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0 dwight eisenhower wasn't a republican either because he wasn't a hawk, and he kept us out of indochina and the middle east, and he took the heat for that because he was a guy who knew what was going on in the world. >> right. >> and didn't believe in frivolous wars. >> you're not sufficiently republican if you don't want to bomb iran. it was ironic when john mccain put it out there and said basically, you know what? chuck hagel was mean to president bush, he relentlessly criticized the iraq war. his fellow members of the senate thought he was not a sufficiently loyal republican. that's pretty rich coming from john mccain who basically made it his life's work to oppose george w. bush. >> oh, i'm sorry, was it chuck hagel who said he had an illegitimate child with an african-american and that somehow produced a south asian young woman. that stuff about his wife being a drug addict. that was w's people. that was karl rove and that crowd. i don't know which of them did it, but one of them did it, yet he forgives those people and he says -- this must be some kind of weird transportation of emotion. yesterday john mccain said decision since john mccain seems to drift from one position to another. sometimes in a matter of hours. on sunday mccain had this to say about the prospect of a filibuster against hagel. let's watch. >> we've never filibustered a presidential cabinet appointee, and i don't think we should start here. >> well, on monday, which is a day later of course, mccain was urging his colleagues on the armed services committee to vote on hagel's nomination saying, i believe he has fulfilled the rigorous requirements that the committee demands, and by the next day, tuesday, he rebuked ted cruz for his harsh critique of hagel, which i agree with. >> mr. hagel is an honorable man. he has served his country, and no one on this committee at any time should impugn his character or his integrity. >> we're going to show some of cruz's mccarthyite statements in the next segment. tuesday night, hours matter, mccain introduced a new wrinkle with senators graham and ayotte. getting money from the north koreans. that's the way we will pay you. joy, you're younger than me i think by a lot of years. we're going to get to this. i'm going to sell this second segment because we're going back. we went back and looked how joe mccarthy did it. the same techniques of innuendo. the same character assassination based on nothing that this guy is doing, this guy cruz, who i don't know what he's running for. people say attorney general. i don't know what job he's applying for. i don't know why he's ruining his career with this crap. your thoughts? >> he's not running for president because i think he was born in canada. you said earlier in your introduction that john mccain occasionally remembers who he is. i'm starting to agree with joe klein. this is who john mccain is. this is a man who is showing no principle other than pique. he's turned on, as you showed, his supposed friend chuck hagel, his supposed comrade in arms in a matter of hours to decide to brook this rear guard effort to drum up dirt on this poor man who has been through i think enough at this point in terms of trying to get barack obama the defense secretary that he wants. and they've dragooned kelly ayotte into their little club because lieberman is gone. the three of them, the merry band of miscreants standing in the way of this guy getting a vote. they're going to torture that guy because he turned against the iraq war. >> i'm not as tough as you are, today at least. we'll know the true color of mr. mccain's feelings about life and values when that right wing crowd inevitably turns on his friend lindsey graham. and you know they will. >> they will. >> they will. >> it will go to graham in the next primary fight in south carolina, and he will have to stand up for his friend. that's when we'll know. >> and we will see that. that's why the bed you make right now, you're going to have to lie in it, and there's going to be a lot of lonely republicans -- >> a lot of fleas. >> and a lot of lonely republicans. the point i take issue with with what the senator said, hagel offended the party. he's not running for the nomination of the party. he's not running for anything within the republican party. this is an appointment to be secretary of defense. and so all of the arguments that are being put up there against him make no sense because -- >> do you think there was a moment of odd candor? why would he admit that? >> remember, that was a party call at that time where the white house and the senate leadership needed everyone to rally around the direction they were taking, and he stood alone. he said, no, there is something wrong with this policy. there's something wrong -- >> and the country had more or less rejected that war by the 2006 election. >> didn't john mccain do exactly the same thing? wasn't that his brand? isn't that why people called him a maverick? he stood against george w. bush on the torture policy which was also a party call. this was something they all were unified on -- >> you're so smart. i learn more -- by the way, stood against the party on funding. went against the right wing church groups and everybody, all the ideologues on the right hated that law. >> and climate change, too. he did that, too. >> it's personal. it's nothing more than that. this is vendetta. this is what goes around comes around. >> the more i watch this congress, the more i'm reminded of why the greek people said enough of this parliamentary system. they are blowing the republican form of government. the reasonable representation of people out there, not their own piques and weirdnesses. they're not doing their job. this isn't about the public interest. joy -- right or left. thank you, joy reid, and michael steele. coming up, are you now or have you ever been? well, those were the words that defined the red baiting of the mccarthy era back in the '50s. ted cruz demonstrated he'd be comfortable having those words spill out of his mouth. can president obama beat the nra? wayne lapierre's apocalyptic rantings about a world without guns are easy to lampoon, but he may have the support and the votes to block any kind of real gun legislation and them's the facts. also, illinois has moved a step closer to becoming the next state to approve gay marriage. conservatives are chronically worried right now that they're losing the culture war, at least on that front. for once i think they're right. and watergate. water hyphen gate. marco rubio's water bottle moment may be the image that haunts him for a long time. a look back at some of the other moments that, fairly or not, have come to define some politicians forever. and this is "hardball," the place for politics. rea lly getting salon qu ality... or settling for wannabes? stop compromising! new vidal sassoon pro series. care and styling from the original salon genius, created to let you have it all at an affordable price. new vidal sassoon lets you say no to compromise and yes to very shiny... very silky... very sexy... very you. it's salon genius in a bottle! now in your store. new vidal sassoon pro series. salon genius. brilliantly priced.

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