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Youll be glad you did. The second is we are partnering with twitter for special coverage of the president ial debate this monday, starting at 6 00 p. M. Eastern on twitter. Until tomorrow, siayonarasayona. A city on edge and a nation divided. Lets play hardball. And good evening. Im Steve Kornacki in for chris matthews, who is in ireland to receive the tip oneil irish diaspra award. Meanwhile, charlotte, North Carolina, is bracing for violence tonight. The National Guard has arrived to try to prevent what would be a third consecutive night of unrest in the wake of policeinvolved shooting of 34yearold keith lamont scott. Demonstrations spiraled out of control around 8 00 p. M. Last night. Riot Police Deployed tear gas as protesters vandalized a store. 44 people in total were arrested. Several were injured, and one man died late today after he was shot last night outside the omnihotel in charlotte. The citys police chief said this morning that they are trying to determine who carried out that shooting. Meanwhile, the governor of North Carolina declaring a state of emergency. He deployed the National Guard and this afternoon, attorney general Loretta Lynch also pleaded for restraint. She announced that she was sending the Justice Department to the city. The department of justice is sending four members of our Community Relations service to charlotte. But i urge those responsible for bringing violence to these demonstrations to stop. Because youre drowning out the voices of commitment and change and youre ushering in more tragedy and grief in our communities. And with charlotte on edge, city leaders are investigating the circumstances surrounding tuesdays shooting of keith lamont scott. Police say that scott did not heed their calls to drop a gun and while scotts family insists that he wasnt carrying a firearm, a witnesss photograph obtained by wcnc television appears to show a gun at scotts feet moments after the incident. Police verified the gun in the photo is the gun they found at the scene. Police are also reviewing videos that captured the incident, which have not been made public. Police chief kerr putny described those videos today. The video does not give me absolute definitive visual evidence that would confirm that a person is pointing a gun. When taken in the totality of all of the other evidence, it supports what weve heard and the version of the truth that we gave about the circumstances that happened, that led to the death of mr. Scott. And nbc news now confirms that the scott family has seen the video of the shooting, this just in the last few hours, but they would not say whether it supports the Police Account of what happened. Meanwhile the officer involved in the tulsa, oklahoma shooting of Terence Crutcher was charged late today with firstdegree manslaughter. Im joined now by dr. William barber with the naacp. Thanks for taking a few minutes. So the central dispute right now, the central factual dispute between the police in North Carolina the police in charlotte and the family of the man here who was shot involves whether he had that gun. The family said, no, he had a book. The police chief is adamant he had a gun. Based on what youve seen, that includes that picture that we just showed, based on what the police chief has said down there, is what the police saying, is it at least plausible to you that that version could be correct . Well, i met with more than 50 clergy today, diverse clergy, who have been involved in the protests, and 99. 9 of the protesters have been nonviolent protesters for justice. Those who have been violent have been a part of provocateurs, but the unrest is because theres been no transparency. What we need is not a military state, but a transparent state. The video could tell this. We understand from the police chief that there were video cameras on body cameras that were off. We know that three possible scenarios there was a gun, there was not a gun, the gun was planted, and there was something between the officers that caused that. Number two, there was a gun, but he had the right to carry a gun. You have to understand that North Carolina is an open carry state. You can carry open. If he had one, didnt mean he didnt have a right to carry. And the third is that our man was shot, who brandished it at the police in a violent way. We dont know which one of those scenarios are true, and the only way we can know that is through full transparency. Thats why the ncaap are calling for the take place to be released. Theyre public tapes. We disagree with our governor who has fostered and passed a bill that goes into effect october 1, that disallows the ability to release taupes. And were calling for an independent investigation, both state and federal. Thats what needs to happen in order to have a sense of trust and transparency in the city of charlotte. The police chief has said his main objection to putting the tape out there is he said, for from the standpoint of the family here, from the standpoint of the family, he said, he doesnt want them to have to relive their worst moment as a family over and over in public, he says thats what the video would do. What we know tonight is that the family got an opportunity with their lawyers to view this video. The lawyers would not commit at their press conference this afternoon whether theyd make a statement after that. They havent so far. If the family were to come out now and say, you know, upon reflection, upon consideration, we would prefer this not to be released, would you go along with that . Well, i dont think thats the issue, would we go along with . Weve already heard reports, with the lawyers contradicting what the police chief and the narrative has been giving out. The first day, there was a gunman. Now its inconclusive. The reality is, across america, we know that where there is tends to be video, there tends to be a different reaction. In tulsa, for instance, we had a video, its out, theres been an indictment, theres been a very different response. The reality is, we need to be able to see these videos, we need to know what is happening in this particular situation. Remember, this is a city where a few years ago, jonathan pharrell was killed, a Young College student who got in an accident, was asking for help. He was shot unarmed. Later on, the officer was indicted, was prosecuted, but there was a hung jury. And theres been no attempt to retry, in fact, claim that the jury had spoken. Theres a lot of distrust. And in this area, where we have all of these cell phones and videos and different pictures, we need the evidence to be out there, so that there can be some sense of transparency and we must have independent state and federal investigations. And the story obviously reverberating far outside North Carolina politically at the height of this campaign season. The president ial candidates are reacting to the policeinvolved shootings in charlotte and tulsa, as well. Donald trump who yesterday said that the officer responsible for the shooting death of Terence Crutcher might have choked and received pushback after making that statement, the pushback coming from the police union that endorsed him last week. The fraternal order of police reminding trump last week that he must be mindful of the Due Process Rights of innocence including Police Officers. Trump who has touted law and order reacted to the scenes out of charlotte with the call for a National Anticrime agenda. How can we lead when we cant even control our own cities. Our job is not to make life more comfortable for the violent disrupter, but to make life more comfortable if the africanamerican parent. More Law Enforcement, more community engagement, more the effective policing is what our country needs and we need it quickly. Reverend, donald trump has said he is trying to reach out to black voters. This is part of that effort. Whats your reaction to what youre hearing from him this week . Theres so much hypocrisy and insult in what donald trump said. He is a man who has enflamed racial tension, applauded members of his rallies, who have actually hit africanamericans. He has joined in this narrative that somehow, to be against Racial Injustice and against racism engaged by police is to, in fact, be antipolice, when, in fact, the black community and the White Community that is also marching with black lives matter and the naacp and the latino is not antipolice, were antibad police. In fact, good police are antibad police, because it makes it bad for all good police. Remember, his campaign started talking about overturning the 14th amendment. When he reaches out to the black community, he doesnt say the things in front of the black community he says in front of the White Community. For instance, in front of the White Community, he questioned the birth of the president. He didnt do that in front of the black audience. In front of the White Community, he talks about rolling back obamacare, but in front of the black community, he doesnt they will them that that means that 3 million black people will lose their health insurance. In front of the White Community, he talks about Public Education and vouchers. In front of the black community, he doesnt say that that will lead to more poverty schools and resegregated schools. He is exactly the wrong one, based on what hes done already. And even today he floated frisking, when in fact frisking has been found not frisking, excuse me, profiling, and stop and frisk, has been found unconstitutional, and not effective. And so, actually, his proposals alone we need trust, we need transparency, we need better training, we need more than just discussion about racism, we need racial transformation. And we need to understand something. This is very simple. Thats why you see Black And White people together with these protests. A badge and a gun, the ability to serve a warrant and take a persons Family Member out of their house. The ability to use lethal force is too much power for a bigot, for someone that is trigger happy, and for someone that does not understand that their first role is to protect and serve, not to shoot and kill. All right, reverend William Barber from North Carolina, thank you for joining us. Appreciate it. Thank you so much. And as the reverend just said, donald trump has advocated the controversial policy of stop and frisk in response to the news this week. That policy was put to use by the new York Police Department to search citizens without cause up until the end of the year 2013. Trump again defended the practice this morning, clarifying that he only wants it implemented in the city of chicago. But stop and frisk worked. We had tremendous shootings, numbers of shootings. Now, chicago is out of control. And i was really referring to chicago with stop and frisk. If they see a person, possibly, with a gun or they think may have a gun, they will see the person, theyll look, and theyll take the gun away. Theyll stop, theyll frisk, and theyll take the gun away. And they wont have anything to shoot with. How its not being used in chicago is, to be honest with you, its quite unbelievable. But many have pointed out that stop and frisk didntner work as trump described it, according to a report by the new York State Attorney general, only 3 of the nearly 2. A million stops between 2009 and 2012 resulted in actual convictions. The Brennan Center also reported the that the end of the policy did not result in a surge in crime. Furthermore, the practice was not limited to guns, as the New York Times pointed out. Officers often searched the subjects pockets for contraband like drugs, without any legal ground for doing so. And as weve reported, the policy disproportionately affected africanamericans and other minorities. Over half of those stopped in 2013 were black. Nearly a third were hispanic. The judge who overturned the practice called a eed it a polio indirect racial profiling. Joined now by a. J. Delgado, former adviser to the Trump Campaign, and nina turner, an msnbc political analyst. A. J. , lets start with you. Donald trump introduced the idea of stop and frisk this week. He says now he was only talking about chicago. Heres what im curious about, the politics of this. I went back and looked, in new york, when this was a major issue a few years ago, 67 of black new yorkers said that they were opposed to this policy. So heres donald trump, who says hes out there reaching out to black voters. This is the policy he proposes. This is not going to help him with black voters, is it . Well, i resent the implication that a law and order candidate or pushing law and order policies is somehow antithetical toll american community. On the contrary, they go hand in hand. But a. J. , i just what im asking about. Im not making that implication, im just giving you the poll numbers. The policy was in place in new york, twothirds of black voters were opposed to it. He says, i want the policy for chicago now. Im saying, wont that hurt him with black voters, since we have policyi inevidence it was very unpopular with black voters . I think it was unpopular, because they were fed misinformation from the media as far as how stop and frisk actually worked in the community. When you look at a place in chicago or ohio where mr. Trump was speaking. By the way, at an africanamerican outreach event, which we greatly applaud him for. When we look at a place like chick, where they basically stopped using stop and frisk. The numbers are the Police Department has decreased its usage by about 80 . I think the Africanamerican Community in chicago, if you would ask them, are you perhaps in fauvor of looking at this policy, with using it quite heavily once again . I think we might be surprised to see what they say. Its time to put an end to the violence, there, steve. And when you see children being shot on the streets, africanamerican children, who should be safe, i would be curious to see how africanamericans would feel about an actual policy proposal, not one like Hillary Clintons, but one like donald trump that might help the community. Stop and frisk here in new york basically over a generation, you did see a big drop in new york and nationally in Violent Crime in the 90s, the early 2000s, stop and frisk was in place. Of course, critics of the program say, hey, its been out of existence in the city in a major way in the last few years. The crime rates havent spiked. But you look at whats going on in chicago. Could there be some positive from implementing a program like that in terms of the crime rate . Not stop and frisk. And even mayor de blasio who has talked about how crime has gone down in new york over the last three years, it was very clear that was unconstitutional and it was a racist policy. We know that disproportionately africanamericans and latino folks were stopped and frisked, as if they are somehow more criminal than somebody else. And what i will say is that if a Community Speaks up, the Africanamerican Community was polled, and it wasnt the skewing of the mainstream media, in that they do not like that policy. Now, chicago does need some help. Theres no doubt about it. Theres no way for us to spin out of that. That the violence in that city and some of the violence that we see in cities all across this country need to be addressed, not when were in crisis, but copping to the table together. But stop and frisk is not the type of policy that should be used to really bring about the peace and trust and accountability that we need in our communities across this country. Well, meanwhile today, Donald Trumps running mate, mike pence, said that this country should put an end to the debate about institutional bias or racism. Those are his words there, within Law Enforcement, after tragedies like this. Heres pence. Donald trump and i believe that theres been far too much of this talk of institutional bias or racism within Law Enforcement. That Police Officers are human beings. And in difficult and life threatening situations, mistakes are made. A. J. , let me ask you about that. When you look at we just put the stats up there, the stop and frisk program, how that disproportionately affected africanamericans. We look at these officerinvolved shootings, how they disproportionately, when you look at the statistics within affect africanamericans. Isnt race some component of this . Yeah, always there is. But listen, at the end of the day, when you have a policy like stop and frisk, whether it was disproportionately affecting certain communities or certain people look at it that way, lets take a look at the actual stats. You had hundreds. In one year alone, in 2014 in new york, i think it was 400 guns were taken off the streets because of stop and frisk. So whether we can get into a debate about whether it disproportionately impacts racial communities or not, it does remove crime. And pence has a point, but donald trump also said that tulsa, the officer there, did behave inappropriately. He criticized her. And i dont think those are mutually exclusive. I think pence is absolutely correct that we need to stop this talk of institutional racism in our Police Departments. None of these brave officers like the one in charlotte are africanamerican themselves. Nina turner . Steve, listen, institutional racism exists in this country. The wbr id wbr10453 Africanamerican Community is not delusional about this. What is happening in charlotte is not just about charlotte, its about tulsa, its about cleveland, its about baltimore, its about ferguson. It is about the fact that racism exists in the dna of america and the only way that were going to deal with is to confess our sins. It didnt start with police and it doesnt end with police. It is the entire system. And as an africanamerican mother of an africanamerican son, who is a Law Enforcement officer, who has been racially profiled throughout his life, who does wear a badge and a gun, who i do worry about on both ends, let me just tell you this, b we have to deal with these issues in a very real way and the Africanamerican Community is sick and tired of this same sad song being played over and over and over and over again. And just like novelest James Baldwin and activist James Baldwin said, he said to be black in america and to be relatively conscious is to be in a rage all the time. And when we have leaders who dont even want to acknowledge that we have institutional racism in this unccountry, economic, political, financial, we have to admit that and do something about it. And all communities need the police, but we need transparency, we need accountability, we need trust. And they are not mutually exclusive, but it is okay for the Africanamerican Community to call foul. And that is what we are doing all across this country. And we sicked and tired of the same old song being played over and over again, yet in the wake of all of this, for dead black men and dead black women in this country. They hold up their hands, they die. They on the ground, they die. We got to stop it and stop wbrid wbr11423 it right now. And im going to tell you another thing, steve. We aint got to wait for president ial candidates. We need governors and mayors, people on City Councils and state legislators right now to use the power of Public Policy to change this right now. All right. Nina turner, ive got to leave it there. Thank you for the time, though. We appreciate it. Coming up, just four days to go until that first president ial debate, and new poll numbers providing a clear picture about where this race stands right now. We have got the numbers and a preview of what to expect monday night when Hillary Clinton and donald trump face off for the very first time. And back to our top story of the night. Back to charlotte, North Carolina, for what could be another tense night. And new Jersey Governor Chris Christie is trying to shore up his political legacy. Its come under threat from the ongoing bridgegate scandal, and a prosecutor who says that the governor knew about the lane closures on the George Washington bridge as they were happening. That is something that christie has long denied. And finally, the hardball roundtable will be here and theyre going to tell me three things about this president ial race that i dont know. This is hardball, the place for politics. Safety doesnt come in a box. Its not a banner that goes on a wall. Its not something you do now and then. Or when its convenient. Its using stateoftheart simulators to better prepare for any situation. Its giving offshore teams onshore support. And its empowering anyone to stop a job if something doesnt seem right. At bp, safety is never being satisfied. And always working to be better. At bp, safety is never being satisfied. At bp, afety is never being satisfied. Take on any road with intuitive allwheel drive. The nissan rogue, murano and pathfinder. Now get 0 apr for 72 months, plus 500 bonus cash. Donald trump is on stage at a Campaign Event in suburban philadelphia right now. Hes been pushing hard to flip the state of pennsylvania. We have new polling that shows how this race stands with just four days to go now until the first president ial debate. Right back after this. Discover card. Customer service maam. This isnt a computer. Wait. Youre real . With discover card, you can talk to a real person in the u. S. , like me, anytime. Wow. This is a recording. Really . No, im kidding. 100 u. S. Based customer service. Here to help, not to sell. Runstaying in a differentns hotel every night. So i use the hotels. Com rewards program to earn free nights. Which i can use for my new friends here. Thanks, captain obvious. Youre welcome. Roger that, sir. My name isnt roger. Supported by hotels. Com. Male teacher andthe the largest planet . Someone we havent heard from. Female teacher anyone else . Through internet essentials, comcast has connected more than 3 Million People in need to lowcost, high Speed Internet at home, helping to make sure that every hand in the classroom goes up. Male teacher okay, veronica. Amphibian. Male teacher excellent. Welcome to a brighter future. Comcast. Hey and welcome back to hardball. Were just four days away now from the first president ial debate between Hillary Clinton and donald trump. So we figured, lets take a look at where the president ial race stands heading into that debate. So here we are at the big board. What we thought we would show you is this. The National Polls that came out this week were very good news for Hillary Clinton. She seems to have the lead nationally. She has an advantage right now in that race to 270, the Electoral College fight. Trump is sort of playing from behind in this race. If youre donald trump, what is your path to victory at this point . What would it take to catch Hillary Clinton, overtake her, and cross 270 . We want to give you a sense of what he is up against and what kind of advantage Hillary Clinton is sitting on right now heading into that debate. What you can see right here, were penciling in clinton with 262, trump with 206 at this moment. This would be the trump path. Heres what he needs to do. First, every state thats red right now, this is a romney state from 2012. This is a red state. The first thing donald trump has to do is he has to lock down the red states. Win all the romney states. Now theres one big if there, thats North Carolina. The race is basically dead even there right now. Its a big if. But donald trump, if he has a path to 270, he has got to hold on to North Carolina. That is the first step for trump. If he can do that, hes got to make inroads into blue america, blue states that obama won in 2012, that obama won in 2008. And what youre seeing here, the states that are sort of gray on your map right now, these are probably the best shot blue states for donald trump, if hes got a path. Bear with me here. Take a look at how this would work. Donald trump, first look at the ate of ohio. The polling average there right now actually has donald trump ahead. This is a state donald trump won twice, but donald trump is leading in the polling there. If he can get that, you can see that would put him on his way a little bit closer. Where else can he look right now . How about down to the state of florida . Obviously, always an important state. The poll average is dead even right now. Trump not ahead, but certainly hes got a shot in florida. If youre donald trump, youve got to win florida, too. That gets you a little bit closer. Where else can druonald trump look . How about wisconsin . This is a bit of a surprise. A lot of talk about pennsylvania. I think wisconsin now has replaced pennsylvania as the next big target for the Trump Campaign. You see in the average there, hes down close to five points, but the more recent polling, we had one come out just yesterday from the Gold Standard pollster in that state that put him at three points. Donald trump has been making more progress in wisconsin than he has been in pennsylvania, so the challenge for trump, and this is a big challenge, i cannot overstate that, a big challenge for trump is, hes got to get ahead in wisconsin. But, if he could do that, look, that would move him to 263. Hes getting close here. Take a look at the state of maine. Why is it funnylooking here . Its because they give out their electoral votes in a weird way. You get two for winning the state, but also if you win a Congressional District in the state, you get the vote for it, donald trump looks like he has a pretty big advantage in the rural district there in western maine, so trump very well could get an electoral vote out of maine. If he does that, 264. Well take a look at iowa. Hes actually ahead in the polls in iowa right now. What is iowa worth . Its worth six electoral votes. That would be 270. How about nevada . Hes ahead in the polls out in nevada right now, the most recent ones. That would be 276. You can see Donald Trumps path. Its florida, its ohio, its probably wisconsin, its that vote in maine. If he can do that, then get either iowa or nevada or both if you could, and he could hit 270. He could be over that number. Again, a lot of big ifs in here. If he can hold the red states, if he could flip wisconsin. But there is a path for donald trump right now. If there is, thats what it looks like. Joining me now to talk more about the state of this race, weve got steve mcmahon, a democratic strabtegist, and joh fieri, a republican strategist. Steve mcmahon, let me start with you. In terms of Hillary Clintons campaign, theyve got good news in the National Polls this week. Weve got her up six in our nbc news wall street journal poll. The survey monkey put her lead at five points. How good should the Clinton Campaign feel . I think they should feel really good for a couple of reasons. National polls tend to be the leading edge and state polls tend to be the trailing indicator. And you see her actually opening up her lead. The race is probably a structural fivepoint race, a fivepoint advantage for Hillary Clinton or a democrat. You said it at the beginning. She starts off with 242 Electoral College votes. I dont think donald trump is going to do something that nobody since that nobody since it hasnt happened since 1984, and thats win wisconsin. I think they should be feeling really good about where they are right now. John feehery, my takeaway when i sort of go through that exercise is donald trump needs a push here. Hes got himself competitive, but he needs something thats going to move up, especially to states like i guess a debate could do that. Do you think hes capable of getting the kind of performance, the kind of moment in this debate on monday night that could do that. If you look at this debate, you see donald trump has to exceed the soft glow of low expectations, because no one expects him to do that well. And i think hes going to exceed those low expectations. So i think i will give him a bump. The other thing hes got to do, hes got to appear president ial in his tone and temperament. And thats going to be a big challenge for him. You saw the last debates, the republican debates. He really went after jeb bush. He really went after marco rubio, and he can donat do thah Hillary Clinton. If he tries to be that aggressive with Hillary Clinton, i think its going to backfire. Tone and temperament is so important for donald trump in this upcoming race. Can he the other thing in these primary debates, he had ten candidates on stage, commercial breaks. Donald trump would get a twominute burst of attention and disappear for 20 minutes. I mean this seriously, this is not a guy who talks about policy that much. Does he have 90 minutes of material to go through thats not going to get him into trouble . Well, thats the big question. I think he does, but, you know what, hes going to have to be an expert at the filibuster and find ways to have his big ideas spoke in big sentences that take up a lot of time. And steve mcmahon, i was talking to somebody the other day. We were thinking back to the 2000 debates, bush versus gore. And the one thing that seemed to work in bushs favor besides al gore sighing, the expectations game. Going into that, it was seen as a big mismatch. Gore was this worldclass debater, bush had troubles getting sentences straight, but the expectations game worked in bushs favor. Is that something trump has to rely on here . I think hes right. The expectations are very low for donald trump, and probably they shouldnt be. As we all know, hes quite a showman. But i think it will be difficult for him to hold his temper. Hillary clinton will not be an easy debate opponent. Donald trump will get frustrated and overreact. And thats not good. When youre doing that in a debate against a female candidate, its more of a challenge if youre doing it to jeb bush or somebody else. So, i think hes got to walk a tight rope here. I think expectations for him are low. If his tone and temperament are right, that may be a win for him, but he does have to talk for at least 45 minutes. And if i were Hillary Clinton, i just might let him talk for more. Because the more donald trump talks, the more trouble he gets into, and the better it is for Hillary Clinton. Does she come with a game plan to try to provoke him . Are there any risks, if thats her strategy, if she has some lines of attack that are designed to get some kind of reaction from him. Is there a risk there for her in doing that . Well, i dont think so. Because shes a very, very the one thing about Hillary Clinton is she is steely and she is tough. And im sure shes going to come with some stilettos to plant in his ribs and im sure theyre going to be plant there had. The question for donald trump is, how does he react . Does he react in a way thats president ial or overreact . I think hell overreact, like hes always done before. And when he does, i think Hillary Clinton will pounce. Well see, steven. Let me just say real quick, i think the expectations for hillary are really through the roof. People expect her to win this debate. The problem for hillary is she kind of retreats into her big policy books. She doesnt speak to the american people. She speaks to the inside the beltway crowd, and thats a danger for her, because donald trump speaks to the wider audience. He doesnt get into deep policy discussions and for hillary, she also has a stamina problem. Is she going to be able to handle, you know, with the frustration of dealing with a donald trump, who doesnt really answer her questions, doesnt really play by her playbook. And youre never quite sure what donald trump is going to come up with. Can he handle that . Does she have the stamina to handle dealing with donald trump for 90 minutes . Four days away until that first big debate. Up next, were bracing for more unrest potentially in charlotte, North Carolina. Tonight, the city remains in a state of emergency. Well go live there on the ground to talk to a reporter with the latest developments. This is hardball, the place for politics. Anyone with type 2 diabetes knows how it feels to see your numbers go up, despite your best efforts. But what if you could turn things around . What if you could. Love your numbers . Discover oncedaily invokana®. Its the 1 prescribed sglt2 inhibitor that works to lower a1c. A pill taken just once in the morning, invokana® is used along with diet and exeise to significantly low blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. In fact, its been proven to be more effective at lowering a1c than januvia. 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For more on whats happening on the ground, lets turn to wes loundry of the washington post. He joins us from charlotte. So wes, we saw what happened the last two nights. What is the sense down there tonight in terms of, will things be different, or are they bracing for more of the same . Theyre certainly bracing for more of the same now. This is that hurry up and wait time, right . Were in the early evening. Its not really dark outside yet. And what weve seen in city after city, whether its ferguson, whether its baltimore, milwaukee, baton rouge, is that the element of these protest demonstrations, in the aftermath of a fatal police shooting, changes very rapidly once you go from daytime to the evening and then the late evening. And so right now, what we know is that weve got groups of demonstrators beginning to gather in a public park. As you noted, there are currently ministers gathering in a prayer vigil, but what we assume will happen, as night fall comes, as crowds start to change, theyll move back into downtown. And that will be the question of what exactly happens. The state police, the National Guard, as well as the local police, have started setting up some barricades. Theyre kind of out in force with the hope that they can kind of preemptively detour any, you know, potential damage or destruction. But you know, in a lot of ways, its a hurry up and wait. Well see what happens tonight. And folks at home can see here on the left side of your screen, what youre looking at are aerial shots of Downtown Charlotte. Thats the park where the protesters are gathered right now. Again, its a peaceful vigil being led by some pastors, taking a wide aerial view there of Downtown Charlotte. Wes, just give us a sense, too. I think wee see Something Like what happened last night, watching this live. The scale here in terms of how many, roughly, the people there are Peaceful Protesters versus how many are this other element that shows up. Whats the balance like . The typical experience, and my understanding from whats been happening here in charlotte, its not unlike many of the other times weve seen this kind of physical violent unrest in places. Where you have a large element, youre primary element of people who have shown up to peacefully demonstrate. Now, angry people, traumatized people, upset people, but the vast majority of them, youre talking about hundreds of people who are there peacefully. And at some on the in the night, there starts to be a turn. Whether that be some of your older folks and families start going home, perhaps more teenagers start emerging and coming into the streets if you start to see a different element appear. And you start to see the anger start to, you know, start to really kind of caramelize in that way. And thats very often when the violence begins. And the violence violence can be very relative. It can start with a water bottle being thrown at a Police Officer or a rock being thrown at a Police Officer. And then escalate. Because of what weve seen in so many examples in so many cases, you start to develop a bit of a mob mentality when you have that many people out there who are that angry. And you have the police who at times do things that may escalate it. Whether it be firing tear gas or rubber bullets. Thanks for the time. Anytime, steve. Coming up, the unrest in charlotte coming just days before that first president ial debate, putting the issue of race front and center in the president ial race. The hardball roundtable is coming up here with what we can expect to see from trump and clinton on monday night. This is hardball, the plax. Is it a caregiver determined to take care of her own . Or is it a lifetime of work that blazes the path to your passions . 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If he does not meet that test. And in terms of meeting that test, what does he have to do . The bar for him is incredibly low, unfortunately for Hillary Clinton. I think the image of him as a buffoon and someone as erratic is so baked in the public consciousness, if youre an undecided voter thats coming in for the first tile to really focus, and he can get through 90 minutes seeming like he could potentially fill that chair in the oval office, it is a win for him in terms of the voters he has to get. What does that mean, practically . Does that mean he has to avoid Say Something inflammatory . Does it mean he has to complete a 90second answer without i mean, what does that look like . Speak in complete sentences usually helps. I think he has to try avoid getting knocked around by the moderator in an obvious lie. Its going to be hard for hip. He says them all the time. He has to look and sound like his ideas and his policies. Again, his policies are kind of deeply developed. But i think people know hes not a polished politician and know he doesnt have deep, sophisticated policy ideas. Hell never be as good as Hillary Clinton on those terms. The question is, if hes somebody whos a wild card, is he not too much of a wild card . Reilly, what do you make of that . Is the bar so low that donald trump can clear this thing with an average performance . The bar extremely low for him. I think his only challenge, though, is he has never had this type of format for an hour and a half, no commercials, no breaks, you know, think about his performance in the republican debates. He was there with so many other competitors and there was always a time pressure. He could stall or deflect and then they would go to a commercial. Hillary clinton, after given 11 hours of testimony to congress, an hour and a half is nothing. I think she does great with longformat answers. The challenge for trump is he will not be able to deflect or run out the clock. And staying on message. A lot of people who have followed him and observed him, say he seems to have some type of attentiondefinite disorder thing going on, likes to jump around. It will be very hard for him to stay on point. And aside from the policies would strike many people to be president ial. And to avoid bullying or insulting a female candidate, who is making history. And that plays differently, doesnt it, beth . I remember in the primaries, when he went after jeb bush, now youre lowenergy jeb, and shushing him and all these things. It played a certain way with voters. I also remember when he started giving Carly Fiorina a bit of that same treatment going after her physical treatment, it played very differently. And you know, he had little marco, and lowenergy jeb. Hes been calling us, as we all know at this table, we get emails from the Trump Campaign every day, crooked hillary. Can we say that on the debate stage . Were all debating whether he brings that to the debate and what effect that will have. Because as raul said, shes making history. She is the first woman Major Party Nominee for president. If he comes off at all as sexist towards her, belittling, crooked hillary, thats really going into territory he may not want to and the question is, like, how invested are voters today actually in the politics in the traditional president ial debate . How much do they really want to see that . This is not a year where people are really excited about that traditional format or candidate. Thats the question mark for me. And not only that, but i think trump runs a big risk picking up on your point. I think almost any professional woman in america can relate. Whatever the political affiliation, can relate to the experience of being in a situation, where she is belittled or the victim of some type of microaggression by a male superior, who she views as an equal, but who is treating her in a way, just based on her gender. And i think trump, thats one reason why he has a problem with female voters. I think he could really run it into the ground if he insults hillary to her face. Its a huge risk. Im have been remembering 2008, barack obama in that fulltime thing before New Hampshire. Its probably the worst moment for obama in the primaries, when he said to Hillary Clinton, youre likable enough. Remember what happened . That was the saturday night before the primary, and obama was way ahead in the polls. Clinton seemed dead coming out of iowa. Nobody could figure it out. A couple days later, she wins New Hampshire, no poll picked up on it. A lot of people bet, though, looked at that moment and said, that created and it may not have just been women, but that created sympathy. She seemed like the underdog being picked on. The polls did show that women had come back to her in New Hampshire after they had abandoned in her iowa. And well never know if it was that momentum that you described, the thing that changed them and brought them back to Hillary Clinton that time. Its a huge risk to look sexist, but the other thick going on, and its a problem for hillary, shes also seen by so many people at this point as a clinton. Shes part of that Democratic Power couple thats been around for 25 years. Whether you love them or hate them, theyre baked into your brain. And there are enough people there who just see her as establishment politics, part of a dynasty that many people may be ready to get rid of. Out at trumps rallies, there are people in the audience every day saying, lock her up, lock her up. Theres so much emotion around Hillary Clinton, both bad and good. Thats what shes walking into. Nick, should she come in armed with lines that are designed to provoke him . Should that be part of the game plan, or should they just count on that being something thats spontaneous . They get lucky if he slips up and says something inflammatory that seems over the line. Im sure its part of the game plan. It should look spontaneous. Can you pull that off . Hinger secret weapon is what i call snarky grandma. And weve seen her deploy it before. Shes incredibly good at it. A lowkey sarcasm, a slight undermining of the overbearing guy at the other end of the stage. Ive seen her do it time and time again in these debates. Shes very good at it and i think it will get under his skin. He does not have a great emot n emotionemotio emotional toolbox for dealing with that kind of humor. And she can deploy it very, very well. Ive seen her do it. If she can do it on this debate stage, it will help her a lot. Where is she weakest, most vulnerable in a setting like this . In a setting like this, i think trumps whatever you think of him, i think its safe to describe him as erratic. I think trumps weakness is his sheer to describe him as erratic. Her weakness is trumps sheer unpredictability. The fact he could come out, if hes feeling and acting on impulse as he often does with some time of incredible insult or bringing up something related to, for example, bill clintons affairs and indiscretions in the past. How does she respond to that . Even though certainly she is the queen of preparation, she has worked out these scenarios in advance and role played them and done all that. Theres still no way to always be on it in the moment, and especially nowadays in the world of social media, we have to remember what might play well in the room plays so differently in the national press, plays so differently on social media and also among viewers at home so i think shes juggling a few things at different levels, but hes to me, although hes so unprepared, he is a very difficult person to be debating against because you dont know who youre going to get. Yeah, its like watching a football game. The best seat is actually in your living room watching it. Exciting to be in the hall, but you dont see what everybody else is seeing. The roundtable is sticking with us. Up next, these people are going to tell me something i dont know. Youre watching hardball. The place for politics. Its my worst nightmare. Every second that power is out, my citys at risk. Siemens digital grid manages and reroutes power, so service can be restored within seconds. 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For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Liberty stands with you. Liberty mutual insurance. All right. Again, the countdown is on. We are just four days away from the first president ial debate between Hillary Clinton and donald trump. And you can watch it right here live monday night on msnbc. Chris matthews is going to be joined by Brian Williams and Rachel Maddow for complete coverage. Thats going to start at 7 00 eastern on monday. Then, of course, the main event, lester holt will moderate the debate. That will begin at 9 00 eastern time. Chris will be back with postgame analysis. Catch a special edition of hardball on sunday night at 8 00 eastern as we get ready for debate night. Well be right back. And an Early Morning mode. And a partly sunny mode. And an outside. To clear inside mode. Transitions® signature adaptive lenses. Are more responsive than ever. So why settle for a lens with just one mode . 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One of his resorts in florida just has a hiring post out for Foreign Workers to come and work in the resorts down there. The strange thing about it, not just to point out his hypocrisy in bringing in guest workers, hes doing it in florida. This is something the Clinton Campaign is going to pounce upon, probably cut an ad in florida. Speaks to the disorganization in his campaign that theyre doing this right now. They could wait two months. He is literally bringing in Foreign Workers right now. Raul reyes, beth, nick, thanks for joining us. Well be right back after this. Like safe driver and paperless billing. But nobody knows the box behind the discounts. Oh, its like my father always told me put that down. Thats expensive. Of course i save people an average of nearly 600, but whos gonna save me . [ voice breaking ] and thats when i realized. Im allergic to wasabi. Well, i feel better. Its been five minutes. Talk about progress. [ chuckles ] okay. Talk about progress. 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