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Watched. Because many of us have taken issue with the stand your ground and the castle laws we feel could lead to people doing what is wrong to innocent people. This verdict was important to say lets pause and look at these laws. Thanks for watching. Im al sharpton. Hardball starts right now. Back to iraq. Lets play hardball. Good evening. Im Chris Matthews in washington. Let me start with the u. S. Military action right now over iraq. This evening, washington time, president obama sent u. S. Planes into Northern Iraq in order to drop water and Food Supplies to those trapped or threatened by the relentless onslaught of Insurgent Forces. With the militant Islamic Group isis trapping or threatening many of the religious minorities including thousands of christians in the sinjar mountains of Northern Iraq, the United States has its military planes ready to strike should the group attack either our relief planes or a nearby american consulate. The white house released a photo of president obama and his National Security team in the situation room at the white house. Where is this mission taking us . How long is president obama willing to sustain the attack on the isis militants if they continue the advance . The push to convert or kill any iraqi who comes in their path. Put another way, is there a reason to believe isis will relent, pull back, buckling to the u. S. Superior fire power . If so would we americans need to reenter the countrys combat every time the Insurgent Force went on the move . Those are the questions tonight. One of the political consequences to expect here. Aggressive action by president obama still will encourage the down beat of criticism. His foreign and Security Policy has been taking at home. Lets get the latest from jim miracle at the pentagon. Reporter with isis rebels only days away from seizing the city, u. S. Airplanes are on a air trigger. The u. S. Consulate is there in the city with some 30 to 50 state Department Employees and scores of u. S. Military advisers working there with the Iraqi Military. As american Surveillance Drones scan the battlefield, u. S. Fighter aircraft and bombers are poised to launch air strikes against the isis rebels. If those fighters halt the advance and retreat, american war planes will likely be ordered to hold their fire. If not, the president s order to strike will be carried out. At the same time under a deadly assault from isis islamic militants, up to 40,000 yazidis, a small religious sect, were forced to flee or face execution if they didnt convert to islam. Mostly women and children sought refuge atop the sinjar mountains but the rebels blocked the roads. With no food or water many died of thirst and starvation. Faced with a massive humanitarian crisis, u. S. Military car go planes with combat escorts are expected to begin air drops of food, water and medicine at daybreak. Thats nbcs jim miracle from t the pentagon. Kristen welker joins us now. Thank you for joining us. This is a big development. The United States is getting back into the war front. Basically check me on this. The president s word is well be there in an alert position ready to act if what . If our consulate is attacked or, what else . What will spring us into action, put us on the attack again in combat mode. Thats the accurate way to view this, chris. I am told according to Senior Administration officials they are monitoring the movements of the extremist forces who have been moving into the northwestern part of iraq. They have been taking over a number of cities and so the question is will they continue those missouriments . If we see them move to the u. S. Consulate, that could be a trigger for u. S. Action. Youre absolutely right. Military war planes at the ready to begin airstrikes if president obama believes thats what is happening. That the extremist forces are continuing to move north. Based on my conversations here, chris, i can tell you that there is a sense of urgency because they see it as such a dire humanitarian situation. The 40,000 christian minorities who are trapped on that mountain without access to food or water and, of course, the order has gone out to begin the humanitarian mission. The air drops that will deliver food and water. We expect it to begin at daybreak. Again, the question is will air strikes begin . This president is reluctant to reengage in iraq. He ran on a platform of getting out of iraq. Getting out of of afghanistan. The white house insists there wont be boots on the ground. Based on the president s thinking he sees it similar to libya. This is a humanitarian crisis and hes considering military intervention from the air. Hold on. I have Michael Hanlon here. Is it possible to do a pinprick . Be ready, take a shot across the bow, they move back, do it again. Seems you are opening the door to a sustained commitment here. You are also telegraphing on purpose, clearly, what you will do tomorrow morning which is presumably done for deterrent purposes. They hope isis doesnt want to pick a fight. Thats questionable. They would to to oh give up on the plan to talk over iraq. We know there is no way we are going in under any american president with tens of thousands of forces. Im not sure isis will lose northwestern iraq even if we start dropping bombs. It could be a prolonged engagement. Do they want the u. S. As an enemy . I dont know. Of course we are a super power, we know that. Is our fire power appropriate to people who are mixed factions moving across the ground, not in regimen tall form. They are moving spo infiltration mode. Youre raising the right question especially for the longer term. There is a short term crisis. Getting food and water to people on the mountains. I dont think there will be a lot of innocent civilians around the mountains to worry about. If you see people shooting at you, shoot back. Riding shotgun on the food supply. Exactly. I think this will go okay. We could lose people. But its unlikely. The harder question is the one you raised over the longer term. How do you help the iraqi state take back western iraq from isis. That has the challenges. A couple of things. Once you hear genocide the producers have raised that it changes the ball game. Because of our history in world war ii americans have been taught what we didnt do in rwand ark. Move when you hear genocide. Is that parlance making the rounds at that time white house, that people are being killed for being the wrong religion . Thats the exact right way to think of it. Genocide was the word that was discussed over and over again today during the Daily Briefing with White House Press secretary josh ernest. He didnt use the word genocide, but in my conversations behind the scenes thats a big concern. Thats why there is this sense of urgency. Because there is a sense that this could escalate and could turn into genocide. There certainly is urgency to do something. I asked if syria, the president not acting on syria after saying he would. If thats weighing on him as he makes the decision. The response i got was that this humanitarian crisis raises to such an intense level that right now hes focused on that and trying to stem the flow of as many as 40 children who have died and tens of thousands whose lives are at risk now. Chris . This is diverse. There are so many different christian denominations. I wonder if the idea that seeped into our news that christians, per se, were under attack for being christians hasnt aroused the white house in a way to resist acting. I think thats a question they will have to answer. And that question that specific question, we havent heard the president or Senior Administration officials weigh in on yet. I can tell you that certainly is something thaft was debated. Its something i anticipate the president will ask about if he decides to address this which i anticipate well hear from the president within the next 24 hours. Lets talk about political selfdefense. We know the issue of benghazi has been all over the place. Now that we know american consulate officials, dozens of them, are within striking distance by isis forces why didnt we pull them out . Why are they now exposed to to you. Im sorry. I think the administration, and youre absolutely right about that. There has been increased concern and focus on the consulates around the world in the wake of what happened in benghazi. I think this is a crisis that escalated relatively quickly in terms of ethnic christians on the mountain top. You will recall several about a month ago, the u. S. Sent advisers to try to deal with what was a growing crisis and whats happened over the past several days is that the crisis has risen to such a level that now the u. S. Feels it has to intervene. I think thats why they didnt remove the forces prosecu s fro consulate yet. They didnt see the extremists getting as close as they have. Thank you for your great reporting. I want to go back to michael for the last question. Do you see a successful pinprick operation . Are we just deluding ourselves again . Once youre in, youre in. You can relieve the suffering of the group on the mountain, think. I hope. I hope without casualties. Delivering food to the mountain. Exactly. The bigger question is, no, its too hard to take back land thats now 5 million people. With this isis group thats growing in strength. As he tens of thousands with pinpricks. We need to help the iraqi army get its mojo back. That wont be possible until there is a new Prime Minister in iraq. As we speak, they are trying to work it out. If they can. Then president obama has a decision. Does he really want to reengage with demandos. Well see. I want to know what happens when you attack a group like isis. You have made them your enemy. They have ways of coming back at us. Thank you kristen and michael. Coming up, political implications of renewed u. S. Involvement in iraq. President obama ran against the war and won the nomination. Others say they are glad we got out. Whats the flaw in going back in. And you heard it last night. President obama hinting he may take universilateral action. The right wing is working on practiced outrage and a lot of other people, too. Plus, the best kept secret of the 2016 campaign. Health reform is working. Just ask Kentucky Governor Steve Bashear. Well do it tonight. Allison grimes knows it, too. Dont call it obamacare if youre a democrat. Call it kynect. Kentucky connect. Remember when rand paul took a bite of the ham hamburger and got out of dodge . He didnt like hearing about immigration from an activist approaching congressman king. Wait until you see the Campaign Footage shot using his table manner as the foil. This is hardball, the place for politics. We are coming back with the latest on the humanitarian Mission President obama is launching over iraq right now. The air strikes against extremists hes considering. Hardball back after this. [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. She can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. My mom works at ge. Thats why i always choose the fastest intern. R slow. My mom works at ge. The fastest printer. The fastest lunch. Turkey club. The fastest pencil sharpener. The fastest elevator. The fastest speed dial. The Fastest Office plant. So why wouldnt i choose the fastest wifi . I would. Switch to comcast Business Internet and get the fastest wifi included. Comcast business. Built for business. Welcome back to hardball. The news today and this evening that the United States may carry out air strikes in iraq against isis raises a host of political questions over there and back here. What would be required to change the situation on the ground over there . How long would it take to do it . Could we guarantee any military action would be limited, specific and achievable . Thats what they told the new york times. Once we get involved does that hook us into a longterm commitment . How do we walk away if isis is rampaging through iraq . These engagements almost always seemed simper before the bombs started dropping. Andrea mitchell and howard mineman from the Huffington Post and msnbc political analyst. It seems to me its very hard certainly we can ride shotgun as i have said tonight. If anybody attacks the relief missions, dropping food, attacks our plaens we fire back. Thats the first our or two. Then what happens . We keep riding shotgun. What do we do about keeping isis from advancing all around that location . The fact is keep them isolated. Isis encircled the poor refugees. There are 10 to 40,000 people. 40 children have died already at least. Of thirst. Of heat. Lack of food. The problem now is you can get food and water to them. Its not an easy operation, but we can do it. We can get pallets out of the back with fighter jets, apaches, blackhawks escorting them. What if we are fired upon. What if there is a mechanical problem. How do you get the isis fighters away from encircling them . They are still trapped therement getting them food wont get them out. Its entirely reactive now. It is a rescue mission, but its temporary. It wont last. Eventually you have to strike them. Whether or not they are going to do air strike is pending what happens and what the reaction is. I was there a couple of weeks ago. Thats where the consulate is. Its a safe place. It is an elaborate, beautiful city built up. It would remind you of kuwait city. Its oil money. This is the economic heart of the northern part of iraq. There is no way well let it be attacked and not respond. Howard . My thought, chris, is that barack obama, not that long ago, enunciated what he regarded as a new comprehensive theory of how he viewed the world. How america would engage in the world. As you said, limited, specific, no boots on the ground. Achievable. A careful, lawyers list of checkmarks before you go somewhere. It would be nice in the world conformed to what he expected it to be after iraq, after afghanistan, without putin on the rampage. Whats happening is the world isnt following his fivecheck system. I was over at the white house today for the briefing. The press secretary who was going at that time through all kinds of convolutions about what the rule is for engagement. And the fact is they are responding to the stories of the people on the mountaintop. And the fact that isis is basically moving steadily through the country. So youve got to throw out those nice neat rules and respond to the situation. When he does that, the whole idea of the new doctrine and the neat world he hoped to find is going to perhaps give him problems politically. Somebody said the president is a realist, not a neo conservative. Hes a guy with a conscience. You start hearing the word genocide as christian reported or hear about a Christian Community with a lot of people in this country, obviously. You think, wait, thats us over there. People say, wait. We have to get this there and stop this thing. I would have said it until last labor oh day weekend when we thought a chemical attack, red line and delaware station in syria would have the same response. In fact, they walked township the waters edge and backed off. Ever since then, i think that was after the conversation with mcdonough on the south lawn. Exactly. Was there another conversation . It was. I heard there was a skirmish. It was. What do you make of it . He was 40 minutes late to leave for the signing of the veterans bill. We saw him come out of what we learned was a National Security meeting and an animated conversation with the former National Security adviser. Agitated . I dont know how to interpret it. One other quick thing. We have been hoping to get a real government in iraq. We were making progress having them get rid of malaki, find another shiite and have an authority that could order military engagement. Thats just about to happen. Now this. E bobby quartz joins us now. The question is its their country. Iraq should be able to police a situation where a bunch of militants are circling and driving to death basically on a mountain top a lot of iraqis. They are apparently not engaged in this military situation. They are not. The Iraqi Military was first confronted by isis or isil in mosul. They dropped weapons and left. Something similar is taking place farther north in area where is isil is now. The Kurdish Militia is known as the peshmerga. Instead of standing and fighting they are withdrawing into kurdish areas, determined to hold the areas. They are essentially giving up lots of territory, in which territory there are small minorities. Christians, yazidis. Preislamic communities that existed there since before the time of the bible. They are now under genuine threat of being eliminated. The word genocide, when used in this context is very, very real. How does the United States prevent genocide, prevent the elimination and mass killing of religious minorities without getting involved militarily if there is no other force able to do it, willing to do it. By itself the United States can do very little. You can provide humanitarian aid, knock Heads Together in baghdad. They have been trying to give build some backbone into the Iraqi Military. By itself the United States cant do much. It will need a Coalition Effort that involves turkey which is very, very concerned about this. That involves other countries in the region. But primary it will need the iraqis to step up to the plate on this one. That begins with the situation in baghdad. There was a suggestion today that a post malaki government was beginning to take shape with whats happened in the last even two or three hours. Who knows if thats a possibility . These are Incredible National geographic pictures. They look healthy now but they are in danger. Doesnt it remind you of the comment, you broke it, you own it . Absolutely. We are going back. We are morally responsible for whats happening there because we somehow took it over and there is no hussein running the show. Its a broken government. Some say we are responsible for isil because of the vacuum of leadership. If we had done something a couple of years ago. Not debaathisized the army. Or repped the rebels against assad, isil would not have been created. The numbers are going down especially in foreign policy. You risk attack from the left and right. If you go in. Well, either way. Both ways. Both ways. Its another benghazi. Defend our consulate. Polls say americans may feel a moral responsibility especially with the beautiful kids you see there. Overwhelmfully the American People didnt think the iraq war was worth it. If he goes back in, attacked from the left. If the situation continues and he goes back in an area, the republicans will come after him. Lets go through. If we let a massacre occur, its on us. If we let the embassy be grabbed and people taken alive we are not going to let it happen. We cant live with the horning after headlines. Either one. No. I cant begin to tell you the difference between you think benghazi, militias running around. Erbil is a civilized, well run place. The kurds are allies, the great hope for stability. Do you think americans are in danger from what you know of the military situation in erbil . Should the president get them out . Look at the way we removed people out of oh libya. I have watched countries fall with nice hotels, nice civilized areas. The personnel carriers come through town. Even the most civilized areas fall to the bad guys. This is an area thats central to aspirations. Stay with us. Well be right back after this. [ female announcer ] we help make secure financial tomorrows a reality for over 19 million people. [ susan ] my promotion allowed me to start investing for my retirement. Transamerica made it easy. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. Transamerica. Transform tomorrow. Man [ laughs ] those look like baby steps now. But they were some pretty good moves. And the best move of all . Having the right partner at my side. Its so much better that way. 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Across the United States, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. When we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. Thats not a coincidence. Its one more part of our commitment to america. We are back with dream, bobby figoch and howard fine ma. Can it be limited with food deliveries to the people who have been trapped in Northern Iraq. You have to get them out of there or get rid of the forces surrounding them, one or the other. It seems to me either there will be turkish, kurdish or iraqi or even the french because hollande spoke to the kurdish leader earlier. I think theres got to be air strikes during this operation. This is a religious movement of militants willing to kill people who dont convert. This is out of the river war back in the sudan in the 19th century. This is not a regular war. You ask why would they do this . Why do they have to take over every person in the country, not just the country . Why doesnt isis grab the land and seize the capital . Why do they take each other and convert or kill them . My understanding is this isnt a war of liberation of a state. This isnt about people declaring independence like people in america did a couple hundred years ago. This is about a religious movement that not only wants a place in the sun for its own brand of islam, but wants to eradicate other forms of islam and other religions. Convert or die. You remember back with al qaeda in afghanistan. They blew up the ancient carving in the mountainside. As an example, a physical example of the attitude. Thats who these people are. They grabbed my attention. Me, too. They said they are grabbing attention here now expressing willingness to slaughter people who disagree with them without mercy, to slaughter them if they wont convert. They must be frightening to their enemies, whoever is forced to face them like the thuggees and the mutiny. There must be ferociousenough fighters that the tendency of the other side is to throw down weapons and run. They are a lot worse than the taliban. The taliban in their own perverted way for fighting for a country. These people, this is beyond religion. These are nihilists. People who dont just want to capture people. They want to slaughter people. Not five, 10, 15. They want to slaughter thousands, tens of thousands of people. They enjoy the act. You can see it in videos they have been putting out. The most gruesome things you ever saw. They enjoy the act of slaughter. These arent religious people. They are not people who these are people who are insane. I come from the part of the world where are the thuggees came. They are infinitely worse. They wanted money. They were robbers. These guys arent after money. They are after death for their enemies and the if it comes to that, death for themselves which makes them far for dangerous than anything we have seen. Not only do they have the attitude. They have the attitude and resources. They have oil in the territory. We have seized weapons. Some are weapons we left. They seized weapons are from the syrians, the lebanese. These are nightmarish vision from hell of the likes we have not seen. Is the president getting that picture . He knows how bad these people are. Absolutely. Howard mentioned the sculptures, artifact. They have attacked mosques. They are not purely islamic par yors. Warriors. They are killing sunnis, too, people supposedly on their side. They have sunni help from former iraqi bathist military who malaki expunged and kicked out of society. Robbed of power. So if malaki had been under control, they would not have the command and control and the expertise of some of the former iraq there are three factions here. Isis, the militant group that was just described so ho riffcally by bobby. Whats left of the Iraqi Government which is all shiite, not going anywhere in terms of building a coalition. Then there is us. Sounds to me in this conversation we cant get out of being one of the three forces in the country. When you said we broke it and its ours, it is the pottery barn rule of colin powell. We had several opportunities, even with the withdrawal and the creation of the malaki government. We chose the wrong guys. We didnt use the pressure we could have used. Even in this administration to keep malaki to the commitments he made. We didnt leave any of our forces there or force that issue. Look, we are stuck. Its hard to end a war. We didnt end the vietnam war when we left. The problem politically for the president domestically is he said were done with this, but we arent. He tried to put out a framework to explain how the world would work in the future. The realities are intruding on that now. They are controlling them. Hes not controlling those events. Will he go on vacation this weekend . We expect he will. I think it could change. They have already announced at the white house today that strangely, hes coming back from his vacation for two days next weekend. No one knows why. That could be about immigration. It could be about anything. Last word. Whats the future look like in the next couple of days . Can we foresee that far ahead . It looks bleak unless the iraqis step up. I want to say that part of iraq, i have spent a lot of time. Its an incredibly beautiful part. It looks and feels biblical. Its one of the most diverse places in all of the arab world. There are so many little communities, little linguistic groups that survived everything the world has thrown at them. If we fail them now, we will live to the regret it ourselves. Domestically, the president looks like, as you said, he will be hit for inaction, hit for action. I think the president could do worse, assuming hes going to move in to say what bobby just did. To explain the stakes here. The horror of the enemy. Explain the stakes and say this is part of core american interests and values. Thats what the president set out. He thought it would narrow the scope of things. The irony is that seemingly nar the row scope will take him in there sooner rather than later. Who will confront isis if we dont . Besides iraq . Who else . It has to be the United States. Jordan will step up if a coalition is created. The saudis will step up. This is made in the u. S. By the way, do you know what happened 24 years ago . George h. W. Bush ordered u. S. Troops to saudi arabia because of the invasion of kuwait. Well, that was bad. A bad memory. Thank you, andrea mitchell. That was a popular war. Thank you very much, bobby. That was wonderfully important look at whats happening over there. Well be right back after this. The years largest variety of crab. Like new crab lovers trio or try new jumbo lump crab over woodgrilled salmon. Crabfest is now. 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She knocked on his door following a car crash the night she was killed. And an experimental ebola treatment could allow for treatment in patients with the virus. Back to hardball. Some late breaking political news tonight. U. S. Senator john walsh is exiting the senate race in montana. Walsh has been facing allegations that parts of the sis ta his dissertation were plagiariz plagiarized. He was appointed to fill the remainder of backuss term. Hes challenged steve dans by significant margins. Now the question is if democrats could find a candidate who can be competitive in a race that was already written off. Brian swiezer, the highest profiled democrat says he wont be that guyment coming up, Health Care Reform is working. If youre a democrat, dont call it obamacare. This is hardball, the place for politics. Fact. Every time you take advil youre taking the medicine doctors recommend most for joint pain. More than the medicine in aleve or tylenol. 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Last fall you saw Reince Priebus joined the tea party kill obamacare crowd cheering prosecute are the sidelines when the whacko birds john mccains phrase tried to shut down the u. S. Government and derail it. The law is working especially in state that is want it to work. Yes, the law republicans made it their mission to smear, defund, weaken, destroy and repeal has survived. In deep red territory like kentucky its thriving, thanks in large part to the democratic governor Steve Bashear the uninsured rates are plum netting from 20. 4 last year to 11. 9 this year of people without insurance. More than 4,000 people signed up under the exchange called kentucky kynect. To see how well its working look at the politics. Politico reports obamacare has been largely elbowed out of the headlines. There is a remarkable story from Greg Sergeant in the Washington Post which reads obamacare fades as a Major Campaign issue. In kentucky, this issue is magnified. Allison grimes has a real shot at an upset over the loudest kill obamacare carnival barker, Mitch Mcconnell. Despite Health Care Reform success she avoids the subject at all costs. Its our pleasure to welcome Kentucky Governor Steve Bashear to the show. Also with us is joan walsh who is editor at large. Thanks for joining us. Governor, give us a sense of how obamacare or kynect its called there in kentucky, is working now. You know, chris, the numbers speak for themselves. From the time we opened up our Health Care Exchange on october 1 at 12 01 a. M. , kentuckyans started swarming all over the website. Today, nine months later, 521,000 kentuckyans, almost 1 in 10 have signed up for Affordable Health care coverage. Its been amazing to see the interest, the demand for health care and to see this uninsured rate drop like it did in kentucky from over 20 to less than 12 in nine months. Man, that tells me that our people are going to thrive because of the Affordable Care act. Do people see this in real functional family Kitchen Table terms or in partisan terms . In other words, i said on the show my dad was a life long republican. He really loved medicare. He loved being on it. He was getting something for once in his life that he didnt have to kill for. I wonder if people are seeing everything as obamacare or not obamacare or do they look at it in practical terms, what they can get for their family from the program. Well, people are schizophrenic about it. When you mention obamacare it is an immediate negative reaction. Republicans spent millions of dollars and months of time demonizing the phrase. When you talk about being able to stay on your parents policy until your 26 or preexisting conditions dont count anymore or women can get the same coverage for the same cost, people like that. The polls show that here. You poll obamacare its negative. When you poll what we have done with kynect its a big positive. The thing im most thrilled about of all is that this is going to make kentuckyans so much more healthy over the long term. It will move our state so far up in the rankings we are going to leave a lot of states in the dust that are refusing to face reality. What do you make of this disconnect between the citizen 1st and 10ic relationship people to have health care. They want health care, love the subsidies, the exchange in kentucky. But they dont like the face of obama . His politics, so they dont like the word obamacare. They like the reality. I think its a couple of things. Its an issue with the president s popularity in kentucky and other states. The governor is right. Republicans jumped out there first, defined it as death panels, a government takeover of health care. They defined it as things its not. In kentucky, people may not know its obamacare. Some do, some dont. They like what what they have. I do think i really admire Alison Lundergan grimes. I would as a democrat and woman like to see her be more outfront on this. You know Mitch Mcconnell was running away from this issue. He tried to say people could keep kynect, he would appeal obamacare but people could keep kynect which was an incredible bait and switch, some may call it a lie. Like saying im going to steal the money out of your wallet, but you can keep your wallet. He knows hes vulnerable. Id like to see her take more leadership on making it an issue. Hed like to take Health Care Away from 400,000plus people in kentucky. No one has been louder in opposition to the Affordable Care act than Mitch Mcconnell. This idea, the kentucky Health Care Exchange, created under the aca, has no connection to obamacare. He told reporters obamacare is a big mistake, ought to pull it out root and branch and start over. Reporters asked him, the kynect, kentucky program. His response . I think thats unconnected to my comments about the overall question here. I dont know what that meant. Senator rand paul has been caught in a similar dictn. May he sent out a newsletter that said obamacare is not good for america, certainly not good for kentucky. Look how he dodges this question from the louisville press. You think the state exchange should be dismantled . Im not sure. How we unravel our how we change things. I would rather i look at it as a fork in the road. I was in health care for 20 year, so we had problems in health care. Has the cat got your tongue . I dont know if you want to be partisan, governor. Im going to leave you to the simple fact of giving us fact check. Is obamacare as implemented in the state of kentucky basically called kynect. Ky, for the name of the state, nect. Is that Health Care Program the president inaugurated as implemented by you in the state in in other words, you cant get rid of one without getting rid of the other. They are one in the same. Thats exactly right. You get rid of the Affordable Care act and Everything Else falls apart. Ill tell you why theyre tap dancing now, because all at once, there are 521,000 voters here in kentucky who have health care. Most of them for the first time ever. And theyre not fixing to really reach out and take that away from them because they know thats a big loser. Well, the funny thing is, as you point out, joan, Alison Lundergan grimes is not cozying up to it, either. Grimes twice refused to say whether she would have voted for president obamas Signature Health care law in the first place. When pressured on the issue, this is her response, if i had been in the senate, it would have been a different law. Heres the key to the politics and Affordable Care act in kentucky. 57 in state have an unfavorable bill of something called obamacare. The numbers plummet to 22 who disagree when they talk about the obamacare in kentucky when it goes by the name of kynect, kentucky, kynect. This is a word game. If you call it by the wrong thing, like if you say a rabbit or bunny. Did you just run over a rabbit . No, you ran over a bunny rabbit. Ones a lot worse than the other. Well, i know, and its crazy, but thats the way life is. And you know what i said to sell this to start with . I looked our people in the eye and i said, look, you dont have to like the president. You dont have to like me. Because its not about the president. And its not about me. Its about you. Its about your kids. Its about your family. So, just do me a favor, it wont cost you a dime to go online or call our toll free number and find out for yourself what you can get. Ill guarantee you youll like what you find. And they sure have. 521,000 strong. Kentucky governor steve beshe beshear, thank you for joining us and clearing this up for us. Joan walsh, as always. Thank you. Youre smiling because you found somebody who knows whats going on out there, finally. Well be right back after this. During the day, we generate as much electricity as we can using solar. 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If president obama decides to issue by his own Authority Documents offering legal sanction to those who enter the country illegally, hes basically taking it to himself to determine personally whos allowed to live and work in this country. Hes setting himself up as the person who decides who is in effect a legal resident of the United States. Thats quite a step. Perhaps its too late to hold him back, but i do believe theres a step he could take before going this far, one last chance to win action by the Republican Leaders in the house of representatives. It strikes me that this whole National Discussion of Immigration Reform played into the hands of the two opposing sides, democrats who want to portray themselves perhaps appropriately as the friend of the undocumented worker. The republicans who are quite happy as being seen, simply put, as defenders of the border. Both ignore the obvious compromi compromise. Its simple and contained in the senate bill which passed with a decent bipartisan majority. The senate bill. At a gives people who came here illegally to become citizens. Neither the president nor the republicans ever talk about this second part of the senate bill. The part that would put teeth in a new imfwrags law. Why dont they . Politics. If the president truly wants a compromise, wants republicans to join him in real Immigration Reform, why doesnt he point out the toughness, the we mean business part of the senate bill . If republicans want to stop or slow dramatically the flow of Illegal Immigrants into the country, why dont they jump on the senate bill . The danger in going at this problem the way the president now hints he might is the death warrant it would seal in getting a real bill through congress. Once he does it, no one on either side of the aisle will believe this countrys immigration lawscarried out effectively, not to the letter of the law. Once barack obama acts if its up to him which provision to enforce and which not to enforce, why would any lawmaker on either side of the aisle feel assured he wont do it again . All this says to me the smart move for the president right now, before taking unilateral action, is to make one serious effort, one big push for the bipartisan bill thats already been passed in the senate. A bill with bipartisan teeth in

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