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Oscar pistorius was found guilty of homicide. This carries a maximum 15 year sentence. He was found guilty of firing a gun in a restaurant. The verdicts cap off an emotional six and a half month trial. Lets go to duncan outside the courthouse in pretoria. Reporter good morning, betty. Its finally over. A crowd gathering outside the courthouse waiting to see what happens next. Inside, Oscar Pistorius is talking to his lawyers. Hes been hugging and embracing his sister and family. On the other side, the family of Reeva Steenkamp, the woman killed in this, her mother embracing and sharing a long hug with her family, digesting the news Oscar Pistorius has been cleared of the most serious charge, that of murder, but guilty of involuntary manslaughter. The judge citing he had no idea Reeva Steenkamp was behind the bathroom door when he got up and fired four shots through. Believing him when he said he thought there was an intruder. He was reckless and negligent. He had other options in the time he went to get the gun, he could have dialed for help, called security, gone to the balcony, to help, but didnt. That is why he was found guilty of culpable homicide. He was found guilty of discharging a firearm in a crowded restaurant. That could carry a sentence up to five years. How long could it take for sentencing to happen . Not likely today, it could take a week or two. The two sides get to present their arguments. What is going to happen to Oscar Pistorius . Likely will have to do with bail. He will make the walk out through the huge crowd that is gathering out there. Will he Say Something . Well see. He rarely says anything coming to court. Will he be moved to Say Something today . We are waiting to hear from the family of Reeva Steenkamp, their reaction. The friends of Reeva Steenkamp sobbing as the verdict was delivers. Betty . Thank you for that. Breaking overnight, a School Shooter who escaped from prison is back in custody. A massive search was launched at 19yearold t. J. Lane and two other inmates escaped. One is still on the loose. Lane has been serving a life sentence after shooting three fellow students in the cafeteria near cleveland back in 2012. During the sentencing, he read a shirt that said killer. The warden announced a short time ago, the inmates escaped by scaling over a fence. Im not happy that it happened. No warden in my position would like it to happen. The facts are, im happy to announce we have mr. Lane back in our custody. The School District canceled classes following the escape. Counseling will be available. The superintendent spoke shortly after lanes capture. While the individual is now back in custody. Theres been an undeniable profound and deep impact on our entire community. Police offered round the clock protection to the families of the victims. The u. S. Enlisted help from arab allies. John kerry has been in saudi arabia where countries vowed to take down the group. They pledged to dry up funding and control and limit foreign fighters going to syria and iraq. Leaders said the country is readily and willing to defeat isis militants. Australia, meanwhile, elevated the terrorism level. Tony abbott said it increased from medium to high. Back here at home, a cia spokesman announced yesterday the estimated number of militants is higher than thought. The cia believes there may be between 20 and 31,000 fighters in syria and iraq. There were originally believed to be 10,000. While speaking in denver, retired general David Petraeus spoke of battling the terror group. He made the point isis militants do not have strong support in iraq. Isil in iraq should not be over estimated. It has nowhere near the roots, the numbers and the structure that al qaeda in iraq and the associated insurgents had. In other news, the sharks are circling nfl commissioner roger goodell. This morning, espn is reporting ray rice confessed to the knocky  punch in june. Goodell plays defense about the tape. The description of what happened was not consistent of what happened with the video tape. Despite rices problems, dozens of female fans wearing his jersey. I just feel, i still love ray. Good man. Made a mistake. What can i say . I still stand by him. Not everybody is standing by rice. 16 female senators, in fact, wrote the nfl demanding a zero tolerance on nfl violence. Sponsors are watching what happens closely. The deals can cost up to 10 million. Now to sports. Thursday night football kicked off between Baltimore Ravens and the steelers. They dominated in the wake of the ray rice incident. Joe flacco threw two touchdown passes in a crushing victory. Here is coach harbaugh post game. Sfrk the outside looking in, you feel like all the media stuff is being generated at the team. Its not, as you know. You have been inside. We are isolated from all that. Special 9 11 tributes were held honoring victims in the attacks. Emotions were especially high in new york. The yankees and mets played at home. The mets took on the nationals. Nats up in the fourth. Then jasyson werth gets drilled. The second time hitting a player in the game. The nats win, 62. Yankees no hit most game. Then down 42 in the bottom of the ninth. Things get worse. Yankees Chase Headley is hit in the face. He leaves with a bloody chin and heads to the hospital. An emotional game that finished like this. The 01. Deep to left field. Going back. See ya a threerun, walkoff home run by chris young and the yankees win, 54. That one is gone. In milwaukee, a terrifying injury. Its stanton taking a fastball to the face from brewers pitcher mike fires. That is tough to watch. His father watching from the crowd as his son is taken off in a stretcher. He suffered multiple facial fractures and dental. Tempers boil as benches clear leading to multiple ejections for the marlins. Brewers win, 42. Lets get a look at the weather. In memphis, they are recovering from a serious soaker. Four to six inches of rain fell. In michigan, wicked waves. Some as high as ten feet. They look cool, but, yeah proved to be too much for one kayaker. He had to be rescued. And, oh, snow. Yes, in september, of all times. Parts of south dakota got hit with two inches of white stuff. Lets get the latest on this with meteorologist bill karins. I dont want to find my gloves. The hats and all that. Say it isnt snow. Its snowing in denver right now. At the airport, 1 4 inch on the ground. Already . Yeah. Sorry. Some of that cold air is spilling across the country. If you are in wyoming to the dakotas, colorado, it is a frigid morning. The heat is on in your house and in your car. You are going for the jacket and gloves this morning. Not much better in green bay at 41 degrees. Indianapolis in the low 50s. You can get away with a light jacket there. A cold, chilly rain in nebraska and iowa, too. Its not fun. Still very much summer in the tropics in florida. A tropical disturbance as we go throughout the weekend. A tropical depression or tropical storm. We have to watch that closely for the northern gulf. The weekend forecast, today is a Beautiful Day for the midatlantic and northeast. The chilly rain makes it saturday. Sunday, new england will clear out. We warm up in the midwest. We are done talking snow for awhile. Yes. It snowed in six states in the last two days. So hard to hear. Thank you. Up next, what the feds threatened to do to yahoo to get your private conversations. Really . Why your next whopper could look like this. You are watching first look on msnbc. Let me get this straight. [ female voice ] yes . Lactaid® is 100 real milk . Right. Real milk. But it wont cause me discomfort. Exactly, because its milk without the lactose. And it tastes . Its real milk come on, would i lie about this . [ female announcer ] lactaid. 100 real milk. No discomfort. Some stories making news, newport documents revealed the u. S. Government threatened to fine yahoo 355,000 a day if they didnt hand over operations. Yahoo called it unconstitutional. It was part of the Prison Program for collecting information. Edward snowden brought it to light last year. An elementary schoolteacher in utah is recovering after her concealed gun accidentally went off in the bathroom. Her leg was hit by bullet and toilet fragments. Bad news for the breakfast cereal business. Threatened by healthier choices, sales declined for a decade. Now this, the industry made just 10 billion last year compared to 13. 9 billion in 2000. Still, 90 of us have cereal on hand. Check it out. Does this look appetizing to you . Well, burger king in japan is selling an all black burger. The buns and cheese are blackened by bamboo charcoal. Its made from squid ink. Yum. Yeah. George w. Bush weighs in on the isis crisis, politics, Survival Style and flying. Really. Scrambled politics is next. Turn the trips you have to take, into one youll never forget. Earn points for every flight and every hotel. Expedia plus rewards. Yeah vo dont just dream of being the hero. Make it happen. I cant believe were missing the game for this. Were not. Ive got xlte. Vo it doubles our 4g lte bandwidth in cities nationwide, so be that guy with verizon xlte. Now get 1gb of bonus data, and our best pricing ever on the more everything plan. On your busiest day, you see the gray. Try root touch up by nice n easy. Just brush our permanent color matching creme right where you need it. Then rinse. In 10 minutes, zap those grays and get on with your day. Nice n easy root touch up. Here is your friday first look at scrambled politics. George w. Bush was in ohio yesterday and planned it that way asking a Community College to host the annual fundraiser he would be attending the day of the 9 11 attacks. When asked about the present day crisis, the role of a former president is not to undermine the current president. We had to lead the way to free societies. Sweden, no excuse not to vote. Check out that helicopter that is landing right there. It is going to remote villages for people to cast ballots in elections. Election Officials Say it is helpful during this time of year when people are busy with elk and deer herds. Jeff flake and his democratic counter part are taking a unique approach in trying to achieve bipartisanship. The arizona and new mexico senators reached out to the Discovery Channel about creating a show. Its called rival survival. They are on an abandoned island. The show will premier october 29th. Here is hoping for spinoff shows. The obamas were in a school in washington, d. C. To mark a day of service. They filled play packs for homeless children. Here is president obamas exchange with a sixth grader named madison. Ill tell you about the books you are putting in. I really wanted it to be beyonce. I understand. Malia and sasha would feel the same way. You thought we were going to be beyonce. That is disappointing. I appreciate you saying that in front of the press. Its not really true. Good save there, madison. That is your morning dish of scrambled politics. Its friday. Im joined by kevin from the hill. Happy friday. Thanks for having me. Nbc learned syria wants to team up with the u. S. To fight isis in their country. How should washington read that . Secretary of state john kerry and saudi arabia getting the support of ten countries in the middle east for this military campaign. How we should be reading it is there is International Support for the campaign against isis. All right. According to politico, a number of Prominent Senate democrats are pushing back on the president s plans to arm and train syrian rebels. Is this a sign of how hard it could be to get approval . Great question. I think as we see the support overseas, theres questions brewing here at home in congress. Not just among democrats like senator joe manchin, but also republicans as House Republicans in particular. Theres a lot of questions today and will be early next week as well as both chambers take up this vote. Theres a lot of questions in particular about strategy in syria. I expect congress to approve the wishes with regard to military action once more details have been released about the syrian strategy. Quickly, yesterday you reported a threat on the resolution that funds the government. Whats going on with that . All about syria and whether or not the vote should be wrapped into the stopgap measure. No one anticipated the shutdown. We will see whether or not syria will be lumped into a budget. Thank you, kevin. Have a great weekend. You, too. Just ahead, one of the hottest festival tickets around. Money wont get you in. Find out what will, next. 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You cant buy the tickets, concert goers, known as Global Citizens can earn them by taking action to end extreme poverty by the year 2030. Its not just about clicking where you click a button to go to a concert, smile and its the end of it. For them, its a lifestyle. Im going to take action year in and year out. Hugh evans is the ceo of the global organization. If we get the right policy and the right interventions, we can end poverty forever. Reporter Global Citizens are taking actions, pressing governments to implement efforts for people in need. Like this mother who waves baskets hoping to send her daughters to school. Its their best shot out of poverty. One in ten have no access to education. Global citizens are working to get 29 million kids in school. They are also campaigning for sanitation and clean water in some of the worlds poorest areas. Just as important is the effort to save 6 million lives with immunizations. Children die every year for vaccine preventable diseases. You can help change that. They are not just an organization. You are the Global Citizen. Go to Global Citizen festival website and join the movement. Once you have earned eight points, you are eligible for a chance to win free festival tickets. There are other ways to get points. Actions can be anything from taking a social media action, tweeting to emailing a congressman to signing a petition. There are easy actions that can have great impacts. Reporter this way, the impact doesnt stop when the concert ends. They will leave knowing they are part of an effort to wipe out extreme poverty within the next 16 years. You can watch the Global Citizen festival september 27 at 4 00 p. M. Eastern here on msnbc. Bill, i have to tell you, last year, 250,000 people participated in that movement. Its huge. Good job. Im betty nguyen. This is first look on msnbc. Way too early starts right now. Lets be clear, this problem is bigger than football. There has been an intense outrage following the release of the video following what happened inside the elevator. Wouldnt it be productive if it could be channelled to truly here and address. The cries for help by so many women. As they said, do something about it. Like an ongoing comprehensive education of men about what healthy, respectful manhood is about. It starts with how we view women. That was last night with a call for culture change in the nfl pregame show. Can the league prove they have learned something from the incident . Judgment day, Oscar Pistorius found guilty of culpable homicide of his girlfriend. What does that mean . Burger king unveils a new item in japan. Mmm. Is it coming to america . This is way too early. Good morning. Im back in here for thomas roberts. I know, i have either just made your morning or made you spit up. Its friday, september 12th. Welcome to way too early, the show that will try anything once. Breaking news in south africa. Oscar pistorius has been found guilty of culpable homicide in the shooting death of his girlfriend, reeva

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