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Rest of my life. Im more than half the size i was, but im twice as sharp. More effective, because as i worked my body, i sharpened my mind. Selfcontrol is the key. Discipline must be your goal. Thanks for watching. Im al sharpton. Hardball starts right now. Tonight, two title fights, christie versus obama. And Hillary Clinton versus Elizabeth Warren. Lets play hardball. Good evening, im Chris Matthews in washington. Pt barnum, the guy who created the greatest show on earth, knew how to fill the tent. If you want a crowd, start a fight. He put his money where his mouth was. He had has men start brawling on Street Corners, when the crowd gathered, theyd hand out flyers that the circus was coming to town. Meet Chris Christie, who knows how to start a fight, telling the president he doesnt know how his business. Itching to get into the center ripping, hes declared war on president obama. And the white houses dont panic approach to the handling the ebola crisis. The president meanwhile is taking his deliberate approach of logic, listening to the experts and all the doctors at the cdc and nih. Christie is selling something different. He wants to put up a wall around west africa, and after two cases of ebola transmitted in the u. S. , he wants to quarantine every Single Health worker coming back from there. What he have here is not a failure to communicate, but a Street Corner brawl. Since christie ordered the quarantine, hes ratcheted up the macho. Look how he barks at the press . No, i dont, i have no reason to talk to you. Can you explain the quarantine, how that will work . Youre in your home and youre quarantined. [ laughter and applause ] i know at times i know at times i heard your question. I know at times that you all would like to make things a heck of a lot more complicated than they are. Let me just none this. But the right side of Public Opinion . No, im going to be on the right side of both, ultimately, matt. Do you have any regrets at the way you handled the ebola situation in your state . No. Today president obama addressed the country from the white house lawn. Here he is. We got to make sure that those workers who are willing and able to dedicated to go over there in a really tough job, that theyre applauded, thanked and supported. That should be our priority. When we see a problem and we see a challenge, then we fix it. We dont just react based on our fears. We react based on facts and judgment. Chairman of the rnc back before it was dedicated to black voter suppression. And the Washington Bureau chief with mother jones. Both political analysts. That was the best introduction ever. It came from here. Anyway, mike, i see an interesting thing. Chris christie knows how to get in the senate ring. He knows he can bromance the president , whatever he does with obama, it creates a media situation. Hes up with the big boys. Hes running, saying to us, to hell with you guys. I think youre right. Hes definitely on the big stage, engaging on the subject. And why . Its because hes listening to folks closer to the ground in the communities who are concerned about this. About ebola . About ebola, yes. But not so much about ebola, but about the way the government has walked into this thing. Where theyve left open a lot of questions. People walked away little bit more concerned about whether or not the cdc is drilling all the way down to local hospitals. Whether or not the president has a plan, and this idea of sending Health Workers there without a plan to deal with their return home, is something that [ all speak at once ] wait a minute. But theres a difference between what obama is saying and what Chris Christie is responsible for as the governor of his state. Thats where hes walking tell the world now watching what the president said. You have to take your temperature, its a particular plan its a plan based on science, not on fear. No, no, no, no, you had a chance to talk. Right now there are seven americans who have contracted ebola. None thankfully are dead and almost all on their way to recovery. Only two americans have contracted it here by being in touch with the liberian fellow who died from this. So right now, theres not any scientific basis for what Chris Christie says. Maybe theres an emotional basis, or fearbased basis, but if thats the way were going to set policy, playing on peoples fears, not on rational policy. You think this isnt a football, a political football . This is from the same crew who said we wouldnt have any cases of ebola in the United States. He said it would be unlikely. Thats close enough for football. Anyway, christie criticized dr. Anthony fauci at the National Institute of health. He said fauci criticized christies quarantine order. Lets watch him go after dr. Fauci . I think dr. Fauci is responding unfortunately as are many people from the cdc, in a real hyperbolic way, because theyve been wrong before. And now theyre incrementally taking steps towards the policy that we put in effect in new jersey, and six other states have put in effect and the joint chiefs of staff have put in effect. Were all wrong and theyre right. Were trying to be careful here. This is common sense. And the members of the American Public believe its common sense. Were not moving an inch. Our policy will not change. It did change. He first said that kaci hickox was ill when she wasnt. He then said it would be a 21day quarantine. And after three days he let her go. Why . Because he doesnt care about people in maine. He backed off because of pressure. Hes not being consistent. But one thing hes being consistent in is the brash way which he hasnt been able to pull off since bridgegate where that arrogance, his version of charm, doesnt serve him well. Is he back to [ all speak at once ] yeah, i think its a little bit back to that. But at the end of the day, i can appreciate where christies coming from. I want to say something. Im sorry, michael, finish your thought. Having served in office i can appreciate where hes coming from. Hes got a lot more to be concerned about than [ all speak at once ] today christie went after nurse kaci hickox who was quarantined in a tent for three days and is threatening to sue him. Heres the governor. Looks like youre going to have to defend this in court. Whatever. Get in line. Get sued lots of time in court. Get in line. Im happy to take it on. Its all kinds of malarkey about this. She was inside the hospital, in a controlled area, with access to her cell phone, access to the internet and takeout food from the best restaurants. She was doing just fine. The best restaurants in newark. Thats frpretty good. What is he thinking about when she talks about her access to the takeout restaurants in newark . That means hes connected with real people who are sitting around their table saying she had access to the best restaurants in newark. Theres the credit card. You put your life on the line and you go to west africa to deal with these people, the most important thing we can do to contain the disease. Contain it there. And what you get when you come back and brash treatment like that, and the best takeout in newark. I appreciate your sensitivity. But what is the plan to deal with folks when they come back . There say plan. What is it . Theres a cdc plan. Why did they have to take action on their own . Youve never heard of a government doing something for politics . That includes democrats and republican governors [ all speak at once ] picked a fight with doctors at the cdc. This reminds me of groucho marx, fight any man in the house for a dollar. We want stricter things than what they have been willing to impose. And now theyre incrementally moving towards our position. Whats the difference between telling someone whos been a highrisk Health Care Worker that they cant go into public places, public transportation, and we want them to work from them. Whats the difference between that and quarantine . Its because they dont want to admit that they were wrong. Im sorry about that. Let me suggest something. Politics is about getting on the galloping horse when you get your chance. He sees this as a chance to be tough with the president because thats the only way hes going to win the nomination. I dont agree with all of that. I think hes looking at from the perspective of a governor. Its not just about conservatives with their hair up about this. Americans have legitimate concerns about this. Hes mouthing off with everybody. And since when has that been a partisan thing with christie . When he mouths off, he mouthing off, reflecting how people feel about stuff. But hes wrong. Hes not wrong. He said she was ill, put her in a tent, didnt consult with any policy experts, other than his own expertise . Lets take a look at rush [ all speak at once ] Rush Limbaugh doesnt like what hes doing. Hes found inside this macho behavior of the governor of new jersey, some sort of caving, as he sees it, to president obama. Heres the under water walrus himself, rushbo. We need to quarantine Chris Christie is what needs to happen here. Second election in a row, one week prior to the election, the governor of new jersey ends up arm in arm, hand in hand, in bed with, i dont know how to characterize it, but responding to obamas demands. Already cuomo and christie have been forced to cave before obamas onslaught. So its really clear that obama can act, and he can act fast when its something that really matters to him. Such as making sure that people who might have ebola arent cooped up for 21 days. This is unbelievable to me. I think what hes mad at is that christie said the nurse had to be there for 21 days. After she showed no signs of the disease he lead her go to quarantine in maine. One thing that the white house has said, wrong or right, they dont have a lot of control over governors who take these policies. [ all speak at once ] youre just making my point, david. The fact that the way christie handled this, when she came back, he had to deal with, verify whether she was symptom attic, once she was asymptomatic, you can go. But what about the 21day quarantine . Its not like youre going to sit there for 21 days and no ones going to check on you. Can we get away from the clinical and back to the political . Heres my point. Your party is so run by his hard right, rush baugh being the high priest. Hes saying this guy isnt tough enough. [ all speak at once ] i dont really think that Chris Christie is really concerned with what Rush Limbaugh thinks about him. Hes an elected official by the people of his state and hes doing what he thinks a responsible official should do. Period. Is he your candidate . I dont have a candidate yet. But hes a good guy and i loved working for him and helping him get elected. Thank you, david. Hes not your candidate. No. You supported obama, right . Were getting to snapping here. Thank you both. Im right about your party. Ever since you left, its been black voter suppression. Coming up, another hard right tonight, this one for the heart and soul of the Democratic Party. What was Hillary Clinton arguing when she said corporations dont create jobs . I think she had a strong point there. She is poaching on Elizabeth Warren territory. The top two democrats in the country going a bit to war here over ideology. This is hardball, the place for politics. Tomcat presents dead mouse theatre. 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The rocket was carrying some 5,000 pounds of gear for the six People Living on board the space station. Nasa contracted Orbital Sciences to stock the space station. Now that the Space Shuttle has been retired. Back to hardball right after this. Theres trusting your vehicle maintenance to ford service confidence. Our expertise, technology, and high quality parts means your peace of mind. Its no wonder last year we sold over three million tires. And during the big tire event, get up to 140 in mailin rebates on four select tires. We got a big one for you. Now back to hardball. Is Hillary Clinton contending for the Democratic Left . The ground Elizabeth Warren has been stomping so hard. Here she was stumping for Alison Lundergan grimes earlier this month. Our democracy is supposed to work for everyone, not just the privileged few. But more and more you know this, you feel it, you live it. The scales are weighted against working families. Well, last week, she praised senator al franken for pushing for tough regulation of big banks. Friday campaigning for Martha Coakley up in boston, pushed for raising the minimum wage. No surprise there, but it was the comment she made about jobs that created attention. Listen. Dont let anybody tell you that, um, you know, its corporations and businesses that create jobs. You know, that old theory, trickledown economics, that has been tried, that has failed. It has failed rather spectacularly. You know, one of the things my husband says when people say, what did you bring to washington . He said, i bought arithmetic. According to politico, later said the secretary of state meant to talk about tax breaks for corporations in that sentence. A sentiment shes long held. That was the quote from the staffer afterwards. Yesterday, mrs. Clinton herself sought to clarify the previous comment. She said she shorthanded the point, but meant to say she was against tax breaks for big corporations. That outsourced their jobs or profits overseas. She seems to be embracing Elizabeth Warren. Will it work . The founder of the Progressive Change Campaign committee, is a columnist for the washington pos post. I dont want to dilly dally over nuance and everything. It seems to me secretary clinton was taking a tough shot at corporations there, saying they dont deserve tax breaks, where the president is pushing for lower corporate rates if he can plug the loopholes to pay for it. Theres a difference between those two. I think Hillary Clinton is moving closer to your candidate, Elizabeth Warren. Im wondering why is she doing it now, ahead of the campaign . Chris, theres a Rising Economic populace in america that Elizabeth Warren has been the personification of. Hillary clinton is logging that. Before an election, you want to say popular things. Elizabeth warren is the most popular and soughtafter campaigner for democrats across the country for a reason. Thats because her positions are popular and Hillary Clinton is smart to embrace them. My question, thats a good argument, but what about Hillary Clintons goal here . If Elizabeth Warren doesnt run against her, she walks into the challenge. But can she get a strong mandate out of the election and not squeak in with a divided government . Thats what i do. Is it smart to go to the Democratic Left if youre trying to grab the center for the election . Is that smart . Its not just smart. It would be brilliant if that was her strategy. Well find out. Weve done the polling. Red states, purple states, blue states. Are you surprised that raising benefits wouldnt be popular . Thats not a tricky question. Thats like saying, do you want to lower taxes . Of course you want benefits to go up. Theyre never enough. There are some democrats around the country that are adopting the simpson bowls plan to cut Social Security and they are down in the polls thats obvious. Thats why Simpson Bowles was tough to do. Let me ask you, i think its going to be a battle for the Democratic Left here. I think Hillary Clinton, i wouldnt go that direction. I would go to the center. But when you watch the statement hes made lately that shes contending for the votes on the hard left . I think whats clear is, if you listen to her on the not quite yet campaign trail, is that shes very aware of the left of the party, not of the threat from Elizabeth Warren, because i dont think Elizabeth Warren will run for president , but of the popularity with warren. But its true at the same time, that this is not a flip flop. If you look at her speeches from 2007, she was talking about issues of income inequality what about corporations, the language that corporations dont create jobs. That was a dumb thing to say. It was badly said. Why did she say it . I think you get a little bit carried away when youre up there talking and you dont say things in the best way. I think she didnt say it in the best way. Shes definitely not Elizabeth Warren. Wea weve seen this a million times before, chris. When youre running, as she is not quite yet. But when youre running, youre going to put your thumb on the rhetorical scale in one direction and youre going to attack back lets take a look at Elizabeth Warren. She was asked today about what she means when she says the political system is rigged. Lets listen to senator warren. The Government Works for those who can afford to hire armies of lobbyists and make big campaign contributions. It doesnt work so much for real families. What we have to do, we have to have real people take our Government Back and make it work for us. We know the political world. Parties are identified with the people, with their strong eft hostilities, animosities. Republicans hate labor unions. Where they exist, they hate big government, they hate taxes. Democrats dont like big corporations, the power of wall street, the koch brothers, its smart politics to work that side of the street, to go after those people, right . Holding big corporations and wall street accountable is more politics. As youre pointing out, not judjust in a primary, but its a smart general Election Strategy. Frankly, we could have rand paul or huckabee in the general election and if the party isnt embracing warrens position, fighting for the little guy against the big guy, we could lose. Tell me how that works. Im fascinated by that. How does the rightwing snake the democrats as the party of the people . I mean, basically by coopting our message. The reason warren gets record crowds, people want someone to fight for the little guy. Some republicans are pretty good at faking that game. While warren is the real deal. Thats why i think Hillary Clinton might be recognizing this is a smart general Election Strategy to adopt warrens message. Braley in iowa and begich in alaska are winning because theyre campaigning warrens message. Do you see secretary clinton as a political leader of the left . In this case, shes a follower of the left. The Republican National chairman priebus, you know what we think of him. He said hillarys language said shes not ready for primetime. This is priebus, the leader of the black suppression movement. Shes trying too hard and shes not really good at this stuff. I think that she is bordering on becoming, you know, sort of a character catture of something on the outside looking in. If you look at what shes trying to emulate. Shes trying to be Elizabeth Warren. I dont know if she was a little off script on that particular moment, but it clearly wasnt natural, and it was certainly awkward. Thats in slowmo. It was the thought, i guess. But hes attacking her brain . Or her strategy . Reince priebus isnt ready for day time, what do you think . So theres this critique from the right that Hillary Clinton has gone way left and is attacking corporations and hates business. And theres a critique from the left side that shes just pretending to be on the left. Theyre both right. You are both so smart. Let me ask you a question about life. I believe in this. And i think adam believes what he says. If you are who you are, you are who you are. If people can tell. Mitt romney tried to prove he was a crazy rightwing barn burner, whatever the hell, just a business guy who likes making money and knows how to do it. He didnt want to say that. Hillary clinton has to be a practical politician, she listens to people, shes friends with people like john mccain. Shes not some crazy lefty. Shes not a crazy lefty. But i think that the flip flopper label is going to turn out to be easier to apply to mitt romney, than to Hillary Clinton. Shes not flip followupping he flip flopping here . I think shes shown an ability to evolve smartly on some positions and hopefully hes evolving on the economic you put the shift in there. Weve all evolved on gay marriage, most of us anyway. Great to have you on, with a great point of view. By the way, i just did a tweet thing for like an hour with people. Almost half of them were pushing Elizabeth Warren. So its real out there. Im sure youre good to hear that. Thank you both. Coming up, john stewart takes on Chris Christie. David and goliath. And David Letterman has the remedy for bush fatigue. Thats next in the side show. This is hardball, a place for politics. Wethey were a littlehorizons to mbit skeptical. Ss, what they do actually is rocket science. But at ge capital we also bring expertise from across ge, like lean process engineers we asked who does what, when, where, and why that step first . Ideas for improvement started pouring out. With a little help from us, they actually doubled their output speed. 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Governor Chris Christie is taking heat for the harsh treatment of nurse kaci hickox after he issued a mandatory quarantine for those returning from west africa. Here was John Stewarts take on that last night. Why does christie have to be such a [ bleep ] about everything . [ cheers and applause ] you know, he cant just quarantine. All right, you did the quarantine, but he cant just quarantine someone, hes like, youre a doctor without borders, not anymore, get in the [ bleep ] room you selfsacrificing angel of mercy piece of [ bleep ]. I got your altruism right here [ laughter ] anyway, a week to go before mid terms, mcconnell isnt taking any chances in his fight. Last week he loaned his campaigned nearly 2 million bucks of his own money which is usually a very good sign of a nastily close race. Hes put that money to a positive campaign ad, i didnt know there was such a thing, trying to show off his lighter side. A lot of people try to tell me how to do my commercials. We see you between two trucks. That sounds dangerous. Hey, mitch, what about using a talking baby . Thats been done before. You and blood hounds. Thats not going to work. Maybe this isnt such a bad idea. Im Mitch Mcconnell and i approve this message. You saw that. That shot you saw of the senator straddling two trucks say parity of the volvo ad starting john claud vandam which was popular last year. And the blood hounds are a throwback to an ad from 1984 that showed a back of blood hounds chasing his then opponent. I guess he thinks it will bring him the same luck from 30 years ago. Will it be enough to put him over the top . Well find that out a week from tonight. Jeb bush is moving closer to a run in 2016. But the prospect of a third bush, some say too many. Can we tolerate another bush being the president of the United States . I saw this response. Take a look. Are you up nights worried another member of the bush family will be voted into the white house . 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Common side effects include urinary tract infections, changes in urination, and runny nose. Do the walk of life yeah, you do the walk of life need to lower your blood sugar . Ask your doctor about farxiga and visit our website to learn how you may be able to get every month free. Heres whats happening. An unmanned rocket headed to the International Space station exploded after liftoff. The spacecraft was carrying 5,000 pounds of gear. There were no injuries. The department of Homeland Security is beefing up security at federal buildings nationwide. The move is following acts of violence in canada and elsewhere. Now back to hardball. Welcome back to hardball. And the hardball roundtable tonight, topics Chris Christie wants to make sure everyone knows theres no one more macho on ebola than he is, even if Scientists Say his prescriptions go overboard. Plus, the battle of ideas for the democratic primary. The question, should Hillary Clinton run . Get to the left without going to the left herself . And this headline is create. Every tv show right now is about Hillary Clinton. Political shows are dominating television. Reviewers and viewers alike compare the leading women in all these shows to Hillary Clinton. Joining me now is tim daily, who stars in one of those programs, where he plays the husband of the secretary of state. Auls the author of art of discovery. And also a columnist from the chicago tribune, author of culture warrior and he owns a pulitzer prize. If you have one flaunt it. Ill trade you for a tv show. Let me start with Chris Christie, i think hes mr. Ma o macho. Hes fighting with the press, the president , going after Anthony Fauci who has been a Public Servant for a thousand years. Hes attacking everybody. I think its a political football. Your thoughts . Well, first, this is his brand. A feisty Chris Christie. But secondly, he is thinking about running for president and the party, now the base, hates government, hates authority hates obama. Of course, doesnt trust the cdc, et cetera. And after what happened with Hurricane Sandy where he was seen in public actual cooperating with obama, that will never do. So he has to wipe out that memory and replace it with one of doing battle with government. This is a new gesture on his part. New jersey can handle its own affairs. We dont need washington telling us what to do. Hes got to quietly let this woman out of the quarantine that hes got her in, she after all, is not ill, as far as anybody knows. But he just kind of overshot it i think that she said she had access to the best takeout in newark. I did some tweeting the other day and i discovered, which i should have long ago, that the excitement in the Democratic Party is on the hard left, people who are exciting about Elizabeth Warren. The clintons cant break their ties with wall street. They have been fund raising there for years. My question, theres a lot of interest in Elizabeth Warren and hillary is now trying to compete with it . I think whats interesting in hollywood land, the Campaign Never seemed to stop. People have been campaigning there since the last three years. So its hillarys still campaigning . Everybodys still campaigning. Theres not a week that goes by that theres not some major fundraiser in hollywood. Since, i dont know, 2012. I mean, it just keeps on rolling. The world series is going on. Madison bumgarner, great name, ace pitcher. 29 e. R. A. Its incredible, right . Its like saying he throws his first pitch. 98 mile an hour fastball on the outside of the plate. And everybodys going, is he going to throw that same pitch to every batter for the rest of the game . The answer is no. So of course hillary is playing a little bit to the left. Shell throw the slider, the curveball, the changeup, whatever pitch she can to whatever batter. Because her goal is to get everybody out and win the game. I dont think its a surprise shes drawing the batters attention to the left, but shes going to throw a fastball down the middle later. Or a changeup. Thats not a bad analogy. [ laughter ] so in other words, i can throw a lot of stuff . Yeah. Look at this guy. New kid on the block. Because hillary, she may be a lot smarter than critics who say she fumbled the words. Maybe like eisenhower, she said exactly what she wanted to say. For one thing, to carry the analogy on a little bit, that shes throwing the same curveball that she threw back in 2008 when she was trying to please the base of her party, while at the same time, playing to the middle. That kind of backfired on her because barack obama was already building a new base at the time. But if shes going to win, you know, if the republicans start hitting that curveball, shes going to throw a different i go back to religion. Say what you believe, because in the end, if you fail, you can always say, i failed saying what i believe. There you go. If you fail saying what you dont believe, you got nothing. I dont want why she was a hawk going to the iraq war. I think it had to do with her own instincts. Her husband was president. And also with the contributors, the Land Developers are all hawks. Maybe there was part of that. Maybe she thought it was a smart move. Like in the godfather. She also remember dukakis. She doesnt want to be outdone on the dove side. And it turned out that the war was getting uppopular at the same time that she was last question to the experts here, since youre really good at this. Is hillary smart to go to the center as fast as she can, or smart to go to the left, appeal to the left, get them behind her, and then move back to the center . Look, im not smart enough to know what she should do or shouldnt do. I think shes going to have to adjust. Should she win, shes going to be adjusting her game plan the whole way along, depending on polls and how her opponent is doing, and how the other people are doing. Shes a politician. Shes in the game. She wants to win and hopefully as you said, she believes in what shes saying along the way. Its 50 shades of politics. You guys are so cynical. I thought hollywood was filled with idealists, you got to say what you believe and trumpet it. Thats what were doing. Youre great, by the way, i love this, youre a guy, supportive of your wife, but i take on that drunken marine about a week ago. I think its an ideal version of a leader. Visionary, have very good values. Two, theyre very gutsy. And the key ingredient we need today, they know how to fix problems. Thats why i love tealy i dont knowy as the secretary of state. She fixes things. I got an answer here, its magical. One of the reasons people are so enamored of political shows is that on these fictional political lives, people actually get something done. Theres an ending. And even if its machiavellian, something happens. Whereas in the real world, were just stuck. Sunday night im watching the ideal hillary for an hour, which i love. And then i get the good wife. That comes on with the marriage that was wrecked. Still in love with this other guy. Im not saying this is hillary, but its all complicated. Every tv show is about and has aumz been about Hillary Clinton. Madam secretary which stars our guest as the husband. Lets watch that part. What happened to my ethics being so sexy to you . They are. This is a oneoff. Its just a crazy situation that trumps that. The very nature of ethics, they cant be trumped. Please dont make me argue that. So your work is more important than mine . Of course not. So youre willing to risk my entire career. But a man is sgg to be killed. Who is going to be killed . Josh broke up with me. What a noodle. Hes a duf us anyway. Your dad and i have something really important to talk about. More important than my shattered existence . No. Okay, look, ill be there in a minute. Can we talk about the guy getting killed . Back to bed now comes the more complicated version in the good wife. We get a look at the complexities of a political marriage. Lets watch. If you dont show up to endorse me, if you go out to some governors conference instead, your favorables will plummet through the floor. On the day that you want to be talking about pensions, every question will be about the state of your marriage. Yes, i may need you, peter, but you sure as well need me too. That is raw stuff. Thats politics. I love that. I dont know if thats the clinton family, but that looks like the real thing to me. What do you think . I have been a political lunk for so long. This is my fantasy baseball. [ laughter ] its finally come to washington. Washingtons the most interesting city in the world. I love how the good wife takes place in chicago. And its filmed in new york. At least its not vancouver, right . But we are bringing sexy back to politics. Got to talk about this book. When we come back, well talk about the art, of why people like my son went into this business youre in and well be right back with the roundtable. This is hardball, the place for politics. I just talked to ups. They got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. Like smart pick ups. Theyll only show up when you print a label and its automatic. We save time and money. Time . Money . Time and money. Awesome. Awesome awesome awesome awesome all awesome i love logistics. But at xerox weve embraced a new role. Working behind the scenes to provide companies with services. Like helping hr departments manage benefits and pensions for over 11 million employees. Reducing document costs by up to 30 . 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Anyw anyway, thank you. Thank you. I was thinking of mr. Ha hans opus. This is our opus. This is a beautiful book. Take this book, show it off. I did ask him to wear it around his neck. How did you decide to take the road less traveled . My kids did it. Most people coming out of school, they had to go to law school. Bankers in my day, they take something pretty predictable successful. They dont take something risky, like acting. In my case, it may be congenital, with both of my parents actors. My son, sam is an actor, my niece, Catherine Brown is an actress. So its in my family. It dook me a whitook me a while. I was not impressed by actors when i was a child. Were you wrong or right . I was right. I had an overactive imagination and i want today be a lot of things. A fireman, a policeman, an as o astrona astronaut, and i realized in order to do one of those things correctly, you have to devote to it totally. Who were your heroes . My heroes were not actors. They were people like john glen and willie mays. Those are the people that i aspired to be. And i got to play gjim lovell i a series. Sq. I wrote a story in the book about being backstage with my father. That was very special to me. I was in the whole illusion that youre pulling off. When you watch Ronald Reagan, when you watch president obama, who ive supported most of the time, do they act . Are they acting . Well, i always thought this is im going to reveal myself here everyone though craig of coalition is a nonprofit, i always thought Ronald Reagan was a terrible actor. When he was president , was he acting president . Sort of i just never liked the kbie. I just felt he was writing a speech that was written for him. Can you tell the w speeches were written by dick cheney . Okay, youre going to get me in a lot of trouble now. No, i could not tell. Congressman ben jensay. He was the actor in dukes of has saturday kwlgts. Someone asked him, do you miss it . And he said im acting up here every day. Anyway , thank you for being here. It was made with Renaissance Hotels and jeff vespa and its a labor of love and the arts and go buy it on amson. Thats a sign. I never thought id have to say that again. When we return, let me finish with my thoughts about the battle of ideas. And it is that between Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren. This is a hot one on the left. Youre watching hardball the place for politics. Twhat do i do . You need to catch the 4 10 huh . The Equipment Tracking system will get you to the loading dock. There should be a truck leaving now. I got it. Now jump off the bridge. What . In 3. 2. 1. Are you kidding me . Go. Right on time. Right now, over 20,000 trains are running reliably. We call that predictable. Thrillingly predictable. If yand youre talking toevere rheumyour rheumatologiste me, about a biologic. This is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. 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Quick thinking traffic lights and self correcting power grids make the world predictable. Thrillingly predictable. Californians are discovering the real risks behind prop 46. It was written and paid for by the trial lawyers to make them millions. While, for the rest of us, Health Care Costs go up. No wonder every major newspaper in the state opposes prop 46. They say 46 overreached in a decidedly cynical way. Its a ploy for trial lawyers to enrich themselves. And prop 46 has too many potential drawbacks to be worth the risk. Time to vote no on prop 46. Let me finish tonight with this battle of ideas. I should begin by confessing where i stand myself. I usually find myself with the candidate whos furtest left. Where does this put me in the war of ideology between clinton and warren . Ill get to that, just not tonight. Im ready to state my cases on the politics of 2016. I believe the best candidates are the people who are true to themselves. I believe the worst are the ones who betray themselves. I believe the best candidates who dont say things or pretend to be things in the runup to the primaries that they have to deny when facing the general election in november. People like to blame ralph nader for taking ag way those 90,000 votes. I think the greater impact was when he pulled gore over in the middle of the campaign, in the center and to thoo easygoing appeal of george w. Bush. I believe secretary krclintons greatest appeal is as a professional. Who knows how to get with the other side and get something done

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