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Politicians to put them first. I dont think love is in the air. Well have more on ryantrump all night on bloombe bloombergpolitics. Com. Until tomorrow, thanks for watching. Coming up, hardball with Chris Matthews. Are you with him or against him . Lets play hardball. Good evening. Im Chris Matthews up in new york. Not ready for trump. Thats the word from paul ryan said this afternoon donald trump needs to change his cadence. Thats his word. Cut out the bullying and reassure conservatives he shares their principles. To be perfectly candid with you, im not ready to do that at this point. Im not there right now. I hope too. I want to. I think what is required is that we unify this party. I think the bulk of the burden on unifying the party will have to come from our presumptive nominee. What a lot of republicans want to see is we have a standard bearer that bears our standards and unifies all the wings of the Republican Party. Its time to go from tapping into anger to channelling that anger into solutions. This evening donald trump responded to that. He said im not ready o support speaker ryans agenda. Perhaps in the future we can Work Together and come to an grem about what is best for the american people. Also michael steele, the former chair who is an msnbc political analyst. What is happening tonight . Do we have a sense of news tonight . Absolutely. The crowd is fired up. They are ready to hear donald trump. Remember, this is his first rally since becoming the presumptive nominee. Its interesting because the gop leadership is backing away from him. Theyre not ready to embrace him. Donald trump, expect him to come out and talk about that. The speakers that are out here before him have already mentioned it to resounding boos from this crowd. I expect well hear more about it. Certainly going to hear a lot of attacks on Hillary Clinton. Seems not like only will west virginia vote next week, that makes sense to be there, but i sense this is the beginning of his appalachian campaign. Western pennsylvania, ohio, kentucky. He knows that where his strength might be beyond the usual republican vote. Absolutely. If you look at the electoral vote, hes got to convert rust belt states that have been blue. Places like ohio, michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania and turn them into red states. Hes got to do well in that white, working class demographic that so far hes run away with in the primary pps places like arizona with a high number of latino voters, those could turn red to blue. Donald trump has his work cut out for him trying to find way to appeal to a general electorate audience. So far its been focused on are enbas republican base. Ryan said get rid of your bullying, and trump said stop telling me what to do. They keep saying hes a counter puncher. You saw paul ryan throw the first punch in this argument between whether hes going to endorse him or not. Trying to convince donald trump to tone down his rhetoric and unify the party and make amends and move a bit away from those extreme positions. Donald trump refusing that and says he doesnt endorse speaker ryans agenda which is basically the republican agenda. Its a remarkable thing to have happen just hours after donald trump becomes the resumptive nominee. The past two republican president s, both president s bush, are not going to be endorsing him and mitt romney, the past Party Nominee isnt going to the convention. Thats great. Hang in there. Well be back to you. He said im not begging for republicans to join me. Ill decide who i want to go with me. Hes saying well see but right now were on separate courses. Explain what hes up to. What a moment. A stunning rebuke from the house speaker. A temper divide. Its underscores whats happening in this Republican Party. Trump is a populist on trade. The other head of the party who counters him right now in stature wants to cut Social Security and medicare. Its a total polar opposite of trump in style and substance. Let me bring in michael steele. It seems to me in terms of party, trump is saying im the party now. Join me. Youre the problem. Not the solution. Theres a bit of truth in that. In fact, from the Trump Supporters point of view, if the ryan agenda, such as it is, the boehner agenda, such as it was, was the agenda for the party, how come you couldnt get it done. How come you couldnt get it passed. You couldnt even stop health care. You couldnt give us a Supreme Court that could stop health care. Thats the crux of the argument. All those people sitting behind katie, thats the new reality of the gop. What youre seeing is an ideological as well as a personal divide about who this party is and what it is. Donald trump is saying its mine now. The past 24 hours, many republicans have agreed to back trump. Mitch mcconnell said ive committed to supporting the nominee chosen by Republican Voters and donald trump, the presumptive nominee is on the verge of clenching that. Paul labrador said he would support trump but also criticized him for not knowing much about the constitution or politics. Haley barbour said life is a series of choices when the choice is between Hillary Clinton and donald trump, im going with donald trump. A spokeswoman for senator kelly ayotte says she plans to support the nominee, but she isnt planning to endorse him. Senator john mccain explained why he is Backing Trump. I support the nominee of the party. Ive repeatedly said the things i dont agree with him on. I love campaigning. I love being here. Im a proud republican. Im a ronald reagan, Teddy Roosevelt republican. I support the Republican Party and the people the republicans have chosen the nominee for the party. I think that makes sense. I have significant differences with donald trump on a lot of National Security issues. My job is to steer our party and the nations policies in the direction to make america safe. Thats my obligation. Whats the pattern now . Whos in and whos out . Looks like mccain being a regular republican being in, i wonder whether its the red hot conservatives who are still holding out led by cruz. Its the movement type. Its not the business republicans. Theyre getting in line. They think Hillary Clinton is the target. They think she can be beaten if theres a shift in the electorate. Its the movement guys and the people who come out of Jack Kemp School like paul ryan who are supply cidesideers. They dont see conservative principles coming out of his campaign. That makes them anxious. What do you think about trump becoming trumpist . I think its nervous anticipation. They will be pulled in the direction of their base. Theyre going to be pulled in the direction, as you just noted, this rust belt region where we could have an opportunity to win. Grass roots know that. They like the message. It resonates across the aisle. You have to keep in mind these republicans on the ground are also talking to Bernie Sanders supporters who are trying to decide to vote for bernie or trump. They know where the potential opportunity lies and what theyre looking for for the first time for the Party Leadership to get behind them instead of them having to get behind the Party Leadership. Senator mccain is Backing Trump but privately he said it makes his own reelection as a senator more of a challenge. Politico obtained audio where mccain speaks honestly about what it means to have trump leading the party. This is great to hear. Its inside stuff. Mccain not knowing hes being taped. Here he is. If it is donald trump in the top of the ticket, here in arizona, with over 30 of the vote being the hispanic vote, i have no doubt this may be the race of my life. People are angry. Theyre upset. They feel theres disconnect and all of that, and frankly, theres an element of nativism in it add well, as you know. The first wedge this donald trump had that gave him no notoriety was build a wall, rapist, murder. The Hispanic Community is aroused and angry in way i havent seen in 30 years. This will be a tough campaign for me. Theres an honest assessment. They say, all were trying to do at this moment is navigate. Its not about really for trump or against it. Its can you survive a year of up previously. Can you have an isolated race where ever youre running and really define the race on your terms and not get it get nationalized. How do you offer on the menu, how do you say im a republican but i want to take a substitute. Instead of mashed powe tatoes bi want french fries. Im all with this guy trump. Hes got a good spark. I like the enthusiasm, the nationalism but we cant be deciding what your religion is when you get to the airport and arrive in new york. We cant do that as americans. I think theres two things to that. One is if everything remains static as it is, thats a tough argument to make. You would see a lot of incumbent candidates, house and senate going out and saying exactly what you said. I understand what trump is saying but for the people in my district and state, this is where i am and how i would fight that. The other thing we need to keep in mind, were looking at this rather statically. We need to look at how trump begins to develop as he gets closer to the convention and coming out of convention how he addresses those particular narratives with respect to what he said about hispanics and women and whether or not he does make some type of smooth edged pivot that allows candidates to come in a bit closer because the reality of it is, chris, they need each other. They need trump. They said unless you have a mind that you want to take the party out, you want Hillary Clinton to be the next president of the United States. Here we are on a great day for mexicans and those who come from mexico, the fifth of may, the great day of celebration, our fourth of july in mexico and the mexican people. Here hes not changed a bit. Hes still talking wall. Hes still talking the Mexican Government pay for it. Ive said no Mexican Government can last ten seconds to put up a wall to keep its people in. Were waiting to hear from donald trump. It will be great to see if hes any different. I dont think he will be. Everybody is laughing. Trump is trump. Coming up, some big names in republican parties say no way, no how. Theyre just not supporting donald trump. Chief among them, both former president s bush and now mitt romney says hes skipping Trumps Convention in cleveland. Some are really skipping out. Should Hillary Clinton punch back against Donald Trumps attacks or will she hurt herself by responding to each of his jabs. The hardball will tell me three things about the general Election Campaign i dont know. Let me finish with can choice facing republicans this year. To be or not to be, a republican, that is. This is hardball, the place for politics. Every insurance policy has a number. But not every Insurance Company understands the life behind it. For those whove served and the families that have supported them, we offer our best service in return. Usaa. We kw what it means to serve. Get an insurance quote and see why 92 of our members plan to stay for life. Customer service d. am. This isnt a computer. Wait. Youre real . With discover card, you can talk to a real person in the u. S. , like me, anytime. Wow. This is a recording. Really . No, im kidding. 100 u. S. Based customer service. Here to help, not to sell. It was all pencil and paper. Started out, the surface pro is very intuitive. With the pressure of my hand i can draw lightly, just like i would with a real pencil. I been a forensic artist for over 30 years. I do the composite sketches which are the bad guy sketches. You need good resolution, powerful processor because the computer has to start thinking as fast as my brain does. I do this because i want my artwork to help people. Im a Customer Relationship im roy gmanager. Ith pg e. Anderson Valley Brewing company is definitely a leader in the adoption of energy efficiency. Pg e is a strong supporter of solar energy. We focus on helping our customers understand it and be able to apply it in the best way possible. Not only is it good for the environment, its good for the businesses bottom line. These are our neighbors. These are the people that we work with. That matters to me. I have three children that are going to grow up here and i want them to be able to enjoy all the things that i was able to enjoy. Together, were building a better california. We continue the wait for donald trump at his first rally since becoming the Presumptive Republican nominee. The news is paul ryan is not ready to endorse trump. It comes after both former president s bush xli and xliii said they will stay out of race entirely. A spokesman for the elder bush said for the First Time Since his own presidency George Herbert walker bush is planning to stay silent. The Texas Tribune reported that his son does not plan to participate in or comment on the president ial campaign. Here is how trump reacted to that news today on cnbc. I was very harsh on some people like jeb bush and you wonder why the bush family wants to sit it out. I was harsh on his brother. His brother got us into the war in iraq which is one of the worst decisions in the history of our country. I said it loud and clear. When i hear they will sit it out, thats fine. I dont care if they sit it out. So interesting. This comes as mitt romney who has been an out spoken critic confirmed he will not attend the convention in cleveland. Bob doyle tells nbc news that doyle will attend the convention but doesnt plan to make a formal endorsement at the moment. The only former republican nominee, nationally that say he will support trump in november is john mccain. She said shes open to voting for clinton over trump. Governor whitman ive been a fan of your very independent, moderate politics, whats the chances you will change your find and vote for donald trump . Is there any chance . Nope. I wont vote for him. I will probably write in. What is it about trump that makes you say i cant do it . Its a host of thing. When you pull the curtain back, theres really no there there. Hes taken four businesses through bankruptcy and left a lot of people, the Little People hanging. Hes going to bring jobs in from overseas yet hes been fine. Its unacceptable. Youre finished with that no labels thing. Youre back as a republican but not a republican. How would you define yourself politically in. Im an eisenhower republican. You have to go back that far. What phone book do you meet in now . You know, youd be amazed at how many people have been calling me. People that have been good republicans for a long time saying what are we going to do. A lot of people thought bill clintons presidency was closer to ieisenhowers presidency eve though he was a democrat. Are you a hold out . I will not vote for donald trump under any circumstances. Your reasons . Temperament and record. When you look at what hes going out and saying and doing and insulting his way to the presidency as the governor just mentioned, thats not what we want. Why did it work . Because theres a segment of the population that feels very neglected by washington. Its on the left with sanders supporters and on the right with Trump Supporters. I believe marco rubio would have done that if he had been more time to not respond to little marco insults and shared his economic agenda. He laid out the best answer any modern day president has laid out on race and how to improve race relations. I thought he was very good on immigration too. Let me go to tom davis. Tom, are you with these two guys . Youre not going with trump and its as simple as that . Im not going to the convention. Ive been a delegate at the last six. The dodgers are in town for a threegame series with the nets. Thats where im putting my attention this summer. Youre choosing baseball and the home team over your im being serious though. You were a member of congress all those years. I think of you as an unhi unhyphenated republican. Whats your reasons for not Backing Trump . I guess ill confront this down the road in terms of what do we do with this. On trade and on some of these Economic Issues which i define myself as an economic conservative. Hes not there. I put myself in the gettable category. Hes not shown me the qualities you want to see in a president. Its fairly obvious hes not giving anything now. This is the way i dealt with him before as governor of new jersey. This is consistent. This is who he is. I understand the appeal to people who are so frustrated with a dysfunctional congress, what they see as a congress they believe has done nothing for them. Its not coming back in the way they hoped. They are still having to work two jobs. Thats what appeals. Thats where the trump and sanders appear comes from as the people who feel neglected. I worry about donald trump on international policy. He wants to have everybody guess. Thats not how you deal with a world as ten you us as this one. Hes not the person. He hasnt shown that ability. Republican senator ben sass of nebraska called again for a Third Party Candidate to oppose trump and clinton in november. Quote, this letter is for the majority of americans who wonder why the nation that put man on the moon cant find a ledder that can take us forward together. This is america. If both choices stink, we reject them and go forward together. Thats what we do. One of the options is Hillary Clinton. Weve also got ben sass. Hes made it clear he would not run for the presidency this cycle. Hes a young guy. I think hes the model of the future type of republican we want. He says im a very conservative guy but im tolerant of other views. Thats whats appealing to many of my liberal friends. Who say, my goodness, this guy is a rational guy. Awhere are you . Im voting for clinton. Where would you vote if you had to choose . Steak or fish . Where would you vote . I would write in john kasich. If enough people do it, who knows what could happen. How do we get here . Trump has got to reach out. People arent going to come to him when hes down in the polls. Hes got an opportunity to reach out and consolidate some level of support within the party and move on and bring in other people. He doesnt appear to have those qualities at this point as long as he keeps bullying thinking people needs him. He looks like a loser now and candidates are running away from him. Hes got to consolidate the base at this point. Im a republican. Im just asking. I have a very high regard for tim cane. I think that ticket would be very strong in virginia. You would vote for trump over cane and hillary . Im not there yet. Im still focused on im waiting for trump to give me a reason to vote for him. Sheems to be going the other way. Its important to run a Third Party Candidate even fp they are accused of costing trump the white house. This is serious business. Lets watch. What does a 25yearold or 30yearold thinking about conservativism is their main concern is watching donald trump be donald trump. Thats why i think its important for someone to run. Its important that trump not be the face of american conser conservativis conservativism. Ralph nader has been blamed for loss of florida in 2000. Are you with a Third Party Candidate. If a viable option emerges. Do you back a third party if it meant the defeat of the republican ticket for sure . Yes, credible candidate. If it was a john kasich or marco rubio, ive always liked that ticket. It would be the end of the Republican Party. I dont think its the end. I think it would be a reposition, which it clearly needs to do. Would you vote for a Third Party Ticket that brought down the republican ticket . It may go down on its own. You may need a third party to prop up your house and senate candidates. Remember, chris, i had to run with oliver north at the top of the ticket in 1994. He got 29 of the vote but we had a Third Party Candidate allowed me to run 25 points ahead of him. It could be helpful too. So important. You can help your party hold the senate and the house if you had two alternatives. Well have donald trump. Thank you, everybody. Here he is. The presumptive nominee for president of the United States of the Republican Party is here. Hes taking the podium. This is going to be interesting because West Virginia is coal country. Its gun country. I say that positively. If hes to win the general election, he has to grab these people and hold them strong against Hillary Clinton in the general. Theyre conservatives. They care about coal and guns. Theyre not interested in the modern thing going on in this country. Its an interesti ining state wa lot of spirit. Oh, boy, oh boy. Beautiful, West Virginia. This is beautiful. Thank you very much. I actually wish the primaries were not over. Its no fun this way. I want the primaries to keep going. Everybodys out. Im the only one left. Thats okay, right . Right . [ cheers and applause ] it ended two days ago. We kept going, one, two, three, four. One afteranother. We had great time. Ive never done this stuff before. Am i doing a good job . Doing a good job . Ill tell you what, you heard me the other night, i wasnt thinking about you. Im thinking about the miners all over this country. Were going to put the miners back to work. Were going to put the miners back to work. Were going to get those mines open. How about Hillary Clinton, im going to put the miners back to work. She said, im going to put the miners and the mines out of business. Then she comes over and she tried to explain her statement. Thats a tough one to explain, wouldnt you say . One of the miners was not happy with her. He wasnt exactly happy. Who is a miner in this group. Ill it will you what, folks, youre amazing people. Were going to take care of a lot of years of horrible abuse. Were going to take you can count on it. You can count on it 100 . 100 . You knew that because i just had a poll, its irrelevant now, but i was like, i think it was the highest poll ive ever had. I wasnt going to come today. They said you dont have to come because the contest is over and youre the nominee of the Republican Party. Congratulations. They said youre the nominee. You dont have to come to West Virginia. I said do they know im coming . Yes. How many tickets have you sold . We have 32,000 but the arena holds about 15,000. I said does that mean the place is going to be packed . Yes. Does that mean people are standing outside right now next to loud speakers . You got as many as you ever in here, you have more outside. I said, imagine. We love the people outside, but your location is better. Do we agree . I said you have like 15,000 people in here and thousands outside. Were going to notify the people of West Virginia that im not coming because i dont have to come. Ive won all your delegates. I dont have to do anything. Theres no way i dont go do West Virginia. Were going to have fun. Okay. Were going to have fun. [ cheers and applause ] theres always been something about West Virginia. Ive always been fascinated by the mines. I love construction. I love the whole thing. I can tell you more about caterpillar tractors than the people that work there. I love that business. I love construction. Ive always been fascinate bid t the miners and they love what they do. I was talking to some of the people and i said why dont they move . Why dont they go someplace else . In this country you cant go anywhere else because you cant get a job. Were sending our jobs to mexico. Chinas taking your jobs. Thats all going to change rapidly. I promise. The miners dont want to leave. You want to open the mines. Well open the mine. I see over here trump digs coal. Look at that. Trump digs coal. Thats true. Thats true. I do. Its incredible the engineering and all of it is getting safe and as it gets safe, theyre taking it away from you in a different way. Youre going to be so proud of your president. Youre going to be so proud of your country. You watch. The other night, we had a big night. We won indiana. I had so much help. Bobby knight. We had the great coach from perdue. We had a lot of people. Bobby went and he called me like a year ago. Before i really made up my mind i get call from bobby knight. Hes tough, smart and knows how to win. Thats a good combination. Thats what the country needs. He calls me up and i recognize his voice immediately. He said i hope you run. I said run for what . I hope you run, mr. Trump. You run for president , you are going to make this country great again. Ive been following. He is. Hes an expert on talent. Hes talent. Id love your number and let me call you back if i decide to run. He said you have my support, call me back. A lot of time goes by. Im winning and doing great. Youve been hearing me say its a rigged system. Now i dont say it anymore because i won. Now i dont care. I dont care. You got to knock them out then you cant worry about the judges. I tell that story. You knock them out and you dont have to worry about the judges. I won by so much. What happened with bobby is a friend of mine from indiana, i said who would be a good endorsement. This was so long ago that bobby called. He said well bobby knight would be the greatest endorsement you could get. I doubt you could get bobby knight. I said i think i can. Im sitting at my desk and there it is. Bobby knight. I call him up and he picks up the phone. Were just about ready to go to indiana and he goes, ive been waiting for you to call. I said thats right. You going to endorse me. He said ill endorse you. Ill see you next week. Thats donald trump in charleston, West Virginia. Opposing her already on coal, coal mining. Saying she wants to take the coal miners and put them out of work. His first rally were seeing as the presumptive nominee. Clinton, by the way, says she can take the heat from her likely republican rooifival in upcoming election. She said she can take anything hes willing to throw at her. Here goes. Hes made references your marriage, to your husband. Hes not the first one, anderson. I cant say this often enough. If he wants to go back to the play book of the 1990s, if he wants to follow in the footsteps of those who have tried to knock me down and take me out of political arena, im more than happy to have him do that. Youre ready for that . Oh, please. This is to me, a classic case of a blustering, bullying guy who has knocked out of the way all the republicans becausefounddum. They didnt know how to counterpunch. Shes thought this through but is she ready for the counterpunch herself. Top operatives have studied closely the various strategies deployed by the republicans who were fell by trump. Clinton press secretary said she will not be passive like we saw from so many of the republicans he vanquished but she will also not follow him into the guster. She can challenge him in the way the republicans wouldnt on the issue and on his hateful rhetoric. Im join eed by the hardball rod table. This is great to have you on. Lets talk about Hillary Clinton and the challenges. We talk about the challenges running against a woman. Lets talk about the nominee of a party against a guy who she considers a bully. How do you bring down a bully . I mean, shes married to a bully. Excuse me. Shes married to a guy who cheated on her, did everything on her and she was passive about it. Seriously. Shes not, im tired of this you go girl thing. Shes a victimized wife and her number two was a victimized wife. I dont know how shes going to deal with a bully since she didnt deal with her husband properly. Looks like shes ready to take him on. Also go after his bad behavior in terms of rhetoric. Shes going to challenge him on his bad form as candidate. I think shes definitely already starting to get her staff ready and get her messaging ready for donald trump. She released that digital ad where she was showing the republicans denouncing him and saying the terrible things they had to say about him. I dont think she will be pa passive at all. You cannot sit and wait for him to punch you. You have to punch him first. I think you can see in that interview she will say you want to go with me, you want to go back to 99, to those dirty things that shes ready for that. Shes going to be ready. I think that you cant be outraged about a bully. You cant be, oh, my god, i cant believe hes being so crazy. The only way to deal with him is light mockery and not taking him too seriously. When did it work . Its worked a little bit when candidates like Hillary Clinton has gently dismissed him. The president has put him down a lot. It doesnt really work in taking the gas out of his tank. Follow the lbj rule against goldwater which is make a list of the republicans attack and repeat them. Make goldwater the odd man out. Nobody was prepared for what hes done and nobodys prepared for what he will do. Theyre playing football. Hes playing soccer. Its a totally different game. Nobody whats more sophisticated . I thought american football was more sophisticated. Thats why i said soccer. Nobody knows how to deal with him. He went after the people that nobody ever wanted even to be near. The bigots, the xenophobes. Where are you . Are you for them or against them . Im saying what he did thats so brilliant. Thats what he did. He brought into the tent people that nobody wants to associate with. I wouldnt say it so positively. He remiendnds me of a guy playi hearts. Its like nobody has ever done this before. Who wants those people in his tent. Hes not going to be polite. He will say things that no one will say. She has to figure out how she will respond in kind, which she probably wont or try to cruise along and be more conventionally qualified. Here is the question. The numbers are with Hillary Clinton. Shes up by 13 in the latest polling. If you take the minorities that will vote against her. She stays well above 50 unless she makes a mistake. It is hers to lose. The numbers say its hers to lose. If you think about the fact shes fighting off Bernie Sanders and were in may. Are you with sanders . Im Sanders Campaign reporter. In that way im watching him kind of do the things. Shes fighting a twofront war. Also in michigan where standers had the huge win, hes still far behind her. What she should learn is the numbers dont mean youre going to win. She should not and i dont think she will be resting on laurels say i have a double digit lead. He got to beat out 16 people. 16 governors. These are smart people that he somehow out smarted and became this nominee. I think shes looking at this not saying hes a baffoon and taking him seriously. I still havent figured you out. Up next, these three will tell me something i dont know about the general election coming. This is hardball, the place for politics. My belly pain and constipation . They keep telling me drink more water. Exercise more. I know that. Try laxatives. I know. Believe me. Its like ive. Tried. Everything my chronic constipation keeps coming back. I know that. Tell me something i dont know. vo linzess works differently from laxatives. Linzess treats adults with ibs with constipation, or chronic constipation. It can help relieve your belly pain, and lets you have more frequent and compte bowel movements that are easier to pass. Do not give linzess to children under 6 and it should not be given to children 6 to 17. It may harm them. Dont take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. Get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools. The most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. If its severe stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. Other side effects include gas, stomacharea pain and swelling. Talk to your doctor about managing your symptoms proactively with linzess. Bernie sanders needs overwhelming victories over Hillary Clinton in upcoming states. A new poll in new jersey shows the garden state is looking like an uphill battle for bernie. Lets check the scoreboard. New jersey democrats, Hillary Clinton holds a 28point lead right now. Amazing the parts of the country where the clintons are strong. Its clinton at 60 , Bernie Sanders at 32 . I have asthma. One of many pieces in my life. So when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my longterm control medicine. 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See if youre eligible for 12 months free at mybreo. Com. Tell me something i dont know. Campaign finance. If you want, if donald trump wants to match the mitt romney rate of fundraising for 2012 he has to raise 245 million just for the Republican National committee between now and november. If he wants to match him for candidate money it would be 378 million more. Has donald trump ever had to fundraise . Never once. Its hard to raise money if youre a rockefeller or a trump, i would guess. Trump cheats at golf. Are you sure . A friend told me he was at a tournament and that there was a big athlete and the athlete won the tournament. Donald didnt play that day. When he went to get the trophy they said, donald trump is the winner. He said, but he didnt play. They said, he played yesterday and he beat you. Linda stacy says donald trump cheats at golf. Bernie sanders, even though there are states voting like kentucky, West Virginia, hes already turning to the west and already going to california and planning trips to oregon, montana, the decoat tats. Whos going to win california, bernie or hillary . I cant say, im a candidate reporter. I think its going to be a pick. I think bernies going for it. Thank you. Its the cherry on top of the sundae for him. Thank you all fare joining us. When we return let me finish with a shakes peerian choice facing republicans. To be a republican or not to be. Youre watching hardball. Non. For a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar. But it didnt get me to my goal. So i asked my doctor about victoza®. He said victoza® works differently than pills. And comes in a pen. Victoza® is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. Its taken once a day, any time. Victoza® is not for weight loss, but it may help you lose some weight. Victoza® works with your body to lower blood sugar in 3 ways in the stomach, the liver, and the pancreas. Vo victoza® is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. It is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Victoza® has not been studied with mealtime insulin. Victoza® is not insulin. Do not take victoza® if you have a personal or Family History of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza® or any of its ingredients. Symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include itching, rash, or difficulty breathing. Tell your doctor if you get a lump or swelling in your neck. Serious side effects may happen in people who take victoza®, including inflammation of the pancreas pancreatitis . Stop taking victoza® and call your doctor right away if you have signs of pancreatitis such as severe pain that will not go away in your abdomen with or without vomiting. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have a medical conditions. Taking victoza® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. The most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. Side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. If your pill isnt giving you the control you need ask your doctor about noninsulin victoza®. Its covered by most health plans. Every Auto Insurance policy has a number. But not every Insurance Company understands the life behind it. Those who have served our nation. Have earned the very best service in return. Usaa. We know what it means to serve. Get an Auto Insurance quote and see why 92 of our members plan to stay for life. You see it there, donald trump broke another rule of politics. He put on a coal miners helmet. Politicians are not supposed to put hats on in hol politics. Donald trump should have learned from dukakis. A big republican question, to be a not to be . Should you be a republican in this president ial year or not be . If you choose to be a republican this year you have to link yourself to the candidacy of donald trump. What else does it mean to be a member of the Political Party if not to back that partys candidate for president . If you choose to bolt the party or sit it out, or endorse a thirdparty candidate, or more radfully still backing hillary, you mark yourself as personally and politically accountable for trumps defeat in november. As president obama put it at last saturdays white house correspondents dinner, its steak or fish. Either youre helping the guy or youre helping to beat the guy, steak or fish. Quite a predicament for republicans. Youve got to make a big decision and make it soon. Stick with the partys president ial nominee, or stick it to donald trump personally. From now to the convention its going to be open season for this choice. One thing is certain, the certitude of intention. If you refuse to back the Party Nominee, donald trump, to the best of your ability, you will be accorded nothing, the party willow you nothing, trump willow

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