Transcripts For MSNBCW First Look 20180710 09:00:00 : compar

Transcripts For MSNBCW First Look 20180710 09:00:00

if confirmed by the senate, i will keep an open mind in every case and i will always strive to preserve the constitution of the united states and the american rule of law. >> so kavanaugh is a graduate of yale law school and clerked for justice kennedy. in 1993 he met ken starr during a justice department fellowship and became a key staff member when starr was the independent counsel investigating the white water and clinton/lieu ensky scandals. kavanaugh helped write the final report to congress that laid out 11 possible grounds for impeaching president bill clinton. he served as george w. bush's white house counsel and staff secretary before he was nominated to be a federal judge in 2006. he was confirmed at that time by a vote of 57-36. now, brett kavanaugh's nomination sets up an extremely
consequential confirmation battle. within minutes of trump's announcement, several top democrats voicing their intention to vote against him. senate minority leader chuck schumer put out a saying that by selecting kavanaugh, trump has been reproductive rights on the chopping block. he went on to say i will oppose judge kaf kavanaugh's nomination with everything that i have. top republicans are rallying around trump's decision to nominate kaf now. mitch mcconnell called him a superb choice, but with a razor thin majority republicans have no room for error. all eyes may be on susan collins and lisa murkowski. senator colins said she will conduct a careful vetting of the supreme court nominee. murkowski said she intended to review his writing on and off
the bench and pay careful attention to his responses to questions posed by my colleagues. judge kavanaugh's views surrounding investigations of a sitting president are drawing renewed attention following his nomination last night. in a 2009 article in "the minnesota law review" kavanaugh suggested presidents be exempt from criminal investigations and civil suits while serving in office. he wrote congress should consider passing a law, quote, exempting a president while in office from criminal prosecution and investigation, including from questioning by criminal prosecutors or defense counsel. he went on to say, quote, we should not burden a sitting president with civil suits, criminal investigations or criminal prosecutions. the president's job is difficult enough as it is. now, some top democrats are seizing on this in relation to the on- going russia probe. of course, watch this. >> you pick the one guy who has specifically written that a president in fact should not be
the subject of a criminal investigation, which the president is right now. so this seems to be of all of the people the most self-serving person he could choose in order to protect himself from thinks criminal investigation. >> he's a political animal. he has been for a big part of the formative years of his career. and so he thinks of this, i think, as, wow, we need to make sure that the united states of america stays safe by protecting the president from, what, from investigation? from indictment? from prosecution? that's what troubles me about the whole picture here. >> by the way, coming up on "morning joe" this morning, a big morning for them, senate minority leader chuck schumer will weigh in on kavanaugh's nomination. joining me national political leader from bloomberg news, sahil kapur. thank you for joining me. i appreciate it.
let's talk about judge kavanaugh. we know he has a long list, shall we say many decisions and writings that a lot of people will sift through from both sides of the aisle to make sure they're making the correct vote or not. we also know a lot of democrats are going to seize on his stance with regards to roe v. wade. that has been the talk really of washington and out side of washington in the lead-up to president trump's announcement from last night. where does kavanaugh stand on this. >> well, so the issue of roe v. wade is going to be enormously consequential to this confirmation hearing because brett kavanaugh could be the fifth vote on the supreme court. i emphasize could be, to overturn roe v. wade or at least weaken it substantially. you can imagine a scenario where a block of five solid conservative justices if kavanaugh is put on the court will up hold state laws that, you know, states like texas and mississippi tried to pass that would make abortion virtually inaccessible in parts of the
country. that's what is on the table. he does not have an extensive paper trailer public record on his personal view of roe v. wade, but the fact he was picked by president trump who has promised to appoint justices who would overturn roe v. wade and the fact he was vetted by the federalist society, which is a group of very conservative lawyers and one of their precepts is that it is terrible law, that gives us a hint of where he is likely to come down on this. >> he has an extensive paper trail to say the least, which is one of the reasons it seems mitch mcconnell didn't endorse him when advising president trump as to who he thought should be the scotus nominee. let's talk about the impeachment hearing that judge kavanaugh was involved with. he had a front row seat to the impeachment hearings as i mention earlier for president bill clinton. he later changed his opinion on investigati investigating sitting presidents. what could that mean for president trump as the mueller
investigation is lingering? and is there any reporting to indicate at all that the president chose kavanaugh because of where he stands on this issue? >> that is unclear. i think the president had a long, you know, complicated list of reasons for choosing kavanaugh. kavanaugh was added to his short list -- i guess not really that short -- of potential justices after he was curiously omitted from the first one. this is someone tipped on the right to be a future justice for i think more than a decade now. he served on, as you mention, ken starr's prosecution team. after that he served in the bush white house for a number of years. at the end of the tenure he changed his mind -- you know, his previously restricted view of presidential power when he went after bill clinton on starr's team, he decided presidents deserve more leeway and should not be indicted. that could be consequential if there's an indictment coming as
to whether a president can be indicted. we are looking at a supreme court divided with four democrats and five republican appointees. he could be a decisive factor. >> i think we can agree it will be a decidedly conservative supreme court going forward. thank you very much appreciate it. >> thank you. breaking news this morning. the final fales of the mission to save the four remaining boys and their soccer coach is now underway. we're told 19 rescue cave divers are in the cave as we speak right now. they're also expected to emerge with a doctor and three thai navy seals who have been at the boys' side. four members of the soccer team were rescued yesterday and four others on sunday. we are told two from sunday's rescue are being treated for mild pneumonia. the other two from sunday are in good condition but being monitored. there's in word yet on the conditions of those rescued yesterday. but, again, rescue efforts are
ongoing and officials could say mission accomplished by later today. it would be such a positive end to such a terrifying ordeal. >> yeah, certainly hoping this thing wraps up and those kids are able to get home safe to their friends and family. all right. president trump does not appear worried by the drastically different views held by washington and pyongyang regarding the latest high-level negotiations with north korea. pyongyang's apparent ambivalent attitude towards denuclearization. yet trump tweeted this. i have confidence that kim jong-un will honor the contract we signed and, even more importantly, our handshake. we agreed to the denuclearization of north korea. china, on the other hand, may be exerting negative pressure on a deal because of our posture on chinese trade. hope not. secretary of state mike pompeo also addressed the situation yesterday while on a surprise visit to afghanistan. listen to this. >> we still have a long ways to go, but the commitment that the north koreans made, frankly that
chairman kim personally made to president trump, remains, has been reinforced. >> here is a note. kim jong-un actually did not meet with pompeo touring the secretathe -- during the latest visit there. he has revealed kim was instead visiting a rural potato farm during that time. >> given a weekend extension, the trump administration continued to struggle to account for the families separated at the southern border, saying only two of the youngest children have been reunited with parents. a district court judge extended today's deadline for the government to reunite 102 of the migrant children under the age of five, saying only about half -- 54 kids -- are expected to be reunited today while 48 cannot be. now, justice department attorney sarah favian said nine of the parents have been deported and nine released making them more difficult to track down. other parents have criminal records that will keep them from being reunited all together she
said. exactly two weeks ago health and human services secretary assured the senate that the process was organized. >> there is no reason why any parent would not where their child is located. i could at the stroke -- at key strokes -- i sat on the orr portal, with just basic key strokes, within seconds could find any child in our care for any parent. >> last night a u.s. district court judge rejected the trump administration's request to alter the flores agreement, dictating that children cannot be held in immigration detention for more than 20 days. the executive order trump signed last month instructed attorney general jeff sessions to change the decree to permit a new approach for detaining children along with their parents. the judge wrote, it is apparent that defendant's application is a cynical attempt to shift responsibility to the judiciary. for over 20 years of congressional inaction and
ill-considered executive action that have led to the current stalemate. all right. still ahead, everybody, british foreign secretary boris johnson resigns amid the turmoil over brexit. what it means for prime minister theresa may who is trying to unite her government on the issue. later, new reporting that president trump criticized some of his own aides during phone calls with russian president vladimir putin of all people. those stories and a check on your weather when we come back. ♪ ♪ this is a story about mail
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locked in the eu system. johnson's decision follows the resignation of brexit secretary david davis and junior brexit minister steve baker just hours earlier. may has named house secretary jeremy hunt, a pro eu figure as the new foreign secretary and dominic robb as new brexit secretary. the uk is due to leave the eu at the end of next march, but the two sides have yet to agree how trade will work after the separations. joining me live from london, nbc news international correspondent cal perry for us. good morning, cal. >> reporter: good morning. this is huge news to see that boris johnson was stepping down and so many others before him. first of all, what does it mean for theresa may and her standing? >> reporter: look, this is the first sort of serious political challenge we have seen on her leadership since brexit began. part of this is a lot of just standard internal politics here
in the uk. brexit is really being seen as a divisive issue. i don't know there's a better plan than the prime minister's plan. that's what we're going to find out. boris johnson is largely seen as a self-serving politician in the uk. he has taken a lot of grief for the way he resigned, the photo opportunity that he created. so we'll wait to see if it actually creates a leadership shift. i think the more interesting thing is obviously the timing of this, just before the nato meeting and just before, of course, donald trump arrives here in the uk. >> so talk about that. why do you think he exited now and was it on purpose because of trump's visit to the area, because of the nato summit. >> reporter: i mean it is probably more than just his to-do list, donald trump coming, to do. i think it gets the most attention right now. brexit certainly will be the top topic. listen to donald talk to the chairman of the european union. he said it was the most divisive
issue in the history of the united kingdom and the european union. hearing that from the top official inside the commission gives you an idea what we will hear in the brussels' discussions. look for president trump to come and say outrageous things about brexit to make it more complicated for theresa may. the question is, of course, will he do it before he meets with her, will he do it before he meets with the queen, yasmin. >> quickly, i read reports that boris johnson could beguning for theresa may's job here. >> yeah, look, it seems as though that's his play, he wants to be prime minister. i would tell you it is impossible for a politician/celebrity to run a country, but it is 2018 so anything is possible. that's the play, that's the play. will he become prime minister. >> anything is possible, cal perry. thanks, cal. >> reporter: yeah. >> let's get a check on your weather with nbc meteorologist bill karins. bill, tropical chris is safely off the north carolina coast, but it could turn into a hurricane. >> yeah, we thought it could have turned just a couple of
minutes ago. the national hurricane center gives updates at 5:00 a.m. in the morning and they just reported back and still a tropical storm, it is at 70 miles per hour. it looks more impressive. it actually almost has an eye ot, but the hurricane hunters flying through it all night long didn't find it at hurricane strength. we will watch the rough surf continuing, minor beach erosion and that will be about it. 200 miles safely off the coast of cape hat ras. they have it become a hurricane later today. winds up there about 85 miles per hour and then safely heading into the open atlantic and for the most part missing nova scotia and new finland. yesterday, puerto rico, what was left of beryl went through puerto rico. finally the rains have stopped but there were additional flooding and power outages. 20,000 to 30,000 people lost power and now the remnant is now pouring over the dominican republic. it will head over the bahamas through wednesday. most should miss florida and it
will sit off the southeast coast. it has a 50% chance of redeveloping over the next five days. this one, just like chris, looks like it will stay off the southeast coast. the bottom line for all of the storms, rough surf, rip current threat for all of the beaches through the upcoming weekend. >> thanks, bill. still ahead, everybody, roger federer and raphael roll on while serena continues to dominate the highlights. ...aging everything. we also have the age-old problem of bias in the workplace. really... never heard of it. the question is... who's going to fix all of this? an actor? probably not. but you know who can solve it? business. because solving big problems is what business does best. so let's take on the wage gap, the opportunity gap, the achievement gap. whatever the problem, business can help. and i know who can help them do it. the world is full of different hair.
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welcome back. time for sports. we begin with major league banl and the mets hosting the phillies. pick it up with the ball game tied at three in the bottom of the tenth inning. >> 38-1 to flores. wilbur swings the bat and drives one deep down the line toward the corner. it is off the pole. home run. the ball game is over! >> and that one is gone. flores sends a pinch-hit walk-off homer off the pole. good for a win in new york for yesterday's doubleheader. turning to the all england club in london where roger federer moves on to his record 16th wimbledon quarterfinal. meanwhile, second seeded nadal still has not lost a set at this year's tournament. unbelievable. advancing to the quarters at
wimbledon for first time since 2011. on the women's side, number 25 seeded serena williams advances, taking just over an hour to wrap up yesterday's straight said victory. she will face italy's giorgi at the women's quarterfinals which will be decided without a top ten player for first time in the open era. an unbelievable manic monday at wimbledon. and the world cup continues this afternoon in russia where france will face its biggest threat of the tournament so far in belgium, which is competing in its first world cup semifinal in more than three decades. be sure to catch all of that world cup action live on telemundo. i know where ayman is going to be, yasmin. >> watching, that's for sure. i got to say serena dominating the fact she had a baby less than a year ago -- >> yes, she is playing really well, and still federer and nadal, old times at wimbledon. >> thanks, louis. much more ahead on the
potential confirmation fight for the supreme court nominee, bret kavanaugh. following the latest to save the remaining four boys and their soccer coach trapped in a thai cave. we will go to a live report coming up. to be two hundred years old. (woman) how old do you think that one is? (man 1) my guess would be, about... (man 2) i'd say about two hundred. (man 1) yeah... (burke) gives houseplant a whole new meaning. and we covered it. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ (barry murrey) when you have a really traumatic injury, we have a short amount of time to get our patient to the hospital with good results. we call that the golden hour. evaluating patients remotely is where i think we have a potential to make a difference.
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judge brett kavanaugh to fill the vacancy. nbc news justice correspondent pete williams has more on this. >> reporter: yasmin, in brett kavanaugh president trump has chosen someone with deep roots in washington and politics and the law. president trump announced the nomination and praised brett kavanaugh as a solid conservative. >> judge kavanaugh has impeccable credentials, unsurpassed qualifications and a proven commitment to equal justice under the law. >> a judge must be independent and must interpret the law, not make the law. the judge must interpret statutes as written and a judge must interpret the constitution as written, informed by history and tradition and precedent. >> more than any of the others on the president's shot list, brett kavanaugh knows his way around washington. he grew up in nearby maryland
where his mother was a state court judge, graduated from yale and yale law and was a supreme court law clerk for justice anthony kennedy 25 years ago, at the same time as fellow kennedy clerk neil gorsuch who was put on the supreme court by president trump last year. kavanaugh met kenneth starr during a fellowship and became a key staff member when starr was the independent counsel investigating white water and monica lieu ensky scandals. he helped write the final report that cited 11 possible grounds for impeaching president clinton. he met his wife ashley while working in the house under president george w. bush. president bush anymore nated kavanaugh to the appeals court in washington, d.c. at a senate confirmation hearing democrats said he was too partisan. >> you cannot think of another nomination, given mr. kavanaugh's record, more designed to divide us. >> after the hearing about that senator, my mom said to me, i think he really respects you, as
only a mom can. >> reporter: he was confirmed 57-36. he's been a judge for 12 years and says the years with bush made him a better one. in a 2009 law review article, he said that experience convinced him that presidents should not be subjected to lawsuits or criminal investigations while in office, but said congress should change the law to provide that exemption. republican leaders in the senate had told the president that kavanaugh might be harder to get through confirmation because of his extensive record as a judge in the bush administration and working for kenneth starr. president trump apparently believes kavanaugh is worth the trouble. yasmin. >> thank you, pete williams, for that report. in what has become a tradition of sorts during his time in office, president trump chose to treat his unveiling of brett kavanaugh as his supreme court nominee like a prime time tv special. hours before last night's announcement, msnbc contributor
gabe sherman tweeted, inside the house, some aides are a"news 4 new york"ed trump is announcing scotus pick at 9:00 bm because staffers think bill shine chose 9:00 p.m. to help hannity's ratings. shine recently joined as an assistant to the president and he is a former fox news executive who got his start at the network as a producer for hannity. apparently the two men remain close friends. meanwhile, the "wall street journal" is reporting when it came to one of the other rumored judges on the short list, there was a lack of certain pizzazz the president was looking for. citing one person close to the white house, trump voiced reservations about judge kethledge, believing he didn't show the sort of energy the president likes to see in appointees. >> joining me to talk more about it, national political reporter
for bloomberg, sahil kapur. joe manchin, heidi high camp, susan collins, lisa murkowski, all declined the offer to go to the announcement last night. they did not attend. what could it mean for the confirmation hearings for kavanaugh ahead? >> it is an interesting list of crucial, potential senate votes that were invited and did not go. i don't know i would read a lot into this. you're right that collins was invited and didn't go, murkowski didn't go, but the three democrats who voted for neil gorsuch were invited and didn't go. i don't know it means much other than the fact it is possible they didn't want to be props in one of the president's dramatic showings, they were afraid he would say something to try to box them in and they decided to play it differently. i don't know i would read too much into this. but you're right, this will be the most important votes to determine whether or not brett kavanaugh becomes the next
supreme court justice. >> could you talk about the significance of the d.c. district court because it has funneled a lot of judges into the federal courts. merrick garland is actually the chief justice, basically kavanaugh's boss on the d.c. district court. >> that's right. the d.c. court of appeals has sent a number of judges to the supreme court. it is arguably the most influential of the circuit courts because it takes cases about executive power and presidential authority. you know, it oversees the white house and at midministrative actions. kavanaugh has a lot of rulings on the issue of executive power. he has written more than 300 opinions. i think one of the issues will be on regulation, he has taken a skeptical view of agencies like
the epa and the cfpb's ability to regulate the issues. that's something that elizabeth warren cited as a major concern of hers. >> quick lie while i have you, we know that majority leader mitch mcconnell actually had not recommended kavanaugh be the choice for president trump but did endorse him last night after hearing of the announcement. is this going to prove to be a tough fight for mcconnell ahead? >> it is going to be a tedious one for sure because brett kavanaugh between his time in the white house, the ken starr prosecution team and the extensive array of opinions he has written gives opponents a lot to work with. democrats will demand every piece of paper he has written, been involved with, and try to delay it. this will be a whale of a fight. i don't know that the democrats can win this, they don't have the vote even if they unite. keep your eyes on susan collins, she is probably the most important one. as she goes murkowski could be.
>> sahil kapur, thank you. good to see you. >> thank you. president trump is set to arrive in belgium today ahead of the nato summit. it is coming on the heels of the con ten shes contentious g-7 summit in canada. it also comes amid increasing concerns from america's allies over what trump may say or do during his summit with russia's vladimir putin, and we are learning more about the private phone calls the president has had with the leader of russia. "the new york times" reporting during a march conversation putin complained that several trump administration officials tried to prevent the call from even happening, to which trump responded, quote, those are stupid people. you shouldn't listen to them. it was the same call where trump reportedly congratulated putin on his election victory, or reelection shall i say, despite a clear warning from top aides
and briefing notes in all capital notes, quote, do not congratulate. the trump/putin summit is set for next monday in helsinki following the nato summit in belgium. what is expected to be a highly-contentious visit to england and a weekend stop in scotland at his golf course. we want to turn back to the on- going rescue operations to free the boys and their coach from the flooded cave. joining us is nbc news correspondent matt bradley. nice to have you with us. we are hearing another boy has been rescued, matt. what are you getting on the ground there? >> reporter: that's right. the anticipation here, louis, is sky high because this road has been open, this road behind me has been open all day. i have been here since earlier this morning, and now the police have come and cordoned off the area right behind me. they've actually set out orange cones along the street behind me. they've even cleared it of cars. some of the cars they actually had to tow away, these stubborn
vehicles that wouldn't move and didn't have drivers. so they're really preparing for what would be a very hasty arrival, coming from right off my left shoulder here there's an improvised helipad. what they do is they've been rushing the boys from the helipad after arriving from the cave mouth, all the way down the street behind me and to the hospital. this is where the eight boys who have been rescued in the past three days are recovering right now. we are going to hopefully start to see the last batch. but, remember, this is a little more complicated than those previous ones because there's more people. it is not just the four boys and their coach who have been left, it is also a doctor and three other thai navy seals who need to be removed from that cave. so while everybody's hoping that this will be a very fast last effort to remove these guys from the cave, it could take quite a bit more time because of more people. louie. >> matt, you are by the hospital there. i wanted to check to see if you had an update on the boys that
had been rescued, on their condition. i know some are being monitored, but, you know, there were a few that we hadn't heard anything about. >> reporter: yeah, louie. we got an update on them this morning. they're doing remarkably well psychologically. they're happy, they're talking, they're conscious. there's been no real -- real problematic health conditions. some of the boys all had signs of hypothermia when they left the cave, two out of the eight suffered from pneumonia, cuts and bruises, things like that, but all are doing much, much better. that has really raised the expectation level, raised the omt michl that people aoptimism expecting to see all 13 come out of the cave safely today. >> we can't confirm this but we are getting reports from reuters that a tenth boy is saved. the secretary you get confirmation on the ground we will get back with you.
matt bradley, thanks so much. here is hoping it will be wrapped up in next couple of hours or so. still ahead, everybody, president trump firing back at a report about u.s. efforts to crack down on the measure supporting breastfeeding. did the trump administration threaten to pull military aid over the issue? plus bill karins is back with another check on your weather. we will be right back. thanks for the ride-along, captain! i've never been in one of these before, even though geico has been- ohhh. ooh ohh here we go, here we go.
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military aid for ecuador which planned to introduce the mesh yu. russia ultimately stepping in to intro tuesday the resolution without opposition from the united states. president trump responded to the report yesterday tweeting this, the failing "new york times" fake news story today about breastfeeding must be called out. the u.s. strongly supports breastfeeding but we don't believe women should be denied access to formula. many women need this option because of malnutrition and poverty. let's get a check on your weather now with bill karins. we are talking about a common theme this week, heat. >> yeah, and the big story last week as well. it is not as bad this week, but still above average in some spots. kansas city will feel like 100. panama city will be 101. a lot of these are similar to what you get throughout the hot portion of the summer and we're in it right now. looking at your wednesday, tomorrow, omaha 101. little rock, some 2. hundreds through the southeast
and towards the end of the week we start to see the heat building into the ohio valley. cincinnati into the low 90s and areas in the mid atlantic inching up also. we are 93 in boston. 95 in d.c. the cold front cools off the northeast this evening with isolated showers and storms. in montana, half a million people are under severe weather threat today and we could see an isolated tornado or two. so keep it in mind, especially in areas of northeastern montana and slimmer in northwestern dakota. we found out yesterday that june was the third warmest on record. many areas in the middle of the country were much above. areas in the west were a little below in the northwest, but 15 states had their top ten warmest junes on record, mostly here in the midwest, a few in the southeast. some of the highlights were colorado, new mexico and texas which were third, second and third. as far as we go into the southwest, yasmin.
we are on pace for top records in many spots. this july has been hot as you know and the trend continues. >> i do know. being eight months pregnant in the warmest, but you wouldn't know about that. details on why the plastic straw soon will become a thing of the past at the coffee giant, starbucks. we will be right back. ♪ like us. and just like that we felt a little less alone. but then something happened. we had to deal with spam, fake news, and data misuse. that's going to change. from now on, facebook will do more to keep you safe and protect your privacy. because when this place does what it was built for, then we all get a little closer.
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let's turn to business. u.s. markets had their best day in a month, jumping higher for a third straight session on monday as bank stocks rallied. joining us live from london with more, joman, i guess are invest shifting their focus away from trade? >> that's it. exactly what investors are doing. brushing aside trade concerns for now. stocks up for six out of the last seven sexes. yesterday was very good led by the banking sector. s&p up 4% with technology and consumer expression doing the best, and all eyes on q2 earnings. expectation from the street, second quarter earnings just as strong, if not stronger, than the first part of the year. so it's looking good from a microperspective. speaking of specific companies, jm smucker said it will be selling its baking business includes brands such as pillsbury, martha white and
hungry jack to a private equity firm for $375 million. it wants to focus more on the pet side of the business, on coffee, snacking and requiring petsmart for $1.9 million. and starbucks unveiled its plan to phase out single use plastic straws from all locations by 2020. how does the company plan to do this and what will they do without plastic straws? >> shifting to strawless lids or using materials that aren't plastic in the first place. they could start charging customers to bring their own cups in, in the first place if not. and fact-finding to give you an idea. every day 500 million plastic straw s are thrown ways in the united states and 79% ends up in
an environmental fill. and the camera over here, sitting from her plastic straw right now. coming up, axios the jim van nye has one thing. and more on the president's decision to nominate judge brett kavanaugh and what his confirmation could mean, it's controversial, in terms of shaping the court for decades to come. plus, chuck schumer and james langford weigh in on the confirmation fight shaking up. "morning joe" justice moments away, as you know. 30 boomers ha, yet most don't even know it. a virus that's been almost forgotten. it's hepatitis c. hep c can hide in the body for years without symptoms. left untreated it can lead to liver damage, even liver cancer. the only way to know if you have hep c is to ask your healthcare provider for the simple blood test.
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the united states postal service. priority: you ♪ welcome back, everybody. joining us from washington with a look at axios, am co-founder and ceo of axios, jim vandehei, good morning to you. >> one big thing for the week, maybe the year, the supreme court pick by the president.
i can't stress enough if you step back what a big deal this is for trump on several different levels. conservatives for 30 years had a project to try to get a conservative court and now are on the verge of having that. most republicans voted for trump largely around this idea of a conservative court, and so that 90% approval rating with the base not only will go up it is solidified his license with conservatives, it's so much stronger today than it was yesterday. because they can say, listen, you made promise. stuck to your promise. on the most kwefconsequential af your presidency. for democrats and republicans, it shows how much your votes count. you have hillary clinton cementing a liberal court for the next 30 years. a very profoundly important day. >> yes. you make a good point. so many voters i spoke to who voted for president trump not
necessarily assured about him becoming president and confident in hisabilities voted for him because of the supreme court. really what sort of put them over the edge. jim, take us inside president trump's thinking with regards to picking brett kavanaugh. what does this tell axios about this process? >> for this white house, extremely organized process. they've said from the beginning they had a list of supreme potential ficks. they've stuck to it. he was always at the very top of the list, one of the four finalists. when people came to the president and raised concerns about him is he conservative enough? will we have problems on the work he did on impeachment during the clinton years, trump's response, he has a votes, he wants a win. he wants a slam dunk and it's possible he'll get it before the election. it's very hard for democrats to defeat this. you'll hear lots of democrats come out today say he's got to
be beaten, stopped. very hard to stop. they don't have the votes. the importance with that republican days, for people, always a mystery why evangelical likes trump so much, it's because of this. they've always pointed to the court. there's a lot of those voters sitting in red states that are going to put pressure on democrats to vote for him. >> yes. such a good point there. we know justice kennedy was really the swing vote in many major decisions on the supreme court. where does kavanaugh stand with regards to the ideological spectrum on the supreme court? >> the right. very much on the right. now you have a very conservative court. replacing kennedy, as sort of your deciders with roberts in the middle and much more conservative than kennedy was. neither side is being hyperbolic when you talk about someone on the supreme court a long time. it could be a long time before liberals have a chance to take back the court.
think about the era we live in, so polarized, divided government, almost nothing gets done in washington, the supreme court ends up becoming the most pow areful institution in some years and now it's a conservative institution and one that will have a huge affect on our business laws, social laws, how we think about abortion. these are really big cases that affect your everyday life and why the consequences are huge, why schumer would like to defeat it but i think it will be very difficult. >> a conservative institution for decades to come as we know. i believe kavanaugh, only 53 years old. he could sit on the supreme court the next 40 years if he wanted to. jim vandehei, thank you very much. viewers, you can sign up for the newsletter. that does it for us on this tuesday morning. "morning joe," everybody, starts right now. do you enjoy having to work with him? >> we have a very good

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Southeast , Areas , Mid Atlantic Inching Up , Ohio Valley , Cincinnati , 90 , Showers , Tornado , Northeastern Montana , Cold Front , 95 , 93 , A Million , Little , Warmest , Northwest , Slimmer , Middle , West , Northwestern Dakota , Colorado , Southwest , Midwest , New Mexico , Trend , July , Straw , Starbucks , Details , Spam , Data Misuse , Facebook , Place , Privacy , Closer , Explorer Card , Saving , Theexplorercard Com , Wi Fi , Is Fast , Brian , Enough , Wi Fi Fast , Oh Boy , Cultures , , 40 , Session , Bank , Sjoman , Investors , Brushing Aside Trade Concerns , Focus , Stocks , Six , Best , Earnings , Expectation , Consumer , Technology , Sexes , Expression , Seven , Companies , Baking Business , Microperspective , Brands , Martha White , Pillsbury , Jm Smucker , Pet Side , Equity , Firm , Snacking , Jon Coffee , Hungry Jack , 375 Million , 75 Million , Straws , Plastic , Company , Locations , 2020 , 1 9 Million , 9 Million , Materials , Charging , Customers , Arent Plastic In The First , Cups In , Strawless Lids , Fact Finding , 500 Million , Fill , Camera , Coming Up , Axios The Jim Van Nye , 79 , Terms , Boomers Ha , James Langford Weigh , 30 , Hep C , Virus , Symptoms , Liver Cancer , Liver Damage , Healthcare Provider , Hepatitisc Hep C , Blood Test , Flight Unlocks , Relationship , Milk , Lactaid , My Day Ou , Buty , Lactose , Mmm , Innovation , Precision Machinery , Making Americas 1 Shave , Making Blades , Nobody , Tablet , Tools , Web , Gillette , 7 99 , 99 , Service , Platform , Edge , E Trade , Washington Witha Look At Axios , Supreme Court Pick , Of Axios , Jim Vandehei , Co Founder , Ceo , Conservatives , Levels , Verge , Project , Approval Rating , Base , License , Presidency , Promise , Kwefconsequential , Voters , Point , Hillary Clinton Cementing A , Thinking , Over The Edge , Put , Hisabilities , Inside , List Of Supreme Potential Ficks , Beginning , Work , Finalists , Slam Dunk , Impeachment , Lots , Response , Election , Beaten , Importance , Mystery , Evangelical , Red States , Swing Vote , Right , Deciders , Spectrum , Court , Liberals , Institution , Nothing , Pow Areful Institution , Consequences , Laws , Business Laws , Affect , Schumer , Viewers , 53 , Newsletter ,

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