Transcripts For MSNBCW First Look 20190402 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW First Look 20190402

i'm yasmin vossoughian alongside ayman mohyeldin. we'll begin with the breaking news overnight. los angeles police have identified a suspect in the murder of grammy winner nipsy huss hussle. chaos and injuries broke out at a vigil for the late rapper early last night and into the morning. 19 people were taken to the hospital. two in critical condition two others hurt seriously. the l.a. fire department says most of those injuries happened when people were trampled as the crowd ran fearing they heard the sound ever gunfire. there were no reports of any gunshot injuries. but, again, the search is on right now for a suspect in the rapper's murder. the 33-year-old was gunned down outside of his los angeles store sunday afternoon. nipsy hussle is being r--ed for his music and also to promote education in the community. we expect to learn more about the search for the suspect and about last night's violence in a news conference. president trump continues his threat to close the southern border several republicans who represent border states are urging caution. they are noting that mexico was the nation's third largest trading partner last year. and disruptions could impact the u.s. economy. the commerce department estimates that $502 billion in goods cross the border in trucks and trains last year, roughly $1.4 billion every day. that doesn't include products shipped by air and sea. the congressman from texas told a forum in washington quote the president made that statement out of frustration. i don't think he'll shut down the border. john cornyn said i understand the president's frustration. but the unintended consequences would be bad for everybody. senator mcsally told reporters yesterday it is my view that we've got to keep the legitimate trade and travel and cross border commerce happening at the ports of entry while we also need to secure our border and address this crisis. >> president trump is considering hiring an immigration czar to help coordinate the administration's immigration policies across federal agencies. four people tell the ap trump is considering at least two potential candidates. they include former kansas secretary of state and former virginia attorney general ken cuccinelli. both are far-right conservatives. aides hope the potential appointment which they caution is still in the planning stages would serve as the face of the administration on immigration issues and would placate both the president and his supporters showing he's serious and that he's taking action. former homeland security secretary jeh johnson weighed in. >> we have an immigration czar. it's called the homeland security secretary. in 2014 when we had a spike of immigration i was the focal point in dealing with that issue with the support of other agencies. enforcement and administration of our immigration laws is the responsibility of the secretary of homeland security. >> there's a major showdown brewing over the mueller report. house democrats have asked attorney generale with barr to give them the full unredacted report today and if that doesn't happen they are preparing to vote on a subpoena tomorrow. nbc news white house reporter kristen welker has the details. >> reporter: house democratic judiciary chairman jerry nadler demanding will barr turn over the full mueller report or else face a subpoena. nadler writing in the "new york times" if barr done turn over the entire document the attorney general, a recent political appointee undermines the work and integrity of his department. the growing showdown after barr promiseed a redacted version of the nearly 400 page document by mid-april well after nadler's deadline. it comes as president trump has declared total vindication. >> the collusion delusion is over. >> reporter: quoting no matter what information is given to the crazed democrats from the no collusion mueller report it will never be good enough. a career official said 25 security clearances were reversed during the trump administration. among them the president's son-in-law jared kushner. mr. trump has denied having a hand in it. >> i don't think i have the authority to do that. >> our thanks to kristen welker for that report. a second woman has come forward to excuse joe biden of inappropriate contact that made her feel uncomfortable. 43-year-old former congressional aide says it happened while she was volunteering at a political fundraiser in greenwich, connecticut back in 2009. she said quote it wasn't sexual but he grabbed me by my head. pulled me in to rub noses with me. here she is telling part of her story last night. >> he came over and just like slid his hands behind my neck and pulled me close and i was thinking i have like ten minutes of thoughts in two seconds because i was thinking is he going to kiss me. you know, what is he doing? what is he going? are we about to kiss? are we going make out? i don't know. i'm confused. and our noses touched. and then he rubbed noses with me for like ten seconds, 15 seconds, he was saying to me, i don't remember what. and, yeah, i was uncomfortable. it was weird. >> so lappos said i never filed a complaint to be honest because he was the vice president and afc nobody. there's absolutely a line of decency and respect. crossing that line is not grandfatherly, cultural. she adds this quote if biden supports women and gender equality he would step aside and support one of the many talented and qualified women running. the same goes for the other men who have thrown their hat in the ring. women are 52% of the population. we're not a minority. we're a majority. it's time we're represented as such after 45 male presidents, it's time we elect a woman. nbc news has not been able to speak to lappos to see if she can provide corroboration. >> this follows lucy flores who accused the former vice president in touching her shoulders and kissing the back of her head in a nonsexual way back in 2014. the former vice president released a statement acknowledging expressions of affection. but his team issued a more forceful statement. >> all it takes is for people to google, you know, i hate to said, this is the turn that's out there, that describes him. creepy uncle joe or creepy biden and see what comes up in that google search. it feels like almost endless images of him being inappropriate. >> in a new statement a biden spokes man decried smears and forgeries that existed in the detector recesses of the internet for a while exploited by right-wing trolls and others. he highlighted two photos one with the wife of ash carter and another one with chris coons. both have said the characterization of the photos are false. >> joining us now scot t wong. i want you to weigh in. talk to me about how this is playing out, first of all on capitol hill, especially considering his 2020 run and how this could potentially affect the fact that the former vice president has not even announced that he'll run quite yet. >> right. we're in a very interesting situation where joe biden is having to defend himself against these two allegations now when he has not even declared his candidacy for president of the united states. and so it has put his camp in a very awkward position. it also has put biden allies in a very tough spot. they are defending the vice president. but at the same time needing to be very respectful for the women who have come forward and made these allegations against joe biden. and so 2020 candidates, including kirsten gillebrand and others are being asked about these allegations against biden. kirsten gillebrand has been the most forceful in saying joe biden needs to thoroughly explain himself and confront these situations head on. we need to hear more from joe biden, not just a one paragraph statement. and so it is putting a lot of his friends and allies on capitol hill in a very difficult position. >> let's switch gears and talk about the mueller report. the democrats want to see it today unredacted. that won't happen. what's the chances we'll see that report soon not redacted? >> well, i think behind-the-scenes there's probably some negotiations taking place between jerry nadler and the judiciary committee, and the attorney general bill barr. of course the judiciary committee is planning to go ahead and vote on wednesday to get, to subpoena that full mueller report. the public in the coming days and weeks will not see that report in its entirety. it will be a redacted version. but the democrats are salivating over this report. they want to sink their teeth into it. they believe it will lead, perhaps to other types of investigations. they believe that there's so much information here in these 400 pages that it will be really, you know, a treasure trove of information that they can start digging through and perhaps lead to other investigations for the democratic house. >> scott wong for us, good talking to you. zwriept turn back to the murder of north korean leader kim jong-un's half brother at kuala lumpur airport using a never agent back in february of 2017. yesterday a vietnamese woman who was the only speck in custody in malaysia pled guilty to a lesser charge of voluntary causing injury with a dangerous weapon. she had faced a murder charge and the death penalty if convicted. she's expected to be released next month. the other suspect an indonesian woman was freed last month after the case was dropped. the suspects said they thought they were taking part in harmless prank for a tv show. four north korean agents malaysia said that were involved fled the country on the same day of the murder. kim jong-un is widely believed to have ordered this assassination. yesterday in a series of nonbinding votes parliament rejected four alternative brexit plans. it comes just days after lawmakers genre jected prime minister theresa may's brexit deal in less than a week after they voted down eight brexit alternatives. for those keeping score at home w-april 12th divorce date quickly approaching parliament has rejected may's deal three times and has also rejected all of the other brexit options put forward. and this morning the european union's chief negotiator said that a no deal brexit quote becomes day after day more likely. you never know when that story will wrap up at one point and figure out what's going on there. >> whether or not the be uk will leave the eu. >> exactly. >> april 12th. >> so many deadlines at this point. still ahead presidential candidate kamala harris releases new fundraising numbers. we'll take a look at how she compares to other hopefuls. >> president trump turned the spotlight to health care but now he's punting the issue until after the election. we'll have those stories and a check of the weather when we come back. i'm 53. but in my mind i'm still 35. that's why i take osteo bi-flex, to keep me moving the way i was made to. it nourishes and strengthens my joints for the long term. osteo bi-flex. because i'm made to move. this and even this.hark, i deep clean messes like this. but i don't have to clean this, because the self-cleaning brush roll removes hair, while i clean. - [announcer] shark, the vacuum that deep cleans, now cleans itself. dso should the way you bank.. virtual wallet from pnc bank. just one way pnc is modernizing banking to help make things easier. pnc bank. make today the day. (driver) relax, it's just a bug. that's not a bug, that's not a bug! (burke) hit and drone. seen it, covered it. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ i'm missing out on our family outings because i can't find a bladder leakage product that fits. everything was too loose. but depend® fit-flex feels tailored to me. with a range of sizes for all body types. depend® fit-flex underwear is guaranteed to be your best fit. depend® fit-flex underwear the latest inisn't just a store.ty it's a save more with a new kind of wireless network store. it's a look what your wifi can do now store. a get your questions answered by awesome experts store. it's a now there's one store that connects your life like never before store. the xfinity store is here. and it's simple, easy, awesome. former democratic congressman and 2020 presidential candidates beto o'rourke has pledged that if elected to the white house he will require members of his cabinet to hold town halls with the american people. watch this. >> as president i'll sign an executive order on the first day in office requiring every single cabinet secretary to hold a town hall meeting like this every single month. to listen to you and to be accountable to you so that we deliver for you. democracy is what we need if this country will make it. >> so shortly after yesterday's announcement o'rourke's campaign released a statement said the plan would commit to historic levels of transparency from his administration. >> democratic senator and 2020 contender kamala harris' campaign announced she raised $12 million from 218,000 individual contributors in the first two moves her presidential bid. harris' campaign tells nbc news that the average individual contribution in the first quarter was $55. that's higher than senator bernie sanders donation of $20 and beto o'rourke's average donation of $47. the average online donation given to harris' campaign was $20. the campaign also said that 98% of her contributions were under $100. >> the city of baltimore suffering from an epidemic of drug abuse and drug violence has been throne into political turmoil. the city's mayor is on indefinite leave of absence citing pneumonia. it came on the same day that controversy over her book sales picked up steam. it's reported that $100,000 was paid for her children he's book. she previously said the half million dollars she was made from the university of maryland medical system represented her only sales of the book. maryland's governor has called for an investigation while the state comptroller has called for her to resign. city council president now takes charge of a city that hasn't seen this level of gun violence since the days that inspired hbo's "the wire." >> let's get a check on your wire with meteorologist bill karins. >> really big storm off the southeast coast this morning. this one could turn into a pretty good coastal event with wind damage, maybe in the outer banks, coastal flooding. let's show you the storm system. worst weather by far heading through georgia and south carolina. winds will pick up along the coastal areas. very chilly for this time of the year. charleston has a high of 55 degrees should be near 70. rainfall totals as we go throughout the day, heaviest totals from charleston, myrtle beach area, wilmington, cape hatteras back up to virginia beach and norfolk anywhere in there we could get two to three inches of rain, isolated flooding concerns. as we go throughout this afternoon the highest winds will be out here on the outer banks. gusts up to 55 miles per hour. you could get isolated cases of power outages. not so much in the more folk-virginia beach area. out here in cape cod we could see gusts up to 45, 50 miles per hour. i apologize to my friends in maine looks like the back side of the storm will be cold enough for four to six inches of snow. maybe get snow in the higher terrain of new hampshire and also there in areas of massachusetts. pretty good size storm. this would have been about 100 miles closer to the coast. we may be talking about an april nor'easter. after this is gone a big warm up. >> the final four is set. we'll tell you which teams are headed. are aded ♪ a wealth of information. a wealth of perspective. ♪ a wealth of opportunities. that's the clarity you get from fidelity wealth management. straightforward advice, tailored recommendations, tax-efficient investing strategies, and a dedicated advisor to help you grow and protect your wealth. fidelity wealth management. to help you grow and protect your wealth. for adults with moderately syto severely activeou? crohn's disease, stelara® works differently. studies showed relief and remission, with dosing every 8 weeks. stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. some serious infections require hospitalization. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection or flu-like symptoms or sores, have had cancer, 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welcome back. time now for sports. let's begin with college hoops where the ncaa women's tournament field they now have their final four. top seeded notre dame advances with an 84-68 win over stanford last night. along with baylor which had its first trip to the final four since 2012. they crushed their opponent. so the women's championship match-up, now this unlike the men these are all -- you can almost pencil in this with these big huge programs. baylor one seed. uconn number two seed. that's a marquise match-up. let's turn now to major league baseball where the new york yankees depth chart being tested. the team added giancarlo stanton and miguel andujar to the 10 day dl list. they face a long list of injured yankees. but as for yesterday as match-up against detroit they did fine. hitting a long ball. aaron judge just doesn't hit home runs. lays out there a little bit. game saving grab in the eighth. yankees win 3-1. in toronto this fan gained national attention over the weekend. did you see that? didn't even flinch. unphased by that foul ball tip straight in her direction. she was back last night and not only did she not flinch, she mocks people. that is classy. >> she must be a season ticket holder because she's been in that situation so many times. >> she will be at every dame. >> from what i understand that's her regular seat. she's used to being in that position. >> something we'll never have a problem with. >> thanks. still ahead president trump's son-in-law and top adviser jared kushner is defending himself after a whistle blower came forward about concerns over his security clearance. >> and how saudi arabia is compensating the children of murdered jamal khashoggi. that stunning report is ahead. we're back in a moment. like the new pronamel repair. this toothpaste takes it to the next level. it takes minerals and it drives it deep into the tooth surface so that we can actively help repair weakened enamel. i do think dentists are going to want to 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free at welcome back, everyone. i'm ayman mohyeldin alongside yasmin vossoughian. it's is bottom of the hour. let's start with the morning's top stories. house democrats are preparing to ramp up their fight to gain access to the full version of robert mueller' report on his russia probe. the head of the judiciary committee has authorized to vote to release the report. the move comes after lawmakers rejected a plan from attorney general william barr to hand over a redacted copy of the document by app. well past of their deadline for today. in addition to the mueller report lawmakers are weighing possible subpoenas for documents from five white house officials related to that investigation. that includes don mcgahn, reince priebus, hope hicks, steve bannon and ann donaldson. >> white house senior adviser jared kushner is dismissing concerns over the authorization of his security clearances as a white house whistle blower raises red flags. elijah cummings revealed yesterday that a person who works in the white house's personnel office relayed her issues about the dysfunction she says she's right-hand over the past two years. the 18-year-old veteran who has served under both republican and democratic presidents told lawmakers that the trump administration overruled at least 25 security clearance denials despite concerns about blackmail, foreign influence or other red flags. she says the decisions to overturn those denials could jeopardy national security and her coming forward was the last hope to bring the integrity back into the office. chairman cummings said his office will subpoena the personnel security director at the white house today and more subpoenas will follow. in an interview last night jared kushner faced scrutiny fired back. >> i can't comment for the white house's process but what i can say is that over the last two years that i've been here i've been accused of all different type of those things and they've under the out to be false. we've had crazy accusations. i complied with all the different investigations whether it be the senate, the house, the special counsel. i sat for nearly 20 hours of interviews with them. talking about this nonsense further especially after two years and being wrong so many times is really not productive and quite frankly is embarrassment for our democracy. >> president trump gave a timeline for the haik. he he declared the 2020 elections will be a referendum on health care. this despite congressional republicans telling reporters they hope the president will drop the subject. fearing another democratic wave in which health care was the most important issue to voters in tweets posted after 10:00 p.m. washington time the president writes the republicans are developing a really great health care plan with far lower premiums, costs, and deductibles that obamacare. . vote will be taken right after the election when republicans hold the senate and win back the house. senate republicans are preparing a major rules change in an order to fast track hundreds of president's nominees. republicans offered a resolution that would reduce the amount of debate time for noncabinet nominees. the plan would cut the additional 30 hours of debate time required for noncabinet officials to two hours. those senate republicans have set a record for the number of trump's judicial anomaly niece. the party blamed democrats for using the senate's rule book for dragging out the confirmation process. senate majority leader mitch mcconnell criticized democrats writing in politico we're not talking about limited opposition to a few high-profile nominees or unusual circumstances. it's mindless leless undiscrimi for the sense of obstruction. joining us on set senior reporter for business insider. great to have you with us. let's talk a little bit about the mueller report and the attempts by congress to subpoena some of these documents. you've been writing a lot about the judiciary committee. is there going to be an intent, meaningful intent, more than just the show of force for political purposes of them actually obtaining any relevant document from the mueller report including the record itself? >> house judiciary chairman jerry nadler signaled if the justice department doesn't comply, if they don't send over the full report and if they don't comply with the subpoena, if the committee does go forward with it tomorrow the committee would be willing to take it to court. the question is how successful would they be if they went to court because there are only a couple of exceptions under which a court would agree to release things like grand jury information which is in the report and it doesn't seem like at this point the committee meets any of those exceptions. >> let's talk about health care because we know it will be on the minds of voters in the lead up to 20. seems the president is punting this fight that he started days ago over health care. i wonder if it's because he's getting push back from republicans opinion he's saying republicans are working on a major health care plan. you won't hear about it until after the election of 2020. that's not putting a lot of confidence in the mind of voters to vote for republicans because of their health care plan because they don't know what could be out there. >> of course this is classic trump. it's also interesting to note the timing here. trump kind of dug his heels in on helps issues like health care and immigration and closing down the border after we heard the mueller report had gone in and he felt he had been exonerated. now that we're getting closer to the report coming out it seems the president is hedging his bets a little bit and changing his position on issues like health care because he feels like there could be an oncoming political storm. >> you think he's changing position on this because the mueller report could be coming out? >> i wouldn't be surprised if that's part of it. i feel a lot of the time what happens is trump initially has a reaction to something like the mueller report there's no collusion, i've been exonerated. now talk about count ee eer intelligence finding that could be in the mueller report that is important for voters to consider for the election. >> we talked about this before. i feel this could have been a real moment on health care for the president if no matter what had come out with the mueller report let's go in strong here. once the murder report comes out we can talk about the health care program. but instead they missed that opportunity because they said we'll own health care. republicans will own health care but had no plan in place to back that you want. >> they could have actually, like you said, could have shifted the agenda and shifted the narrative to focus on issues that republicans want to be focusing on. same way a lot of democratic contenders are doing. they are focusing a lot on health care. >> those out on the trail. not many people are mentioning the mueller report. >> thank you. so we're learning more details about how the kingdom of saudi arabia is attempting to influence outside opinion regarding the murder of jamal khashoggi at the hands of saudi agents. the post has learned khashoggi's children have received compensation from the saudi government for the killing in the form of multi-million dollar houses meanly five figure payments. those sources also say khashoggi's two sons and two daughters may receive much larger pay outs which could amount to tens of millions each which is called blood money negotiations aimed at ensuring that khashoggi's children show restraint in their public statements about the murder of their father. >> to turkey where president erdogan's party has suffered major losses. results shows erdogan's party lost the mayoral race in the capital of ankara and alost in istanbul also. the party is alleging party fraud marred the ankara election. it comes a year after erdogan who has weakened democratic institutions and altered the constitution to give himself more power was elected to a new five year term. last month turkey's economy entered a recession. and unemployment and inflation both remain very high while the value of the turkish lira tumbles. it comes as the state department yesterday announced it is suspending delivery of f-35 related materials to turkey in response to ankara's planned purchase of a russia defense system. >> president trump wades into the ongoing fight into his administration for a citizen ship question census. >> lawmakers shoot down a massive bill providing relief to victims of natural disaster. details on why the measure passed. and bill karins will have more on a potential storm along the east coast. you might take something for your heart... or joints. but do you take something for your brain. with an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in clinical trials to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. prestige creams not living up to the hype? one jar shatters the competition. olay regenerist hydrates skin better than creams costing over $100, $200, and even $400. fact check this ad in good housekeeping. olay. how do you get skin happy aveeno® with prebiotic oat. it hydrates and softens skin. so it looks like this... and you feel like this. aveeno® daily moisturizer get skin happy™ i never count trthe wrinkles.s. and i don't add up the years. but what i do count on, is staying happy and healthy. so, i add protein, vitamins and minerals to my diet with boost®. boost® high protein nutritional drink has 20 grams of protein, along with 26 essential vitamins and minerals your body needs. all with guaranteed great taste. the upside- i'm just getting started. boost® high protein be up for life. president trump says the 2020 census is quote meaningless unless it includes a citizenship question. trump tweeted yesterday can you believe the radical left democrats want to do a new and very important census report without the all-important citizenship question. report would be meaningless and a waste of the billions of dollars, ridiculous that it costs to put together. trump's tweet comes a day before the house oversight committee is set to vote on subpoenaing documents and testimony from the trump administration on the upcoming census. they faced criticism after it announced they would add a citizenship question to census. there are multiple suits to get the question removed. in january a judge blocked the trump administration from adding the question said it's illegal. this month the supreme court is set to hold a hearing on the citizenship question with a ruling expected by june. a massive disaster relief bill that would provide emergency aid to victims of hurricanes, wildfires, flooding and more has been defeated in the senate. democrats oppose legislation arguing that the $600 million proposed for nutritional assistance in storm-ravaged puerto rico that it wasn't enough. instead democrats chose to embrace a house relief bill that contained hundreds of millions of dollars more for puerto rico but that version also failed because of republican opposition. president trump opposes sending any additional aid to puerto rico apart from money for good food stamps. republicans convinced him to accept that funding as the price for passing the long pending disaster bill. let's switch gears and bring in bill karins with a check on your weather forecast. >> rough morning in the southeast coastal areas. almost feel like a tropical storm or maybe even a nor'easter if you're right along the coast. it won't go too far inland. pouring in southern georgia. heading for jacksonville, florida and through south carolina and heading up into north carolina. i-95 not a fun drive this morning in areas of south carolina. this afternoon especially. north carolina. let's time this out. through this afternoon it's a quick moving storm. this one will get much bigger and stronger as it goes. this may even end up being one of those bomb cyclones. all that means it's a rapidly intensifying storm on the east coast. by 5:00 p.m. norfolk, virginia beach, airport delays possible. gusty winds, heavy rain this afternoon. eastern north carolina the outer banks will feel like there's a nor'easter nearby. by tomorrow morning notice the blue on this map. that's snow in interior sections of maine. maybe some hills in worcester, mass. heavy wet snow at the highest of elevations. boston rough, raw early morning. cape cod you could have wind gusts up to 50 miles per hour. by wednesday afternoon we're all done. i did promise you a warm up. it will take a little bit. another chilly start out there. only 55 degrees in myrtle beach this afternoon. tomorrow is our neutral day around the country. not much contrast. here's your reward. by the time we get to the end of the week and weekend kansas city 73. raleigh 75. new york city, saturday 60s. next week i think there's a huge warm up for almost all of the country. many areas even new england could be in the 70s. >> so next week we'll be complaining it's too hot and that we miss winter. >> predictably so. >> i won't complain any more about the weather. let's make that -- >> what is there to complain about? >> thanks, bill. still ahead facebook looks to a new feature to help fight fake news. >> amazon tries to woo new customers at its whole food stores by slashing prices. details on where the cuts are being made. ♪ to inspire confidence through style. ♪ i'm working to make connections of a different kind. ♪ i'm working for beauty that begins with nature. ♪ to treat every car like i treat mine. ♪ at adp we're designing a better way to work, so you can achieve what you're working for. ♪ to take care of yourself. but nature's bounty has innovative ways to help you maintain balance and help keep you active and well-rested. because hey, tomorrow's coming up fast. nature's bounty. because you're better off healthy. natureall of you. how you live, what you love. that's what inspired us to create america's most advanced internet. internet that puts you in charge. that protects what's important. it handles everything, and reaches everywhere. this is beyond wifi, this is xfi. simple. easy. awesome. xfinity, the future of awesome. welcome back. facebook's ceo mark zuckerberg says the tech giant may start pay news publisher to print their stories for high quality trustworthy content. the announcement comes less than a week after the european union passed a slew of new digital copyright laws giving news publishers right to negotiate licenses. zuckerberg didn't specific how the pay structure would work he did say that having a quote direct relationship with publishers would make sure their content is available on facebook. dedicated news section would be available for free for all users of the social media platform. amazon and whole foods announced a new round of price cuts in hundreds of items that will start tomorrow. so, what more can you tell us about this upcoming savings plan by whole foods and foods and a? >> that's right. whole foods have announced they're cutting prices on hundreds of products, namely in the produce space, fresh fruits and vegetables, on average will save customers 20% off your shopping basket. they also said they're going to start rolling out perks for amazon prime customers, things like free two-hour delivery slots, as well as an extra 10% discount. amazon acquired whole foods back in 2017 and they've been really trying to swing over amazon prime customers to become whole foods customers with not much success. this is the latest push there. another news item, you may recall the white house economic adviser larry cuddler said the fed is to immediately cut business rates right now. but not everyone agrees. the chief economist moody's spoke to cnbc overnight and warned if they did do that, it would be counterproductive, the economy does not need interest rates now, unemployment is at a 50-year low, wage growth is very, very strong, interest rate, should not be cut here, the fed should not cut here, that is according to moody's. >> i have a feeling steve rattner will be weighing in on this. too bad we don't have a camera on him. >> there he is! >> what do you think? good move or not? >> i don't think we need to cut interest rates now. wo we're close to full employment, the economy is still growing. we'll see what happens. >> perfect tease. >> before we let you go, i want you to weigh in on this burger king thing. >> are they really going to make a whopper that is a vegetarian whopper? >> i like the idea. >> is it legal? >> that's going to be the question. the question for you will be do you want your whopper with meat or without meat? with this new collaboration with impossible foods, a company that has come up with a new type of protein made out of peas and it's a protein, they've traded this protein-basedbu burger tha tastes and appears to look like burger as well -- >> it's got to be about taste. >> he said ultimately this is the way the food preferences are going. the millennial generation are moving around from meat-based products and he thinks is a $3 billion product eventually. >> steve, the vegetarian whopper? >> i can say i like burgers longer than anyone else on this show. i didn't like the words "appears to" so i'm going to stick to going to the polo bar for my favorite burger. >> coming up, everybody, jim hand high has a look at this morning's "1 big thing." and coming up on "morning joe," the steps the president may take in his ongoing border battle. >> and ben ray lujan from new mexico will weigh in on the political fallout on shutting down the border. people with type 2 diabetes are excited about the potential of once-weekly ozempic®. in a study with ozempic®, a majority of adults lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than seven and maintained it. oh! under seven? and you may 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going to run is now telling advisers he might run, especially if these allegations of joe biden damage him and convince him at some point not to be in the race. blo bloomberg has always wanted to run but has always seen biden as a big roadblock. he felt like they'd be fighting for the same voters. now that biden is having some trouble, in some ways this says as much about biden as bloomberg, they're seeing this is making him wobbly, they're wondering if he'll be able to survive it, then bloomberg sees that centrist part of the electorate as his base. >> one man as miser to -- one man's misfortune is another's opportunity. >> there's been four or five days now constant coverage of biden, none of it positive. a big debate about whether his touchy feeliness is appropriate or inappropriate. that's never good for a politician. everything we're hearing, he's still going to run and even more in some ways certain about running, but inside that campaign, people around biden, they are rattled and they're mad. they feel luke this isike this conspiracy, that it might be bernie sanders people, people inside the party are pushing this, they say it's unfair and they say he's hell bent on getting in and does want to take it to bernie sanders. >> if joe biden is not wavering on his decision to run for 2020, how are dems going to handle it? you think back to the al franken days and dems have really drawn a reasonable doubt line on this. >> so far they've been careful, respectful of bide i don't knn respectful of the two women who have come forward so they're a little bit in a bind. i wouldn't be surprised if you see a candidate or two try to distinguish themselves on being more harsh on bidebiden. biden does have stature and a long relationship with most people running. also these aren't like me-too allegations, they're allegations that someone who has ever been around biden knows, he's a very touchy, feely, affectionate guy. it happens the two people felt very uncomfortable about it. so people are wrestling whether this is something they should speak out about. >> let me get your feeling about mayor pete buttigieg. he's raised $7 million in the quarter. that has impressed a lot of people. how do you explain he has managed to somehow break out early on in this crowd and get that kind of early fund-raising? >> also, if that momentum is going to last. >> i think there's just -- we always underestimate authenticity and just being normal. i think people are so tired of people being abnormal. here is a guy with a very impressive background, who is a great talker and just sort of connects in a people in a way other politicians aren't connecting right now. we look at different indicators online to see what spreads virally and we're seeing him get way more traction than other candidates. so it's real, at least for now. >> we're going to see you on "morning joe" in seconds. >> that does it for us on this tuesday

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