Transcripts For MSNBCW Hardball With Chris Matthews 20160428

Transcripts For MSNBCW Hardball With Chris Matthews 20160428 23:00:00 see you tomorrow. hardball with chris matthews is next. trump at the gates. let's play hardball. good evening. i'm chris matthews. has donald trump broken through the gate on the citizens of republican establishment getting ready the cheer. this is what it looks like in washington. donald trump is well on his way to the nomination with ted cruz and his allies having just five days left to stop him. what was once a stop trump movement seems like a movement to accept trump. john boehner used strong language against trump's rival calling him, well, you listen.
>> how about ted cruz? >> lucifer in the flesh. in washington i have democrat friends and i have republican friends. i got along with almost everyone. but i have never worked with a more miserable son of a [ expletive ] in my life. >> that's what he's saying on the record. lucifer in the flesh. with boehner blasting cruz, the list of trump supporters on capitol hill continues to grow. the latest today, pennsylvania congressman bill shuster who said donald is a private sector business leader who knows what it takes to get things done. that's what washington needs. it's time for our party to you niet unite behind trump and focus our time and energy on beating hillary clinton.
let me go to you robert. you're in south bend. i'm looking at the list here. trump's got three governors. they're pretty right wing guys. about a dozen congress people and senator jeff sessions. has the gate broken yet? are they into the fort, the trump people? >> the gate is broken with many parts of the republican establishment. at trump's foreign policy speech yesterday in washington i was there. i saw many pillars of the conservative establishment walking up to paul manafort and corey lewandokski and trying to get to know them. >> is it over? >> it was over for a while now.o get to know them. >> is it over? >> it was over for a while now.
get to know them. >> is it over? >> it was over for a while now. trump was able to establish momentum that no one else could break. as long as he could sustain it, he was able to continue with his message. sometimes off beat. sometimes getting himself in trouble, but still there was a consistency to him that kept his core base with him. all he had to do was add to it which is what he's done in big ways in the polls last week and go into indiana. >> this baghdad bob performance by cruz and his people. this marriage of the week. a couple of days he's married to kasich and now carly fiorina. >> cruz is doing everything he can to stop that donald trump has sewn it up.
there really is no more race. cycle by cycle he's just fighting tooth and nail to make sure that nobody is saying that trump has got it. this exact story is his worth nightmare. >> he's been fraged. cruz out there in front for the establishme establishment, he was called lucifer. he said it was an insult to -- i love this. to all conservatives. let's watch. >> boehner had some interesting comments last night. he was a little more expressive. he allowed his inner trump to come out. i've never worked with john boehner. i don't know the man. i've met him two or three times in my life. i have said 50 words in my life to john boehner. i would be surprise and every one has consistented of pleas t
pleasantries. he's not directing that at me. he's directing it at you. he's angry at the american people holding him accountable. >> you want to display a narcissism, political narcissism. he's saying the speaker of the house, all those years and serving doesn't know him. therefore, there's something not to be taken seriously about the guy. boehner doesn't know -- i'm sorry. doesn't know ted cruz. he's a nobody. what a weirdly revelatory about the psyche of ted cruz. the biggest put down is i haven't met them. >> the success of donald trump is about the end roads, it's about the limitation of ted cruz. his fight now by picking a v.p. reminds him a lot of reagan in
'76. he had two gubernatorial terms in california. he had the experience in '64 with gold water. cruz has only been in the senate since 2013. he doesn't have the deep relationships that could serve him. >> he said boehner didn't go far enough in calling him lucifer, satan. here he is. >> i fully agree with john boehner. maybe he gives lucifer a bad name by comparing him to ted cruz. ted cruz perpetrated a fraud and a hoax when he brought about the shutdown of the government. some kind of a vague promise that he would bibe able to take obama care out of budget. ted cruz knew it wasn't going to work. shut down the government. cost the government money. served no purpose other than to boost his name. >> they used to say democrats are in disarray but now the
republicans. trashing the guy. >> other guy saying this is bad way of treating lucifer. >> clearly, speaker boehner blames ted cruz for the loss of his speakership. it was ted cruz coaxing the freedom caucus to rebel against boehner and shut down the government and kick him out of office. he caused enormous amounts of headaches for john boehner. he may not know john boehner, but john boehner knows him well. >> he knows how to kick people out. get him out of here. >> you have taste of how he would do it with that comment. they found it ironic that ted cruz would say that because ted cruz was john boehner's lawyer
back in 2006. you can't tell me you never talked to the man. >> he was his actual lawyer? >> it's reported today. it was hysterical on the internet. >> you were his lawyer and you never talked to him. >> you have the former speaker calling him lucifer and the other guy jumping in saying you're being unfair to satan. trump, today, said cruz' selection of carly fiorina as a running mate wasn't going to help him. this is the other part of the three-ring circus tonight. >> now he's got to recover. what does he do? he gets carly fiorina. she's very nice. everything's fine. carly got out. she had no -- it was -- she had the one good debate on the
children's stage. not on our stage. she was on the children. she didn't debate against me. he now goes out and gets carly who left the race because she had no votes. she had nothing. that's oekay. she's a nice woman but it's not going to help. it's not going to help. >> that's the toned down donald trump. nice woman. the other day he was saying to traction. no one was reacting about her even though he's attaching her to a loser. he's trying to find way to say -- he said 70% of women don't like hillary clinton. we can't find it. it doesn't exist. he's also trying to trash the desperation of ted cruz with this running mate. >> trump allies don't feel worried about fiorina because i asked them about california and
said she's run for senate in california. doesn't she bring a network. they're view is he doesn't bring a deep root in california to help cruz in that primary. you thought maybe cruz would pick a wild card but he went with an outsider, a businesswoman who underscores cruz' ideological appeal. >> where does fiorina vote? >> i believe she believes in northern virginia at the moment. i don't know her official residency. >> i believe she votes in northern virginia. i don't think this will be a real claim on the california voter having gotten beat out of there and skipped town. maybe he didn't know that. >> said hello to everybody at notre dame. >> thank you. coming up, what does donald
trump mean when he says his foreign policy will put america first? he's pushing nationalism and trump saying our countries getting shoved around. he's going to shove back. why is hillary clinton not only surviving but thriving in the year of the outsider. the hardball round table will be with us tonight. they'll tell me something i don't know about this presidential race. let me finish with the words of john boehner wafting through the air. words about the devil and lucifer. this is hardball, the place for politics. plap poor mouth breather.
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testimony in congress. let's watch. >> in 1971, when i testified against the war in vietnam for the senate, i spoke of the determination of the veterans to undertake one last mission so that in 30 years when our brothers went down the street without a leg or an arm and people asked why, we'd be able to say vietnam and not mean a bitter memory but mean the place where america turned, and we helped it in the turning. >> wow. we'll be right back. or stop to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain,
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a key tenent is to refrain from nation building that got us in iraq. here is trump. >> it all began with a dangerous idea that we could make western democracies out of countries that had no experience or interest in becoming a western democracy. we tore up what institutions they had and then were surprised at what we unleashed. we're getting out of nation building business and focusing on creating stability in the world. >> well, trump's wider vision is his willingness to disengage with foreign countries if he can not get what he wants tr them. reuters reports the theme of trump's speech america first is
alarming. trump's rhetoric still relies on the superpower for defense. trump speech has also earned praise. corker who he declined endorsing a candidate said he's more open to backing trump. >> you know, i may change my mind but the fact is i've been meticulous about not trying to choose sides. i am chairman of the foreign relations committee. a speech was given. i liked it. i want to hear more about it. >> i'm joined by president of the council relations. what would you say would be, if you had to write an ap lead on what trump is saying is his foreign policy. >> i think the principle tenent is one of economic nationalism. and a suspicion or discomfort
with the transformational nation building that we have been carrying out for the last part of 15 years. it's a more narrow vision and probably recalibrating the balance between what we do overseas and at home slightly in favor of the latter. >> yesterday called for more unpredi unpredi unpredictability when dealing with others. here he is on his unpredictable threat. >> people are casting voting. they should know whether or not a vote means a massive military presence in the middle east. >> if i get elected president, i don't know what isis to know what i'm going to do. >> what about the american voter? >> the enemy is watching. everything we do, we announce what we're doing. they prepare for it.
i don't want that. >> you know, richard, foreign policy and one residents here from the old nixon days. he believed in mad bomber theory. i'm a little off. i might do something really crazy. in my interview, i said would you take nuclear weapons off in the middle east. he said no. i said how about europe? he said no. that caused some laughing. where would you use neuclear weapons in europe. where would you bomb them and not kill thousands of other people. what do you think of it? >> it's a double edged sword. it can keep an adversary off balance. north korea, there might be case for american unpredictability.
on the other side, we have to be really carable about unpredi unpredictability. so many other countries in the world depend on us being predictab predictable. they have to have a fairly firm conviction that the united states will make good on what its pledged. they will accommodate the most powerful country or decide to take their security into their own hands. neither one is something we wouldn't like the see. >> it's been said this -- i looked at the names of the people. they seem to be in the realist category. is that what you would put this speech? >> clearly it's not neo conservative. he distanced himself from george w. bush as well as from barack obama. there's no sympathy for what we did in iraq or what we did in libya. i think the core is nick nationalism. the suspicion of trade, opposition to immigration.
more transactional approach to allies. an element of realism. i thought he was interesting he echoed john quincy adams. the idea we would not go abroad. i think he called enemies to pick a fight with. i think the core is much more economic nationalism. >> okay. it's great having you on. thanks for coming on. >> thank you. >> what do you make -- i jumped yesterday on this charge against hillary clinton saying she went to sleep the night chris stephens was getting killed and the other americans went to sleep. a total lie. nobody has ever said that about hillary clinton. >> absolutely not. he's really just making a series of statements that sound good to him in the moment on their own and despite the fact we saw a scripted foreign policy speech that he read from a teleprompter. i don't know this is different from the comments he's made in the past.
these are individual attitudes and statements of personal belief that when put together don't make a doctrine and they don't hold up against statements he's made within the same speech or previously. >> he wasn'nts to build up the . military. we like to know we have the largest navy, the most ships, the most surface ships. we have everything. at the same time he's pulling back. >> he said the cheapest investment you can make is many the u.s. military. it shows lack of understanding of what the post world war ii order looks like. we can call it realist or isolationist. that's giving it too much credit. it was not design for foreign policy experts. designed for the 64% of the americans that don't have a
passport or haven't been overseas. >> itf you're in real estate yo want to build a big building and you don't get the right deal from the people you buy the land from, you can walk back and look somewhere else. you can't walk away from england, france, nato, the arab countries on our side. you can't walk away from japan, south korea. they exist. you can't walk away from mexico. once you make one of these ultimatums and say you must build the wall and they so no. then where you go? we drop off eastern europe from nato protection? we just say no more. i don't understand how you walk away from the table this diplomatic terms? >> he's not looking at this in diplomatic terms. it requires strategic thought. everything is transactional and in the moment. he referenced the idea of getting the best deal possible. we have allies and these are the
onces you have and they are not ideal. >> the president of mexico will not build wall keeping his people in. he would not last one minute in office. he'd be imached. i think east germans tried this. >> it didn't do anything to help. >> the government was finished after that. the minute anybody knows you're keep your people in by wallnd paying for it. that's the absurd of this bluff. they will say mr. trump in mexican and spanish, i can't do this. we'll give you a nice try. we're not building wall. >> the scary part is he talks about unpredictabilities as if that's a great thing in foreign policy relations. it's also the same thing as volatility. it's terrible for markets and how the world works. the last thing people want is a united states they can't predict or rely on. >> he starts challenging putin, he takes his shirt off and loves it. here is his chance to be macho
man. >> look at putin's country. >> i don't want to imitate him this any way especially the look of the guy. thank you. >> thank you. >> up next, what is political corruptness? great question. wham this case could mean for him. can you do favors for somebody and can they do a favor back? what is corruption? what is legal? what isn't? are we going to leave it to the fbi to decide? this is hardball, the place for politics. real is making new friends. amazing is getting this close. real is an animal rescue. amazing is over twenty-seven thousand of them. there is only one place where real and amazing live. seaworld. real. amazing
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arrested in connection with a marriage fraud conspiracy. those in custody include his older brother and sister-in-law. president obama says the public health crisis in flint, michigan is extreme though not unique because the u.s. has underinvested in basic infrastructure. the city has been struggling with a contaminated water supply. back to hardball. as i said for the last 39 months that never during any time of my 38 years of public service that i have done anything that would abuse the powers of my office. >> welcome back. that was former virginia governor bob mcdonald. wednesday, that's yesterday, after the supreme court heard his appeal on his 2014 convictions. he was found guilty of receiving gifts from a wealthy
businessman, including loans, vacations and luxury good, including watch. a one time republican rising star. he found supporting statements from some of the court's more liberal justices. when you're hearing people, admired people on the liberal side of things saying things they're not ready to uphold this decision by the lower court that this guy is guilty. >> they weren't excusing his conduct but they were concerned about what the prosecutors did in this case. they lumped together things that could be considered the reason for a bribery prosecution such as pressuring your subordinates to do a study of a drug is what was talked about with the businessman to what goes around in state capitals all the time. you call me up and say i donated to your campaign and i'm having
problems, would you write a letter for me. if you launch a federal investigation and prosecution, that will be a big, big problem. you're giving federal prosecutors incredible amount of power and indiscretion to pick off anyone they don't like. >> what is a public act? you always have caseworker working in office, a good one, man or woman. you have a problem with your social security disability. a lot of people have complaints in that department. he will send it over to the appropriate department and maybe that guy is given 50 bucks. is that a violation of law? >> it's not clear. mcdonald's lawyers were saying arranging a meeting saying will you look into this could never be enough. >> what about a guy who raises a lot of money? raises a million bucks and gets an ambassadorship somewhere. that's part of american tradition. >> that's why you saw white
house counsels from republican and democratic presidents together in a brief that chief justice roberts raised immediately with the government. he said what about this bipartisan brief of all these government officials on both sides of the aisles including lawyers that advised presidents saying how can you do this. >> you're an expert. let's go the other way. let's go looking for bad behavior. the guy got a gold watch and he wore it as a gift. >> a rolex. >> tell us about that. where do you see the obvious limits where corruption looks like corruption? >> even if you talk about taking a meeting, it doesn't seem like it would be corruption. it was brought up what if you're the president's scheduler and you have to arrange a bunch of events and someone says i'll give you $10,000 if you put me on the president's schedule next week. i'm not asking you to make a decision. >> that's legal, isn't it? performing government services
for money. >> they say that's a gratuity related to your job. >> how would that government server put it on her income tax? >> they probably are supposed to put it on there. look what happened with mcdonald. a lot of these gifts were not illegal. >> should states be allowed to be a little loose? >> our system has allowed that. do we allow federal prosecutors to pick up the slack? >> like wisconsin versus louisiana. >> do we let federal prosecutors sort that out? the question the justices were wrestling with is should we let the justices air this out. >> what a good mind you have. still ahead, we still don't know
what's going to happen with mcdonald. he might get a retry or get off. donald trump reigns as this year's top outsider. if this is the year of the outsider, why is clinton doing so well. she's not rolling it up like trump, but she's rolling it up. what's going on? the round table will answer that question. you're watching hardball, the place for politics. by itself. by itself. it needs to be earned every day. using wellness to keep away illness. and believing a single life can be made better by millions of others. as a health services and innovation company optum powers modern healthcare by connecting every part of it. so while the world keeps searching for healthier we're here to make healthier happen.
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welcome back to hardball. anger and distress have led to many political casualties this year in the republican party's establishment. while the gop embraces the year of the outsiders, democrats are
rallying around insiders. as the washington post says republicans seem certain to nominate a bomb throwing insurgent in celebrity real estate mogul donald trump. democrats are consolidating around a guardian of the status quo, hill clary clinton. hillary says she wants to make these democrats winners in the fall. >> i also believe it's important that we elect more democrats. i would love to see the senate go back to being democratic instead of having republicans -- >> you don't think he can do that? >> who won't do their constitutional obligation. i'm committed to electing democrats. i'm committed to raising money. i'm helping to fund democratic campaigns. >> who has the winning formula
for 2017? tell me about this. hillary clinton is definitely sailing against the wind as ted kennedy would say. she's clearly the most accomplishment figure in this race. four out of five this week. >> she's doing it by being that establishment figure. she cleared the field early. she looked so formidable so early on that many other potential challengers, true outsiders -- you mean chaffey wasn't a true threat. >> many the end bernie sanders wasn't a true threat. he was a representational threat. he showed what she isn't. he didn't have the operation that allowed her to emerge.
>> she looks like she will carry that bag across the finish line. >> she is. if you look at the republicans going back to 2009 right after the passage of obama care, that's when their insurgency really started. the tea party came up. that's created this dynamic to trump and cruz were manipulating to amphetamine to the nomination. still not big enough. no infrastructure to that. there's not enough of it there for someone to really beat somebody like hillary. >> you is sense this is the beginning of something like we're seeing on the right? >> i do. i think the democratic party will have to reckon with the fact for years it tried to triangulate to the middle much to the disappointment of a lot of its base.
you look at black lives matter. the unions are getting more and more antsy about that stuff. they'll have to deal with that and move back to the left. >> i have to remind a few people here when they did go to the left. >> here's where i disagree a little bit with what john said. on the right, there was no one to counter the tea party. bernie sanders and his political revolution he wanted to lead, there was a block on that and that was the african-american vote. they came out and voted for hillary clinton and put a stop to this political revolution that bernie sanders wanted to lead because i think the african-american vote, generally speaking, is looking at who is going to come after president obama. the plaque vote is very protective of this family and
that family. they can't protect it if you go with bernie sanders. >> the october surprise, i will brand it will be the important power of the cavalry charge. his number will be up by 55 and he's going to come in like gang busters to help hillary protect his legacy. to make sure over next four to eight years, someone is guarding the fort. here sanders is today. this is sanders campaigning in oregon. >> the problem we're having now is not no my view that the republicans are winning elections. the problem is that the democrats are losing elections. the democratic party, up to now, has not been clear about which side they are on on the major issues facing this country. the democratic party has to
reach a fundamental conclusion. are we on the side of working people or big money interests? >> i wasn't clear then. not to cause trouble. was he talking we democrats or you democrats. >> you democrats, i think. you look back at, go back to the tea party example. this is the same language that the people that started that movement. those are insiders in a lot of ways that stepped on the outside to create this movement. they were like pointing fingers back at their party. ted cruz is a great example. >> that fight isn't over. did you notice lucifer? talk about getting angry. >> john boehner is a free man now. >> what about this thing with
hillary clinton? hillary clinton will probably have the nomination. bernie sanders will have to settle for some action on the platform without her having to admit she's doing it for him. it will be great speech. he'll have an impact in history. what does hillary do to consolidate? >> he's got to continue to manage a primary. he's no longer an active threat to taking the nomination away. she has to start that activity of bringing his supporters in by not bashing him. by offering some inclusive policy ideas. by appearing to be the democrat that, i think, bernie sanders was saying she's not. >> across the south there's lots
of african-americans. bernie dismissed them as conservatives. some are, of course. he was saying that the democratic party has written off the south. he's going to reclaim a 50-state strategy. has he ever been down there? >> clearly not. the people who live down there didn't vote for him. i didn't hear we democrats or you democrats in that clip you showed. i heard not you but them. he is making a very clear distinction between the democratic party and him and the people who will are supporting him and while there's a lot of focus on what hillary clinton needs to do to unify the party and bring bernie sanders supporters to her side, bernie sanders, senator sanders has an obligation and a duty to help reunite the party. >> the people, these crowds he's bringing out, 8,000 in rhode island and the big crowd in oregon, he doesn't want them to think of themselves as democrats yet. >> imagine what would have
happened in 2008 if hillary clinton said no, barack obama has an obligation to convince my supporters to support him. they would have said she's out of her mind. it's out of -- senator sanders is out of his mind to demand that hillary clinton turn his supporters to support her. >> i think he has a point. >> he doesn't have a point. >> he's identifying the weakness that we're all talking about around. he has something she doesn't. he's saying you need to show my people. >> jeff weaver said, he's a member of the democratic party. now he's talking about it in objective terms. >> i don't think he is at home. >> the people coming to his rallies have felt this way for a long time. this is not a new phenomenon he's created or ginning up from whole cloth. this is a sent m existed within the party for years and year.
they feel like this moderation has left them behind and they're not being listened to. >> there's a lot of people like sherrod brown who talk and on the left. they really do vote left. they call themselves democrats. they don't have any problem. they don't objectify and put it out there. there's plenty of room in the party for that. the round table, i work for tip o'neil. up next, these three will tell me something i don't know. this is hardball, the place for politics. own seafood trios, you get to pick 3 of 9 all-new creations for just $15.99. own seafood trios, and with this many new flavors trust me, you'll be glad you can try three. like creamy baked lobster alfredo and grilled chimichurri shrimp and panko-crusted crab cakes bursting with crabmeat. because some choices are hard,
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now that's more like it. what's in your wallet? as republicans inch closer to picking their nominee, unf r unfavorable opinions of the gop are at the highest. only 33% of the public, that's all of us, have a favorable impression of the republican party. 62% holding an unfavorable view. republicans are largely to blame for the party's decline in popularity. only 68% of the republicans view their party positively. down from 79% last fall. we'll be right back.
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war back with the "hardball" roundtable. tell me something i don't know. >> if you had any hopes the old boy network that runs washington had died off, it's alive and well. we've seen this week with what's been going on with former speaker hastert, right before that five former members including tom delay, former congressman doolittle, congressman ewing, sent letters to the judge extolling his virtues and his character. we talked -- >> why do you think they do that? >> it's the old boys' network. once you get to be part of the rich old white guys that run the world club, you don't ever get out. dennis hastert is a great example. they told us dolittle tried to make the argument they should be trying to find these guys they say tried to extort money from
him, instead of bringing charges against denny hastert. they stood by even after he admitted -- >> that's the way the cosby case began. when it first emerged is it was somebody trying to exploit him. that's what people with pawer do, it's somebody else trying to exploit them. >> hillary clinton has a little breathing loe ining room. she's going to do a couple things including focussing campaign events on her own story, kind of -- president narrative. >> the narrative, right. and campaigning for down-ballot democrats. we'll start to see her doing that with and for them. she's been giving them money as she said in the clip you played earlier. >> give me two or three names who could go as her lifeline, tough questions to answer, a tough group, who does she to to? >> cheryl mills, jake sullivan, her long-time policy adviser. john podesta.
and bill clinton. >> sheer on the phone if she's got a hard test to face? >> yeah, bill and cheryl probably first. jake and john after. >> glad to know that stuff. >> mateo gold in "the washington post" reports that the candidate who has spent the most money by far this election season, even more than hillary clinton, senator bernie sanders. $166 million. >> where's he spend it mainly? >> mainly television ads. >> it's interesting. because trump has been a very economical campaign. free media. >> free media. >> "morning joe," "gma," he doesn't spend a nickel. >> all that money meant clinton had to spend money she hadn't meant to spend, a lot more than they thought they would. >> marx brothers, how much money did you lose gambling? the answer, how much does grouch ch
o have? thank you. when we return, let me finish with the wors of the former speaker of the house john boehner wafting through the air now. you're watching "hardball," the place for politics. friends. amazing is getting this close. real is an animal rescue. amazing is over twenty-seven thousand of them. there is only one place where real and amazing live. seaworld. real. amazing customer service!d. ma'am. this isn't a computer... wait. you're real? with discover card, you can talk to a real person in the u.s., like me, anytime. wow.
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and i want them to be able to enjoy all the things that i was able to enjoy. together, we're building a better california. let me finish tonight with the words of former house speaker john boehner that are wafting through the air. "lose certificate in the flesh." that's what he called texas
senator ted cruz, lose fer, the devil, satan, beelzebub, the leader of the underlife, the chief resident of hell, lucifer. what more or less can the recent speaker of the house speak of the man now shielding the republican establishment from its grand els tormenter donald trump? that he is the very being of evil on this earth, lucifer in the flesh. this comes after all these years of hellish behavior from the tea party, all these years stretching back to the election of 2010 when the republican right erupted in this country, beginning its taunting, tormenting, and terrifying of the gop establishment. the man leading that torture is the man john boehner just branded beelzebub because it was ted cruz who raced over to the house to undermine the leadership there to make governing the house impossible. this time governing the people's house every hour of every day. grossly put it's between those who believe in conservative government and close who believe in conservative opposition to government. john boehner is the angel with

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, Buffalo Wing , Chicken Meat , Appetizer , Fast Food , Orange Chicken , Barbecue Chicken , Side Dish , Staple Food , Fried Chicken , Boneless Skinless Chicken Thighs , Filipino Food , Apple , Meal , Fruit , Vegetable , Greek Food , Mediterranean Food , Sweet And Sour , Sweet And Sour Chicken , Shashlik , Iranian Cuisine , Chili Pepper , Natural Foods , Bell Peppers And Chili , Peperoncini , Local Food , Lobster , Capsicum , Seafood , Nightshade Family , Spice , Vegetarian Food , Cajun Food , Southwestern United States Food , Decapoda , Gelato , Baking , Frozen Dessert , Comfort Food , Finger Food , Brunch , Breakfast , Churro , Mexican Food , Dip , Tapas , Universe , Nebula , Telephony , Camera Accessory , Telephone , Nail , Cellular Network , Sunglasses , Goggles , Cup , Elbow , Service , Whippet , Borzoi , Bed , Dance , Couch , Russell Terrier , Jack Russell Terrier , Fox Terrier , Rat Terrier , Terrier , Smooth Fox Terrier , Animal Shelter , American Staffordshire Terrier , High Heels , Shorts , Calf , Foot , Column , French Bulldog , Toy Fox Terrier , Boston Terrier , Companion Dog , Ring , Headphones , Brush , Toothbrush , Tool , Pastry Brush , Videoconferencing , Cardinal , Wheelchair , Elephant , Elephants And Mammoths , Garmon , Herb , Gardener , Groundcover , Mower , Major Appliance , Bathroom , Sink , Washing Machine , Plumbing Fixture , Bathroom Sink , Bathtub , Tap , Toilet Seat , Tile , Dress Shirt , Hospital , Recruiter , Turquoise , Cold Weapon , Sweetness , Glitter , Superfood , Indian Cuisine , Milkshake , Dentures , Cosmetic Dentistry , Dairy , Barechested , Electric Car , Nissan Leaf , Chevrolet Volt , Chevrolet , Hydrogen Vehicle , Hyundai , Mazda Cx 7 , Mazda Demio , Tesla Model S , Honda Civic Hybrid , Ford Motor Company , Opel , Mitsubishii Miev , Ford Focus , Paramedic , Truck Driver , Folk Instrument , Firearm , Alcohols , Bandoneon , Solar Energy , Composite Material , Solar Power , Solar Panel , Rural Area , Hill Station , Hill , Brewery , Aviation , Mansion , Village , Cottage , Villa , Factory , Mother , Baby Products , Race , Running , Lawn Game , Wing , Corporate Headquarters , Brutalist Architecture , Car Seat , Wrist , Waist , Undergarment , Chip , Martial Arts Uniform , Dobok , Judo , Brassiere , Grappling , Exercise Equipment , Kettlebell , Silhouette , Sports Uniform , Action Figure , Fitness Professional , Weight Training ,

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