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And prodding for you to reach and be better than you thought you could. Those of us that stand up, those of us that prod america. Those of us that march and do what we do peacefully do it because we rae really believe in america. We love america. We want it to be all it can be. Thanks for watching. Im al sharpton. Hardball starts right now. Hard in the desert. Lets play hardball. Good evening. Im Chris Matthews in washington. We are headed to ferguson tonight but im compelled with start with the president s powerful reaction to the beheading of american james foley by the Islamist Group torturing and killing the way through syria and iraq. Lets be clear about isil. They have rampaged across cities and villages, killing innocent unarmed civilians in cowardly acts of violence. They have abducted women and children and subject them to torture and rape and slavery. They have murdered muslims, sunni and shia, by the thousands. They target christians and religious minorities, driving them from their homes. Murdering them when they can. For no other reason than they practice a different religion. So isil speaks for no religion. Their victims are overwhelmingly muslim. And no faith teaches people to massacre innocence. No just god would stand for what they did yesterday and what they do every single day. The die is cast. We want to make war against this band of killers. Do people say with barack obama said today, you will back and allow killers to run free. We just learned earlier this summer the president authorized, he did, an operation to attempt to rescue american citizens kidnapped by isil. Howard, many people said today they had never heard obama like this, the president , personally. I dont know how he may have scent actual execution pictures, we dont know. Were not showing them. We dont have them. I dont want to show them. A lot of americans dont want it look at it. This guy was decapitated for no reason other than they want to hurt our country. Chris, someone close to the president and emailed me, from the inside, they have never seen him like that. I certainly from the outside have never seen him like that. I have been covering him ever since i saw him run for senate in the United States. That is barack obama who is not only shocked, but angry, and determined. The question of course now is, since we are already slowly but surely beginning to ramp up in that region once again, how that anger, how that focus, which none of us i dont think has seen before in public, how that translates into the reality of american involvement, the american military, and in america itself weary of war yet faced with something more gruesome and more vivid than weve ever seen on television and an enemy that knows social media, that knows propaganda in the modern way. That by some government estimates has 2 billion at its disposal. That has real territory and real proto government in the heart of the middle east. Not in afghanistan, but in the heart of the middle east. Watching that execution setup we were just witness to, they like to push the button and have all of the people killed. This will cause rage in this country to see the way they did this. Here is more from the president today. See how you hear him. Today the entire world is appalled by the brutal murder of jim foley by the terrorist group isil. Jim was a journalist. A son. A brother. And a friend. He reported from difficult and dangerous places bearing witness to the lives of people a world away. He was taken hostage nearly two years ago in syria and he was courageously reporting at the time on the conflict there. Jim was taken from us in an act of violence that shocks the conscience of the entire world. No matter how we get into this, it is obamas war now. I think he is saying that now. He decapitated this guy on tape to get even with him for starting the were on isis. We have at least one other person kidnapped. Another journalist. They are going to toy with that situation for a while. They basically said in so many words that hes next if the president doesnt call off the very limited really offensive that we have mostly from the air in iraq to prevent them from taking control of rifrvers and dams an water facilities. Which is one of the methods these people use it gain territory. The message here, chris, the war that we fought a decade ago has produced a more veermt strain of everything we were trying to destroy. Now the president , rightly criticized our first war, now has to deal with the consequences that may result in some kind of second one. The definition of which we dont know yet. A pain in the butt secular government, no real threat to the world, now fighting an Islamic Terrorist Group which somehow fed out of this situation. Thats what i said. I think the president and i think history will show, that president obama was right to oppose the first war as a candidate, coming up and as president ial candidate. But now as president in the last two years of his second term, he has it deal with much more con consequences than he or anybody, including our people, thought would happen. They didnt tell me how bad this was getting this fast, he was blindsided. If thats true, thats problem in and of itself. When we went in on this mission, when the president authorized the mission in syria to try to rescue american citizens, it turns out the intelligence was bad. The americans were not aware the pentagon was told they were. Thats the situation. Couldnt save them anyway. President obama said americans will be protect ped. Le lets listen to the defensive step he is taking. The United States of america will continue to do what we must do to protect our people. We will be vigilant and relentless. When people harm americans anywhere, we do whats necessary to see that justice is done and we act against isil standing along side others. I dont know why i use the word justice. This is not appropriate here. This is an attack on our country. We have to react to it. This is this country versus a group that declared war on us. I dont know why word used like we are going to a world court with this. Especially since he previously in the same statement basically depicted them as killers who coldblooded killerstsh. They all belong in this. The question, chris, is the president , and not in this vehement way, drawn lines in the sand and made verbal commitments before. This president acting this way has to follow through, intangible ways, or consequences for him politically and for the United States frankly, are probably going to be dire. And thats the problem he faces. This is not what he wanted. No. But he today do it. He did it forcefully today. The question is now what comes next. Lets bring in Andrea Mitchell. Chief correspondent for nbc news and host of Andrea Mitchell reports. Andrea, you are so schooled in this. This seems like a new situation. President of the United States called out by the enemy, isil here, saying, look, unless you stand back, stand down, stop attacking us, we will keep beheading americans. This is very personal stuff right now. To show you how committed he was to try to rescue james foley and the other americans, what the pentagon released is that there was a rescue mission earlier this summer with shades of what happened all the way back in the carter years, with failed rescue. They sent in fighter jets and helicopters that landed in Northern Syria thinking they could rescue the westerners. And we know there were several americans involved. And it failed. There was heavy fighting with isis fighters. And one american pilot was injured in the failed rescue mission. They shows how much the u. S. Military and white house has been focussing on this. Can we decapitate isis . This issius now. Such an islamic group. So zealous. It is killing christians. Jews, anybody they can get their hands on thats not the kind of sunni they like. They are killing them. How do you stop them without killing these people we are looking at marching around with the masks on . And why are they Wearing Masks if they think they are going to win . Thats a question i always have with these people. Your thoughts . The fear has been that isis is different from al qaeda that isis want to control territory. Want to rule. That theyve been trading some small amounts of oil. Dealing as a sovereign state. What we have seen with the effective air power in iraq the last couple of woeeeks that the have been pushed back from mosul. They did lose control of the dam. With more defeats like that, they can be put back on their heels. There is another school of thought they arent nearly as powerful and not as fearful as has been suggested by what they do to be terrorists, they do horrific things on video, and that is partly how they inspire fear in people. Andrea, one of the arguments made, the only way to get rid of these groups is to be done by islamic people themselves. Are we going to have people willing to ealmost nate isis, go in there and get rid of these people. Sunnis, Larger Community for example. Perhaps in coalition with the kurds and reasonable shiites, go after them. Thats been the hope. Thats what president alluded to today, that middle Eastern Communities have to rise up, jordan, lebanon, the whole region could be threatened. The criticism has been of the quataris and others, when they were the best fighters in syria, that be careful what you wish for. Now they have become the cancer president obama was describing today. Let me go back to Howard Fineman and the president here. The president has been the dove. Now you good to the case where they declare war on us. Behead them. Not just a public insult but a desecration. And the president of the United States knows they did it to him because they went after him. How do you stop what is a mano a mano struggle between this president and an obama war against isil. I dont see it stopping. I think the president doesnt think in mano a mano terms. He likes to think of himself. I know he thinks of himself, as a broadgauged deep guy who plays a long term game. Has allies, has a plan. Doesnt take it personally. This is the first time ive ever seen him sort of take something personally. It is aimed at him. Chris, there is a school of thought. And some of our people are looking into this. There is a school of thought that says this is exactly what isil want. They want us to engage them. They want us to attack. Their theory is to push our buttons. Well, we can help them out. Thats the concern and conundrum what ive been saying to andrea for a long time now. No american president can survive the Nuclear Weapons and no american president can survive letting americans be headed on International Television with impunity. He has to strike back. As an american. Its in our soul. Your thoughts. Thats exactly what he was saying today. He proved in the past we do go after terrorists. Bin laden of course, case in point. There have been other big successes. So the failed rescue mission is not the last. We had assumed and correctly they wouldnt go into syria. Wouldnt go on to syrian territory and that was incorrect. They were under Operational Security doing exactly that and they didnt know where these guys were. They thought they knew because they had been debriefing the french hostages who were released in rape ril. And they, by the way, released by being ransomed. Their government denied it. But they are intermediaries. Everyone but the brits and americans were released starting in april. The trickle of others, the danes, spanish, they all got out. Except for our people. And thats because we dont pay ransom. May god take the soul of james foley. And i mean it. This serious personal stuff. This is about killing good people. Thank you andrea. Thank you, Howard Fineman. Today, attorney general her eric holder came to ferguson. Can attorney general holder assure an Angry Community that browns death will be investigated fairly and justly . That the name of the game here. Plus, how do you break the cycle of vicious hopelessness, crime and fear. Here is one solution, jobs. Good jobs. And dignity and respect that comes with a job. Isnt it time president obama insistinsist the government of United States put people to work in this country . And one of the most mellow dramatic stories in the country in a virginia courtroom. Bob mcculloch has taken the stand in his corruption trial. His strategy, make his wife the culprit. A reminder of what the gol needs to be in ferguson. True justice. This is hardball, the place for politics. True justice. This is hardball, the place for politics. Needs to be in fer. True justice. This is hardball, the place for politics. Protests have begun again on the streets of ferguson, missouri. So far, there have been small and peaceful. But authorities are bracing for another tense night. The beefed up security in the main thoroughfare through the town. Attorney general eric holder just finished a meeting with the family of Michael Brown at the courthouse in st. Louis. Holder is also taking part with a meeting with elected officials including senators, governor of missouri and congressional delegation. Hardball continues with much more from ferguson right after this. A price tag danger price tag alert oh. Hey, guys. Price tag alert is this normal . Well, progressive is a price tag free zone. 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He got an update on the case from fbi agents and federal prosecutors. According to the associated press, while meeting with student at a Community College in the area, the attorney general told the group change is coming. He was talking about general relations between the community and local police. Attorney general holder spoke broefly with capital ron johnson. Who is in charge of security in ferguson. He told him quote, you are the man. Attorney general said holders visit is important for the community. I think it will show the people of ferguson, people of st. Louis, people of our nation that their voices are heard. Mean while a grand jury began hearing evidence in the case. Prosecutors caution it could be months before theres any decision on whether to indict the officer darren wilson. Some good news tonight. Last night saw relative calm on the streets of ferguson. No tear gas used. No molotov cocktails thrown. No shootings. 51 arrests, however mostly for file youre to disperse. People were told to keep moving and didnt. Down from 78 people arrested the night before. Craig mel sin is there, as he has been so well for all these days. Craig, give us a sense of last night. The numbers are 778 down to 47. Sounds like things are improving, at least over the last 24 hours. Reporter chris, if this is any indication of tonight, i think we will have relative calm. We with have another vantage point. I can show you the scene of this main drag of ferguson. There have been times over the past few days and youve seen that shot, where the streets have been pretty full already. This is the smallest crowd. This is the quietest crowd we have seen so far. In addition to that, the Police Presence also the smallest weve seen so far. Again, it is obviously early. Sun is still up and things can change. Based on what we saw last night, looks like we are in for another peaceful night. In fact, it has been eerily quiet over the past, i would say, hour or two. We will see whether that remeans the case. There has been talk that attorney general holder might head to this area after the meeting that you just mentioned with the congressional delegation and meeting with Michael Browns family. At this is point, no word on whether the attorney general will be here. There was great video shot by protesters. You can see a Police Officer pointing his semiautomatic at protesters. And he yells at one protester, i will kill you. I will kill you, he said. The officer refused to give his name. Another officer came by and got him to put his gun down. Today the st. Louis Police Department said the officers involved with the semiautomatic weapon las been removed from duty and suspended indefinitely. Whats the impact of that story as it makes the round . Heres the thing. You just cleaned that up, too. There was an expletive or two used that we cant say on cable, that happened shortly before cable. Semiautomatic rifle. That officer we should note is from st. Anns, a neighboring jurisdiction. Weve been talking about the relative peace, relative calm, but if you get out in the crowd and talk to individual protesters, and some of them, they dont have stories that are that extreme but they will tell that you they have, folks who have been out here night after night, they will tell you they have been talked to by police, by Law Enforcement in ways that arent nice. Especially when the sun goes down. What is shocking about that is that it was caught on camera. That is not the first time Something Like that has likely happened here in ferguson over the past few days. Thats the first time we have seen it. Thank you, very much, craig. We will be back with you regularly. Youre a great reporter to have out there. Joining us right now from san francisco, paul let me ask you about this role. It is hard to read everyones mind, coming out of their houses after dinner to see what is going on. A hell of an attraction, even if you are dispassionate. And everybody is passionate out there. People want to be noticed. In the good sense. As individual human beings and not dismissed and ignore ped. When a guys body is laying on the street for five hours, they get the impression we arent taken as human beings out here. When you hear the attorney general of the United States in town thinking about whether he will substitute for the local prosecutor, some new form of prosecution, special prosecutor, does that get into the minds of people, generally, do you think . It does generally. But it doesnt answer all of the questions and all of the concerns the community is feeling and having the lack of representation with elected officiales with Law Enforcement and quite frankly, their representation with this grand jury. There is notoriously underrepresented. This is a real ush u. Explain how that happens. If the county is 30 whiter, 30 minority, how do you pick a grand jury . They can be done in different ways in different cities. A lot of time those people are volunteers. I know here in california, i speak to Many Community groups getting people to volunteer and stressing the need to have more minority representation from the disenfranchised community. I dont know what grand jury looks like but these are concerns we are hearing on the streets as we talk to people about why they are distrustful or not confident that the Justice System is going to represent them well in spite of what is going on. We know eric holder is out there. I think thats great. He is showing outstanding leadership here. And that is helping people to feel a some sense of relief that there is a federal review thats going on to address some of their concerns. What holder is doing and what the federal jurisdiction is doing is reviewing the Police Department to see if possibly there are some civil Rights Violations in association with that specific Police Department. And also an independent investigation to determine whether or not criminal charges can be brought against officer wilson. So that does help and does speak to the concerns that community is expressing an outrage over, over this entire process as its unfolding in front of us. According to the new york times, witnesses have given very different accounts of how it happened. Some disagree on how it started with the struggle between the officer and teenager himself Michael Brown. Some say the officer fired his weapon as Michael Brown was running away. Witnesses give investigator sharply different accounts of the killing. Some say, Michael Brown, 18 at the time, moved toward the officer when he was shot down. Others say he was not moving and even had his hands up when he kass killed. Itll me what it is like for the grand jury when people come in with different views. They may have different views of the police opposed to civilians. How do they know the difference between one statement compared to others. Often times they evaluate testimony just like a jury evaluate evidence and testimony. One of the interesting things about a grand jury is that they hear hearsay evidence. Often times they are unable to see the actual witnesses. I would presume in a case like this, the prosecutors would like to get those actual witnesses in front of that grand jury so they can see and hear them to estimate and judge their demeanor because they will get conflicting stories. We heard the con flinflicting stories. One of the interesting things of this process in missouri is that a defendant and officer wilson is allowed to come and testimony in front of them. That can be influential in front of a panel that is in an indictment. Itll be interesting to see what prosecutors put in front of that grand jury. And thats part of the reason this process is taking so long because there are so many different reports. And keep in mind, we have these separate investigations going on concurrently so while police are canvassing and collecting this information, they are also talking to separate witnesses that saw or heard things about this incident and they want to present as much of that information as possible to this grand jury so that they have evaluated all of the information that prosecutors have on hand before they make a decision. Paul wab this is hardball, so i will cut through this a bit. How often does does a grand jury go against what a Prosecutor Says . Do they say, oh, no, we see criminality, we want a trial in court. Often times they they do have conflict. They dont have a lot of conflicts, what i think is particularly of note in this situation. And actually if every situation where you have a grand jury, this is not the final step. Because even if they grand jury comes back and they tell us there is no indictment, there are no constitutional protections for double jeopardy. So there still could be charges and indictment by the federal government as well. That actually does change things. But that grand jury isnt necessarily just going to follow as a knee jerk reaction what prosecutors present to them. Although it obviously is very influential. I think someone once said, you can get a grand jury to indict a bologna sandwich. I have heard that. But not all grand juries want to indict a ham sandwich or bologna sandwich. You still have to do your due diligence. You still have to present a case. You still have to present them with evidence. Because they do ask questions often times. They can come back and say theres nothing there that they dont think a crime has been committed and in this case, i believe that the grand jury will be very much influenced by hearing that officer talking to them and telling his version of the story especially when its compared against conflicting stories that are coming from the community. We just dont know exactly if we are going to have live witnesses or summations of report. And like i said, because we can accept hearsay evidence were not sure what prosecutors will present to this grand jury specifically. You are a great guest to have on hardball tonight. Thank you. We needed that richness and background. Thank you. Thank you for having me. Up next, protestes from ferguson. Peaceful so far. As craig melvin said. But the big question, will it get violent again tonight like it has in the past p. This is hardball, a place for politics. [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. She can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. My mom works at ge. A body at rest tends to stay at rest. While a body in motion tends to stay in motion. Staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. But if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. 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Anyway, protests have started on the streets of ferguson in missouri. On hardball, the one way to break the cycle. Hopelessness infecting communities like ferguson is to do something about it. This is hardball, the place for politics. Start a team. Join a team. Walk to end alzheimers. Visit alz. Org walk today. No question about that. But your erectile dysfunction that could be a question of blood flow. Cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be Ready Anytime the moments right. You can be more confident in your ability to be ready. And the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. Side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. To avoid long term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. If you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any allergic reactions like rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. Ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30tablet trial. Im milissa rehberger, here is what is happening. Airstrikes rezuks a day after talks have failed. At least 20 people have died in the latest raids. No casualties are reported in israel. The Supreme Court blocked samesex couples from marrying in virginia. This while the issue is being appealed to the high court and an Appeals Court struck down the states ban on gay marriages last month. Back to hardball. Back to hardball now. More on the situation in in ferguson, missouri. Michael browns death has ignited a fire which raced for 12 days now. In times violently, of course. As Eugene Washington writes in the washington post, there is a quote sense of being left behind. The poverty rate in ferguson is more than double since the year 2000 since the community has gone from 3 4 white to 2 3 black. More than half of the 46 million americans living in poverty live in the inner suburbs. Breeding deep seeded unfairness and injustice. We are seeing it in ferguson. No wonder racial tensions can set them ablaze. As eugene wrote, the fire this time is about invisibility. Brown had no police record. He graduated hospital. Given where he had come from, it is hard to do better an easy to do a lot worse. Now that streets are filled with rage and rioting must be strongly condemned we can see browns struggle at least after the smokes clear we will be blind once again. So much for that. How can we fix the problem . Well, how about jobs. Eugene robinson joins with us congresswoman karen bass, from california, whose district is at the site of the 1992 rodney king riots in los angeles. Thank you. I want to start with eugene, congresswoman, because he has been writing about this so well. Give us a sense, then respond congresswoman, if you had a congress that believed in action and creating jobs and taking these kids who are 18 years old, regular kids, regular kids, maybe troubled but regular, how do you help them find a career in this country . You know, theres no one sort of magic remedy that or one thing that you can do to have guaranteed success. It takes a more holistic approach. There are lots of factors involved. Education, employment, transportation, housing, health. A lot of things. One idea i had actually is you know, youve got to have jobs. Where are the blue collar jobs that generations use. We were comparing notes about people who live if big cities. Two generations ago for sure. Maybe one. You could come out of high school with a c or b average. Get a job at the plant and provide for a family. Exactly. And you have job security and good wage. You can send your kids to college. And you would have a pension when you retire. And now . Now those jobs dont exist. Thats a fairy tale. It doesnt happen. Especially doesnt happen in impoverished and increasingly forgotten neighborhood possess. Lets have an infusion of capital. Where is it going to come from . One idea i have is youve got these hundreds of billions of dollars corporations are keeping overseas. Why not a tax holiday for bringing that money back in you invest it in communities like these that need that investment. Congresswoman, your thoughts. I know you people on hill, especially the caucus, which is the nickname for the black caucus of course, worry about this stuff. But the Humphrey Hawkins bill comes out, different budget bill coming out for the black caucus. The reality that gene talks about. The only Business Plan is the drug dealer coming down the street saying i have a neighborhood for you to cover. That an awful way to put it. But who else is coming down the street for a plan for you if youre a young kid. Youre right in terms of the Congressional Black Caucus has a jobs plan that theyve put forward every year. Every year we put forward alternative to the budget. But if we had that dream world where both houses of congress being with democrats, first thing we would do is to pass the president s jobs plan. Of which he had that would have directly impacted the inner city. There were proposals in there for job training. Proposals to rehab houses. If we look at it, we know that infrastructure is one of the first places to go. But theres other things that have to happen too. And all the years that we incarcerate sewed many people, you know, weve blocked people from employment by banning employment if you have a felony or record. If you look at the arrest record, not only are there not jobs right now but a lot might be prohibited if they are working jobs. Marion berry, a lot of people have mixed feelings of him. But one thing he did was give kids summer jobs. You wouldnt hang around Convenient Stores shoplifting if you have an income and youre proud of yourselves snpz the Summer Jobs Program had a huge impact in d. C. A lot of people say, that was my first job. Marion berry gave me my first job. Gave me my first job. Really . Tell us about it. I got a job with ceda. My first job not with the anniversary on the war on poverty we talked to members of congress and there were a lot of us that got our first jobs through those programs. Thats a perfect example of what we can do now. What if congress would come back and give a passioned speech, which im sure you can do, about this case. Lets not talk about the police thats part of the problem. Lets not talk about the justice, thats up to the jury. But lets talk about it economically. Kids grow up in the economically wrong neighborhoods. Do not have a break coming to them. Right. Absolutely. You know what, i have no problem making that impassioned speech. Bun thing i believe we will do is that we will have a special order hour where you know we can speak on the floor after votes on the monday when we get back. The Congressional Black Caucus does that fairly routinely. But there is a lot that we can do. As you know, los angeles went through this 22 years ago, you have theunder are lying bent up rage that happens in the cities and then have you a spark that ignites it and you have ferguson today. Lets get back to the president. The congresswoman says the bill has a bill. Ive never been impress bed it. It doesnt seem to be Macro Economic big time enough. You have to ask for what you want. I tell young kids, ask for what you want. They will give you what they can give you. Ask for what you want. I dont think theres enough there. Im with you on the theory, you dont ask for nothing, you dont get nothing. Thats the way of the world. You ask for a penny, they wont give you two pennies. You go big and ask for what you can get. White people got a lot of jobs from the government. And the ccc and nra. Compared to the Minority Community today. And they got jobs. And nobody complained. Everybody wanted those jobs. The sad thing is, we know our infrastructure is crumbling all across the country. In los angeles we add major water break at ucla. There is so much we could be doing if the political will was there. You ought to ride the roads of washington more, like i do. It feels like youre on a bug board. Thank you so much congresswoman. And thank you gene for writing so well for us. Up next, former Virginia Governor from the blind to the ridiculous. Get to the corruption trial. He is blaming his wife. Part of the soap opera defense. Exposing the personal details of what he claims to be, claims to be a troubled marriage. 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Well be right back. Its estimated that 30 of the traffic in a city is caused by people looking for parking. Thats remarkable that so much energy is, is wasted. Streetline has looked at the problem of parking, which has not been looked at for the last 30, 40 years. We wanted to rethink that whole industry, so we go and put out these sensors in each parking spot and then theres a mesh network that takes this information, sends it over the internet so you can go find exactly where those open parking spots are. The collaboration with citi was important for providing us the necessary financing; allow this small start up to go provide a service to municipalities. Citi has been an incredible source of advice, how to engage with municipalities, how to structure deals, and as we think about internationally citi is there every step of the way. So the end result is you reduce congestion, you reduce pollution and you provide a service to merchants, and that certainly is huge. 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Mcdonnell testified his wife wasnt so happy when he was elected governor, was tense at being first lady and yelled at him the very next morning after wing the election. Mcdonald testified on the hardships of running for office and the emotional and fine toll it can take on a family. For more of what happened in court today robert, first of all, the defense, no this wasnt bribery, we werent taking these watches and all these trips and rides and all that stuff. We werent doing that because we wanted to. We were doing that because my wife had a crush on this guy. She wanted to spend time with him. She was spending time so she could spend time. Now it seems to me my wifes hysterical. Whats the defense . I think the idea is, she starts out hysterical, and shes not ready for prime time. Shes not ready to be the first lady of virginia, shes worried about what shes going to wear and doesnt feel like shes up to it. Later, well hear this tomorrow, when he talks more about the marriage, mcdonnell talks more about the marriage, tomorrow well hear about how they grew apart and she was supposedly doing all this wheeling and dealing behind the scenes with this businessman and he supposedly didnt know anything about it. Im trying to cut through this from the rational to the irrational, there is a rational explanation of why a woman whos just become first lady would argue when she has the big inaugural ball every tv camera is watching her, and she shows up in a dress shes been wearing for ten years, there is that concern that she had Something Special for the occasion opinion. They didnt have the money, they were 70,000 in credit card debt. She was disappointed that his salary in Public Service hadnt been so high, and they had these debts that we now learned about from the Real Estate Investments that had gone bad, and i think she was worried, clearly about cutting the right figure and dressing right, and acting right. On the big stage in the executive mansion. Lets cut to the chase in terms of how this case will be decided. Will it not be decided by a jury thats watching all of this stuff . The hogwash and the reality and Everything Else . Was this guy paid off . Yeah, i think did he do something because they were giving him money and watches or did he just say fine ill take that stuff from you, but im still going to be a good governor . Hes emphasizing he didnt give anything out of the ordinary to johnny williams. I think this whole strategy is a big gamble. Hes trying to come across as mr. Upright. Mr. Straight shooter. He had a priest testify today who had been his College Roommate at notre dame, came in and testified about what an upright guy he was, thats half the case. The other half theyre systematically tearing down the reputation of his wife. That doesnt look good, and i think those two things are sort of intentioned with each other, and i wonder how the jurys going to make sense out of it. You can argue, what else was he going to say . This is it. He con the say, i didnt take the watch, they have to picture him with the watch, the clothes and all this stuff was accepted. Stipulated at will. This may be, clearly they think this is the best defense theyve got. I dont feel like the two halves hang together. Are you going to believe me or your lying eyes. We cant try it here, well be right back after this. Plans for business. Run the numbers on that. Well, unlimited talk and text, and ten gigs of data for the five of you would be. Oneseventyfive a month. Good calculating kyle. Good job kyle. 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It will be difficult enough finding the truth through what appears to be conflicting accounts. Finding the facts of the case, what actually happened is the central matter for the District Attorney and the grand jury to decide. What i will insist on is that every human life be treated as a human life, valued as one of gods children. I dont know why a man, whatever the circumstances of his death should have his body lying in the street for five hours. I do not accept the fact that a Police Officer, no matter how scared can resort to anger if that was the case, not when hes got a gun in his hand. We will have to learn as best we can to learn the truth of this tragedy in ferguson. Lets remember, this country began when a future president served as a brave defense attorney for the british soldiers in the boston massacre. Thats hardball for now, thanks for being with us. All in with chris hayes starts right now

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