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About dry eyes that interrupt the things you love. Because if youre using artificial tears often and still have symptoms, it could be chronic dry eye. Go to myeyelove. Com and feel the love. Until monday, we say to you, say n sayonara. Coming up, hardball with Chris Matthews. The birth of a president. Lets play hardball. Good evening. Im Chris Matthews in washington. I speak to you now from a capital where the head of state no longer stands publicly accused of being a usurper. Barack obamas no longer described as someone who entered the country under the cover of darkness, assumed the identity of an americanborn citizen, and grabbed through this and other ploys the countrys highest office. This is the claim mr. Donald trump has made again and again about this countrys first africanamerican president. And today, he retracted that historic accusation. Hillary clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy. I finished it. I finished it. You know what i mean. President barack obama was born in the United States, period. Now we all want to get back to making america strong and great again. It was, of course, a claim based upon a set of irrational possibilities that a Young American woman from kansas married a kenyan of unstable promise, went to kenya to have his child, gave that child his name, all while creating a paper trail in honolulu, birth records, local newspaper reports, that he was born in hawaii, so that the son could be eligible 35 years later for the american presidency. Im willing to contend that the only person who would believe such a crazed saga is someone who wants so desperately to bee bark obama illegitimate, theyre willing to suspend all rational thinking and submit to their gut determination that no africanamerican could become an actual american president. That the two centuriesold color bar was not finally broken in november 2008 when that crowd erupted in tearful joy in chicagos grant park. Birtherism is not, has not been a theory, and has been an insistence of some sort of racial test that barack obama failed from the succeed of his conception. So what has donald trump being defending for five years. What evidence did he ever have that president obama was born in kenya . What was it that kept him from retracting his claim five years ago when president obama had to go through the indignity of showing his papers, like some apartheid africa in an area restricted to whites. Today, donald trump employing the same ungranted Civil Authority declared that the president is innocent for the charge which he, donald trump, served as the number one plaintiff, the number one prosecutor, the number one judge and jury. So thats it for that. Hmm. Well, the Clinton Campaign today called trumps actions disgraceful, sickening, and appalling. Here was Hillary Clinton this morning. For five years, he has led the Birther Movement to delegitimatize our first black president. His campaign was founded on this outrageous lay. There is no erasing it in history. Barack obama was born in america, plain and simple, and donald trump owes him and the American People an apology. Well, president obama today, dismiss trumps statement. Lets watch the president. Weve got other business to attend to. I was pretty confident about where you was born. I think most people were, as well. And my hope would be that the president ial election reflects more serious issues than that. Well, it was only last thursday, however, that Rudy Giuliani told me trump now believes the president was born in america. Lets watch rudy. Can you confirm that and donald trump now confirms that when did he do that . When did he do that . He did that two years ago. When did he do that . Two years ago three years ago. When has me now accepted that birtherism is nonsense . Look when did he do that . Chris, Hillary Clintons campaign he did not do that yet. I am waiting for him to do it. I want to know whether you believe that your candidate for president believes he would secede a legitimate president or not . He believes does he believe that he would secede a legitimate president . Donald trump believes now that he was born in the united states. That was last thursday. Joining me right now is nbcs Hallie Jackson who is covering trumps rally tonight. And steve cortez, a surrogate for the Trump Campaign and a member of Trumps National hispanic advisory council. Its great. Hallie jackson, thank you, sir thank you, madame. Let me ask you this. This trump thing, was it the pressure of rudy and Kellyanne Conway and mike pence and others who have come forward and say, of course president obama was born in this country, and not only that, our president for candidate, donald trump, also believes it. Or was it the pressure of the upcoming debates where they knew, no matter who was moderating those three debates, there would be no way that trump could get through with birtherism, three big nights of an hour and a half of debating. Reporter oh, why couldnt it be both, chris . I think thats really the question. I think that Kellyanne Conway has made her imprint on this campaign. By the way, i know its loud. Thats because donald trump is wrapping up his rally in miami just behind me here. But Kellyanne Conway has made her imprint on this campaign. The registethe Rudy Giuliani, you played have tried to speak for him. If he would not have come out and say this, he would not have done it. Youve got the pressure of the upcoming debate and possibly a political calculation. Not renouncing his birther comments would win him a lot of support with africanamerican voters necessarily, but that it could potentially help him persuade collegeeducated white voters that he doesnt have a strain of racism hes often been accused of. Thank you, Hallie Jackson in florida. Lets get back to joy reid. Joy reid and i have shared this issue, this passion, we must say. Anybody who thinks this is small potatoes, anybody who thinks this is not important is ignorant. This is a major issue in our country. First black president is accused of being a usurper. Somebody who couldnt possibly fit on that long list of pictures of american president s. Doesnt belong there. Why . Because some of gut determination to argue that somehow hes from some other part of the world. Joy, take your time on this. Absolutely, chris. It was, as you know, it was an attempt to essentially say that the election of 2008 didnt happen. That barack obama did not beat john mccain to become the president of the United States. That it was all a fraud. That it was all a lie. That he is a usurper, who sneaked into the country, who was sneaked in by his mother, that it was all a conspiracy to put a usurper into the white house. And by the way, you know, donald trump may think that by coming out and doing a sevensecond reversal of his years and years of believing this ridiculous Conspiracy Theory, there was never an investigation to be done, if he thinks that will make people forget the fact that just saying that donald trump somehow has the right to tell the president of the United States to show his papers, who is donald trump to ask the president of the United States thats like a citizens arrest. An attempteds eed citizens ar without any authority. All right, buddy, bulb, whatever he was calling him, give me your papers and prove you have a right to be here. The president , i admit, i was one those saying, show your papers, mr. President , get it over with. This is ridiculous. That didnt work. For five years, hes insisted on this and played cat and mouse. And i think hes been playing to that rat hole of his constituency, that part of his constituency which basically not everybody. Im not talking about baskets of deplorables here. Im talking about a group of people that like it and in every poll say they agree with it, that they do agree that this president is some foreigner who snuck in the country. And look at the polling that shows that a plurality of donald Trump Supporters and of Republican Voters believe the president is a secret muslim, that hes lying about his religion. That he holds values a s antithetical to the american ideals, that he believes in sharia laws, as opposed to muslim values, as if muslims cant hold american values. These beliefs are engrained in the republican party. And it wasnt just about, we dont want to just beat this president in an election, we want to humiliate him. Make him kneel before us. Because we dont want to feel like that he thinks hes better than us. And therefore, this president cant be real, he cant be legitimate, and were going to make him knee and hand us his papers, as if this was apartheid south africa. It was about donald trump needing to feel as if he was superior to the president of the United States. I will ask again, donald trump should be asked, by the next person who interviews him, number one, who do you think you are to tell the president that hes not an american and he should show his papers to you. Who do you think you are . And what suddenly changed. And who are you to exonerate him of the charges only you brought against him. Exactly. Let me go katy tur is just on, katy, a lot of people finish college in less than five years. For five years, weve been taught one lesson by donald trump. N that Barack Obamas a usurper. Now in one sevensecond blurp, he denies it. Because someone says, you better get this out of the way, or someone will be banging you on this. I think seven seconds of him going out and saying the i think the president was born here is not enough. He was supposed to take questions from reporters. And had he done so, we would have been able to ask him, why now after five years, with 53 days left what happened five years ago and what new evidence does he have now . 100 . Nothing and why, if he realized that millions of americans or africanamericans, specifically chris were offended by this, what specifically was it. Chriss raring to get in here. I will tell you why he did it now. I have to ask the questions first. First, what evidence did donald trump have to begin this birther theory . What evidence did he have that this president came from another country . What evidence . Chris, as ive told you what evidence did he have . As ive told you on this show and many shows, i wish he had never gone down this path no, im not asking about your opinions, im asking, what evidence did he have that you know that that justified the claim . I dont know. He shouldnt have gone down this path. Did he have any evidence . No evidence he made the charge without evidence . He has been going down this path its not about your opinion, steve. Steve, its not about opinion. No, this is important the president of the United States trying to make it sound like tell me what evidence he had. Youre trying to make it sound like that hes made it a Campaign Issue. And he has not in any sense made this a Campaign Issue. What american republican supporter of donald trump or independent supporter or democratic supporter of druonal trump doesnt know his position on this birther issue . Everybody knows it. Steve, im sorry, we had this conversation with another surrogate, jack kingston, last week. And he said the same thing, that this hasnt been a Campaign Issue. But that is not true. Donald trump might not be going on stage and saying, i dont believe the president was born in the u. S. , but his supporters believe that. And they yell it out at rallies. And they say thats why theyre supporti inin ining donald trume hes going to bring back western values, because this president doesnt represent americans, because he is other. Someone that wasnt born here, someone that upholds, what they dont call western values. And when you press them for that, they say, muslim values. And donald trump might not be on stage saying that the president wasnt born here, but hes not dissuading his supporters, and hes enjoying the support of those supporters, that he has whipped up over the past five years thats not fair. They support him whats not fair . They support him because he doesnt believe the president was born in this country. Or he didnt, at least until today. He doesnt believe it part of the reason they support donald trump. So that is not fair . How is that not a Campaign Issue . He told us so as concretely as he possibly could today. This has never, a Campaign Issue. The reason he had to address this today is because the Mainstream Media and our opponents on the left are frankly in a frenzy because were doing so well now and we have so much momentum in polling, all they can go to is smearing and name calling. Chris. What evidence do you have trump what evidence do you have that joy and i have discovered a new issue here . I have been pounding this issue since the first time it showed its ugly head five years ago. Chris, i most people are appalled that the first africanamerican president would be chris would be relegated to the position of illegal immigrant by hold on, why do you keep try to make it racial . America is not a race. If youre born here, youre born here. They said hes from kenya of course its racial lets go back to reality here. They call him from kenya because hes africanamerican. Theyre saying, of course hes from kenya. Joy, obviously this is ethnic, obviously. Right. And can i just say, when barack obama was first running for president , one of the common features at republican rallies was to say very pointedly, Barack Hussein obama, to emphasize that middle name. That was done quite often. Second point, why is why is it that africanamericans, who have not up until now have really been the target of Donald Trumps diatribes, why is it that africanamericans are the most diametrically opposed to him of any group, more so than hispanics, who have been the direct targets . More so than any group. Its primarily because of the high milluation, the attempt to humiliate the first black president is its the main charge. Donald trump embodied that and used it to rise. Ben carson wouldnt have even been a thought as a president ial candidate had he not tried to embarrass the president. And one more point and then ill let you talk. Part of the putinism that youre seeing on the right, what do they say . They think, we can Vladimir Putin is a better leader because he loves his country more than barack obama loves his. That was said as recently as today. And so you have republicans making the case that president obama doesnt love the country hes president of. And this is all part and parcel of the birtherism that donald trump rode to fame and to the president ial nomination. You have nod heard donald trump say that at all during this campaign. Ive been listening to donald trump since i lived here in the late 1980s and i think people understand him, if youre black we hear him. Steve, joy, just a second. I want to say the answer to that very important point you made. I watched television all today on this network and i was watching a lot of members of the black caucus, theyre mostly democrats, ill agree to that. But theyre very they were outra outraged. They looked outraged, i assume they were, about this charge of the first africanamerican president being from somewhere else. Why do you think theyre upset . Why is the president or rather, Hillary Clinton, were talking 90 here now, Something Like that, her getting against trump. Why is that . Why is trump losing nine out of ten africanamerican votes . Whats going on . Well, first of all, were fighting and im glad were fighting. We want to earn their votes. We want to persuade africanamericans that we have answers to a lot of the problems that are facing their community. And i love the way trumps doing that and doing it very intentionally. But historically, weve done very poorly as a party. This isnt new to donald trump. So we have a lot of work to do there. But i think this is important, too. Because the candidate that youre effectively backing, by the way, when it comes to highlighting trump im effectively highlighting well do you ever watch this show . Okay, fine i dont think im exactly a cheerleader for either of these candidates the democratic candidate i do try to bring the news to the public. So why did i see so many africanamerican faces today on television outraged at trumps callmy against the president or all of our president . Why do you think theyre angry about this. You say theyre not . Im not saying theyre not angry. I think theyre probably angry because theyre very proud, as they should be, to have the first africanamerican president. But they also should be very suspicious of Hillary Clinton, because when it comes to a candidate who highlighted the foreignness of barack obama, lets when did she do that . In 2008. Well look at the words. Give me the tape. Her chief strategist, mark penn, said, quote, barack obama is not fundamentally american. That is a direct quote and it was a strategy piece that they put out in 2008. How did Hillary Steve in what way did hillary respond to that memo . Did she ever go out and say, this guy seems foreign or this guys exotic . I didnt hear her say that. Well, thats what youre accusing her of doing her chief strategist its something she didnt do how is pointing out mark penns memo, that you just mentioned, how does that negate five years of donald trump beating the drum on not being born the president not being born in the u. S. . How are those two things equal . How is one person in a memo who got fired after that, how is that equal to a republican nominee going out for five years and questioning the otherness of the president . Sure. And also insinuating multiple times, and most recently at the orlando massacre, that he was somehow sympathetic to terrorists . I dont see how those two things are equal. Please help me understand if they are. Knob wino, listen, fair ques. Mark penn was not fired. It was a Minor Campaign official who was fired who was forwarding emails. And the campaign felt strongly enough about this that the Clinton Campaign officially apologized to the Obama Campaign about for about what . So, steve, should donald trump apologize . Should he apologize . The president ial candidate Hillary Clinton, do you have any evidence, steve, that Hillary Clinton ever questioned president obamas birth . I do not directly. Have you ever heard her allude to it . No. So birtherism is entirely a creation of the other side . Just to get the facts. Hillary didnt do this. Facts matter. Its just a fact. And the other issue is, a lot of the reason its so visceral for africanamericans, not only because of how proud people were to have the first black president there to see him, try attempted to be humiliated, but the other piece to what donald trump has said, up until an interview he did on irish tv in 2014, where he also said, barack obama needs to show his college records. Because we need to understand how it is that he got into harvard. Was he there legitimately . If youve been black and been anywhere near an institution of higher learning, you have probably at some point in your life heard, you dont really belong here. You just got in because affirmative action let you in, youre not qualified to be here. Africanamericans deal with this issue of being otherized and being told that the accomplishments that you work hard for, the things that you earned arent yours. He said that about the president s college degree. He said it about his law degree. And he said it up until two years ago, and he said it about him winning the presidency. My god it is unamerican to make that charge joy, it gets worse. He said nobody knew him in school, like, oh, the spooky music. Oh, who was this guy . Was he really in school . Was he really the guy named barack obama. Steve, your response to that kind of talk by your candidate . Look, chris, i didnt see that interview, so i cant comment on that. What he said today, definitively, period, is that the president is an american citizen. We have really important things now to talk about, security and prosperity. And thats what were talking about so you wish he would never say it . So you wish hed never made this issue for the last five years . I wish hed never gone down that road at all. Well, hes been down it a long time and not sure hes come back all the way. Thank you, joy reid. Thank you, katy tur. Thank you, roger ailes, i hate to say it, thank you, Kellyanne Conway. Because somebody got to this guy probably and said, the games up, youve got to stop this crap. Katy tur, thank you. You raced in here. Why is donald trump putting the birther issue back in the front page and why now as his campaign has regained his footing. Does he think he can erase i think he does. Im not going to knock him for telling the truth finally, its what hes said for the last five years thats the issue. And can Hillary Clinton take advantage of this birth thing at this point now that hes closed the door on it for a while . Plus, First Lady Michelle Obama took on the birther lie today, she hit the campaign trail. Shes got the highest Approval Ratings of anybody in politics. Can she convince skeptical young voters to get behind clinton . Thats a big question, can she do what seems tough. And the hardball roundtable is here. And finally, the end to a wild week, my election diary for friday, september 16th. This is hardball, the place for politics. Discover card. Customer service maam. This isnt a computer. Wait. Youre real . With discover card, you can talk to a real person in the u. S. , like me, anytime. Wow. This is a recording. Really . No, im kidding. 100 u. S. Based customer service. Here to help, not to sell. Trust number one doctor recommended dulcolax constipated . Use dulcolax tablets for gentle overnight relief suppositories for relief in minutes and stool softeners for comfortable relief of hard stools. Dulcolax, designed for dependable relief well, the news keeps coming. Libertarian Party Candidate gary johnson for president and green Party Candidate jill stein also for president failed to make the cut for the first president ial debate come september 26th. The commission on president ial debates announced that today. And though johnson and stein satisfied two of the criteria necessary to participate, neither met the threshold on polling data. Hillary clinton and donald trump will face off in that first debate ten days from today, believe it. It is coming on september 26th. While their running mates, tim kaine and mike pence will debate on october 4th. And well be right back. The roses are blooming in herbal essences hair is delightfully fragranced with notes of moroccan rose and the freshness of springtime unforgettable, wherever you go the scents you cant forget. From herbal essences, blooming now male teacher andthe the largest planet . Someone we havent heard from. Female teacher anyone else . Through internet essentials, comcast has connected more than 3 Million People in need to lowcost, high Speed Internet at home, helping to make sure that every hand in the classroom goes up. Male teacher okay, veronica. Amphibian. Male teacher excellent. Welcome to a brighter future. Comcast. Welcome back to hardball. After five years of peddling that rightwing Conspiracy Theory called birtherism, donald trump today said that barack obama was, in fact, born in this country. Well, his acknowledgement comes with just 52 days to go until the election. 52, amid mounting pressure from allies and critics to clarify what he now thinks, or at least sort of admitted. Trump did not say that he had been wrong with all of this. He did not apologize, and at the conclusion of todays event, he avoided questions by restricting the pool reporters who were supposed to follow him afterwards and ask some questions. Didnt let it happen. Just moments ago, trump made another controversial remark at a rally down in miami. He was talking about the Second Amendment and suggested that Hillary Clinton could be the target of violence. Now, listen to what he said. You know, shes very much against the Second Amendment. She wants to destroy your Second Amendment. Guns, guns, guns, right . I think what we should do is she goes around with armed bodyguards, like you have never wbr id wbr15635 seen before. I think that her bodyguards should drop all weapons. They should disarm. Right . Right . I think they should disarm. Immediately what do you think . Yes . Yes. Yeah. Take their guns away she doesnt want guns. Take their lets see what happens to her. Lets see what happens to her, without an unarmed guard. Im joined now by democratic strategist, steve mcmahon, along with matt schlapp, chairman of the american conservative union. Well, lets start with you. Were going to talk a little bit more about trump today, but lets talk about what he said. Is he off the rails again . Why would he say, take away her bodyguards and see what wbr id wbr16005 happens to her . I dont know. It didnt look to me like he was reading off a teleprompter. I know, off the rails. Is this what his brain does when hes thinking loosely . Youre not going to like this, but i think its absurd for politicians who are protected by arms, every day, because, lets face it, we live b in an Unsafe Society at times. For them to say that its okay for them to be protected, but that every individual doesnt have the right to do the same thing. And i think thats he was just pointing out hypocrisy. Does he want something to happen to Hillary Clinton . Hell, no. We want her healthy and we want to run against her. Whats he mean by, lets see what happens to her . What do you mean by that . I want her to be healthy. What did trump mean by lets see what happens to her . She needs to be protected, but so should everyday americans. You made the trump argument, but a little more delightfully than trump did. What do you make of the way he said it . Not exactly a prohillary safety crowd out there. Theyre not worried about her wellbeing. This isnt new for him. This is a guy who walks right up to the line and steps over it on a routine basis and frankly, he doesnt get called for it. Well, we do it. Do you not watch this show . I think hes getting called for it and i think he should get called for it much more broadly and he deserves to. And one of the things i have to wonder, if hes doing this deliberately so he doesnt have to defend the birther stuff anymore or what he did today. He always comes up with the next outrageous thing in order to brush the at last outrageous thing under the rug. Let me ask you about this citizens arrest he attempted five years ago, of barack obama for being a usurper, of being somebody from kenya, the whole absurd thing. I dont know if you heard it a to the beginning of the show, but he cant logically follow birtherism, it doesnt work logically. That a young woman white woman, to be blunt about it, from kansas said, you know, i want my son to be president some day, so im going to marry an africa guy, who is kind of an unstable guy, drinks a lot, ill go over to kenya and have the baby over there, but meanwhile, ill have the newspapers report it in honolulu and the birth certificates and everything, have it there, so 35 years later, hell be eligible for president. Its loony tunes. Thats why he closed the book on it. Five years he sold this stuff i know i know not you, you. I know he closed the book on it. I cant knock him for doing it. Rudy giuliani, i pushed him. Stop this nonsense the trouble with it, he didnt have any new information thats right, which is fine. Whats happening in this campaign he did it without information both times. He has put serious professionals around him and hes listening to them. And i think he got advice to say, quit talking about this. Youre actually doing effective outreach in the africanamerican community, quit talking about this. Is this about the fact that hes facing a debate in ten days . Actually, i think he created some questions today, that are youre not going to let him off the hook, are you . Im not going to let him off the hook. She has some questions, too. Hes supposed to have a News Conference today and parades around the hotel and shows everybody his brandnew hotel. This is a marketer, a salesperson. Are you going to attack him for not having a press conference . He didnt answer a single question about youre a the ideology to go with what youre good at, winning arguments, politically. I think he lessened the chance that birtherism will be a big topic in the first debate by what he said today. If he hadnt done it, whoever the moderator, lester or martha raddatz, chris wallace, any one of those people would most likely say, do you still believe this president is here illegally . That he snuck in the country or assumed the president of the office illegally . That would have been that guaranteed question, i would argue. This way, they can only say, as youre suggesting, well, whyd you say that and then stop, because he can always say, look, i cleared that up. As the clintons always say, ive already talked about this, ive already given my answer. Move on. Org. And it takes the heat out of it generally. Yeah, hes going to go through some painful moments with people like yourself saying, but, but, but, but he closed the book on it. Which way is the momentum going in this campaign, right now . Momentum changes pretty quickly. Which way right now . I think its hillarys. Shes back out on the campaign trail. Shes starting to make a positive case. You know, at the end of the day, this campaign positive case . I havent heard that. This campaign will be decided by the candidate that offers the best and most compelling whats the oneword message of Hillary Clinton . Its together. Stronger together . You asked for only one. Better together. Do you think its better chanthan change . Not when 70 of the American People think were on the track. Im all for change. Nice try. Thank you, steve mcmahon. And donald trump is the one that makes charges against people. Thats right. Boston strong, right . Boston strong anyway, thank you, matt schlapp, thank you. Up next, the hardball roundtable and why donald trump cant but the the birther issue well, im not sure he can. Maybe he has. And Michelle Obama with a strong case for Hillary Clinton. I think he was terrible doing it for five years. Thats my belief. Anyway, the place for politics, right here. With hotels. Coms simple rewards program for every 10 nights i stay i get one free, which i can use all over the world. Like here. And here. And here. Thanks, captain obvious. And with this green screen i can make it seem like im all over the world. Even though im right here. Here you are. I know. I just said that. 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Org no one is happier, no one is prouder to put this birth certificate matter to rest than the donald. And thats because he can finally get back to focusing on the issues that matter. Like, did we fake the moon landing . What really happened in roswell . And where are biggie and tupac . That may have started the fight right there. Welcome back to hardball. That was president obama roasting donald trump at the white house Correspondents Dinner back in 2011. Back then, we thought the issue of the president s birth was put to rest then, of course, with the birth certificate. Of course, it was not. But today, over five years later, and after days, weeks, and years of refusing to acknowledge that president obama is, in fact, an american a naturalborn citizen, up until today, trump now says that obama was born in the United States and that its time well, he says, now, move on. Here he is. President barack obama was born in the United States, period. Now, we all want to get back to making the america strong and great again. Am i wrong, or did he seem to be reading that the way a p. O. W. Reads something when theyre in captivity . But can trump put this issue behind him that easily . Lets ask the hardball roundtable, Eugene Robinson with the washington post, franchesca chalbmbers, and paul singer with usa today. Big readership between all three of you. Trump says after five years of indictments and being the plaintiff, judge, jury and prosecutor of this issue all by himself, believed by a lot of trump people, that hes telling the truth, that this guys a usurper, announces, never mind. Never mind. Does it work, the never mind . I finished it, he says. I mean, look, you covered this as well as anybody over the years i know, ive you pressed him on it rudy came through last week. And from the start, what he was doing with this, and what he continued to do with this. And lets not forget. He kept this up for five years. It launched his political prominence and was, in many ways, the foundation of this political isnt that interesting . Do you read, franchesca, which was the foundation on the right that made him a rightwing, to some competent, trubador. It was a big story at the time . But did it start him tonight road . For being a republican president ial candidate, absolutely. But youre asking if this will last, this is something Hillary Clinton has been bringing up on the campaign trail the entire thooi time shes been running. So this is not something that is new. And you know who really wants to move on from this is the president of the United States. The day he didnt want to talk about it thats different than not being an issue that helps him. But when the president s theres people when the president s shutting it down he doesnt want to talk about himself. Hes embarrassed by the stupidity of it. And the white house gets asked whether the president wants an apology and they say no. Theyre taking it off the table. Look, thats different than wanting it off the table. Because gene agrees with me on this. I agree with you. This is a roll for the president to ask for forgiveness. To get involved. However, if any number of other democrats might go out, say, today, and bash trump well know mercilessly but this is but Michelle Obama, i mean this is not a whiner franchesca, hes not a whiner. He doesnt the, oh, woe is me, he call med bad names. He doesnt do that. But he doesnt mind if other people defend him. He can have Michelle Obama on the campaign trail she smamade fun of the guy today. Made fun of the guy and cutting the figure the democrats want to cut. Shes a winner. Shes a powerful, smart black woman whos able to go to these communities and and its better to be a winner than a whiner. Or an antony weiner. If donald trump this is hes going to reach black voters by doing this thing today with Michelle Obama doing once again, heres what trump just said about Hillary Clinton and this, i think i heard it a couple times. Now i hear the problems with this. Heres what he said about guns protecting his opponent in this race from physical violence. Lets hear what he says. You know, shes very much against Second Amendment. She wants to destroy your Second Amendment. Guns, guns, guns, right . I think what we should do is, she goes around with armed bodyguards, like you have never seen before. I think that her bodyguards should drop all wbr id wbr24296 weapons. They should disarm. I think they should disarm, immediately. What do you think . Yes . Yes. Yeah. Take their guns away. She doesnt want guns. Take their lets see what happens to her. Lets see what happens to her. Lets see what happens to her. Anyway, it wouldnt be the first time, because that remark was reminiscent of something trump said last month about what he called Second Amendment people. Lets listen to this. b hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish, the Second Amendment. By the way, and if she gets wbrid wbr24666 to pick [ audience booing ] if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, i dont know. What is about these tags of his . Hell say something, okay k you can make the argument about judges, and he just cant resist. He cant resist it. The suggestion, well, if you want to knock her off, that might work. Its unbelievable. The Second Amendment people, its like that woman from nevada. Second amendment remedies. Why do they keep talking about Second Amendment action. Its a right, not an action. Every other politician ive ever known or even known of has a sort of governor switch in their head that keeps them from adding that little speculation about assassination, right. Because you dont do that. Trump doesnt have it. He doesnt have it. And so he goes there. And you just wonder, whats going on inside that head, constantly, right . Is this the sort of thing he fantasizes about . Part of the attraction of trump, as a show you never know what hes going to say. Because he has said things that are sometimes very funny. But he doesnt have that well, theres a word for it that i cant use, but a detector, stops you from putting out the crap you shouldnt be saying. But i think the good thing, its a friday night, and news cycle resets itself. By the time she would talk about this on the trail on monday, its a couple days now. Watch this weekend. I think this is going to reverberate. And i didnt think so until i watched richard lui an hour ago. This is his community. This is who he interacts with. They all believe that Hillary Clinton wants to ban your guns and thats bad and shes a bad person. Well, you shouldnt talk about the vulnerability, the violence of anybody, anytime. The roundtable is staking with us. Up next, First Lady Michelle Obama hits the campaign trail today to prop up Hillary Clinton and blast Donald Trumps birtherism claims. By the way, she may be the best politician out there for a couple of reasons. Well get to that in a minute. First of all, shes not a politician. You both have a perfect driving record. Perfect. No tickets, no accidents. That is until one of you clips a food truck ruining your perfect record. Yeah. Now you would think your Insurance Company would cut you some slack, right . No, your insurance rates go through the roof. Your perfect record doesnt get you anything. Anything. Perfect. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Liberty stands with you. 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Well, during his time in office, i think barack has answered those questions with the examples he set, by going high when they go low. And hes answered these questions with the progress that weve achieved together. Welcome back to hardball. That was the first lady of the United States, Michelle Obama, taking a notsosubtle shot at Donald Trumps birtherism today as he campaigns for Hillary Clinton in the suburbs. She was at george mason university, a key battleground area. While Michelle Obamas boasts a 64 Approval Rating according to gallup, the highest of any of the other highprofile political spouses. Anyway, so is americas current first lady the secret weapon for Hillary Clinton, a former first lady herself . Back now with the hardball roundtable, eugene, franchesca, and paul. I thought she was delightful today, your thoughts . She is a very effective advocate not just for her husband, but also Hillary Clinton. And the Clinton Campaign wishes she could have her out there every day. A very diverse crowd there, youth. They may not be voters unless you push them to vote. I think they need a little push. Exactly. You know, she you know, for Hillary Clinton to pull this off, theyve got to activate those young voters. Theyve got to they need them. They cant be called to vote. And when you have Michelle Obama up there, it kind of harks back to the obama coalition, i think, when young people did come out and support him. And they may be a little lukewarm about Hillary Clinton, but theyll come to see Michelle Obama. She said, hillary inspires me. I thought that might be the lead. Because hillary doesnt inspire everybody. Keep in mind, you said the 64 Approval Rating, i bet its a lot higher in the crowds she want her to hit. Why is michelle popular among college kids . Shes charming, energetic, africanamerican, raised these two terrific kids. She seems very youthful. Very, very hip in popular culture. Very fashionable. Shes gone on game shows. She knows the lingo. She has two teenage daughters. She knows the latest dances and music. Shes pals with ellen. You know, whos not . And oprah. And bey, and jayz. The roundtable is sticking with us. Up next i want video of that. Its available. This is hardball, the place for politics. Protecting biodiversity. Everywhere we work. Defeating malaria. Improving energy efficiency. Developing more clean burning natural gas. My job . My job at exxonmobil . Turning algae into biofuels. Reducing Energy Poverty in the developing world. Making cars go further with less. Fueling the global economy. And you thought we just made the gas. Energy lives here. Take on any road with intuitive allwheel drive. The nissan rogue, murano and pathfinder. Now get 0 apr for 72 months, plus 500 bonus cash. Calling it thousand win or lose a debate. Well have a look back at past debates and the great lines when you knew one was going to win. One had struck gold and the other was done. Sheer an example from 1988. 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Remember here at ally, nothing stops us from doing right by our customers. Whos with me . Im in. Im in. Im in. Im in. One, two, wait, wait. Wait wheres tina . Doing the hand thing . Yep we are all in for our customers. Ally. Do it right. Hes a racebaiting, xenophobic, religious bigot. Sage. We are all in for wbr id wbr34330 our customers. Donald trump is a phony, a fraud. Hes not a serious adult. I cant vote for donald trump given the things that he said. Trump should wbr id wbr34630 not be supported. I believe hes disqualified himself to be president. I just cannot support donald trump. b he took back and allowed everyone to think what he wanted to believe. Why did he someone who snuck into this country so he could one day pluck from history the first African American president of the United States. I have a couple of clues. He said he believed president obama legitimate the second pressure, there is no way i could imagine trump getting through the first debate and not have a moderate or Hillary Clinton blast him for his nasty claim about the president. It seems to me someone must have come to this conclusion and told mr. Trump to act now and cut his losses. They dont want to main headline coming out of the first president ial debate to be about birtherism. Consider today trash day with

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