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Is helping to raise her granddaughters in the white house. Her point was about moving forward to a better future. And that is the point. Yes, there are many challenges ahead. Yes, their disappointment, but think about how we got this far. By not accepting the disappointment and keep moving ahead. Thanks for watching. Im al sharpton, hardball starts right now. Hillarys obstacle course. Lets play hardball. Good evening. Im Chris Matthews in washington. Let me start tonight with this big focus on Hillary Clinton. Is there any real reason she shouldnt run for president . Or is this just a smart way to build up suspense and keep the wolves from the door . Or is there Something Real in this health issue . Meaning is there a real danger from the accident that led to that concussion she suffered in 2012 . Or is this just trouble staring by Reince Priebus and his band of merry elves . And why are Vice President joe biden, Maryland Governor Martin Omalley and the others out there putting out Smoke Signals that they are ready to run for president. If nobody on the planet believes any of them can beat hillary, does that mean at least some of them are betting she wont be there to run against . Tonig tonight, i would like to get to the bomb of this big will she or wont she . Find out what the motives are for people who are acting like shes not. And why are republicans talking up a the health issue uh now . Why are democrats running as if shes not running . Whats the skinny on the strongest president ial wannabe since dwight eisenhower. We have the cochair of the super pac supporting hillary clinton in 2016. I just want to say, like both of you, i think we can all agree last week we saw a very Strong Performance by team clinton, both bill and Hillary Clinton out there battling the comments made by karl rove, sensing the signal, it seems to me certainly theyre ready to run for president. Bill clinton said this is just the beginning of the attacks on her. According to the Washington Post who kept tabs on this, Hillary Clintons name was mentioned 98 times on the sunday talk shows. On fox sunday, karl rove doubled down on his previous comments about her socalled health situation. Lets watch. Any regrets . No. Look, my point is this, shes a human being. Shes you would not be human and not have a serious brain injury like this was and take it into consideration if youre thinking about going and doing what she might do. So this was concern for her . Yeah, look, i [ laughing ] yes, im concerned as one human being for another, but im more concerned about people say this is a done deal. Im not so certain. Well, on meet the press Republican National Committee Chair reinci priebus made this hypothesis about hillarys calculations for 2016. My view, though, david, is that given the months she just had, i actually doubt where she will run for president in 2016. Is she the candidate you as the head of the Republican Party most fear . I think hillary is a known product. Sometimes its worse running against a blank slate. Hillary has decades of history for us to explore. Why are the republicans led by their foxiest guy there maybe thats a misuse of term karl rove. Maybe not up to date on how the term is used. Sometimes clever at times in character, why does he stir the pot on this . Why this at this point, you know, a year before shes even probably going announce, why this . They cannot help themselves. When Reince Priebus say she iss not running you just have to put a big not in front of it. Of course theyre afraid of it. They want to try to knock her out of the box. How does talk like this on fox or even on meet the press accomplish that goal . It doesnt. Hillary knows shes healthy or not healthy. She knows all the facts. How does it change history when they do the blabber on sunday . In fact, it does the reverse. If anybody read Hillary Clintons biography, when she talks about when she was young and her she came home crying as a child because she was beaten up by a girl in school, her mom, dorothy, sent her out the door and said do not come back until you beat that girl right back up. This is a resilient woman. She was raised to be resilient and all this talk will only serve to strengthen this backbone of steel. Two questions to you, chris. One analytical. Whats their motive . If they only entice her to run, they must know what shes up to. Do they really think they can talk her out of running . Do they really think they can influence her negatively . I think theres a difference in enflunsing the conversation about Hillary Clinton and convincing her not to run. The answer to the second question is no, i dont think either of them think Hillary Clinton is going to take their advice. Or if they say well, shes had a rough month thats. Going to impact her decision. They can impact the conversation around her. Look, i dont know what karl did this on purpose or not, but by raising it now, he has injected it into the conversation. Whafgs the nature. Is there anything we dont know about the fall or her health . She would be matching ronlds reagan as the oldest person ever elected at 69 if she did win in 2016. So that might have been a narrative anyway, but its definitely going to be a narrative Going Forward from now until when she announces and probably frankly during the campaign. Lets take a look at governor, first, i want you to react what chris wrote in his speech. Heres what you wrote in todays Washington Post. Quote, what could keep her from running . For all the drama caused by karl rove, a blood clot on her brain is a serious thing. Bill clinton insisted this week his wife is in better shape than he is and her aides say shes absolutely a clean bill of health. But clinton would be 69 years old on election day. Her age with that scare, could believed her age with that scare in late 2012 and its hard to imagine clinton not taking a full accounting of her health before deciding to run. Do you think thats something that had a chance to sort of do a gut check and say, you know, i had this thing happen. Is this part of my thinking . Well, no, i have not talked with her about that, but i can tell you that, raising this issue, its going to be raised anyway. As it would be with any candidate. You always have to release your health care records. This is not anything new. Whoever the republican is, theyll have release theirs, too. But putting this out this early to me, its going to backfire. Because it is suggesting all of the lines of attack, only on her, only make her seem more resilient. It makes people it reminds people what a fighter she is. Of what shes had to endure. So let me ask you, if you were on the other side of it, you had a republican coming at you that looked unbeatable and you knew they had a concussion in the last two years you wouldnt raise the issue of health on the other side. Maybe i would . Then the republicans are doing what politicians usually do. Go for the weakness. I completely agree with you on that. All im saying is its not going to feed into their strength. It is going to backfire on them. You see all of these people rising up, even some republicans saying he went too far too soon. Okay. Well, i just think a lot of people on the democratic side are making moves like they think it seems to me might not run. The sunday talk shows were dominant about Hillary Clintons health or socalled health. Lets watch him in action. I think that health and age is fair game. It was fair game for Ronald Reagan, fair game for john mccain. Do you think shes suffered some sort of brain injury that raises legitimate questions about whether shes healthy to serve as commanderinchief . Im not a doctor. What i do know is the issue is going to come up as it does for any person running for president. I think any president ial candidate or Vice President ial candidate is going to have to answer questions about their health. I wouldnt want to prejudge mrs. Clintons health. Im not questioning her health. What im questioning is is whether or not its a done deal that shes running. She would not be human if she did not take this into consideration. Shell be 69 at the time of the 2016 election. If she gets elected and serves two terms shell be 77. She is going to have to cough up these medical records. The center for Disease Control says a concussion is a type of draw mattic brain injury. Its serious. Anyway, Ronald Reagan was about a year older than her, by the way. Just to get that sort of clear. Chris, why are so Many Democrats like joe biden out there suggesting to everybody that they want to run, these are qualified heavyweights. These are really smart president ial types. Sternly kir 12e7b gillenbrand. Martin omalley. You hear it from schweitzer out there in montana. They want to run and they could be president in certain situations. But this one, why are they running in this situation knowing that hillary is going into this race . Because, chris, i actually think, you know, the whole, shes going to have to cough up her medical records. Put that piece aside, but i actually think karl rove is right in that no one, and i dont think governor would say this, no one has evidence that Hillary Clinton has said privately to anyone im definitely running. It certainly looks like shes running. Members of congress are endorsing her, the governor is involved. Theres a lot of motivation there. But its not a done deal. Why are those sorts of people well, there is a chance she doesnt run. She is not an announced candidate in this race. Until she is, the bidens, the omalleys of the world want to make sure donors, major donors especially and the activist communities know if she isnt in, particularly in bidens case, he is. Dont sign up with Somebody Just yet. If shes not in, i am the next day. I dont think biden ultimately runs against her, but shes not announc announced. Shes not in the race. We think shes going to run, but politics is strange. I thought mark warner was going to runl f for president in 2008d he didnt. Shes running. I hope shes healthy to run. I hope she runs. Thank you. Too bad you cant run. This canadian thing, what a drag. Its a good thing. Thank you. Coming up, the biggest day in this years primary season comes tomorrow. It offers the most hope for democrats. They have a shot at picking up senate seats in ku ki and georgia. Inside track for governor of pennsylvania. And of course, the new york New Hampshire Police Commissioner who used the nword to describe president obama with a vengeance then refused to apologize saying, quote, he meets and exceeds my criteria for such. Anyway, residents, local political leaders and mitt romney have called on him to resign and later today, he did just that. And North Carolina doubles down on evil. They tell people they cant vote and now they tell them they speak. Its by law now prohibited. And we seen tharenthal, watch what happens when bill mahrer gets a hold of him. Hey, i heard you guys can help me with frog protection . Sure, we help with fraud protection. If there are unauthorized purchases on your discover card, youre never held responsible. You are saying frog protection . Fraud. Frog. Fraud. I think were on the same page. At discover, we treat you like youd treat you. Fraud protection. Get it at discover. 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Find out why more than two million members count on angies list. Angies list reviews you can trust. That corporate trial by fire when every slacker gets his due. And yet, theres someone around the office who hasnt had a Performance Review in a while. Someone whose poor performance is slowing down the entire organization. Im looking at you phone company dsl. Check your speed. See how fast your internet can be. Switch now and add voice and tv for 34. 90. Comcast business built for business. Tomorrow will be the biggest primary night of the year. Ill be anchoring special election coverage here on msnbc from washington at 10 00 p. M. Tomorrow night. Critically important primary contests will be held in six states. Pennsylvania, kentucky, you see them on the map there, georgia, arkansas, idaho and oregon. Three of those states feature race where is democrats could actually make important gains this november. No matter which way the wind is blowing. Lets start with the biggest of them all, the Republican Senate primary battle in kentucky where senate Minority Leader Mitch Mcconnell faces matt bevin. Its a race democrats all over the country will be watching to see how vulnerable will be when he gets to the general election against democratic channeler allison grimes. That race is as toup, right on the nail. And democrats have a realistic chance to pick up a senate seat against a crowded and increasingly unhinged, if you will, republican field. Tomorrow night, that republican crowd will likely be whittled down to two candidates that will compete in a july runup. Thats very southern. Michelle nun matches up against any challenger right now. Shes also in a close race. And my home state of pennsylvania, democrats are looking to defeat the very vulnerable governor, tom corbett. Democrats will decide who leads that charge. Chelsea clintons motherinlaw could push her to victory in the house seat being vacated by Allison Schwartz whos running for governor. Those are the big matchup. All the analysis and victory speeches. I love them. Especially the concession speeches, theyre always the best. Tomorrow night first on hardball at 7 00 eastern live, and then our special coverage live at 10 00 all on msnbc. David corn is an expert on everything. Hes a Washington Bureau chief for mother jones. And ken voe gel is with politico. Ken, youre a philly guy. I want to start with Mitch Mcconnell. Believe it or not, Mitch Mcconnell represents center right, as much as democrats dont like him, liberals mistrust him, they think hes been around too long. Hes up against a guy named matt bevin out there. He was a great tea hope and so far it appears as if hes going to be a Great Tea Party disappointment. Theres really no question that Mitch Mcconnell is going to hold him off and win. The question is the margin. And the bigger question for me is what happens to matt bevins supporters when Mitch Mcconnell is the republican nominee. Are they discouraged . And this is a broader question we could ask of a lot of race where is the Tea Party Candidate has lost to a more establishment republican. Are the tea partiers going to sit home . Are they going to stop giving money to Tea Party Groups and candidates . I even saw some polling that suggested that some of matt bevins supporters might support grimes, the democrat, in the general election. So this is a bigger question. Can we fly from talk to reality here. Who is such a republican puma, if you will, to use an old term, that would go from matt bevin, hard right, in fact, hard right of Mitch Mcconnell to go all the way over to the democratic side and vote for the democrat. Senate Minority Leader Mitch Mcconnell is in a neck and neck battle in the fall. According to a new Kentucky Blue grass poll, the Approval Rating is at a mere 34 . Hes been around forever. And only 39 who support matt bevin support mcconnell in november. They would rather Cross Party Lines and vote against mc mcconnell. You know what is that . You know what it measures . It measures how much the tea partiers in kentucky despise Mitch Mcconnell. Excuse me, im center left on most things. Why do they hate mcconnell when hes pretty much a stalwart republican . If you have been to washington and paid attention, you would see him as basically the number one foe to obama, yet the tea party argument is that he didnt vote for shutting down the government. You know, he hasnt figured out a way to stop obamacare. He supported the Bank Bailouts which matt bevin supported, too. Its the very far right ideological somewhat even more than that, david, hes actually come out and said that the tea party needs to be crushed. Its more than hes seen as the establishment. Hes positioned himself as a tea party vanquisher and he may very well end up being that. You always know the candidate is in trouble when they bring the wives out. Im sorry. He has a very nice wife, of course, stands there with him, talking for him after hes been in office how many year . 18 . 24 . All those years, i think its his sell h of by day and shes there to freshen him up. And also, could it be, just guessing that hes running as a woman this fall . Get his wife out there. Shes a pro, a professional, a heavyweight. Get her out there. A woman who is younger than she is. Much more viable in terms of her outward appearance. Hes never been popular in kentucky. Every time hes won an election, hes always been 50 or below in terms of Approval Ratings. Hes a cut throat politician who knows what has to be done to get across the finish line. Hes done it time and time again. Well have to see if his luck holds out this time. But its getting more and more difficult. Coal will be mentioned in november and so will guns. Nun is a conservative democrat. Matches up well against a crowded republican field. According to polling averages, shes leading much of the field, trailing only republican primary frontrunner david purdue by just three points. A july runoff in that gop primary field is all but guaranteed because no one is expected to get 50 of the vote which is required. It looks to me like the two possible big good newses for the democrats in november are both women, both, if you will legacies. Both with famous fathers, active in democratic politics, and i do believe thats something to look for. Thats one reason im bedding on landrieu, betting on begic and betting on pryor. You can withstand the torrential bad winds that are going to be blowing this fall against the democrats generally. Your thoughts . Yeah, thats exactly right. You need all the stars to line up for a democrat to do well in a purple or a red state as were talking about now in 2016. That just may be the case in kentucky, or as david mentioned, Mitch Mcconnell has had trouble in almost every reeaex race hes been in. And georgia where there appears to be a little bit of selfcombustion going on in the republican side headed into a runoff with the potential of a candidate sneaking in who may very well seize the tea party mantle, creating yet another opportunity for another round of tea party ver tus establishment. Can a right winger get 50 in a runoff . In a runoff, you know, it sort of starts with a clean slate. And shes not really a right winger. Right now shes not regarded as a Tea Party Candidate. But theres still power in that tea party branding. And if shes forced to sort of differentiate herself in runoff, i think that the safe bet is that she will emerge as sort of the Tea Party Favorite in a runoff. I want to go to pennsylvania where i grew up. I think tom corbett could have beat some of the candidates. I think tom wolf is the strongest in the polls. He sounds like he would appeal to the center. What do you think . Can he beat corbett . Hes really far ahead. He spent 10 million of his own money. Shows how far money can go. But its expected to be a very low turnout primary election. So you have alyssa schwartz, who is a congresswoman, and the state treasure who has a lot of union support, a lot of troops on the ground. Even though tom wolf is up by 10, 20, 30 points depending on the poll. It could end up being very close tomorrow night. But as you say, any up with othese candidates has a good shot against tom corb to t and they all represent a different part of the democratic party. Hes got the best best if he whens to beat chrebet . I think he hauz. But both wolf and allison shaurds are both regarded as sench ris. Even though theres a candidate that may be union backed, hes probably not going to win. Its probably going to be the centrist. And that spens forward to 2016, pennsylvania might be more fertile turf for Hillary Clinton than elizabeth warren. Who wins the democratic primary . Marjorie margolis was my senator growing up. I think shes the big name. I dont know if shes going to end up winning but i think that bodes well for her. I always liked marjorie. Anyway, david corn and ken vie g vogel. Up next, bill mahrers cant lose strategy for raising president obamas poll numbers. When folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. But the energy bp produces up here creates Something Else as well jobs all over america. Engineering and innovation jobs. Advanced Safety Systems technology. Shipping and manufacturing. Across the United States, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. When we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. Thats not a coincidence. Its one more part of our commitment to america. 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He said a question i get a lot is, if everybody is so unhappy with the president why dont you impeach him . Well, maybe because you cant impeach a president for making you unhappy. Or can you . Blake farenthal, you might have stumbled on to something. The declaration of independence, which is almost the constitution says we have the right to happiness. Then we can impeach him for dereliction of happiness. So there you go, republicans. You finally have your impeachable offense. Obama gave you a case of the sads. When the republicans impeached clinton, his Approval Rating shot up 10 points to 73. Obamas approval is at 41. He could use a little bit of that impeachment mojo. Finally, joe biden may be sitting Vice President and potential candidate for 2016 for president. But for one High School Student up in connecticut, hes also her idea of the ideal prom date. No joke. Back in the fall of 2013, High School Senior Talia Maselli summoned the courage to ask the Vice President to her prom. Im inviting you so far in advance because im sure many 17yearold girls send you prom invitations and i had to beat them to it. Months passed without any reply to her. Until last thursday. Just one day before the big night, the High School Senior was shocked to receive a hand delivered note and a corsage from the Vice President. Ever the gentleman, biden explained he could not make it, but he did extend her an invitation to the white house. Not a bad consolation. Joe, youre amazing. Up next, the Police Commissioner up in New Hampshire who used the nword to describe president obama and refused to apologize. Guess what just happened to him . Youre watching hardball the place for politics. Onth . Yup. All five of you for 175. Our clients need a lot of attention. Theres unlimited talk and text. Were working deals all day. You get 10 gigabytes of data to share. What about expansion potential . Add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month. Low dues. Great terms. Lets close. 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The move could lead to a vote that leads to the termination of his ownership to the clippers. A federal judge struck down the samesex marriage ban. And a former quinnipiac student is out of jail on 10,000 bond. Shes accused of phoning in a bomb threat at commencement to keep her family from finding out she wasnt graduating. Back to hardball. Imagine youre new in town when you overhear someone loudly describe president obama using the nword in their conversation right next to you. Now imagine the man using the racial slur is one of your new towns Police Commissioners. That happened to jane otoole in New Hampshire. When otoole complained to local elected officials about his public use of the nword, he was unapologetic. And despite calls of his resignation, he refused aej even double downed. He said i believe i did use the nword in reference for the current occupant of the white house. For this, i do not apologize. He meets and exceeds my criteria for such. T parttime resident mitt romney urged him to resign saying that vile language has no place in hour community. The episode came to a head today when the Police Confirmed that the embattled commissioner had, in fact, just resigned. The president of Bernard Center for women, politics and public policy. And the reporter with the Washington Post. Wesley, start with this story, is there any nuance, any exculpatory aspect to this, or is it as blunt as it seems . A guy whos so cantankerously wrong . So bad in his use of language, so horrible given the history of that word, so horrible that he knows how bad it is and he said damn it, im going to keep using it. Is there anything im missing here . I dont think youre misunderstanding. So far it seems to be as blunt as it seems. And in fairness, Robert Copeland has not responded to requests for comment. Showed up at his house yesterday and no one answered. When he appeared at this Public Meeting last week thursday, about 100 residents showed up, many of whom called for him to resign. Theres video of him calling a tv reporter a skunk and seeming upset and a little cranky, for lack of a better word. It seems to be pretty cut and dry here that Robert Copeland used language that has been condemned pretty widely by republicans and democrats, locally as well as nationally, and then double downed on that language and then seemed only after a series of meetings with other Police Commissioners and calls around the country as well as the local people in New Hampshire where he finally said fine, ill resign. He sent in a twoword resignation email last night that said i resign. . You know whats interesting about the ethnic groups in america dont know how ore ethnic groups talk among themselves. They never really know. I dont know what its like to be black and talking to another black when im not there. But at my age, i havent used that nword used in conversation. Its hard to believe. You may hear jocks do it between themselves, but white people using it, its gone. Its pretty much gone. I mean gone. We were told in the 1950s, my parents are fairly conservative, you couldnt use a word like that in the 50s ever. Here 60 years later, its funny that hes been able not funny, i think funny not ha ha, but funny weird. Has he really gotten away with it all these years or did he use it on that one occasion for the first time in his life . No, we dont believe that. Hes been getting away with it. Absolutely not. It shocks the conscious, its horrible, but i would venture to guess that any africanamerican you talk to, particularly in light of recent events over the, you know, over the last few weeks, would probably tell you that we suspect that that word is used all of the time, post barack obama. Lets start request age. It doesnt matter. The prevalent use of it, if there is any prevalent use of it. I havent come across it. I havent even heard generalized comments about black people in general anymore. Its just faded. People dont sit around and say those people. They dont talk like that anymore. As a reporter covering this, do you think can you generalize and say this guy is 82 years old. Does that explain, not justify, how he would even get away with using a word like this . I speak my mind. You know, that kind of thing. Put it in context if you can. Of course. We see that type of defense often when an older white man comes you should fire for using this type of language or talking about minorities in this type of way. Its similar to the defense of donald sterling. Can you expect this man im not defending it. Im trying to isolate where it occurs and not generalize among all age group whence i dont think theres evidence among all age groups. Of course. And its hard. You have places here like New Hampshire in this town where there are have you few minorities. Thats not to say any town thats that way is going to breed that type of resentment or racism, with that said, when you have people who are older who tend to not interact with people of other races or ethnicities, its not surprising especially for people of color to see this type of language or to hear this type of interaction. Im not surprised by im not surprised by this at all. Nothing i think can any longer shock me. But i think one of the things we need to focus on is, you know, the system that allows people to continue to think this. If we see gerrymandering so that africans with no longer im just asking this. If you heard a 20yearold say this, wouldnt it be more shocking than an 80yearold saying this . I dont think 20yearolds think like this anymore. I hope they dont. Nothing would shock me, but i think we need to focus on other things. They know better an to say this. People try to suppress the vote. You have to stand in line zen hours to vote. Tomorrow night, and its a poll tax. Im with you. I do want to say speak on behalf of people, i talk to all kinds of people all the time, this guy is really not typical. I wouldnt want anybody to get the idea, this is how people talk when nobody is around listening. It cant normal. The fact that this woman heard it and reported it immediately tells you about the current state of affairs. That it was considered newsworthy and impeachable. Thank you. Up next, first republicans took away Voting Rights. Now theyre cutting back on free speech. And the right to protest. At least in the tarheel state. This is hardball the place for politics. Afghanistan, in 2009. Orbiting the moon in 1971. [ male announcer ] once its earned, usaa Auto Insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. Because it offers a superior level of protection. 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Some say the move would elevate castro who gave the keynote address in the 2012 Democratic Convention for being a possible running mate for Hillary Clinton. That would be an unprecedented jump. The last hud secretary was jack kaemp. He served 18 years in congress before taking over at had you had. Predicting the future is a pretty difficult thing to do. But, manufacturing in the United States means advanced technology. We learned that Technology Allows us to be craft oriented. No ones losing their job. Theres no beer robot that has suddenly chased them out. The technology is actually creating new jobs. Siemens designed and built the right tools and resources to get the job done. So when my moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis them. Was also on display, id had it. I finally had a serious talk with my dermatologist. This time, he prescribed humiraadalimumab. Humira helps to clear the surface of my skin by actually working inside my body. 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When your favorite food starts a fight, fight back fast, with tums. Heartburn relief that neutralizes acid on contact. And goes to work in seconds. Tum, tum tum tum. Tums welcome back to hardball. North carolina has become the place for protest for voter id laws. It became more difficult for democraticleaning groups, including minorities, to vote. Soon thousands of people were regularly descend on the State Capitol to oppose those and other laws paszed by the legislature. Now the legislature is try to stop the people who are trying to stop the legislature. Believe it. Last week, they passed new rules that seem intended to stifle exactly the kind of protests thats been happening at the State Capitol. The new rules limit things like singing, clapping, shouting, playing instruments. Just wh many protesters were doing. So in North Carolina, first they say you cant vote. Now they say you cant speak. The right wing State Government is doubling down on what i believe is evil in america. The director of the Voting Rights project and codirector of the the advancement project. Just explain the interesting correlation between what the protesters against voter suppression were doing at the state kpool in raleigh and what this new ordinance or new set of rules at the capitol cover . Well, chris, i think that that in simple term what is theyre trying to do is stifle all democratic expression, whether its at the ballot box or whether its through protests at the legislature. So the North Carolina naacp and the Forward Together movement, which protested 13 straight monlds last summer was set to resume and has resumed today. So on may 15, four days ago, a committee that had not met for 15 years is in charge of the legislative building met and adopted new building rules and changed a code that hadnt been changed since 1989. And these new rules, for example, prohibit signs that disturb the legislature. Well, as i see it, the role of these protests is to disturb the legislature, to let the legislature know that the people are disturbed by the Voter Suppression law that has been passed and by all of the other rightwing regressive laws. Another they said, singing, t a not normal voice and as you might recall when the protesters started last year, they would sing and then pray and then talk about the problems that they had with the legislature, so this seems to me to violate the United States constitution which protects free speech and it protects the right of the people to petition the legislature. Well, thats interesting because i was thinking of the constitution which is the 15th amendment guarantees the right to vote, the first to free speech, assembly and Petition Congress and legislatures i assume were included. I think the only part of the constitution some like is the gun part. Certainly the atmospherics are hard to ignore. As penda indicated there have been multiple restrictions on the peoples ability to access their government. In addition to the restrictions to the ballot box there were changes to the laws governing money and politics which may make it harder for ordinary citizens to have their voices heard and what kind of government do we want. Do we want the kind where there are unnecessary barriers to people being able to access the people that are supposed to be representing them and i think its very, very clear that the people want our government to be free, fair and accessible and do not want politicians manipulating the rules of the game to make sure you say that and speak for the people. Youre speaking for the people. Will the center, whats left of it in North Carolina rally to this cause or will they be part of the conservatives who say, shut up . Which side will the middle go to . You speak with authority. Will the people are there still enough moderate republicans and independents in the state of North Carolina to rally to the side of those who want to vote and speak . Im hopeful. There was, in fact, a bipartisan opposition to this particular regulation and i think the idea of being able to access our government and being able to have a fair voice in our government is a very bipartisan notion and right now the big question is is in North Carolina are there partisan voices so extreme they are going to prevent that but one thing we do know people take their right to vote very seriously. People take their right to free speech very seriously and when there are efforts to restrict that the people respond. We certainly saw a big widespread of response when there was a wave of restrictions across the country in the leadup to the 2012 elections to try to restrict the right to vote and im hopeful that voters will similarly protect their rights here and will similarly demand that the problem here and the problem let me go back to penda, the state of North Carolina went against president obama in 2012 own went for him in 2008 so the state is moving to the right. Is a state leaning to the right listen to these pleas, yes or no . You know, chris, i was just with reverend barbara and some of the key leaders of the Forward Together movement at the First Baptist church where they were preparing to march over to the legislature and the reverend said two things indicative of what will happen in the state over the next few months. One he said is that they will be young people leading Voter Registration and Civic Engagement in 50 key counties over freedom summer. This is the 50th anniversary of when people fought and died for the right to vote before the Voting Rights act was passed 50 years ago and, second is he said that since these since this movement began, the legislature has dropped in popularity from over 00 to, he said 19 . So i think there will be some accountability in the state in the near future. Thanks so much. Im with you all the way. Pyrna perez and pen da hair, thank you so much. Well be back after this. Mpyrna thank you so much. Well be back after this. Yrna p thank you so much. Well be back after this. Bundle them together at progressive, and you save big on both. Oh, ohoh, oh, oh hey, its me [ whistles ] and theres my dog [gasps] theres my steps i should stop talking. Perfectly paired savings. Now, thats progressive. Now, thats progressive. When folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. But the energy bp produces up here creates Something Else as well jobs all over america. Engineering and innovation jobs. Advanced Safety Systems technology. Shipping and manufacturing. Across the United States, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. When we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. Thats not a coincidence. Its one more part of our commitment to america. [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. She can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. My mom works at ge. Let me finish tonight with the prospect of Hillary Clinton becoming not just the next president but a truly great president. Let me be the first to say that the elements are there, her political positioning, her talents and personality. The desires of the electorate and themanifest needs of this country. First the political positioning. Hillary is a notch and a half, id say, to the right of president obama on foreign policy. I consider that the sweet spot. A little tough, a little more for american involvement than obama but not too much. Not over there with the republicans and their neocon allies who want us at constant war with whoever happens to be thumbing their nose at us. Second, there are her talents, hard work, experience, a willingness to work with republican, indeed a real feel for the political world and how it works. If she werent a candidate im sure a lot of republicans would be saying this. Its an established fact that people who work with her like her. She is to paraphrase an old adversary more than likable enough. Third, the American People have had it up to here with the politics that argue incessantly and gets nothing done. This damn gridlock and want a president to crack through the ice of do nothing government and bring down the walls that divide the two parties which discourage them from working together for the country. Look at the list of protest president s for both parties and besides Hillary Clinton that has the track record she does tell me someone who can carry on on this front. Fourth for this country to compete with china we need to find a leader who inspires trust, trust to rebuild america. Trust with the money to do it. Trust to rebuild our immigration policy and trust to bring harmony and hope at home and true enforcement at the border. That too requires trust. Getting elected president alongside a Republican Congress would skimfully mean more gridlock, more anger and more defeat of american optimism and another decade of lost ground against our global competition. In other words, more nothing. To me the only strategy for Hillary Clinton to follow is come into office with enough power propelled by a sizable majority, in the mid50s, for example, so she can do what roosevelt did in the 30s what, johnson account in the mid 60s to really change america for the better. Thats hardball for now. 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