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During her tenure as advisor to the secretary of state and the scrutiny shes under because of it. Thanks for watching. Sayonara. Coming up, hardball with Chris Matthews. Trump takes on terrorists. Lets play hardball. Good evening. Im Chris Matthews in washington. For the third monday in a row, donald trump is trying to regain the offensive after three weeks of slipping poll numbers that have damaged his competitive position. Today in what was billed as a major speech on Foreign Policy, trump laid out new details about how he would fight terrorism at home and abroad. It comes after trump last week accused both president obama and Hillary Clinton of being the founders of isis. Well, today he attacked clinton, saying she lacked, catch this, the mental and physical stamina to take on the terrorist group. Here he goes. With one episode of bad judgment after another, Hillary Clintons policies launched isis on to the world stage. Importantly, she also lacks the mental and physical stamina to take on isis and all of the many adversaries we face. Not only in terrorism, but in trade and every other challenge we must confront to turn our great country around. Chief among trumps new proposals today is what trump calls a new policy of catch this phrase, extreme vetting. Which would accompany his proposed temporary muslim ban on those seeking entry to the United States from countries affected by terrorism. Heres trump. The time is overdue to develop a new Screening Test for the threats we face today. I call it extreme vetting. I call it extreme, extreme vetting. We must also screen out any with hostile attitude towards our country or its principles or who believe that sharia law should supplant american law. Those who do not believe in our constitution or who support bigotry and hatred will not be admitted for immigration into our country. Im joined by msnbc political analyst howard fineman, global editorial director of the huffington post, msnbc terrorism analyst malcolm nance and conservative talk show host dana laesch. Before we get into technical stuff, what did you make, howard, of trumps claim that Hillary Clinton lacks the physical or mental stamina to do the job of fighting terrorism . I think hes doing whatever he can to widen the gender gap even further. Because the implication here is i think just under the table a little bit, you know, im a man, i can take on the bad guys, shes a woman, maybe she cant. What do you make of that, dana . I dont know necessarily if it has anything to do with the gender gap. What does it have to do with, then . I dont know. I dont know if hes going after i dont think you even need to bring in her health or stamina. I think you just look at her Foreign Policy record. Why is he bringing in her stamina, lack of physical and mental stamina . Why bring that up in a speech on Foreign Policy . A direct shot at her personal ability to do the job. I didnt write the speech, i dont climb into his head so i dont know. I can only tell you what i witness from the outside. I look at it like why not just go after the fact her record with honduras, with libya, in egypt, her record of pushing for the wrong reform in syria. Theres a number of things we could touch at. Lets talk let me go with malcolm. So glad to have you and your expertise today, and wisdom. Suppose we had all these rules in place, and im for any effort, nobody knows what to do so everybody should try. Trump is right in there with everybody else. Extreme vetting, the ban for muslim countries that have had terrorism, all that, what would have been which of those would have been effective in stopping 9 11 . Well if you asked those 19 guys are you here to do damage, do you like our country, want to turn it into sharia law, are you hostile toward american values, i assume they would have done when we do, have you been near wild horses this week, have you gone through vegetable patches, the question you ask every time you come into this country, you go no, no, no, no, no. I assume they would have gone no, no, no, no and would have been here. Whats the good of this extreme vetting number . What does it do . I have no idea. Because to tell you the truth, 9 11 was a special mission. Those were trained operatives who were sent here to use as you said the visa system properly to come into this country and then act as sleeper agents until they activated and did the attack. Same thing with the attack we saw in europe. This extreme vetting donald trump is talking about today is nonsense. It really has no basis in reality. Theres only so much you can do. We use national intelligence, deep Level National intelligence about members of isis but to tell you the truth, there are far more disturbing things in his speech than that. Every time you go in a bank they say do you promise not to rob this bank and everybody would say im not going to rob the bank and the bank robbers would say it and then rob it. What is extreme vetting . It sounds ridiculous and i know it is, but what is extreme vetting . Obviously the bad guys will lie. Yeah. I dont really trust bad guys to work on the honor system. I think there are two things with this. First off, im pleased that people are saying islamic terrorism. Im glad we are finally at that stage. Trump is. We need to identify it. You think obamas not clear about who our enemy is . Well, when we have the fbi who is redefining words in their documents so as to omit words like sharia and other instances, yeah, i think we are not being very clear. We need to be. Thats important. But heres the thing about this. With the creation of a commission, i guess i wonder why do we need to create another commission, why cant we have the fbi, cia, dhs, why cant we have these agencies simply do the very thing we are, the campaign is talking about having this commission do . I think thats something that maybe perhaps we should look into instead of creating another commission. Good point. Here he is. So everybody watching knows what we are talking about, you are referring to what trump today proposed as a new domestic commission, his word, to root out homegrown terrorism, people here who have become terrorists while here. One of my first acts as president will be to establish a commission on radical islam. The goal of the commission will be to identify and explain to the American Public the core convictions and beliefs of radical islam, to identify the warning signs of radicalization and to expose the networks in our society that support radicalization. To accomplish your goal you must state a mission. The support networks for radical islam in this country will be stripped out and removed one by one viciously, if necessary. Viciously, if necessary. I didnt like that phrase. Viciously . Yeah. That said to me, its like he said were going to do it in a way that will bother people purposely. It will be really horrendous. Im not even sure exactly what it meant. You trying to figure out in a local mosque is the imam, is he saying things that would stir radical thinking and radical behavior, right. Okay. I think we do that already. Whats he up to . First you will have a Propaganda Commission designed to tell everybody whats wrong with all of these people. Then you are going to viciously strip them out. Thats the eterm he used. He repeated it, in these terms, viciously extreme, extreme, all of that is donald trump trying to communicate a sense of anger and retribution that hes going to carry out and hurt them while were doing it. Thats his theory. For his people, for the people at his core, this actually was a welldone speech for those people. Lets go to malcolm. What is the usefulness of this kind of proposal which first of all, most conservatives, not sure trump should be called a conservative anymore, they hate all these commissions. Theres millions of them. They are everywhere. Commission on this, commission on that. Its called nanny state, its getting in our face. If you could detect crime or criminal intent before it occurred, we would have it made. We would have it all made. There wouldnt be any more crime because we could spot them with interviewing people. You want to commit a crime, put them away. You cant spot crime ahead of time. Human nature isnt susceptible to previews. We dont preview our behavior. Your thoughts. Youre the expert. Can i be honest with you . Sure. I have been doing this a long time. I have heard a lot of things this last year in this campaign but im going to tell you right now, this is the single most unamerican thing i have ever heard in my life. I have heard deep undertones of this. Hes talking about creating a politboro type organization that will root out extremism viciously within the United States . This is mccarthyite level of studies. Visualize what it would be. Obviously he will have to either nationalize the federal armed forces and intelligence apparatus in order to turn it inward on u. S. Citizens in order to investigate our own citizenry for suspected networks. This is not going after humphrey bogart for whether he was in the communist party in the 1950s. This is a war on american citizens under the guise of the name of terrorism. I have been doing counterterrorism for 35 years. I have never heard anything like this and this is dangerous, dangerous talk. Dana, your thoughts on this . I dont want this onesided attack. What do you think, what you heard today . What did you like in his proposals . Let pme put it positively. I was in the middle of my Radio Program when he spoke. I checked out the transcript and walked away with a couple of things. First off, i think when he was talking about this commission which i just said earlier im not quite sure why we couldnt have the fbi or dhs to do it because the dhs is if we all remember, created in the aftermath of 9 11. There has been complications with this. We have seen complications with the politicization of going after radical islamic terror even in the language that is being used in fbi documents. I think we need to remove the politicizing of going after radical islamic terror, remove that. I think thats one positive step that his campaign has made. But you know, as you mentioned, im a conservative libertarian. I dont want to see a ton of different commissions. I just want to see the departments that have been charged with protecting United States citizens with regards to keeping us safe, making sure that we dont have homegrown terror attacks, making sure we are not having radical islamic terrorists come into the United States. I want to see the departments to be able to do their jobs. Im not quite sure how this commission is going to fit into that. But i like the fact we are acknowledging what we are fighting against. I do get the sense, i have to tell you this, i do get the sense that if there was a 3 00 a. M. Phone call, donald trump would probably answer it as opposed to Hillary Clinton because he cant stop tweeting so he always has his phone. You know he would be able to answer something. Look, im not an expert. Malcolm is. I think they know who they are going after. I think tell me right now, your judgment of our fbi efforts. Is our fbi leading in the right wing, left wing direction, too soft, too politically correct or too tough . Where would you rate our efforts right now in terms of catching bad guys as they become bad guys . I think they are excellent at catching the bad guys. We have caught virtually everybody. We are evaluating this on the one or two that get through the network. As we have seen, many of them, many of them are u. S. Citizens and to then categorize the children of immigrants of which we are all, as potential threats to the United States and to focus Law Enforcement and intelligence efforts on that runs up to a flat constitutional violation right off the bat, then secondly, try to propagandize the United States with it. This is dangerous. Its just dangerous. Its wrong. Its absolutely wrong. Is it wrong to look for islamic terrorists among islamic people . No. Its wrong to look, thats a false im asking a simple question. Its not wrong to look. But as we know, terrorists who come into this country have no structure around them that makes them whether they are going to be a muslim or not. Radicalization from christians who have converted, we have had american citizens who are completely unreligious go out and become terrorists and adopt terrorist ideology in one day. When the brits used to fight the ira it was pretty smart to start with the irish. It wasnt stupid of them or wrong. But that was a homogenous society in a geographically limited area in which Northern Ireland was infiltrated already with British Forces and british people who could turn grass who would turn information on them. The United States is 320 million people. You are essentially saying we will turn a flashlight, a spotlight on to the entire nation to root out a class of people which are nameless and classless which could actually create far, vast more quantities of terrorism. If i im just trying to find out where you put the needle here. Wheres the needle going to be. The more terrorism we get, will the needle more towards the more right wing point of view . You know it is. We know the more that goes on the tougher government will get. Dana . We have gone after a lot of limited government individuals here in the United States before and have had government departments, bureaucratic agencies which have been weaponized to do so. Im glad to see we are coming to some concrete agreement about how its perhaps not very good to do that. I will say this. I think we need to be more selective about our immigration process, as much as other countries like mexico and ireland are. I do think we need to be aware we cant politicize the religion, a religious fundamentalism, we have zealots coming out that dont like our way of life and we need to stop being politically correct about it. Thats why i will say the republican nominees resonating with a lot of people. Thank you all. Coming up, as donald trump talks National Security, his Campaign Chairman paul manafort, this is tricky, is facing serious questions about undisclosed Cash Payments in the millions he reportedly accepted from the prorussian Political Party in ukraine. The Clinton Campaigns pouncing on the story as you might expect. Manafort says the reports are false, he didnt take money from any government, he says. Plus Hillary Clinton campaigns with Vice President joe biden up in scranton today, where biden came from. Clinton is hoping he can help her win the final piece of at the lelectoral puzzle. If she can beat trump up there shes got it. And the hardball roundtable is here with their take on trumps news strategy of attacking the media. Hes attacking everybody and accusing Hillary Clinton of cheating her way to victory. Thats pretty desperate. Let me finish with trumps charge he has more mental and physical stamina than hillary. I have an obvious way for him to prove his point. And so. My new packing robot will make jet warehouses even more efficient. And save shoppers money. Genius smoke alarm sounds oh no. Charlene . No. Charlene. No. Charlene. Why is she wearing earrings . Why is it a she . Shh. At jet. Com, we always find innovative ways to save. Get 15 percent off your first order. The Editorial Board of the wall street journal issued a devastating critique of the Trump Campaign today. Quote, by now it should be obvious that none of this is working. Its obvious to many of his advisers who are the sources of the news stories about dysfunction. They may be covering for themselves but this is what happens in failing campaigns. The difference is that the recriminations typically start in october, not midaugust. If they cant get mr. Trump to change his act by labor day the gop will have no choice but to write off the nominee as hopeless and focus on salvaging the senate and house and other down ballot races. Thats the wall street journal editorial page. Thats supposed to be the friend of republicans. Well be right back. Ross new yo, from long island to buffalo, from rochester to the hudson valley, from albany to utica, Creative Business incentives, infrastructure investment, university partnerships, and the lowest taxes in decades are creating a stronger economy and the right environment in new york state for business to thrive. Let us help grow your companys tomorrow today at business. Ny. Gov one number 21 in the books. A dog, talked. Were decedent from the mighty wolf. A voice was heard. If you build it, he will come. A girl discovered magic. A revolution began. Welcome, to the wonders that happen, everyday. Welcome, to it all. Comcast. I also believe that we can find Common Ground with russia to fight against isis. Welcome back to hardball. That was donald trump and his Foreign Policy speech this afternoon. He made no mention during his speech of the latest distraction for his campaign. New questions about his campaign manager, Paul Manaforts ties to the prorussian party of ukraine. Todays New York Times reports that manafort who ran a Political Consulting firm was the recipient of 12 million in cash from the party of former ukrainian president viktor yanukovych. The article states handwritten ledgers show 12. 7 million in undisclosed Cash Payments designated for mr. Manafort from mr. Yanukovych. Yanukovychs prorussian Political Party from 2007 to 2012. Investigators assert the dispersions were part of an illegal off the books system. Manafort, a longtime consultant for yanukovych slammed the New York Times saying once again the New York Times has chosen to purposefully ignore facts and professional journalism to fit their political agenda. Its fwhoenl that i do work in the United States and have done Work Overseas as well. I have never received a single off the books cash payment as falsely reported by the New York Times nor have i ever done work for the governments of ukraine and russia. The New York Times never alleged he worked for the government of ukraine, of course. It didnt take long for the Clinton Campaign to pounce on the report. Robby mook, the Campaign Chair, called on the Trump Campaign to disclose Campaign Chair Paul Manaforts and all other advisers ties to russia and prokremlin entities including whether any employees or adviser currently representing or being paid by them. Manaforts connections to the ukrainian president is nothing now but given trumps calls for closer ties with president putin and the recent hack of the dnc, the report raises some questions i suppose. For more, im joined by the Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson and nina kruscheva, from the new school. Thank you for joining us. Eugene, first of all, i think churchill said russia is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside after enigma. Then he said to understand russia, think of their interests. What are the interests of russia, of mr. Putin, in our election . What interests do they have in it . For a reasonably unparanoid person, what would i think they would care who won this election . I think putin wants to reestablish russia as a great power. I think he wants to steal or appropriate as much money as he can along the way. I think he wants to continue his own reign, i think you could almost call it that, in russia and by that to curry popular favor by essentially not reestablishing the entire soviet empire, but plucking off crimea and establishing a certain amount of russian influence over the sort of former soviet republican. I think thats what they want. Nina, thank you for joining us. What do you think russia wants right now in terms of our election . Do they have any interest in it . They certainly have interest in it. They have been commentating it, they have been alleged or at least trump alleges theres a relationship between him and Vladimir Putin and i think for what Vladimir Putin wants is that he does want to have relationship with the United States. Trump promised him that relationship. Vladimir putin also knows if trump is elected, this relationship is going to be driven by putin, whether they really actively influence it or not, we can discuss the dnc scandal and hacking and whatnot but they are certainly going to get a candidate, going to get a president in the white house who as putin probably believes is going to follow putins example, because trump does want to be Vladimir Putins friend. Trump told us already that nato is probably an Outdated Alliance and therefore, the European Countries may not be protected by nato. He did say we are going to fight isis together, whatever that means. So in this sense, for putin, i think trump is a very comfortable occupant of the white house in the future. You know, decades, generations ago i heard the argument that most of the 20th century was east versus west. Us against russia. Us against china. And the next generation, one were in right now, was going to be north south. It was going to be islamic. There is the russian revolution, the russians worried about the bottom of their country. They have the same worry we have now. Alliance isnt odd or against our interests, necessarily, is it . We both have the same enemy right now. Well, right. I think not necessarily. There has been a hesitancy on the part of the Obama Administration and most of the Foreign Policy establishment here to go all in with putin on the middle east and on syria, for example. We are kind of doing it in syria. I thought secretary kerry was doing that. The idea is we dont want to be seen as approving what hes doing in crimea, the way he sort of looms over the baltics. We dont want to be seen as aiding and abetting that sort of behavior by getting in bed with putin too snuggly. Thats what nixon did in the 70s. We didnt argue over vietnam. We negotiated on other things. Let me ask about this thing. What do you think about this manafort thing . Manafort, whenever you see money in this country, everybody is like that explains everything. 12 million explains a lot of policy. If hes taking 12 million from yanukovych and his party in ukraine, that explains what . Because trump was having his bromance, his bromance with putin a long time before manafort showed up. So whats the connection . Whats the importance of manafort having taken some money if he did . In some ways, bromance is mostly in Donald Trumps mind, because there is no evidence that they have ever met. Trump has been courting russia since the early 90s and really the relationship kind of always get to the point of some trump tower rising somewhere in moscow and it really never, ever happened. So that relationship for trump was sort of putin is much more desirable part of bromance at least for now than trump is for putin, but the manafort, its really not it has been known that manafort is political operative, he runs campaigns and has dealings with various unsavory governments. He worked in zaire, in the philippines with marcos. It really has been known about him. Its just somebody who donald trump just talked about extreme vetting. That is remarkable that somebody who runs supposedly seriously for president really has such unsavory characters in his own campaign and really gives him a very bad taste, not that we need more of a bad taste there, but really cements the notion that trump is bad for american democracy, very bad for americas reputation because he can be flattered that putin does and he can be bought. Therefore, all this d he can be bought . How do we know that . What i mean is he keeps talking about the deal. He keeps talking about the fact that economic relationship more important than anything. Every time he delivers, almost every time he delivers a political speech he talks about his hotels somewhere. So this suggests that the price is right and the deal is right, he can actually make that deal. I think that is dangerous because if america is the leader of the free world, what does it say about the next free world leader in . I have to think your family for what you did in the world two generations ago. That is i didnt like your grandfather putting offensive weapons in cuba but i sure as hell liked the fact he took them out and saved the world from blowing up. Thank you for coming on the show tonight. Thank you. In all seriousness, i think every american agrees with me. Up next, Vice President joe biden hits the trail with Hillary Clinton in scranton, pennsylvania, a state trump hopes to turn red. He aint going to do it this week. The clinton lock up the keystone state for herself and kill trumps chances . Because we all know you dont win pennsylvania if youre trump, you dont win the presidency. The battleground map is looking better and better for the dems. Thats ahead. My business was built with passion. But i keep it growing by making every dollar count. Thats why i have the spark cash card from capital one. With it, i earn unlimited 2 cash back on all of my purchasing. And that unlimited 2 cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business. Which adds fuel to my bottom line. Whats in your wallet . That i would never le become a superhero. [singing indistinctly] but i learned how to fly. Just to come back in a new disguise, and be the hero ive always wanted to be. Now you cant spell nutriam i right . T nut, i mean whose to say its pronounced nutriton, anyway . My mixes contain delicious nuts, specially blended for your optimal nutrition. Thats right, i just changed a word in the english dictionary, forever. Planters. Nutrition starts with nut. Im milissa rehberger. Heres whats happening. Massive floods in louisiana are blamed for at least seven deaths so far. A state of emergency was declared last week. Thousands are staying in shelters. The socalled clayton wildfire burning in Northern California has grown to 4,000 acres or six square miles. It started on saturday. 175 structures have been destroyed. And the Defense Department has announced the transfer of 15 detainees from the prison at Guantanamo Bay to the united arab emirates. 61 detainees remain at the facility. Back to hardball. It is so great to be back in scranton, pennsylvania. We came to the lake every summer of my life and loved every minute of it. My father was able to go to college, went to penn state, where he played football. I want to make it clear that as scranton has always had my back, we in fact, all of us, are going to have your back, hillary. Welcome back to hardball. That was Hillary Clinton today with joe biden, the Vice President , in scranton, pennsylvania, where both the rodham and biden family have their roots. It was the first joint appearance for clinton and biden and the Vice President didnt hold back when it came to trump. Here he is. Hes trying to tell us he cares about the middle class. Give me a break and to repeat myself, its such a bunch of malarkey. It makes no sense. None. None. None. None. This guy doesnt care about the middle class. And i dont even blame him in a sense because he doesnt understand it. He doesnt have a clue. I have worked with eight president s of the United States. I have served with hundreds of senators. Only 13 senators in history, im embarrassed to say, have served as long as i have. No Major Party Nominee in the history of the United States of america, now, dont cheer, just listen, has known less or been less prepared to deal with our National Security than donald trump. Well, as joe biden would say, in all sincerity, theres virtually no scenario in which donald trump cannot win the white house without winning pennsylvania. But right now the numbers dont look good at all for trump. The last four polls out of pennsylvania show clinton, Hillary Clinton, with double digit leads, up there at ten. Its about ten, holding there, between ten and 11 points. This is awful for trump. Joining me are two men who know pennsylvania, what it takes to win that state. Ed rendell, the former governor of pennsylvania, former mayor of philadelphia, former d. A. And john brayben, former strategist for Rick Santorum. It seems to me that hillary and joe biden today were chipping away at what might be the trump base. They are going for that bottom 30 . They are going past the suburbs, going to scranton, going for a big win. Theres no question, chris. And they have got a message. The message is this guy they are running against is a phony. He talks about bringing jobs back to america, yet everything he produces is produced abroad. He has no real programs. He doesnt have any feel for the middle class. Hes been a rich guy living off the largesse. He brags about paying as little taxes as possible. He has nothing in common with you. Hillary clinton in her speech in detroit actually resonated a lot of themes that do appeal to the middle class. I think she has a chance to get that. But understand, it almost doesnt matter if donald trump continues to lose the philadelphia suburbs by 40 points. I will give you an example. In 2012, barack obama was elected statewide in pennsylvania by five percentage points. He only carried the philadelphia suburbs by six points. No democrat in history has had a 40 margin except when i ran for reelection in 2006, i won 70 to 30 but i was the hometown guy so you can throw that out. You cannot lose the philadelphia suburbs by more than 15 or 20 if you are a republican and have any hope of victory. What do you think of that . I have heard that argument. 33 of the vote in pennsylvania is from philly and the suburbs. We have a pennsylvania quorum. You are from philly, im from erie. We know the state. I will tell you the western side of the state is a lot different. Heres what you have to understand. The fluidity and the wing voswi vote in pennsylvania. When ed rendell ran in 2006, i believe, correct me if im wrong, you won by approximately 20 . Four years later, 2010, the republicans then win the governors race by ten points, a 30 point swing in just four years. The point of pennsylvania is you have to throw out history and understand Rick Santorum was elected twice statewide. Tom ridge was elected governor twice statewide. Tom corbett. Pat toomey is our senator. They will vote for republicans. We are struggling at the moment in the eastern side of the state as the governor says but that can change. How would it change . Well, first of all the paradox of pennsylvania and the paradox of trump is hes appealing to what are the son and daughters of reagan democrats, particularly in the western center parts of the state. But hes doing it in a way that i think is hurting him with some of the more moderate republican, oftentimes female voters in the eastern part of the state and hes trading off on those. He cant afford to do that. Let me ask you, when you look at his tough stance on immigration, basically he targets terrorists, he thinks he can find them in the way j. Edgar hoover couldnt find thm. I dont know how he intends to find them before they commit the actions. How does that swing in, say, bucks county and Montgomery County . Does that hurt him there . Is that a plus for him . It cuts both ways. It hurts him a little bit but it also helps him with security moms and there are security moms in the suburbs. John is absolutely right. Hes getting killed in the suburbs, hes losing republican votes and losing independent votes bigtime. Unless he reverses that course, hes in deep, deep trouble. Im not sure that he can reverse it. I think this is almost locked in or set in. I dont think hes going to lose by 40 points but he sure as heck is not going to be competitive. Im not sure theres much he can do to change it. Nbc news has updated its 2016 battleground map to reflect the latest polling. Catch this. If the election were held today, its not going to be held today, the states in Hillary Clintons column add up to 288 votes, electoral votes, exceeding the 270 needed to win the presidency. So shes ahead. Donald trump is at 174 electoral votes, an additional 76 in the tossup category. So john . Well, heres the problem. If he has a good week, he hasnt had a good week in three weeks. We havent had debates or any of this stuff. Does he want to debate . Will he debate . Absolutely has to, and has to win. But you cannot win as a republican unless you get all the romney votes, of those states, and then you have to win two rust belt states, probably ohio and pennsylvania, and then florida. Thats a lot to ask. Quick question for the governor. Is there any way the democrats can get back the reagan democrats, the working people, white people, to be blunt about it . Get them back, the ones that did like Bobby Kennedy . Can you get them back . Yeah, i think if Hillary Clinton gets elected president and if she does economically what she did for, for example, upstate new york, i think she can win those people back. One quick point, though. Tom corbett was elected governor because he won the philadelphia suburbs by ten points. Donald trump would have to pick up 50 points to do as well as tom did. You cannot beat the governor at the numbers. Especially the suburbs of philly where hes god. John brabender they loved him in the subject shalls. More importantly, the eagles and steelers play thursday night. Governor, thank you. Great eagles commentator and expert. Up next, donald trump says if it werent for the press, the media, he would be crushing hillary in the polls. Isnt attacking the media the hallmark of a loser . The roundtable is coming here for that. Mapping the oceans. Where we explore. Protecting biodiversity. Everywhere we work. Defeating malaria. Improving energy efficiency. Developing more clean burning natural gas. 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After verbally railing against the press, trump then took to twitter to a series of posts saying it is not freedom of the press when newspapers and others are allowed to say and write whatever they want even if it is completely false. He also tweeted if the disgusting and corrupt media followed me or covered me honestly and didnt put false meaning into the words i say, i would be beating hillary by 20 . Joining me right now for the roundtable, its a great one, jennifer granholm, clinton delegate, i never get that straight. Former governor of michigan. Eli stokeles and april ryan, my pal. April, lets go. First of all, usually you attack the media when you have a reason. He seems to attack for everything. What did we do . We quoted him when he kept saying hillary is the founder of isis because he kept saying it literally, i mean it literally. Then he got up friday morning at 6 30 and put a tweet out saying what i have been saying for three or four days doesnt mean anything, its just a sar catchi sarcastic remark. What you say is what you mean. He is a gentleman, using that term loosely, who seems to say a lot of things. He will say some things, then come back and change it. You dont see that is not president ial. When it comes to the press, he seems to be very angry with us because we are factual, we are doing fact checking. For instance, hes very upset about us talking about his economic plan, the National Urban league is running out against it calling it foul, talking about the fact its a trickledown effect and those who are in minority groups, moderate to low income, will not fare well. I will say this. As someone in the fourth estate, we are the Fourth Branch of government. The imaginary Fourth Branch of government. But its about accountability. We hold the president or any of these president ial candidates or anyone that we are covering accountable with q as. One thing i noticed was after he won the nomination early, he suffered because the press had a lot of time to do enterprise reporting. For weeks, they were doing tough pieces on him. Thats a fact. Then lately, hes still mad about that, still raging against the wind now but for awhile there, there was a lot of enterprise reporting and he suffered from it because he doesnt look good under inspection. He just doesnt look that good. Right. He hasnt pivoted or changed his message in that time. Theres a big selffulfilling prophesy aspect to this. Why is the information flow on donald trump so negative. Its because the country has never seen somebody so mendacious whats that mean . Telling lies. Falsehoods. So theres that aspect of it. Just say hes a liar. I will try to dumb it down a little more. I like big words. I think its obvious why hes hitting this so hard now. He cant talk about the polls anymore. The polls only show him down ten points and its a great talking point to hit the press for his base, but again, it doesnt really mean anything to swing voters, people who are really important to this election. Mendacious was used in cat on a hot tin roof and somebody said just say what you mean. Remember that . I dont. Governor, the wall street journal, talking about the press, trashed him today, one of the most conservative major newspapers in the country trashes trump. It isnt just the liberal media, the New York Times and everybody else. It is such a stupid strategy, honestly. I know hes got this whole notion of if i tell it like it is or go after the press, my base will be happy. You know what, if you go after all the media that means you are going after people in home towns across the country. He doesnt like rush limbaugh. He doesnt mean fox. People back home who are not in his camp hear first of all hes whining. Two, hes insulting the media broadly which i subscribe to, i read the hometown papers. Which paper do you like . Detroit free press. Whats the best newspaper in the country right now . Its hard to argue with the work the New York Times is doing. There are a lot of great local city papers also doing great work. What about the urban networks . You get a lot of that . The roundtable is staying with us. Up next, these three tell me something i dont know. 7 when it comes to healthcare, seconds can mean the difference between life and death. For partners in health, time is life. We have 18,000 people around the world. The microsoft cloud helps our entire staff stay connected and Work Together in real time to help those that need it. The ability to collaborate changes how we work. What we do together changes how we live. Listen to me. I am captain of the track team, and if im late. She doesnt really think shes going to get out of here, does she . Be nice. Shes new. Hello is anyone there . Rrr wow. Even from our standards, you look awful. Oh, sweetie, what happened . Girl me . My friend becky got to talk to this supercute boy, and i tried to act like i wasnt jealous, but i so totally was, and then, out of nowhere, this concrete barrier just popped up. Maybe it was a semi. You mean you were driving . Yeah. I mean, i know the whole eyes on the road thing. But this was a super important text. Maybe you have to know becky. Texting . Great. But it was only, like, 5 seconds, and im a really, really fast texter, so it wasnt even a big deal. Actually, has she texted me back yet . [squishing sound] wow, i get, like, no bars in this ple. I wonder if they have wifi here. A new survey on usa today and rock the vote shows Hillary Clinton winning among mel linials. 56 of the vote, 30 advantage among young adults. Constipated . Trust number one doctor recommended dulcolax use dulcolax tablets for gentle overnight relief suppositories for relief in minutes and stool softeners for comfortable relief of hard stools. Dulcolax, designed for dependable relief we start with the governor. Governor, tell me something i dont know. Shes there with joe today in your favorite state. Bob finnegan. They all came out for this one. Heres what the kicker is, not been covered, in pennsylvania, pennsylvania will gain from her economic plan because they were talking about jobs, pennsylvania will gain 414,000 jobs, according to moodys and would lose 135,000 what would happen with fra fracking under hillary . Given the current situation, she would im causing trouble. Go ahead. Reince priebus, a lot of people say he has the toughest job in politics trying to be the go between. Hes done this for six years now and in his third term. You would think after this cycle he would want to take a long vacation. There is scuttlebutt he may want to run for a third term and they broke the story today. Carly fiorina may be interested. Stay tuned. Were going to tv fast, we remember him from the white house correspondents dinner, cornell brooks was there. When he said the n word was racially offensive but now he says Larry Whitmore will have his show canceled, said there will only be one black person in late night tv and his voice speaking out on issues of race will be gone. He says there will be a big lack of diversity now that larry is gone. Whos replacing him . Hes not being replaced. Thats very bad news. Thank you, jennifer. I mean governor. You can call me jennifer. Here, governor. Let me finish with trumps charge he has more mental and physical stamina han hillary clinton. I have an obvious way for him to try to prove it. Youre watching hardball, the place for politics. Now she writes mostly in emoji. Soon, shell type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. 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Kybella® is an fdaapproved nonsurgical treatment for adults with a moderate amount of fullness. Or a bit more. Dont receive kybella® if you have an infection in the treatment area. Kybella® can cause nerve injury in the jaw resulting in an uneven smile or facial muscle weakness, and trouble swallowing. Tell your doctor about all medical conditions, including if you have had or plan to have surgery or cosmetic treatments on your face, neck or chin; have had or have medical conditions in or near your neck or have bleeding problems. Tell your doctor about all medicines you take. The most common side effects are swelling, bruising, pain, numbness, redness, and areas of hardness in the treatment area. Find a doctor at mykybella. Com felix let me finish tonight with something donald trump said today that cannot go unnoticed. Trump said quote shellacs the mental and physical stamina to take an isis and all the many adversaries we face, not only in terrorism but trade and the challenges we mutt confront to turn we must confront to turn this country around. There you have it the challenge, he, the real estate baron believes the public will favor him over his rival. He beat jeb bush by calling him low energy. And now calling clinton stamina, mental and physical, he has it and she doesnt. In 1950 when he was running for senator of california, congressman Richard Nixon took such a shot and his rival. Its awfully hard for a woman, he said, this campaigning. I was thinking of that when trump made his lions roar of anything she can do i can do better. How can we test it and know which of the contestants wins the stamina medal in gold competition . How about we debate and make each contest about an hour and a half to see who has the mental stamina to stay sharp and physical stamina to keep up the

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