of the politics we see now, we thought we put that to bed. Thats my religion. Look, i think one of the biggest things that former President Obama has going for him is the same thing that made everyone so excited about oprah. They give a speech and inspire people. Theres not a lot of that In Washington right now. I agree with you. The people who are against who might beat oprah if she were to run are also positive people like biden. Do i use a toothpaste that whitens my teeth whatsoever. The iranians like to taunt us because they dont have respect for our leaders, right. It turns out the world respects us less now that trump confidence in the United States leadership has fallen to an historic low right now. Gallup vsurveyed more than 130 countries and found just 30 approve of leadership under trump. Germany has now replaced the United States as toprated global power. Isnt that wonderful . The u. S. Also falls slightly behind china and is barely more popular than the russkis. We should note that this poll was conducted before trump oh, my god before he started talking about africa as a bunch of sholes. Well be right back. Geez singing riblets, tenders do not go gentle into that good night. Were back with the hardball roundtable. Kimberly, Tell Me Something i dont know. Well, on track to change the way that Sexual Harassment is reported against members of congress. They introduced a bill, that has support that not only will get rid of this publicly funded settlement right, i know the settlement fund, but it would force lawmakers to pay out of their own dollars. It would give extra support to people making these claims. And also on the other side to prevent blackmail. This is the new system. Its a new system. Its in place now . The bill has been filed and its likely to pass. And the house can make this decision by itself . Without the senate . Zb yes. Howard . Chris, i checked with some agencies and departments. Unlike past administrations in past years, theres been very little if any guidance about what to do if there actually is a government shutdown. Either out of ignorance or chaos or knowing something that we dont, the departments and agencies have not been fully briefed in the way that they have been in the past about exactly what happens if theres a shutdown. So they turn the lights off in the zoo . They turn the lights off. What do the animals do . I put it down to general chaos and its still understaffed and underexperienced trumps administration. Last night, there was a little known special election for a State Senate Seat in rural wisconsin. Oh, we know. Well known here. Well known here. What i want to say, there have been 34 state legislative seats now since November 2016 that have flipped from republican to democrat over the last year. And you have which tells you . Which tells us that theres something build. A wave. I dont know if its that wave yet, but scott walker himself was saying, its time to sound the alarm. Every president since 18 tv, its been an Arnl Average Of 32s Lost By The President s party. Looks like the democrats could win back the house. Thank you, kimberly atkins, howard fineman, dave bedenebeti. When we return, let me finish with trump watch. Of your heart rate. Common side effects of harvoni include tiredness, headache and weakness. Ready to let go of hep c . 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To defeat donald trump will take a political combatant able to take the blows and give them back. To speak with hope and power. To go over trump, and not just get caught going under him. Trying to undermine him. Someone who will be bigger than him. Why . Because this is not a parliamentary or congressional country, like in england, where the party is what matters. Its a president ial country, where the leader matters. To win, democrats will need a

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