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Issue here is we cannot marginalize anyones life without marginalizing all of our lives. I said at the eulogy monday, we must be here for the long haul, in what makes america, america. Thanks for watching. Im al sharpton. Hardball starts right now. Turn coats, lets play hardball. Good evening, im Chris Matthews in washington. Let me start tonight with those dozens of americans turn thing coat and joining islamic murderers in syria and iraq. Next we get to the republican strategy for taking up the u. S. Senate. Turn every democratic opponent into barack obama. Then we get to the stinking hamburger plan to skip u. S. Tax plaus by heading off it canada. Finally the death that comes of handing a loaded automatic weepon it a 9yearold and deafening silence from the National Rifle association. You know, the ones who say guns dont kill people, people do. In this case, those of you hiding in the corner, it was a gun, an oosy that killed. As i said, we start with the murky change of heart and change of allegiance that drives a small but ruthless bunch of haters to join the murderous ranks of isis and other antiamerican islamist terror groups based in syria. Lets get a fix as best we can on who they are and what they are doing screaming for blood in far away land, Richard Engel is chief important to correspondent for nbc news. Evan kohlmann is an nbc analyst. Richard, they arent kbing away a different way of life, they are going away to kill americans. Yesterday nbc news learned Douglas Mcarthur mccain was killed fighting for isis. Now a second american turn coat killed in the same incident with mccain. Today pentagon spokesman kirby told Andrea Mitchel that the threat from ice nis the worm of the western recruits is sirius. Lets listen. We know dozens and dozens of americans are potentially becoming radicalized and fighting with groups like isil. Thats woresome enough. When we talk about the potential immediate sift threat of isil, thats one of the factors we are talking about. This idea that foreign fighters could go over there, get radicalized, get trained, then come back it their homeland. Whether it is United States or any other western nation. We cant even decide what to call this thing, isil or ice pips these young men from america of different backgrounds have gone over to join it. How do we explain the turning of coat, turning of allegiance, not just to leave our culture but to become american killers p. Because this group which doesnt call itself isis or isil, calls itself the Islamic State or califate, doesnt see the world in terms of american versus britain versus syria or iraqi. It sees it as muslims, particularly their brand of islam, which is really a death cult. It is rejected by the vast majority of muslims around the world and everybody else. So they are calling on supporters to come and join this little state that they have carved out in collapsed parts of syria and iraq. And to join this Uber National Ultra National califate of theirs. Rejected their nationality, burn their american passports and fight against anyone who is determined to be their enemy. And this is appealing for people. Appealing for a certain fwrup of people. Maybe 10 or 20 years ago they would have joined a religious cult. Gone off and joined the foreign legion. People have trouble with the law. They cant find themselves. They are searching for something greater. And in this case, they are joining a death cult that is advertising itself on the internet. And its little safe zone within iraq and syria. Dozens of people are real people, watching the beheading on television, basically, about american webs someone like they were, whats the reaction it being part after cult that does that . They have their hands in this now. Look to 20yearold adam dandage last month, arrested trying to go to isis. He told the fbi he was attempting to join isis. But when asked if he was willing to kill americans, he said openly no the fbi, yes, i would kill americans. Yes, that is part after religious duty. Yes, it is valid. And it is not just isis. You have this young guy from florida who went over and joined al qaedas official branch in syria, and before he left, he recorded a message in which he was shown tearing apart his u. S. Passport, bite awning the bass port, and then issuing a message to barack obama in which he threatened to come back and destroy the United States with bombs and other weapons and said his kpa tree ots would be behind him. That the organization that just released an american hostage. You can imagine what the isis guys are saying p. Lets good back to the ma crow questions. United states becoming syria, becoming isis . I think pretty soon, frankly. United states becoming syria, becoming isis . I think pretty soon, frankly. United states authorized surveillance flights over syria. Looking for targets. They will find targets. If you ask them to start looking for things, theyll find them. I think of it like if you invite a carpenter or a contractor to your house and you say, i have problems in the basement, you know full well the base smt full of water and you tell them, go down and look in there, he is going to tell you it needs work. Now were doing surveillance flights over there. We are asking them to look for targets. They will find them. So what do we do next sni think they will start bombing them. The irony on all of this, and i know you will love this, since you followed washington in foreign policy, almost exactly one year ago to the day we were talking about bombing sir why. But we were going to be bombing syria in order to become Bashar Alassad and help rebels push him out of power. Now we will bomb isis extremists in order to help Bashar Alassad. In one year, the situation changed 180 degrees. When we were right . Are we right now . Right then . Is this like they used to say about the pope. Hes right, then he changes his mind, hes right. Just religious about my religion, but thats an old joke. If we were right to spend all of our effort getting rid of alassad, which i never understand, i think they were a pain in the butt but a predictable pain in the butt and they were local. Now the isis, danger on the street for years now, that the government is always better than the street. Now we have the street coming at us. So here is the situation. Was it right then or is it right now . Lets take the first example. Thats the most pressing one. We could be doing this in a few days. In the situation is untenable. You have militant, as evan was saying, not just from isis but thousands of incredibly dangerous people who are very well armed. They are collect taxes, imposing their own kind of sharia law. They are seizing weapons from the iraqi army. They are taking over the air base. They are a danger to anyone, including the United States, right now. Can i understand why the United States would want to attack right now. Richard, we have to be somewhat consistnt. Assad was never a threat to the United States. Then i go back to the other example. A year ago when we were talking about bombing the syrians, it was in order to back a moderate opposition and in order to overthrow assad. We never did that. So we didnt do one, which i understand. Assad was never a clear and present danger like these militant groups are, certainly. But once again we are talking about bombing and what im pointing out is we are talking about bombing first time against ba shar and now with bashar. And it shows how inconsistent our look at syria has been. As the situation changes. One consistency is the national interest. We call it the Defense Department to defend our country. Here an interesting column written today. In syria it might be necessary to choose the lesser equal and work with Bashar Alassad to detaet isis. This may mean for the foreseeable future a regime that committed war crimes, supported by iran and russia. Which the west has considerable strategic differences. Change would be costly but not as costly as scenario in which isis could use syrian territory from which to mount attacks from the region and beyond. Eye sad fwost may be able but is lesser reefl than isis and a local one. Ive been reading a lot about world war ii again, ef yn and richard, we all think about woorld war 2 all the time. We join sides with stalin. Stalin, because we thought hitler was a more immediately and frightening threat to the world at that point. I understand that look, im not exactly a friend of the assad regime. Athink what theyve done to the Syrian People is horrific. Awful. But i think at a certain point u. S. Foreign policy has to focus on certain priorities. One of those priorities is u. S. National security. Who is clear and present danger. Hezbollah is not a clear and present danger to the politics of the United States or homeland to the United States. It is not an active terrorist threat us to. Alassad is not. His Defense Network is done. He is not a let it to anyone in the region right now. Im not suggesting we should back the regime of Bashar Alassad, but i think we have to understand that in terms of the actors in this air yst world that are actually a threat us to, the one that is a threat to us is isis. No doubt about that. No doubt. Can i tell you, chris, how i think this sort of plays out . Sure, richard. If the u. S. Starts bombing isis in northern in syria, mostly northern syria, and and eastern syria. But across a broad part of sir why out of governments control, we start bombing them, what does that mean . It means alassad gets a pass. We are effectively helping him because we are neutralizing an enemy force. By the way, alassad was happy to have isis flourish in his country for the last several months. He never attacked them because isis was busy fighting other rebels and new that they have become such a ferocious threat to him and to us, he is quite happy it seems to have the United States come in and clean up a mess that he was very happy to see ferment in his country. Aside from that, if we start doing this, start bombingitesis, we give assad a pass. He goats stay, but probably control a smaller state. There will be a Bombing Campaign in this area of nomans land. In that band outside of damascus. That is isis stand, if you will. And this continues for a long time. This become a nomans land, dangerous place. Controlled by air strikes while ba shar alray sad stays, rehabilitated and gets to keep a somewhat reduced country. Thats not an outlook, an sustained longterm plan. Thats geo politics. I think a lot of americans are bleeding emotionally at the sight of what happened to james poly. We worry about our hostages. Our focus is on us. Thank you Richard Engel. Thank you evan for your expertise. Coming up. Wanting to put a boeing shirt on the back of everyone running in 2014. Can Mitch Mcconnell and scott brown convince their opponent, male or female, are really the president in some costume. Pluz plus, calling for a boycott of burger king after the fastfood giant announced it was buying a Canadian Company and relocating headquarters up north. Critics say it is a gimmick to avoid paying american taxes, and it sure looks like it. Horror at the gun range. 9yearold girl firing a oozy, thats an automatic rifle, accidentally killed her instructor after losing control of the rifle. Wait until you see the pictures. Why was this little girl allowed to use such a weapon . Where is the nra right now . I wonder why. They must be embarrass in their awful silence. The stinky hamburger deal, skipping out on money and the hamburger deal, while think avoid paying taxes. This is hardball, a place for politics. List of toprated providers. Visit angieslist. Com today. Thlook what i got. P. Oh my froot loops [sniffs] lets do this . Get up get up get up get up loop me bring back the awesome. Yeah yeah yeah with the great taste of Kelloggs Froot loops. Follow your nose president obamas lawyers just got a little busier now that another republican is filing a lawsuit against the president. Governor bobby jind el of louisiana is suing the Obama Administration over implementation of the common Core Education program. In a Statement Governor jindal says common core is the latest by Big Government disciples to strip away states rights and put washington, d. C. In control of everything. Jindal also has his own score board which i wants backed enthuse atticly. Could be politics at work here. Well be right back. 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Republican senate chalers and incumbent alike are running to be be the unobama this year. Will it work in Mitch Mcconnell said in moort martins upcoming piece, quote, my favorite year is 1994. Took a cardboard cutout of bill clinton on to the stage and defied the democrat to have their make tour take went with it. Mcconnell saw his tv ad with an opponent and he lost that fall. Secretary of state grimes is turned into a caricature of the current democratic president , barack obama. By my standard barack obama has been a disaster for our country. Thats what you get for electing someone with no experience. He was only two years into his first job when he started campaigning for the next one. Sound familiar . Pretty sarcastic. Republicans win in november by putting an obama boeing shirt, if you will, on the back of every democrat . Author of this great piece this weekend, jonathan wab i was going to call you when i read it on line. Fabulous, fabulous report ppg really. It is the kind of things that makes politics enjoyable it read. Host of the joy reid report. Lets talk about what we just showed a tape of. He is the old crusty guy who has been there. All of the assets of office but no one really likes him. Will he run almost like isis and syria . He thinks voters will choose him as the less of two evils, jonathan . His strategy has been, basically, get the other person o to dislike sorry, have voters dislike the other candidate more than they do me. But thats not just this year. Thats been mcconnells m. O. For 0 years, thats how he wins. If you talk to folks that know him well, they will stay candidly, thats part of the reason hes that popular at home and why he is facing a tough race at this point in his career. He never established a positive image. Now mcconnell would say, yes, but i won. He told me over and over again. Im 80, 80. Never lost a race. But the way he wins isnt pretty and thats why he is in the predicament he is in today. His campaign is a onenote campaign. Trying to equate his popant with president obama which who is deeply unfop lar figure in carol costello. And her campaign is to make the race about one thing too, Mitch Mcconnell. So you have two candidates making the race about Something Else and about somebody else. Can you argue, the only thing worse than doing anything Mitch Mcconnell is to be, i just lost Mitch Mcconnell. I watched Strom Thurmond become an acceptable figure because he changed over the race of bid. But he survived. People like survivors. At the end of november, Election Night when were all covering it, if Mitch Mcconnell wins, he will find himself slapping on the back and saying good work there wsh mitch. You did it again. If he loses, he is a loser. I think thats what drives that guy. And a lot of these people in politics, you win, you win. You lose, you lose. The thing with Mitch Mcconnell, which struck me about the clip you played, he said his favorite year is 94. But the more appropriate analogy is 1998. Unfortunately for the Republican Party what happened in that election is that their unpopularity measured against bill clinton and at that time they were trying to impeach clinton which is highly unpopular and right now, yes, president obama is enincredly unpopular in kentucky. He is trying to use it to his best advantage but partly because of the mcconnell strategy. He has made it really difficult for Republican Senate candidates to run saying their opponent would rubber stamp the obama agenda. The obama agenda is dead in the water for two years. He hasnt been able to pass anything major. The last huge piece of legislation that they nationalize the election on is health care. They backed off because in part in lost its sail yens and in particular in kentucky, the kentucky version is popular. The third part is if he is running against a brand, and alice grimes has a family brand which in a sense trumps any attempt to paste obama on to her an she resisted doing it as have most southern democrats that are in good shape. I tried to get Michelle Nunn if she would support health care and she wouldnt tell me. Democrats in the south arent allowing themselves to be attached to president obama. You are betting on her . I think that Allison Grimes has a very good clans. I think the only problem she will have is that democrats in general are more demoralized and less likely to turn out regardless of their candidate. I agree with everything you said. I think they will run against obama the face, the man. They dont want to talk about obama care, because it is doing well in kentucky. Kentucky isnt the only senate race with a gop. Republicans are trying to paint all of the democratic candidate as obama. Scott brown is in this race now. Tying New Hampshire democrat shane as incumbent senator to the president he says is pro amnesty, lets watch. Folks who come here illegally, they just walk across the border. Thats wrong. Thanks to the pro amnesty policy of president obama and senator we have an Immigration Crisis on our hand. We respond with compassion. But it is time for us to secure the border once and for all. And tell people who try to come here illegally that we intend to enforce the law. And this ad against mark pryor in arkansas for a conservative group the american crossroads mockes what they call pro obama voting record. Your next pro word is prior. May i have the definition please . Pryor, washington liberal out of touch with arkansas, voted for obama agenda, 90 . May i hear is in a sentence . Mark pryor was the deciding vote for obama care. Pryor, obama. Close enough. Well, jonathan, when you saw it in kentucky and reportedly brilliantly, which i recommend Everybody Loves politics and a lot of progressives will love this too, a wellwritten piece but point out the dark side of mr. Mcconnell. This metastasizing of this just call him obama, im telling you, the reason i say this, having done this a million times, come alocation night around midnight when the rachel and the rest of us are trying to figure out what happened, everyone will say, if it goes the wrong way, it was obama that sunk this ship. Their voting against obama. We will see it in exit poll fess it happens. Your thoughts. Well, chris, forget Election Night. Democrats privately are saying that, if you talk to democratic strategists involved in this years campaign, they say that their biggest challenge is president obamas own popularity and a lot of state. It is not just deep red state like arkansas and kentucky, places like colorado, iowa, president , where he won twice, not as popular now as he was. And so that is the strategy to tie o Democratic Candidates to the president. But to joys point, republicans have a more challenge this time than four years ago in 2010. Because there is dissatisfaction with the president , but theres not this urge notcy by conservatives an by independents to stop him and stop harry reid and nancy pelosi. Theres more of a, i think, obama fatigue as one put it to me today. Less anger and more fatigue. So you dont see this boil and 2010 style anger this year. And that could be the challenge for republicans is yes, pell are unhappy with obama but not furious and dieing to go to the polls yet. Joy, youre right on this. The impeachment drives which seems like overkill should have been a censor vote of some kind at the worst. They want to try to knock him out of office and wound up the energizer bunny. All of a sudden bill clinton is back to 19 the 2. Picked up 8 years. Im a kid again. Can i do this one. He is always good at that. Thank you. See you tomorrow on your show. You get a whole hour p. Up next, when joe met lucy. The oldest woman veteran in the country. I think 114 or something. Something like that. He makes quite a picture with this. You got to watch this coming up. This is hardball, place for politics. Happen. If energy could come from anything . Or if power could go anywhere . Or if light could seek out the dark . What would happen if that happens . Anything. Tthe will. , mobilizing to take on the world . You dont know aarp. Aarp and its foundation are taking on hunger with 29 million meals donated. Drive to end hunger teams with local agencies to reach the hungriest among us. If you dont think feed the hungry when you think aarp, then you dont know aarp. Find more surprising possibilities and get to know us at aarp. Org possibilities. 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I think the president s hair actually is turning a little gray. But luckily, theres some good news here. Take a look at this. Are you going gray and leading the free world . Make an executive decision and use just for gray hair for men who are president. And youre just a heart beat away from tranquility. With new just for men who are Vice President bubble bath foam. Sold exclusively in the uts capitol parking lot. Looked real. Next up, oldest living woman to serve in world war ii had one wish. 108yearold lucy coffee wanted one last trip to washington, d. C. A visit to remember. Lets watch what happened. How are you . I got a younger friend, when he found out i was going to be seeing you, he asked if he could come down and see. Hey, guys. Here is my buddy that wanted to say hello. Say hello to lucy. Nice to meet you. Thank you. Youre welcome. Remind me, every time i ahada good looking date, some better looking guy would come along. You know what i mean . Yeah. Vice president and president comes in and everybody drops everything. Know what i mean . Im the guy who loves you. It seems as though the Vice President was making everyones day. He also tweeted a note of congratulationses to julia louislouis drivus. He wrote, a fellow veep with who is also a good friend. Up. In, it they have it their way, burger king will have a big tax break for moving Head Quarters to canada. Its leaving a big smell behind. Youre watching hardball, a place for politics. But the energy bp produces up here creates Something Else as well jobs all over america. Engineering and innovation jobs. Advanced Safety Systems technology. Shipping and manufacturing. Across the United States, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. When we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. Thats not a coincidence. Its one more part of our commitment to america. From safety, to fuel economy, to quality, todays chevrolet has it all. 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And here in the u. S. , hurricane marie remaining far from shore but effects are felt along the california coast. Rough surf closed two terminals at port of long beach. At least one person has died. Back to hardball. Welcome back to hardball. News of the merger between fastfood giant burger king and doughnut hortons. Burger king will buy tim hortons and relocate corporate address to canada, there bilowering taxes here. A strategy known as corporate inversion, when a u. S. Company acquirees a foreignbased company in order to relocation abroad reduce duce its tax burden and boost its profits. It is a tax avoidance tactic that president obama himself has spoken out against. If youre doing business here, if youre basically still an American Company but simply changing your Mailing Address in order to avoid paying taxings, then youre not doing right by the country and by the american people. Thats saying it. Burger king denies, of course it would, that lower corporate taxes are the real motive for the deal. Mother jones, also an msnbc political analyst. And former mayor of san francisco, willie brown. Mayor brown, your thoughts on this. This stinkin idea to sneak out of the United States, sell all of the hamburgers you can here and skip out on spornlts to the american people. Chris, we have it watch ourselves on this one tp there are some weaknesses in mine and your outrage. I absolutely believe that tax code needs to be changed so as to avoid any possibility that this could occur. In this case, however, this is a brazilian company. Thats what burger king is. Several years ago cats from brazil bought burger king. And the company in canada is all about a merger but the Home Court Advantage goes to them because the merger wont get approved. So there are some weaknesses. But we all should be concerned enough to change the tax code so we can eliminate this possibility and the president ought to lead us on it. Well, it doesnt excite me when some shyster finds out how to beat a tax law. Congratulations, you have figured out who to skip taxes. Im a hamburger fan. Burger king has the best hamburger. Five guys is better. They are bigger. But these are made outside. You can tell what it is. It has a good burger. Analysts say they are getting Tax Advantages out of this. But it is part after bigger issue. Who is denying they are getting a break here. But the whole inversion issue, costing taxpayers 20 billion over the next ten years and thats a larger trend with corporations including mcdonalds, microsoft, apple, caterpillar. All moving out . No. They set up overseas subsidiaries to keep profits offshore. Im talking about the money they make here. Doing what they are doing now makes them equivalent to toyota or other country that get a tax break from not being american. Corporations are people, but you and i, chris, we cant decide to be based in lip ston steen and by another person there to put tax burden is offshore. Corporations arent people too . No, but they are getting the breaks. But it a big issue. President s right to be mad. Mayor brown, let me ask you about the role played by Warren Buffett, he has said with his billions, im willing to pay a higher tax. Now he is underwriting this shift of burger king up to canada to avoid paying taxes. Which is it . Is he for more plo gresive taxes for the wealthy or finding ways to get out of paying taxes. I have to believe he will have to answer that question frankly himself. But you cant on one end saying with i pay more than my secretary and on the other hand, avoid the possibility of every decision that been made on sharing the tax burden with corporations and with people and now youre figuring out a way not to share that burd yn. So Warren Buffett has to explain that and he should explain it and anyone else involve had should explain it. But keep in mind, Warren Buffett has been in partnership on other deals with these particular people who own burger king so this is not new for him. This is one thats been on going. You know, back when my dad and i talked politics when he was alive, a moderate republican, and he used to say the thing they didnt like about republicans is in bed with big companies. He said those guys betrayed American Free enterprise. And i think this is one of those cases where if you are a conservative you should be angry with these guys and say, look, we claim that Free Enterprise is part of our american culture. Then find out what it means is tax avoidance. Totally. But as one who has gone through this, just with relocating and another state, the state of california, currently and in the last 10 or 15 years have had people threatening to move out of california because of our taxes. Threatening to move out of california because of our regulation. Threatening to move out of california because of all of the things we require corporations to do about protecting the environment. We understand that. And its a job costing activity. But, keep in mind, that there ought to be an opportunity for dialogue around all of these issues in the same simple way and a consensus built out of that process. Let me find one distinction there. American people supporting military that defend this country. The country is defended also includingity hamburger joint are defended by our military, if you will. An saying oh, we wont pay for that. Were not paying for freedom of everything in this country. We used to call these guys pigs in the 60s. They only liked america because it was place it make money. Now they make money and dont want to pay tax anyway. Daniel gross, fwloeb al financed tore of the daily beast wroest scathingly of the deal yesterday saying quote prits many may be the last refuge of the scoundrel but the last of it may be corporate who doesnt know how to share in their business. In ohio, saying in a press release monday, this week, burger kings decision to abandon the United States means comsumers should turn to wendys. Oldfashioned burgers or white castle sliders to help business grow in america. Workplace training andant courage r d and capital investment. Corporations benefiting from the policies but want u. S. Companies to pay their share of the tab. Well said. There is legislation pending in congress to limit inversions and also to deal with why would the republicans defense this . Wall street journal that editorial came out against it. You know why. Because they are in the pockets of the people the wall street journal the lead editorial attacked the scheme. They can do that but at the same time the wall street jurp al and others have been bad about the 2 trillion that the corp rates have on the shelves of of jersey and elsewhere. Mayor brown, thanks so much. Just too much nuance, sir. I like the straight ahead attack approach you usually take. Thank you. With all due respect, thank you. I wanted to see more anger. Youre an 60s guy. No, im not going to burger king. Deadly shooting at a gun range. This is too sad to even still be laughing. A 9 theyearold handed an automatic weapon, an oozy. What were these people thinking. This is hardball, a place for politics. Gas at the same location. During the day, we generate as much electricity as we can using solar. At night and when its cloudy, we use more natural gas. This ensures we can produce Clean Electricity whenever our customers need it. 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At first on single shot mode then automatic mode. The weapon recolder. The theyearold lost control and the instrujtor was killed. In the video youre about to see, she looks like every bit a child from her pink shorts to her ponytail. Watch closely at the end to see how the gun recoils upwards. We have to keep that held in. Otherwise the gun wont fire, okay . Stand right there. There you go. Just like that. Rs if okay, turn this leg forward. There you go. Just like that. All right. Go ahead and give me one shot. All right. Well, the instructor died monday night after being air lifted to a Las Vegas Area hospital. One can only imagine the horror experienced by the young girl herself, her family and the family and friends of the instruktdor. But the instructor died nearly 48 hours ago and there still no word from the National Rifle sewation. We saw a comment from the nra, Public Affairs director today but got no replay. Joining me is former president of the Brady Campaign and cheryl from moms demand action for gun sense in america. Shannon, what is your reaction to the picture we just showed. This is a tragedy. There are two vigt ims. Not just the man killed but this poor girl given an automatic weapon. When that never should happen. Guns are not accessories. They are not toys. We hope this will start a national discussion. It would be great if the nra would join us in and say it is time to protect children from g. Two children in this country are shot and killed unintentionally every single week. Lets use this as a launching board to say, lets protect children from guns and lets talk about how we can do that together. I thought we didnt have automatic weapons available to people. I thought theyve been outlawed since the 30s and the Machine Gun Kelly days snm thats a misconception, chris. Actually, they are available theyre just tightly regulated. You are allowed to buy a fully automatic weapon, you just have to go through certain checks. One thing thats really amazing to me is that a 9yearold girl would have access to these. She wouldnt be able to buy one, possess one, but we dont have regulations on shooting ranges. One to two people are killed accidentally with a gun every day, we need some regulations on these guns and shooting ranges. Whats it like to hold an automatic oozie, firing bullets every second or so. Is it like holding an oozie in your hanned . For her to be given this weapon and thought it can be used safely is ridiculous. Even charles cook said, this is a bad idea, i think we can all come together and agree that children should not have access to automatic weapons. Again, lets have a larger discussion about children and guns in this country. With rights come responsibility. The nra used to say, they still do it, guns dont kill people, people do. In this case, the gun did it, that gun was out of control, that young Person Holding the gun couldnt control the gun. She wasnt aiming it at the instructor, she was trying to keep control of it. The gun did it, we need to regulate this, we cant keep having this conversation, the position from the nra, you cant do anything about guns. I went to the range, i shot a fully automatic weapon, it has a huge recoil. Theres no way a 9yearold should have these weapons. I learned how to shoot a. 22 in sixth grade. Wheres the nra, can they just go silent on this . They have not said a word. When the producers called up the office of affairs, ed that de, silence. This is their strategy, after any shooting, after any high profile shooting, theyll move on and the discussion will be gone. They did it after sandy hook, after tucson, they did it after virginia tech, they do it every time, because they dont want to have a serious conversation about what we can do to stop gun violence in this country. What do you make of the no comment from the nra . Theyre out of step, even with their own members. 74 of whom support things like background checks. It is time for nra to realize, their leaders to realize that americans believe that with rights come responsibilities, and, you know, were not turning back on this, and theyre going to have to come to the middle and have discussions with us, and this would be the perfect opportunity to start that conversation. I dont believe everybodys guilty who has a different opinion than i do. I dont believe people are sinful or illegal, but i think that people are members of the nra, have a unique ability because theyre members and gun owners to write a letter, tweet or whatever way you have to communicate. A little restriction for common sense would not be the enemy of the gun owner, it would be the friend of the gun owner. A little bit of restraint for common sense. And do we ever see that any more . I think years ago, i thought there was more restraint by the nra than there is now. The nra used to be all about gun safety, educating people. They became political and they are afraid to concede on any issue. Basically, they want to take an extreme position, they dont want to have any compromise, and they need to hey from their members and the elected officials who say, come on. This is not about gun rights any more, this is not about the second amendment, we can have some common sense restrictions, you can still have your guns but yearolds should not be getting their hands on oozies, this makes no sense. I have a message. This is the slippery slope that were watching. This is where you get all the way with gun rights. All the way is take a look at that girl. Thats a slippery slope to hell. Thank you. Well be right back. This is the age of knowing what youre made of. Why let erectile dysfunction get in your way . Talk to your doctor about viagra. 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[ male announcer ] thats why theres ocuvite to help replenish key eye nutrients. Ocuvite has a unique formula not found in your multivitamin to help protect your eye health. Ocuvite. Help protect your eye health. Experience tells me you cant get a good hamburger outside the United States, certainly not one made by a foreign company, maybe its because theyre too cheap with the meat, too ready to fill it with Something Else. I love burger king. Its my favorite. It tastes like its been grilled out back on a bbq. It tastes great plain. When you order one plain, they dont go nuts like at some other fast food places, like nobodys ever dared to do that before. Anyway, lets get this straight, i love burger king. I stick to burgers. Just sell the burger, dont go changing it or confusing the customer. Youre a burger joint, be proud of it. I knew what the Corporate Strategy was back then. I gave the example of two very attractive politicians. One a democrat, became a republican. Another a republican who became a democrat. Neither got snir close to president. People dont like people who switch parties after getting elected. Again, dance with the one that brung you. Burger king is going to move its top corporate address to canada. If this is a scam to avoid taxes, fine, goodbye. Take your chances up in canada, if we americans see you do it,

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